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  • 8/2/2019 Tieu luan ESP



    The world trade pattern has never been the same as it used to be 100 years ago. Back to the

    past, it is the world that the most developed countries would have the voice in many

    important decisions, global economy policies, political issues of other countries, for


    Fifteen years have passed since the entry into force of the Marrakesh Agreement

    Establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO). During this time, the traditional actors

    namely, the United States, Japan, the European Union and Canada (the original Quad)

    have retained much of their leading role on the economic and political scene. While their

    influence on world affairs is irrefutable, over the years, their dominance has waned. Since

    1995, the world has undergone major geopolitical changes and has witnessed the rise of

    new state actors, who have asserted their own role in shaping the world's economic and

    political environment. Today, developing countries constitute two thirds of the WTO's

    membership. The rise in numbers and significance of non-state actors (NSAs) has also

    confirmed their role in shaping the world's economic and political environment.

    It is partly to admit, which many people may tell you, the growth of developing economies

    and the globalization trend have transformed the word trade sharply. However, that is not

    the whole story while there are more. This assignment will bring you a new point of view

    about what help shape the world trade pattern, how those factors affect it and some

    predictions of the writers about the future of the global trade.

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    The world economy is currently striving to recover from its deepest economic crisis sincethe 1930s. The crisis led to an unprecedented contraction in trade flows that stands in

    contrast to the process of economic integration and the significant expansion of trade

    experienced since the Second World War. This expansion was partly driven by the process

    of globalization that rested on increased economic inter-dependence among nations, which

    was stimulated by a combination of technological advances, economic policy reforms, and

    geopolitical changes.

    The new geopolitical environment, as well as the financial crisis, are factors that haveaffected international trade in different ways. The development of new technologies has

    also contributed towards shaping international trade by changing the way business is

    conducted and the way people interact. The rapid development of technology has generated

    both new challenges and new opportunities for economic agents worldwide. What are the

    main economic, political and technological factors shaping world trade?

    There are, definitely, enormous works of thousands of economists in the world considering

    about this topic. Understanding well what factors are determining world trade may help notonly them but policy makers, businessmen to make the right decision to earn profit and

    gain from world trade. This assignment cannot cover all potential forces affecting the

    shaping of world trade. It only looks at three major elements contributing to the

    transformation of the world trade, especially in last decade.

    For more specifically, the paper progressively introduces the following sections:

    Section 1 provides a broad context for the analysis with some discussion of the

    theory of international trade;

    Section 2 mainly describes the economical factors, namely Preferential Trade

    Agreements, Global production networks, Growth of developing countries

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    Section 3 concentrates on how the development of Internet, International Payment

    System and Transportation, called Technological factors, influences that of World trade.

    Section 4 illustrates the impacts of Globalization trend, WTO and local policies by

    analyzing some situations and decisions that shape the global trade.

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    Chapter 1: Overview of theories of international trade 5

    I. Classical theories of international trade 5

    1. Mercantilism 5

    2. The absolute advantage 5

    3. The comparative advantage 6

    4. Factor proportions theory 6

    II. New theories of international trade 7

    Chapter 2: Analyzing factors affecting the world trade pattern 12

    I. Economical factors 12

    1. Preferential trade agreements 12

    2. Global production networks 15

    3. Growth of developing countries 17

    II. Technological factors 20

    1. Internet 20

    2. International payment system 21

    3. International transportation 23

    III. Political factors 26

    1. Local policies 26

    2. Globalization trend and World Organization's influences 27

    IV. Forecast about the future of world trade pattern 29

    Conclusion 30


    Duty chart

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    Classical theories of international trade

    Mercantilism (William Petty, Thomas Mun and Antoine de Montchrtien


    Mercantilism is a philosophy from about 300 years ago. The base of this theory was the

    commercial revolution, the transition from local economies to national economies, from

    feudalism to capitalism, from a rudimentary trade to a larger international trade.

    Mercantilism was the economic system of the major trading nations during the 16th, 17th,

    and 18th century, based on the premise that national wealth and power were best served by

    increasing exports and collecting precious metals in return. It superseded the medieval

    feudal organization in Western Europe, especially in Holland, France, United Kingdom,

    Belgium, Portugal and Spain. The monarch controlled everything. Their policy was to

    export in the countries that they controlled and not to import (to have a positive Balance of

    Trade). Geographical discoveries not only stimulated the international trade, but alsoproduced an affluent flow of gold and silver, which could be used to encourage the

    economy based on money and prices. The state exercised much control over economic life,

    chiefly through corporations and trading companies. Production was carefully regulated

    with the object of securing goods of high quality and low cost, thus enabling the nation to

    hold its place in foreign markets. The theory states that the world only contained a fixed

    amount of wealth and that to increase a country wealth; one country had to take some

    wealth from another, either through having a higher import/export ratio. So, this tendency,

    to export more and import less and to receive in exchange gold (the deficit is paid in gold)

    is called MERCANTILISM. The theory was criticized by the newly appeared class. More

    money was associated with less products and inflation. The standard of living is weaker.

    Mercantilist ideas did not decline until the coming of the Industrial Revolution and of


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    The Absolute Advantage (Adam Smith model)

    In the second half of the XVIII century, mercantilist policies became an obstacle for the

    economic progress. Adam Smith (father of liberalism and economical science) brought the

    argument in his book The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776, that the mercantilist

    policies favorised producers and disadvantaged the interests of consumers. Adam Smiths

    theory starts with the idea that export is profitable if you can import goods that could

    satisfy better the necessities of consumers instead of producing them on the internal

    market. The essence of Adam Smith theory is that the rule that leads the exchanges from

    any market, internal or external, is to determine the value of goods by measuring the labour

    incorporated in them. In order to demonstrate its theory, Adam Smith analyzed for the

    beginning country A, using one factor of production, the productivity of labour, evaluated

    in the necessary of hours needed to produce a unit of measure of the products X and Y. He

    used a unifactorial system of economy. Symbolizing H-hours, L-labour, the unitary

    necessary of labour for product X is HLX and for Y HLY. Because all the economies have

    limited resources, there are limits in the level of production, and if a country wants to

    produce much of one product it has to give up producing another goods, existing in this

    case renounce of trade. Renounces can be illustrated by a graphic.

    The Comparative Advantage (David Ricardo model)

    David Ricardo theory demonstrates that countries can gain from trade even if one of themis less productive then another to all goods that it produce

    Country A is more productive in X than in Y

    Country B is more productive in Y than in X

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    Then, each country should specialize in the production for which it has less opportunity


    Factor proportions theory

    A country should choose what to produce on the basis of the relative scarcity of labor, land,

    and capital. Basically, on this view the relative scarcity of a factor or of factors determines

    the comparative advantage of the country. Leontief Paradox - There are instances of

    reversal of this common sense. An example is a capital intensive country exporting labor-

    intensive goods. The reaction is to save the theory by pointing out a possible weakness, in

    this case that the Heckscher-Ohlin theory erroneously assumes that the factors of

    production are homogeneous. The use of different production methods rests on the

    heterogeneity of factors of production. For example, recently Canada and Egypt were net

    exporters of wheat. Clearly, wheat can be produced in at least two ways. Multiple

    production methods presents a difficulty for the Heckscher-Ohlin theory.

    II) New theories of international trade

    A new body of international trade theory emerged in the 1980s. The foundations of

    this theory were that competition in markets was imperfect, and that firms and

    governments could act strategically to affect trade flows and national welfare. For

    many economists, this growing body of literature represented a radical departure from

    previous scholarship. Rigorous mathematical models were developed which questionedthe heart and soul of classical comparative advantage. Respectable academic

    economists began asking whether unconditional free trade was a countrys best policy


    This case reviews the background and central hypotheses of these new theories,

    which have also been called theories of strategic trade policy. The case looks at why

    many economists and policymakers thought alternative approaches were necessary, at

    what the contributions of industrial organization to this new theory were, and at what

    some of the tentative results in the 1980s were. The case ends with a questions about

    the value of classical comparative advantage and the role of firm and industry-level

    variables in determining who competes successfully in international trade.

    Changes in the trading environment.

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    Several economic changes in the international trading system stimulated executives,

    policymakers, to revisit international trade theory in the 1980s. The first was growing

    economic interdependence among nations, especially the increasing importance of trade

    for the United States. The rapid growth of imports into the United States, for instance,

    meant that trade suddenly became a primary concern for executives and policymakers

    alike. For the first time, virtually all American companies began facing serious foreign

    competition at home; at the same time, U.S. government policymakers found that

    policies for such diverse activities as antitrust or innovation could no longer be set in

    isolation from the world economy. Moreover, the possibility that foreign governments

    were providing assistance to their domestically-based firms raised the question of

    whether the U.S. government should counter such assistance through its own initiatives.

    By the 1980s, some governments had demonstrated an ability to affect the welfare ofAmericans through policy actions.

    Traditional predictions of trade patterns were further confounded by the emergence of

    huge scale economies in some industries, and the growth of very large firms (usually

    multinationals) which dominated selected global markets. Classical theory assumed that

    firms did not have the power to affect prices. As long as there were many firms

    operating at arms length, theory did not have to account for strategic behavior; all

    firms could be assumed to be price takers. But as industries became increasingly

    concentrated, with large firms capable of affecting the structure and conduct of the

    market, firms and governments had the opportunity to make strategic choices that

    could build competitive advantage in global markets.

    Demand for government intervention.

    A second stimulus to the new trade theory was shifting political and policy

    dynamics. Rising demands for protectionism and growing pressures for regional trade

    blocs, especially in Europe and North America, led economists and politicians to

    search for solutions as well as justifications for their preferred policies. Mature

    industries continued lobbying for more protection while normally free traders,

    such as semiconductors, telecommunications, and airframe firms, actively started to

    seek government assistance.

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    New analytical tools.

    While some economists had questioned classical trade theory for many years, they

    were never able to provide rigorous alternatives. As a result, theories such as the

    product life cycle, which incorporated ideas about imperfect competition, remained

    outside the mainstream of academic economics. Industrial organization theorists had

    developed new tools for analyzing economies of scale, economies of scope, learning

    effects, R&D races and technological spillovers. These tools could explain why it

    was sometimes beneficial for firms to engage in certain activities that otherwise did

    not seem feasible or rational. A few economists began to speculate that if these models

    of imperfect competition could be applied to international trade, we might better

    understand the new patterns of international flows.

    Origins of the New Trade Theory: Industrial Organization

    While theories of trade under imperfect competition are a phenomenon of the 1980s,

    the roots of these theories can be traced back 150 years to when industrial

    organization (IO) first began describing how firms might behave when excess

    profits were available

    These types of behavior were referred to as strategic because firms could

    consciously undertake them to capture control of markets and could anticipate the

    reactions of rivals to their actions. Among the types of strategic behavior firms

    could engage in were dumping (selling in markets below cost to develop

    economies of scale), preemption in R&D, product introduction, market penetration, etc.

    (moving before rivals to capture competitive advantage), and predation (incurring

    losses from price cutting to drive rivals out of the marketplace).

    Crossing Over From Industrial Organization to International Trade

    An iconoclastic handful of trade theorists realized that there were reasons to be

    concerned with market imperfections and with strategic behavior in the

    international arena. The central proposition of the new trade theorists was that

    firms and governments could behave in strategically self-conscious ways in

    imperfect global markets, and thereby affect a countrys balance of trade and

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    The profit-shifting argument was built on the assumption that a domestic

    government seeks to maximize national welfare, and not the welfare of the world or

    foreign consumers and producers. Based on the new trade theory, economists

    believed that governments could help domestic firms to capture profits that would

    otherwise accrue to foreign firms. Governments could use tax relief or subsidies,

    for example, to increase the profitability of private investments. If government

    policy facilitated domestically-based firms to make a credible commitment to

    expand production facilities, foreign firms might be discouraged from expanding

    their own operations. The result would be increased market shares and profits for

    the domestic firms.

    Empirical Research

    By developing clear, mathematical formulations, the new trade theorists gave strategic

    trade policy academic respectability. However, the models remained very tightly

    tied to narrow and unrealistic sets of assumptions, which reduced their usefulness

    for prescribing policy. To sort out which models were more or less robust,

    economists turned to empirical research.

    Research on trade under imperfect competition faced daunting obstacles such as the

    lack of data. As a result, theorists mixed modeling techniques and relied on

    educated guesswork to set missing parameters.

    Implications for Trade Policy

    These empirical limitations of the new trade theory left theorists cautious

    about its application to real-world problems. What concerned economists most

    was that governments generally lacked sources of unbiased data upon which to

    base their decisions. Even when data was available there was a great deal of

    uncertainty about its veracity. Mistaken estimates could lead to misguided policies. A

    second concern was that few believed the models captured enough of the key

    elements of real-world behavior to provide a satisfactory guide to decision making.

    Even if the theory was refined sufficiently, it was unlikely that frontline policy

    analysts would have the time and resources necessary to build models of sufficient

    sophistication. Third, the sensitivity of the models to assumptions about the

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    reactions of foreign firms and governments reduced the confidence of

    policymakers and academics in making prescriptions. R&D investment that was

    intended to be preemptive, as in the aircraft example, could also trigger an R&D

    subsidy war rather than preclude entry. And fourth, the complexity of the

    modelling could have made the policy process less transparent and, therefore,

    more difficult to monitor for fairness.

    Given these hesitations, some new trade theorists concluded that governments

    would be wisest to follow a rule of conditional, cooperative trade initiatives.

    Unconditional cooperative strategies (such as the U.S. will always support free

    trade regardless of the behavior of other countries) invited foreign governments

    to take a free ride at Americas expense. Conditional strategies which offered

    the carrot of liberalized trade backed up by the stick of retaliation wereconsidered the most likely to induce cooperation as the foreign response.

    Moreover, cooperative strategies avoided the potentially severe consequences of

    miscalculating the foreign response to a noncooperative move.

    Implications for Government Policy

    Porter based his prescriptions for government policy on a number of premises that

    differed from standard economic analyses. First, since firms competed, not

    nations, the policies of governments should be set to encourage an environment

    which creates competitive opportunities and pressures for continued innovations.

    Governments were discouraged from undertaking direct interventions. Second,

    sustaining national advantage demanded continuous innovation and change. Thus,

    governments were discouraged from resorting to policies that conveyed short-

    term, static advantages because they undermined innovation and dynamism. Third,

    some bases for national competitive advantage were more sustainable than others.

    As a consequence, governments were advised to encourage the development ofspecialized and advanced factors of production, superior product differentiation, and

    unserved market segments. Fourth, national competitive advantage was created over

    decades, not over one- or two-year business cycles. Thus, the most

    beneficial government policies were the slow and patient ones, based on a long

    planning horizon, not on short- term economic fluctuations. Finally, a nations

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    firms and work force could not be relied upon to understand their own long-

    term self interest. This meant that governments were encouraged to choose their

    policies without undue regard for the immediate comfort or desires of their



    By the end of the 1980s, relatively few scholars or practitioners accepted the theory

    of factor proportions and comparative advantage as an adequate explanation of the

    observed patterns of trade, particularly for manufactured goods traded among

    industrialized countries. To provide a new explanation, two very different types of

    research were undertaken. Trade economists developed a new set of theoretical tools

    for examining trade under imperfect competition and produced an eclectic basket of

    models. Despite a growing number of empirical studies, inadequate data continued

    to plague the field. In contrast to the trade theorists research, Michael Porter

    chose an inductive approach and built a complex framework for analyzing the

    competitiveness of nations.

    While no definitive theory of international trade had yet emerged by the late

    1980s, the decade produced significant advancement into new ideas and promising

    areas of research. Perhaps the only certain policy conclusion was that free

    trade had fallen from being considered an unequivocally superior policy to

    being the preferred policy of economists in an imperfect world. Academic research

    continued on work towards identifying the exceptions to this rule.



    Economical factors

    Preferential Trade Agreements

    Overview about preferential trade agreements

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    Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) are agreements among a set of countries


    preferential treatment of bilateral trade between any two parties to the agreement relative to

    their trade with the rest of the world.

    Types of Trade Agreements

    Financial Pact

    Free Trade Agreement

    Single External Tariff

    Common Market

    Monetary Areas

    An overview of the economic effects of PTAs

    The basic economic effects of preferential agreements can be illustrated in a simple model

    (Baldwin, 2009). Consider a world composed of three identical countries called Home,

    Partner and Rest of the World (RoW). Each country imports two goods from the other two

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    nations, and exports one good to both destinations. The trade patterns of this model

    economy are depicted in Figure C.1 below. Further assume that in an initial situation, all

    countries impose on each other the same (non-discriminatory) tariff, referred to as the

    Most- Favoured Nation (MFN) tariff. In this scenario, the domestic price is higher than the

    border price faced by the two suppliers and imports are lower compared to open trade.

    Importantly, however, the two suppliers share equally the reduction in exports due to the

    imposition of an MFN tariff.

    What are the effects of a preferential trade agreement? To help answer this question,

    consider the case where Home and Partner form a free trade area (or a customs

    union), so that Partner producers get duty-free access in the Home market, and Home

    producers get duty free access in the Partner market

    Focusing first on the market for good 1, the good that is imported by the Home economy,

    the following price and volume effects take place. The domestic price falls relative to the

    situation where there is a single MFN tariff as the supply of the good in the Home economy

    is increased, but now there are two distinct border prices. The border price faced by Partner

    is higher, as exporters no longer face a tariff in the Home market, while the border price

    faced by exporters in RoW is lower, as they still face a tariff but the domestic price in the

    Home economy is lower. As a result, exports from Partner expand, while exports from

    RoW contract.

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    As the PTA is reciprocal, the effects discussed above on the market for good 1 materialize

    symmetrically for good 2. The only difference, intuitively, is that in this market the Home

    economy is an exporter, while Partner is the importer. Therefore, in this market, Home

    gains from a higher border price and greater exports to Partner, while RoW loses from the

    drop in border price and the reduction in its exports in sector 2. Finally, the formation of a

    preferential arrangement has no effect on the market for good 3, where RoW is the

    importer, as that country is assumed to maintain the same MFN tariff.

    A PTA has two types of effects on the export side. First, exporters in member countries

    gain from improved market access as the tariff is removed. Secondly, these exporters also

    benefit from the fact that tariff discrimination reduces imports from RoW. The latter effect

    is sometimes referred to as the preference rent, as it would not exist if tariff liberalization

    were carried out in a non-discriminatory fashion. On the import side, the preferential

    agreement has ambiguous effects on member countries. Consider the market for good 1,

    where the Home economy is the importer (the effects on Partner for good 2 are analogous).

    The formation of the PTA has offsetting volume and price effects. The increased imports

    allow the Home economy to benefit from the replacement of high-cost domestic production

    with more efficient imports. The terms of trade (i.e. the price of exports relative to imports)

    of Home improve relative to RoW and falls relative to Partner. Overall, whether the

    members of a PTA gain or lose depends on the level of the initial MFN tariff and on the

    elasticities of demand and supply (i.e. to what extent the demand and supply of a product is

    sensitive to changes in its price).

    A final consideration relates to the welfare effect of a PTA on non-members. As discussed

    above, RoW suffers a reduction of its exports to the PTA member countries. In addition,

    the non-member is hurt by a negative terms-of-trade effect, as the price of its exports

    declines while the prices of its imports are unaltered. In other words, a preferential

    agreement can be interpreted as a negative externality that PTA members impose on non-


    Trade creation and trade diversion

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    In this theory, preferential liberalization has two main effects trade creation and trade

    diversion and the net balance between the two determines whether a PTA increases

    welfare for its members. As tariffs on trade between partners fall, some domestic

    production is replaced by imports from more efficient producers from partners thus

    resulting in trade creation and welfare gains. But since the PTA also discriminates

    against non-members, imports from partners replace imports from more efficient outside

    producers and the member countries end up paying more for the same good. This second

    effect which harms members' welfare is known as trade diversion.

    Global production networks

    The global production network is a conceptual framework that is capable of grasping the

    global, regional and local economic and social dimensions of the processes involved in

    many (though by no means all) forms of economic globalization. Production networks

    the nexus of interconnected functions and operations through which goods and services are

    produced, distributed and consumed have become both organizationally more complex

    and also increasingly global in their geographic extent. Such networks not only integrate

    firms (and parts of firms) into structures which blur traditional organizational boundaries

    through the development of diverse forms of equity and non-equity relationships but also

    integrate national economies (or parts of such economies) in ways which have enormous

    implications for their well-being. At the same time, the precise nature and articulation of

    firm-centred production networks are deeply influenced by the concrete socio-political

    contexts within which they are embedded. The process is especially complex because while

    the latter are essentially territorially specific (primarily, though not exclusively, at the level

    of the nation-state) the production networks themselves are not. They cut through state

    boundaries in highly differentiated ways, influenced in part by regulatory and non-

    regulatory barriers and local socio-cultural conditions, to create structures which arediscontinuously territorial.

    In recent years there has been important development of production networks as firms

    outsource parts of their production to lower wage locations. This phenomenon has

    important implications for trade flows, involving increased trade in parts and components,

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    and for trade policy, as location may be very sensitive to small trade frictions. Due to the

    variety of forms in which international fragmentation of production can take place, the

    phenomenon has been measured adopting very different indicators. First, the fragmentation

    of production by MNEs (Multinational Enterprises) has been documented focusing on

    parent-affiliates relationships and intra-firm trade. Intra-firm trade covers a large share of

    total exports of US (45%), Japanese (30%) and Swedish (50%) parent companies.

    Moreover, a large share of exports from US and Swedish parents to their subsidiaries is

    made of parts and components for further reprocessing.

    Second, a number of studies measure international fragmentation of production taking

    place among independent firms acting as a network. One approach applied by Feenstra and

    Hanson (1999) for the US and by Campa and Goldberg (1997) for Canada, Japan, the

    United Kingdom and the US estimates the imported intermediate inputs used in production.

    Also in this case the share of imported inputs is large and rising. Hummels, Ishii and Yi

    (2001), use input-output tables to estimate the degree of vertical specialization of

    international trade; that is the use of imported inputs in producing goods that are exported.

    The role of imported intermediate inputs was also analysed by these authors. They find a

    growth in vertical specialization between 1970 and 1990 for ten OECD countries and four

    emerging market countries.

    Finally, Yeats (2001), Ng and Yeats (1999) and Kaminski and Ng (2001) use foreign trade

    statistics that classify goods in parts and components (a subset of intermediate goods) and

    finished products. This distinction can be applied to a subset of products, mostly machinery

    and equipment (SITC 7 and 8 categories), still accounting for a large share of world trade.

    Yeats (2001) shows that, for the OECD countries, trade in parts and components has been

    growing faster than total trade over 1976-1996 and that it now accounts for around 30% of

    OECD trade. Ng and Yeats (1999) and Kaminski and Ng (2001) find similar results for

    Eastern and Central Europe and East Asia.

    In this section, we turn to the role of international production networks in encouraging the

    establishment of deep PTAs that go beyond reducing tariffs. The econometric results

    show that greater trade in parts and components is associated with the greater depth of

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    newly signed agreements among PTA members. In addition, the analysis shows that the

    greater the depth of an agreement, the bigger the increase in trade among PTA members.

    The theoretical literature on PTAs suggests that the relationship between deep integration

    and trade goes in both directions. On the one hand, PTAs may stimulate the creation ofproduction networks by facilitating trade among potential members of a supply chain. On

    the other hand, countries already involved in the international fragmentation of production

    are willing to sign preferential trade agreements with their partners in order to secure their

    trading relationships as providers of intermediate goods and services.

    Growth of developing countries

    The changes in trade policies and the reductions in trade barriers that have occurred in

    recent years have been associated with major changes in developing countries role in the

    world economy. In particular, over the period in which developing countries have been

    reducing their trade barriers, the composition of developing country exports has changed in

    fundamental ways. Since the 1980s, developing countries have drastically increased their

    reliance on manufactures exports, and increased their reliance on exports to other

    developing countries. Further, exports of services have become much more important for

    developing countries.

    In details, we would mention the changes in export pattern of selected groups of relatively

    commodity-dependent economies. Figure 1 shows the changes that have occurred in the

    pattern of merchandise exports from developing countries as a group over the period from

    1965 to 1998. This figure reveals the dramatic nature of the transformation in the

    commodity specialization of developing country.

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    Along with the changes in the commodity composition of exports have come substantial

    changes in the direction of exports. As is shown in Figure 2, the shares of agricultural and

    mineral products exported to other developing countries have risen substantially over time.

    This increase in the importance of developing countries as markets for each others goods

    reflects a number of factors, including growth in the share of developing countries in world

    trade, and the liberalization of the developing country trade.

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    Another important change in the pattern of world trade has been a substantial increase in

    the importance of services trade. Figure 3 presents data on the shares of commercial5

    services in exports of goods and services from major country groups.

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    In summarized, the developing country export patterns enjoyed three striking changes

    through brief survey of patterns of trade before.. The first is a rapid increase in the

    importance of manufactures exports from developing countries. The second is a marked

    shift in the direction of developing country exports towards other developing countries.

    The third is a sharp increase in the importance of services exports from developing

    countries. Together, these changes mean that there has been a fundamental shift away from

    the traditional north-south model of the world economy in which developing countries

    exporting commodities in return for imports of manufactures. This diversification of

    exports and shift away from commodities has many important advantages. In particular, it

    helps reduce the volatility of export returns, and diminishes the concerns about potential

    price declines as exports expand (Martin 1993b).

    Technological factors


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    Although Internet came out in the 1960s, it is undoubtedly that Internet has proved its

    motive role in world trade pattern. Probably, nowadays, people has become familiar with

    two kinds of trade known as e-business and traditional business.. It is generally believed

    that commercial use of the Internet has been a significant stimulant to the development of

    international trade. The free, costless, and instantaneous flow of information is seen as a

    critical factor in developing trading relationships. In additional, one result suggests that a

    10 percentage point increase in the growth of web hosts in a country leads to about a 0.2

    percentage point increase in export growth. Figure 4 shows that out of 20 countries with

    highest number of internet users, there are 6 countries which are developing countries. It

    also indicates the potential development of these countries, and lead to a rapid change in

    the way people trade in a country or even across national borders. Thus, as you may know

    that probably almost young milionares over the world today are businessmen in terms oftechnology-related field.

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    International Payment System

    Payment is an integral part of mercantile process. Negotiating the payment method is

    equally as important as negotiating the additional aspects of transaction such as quantity,

    price, shipping method of whether or not it is a recurring transaction.

    Since the advent of the Internet, and in particular, the increase of emarketplaces since the

    start of 21st century there have been a number of methods adopted in relation to payment

    methods using online marketplaces. All payment methods carry a certain degree of risk,

    and it is only by carrying out accurate due diligence on a potential business partner do you

    alleviate some of that risk to your company.

    One of the most widely available payment methods for participants in emarketplaces is that

    of escrow services. Escrow services such as www.escrow.com, and Alibabas China-based

    escrow services, Alipay, are available to companies for a free which is normally based as a

    percentage cost of the overall transaction value.

    An escrow service, in relation to an emarketplace, operates essentially as follows. The

    buyer and seller participate in online negotiations over a particular material or service.

    After negotiation the participants finalize the transaction online: normally agreeing on a

    purchase order which would detail fields such as price, quantity, shipping method, buyers

    inspection period. These finalized details would be passed to the Escrow service. The buyer

    issues payment for merchandise to the escrow service once payment is confirming by the

    escrow service, it is the escrow service who notifies the seller to ship the goods or services

    to the buyer. On arrival, the buyer then has a set number of days to inspect the merchandise

    as was previously set out in the purchase order. They buyer can accept of reject the goods

    or services during this period. If they accept the seller is paid by the escrow service and

    transaction is concluded. If the buyer rejects the merchandise, the buyer returns the goods

    to the seller and payment is returned to the buyer by the escrow service. The risk toparticipants is lessened in comparison to using a method such as a wire transfer, for

    example. Currently, the main risk in relation to escrow services is the proliferation of

    fake escrow websites.

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    From experience, one of reasons why some SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprise) do

    not engage in escrow services is the additional fee charged by the escrow provider. Once

    the fee is factored-in to the profit on the transaction, unless its a particularly large

    transaction, the transaction itself becomes economically unviable. Therefore, SMEs may

    engage in more high risk payment methods in order to sustain a potential higher profit.

    Paypal, and other online payment sites such as 2checkout.com, are prominent alternatives

    used for making online payments. However, in relation to emarketplaces, currently, it

    would appear that SMEs prefer to meet, negotiate and conclude business using the more

    traditional payment methods that were outlined. This trend may change in future years,

    however, as the next generation of business leaders will be much more comfortable in

    using the various ebusiness solutions offered on the Internet.

    Additional payment methods such as wire transfer, and payment using credit cards are also

    available to SMEs, however, they also include a high degree of risk, particularly from a

    buyer perspective.

    As all payment methods carry a degree of risk, it is imperative that appropriate due

    diligence is carried out on any prospective trading partner with particular focus on that

    trading partners credit worthiness. After due diligence has been successfully finalized,

    selection of an appropriate payment method whilst using an e-marketplace will be an

    easier task.

    International Transportation

    The growth of the amount of freight being traded as well as a great variety of origins and

    destinations promotes the importance of international transportation as a fundamental

    element supporting the global economy. Economic development in Pacific Asia and in

    China in particular has been the dominant factor behind the growth of international

    transportation in recent years. Since the trading distances involved are often considerable,this has resulted in increasing demands on the maritime shipping industry and on port

    activities. As its industrial and manufacturing activities develop, China is importing

    growing quantities of raw materials and energy and exporting growing quantities of

    manufactured goods. The outcome has been a surge in demands for long distance

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    international transportation. The ports in the Pearl River delta in Guangdong province now

    handle almost as many containers as all the ports in the United States combined.

    International transportation systems have been under increasing pressures to support

    additional demands in freights volume and the distance at which this freight is being

    carried. This could not have occurred without considerable technical improvements

    permitting to transport larger quantities of passengers and freight, and this more quickly

    and more efficiently. Few other technical improvements than containerization have

    contributed to this environment of growing mobility of freight. Since containers and their

    intermodal transport systems improve the efficiency of global distribution, a growing share

    of general cargo moving globally is containerized.

    Consequently, transportation is often referred to as an enabling factorthat is not necessarily

    the cause of international trade, but as a condition without which globalization could not

    have occurred. A common development problem is the inability of international

    transportation infrastructures to support flows, undermining access to the global market and

    the benefits that can be derived from international trade.

    International trade requires distribution infrastructures that can support trade between

    several partners. Three components of international transportation facilitate trade:

    Transportation infrastructure. Concerns physical infrastructures such as terminals,vehicles and networks. Efficiencies or deficiencies in transport infrastructures will

    either promote or inhibit international trade.

    Transportation services. Concerns the complex set of services involved in the

    international circulation of passengers and freight. It includes activities such as

    distribution, logistics, finance, insurance and marketing.

    Transactional environment. Concerns the complex legal, political, financial and

    cultural setting in which international transport systems operate. It includes aspectssuch as exchange rates, regulations, quotas and tariffs, but also consumer


    About half of all global trade takes place between locations of more than 3,000 km apart.

    Because of this geography, most international freight movements involve several modes

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    since it is impossible to have a physical continuity in freight flows. Transport chainsmust

    thus be established to service these flows which reinforce the importance of intermodal

    transportation modes and terminals at strategic locations. Among the numerous transport

    modes, two are specifically concerned with international trade:

    Ports and maritime shipping. The importance of maritime transportation in global

    freight trade in unmistakable, particularly in terms oftonnageas it handles about

    90% of the global trade. Thus, globalization is the realm of maritime shipping, with

    containerized shipping at the forefront of the process. Theglobal maritime transport

    systemis composed of a series of major gateways granting access to major

    production and consumption regions. Between those gateways are major hubs

    acting as points of interconnection and transshipment between systems of maritime


    Airports and air transport. Although in terms tonnage air transportation carries an

    insignificant amount of freight (0.2% of total tonnage) compared with maritime

    transportation, its importance in terms of the total value is much more significant;

    15% of the value of global trade. International air freight is about 70 times more

    valuable than its maritime counterpart and about 30 times more valuable than

    freight carried overland, which is linked with the types of goods it transports (e.g.

    electronics). The location of freight airportscorrespond to high technology

    manufacturing clusters as well as intermediary locations where freight planes are

    refueled and/or cargo is transshipped.

    Road and railway modes tend to occupy a more marginal portion of international

    transportation since they are above all modes for national or regional transport services.

    Their importance is focused on their role in the "first and last miles" of global distribution.

    Freight is mainly brought to port and airport terminals by trucking or rail. There are

    however notable exceptions in the role of overland transportation in international trade. A

    substantial share of theNAFTA trade between Canada, United States and Mexico is

    supported by trucking, as well as large share of the Western European trade. In spite of

    this, these exchanges are at priori regional by definition, although intermodal transportation

    confers a more complex setting in the interpretation of these flows.

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    Still, many challenges a impacting future developments in international trade and

    transportation, mostly in terms of demographic, energy and environmental issues. While

    the global population and its derived demand will continue to grow and reach around 9

    billion by 2050, the aging of the population, particularly in developed countries, will

    transform consumption patterns as a growing share of the population shifts from wealth

    producing (working and saving) to wealth consuming (selling saved assets). The

    demographic dividend in terms of peak share of working age population that many

    countries benefited from, particularly China, will recede. As both maritime and air freight

    transportation depend on petroleum, the expected scarcity of this fossil fuel will impose a

    rationalization of international trade and its underlying supply chains. Environmental issues

    have also become more salient with the growing tendency of the public sector to regulate

    components of international transportation that are judged to have negative externalities.Also, international trade enables several countries to mask their energy consumption and

    pollutant emissions by importing goods that are produced elsewhere and where

    environmental externalities are generated. Thus international trade has permitted a shift in

    the international division of production, but also a division between the generation of

    environmental externalities and the consumption of the goods related to these externalities.

    Political factors

    Local policies

    Figure 1 Predicted increase of world imports if all countries were democratic

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    Figure 2 Predicted increase of world imports if all countries were democratic, accountingfor official trade policy

    We re-examine the influence of a countrys political regime on its involvement in

    international trade. Democratisation leads to trade liberalisation because political power

    falls into the hands of a median voter who is in favour of free trade .Autocratic states dotrade less.

    Globalization trend and World Organizations influences


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    Economic globalization is the life of a world economy that is open and does not recognize

    territorial boundaries, or land between yanglain regions with each region. Here the world is

    considered as a whole in which all regions can quickly and easily affordable. Side of trade

    movements and inventory towards liberalization of capital so that all people are free to try any

    time and place in this world.Economic globalization is a process of economic activity and trade, where countries in the world

    of market forces increasingly integrated within the territorial limits without hindrance. The

    globalization of the economy requires the removal of all restrictions and barriers to capital flows

    of goods and services.

    Impact of globalization on international trade

    Positive impact:

    World production could be improved

    Prosperity in a country of the Community.

    The development of the domestic market.

    Can obtain more capital and better technology.

    Provide additional funding for economic development.

    Negative impact: Because the development of the foreign trade becomes more free, which can

    inhibit the growth of the industry.

    Can worsen the balance of payments.

    The financial sector is increasingly unstable.

    Exacerbate the process of long-term economic growth.

    World Organization

    The international organizations to strengthen international trade. Since its creation, the

    WTO has promoted market access for corporations with trade agreements. These

    agreements circumvent the democratic national rights of a country to determine domestic

    polices regarding trade, natural resources and service provision.It includes GATT,GATS

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    and TRIPS.For example: The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) was agreed

    at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1994. Its aim is to remove any restrictions and

    internal government regulations in the area of service delivery that can be+ considered

    barriers to trade". Such services include everything from marine fishing to provisions for

    health and education. The agreement affectively abolishes a governments sovereign right

    to regulate, subsidise and provide essential national services on behalf of its citizens.

    The International Monetary Fund was conceived in July 1944 with a goal to stabilize

    exchange rates and assist the reconstruction of the worlds international payment system.

    Countries contributed to a pool which could be borrowed from, on a temporary basis, by

    countries with payment imbalances. The IMF was important when it was first created

    because it helped the world stabilize the economic system. The IMF works to improve the

    economies of its member countries.The IMF working to foster global monetary

    cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high

    employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty.

    The World Bank is one of two major institutions created as a result of the Bretton Woods

    Conference in 1944. The World Bank (WB) is a multinational corporation aiming at the

    alleviation of poverty. It facilitates various economies of the world in following sustainable

    economic growth. The World Bank comprises of the following two institutions:

    International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: The IBRD focuses

    on low-income economies that have little access to global credit markets.

    International Development Association: The IDA focuses on helping the

    poorest nations.

    Forecast about the future of world trade pattern

    From above analyzing, we can see that international trade develop likely nowaday due to

    factors such as: economical factors, technological factors, political factors. When nations

    join free trade areas or sign bilatiral agreements with each other, they create an advantage

    business environment for enterprises, and help reduce tariff barriers, non-tariff barriers.

    And these things helped increase export and import of nations. For example, when

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    VietNam join WTO, export and import increased 25%/year. Inaddition, global production

    networks, foreign direct investment (FDI) helped enterprises reduce cost of production

    because of cheap price of employee, materials, promote effective production, receive

    technology. A clearly sample about these economical fators is the development of LDCs

    such as VietNam with 8,5% growth in 2007 after joining WTO.

    Technological factors promoted development of international trade. Internet helped

    enterprises promote sales. Enterprises can sign contract with each other in two place have

    far distance. Modern payment systems of banks helped transactions performed faster,

    safer, easier Development of international transportation such as: ship, air plane, train

    helped goods come to export faster, more convenient.

    Political factors also help development of international trade. Open policies, integrate,globalization trend created opportunities for enterprises performed business actions in

    potential market. For example, with motto integrate, coopration, development togather, and

    stable political environment, VietNam is ideal destination for investors.

    From above factors we can forecast future of development of world trade pattern when

    economical factors, political factors and technological develop. Therefore, integrate

    international trade is unique way so that nations develop.


    Globalization has brought economic interaction among nations closer than ever before,

    thanks in no small part to revolutions in information and transport technology and growing

    openness in government policy. The trend towards increased inter- dependency has

    rendered international economic co-operation more complex and multi-faceted.

    This assignment has attempted to provide a better understanding of what factors have been

    changing the world trade. This may seem a simple question, but it turns out to have several

    answers. An historical review of trade relations since the establishment of the GATT/ WTO

    strongly points to the importance of building and sustaining institutional arrangements to

    underwrite international trade relations. At the same time, it has been repeatedly

    demonstrated that if institutions and nations do not adapt to change, the will wither,

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    becoming increasingly regarded as vestiges of an older world driven by different interests

    than those that shape the present.

    The recent global economic crisis has accelerated the rise of the BRICs, Brazil-Russia-

    India-China. The forum for discussing issues of global economic governance has shiftedfrom the G-8 to a more comprehensive G-20. The G-20 has been praised for its more

    balanced membership, as it brings together important industrial and emerging-market

    countries from all regions of the world. Collectively, these countries represent around 90

    per cent of global gross national product, 80 per cent of world trade and two-thirds of the

    world's population. These numbers give the G-20 a considerable degree of legitimacy. The

    raising voice of these countries has made the world trade balance to be shifted from

    Developed countries to a more balanced point. The poorer country can gain from world

    trade, not loss as we used to know.

    Last but not least, technology always has it influences in many fields, and world trade is

    one of them. The achievement of transport, information, payment systems revolutions

    could be one of the root causes that turn international trade into a different one, in

    compared with that in the past. These factors have made the world flat, exchange goods

    and services in various ways our ancestors could have never imagined in last century.

    But what of future challenges, of issues that are beginning to call a new effort and evolve

    the world trade? We should concern more about the environmental factors as there are a lot

    of human efforts to deal with the global warming and more government are introducing

    laws and policies in protecting the contamination and pollution. How trade will contribute

    to managing environmental challenges and vice versa is doubtless an issue about which we

    shall hear a lot more.

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    Michael Porters book, Competitive Advantage of Nations

    David Yoffie, American Trade Policy: An Obsolete Bargain?, in John Chubb,

    ed., Can the Government Govern?, Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institute,


    Paul Krugmans Rethinking International Trade, Business Economics, April


    Is Free Trade Pass?, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1.2, Fall 1987

    Intra-industry Specialization and the Gains From Trade, Journal of Political

    Economy, 89.51, 1981

  • 8/2/2019 Tieu luan ESP


    The Theory of Intra-industry Trade which was published in I.A. McDougall

    and Richard H. Snape

    John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern, Theory of Games and Economic


    J. David Richardson, Empirical Research on Trade Liberalization with Imperfect

    Competition: A Survey, Cambridge, MA: NBER Working Paper No. 2883

    Alasdair Smith and Anthony Venables, Trade and Industrial Policy under

    Imperfect Competition, Economic Policy, v. 1

    Avinash Dixit, Optimal Trade and Industrial Policies for the U.S. Automobile


    World Trade Report 2011: The WTO and preferential trade agreements: From co-

    existence to coherence

    Multinational Corporations and Global Production Networks: The Implications forTrade Policy

    Global production networks and the analysis of economic development

    Aidt, T.S. and M. Gassebner. 2007. Do Autocratic States Trade Less?, CambridgeWorking Papers in Economics 0742, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge

    Mansfield, E.D., H.V. Milner and B.P. Rosendorff. 2000. Free to Trade: Democracies,Autocracies, and International Trade,American Political Science Review

    And other sources.


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    Members name Task

    V Th Thu Hng Title & abstract, Introduction and Conclusion

    Kathkeo Vogpadith Nothing

    L Thch Anh New theories of international trade

    L Th NgcPreferential Trade Agreements + Global productionnetworks

    Ng Th Ngc BchGrowth of developing countries + Internet + Classicaltheories of international trade + Edit the draft

    Nguyn Khnh LinhInternational Payment System + InternationalTransportation

    Phm Vn HLocal policies + Globalization trend and WorldOrganizations influences

    Nguyn Vn Thin Forecast about the future of world trade pattern