thursday 1st april 2021 -

Thursday 1st April 2021 Queenscliff Community Market Volunteers We only have a couple of markets leſt for the 2020/2021 season and require volunteers to assist the admin duty person throughout the day. Its vitally important to the running of the market that we have the support of families to come and volunteer for a 2hr shiſt. This is Queenscliff Primary Schools main fundraising campaign for the year. We would really love if each family could volunteer for a two hour shiſt once a year. Market season is Sept – May. A list of dues is below. There is a roster on the wall opposite the office where you can place your name and what market you are available for. We will contact you closer to the market date to confirm your availability. If you have any quesons please contact Lisa Golightly on 0408 340 932 or email [email protected]. Set up: 7am – 9am (4 volunteers required) Support Person: 9am – 11am, 11am – 1pm & 1pm – 3pm (1 volunteer per shiſt) Pack up: 2pm – 3pm (1 volunteer required) 7am to 9am Open pavilion and stock the toilet with soap, toilet paper and hand towels. Put out A-frames with QR code at entrances to market. Distribute bins around market site. Assist duty person with check in of stall holders and show them to their site. 9am – 11am 11am – 1pm 1pm – 3pm (this shiſt assists with pack up dues) This is an easy role, we require you to be walking around the market and be available for any assistance. 2pm – 3pm pack up dues Clean toilet area, pack away toilet paper, hand towel & soap. Sweep & mop pavilion (if in use) – broom & mop are stored in cupboard beside toilet. Turn off lights in Pavilion and lock up. Move bins to Hygeia Drive (next to pavilion) for collecon. Pick up any rubbish around market site. NEXT MARKET Sun 25th April 2021 (ANZAC DAY) Sun 30th May 2021 Thank you in advance for your support, QPS Market Admin Commiee.

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Thursday 1st April 2021

Queenscliff Community Market Volunteers

We only have a couple of markets left for the 2020/2021 season and require volunteers to assist the admin duty person

throughout the day. It’s vitally important to the running of the market that we have the support of families to come and

volunteer for a 2hr shift. This is Queenscliff Primary Schools main fundraising campaign for the year. We would really love if

each family could volunteer for a two hour shift once a year.

Market season is Sept – May.

A list of duties is below.

There is a roster on the wall opposite the office where you can place your name and what market you are available for. We

will contact you closer to the market date to confirm your availability.

If you have any questions please contact Lisa Golightly on 0408 340 932 or email [email protected].

Set up: 7am – 9am (4 volunteers required)

Support Person: 9am – 11am, 11am – 1pm & 1pm – 3pm

(1 volunteer per shift)

Pack up: 2pm – 3pm (1 volunteer required)

7am to 9am Open pavilion and stock the toilet with soap, toilet paper and hand towels. Put out A-frames with QR code at entrances to market. Distribute bins around market site. Assist duty person with check in of stall holders and show them to their site.

9am – 11am 11am – 1pm 1pm – 3pm (this shift assists with pack up duties) This is an easy role, we require you to be walking around the market and be available for any assistance.

2pm – 3pm pack up duties Clean toilet area, pack away toilet paper, hand towel & soap. Sweep & mop pavilion (if in use) – broom & mop are stored in cupboard beside toilet. Turn off lights in Pavilion and lock up. Move bins to Hygeia Drive (next to pavilion) for collection. Pick up any rubbish around market site.

NEXT MARKET Sun 25th April 2021 (ANZAC DAY)

Sun 30th May 2021

Thank you in advance for your support,

QPS Market Admin Committee.

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Dear families, It was wonderful last Friday to see so many families join us for our First Nations Cultural Assembly. Over the past 18 months or so, Mrs Caldwell has done a considerable job liaising with educational professionals, Indigenous leaders and DET Koori staff in the planning, implementing and constant refining of school’s First Nations program. I am so impressed by the engagement, enthusiasm and compassion our students across years P-6 consistently show towards this program as well as the awareness it brings to us all about the history, achievements and challenges of First Nations people. I would like to congratulate all of the students who were awarded cultural ambassadors to our school on the day. Our year Preps and 1s enjoyed a local excursion to the Marine and Fresh water Discovery Centre on Monday. They undertook sessions with the centre’s education staff and learnt about our local environment, sea life and of course had lots of fun in the touch tanks. Yesterday all students took part in our cross country. It was great to see all students giving their best effort and enjoying the morning. A reminder to families that due to Good Friday, today (Thursday) is the last day of term 1 and that students finish at our normal time of 3.00pm. The school bus service will continue to operate as normal. Monday the 19th of April is the first day of term 2 and is a student free curriculum day. Teachers will be onsite but there will be no provisions for students to attend onsite. Next term is a busy term for QPS. We have NAPLAN for years 3 and 5 students between 10th and 20th of May as well as our school review around the same time. Due to this, our annual school swimming program will be held in term 3 rather than term 2. Several families have requested that we incorporate Nippers into our school program. Alongside St Aloysius Primary School, we have had contact with Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club and Point Lonsdale Primary School (whom already run a 6 week annual Nippers program) to gain insight into how the program is run. To proceed with a Nippers program, we would require parent volunteers who would be willing to get their bronze medallion and are able to commit to 1 day per week (during school times) for a 6 week period to facilitate the Nippers program with assistance from Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving. More details are in the newsletter. I would like to raise awareness of our major school fundraising initiative, the Queenscliffe Community Markets. Each year, parents from the school plan and facilitate the markets for the last Sunday of each month between September and May. There are usually 2 markets in November over the Queenscliff Music Festival weekend. The school receives 75% of the profits from the markets with the remaining 25% covering expenses and being distributed amongst organisations within the Queesncliff community. Last year our school received $23000 from the markets. This money goes a very long way to supplementing the programs, resources and facilities offered at QPS. For this to continue, we need QPS families to volunteer 1-2 times a year in the setup, running and pack up on market days. Getting volunteers is proving very difficult aside from a few regular families who attend most markets. Without volunteers, our administration of the Queenscliffe Community Markets will need to cease. If we cease administering the markets, we cease receiving the substantial annual percentage of the profits. I urge all families to please get behind the markets on the last Sunday of each month. Last night, school council met for the first time for 2021. I am delighted to announce our office bearers; Naomi Grillinzoni (President), Chris Bramwell (Vice-President) and Lisa Golightly (Secretary/Treasurer). I would like to take this opportunity to thank outgoing school councillors and especially thank Mark Lang for being an outstanding school council president over the past 2 years. Finally, I encourage everyone to have a restful and well deserved break over the Easter holidays. I would especially like to thank all of our QPS staff for making term 1 outstanding. Have a wonderful break Richard Buckingham Principal

Thursday 1st April 2021

School Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4pm

Phone: 5258 1696

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School Office Hours Monday - Friday 8.30am to 4pm

Phone: 5258 1696

Lost Property :

We have a lovely collection of drink bottles, and jumpers at the front desk waiting to go to their

homes. Please check next time you pop into school.

Skoolbag :

This week I sent out an email to all families in regards to the skoolbag app.

I have had a positive response from families that my instructions have worked so far. Messages

have been received! If you require another copy of these instructions please call the office.

Our fundraising chocolates:

Thank you to all our families who have taken home chocolates to sell, please don’t forget to re-

turn all monies collected on or before the 20th April 2021.

Queenscliff Market:

We are needing helpers for the upcoming market on Sunday 25th April (this is the second last

market of the 20/21 Market season).

Please find further details in the Queenscliff Market Letter in this newsletter.

Monday 19th April : Curriculum Day

Student free day

Tuesday 20th April: : Term 2 commences

Richard Buckingham (DET, Executive)

Melissa Fitzgerald (DET), Helene Cameron (DET)

Naomi Grillinzoni, Chris Bramwell, Lisa Golightly,

Mark Lang, Heidi Volders-Boyd,

Kim High

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Congratulations to Casey and Katia for representing QPS on the 16th of March at the Bellarine & Geelong North

Division Swimming Championships.

Competing against many other schools, our students performed tremendously.

Casey did an amazing job coming in 3rd place for 11 year old 50m breaststroke.

Katia performed incredibly coming in 20th place for 11 year old 50m freestyle.

Indianna, second in the state championships for shotput.

Viginnia silver medal in the discus.

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Dear Parents and QPS School Community, I would like to say a huge congratulations to all students who participated in the QPS Cross Coun-try run yesterday and also a big thank you to all staff for helping the event run smoothly. We are very grateful the weather turned on for us to create the perfect autumn running atmos-phere – It was heart-warming to see students cheer on their fellow housemates as well as their friends, and to celebrate each other’s successes. One final congratulations to all our place-getters, as detailed in the table below. Have a happy and safe Easter holidays, we look forward to seeing you all back at school next term. Regards, Cameron.

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We have had another case of head lice at school.

Just a quick reminder to:

7 Crucial Steps to

Keep Your School

Head Lice Free

A second treatment should be applied one week after the

first treatment.

If there are head lice found, please treat before returning

to school.

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We are in the process of considering assisting the community of Queenscliff Primary

School & St Aloysius Primary School to hold a “Nipper in Schools”. As with Point

Lonsdale Primary this program is run by parents & friends of the primary school. In

order to rollout his program we need Bronze Medallion holders & Age Managers.

Please confirm the following:

If you hold a current Bronze Medallion

If you would do a weekend course to attain your Adult Bronze Medallion

If you would attend a course to learn about Age management & Nipper course set-

up could you please send your response to [email protected] by Friday

19th March 2021.

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Queenscliff Primary School Enrolment Management Plan 2021/2022

School Context

Queenscliff Primary School is a small, regional, government school in Queenscliff, on the Bellarine Peninsula. Through-out recent years, our school has experienced considerable enrolment growth, and in 2021 has an enrolment of 158 students. We currently operate in seven classes (2x prep, 1x year 1, 2x 2/3, 1x 4/5 and 1x 5/6)/6) with dynamic and fresh generalist, specialist and educational support staff. We have 1x full-time principal, 1x full-time learning special-ist/assistant principal, 7 full-time generalist teachers, 2x .5 classroom teachers, 4 part-time classroom education sup-port staff, 1 full-time and 1 part-time administration staff and 4 part-time specialist teachers. Our comprehensive School Wide Positive Behaviours Support and Respectful Relationships programs underpin Queenscliff Primary School’s values of Gratitude, Optimism, Empathy and Integrity. We strongly believe in providing a truly holistic ap-proach to learning. Queenscliff Primary School is an outstanding place to learn; a family of learners where endless op-portunities are present. Policy Framework

The 2006 Education and Training Reform Act (ETRA) underpins the Department of Education and Training (DET) enrol-

ment policy which can be found at:

The policy states that all eligible children and young people have the right to be admitted to their designated neigh-bourhood government school. 2021 School zone

The Queenscliff Primary School zone has been approved by the Minister for Education and ensures consistency with DET policy and the ETRA legislation regarding closest school. A student's designated neighbourhood school is generally the school that is nearest the student's permanent address as determined by the school zone. The website provides guidance on which school zone a student's permanent residence is located within. Fig x – 2021 School zone for Queenscliff Primary School.

Access your school zone at

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Queenscliff Primary School Enrolment Management Plan 2021/2022

Priority Order of Placement

The potential future demand for enrolment places from within the local community indicates that Queenscliff Primary School must manage enrolments carefully and in accordance with the Priority Placement Order in the Enrolment Policy. A student’s permanent place of address determines eligibility for enrolment at Queenscliff Primary School.

Where there are insufficient places at a school for all students who seek entry, students are enrolled according to the Placement Policy's priority order of placement, which has five criteria.

In circumstances when a school may not be able to accept all applications due to existing or future capacity con-cerns, schools must manage enrolment applications in accordance with the following priority order of place-ment:

Students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school.

Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time.

Where the Regional Director has restricted the enrolment, students who reside nearest the school.

Students seeking enrolment on specific curriculum grounds.

All other students in order of closeness of their home to the school

In exceptional circumstances, a student may be enrolled in a school based on compassionate grounds. This is an overarching consideration and does not form part of the priority order of placement. Schools are permitted to assess and make a determination for exceptional circumstances on a case-by-case basis.

Schools must ensure that all applicants eligible under a criterion have been offered a place before moving to consideration of the next. All students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school are guaran-teed enrolment.

If you have any questions regarding the Queenscliff Primary School Enrolment Management Plan, please contact the school.

Richard Buckingham Principal

Queenscliff Primary School

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Calling All Junior Coutas

Training for our 2021 Season of Netball and Football

is just getting underway and we would love to have you!

Come join our club and become a part of our team.


U11 (Born 2010-2012)

Training Thursday 4-5pm Queenscliff Courts

Games start after Easter Tuesday in Ocean Grove

Game times vary.

U13 (Born 2008-2009)

Training Tuesday 5-6pm Queenscliff Courts

Games start Easter Saturday following QFNC


U11 (Born 2010-2012)

Training Tuesdays 4:15-5:30pm Point Lonsdale Oval

U13 (Born 2008-2009)

Training Tuesdays 5-6pm Point Lonsdale Oval

For further information please follow our

QFNC Junior Netball and Football Facebook pages

Or contact Junior co-ordinators

Emily Limb: 0410 584 458

Mark Lewry: 0413 386 577

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