tiered skirt tutorial

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  • 8/12/2019 Tiered Skirt tutorial


    7/16/13 egl: How to make a Tiered Skirt (warning, big pics of doom)


    eristell_neko ( eristell_neko) wrote in egl,


    How to make a Tiered Skirt (warning, big pics of doom)

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    This is how to make a skirt like


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  • 8/12/2019 Tiered Skirt tutorial


    7/16/13 egl: How to make a Tiered Skirt (warning, big pics of doom)

    egl.livejournal.com/4823813.html 2

    First: You want to measure your waist and how long you want the sk irt. you then want to divide the sk irt length by 3. This image shows a rectange the width of

    waist and width of skirt length, and it had been divided in three along skirt length. The sections have been marked a, b, and c.

  • 8/12/2019 Tiered Skirt tutorial


    7/16/13 egl: How to make a Tiered Skirt (warning, big pics of doom)

    egl.livejournal.com/4823813.html 3

    Second: You want to make section a twice the length of your waist, section b three times the length of your waist, and section c four times the length of your waist.

    Their width will be what you got when you divided skirt length by three. Remember to put in seam allowences! You then want to run gathering stitches along the top

    and bottom of a and b, and along the top of c. I also marked the gathering stitches on the bottom of c but you don't actualy have to do those unless you have more


  • 8/12/2019 Tiered Skirt tutorial


    7/16/13 egl: How to make a Tiered Skirt (warning, big pics of doom)

    egl.livejournal.com/4823813.html 4

    Third: Yyou want to gather along those gather stitches. on peice a make the top gathering the length of your waist, and the bottom gathering a bit longer than that.

    On peice b, make the top gathering the same length as the gathering on the bottom of peice a and the bottom gathering a bit longer than that. And on peice c,

    make the gathering on top the same length as the gathering on the bottom of peice b. Pin raw edges together, making sure the fullness (gathering) is even and sew

    the peices together in order (bottom of a to top of b, bottom of b to top of c) and hem the bottom. Now make your waistband. This can be as wide or narrow as you

    want, but make sure it's the length of your wast plus seam allowences. I suggest ironing it in half along the middle of the length, then ironing the amount of the

    seam alowence down towards the inside of the waistband on one side. This will make it easier to make a c lean waistband. To sew the waistband to the top of the

    skirt (top of peice a) place the side of the waist band that's not ironed down and the top of the skirt together at right sides with selvages (raw edges) together and

    pin, making sure the fulness of the skirt is even. Sew these edges together. Now fold the waistband up, put the raw edges on the inside, and sew the folded side of

    the waistband to the sk irt. Now you'll only have one row of stitches on the outside of the waistband.

  • 8/12/2019 Tiered Skirt tutorial


    7/16/13 egl: How to make a Tiered Skirt (warning, big pics of doom)

    egl.livejournal.com/4823813.html 5

    Fourth: At this point you can add lace over the seams between the pannels and on the hem of the skirt if you want lace, or whatever other trim you want. Now that

    you have your skirt body and your waistband put together, mark how long you want the zipper opening to be (take your zipper and hold the top even with the top of

    the waistband and mark where the bottom is on the skirt, usualy with a pin or dissapearing-ink-pen made for fabric, or chalk). Put the right s ides of your skirt

    together, making sure raw edges are even, and sew from the mark to the hem of the skirt. Then follow directions on your zipper package for putting in the zipper.

  • 8/12/2019 Tiered Skirt tutorial


    7/16/13 egl: How to make a Tiered Skirt (warning, big pics of doom)

    egl.livejournal.com/4823813.html 6

    Fifth: Make your sashes for your bow. These are pretty easy to make. Just use the basic pattern like above and cut out four peices total. Take two with right sides

    together and sew the edges together, leaving a space to turn it right side out, t hen sew that space c losed. Repeat with the other two peices. Now put button holes

    in the ends so that you can button the sashes to your skirt.

  • 8/12/2019 Tiered Skirt tutorial


    7/16/13 egl: How to make a Tiered Skirt (warning, big pics of doom)

    egl.livejournal.com/4823813.html 7

    Tags:tutorial: sewing

    Sixth: Lay out your skirt (if you want the seam in the center back like I have it here, make sure that the seam is actualy in the center, or you can have the seam at

    the side) and mark where you want the buttons to go on the sides of the waistbands. Make sure that the buttons are placed the right distance apart so that they fit

    through the button holes properly.

    Voila! You now have a sk irt like that Metamor sk irt! Just button on the sashes when you want the bow in back. Behold my awesome paint skills! lol. I hope you all

    can understand them. The names for the fifth and sixth pictures are backwards though.

    X-posted to a Gaia lolita guild and maybe some other places


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    April 13 2006, 17:30:10 UTC link Collapse


    Thank you for sharing this ^_^ I tried doing a tiered skirt before but how I did it didn't come out right ;_;

  • 8/12/2019 Tiered Skirt tutorial


    7/16/13 egl: How to make a Tiered Skirt (warning, big pics of doom)

    egl.livejournal.com/4823813.html 8

    Reply Expand

    April 13 2006, 17:31:52 UTC link Collapse

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    Yeah. They're not the easiest things in the world to make. All that gathering x.@ I so wish my mom would get me a ruffling foot... *sigh*

    demonasatana 7 years ago Expand

    missmeganmaude 7 years ago Expand

    eristell_neko 7 years ago Expand

    dykestar 7 years ago Expand

    chiichick 7 years ago Expand

    eristell_neko 7 years ago Expand

    chiichick 7 years ago Expand

    eristell_neko 7 years ago Expand

    chiichick 7 years ago Expand

    eristell_neko 7 years ago Expand

    chiichick 7 years ago Expand

    April 13 2006, 17:38:08 UTC link Collapse



    That's really neat. Thank you for sharing that!

    (I've wanted to know what goes into a tiered skirt; now I do!)

    One thing: You may want to fix the tags linking to the skirt. HTML code is the (instead of [img]).

    For instance:

    April 13 2006, 17:40:47 UTC link Collapse



    Thank you. Forgot about that, lol.

    April 13 2006, 19:16:23 UTC link Collapse



    Not a problem. ^^

    April 13 2006, 17:46:08 UTC link Collapse



    I love you...

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!

    April 13 2006, 18:02:52 UTC link Collapse


    Re: I love you...

  • 8/12/2019 Tiered Skirt tutorial


    7/16/13 egl: How to make a Tiered Skirt (warning, big pics of doom)

    egl.livejournal.com/4823813.html 9


    Welcome welcome welcome!!!

    April 13 2006, 17:58:54 UTC link Collapse



    This is most helpful! Thank you.

    April 13 2006, 18:03:05 UTC link Collapse



    You're welcome!

    April 13 2006, 18:33:46 UTC link Collapse



    Thanks so much for posting this--this is exactly what i need for a Meta reproduction i've been trying to make for a while now. !

    And here's a really quick-and-dirty trick i like to use to do gathering: pin a length of string or narrow ribbon to the fabric where you want the gathers to be (where you

    have the red lines). Zig-zag stitch acrossthe string, being verycareful not to actually stitch down the string itself. Then, pull the string to gather. Pin the skirt pieces

    together and stitch together--like you said. You can remove the st ring then (think of it like a basting thread), if it hasn't been sewn out of sight. I use this techniquefor ruffles rather a lot and it works quite well. It seems like it would work pretty well for tiered skirt gathering too.

    April 13 2006, 18:52:48 UTC link Collapse



    Ooo very clever with the ruffling method! *applauds you* I imagine if you did that a certain way it would make quite a nice decoration too. :0

    April 13 2006, 23:43:20 UTC link Collapse



    That's actualy what I do for ruffling, since I don't have a ruffling foot *glares at mother*

    April 13 2006, 18:51:45 UTC link Collapse



    AWESOME! :0

    Thankyou so much!

    April 13 2006, 18:54:26 UTC link Collapse




    I'm gonna put this in the memories for lalolitas. I hope you don't mind.

    April 13 2006, 23:43:45 UTC link Collapse



    I don't mind at all! ^^

  • 8/12/2019 Tiered Skirt tutorial


    7/16/13 egl: How to make a Tiered Skirt (warning, big pics of doom)

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    Deleted comment

    April 13 2006, 23:45:02 UTC link Collapse



    MS paint tutorials rock man.

    April 13 2006, 21:05:47 UTC link Collapse



    Oh, thank you so much for posting something like this~! n_n

    April 13 2006, 21:27:59 UTC link Collapse



    This looks awesome! When I attempt a trapezoid skirt, I will definitely use this!! =D *added to memories*

    April 13 2006, 21:48:36 UTC link Collapse

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    oh ~~~ meta sure loves its tiered skirts~~ i think they've got one in like every colour and pattern possible @_@

    that's the way i made my first skirt!! but i just blindly guessed it as i went along...however..the skirt I made is not as fluffy as meta's. is it that gathering

    technique?!?! maybe i gathered too much, or not enough...*sighs*

    April 13 2006, 23:44:48 UTC link Collapse

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    It might be the amount of fabric you used for each tier.

    April 13 2006, 23:52:41 UTC link Collapse

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    i did it according to 2x, 3x, 4x my waist though TwT;; next time maybe i'll try 2x, 4x, 6x??

    eristell_neko 7 years ago Expand

    April 13 2006, 23:15:50 UTC link Collapse



    hooray! great tutorial!

    i loooooovvvve tutorials.

    April 14 2006, 04:53:51 UTC link Collapse



    You are my HERO.

    April 14 2006, 04:55:57 UTC link Collapse


  • 8/12/2019 Tiered Skirt tutorial


    7/16/13 egl: How to make a Tiered Skirt (warning, big pics of doom)


    Yay!!!!! *feels all heroic now, then falls on face tripping over mess on floor. Some hero she turned out to be, huh?*


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