tigran nagapetyan department of statistics, university · pdf filemultilevel monte carlo for...

Multilevel Monte Carlo for Scalable Bayesian Computations * Tigran Nagapetyan Department of Statistics, University of Oxford [email protected] Lukasz Szpruch School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh [email protected] Sebastian J. Vollmer Department of Statistics, University of Oxford [email protected] Konstantinos Zygalakis School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh [email protected] Mike Giles Department of Mathematics, University of Oxford [email protected] September 21, 2016 Abstract Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are ubiquitous in Bayesian computations. However, they need to access the full data set in order to evaluate the posterior density at every step of the algorithm. This results in a great computational burden in big data applications. In contrast to MCMC methods, Stochastic Gradient MCMC (SGMCMC) algorithms such as the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD) only require access to a batch of the data set at every step. This drastically improves the computational performance and scales well to large data sets. However, the difficulty with SGMCMC algorithms comes from the sensitivity to its parameters which are notoriously difficult to tune. Moreover, the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) scales as O(c - 1 3 ) as opposed to standard MCMC O(c - 1 2 ) where c is the computational cost. We introduce a new class of Multilevel Stochastic Gradient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms that are able to mitigate the problem of tuning the step size and more importantly of recovering the O(c - 1 2 ) convergence of standard Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods without the need to introduce Metropolis-Hasting steps. A further advantage of this new class of algorithms is that it can easily be parallelised over a heterogeneous computer architecture. We illustrate our methodology using Bayesian logistic regression and provide numerical evidence that for a prescribed relative RMSE the computational cost is sublinear in the number of data items. 1 Introduction In recent years there has been an increasing interest in methods for Bayesian inference which are scalable to Big Data settings. Contrary to optimisation-based or maximum likelihood settings, where one looks for a single point estimation of parameters, Bayesian methods attempt to obtain a characterisation of the full posterior distribution over the unknown parameters and latent variables in the model. This approach allows for a better characterisation of the uncertainties inherent to the learning process as well as providing protection against over fitting. One of the most widely used classes of methods for Bayesian posterior inference is Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). This class of algorithms mixes slowly in complex, high dimensional-models and scales poorly to large data sets [3]. In order to deal with these issues, a lot of effort has been placed on developing MCMC methods that provide * Corrected version of the preprint 1 arXiv:1609.06144v1 [stat.ML] 15 Sep 2016

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Page 1: Tigran Nagapetyan Department of Statistics, University · PDF fileMultilevel Monte Carlo for Scalable Bayesian Computations Tigran Nagapetyan Department of Statistics, University of

Multilevel Monte Carlo for Scalable Bayesian Computations∗

Tigran NagapetyanDepartment of Statistics, University of Oxford

[email protected]

Lukasz SzpruchSchool of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh

[email protected]

Sebastian J. VollmerDepartment of Statistics, University of Oxford

[email protected]

Konstantinos ZygalakisSchool of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh

[email protected]

Mike GilesDepartment of Mathematics, University of Oxford

[email protected]

September 21, 2016


Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are ubiquitous in Bayesian computations. However, they needto access the full data set in order to evaluate the posterior density at every step of the algorithm. This results in agreat computational burden in big data applications. In contrast to MCMC methods, Stochastic Gradient MCMC(SGMCMC) algorithms such as the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD) only require access to a batchof the data set at every step. This drastically improves the computational performance and scales well to largedata sets. However, the difficulty with SGMCMC algorithms comes from the sensitivity to its parameters whichare notoriously difficult to tune. Moreover, the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) scales as O(c−

13 ) as opposed to

standard MCMC O(c−12 ) where c is the computational cost.

We introduce a new class of Multilevel Stochastic Gradient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms that are ableto mitigate the problem of tuning the step size and more importantly of recovering the O(c−

12 ) convergence of

standard Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods without the need to introduce Metropolis-Hasting steps. A furtheradvantage of this new class of algorithms is that it can easily be parallelised over a heterogeneous computerarchitecture. We illustrate our methodology using Bayesian logistic regression and provide numerical evidence thatfor a prescribed relative RMSE the computational cost is sublinear in the number of data items.

1 IntroductionIn recent years there has been an increasing interest in methods for Bayesian inference which are scalable to BigData settings. Contrary to optimisation-based or maximum likelihood settings, where one looks for a single pointestimation of parameters, Bayesian methods attempt to obtain a characterisation of the full posterior distributionover the unknown parameters and latent variables in the model. This approach allows for a better characterisation ofthe uncertainties inherent to the learning process as well as providing protection against over fitting.

One of the most widely used classes of methods for Bayesian posterior inference is Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC). This class of algorithms mixes slowly in complex, high dimensional-models and scales poorly to large datasets [3]. In order to deal with these issues, a lot of effort has been placed on developing MCMC methods that provide

∗Corrected version of the preprint













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more efficient exploration of the posterior, such as Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) [6, 16] and its Riemannianmanifold variant [12].

Stochastic gradient variants of such continuous-dynamic samplers have been shown to scale very well with the sizeof the data sets, as at each iteration they use data subsamples (also called minibatches) rather than the full dataset.Stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics (SGLD) [21] was the first algorithm of this kind showing that adding the rightamount of noise to a standard stochastic gradient optimisation algorithm leads to sampling from the true posterior asthe step size is decreased to zero. Since its introduction, there have been a number of articles extending this idea todifferent samplers [4, 15, 5], as well as carefully studying the behaviour of the mean square error (MSE) of the SGLDfor decreasing step sizes and for a fixed step size [20, 19]. The common conclusion of these papers is that the MSE isof order O(c−

13 ) for computational cost of c (as opposed to O(c−

12 ) rate of MCMC).

The basic idea of Multilevel Monte Carlo methodology is to use a cascade of decreasing step-sizes. If those differentlevels of the algorithm are appropriately coupled, one can reduce the computational complexity without a loss ofaccuracy.

In this paper, we develop a Multilevel SGLD (ML-SGLD) algorithm with computational complexity of O(c−12 ),

hence closing the gap between MCMC and stochastic gradient methods. The underlying idea is based on [18] and itsextensions are:

• We build an antithetic version of ML-SGLD which removes the logarithmic term present in [18] and makes thealgorithm competitive with MCMC.

• We consider the scaling of the computational cost as well as the number of data items N . By using a Taylorbased stochastic gradient, we obtain sub-linear growth of the cost in N .

• By introducing additional time averages, we can speed up the algorithm further.

The underlying idea is close in spirit to [1] where expectations of the invariant distribution of an infinite dimensionalMarkov chain is estimated based on coupling approximations.

This article is organised as follows. In Section 2, we provide a brief description of the SGLD algorithm and theMLMC methodology to extent, which will allow us to sketch in Section 3 how these two ideas can be enmeshedin an efficient way. Next we describe three new variants of the multilevel SGLD with favourable computationalcomplexity properties and study their numerical performance in Section 4. Numerical experiments demonstrate thatour algorithm is indeed competitive with MCMC methods which is reflected in the concluding remarks in Section 5.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Stochastic Gradient Langevin DynamicsLet θ ∈ Rd be a parameter vector where π(θ) denotes a prior distribution, and π(x|θ) the density of a data item x isparametrised by θ. By Bayes’ rule, the posterior distribution of a set of N data items X = {xi}Ni=1 is given by

π(θ|X) ∝ π(θ)



The following stochastic differential equation (SDE) is ergodic with respect to the posterior π(θ|X)

dθt =

(∇ log π(θt) +


∇ log π(xi|θt)


√2dWt, θ0Rd (1)

where Wt is a d-dimensional standard Brownian motion. In other words, the probability distribution of θt convergesto π(θ|X) as t → ∞. Thus, the simulation of (1) provides an algorithm to sample from π(θ|X). Since an explicitsolution to (1) is rarely known, we need to discretise it. An application of the Euler scheme yields

θk+1 = Sh,ξk(θk), Sh,ξ(θ) := θ + h

(∇ log π(θ) +


∇ log π(xi|θ)



where ξk is a standard Gaussian random variable on Rd. However, this algorithm is computationally expensive since itinvolves computations on all N items in the dataset. The SGLD algorithm circumvents this problem by replacing the


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sum of the N likelihood terms by an appropriately constructed sum of n� N terms which is given by the followingrecursion formula

θk+1 = Sh,τk,ξk(θk), Sh,τ,ξ(θ) := θ + h

(∇ log π(θ) +




∇ log π(xτi |θ)


2hξ (2)

with ξ being a standard Gaussian random variable on Rd and τ = (τ1, · · · , τs) is a random subset of [N ] = {1, · · · , N},generated for example by sampling with or without replacement from [N ]. Notice that this corresponds to a noisyEuler discretisation. In the original formulation of the SGLD in [21] decreasing step sizes {h0 ≥ h1 ≥ h2 ≥ . . .} wereused in order to obtain an asymptotically unbiased estimator. However, the RMSE is only of order O(c−

13 ) for the

computational cost of c [19].

2.2 Multilevel Monte CarloConsider the problem of approximating E[g] where g is a random variable. In practically relevant situations, we cannotsample from g, but often we can approximate it by another random variable gM at a certain associated cost(gM ),which goes to infinity as M increases. At the same time lim

M→∞EgM → Eg, so we can have a better approximation,

but at a certain cost. The typical biased estimator of E[g] then has the form

gN,M =1



g(M,i). (3)

Consequently, the cost of evaluating the estimator is proportional to N to cost(gM ). According to the Central Limittheorem, we need to set N � ε−2 ·Var(gM ) to get the standard deviation of the estimator gN,M less than ε.

Now consider just two approximations gM and gK , where K < M . It is clear, that the cost of one sample forgM − gK is roughly proportional to cost(gM ). We assume that V1 = Var(gM ) ≈ Var(gK) and V2 = Var(gM − gK)where V2 < V1. Then based on the identity EgM = EgK + E(gM − gK), we have

gN1,N2,M,K =1

N 1


g(K,i) +1

N 2


(g(M,j) − g(K,j)


We see that the overall cost of the Monte Carlo estimator gN1,N2,M,K is proportional to

cost(gN1,N2,M,K) = ε−2 ·(cost(gK) · V1 + cost(gM ) · V2


so implying the condition

1 >costKcostM


we obtain that cost(gN,M ) > cost(gN1,N2,M,K). The idea behind this method, which was introduced and analysedin [14], lies in sampling gM − gK in a way, that Var(gM − gK) < Var(gM ). This approach has been independentlydeveloped by Giles in a seminal work [9], where a MLMC method has been introduced in the setting of stochasticdifferential equations.

MLMC takes this idea further by using L ≥ 2 independent clouds of simulations with approximations of a differentresolution. This allows the recovery of a complexity O(ε−2) (i.e variance N−1/2). The idea of MLMC begins byexploiting the following identity

E[gL] =


E[gl − gl−1], with g−1 := 0. (4)

In our context gl := g(θMl

T ), g : Rd → R, with {θMl

T }, defined in (2), l = 0 . . . L, and T being the final time index inan SGLD sample. We consider a MLMC estimator

Y =






}, ∆(i,l) := g

(i)l − g

(i)l−1, g

(i)−1 = 0,

where g(i)l = g((θMl

T )(i)) are independent samples at level l. The inclusion of the level l in the superscript (i, l)indicates that independent samples are used at each level l and between levels. Thus, these samples can be generatedin parallel.


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Efficiency of MLMC lies in the coupling of g(i,l)l and g(i,l)l−1 that results in small Var[∆(i,l)]. In particular, for theSDE in (1), one can use the same Brownian path to simulate gl and gl−1 which, through the strong convergenceproperty of the scheme, yields an estimate for Var[∆(i,l)]. More precisely it is shown in Giles [9] that under theassumptions1 ∣∣E[gl − gl−1]| = O(hαl ), Var[gl − gl−1] = O(hβl ), (5)

for some α ≥ 1/2, β > 0, the expected accuracy under a prescribed computational cost c is proportional to

ε �


12 , β > γ,

c−12 log2(c), β = γ,


2·α+γ−β , 0 < β < γ

where the cost of the algorithm at each level l is of order O(h−γl ).The main difficulties in extending the approach in the context of the SGLD algorithm is a) the fact that T →∞

and therefore all estimates need to hold uniformly in time; b) coupling SGLD dynamics across the different levels intime c) coupling the subsampling across the different levels. All of these problems need serious consideration as naiveattempts to deal with them might leave (4) unsatisfied, hence violating the core principle of the MLMC methodology.

3 Stochastic Gradient based on Multi-level Monte CarloIn the following we present a strategy how the two main ideas discussed above can be combined in order to obtainthe new variants of the SGLD method. In particular, we are interested in coupling the dicretisations of (1) basedon the step size hl with hl = h02−l. Because we are interested in computing expectations with respect to theinvariant measure π(θ|X), we also increase the time endpoint Tl ↑ ∞ which is chosen such that Tl/h0 ∈ N. Thus,sl = Tl/hl ∈ N.

We introduce the notation

Sh,τ1:sl ,ξ1:sl (θ0) = Sh,τsl ,ξsl

(Sh,τsl ,ξsl (. . . Sh,τ1,ξ1(θ0))

)where ξ denotes the Gaussian noise and τ the index of the batch data. We would like to exploit the following telescopicsum

Eg(Sh,τ1:θ0 ,ξ1:s0 (θ0)


Eg(Shl,τ1:sl ,ξ1:sl (θ0)

)− Eg




We have the additional difficulty of different hl and hl−1 stepsizes and simulation time Tl. First, the fine path isinitially evolving uncoupled for Tl−Tl−1

hltime steps. The coupling arises by evolving both fine and coarse paths jointly,

over a time interval of length Tl − Tl−1, by doing two steps for the finer level denoted by θ(f,i) (with the time stephi) and one on the coarser level denoted by θ(c,l) (with the time step hl−1) using the discretisation of the averagedGaussian input for the coarse step.

This coupling makes use of the underlying contraction (Equation (6)) as illustrated in Figure 1. The propertythat we use is that solutions to (1) started from two different initial conditions θ10 and θ2 with the same driving noisesatisfy

E|θ1t − θ2t |2 ≤ |θ10 − θ20|e−Lt, L > 0. (6)

In [18, 7] it is shown that this holds if the posterior is strongly log-concave and also is satisfied by the numericaldiscretisation. However, numerically this holds for a much larger class and this can be extended by considering morecomplicated couplings such as the reflection coupling [8]. This shifting coupling was introduced in [13] for couplingMarkov chains. In [18, 7] it is shown that (6) holds if the posterior is strongly log-concave. This is sufficient but notnecessary and holds for a much wider class of problems [8].

This property implies that the variance of

∆(i,l) := g


)− g


)for suitably chosen Tl−1 would remain small, thus allowing an application of the MLMC methodology. We will drop iappropriately.

1Recall hl denotes the size of the step of the algorithm (2).


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Figure 1: Behaviour of numerical paths of (1) when the appropriate coupling is used

3.1 Multi-level SGLDAs common in MLMC we couple fine and coarse paths through the Brownian increments, with a Brownian incrementon a coarse path given as a scaled sum of increments on the fine - 1√

2(ξk,1 + ξk,2), which can be written in our

notation as (θ(f)k+1, θ




(f)k,2 ,ξk,2

◦ Shi,τ

(f)k,1 ,ξk,1

(θ(f)k ), S



(θ(c)k )

). (7)

One question that naturally occurs now is that if and how should one choose to couple between the subsampling ofthe data? In particular, in order for the telescopic sum to be respected, one needs to have that the laws of distributionfor subsampling the data is the same, namely

L(τ (f,1)

)= L

(τ (f,2)

)= L

(τ (c)). (8)

In order for this condition to hold we first take s independent samples τ (f,1) on the first fine-step and another sindependent s-samples τ (f,2) on the second fine-step. In order to ensure that Equation 8 holds, we create τ (c) bydrawing s samples without replacement from

(τ (f,1), τ (f,2)

). Other strategies are also possible and we refer the reader

to [18].

1. The initial steps are characterised by sl = Tl−Tl−1


2. set θ(c,l)0 = θ0 and θ(f,l)0 = Shl,τ−sl:−1,ξ−sl:−1, then simulate (θ

(f,l)· , θ

(c,l)· ) jointly according to

(θ(f,l)k+1 , θ




(f)k,2 ,ξk,2

◦ Shi,τ

(f)k,1 ,ξk,1

(θ(f,l)k ), S



(θ(c,l)k )

). (9)

and set∆(i,l) := g


)− g



Algorithm 1: ML-SGLD for ti ↑ ∞

3.2 Antithetic Multi-level SGLDHere we present the most promising variant of coupling on subsampling: Algorithm 2 for ti ↑ ∞. Building on the ideasdeveloped in [11] (see also [10]) we propose Antithetic Multi-level SGLD which achieves an MSE of order complexityO(c−

12 ) for prescribed computational cost (and therefore allows for MLMC with random truncation see [1]).


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1. The initial steps are characterised by sl = Tl−Tl−1


2. set θ(c+,l)0 = θ(c−,l)0 = θ0 and θ(f,l)0 = Shl,τ−sl:−1

, ξ−sl:−1, then simulate (θ(f,l)· , θ

(c,l)· ) jointly according to

θ(f,i)k+1 = S


◦ Shi,τ

(f)k,1 ,ξk,1

(θ(f,l)k )

θ(c+,l)k+1 =, S



(θ(c,l)k )

θ(c−,l)k+1 =, S



(θ(c,l)k )


3. set

∆(i,l) := g



)− 1





)+ g




Algorithm 2: Antithetic ML-SGLD for tl ↑ ∞

3.3 Averaging the PathCompared to MCMC these algorithms seem wasteful because only the last step of a long simulation is saved. Thenumerical performance can be improved by instead averaging of parts of the trajectory as follows

∆(i,l)averaged :=







)− 1







and this also applies appropriately to the antithetic version.

3.4 Taylor based Stochastic GradientThe idea of Taylor based stochastic gradient is to use subampling on the remainder of a Taylor approximation


∇ log p (xi|θ)



∇ log p (xi|θ0) +


∇2 log p(xi|θ0) (θ − θ0)



(∇ log p (xi|θ)−

(∇ log p (xi|θ0) +∇2 log p(xi|θ0) (θ − θ0)



∇ log p (xi|θ0) +


∇2 log p(xi|θ0)

)(θ − θ0) (11)




(∇ log p (xτi |θ)−

(∇ log p (xτi |θ0) +∇2 log p(xτi |θ0) (θ − θ0)


We expect that the Taylor based stochastic gradient to have small variance for θ − θ0 small. The idea of subsamplingthe remainder originally was introduced in [2]. By interopolating between the Taylor based stochastic gradient andthe standard stochastic gradient we have the best of both worlds.

4 ExperimentsWe use Bayesian logistic regression as testbed for our newly proposed methodology and perform a simulation study.The data yi ∈ {−1, 1} is modelled by

p(yi|ιi, x) = f(yixtιi) (12)


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where f(z) = 11+exp(−z) ∈ [0, 1] and ιi ∈ Rd are fixed covariates. We put a Gaussian prior N (0, C0) on x, for simplicity

we use C0 = I subsequently. By Bayes’ rule the posterior π satisfies

π(x) ∝ exp



) N∏i=1

f(yixT ιi).

We consider d = 3 and N ∈ {100, 316, 1000, 3162, 10000} data points and choose the covariate to be

ι =

ι1,1 ι1,2 1ι2,1 ι2,2 1...


ιN,1 ιN,2 1

for a fixed sample of ιi,j

i.i.d.∼ N (0, 1) for i = 1, . . . N and we take n =⌈N



It is reasonable to start the path of the individual SGLD trajectories at a mode of the target distribution. Thismeans that we set the x0 to be the map estimator

x0 = argmax exp



) N∏i=1

f(yixT ιi)

which is approximated using the Newton-Raphson method. In the following we disregard the cost for the preliminarycomputations which could be reduced using state of the art optimisation and evaluating the Hessian in parallel. Inthe following we use MCMC and the newly developed MLSGLD to estimate the averaged squared distance from themap estimator under the posterior

∫R3 ‖θ − θ0‖2π(x)dx i.e. set

g(θ) = ‖θ − θ0‖2. (13)

Notice that by posterior consistency properties we expect this quantity to be have like 1N which is why we will consider

relative MSE.

4.1 Illustration of Coupling standard, antithetic and with TaylorWe choose Tl = m(l + 1)h0, hl = 2−l and leave m ∈ N as a tuning parameter. The crucial ingredient here is thatin expectation the coarse and fine paths get closer exponentially initially and then asymptote, with the asymptotedecaying as the step size decays. This illustrated on Figure 2a. As any MLMC algorithm performance is effectedby the order β of the variance Var∆(i,l) � hβl , the parameters m and h0 should be chosen such that the differencebetween pathes reaches the asymptote, but preferrably does not spent to much time in it, as this increases thecomputational cost of sampling those paths. In our experiments we set m = 5 and h0 = 1/N and on Figure 2c we see,that Algorithm 2 provides better coupling with variance decay of order 2, which is significantly better than the firstorder variance decay, given by Algorithm 1. Combining Algorithm 2 with Taylor based extension from Section 3.4 andpath averaging with pl = sl/2 from Section 3.3 gives additional decrease for the variance without affecting the rate 2.The faster variance decay leads to lower overall complexity, as the number of samples at each level is proportional tothe variance at that level. The Taylor Mean decay rates are of the same order, which can be seen on Figure 2b, butonce again Algorithm 2 combined with Taylor and path averaging is more preferable, as the multiplicative constant islower, than in Algorithm 1.

Numerical evidence, presented here, leads to the conclusion, that Antithetic MLSGLD with Taylor along withAntithetic MLSGLD with Taylor and Averaging are the best competitors to MCMC algorithm, so we proceed tocomparison of those algorithms.

4.2 Comparison with MCMCWe choose Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin (MALA, see [17]) as a competitor because it is based on one Euler stepof the Langevin SDE, but adds a Metropolis accept-reject step in order to preserve the correct invariant measure(removing the requirement to decrease step size for better accuracy). We take cost as the number of evaluation ofdata items, which is typically measured in epochs. One epoch corresponds to one effective iteration through the fulldata set. Heuristically, for this log-concave problem we expect the convergence rate to be independent of N , so theonly cost increase is due to evaluating posterior density and evaluating ∇ log π(X|θ). This agrees with the findings in


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0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18SDE Time










|xf t−xc t|2


(a) Coupled levels

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Level















MLSGLDAnt. MLSGLDAnt. MLSGLD TaylorAvr. Ant. MLSGLD Taylor2nd order decay1st order decay

(b) Variance decay

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Level








Mean Incr



MLSGLDAnt. MLSGLDAnt. MLSGLD TaylorAvr. Ant. MLSGLD Taylor1st order decay

(c) Mean decay

Figure 2: Coupled paths at differen levels, variance and mean decays with respect to the levels.

(a) Comparison of Mean Squared Relative Errors

102 103 104

Sample size









/ S





Ant.MLSGLD TaylorAvr. Ant.MLSGLD TaylorMCMCLinear increase

(b) Increase in Complexity

Figure 3: . Scalability of the algorithms and achieved Relative MSE for for differen datasets.

Figure 3a, where the MCMC lines are almost on top of each other thus yielding the same relative MSE for the samenumber of epochs for different dataset sizes. As N increases the cost per epoch increases proportional to N . We runthe MALA for 104 steps with 103 steps of burning and optimal acceptance rate 0.574 for 50 times and then average.The various MLSGLD algorithms are ran for 50 times to achieve relative accuracies 2−k/2, k = 2, . . . , 10. This is yetanother advantage of MLMC paradigm, which allows us to control numerically the mean increments and variance atall the levels, thus stopping the algorithm, when it has converged numerically. The most important comparison ispresented on Figure 3b, where we compare the increase of the complexity to achieve relative accuracy of 2−5 withrespect to the dataset size. We observe the sublinear growth of cost w.r.t dataset size for Antithetic MLSGLD withTaylor and Antithetic MLSGLD with Taylor and averaging, with the later having a slightly better behaviour than thefirst one.

5 ConclusionWe develop a Multilevel SGLD algorithm with computational complexity of O(c−

12 ), hence closing the gap between

MCMC and stochastic gradient methods. Moreover, this algorithm scales sublinearly with respect to the datasetsize and allows natural parallelization, due to the typical properties of Monte Carlo sampling. The benefits ofparallelization are to be studied later along with further numerical investigations for adaptive choices of parametersin the algorithm. In our further studies we also plan to quantify analytically the gains, given by MLSGLD algorithmand extend its applicability to a larger class of models.

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