tia dobi portfolio piece apple one employment agency

AppleOne Salary Guide 2013, Email copy Copywriter: Tia Dobi [email protected] [Email subject line choices] What you really need to master recruiting in 2013 Sure-fire way to protect your recruiting A simple way to master compensation in 2013 An important message for recruiters in 2013 This email contains a plan for profitable recruiting in 2013 Fail-proof compensation for 2013 Time sensitive: Simplify recruiting for 2013 Introducing Pay The Smart Way [BODY COPY] Dear [FIRST NAME], For American businesses, wage and salary compensation, hiring decisions, or figuring out how to get more work done with less people is becoming an increasing source of angst. Are you losing revenue because salary decisions are more complex? In fact, [FIRST NAME], I’m writing you today because 2013 is ushering in unprecedented money challenges in the human resources industry. Consider four impending truths: “With the new Obama healthcare law requiring businesses with 50 or more full-time workers to offer coverage or be fined, employers must plan and rethink their workforce now more than ever. New taxes and mandates will complicate these decisions and cost businesses money in the long run.” - Amanda Austin, National Federation Independent Businesses director of federal public policy For Americans eager to land a new job, win a promotion, or snag a decent raise, 2013 will be job seekers best chance since 2007 to get ahead.” - Money Magazine’s Make More in 2013 With employee turnover up 30%, nearly 70% of businesses are taking steps -- including pay increases -- to prevent the exodus of top talent.” - Consulting firm OI Partners Demand for skilled positions is growing much faster than supply, leaving many employers unable to find qualified workers. Employers expect to provide higher compensation for both current staff and prospective employees.- 2013 Annual Hiring Forecast, CareerBuilder.com PAY THE SMART WAY ADVISORY 2013 20133

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What Could Possibly Be Different About A Salary Survey? When the Director of Marketing at AppleOne asked me to write an email for their 2013 Salary Survey, the call to action seemed 'out of place'. To access the survey, corporate HR managers would have to agree to an in-person meeting with the AppleOne sales team. So I created a concept service to add valuation: Pay The Smart Way. This pro-bono AppleOne Advisory comes with a bonus, too.


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AppleOne Salary Guide 2013, Email copy Copywriter: Tia Dobi [email protected]

[Email subject line choices]

What you really need to master recruiting in 2013 Sure-fire way to protect your recruiting A simple way to master compensation in 2013 An important message for recruiters in 2013 This email contains a plan for profitable recruiting in 2013 Fail-proof compensation for 2013 Time sensitive: Simplify recruiting for 2013 Introducing Pay The Smart Way [BODY COPY]


For American businesses, wage and salary compensation, hiring decisions, or figuring out how to get more work done with less people is becoming an increasing

source of angst.

Are you losing revenue because salary decisions are more complex?

In fact, [FIRST NAME], I’m writing you today because 2013 is ushering in unprecedented money challenges in the human resources industry.

Consider four impending truths: “With the new Obama healthcare law requiring businesses with 50 or more full-time workers to offer coverage or be fined, employers must plan and rethink their workforce now more than ever. New taxes and mandates will complicate these decisions and cost businesses money in the long run.” - Amanda Austin, National Federation Independent Businesses director of federal public policy

“For Americans eager to land a new job, win a promotion, or snag a decent raise, 2013 will be job seekers best chance since 2007 to get ahead.” - Money Magazine’s Make More in 2013

“With employee turnover up 30%, nearly 70% of businesses are taking steps -- including pay increases -- to prevent the exodus of top talent.” - Consulting firm OI Partners

“Demand for skilled positions is growing much faster than supply, leaving many employers unable to find qualified workers. Employers expect to provide higher compensation for both current staff and prospective employees.” - 2013 Annual Hiring Forecast, CareerBuilder.com


ADVISORY 2013 20133

RY 2013

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AppleOne Salary Guide 2013, Email copy Copywriter: Tia Dobi [email protected]

Meanwhile… as the number of employers adding fulltime headcount is

trending up from 2012, so is the number of those planning to reduce staff and hire temporary workers as a way to maximize Obama Care wisely.

So how are you going to navigate this paradoxical mix of payroll optimism and caution without making a detrimental move?

Introducing Pay The Smart Way:

AppleOne’s Free, Custom 2013 Solution

Pay The Smart Way is a custom-tailored solution that allows you to nurture the people who nurture your revenue with the right

strategy and structure.

To start, it’s a deep-dive advisory that enables you to understand what’s really going on inside the wage and salary landscape.

With it, you can prioritize your budgeting for the positions, wages,

or raises essential to the growth of your company. And it speeds

up recruiting efforts, without forfeiting methodical thinking.

Pay The Smart Way is your insider advantage to outsmart marketplace fiscal challenges while providing you with precise answers to your most pressing

compensation questions.

Plus, our new Attractor Factor positioning bonus gives you a surprisingly simple way to end the talent crunch that eludes 90% of companies.

With Pay The Smart Way, you’re going to have consistent results

1: Pay The Smart Way is built on specific, solid information. NOTHING RANDOM.

2: The simple moment of defining your goal to your AppleOne consultant will help

you with every subsequent line-item decision.

3: You can spot mistakes in strategy and fix them all by yourself, thereby improving

attraction and retention.

End your pay struggles today...

No matter what business you’re in or the markets you’re exploring, a fail-proof compensation system is the best way to protect and grow your revenue.

Pay The Smart Way is a concise, face-to-face consulting that starts with some eye-opening information…

Pay The Smart Way is not about the info-outlay. It's about applying what you learn...

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AppleOne Salary Guide 2013, Email copy Copywriter: Tia Dobi [email protected]

The three simple Fortune 500 tricks we’ve uncovered to improve your

recruiting efficiency in 2013

How to cast a wider net without incurring avalanches of under-qualified


Why the stigma that diamonds cannot be found amongst the unemployed is

no longer true… and how to uncover gems who need little or no polishing

and moves through…

A hand-held tour into the AppleOne 2013 Salary Guide

The 2013 AppleOne Salary Guide: Compensation And Human

Resource Planning brings together pay findings from a sample set of 225,000 placements and job orders processed by AppleOne and our

U.S. affiliates (in over 200 locations), as well as interviews with HR

and labor experts, backed with 2012 direct-to-client surveys.

As you open your 2013 AppleOne Salary Guide you’ll find 44 pages of easy to digest colorful charts, graphs, and indexed data


Benefiting from trends

Why knowing how the Top Ten Employee Benefits stack up prevents you from offering more—or less—than you should…

Are flex scheduling and tele-commuting dead? Four check points that may surprise you…

The critical importance of industry rank—and how to make the most of it (even if yours is lower than you think)…

Reducing workforce angst caused by talent deficits

How to get things done in the workplace faster, cheaper and better…

Why production managers unconsciously scramble to hit the panic button

(and prevent this from happening)…

The #1 reason successful projects lose momentum and focus…

Knowing how much to pay

National low/high salary ranges for 156 positions in 15 professional categories

(including human resources) that keep you from losing your money or your


The 9 geographical variances to reduce the risk of competitor usurping…

Why it’s worth spending 10 minutes scanning our quick-pick job description glossary before posting any position (Hint: think SEO, keywords, and


Now imagine having a precise, confidential analysis that gives you the salary range and benefits you need to be considering based on your top

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AppleOne Salary Guide 2013, Email copy Copywriter: Tia Dobi [email protected]

talent need(s) and zip code location… your AppleOne representative is going to

reveal that to you.

Having the AppleOne 2013 Salary Guide in your hands is like having a

detailed blueprint for protecting and growing your wealth over the months ahead. Read what this HR manager has to say…

Jane Doe VP of Human Resources and Facilities ACME, Inc. Los Angeles, CA What could possibly be different about a salary survey? “If Warren Buffet counseled on compensation, he’d use the data published by AppleOne. In

2012 their ‘ethical espionage’ gave us both the larger picture and detailed minutiae to make wise wage decisions in a town clamoring for qualified applicants. The 2013 salary guide warrants a closer look as we seek to minimize our exposure to federal manipulation.”

Now for that bonus I promised you…

Hiring without regret: a secret 90% of employers miss

According to MSN Money, 69% percent of employers report that their companies have been adversely affected by a bad hire in 2012, with 41% of those

businesses estimating the cost to be more than $25,000, and 24% saying a bad hire

cost them more than $50,000.

Simultaneously, 43% of recruiters said they needed to fill positions quickly. Yet many find it takes too long to find people well suited to the company, or even

worth interviewing.

The experience is frustrating… and not necessary.

Here at AppleOne, we know firsthand how meticulous recruiters can be. You

carefully consider where to advertise for candidates, maximize your search dollars, and do all you can to get a good mix of potential applicants.

The answer to identifying better candidates earlier is simple, but if you don’t

know about it, it’s easy to miss. Construct job posts that truly connect with your candidates.

“I got so much value in terms of both the 'big

strategy picture' and how to go about it, as well

as the 'minutiae'.”

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AppleOne Salary Guide 2013, Email copy Copywriter: Tia Dobi [email protected]

In 2013, becoming the leader employees will follow is key. The very best job

posts get in sync with what your top candidates are thinking and feeling. Adding your company’s #1 Attractor Factor… the why you do what you do (not just who you are

and what you need) will revolutionize your hiring.

Avoid the Employee Rotisserie:

The secret of turning job posts into happy, loyal employees

Traditional job posts show candidates

what the company does and what the company needs. But the most important attractor factor to finding and

keeping top talent—the why your company does what you do and a clear sense of why a talent would want to

work for you—is sorely missing.

Today’s job seekers are becoming more aware of the

‘why’ in everything… what’s your cause, your belief,

your purpose? Uncovering and using your why in your job descriptions is your #1 way to attract and hire

candidates without regret.

Put Power in Your Positioning

When you sign-up for Pay The Smart Way you’ll

automatically receive this one-page worksheet that walks you through the four questions to uncover your WHY.

Fill it out, then review and tweak it with your AppleOne

consultant during your Advisory Session.

The best part? Whenever you write a job post that

includes the Attractor Factor, you’re birthing a copywriting asset that can be used repeatedly.

Traditional job posts list needs… putting hiring managers at risk for hiring unsuitable employees.

Attractor Factor

How do you know if your job post messaging is working as well as it should? Why do you exist and how do you communicate that in your recruiting? AppleOne’s Attractor Factor worksheet helps make everyone a corporate

entrepreneur who is a growth agent for the company

because WHY attracts and retains passion.

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AppleOne Salary Guide 2013, Email copy Copywriter: Tia Dobi [email protected]

Claim your place to be a master of compensation in 2013 A free, no-risk opportunity

In this vastly changing world, you can never know enough about recruiting.

No matter how advanced you are, there is always room for improvement. Returning the coupon below guides you down the path toward ending salary quandaries in


With Attractor Factor job posts, instead of taking weeks with your recruiting deadlines, you’ll say “good-bye struggle… hello ease”. And your boss will love you

even more, I guarantee.

[NAME], all of us here at AppleOne want you to succeed.

Warm regards,

P.S. The looming statistics I told you about in this email could easily cost you

headaches and revenue. You’re the only person who knows what’s best for your recruiting if you didn’t accept a Pay The Smart Way AppleOne Advisory 2013 session.

Register now and your Attract Factor job post worksheet will arrive automatically.

Discover what really works in compensation for 2013

with a risk-free AppleOne Advisory Session*

Yes, Janice Register Me Now! *Limited time offer

Pay The Smart Way “When compensation and talent affect your bottom line”