tiivistelmä – referat – abstract

Tiedekunta – Fakultet – Faculty Koulutusohjelma – Utbildningsprogram – Degree programme Tekijä – Författare – Author Työn nimi – Arbetets titel – Title Työn laji – Arbetets art – Level Aika – Datum – Month and year Sivumäärä – Sidoantal – Number of pages Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract Avainsanat – Nyckelord – Keywords Säilytyspaikka – Förvaringställe – Where deposited Muita tietoja – Övriga uppgifter – Additional information

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Page 1: Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract

Tiedekunta – Fakultet – Faculty Koulutusohjelma – Utbildningsprogram – Degree programme

Tekijä – Författare – Author

Työn nimi – Arbetets titel – Title

Työn laji – Arbetets art – Level Aika – Datum – Month and year Sivumäärä – Sidoantal – Number of pages

Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract

Avainsanat – Nyckelord – Keywords

Säilytyspaikka – Förvaringställe – Where deposited

Muita tietoja – Övriga uppgifter – Additional information

Sakari Ikonen
Faculty of Science
Sakari Ikonen
Sakari Ikonen
Sakari Ikonen
Sakari Ikonen
M.Sc. thesis
Sakari Ikonen
March 2018
Sakari Ikonen
49 p.
Sakari Ikonen
From divisibility and factorization to Iwasawa theory of Zp-extensions
Sakari Ikonen
Kumpulan tiedekirjasto
Sakari Ikonen
Iwasawa theory, algebraic number theory, class number, unique factorization
Sakari Ikonen
This thesis covers the factorization properties of number fields, and presents the structures necessary for understanding a proof on Iwasawa's theorem. The first three chapters aim to construct a ring of integers for arbitrary number fields, and prove that such a ring exists. We prove that our ring of integers is a Dedekind ring, giving us unique factorization on the set of prime ideals. We prove that there exists an isomorphism between principal and factorial divisors and ideals, define an equivalence relation on the set of all divisors, and show that the equivalence classes form the ideal class group. The class number of a field is defined as the order of the ideal class group . We define ramification of primes, and the invariants related to a prime P called the ramification index, inertia degree and decomposition number. We expand on the galois theory of finite extensions, by introducing a topology on an infinite algebraic galois extension, and a galois correspondence between closed subgroups and intermediate fields. We show how to define the decomposition- and inertia group in the infinite case. The maximal unramified field extension, the Hilbert class field, whose galois group is isomorphic to the ideal class group, is introduced. We introduce a p-adic metric on the ring of integers with the help of valuations, and construct the p-adic integers as a completion with regards to the metric. We prove some structure results for this ring. The lambda-modules are constructed as a limit of modules over group rings, where the group rings are generated by the p-adic integers, and a suitable multiplicative cyclic group. The final result is a proof of Iwasawa’s theorem as found in Washington, Introduction to Cyclotomic fields. We view the galois group of the p-adic extension as a lambda-module, and from the structure theorems of lambda-modules, we prove results that carry on to the galois groups of the intermediate fields, culminating in a formula for the exact power of p, that divides the class number of the n-th intermediate field. �
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From divisibility and factorization toIwasawa theory of Zp-extensions

Sakari IkonenMaster’s thesis

March 14, 2018

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1 Introduction 2

2 Preliminaries 3

3 Ring of integers for algebraic number fields, Divisor theory for domains 7

4 Dedekind rings, ramification of prime ideals 27

5 Basic Galois Theory 32

6 Ring of p-adic integers, and Zp-extensions 37

7 ⇤-modules 40

8 Iwasawa theory 42


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Chapter 1


I have always been interested in the peculiarities of numbers, and different propertiesof number fields. I recall encountering p-adic extensions for the first time during anintroductory course of Galois theory and finding them rather intriguing.

My main goal in this thesis is to further explore the properties of algebraic numberfields, starting with how to extend the normal arithmetic properties of Z to our fieldextensions. After the arithmetic properties are fleshed out, I study the ideal structures ofour ring of integers in the extensions, and thereby hopefully get a grasp on some proper-ties for specific fields, such as p-adic or cyclotomic extensions in regards to factorizationover these fields. The final task is to present the proof for Iwasawa’s theorem on p-adicextensions, which is a result on the p-part of the class field number of Zp-extensions.

For some of the more tedious theorems I will point out a source where a proof canbe found. It is normal for a proof in the source material to have some steps omitted. Inthese cases I have filled in the gaps left by the author, to the best of my ability.

My approach to the subjects is with the mindset of a fellow student who is gettingfamiliar with the concepts for the first time, as at the time of writing not many courseson the preliminaries for this subject were being offered. I will be going into more detailon proofs that I found most interesting, and the more tedious ones will be left out dueto space constraints. As I have been in a sense working backwards through the subject,starting from my main interest of Iwasawa theory, some of the concepts presented in thisthesis might seem a bit disjointed at first. This is the reason why the first half coversdivisor theory and valuations extensively, to be able to speak about class numbers forfields and to lay groundwork for later results.


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Chapter 2


I shall assume that the reader has knowledge of the basic results regarding groups, ringsand fields so I will focus on covering some of the more advanced preliminary results inthis section. The results of this chapter can be found in any general algebra textbook,such as [2], [3] or [9].

Many of our definitions will use a set with an associative operation. This is a bit moregeneral than requiring the set to match group axioms.

Definition 2.1. A set G with a binary operation · is called a semigroup if the operationis associative, e.g. (x · y) · z = x · (y · z) for all x, y, z 2 G

Definition 2.2. Let K,L be fields and K ⇢ L. We say that L is a field extension of K.

Definition 2.3. The dimension of the extension L/K is the dimension of L as a K-vectorspace. We say that L/K is a finite extension if its dimension is finite. We denote thedegree of the extension as [L : K] = n , where n 2 N is the aforementioned dimension.

Definition 2.4. A number field is a finite field extension of Q

Definition 2.5. A polynomial P is called monic if the coefficient of the variable with thegreatest exponent is 1.

Definition 2.6. An element ↵ 2 L is called algebraic over K if there exists a monicpolynomial P (x) 2 K[X] such that P (↵) = 0. Specifically, if ↵ is algebraic over Z, wecall it an algebraic integer.

Theorem 2.7. For any number field L, there exists an algebraic element ↵ 2 L such thatL = Q(↵)


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Proof. Let [L : Q] = n, n 2 N be the dimension of L as a Q-vectorspace. Let us choosean element ↵ 2 L (↵ 6= 0, 1) and look at the sequence 1,↵, . . .↵n

2 L. As L is now a Q-vectorspace of degree n, and we have chosen n+1 unique elements, they must be linearlydependent. Therefore there exist elements a0, a1, . . . an 2 Q such that a0 + a1↵ + · · · +an↵

n = 0 and not all ai are zero. It follows that any element of L is therefore algebraicover Q.

We shall show the existence of a single spanning element by induction on the numberof spanning elements. Let ↵, � 2 L be algebraic numbers with f and g their respectiveminimal polynomials. We must show that there exists an element � 2 Q such that✓2 = ↵+�� and Q(↵, �) = Q(✓2). Because a ✓2 defined as such is a linear combination of ↵and �, it is an element of the field Q(↵, �). As such, we have the inclusion Q(✓2) ⇢ Q(↵, �).

Let ✓2 = ↵+�� with some � 2 Q, then ✓2 2 L. Let us define �(x) = f(✓2��x). Then�(�) = 0 so � is a root of the polymonial �. Let us choose � so that � is the only commonroot of the polynomials � and g. This is possible, because if there exists a common root�i 6= �, then f(✓2 � ��) = f(✓2 � ��i), which means that ✓2 � ��i = ↵i where ↵i 6= ↵ issome other root. But now we have that ✓2 = ↵ + �� = ↵i + ��i so we get the equality

� =↵� ↵i

� � �i

Because our polynomials f and g have a finite amount of roots, we see that only a finiteamount of choices for � 2 Q do not suit our purposes.

Now let � be chosen as shown possible earlier and let be the minimal polynomial of �in Q(✓2). Then | � and | g because is a minimal polynomial, but gcd(�, g) = c(x��)for some c 2 C⇤ by our choice of �, so it follows that = c(X � �) 2 Q(✓2)[X]. Thisimplies that the coefficients c and c� belong to the field Q(✓2). As Q(✓2) is a field, itfollows that also c

�12 Q(✓2) and because of this, c�1c� = � 2 Q(✓2). But this means

that also ↵ 2 Q(✓2), because ✓2 = ↵ + �� 2 Q(✓2). We have shown that ↵, � 2 Q(✓2),and as a field extension, all of their linear combinations are also included, so it followsthat Q(↵, �) ⇢ Q(✓2). We conclude that Q(↵, �) = Q(✓2).

For the last part, let us suppose that our claim holds for some algebraic elements↵1,↵2, . . . ,↵n 2 L so that there exists a ✓n 2 L such that Q(↵1,↵2, . . . ,↵n) = Q(✓n). Letan element ↵n+1 2 L be algebraic. It is clear that Q(✓n) ⇢ Q(↵1,↵2, . . . ,↵n+1). As ↵n+1

is algebraic over Q, it is also algebraic over Q(✓n). Because algebraic extensions are thesmallest field extensions containing all linear combinations of the spanning elements overthe base field, it is apparent that we can write Q(↵1,↵2, . . . ,↵n+1) = Q(✓n,↵n+1). Nowwe have reduced the problem to two elements, that we have already proven. It followsthat there exists a ✓n+1 2 L so that Q(✓n,↵n+1) = Q(✓n+1)


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Definition 2.8. By an integral domain we mean a commutative ring R where the productab = 0 if and only if a = 0 or b = 0

Definition 2.9. A unique factorization domain (UFD for short) is an integral domain,where factorization into prime elements is unique, up to the order and differing only by amultiple of a unit.

Definition 2.10. For an integral domain R the field of fractions Quot(R) or Q(R) forshort, the smallest field consisting of all elements a/b where a, b 2 R and b 6= 0. It isnecessary that the domain does not contain zero divisors, as otherwise we might end upwith zero as a denominator for some of our elements.

Definition 2.11. For any commutative rings R ⇢ S we have the following terminology:

• a element c 2 S is integral over R if there exists a monic polynomial f 2 R[X]satisfying f(c) = 0,

• the set R of all the integral elements of S over R is called the integral closure of Rin S, and

• the ring R is said to be integrally closed in S if R = R.

Definition 2.12. Let R be an integral domain and M an Abelian group. We say that M isan R-module if there exists a map R⇥M ! M such that for every r1, r2 2 R,m1,m2 2 M

1. (r1 + r2)m1 = r1m1 + r2m1

2. (r1r2)m1 = r1(r2m1)

3. r1(m1 +m2) = r1m1 + r1m2

4. 1m1 = m1

Note that here the products between elements of R and M are to be understood as imagesby the given map, whereas the sums are inside the group M

Lemma 2.13. Let A be an n ⇥ n matrix. We define the characteristic polynomial forthe matrix as pA(x) = det(xI � A), where I is the identity matrix. The characteristicpolynomial is always monic.

Proof. As A is a square matrix, the determinant is as a sum of permutations as follows,

det(xI � A) =X




(xi,�(i) � ai,�(i)),


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where Sn is the symmetric group of a set with n elements. Now we notice that the onlyelements in the matrix xI � A that contain x are the diagonals (x� ai,i) so the greatestterm of our polynomial can only be generated by a permutation that picks every diagonalfrom the matrix, precisely �(i) = i for any i n, so � = id.

This means that the greatest term of our polynomial is generated by the product

sgn(idn)(x� a1,1)(x� a2,2) . . . (x� an,n)

First notice that sgn(id) = 1 for any size matrix, and now choose from each member ofthe product x instead of ai,i to generate the greatest power of x, namely x

n. Thereforethe leading term of our characteristic polynomial pA(x) is x

n so it is monic.

We also need the concept of a group ring for chapters 7 and 8. The idea is simple,when given a group G and a ring R, we construct a module out of these that behaves likea ring. See [16] for specifics.

Definition 2.14. [16] Let G be a multiplicative group and R be a ring. We define thegroup ring of these as

R[G] = {



rgg | rg 2 R, g 2 G and rg 6= 0 only for finitely many g}

For a proof on R[G] being a ring, and how to define the multiplication of two elements,see [16].


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Chapter 3

Ring of integers for algebraic numberfields, Divisor theory for domains

The purpose of this section is to expand on our notion of integers for algebraic extensionsof Q. Ideally we would like to construct a ring with the common arithmetic properties ofQ and Z, namely unique factorization into primes.

In this chapter, when speaking of a module, we mean a finitely generated subgroup ofK

+ of a number field K, which will always be a Z-module.

Definition 3.1. Let K be a number field. We call a ring D with the following properties,an order of K:

1. Quot(D) = K

2. D \Q = Z

3. The additive group of D is finitely generated.

From the second property it follows that Z ⇢ D, and because D is a ring, it is closedunder multiplication and addition by elements of Z. Combined with the third propertythis means that any order D is a free Z-module.

We must still show that there exists a maximal order DK for a given number field K.We will also show that an element ↵ 2 DK if and only if there exists ai 2 Z such that

↵s + a1↵

s�1 + · · ·+ an = 0

meaning ↵ is an algebraic integer over Z, or sometimes called an integral algebraic number.

Note. Nowadays the notation for the ring of integers is OK , and DK is used toemphasize that it is a Dedekind ring, which we will define in a later chapter.


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Proposition 3.2 ([5]). Let K be a number field. An algebraic number ↵ 2 K is analgebraic integer if and only if there exists a finitely generated Z-module M in K suchthat ↵M ⇢ M

Proof. If ↵ is an algebraic integer, then there exist ri 2 Z such that

1 + r1↵ + · · ·+ rn�1↵n�1 = 0

where n = [K : Q] and we can choose {1,↵, ..,↵n�1} as a basis for the module M . By

multiplying the elements of the basis of M with ↵ we obtain a basis for ↵M . It followsthat because

↵(↵n�1) = ↵n = �



ri↵i2 M

then ↵M ⇢ M .Conversely if there exists a finitely generated module M such that ↵M ⇢ M then if

�1, .., �n is a basis for the module, we have for every i some rij 2 Z that

↵�i =nX



Let C be the matrix C = (rij), then (↵I �C)(�1, .., �n) = (0, .., 0) where I is the identitymatrix, which means that ↵ is the eigenvalue and (�1, . . . , �n) the eigenvector of the matrixC. Therefore the matrix ↵I � C is not invertible, and ↵ is a root of the characteristicpolynomial det(xI � C) 2 Z[X]. As the characteristic polynomial of a square matrix isalways monic (see Lemma 2.13), ↵ is an algebraic number.

Definition 3.3. Let M be a complete module in a number field K, in other wordsrank(M) = [K : Q]. We call

D(M) = {↵ 2 K | ↵M ⇢ M}

the order of M .

Proposition 3.4. Let M be a complete module in K. Then D(M) is an order in K. Forevery order D there exists a complete module M such that D = D(M).

Proof. By definition and Proposition 3.2, it follows that every element of D(M) is analgebraic integer, so D(M) \ Q = Z. Any order for a number field K = Q(↵) mustcontain ↵, otherwise K will not be the quotient field.


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Theorem 3.5 ([5]). Let K be a number field and DK be the set of all algebraic integersof K. Then DK is the maximal order of K.

Proof. Let ↵, � 2 K be algebraic integers, then by Proposition 3.2 there exist Z-modulesM1,M2 for which ↵M1 ⇢ M1 and �M2 ⇢ M2. Let (↵1, . . . ,↵n) be a basis for M1 and(�1, . . . , �m) a basis for M2. Then

{↵i�j | 1 i n, 1 j m}

is a basis for the Z-module M1M2, which is a product of two modules. From Proposition3.2 it follows that (↵ ± �)M1M2 ⇢ (↵M1)M2 + M1(�M2) ⇢ M1M2 and (↵�)M1M2 ⇢

(↵M1)(�M2) ⇢ M1M2. Therefore DK is a ring.Let M ⇢ K be a complete module contained in DK , such a module exists based

on proposition 3.4 as we can choose any � 2 DK and use the complete module M

corresponding to the order D(M�). If M 6= DK then choose ↵1 2 DK � M and let(M,↵1) be the module generated by M and ↵1 in K. Now if (M,↵1) 6= DK we choose↵2 2 DK � (M,↵1) and continue. Because K has a finite basis as a number field, itfollows that this process will complete after a finite amount of steps, and we are left witha module (M,↵1, . . . ,↵i) = DK .

Divisor theory for domainsFrom this point onward if necessary, we are going to use the term rational integer toemphasize that our integer belongs to DQ = Z.

Example 3.6. Let us consider the extension Q(p�7) (in fact any Gaussian rational

extension will do!). We will notice that just considering arithmetic as unique factorizationinto prime elements is not enough, as now the number 8 has two different representations,namely 23 and (1 +



Ideally we would want some method to group up different representations of the sameelements. This is the motivation for the following definition, where we utilize the existingOrder for a given domain.

Definition 3.7. Let R be a domain and D a free abelian semigroup. We define a divisortheory for the domain R with a given homomorphism f : R⇤ ! D where R

⇤ = (R \{0}, ·)with the properties that

1. a 2 R⇤ divides b 2 R

⇤ if and only if f(a) divides f(b). ↵ 2 D divides a 2 R if a = 0or ↵ divides f(a). When a divides b we write it as a | b and when ↵ divides a weextend our usual notation, and write ↵ | a.


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2. if ↵ 2 D divides a, b 2 R then ↵ divides a± b

3. if {a 2 R | ↵|a} = {b 2 R | �|b}, then ↵ = �

Our definition is more general than necessary, so it is worth noting that a free abeliansemigroup is automatically a unique factorization domain, which gives us the property weare after.

Note. We call the elements of the semigroup D the divisors of R. Naturally theelements that are prime in D are called prime divisors. The elements ↵ 2 D for which↵ 2 Im(f) are called the principal divisors.

For such a definition to be meaningful, we need to be sure that it is well-defined. Thefirst problem that comes to mind is if we could have two distinct divisor theories for agiven domain. The next theorem shows that this is not the case, and that all divisortheories for a given domain are essentially the same.

Theorem 3.8. [4] If f : R⇤ ! D and f0 : R⇤ ! D0 are two divisor theories of R, then

there exists a unique isomorphism D ⇠= D0 for which the following diagram commutes.

R⇤ D




Proof. Let f, f0 be the two divisor theories for R. Let p 2 D and p

02 D0 be prime

divisors. Lets denote by p and p0 the sets of elements of R that are divisible by p and p


respectively.First, let us show that for any prime divisor p0 2 D0 there exists a prime divisor p 2 D

such that p ⇢ p0. To do this, suppose that for all prime divisors p 2 D it holds that

p 6⇢ p0. From property (3) of the divisor theory, we have that

{a 2 R | p0| a} 6= {0}

Choose an element b 2 R, b 6= 0 that is divisible by p0 and then decompose f(b) 2 D into

prime factors of D. Doing so we get

f(b) = pk11 p

k22 . . . p


where every pi is a prime factor in D.Because we assumed p 6⇢ p

0 then for any i = 1, . . . , n there exists an element �i 2 R

which is divisible by pi but not by p0, because pi is not just an empty set. But now the

product� = �

k11 �

k22 . . . �



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is divisible by f(b). From property (1) of our divisor theory we have that f(b) | � if andonly if � = 0, or f(b) divides f(�). Trivially, � 6= 0. Likewise by property (1) we havethat because pi divides �i for any i, it follows that f(pi) | f(�i). But this means thatour element b 2 R divides � 2 R. Recall that we chose b to be divisible by p

0, but nowbecause b divides �, it follows that p0 also divides �. This is a contradiction to our originalassumption. Thus for any prime divisor p

02 D0 there exists a prime divisor p 2 D such

that p ⇢ p0.

By symmetry, for any p 2 D there exists a q02 D0 so that q

0⇢ p. Next we want to

show that q0 = p

0, from which it follows that p0 = p. We started off by choosing for a

given p02 D0, a p 2 D so that p ⇢ p

0. Next we choose a q02 D0 so that we have the

inclusion q0⇢ p ⇢ p


By condition (3) the following holds true

{a 2 R | q0| a} ⇢ {a 2 R | q

0p0| a}

So let ⇣ 2 R be an element divisible by q0 and not by q

0p0. Assume q

06= p

0. Because ⇣ isnot divisible by q

0p0 but is divisible by q

0 it follows that ⇣ is not divisible by p0. This is a

contradiction because q0⇢ p

0. Therefore p0 = p.

We have shown that for any prime divisor p02 D0 there exists a prime divisor p 2 D

so that p = p0. From property (3) of our divisor theory it follows that because the sets

are equal, the element p is uniquely defined.This unique representation can be generalized to all prime divisors, generating an

isomorphism D ⇠= D0 by defining a map between prime factor counterparts as pi $ p0i,

and more generallypk11 . . . p


$ p0k11 . . . p


where pi 2 D and p0i2 D0

Next we need to show that for a given a 2 R the divisors of f(a) 2 D and f0(a) 2 D0

correspond to each other. Let p 2 D and p02 D0 be matching prime divisors that occur in

the factorization of f(a) and f0(a), with exponents k and m respectively. From condition

(3) we have that there exists an element � 2 R that divides p but not p2 because p 6= p


so their divisor sets are not the same either. Since p = p0, p0 also divides �.

The principal divisor f(�) therefore has the form

f(�) = pd, d 2 D

where d is not divisible by p. Now lets choose in the same manner as we did with �, anelement � 2 R so that it is divisible by d

k but not by pdk. Since p does not divide d, it

does not divide dk either, and because of this, � is not divisible by p or p

0.Let us go back to our original a 2 R now and examine the product a�. Because a is

divisible by pk and � is divisible by d

k, the product a� is divisible by pkdk = f(�k). As


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such, from condition (1) it follows that

a� = �kc c 2 D

Now recall that also p0| � so a� is divisible by p

0k. Because we chose � to be not divisibleby p

0, it follows that p0k | a. This means that for the exponent of p0 in the factorization off0(a) 2 D0 that we denoted as m, it holds that m � k. By symmetry we also prove that

k � m.Finally we have the result, that for a factorization f(a) = p

k11 . . . p


with our isomor-phism D ⇠= D0

f0(a) = p

0k11 . . . p


which means that the principal divisors f(a) and f0(a) correspond to each other and our

original diagram commutes.

The second problem we have with our divisor theory definition, is the existance ofone. What guarantee do we have that a divisor theory even exists for a domain. Thenext theorem will give a necessary condition in the case of a unique factorization domain.Note that this does not cover all of our bases, as seen in the example 3.6.

Theorem 3.9. [4] A domain R is a UFD(Unique Factorization Domain) if and only ifR has a divisor theory with which all divisors are principal divisors.

Proof. If the ring R is a UFD, then for a given element a 2 R⇤ lets consider all the

elements b 2 R⇤ that are associates of a, meaning b = ar for some unit r 2 R. Let

f : R⇤ ! D

be defined as f(a) being the set of all the elements of R that are associates of a, and theset D as the set of all such associate classes. For a, b 2 R

⇤ lets define multiplication by

f(a)f(b) = f(ab)

Let us first check if f is well defined. Let a02 f(a) and b

02 f(b), then a

0 = ara andb0 = brb for some units ra, rb 2 R. As we assumed our ring to be a UFD, it is an integral

domain, and thus is commutative, we get

a0b0 = arabrb

= abrarb

= abrab


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where rab is the product of the two units ra, rb, which is also a unit. Therefore a0b0 2 f(ab),and we conclude that the product we defined does not depend on the choice of represen-tatives. By this definition and because R is a ring with commutative multiplication,the following equalities hold f(a)(f(b)f(c)) = f(a)f(bc) = f(abc) = (f(a)f(b))f(c). Weclearly see that D is a semigroup with our definition of multiplication.

Let us check if f is also a valid divisor theory for R.For the first requirement, for a, b 2 R

⇤, a | b means b = ar for some r 2 R⇤. Then

f(b) = f(ar) = f(a)f(r) so it is also true that f(a) | f(b). And the other way around,if f(a) | f(b), then f(b) = f(a) · � for some � 2 D. Because D only consists of associateclasses, there must be a representative for the class �, so assume that f(r) = � for somer 2 R

⇤. Now we have the equality f(b) = f(a)f(r) = f(ar), which means that theassociates of b and ar are the same, therefore a | b.

For the second requirement, let ↵ 2 D divide a, b 2 R. Notice that if c 2 f(a + b),then c = (a + b)r for an unit r 2 R

⇤. But then c = ar + br, which would mean thatc 2 f(a) + f(b). Therefore ↵ divides f(a+ b) as well.

For the third requirement, let ↵, � 2 R and suppose

{a 2 R | ↵ | a} = {b 2 R | � | b}

then if ↵ | a, it also holds that � | a, and we get ↵a0 = �b0. The equality holds only if

↵ = �, as we assumed our domain to be a UFD.For the converse, let us assume that we have a ring R and a divisor theory f : R⇤ ! D

such that all divisors are principal divisors. Let p 2 R and f(p) be the correspondingprincipal divisor in D. We shall prove our original claim by proving that a principaldivisor of D is prime if and only if the corresponding element in R is prime.

First, if f(p) = ↵ is prime in the semigroup D, then for any b 2 R that divides p, f(b)divides ↵. Because ↵ is prime, f(b) = ↵ or f(b) = 1. In the case of f(b) = ↵ it meansthat b is an associate of p, so p = be for a unit e, and in the case of f(b) = 1 it means thatb is an unit of R. From this it follows that our p 2 R is a prime element, because it isonly divisible by its associates and the units of the ring. If an element f(b) = � is neitherprime, nor a unit, then there exists a prime divisor f(p) = ↵ so that ↵ | �. The elementp 2 R exists because we assumed all our divisors were principal. The first property of adivisor theory gives us the implication that ↵ | � ) p | b, which means that b is divisibleby a prime element it is not associates with, therefore b is not prime. We now have theuseful result that

p 2 R is prime , f(p) 2 D is prime

Finally lets consider factorization in R. For an element a 2 R let

f(a) = ↵1↵2 . . .↵n


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be the factorization in D, with prime divisors ↵i. As proven before, there must existprimes pi 2 R

⇤ so that f(pi) = ↵i for i n. Because f is a divisor theory, and thus ahomomorhism, we have

f(a) = f(p1)f(p2) . . . f(pn) = f(p1p2 . . . pn)

which again, means that a and the product of primes p1p2 . . . pn are associates, therefore

a = ep1p2 . . . pn

where e is a unit of R. Since the factorization in D is unique up to permutations, andbecause as shown, the factorization in D induces a factorization in R, it follows that R isa UFD.

Our ultimate goal is to show that a divisor theory exists for a maximal order DK ofan algebraic number field. The next theorem tells to us that we can construct a divisortheory only for the maximal order.

Theorem 3.10. [5][4] If a domain R has a divisor theory, then R is integrally closed.

Proof. Let f : R ! D be the divisor theory in question. Let � 2 Quot(R) be an elementsuch that � 62 R and that there are elements a1, . . . , an 2 R so that

�n + �

n�1a1 + · · ·+ an = 0 (3.11)

Let � = a/b with a, b 2 R and b - a, otherwise � 2 R. Then by our divisor theoryf(b) - f(a) also. From this it follows that there exists a prime divisor p 2 D so thatp | f(b) and the exponent of p in the factorization f(b) is greater than that of f(a). Letthe integer k be the exponent, with which the factor p occurs in f(a). Then p

k+1| f(b) and

pk+1 - f(a). Let us consider the following equation, that we get from 3.11 by substituting� = a/b

an = �a1a

n�1b� a2a

n�2b2� · · ·� anb


All the products an�i

bi on the right side of the equation are divisible by p at least

k(n� i) + (k + 1)i = kn+ 1 times, therefore the right side of the equation is divisible bypkn+1. The left side of the equation consists only of an, and we chose p to divide a onlyk-times, therefore p

kn | a

n but pkn+1 - an. This contradicts our assumption that � 62 R

and we conclude that every element of Quot(R) that is integral over R, must be in R,therefore R is integrally closed.

We still need to prove the existence of a divisor theory for our ring of integers DK .We are going to be proving this with the valuation theoretic approach, as valuations play


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a key role in studying other properties of fields in modern algebra, and the concept ofvaluations will be useful in later chapters as well. Our main result is going to be that aset of all valuations on a field K induces a divisor theory for the ring of integers.

First, we define what we mean by a valuation

Definition 3.12. Let K be a field. We say that a function v : K ! Z[{1} is a valuationof the field K, if the following properties are satisfied:

1. v is surjective and v(0) = 1,

2. v(↵�) = v(↵) + v(�) for all ↵, � 2 K , and

3. v(↵ + �) � min(v(↵), v(�)) for all ↵, � 2 K .

Note. In some cases we can strengthen the third property in our definition, for any↵, � 2 K if v(↵) 6= v(�) then assuming v(↵) > v(�) it also holds that because � =(↵ + �)� ↵ then

v(�) � min(v(↵ + �), v(�↵))

= min(v(↵ + �), v(↵))

as v(�↵) = v(�1) + v(↵) = v(↵) by the second property. Combining this inequality andour assumption we get

v(↵) > v(�) � v(↵ + �)

and this shows that v(↵ + �) min(v(↵), v(�)).With this we have proven the very useful equality

v(↵ + �) = min(v(↵), v(�)) for v(↵) 6= v(�)

We will need this in some later proofs in this chapter.

Example 3.13. As an example of a valuation, for a given prime divisor p, we can definevp(↵) as being the power of p in the factorization of ↵. If p is not a factor, then vp(↵) = 0.

Proof. For the first property, first note that vp(0) = 1 because we can divide 0 by aprime p as many times we like. As p and p

2 are distinct divisors, there exists an element� that is divisible by p and not by p

2, thus vp(�) = 1. This also means that vp(�k) = k

for any integer k, so our valuation exhausts Z as required.For the second property, if ↵ has pk and � has pm as factors, then ↵� has pkpm = p


as a factor, and we observe that the second property holds true.For the third property, if p is such a factor in ↵ and � that for some i it holds that


| ↵ but pi+1 - �, but for any exponent k < i + 1 the factor p

k divides both, then it


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follows from divisibility axioms that also the sum ↵ + � is divisible by pk. This shows

that the inequality of the third property holds true.Especially worthy of mentioning are the p-adic valuations on Q that are constructed

in this way. For example the 5-adic valuation v5 would yield


25) = �2 and v5(20) = 1

The valuation in Example 3.13 can be extended to the quotient field of the ring D bydefining

vp(�) = vp(↵)� vp(�) for � = ↵/� ↵, � 2 D

Our first theorem concerning valuations is going to give necessary conditions for theset of all valuations to induce a divisor theory on a given ring D

Theorem 3.14. [4] Let D be a ring with a quotient field K and let R be the set ofvaluations of K. In order for the valuations in R to induce a divisor theory on D, it isnecessary and sufficient that these conditions hold.

1. for any ↵ 2 D, if ↵ 6= 0 then it holds that v(↵) = 0 for almost all valuations v 2 R,2. ↵ 2 K belongs to D if and only if v(↵) � 0 for all v 2 R, and3. for any finite set of distinct valuations v1, . . . vn 2 R and for any set of nonnegative

integers z1, . . . , zn there is an element ↵ 2 D for which v1(↵) = z1, . . . , vn(↵) = zn

Going forward, when we use the phrase for almost all, we mean for all but a finitenumber of.

Proof. We shall first characterize the principal divisors with the help of our valuations.Define a function

f(↵) =Y


pvp(↵) ↵ 2 D⇤ (3.15)

where p goes through all prime divisors satisfying vp(↵) > 0. Now we see that thevaluations induce a homomorphism and the semigroup D as soon as the set of primedivisors is known.

Lets start by verifying the first property. Let ↵ 2 D,↵ 6= 0. For a valuation v 2 R thefactorization of the principal divisor f(↵) of the form 3.15 contains only a finite numberof factors, so only a finite amount of valuations satisfy v(↵) > 0.

For the second property, we first note that for all ↵ 2 D it holds that v(↵) � 0because either ↵ has p as a factor, or it does not. Conversely, assume that for some� 2 K, � 6= 0 it holds that v(�) � 0 for all valuations v 2 R. Let � = ↵/� with ↵, � 2 D.


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Then v(�) = v(↵) � v(�) � 0, so v(↵) � v(�) for all valuations v 2 R. But this meansthat f(↵) is divisible by f(�), which implies that � | ↵. But then � 2 D, which is acontradiction.

Now to verify the third and last property. Let v1, . . . , vn 2 R be a finite set ofvaluations, which correspond to prime divisors p1, . . . , pn. Let z1, . . . , zn be nonnegativeintegers. We first define a helpful divisor

a = pz11 p

z22 . . . p


Next we define for every 1 i n an element

ai = ap1p2 . . . pi�1pi+1 . . . pn

Now as the elements ai and aipi are distinct, by the properties of divisor theories thereexists for each i an element ↵i that is divisible by ai but not by aipi. Now lets considerthe sum of such elements, denoted as

↵ = ↵1 + · · ·+ ↵n

For a valuation vi(↵) we now check for each ↵i against the valuation and note that ↵i

is divisible by pzii

and not by pzi+1i

, hence this applies to the sum also. This means thatvi(↵) = zi for all 1 i n.

We have shown that our conditions are necessary, if the ring D has divisor theory. Wemust still check that they are also sufficient, and that our construction actually inducesa divisor theory on the ring.

For this, let D be a semigroup with unique factorization, and the prime elements ofD in a one-to-one relation to the valuations of R. Denote by vp the valuation v 2 R thatcorresponds to the prime p. The map f : D⇤ ! D defined by 3.15 is a homomorphism,since, by the properties of valuations,

f(↵�) =Y

pvpi (↵�)i


pvpi (↵)+vpi (�)i


pvpi (↵)i

Ypvpi (�)i

= f(↵)f(�) (3.16)

From the above equality we also observe that � | ↵ if and only if v(↵) � v(�) for allv 2 R. Thus our map satisfies the first condition of a divisor theory.

The second condition for a divisor theory is simple, as if for some prime p, p | f(↵)and p | f(�) means that vp(↵) = k and vp(�) = l for some nonnegative integers k, l. Fromthe properties of valuations, we have that

vp(↵± �) � min(vp(↵), vp(�))

hence p also divides ↵± �


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For the third condition for divisor theories, let a 6= b, a, b 2 D and a prime p such thatoccurs in their factorization with exponents k, l respectively. Assume k < l. As we haveproven, there exists an element ↵ 2 D for which vp(↵) = k and that is divisible by a. Itfollows that our ↵ can not be divisible by b as well, because we run out of factors. Thismeans that the sets {↵ 2 D | a | ↵} and {� 2 D | b | �} are the same only if a = b

We have proven that the map f in (3.15) induced by the valuations is a divisor theory.

For a given valuation v, there is a very natural set we can define, namely the set ofall the elements in a field for which the valuation gives a nonnegative value. We shallfirst prove one property for this set, before giving a formal definition. Afterwards we willprove one useful property of the set.

Proposition 3.17. [4] Let v be a valuation of a field K. Define a set for the valuationas

Dv = {↵ 2 K | v(↵) � 0}

The set Dv is a ring.

Proof. As the underlying elements used for Dv are part of a field, we only need to checkif the set is closed under sum and multiplication, and if it contains the necessary neutralelements.

Let ↵, � 2 Dv. Then based on the properties of valuations, we have

v(↵�) = v(↵)v(�) � 0

and v(↵± �) � min(v(↵), v(�)) � 0,

so we note that also ↵± � 2 Dv and ↵� 2 Dv.By definition, for any valuation v(0) = 1. Also v(±1) = 0, so the neutral elements

0, 1 2 Dv as well.

Definition 3.18. The set Dv is called the (discrete) ring of the valuation v. We call theelements of Dv integral in relation to the valuation v.

Lemma 3.19. [4] Let v be a valuation of a field K. The ring Dv is integrally closed inK.

Proof. We start by proving that the ring Dv has a divisor theory.Let R = {v}. Now we can confirm the necessary conditions outlined in Theorem 3.14.

By our definition of Dv, for any ↵ 2 Dv, v(↵) � 0 for in this case, all valuations in R.Since v is the generating valuation for the ring Dv, then ↵ 2 Dv if and only if v(↵) � 0

for all, or in our case the only one v 2 R.


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Let v 2 R and z1 be a nonnegative integer. Because v is a valuation, then it must betrue that v(↵) = z1 for some ↵ 2 K, because as a valuation, v(K) = Z[ {1}. As z1 � 0,we have that ↵ 2 Dv.

Based on Theorem 3.14, our ring Dv has a theory of divisors induced by the setR = {v}. By Theorem 3.10 we know that Dv is integrally closed in its quotient field. Asall the elements of Dv also belong to K, then the following applies for the quotient fieldQ(Dv) ⇢ K. Thus Dv is integrally closed in K as well.

Now that we have a ring structure induced by our valuation v, we might find it usefulto study the ideals of the ring Dv. Especially useful would be to define a maximal idealI, as then the quotient Dv/I would become a field. The next lemma gives a definition forthis maximal ideal.

Lemma 3.20. [4] Let v be a valuation for a field K, and let Dv be the valuation ring ofv. Then the set

Iv = {↵ 2 K | v(↵) > 0}

is a maximal ideal of the ring Dv.

Proof. First we check that Iv is an ideal of Dv. Let ↵, � 2 Iv and � 2 Dv. Then from theproperties of valuations we have that

v(↵�) = v(↵) + v(�) > 0

and v(↵� �) � min(v(↵), v(��))

= min(v(↵), v(�)) > 0,

so ↵� 2 Iv and ↵� � 2 Iv. This means that Iv is an ideal of Dv.Next we assume that Iv is not maximal. Then let Iv ⇢ I ⇢ Dv be a greater ideal. Let

↵ 2 I \ Iv. Then v(↵) 0, but as ↵ 2 Dv also, it means that v(↵) = 0. As K is a field,↵�1 exists and by the properties of valuations v(↵�1) = �v(↵) = 0 so ↵�1 2 Dv \ Iv. But

then v(↵↵�1) = v(1) = 0 because I is an ideal, so 1 2 I which means I = Dv. ThereforeIv is maximal.

With the help of our valuation ring, and the aforementioned maximal ideal, we cannow define a field with their quotient as follows.

Definition 3.21. Let v be a valuation of a field K. The ring of the valuation Dv and itsmaximal ideal Iv form a field

Kv = Dv/Iv

called the residue class field of v.


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As our goal for our valuations is to ultimately leapfrog between fields in field ex-tensions, thus transferring properties from the base field to the extension, we want torigorously define what we mean by an extension of a valuation v of a field K into a finitefield extension L. The definition might seem very backwards compared to the way under-graduate mathematicians are used to extending functions. We are going to approach theproblem by restricting an existing valuation in the bigger field L. This is the motivationfor the following lemma.

Lemma 3.22. [4] For a finite extension L of a field K, and a valuation v of the field L,there exists an element e 2 K

⇤ so that

v0(↵) =v(↵)

efor ↵ 2 K

⇤, and v0(0) = 1

is a valuation for K.

Proof. The problem with simply restricting a valuation v of L to K is that our valuationmight not exhaust Z with just the elements of K, therefore the first property of valuationsmight not necessarily hold true. However, v(K) 6= {0}, because otherwise we would haveK ⇢ Dv, and as Dv is integrally closed in L as shown by Theorem 3.19, this would meanthat for any f 2 Dv[X]

f(↵) = 0 , ↵ 2 L

especially for any f 2 K[X], and as such the field L would be contained in Dv as well,but this is impossible.

For ↵ 2 K⇤, v(↵) takes on positive and negative values, because over a field, the

following is true for valuations

0 = v(1) = v(↵/↵)

0 = v(↵) + v(↵�1)

v(↵) = �v(↵�1)

As the values of v(K) form an ordered set, there is a smallest positive value e 2 v(K),and we can denote by some p 2 K

⇤ the element for which v(p) = e.Now for any ↵ 2 K

⇤, if v(↵) = n is not divisible by e, then n = me + r for some0 r < e, but as such, then

v(↵p�m) = v(↵) + v(p�m)

= n�me

= me+ r �me = r


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But now we notice that, as ↵p�m 2 K⇤ and we chose v(p) to be the minimal positive

value, then r = 0 and this means that e | n

We can now setv0(↵) =


efor ↵ 2 K

as e is positive, it is natural to also define v0(0) = 1 because for our original valuationv(0) = 1. For the first property of valuations, we note that for our previous chosen p, itnow holds that

v0(pz) =




e= z

for any rational integer z. Thus v0 fulfills the first property.The second and third property hold true as a consequence of v being a valuation. For

↵, � 2 K⇤, we have

v0(↵�) =v(↵�)


v(↵) + v(�)





e= v0(↵) + v0(�)


v0(↵± �) =v(↵± �)


min(v(↵), v(�))

e= min(



e) = min(v0(↵), v0(�)).

Therefore our constructed v0 is a valuation of the field K.

Definition 3.23. Let L be a finite field extension of a field K. Let v be a valuation ofL, and let v0 be the valuation constructed in Lemma 3.22. We say that v is an extensionof v0 into L.

As we plan on using extensions of v0 to prove things on the field extension L, we mustfirst ask the question if v0 has any extensions to begin with, and if so, how many arethere? The next three theorems explore this problem.

Theorem 3.24. [4] If v1, . . . , vm are distinct valuations of a field K, then for any rationalintegers z1, . . . , zm there exists an element � 2 K so that v1(�) = z1, . . . , vm(�) = zm.

Proof. We shall prove this by induction on the number of valuations. Denote this numberby m.

If m = 1, then by our definition of a valuation, v(K) = Z, so the claim is true.Now assume m � 2 and that our claim holds for sets with at most m� 1 valuations.For our theorem to be true, it would mean that given our set of valuations, we can

find an element � 2 K to produce an arbitrary set of rational integers. This means thatfor the equation

c1v1(�) + c2v2(�) + · · ·+ cmvm(�) = 0 (3.25)


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we can not find rational integer coefficients ci so that the equation holds for all � 2 K,because the valuations dont just cycle between a finite set of values.

Let us assume the converse, that instead, equation (3.25) holds for all � 2 K with somerational integer coefficients ci. Then at least two of these coefficients must be nonzeroand of the same sign, as otherwise we would have two coefficients c1, c2 with c1 > 0 andc2 < 0 and from this it would follow that

c1v1(�) + c2v2(�) = 0

c1v1(�) = �c2v2(�)

v1(�) = ev2(�) e > 0 (3.26)

As we assumed that equation (3.25) holds for all �, the equation (3.26) is only possible ife = 1 and v1 = v2, and this contradicts our valuations being distinct.

Rearranging equation (3.25) yields us

�c1v1(�) = c2v2(�) + · · ·+ cmvm(�)

v1(�) = d2v2(�) + · · ·+ dmvm(�) with di = ci/� c1 (3.27)

in which at least one coefficient di is negative. Now we can apply our induction hypothesisto the right side of the equation 3.27. By our hypothesis, there exist elements ↵, � 2 K

so that for 2 i m we have

vi(↵) =

(1, if di � 0

0, if di < 0and vi(�) =

(0, if di � 0

1, if di < 0.(3.28)

So ↵ is an element that only picks the nonnegative coefficients di from equation (3.27),therefore v1(↵) � 0. Likewise � only picks the negative coefficients, of which there is atleast one, so v1(�) < 0. Let us examine the sum ↵ + �. By the definition of valuations,because v(↵) 6= v(�), then vi(↵ + �) = min(vi(↵), vi(�)) = 0 for each i = 1, . . . ,m.Therefore by equation 3.27 we have that v1(↵ + �) = 0. As v1 is a valuation, we alsohave that v1(↵ + �) = min(v1(↵), v1(�)), and as we noted, v1(�) < 0, so v1(↵ + �) < 0.We have arrived at a contradiction, and must conclude that our original assumption iswrong.

Lemma 3.29. [4] If L is a finite extension of degree n of a field K, then every valuationv0 of the field K has at most n extensions to the field L.

Proof. Let L be an extension of a field K and let v0 be a valuation of K. Let v1, . . . vm bedistinct extensions of v0 into the field L. For every 1 i m consider the set of integers

zi =

(1 if j 6= i

0 if j = i(3.30)


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Then by Theorem 3.24 there exists an element �i 2 L for every i, so that

vj(�i) =

(1 if j 6= i

0 if j = i(3.31)

What we now want to show is that the elements �1, . . . , �m are linearly independentin L, because if they are linearly dependent, then because L has a base with n elementsover K, it would follow that m > n.

Let � 2 L be a linear combination defined by

� = a1�1 + · · ·+ am�m

where the coefficients ai 2 K are not all zero. We need to prove that then � 6= 0. Todo this we are going to use our valuations to show that vk(�) is finite for some k, and assuch, � can not be zero.

We start off by giving a lower bound for the coefficients ai with respects to the valuationv0. Define an integer

l = min(v0(a1), . . . , v0(am))

and let k be the index for which v0(ak) = l. Let e be the element used in the constructionof the extension vk, as seen in Lemma 3.22. By modifying the equation in Lemma 3.22,we get

vk(↵) = ev0(↵) for ↵ 2 L⇤. (3.32)

By using this equation, we get

vk(ak�k) = vk(ak) + vk(�)

= ev0(ak) + 0 = el

and, for j 6= k, we get

vk(aj�j) = vk(aj) + vk(�j)

= ev0(aj) + 1 � el + 1.

From this and from the fact that e > 0, it follows that vk(aj�j) > vk(ak�k) when j 6= k,so now we can represent a value for the valuation vk at � by

vk(�) = vk(a1�1 + · · ·+ am�m)

= min(vk(a1�1, . . . , am�m)) = el

and as we noted earlier, as el is now a finite value, � can not be zero.


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The next two theorems show that for a given valuation v0, extensions to a finite fieldextension exist, and how we can construct the integral closure of the valuation ring Dv0

in L with the help of the valuation rings of all the extensions of v0.

Theorem 3.33. [4] Any valuation v0 of a field K can be extended to any finite extensionL of K.

Proof. For a complete proof, see [4]

Theorem 3.34. [4] Let L be a finite extension of a field K, Dv0 be the ring of the valuationv0 of a field K, and let D be the integral closure of Dv0 in a field L. For a set of all thevaluations v1, . . . , vn that are extensions of the valuation v0 to the field L, we have thefollowing equality for the corresponding valuation rings D1, . . . , Dn that

D =n\



Proof. For a complete proof, see [4]

The next theorem is going to give us the tools needed to prove the existence of a divisortheory for DK , by proving that if we extend the valuations of a ring R in its quotientfield, to some finite field extension, then the correspondingly extended valuations inducea divisor theory to the integral closure of the original ring R.

Theorem 3.35. [4] Let the ring R with quotient field K have a divisor theory f : R⇤ ! D

which is induced by the set of valuations R0 of K. If L is a finite field extension of K, thenthe set R of all valuations in L, which are extensions of the valuations in R0, determinesa divisor theory for the integral closure D of the ring R in the extension L.

Proof. Theorem 3.14 gives us necessary and sufficient conditions for the set of valuationsR to determine a divisor theory. We then only need to verify that the set has all thenecessary properties.

For any valuation v 2 R and any a 2 R it holds that v(a) � 0, for v(a) < 0 is possibleonly for the elements that are in the quotient field of R and not in the ring R itself. Forsuch an element a 2 R, by definition a is also an element of the ring Dv, and as we saw inLemma 3.19, the valuation ring is integrally closed. This means that D ⇢ Dv, so v(a) � 0for any a 2 D as well. For the other side of the argument, let ↵ 2 L be an element suchthat v(↵) � 0 for all v 2 R. Let x

r + a1xr�1 + · · · + ar be the minimal polynomial of

↵ in K. Let v0 2 R0 be any valuation and let v1, . . . , vm (where m [L : K]), be theextensions of v0 into L. Now as we assumed v1(↵) � 0, . . . , vm(↵) � 0, then by theorem3.34 the element ↵ is in the integral closure of Dv0 in L, which implies that the coefficients


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of our minimal polynomial must lie in the ring Dv0 , so v0(ai) � 0 for all i r. As thisholds for all v0 2 R0, the coefficients ai belong to R, so ↵ belongs to D. We see that thesecond property holds true for R.

Next let ↵ 2 D, ↵ 6= 0 and the minimal polynomial of ↵ be defined as earlier. Thenv0(ar) = 0 for all but a finite number of valuations v0 2 R0, because we assumed that theproperties of theorem 3.14 hold for the set R0. From the minimal polynomial of ↵ we getthe equation

↵�1 = �a

�1r(↵r�1 + · · ·+ ar�1)

which implies

v(↵�1) = v(�a�1r(↵r�1 + · · ·+ ar�1))

= v(�a�1r) + v(↵r�1 + · · ·+ ar�1)) � 0

As v(↵�1) = �v(↵) and because ↵ 2 D we have that v(↵) � 0 for almost all v 2 R.It follows then, that v(↵) = 0 for almost all v 2 R, and we have proven that the firstcondition holds.

On to the last condition. Let v1, . . . , vn be distinct valuations of R and z1, . . . , zn benonnegative integers. Let v01, . . . , v0n be the corresponding valuations in R0. Next weexpand the set of valuations to

v1, . . . , vn, vn+1, . . . , vm

containing all the expansions of the valuations v0i to the field L. Theorem 3.24 states thatthere exists an element � in the field L so that v1(�) = z1, . . . vn(�) = zn and vi(�) = 0for n < i m If � 2 D then set ↵ = � and we are done. Now assume � 62 D and denoteby v

01, . . . , v


the valuations in R that have negative values in �. In other words

v0i(�) = �li for nonnegative integers li, i r

Again let v001, . . . , v

00r be the corresponding valuations in R0. Now the valuations v0i are

different from v00j, so there must be an element a 2 R so that

v0i(a) = 0 (1 i m) andv00j(a) = l (1 j r) l = max(l1, . . . , lr)

Now we can set ↵ = �a and observe that for all valuations v0j

v0j(↵) = v

0j(�a) = v

0j(�) + v


= �li + l � 0

so ↵ 2 D. We have proved the third condition required by theorem 3.14 and thus Rinduces a divisor theory on the integral closure D of R in the field L


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Theorem 3.36. [4] If DK is the maximal order of an algebraic number field K, thenthere exists a divisor theory f : DK ! D which is induced by the set RK of all valuationsof K

Proof. We shall apply theorem 3.35 to the case in hand. As the maximal order, DK isthe integral closure of the ring Z in K. Since Z is a UFD, it has a divisor theory, one ofwhich is induced by the set RQ of all valuations of Q.

Since every valuation of an algebraic number field is an extension of some valuationof Q, it follows from theorem 3.35 that the set of valuations RK induces a divisor theoryon the integral closure of Z in K, which is the maximal order DK


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Chapter 4

Dedekind rings, ramification of primeideals

Building upon our newly constructed ring of integers for a given extension, we are goingto begin exploring factorization over prime elements of our ring. In this case our primesare not going to be the prime numbers, but instead prime ideals.

Our original goal in the previous chapter was to regain unique factorization in someform for our number fields. We need to outline the properties necessary for this to happenat the ideal level. First off we require that our ring must be integrally closed, or to havea divisor theory, to stick with our standards of arithmetic in Z.

We also need some assurance on whether the factorization is unique or not. Theproblem is that in our ring DK we might have prime ideals P1 ⇢ P

01, so we might be able

to write the factorization with P01 instead. This can be circumvented in the case where

every prime ideal in our ring is uniquely contained, i.e. maximal.Combining the above, we give the following definition for the rings that suit our goal.

Definition 4.1. [4, 5] We call a ring R a Dedekind ring if it has a divisor theory f : R ! D

and every prime ideal P of the ring R is maximal.

To prove that our maximal order DK , the ring of integers is a Dedekind ring, the nextlemma is our only missing piece.

Lemma 4.2. [4, 5] Let K be an algebraic number field and DK its ring of integers. LetP be a prime ideal of DK. Then DK/P is a field.

Theorem 4.3. Let K be an algebraic number field. Then DK is a Dedekind ring.

Proof. By Theorem 3.36, DK has a divisor theory.


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By Lemma 4.2 for any prime ideal P of DK , DK/P is a field, therefore P is a maximalideal in DK .

We have shown that DK is a Dedekind ring.

If we have a divisor theory f : R ! D for a ring R, we can define for a given divisora 2 D a set

a = {↵ 2 R | a | f(↵)}

which is an ideal of R. If a 2 D is a prime divisor, then a is a prime ideal of R [5].The following theorem shows that Dedekind rings have the necessary property we were

after all along, namely unique factorization into prime ideals.

Theorem 4.4. [4, 5] Let f : R ! D be a divisor theory for a domain R and let a bedefined as above for a 2 D. Then the map a ! a is an isomorphism between the semigroupD and the semigroup of ideals of R.

As the semigroup D in our divisor theory is a UFD, the isomorphism gives us theunique factorization of ideals into products of prime ideals in the Dedekind ring. Nowprime divisors of D map to prime ideals of DK , so when talking about prime divisors ofDK , we can just as well mean prime ideals.

Unfortunately we are not quite done in respects to our field K yet, as we have onlyconstructed unique factorization for divisors of the ring DK so far. Next we expand ournotion of a divisor to cover the whole field K. As our DK is the maximal order of K,K = Quot(DK) by definition. Therefore all valuations vp(x) of DK extend naturally toK as seen in Example (3.13). We can now extend our definition of a divisor as follows.

Definition 4.5. Let K be a number field and DK the maximal order. The expression

d = pe11 . . . p


with prime divisors pi of DK and integer exponents ei are called divisors of K. If theexponents ei � 0 for all i then d is a divisor of DK and we call it an integral divisor,otherwise it is called a fractional divisor [4].

As we saw in equation (3.15) the principal divisors can be defined by valuations, wecan now extend this map to our field K by defining for all � = ↵/� where ↵, � 2 DK that

f(�) = f(↵/�) =Y


pvp(↵)�vp(�) for all � 2 K

⇤, (4.6)

where p run through all the prime divisors of DK and vp(x) is the valuation for a primedivisor p. For � 2 DK the definition does not differ from equation (3.15) and f(�) is a


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principal divisor of DK . The divisors of the form (4.6) for some � 2 K are called principaldivisors of K.

We denote by D the commutative group of all divisors of K. The map f : K⇤ ! D

defined above is a homomorphism from the multiplicative group of K⇤ to the group ofdivisors D of K. For proofs of these claims see [4].

When speaking of divisibility in the field K, we must define what it means that adivisor of K divides some element ↵ 2 K. This is very straightforward with valuations,as ↵ 2 K is divisible by a divisor

a =Y



if ↵ = 0 or the principal divisor f(↵) is divisible by a, meaning vp(↵) � vp(a) for allvaluations vp(x).

So if we already have an isomorphism between integral divisors and the nonzero idealsof DK , could we also map fractional divisors to some sets related to DK? The answer isyes, but we need to generalize our concept of an ideal, in relation to our field K.

Definition 4.7. Let K be a number field and DK its maximal order. A subset A ⇢ K iscalled an ideal of K in relation to DK if it has the following properties• (A,+) is a group,• ↵A ⇢ A for any ↵ 2 DK , and• there exists a � 2 K so that �A ⇢ DK .

If A ⇢ DK then it is a regular ideal of DK and is called an integral ideal. Otherwise wecall A a fractional ideal.

Finally we have the following theorem that gives us an isomorphism between all divisorsof the field K and all of its generalized ideals.

Theorem 4.8. [4] Let DK be a Dedekind ring with quotient field K. For every divisora, denote by a the set of all elements of K that are divisible by a. The map a ! a is anisomorphism between all divisors of the field K and all the ideals of K. The map takesintegral divisors to integral ideals, fractional divisors to fractional ideals, and vice versa.

Proof. See [4] for proof.

In an attempt to understand the unique factorization behavior we now define anequivalence relation for the divisors of K. We consider divisors to be equivalent if theyonly differ by a factor of a principal divisor. Here we mean principal divisors of K asdefined in equation (4.6), not just of DK anymore.


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Definition 4.9. [4] Let K be a number field, DK its ring of integers and f as in (4.6).We say that two divisors a and b of K are equivalent, if there exists an ↵ 2 K so thata = f(↵)b. We denote this by

a ⇠ b

and the equivalence class of a divisor a as [a]

Proposition 4.10. [4] With the equivalence classes from Definition 4.9, we can define amultiplicative group structure by defining our multiplication as

[a] · [b] = [ab]

We call the group the divisor class group or ideal class group as by Theorem 4.8 we havean isomorphism between ideals of K and divisors of K.

Proof. The multiplication is well defined, because if a ⇠ c and b ⇠ d, then by our definitionwe have a = f(↵)c and b = f(�)d which leads to the following

ab = f(↵)cf(�)d

= f(↵)f(�)cd

= f(↵�)cd.

The commutativity follows from our semigroup D being commutative, and

f(a)f(b) = f(ab),

because f is a homomorphism. We have shown that the product does not depend on thechoice of representatives.

The equivalence class [1] consists of only principal ideals. For any fractional we seethat [1][a] = [1a] = [a] so we have a neutral element in the group.

The product [a][a�1] = [aa�1] = [1] shows that every class [a] has an inverse [a�1]

Definition 4.11. As a group, the divisor class group has an order, denoting the numberof elements in the group. The order of the divisor class group of a number field K is calledthe Class number of K and is usually denoted as hK .

The class number is one of the important invariants for algebraic number fields as ittells us how far from unique factorization the field is. If the field has class number 1, thenit has unique factorization into primes.

Theorem 4.12. [3] The class number for a number field K is always finite.

Proof. See [4], [3] or [14] for a proof.


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We are going to introduce some more structures later on that are isomorphic to theideal class group, and are in some cases easier to deal with. For this we need to refreshour knowledge on Galois theory in the next chapter. Before that, as the last part of thischapter, we introduce two definitions that describe the splitting of a prime of DK intoprimes in DL.Definition 4.13. Let K be a number field and p a prime ideal of DK . Let L be a finitefield extension of K and DL the ring of integers of L. Let us consider the product pDL,which is now an ideal of DL, but not necessarily prime. As L is a finite field extension ofK, pDL must be a finite product of prime ideals Pi of DL

pDL =gY


Peii, (4.14)

where g is the number of prime factors in the factorization. We call g the decompositionnumber of p. We say that p ramifies in L if the ramification index ei > 1 for some i. Ifthe ramification indices ei = 1 for all i, then we say that p is unramified in L or that p

splits completely in L.Lastly we say that p is totally ramified in L if ei = [L : K] for some i.We can also speak of ramification of a prime Pi ⇢ DL, but in this case the ramification

happens in relation to a prime p ⇢ DK . A prime Pi ramifies over p if ei > 1 and Pi istotally ramified over p if ei = [L : K].Definition 4.15. Let K, L and p be as in (4.13) and let the factorization of pDL beas (4.14). The field DL/Pi is an extension of the field DK/p whenever Pi is a part ofthe factorization in (4.14). We define the inertia degree of Pi as the degree of the fieldextension

fi = [DL/Pi : DK/p]

The inertia degree is in some sense a measure of how big of a gap in the ’coverage’between primes of DK and DL there is. The bigger the degree, the finer our factorizationsbecome in DL compared to DK .

Lastly we showcase a useful formula that applies for all algebraic number fields.Proposition 4.16. [14] Let K be an algebraic number field and L a finite extensionand let g, fi and ei be the decomposition number, inertia degree and ramification indexassociated with a prime p of K and a prime Pi occurring in the factorization (4.14). thefollowing holds for any prime p of K.

[L : K] =gX



Proof. For a complete proof see [14].


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Chapter 5

Basic Galois Theory

In this chapter we are going to recall some of the general results of Galois theory for finiteextensions, necessary for our later proofs. The most important being the connection be-tween subgroups of our Galois group, and the corresponding sub-extensions of our numberfield extensions. We are also going to outline a Galois theory for algebraic extensions ofinfinite degree, and introduce a topology on this.

All of the following definitions work for infinite field extensions L/K as well.

Definition 5.1. Let L/K be an algebraic extension, ↵ 2 L and f 2 K[X] the minimalpolynomial of ↵. We say that the minimal polynomial f is separable if it has deg f distinctroots in the algebraic closure of the field K.

If every element of a field L has a separable minimal polynomial, we say that the fieldL itself is separable extension.

Definition 5.2. An algebraic field extension L/K is called Normal, if every irreduciblepolynomial of K[X] that has one root in L, has all its roots contained in L.

Definition 5.3. Let L/K be an algebraic field extension. We call this a Galois extension,or Galois for short, if it is a separable and normal extension.

Definition 5.4. Let L/K be a Galois extension. The Galois group of the field extensionL/K is the group

Gal(L/K) = {f 2 Hom(L) | f(k) = k 8k 2 K}

Definition 5.5. Let L/K be a Galois extension. Let H ⇢ Gal(L/K) be a subgroup. Theset

LH = {l 2 L | �(l) = l for all � 2 H}

is called the fixed field of H.


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Definition 5.6. [9] When we say that a field extension F in K ⇢ F ⇢ L correspondsto a subgroup H ⇢ Gal(L/K) we mean that Gal(L/F ) = H and L

H = F . Likewisea subgroup H ⇢ Gal(L/K) corresponds to a field extension F ⇢ L if L

H = F andGal(L/LH) = H.

Now we can remind ourselves of the main theorem of Galois theory, concerning thesubgroups of the Galois group, and the sub-field extensions of the field extension. Thefollowing theorem only holds when our field extension L/K is a finite Galois extension.

Theorem 5.7. [9] Let L/K be a finite Galois extension. The correspondence defined in(5.6) between the fixed fields of the subgroups of Gal(L/K), and the subfields K ⇢ F ⇢ L

is a bijection.

Proof. See [9].

For the last chapter we need the following result that gives an isomorphism betweenproducts of Galois extensions and finite extensions.

Theorem 5.8. [9] Let L/K be a Galois extension and let M/K be a finite extension.Then Gal(ML/K) ⇠= Gal(L/L \M)

Proof. See [9].

We still require a similar correspondence in the case of infinite extensions, and this iswhat we will construct next. In the general case we need to require that our extensionis at least algebraic, otherwise some elements might not have a minimal polynomial withrespect to our field. Note that the following definitions will have a notion of an inverselimit as we have the inverse relation that for any field extension K ⇢ F ⇢ L naturallyGal(L/F ) ⇢ Gal(L/K). So with a sequence K1 ⇢ K2.. we can talk about a limit for theGalois group, an inverse limit from the field extension perspective.

Even though in the previous chapter we had a very simple concept of the ramificationof ideals in the case of algebraic number fields, in some instances we might end up with aring of integers that is not a Dedekind domain. This can end up happening very easily inthe case of field extension towers, where our field is given as a limit. Even in this case weneed a working concept on what it means that an ideal ramifies. We achieve this throughsome structures on the Galois group of the extension.

From this point onward let L/K be an algebraic Galois extension. We start off bydefining a Krull topology on our Galois group as follows.

Definition 5.9. [6] Let L/K be an algebraic Galois extension. Let F/K be a finite fieldextension such that K ⇢ F ⇢ L. Then GF = Gal(L/F ) is of finite index in the group


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G = Gal(L/K). These GF form a basis on id 2 G, and by letting F = {Fi} be any familyof finite Galois subextensions such that

SF = L, we get the following inverse limit

G ⇠= lim

G/GFi⇠= lim


where GFi are finite groups. These limits form a topology on our Galois group as ouropen sets.

Our Galois correspondence is the same as with finite extensions, except now we addtopology on the side of galois groups. We do not yet know if the correspondence is bijectiveor not. The following theorem will tell us in which case it is a bijection.

Theorem 5.10. [6, 9] For an algebraic Galois extension L/K there is a bijective corre-spondence between closed subgroups of Gal(L/K) with regards to the Krull topology, andthe intermediate field extensions K ⇢ F ⇢ L

We need to introduce some vocabulary for the later sections. Let K ⇢ L be our fields,p be a prime ideal of DK and P a prime ideal of DL. We say that P lies above p ifP \DK = p.

Lemma 5.11. [6] Let L/K be a Galois extension. Let P and P0 be primes of L lying

above a prime p of K. Then there exists a � 2 Gal(L/K) so that

�(P ) = P0

Proof. See [6] for a complete proof.

As a reminder for the finite galois extension case, the inertia degrees and ramificationindices for a prime p of K are all the same, so f = f1 = f2 . . . and e = e1 = e2 . . . .Therefore for a Galois extension it holds that

[L : K] = efg,

where g is the decomposition number of a prime p (see [14] for a proof).

Definition 5.12. For a finite galois extension L/K and a prime P 2 DL lying above aprime p 2 DK we defined the decomposition group as

D = {� 2 Gal(L/K) | �(P ) = P}

and the inertia group as

I = {� 2 Gal(L/K) | �(P ) ⌘ P mod P}


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The motivation for the Decomposition groups D and inertia groups I in the finite casewas to be able to define the numbers f , e and g in different steps via field extensions.

For the decomposition group Z and the inertia group T it holds that we have a towerof field extensions K ⇢ L

Z⇢ L

T⇢ L and

g = [LZ : K]

e = [L : LT ]

f = [LT : LZ ]

We want to extend our definitions of inertia and decomposition groups to the infiniteGalois extensions. The way we achieve this is by using our definition for finite extensions,and a suitable series of finite Galois extensions that can be used to construct our infiniteGalois extension. We end up constructing the final groups as the intersection of theintermediate groups.

If we have a prime p ⇢ DK and P ⇢ DL which lies above it, then as any automorphism� 2 Gal(L/K) fixes K, it must also fix DK and so �(p) = p. As an automorphism �

maps prime ideals to other prime ideals, so �(P ) = P0 for some other prime P

0⇢ DL,

which must then also lie above p. Lemma 5.11 proves the converse is also true, that wecan always find an automorphism to shift one prime to another. We can therefore lookat a subgroup of Gal(L/K) that fixes a given prime Pi and if the subgroup is closed, ourGalois correspondence (5.10) gives us a fixed field where this one prime is fixed.

Definition 5.13. Let p be a prime of K and P be a prime of L that lies above p. LetL/K be Galois. We define the decomposition group as

Z = Z(P/p) = {� 2 Gal(L/K) | �P = P}

Lemma 5.14. [6, 14] The decomposition group Z is closed.

Proof. Let K = F0 ⇢ F1 · · · ⇢ Fn · · · ⇢ L be a chain of fields such that each Fn/K is afinite Galois extension and

SFn = L. Define a set of primes by pn = P \DFn . Next, let

Zn = {� 2 Gal(L/K) | �(pn) = pn}

For these sets it holds that Z ⇢ Zn for any n, and because P =S

pn, then Z =TZn.

Since Gal(L/Fn) ⇢ Zn, Zn it follows that �Gal(L/Fn) ⇢ Zn for all � 2 Zn, so everyelement of Zn has an open neighborhood contained in Zn, therefore Zn is open. As Zn isnow open, �Zn is also open for every � 2 Gal(L/K), hence we can write

G \ Zn =[



therefore Zn is also closed, as a complement of an open set. As the intersection of closedsets, Z is closed.


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Now that we have a closed subgroup of our Galois group, our bijective Galois corre-spondence (5.10) says we have a unique fixed field L

Z⇢ L. This fixed field is called the

decomposition field of P in L/K and it has the property that it is the smallest intermediatefield between K and L where P is the only prime above p

We extend our definition of the inertia group to the infinite Galois extension as follows.

Definition 5.15. [6, 14] Keeping to the same structures as previously, the inertia groupis defined by

T = T (P/p) = {� 2 Z | �(↵) ⌘ ↵ mod P for all ↵ 2 DL},

where �(x) ⌘ x mod P is the regular definition for modulo ideals, so this is equivalentwith �(x)� x 2 P

The inertia group is likewise closed, and we have a fixed field LT , called the inertia

field of P in L/K with the property that the inertia field is the smallest intermediate fieldbetween L and K where P is totally ramified.

For our later proofs we only require inertia groups, so the next part is presented onlyas a curiosity without proof, as to how inertia groups relate to ramification of a prime.

The ramification index could be defined with these for a given prime P of L as

e(P/p) =| T (P/p) |

in the case of Galois extensions. As before, P is totally ramified in L/K if

e(P/p) =| T (P/p) |= [L : K]

There exists a very useful structure in regards to what Galois theory has to offer,concerning field extensions. We give the following as a definition, but note that proofof existence and validity of the claim are still necessary. These fall under the domain ofClass field theory.

Theorem 5.16. [6] Let K be an algebraic number field and H its maximal unramifiedAbelian extension. Then

Gal(H/K) ⇠= Ideal class group of K

and [H : K] = hK = class number of K. We call the extension H the Hilbert class field.Likewise for a given prime p, the fixed field of the p-sylow subgroup of Gal(H/K) is

the maximal unramified Abelian p-extension, called the Hilbert p-class field.

With this we should finally be well equipped to start exploring properties of infinitetowers of field extensions. Our focus from the start has been to understand p-adic integers,so our next chapter will be outlining the structure and construction of the extension.


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Chapter 6

Ring of p-adic integers, andZp-extensions

In this chapter we consider some sequences of number fields with specific properties.Relating to the study of Zp-extensions, "inverse limits" inevitably pop up.

We start off by describing what we mean by the ring of Zp-integers. Recalling thedefinition for a valuation vp(x) from chapter 3, we can use this to define an absolute valueon Z as follows and with it, also a metric. Thus Z becomes a topological ring.

Proposition 6.1. For a p-adic valuation vp(x) of Z with m > 1, the map | · | : Z ! [0,1[

|x| = m�vp(x)

defines an absolute value.

Proof. Let x, y 2 Z. Then

|x+ y| = m�v(x+y)

m�min(v(x),v(y)) by the third property of valuations

m�min(v(x),v(y)) +m


= m�v(x) +m


= |x|+ |y|

For the absolute value of a product we have

|xy| = m�v(xy)

= m�(v(x)+v(y)) = m


= m�v(x)

m�v(y) = |x||y|.


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Lastly, for any x the absolute value is obviously positive, as we chose m > 1. Whatremains to be checked is when it is zero. If |x| = 0 then m

�n = 0, so n ! 1. Butv(x) = 1 if and only if x = 0.

As usual, given an absolute value map |x| we can define a metric by d(x, y) = |x� y|.This gives our ring Z a topology. Note that the same maps also work for the field Q.

Now that we have the concept of an absolute value, we can proceed the usual routeof generating a completion for our ring Z, where every Cauchy sequence converges. Thiswill form our ring Zp

Definition 6.2. [9] By the completion of the set Z, we mean the completion of the space(Z, | · |), where | · | is as defined in (6.1). We denote this set by Zp and call them the p-adicintegers.

Proposition 6.3. [10] Some of the more basic properties of Zp consist of it being:• an integral domain.• a principal ideal domain.• a topological ring.• compact and complete.

The topological properties of Zp will be of great use to us later on. Note that by ourconstruction of Zp, every element of it can be expressed as


i, where ai 2 Z. Thefinite sums are elements of Z, which shows us that Z ⇢ Zp

Definition 6.4. Let G be a multiplicative topological group. We call an element � atopological generator if the set

B = {1, �, �2, �3, . . . }

is dense in G with the given topology.

Lemma 6.5. 1 2 Z is a topological generator of Zp.

Proof. As is well known, 1 generates Z. The way we constructed Zp implies that theclosure Z with regards to our metric yields Zp, hence Z is dense in Zp.

Definition 6.6. Let K0 ⇢ K1 ⇢ · · · ⇢ K1 be a sequence of number fields. The extensionK1 =

S1i=0 Ki is called a Zp-extension if for every n 2 N

Gal(Kn/K0) ⇠= Z/pnZ,

as we then have the inverse limit for the Galois group of the extension K1/K0

Gal(K1/K0) = lim



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The previous definition describes Zp-extensions as field extensions. Another way todefine Zp-extensions with our ring of p-adic integers would be to say a field K1 is aZp-extension if Gal(K1/K0) ⇠= Zp.

The following lemma gives some insight on the structure of K1 and the fields betweenK and K1. The basic idea is that there is a unique ascending chain of field extensionsbetween K1 and K and their degrees are known powers of p.

Lemma 6.7. [6] Let K1/K be a Zp-extension. Then, for each n � 0, there is a uniquefield Kn of degree p

n over K, and the only fields between K and K1 are these Kn andK1

We finish off this chapter with two theorems that outline the ramification of primes inZp-extensions.

Theorem 6.8. [6] Let K1 be a Zp-extension and let l be a prime of K that does not lieabove p. Then K1/K is unramified at l. This means that Zp-extensions are unramifiedoutside p.

Theorem 6.9. [6] Let K1 be a Zp-extension. At least one prime of K ramifies in thisextension, and there exists n � 0 so that every prime of Kn which ramifies in K1 istotally ramified.

Proof. As K is a number field, its class number is finite. Therefore the Hilbert class fieldis also a finite extension, and as this is the maximal unramified abelian extension of K,it is merely a subfield of K1, so some prime must ramify in K1/K.

By the previous lemma and because only a finite amount of primes P of K can lieabove p 2 Z, only a finite number of primes of K ramify in K1/K. Let these primesbe p1, . . . , pl and let I1, . . . Il be their inertia groups. As the inertia groups are closedsubgroups in our topology, the intersection is also a subgroup and because the closedsubgroups of Zp are all of the form p

nZp, we must have the following\

Ij = pnZ

for some n � 0. By lemma 6.7 the fixed field of pnZp is Kn so Gal(K1/Kn) ⇢ Ij for all1 j l. This also means that the fixed fields of Ij are subfields of K1/K, and becausethe fixed field of an inertia group is the smallest intermediate field where the prime inquestion is totally ramified, then all of our primes p1, . . . pl are totally ramified in K1/K.


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Chapter 7


In this chapter we shall be constructing a ring structure of formal power series of ourZp-extension. The elements of the ring are going to consist of polynomials of possiblyinfinite length, that we are only going to be using as sequences with a ring structure.

We start off with a multiplicative topological group �, generated by an element �and isomorphic to the additive group of our p-adic integers Zp. The two groups are thenisomorphic by the map x 7! �

x.Let �n = �/�p

n . Then �n ' Z/pnZ is cyclic of order pn. Now let us consider the

group rings (see 2.14) of �n over Zp, denoted as Zp[�n]. As �n ⇢ �m for all m > n > 0,and as both are cyclic, there is a natural map �0

m,n: �m ! �n that induces a map ([6][13])

�m,n : Zp[�m] ! Zp[�n]

Lemma 7.1. [6] The isomorphism Zp[�n] ' Zp[T ]/((1 + T )pn� 1) is defined by

� mod �pn! 1 + T mod ((1 + T )p

n� 1)

Proof. See [6].

With these, the following diagram commutes

Zp[�n+1] Zp[T ]/((1 + T )pn+1

� 1)

Zp[�n] Zp[T ]/((1 + T )pn� 1)




From the diagram we can see that there exists a limit for the �n that we can denoteas Zp[[�]] = limZp[�n]. Based on our diagram, this profinite group ring of � over Zp canalso be seen as a limit on polynomial rings, as

Zp[[�]] ' lim

Z[T ]/((1 + T )pn� 1)


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Theorem 7.2. [6][13] The isomorphism Zp[[�]] ⇠= Zp[[T ]] is induced by the map � ! 1+T

Proof. See [13].

We call the limit ⇤ = limZp[�n] ⇠= Zp[[T ]] the Iwasawa AlgebraNow we can define a module over ⇤ as follows.

Definition 7.3. Let ⇤, � and �n be as before. Let Vn be a module over Zp[�n] and letus have module homomorphisms Vn+1 ! Vn for every n. We call the limit

V = limVn

a ⇤-module.

Definition 7.4. We say that a polynomial P (T ) 2 ⇤ is distinguished if for

P (T ) = Tn + an�1T

n�1 + · · ·+ a0

our prime p divides all the coefficients ai.

The p-adic Weierstrass preparation theorem (see [6] for details) states that any nonzeropolynomial f(T ) 2 ⇤ can be uniquely written as

f(T ) = pµP (T )U(T )

where µ > 0, P (T ) 2 ⇤ is distinguisted and U(T ) 2 ⇤ is a unit of ⇤.

Definition 7.5. [6] Two ⇤-modules M and M0 are called pseudo-isomorphic if there exists

a homomorphism f : M ! M0 for which both ker f and co ker f = M

0/Imf are finite

⇤-modules. We denote this asM ⇠ M


This means that we have an exact sequence

0 ! A ! M ! M0! B ! 0

where A and B are finite ⇤-modules.The next theorem will become useful in our next chapter after we prove that a specific

Galois group as a ⇤-module is finitely generated, as the theorem lets us split the moduleinto direct sums of quotients generated by ideals and distinguished polynomials of ⇤.

Theorem 7.6. [6] Let M be a finitely generated ⇤-module. Then

M ⇠ ⇤r� (



⇤/(pni))� (tM


⇤/(fj(T )mj))

where r, s, t, ni,mj 2 Z and the polynomials fj are distinguished and irreducible.


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Chapter 8

Iwasawa theory

The main goal of this final chapter is to introduce the results of Iwasawa on the classnumber of Zp-extensions, specifically what happens with the class number of each Kn inthe tower of extensions, and showing that there exist invariants that make defining theclass number easy for sufficiently large n. The whole chapter will be closely following theproof given in [6], filling in the gaps to the best of my ability.

For the whole chapter we shall be working with the following structures. Working offthe results of our last chapter, let our multiplicative group be

� = Gal(K1/K) ⇠= Zp

and let �0 be the topological generator of � as defined in 6.5. Let Ln be the maximalabelian unramified p-extension of Kn(in other words, the Hilbert p-class field of Kn), andXn = Gal(Ln/Kn) ⇠= An, which is p-Sylow of the ideal class group of Kn [6]. Becauseeach Ln is maximal, they are Galois over K, so the set L =

Si�0 Li is also Galois. Let

X = Gal(L/K1) as limits of Xn and G = Gal(L/K).Lastly note that the quotient

G/X = Gal(L/K1)/Gal(K1/K) = �

because for any two morphisms ↵ 2 G and � 2 X, the composition ↵� does belong toAut(L), but it only fixes the smaller of the two base fields, hence ↵� 2 �.

We have the following diagram for the relations of our Galois groups, where the direc-tion of arrows points to the field extension, and the labels are the corresponding Galoisgroups.

K1 L





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For the next lemmas we will be using the following assumption:Assumption:Assume that all primes of K1/K which are ramified, are totally ramified.This assumption is not completely unfounded, as we saw in Theorem 6.9 that at least oneprime ramifies in K1/K and there exists a n � 0 so that every prime that ramifies inK1/Kn is totally ramified. Later on we will start working off a lower bound e � 0 and afield Ke instead of K0.

We know that some prime P of K must ramify in K1 as the maximal unramifiedextension of K is finite. By our assumption P is then also totally ramified in K1. Notethat as the prime P totally ramifies in K1/K it also totally ramifies in any subextensionM/L0 that is between K1 and the maximal unramified p-extension L0 of K, i.e.

K ⇢ L0 ⇢ M ⇢ K1

As Kn ⇢ Kn+1 and also Kn ⇢ Ln, the intersection Kn+1 \ Ln is a field extension of Kn.Note also that the maximal unramified p-extension L0 of K is contained in every Ln.Therefore we have the following inclusions

K ⇢ L0 ⇢ Kn ⇢ Kn+1 \ Ln ⇢ K1

so P is totally ramified in Kn+1 \ Ln/Kn. On the other hand Ln/Kn is by definitionunramified for all primes, so as Kn ⇢ Kn+1 \ Ln ⇢ Ln it means that the sub-fieldextension Kn+1 \ Ln/Kn must also be unramified (we can not have a totally ramifiedprime in a sub-extension that is contained in an unramified extension). The only way theextension Kn+1 \ Ln/Kn can at the same time be unramified, and totally ramified at P ,is if it is a trivial extension Kn+1 \ Ln/Kn = Kn/Kn. Thus we have that

Kn+1 \ Ln = Kn

therefore by theorem 5.8 we have

Gal(LnKn+1/Kn+1) ⇠= Gal(Ln/Kn+1 \ Ln)

= Gal(Ln/Kn)

= Xn

As Gal(Kn+1Ln/Kn+1) is a quotient of Xn+1, we thus have a map from Xn+1 ! Xn(whichis in effect the norm map on ideal class groups [6]).

Before we get to the theorems, we still need to construct our ⇤-module, and note someuseful identities for the Galois groups. We have the necessary projections, now we onlyneed to show that as a limit of Xn we actually get our defined X. As

Xn = Gal(Ln/Kn)⇠= Gal(LnKn+1/Kn+1) . . .⇠= Gal(LnKl/Kl) . . . ⇠= Gal(LnK1/K1)


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so we get that


Xn⇠= Gal((

[LnK1)/K1) = Gal(L/K1) = X

Now we have our group � and X, but we still need to make X into a ⇤-module tobe able to utilize our previous results. We do this by defining an action on the group asfollows. Let � 2 �/�p

n . We extend � to � 2 Gal(Ln/K) and let it act on x 2 Xn byconjugation

x� = �x(�)�1

The action is well defined for every n, as our groups Gal(Ln/Kn) are abelian by definition.Thus Xn is a Zp[�n]-module. We still need to show that every x

�2 X to be able to

conclude that X is a ⇤-module. Let us consider an x 2 X as a vector

x = (xi) xi 2 Xi

and let our action be defined as before, for each Xi separately. Then we can extend ouraction so x

� for our vector means � acts on the nth coordinate accordingly. We see that


2 Xi

so our vector stays intact, and therefore x 2 X

Lastly we introduce a useful representation for our group G by means of inertia groups.The polynomial 1 + T 2 ⇤ acts as our generator �0 2 �, and with that we have

x� = �x�

�1 for � 2 �, x 2 X

where, as earlier � is the extension of �.We know from earlier lemmas that only finitely many primes ramify in K1/K, so let

us denote these as p1, . . . , ps. Next we fix a prime pi 2 L lying above pi and let Ii ⇢ G

be the corresponding inertia group. Since L/K1 is unramified because all our Ln areunramified, the following holds

Ii \X = 1

Due to our assumption, K1/K is totally ramified at pi, so

Ii ,! G/X

is surjective, thus bijective[6]. This means that we have the identity

G = IiX = XIi i = 1, . . . , s


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Now let �i 2 Ii map to our generator �0 2 �. As �0 was the topological generator of �,it must be that �i is a topological generator of our inertia group Ii. Also note that sinceIi ⇢ XI1 for all i, then

�i = ai�1

for some ai 2 X.

Lemma 8.1. [6] With our assumption, let G0 be the closure of the commutator subgroupof G. Then

G0 = X

�0�1 = TX

Proof. As was noted earlier, � ⇠= I1 ⇢ G = �X, so we proceed by lifting the elements� 2 � with the isomorphism to an element of I1, in order to define an action of � on X.Let our action be as before

x� = �x�


where our � is now lifted.Let us take two arbitrary elements from �X. Let a = ↵x and b = �y where ↵, � 2 �

and x, y inX. Let us rework the commutator aba�1b�1

aba�1b�1 = ↵x�yx

�1↵�1y�1��1 replace with ax = axa

�1a = x


= x↵↵�yx

�1↵�1y�1��1 replace with ↵�yx�1 = (yx�1)↵�(↵�)

= x↵(yx�1)↵�(↵�)↵�1y�1��1 as � is abelian, we get (↵�)↵�1 = (�↵)↵�1 = �

= x↵(yx�1)↵��y��1

= x↵(yx�1)↵�(y�1)�

= x↵x�↵�


= (x↵)1��(y�)↵�1

For all of the above steps we required the lifting of ↵, � into X in order to work withthem as regular exponents.

Now we use the result as follows. First let � = 1 and ↵ = �0, then we have that

x0y�0�1 = y

�0�1 2 G0

so X�0�1 ⇢ G


Next we note that for arbitrary �, there exists a c 2 Zp so that � = �c

0, as �0 wasour topological generator. Remember that with ⇤-modules, our generator �0 maps to


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1 + T 2 ⇤, so we have

1� � =1� �c


=1� (1 + T )c









c(c� 1) · · · (c� i+ 1)


i2 T⇤



�2 Zp when c 2 Zp (see [6] chapter for p-adic functions).

As �0 � 1 = T , this implies that X�0�1 = TX and we get that (x↵)1�� 2 X

�0�1.Proceeding in the same fashion, also (y�)↵�1 2 X

�0�1.Since TX = X

�0�1 is the image of the compact set X, it is closed. We just showedthat all commutators belong to TX, therefore G

0⇢ X

�0�1 as well. This proves our claim.

The next lemma will prove to be very useful in transferring properties of Xn to prop-erties of X, especially when proving later on that X is finitely generated. Note that in thelemma we create submodules by taking sums of the generator element �0 and multiplyingby a base Zp-submodule Y0. The sum

vn = 1 + �0 + �20 + · · ·+ �



can be shortened by the regular sum formula for geometric series, which gives us

vn =�pn

0 � 1

�0 � 1⇠=

(1 + T )pn

1 + T � 1

where the isomorphism with the polynomial follows from our isomorphism �0 ! 1 + T .

Lemma 8.2. [6] With our assumption, Let Y0 be the Zp-submodule of X generated by{ai | 2 i s}, where ai are as mentioned before and by X

�0�1 = TX. Let Yn = vnY0,where

vn = 1 + �0 + �20 + · · ·+ �


0 =(1 + T )p

n� 1


ThenXn ' X/Yn for n � 0

Proof. See [6].


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Lemma 8.3. [6] (Nakayama’s Lemma) Let X be a compact ⇤-module. Then

X is finitely generated over ⇤ , X/(p, T )X is finite .

If x1, . . . , xn generates X/(p, T )X over Z, then they also generate X as a ⇤-module.Especially the following holds:

X/(p, T )X = 0 , X = 0

Proof. See [6].

Lemma 8.4. [6] With our assumption still in place, X = Gal(L/K1) is a finitely gen-erated ⇤-module.

Proof. Our proof will utilize lemma 8.2 heavily. We start off by noting that

v1 2 (p, T )

because (p, T ) is the maximal ideal of ⇤ generated by p and T . Then Y0/(p, T )Y0 is aquotient of Y0/v1Y0 which by our definition of Yn is the same as Y0/Y1 ⇢ X/Y1

⇠= X1. AsX1 is finite, this means that Y0/Y1 must also be finite, and because Y1 = v1Y0 it followsfrom lemma 8.3 that Y0 must be finitely generated.

Now then, because X0 is also finite, and X0⇠= X/Y0 by lemma 8.2, the quotient must

also be finite. As we showed that X/Y0 is finite, it follows from lemma 8.3 that X mustalso be finitely generated.

Now we move on to the more general case, for arbitrary K. We still work with aZp-extension K1/K. From now on we will only be dealing with Ke where e � 0 has beenchosen as in theorem 6.9. Our earlier results are still valid, as now the original assumptionstill holds starting from our field Ke.

Lemma 8.5. [6] Let K1/K be a Zp-extension. Then X is a finitely generated ⇤-moduleand there exists an e � 0 so that

Xn ' X/vn,eYe for all n � e

Proof. Choose a e � 0 so that all primes which are ramified in K1/Ke are totally ramified.Note that for the extensions K1/K and K1/Ke our X = Gal(L/K1) stays the same.By lemma 8.4 X is a finitely generated ⇤-module.

Since �pe

0 generates Gal(K1/Ke), we can rewrite our ve from lemma 8.2 as

vn,e := 1 + �pe

0 + �2pe

0 + · · ·+ �pn�pe

0 =vn


Using vn,e in place of vn for Ye in lemma 8.2, let Yn = vn,eYe. The assumptions of thelemma hold as we can replace Y0 by Ye. Therefore by lemma 8.2 our claim holds.


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As we have proven that X is a finitely generated ⇤-module, we can apply theorem7.6 to X and get that X is a direct sum of ⇤-modules of the form ⇤r,

L⇤/(pki) andL

⇤/(f(T )mj).

Proposition 8.7. [6] Suppose

E = ⇤r� (



⇤/(pki))� (sM


⇤/(gj(T )))

where each gj(T ) is distinguished but not necessarily irreducible. Let m =P

ki andl =

Pdeg(gj). If E/vn,eE is finite for all n, then r = 0 and there exist n0 and c such that

| E/vn,eE |= pmp

n+ln+c for all n � n0

Proof. See [6].

We now have an exact sequence

0 ! A ! Ye ! E ! B ! 0

where A and B are finite and E is as defined in proposition 8.7. The order of E/vn,eE isknown to us for all n � n0, but we still need similar information on Ye. At this point wecan only conclude that en = mp

n + ln+ cn where cn is bounded.The next lemma will solve our problem with cn being dependent on n

Lemma 8.8. [6] Suppose Y and E are ⇤-modules with Y ⇠ E such that Y/vn,eY is finitefor all n � e. Then for some constant c, and some n0

| Y/vn,eY |= pc| E/vn,eE | for all n � n0

Proof. see [6] for specifics, but also a book on homological algebra for the Snake Lemmathat is used to construct a long exact sequence from the following commutative diagram.

0 vn,eY Y Y/vneY 0

0 vn,eE E E/vn,eE 0




By combining our previous results all together, we get the following theorem of Iwa-sawa.

Theorem 8.9. [6] (Iwasawa’s Theorem) Let K1/K be a Zp extension. Let pen be the

exact power of p dividing the class number of Kn Then there exist integers � � 0, µ � 0and v, all independent of n, and an integer n0 so that

pen= p

�n+µpn+v for all n � n0


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Proof. Let E be as defined in 8.7. Then as the fields used for Xn are p-extensions, thep-part of the class number hKn is | Xn |.

From theorems 8.2 and 8.5, we know that there exists an e � 0 so that

| Xn |=| X/vn,eYe |

Now note that X/vn,eYe is a finite quotient, so we can count the order by splitting Yn intoa partition itself over Ye, and taking the product of the orders, therefore

| X/Yn |=| X/Ye || Ye/vn,eYe |

where | X/Ye | does not depend on n, so it is a constant that divides pen .

As E was such a module that Ye ⇠ E and Ye/vn,eYe is finite for all n � e, then bylemma 8.8 there exist some constants n0, c so that | Ye/vn,eYe |= p

c| E/vn,eE | for all

n � n0.By lemma 8.7 we know that there exist constants µ,�, c, n0 so that

| E/vn,eE |= pµp

n+�n+c for all n � n0

Combining all of our results together gives us

pen=| Xn | =| X/Ye || Ye/vn,eYe |

= (constant) | E/vn,eE |

= p�n+µp

n+v for all n � n0


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1978.[9] P. M. Cohn: Algebra volume 2, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1977.[10] Alain M. Robert: A Course in p-adic analysis, Springer, 2000.[11] Kenkichi Iwasawa: Lectures on p-adic L-functions, Princeton University Press, 1972.[12] Kurt Mahler: Introduction to p-adic numbers and their functions, Cambridge Uni-

versity Press, 1973.[13] Serge Lang: Cyclotomic Fields, Springer, 1978.[14] Paulo Ribenboim: Classical Theory of Algebraic Numbers, Springer, 2001.[15] Serge Lang: Algebraic Number Theory, Springer, 1986.[16] Kenneth S. Brown: Cohomology of Groups, Springer, 1982.