three retreat masses set mi -...

V i 4 <***< 5/ ^ / / tr , \ ll|l|l|pSt,1U **>• e ie homt Plaza of laged by n—o*tfy :athedral oft tht / V E H. W R Bid*. r If-J" •- • * r** ,-K 'S^) THMATHOLIC \**S , ojFjnALKEwsrm*'OF Looking Back THE I0CHESTE! DIOCESE - FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1960 Page? Three Retreat Masses Set .Catholic men of the Roches- Mass at St Corning. ter Diocese received a plea for p'rayers (Dec. 30) from Bishop Kearney. " The Bishop appealed to the »en'to unite "theii prayei? at one of ~ three special diocesan Retreat Masses scheduled wm -Juv Communion, on jjTues- in r$ taneou»ljf„ior~fr pm. day, Jan. 5. Masse* will be offered Rochester, Lima, and w to stvJc the blessings for the success of the 1960 Retreat year - a t , Notre Dame Retr*st^usert#" Alexander St, Rochester. . AT ST. JOSEPH'S Cbutcrt in Rochester, Bishop Kearney will, celebrate a Pontifical Mass.and deliver * sermon on the spirit . uiii rewards that -com* to those wh'o'm'akei rettfcai* A SoiemiHMasfr wHIJie cele* * _ ^rireff^trSirl^a' , 8~VehBWir, iima«by the'Rev., Thomas Eais Ion, C. SS. Rk Retreat Waster at Notre Dame Retreat House. We Bev, Wiliiam. Jamison, , Cj&R.»jwiU .celebrate ijSolemh .&Vif* "> ' Cornlncf HaTrrwdrht Fashioff BooJk Mary> mi Chuak linking the success of ttye retreat year with attendance at th* opening Mass, Bishop Rear- ney urged that more men from Rochester assist* at - the -St Joseph's Mass and receive Holy He * said that well-attended Retreat Masses in Geneseo apd Gene\a last year helped boost the number-of- retreatants from outside the city HOSE-PLANNING to re-, coi\e\Ho)y Communion at the eveninjf. ,M*is,rwm.". tjmilnded i" 'J' hours from solid foods and alco- holic beveragfc and one hour from liquids;, except water. * •"• The third _ annual Retfeat Masses are being arranged by the Laymen'^-Retreat League which has 3,446 members, ac- cording to the Rev* William Jamison, moderator. V The league was formed in IMS-'wheh-a small group otipSetfiejitww'asked to speakV men began making one summer weekend Retreat at Si. Ber- nard's Seminary. Forty-eight week-end "Retreats are now held each year at Notre Dame Re- treat House, Father; Jamison must fast for three.sald, C0ft<^Se1 Alburn—Sisters o f t^Thifd (Franciscan. .-Order of Sy$|ebseJ "the" order which -stiffs .;Mercy Hospital; in' Auburn, wllflite- se'nra Chrlstmastlde concert oh Sunday, Jan. 10 at Mt. Parmal High School at 3 p,m- an&nisiiL|_- The 65 voice chorus 3* .cqsjt- posed* of Sisieri' te'a^1riri:sj ; 'ift''ft Syracuse schools. A soeeial &4- tette^mll do \jfto£p_.oi. song^ including two compositions "by goseph J.* McGratn, a , "well tUlUUm g^ULine. uigauiiil .and it.mber.of.thesplveraity facul-TOittee will meet Welt, Jan., t y ^ e r e . t e n Hawaiian Sisters <&mmlitee plan* of-fiimir* 1 * Ladjes M Charity units «** an» nouficed here; .;. , :, > ' Our Lady of Naxareth ; "•Pm- LaQyuf irai*,itUi Cairn I . * 2:00 p,ra. .*« StOOWpanl at -th^ ,/' : ^jMfmi — Mis?.Mary Diaane 'tflSlft o l 4 t t . W . ThirdvSt, a member, «f St. Mary's Sodality, , Will receive nattonal r«cognHion^f^c-4aiia^»njdscan-Xlr4er in the January issue of Seven-lfounded jnv\Syraeuse -in 1800. teen Magazine as a member of tfhe CoramuVuiy' has '47 houses the teen-age publication's I960 locate^ ln_elBijiio^s_esjiJwjB National Fashion xiouncil. '-{archdioceies find the Vicariate AIowj"with other membefs of,of Rome. In;the,six.-missions the more thatt200<girf council, which tbey/conduct in Hawaii -the eorninj5,'WnelistJs pictured are four school*; a,hospital, aftd in a spedaltfeature, "Our Jash-'> leprosajr,iim. ion ExpertC r *r] 'fafitifc^ W n£ertsmd wUl >i3R .tradi«6nal carols jn. raatdence-of Strs.Theresitynch", lhb|irnai^t : tonpe,., ., chairman, 374 Fulton $U.-^-~ TIDE SIFTERS ,are members of the Community of the Sisters Council mftaibeif. represent . iey'depirimenf slore» r ahb! soe*^^ ^. clalty srtops in' leading citk* ^. j^Hljroughottfc the country and are ., v . aeleeted-en the basis nf a flair - for fasWon, good iportslbltity and leadership. MISS OLDER it-the-ccvuncil !»-*•«•« *rem Tn« Norton Coy In ElmIr». , * r 'fifenf'*the year, .the local ~fm\ member aels as Se'sen- teen's news, reporter in Elmirk and rtperts on current teeri-age fashiona," fads;- enlertainnter" achwl and social events. Seventeen o"rwri*xed the Irra- tional Fashion Council in 1953 •to learn first-hand the taste's and preferences of-America's 9 million teen-age girls. "Ms* ©Ider, daughietbf Mr. "and Mr». Ra\mi3nd' R. OlderTIs a junior "at Corning Free Acad- emy, Stiffplay* violin in the school's be purchased at Wercy Kospijji Rbsariafts HoH, : Yttletide Tfca Corning — The annual Christ- Tea odTthe St. Mary's, Rosaty Society ,^as held Sunday after* naon.j_fiec.3J0, at Marconi Lodge with 128 members in,, afteri* anee. >-^\.'"*: -z •• "• Past president* of the id- elety, who poured «esK-*to.- Mrs, -Leo McKInney, -Mra, Angelo Buffowsnte, Mrs. Ed- mund Gsy-'and Mt$.JKeitifcMer- rick. A (SIFT FROM members was presented* to the Rev>* Janies Malley, mt#eja!fiki.fc the presi- dent,- Ste. Paul Quattdinl. Javier-. Pabalah sang several selectlofts, including "Ava Ma- ria,", "0 Sole Mio° and .'.'Be- cause" he was accompahied by Mrs. ,Mary Baldino^at the ofcTSstr¥1fn!I%S€TStlrtnnTr^att p i & h o ^ h e ^ m & e r i J ^ ^ o a e d in ihe Allstate 'Music Festival iit the singing of Christmas • "'at Hornell. She also is a mem- —ber-of-tJie CFA library staff and v Library Club and is on the sJaff of both the. HiU Echo, the school's newsnaofr. and The .jSUtwv the-yearbook- ° m fa aeveral Aubura afeO "aU?:.tfie" dbor btt thi store Public speaking was tortuous for me, I had hardly recited in'classes. However William Murray, now in Alameda, California, and fqfmer mayor «f that city was in high school with us and said he would; write the speech. He, was a law student at the time. The..*pw$ ww excellentjibut we found out later that we hai recited .the third j»rj(ifraPB forti»*'second ^ani gea.etilb' ••atjft'^e^;^;^^^^^^^,,;^^-.-;. . „•-;•.•:'."' V V SribrrtsrjiJW-TOe'' Roi^- K a m e ^ e M e s .bad-T*'en'^j(^atiitg bn;ry. en** p»riH'»ba«i*' The 'yt«*Monirgrtofe-F^Wiluam : vSt#t(aer of-Holy Redeemeriiis^b>^ed » m e e p f oi paiishjfe'presenta- 4«ep in Columbui^yie^ebtej dmlng room where the chaaeerg: 4s now and;'iL'Dio^B«ft^lfclfirn« c«me Into ejdstehce, MonsignoF SttUdcr *#as n^t*l>niy' the aiiaikpliif of thi£ jorgaji- i»tiou but also of the Holy Name lowilng'ifiOttrnameht which has becbmfc such an extensive actlvity_for bowler,* and Hojj- Ofjpnty •The members will continue-on their sewing project of m/sking children's pajamas. _ ' - ; _. &—* -Executive Tbe3&tecutive_S£ "miH'»'i^of Holy Name Society [ 4 " Early Days Recalled » y THOMAS *L O'CONNOR ' - " Aa>ad*i» Editor ^ , - Holy J?amk men of the M<mr**-Gounty-*rea will b e gather- ing at S(? Josean's Church, Sunday-at l"j;30 a mjfpxj&ontifical Mass to/be celtbratedto^ishoD Kearney. A few memories of previous Holy Name Society gatherings'come to mind. Earliest reCTilectionoi-ihis Society which is devoted Ho the Holy Name-tff Jtnia ura parade back-in the Teens of this «n tury. Formimg; out East Main St, we matched ov«r~the cobble stones which were hardly conducive to walking, out West Ave then to St, Mary's BbysHome. «r- Therjt on the grounds Benediction was celebrated and the 9 procession jras brought to an end. _j — 7- ; " " - A BIT FRIOt Ki that time whUe in high school, this -writer was elected president of the Junior Holy Name»Society in St. Patrick's Cathedral parish, A banquet*was in*w9er,and the •NamerJrtjft^"' ' mti-tm&^W *.Hbly^-|^e;Socjety / ftt''i*oll^ other:lawi»nfe«emen^ficeri "cam* latir, and .MObsignbl^-JWijL. s; RaSali Was'been'rnoderatoir since;'' The, Ffre'RuEeAtrSras 'm(: society and tate/Sost Office employes «t*b *ith Vatloas aioder* atorsf thrOHglrthe yearfSi. Holyr'>fa^^ and Diitan Field, EWifaj^orlrifo nundr'ai""q6' dio"ces^tn.i«wjvett'' tions, Irenwmfeer that Normap. A.:Q?Brjien, attorney,'-wsfcifi ocesaii pre.sifl.enj) drove me tovSt. josepJi'J, wayJwd,: for• aj"«uo cessful nieeting there.^ ' -'-----— ••r^f-—^-- ".^•: , *.•.•' 1 ''_ ' '••''' ; 1 -' r •• ir ''"fri'ni • * -"' : ' : i>'' :,...,tl«dej. ; Mo«slgnWPatrick" J. {^lynn, - now , adminstrator at Sfi- Aijnes; Avon,, outstanding j-alttes were*beld, wleiL-hfr was diocesan•*dir*ctor of the/ Hbly Hame. Society. Jphn.M. Hed|«s tmrpresent diocesan president" was pr*ceded by several layrien as head .of t h e society including Martin g. Moll, Normain O'Brien, JUlH'lJi-JLU« l»i-WiU' 'i epi w i l i ing .280, s'eai*. of service•* were hoho^ed m Tuesday' evening; December:, 22, im* *t St. Joseph's H6'spital«ijrir«ffiean S^TWRtVlr^^ ** wheckept^the societylmAvinj! were ROy:Crfesy and Arthur & Farren. '.--'• /' ••'•"• •., Christmas patty. The* senior employe bonorefi wa$,Miss Mary Stlchowskt" who has been with tihe hospital 40 doubt-that aeeing-Wb'olio men; sssenMed in.chttteh^£mUh4liSrhSplf i5 * ith *** Ia •** way there w in raiSefeih public places that it-iaeomei *iii|ying 9ep*rweni. to alt onloolterl. ^ ; "TP ' "'' '-'" r - ii: , ^«v w ™ , . ^. ^.. > „,, In promoting prftyiouf Holy Name activities inevitably.-we Ihe IlaTes'oFcHaBlv-v ^nlieT "?Ma~write ^ «apu^jlk demon.stratio| oi faith," There is no W«d., Jan. 6 r at 31?'Lake S t *t *""'•""'"" ' ' 8!00 n".m. with Mrs. James Walsh presiding, * .. * „• Elmiria Church; Reports ir;a'go, as»* arderi'tir'isS.'sJ'tlteyaJthfulf; fturing the weektheieMaSe* In Elmira.or^the'toaftott^iM.Daily Mass'are served bgjsgtoai*^* pAmfc . Until a, year; at <latfy Mass , area waa timited w ,tfie «trl^jL"eague, morning hours. Following M* recto* b£ Blsbo? K e a ' t n t y H E i ' d 1 ^?*^?" 1 ^^? 1 -!*!^ mira's •/owntowS parislTst j * » > SSfflLSS^ffi John lhe^Baptist,jpaugQrated W * » S r l l g S ? thrTfcl«TR»tt MaWTWeTriftx^ UMi t"*'',*^ uW ^ , ^W to the week. Shortly ^ i S » l S & ; permission was granted by the b i f l n . i ^ j r h a total for this Bishop to Father -Raymond G H - . .W,:M»«» HeiseCpastor, t* offer an addt- 1 !*" years tot*UttW», fel*Lm Mm ***** m **/THIS VAST ^crease is.dUe aaaprn. ^ • solely to the fact that more of "Tiese two Masses have-made F,lmirai*s Catholic it pdjtsibte for countless BUm- have an Oppo: carols. The tea committee was com- posed of Society officers:.Mr* puattrini,. Mr*. James •Clancy, Mrs—Jnhrr-B'sdy^-and - Mrs, Louisi Ferraro Jr T . " - m >?• -""~ -'l "CHARIES F7 SINCE YiAMOUHO AmctoNWfioNwa HO MT RKJ-WW1 OifFSTREHr. —Wrncws hers to participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the. MJtis a»4 %U capacity attendance-in'-ihe 85 inunion moi* teadlty: tinder the year old churcb-'ii evidence of ne* permissive regUlafions, nftnt Elmirahs includipg Charles J, Krontef,' executive Secretary of the-. Nfighborhodci Hoiis?! Robert lErniTt- Judge -John if, Frawiey of ^reakecorder* Courtj twin bxothe!Sf:*lSid* Attorneys; WiUiam and Joseph Kattaher; Attorney LOui* J. Mustico'aod year is over al^OO 9sm»Mfti^^SKaSam^miw^ ; of Columbus.. Some months ago a f 80,000 bolic people- bow T e|iovatiott project wfs, started S f f i t &rfJWmffS rtflnity^tssistinralto a bigWy'iuecessfUl . * W * i ^ ? nJ fflSS? •'^ * at a later Mass \xs the day and are able-t6^^e>^HolM3om* |fnc^cbmpfeievi<n|:^ta^l},sbes WS Primti&fr* . ~v V . - * - * . - ' *• - v„t T ,V-:,' - wft- •^t? - '-''•-- * L , - wodott Cardinal Sgys ;W»Ii>oi* (RNS> Mati^.ittissionarits wte 'm raising campaign, Thijr pro|r#m attractivis'churcber in the Dio> tele. The totkmciuded a complete sandblast -and painun* of Hie exterlos oft jth* church; install'* tion ef 4oorss remodei- ling:' and redecorating-, of the cntach interidp; insUliation of .flMetf%.the;- li^a^flliehlftt^.toEl.mljcgJim Ihowti Mf& th?tr p»«te»fefi«nt r 'c^* sistecl Sist4r-ifergatr«t; hos|?*^il- ,.adittiujji|B»^fE . .,._ . TOlge~"Efii^ i *mi"' rr aiaMt y^ny m a ? sentl»gf-fliejse?vfce awirdi^-vfae^r tltassiamp of^BSiUlrst Mmr - - ' ' : ' •' ^j^t^y^^- WMcluitect.; by Hfelpyeet %iix& tot Man and? Miss- Maty-BitS* of-tK4- 353lay Der^SBieiit has been -svith the? HospJMi'.S? . - B l ^ l t ^ ^ Phmpi-^ MciBhan t honpital titer. 34t6Jta«,., R t m<jj?,- Msgr. '- W'ttJliyHBfefesv '^fiolspiJa-l patient w o attended as.a guest; the a«viMicli«criirHyncs, chap- lain a* the BomSacacan Honas* tery» 1 3 1 0 . ^ Cfcixrek St, ^^tS^^'&MBtaiT~^S''iM chaplain, ^*celv*d a SO^earserv- ice «wa'r4i-'-,--~ ; »-_ . " *' Slater;-;Jo*ji F r a n l i ; -assistant hospital adminisW*tO!tv itotW>- §SSE?an 1^% erf-to assjei* g0tp^-wRfeln>^is«.splt8L:iince M». Ft'om thit-s»«*r ( he" ha* lewesSFmla^at 'mssmtit mi -flat heeri -iSjMrWSnol «Qie< ISoard of m&£tptt WSL %83*: . • '"I •Hfe apoke of h i * warfc" with »x». •. ».. « -J i>,R»«enting- the, fWards,. n«edt. JBSaea ^* the Rosaif M*AJ. MjMjt^^-.tinift #fien mhm' tar Society of the tomaeuiate cprtcjsption iShiiEch in Ithaca met Monday evening, Bee. Ht-A iShristmas: Party wa*-held'in Pai-ish HalHollowlng wcitation of; the rosary-aad BeriedlctiOh of "The.-Blessed: SacramentHin church, and a *hort buslftesi Reed, president • th^chuwh jig *me ^ tr* most^s^a, Muffr Am<a»M, were gttests-of the'Society* Mr. Kar* alt is a student In the seb»bl ftf T-na^it-triiiT <tlit txhtit Rftla- titas at ^ornelj HHiVe^sity. The member* tieweS the-Christmas moviif of."fhe Jgttleit Anget" Jfefoe^briietftf--«eie'*etved by thev<M*slameif Jfesephine Meiis ^-— , .. ... ... - „„ ..-, thV building of laHg#MngriK^r#tiriisfc -dungeonj- *tt iwo?jfr W* arnWjwcristy an|^wmplete *l*!l^i* ^^ ^..^i.^lbargr. %&sp\:&vedWee i -AOM; MaidnrhJ* Wittual..Visit to the prison, Cardiiial-.fttispingjcifc:- miiidea "the-men flrtt^espitt ! their feudality to spend Christ* mas with as*ir relatives "there are multitude* tbctarywho are far rWors* ofl thanVyou? are. M SHIRTS Ironed Yen lik«; Th«i*i . Feel bow smooth mud pliable Jm^rfrkfe -foundered by C *•& In aoft watw. See fully .they avre finished .,« , c*4t»i* cOntofl .... fi^tf«.wiliildfe*ree>Jffox^ «h*Jt-weifegrOon»e •end yow Shlr»ri« «^* K, ' / - , - »Te when lUH- f*ioolc 141 Lakt ,Jf. T.: Wi«r»* I I 4-7H7t Sit C*rWB Ph*n« »< 1 MftTprJsdft initiates in tMs counlry, BieMrt CfasiiBil Gushing, Archbishop ofjc-atorv - - - - — - ^ - • - ••'•' - •^-- mTa^omtrt^^n^SaW^FTiie- Maasachusettfataiei' prison b,ere, Priests Slair Heads Cut Rome — <SNS)—Tw* Catho- lic priests were slila when out- law tribesmen attacked a Mis- sion eutpest la the Nkengsamba dloeese of tsie Freacb Casaere- OBS, Fides, inUraatleMliaitsieii wm&i"--~'-'- '• •"""" " -i it salt rewirir% and instatlffiSfi # S6W ligbtini iixtuwst"" ' : " " • Tk« parish was; OrijrJnail}* **• tallished w^eWif the GernWh Father *«I PERSONALLY know ofi ton* teissIonariei r ' , be saidi' "who" will be spending Christ- k ma$4n dungeon prisons 6i Red China and there are thousands more suffering iit concentration ami »taverlabor N camps fa_Com- munist-dominated cotmtnes. I.. -».. ^ M . .-, , mttm - . have found 4hat the,re is one!f y g f f gffi«* »f * »"• F"* |rea"t rule for peace and intenor.Jnjnren, Fwes st«< Gifies Heberle, wperior - »f the '-fc. - t < * * - aalMiea,- an*. Fitber_YaleatIiie JhOMiJ Oil Saria, his asslrtaat, were bev x . beaded »»d their Heads appar X eaily carried away as trophies. happiness. And that is we mu learn to live wlthinv the law. 'We ar*4dl-«intteTirOur w^ak L._ human nature m»kes.._us «<w.e a»issiaj»._c. to take the easy if not tji^ *la ! -— s - fut way* And the only, method (We h»v*"to overcomifc tMt is to master ourselves But that's. im- :possible wltbout-thc. jielp of iJGod." The Hoo$« of Quality Hom« Furni»hlngi •K5HOW KUG« orw* lltOADLOOM jf^fttrnitoraby €CWAW- l « i - the ageacy, Ike traHiorttireti o« the aight ef Bbnannr, Thertis* #oHio,« -VbljMtceUI, »ary A j e ^ d i f i , *rjd Miasf Tftefela Rinkcafj," v\m 'ident '•*' - " % ' "-'• •o speakifis ^eople-ibl-theijllmfea *rea t TAe^e i s r# s scIpol in c6'o> Be5ti^tt"with the parish^ -' Fa9jet Heisel CormeriyTaerved here as assistant to the latf Father John B. SiemhJleU ReV. wffliam' t. Seed is -~*"-' From Chmfics Rliaira lad Rochester Catka- lie Cbarittea^j tieir O«M# tw#_jr««*. ft' O" Jubilee-Rites Over « » J B S T twV&t* were pfpvlded baskets «T f»«4 and teys for Clrfstsaas •« a result «f coatribuUoos aiade following ilaldjsltlowa!. 't^Jmm **-*ro> and our " v •«ali«(irbf~*bftHtete;dr Christ Jor «a^Bf"u^lH§B?iaiiaiij',Maiy tltat c'ftariijr'.of CBristflijwlnt* m'- mi mf .tb«-- s *^o(8» cferity s&ioe out fp»m .mat Jurttis,ibi* Re«ipi^t*. of llS-ytttiwa,rdt ^e^* w*M«rga5W!t Wbmthi .me^ie#»cordi; aa*d."Ml».tioro»- .h^elr awattba wet* : .ym - ^ijKjaoteecl^Jfiiilyand^ flttrsihg service. jOw«|- *er*' ^fc-O*-^ notescl Oiat4«r Jalth Jitftod w»i n&i&st respaatWis .iottib* ho*-: ^ttrslnEresidenee 4\tttW, Mrs. Gieatlf%tm»a^ Iiou«i(«epi»gj 'M^s>.'Wafer* "«SitWi?{ , Mr* ^toble-HcMinJde*, eottw JHoppej; Mttsa Men* O^lena^ ituiatmi *ervi«i '.ijflic*- »«E*ret*ry, --ani J3f£s-,.,Irene : --S«etesr ( . cofit**- ptts»l**'iucce»VKe«*i!i thfrhos- :pirlGE--*as.!e6htteHedl to g t o w i w d e y t h e admlni'strattion of.Slpter; i f e s a r e t Adeiaidetr tbe^^ppjsrtunityrtici-expr^sr our belief to-the ineaisnattdn of our LG*« a«d-wh«t it bsssaecom' plts**d ftfall-M VSt *«3sr«w more' ;«hsu% && mf fieaxtx are filled. iKrith -gratitode W-<S6d andten o r fallow men. W~H siting, the»» «i»i at this timer we bewtte more aj^i^e of t l i * iervk|s.'?tSat^we -tender mamUkW femu»emt!o:A heipl piy ,««r -debt to ywa; M w^*i tevr " tfe- M-'t&»g' it-.ii ^wot lnoirjgb..tnd1)ecaii*eJ w*,w« 'r~e«Ba^n^'jfUbiregr ssbat Jomgby; aws - - 4tii»$ - for*- *ur ^ bojspltai: ifaraSI^.i^ have fjtaiHttted " * - flV&YBAJl j mWAWW wert,. Sp*escny^*Crsr.1!8Eati]l««li Barn* Mm& r Hm Lauras %mw£-g<ift. t$tdt*%. Mr*. • '-CeoM, tWetU,- | C « , ,,Ada JCutswri' mi, Leonsj :'^ttte 1; Mr», Barbanr*:K«uth»4Kf** &os»^»iskot» «»ct MW,'3f)oren<*>- . .3alV»>* A&t Belt, Ifc* Sutlt LaiiigHlln., Ivan -SiMliov,. and ,l»tr*:%glB^56B^:.a1t.flfbo«i«.~'--<- **«»i|!i>:. ^ _•••-"' :."'A'"-v •;. '•• itofc&imf: IfiBftittiaiid Mi** ^ Fj^nofrfat^-a^BtiBiiiJc^, m& ~ - WJr8?S^ffi8o*iDj(th v ^i|*«r»; - ItoLjadt^'Maek^.rceiiltal siirv«- *&, X--,^ '> \fS yearly ,pracHce, «tfL -lirtrioutlngltiMrJ, aM is^r^'Mamx^ JlcOill* *dk |iwr^t»0#-fjitte|gl^bjbyi^to mm* "jAmrnmig^m ID^Itf ArniANCES aLJLjteli^cUIwi .. CQJNIH&/H m*M l». MM! !?"|r if ~ - Saigoa—<RSS)—ln*pe«laL 0w f wr <*^ •^-^^j&^^'mi" *\ti^ &&*% Cardinal Cnshmg dyttwhufed ecclesiastical titesWebrateft fag Rev. -»#«alir- FimSfiFl* %£?*,ajmeuitced to*t*& specially btessed St Dismasconjunctfoft *&&» 3«fth an-Rocbester «« Mist Ha» at** 8 *?' M»*«' , » c *« «•"»> medais to the Orisonets and toifi^fersaty-^g Hiie^e^blishme9t^^FitaGerald-iarSUMirTiaM" Jfe- «g aati-jresIe^«M«le»t« wilt them aiat "Sfint Dismas Waa.of the first Catholic >ictriates]ipeaee U tie appeals was report t* the school tbe eveniw ffiTohly man I know of who'of Vietnam, the 8^yett-old Ca4«wo»aerfit!, w W *a» $. stole hii *ay thioBgh life andlthedraiof SsigoowwconsfccfatJ stole his way into heaVejo/r.lOd aBg£lic|e, * ' * fr

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\**S , ojFjnALKEwsrm*'OF

Looking Back


- FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1960 P a g e ?

Three Retreat Masses Set .Catholic men of the Roches- Mass at St

Corning. ter Diocese received a plea for p'rayers (Dec. 30) from Bishop Kearney.

" The Bishop appealed to the »en'to unite "theii prayei? at one of ~ three special diocesan Retreat Masses scheduled wm-Juv Communion,

on jjTues-



taneou»ljf„ior~fr pm. day, Jan. 5.

Masse* will be offered Rochester, Lima, and w

to stvJc the blessings for the success of the 1960 Retreat year - a t , Notre Dame R e t r * s t ^ u s e r t # " Alexander St, Rochester.

. AT ST. JOSEPH'S Cbutcrt in Rochester, Bishop Kearney will, celebrate a Pontifical Mass.and deliver * sermon on the spirit

. uiii rewards that -com* to those wh'o'm'akei rettfcai*

A SoiemiHMasfr wHIJie cele* *_^rireff^trSirl^a',8~VehBWir,

iima«by the'Rev., Thomas Eais • Ion, C. SS. Rk Retreat Waster at Notre Dame Retreat House.

„ We Bev, Wiliiam. Jamison, , Cj&R.»jwiU .celebrate ijSolemh

.&Vif* "> ' Cornlncf HaTrrwdrht Fashioff BooJk

Mary> mi Chuak

linking the success of ttye retreat year with attendance at th* opening Mass, Bishop Rear-ney urged that more men from Rochester assist* at - the -St Joseph's Mass and receive Holy

He * said that well-attended Retreat Masses in Geneseo apd Gene\a last year helped boost the number-of- retreatants from outside the city

HOSE-PLANNING to re-, coi\e\Ho)y Communion at the eveninjf. ,M*is,rwm.". tjmilnded

i " ' J '

hours from solid foods and alco­holic beveragfc and one hour from liquids;, except water.

* • " •

The third _ annual Retfeat Masses are being arranged by the Laymen'^-Retreat League which has 3,446 members, ac­cording to the Rev* William Jamison, moderator.


The league was formed in IMS-'wheh-a small group otipSetfiejitww'asked to speakV men began making one summer weekend Retreat at Si. Ber­nard's Seminary. Forty-eight week-end "Retreats are now held each year at Notre Dame Re­treat House, Father; Jamison

must fast for three.sald,

C0ft<^Se1 Alburn—Sisters o f t^Thifd

(Franciscan. .-Order of Sy$|ebseJ "the" order which -stiffs .;Mercy

Hospital; in' Auburn, wllflite-se'nra Chrlstmastlde concert oh Sunday, Jan. 10 at Mt. Parmal High School at 3 p,m- an&nisiiL|_-

The 65 voice chorus 3* .cqsjt-posed* of Sisieri' te'a 1riri:sj;'ift''ft Syracuse schools. A soeeial &4-tette^mll do \jfto£p_.oi. song^ including two compositions "by goseph J.* McGratn, a , "well

tUlUUm g^ULine. uigauiiil .and it.mber.of.thesplveraity facul-TOittee will meet Welt, Jan., t y ^ e r e . ten Hawaiian Sisters

<&mmlitee plan* of-fiimir*1* Ladjes M Charity units «** an» nouficed here; .;. , :, > '

Our Lady of Naxareth ; "•Pm- LaQyuf irai*,itUi Cairn

I . * 2:00 p,ra. .*« StOOWpanl at -th^


D «

:^jMfmi — Mis?.Mary Diaane 'tflSlft o l 4 t t . W . ThirdvSt, a

member, «f St. Mary's Sodality, , Will receive nattonal r«cognHion^f^c-4aiia^»njdscan-Xlr4er in the January issue of Seven-lfounded jnv\Syraeuse -in 1800. teen Magazine as a member of tf he CoramuVuiy' has '47 houses the teen-age publication's I960 locate^ ln_elBijiio^s_esjiJwjB National Fashion xiouncil. '-{archdioceies find the Vicariate

AIowj"with other membefs of,of Rome. In;the,six.-missions the more thatt200<girf council, which tbey/conduct in Hawaii

- the eorninj5,'WnelistJs pictured are four school*; a,hospital, aftd in a spedaltfeature, "Our Jash-'> leprosajr,iim. ion ExpertC r • *r] 'fafitifc^ W n£ertsmd

wUl >i3R .tradi«6nal carols jn. raatdence-of Strs.Theresitynch", lhb|irnai^t:tonpe,., ., chairman, 374 Fulton $U.-^-~

TIDE SIFTERS ,are members of the Community of the Sisters

Council mftaibeif. represent . iey'depirimenf slore»rahb! s o e * ^ ^

^ . clalty srtops in' leading citk* ^ . j^Hljroughottfc the country and are

.,v. aeleeted-en the basis nf a flair - for fasWon, good

iportslbltity and leadership.

MISS OLDER it-the-ccvuncil !»-*•«•« *rem Tn« Norton Coy In ElmIr»., * r

'fifenf'*the year, .the local ~fm\ member aels as Se'sen-teen's news, reporter in Elmirk and rtperts on current teeri-age fashiona," fads;- enlertainnter" achwl and social events.

Seventeen o"rwri*xed the Irra­tional Fashion Council in 1953

•to learn first-hand the taste's and preferences of-America's 9 million teen-age girls.

" M s * ©Ider, daughietbf Mr. "and Mr». Ra\mi3nd' R. OlderTIs a junior "at Corning Free Acad­emy,

Stiffplay* violin in the school's

be purchased at Wercy Kospijji

Rbsariafts HoH,:

Yttletide Tfca Corning — The annual Christ-

Tea odTthe St. Mary's, Rosaty Society ,^as held Sunday after* naon.j_fiec.3J0, at Marconi Lodge with 128 members in,, afteri* anee. • • >-^\.'"*: -z •• "•

Past president* of the id-elety, who poured «esK-*to.-Mrs, -Leo McKInney, -Mra, Angelo Buffowsnte, Mrs. Ed­mund Gsy-'and Mt$.JKeitifcMer-rick.

A (SIFT FROM members was presented* to the Rev>* Janies Malley, mt#eja!fiki.fc the presi­dent,- Ste. P a u l Quattdinl. Javier-. Pabalah sang several selectlofts, including "Ava Ma­ria,", "0 Sole Mio° and .'.'Be­cause" he was accompahied by Mrs. ,Mary Baldino^at the

ofcTSstr¥1fn!I%S€TStlrtnnTr^att pi&ho^he^m&eriJ^^oaed in ihe Allstate 'Music Festival iit the singing of Christmas

• "'at Hornell. She also is a mem-—ber-of-tJie CFA library staff and •v Library Club and is on the sJaff • of both the. HiU Echo, the

school's newsnaofr. and The .jSUtwv the-yearbook- °


fa aeveral Aubura afeO "aU?:.tfie" dbor btt thi


Public speaking was tortuous for me, I had hardly recited in'classes. However William Murray, now in Alameda, California, and fqfmer mayor «f that city was in high school with us and said he would; write the speech. He, was a law student at the time. The..*pw$ ww excellentjibut we found out later that we hai recited .the third j»rj(ifraPB for ti»*' second ani gea.etilb' • • a t j f t ' ^ e ^ ; ^ ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , , ; ^ ^ - . - ; . . „•-;•.•:'."'

VV SribrrtsrjiJW-TOe'' Roi - K a m e ^ e M e s .bad-T*'en'^j(^atiitg bn;ry. en** p»riH'»ba«i*' The 'yt«*Monirgrtofe-F^Wiluam:vSt#t(aer of-Holy Redeemeriiis^b>^ed » m e e p f oi paiishjfe'presenta-4«ep in Columbui^yie^ebtej dmlng room where the chaaeerg: 4s now and;'iL'Dio^B«ft^lfclfirn« c«me Into ejdstehce, MonsignoF SttUdcr *#as n^t*l>niy' the aiiaikpliif of thi£ jorgaji-i»tiou but also of the Holy Name lowilng'ifiOttrnameht which has becbmfc such an extensive actlvity_for bowler,* and Hojj-


•The members will continue-on their sewing project of m/sking children's pajamas. _ ' - ;_. &—*

-Executive Tbe3&tecutive_S£ "miH'»'i of

Holy Name Society [4" Early Days Recalled

»y THOMAS *L O'CONNOR ' - " Aa>ad*i» Editor ^ , -

Holy J?amk men of the M<mr**-Gounty-*rea will be gather­ing at S(? Josean's Church, Sunday-at l"j;30 a mjfpxj&ontifical Mass to/be celtbratedto^ishoD Kearney. A few memories of previous Holy Name Society gatherings'come to mind.

Earliest reCTilectionoi-ihis Society which is devoted Ho the Holy Name-tff Jtnia ura parade back-in the Teens of this «n tury. Formimg; out East Main St, we matched ov«r~the cobble stones which were hardly conducive to walking, out West Ave then to St , Mary's BbysHome. «r-

Therjt on the grounds Benediction was celebrated and the9

procession jras brought to an end. _j — 7- ; " "

- A BIT FRIOt Ki that time whUe in high school, this -writer was elected president of the Junior Holy Name»Society in St. Patrick's Cathedral parish, A banquet*was in*w9er,and the

•NamerJrtjft "'

' mti-tm&^W *.Hbly^-|^e;Socjety /ftt''i*oll^ other:lawi»nfe«emen^ficeri "cam* latir, and .MObsignbl -JWijL. s; RaSali Was'been'rnoderatoir since;'' The, Ffre'RuEeAtrSras 'm(: society and tate/Sost Office employes «t*b *ith Vatloas aioder* atorsf thrOHglrthe yearfSi.

Holyr'>fa^^ and Diitan Field, EWifaj^orlrifo nundr'ai""q6' dio"ces tn.i«wjvett'' tions, Irenwmfeer that Normap. A.:Q?Brjien, attorney,'-wsfcifi ocesaii pre.sifl.enj) drove me tovSt. josepJi'J, wayJwd,: for• aj"«uo cessful nieeting there.^ ' -'-----—••r f-— -- ". •:,*.•.•'

1 ''_ ' '••''' ; 1 -' r •• ir ''"fri'ni • * -"':':i>'' :,...,tl«dej. ;Mo«slgnWPatrick" J. {^lynn, - now ,adminstrator at Sfi- Aijnes; Avon,, outstanding j-alttes were*beld, wleiL-hfr was

diocesan•*dir*ctor of the/ Hbly Hame. Society. Jphn.M. Hed|«s tmrpresent diocesan president" was pr*ceded by several layrien as head .of the society including Martin g. Moll, Normain O'Brien,

JUlH'lJi-JLU« l»i-WiU' 'i epi w i l i ing .280, s'eai*. of service•* were hoho^ed m Tuesday' evening; December:, 22, im* *t St. Joseph's H6'spital«ijrir« ffie an

S^TWRtVlr^^ ** wheckept^the societylmAvinj! were ROy:Crfesy and Arthur & Farren. ' . - - ' • / ' • • ' • " • •.,

Christmas patty.

The* senior employe bonorefi wa$,Miss Mary Stlchowskt" who has been with tihe hospital 40

doubt-that aeeing-Wb'olio men; sssenMed in.chttteh^£mUh4liSrhSplf i 5 * i t h *** I a •** way there w in raiSefeih public places that it-iaeomei *iii|ying 9ep*rweni. to alt onloolterl. ^ ; " T P ' "'' '-'" r - i i : —

, ^«v w ™ , . . ^ . . > „,, In promoting prftyiouf Holy Name activities inevitably.-we Ihe IlaTes'oFcHaBlv-v ^nlieT "?Ma~write ^ «apu^jlk demon.stratio| oi faith," There is no W«d., Jan. 6r at 31?'Lake S t *t * " " ' • " " ' " " ' ' 8!00 n".m. with Mrs. James Walsh presiding, * .. * „•

Elmiria Church; Reports

ir;a'go, as»* arderi'tir'isS.'sJ'tlteyaJthfulf; fturing the weektheieMaSe* In Elmira .or^the' toaf tot t^iM.Dai ly Mass'are served bgjsgtoai*^* pAmfc

. Until a, year; at <latfy Mass , area waa timited w ,tfie «trl jL"eague, morning hours. Following M * recto* b£ Blsbo? K e a ' t n t y H E i ' d 1 ^ ? * ^ ? " 1 ^ ^ ? 1 - ! * ! ^ mira's •/owntowS par i s lTs t j * » > S S f f l L S S ^ f f i John lhe^Baptist,jpaugQrated W * » S r l l g S

?thrTfcl«TR»tt M a W T W e T r i f t x ^ U M i t " * ' ' , * ^ u W ^ , ^ W to the week. Shortly ^ i S » l S & ; permission was granted by the b i f l n . i ^ j r h a total for this Bishop to Father -Raymond GH- . . W , : M » « » HeiseCpastor, t* offer an addt-1!*" years tot*UttW», fel*LmMm ***** m **/THIS VAST ^crease is.dUe aaaprn. ^ • solely to the fact that more of

"Tiese two Masses have-made F,lmirai*s Catholic it pdjtsibte for countless BUm- have an Oppo:

carols. The tea committee was com­

posed of Society officers:.Mr* puattrini,. Mr*. James •Clancy, Mrs—Jnhrr-B'sdy^-and - Mrs, Louisi Ferraro JrT. " -



-""~-'l "CHARIES F7


YiAMOUHO AmctoNWfioNwa


RKJ-WW1 OifFSTREHr. — W r n c w s

hers to participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the. MJtis a»4 %U capacity attendance-in'-ihe 85 inunion moi* teadlty: tinder the year old churcb-'ii evidence of ne* permissive regUlafions,

nftnt Elmirahs includipg Charles J, Krontef,' executive Secretary of the-. Nfighborhodci Hoiis?! Robert lErniTt- Judge -John if, Frawiey of ^reakecorder* Courtj twin bxothe!Sf:*lSid* Attorneys; WiUiam and Joseph Kattaher; Attorney LOui* J. Mustico'aod

year is over al OO 9sm»Mfti^^SKaSam^miw^

;of Columbus..

Some months ago a f 80,000 bolic people- bowTe|iovatiott project wfs, started S f f i t & r f J W m f f S rtflnity^tssistinralto a bigWy'iuecessfUl . * W * i ^ ? n J f f l S S ? •'^ *

at a later Mass \xs the day and are able-t6^^e>^HolM3om* |fnc^cbmpfeievi<n|:^ta^l},sbes

WS Primti&fr* . ~v V . - * - * . - ' *• - •

v„tT ,V-:,' - wft- •^t? - '-''•-- * L , -

wodott Cardinal Sgys ;W»Ii>oi* — (RNS> — Mati^.ittissionarits wte 'm

raising campaign, Thijr pro|r#m

attractivis'churcber in the Dio> tele.

The totkmciuded a complete sandblast -and painun* of Hie exterlos oft jth* church; install'* tion ef 4oorss remodei-ling:' and redecorating-, of the cntach interidp; insUliation of

. flMetf% .the;- li^a^flliehlftt^. to El.mljcgJim Ihowti Mf& th?tr p»«te»fefi«nt


'c *

sistecl Sist4r-ifergatr«t; hos|?*^il- ,.adittiujji|B» fE . .,._ . TOlge~"Efii^i*mi"'rraiaMt y ny m a ? sentl»gf-fliejse?vfce awirdi^-vfae^r tltassiamp of^BSiUlrst Mmr

- - ' ' :' •' ^j^t^y^^- WMcluitect.; by Hfelpyeet %iix& tot Man and?

Miss- Maty-BitS* of-tK4- 353lay Der^SBieiit has been -svith the? HospJMi'.S? . - B l ^ l t ^ ^ Phmpi-^ MciBhant honpital

titer. 34t6Jta«,., R t m<jj?,- Msgr. '- W'ttJliyHBfefesv ' fiolspiJa-l

patient w o attended as.a guest; the a«viMicli«criirHyncs, chap­lain a* the BomSacacan Honas* tery» 1310 .^ Cfcixrek St, ^^tS^^'&MBtaiT~^S''iM

chaplain, ^*celv*d a SO^earserv-ice «wa'r4i-'-,--~;»-_ . " *'

Slater;-;Jo*ji Franli; -assistant hospital adminisW*tO!tv itotW>-

§SSE?an 1^% erf-to assjei* g0tp^-wRfeln>^is«.splt8L:iince M » . Ft'om thit-s»«*r( he" ha* lewesSFmla^at 'mssmtit mi -flat heeri -iSjMrWSnol «Qie< ISoard of m&£tptt WSL %83*: . • '"I

•Hfe apoke of h i* warfc" with

»x». •. • ».. « - J i>,R»«enting- the, fWards,. n«edt. JBSaea ^* the Rosaif M*AJ. MjMjt^^-.tinift #fien mhm' tar Society of the tomaeuiate

cprtcjsption iShiiEch in Ithaca met Monday evening, Bee. Ht-A iShristmas: Party wa*-held'in Pai-ish HalHollowlng wcitation of; the rosary-aad BeriedlctiOh of "The.-Blessed: SacramentHin church, and a *hort buslftesi

Reed, president •

th^chuwh jig *me ^ tr* most^s^a,MuffrAm<a»M, were gttests-of the'Society* Mr. Kar* alt is a student In the seb»bl ftf T-na^it-triiiT <tlit txhtit Rftla-titas at ^ornelj HHiVe^sity. The member* tieweS the-Christmas moviif of."fhe Jgttleit Anget"

Jfefoe^briietftf--«eie'*etved by thev<M*slameif Jfesephine Meiis

^-— , .. ... . . . - „„ ..-, thV building of laHg#MngriK^r#tiriisfc -dungeonj- *tt iwo?jfr W* arnWjwcristy an|^wmplete

* l * ! l ^ i * ^ ^ ^ . . ^ i . ^ l b a r g r . %&sp\:&vedWeei -AOM;

MaidnrhJ* Wittual..Visit to the prison, Cardiiial-.fttispingjcifc:-miiidea "the-men flrtt^espitt ! their feudality to spend Christ* mas with as*ir relatives "there are multitude* tbctarywho are far rWors* ofl thanVyou? are.M

SHIRTS Ironed Y e n l ik« ; Th«i*i

. Feel bow smooth mud pliable Jm^rfrkfe -foundered by C *•& In aoft watw. See fully .they avre finished .,« , c*4t»i* cOntofl . . . . fi^tf«.wiliildfe*ree>Jffox^ «h*Jt-weifegrOon»e •end yow Shlr»ri« « ^ * K, ' / - , -

»Te when lUH-


141 Lakt ,Jf. T.: Wi«r»*

I I 4-7H7t

S i t C*rWB Ph*n«

»< 1

MftTprJsdft initiates in tMs counlry, BieMrt CfasiiBil Gushing, Archbishop ofjc-atorv - - - - — - ^ - • - ••'•' - •^--mTa^omtrt^^n^SaW^FTiie-Maasachusettfataiei' prison b,ere, Priests Slair

Heads Cut Rome — <SNS)—Tw* Catho­

lic priests were slila when out­law tribesmen attacked a Mis­sion eutpest la the Nkengsamba dloeese of tsie Freacb Casaere-OBS, Fides, inUraatleMliaitsieii wm&i"--~'-'- '• •"""" " - i

i t salt

rewirir% and instatlffiSfi # S6W ligbtini iixtuwst"" ': " " •

Tk« parish was; OrijrJnail}* **• tallished w^eWif the GernWh


*«I PERSONALLY know ofi ton* teissIonarieir'

, be saidi' "who" will be spending Christ-k

ma$4n dungeon prisons 6i Red China and there are thousands more suffering iit concentration ami »taverlaborNcamps fa_Com-munist-dominated cotmtnes. I . . -». . M. . - , , mttm- . have found 4hat the,re is one!f y g f f gffi«* » f * »"• F " * |rea"t rule for peace and intenor.Jnjnren, Fwes st«<

Gifies Heberle, wperior - »f the '-fc. - t < * * -aalMiea,- an*. Fitber_YaleatIiie JhOMiJ O i l Saria, his asslrtaat, were bev

x. beaded »»d their Heads appar X eaily carried away as trophies.

happiness. And that is we mu learn to live wlthinv the law.

'We ar*4dl-«intteTirOur w^ak L . _ human nature m»kes.._us «<w.e a»issiaj»._c. to take the easy if not tji^ *la! -—s-fut way* And the only, method (We h»v*"to overcomifc tMt is to master ourselves But that's. im-

:possible wltbout-thc. jielp of iJGod."

The Hoo$« o f Qual i ty Hom« Furni»hlngi


KUG« orw* lltOADLOOM

j f ^ fttrnitora by

€CWAW- l « i -

the ageacy, Ike traHiorttireti o« the aight ef

Bbnannr, Thertis* #oHio,« -VbljMtceUI, »ary Aje^dif i , *rjd Miasf Tftefela Rinkcafj," v\m

'ident '•*' - • "% ' "-'• •o

speakifis ^eople-ibl-theijllmfea *reat TAe e is r#sscIpol in c6'o> Be5ti tt"with the parish^ -'

Fa9jet Heisel CormeriyTaerved here as assistant to the latf Father John B. SiemhJleU ReV. wffliam' t. Seed is -~*"-'

From Chmfics Rliaira lad Rochester Catka-

lie Cbarittea^j tieir O«M# tw#_jr««*.

ft' O"

Jubilee-Rites Over «»JBST twV&t* were

pfpvlded baskets «T f»«4 and teys for Clrfstsaas •« a result «f coatribuUoos aiade following

ilaldjsltlowa!. 't^Jmm **-*ro> and our "


•«ali«(irbf~*bftHtete;dr Christ Jor «a^Bf"u^lH§B?iaiiaiij',Maiy tltat c'ftariijr'.of CBristflijwlnt* m'- mi mf .tb«--s* o(8» cferity s&ioe out fp»m .mat Jurttis,ibi*

Re«ipi^t*. of llS-ytttiwa,rdt ^ e ^ * w*M«rga5W!t Wbmthi .me^ie#»cordi; aa*d."Ml».tioro»-

.h^elr awattba wet* :.ym -^ijKjaoteecl^Jfiiilyand^

flttrsihg service. jOw«|- *er* '

^ f c - O * - ^

notescl Oiat4«r Jalth Jitftod w»i n&i&st respaatWis .iottib* ho*-:

^ttrslnEresidenee 4\tttW, Mrs. Gieatlf%tm»a^ Iiou«i(«epi»gj

'M^s>.'Wafer* "«SitWi?{ , Mr* ^toble-HcMinJde*, eottw JHoppej; Mttsa Men* O^lena^ ituiatmi *ervi«i '.ijflic*- »«E*ret*ry, --ani

J3f£s-, . ,Irene : --S«etesr(. cofit**-

ptts»l**'iucce»VKe«*i!i thfrhos-:pirlGE--*as.!e6htteHedl to gtowiw dey the admlni'strattion of.Slpter; i f e s a r e t Adeiaidetr

tbe^^ppjsrtunityrtici-expr^sr our belief to-the ineaisnattdn of our LG*« a«d-wh«t i t bsssaecom' plts**d ftfall-M VSt

*«3sr«w more' ;«hsu% && mf fieaxtx are filled. iKrith -gratitode W-<S6d and te n o r fallow men. W~H siting, the»» «i»i at this timer we bewtte more aj i e of t l i * iervk|s.'?tSat^we -tender

mamUkW femu»emt!o:A heipl piy ,««r -debt to ywa; M w^*i tevr " tfe- M-'t&»g' it-.ii ^wot lnoirjgb..tnd1)ecaii*eJ w*,w« 'r~e«Ba n 'jfUbiregr ssbat Jomgby; aws - - 4tii»$ - for*- *ur bojspltai: ifaraSI^.i^ have fjtaiHttted " *

- flV&YBAJljmWAWW wert,. Sp*escny^*Crsr.1!8Eati]l««li Barn* Mm&rHm Lauras %mw£-g<ift. t$tdt*%. Mr*. • '-CeoM, tWetU,-|C« , ,,Ada JCutswri' mi, Leonsj :' ttte1;Mr», Barbanr*:K«uth»4Kf** &os»^»iskot» «»ct MW,'3f)oren<*>-

. .3alV»>* A&t Belt, Ifc* Sutlt LaiiigHlln., Ivan -SiMliov,. and ,l»tr*:%glB^56B^:.a1t.flfbo«i«.~'--<-**«»i|!i>:. ^ _•••-"' :."'A'"-v •;. '••

itofc&imf: IfiBftittiaiid Mi** ^

Fj^nofrfat^-a^BtiBiiiJc^, m& ~ -WJr8?S^ffi8o*iDj(thv^i|*«r»; -ItoLjadt^'Maek^.rceiiltal siirv«-



' >


yearly ,pracHce, «tfL -lirtrioutlngltiMrJ, aM is r 'Mamx JlcOill* *dk | iwr^t»0# - f j i t t e | g l^bjby i^ to


"jAmrnmig^m ID^Itf ArniANCES

aLJLjtel i^cUIwi .. CQJNIH&/H m*M l». MM!

!?"|r if

~ - Saigoa—<RSS)—ln*pe«laL0wfwr <*^ •^-^^j&^^'mi" *\ti^ &&*% Cardinal Cnshmg dyttwhufed ecclesiastical titesWebrateft fag Rev. -»#«alir- FimSfiFl* %£?*,ajmeuitced to*t*&

specially btessed St Dismasconjunctfoft *&&» 3«fth an-Rocbester « « Mist H a » at** 8 *?' M»*«',»c*« «•"»> medais to the Orisonets and toifi^fersaty-^g Hiie^e^blishme9t^^FitaGerald-iarSUMirTiaM" Jfe- « g aati-jresIe^«M«le»t« wilt them aiat "Sfint Dismas Waa.of the first Catholic >ictriates]ipeaee U t i e appeals was report t* the school tbe eveniw ffiTohly man I know of who'of Vietnam, the 8^yett-old Ca4«wo»aerfit!,w W *a» $. stole hii *ay thioBgh life andlthedraiof SsigoowwconsfccfatJ stole his way into heaVejo/r.lOd aBg£lic|e, * ' *
