three simple steps to get out of a winter in your relationship

Three Simple Steps to Get Out of a “Winter” in Your Relationship

Upload: deborah-crawford

Post on 15-Mar-2016




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Right now may be a “winter” in your relationship, or in your life. As much as it might feel like it will be “winter” forever, with no end in sight (Winter always feels like that)…It will not stay winter forever. No matter how desperate it may seem, there is a season that always follows winter…Spring.


Three Simple Steps to Get Out of a

“Winter” in Your Relationship

Tony Robbins once said

When times are bad, it feels like they will be bad forever.

When times are good, it feels like it will be good forever.

Neither one is true. Life comes in seasons.

Right now may be a “winter” in your relationship, or in your life. As much as it might feel like it will be “winter”

forever, with no end in sight (Winter always feels like that)…It will not stay winter forever. No matter how

desperate it may seem, there is a season that always follows winter…Spring.

The first step to get out of Winter: Awareness

Recognize that it’s just a season, and it will pass.

Winter is an interesting time. Some people freeze to death in winter. While others build forts, go sledding, ski,

snowboard, play and have fun. I’ve noticed that the ones who freeze to death in Winter isolate themselves

from others.

The second step to get out of Winter: Connect

Isolation is the worst thing you can do in Winter, but it is a knee-jerk reaction for many who erroneously think

they are the only ones in Winter. As uncomfortable as it may feel in the moment, when you are in Winter, reach

out to someone and tell them that you are in Winter. Tell them that things are tough for you right now.

Get out of isolation and connect with others in an authentic and genuine way.

The third step to get out of Winter: Prepare

The BEST thing to do during a hard winter is to prepare, re-tool and get ready for the change that is coming

your way when Spring arrives. That’s the PURPOSE of Winter….to PREPARE! Figure out a way that you can

prepare and re-tool right now. Get skills you didn’t have before, learn a new way you didn’t know

before…grow and expand.

The BONUS step to get out of Winter…Stay in Faith!

Winter doesn’t last forever. Just like on the calendar, Spring eventually comes, no matter what we do. Have

faith. Faith is believing in something even though you can’t see it. You may not be able to see Spring coming,

but it is. Stay in Faith…Spring is around the corner.

Sending love,


p.s. If you are in a Winter in your Relationship….Connect and Re-tool with us! Join our Relationships Counseling

program to get the connection that you need and the skills to prepare you for the Spring you can create in your
