tidbits week 19

The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read OVER 4 MILLION Readers Weekly Nationwide! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©2007 For Ad Rates Call: 208-704-9972 www.tidbitsinc.com Distributed by TBNI June 24, 2010 ISSUE #19 Of North Idaho TIDBITS® GOES DEEP INTO THE GRAND CANYON by Patricia L. Cook Imagine the astonishment when early travelers heading West happened upon one of the largest canyons in the world. Whoa! Put on the brakes as we explore the Grand Canyon, one of the most popular tourist sites on earth. Grand Canyon National Park is 277 miles (446 km) long, 5,000 feet (1524 m) deep and about 18 miles (29 km) wide. Encompassing 1,218,375 acres (493059 ha) of northern Arizona, it is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and hosts around 5 million guests each year, more than any other U.S. National Park. According to archaeologists, the Desert Ar- chaic, Anasazi and Pueblo Indians were the earliest people to live in the Grand Canyon region. Others explored the region in the 1500-1800s, with prob- ably the most significant being Major John Wesley Powell, a one-armed Civil War veteran. (He lost his arm in the battle of Shiloh.) He and his group of ten men explored the area in several expeditions from 1869-1872. turn the page for more The Grand Canyon! FIRST COPY FREE JUMP ON THE CHANCE!!! PUT YOUR AD ON THE FRONT OF THE TIDBITS AND GET THAT RECOGNI- TION YOU NEED! CALL NOW AND ASK FOR KC!! (208) 704-9972

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The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read


Readers WeeklyNationwide! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©2007


For Ad Rates Call: 208-704-9972 www.tidbitsinc.comDistributed by TBNIJune 24, 2010 ISSUE #19

Of North Idaho


CANYONby Patricia L. Cook

Imagine the astonishment when early travelers heading West happened upon one of the largest canyons in the world. Whoa! Put on the brakes as we explore the Grand Canyon, one of the most popular tourist sites on earth. • GrandCanyonNationalParkis277miles(446 km) long, 5,000 feet (1524 m) deep and about 18miles(29km)wide.Encompassing1,218,375acres (493059 ha) of northern Arizona, it is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and hosts around 5 million guests each year, more than any other U.S.NationalPark.• Accordingtoarchaeologists,theDesertAr-chaic, Anasazi and Pueblo Indians were the earliest people to live in the Grand Canyon region. Others explored the region in the 1500-1800s, with prob-ablythemostsignificantbeingMajorJohnWesleyPowell, a one-armed Civil War veteran. (He lost his arm in the battle of Shiloh.) He and his group of ten men explored the area in several expeditions from 1869-1872.

turn the page for more The Grand Canyon!






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PAGE 2 June 24, 2010To Advertise Call: 208-704-9972

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PICKS OF THE WEEK“Last Chance to See” (Unrated) -- In 1990, writer DouglasAdams(“MontyPython’sFlyingCircus,”“DoctorWho,”“TheHitchhiker’sGuidetoTheGalaxy”)andzoologistMarkCarwardinetrav-eledthefar-flungreachesoftheplanetinsearchof rare animal species on the verge of extinction. Theresultwasthebest-sellingbookandBBCradio series, “Last Chance to See.”Now,20yearslater,legendarytelevisionpre-senter/comedian/author and close friend of lateDouglasAdams,StephenFryretracestheauthor’sfootstepsalongwithCarwardinetoseeifanyofthespecieshavesurvived.Theresultis a brilliant, entertaining and thought-provoking six-hour television series.Whatmakes“LastChancetoSee”suchajoyto watch is that it eschews the run-of-the-mill heavy-handed messages about saving the envi-ronment and is more of a celebration of our plan-et’sdiversity.Anditdoessomanytimeswiththeaidofhumor.Myfavoriteepisodeinvolvesthekakapo,arare,flightless,five-poundparrot.Inone scene, an extremely randy kakapo (dubbed Sirocco)mountsCarwardine’sshouldersandbeginstoravishthebackoftheman’sheadwiththe furious, libidinous gusto usually seen only in Japanesestagfilms.Yeah.Youwon’tseeTHATon Animal Planet.

“SteamboatBill,Jr.”Ultimate2-DiscEdition(Unrated)--Forthepastdecade,KinoInterna-tional have carved out a niche for themselves as the Criterion Collection of silent and Golden Age films.ThisreleaseoftheBusterKeatonclassic“SteamboatBill,Jr.”onlyenhancestheirrepu-tation for high-quality digital remastering and outstanding special features.“SteamboatBill,Jr.”isthe1928follow-uptothelegendaryBusterKeatonepic“TheGeneral.”Bothfilmsareconsideredamonghisfinestwork.In“SteamboatBill,”Keatonplaysthecollegepuddin’sonofaMississippisteamboatcaptainwho has come back to help his pop, who is in themiddleofafiercerivalrywithanothercap-tain.TroubleaboundsasKeatonisnotonlyineptatthejob,butalsoisinlovewiththedaughterofhisfather’srival.Theclimaxofthefilminvolvesacyclone and some of the most amazing slapstick stuntworkyou’lleverseeonfilm,asKeatonrunsthrough the town and buildings literally collapse around -- and on top of him.Thereweretwoversionsofthefilmmade,andthis two-disc set features both the theatrical release and the alternative version featuring different takes and angles. Also included is a documentaryonthemakingofthefilm,amon-tageofthebestmomentsofKeaton’scareerandvintage recordings of the folk song “Steamboat Bill.”

TOPTENMOVIES1.TheKarateKid(PG)JadenSmith,JackieChan2.TheA-Team(PG-13)LiamNeeson,BradleyCooper3.ShrekForeverAfter(PG)animated4. Get Him to the Greek (R) Jonah Hill, Russell Brand5.Killers(PG-13)AshtonKutcher,KatherineHeigl6.PrinceofPersia:TheSandsofTime(PG-13)Jake Gyllenhaal, Gemma Arterton7.Marmaduke(PG)LeePace,JudyGeer8. Sex and the City 2 (R) Sarah Jessica Parker, KimCattrall9.IronMan2(PG-13)RobertDowneyJr.,Gw-yneth Paltrow10.Splice(R)AdrienBrody,SarahPolley


4.Valentine’sDay(PG-13)(Warner)5.TheRoad(R)(Sony)6.It’sComplicated(R)(Universal)7.Invictus(PG-13)(Warner)8.ToothFairy(PG)(20thCenturyFox)9.IronMan(PG-13)(Paramount)10. Legion (R) (Sony)

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THE GRAND CANYON (continued):

•TheareawasestablishedasaForestPreservein 1893, Grand Canyon Game Preserve in 1906, aNationalMonumentin1908andGrandCan-yonNationalParkin1919,threeyearsaftertheNationalParkServicewascreated.•WiththeGrandCanyon’slargeexpanseoflandthereisgreatenvironmentalvariety.Theeleva-tion ranges from 1,200 feet (366 m) near Lake Meadto9,165feet(2793m)abovesealevelatthenorthrim.Scientistshaveidentifiedfivelifezones in the park: Lower Sonoran, Upper Sono-ran,Transition,CanadianandHudsonian.Thebest way to think of this is that if you traveled fromMexicotoCanada,youwouldseelotsofvariations in the ecosystem, but you can see the samevariationswithinGrandCanyonNationalPark! So from desert plants to mountain trees – they’reallthere!Fromthenorthrimtothecan-yonfloor,thetemperaturecanvaryupto35°F.(19.4°C)•Bears,mountainlions,weasels,baldeaglesand many other animal species are found in the park.KeepinmindthatGrandCanyonNationalPark is home to six species of rattlesnakes, including the most common Grand Canyon pink rattlesnake that blends in with the canyon ter-rain. If you go hiking on the many miles of trails, watch your step and listen carefully! •Babyrattlersarebornfullyequippedwithpoi-sonousvenomandteeth.Theyarebornwitha“prebutton” for the rattler that is shed with its skin making way for “buttons” that develop. Rattling occurs when they grow more buttons and shake them together – at the speed of about 60 or more times per second! •Approximately47reptilespeciesarefoundinthepark.TenarecommonalongtheColoradoRiver in the bottom of the canyon. Have you heardofgilamonstersandchuckwallas?Theyare the two largest lizards in the area.•TheGrandCanyonRailwaybeganasanextensionoftheAtchison,TopekaandSantaFeRailroad.In1901,theSantaFeextendedabranch to the south rim of the Grand Canyon, andhotelandrestaurantdeveloperFredHarveyenteredthescene.TheFredHarveyCompany,withrailroadarchitectCharlesWhittlessey’sde-signexpertise,builttheElTovarHotel20feet(6m)fromtheedgeofthesouthrimin1905.Thebeautiful, rugged building sometimes called “the most expensively constructed and appointed log houseinAmerica”islistedontheNationalReg-ister of Historic Places.


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PAGE 4 June 24, 2010To Advertise Call: 208-704-9972

¥ It was multitalented Robert Anton Wilson -- he was, at various times in his life, a novelist, essayist, psycholo-gist, editor, philosopher, playwright and mystic -- who made the following ob-servation: “It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative with-out changing a single idea.” ¥TheU.S.DepartmentofAgriculturerecently released its study on the costs ofraisingachild.Thosewhohavechil-dren may not be surprised to learn that the average two-parent, middle-income family spends a whopping $222,360 on thechildthroughtheageof17--andthatfigure,orcourse,doesn’tincludethe cost of a college education. ¥Thebluewhaleisthelargestanimalknowntohaveeverexisted.Thema-rine mammal is so large, in fact, that a grown man could swim through its larg-est blood vessels.

¥ThecompanyknownasUlysseNardin,basedinSwitzerland,isknownforitslineofluxurywatches.They’verecently expanded their offerings, though,sothenexttimeyou’reinthemarket for a cell phone, you might want tocheckouttheirversionofGoogle’sAndroidmodel.Youalsomightwantto check your bank account; this gold-plated piece of technology will retail for $50,000. ¥Here’sasignofourincreasinglyclut-teredlives:WhentheNationalAssocia-tion of Professional Organizers was formed,in1985,ithadfivemembers.Todaytherearemorethan4,000regis-tered organizers with the group. ¥AccordingtotheU.S.BureauofLaborStatistics, those who hold the most dan-gerousjobinAmericaaren’tfirefightersorpoliceofficers;they’retaxidrivers,with22.7homicidesforevery100,000workers each year. ***ThoughtfortheDay:“It’snotthegeniuswho is 100 years ahead of his time but the average man who is 100 years behindit.”--RobertMusil


Page 5: Tidbits Week 19

PAGE 5June 24, 2010

TheEaglesbandwasformedin1971whenfour backup players for Linda Ronstadt de-cided to try to make it on their own. Of the originalfourDonHenleyandGlennFreyhave always been part of the group, which is still performing today.• Therehavebeensevenmembersthroughtheyears.ThetwootheroriginalmemberswereBernieLeadonandRandyMeisnerwholeftthebandin1976and1977,respectively.DonFelderjoinedthegroupin1974andleftwithhardfeelings– and a lawsuit – in 2001. Joe Walsh and TimothySchmitjoinedin1976and1977respectively and are still touring with Hen-leyandFrey.•Thefirstalbum,simplytitled“Eagles,”re-leasedin1972,soldamillioncopies.Eventhough it was recorded in England, the band members were all from the U.S. and amongthefirsttopopularizetheCalifor-nia“countryrock”musicstyle.Therewerethree“Top40”hitsonthealbum:“TakeIt Easy,” “Witchy Woman” and “Peaceful EasyFeeling.”•JacksonBrowne,anothercountryrocksinger, had been writing a song but had beenunabletofinish.Hegavehisfriend,GlennFrey,permissiontoworkonthesong. Glenn added verse two, with some ofthewordsbeing,“Standin’onthecornerinWinslow,Arizona.”Thatsong,“TakeItEasy,”wastheleadsongonthefirstalbumand propelled the Eagles to super-stardom!•WinslowislocatedonfamedRoute66.When Interstate 40 was built bypassing thetowninthelate1970s,thetownnearlydisappeared.In1994,theStandin’ontheCornerFoundation,anon-profitcorpora-tion dedicated to restoring Winslow, was formed.•TheLaPosadaHotel,oneofthe“lastgreat railroad hotels” from the 1930s re-openedinWinslow,Arizona,in1997.(ThiswasaformerFredHarveyHotelthatwasdesignedbyMaryColter,thesamecom-pany and architect who designed struc-turesinGrandCanyonNationalPark.)TwoyearslaterStandin’ontheCornerParkopened. A 28-foot by 40-foot mural by art-istJohnPughdepictsthelinefrom“TakeItEasy”:“It’sagirl,myLord,inaflatbedFordslowin’downtotakealookatme.”A sculpture of a cowboy by Ron Adamson stands on the corner with his guitar leaning against a lamp post. Eagles fans should mark their calendars for the 12th Annual Standin’ontheCornerFestivaltobeheldSeptember 24 and 25, 2010. •TheEaglesrecordedfiveotheralbumsby1980,includingthereleaseof“TheirGreat-estHits(1971-1975),”whichbecamethebest-sellingalbuminU.S.history.Todatethere have been over 29 million copies sold in the U.S. and over 42 million worldwide.•Thebandbrokeupwithhardfeelingsin1980. Several of the band members began solo careers, but none were as successful alone as they had been as a group.


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PAGE 6 June 24, 2010


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IT TAKES TWO by Bonnie St. ClairLaurel without Hardy? Bert without Ernie? Hall without Oates? They just wouldn’t have been the same. Join Tidbits as we share stories behind some famous “people pairs”

and how they managed to discover one another.• In the original story, Batman met the boy who would become Robin in 1940. Dick Grayson was an eight-year-old circus acrobat, the son of trapeze artists. When a gangster who’d been extorting money from the circus sabotaged the riggings, Dick’s parents fell to their deaths. Batman investi-gated the crime, and he became fond enough of the boy to become his legal guardian (as his alter ego, Bruce Wayne). He instructed the youngster in the ways of fighting crime

and dubbed him Robin, the Boy Wonder.• Cherilyn Sarkisian dropped out of school and moved to Hollywood with dreams of becoming an actress. At 17, she met Sonny Bono at Aldo’s Coffee Shop. Bono worked for music producer Phil Spector and was able to get Cher, as he called her, work as a background vocalist. A songwriter at heart, Sonny had peddled his tunes without much success. But when he and Cher became romantically involved, the pair recorded his tune “I Got You, Babe,” which hit number one on the pop chart and made stars of Sonny and Cher.

• One day in 1881, Dr. John Watson happened to rent a room at a lodging house at 221B Baker Street in London, England. His roommate was a mysterious chap named Sherlock Holmes. Holmes was quite secretive about what he did for a living, but eventually confessed that he was a private detective, which (at the time) was a rather rare profession. Fascinated by Holmes’ tales and the way he employed logical deduction to

solve cases, the two became not only friends but also coworkers and confidantes. • That levelheaded, sturdy housewife Blondie wasn’t so very domestic when she first appeared in the newspaper comics section some 70 years ago. Blondie Boopadoop was a carefree flapper back in 1930, when she met Dagwood Bumstead, the young play-boy son of a railroad tycoon. In fact, Dagwood’s millionaire father opposed his son’s re-lationship with Blondie, and threatened to cut off his financial support if they continued seeing one another. The elder Bumstead grudgingly gave his blessing to the marriage, but he still nixed his son’s inheritance, forcing Dagwood to become one of the working

class.• Clyde Barrow was born into extreme poverty in rural Texas. As he came of age, the Great Depression ravaged the nation, and the angry young man turned to burglary and robbery as a means of survival. One December evening in 1929, he was visiting a friend when he heard a clatter in the kitchen. “That’s Bonnie Parker,” the pal told him. “She’s making hot chocolate. Go say hello.” It was love at first sight; the pair chatted into the wee hours of the morning. The next day, Bonnie hit the road with Clyde and the pair

machine-gunned their way to infamy.• Daniel Wesson was born to a family in Worcester, Massachusetts. At 18, he was apprenticed to his brother’s shoe manufacturing company, but grew dissatisfied and joined up with another brother, Edwin, as a journeyman gunsmith. In 1852, Daniel met Horace Smith, a fellow gun enthusiast who’d learned about firearms while working at the

National Armory in nearby Springfield. They formed a partnership with the goal of marketing a lever action repeating pistol, and the

two became well known as Smith & Wesson.

SENIOR NEWS LINE by Matilda Charles

Don’t Fall for This Free LunchHave you seen the ads? They offer us a free lunch at a posh loca-tion while we attend a seminar on financial investing, with experts to advise us. Don’t be taken in by it. It could be the most expen-sive lunch you’ll ever have. The Securities and Exchange Commis-

sion and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority just released a report detailing the investment scams that are becoming rampant against seniors. While the study concentrated on Southern states, there’s no doubt this is happening

across the country.The scam works like this: When you think you’re going to an in-vestment education seminar that includes a free lunch at a nice place, you end up facing high-pressure sales tactics and misleading claims. You might be pushed to open new accounts, sign complicated docu-ments (without being given the opportunity to read them or take them to your attorney for review) or buy investment products that aren’t suitable for you (or that

might not even exist).Because we’re seniors and the top-ic is important to us, we’re prom-ised high returns on our life sav-ings with safe investments and excellent liquidity for a financially

secure retirement.Here are two ways to educate your-

self against investment fraud:¥ Go to AARP (www.aarp.org) and look at its online videos. Search for investment fraud and “The Lure of Money.” While you’re there, take the Investment Fraud IQ test

to see how you score.¥ Go to www.sec.gov and search for “free lunch report” for the whole 46-page study. It includes examples of the ads that are used in these scam free-lunch invest-ment seminars. If you have ques-

tions, call the SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy at 800-SEC-0330.

Here’s a scary thought: Research shows that 78 percent of us have received one of these free-lunch invitations.

P.S. Need a Flight Go To www.Flytidbits.com, And don’t forget to tell your friends and family. Thanks for reading Tidbits ;-)

`Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader ques-tions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Or-

lando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to [email protected]. (c) KFS

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Arizona has the real Grand Canyon, but there are other canyons around the United States and Canada that in-clude“grand”intheirnames.Let’sexplore!•Therearefour“GrandCanyons”inCanada,allinBrit-ishColumbia.TheGrandCanyonoftheFraserandGrandCanyonoftheNechakoareinnorth-centralBritishColom-bia.TheNechakoRiverflowsintotheFraserRiver.Theother two Canadian grand canyons are in the far north of B.C.TheGrandCanyonoftheLiardRiverishometothemostsignificanthotspringsareainCanada.TheGrandCanyonoftheStikineisinnorthwesternB.C.andisoneofthe most rugged river canyons in the world. Only a small number of world-class kayakers have ever attempted to runthisriver.ThemouthoftheStikineisactuallyinAlas-ka.Theriverhasprolificsalmonruns,butbecauseofthetremendous force of the rapids, the salmon are only in the lower one-third of the river. •YellowstoneandYosemiteNationalParkseachhaveGrandCanyons.TheGrandCanyonoftheTuolumneinYosemiteisontheTuolumneRiverandisademandingareatohike.TheGrandCanyonoftheYellowstoneisnotaswellknownasOldFaithfulgeyser,butitisjustasim-pressive.Thereisamoderatelystrenuoushiketotheareaknown as Inspiration Point that provides a perfect photo opportunity. •HawaiihasWaimeaCanyon,whichisknownastheGrandCanyonofthePacific,locatedonKauai.IfyouhappentobethereinMay,TheBananaPokaRoundupisa “forest fair” that educates the public about the banana poka weed, which is an invasive pest.• PineCreekGorgenearWellsboroiscalledtheGrand Canyon of Pennsylvania. It is on the Allegheny PlateauthatisapartoftheAppalachianMountains.TheLeonard Harrison and Colton Point state parks are on oppositesidesofthecanyon.Thegorgeisinthemidstofapproximately165,000acres(66773ha)oftheTiogaStateForest.Itisabout47miles(75.6km)longandthemaximum depth is 1,450 feet (442 m) near the southern end.•AnotherGrandCanyonintheeasternU.S.isontheGenessee River about 35 miles (56 km) south of Roch-ester,NewYorkinLetchworkStatePark.Thisisanothergorgeous area with canyon walls as high as 600 feet (183 m). William Letchworth was a successful businessman who bought property along the river in the late 1800s. He donatedhisacreageandhisGlenIrisEstatetoNewYorkin1906.ItbecameLetchworthStateParkin1907,andtheGlenIrisbecameanInnin1914.(Bytheway,henamedhis home for Iris, Greek god of rainbows.) •Georgiahasa“LittleGrandCanyon”about30miles(48km)awayfromformerPresidentJimmyCarter’shome-town of Plains. Providence Canyon State Park has 15 canyons and reaches a depth of 150 feet (46 m) from toptobottom.DuringJulyandAugusttherareplumleafazaleacanbeobservedwithbeautifulblooms.Theplantsgrow only in this region and bloom when most other aza-leas have stopped.

Page 7: Tidbits Week 19

Helping DachsundTo ImproveHer AimDEAR PAW’S CORNER: I have a 9-month-old Dachs-hund, “Betty,” whom I have trained to use “wet pads.” She has been very good, with one exception: When she has to urinate she gets her front paws on the pad and starts going, and the urine ends up half on the pad and the rest on the floor (thank God I have tile). It is hard for me to take her outside. I don’t want to scold her, as it would only confuse the situation. Any suggestions? -- Kay, via e-mailDEARKAY:Ilikethatyou’rekeepingBetty’strainingpositive, and I think that a combined solution can work here.Use a piece of wood to create a bumper that can beplacedagainsttheedgeofthepeepad.Itdoesn’tneed to be very high, three or four inches at most but itshouldextendtobothedgesofthepadwhereBettyusuallyhangsherbutt.Ducttapethewoodtothefloor.TakeBettytothepeepadonaleashforthenextfewdays, around the time that she typically uses it. Let her investigate the bumper, and then lead her onto the pad, facing her usual direction. Let her start peeing on her own.She should automatically move forward before squatting to pee. As soon as she does this and starts going,giveherlotsofpraiseandwhenshe’sfinished,addatreatandmorepraise.Ifshedoesn’tautomati-cally move up to avoid the bumper, stand in front of her while holding her leash and give the command “come,” andthen“stay”whenshe’sinposition.Lethercontinuethepeeritualandfollowwithlotsofpraise.Theideahere is to get her to go “Oh, I get it!” or at least associ-ate the middle of the pad with good things. When she starts going straight to that position without prompting, remove the bumper board. Repeat the training session, with lots of praise when she goes in the middle of the pad.

PAGE7June 24, 2010 To Advertise Call: 208-704-9972 www.tidbitsinc.com

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PAGE 8 June 24, 2010To Advertise Call: 208-704-9972 www.tidbitsinc.com

1.THEATER:Whichmusicalfeaturedasongwith the lyrics, “I feel pretty, oh so pretty”?2.LITERATURE:Whowrotethenovel“FromHere to Eternity”?3.GEOGRAPHY:InwhatcitywouldyoufindtheBrandenburgGate?4.MUSIC:WhichSouthernrockbandhadaTopTensinglewith“ImaginaryLover”?5.MOVIES:Inwhichmoviedidlongtimegame-showhostBobBarkermakehisdebut?6.SCIENCE:Whatdoesanornithologiststudy?7.COMPUTERS:Whatkindofcomputerfilecarries the extension “.wma”? 8.GENERALKNOWLEDGE:WhowoulduseaPunnett square?9.TELEVISION:JohnTravoltagothisbigbreakplayingVinnieBarbarinoonwhichtelevi-sion show?10.FAMOUSQUOTATIONS:Whooncesaid,“Outsideofadog,abookisman’sbestfriend.Insideofadog,it’stoodarktoread”?

1. When was the last time second basemen wonboththeA.L.andN.L.MostValuablePlayer awards in the same year?2.NamethefirstmanageroftheSeattleMariners.3. When was the last time the University of TexasfootballteamwasnotrankedinTheAssociatedPressTop25poll?4.WhowasthelastNBAplayertohaveatriple-double while also having at least 50 points in the game?5. How many times has Canada won the gold medalinmen’shockeyattheOlympics?6.Whowasthefirstmalesoccerplayertoscore at least three goals in three different World Cups?7.Inthe2010BostonMarathon,RyanHallset a new record for U.S. men with a time of 2:08:41. Who had held the mark?

Answers1. In 1914, Eddie Collins (Philadelphia) and JohnnyEvers(Boston)eachwonanMVPaward.2.DarrellJohnson,whomanagedtheclubfrom1977to1980.3. It was Oct. 8, 2000.4.KareemAbdul-Jabbar,with50points,10reboundsand11assistsinagamein1975.5. Eight times -- 1920, ‘24, ‘28, ‘32, 48, ‘52, 2002, ‘10.6.Germany’sJuergenKlinsmann(1990,‘94,‘98).7.BobKempainenhadatimeof2:08:47in1994.

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Answers1. “West Side Story”2. James Jones3.Berlin4. Atlanta Rhythm Section5. “Happy Gilmore” with Adam Sandler6.Birds7.Audio8.Geneticistsusethischarttofiguretheheredity of genetic traits9.“WelcomeBack,Kotter”10.GrouchoMarx