tigerpaper vol. xxxviii

Regional Quarterly Bulletin on Wildlife and National Parks Management REGIONAL OFFICE FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC (RAP), BANGKOK FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Vol. XXXVIII : No. 2 Featuring Vol. XXV: No. 2 April-June 2011

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Regional Quarterly Bulletin on Wildlife and National Parks Management


Vol. XXXVIII : No. 2


Vol. XXV: No. 2

April-June 2011

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TIGERPAPER is a quarterly news bulletindedicated to the exchange of information

relating to wildlife and national parksmanagement for theAsia-Pacific Region.ISSN 1014 - 2789


TIGERPAPERFAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Maliwan Mansion, Phra Atit RoadBangkok, 10200, Thailand

Tel: (662) 697-4000E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://www.fao.org/world/regional/rap/tigerpaper/tigerpaper.htm

Editor: Janice NaewboonnienAdvisor: P. Durst


TIGERPAPER is dependent upon your free and voluntarycontributions in the form of articles, news items, and announcements inthe field of wildlife and nature conservation in the region. In order tobetter serve the n eeds of our readers please write to us and send in theinformation you have or let us know if there is any information that youneed. We appreciate receiving your letters and make all efforts torespond.

Front cover: Young Black Eagle in its nest, high up on the wild mangotree (Photo courtesy of Madhava Meegaskumbura)

The opinions expressed by thecontributing authors are notnecessarily those of FAO. Thedesignations employed and thepresentation of the material in theTIGERPAPER do not imply theexpression of any opinion on the partof FAO concerning the legal orconstitutional status of any country,territority or sea area, or thedelimitation of frontiers.

Observations of Black eagle nesting in Sri Lanka.................. 1Accomodation of aquaculture and conservation together: Example from community-based aquaculture in seasonally waterlogged areas of Noakhali, Bangladesh........ 5Portrait of community mapping stages through zoning system on management of Teluk Cendarawasih NP, West Papua.................................................................... 13Tree diversity and biodiversity conservation potentials in Khadimnagar NP of Bangladesh....................................... 20Diversity of odonates in Nandankanan Zoological Park with range extension notes of White dartlet in Orissa, India........ 29

Challenges and opportunities to feature at Asia-Pacific Forestry Week 2011!....................................................... 1State of the world’s forests................................................. 4UN-REDD approves US$15.2 million for five countries.........7Restructuring of the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific........................................................................... 8Generating income for coastal communities from sustainable management of mangrove resources................. 9Sustainable community-based mangrove management in Wunbaik Forest Reserve.................................................. 11Asia-Pacific Forestry Chips and Clips...................................13Transferring practical skills to forestry professionals in China..14National forest assessment project in Vietnam approved......... 15FAO Asia-Pacific Forestry Calendar………………............... 16

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Vol. 38: No. 2 April-June 2011



by Pradeep Samarawickrama, Krishan Ariyasiri, Udeni

Menike, Niroshan Samarasingha & Madhava Meegaskumbura

Observing a perched Black Eagle is consideredto be a rare occurrence; even one of Sri

Lanka’s greatest ornithologists, G. M. Henry, neverobserved one perched. But its slow and elegant flighthas caught the attention of many naturalists,including that of Henry’s. In his article to the JournalNature, more than a half a century back, he noted,“I have never seen it perched, and the feature of itsflight that has particularly struck me is the slownesswith which it can sail without any wing-flapping,even when it finds itself in a deep pocket amongthe trees where it would seem inevitable that it musteither crash or extricate itself by flapping flight. Itseems to be able to avoid stalling even at whatappears little more than walking pace, and certainlyat very low speeds.” (Henry, 1933).

But it wasn’t the unusual slowness of flight that ledus to the discovery of a Black Eagle nest, but rather

a piece of nesting material from one of its favoriteprey items, the squirrel. In February 2010, three ofus initially noticed the fluffy material from the innerlinings of a squirrel nest hanging from a tree, whilehiking in Gannoruwa forest reserve in Kandy.Pradeep’s previous experience in observing manyraptor nests alerted his senses – when the squirrelnesting material splayed across a branch wasdiscovered – to the possibility of a raptor nestingclose by. Confirming his hunch, upon closer scrutinyhe discovered an eagle nest about 10m above wherethe squirrel nesting material lay.

A nest, containing a single fairly well developedyoung eagle was located towards the top of a talltree (Mangifera zeylanica), a tall, endemic andthreatened Sri Lankan wild mango tree species,located within Gannoruwa forest reserve,Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. This was well within the wet-

A Black Eagle perched close to its nest, though it is generally understood that these eagles rarely perch,the authors observed one bird sitting for nearly 50 minutes (Photo courtesy of Krishan Ariyasiri)

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zone, an area which gets over 2000 mm of annualrain, at an altitude of about 800 m. On the tree thenest was ensconced just below the canopy. Twosides of the crown were more or less open,determining the direction of the flight path. As isthe usual case, the parents used the north-facinggap to arrive at the nest and the east-facing gap toleave the nest. Directly above the nest was also asmaller opening, which the parents used to descendvertically in an emergency.

Emergencies were few and far between and weobserved them using the emergency entrance onlyonce, when a group of Torque Macaques (Macacasinica) – generally considered a nest predator ofsmall birds – came to the vicinity of the nest. Thealpha male climbed up close to the nest and shookone of the branches, to which the young BlackEagle responded by puffing up its feathers andgiving an alarm call. This was followed up by therapid arrival of the parents, descending vertically.The macaques dispersed quickly and hid well withinthe undergrowth of the forest until the eagle parentswithdrew from the vicinity of the nest.Gunawardena (2001), also noted Black Eagleschasing a different species of monkey, the Purple-faced Leaf Monkey (Trachypithecus vetulus).

Black Eagles also defend their nests against otherraptor species. During our period of observation,we saw them attacking a White-bellied Sea Eagle,in flight.

Sometimes we observed one of the parents sittingon nearby trees for long periods; on one occasionfor as long as fifty minutes. These long perch timeswere rather surprising for a bird species that almostnever perches. This leads us to speculate that theseeagles only perch close to their aerie. So if yousee a perched Black Eagle, perhaps it would makesense to scrutinize the area for a nest.

The wild mango tree was mostly covered byDrynaria quercifolia, an ephiphytic fern that hasa wide distribution from Southeast Asia to SriLanka. Their luxuriant growth right around thetrunk is an indication that large mammals, includinghumans, have not been climbing/using this tree forsometime, as climbing would cause the ferns tofall off. For the eagle young, the selection of suchtrees by their parents may have survival

significance. It would be useful to note if theseephiphytes are also observed on trees that haveother raptor nests. The presence of Drynaria (orother epiphytes) would also camouflage the nestand perhaps also facilitate the positioning of thenesting material on the large branches on whichthe nest is built.

A single nest site of a Black Eagle had been locatedprior to this, in Dolukanda forest reserve,Kurunegala, in the intermediate zone, an area thatgets less rain than Gannoruwa and located at alower elevation (Fernando et al., 2001).Observations were carried out (Gunawardena,2002) at the same site. Observations were madefrom November to February, over three months,from an estimated incubation time of 35-40 daysand a further 60 days for successful developmentto a juvenile capable of flight.

We only discovered the nest that we observed inGannoruwa when the juvenile had almost reachedthe flight-capable stage. We made five trips to thenest over 12 days, observing from dawn till dusk.The nest was a large stage that lacked a well-definedbrim, measuring about 1m in width and 0.5 m inheight, made of branches and twigs. In thesecharacteristics, the nest was very similar to thoseobserved at Dolukanda.

During our periods of observation, we did notobserve parents bringing in fresh green foliage tothe nest, but we noticed some older green foliagethat may have been placed a few days before,

A Torque monkey (Macaca sinica), a nest predatorof birds. (Photo courtesy of MadhavaMeegaskumbura)

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lying within the nest. Many raptors line their nestswith green foliage, including the nest observed atDolukanda. Presumably, the absence of fresh greenfoliage at the Gannoruwa nesting site would havebeen due to the fact that the juvenile eagle wasabout to leave the nest.

It appears that the Black Eagle breeding season istowards the end of the year, as the young eagleleft the nest in early February 2010. Presumably,if it is assumed that the Gannoruwa populationhad the same developmental period as theDolukanda population, the Gannoruwa birdswould also have initiated breeding in November.

We were not fortunate enough to see into the nestas it was about 15m above us, but the growingeagle was large enough to be seen from this angle.Nevertheless, to investigate the prey items thatwere brought into the nest, one of us had to climba nearby tree that was covered with lianas (whichcamouflaged it from the eagles, and hence actedas a natural hide), and this tree was located 75 maway from the nest. A spotting-scope was set upon one of the branches.

We concur with Gunawardena’s observation thatthese eagles mostly prey on small mammals, andnot eggs and nestlings of other birds, as suggestedby some. Most of the prey items that were seen atGannoruwa were Palm Squirrels (Funambulus

palmarum), a wide-ranging squirrel also found inIndia, and a common rat species (Rattus rattus).In contrast to the Dolukanda observation, we didnot observe Giant Squirrel (Ratoufa macroura)being preyed upon. This is mainly because GiantSquirrel is not very abundant in forests in thisregion, being only recently introduced to the area.We also observed that the parents feed on theremnants of the food items that were fed to theyoung, and nothing was wasted.

We have observed that Rattus rattus also nestswithin abandoned squirrel nests, even in SouthIndia. So rats may be an inadvertent part of thediet when Black Eagles hunt for squirrels. Squirrelnests are usually built on top of trees, using deadmaterial that stands out against the background.Since the Black Eagle’s flight is slow and controlled,this would enable them to skim and scrutinize thetree-tops, helping them to target squirrel nests withaccuracy. It seems that evidence is mounting tohighlight the fact that Black Eagle is a top squirrelpredator.

It is difficult to determine whether the squirrel nestsare transported to the nest as additional nestingmaterial to line the nest, or to extract immaturesquirrels within the nest, or both.

We also observed that the young eagle had acurious behavior when it defecated. It usually

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The nest, with Drynaria growing on the Mangifera zeylanica tree. (Photo courtesy of Pradeep Samarawickrama)

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moved towards the edge of the nest, raised itsvent above its head and forcefully sprayed outthe fecal matter, often towards the direction ofthe steepest slope, well away from the nest. Theabsence of a well-defined brim to the nest perhapshelps this behavior. This action would help keepthe nest clean. We are not sure how the nest waskept clean during the early stages of development,but lining the nest with foliage, as most raptorsdo, would presumably help keep it clean.

The young bird left the nest on February 17, 2010.This was after much preparation for flight, notonly by the young eagle but also withencouragement by the parents over several days.Rapid flapping by the young bird started aboutseven days prior to flying; sometimes precariouslyholding on to the edge of the nest. The parentsreduced the amount of food that they brought tothe nest, making only 1-3 daily visits. However,they could be heard and be seen around the nest,calling wildly as they approached the nest andleaving it.

On the day that the young eagle left the nest, oneof the parents perched on a nearby tree for about45 minutes while the other circled the nest with afood item dangling from its claws; both were

calling periodically. The young eagle, after muchstretching, flapping, and head bobbing, jumped outof the nest onto a branch about 1m above the nest.It then remained on this branch for about two hours,stretching its wings, flapping vigorously severaltimes. Finally it jumped onto a thicker branchmomentarily and took flight, mostly gliding off intothe distance, to be lost to our sight. Once the youngeagle left the nest, the family remained in the vicinityof the nest for the next two weeks, but never reallycame back to the nest.


Fernando, R.H.S.S., Palihawadana, A. and S.Gunasekara. 2001. First site record of a blackeagle Ictinaetus malayensis nest in Sri Lanka.Sri Lanka Naturalist, 4(03): 49.

Henry, G.M. 1933. Flight of the Black EagleIctinaetus malayensis perniger, Hodg.Nature, 132: 516-517.

Gunawardene, K. 2002. The first record of thenesting of the Black Eagle. Loris 23(1&2):14-19.

Corresponding author’s address: Department ofZoology, Faculty of Science, University ofPeradeniya, Sri Lanka.E-mail: [email protected]

One of the parent eagles bringing a rat to its nest. (Photo courtesy of Niroshan Samarasingha)

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odation of aquaculture and conservation together |


by A.K.M. Ruhul Amin Sarker


Aquaculture is one of the fast-growing sectorsin Bangladesh and it contributes largely to

employment and earning, nutritional supplements,booming fish production and export markets.Although aquaculture contributes a lot to economicgrowth and healthy diets in Bangladesh, there aresome contradictions among the experts, scientistsand policy makers about some forms ofaquaculture. Some people view aquaculture asbeing contrary to fish conservation, especiallyaquaculture in the natural floodlands. In this regard,this study can be an example of how smallindigenous fish species conservation can beachieved simultaneously with aquaculture throughproper planning and management. About 22,186ha of seasonally waterlogged paddy lands (locallycalled hator) in 294 polygons were identified inBegumgonj Upazila of Noakhali District, whichremain unutilized for about 6 months a year fromMay to October (Sarker, 2005; Das & Hossain,2005; Das et al., 2009; Hossain, 2009). Theregular flooding means that there are fewalternative livelihood opportunities available andmany poor people have been forced to move outfrom their villages to seek alternative employmentas day laborers or in such occupations as rickshaw/van pulling (three-wheeled manually driventransport). This situation has led the people in thesurrounding area to live at the marginal level,always fighting for their daily needs. However, anumber of studies were conducted to determinewhether the area is suitable for prawn farming(Karim, 1989; Alam 2001) and what the impactsof prawn stocking would be on biodiversity andlocal livelihoods (Chowdhury et al., 2003) in thehator, thus supporting the dietary protein

requirements (Das, et al., 2009; Hossain, 2009;Sarker, 2004) of the rural people. Thus theconservation of small indigenous species (SIS) bya community-based aquaculture approach in theunderutilized waterlogged areas was considered.One hator was selected for community-basedaquaculture involving 11 households based on rainfed water. The hator has 4 ponds, where broodstocks of SIS are conserved as ready spawnersfor the subsequent monsoon. Culture period wasabout 6 months without supplementary feed. Theharvested fishes were sold at nearby markets,earning a total value of Tk.171,778 (US$2,454).A considerable part of the SIS were left to buildthe next year’s self-recruitment and forconservation. The possibilities for replication andexpansion of community-based aquacultureapproaches in other seasonal waterlogged areasmay attract industries depending on the outcomeand conservation results. Thus, alternative incomeoptions will be available for the local people whoremain jobless during rainy season and will alsosupport SIS conservation. Such an example couldbe a milestone for implementing the conservationof small indigenous fish species, besides havingpromising benefits from the culture outputs.Bangladesh has huge seasonal floodlands wherethis management can act as a good way to supportconservation and aquaculture together.

Materials and methods

Data collection and analysis

Both qualitative and quantitative data werecollected for this study. Qualitative data werecollected through different participatoryapproaches, e.g., focus group discussions (FGD),

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participatory observation and key informantinterviews. The focus group discussions wereconducted by forming small groups of 3-5community members purposefully selected toaddress a specific topic (Sarker, 2010; Saint-Germain et al, 1993; Fraser et al., 1998; Neogi,2001). Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) wasused for different observations and group meetingsin the community (Pido, 1995; Pido et al., 1996;Townsley, 1996; and IIRR, 1998) to obtain detailedinformation about the community-basedaquaculture and available resources that appliedto the farming systems in hator. Quantitative datawere collected from maintaining notes in site visits,farm record books and secondary data from theGNAEP-DANIDA project. Data were included foreach and every stage of aquaculture andconservation. Error checking and other necessarycorrections were made before executions of thedata. Different analyses like graphs, simple tablesand diagrams were accomplished by MS Word,MS Excel or Spreadsheet.

Results and discussion

Study area

Begumgonj upazila of Noakhali district is locatedin the south-western part of Bangladesh, along thenortheastern coast of the Bay of Bengal (Figure1.A) between latitudes 22°50′ and 23°05′ N andlongitudes 90°00′ and 91°10′E. This upazila issurrounded by Chatkhil and Senbag upazilas ofNoakhali district to the north, parts of Senbag andFeni and Laxmipur Sadar to the east and byNoakhali Sadar and Companygonj upazila ofNoakhali district to the south (Figure 1.A & B).

Hator selection

The seasonal waterlogged areas of Begumgonjhave varying depths that support multitudes ofaquatic flora and fauna (Das, et al., 2009). Amongthese waterlogged areas, a polygon of 4.5 ha inarea was selected for community-basedaquaculture which was located in the EkhlashpurUnion of Begumgonj Upazila (Figure 1.C). In theselected hator, there were four ponds of 0.1 hawhich were utilized as the SIS brood stock pondsin the dry season (Figure 2). In case of severewater/rain shortage in the dry season (February-

May), water was supplied from the paddy irrigationsystems by making drains to the ponds.

Community-based aquaculture in Hator

Community members were selected on the basisof having lands in the selected hator, from livingin neighboring residence of the hator, having thecapability of minimum investment, and people whoshowed interest in processing the thrust of extraincome while preserving conservation objectivesin the unutilized hator. A team leader and cashierwere selected, and different duties were thendelegated. Community members proposeddemocratic methods to solve any kind of problemsraised during the farming period.

In the selected hator there were some ponds andplots of lands owned by outsiders. The pondswithin the hator were leased and they offered theplot owners to prepare their lands by trilling beforethe subsequent paddy farming season. They alsopromised to give the land owners fish during theharvesting period of the hator. The ponds werequickly prepared for fry/fingerling stocking as wellas good support for self recruitment of SIS in thesubsequent season. After the fingerlings werestocked in ponds for nursing, they renovated andprepared the hator. In the subsequent monsoon,the hator was fed by the rain water gradually andthe whole hator appeared as a single ecosystemand the fingerlings started spreading throughoutthe hator. Natural precipitation acted as a spawningstimuli for the previously stored SIS brood.Additionally, some white prawns were also stockeddepending on the availability in the nearbyhatchery.

Feeding was done only in the ponds (nursing)where they stocked the fry or fingerlings whichwould become juveniles by the time the monsoonstarted. Some locally available low cost ingredientslike mustard oil cake (30%), chewa shutki- gobyfish meal (10%), wheat bran (20%), rice polish(30%), wheat flour (8%) and molasses 2%) wereused to prepare the feed. A local machinepreviously owned by one of the communitymembers was used to prepare the feed.

For bigger fishes in the farming stage, they justused fertilizer, cow dung and chicken/poultry

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Noakhali Sadar


Begumganj hil;

Experimental Hator

Figure 1: (A) Location of Noakhali District (Banglapedia 2004), (B) Upazilas of Noakhali district in satellite map (Sarker, 2005) & (C) Union boundaries and study site in the Begumganj Upazila (Sarker, 2005).



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Choumuhuni-Maijee highway


Village Road


Figure 2: Experimental hator with pond locations for SIS conservation

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manure to increase the primary productivity. Inthe culture phase, the fish mainly fed on plankton,periphyton and different aquatic/benthic plants andanimals. A partial harvesting method was followedin the hator which mainly involved dewatering orpumping water manually in the upper portion andnetting in the deeper portion (ponds) of the hatorwith the aim of conservation of SIS. Harvestedfishes were sold in the fish arot (fish selling brokerhouse), whereas a part was used for householdconsumption and gifts to the land owners of thehator. All the tasks were mainly conducted by thecombined approach of the community members.A number of SIS were found during the harvesting(Table 1) and a considerable amount of them wereleft for the next year’s self recruitment.

Economic return and marketing network

The marketing network for the whole productionsystem from fry collection to the consumer’s handwas studied. Hator farmers stocked about 27 fishes/decimal (different carps mainly) along with the self-recruited SIS and the cost of the each stocked frywas about 0.98Tk. Harvesting was completed bylate November before the paddy cultivation seasonand the same land was used for paddy cultivation.Total production was about 2,850 kg, where 1,795kg (61%) and 1,055 kg (31%) were stocked fishand self-recruited SIS respectively. The net profitfrom the 4.5 hector was calculated to be aboutTk.120,113 which was very promising. This valuewas found without calculating the labour cost, arotcommission, land trilling cost (end of farming) orthe bank interest. It should be mentioned here thatthe farmers run the whole farming system as theirpart time work after doing their primary jobs likeshopkeeping, service in the GO/NGO offices oragricultural activities.

Aquaculture Action Plan

An Action Plan was made to summarize theactivities to be carried out in a specific time frameduring the year to make the community-basedaquaculture successful in the waterlogged areawhile preserving the conservation idea. The planwas made for the community-based farmers orfor any central organization that was to engage inaquaculture in the waterlogged area. It includedfive main steps with time frames, namely: 1) hator

selection; 2) community motivation; 3) budgeting;4) activities; and 5) monitoring, which furtherconsisted of a number of sub-steps or activities.Regular meetings and updating knowledge,experience-sharing workshops, a central hatorworkshop, and rewards were proposed to buildawareness for the other farmers who were notinvolved in community-based farming, especiallyabout the conservation ideas.


Aquaculture in a huge water body is not such aneasy task that can be managed by a single hand,as the waterlogged areas were found to be biggerthan the other forms of aquaculture. A community-based aquaculture approach was found to be aneffective means in terms of economic return andconservation. In this study, an extensive methodof aquaculture was applied which could be furtherdeveloped by intensification for better outputs.Sometimes, in the absence of any small indigenousspecies in a specific hator, community people cancollect them from other areas and thus enrich theirSIS collection. However, as a better managementapproach: hator preparation, species selection(stock and self recruitment), water managementand restocking SIS were the main tasks forsuccessful farming. Carnivores and predatoryspecies should be avoided considering the SISconservation and self-recruitment for next year’sfarming. A shorter marketing network was anadvantage for better prices and priorcommunication with the fish trader or Arotder couldbe more helpful for better prices and hassle-freeselling. The net benefit was found to be excellent,which indicated a very good return on investment(ROI) from small enterprises for poor people withsmall investment.


In conclusion, it can be said that community-basedaquaculture was found to give promising outputsin the underutilized waterlogged areas withminimum or locally available resources and is aconvenient method for income generation.Depending on the local cultural practices, it canbe said that there is great scope for consideringconservation and economic outputs together. Inorder to reach a broader audience across the whole

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Table 1: Different Small Indigenous Fish Species found at harvesting the hator Local Name English Name Scientific Name

Aiir Long-whiskered catfish Mystus aor

Bailla Tank goby Glossogobius giuris

Bheda (veda) Gangetic leaffish Nandus nandus

Boal Wallago Wallagonia attu

Boicha Thick lipped gourami Colisa labiosa

Boro baim Zig-zag eel Mastacembelus armatus

Chela Large razorbelly minnow Oxygaster bacaila

Chimta Kakra Crabs Potamon martensi

Chola puti Swamp barb Puntius chola

Darke Slender rasbora Rasbora daniconius

Foli Bronze feather back Notopterus notopterus

Guli tengra Long whiskered catfish Mystus golio

Gura Icha Unknown Leander styliferus

Guti baim Barred spiny eel Mastacembelus pancalus

Gutum Guntea loach Lepidocephalus guntea

Jati Puti Pool barb Puntius sophore

Kakila Freshwater needle fish Xenentodon cancila

Kalo telapia Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossabicus

Kata Chanda Himalayan glassy perchlet Chanda baculis

Kata Kakra Crabs Paratelphusa spinigera

Kholisha Banded gourami Colisa fasciatus

Koi Climbing perch Anabas testudineus

Kuccha Cuchia Cuchia cuchia

Lal Chanda Indian glassy fish Chanda ranga

Magur Walking Catfish Clarias batrachus

Mola Mola carplet Amblypharoyngodon mola

Shing Stinging catfish Heteropneustes fossilis

Shol Striped snakehead Channa striatus

Soto bain Barred spiny eel Macrognathus pancalus

Sundi Kasim Turtle Lissemys punctata

Taki Spotted snakehead Channa punctatus

Tara baim Lesser spiny eel Macrognathus aculeatus

Telo Taki-Cheng Walking snakehead Channa orientalis

Tengra Striped dwarf catfish Mystus vittatus

Tepa Ocellated pufferfish Tetraodon cutcutia

Tit Puti Ticto barb Puntius ticto

Different benthic animals, frogs, snakes and aquatic plants


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coastal area where the community-basedaquaculture practice is still to be initiated,community people could play a vital role indisseminating the technology by telling theirsuccess story.


The author is highly grateful to Dr. Nani GopalDas and Dr. M. Shahadat Hossain of the Instituteof Marine Sciences and Fisheries, University ofChittagong, for their continuous supervisionduring this study and also thankful to the authorityof the GANEP-DANIDA program for their supportin conducting the research program.


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Karim, M. 1989. Present status, scopes andconstraints of Macrobrachium rosenbergiiculture in the Greater Noakhali district.Technical findings of a DANIDA-financedmission on identification of the socio-economicfeasibility of freshwater shrimp culture in oldNoakhali district, October-November 1989.

Neogi, M.H. 2001. Focus Group Discussion(FGD) in Training, Needs Assessment andEvaluation (Theory and Practice). A HDevelopment Publishing House, Dhaka, pp15-16.

Pido, M.D. 1995. The application of RapidRural Appraisal Techniques in CoastalResources Planning: Experience inMalampaya Sound, Philippines. Ocean &Coastal Management 26(1), 57-72.

Pido, M.D., Pomeroy R.S., Carlos, M. B., and L.R. Garces. 1996. A handbook for rapidappraisal of fisheries management systems(version 1). Manila, Philippines: ICLARM.

Saint-German M.A., Basford I.L., and G.Montano. 1993. Surveys and Focus Groupsin Health Research with Older HispanicWomen. Qualitative Health Research 3 (3),341-367.

Sarker, A.K.M.R.A. 2005. Community-BasedAquaculture Development in theWaterlogged Area for the Sustainable RuralLivelihoods Remote Sensing, GIS andParticipatory Approach. MSc thesis,Institute of Marine Science and Fisheries,University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Sarker, A.K.M.R.A. 2010. Development of Cage-based Tilapia Farming in Dakatia River inChandpur, Bangladesh: Study on Socio-economic and Technical Perspectives. MScthesis, Aquatic Resource Development,

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Institute of Aquaculture, University of Striling,UK., p-18.

Townsley, P. 1996. Rapid Rural Appraisal,Participatory Rural Appraisal andAquaculture. FAO Fisheries Technical PaperNo. 358. Rome, Italy, pp 109.

Author’s address: Fellow, MSc in Aquatic Re-source Development, Institute of Aquaculture,University of Stirling, UK.

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by Sepus Fatem, Jim van Laar, Jhon L. Sroyer and J. Manusawai


The biogeographic importance of New Guineaand the South West Pacific in general is

apparent, considering various aspects of the floraand fauna (Paijmans, 1975; Muller, 2002). Thehigh flora and fauna diversity in these areas is aconsequence of tectonic evolution (Petocz, 1987,1994). New Guinea has many endemic speciesand a flora and fauna with high uniqueness. Papua,more specifically, has 51 conservation areasincluding national parks, strict nature reserves, etc.(CI, 1997; Soesmianto, 2005).

Like other national parks in the world, Papua’snational parks include local people who have beenaround for a long period of time. Local peoplewho live on the borders of protected areas oftenhave a holistic relationship with these areas(Trakolis, 2001); a relationship that is sometimesoverlooked when management decisions are made.

Decentralization initiatives have been launched inthe majority of developing countries, includingIndonesia, nowadays. Furthermore, in line withdecentralization, local people are now involved intasks with regard to natural resources management.Thus, different methods are now beingimplemented to include the participation of the localpeople. The mapping of indigenous land to secureand manage natural resources and strengthencultures is a recent phenomenon. A variety ofmethodologies have been employed, ranging fromhighly participatory approaches involving localpeople sketching maps, to more technical efforts.

Community mapping, or participatory mapping,is a method that elicits the relationship betweenpeople and their environment by involving

community members in drawing maps of theirsurroundings (Knapp and Herlihy, 2001; Eadenset al., 2008). People construct simplified imagesof their environment whereby an individual‘acquires, codes, stores, recalls and decodesinformation about the relative locations andattributes of phenomena in his/her everyday spatialenvironment. These maps are summaries of anindividual’s knowledge, preferences, assessmentand evaluation of the environment and have asignificant effect on people’s behaviour, beliefs andattitudes regarding places. Especially in TelukCenderawasih National Park, people have a specialspiritual relation with certain resources. Therefore,taboos and social norms are still prevalent there(Sastrawan and Manulang, 1999). Furthermore,most conservation biologists, for example, includenon-use values, such as spiritual or cultural values,in their reasons for conserving an area (Callicout,1990; Jones et al., 2008). Ostrom (1999) andNorth (1994) argued that taboos and social normsare informal institutions. Institutions are constraintsdevised by humans that structure humaninteractions.

Informal institutions are those not dependent onthe state for enforcement and include taboos andsocial norms. Moreover, it is not only informalinstitutions involved explicitly in managing naturalresources that may be important for conservation.There are many reasons, such as sustainable use,that may cause people to avoid or protect species(North, 1994; Sheil and Lawrence, 2004).Through community mapping on zoning systems,therefore, social norms, community needs anddesires will help to ensure long term conservationsuccess.

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Portrait of zoning system in TelukCenderawasih National Park

Teluk Cenderawasih National Park (TNTC) islocated in the Bay of Papua Island, the largest bayin Indonesia (1,453,500 ha) and the home oftremendous biodiversity (WWF, 2003). The parkis situated at 01° 43’ - 03° 22’ South Latitude and134° 06’ - 135° 10’ East Longitude. It is locatedin the administrative regency of Wondama PapuaBarat Province and Nabire regency, PapuaProvince. Sixty-four villages with a total of 3,260people inhabit villages in the Park (CI, 1997;SBSKSDA, 1996; BBTNTC, 2009).

The zoning system is a type of management systemespecially for national park areas. PermenhutNomor P.56/MenHut-II/2006, tanggal 26 Agustus2006 is the law about the zoning manual of nationalparks. Zoning processes, especially, in TNTC,have been done in several stages and approachesranging from socialization processes in severalvillages and districts to public consultations at theregency and province levels. All processes involvelocal people, NGO’s, the local government, peoplein the villages, the district, the regency, the province,as well as people from universities.

The zoning system is based on the data of: 1)important natural resources; 2) social studies; and3) religion and culture. The whole process is alsocovered by several laws:

- Law No.5 of 1990, concerning Conservationof Living Resources and their Ecosystems.

- Law No.41 of 1999, concerning IndonesianForestry

- Law No.21 of 2001, concerning SpecialAutonomy for West Papua

- Law No.31 of 2004, concerning Fishery- Law No.26 of 2007, concerning Spatial

planning- Law No.27 of 2007, concerning Coastal

Resources Management and Small Island.

National park zoning is a process of determiningspace to be included in national park zones(BBTNTC, 2009). The concept of zoning innational park management is an essential aspect,not only as reference to management andconservation development in Teluk CenderawasihNational Park, but also as a system of protectionthat controls all activity inside the national park.So far, zoning in Cenderawasih National Park hasbeen designed to accommodate all interests inside

(Source: Papua Forest office, 2007)

Figure 1. Map of Conservation Area in West Papua

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the area without ignoring conservation functions(BBTNTC, 2009). The zoning system used inthe Cenderawasih National Park is called“community-based zoning’’.

Process of Teluk Cenderawasih National Parkzoning

The Teluk Cenderawasih National Park zone wasproposed in 1988 (BBTNTC, 2009). It has gonethrough various processes and stages, includingmeetings/forums with the participation of localcommunities, religious leaders, community leaders,academicians and the local government. Historicallythe following stages can be noted:

1. The Management of Irian Jaya’s TelukCenderawasih Marine Conservation Area Plan1988-1992 (WWF, 1987; Petocz, 1989).

2. The Management of Teluk CenderawasihNational Park 1994-2019 Plan (World BankProject, 1994) (BBTNTC, 2009)

3. The 5-year Management Plan of TelukCenderawasih National Park (1994-2019 (SubBKSDA I Irian Jaya, 1996).

4. The Management and Zone Plan of TelukCenderawasih National Park in cooperativework of Manokwari and Nabire regencies,WWF and BBTNTC (29-31 October 2001).

5. From 2000 to 2009, there have been variousseminars and workshops as well as publicconsultations held in order to get input and zoneconcepts for the Teluk Cenderawasih NationalPark area. Stages and processes in implementingthe Zone Plan of Teluk Cenderawasih NationalPark Area are managed through several stages.Figure 3 shows the zoning stages as mentionedabove.

Figure 2 shows a flow diagram of the main stagesof the zoning process in Teluk CenderawasihNational Park:

1. Consultation at village levelThe consultation at village level aims toask for moral support and policies inaffirming the zone of Teluk CenderawasihNational Park Area. In addition, it aims toidentify the property rights towardsproposal zones and to design customarymeetings regarding the declaration andaffirmation of the zone areas.

2. Consultation at district levelConsultation at the district level aims toask for moral support and policies inaffirming the zone of Teluk CenderawasihNational Park Area. The consultation ismanaged by a team consisting ofBBTNTC, NGOs, and Governments.

3. Customary-type meeting ‘Gelar tikar adatdan makan pinang bersama1’ (lit:customary mat meeting and chewingbetel nut)‘Gelar tikar adat dan makan pinangbersama’ describes the culture oftogetherness to come, sit, discuss and takea decision on particular things for thefuture of the community. The figurativephrase symbolizes togetherness andbrotherhood with outsiders. Such ameeting is held by the consultation teamand local communities and aims at askingfor moral support in each area with certainmeasurements.

4. Forum Group discussionIn this part, each person present is givena basic map. The map is used to searchand make notes. Participants are asked toshow where they live, based on the map.They are expected to point out which areasare under property rights and the localwisdom concerning any areas, e.g., whichareas are under the taboo system, whichare used for traditional ceremonialpurposes. The information gathered isused to determine the zoning system andutilisation functions. In marking the maps,people often cluster their activities basedon specific environmental features(Holling, 1992; WWF, 2005; BBTNTC,2009). These maps are a summary of anindividual’s knowledge, preferences,assessment and evaluation of theenvironment and they have a significant

1A term used by Melanesian people of the northcoast of Papua when they have a customary meetingto discuss important issues within theircommunities and/or outsiders. They usually holdthe meeting with all participants sitting on mats andhaving betel nuts while discussing things.


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effect on people’s behaviour, beliefs andattitudes regarding places. The next stepis discussing the mapping results togetherwith a BBTNTC officer.

5. Field orientationField orientation is a cross-checkingprocess. The purpose is to actually seethe area that was laid out in the firstmapping during the group discussingprocess mentioned above. This part isessential because authority holders willimmediately know the real circumstances.

(Sources: adapted from various references)


Zoning draft planning (1)

- conservation efforts - preliminary & public


Secondary or primary data (biodiversity, bio-cultural,

local people, etc.)

Public Consultation (2)

Village level (2.1)

District level (2.2)

Customary-type of meeting ‘Gelar tikar adat dan makan pinang bersama’ (3)

Field observation (4)

Memorandum of understanding (5)

Zoning proposal draft (6)

Public Consultation (7)

District level (7.1)

Provincial level (7.3)

Regency level (7.2)

Final zoning document (8)

Socialization & evaluation (9)

Through field orientation the authorityholders also learn what property rightsthere are, the cultural histories of the areain terms of natural resources management,and how people interact with localresources and other things in a certainarea. Therefore, this work will helpBBTNTC staff to minimize and avoidproperty rights conflicts in the future.

6. Memorandum of Understanding processThe next step is to legalize all theagreements which resulted from the group

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(continued on p.17)

Figure 2. The main stages of the zoning system in Teluk Cenderawasih National Park.

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discussion and field orientation through aMemorandum of Understanding (MOU).In this stage, local peoples are facilitatedto sign the document. By doing so, itimplies that they are concerned aboutnatural resources management for nowand for the next generation. At the sametime, by signing the document, they showtheir commitment to future potentialdevelopment processes. During thisprocess the parties involved are: 1)BBTNTC staff; 2) NGOs; 3) districtheads; 4) village heads; 5) religiousleaders; 6) cultural leaders; 7) communityleaders; 8) women’s leaders; and 9)youth leaders.Note: Developing this MOU process wasdone from 2006-2008. It took three yearsto finish this because of the longdiscussions between the people, theofficers and the local government.

Workshop on community perspective forzoning system at District level

Transparency concerning natural resourcesmanagement is currently a hot issue. In line withthis concern, all of the results from the above-mentioned processes were presented during aworkshop at the district level. Local people, alongwith other stakeholders, were invited to witnessthe results achieved from the processes describedabove. Moreover, during this session allstakeholders had the opportunity to add more ideas,comments and to give further inputs. One purposeof this workshop was to collect more accurate dataand information in terms of zoning documents.Furthermore, the workshop also provided anopportunity to gain more consensus, leading to theadvanced workshop at the Regency and Provinciallevels (BBTNTC, 2009).

Workshop of zoning proposal on Regency andProvincial levels

Governments, NGOs and the people are the threemain actors in development programs. People canbe seen as a development object of this processon one hand, and become a subject on the otherhand. NGOs are voluntary and have a partnership

approach working for both stakeholders: either forpeople or the government.

In order to gain more approval and commitment,a workshop on zoning proposals at the Regencyand Provincial levels was held. The main target ofthis seminar was to collect and gain more inputsand constructive ideas until the legal approval ofthe zoning document.

The document of zoning systems for the NationalPark is the final product. During this seminar, allparties were invited (i.e., from the government:local and provincial; National Park officers(BBTNTC); representatives of the local people;NGOs; university representatives; and socialorganizations). Most of the participants activelytook part in the whole discussion and decisionmaking process. Six zoning areas resulted fromthis process. These zonings refer to resourcepotential, biodiversity value, area characteristics,people interactions and socio-economic aspects.Each zone has, therefore, been characterized asfollows (BBNTC, 2009): 1) Core zone; 2)Protection zone: marine for sea and jungle for forestarea; 3) Utilization zone for tourism; 4) Publicutilization zone; 5) Traditional zone; and 6) Specialzone.

Socialization and evaluation process

The next tasks after the workshop are socializationand evaluation. These are essential to how thezoning document will be implemented and appliedin the field. Socialization is done in order to spreadand distribute the zoning document as a mainproduct to each level mentioned above. Thesocialization process takes a bottom-up approach:from village to provincial level. According to thezoning document, all stakeholders are expected andobligated to do something based on their own dutyand authority. Through the socialization process,each stakeholder will avoid overlapping utilizationof certain areas in and around the National Park.Zoning activities control each activity inside theNational Park (BBTNTC, 2009). Besidessocialization, assessment of the zoning efficiencyis important. Evaluation will be done periodicallyin order to analyze barriers and constraints to theimplementation of the zoning program. Throughassessment, problems can be detected either by

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working together with local people on extractionresources activities or from the national parkmanagers. On the other side, by implementingzoning activities, local governments have theopportunity to run development programs such asinfrastructure development in order to support andencourage a better life for the local people. Theseactivities were scheduled for May 2010 (BBTNTC,2009)

Conclusions and recommendations

Although this was an internship field study, duringthe field work the authors saw that there was alack of access for local people to education, nutritionand health care. In other words, there was muchpoverty. This is turn has influenced themanagement of the natural resources in TelukCenderawasih National Park. It was noted that thezoning process ran from 2002-2009. It has been along process and there were many conflicts anddifficult situations in terms of conservation effortsand economic orientations. In addition, althoughthe zoning system document is ready and has beensigned by local people, there are still conflicts fromtime to time. Thus, increasing the economic welfareand prosperity of the local people around Teluk

Cenderawasih National Park is a prerequisite, eventhough it is a big challenge.

The BBTNTC officers need to prioritize dealingswith the programs and projects in the national park.High anthropogenic disturbances in TelukCenderawasih National Park occur due toeconomic reasons; therefore, economic programsshould be the main priority. The only way to reduceeconomic problems is through providing alternativeeconomic incentives, which will enable conservationefforts to run for long periods.


The authors would like to thank the TelukCenderawasih National Park Officer inManokwari, as well as the local people whosupported this internship field study by providingdata and relevant information. We also thankRebecca Cooke, from the Nijmegen Institute-Netherlands, who helped to edit this paper.


Balai Besar Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih.2009. Laporan Tahunan-Tahun Anggaran2008. Manokwari.

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(Source. BBTNTC Office, 2009.)Figure 3. Zoning Map of Teluk Cenderawasih National Park, West Papua.

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Balai Besar Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih.2009. Buku Zonasi Taman Nasional TelukCenderwasih, Kabupaten Nabire dan TelukWondama. Provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat.Manokwari.

Conservation International. 1997. The Irian JayaBiodiversity Conservation Priority-SettingWorkshop. Washington DC 20037.

Callicott, J.B. 1990. Whither conservationethnics. Conservation Biology 4:15-20.

Departemen Kehutanan. 2006. PeraturanMenteri Kehutanan Nomor P.56/Menhut-II/2006 tentang Pedoman Zonasi TamanNasional. Departemen Kehutanan Jakarta.

Departemen Kehutanan Republik Indonesia. 2005.Pengelolaan Kolaboratif. Peraturan MenteriKehutanan No. P. 19/Menhut-II/2004.

Eadens L.M., Jacobson. S.K., Stein.T.V.,Confer.J. and L.G. Sweeting. 2008.Stakeholders mapping for recreationalplanning of Bahamian National Park.Society and Natural Resources 22:111-127.

Holling, C. S. 1992. Cross-scale morphology,geometry and dynamics of ecosystems.Ecol. Manage. 62:447-502.

Jones, J.P. Mijasoa M. and H. Neal. 2008. Theimportance of taboos and social norms toconservation in Madagascar. ConservationBiology Volume 22, No. 4, 976-986.

Knapp, G. and P.H. Herlihy. 2001. Mapping thelandscape of identity. Latin America 21st

Cen.27; 251-271.Muller, K. 2005. Keanekeragaman Hayati

Tanah Papua. Di terbitkan atas kerjasamaUniversitas Negeri Papua dan DinasPendidikan, Pengajaran Provinsi Papua.

North, D.C. 1994. Economic performancethrough time. The American EconomicReview 3.359-368.

Ostrom, E. 1999. Coping with tragedies of thecommons. Annual review of political science2:493-535.

Petocz, R.G. 1994. Mamalia Darat Irian Jaya.Jakarta.Gramedia.

Petocz, R.G. 1989. Konservasi Alam danPembangunan di Irian Jaya. Jakarta.Grafitipers.

Paijmans, K. et al. 1976. New Guinea Vegetation.CSIRO-Publishing, Canberra.

Susmianto, A. 2005. Perkembangan KawasanKonservasi, Prospek dan Kontribusinya Di

Indonesia, Khususnya Di Provinsi Papua.Makalah Lokakarya Pengkajian EfektivitasPengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi Di ProvinsiPapua. Sentani Jayapura 1-3 Maret 2005.

Sheil, D. and A. Lawrence. 2004. Tropicalbiologists, local people and conservation:new opportunities for collaboration.Dalam: TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution,vol.19 (12): 634-638.

Sub Balai Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam IrianJaya. 1996. Rencana 5 Tahun PengelolaanKawasan Teluk Teluk Cenderawasih.SBKSDA Irian Jaya. Jayapura.

Sastrawan Manullang. 1999. KesepakatanKonservasi Masyarakat dalamPengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi. NaturalResources Management Program. Sponsoredby the US Agency for InternationalDevelopment. Departemen kehutanan.

Setyadi, G. 1997. Keanekaragaman Hayati LautTaman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih.World Wide Fund for Nature IndonesiaProject.

Turak, E. and L.M Deventier. 2006. Biodiversityand Conservation Priorities of Reef-building Corals in the Papua Birds HeadSeascape. Final Report to ConservationInternational.

Trakolis, D. 2001. Local People’s perception ofplanning and management issues in PrespesLakes National Park, Greece. J. EnvManagement. 61: 227-241.

WWF Region Sahul Papua. 2003. Lokakarya VisiKeanekaragaman Hayati Ekoregion HutanHujan Pegunungan Vogelkop. KerjasamaThe Nature Conservancy, Universitas NegeriPapua, WWF Papua dan Dinas Kehutanan danSKW I Manokwari. (Technical Report).

Authors’ addresses: Sepus Fatem, Forest andNature Conservation Program, ForestryDepartment, Papua State University, Manokwari-West Papua; Jim van Laar, Forest and Natureconservation Policy, Dept of EnvironmentalSciences, Wageningen University and ResearchCentre, The Netherlands; Jhon L. Sroyer, TelukCenderawasih National Park Officer, Manokwari-West Papua; J. Manusawai, Head of EnvironmentOffice of West Papua Province, Forest and NatureConservation Program, Forestry Department,Papua State University, Manokwari-West Papua.

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by Mohammad Alamgir, Md. Saiful Haque Sarkar, Md. Shawkat Islam

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Biodiversity is a concept which refers to therange of variation of differences among some

sets of entities within the living world (CBD, 1992).Due to its unique geophysical location, Bangladeshis characterized by an exceptionally rich biologicaldiversity (Nishat et al., 2002; Hossain, 2001; Baruaet al., 2001). The economy of a country dependslargely on its biological resources, ecosystem andmineral wealth. The ecosystem, species and geneticdiversity of the land and water have great impactson the quality of life, the economy and theenvironment. On a broader note, these resourcesare part of the world stock of biodiversity, whichhave significant social and ethical implications(BBS/UNDP, 2005). In the 1990s, only 3.7%tropical forest protection had been provided inBangladesh and 12 species were threatened (Anon,2000). The rational use and management ofbiodiversity, the habitat, species and genesprevalent in an area are the needs of the day. Oncebiodiversity is lost, it cannot be reversed.Sustainable use of biodiversity is therefore ofparamount importance (Verma et al., 1999).

The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) defineda protected area as “a geographically defined area,which is designated or regulated and managed toachieve specific conservation objectives”(Mulongoy and Chape, 2004). National parksbelong to Category–II of IUCN’s protected areamanagement categories (IUCN, 1994). Presently,there are 18 notified protected areas in Bangladesh(NSP, 2006), covering nearly 1.7% of the totallandmass and 11.08% of the country’s total forestarea (Mukul, 2007). The forest area of Bangladeshis about 2.53 million ha, representing approximately

17.5% of the country’s total surface area (Hossain,2005). In the forest policy of 1994, theGovernment of Bangladesh fixed a target to bringthe forest area up to 20% by 2015, with an emphasison biodiversity conservation. As a part of thisprocess, the Bangladesh Government is puttingsome forest areas into different protected areacategories (such as national park, biodiversityconservation area, wildlife sanctuary, etc.);Khadimnagar National Park is one of them.Measuring the biodiversity of a community orhabitat has been one of the central issues of ecologyand conservation (Verghese and Menon, 1997). Todevelop biodiversity sustainably, one has to knowthe species present in an ecosystem, theirinterdependence and causes of their disturbance(Verma et al., 1999). As it was only recentlydeclared a protected area, there is very scantyquantitative information available on the treecomposition, structure, distribution andpotentialities of Khadimnagar National Park toconserve its biodiversity. Thus, the present studywas conducted to explore the tree speciescomposition of this national park and also to assessits potential to conserve biodiversity, which willprovide information to policy makers andconservationists about this protected area comparedto other protected areas in the country as well asthe world, so that adequate measures can be takento conserve and enrich its biodiversity.


Study site

Khadimnagor National Park is located at NorthSylhet Range-1 (sub division) in Sylhet ForestDivision, under the tropical evergreen and semi-


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Figure 1: Map of protected areas of Bangladesh showing the study area (Source: NSP 2006)

evergreen biogeographic zone (Figure 1). The totalarea is 679 ha, surrounded by tea gardens, and issubmerged with several watersheds locally knownas “chara” (Anon, 2007). The hills are dissectedby numerous valleys, separated by ridges risingsome 50m above them. The hills are generally lowand gently sloping. The soil ranges from clay loamsto pale brown (Anon, 2006). The climate is warmand humid. April and May are the warmest monthsand December and January are the coldest. Thetropical monsoon climate prevails in the area withan average maximum temperature of 30.7°C andaverage minimum temperature of 18.9°C. Theaverage annual rainfall is 3,931 mm, most of whichfalls between June-September (BBS/UNDP,2005).


The study was conducted through the stratifiedrandom quadrate method. The area was divided

into three slope categories, i.e., bottom hill (valleyof the hill), mid hill and top hill (including ridge).There is no significant heterogeneity in thevegetation composition in the different slopesbecause the hills are very low. A total of thirtyplots were selected from three different slopes (tenplots from each slope). The study was conductedfrom February to August 2007. The optimumquadrate size (10m×10m) was determined byapplying a species area curve as carried out byAmbasht (1978), Sharma (1979) and Gareth(1991). Within each plot the number and name ofall trees were counted and recorded. Diameter atbreast height (dbh) of all trees greater than or equalto 5 cm and total height were measured. Differenttree species in the area have been gathered andrepresentative samples have been collected forherbarium preparations. The collected specimenswere identified following Prain (1903), Brandis(1906), Heining (1925) and local people and

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taxonomists. Basal area, density, relative density,frequency, relative frequency, relative dominanceand importance value index were calculatedfollowing Shukla and Chandal (2000), Ambast(1978), Moore and Chapman (1986), andDallmeier et al. (1992). In the present study, fivediversity indexes were analyzed to get a clearpicture of the diversity of the study area.

The Shanon-Wienner’s diversity index wascalculated according to Michael (1990) as:H = -Sum:(P

i Ln P


Where, H = Index of species diversity; Pi =

(Number of individuals of one species / Totalnumber of individuals in the samples.Species diversity index was calculated accordingto Odum (1971)


N= Where, SDI = Diversity index; S =

number of species; N = No. of individuals.Index of dominance (ID) was calculated bySimpson index (Simpson, 1949)ID = Sum: (P


Where, ID = Index of dominance; Pi = (Numberof individuals of one species / Total number ofindividuals in the samples.Species richness index (R) was estimatedaccording to Margalef (1958).

R S-1


Where, R = Species richness index; S= total number

of species; N = total number of individuals of all

the species.

Species evenness index (E), was estimatedfollowing Pielou (1966).



Where, E = Species evenness index; H =Shanon-Wienner’s index of diversity; S = Totalnumber of species.

Results and discussion

Species composition

In the present study, 524 individuals of 29 treespecies belonging to 18 families were identified.The family Meliaceae dominates, represented byfive species, followed by Moraceae, Leguminosae(four species each) and Verbenaceae (2 species).The remaining families contained only one specieseach (Table 1). A similar study done by Nath(1995) in the Sitapahar natural forest of Bangladeshfound 86 tree species of 36 families. Another studydone by Hossain (1994) in the Bamu natural forest,Bangladesh, found 89 tree species of 31 families.Alamgir and Al-amin (2005) found 32 tree speciesof 15 families at the biodiversity conservation areain Banskhali, Bangladesh. The tree speciescomposition of Khadimnagar National Park is lowercompared to the stated research works, althoughin the present study 29 tree species were found.This might be due to the previous degradedcondition of the forest and that protective measureswere taken very recently after declaring it as anational park.

Status of important trees for biodiversityconservation

Among the total number (29) of species, 86% areindigenous and only 14% are exotics. In the presentstudy it was found that 59% of the tree speciesare suitable for wildlife conservation because theirfruits are widely used as food by wildlife. As aresult, a large number of wildlife is also found inthis national park (in the local people’s view).Natural regeneration is also important for treediversity conservation. In the present study 66%of the tree species were found to be naturallyregenerated and most of these are indigenous(Table 2). Some species do not regenerate, possiblydue to lack of ecological requirements, e.g.,Swietenia mahagoni, which requires shade in theearly stage of regeneration; Tectona grandis, forwhich regeneration from seeds is very difficult innatural conditions due to the dormancy of seeds;and Aquilaria malacensis, which were found inonly limited and immature stages. So from thepresent study it is evident that in the future,regeneration of some other species such as

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*Note: I/E - I indicated indigenous and E indicates exotics; S/NS – S indicates fruit suitable for wildlife

and NS indicates non fruit trees or fruits not suitable for wildlife; N/A – N indicates natural regenerationfound and A indicates natural regeneration absent.

Family Scientific name I/E* S/NS* N/A* 1. Anacardiaceae 1. Mangifera indica L. I S N 2. Bixaceae 2. Bixa orellana L. I S N 3. Cassuarinaceae 3. Casuarina littorea L. E NS A 4. Combretaceae 4. Terminalia arjuna Bedd. I S N 5. Dipterocarpaceae

5. Dipterocarpus turbinatus Gaertn. I NS N

6. Euphorbiaceae 6. Baccaurea ramiflora Lour. I NS A 7. Leguminoceae 7. Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.

8. Cassia siamea Lam. 9. Cynometra polyandra 10. Xylia dolabriformis Benth




8. Lythraceae 11. Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers. I S N 9. Magnoliaceae 12. Michelia champaca L. I S N 10. Meliaceae 13. Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.)

Parker. 14. Azadirachta indica A. Juss. 15. Chickrassia tabularis Juss. 16. Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq. 17. Toona ciliata M.J.Roem.




11. Moraceae 18. Artocarpus chaplasha Roxb. 19. Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk. 20. Artocarpus lacucha Buch-Ham. 21. Ficus roxburghii Wall




12. Myrtaceae 22. Syzygium grande (Wt.) Wall. I S N 13. Palmmae 23. Borassus flabellifer Lour. I S A 14. Rubiaceae 24. Anthocephalus chinensis (Lam.) Rich

ex.walp. I S N

15. Rutaceae 25. Zanthoxylum rhetsa (Roxb.) DC. I NS A 16. Santalaceae 26. Santalum album L. I S A 17. Thymalaceae 27. Aquilaria malacensis Lamk. E NS A 18. Verbenaceae 28. Gmelina arborea (Roxb.) DC.

29. Tectona grandis L.F. I E



Total 18 families and 29 species

Table 1: Tree composition of Khadimnagar National Park, Sylhet, Bangladesh

Swietenia mahagoni and Aquilaria malacensismay also be found this national park.

Present tree stock

To determine the present stock of trees inKhadimnagar National Park, the number of stemsper unit area (ha-1), basal area (m2 ha-1) wasestimated. The number of stems per hectare wasfound to be 1,747 and the basal area per hectarewas 60.314 m2. The stem density and basal area

of the six dominant species were as follows: Tectonagrandis (320 and 25.13 respectively), followed byDipterocarpus turbinatus (300, 6.46), Chickrassiatabularis (217, 3.43), Syzygium grande (180,4.25), Michelia champaca (167, 3.04) andArtocarpus chaplasha (163, 4.6) (Table 3).Although the number of stems of Artocarpuschaplasha (163) is low, the basal area is higherthan that of Chickrassia tabularis, Syzygiumgrande and Michelia champaca due to largerdiameter trees. Rahman et al. (2000) estimated

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Species category No. of species Percentage Indigenous 25 86 Exotics 4 14 Fruits suitable for wildlife 17 59 Fruits not suitable for wildlife 12 41 Natural regeneration present 19 66 Natural regeneration absent 10 34

Table 2: Status of tree species from biodiversity conservation point of view

1,678 stems ha-1 with dbh greater than or equal to5cm in Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary (Chittagong,Bangladesh). Alamgir and Al-Amin (2005) found590 stems ha-1 at a biodiversity conservation areain Chittagong, Bangladesh. Compared with thoseresearch findings, Khadimnagor National Park is awell-stocked forest. Nath (1995) and Hossain(1994) estimated a 55.22 m2 ha-1basal area in theSitapahar natural forest and 41.81m2 ha-1 at Bamureserve forest with dbh greater than 10 cmrespectively. Another study done by Alamgir (2003)found 1.415 m2 ha-1 at a biodiversity conservationarea in Chittagong. Compared to the above findings,the basal area ha-1 of trees of Khadimnagar NationalPark is higher. The reason is that the present studyincluded all trees above five centimeter dbh.

Quantitative characters of trees

To explore the quantitative characteristics frequency,relative density, relative frequency, relativedominance and importance value index of eachspecies were estimated. The highest frequency wasfound in Dipterocarpus turbinatus (63.33),followed by Chickrassia tabularis (53.33), Tectonagrandis (53.33), Syzygium grande (46.67),Artocarpus chaplasha (43.33) and Micheliachampaca (33.33). The highest relative density wasfound in Tectona grandis (18.32) followed byDipterocarpus turbinatus (17.18), Chickrassiatabularis (12.40), Syzygium grande (10.31),Michelia champaca (9.54) and Artocarpuschaplasha (9.35). The highest relative frequencywas found in Dipterocarpus turbinatus (13.77),followed by Tectona grandis (11.59), Chickrassiatabularis (11.59), Syzygium grande (10.31) andArtocarpus chaplasha (9.42). The six species withhighest relative dominance were Tectona grandis(41.66), Dipterocarpus turbinatus (10.71),Artocarpus chaplasha (7.62), Syzygium grande(7.05), Chickrassia tabularis (5.71) and Michelia

champaca (5.04). The results indicated thatTectona grandis has the highest importance valueindex (71.57), followed by Dipterocarpusturbinatus (41.66), Chickrassia tabularis (29.7),Syzygium grande (27.51), Artocarpus chaplasha(26.39) and Michelia champaca (21.83). Thelowest importance value index was found inAzadirachta indica, Baccaurea ramiflora andZanthoxylum rhetsa (0.92 each). The importancevalue index indicates the dominance of species ina heterogeneous plant community (Shukla andChandal, 1980), so the study area is dominatedby Tectona grandis, Dipterocarpus turbinatus,Chickrassia tabularis, Syzygium grande,Artocarpus chaplasha and Michelia champaca.

Distribution of trees in dbh classes

Most of the trees (31.11%) belong to the diameterclass of 14-16.99 cm and the least number oftrees (1.34%) were present in the diameter classof 5-7.99 cm. The distribution of dominantspecies in different diameter classes were differentexcept for the 17-19.99 cm and greater than orequal to 20cm diameter classes where Tectonagrandis is dominant. Aquilaria malacensis(0.57%), followed by Syzygium grande (3.24%),Chickrassia tabularis (4.39%), Dipterocarpusturbinatus (7.25%) and Tectona grandis (3.05%,10.50%) were dominant in the diameter class 5-7.99cm, 8-10.99cm, 11-13.99cm, 14-16.99cm,17-19.99cm and greater than or equal to 20cmrespectively. Tectona grandis was highest(18.32%), followed by Dipterocarpus turbinatus(17.18%), Chickrassia tabularis (12.40%),Syzygium grande (10.31%), Michelia champaca(9.54%), Artocarpus chaplasha (9.35%) andXylia dolabriformis (8.59%), and the remainingspecies were less than 5% each. The highestspecies numbers were in the diameter class greater

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than or equal to 20cm (18 species), with the highestnumber of individuals (163) present in the diameterclass 14-16.99cm; 19 species with 111 individualswere present in diameter class greater than or equalto 20cm, and the least number of individuals werepresent in diameter class 5-7.99cm.

Distribution of trees in height classes

Most of the trees (39.70%) belong to the heightclass 8-10.99m and the least number of trees(1.72%) were present in the height class <5m. Thenumber of trees increased with height classes upto 8-10.99m, and then decreased with furtherincreases of height. Aquilaria malacensis (1.15%),followed by Michelia champaca (2.10%),Dipterocarpus turbinatus (8.59%, 5.34%) andTectona grandis (5.24%, 5.92%) dominated in theheight class <5m, 5-7.99m, 8-10.99m, 11-13.99m,14-16.99m and greater than or equal to 17mrespectively. Nineteen species with the highestnumber of individuals (208) were present in theheight class 8-10.99m; 11 species with 109individuals were present in height class 11-13.99m.

Tree diversity index

Table 3 shows the different diversity indexes fortrees. In the present study it was found that theShanon-Winner index, Diversity index, Index ofdominance, Species richness index and Speciesevenness index were 1.07, 0.06, 0.10, 10.30 and0.73 respectively. The Shanon-Winner index,Diversity index, Species richness index and Speciesevenness index for Sitapahar natural forest ofChittagong (North) forest division, Bangladesh, fortree species with dbh >10cm was 2.98, 3.39, 16.92and 1.84 respectively (Nath et al., 2000). TheDiversity index of Bamu reserve forest of Cox’sBazar forest division, Bangladesh, was 3.11(Hossain, 1994). Another study done by Alamgirand Al-Amin (2005) at a conserved forest area ofBanskhali, Chittagong found that the Diversity

Categories Species Shanon-

Winner index Species diversity


Index of dominance

Species richness


Species evenness

index Tree 1.07 0.06 0.10 10.30 0.73

Table 3: Different diversity indices for trees in Khadimnagar National Park

index, Species richness index and Speciesevenness index were 2.07, 13.03 and 1.84respectively. The present study considers onlythe tree species having greater than or equal to5cm diameter at dbh. The higher the value ofdiversity, the greater will be the stability of thecommunity (Rahman et al., 2000). Incomparison to the above research findings,Khadimnagar National Park, though declaredas a protected area only recently, has a speciesrichness index that is satisfactory to convert itas a species-rich protected area.

Potential of Khadimnagar National Park toconserve biodiversity

The magnitude of the threat to the globalbiodiversity situation is undoubtedly higher thanat any time in history (FAO, 2006). The worldhas lost about half of its forest cover, from 62million km2 to 33 million km2 (Sunderlin et al.,2005). Over 15 million ha of natural forest arelost in the tropics every year, which is morethan the area of Nepal (FAO, 2006). The presentrate of species extinction is estimated to bebetween 1,000 and 10,000 times the historical(pre 10,000 years BP) rate (Wilson, 1988). Mostof the world’s biodiversity has been held by amajority of the economically poorest countries(Koziell, 2001) and people are somehowresponsible for the degradation of biodiversity(CBD, 2006; 2007). The natural forests ofBangladesh have been facing such a seriousonslaught that a large portion has already beenlost, leaving the country with only a smallpercentage of forest cover (Anon, 1992), and aresultant loss of the source of biodiversity (Nathet al., 2000). In Bangladesh, the contributionof the forestry sector to the GDP is 3.3%(Siddiqi, 2001). The annual deforestation rateis 3.3%, which is the highest among theSoutheast Asian countries (Poffenberger, 2000).The Bangladesh National Herbarium reported

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106 vascular plant species under risk of extinctionto varying degrees in the country (Khan et al.,2001). Dey (2006) has also prepared a list of 167plant species that are vulnerable or endangered inBangladesh. Biodiversity conservation is essentialto improving the situation and averting this crisis.Protected areas have long been the most effectiveand widespread measure for conserving forests andbiodiversity (Lewis, 1996).

Since declaring Khadimnagar National Park, someprotective measures have already been taken soregeneration is increasing (park official’s view). Thelocal people are now more aware about the needto conserve this forest than in the past due to someawareness-raising activities of the forest departmentsuch as discussions with the local people aboutconserving the forest and the involvement of thelocal elite in conservation activities (local people’sview). So illegal felling is decreasing, the forestfloor is less disturbed, and good regeneration iscoming up.

The nature of forest communities largely dependson the ecological characteristics in sites, speciesdiversity and regeneration status of species. Microenvironmental factors vary with seasonal changeswhich affect the growth stage, i.e., seedling, saplingand young trees of the plant communities thatmaintain the population structure of any forest.Hence, it becomes an important issue to understandthe tree diversity, population structure andregeneration status of forest communities for themaintenance of both natural and control forests(Khumbongmayun et al., 2006). The existence ofa species in the community largely depends on itsregeneration under varied environmental conditions.Regeneration is a critical phase of forestmanagement, because it maintains the desiredspecies composition and stocking after disturbances(Duchok et al., 2005). The growing of fruit treespecies like Artocarpus chaplasha, Bombax ceiba,Erythrina variegata, Ficus hispida, Macarangadenticulata, Psidium guajava, Syzygium cumini,Terminalia bellerica and Terminalia chebula is agood indication for conserving animal diversity(especially birds) by providing food and naturalhabitat because all are indigenous species (Alamgirand Al-Amin, 2007). In the present study we founda large number of fruit tree species as mentionedabove. Species and individuals in the different

diameter and height classes indicated that therecruitment is continuous. So the study area couldbe a potential biodiversity conservation area. Duringthe past few decades a remarkable amount of forestall over the world has been brought underprotection under different IUCN managementcategories, but nearly half of these legallydesignated protected areas are heavily used (usuallyillegally) for agriculture and forest productextraction (McNeely and Scherr, 2003). Adequatemeasures should be taken to protect KhadimnagarNational Park from this problem. The national andinternational organizations concerned withbiodiversity conservation should give moreemphasis to good planning and need to ensure thescientific management of existing trees in thispotential biodiversity conservation area ofBangladesh.


Alamgir, M. 2003. Assessment of floral diversityusing GPS at a strategically suitablebiodiversity conservation area. B.Sc.(Hons.) Project Paper No. 55. Institute ofForestry and Environmental Sciences,University of Chittagong, Chittagong,Bangladesh. 1-48 pp.

Alamgir, M. and M. Al-Amin. 2007. Regenerationstatus in a proposed biodiversityconservation area of Bangladesh.Proceedings of Pakistan Academy of Science44(3): 165-172.

Alamgir, M. and M. Al-Amin. 2005. Plantdiversity and their distribution pattern atstrategically selected conserved forests ofBanskhali, Chittagong. Journal of Forestryand Environment 3: 69-75.

Ambasht, R.S. 1978. A textbook of plantecology. 5th Edition. Students Friends and Co.Lanka, Varanasi, India. 276 pp.

Anon. 1992. Forestry sector review. ForestryMaster Plan, Project 372001/23. Bangladesh.

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in Bangladesh: An Overview. B.Sc. (Hons.)Review paper. Review paper no. 24. Departmentof Forestry, Shahjalal University of Science andTechnology, Sylhet. Bangladesh. 7-72 pp.

Anon. 2007. Office information collected fromDivisional Forest Office, Sylhet, Bangladesh.

Barua, S.P., M.M.H. Khan and A.H.M.A. Reza.2001. The status of alien invasive species inBangladesh and their impact on theecosystems. In: Balakrishna, P. (Ed), AlienInvasive Species- Report of workshop on AlienInvasive Species. IUCN Regional BiodiversityProgramme of Asia, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 1-7pp.

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Brandis, D. 1906. Indian Trees. Periodical ExpertsBook Agency, delhi, India. 767pp.

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Nath, T.K., Hossain, M.K. and M.K. Alam. 2000.Assessment of tree species diversity ofSitapahar Forest Reserve, Chittagong HillTracts (South) Forest division, Bangladesh.Indian Forester 126(7): 727-730.

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Authors’ addresses: Mohammed Alamgir,Assistant professor, Institute of Forestry andEnvironmental Sciences, University ofChittagong, Chittagong-4331, Bangladesh andMd. Saiful Haque Sarkar, Md. Shawkat IslamSohel*, Sayma Akhter, Department of Forestryand Environmental Science, Shahjalal Universityof Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114,Bangladesh (*Corresponding author:[email protected])

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| Diversity of O

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by S.K. Das, B. Baruah, N. Dash, S. Singhnaik and H.K. Sahu


Nandankanan Zoological Park (20°13’N;85°50’E) is one of the major conservation

areas of international importance for wildlife,housing a variety of endangered and endemicanimals in Orissa State, India. It is completelysurrounded by forest area which was declared aWildlife Sanctuary in 1979 by the ForestDepartment of Orissa, together with a botanicalgarden and Kanjia Lake. Encompassing an areaof 4.37 km2, the park is blessed with natural moistdeciduous forest and good water facilitiesthroughout the year. Basically, four types ofvegetation are found in Nandankanan, i.e., TropicalDry Deciduous Forest, Tropical Semi EvergreenForest, Scrub Forest and Thorny forest. Due tothe different types of vegetation, it houses a varietyof lesser known fauna, especially among theOdonates (Dragonflies and Damselflies), which areone of the least studied groups of insects (Caastella,1987). In Orissa, only a few studies have beencarried out on Odonates, such as Laidlaw (1915),Fraser & Drover (1922), Srivastava & Das (1987),Mitra (2000), Sethy & Siddiqi (2007) and Das etal., (2010). Earlier surveys showed that no studyhas been carried out so far from this region onOdonates, hence an attempt was made to studythe odonata fauna of the park and also to createawareness to conserve these fascinating insects.


The study was carried out from November 2009to July 2010. A direct search technique (Sutherland,1996) was used during the midday period (1000to 1400 hrs), because Odonates are most activeduring this time (Subramanian, 2005).Opportunistic sightings were also recorded. Apartfrom this, Odonates were also recorded during

several visits to the study area before the studyperiod between September 2008 to October 2009.The identification of dragonflies and damselfliesis based on Subramanian (2009). Photographswere taken with a Nikon P90 digital camera withdouble close up mode and a Nikon D3000.

Results and discussion

The survey recorded a total of 26 species ofOdonates, representing 20 genera and five familiesfrom the study area (Table. 1). Among the fiverecorded families, Libellulidae was the dominantone with 14 genera and 17 species; followed byCoenagrionidae, represented by 5 species with 4genera. Among all the Odonates of this family,Ground Skimmer (Diplacodes trivialis), Greenmarsh hawk (Orthetrum sabina), Wandering glider(Pantala flavescens), and Common picture wing(Rhyothemis variegate) were regularlyencountered.

White Dartlet (Agriocnemis pieris) was alsorecorded during the study period. From previousrecords it is known only from Western Ghats andsouth of Mumbai (Subramanian, 2009). Thespecies was observed close to the Indian PangolinConservation Breeding Centre of the Park at 10.53hrs. The other 3 families, Gomphidae, Aeshnidaeand Platycnemididae) were represented by 1species each.

The present study confirmed that NandankananZoological Park has a good habitat for Odonates,which are valuable indicators of water quality andlandscape disturbance (Watson et al., 1982). Thepresence of species like Ditch Jewel (Brachythemiscontaminate) directly indicates a polluted watersystem and Granite Ghost (Bradinopyga geminate)represents the urban landscapes (Subramanian,

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White dartlet (Agriocnemis pieris) inNandankan Zoological Park

Green marsh hawk (Orthetrum Sabina)preys on Wandering glider (Pantalaflavescens)

Presence of Ditch jewel (Brachythemiscontaminate) indicates polluted water qualityin the area.

Granite ghost (Bradinopyga geminate)indicates the urban landscape in the Park.

(Photos courtesy of S.K. Das)

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Table: 1. Odonates (Dragonflies and Damselflies) of Nandankanan Zoological Park, Orissa.# First Record from Eastern Ghat,Orissa

| Diversity of O

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SL.No. Common Name Family/ Scientific Name I Clubtail Gomphidae 1 Common Clubtail Ictinogomphus rapax Rambur,1842 II Darners Aeshnidae 2 Blue Tailed Green Darner Anax guttatus Burmeister, 1839 III Skimmers Libellulidae 3 Trumpet Tail Acisoma panorpoides Rambur,1842 4 Little Blue Marsh Hawk Brachydiplax sobrina Rambur, 1842 5 Ditch Jewel Brachythemis contaminata Fabricius,1793 6 Granite Ghost Bradinopyga geminata Rambur,1842 7 Ruddy Marsh Skimmer Crocothemis servilia Drury, 1770 8 Black-tipped Ground Skimmer Diplacodes nebulosa Fabricius, 1793 9 Ground Skimmer Diplacodes trivialis Rambur,1842 10 Fulvous Forest Skimmer Neurothemis fulvia Drury, 1773 11 Crimson-tailed Marsh Hawk Orthetrum pruinosum Rambur,1842 12 Green Marsh Hawk Orthetrum sabina Drury, 1770 13 Blue-tailed Yellow Skimmer Palpopleura sexmaculata Fabricius,1787 14 Wandering Glider Pantala flavescens Fabricius, 1798 15 Yellow-tailed Ashy Skimmer Potamarcha congener Rambur,1842 16 Common Picture Wing Rhyothemis variegata Linnaeus,1763 17 Red Marsh Trotter Tramea basilaris Kirby,1889 18 Black Stream Glider Trithemis festiva Rambur, 1842 19 Long-legged Marsh Glider Trithemis pallidinervis Kirby, 1889 IV Marsh darts Coenagrionidae 20 White Dartlet# Agriocnemis pieris Laidlaw, 1919 21 Pigmy Dartlet Agriocnemis pygmaea Rambur,1842 22 Coromandel Marsh Dart Ceriagrion coromandelianum Fabricius,

1798 23 Golden Dartlet Ischnura aurora Brauer, 1865 24 Senegal Golden Dartlet Ischnura senegalensis Rambur, 1842 25 Blue Grass Dartlet Pseudagrion microcephalum Rambur,

1842 V Bush darts Platycnemididae 26 Yellow Bush Dart Pseudagrion microcephalum Rambur,


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2005) inside the area. There is no doubt that thepark is one of the best conservation sites for theOdonates, but day by day increased disturbanceand pressure from different anthropogenic activitiescreates the pollution that is degrading theenvironment. Therefore, it is necessary to keepthe human interference in check up to a limitedlevel and promote eco-friendly activities inside thearea to minimize the negative impact of humanactivities on the habitat of these magnificentcreatures of nature.


We are grateful to the Forest Department of Orissaand Nandankanan Zoological Park Authority fortheir support to complete this research work. Wewould also like to acknowledge Prof. S.K. Dutta,Zoology Department, North Orissa University andDr. S.D. Rout, Reader, P.G. Department of Wildlifeand Conservation Biology, North OrissaUniversity, for their valuable suggestions duringthe study period.


Caastella, E. 1987. Larval Odonata distributionas a describer of fluvial ecosystems: theRhone and Ain rivers, France. Adv.Odonatol., 3, 23-40.

Das, S.K., Sahu, H.K. and S.D. Rout. 2010.Odonates of Baripada Division of SimilipalBiosphere Reserve, including North OrissaUniversity Campus, Orissa, India.Tigerpaper, Vol. 32(2):13-16.

Fraser, F.C. and C. Dover.1922. The fauna ofisland in Chilka lake-Dragonflies. Recordsof the Indian Museum 24(3): 303-311.

Laidlaw, E.F. 1915. Fauna of the Chilika LakeNo. 2 Odonata, Memories Indian Museum.5: 177-188.

Mitra, T.R. 2000. A note on Odonata collectionfrom Orissa, India. Notul. Odonatol. 5:60-61.

Sethy, P.G.S. and S.Z. Siddiqi. 2007. Observationon Odonates in Similipal BiosphereReserve, Mayurbhanj. ZOOS‘ PRINTJOURNAL 22(11):2893-2894

Srivastava, V. K. and S. Das. 1987. Insecta:Odonata. In: Fauna of Orissa, Part-I,

Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. pp.135-15.

Subramanian, K.A. 2005. Dragonflies andDamselflies of Peninsular India - A fieldguide. Vigyan Prasar, India Offset Press, NewDelhi.

Subramanian. K.A. 2009. Dragonflies of India -A Field Guide. Vigyan Prasar, India OffsetPress, New Delhi.

Sutherland, W.J. 1996. Ecological CensusTechniques. University Press, Cambridge.

Watson, J.A.L., Arthington, A. H. and D.L.Conrick. 1982. Effect of sewage effluent ondragonflies (Odonata) of Bulimba Creek,Brisbane. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res., 33.pp 517-28.

Authors’ addresses: Sunit Kr. Das, BiswajitBaruah, Nibedita Dash, Sunil Singhnaik and Dr.Hemanta K. Sahu, P.G. Department of Wildlifeand Conservation Biology, North OrissaUniversity, Sri Ramchandra Vihar, Takatpur,Baripada-757003;E-mail: [email protected]

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The Government of China and FAO are preparingto welcome participants to Asia-Pacific ForestryWeek 2011. The event will take place in Beijing,China, 7-11 November, and will be the biggestforestry event this year in the region. The first Asia-Pacific Forestry Week was organized in Hanoi threeyears ago and was a hailed a great success attractingover 750 participants from 57 countries.

Asia-Pacific Forestry Week 2011 is dedicated tohelping meet emerging challenges and identify newopportunities. The key concept surrounding theevent is to bring together a large number of partnerevents and stakeholders under a single roof tocomprehensively address forestry-related issues,thereby capturing synergies and efficiencies acrossa range of forestry dialogue streams.

The program encompasses a series of plenarysessions and wide-ranging partner events acrossthe full spectrum of forestry topics.

“It’s an opportunity for the entire forestrycommunity in the region to come together todiscuss critical issues, share experiences and findsolutions,” comments FAO Senior ForestryOfficer Patrick Durst. “It’s going to be the mostsignificant forestry event in the region in 2011– we’re not just providing something foreveryone; there’s going to be lots of things foreveryone.”

Key highlights of the week will include fourthematic plenary sessions, involving an array

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of global experts and world-class speakers, withaudience participation a notable feature of each.

The plenary session themes are:Opening plenary: New Challenges – NewOpportunitiesThe Governance Challenge: Impacts onForests, Lessons Learned and Strategiesfor the FutureNew Media – New Messages: ForestryCommunications in Asia and the PacificJourney to 2020: The Future for Forestryin Asia and the Pacific

The remainder of the week is made up of adiverse range of partner events – meetings,seminars and workshops – covering a broad rangeof forestry topics including forest tenure, forestrehabilitation, certification, illegal logging andassociated trade, community forestry enterprises,indigenous rights, forest health, climate change,REDD+, forest carbon marketing and trading, landdegradation assessment, financing, policy, andmany more.

The week will comprise more than 40 separateevents, including the 24th session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission.

Asia-Pacific Forestry Week 2011 will officiallybegin on Monday morning, 7 November. Keynote

speakers including FAO Goodwill AmbassadorAnggun, Director-General of the United KingdomForestry Commission, Tim Rollinson, and theWorld Bank’s Special Envoy for Climate ChangeAndrew Steer will discuss the central theme “NewChallenges – New Opportunities”. Participants areencouraged to dress in their national costumes tograce the occasion with color and celebrateregional diversity and culture.

Asia-Pacific Forestry Week 2011 will be theculmination of creative and enthusiasticcontributions by more than 50 partnerorganizations. It will attract extensive mediacoverage and serve to increase the attention givento forestry by the policy-makers and the generalpublic.

People from all corners of the forestry landscapewill be making their way to Beijing for Asia-PacificForestry Week 2011. This includes many of theleading lights in global forestry, high-level forestryofficials, representatives from key regional andinternational natural resource organizations,students, private sector actors and communityforesters.

You should also be there!

Secure your participation at:http://apfw-registration.apfnet.cn/

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The ninth biennial issue of State of the World’sForests was released at the outset of 2011, theInternational Year of Forests. The chaptersassembled for this year’s State of the World’sForests draw attention to four key areas thatwarrant greater attention during the InternationalYear of Forests and beyond:

regional trends on forest resources;the development of sustainable forestindustries;climate change adaptation and mitigation; andthe local value of forests.

Each of these themes has implications for thevarious upcoming assessments of progress towardssustainable development, including the Rio+20Summit in 2012 and the Millennium DevelopmentGoals Review Conference in 2015.

Forests have unrecognized potential in furtheringthe development agenda. To maximize thecontribution of forests to poverty eradication, thisyear’s State of the World’s Forests identifies someof the areas that can enhance or challenge thesustainability of people’s livelihoods. Forestindustries have the opportunity to maximize energyefficiency, spur innovation, create a reliable fibresupply and contribute to local economies.Negotiators designing climate change policies andactions recognize that, to be successful, effortsrelated to reducing emissions from deforestationand forest degradation and the role of conservationand enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+)in developing countries must, at the same time,address poverty alleviation. They also recognizethat the long-term implications of forest carbontenure need to be examined more critically to ensureequitable benefit sharing and long-termmanagement of local resources and rights. Thecontribution of forests to local livelihoods alsoneeds further consideration and research, forexample on traditional forest-related knowledge,non-wood forest product (NWFP) governance, thenon-cash value of forests, small and mediumenterprises and community-based forest

management (CBFM). Taken together, thesethemes can maximize the contribution of foreststo the creation of sustainable livelihoods andalleviation of poverty.

Asia and the Pacific

The extent of forests in Asia and the Pacific haschanged dramatically over the past two decades.In the 1990s, the region experienced a net forestloss of 0.7 million hectares per year, while in thelast decade the forest area increased by an averageof 1.4 million hectares per year. The planted forestarea also substantially increased throughafforestation programmes, mainly as a result ofprogrammes in China, India and Viet Nam.

The area of primary forests decreased in all Asiaand the Pacific subregions in the last decade,despite the fact that the area designated forconservation of biodiversity increased in the sameperiod. Mixed trends were observed in thesubregions in the extent to which forests were setaside for soil and water protection.

With the exception of the South Asia and Oceaniasubregions, the area of productive forests declinedover the last decade. Falling levels of woodremovals were also observed throughout the region,largely as a result of the reduction in woodfuelremovals. Employment in the primary productionof forest goods was very high in the region whencompared with the global total.

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Extent of forest resources

Forests cover slightly less than one-third of thetotal land area of the Asia and the Pacific region.Based on estimates for FRA 2010, the region’sforested area was 740 million hectares in 2010,accounting for about 18 percent of the global forestarea. East Asia contained the largest forest area(255 million hectares), followed by Southeast Asia(214 million hectares).

For the purposes of this review, countries and areasin the Asia and the Pacific region are grouped intothe following subregions:East Asia: China, Democratic People’s Republicof Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Republic of KoreaSouth Asia: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives,Nepal, Pakistan, Sri LankaSoutheast Asia: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, LaoPeople’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia,Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand,Timor-Leste, Viet NamOceania: American Samoa, Australia, Cook Islands,Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, FrenchPolynesia, Guam, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru,New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, NorfolkIsland, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, PapuaNew Guinea, Pitcairn, Samoa, Solomon Islands,Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis andFutuna Islands.

The five countries with the largest forested area(China, Australia, Indonesia, India and Myanmar)accounted for 74 percent of the forest in the region,with China and Australia alone accounting foralmost half the forest area of the region. TheFederated States of Micronesia reported that 92percent of its land area was covered by forests,while six countries reported that forests coveredno more than 10 percent of their total land area.Two of these, Nauru and Tokelau, reported noforest at all.

The increase in forest area in the Asia and thePacific region in the past decade was primarilydue to large-scale afforestation efforts in China,where the forest area increased by 2 millionhectares per year in the 1990s and by an averageof 3 million hectares per year since 2000. Bhutan,India, the Philippines and Viet Nam also registeredforest area increases in the last decade.

Despite the net increase in forest area reported atthe regional level, deforestation continued at highrates in many countries. Southeast Asiaexperienced the largest decline in forest area inthe region in the last ten years, with an annual netloss of forests of more than 0.9 million hectares.However, when compared with figures for 1990–2000 (-2.4 million hectares per year), thisrepresented a significant drop. Oceania alsoexperienced a negative trend, primarily becausesevere drought and forest fires in Australia haveexacerbated the loss of forest since 2000 andcaused it to register the largest annual loss of anycountry in the region between 2000 and 2010.Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar and Papua NewGuinea also reported large forest losses in the lastdecade.

Planted forests (i.e., forests established throughplanting and/or deliberate seeding of native orintroduced tree species) made up 16 percent ofthe forest area in the region. Planted forestsexperienced a substantial increase within the lastten years in the Asia and the Pacific region. Mostof the region’s planted forests were establishedthrough afforestation programmes. Chinacontributed the bulk of this growth through severallarge programmes that aimed to expand its forestresources and protect watersheds, control soilerosion and desertification, and maintainbiodiversity.

China, India and Viet Nam have established targetsfor large-scale forest planting and also developedincentive programmes for smallholders to plantmore trees. China plans a 50 million hectareincrease in the area of its planted forests by 2020,with the aim of covering 23 percent of the totalland area with forests, a target which may bereached by 2015 if current planting rates continue.India set a target to cover 33 percent of its landarea with forests and tree cover by 2012. Basedon figures supplied in FRA 2010, some 25 percentof India’s land area was covered by forests, otherwooded land or other land with tree cover in 2010.To this should be added an unknown area of lineplantings and other “trees outside forests.” TheGovernment of Viet Nam aimed to restore forestcover to 43 percent by 2010 and, according to theinformation provided for FRA 2010, this target wasachieved.

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Growing stock and carbon storage were alsoimportant parameters in determining the relevanttrends in the extent of forest resources. Totalcarbon stored in forest biomass was 44 Giga tonnes(Gt) in Asia and the Pacific region as a whole.Carbon stocks in forest biomass decreased by anestimated 159 million tonnes annually during theperiod 2000–2010, despite an increase in the forestarea in the region. The decreasing trend occurredbecause the forest converted to other usescontained more biomass and carbon than the newlyestablished forests. East Asia and South Asiaregistered a positive trend in forest carbon stocksover the period 1990–2010, while Southeast Asiaand Oceania experienced a net loss

Biological diversity and protective functions

Primary forests accounted for 19 percent of thetotal forest area of the region. Data indicated thatthe area of primary forests decreased in all theAsia and Pacific subregions. Southeast Asiaexperienced a loss of primary forests, but the trendslowed in recent years. In Oceania, the decline inprimary forest accelerated since the 1990s. Thedata collected did not allow for an analysis of theproportion of net loss of primary forest that wascaused by deforestation and conversion comparedwith the opening of primary forests to selectivelogging or other human activities, which wouldmove the forest to the class “other naturallyregenerated forest” in the FRA 2010 classificationsystem.

The area of forest designated primarily forconservation of biodiversity accounted for 14percent of the total forest area. Since 2000, thisarea has increased by almost 14 million hectaresin Asia and the Pacific region as a whole. Oceaniaregistered a small contraction in the area designatedfor conservation of biodiversity since 2000. Thearea of forest within formally established protectedareas represented 22 percent of the forest area inthe region. Southeast Asia reported the highestpercentage of forest within protected areas in theregion (32 percent) while Oceania reported thelowest (16 percent).

Nineteen percent of the forest area in the regionwas primarily designated for the protection of soiland water resources. The area of forest assigned

for protective functions increased by 17 millionhectares in the 1990s and by 26 million hectaresbetween 2000 and 2010, primarily because of large-scale ecological planting in China. An odd trendwas observed in Southeast Asia, where forest areaswith a protective function increased from 1990 to2000 and then fell from 2000 to 2010 because ofthe heterogeneous situation within the subregion.There was a steady increase in forest cover with aprotective function in the Philippines and Thailand,while the opposite trend was observed inIndonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic andTimor-Leste. The area of protective forestincreased over the period 1990–2000 in Malaysia,Myanmar, Viet Nam and Oceania, although it fellin these areas throughout the next decade.

Productive and socio-economic functions

In Asia and the Pacific region, 32 percent of thetotal forest area was designated primarily forproduction of wood, fibre, bioenergy and/orNWFPs. The area designated for production hasfallen since 2000 in the region as forests weredesignated for other management purposes suchas conservation of biodiversity and protection ofsoil and water. Only South Asia and Oceaniashowed an increasing trend for this category.

Wood removed from forests and other woodedland constituted an important component of theproductive function of forests. For Asia and thePacific region as a whole, total removals declinedby 10 percent from 1.16 billion cubic meters in1990 to 1.04 billion cubic meters in 2010.Reductions in fuelwood removals accounted forthe bulk of this fall. Removals of industrialroundwood in the region remained quite stable(approximately 280 million cubic meters per year)over the past two decades. Roundwood supplyremained unchanged despite partial logging bansand log export restrictions in some countries (China,Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand) because theincreased supply of wood from planted forests (notcovered by the restrictions) and imports replacedsupply from natural forests.

The value of wood and NWFP removals is anindicator of the contribution of forests to nationaleconomies and of socio-economic benefits of

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forests. The value of total wood removals(including roundwood and fuelwood) in 2005 wasaround US$29 billion in the Asia and Pacific regionas a whole. Subregional trends in the value of woodremovals between 1990 and 2005 fluctuated andonly Oceania reported an increasing trend in thevalue of wood removals since 1990. Forests inthe region also provided a large variety of NWFPs,collected mainly for home consumption, which hadan important economic value that was only partiallyaccounted for. Data on the value of these removalswere reported by 16 countries, accounting for 70percent of the forest area of the region. NWFPremovals reached a total reported value of US$7.4billion in the region as a whole.

The level of employment in forestry is also anindicator of both the social and economic value ofthe sector to society. The reported level ofemployment in the region was very high (8.2million) compared with the world total (10.5million), as a result of the inclusion of peopleemployed to establish forest plantations and otherpart-time jobs. Conversely, most countries’statistics did not include people collecting fuelwoodand NWFPs for subsistence purposes, althoughsome provided partial estimates of subsistenceemployment. Employment in forestry declinedslightly from 1990 to 2005, mainly as a result ofChina’s partial logging ban in the late 1990s andgeneral increases in labour productivity (e.g.,increased mechanization of harvesting operations).


At its fifth Policy Board meeting held 4-5November 2010 in Washington, D.C., the UN-REDD Programme approved US$15.2 million infunding for national programmes in Cambodia,Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, the Philippines andSolomon Islands, bringing the total amount offunding for UN-REDD National Programmes toUS$51.4 million.

The Policy Board allocated US$3 million forCambodia, US$6.4 million for Papua New Guineaand US$4.7 million for Paraguay and providedfurther guidance and recommendations to the fullNational Programmes they presented. TheseProgrammes lay out their REDD+ readiness plansincluding setting up governance, measurement,reporting and verification (MRV) and monitoringsystems, safeguarding the multiple benefits offorests and ensuring stakeholder engagement. Initial

national programmes in the Philippines andSolomon Islands were allocated US$500,000 andUS$550,000 respectively.

The critical funds allocated to these five countriessupport the capacity of national governments toprepare and implement national REDD+ strategieswith the active involvement of all stakeholders,including indigenous peoples and other forest-dependent communities, with the ultimate goal ofprotecting, better managing and wisely using theirforest resources, contributing to the global fightagainst climate change. With these new fundingallocations, the UN-REDD Programme is nowworking with 29 partner countries across Africa,Asia-Pacific and Latin America, of which 12 arereceiving direct support to National Programmes.

UN-REDD Newsletter November 2010

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The 29th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference calledon FAO to strengthen the Regional Office for Asiaand the Pacific (RAP) to serve the needs of theregion and its members in a more timely andeffective manner based on a fully formulatedRegional Priority Framework. In order to deliveragainst this, a proposal for the restructuring of RAPwas formulated and submitted to the Director-General in September 2009, and was approved inearly 2010. The new structure was implementedin the fall of 2010 and the restructured groups areas seen in the chart below.

Internal Auditor

Thai Affairs Section



FAOR Network liaison officer, Information Officer, Meetings and Publications Officer

Agriculture and Food Systems Group

Economic, Social and

Policy Assistance


Natural Resources

and Environment


Field Programme

Group (FPG)

Administration Group (AMG)

Subregional Office

for the Pacific (SAPA)



Emergency Centre for Control of Transboundary

Animal Diseases (ECTAD)


Development Support Centre


Information Technology

Office of RR&DRR

Regional Office Groups

Other FAO Offices in Asia & Pacific

Under the new structure, the former Fisheries,Forestry, and Natural Resources Management andEnvironment Groups have now combined tocomprise the Natural Resources and EnvironmentGroup.

The restructuring is a move away from thetraditional technical discipline-based groups tomultidisciplinary teams that will function througha wide range of formal and informal networks.

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With support from the Spanish-funded RegionalFisheries Livelihoods Programme (RFLP), theNatural Resources and Environment group of theFAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacificconducted a study on the potential to generateincome from mangroves through carbon creditsales and payments for environmental services.The main finding of the work was that transactioncosts associated with accreditation under widelyaccepted carbon standards are likely to be greaterthan the estimated income from carbon credit salesfor all but large areas of mangroves or areas whereplanned conversion can be stopped and soil carbonis included in accounting frameworks. Thissituation may change as methodologies aredeveloped to include additional carbon pools inaccounting frameworks, but significant work needsto be done before this is achieved.

Notwithstanding the potential to quantify andmonetise carbon benefits, mangroves are widelyconsidered to be highly valuable in terms of climatechange mitigation due to high rates of primaryproductivity and large amounts of carbon containedwithin the above and below ground biomass andsoils. Mangroves also provide additional benefitsto coastal communities and the poorer membersin particular, which are lost as unsustainableexploitation increases. Amongst the benefits arewood production, production of non-wood forestproducts (e.g., crabs, honey, bark for tanninproduction, etc.) and production of a range ofenvironmental services including protection fromcoastal hazards, erosion control, water filtration,and bio-diversity conservation.

Many fishing communities in Asia are poor andhighly dependent on dwindling fish stocks. Growing

Contributed by Jeremy Broadhead

Fishing boat in Wunbaik Reserve Forest, Myanmar (Photo: Jeremy Broadhead)

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populations mean that fisheries resources are beingincreasingly degraded and fishing livelihoods arebecoming unsustainable. At the same time,mangrove resources are being degraded withattendant indirect impacts on fish stocks – bothwithin mangrove areas and adjacent sea areas. Byproviding payments to conserve and rehabilitatemangroves, local populations will benefit fromassociated income, from provision of alternativelivelihood activities facilitating reduction of pressureon fish stocks, from increasing productivity ofmangroves and their impacts on adjacent fisheriesand from other services associated with mangroves.

With high transaction costs turning buyers awayfrom markets for forest carbon, and from small-scale projects in particular, a gap exists for lowercost products where variables are less accuratelyquantified and additional assumptions are made.Selling environmental protection and sustainabledevelopment as a bundled product rather thanselling carbon credits is expected to appeal to arange of buyers within the corporate socialresponsibility (CSR) niche and possibly morewidely. Importantly, it will allow conservation andrehabilitation of small areas of mangroves thatcould otherwise be lost.

In response, FAO is aiming to develop a low-costmechanism enabling corporate investors topromote coastal conservation, reduce carbonemissions and support sustainable developmentthrough the provision of funding to communities.The work will involve assessments andconsultations to guide development of a paymentsystem. Information on mangrove carbon cyclingwill also be collated to help construct widelyapplicable estimates of carbon storage andsequestration. Further work will involveidentification of potential mangrove sites andorganization of stakeholder meetings to discusspossibilities for sponsorship.

Fishing in Wunbaik Reserve Forest, Myanmar (Photo: Jeremy Broadhead)

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Contributed by Jeremy Broadhead

The Wunbaik Reserved Forest is located in one ofthe largest remaining stands of mangrove forest inMyanmar. The reserve covers an area of 22,928hectares and was established in 1931 to supplyfirewood to salt factories and inland steam vessels.An adjacent area of 4,081 hectares was notifiedas Mingyaung Public Protected Forest by theMinistry of Forestry in 2009. Thirty-fourmangrove species have been identified in thereserve and a total of 62 species of fin fish, 5species of crustacean and 5 species of mollusc haveso far been recorded in the surrounding waters.

In recent years, increasing population pressure andrising demands for natural resources have resultedin forest degradation and depletion of fish stocks,while agriculture and aquaculture developmentshave encroached into the reserve. Commercialcollection of wood for fuel and of bark for dyeing

has been particularly detrimental to the conditionof the forest and large trees are now only seen insome areas. On the whole, the forest remainsintact, although construction of shrimp ponds andpaddy fields has claimed some 20 percent of thetotal area. At the same time, a legacy of overfishingmeans that fish now caught in surrounding areasare universally of small size.

Several villages are highly dependent on theReserved Forest and the surrounding waters andefforts to bring management of the resources ontoa sustainable footing are badly needed.Furthermore, infrastructure developments relatedto gas drilling in adjacent waters, including a roadcutting across the reserve, could lead to furtherencroachment into the Reserved Forest andpolitical attention has therefore increased.

Putting soil in bags for seedling propagation (Photo: Oswin Stanley)

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Project TCP/MYA/3204, was launched inDecember 2009 following a request from theMinistry of Forestry, Myanmar. It aims tocontribute to the sustainable management of theWunbaik Reserved Forest by developing anintegrated mangrove management plan and modelof community-based mangrove management thatcan also be applied more widely in Myanmar.

The project is addressing issues underminingsustainability by conducting technical studies onfisheries and forestry resources, completing abioenergy assessment and undertakingparticipatory rural appraisals (PRA) in villages thatuse the Reserved Forest. Activities during the firstphase of the project also included informationexchange workshops and training on PRA, forestmensuration, mapping, fisheries management andremote sensing and GIS.

The second phase of the project focuses ondevelopment of an Integrated MangroveManagement Plan (IMMP) using informationcollected through studies and interactions withcommunities and government institutions. Otheractivities have included publication of books onthe forest and fisheries resources of the ReservedForest, construction and distribution of improvedefficiency cookstoves, information disseminationat the local level, collection of information on

owners of encroached land within the ReservedForest and production of posters on the vegetationand fishes of the area.

The project has also demonstrated “EcologicalMangrove Restoration” to 46 mangrovestakeholders in an area of 2.5 hectares of abandonedpaddy land and has provided support forhorticultural activities and tree planting. Trainingon teak nursery management and tree grafting andhybridization techniques has been provided andthree community-based organizations were formedto act as village management committees. Inaddition, 12 hectares of degraded land within theReserved Forest have been demarcated under theCommunity Forestry Scheme with support fromthe Forest Department.

In the final phase of project implementation in 2011,steps will be taken to rehabilitate abandoned landwithin the reserve with support from localcommunities and the IMMP will be completed. Theproject will end in December 2011 and in the long-term, sustainable management of the area willdepend on cooperation between the ForestDepartment, the Fisheries Department and the localcommunities. As all these parties serve to benefitfrom improved management, there is hope that theWunbaik Reserved Forest will still exist in a healthystate for another 80 years and beyond.

Making improved cook stoves (Photo:; Oswin Stanley)

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Investing an additional $40 billion annually in theforestry sector can halve deforestation rates by2030, increase rates of tree planting by about 140per cent by the year 2050, and catalyse the creationof millions of new jobs, according to a report bythe UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

Backed by the right kind of enabling policies, suchan investment – equivalent to about two-thirdsmore than what is spent on the sector at present –could also remove an extra 28 percent of carbonfrom the atmosphere, thus playing a key role incombating climate change, says the UN report“Forests in a Green Economy: A Synthesis.’’

The report underlines that natural capital such asforests can represent up to 90 percent of the GDPof the rural poor. India is among a dozen countriestaking the global findings of the Economics ofEcosystems and Biodiversity into nationalassessment that in turn could translate the valueof nature and its services into national accounts.Carefully planned investments would alsocontribute to increased employment from 25million now to 30 million by 2050.

– The Hindu 5 June 2011 –


New Zealand’s native forests are changing forevermore as falling bird numbers drive the loss ofnative plants reliant on them for pollination.

Joint research by Auckland and CanterburyUniversity scientists released this week warns ofa cascading effect on native biodiversity as birdnumbers continue to decline.

University of Canterbury School of BiologicalSciences ecologist Professor Dave Kelly said birdpopulations were falling worldwide, raisingconcerns that the ecological services they provide,

such as pollination and seed dispersal, may fall.The impact of falling bird populations was ofparticular concern in New Zealand where numbershave nearly halved because of human impacts.

“New Zealand has lost 49 percent of its land birdspecies which raises concerns about whether birdpollination and dispersal are adequate.

Auckland University scientists found that gloxinia,a native bird-pollinated shrub, was poorly pollinatedon the mainland where few native birds were foundcompared with protected mainland islands.

– The Nelson Mail 17 Feb 2011 –


The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC)has announced the appointment of Dr. Tint LwinThaung, as the Executive Director designate forRECOFTC. He will succeed Dr. Yam Malla,current Executive Director when Dr. Malla’s termexpires in September 2011.

Dr. Thaung is a Myanmar-born Australian nationalwho has more than 26 years of professionalexperience in forest management, forest research,and community forestry.

Dr. Thaung has worked extensively in the regionwith particular focus on Papua New Guinea,Thailand, Australia, and Myanmar, where he beganhis career as a national park warden, moving upto become Country Program Coordinator for theWildlife Conservation Society and Deputy CountryCoordinator for SWISSAID-Myanmar.

– http://www.recoftc.org/site/resources/New-Executive-Director-Appointed.php –

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Contributed by Elizabeth Fontein

How can forest policy analysis be used moreeffectively for addressing the rapid changes inthe forestry sector? How can we improve thevalidity and effectiveness of forest policies forsustainable forest management and ruraldevelopment? How can we involve keystakeholders in forest policy analysis and policymaking?

The Fifth Executive Forest Policy Short Coursewas held 17-27 May 2011, in Beijing, China.Twenty-seven Chinese forestry officials andresearchers, including officials from ten provincesin China, spent 10 days studying, practicing anddebating forest policy analysis to answer thesequestions, globally and in China. In the full-servicetraining center of the State Academy of ForestAdministration (STAFA) in Beijing, the participantsmet with national and international experts toexchange their knowledge and experiences.

The stage was set by the Director of the ForestPolicy Division of the State Forest Administration,who elaborated on the evolution of forest policyin China, from the period of central planning tothe present transition towards a market economy.Recent forest policies in China have beensuccessful in adapting to different forest conditions,and are gradually adopting more experience-basedmethodologies. However, several policy issues needthorough rethinking, such as cooperativemanagement and forest tenure. As in many othercountries, forestry in China has become a highlyinterdisciplinary topic, crossing paths withagriculture, industry, social development andenvironmental protection. The participants werechallenged to reflect on where China’s forestrystands in 2011, what role China’s Forestry Agencyshould fulfil, and how policy processes can beimproved by involving stakeholders moreeffectively so as to address a wider range of societalchallenges.

An initial step in answering these questions wasmade by identifying drivers of change in China’sforest sector. China’s rapid economic developmentwas considered to be the main driver for changesin forestry, followed by social, political andinstitutional drivers.

The theoretical framework was set by reviewingthe policy cycle and discussing differentperspectives on policy analysis. With this as a basis,the group practiced participatory policy analysis.

The Beijing Forest Society brought the participantsto the forest area of Huairo, about 100 kilometersnortheast of Beijing City. There, the participantspracticed their facilitation, mediation andnegotiation skills, helping villagers and localofficials to analyze the problems and potentialpolicy solutions for sustainable forest managementin the area. The proficiency and success of thenewly-trained facilitators was expressed in thewords of one of the farmers participating in theexercise, who stated: “This is the first time in 60years that somebody is actually listening to us.”The facilitation of a structured debate through thefishbowl technique, allowing both villagers andofficials to voice their opinions, concluded thepractical part of the course.

The last part of the course brought in experts toaddress an array of policy topics and options.Amongst these was bamboo production, as thissector has been a major subject for rapid policyreform, which lent itself to a holistic policy casestudy addressing issues such as bamboo resourcemanagement, local processing, company-community partnerships and bamboo forest tenurereform.

The effect of forest policies on local livelihoodsand poverty reduction in rural China was addressed

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A new National Forest Assessment Project hasbeen approved in Vietnam. The project and itsresulting forest inventory is designed to play a keyrole in various forestry initiatives (includingREDD+). Funding for the project of US$2.7million is being provided by the Government ofFinland to help Vietnam develop its capacity inforest and tree resources assessment over a periodof three years.

The project is part of a global programme entitled“Sustainable Forest Management in Changing

Climate” launched by FAO. The project aims toenhance the capacity of the Vietnam ForestryAdministration, especially the Forestry Inventoryand Planning Institute, and to introduce new andappropriate technologies. At the same time, it willhelp Vietnam in reviewing forest inventoryparameters against emerging national andinternational reporting requirements, harmonizingand updating the information on forests and treesand reviewing the forestry policy in the light ofresults from the forest resources assessment.

in other presentations. In state forest areas,household dependence on forest has declined andhouseholds have been able to diversify their incomesources. At the same time, however, significantvariation in these patterns both regionally and interms of household type suggests that the reformsneed to be accompanied by a package of incentivesand subsidies targeted at vulnerable households tocompensate for any adverse welfare impacts ofrestructuring.

Other topics included the use of projects for policyexperiments, the role of networks in the regionand the implications for China of the EuropeanUnion’s Forest Law Enforcement, Governance andTrade (FLEGT) process and the U.S.’s Lacey Acton illegal trade in plants and wildlife. The

participants’ enthusiasm and knowledgeable inputscontributed much to the success of the course.

The Executive Forest Policy Short Course wasorganized under the framework of the Asia-PacificNetwork for Sustainable Forest Management andRehabilitation (APFNet)-funded project “Makingforestry work for the poor: Adapting forest policiesto poverty alleviation strategies in Asia and thePacific (GCP/RAS/260/MUL).” Partners in thecourse development and organization were the StateAcademy for Forest Administration (STAFA), theFood and Agriculture Organization of the UnitedNations (FAO), the European Forestry Institute(EFI) FLEGT program, the World Wide Fund forNature (WWF), the State Forestry Administrationof China (SFA) and the USDA Forest Service.

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8-9 August 2011. Second Regional Forum on People and Forests, Community Forestry: Key to Solv-ing Current and Emerging Challenges. Bangkok, Thailand. Contact: Patrick Durst, Senior ForestryOfficer, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand; E-mail: [email protected]

31 August - 3 September 2011. International Training Programme “Innovations in the Managementof Planted Teak Forests.” Peechi, India. Contact: S. Appanah, NFP Advisor (Asia-Pacific), FAO RegionalOffice for Asia and the Pacific, 39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand; E-mail:[email protected]

8-9 September 2011. APEC Forestry Ministers Meeting. Beijing, China. Contact: Patrick Durst, SeniorForestry Officer, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200,Thailand; E-mail: [email protected]

10-12 October 2011. Workshop to strengthen national reporting in support of the implementation ofthe non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests (GCP/INT/118/JPN). Bangkok, Thailand.Contact: Masahiko Hori, Forestry Officer, FOEP, FAO Forestry Department, Via della Terme di Caracalla,00100, Rome, Italy; E-mail: [email protected]

17-20 October 2011. 2nd Regional Workshop: Model Forest Development Learning Tour. Banda Aceh,Indonesia. Contact: Robert Solar, FAO-RAPO TCP/RAS/3210 Consultant and Project Coordinator, FAORegional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand; E-mail:[email protected]

19-22 October 2011. International symposium on the “art and joy of working with wood.” Bangalore,India. Contact: Adrian Whiteman, Senior Forestry Officer, FOEI, FAO Forestry Department, Via dellaTerme di Caracalla, 00100, Rome, Italy; E-mail: [email protected]

26 October 2011. Meeting on Forests and Climate Change Adaptation in Asia. Bangkok, Thailand.Contact: Jeremy Broadhead, Forestry Consultant, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 39 PhraAtit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand; E-mail: [email protected]

7-11 November 2011. Second Asia-Pacific Forestry Week and 24th Session of the Asia-Pacific ForestryCommission. Beijing, China. Contact: Patrick Durst, Senior Forestry Officer, FAO Regional Office forAsia and the Pacific, 39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand; E-mail: [email protected]

21-29 November 2011. Training of trainers on enhancing stakeholder participation in nfps. Kathmandu,Nepal. Contact: Contact: Fred Kafeero, Forestry Officer, FOEP, FAO Forestry Department, Via dellaTerme di Caracalla, 00100, Rome, Italy; E-mail: [email protected]

FOREST NEWS is issued by the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific as part of TIGERPAPER. This issue ofFOREST NEWS was compiled by Patrick B. Durst, Senior Forestry Officer, FAO/RAP.

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For copies please write to: Senior Forestry Officer for Asia and the Pacific,FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand.

Or visit the FAO website for an electronic version: http://www.fao.or.th/publications/publications.htm

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