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TIlE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON MONDAY DECEMBER 30 1901 I TI9 1 w W rAHEZJP WANTED FBMAIE- vAXlEIJA firstdas finlAer on fine pants COCK waceg Enquire SOS 7th st nw e803- AtAXTODYo woman lor light housework wjtk small family Flat Xo 2 512 Spruce sti- ravft 002- WAIfTEIVFor general Iwusewrk by lady In office competent cleanly respectable woman wWte or colored immediate references 1819- O nw e 2- A ANTED Colored woman for jieicsu housework Tiinss be good cook stay night reference at xt Sea m fit ne i c302- TrAXTJBtf ldy demonstrator for store must talker net too young stage y nnii wes crjieated JIMress BOX KSce el WANTED A white woman for general house- work Call at 1130 IStU st nw cl- AXTEDrSetlled woman fair general housework IB sataH fimilv star nights references KS Stfc st ss cl- WASTRBiGirr to general muSt l y nights and bring references Apply 451 6th- st sw el- lyAXTEO A girl to lo plain and stay nlptsT X st nw e 2- AVAXTSD Ten hotel cli erra ids 13 wait- ress 15 help for hotels BURGESS HOTEL AGENCY 5 S l th st el- WAXTED Quiet white and colored cooks chain S10 to S per month HARRELf PROTECTIVE AGENCY 321 a are nw el WASTKU Good cook and general houseworker no washing or ironing reference between SlWja m and ni 1037 G st nw clI- VAXTEB A girl for general housework G1S- BSsfe nw el WASTED A woman for general housework trash ing and ironing in family of tour must stay ijights 439 O st ire cl- AVAXTED Apprtiitk girl ansI help ff- it nw e WANTED Woman for pneral work three in family stay nights traces 10 213 T st nw WASTED A woman to do general housework references required Apply 1230 S st nw el WANTED A neat colored woman to do scnaal work in colored luncii room 1521 7th st NW el WASTED A white eirl in small family for light housework Applv 1135 8th st nw ml- TVAXTED Reliable woman fur general house work 025 Sth st ntr ml WAXTED Firstclass tailoress on coats at once 1023 7th st nw WE1XSTEIX ml WASTED One white and three colored general IwuewcrJsers also white mid colored chamber- maids 1211 10th st ml WANTED Two waitresses aerebbers and cleaners Apply 1200 Sew York nr rnl- WASTKDColored woman to uo plain asdirasfa dishes 227 Sew Jerger ave riw ml WAXTED Girl for general housework in small famtif of two persona German preferred Apply 624 1 it nw m30S WASTED At once waitresses PIITSBORG CAFE COO Fa ave nw m 3 wares SS Oat 1314Hirgs st- TVAXTED Sis colored general houscworkers 12 to 15 also coots chambermaids waitresses nurses butlers LADIES EXCHANGE 514 13th st ml WASTED Ten good plain cooks chambermaids nurses We have good places on Hand Enquire in stor 1682 Olth st nw TIlE VIRG1XIA EM PLOYMJGST OFFICE ml WASTED Colored woman as coek or general hoaseworker 17J7 Oregon ave nwi ml WANTED White girl for waiting room Call 9- te5 BASEMENT OFFICE 613 13th et aw ml T ANTED A white waitress seven women cooks and boaseworkers also fire girls 212 II TB- lWAXTED Cook woman white or colored Ap plr Monday morning BOOSES CAFE 1726 Pa are ml WASTED waist and skirt hands for dressmaking 1207 G st nw rs283 WANTED A white girl as waitress in lunch 029 E st nw e233 WANTED A good colored girl for jrwral house work in a family of three adults 2129 Pa arc ZIEIi VAXTED 3IAXE FEMALE WANTED I rperienced tailor also girl that nndcrstariii working on mens and ladies ln 4 st CTT 29 S BEGIN THE NEW YEAR Vytakiny indiv5dn instruction in SHORTHASD at the REPORTING SCHOOL 913 G st nw m293- WAXTED Shorthand s monthly Address lION 10 iJiis office GOING to study shorthand It so the best system a reliable school and experi- enced teachers TIlE VEXABLE SIIORTHAXD SCHOOL COO F si nw dc2StfesSa- VAXTED AGEXTS WASTED Agents for Life of Roosevelt Standard Dictionary Life of McKinley Bibles albums and pictures all sold on install fflCBt plan DIXSMORE PUB CO 621 7th nvr PROFITABLE WORK offered magenta in every town to secure subscriptions to The Ladies Home Journal and The Saturday Evening Post We want agents who triM work thoroughly ami with business system to cover each section with our illustrated little booklets and other adver tising matter and t look sharply after renew vals from old subscribers The pay U first rate and at the end of the season 20000 will be given the best workers as extra prizes for good work lion well some of our agents have succeeded 13 told in a little booklet we would like to send you portraits of some of our best agents with the story of how they made it CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY Philadelphia Pa dec257St SITUATIONS WAXTED FE3IAIKS- 22 ISth st nr n as claiabermaid er general all family or place as nurse y Mind LRTIX 113 Maryland ave WAXTHD By neat colored woman place to do general housework in small family 921 st- nr pi- tt ANTED By colcred women place as jrcnerali- MHiaeworker in sirs II family or flats 012 L st nw i WANTED By respectable woman office clean ing alter hours or work out bv the day 919- H at nw pi WASTED By an honest colored girl place as WAXTED By resjvectable woman place as companion or chaperon Address E F in care of J O Poole 510 E st nw cl WASTED BV a colored woman place to work in private family Call S5I Q st nw el- WAXTED By neat lightcolored girl position as cnamberreaidor nurse BERDA WEST 917 st tl WANTED By four competent wowca places as firetclasa cook laundress general hoaseworker chambermaid or nurse lill10th st ml- WAXTED Copyiny to do at home will call and take dictatiis Address lION IS this office ra29S- WAXTED By a your r lady position as a stenog- rapher Address BOX 13 this office m293- WAXTED Position by middleused Northern woman as working housekeeper let or gent Address BOX 25 this oilier n 2 2 WASTED By experienced yoeng lady situa thou in confectionery store Address BOX 5 this other e2S2- VAXTED MISCEtIAXEODSi- WANTED Cheap for cash chiffonier stat price Address BOX 81 iiiis office rfSO3 WANTED A good secondhand doublebarreled shotgun and pistol also watch dog and ratter combined Address BOX 9ft this offlcc ra293 WANTED Furniture ol all kinds See us before you Edl Telephone Main S75S2 FRIES HOP WOOD SUi and K sts Uw m2 5- WAXTED Chair canIng 25e up repairing up holstering drop postal 2S07 7th st nw- m2S3 WASTED Highest t i prices paid for ladies end gents castoS drop postal JH call B TARSHES 1303 7ti st nw 3ec29lciA- VAXTKD iou to know you can get real bread cakes and pies at the ifT VERNON tfte entire bread n ifie city 823 SUi st nvr HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for iron bed con per brass bottles book stock and also machinery general merchandise EDCVS BAUM 20 7th st nw d12tf WASTED Pawn tickets for diamonds snd jewelry highest cash prices paid for old gold silver etc LOUIS A3HAHA1L 4SS 9tli it asr- SVASTED Highest prices paid lor latlieV and grrta caatoff clothing drop postal Ill tilt 3 BLEBESBCY ISOCI 7Ui st nw dealma be g bring i1r kin 844 herisialds waitressin nui and liouseworkers m 350 i ith conrcctkmery ace cooking wArEDA gIrl for general housework must refer nce 423 I at mc m30- 2STEDA young girl to assist in housework ant maw ropes jehh2 cloth Pitman 3 na2a3 you want n3eworZer In ci- TtTEDDressmnaker deeires situation in psi no I cbamber mid or maurse Ie at st ci young t- en lady I t home- made hOME BAKERY also beat wheat rubber amid detL tab > ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ± ¬ ¬ = HELP TVJLSTED 3IA1E- WAXTED Vjrst as whH harbor at once guarantee HOTEL JOHXSOX el- WAXTED Energetic young men to solicit and collect for responsible house 52 per day antroi Cell TSS5 P st nw Room 2 second fSodr el- WAXTED A Iw1 in photographic shop Room 14 35 F st nw cl- WAXTED White driver must have At references Apply after 7 pi3 i ELITE ESUKDBY 1203 G si- nw el WAXTED Colored young man in stare Apply iarly 613 12th st nw ml- WAXTED Driver also useful man in restaurant good wages Apply 1200 Sew York nw ml WAXTED A bustler to sell cigars XATIOXAliOKTAR FACTTORY IOU Pa avc ml WASTED At once three good ushers Apply J to JAMES W HUXTLEY Head Usher Bijou Theatre ml WAXTED Colored ordercook Appiy 338 15th et nw with reference ml WAXTEDrEnergetic young men to solicit and collect for responsible house 2 per 3ay guar anteed Call 1SSD JT st nwT Room second floor ml- WAXTED Colored boy for store lOOT st nw WASTED Cooks dishwashers and porter also white waiters KEXILWORTU CAFE 17 37 ace nw ml- tuemcnts SIS 12th st nw upstairs ml- WAXTED A student ttf wait on table for his board 713 12tlr sL nw ml- WAXTED Yard S3 soda water boy 350 Call after 0 a m BASEMENT DOOR 3 13th st cw lll WASTED Today six dishwashers three waiters two drivers four men for housework two bell boys porter SHACKLEFORDS 08 E st nw ml WAXTED A colored man for general work in restaurant must be good oyster ehucter 1003- Pa are nw ml- WAXTFV A stout white boy to drive horse and raiL permanent job Call 116 Sth st nw- m202 IV AXTED Man to attend to furnace and do house and store cleaning 912 lith sr nw mIdi WANTED jo boys with wheels ROOM 10 Central Bunding m2Stf Sumner references required no drones need ap ply 1503 Pa ave nw t2O1- 0SlTDAriOXS WAXTED 3IA7LE- VAXTEI By Al colored restaurant or position references Address BOX 56 office t el- WAXTED By respectable coloretl boy work in store or to run errands good refernces S22 13th st maw el- WAXTED By csperieoce cliite chef position- Al references good Yssrker Address BOX 32 this office e383- WAXTSD Bv vuiiag ratal speakiiM Russian German FreirtKrSM Finiiisli Englfe position willing toUo jujjhiae in oftce preferred 12 dab eSO2- WAXTED ri nc d meat cutter and TO- cerv clerk iima m reference Addrass J It DORSEY Laurel Md c902- WAXTED By young man 22 position m office or business experienced in oilier work and a bookkeeper references Address BOX r this office m292- 1VAXTED ITORSES EHICLES- WXTED Crocery delivery wagon pert cash balance gioceriesi Audiess BOX 11 this oilier WAXTED Good orse sJiiiiWe for mIlk wagon state price Address BOX 696 this office m293 WASTED ROOMS IVAXTEDrTwo wclWmn5 hed ms heat and 533 for light Jrousekeepiry in Northwest by quiet couple without children state nwest price Address BOX St this otBce dOS y ANTED Twor OBS fiat with bath suitable for Address BOX 679 this offlt e 73- WAXTED Two rooms in the Northwest one and one unfurnished for light housekeep ing Address BOX CT5 ills oSsce e273 iTED tiAFITirMSHED ROOMS 5 beat and gas for coocing state terms northwest location not above P st Address BOX 25 this oilier m2 3- WAXTED ROOMS AND BOAHD- WAXTED In privaTt family secondstory front room and board for sane wife 5yearoW boy south of Sew York ave and east ol Sth st nw Address BOX 12 this oilier ml miSKCESS CHiSJfCES GROCERY STORESsaloons HHber ilxips shoot- ing fraHcry aav stigat IHXLAP SOS F it- eSO3 Northwest Call at WM CARLEYS 1741 L st- nw BRLNsVlCivipool tables quick 75 bargain DUXLAP S F st e303 WILt EXCItAXlKE to 1090 worth of good dividendpaying stock tegeiJier with some h- eor w ill scli stock for csh good safe inrestraent Address BOX 2S this Of8ce eSO3 ROOMING HOtigES diningrooms stores central DrxTX Fst c30S roll SALE FurnU5tcd rooming house central 2o- catien filled with roomers Address BOX 25 this office e30S CONFECTIONERIES notions and doer stores market stalls DJXLAP l6 F st eKKJ WILL TRADE liAfor any kind DUS- LVP COS F iL C305- WAXTED Partner with some capital to estab- lish a firstclass tailoring business one win understands it or is already established Address BOX GOS tIde office at3O 3 FOR SALEtAt a sacrifictr an hottse and Confectionery esJabli hed in 1333 doing a good business near three schools will be if sold at r Fw particu- lars address BOX 699 this oflr mSOy HAVE BUYER for grocery frw 5f to 10X Sec r3 NEW YORK EU3IXESS BROKERS 6ii- F st ntv Tn233 FOR SALE Grocerv and liquor tore daily sales 75 price 3000 YORK BUSIXESS BROKERS 611 P st nw W293 FOR SALE Saloons 3300 6 00 S500 three CAPITAL BUSt NESS EXCTASGE Atlanlie Building solOS FOR SALE Grocery store Apply 1715 llth st- nw m293 FOR SAIJ Cigar antI news stand good profit 200 cash reason for selling other business 109 II st nvr nr293 SEND ONE DL ir receive mailed secret article money conveniently caried on person nightly dsily iinvwhere rate from thieves EDWIN 30 Grint tt Cleveland Ohio ml WAXTED Man with invest in businr a MRS STEVENS 470 K st nw c2S3 FOR SAIJ Furnished house full of roomers Address BOX C this office e2- GEXTLEJIAX with 500 t r 1 X wishes to en gage in established business with serviecs Ad- dress BOX S tliioffice C2S3 PROFITABLE butter and produce business will be disposed 6f if taken knoTm as the Ekria Butter Depot BI6 Louisiana ae no triflers we mesa business m233 WILT 100 to sayone securing me Govern- ment position paying 00 per month Address BOX 2 this Cfike in2S3 WASTED A man with 150Q to 2091 to take interest in one to the best paying businesses in the city Addreaa BOX 6S5 this office n2S3 FOR SAUT Cigar business and fixtures business street bargain sickness V II YOUNG 700 math st nT ro2S2- YOtXG JLS rill invest 500 to i000 in eMablislied paying business or accept positwn references excliangal Address BOX 6SO this of See m2S3 RAGES I Have an absolute liandicap to the races what nine persons will me In 1003 pool Address BOX 6S1 lIdS office e273 FOR SALE StTBURBAX 5 BOWSv balance 510inontlr homes PIERCE TIERCE Vienna Va d 23at- FOR SAIE AtBrookland many houses and lots at bargain prices one sixroom house 2 500 worth 2800 iGrtACE M ThOMAS Corcoran Bldjr t m2S7 TABLE TJOARU- FI STCTASS board 12 and 413 good meat and fbreadyjsicgle meal j 20c iJ15 tl t L e203- FIRSTiCrAjS Habp bwd by rsperience- atccr 503 JcHy ave se 28I tailoring ave with task aol a WATEDExpiencetl satan to put out adver titan the WANTEDSA N 1 specIal regrese tativc fr In hoteL cook at sac bee house 5 fl AND m293 housekeeping near Patent and Land OdiCes fur- nished WIEIB cui4 tiro kiv and a three nntundsh d FOR SALECOrtICr grocery sail provision store rio investigate soo for a gruceaiy cigar 0 business oyster NEW g I mew money to posi- tively beat cia f 5 table maw w cow ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < FOR RENT FCR5ISHED RO O3I9 FOR HEXT Oac or two furnished light housekeeping permitted 612 G st n e303 FOR UEXT Famished rbona gentlemen only and T per month 618 E 6t nw FOR RENT icelyfurnished front parlor suit able for two gentlemen also halt room 461 G- et nvr V eSO3 FOR REXT 101 4tli st nw neatlyfumislied rooms with or without board air front rooms dOS S FOR RENT Ronme furnished or unfurnished 723 12Ui St nw c203 FOR REST Sicclyfumished secondstory room for one or two gentlemen price moderate 621 4th st nw C303 FOR REST Two furnished rooms for house- keeping or parlor famished 119 ild ave nc- m303 V FOR REST Two furniShed light house keeping 1203 H st nwv ml FOR REST Furnithed room suitable for one or two gentlemen beat and pi5 S per month 515 10th st nw m29S FOR RENT One or two rooms rent reasonable 265 B st e m293 FOR REST Hooraa for hausekcepicg second floor front well hosted 350 per week S3 nw nj293 FOR REXT Two furnished roomsC 4 and S3- ars nase door SSa II EtTc m293 KEXT Beautiful furnisbH room second near Capitol 0 Sew erscy ave E- Cm293 Foil RENT furnished rooms 1222 3 st nw m29r3 FOR REST Two second floor south front bay window rooms f25 heat gas noJionsefccepiK third floor front 12 refersnccr S215l stwmv- 5B2 r FOR RENT Large roonui econd flootiheat gas bath 516 2d st nw y1Oq jn233 FOR REST Two nicely furnished STO U rooms gentlemen only 301 D tt nw t 3 cr a293 VOlt REST Two furnished rooms light 9H Sew York ave m233 RENT Furnished rooms cheap 423 K t RENT Furnished front roomj warm corn ortable clean southern 10 1213 L- t nw m293 FOR RENT Nicely furnished welt heated second story room S02 llth st m293 rooms in private family 601 21st st nw m293 FOR REXT Large well furnished front rooms also rooms with 8rstcla3s board southern exposure terms reasonable J21 I st nw m293 FOR REXT Xicelyfurnisicd rooms reasonable single trout 123 per tvcek 418 2d si nw e2S5 FOR REXT Comfortable rooms dou- ble and single all modern rbUveniencte O H ft nw e2S7 FOR REXT Furnished secpadTStery rpoftf with board terms st C238 FOR RENT Two furnished ToonSr1 near Cap M l- 117B tne tfiS3 FOR REXT S33 New York ave nicelyfurnished rooms gentlemen only cS3 FOR REXT One raeelyfnrniSied and well heated rosin 478 II f3 3 FOR REST Stwndstorj Vaclk neat and heated to a gentleman S21 13th ft nw FOR REXT Two secondflew furnisHed TOOEMS suitable gentlemen 211 II st nw c4S3 FOR REXT Two furnished rooms 107 2d st ne- c S3 FOB RENT Two d gentlemen eSSI FOR KEXT Well heated toasotrfely fnrniefetd rooms transients taken SIS Sew Yoikave FOR REXT Two furnished rooms 5 e seKceping 512 Its JKh nw m2S3 FOR REXT Large parlor fursished doctor or dentist well heated and kept c ntraL- SSt llth nw laSSS FOR REXT Front parlor 1 furnished back sec- ond stcuy 1113 S st nm near Thomas Circle FOR REXT Large bright well hiatcd cwnrattiii eating rooms second floor 52C Cth st nw- JB2S FOR REXT Pleasant front room with or without board central 812 G st nw mISS FOR RENT Three furnished roomr ferrJtRnfb- ouscfeeepla or roomers one block from Library 115 3d st se TO2SS FOR REXT Famished room in colored iaraiiy 1740 UifsaomsotU ave nw llSSS FOR REXT Large front room very reasonable housekeeping allowed 433 II st nw mallS FOR KENT iiceiy furnished rooms en suite or single central location moderate rent E07 7th- st nw m2SS FOR REXT Comfertable furnished rooms in home cheap Owner SOT f si m Jif FOR REXT Rooms furnished or uafarnLhed 297 Pa ave maw e273 FOR REXT VcllfurnShed TOWIB cheap lIt T- st nw c273 FOR REST Large furniahed hall room to Ken tleraan 615 E st nw e273 FOR REXT Furnished rooms strictly first class FOR REXT 201 East Capitol St facing Capitol and Library well tarnished rooms excellent table moderate rates transients and table board ers accommodated near all car lines del4lra LOST A laaya silver watch on FTD en Saturday p m marked if I Return to 024 G Reward ml LOST Black and tan do named Prince Re- ward if returned to FREff Ti UOOXE 172S Pa ave nw mSO5 LOST An umbrella with Market with initials A S Bird 615 lith- st nw mIllS LOST Clieck on Columbia Xational Bank made out by F Joannini to bearer and endorsed by Gt A t P Co B A Bowman amount 20 Finder will return to A St P TEA CO cornfr7tli and E sts nw antfTecelrc leward naIlS LOST ladys gold watch diamond in back name Marie Griffiths on inside casei KeJrard if re turned to 219 3d st ee nr2S3 LOST Going from 9fh st to Postofflcc package of papers containing photo also pension paper liberal reward Return to 60S Whitney nvei- m2S3 pound pound cake two iounds for 25c A VILKISS ret 9th st cSO3- FODN At Lacer tory In America delicious chocolate vanilla and strawberry ice creamy nude from the not the acid lOc per gallon Also Lsreya special 70c per gallon OfiBce G07X r Tort ve Phone Main 823 delOtf FOR SALE HORSKS AND VEHICLES FOR SALE Tounj medium eiie driving harness and rubber tire ranabo it suitable busi- ness or pleasure cheap iliX illXSTER 1243 F st m 3 FOR SALE Four horses suitable Wr rts SOI- II st DC FOR SALE Tliree horses and Iwo good workers also delivery wagon and one riage suitable for private use Apply at 4C3 Pa ave n r m9S LEFT to sell or trade coupclette two wagons buggy and harness cash or on time 1212 ave nriS3 FOR SALE Lot of new arid secondlazid harness buggy and wagon wheels lot shafts COGSWELL 203 llth st nw c277 FOR SALE 23 to BO have no farther tue 15 horses and mares suitable lor farm family ot general business purposes one fast driving mare aLso wagon harnes utensils Apply 212 4 st- nw 7T TO REDUCE my stock I otter this great Induce morris to my patrons and the public in general for thirty days only In stock I have 75 scs c assorted harness landau coupe surreyj back Bupgy and wagon Olin great inducement In secondhand harness of ill descriptions Also for the holiday I have in clock an as Eorimcnt of goat harness which 4 offer at great bargains blankets and storm ccversr at a acrifice At 301 10th st nr- dc3lm S D HOUeS FOR SAiErHOUSES FOR SALE 100 cash balance 25 monthly in- cluding interest six rooms por- celain bath near ears JOHN F 7ARET 1411 O- st c23s FOIl SALE A decided bargain ioolc at So 1101 liz ave ne Ever convenience all modern Improvements nxrms and bath bricksta attached Will iarriflce in order to close an estate at once Cell at 1009 B st R rnllU mOms rooms T L- at For floor story i house- keeping FOR 12W FOR exposure FOR RE2TTo gentlemen onlyaicely fusniahed hail ivtlheatrd very ford 0OO hit FOR RENTFurnished ntbalftom- stnw 5 sLow roam well ff2S fee rooms second r 16 1 at maw mISS table Foe nt2eI fine hot water heat boardhig4i4Gtii at nw clO LOST Pa ave goud bhsfdle in Central L oU1VD- FOUNDA place to buy fruit sibc Zi tSe pee most modern ice errant fan fruitS horse solo other poe cur lEVER robes nan ¬ ¬ = ¬ ± ¬ > ¬ ¬ < ¬ < ¬ = > ¬ ¬ ¬ FOR RENT USFtTRWISHED BOOMS FOR BEXT Three unfumislied rooms heat 11 813 I St aw e303 FOR RENT Thirdstory front room unfurnished for lady heat and gas lilt H st nw m303 FOR HEXT Taro largt unfurnished rooms al cove heat gas bath light housekeeping 9 911 Sth st se FOR RI3XT Three rooms closets and bath on second floor all conveniences where TJO children 1224 Sew Jersey ave mIllS FOR RENT Three unfornishcd rooms heat bath gas 1050 1703 New Jersey ave nw e283 FOR REXT Two large unfurnished rooms second ftbor single or en it e- 40J Florida avc nw FOR REST Seven rooms bath two latrobcs range and sink 12O 161B E se key lIlt TO2S3 5 FOR REXT Ttiree rooms furnace Ittat gas and bath 22 443 Massacbnsctts ave nw m233 FOR REXT Unfurnwhetl three communicating second floor rooms let housekeeping gas and bath reasonable H4S2 Corcoran st m2S3 FOR REHT Fomroqra on third floor beat ajt gas 13 no children 21 ft at nw ra283 FOR KENT Two unfurnished rooms heati beth 10 month C19 lUryttnd ave m3SS tOg REST Three unfurnished third loot rooms ousck cping I5ilOO Massachusetts ave ne jn233 REXT Unfurnished three communicating rooms for light housekeepiiig splendid condition location to cars terra 2013 II fit nw j j c273- QR RENT Thtee unfurnished rooms on third oor 1313 Q xt nw e273 AXDUOAHIJ WANTED Young man to share room and board with boy sixteen years olH fie a month 515 4th st maw t s e303- RSTCLASS rooms sail board week 14 K it CTT e303 TASTED Two boarders nicely furnished room board heat gas beth 3 0 per week each 037 U st T3ir mSO3 FOR REXT Rooms and board at G12 Mass ave nw MRS NORRIS m303 PRIVATE family of adults would rent Iiandro suite of room with Srstclaw board to gentle- man and wife or party of modern lioness centrally located convenient to all caw northwest telephone in house Address BOX 8S8 this ojfflcc e2S3- UOOM AND BOARD 18 221i I t nw near departments c283 03 K ST XW Large secondstory room south- ern exposure home central e2S3- FURXlSirED rooms large sod small with board 401 G nw e2S3 FOR REXT Large neatlffumttBfcd front room suitable for two with good board reasonable SOS New Jersey ave se eSSS TWO neatly r on with board gsntleiacn preferred 222 Get nw mSS3 FRONT ROOMS with or withwc board 2004- P st nw tttSSS WANTED About gentlemen to board in pri- vate family 25 C st ne FURNISHED ROOMS wift board 223 East Capi- tol ft e73 WARM HALL ROOM hosed 350 week 14 2 Bth st nw 273 FOR RENT Xewlypalsted arid papered enema with or without board everything first clau- ipiendia locstion 42 Ji t nvr e 0tf FUR SAXE M1SCEI1ANEOCS FOR SALE fresh Jersey cow and call only must be sold bv January 1 the price 1411 GalveEtoa fit Brookland D C FOR SALK Sixtoot upright showcase DRUG STORE 7th awl E eta 293 BIG SXAPS FOR CLOSE BUYING MEN 30e Silk X V r r 0e- 56c Driving Gloves Mens and Boys 290- SI Saxony Wool Underwear 49f 1 UMIV Sweaters Mens awl Boys 2 Saxony Wool Jackets feeMc breasted BSc- ii2 Blue yicnBel VSc 40 Sew Drop Cabinet Sewing Machine 15- 5c Saxony Socks 15 1 Full Dross Shirts 4c C AUERBACH 7 H Importer of S xeny Wool German HandKnit Jackets and Sweaters Domestic Sewing MacMec Agency mSS6 FOR SALE Finely marked pug puppies i each Address BOX 9 this oilier m293 FOR SALE One of crockery such aa odd wajfebovls and pitchers Sc efeirabera Sic SfJc per dozen toilet sets 145 dairy lunch mugs 45c per dozen special price en- gross lintel pfate3f 4oc per dozfen See us or telephone Main 275 FRIES i HOPWOOD- Sth K its aw i rtJ m2 3 FOR SAE8Sewl Mi w hg iBicKn credit 59e per week xateed from 330 epj some oak nrachines slightly used Singers Do household etct iven op by oScc pro SS st sw Open evenings m293 SALE cheep atfoope what cant be gold will be to tltp p entire contents of- 24roea residence bedroom suites odd dressers chhTonien eOTE large sideboard table china closet chairs cookers hair mattreses frau and brass beds aMid mahogany desk halt clock parlor atite I etluir couches ebony ball suite office reviving chairs 12foot tables stands cabinet JEancy pillows antiques ancient lamps in two carloads of furnitBffci Sth I do not wish to tike wit BW to Califftrnia IIARRY SAYMAX in charge SSI tfe st irer Dealers specially in- vited nt293 FOR SAIK ReU top desk SIS See tis or tele- phone S75S2 Stain FHIES i IIOPWOOD Sib anti K sU nw solOS FOR SALE ISano uBfigU cost SS50 wilt sell for 200 free from a bemL h aijdirrade make See ns or tslepfcooe 73 ifain IRIES SlOP WOOD Sth and K aw mISS FOR SALE Stoves sli WIy us or tide phone 27582 Main FRIES IIOPWOOD Sth sad K eta nw m293 FOR SALE FurnitOTe slightly usoL See us or telephone Main 27562 FRIES HOPWOOD 8th and K ala cw m295 FOR SALE Xew upright piano will exchange old one and balance cash Address BOX this office c233 Organs i ust Go EVCIJ Organ in our wanrooms must go before January 1 We need the room Seldom you can buy the best Organs on the market from 10 to 535- Carhart XccdUam Organ 1O Prince Orgran i 15 Time following Organs on l wecily payments Carhart Organ 23 Bratty 0 stops SO Charge k Warren Organ high top 6 stops 40 Smith American Organ 10 50 Frrana Aatey Organ top 10 stops very liandsome case 65 F G SMITH 1225 Penaa are m5Stf GOOD SQUARE PIAX03 FOR LITTLE OR- KOTHIXG You have the advantage of s in this sale of Square Pianos for we must sell and that means you can name your own price and terms We are crowded for room and these Pianos must be moved before January 135 Stein Piano 10 Matt Co Piano 20 Chickerins Piano 30 Guild ti Co Piano 75- Groveslcsn Fuller Pfar6 03 Chickering Piano i J i 125 Come in pick rmt Piano and pay for it on 1 weekly F G SMITH 1225 Venna m2SU- rOU SALft 1 jrgc tail irs i blc and sewing ma- chinc cheap 1VM LOWEXTHAL 7th and arc nw nl2S3 FOR SALE Typewriters all rcakss 15 up rent- ing 2 month typewriter repairing very clarces WASIIIXGTOX TYPEWRITER EXChANGE 717 Oth Jitr m2S10 FOR SALE Cheap stvset of double coach harness silver plated secondland Apply to GEORGE MOTTS Stlt st nw c273 FOR SiLE Fresh Jersev cow cod calf 1411 Frankfort t Brooiland D C c273 LOOK 1 box x t beer 7Sc 5 bottles assorted wines such a port sherry blackberry catewba land clarets for fl Wilson Paul Jones Overholt and Woodland whiskies SIVper quart bottle De- ilivcrcd to any address THOS R BEAVERS 423 44 st sw Ph ne Main 10035 dec313t FOR SALE Sl Almost J piano CO Ca as low a IEFF PIAXO- j COXLIFF llgri FOR SALE Th- Xew England SIT VERXOX v- del7lmo CREDIT A furs blankets clothing etc deSlm it a X Knabe Square iaymca- tsIBJ C- el7tf cake and d at th- ct casli off clothing df FOR SALE Ma- rrots dogs ci ORE 712 m TOll SALEJ5 Ion S for lain roekera li8 per week BEE tau FOR SALE Go to your tritrfen opaque th 3ej hliEK Phone East SS aw- ifc S each rvs BIRD norsrf tit cush oak ana maw suite housekeeping chS3 beat sat tonight FOR fine reason- able ROOMS 350 per good table SECONDFLOOR ROO31S wlth beard 920 Rhode Ishod ae maw 25I furnished frent six eli good Cl tSP hence 51904 oel and carload cups and O nastier pie 44 FOR desks gout i ate used See t 3 k Ne dbaXU Organ stops so your are SOT bar- gain pianos r5 5LLA5fus a pe4neI e I at ow ON rtsstitta rsaa rid boys win i3ce WANTEDB I s 5 s r high s tt cast t5dSSi ethlan r r I st s I 3sSta it Slt a f so es lOO s ts 1 sss niteti U i nifty ott s2 3 with t e104t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ± ¬ ¬ = and Washington Steamboat Go Every day in the year Joe Norfolk Kcw pore News and all points South by the superb powerful steel palace steamers Newport Norfolk and Vna- bInston on the following schedule Ly WashiDirton630 pan j Lv Portsmonth500 pra- Lr Alezsndria7C3 ptn KT Korfolk600 ptn- Ar Ft Monroe 700 am J Lv Ft Monrce700 pus A Norfolk 800 san Ar Aexandria630 am is PortEmouthS15 am j Ar WasMagton 70a sin Tickets on sale and staterooms reserved at general ticket oiflcc Bond Building 14U- it and N Y ave at downtown office Cth st and Pa ave at office on wharf and on board steamers XSTFor further information apply at gen- eral offices foot 7th St phone 750 or Bond Building llth st and S Y arc Washington D a Phone 22CO JOHN CALLAHAN General Manacer FOR SALE OH REST THOS L WA66AMAN Steal Estate Drt Auctioneer 917 F Street n W FOR SATE NORThWEST 3013 P 3 stories 17r a jn i lot 7tel20 ftI4000 113 Spruce bb Srr bath mi 3tel03 ft 6009 11 and 1101 20tb store and dwg rented 4900 124 F b Ij Or bath a i 4100 H31 lltfi b h 6r bath am i and stable 3S03- S 4 13th b 7r bs th and a m 1 3100 1 H toUU SCih Sr bath ami each 28TiO 1133 th frame Sr water and seweri 2600 145 9th if tli er lot llx ft 2700 1811 6th frame 6r rented for 1430 mo 009- SQt 25th b h Cr water and sewer 2009 417 Ct b h 3r 1500 SdUTlh 1 ST X b h Br and bath 2SW- 41S 10th b h 4r and back bulldin 2700 712 and 344 M f bs 5r earl stable bath 2500- XORTIIEAST 123 A b h Br bath and am i 5 70S Bth t f h cellar 6r bath am i 5 00 Silt 8th b h r bath ami l rfl ft 4500 707 12th b lu 7r bath and a m i 3WO 1127 12th bh 6r bath and a SB i 3300 701 35th ft Store and dweliin 2S53 1312 12tb fh 6r sad am i 2000 EOUTHEAST 02 A bh its bath and a w i 8S- 3S to O 2d b lis 6r ami cock 5500 Intersection of Va ave and I st 5 i4 eq ft with improTemcntgi rested for 2 per jnontUti 5000 701 and 70S L b bs lot 40i5S It both 3- 1U4 X J ars b h 4r t 1560- 90S Sth bX5r water sever 17 ft 140 1207 X JL 5r ICxlf ft 1409 415 L f X 6r lot 23x170 ft 1000 FOR RENT Xc Taoil 7rr 12 t Ne 1 King st 4r 5 CO- Se 981 Ga ave 7r 14 80- Se SIS Ga ae 6r i 100- Se 1HH Stv t Sr M Se lie Mfsow arid dwelling Sr 30 ST S South OtpHol lOr and 2 9- Sw917 Md ae r bath IS- Sor 201 M 5r 1 50 Sw 21O 14th Sr TO SO- Sw 1S15 3d 4r S 30- Sw ISIS S L 4r 809- Apjily at Office for VVcoUly Bulletin POlt SVtE REiAL ESTATE SMALL SALARIED HOME SEEKERS Apply for our list ol dwellings for SALE en terms WIThIN the 3IEAXS of REXT PAYERS It Ii surprising hoar small a salary can SUPPORT FAMILY and also BUY a HOME One of many 147 Betse eight rooms bath STONE front in excellent order TIlE WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE COMPANY 1221 T f t sw de5lmo- 3IOVEy TVAXTED AND TO LOAN We Will Lend You Money en your furniture pianos organi etc end ysa cr monthly pay ABSOLrTELT XO DELAY Our business Is strictly confidential no ua- barrasdnt questions to salt you Lowest ia the cRy Private offices COLUMBIA GUARANTEE CO- CIS Street X V Money Loaned Salaried People Tutail merchants teamsters bosTdir houses witboct security largest business ir fortytwo principal cities TOLMAX Boom 10U S23 I5th- tt aw el4tf MONEY TO on real estate collateral and personal J C DAYJS 505 E st nw e2S3 MONEY TO LOAN at VA to 5 per cent In sums of 1003 to 510000 on IX C real estate pay oft 5 end 6 per cent mortgages and begin anew alt tiansjctiora conducted with economical consider- ation for borrowers VTil II LAUNDERS 4 CO 1407 F st BW- JIOXEl TO LOAN OX APPROVED COLLAT- ERAL Xo delay CHARLES A BAKER Rooms 40 and 44 Metzcrott Building 11JO F it- FOU 11ESX HOUSES FOR RENT Brick No 161S loth st nw 10 room 3 e Frame llth st road Bright wood I C C rooms modern conven- ient to electric car fine 15- Brick Xo 1303 ne rms 95a Frame onCrani roatl 14 rooms Potomac water cohvenient to cars f- c306 LOUIS P SHOEMAKER SCO F sr nw FOR Store Xo 1313 7Ui st nw large cellar no Store Xo 1SOO Florida ave nw cellar 13 Store Xo45 7 4 st sw two rooms 41- C30C IUJS P SHOEMAKER 930 F st nw FOR REXTJanuarr J5 comfortable sixroom house location ccrtral mind Srstcla some household goods for sale Address BOX 25 this office L m293- Tenleytown IXC 15 per month T J GILES Real Estate Tli 14th st nwv m2S3 FOR RENT as F st nxr 1420 A st se 5room brick 13 HOO1I 10 Central Building 3th and P ave dec20tf FOR REXT X n 335 to 147 t maw new houses will be ready for occcpancy about Dec 15 6 rorcos and bath all modern improvements furnace rent 2539 FIlIal T BEEVES CI- 7Hth sfnir d Ctf FOR REST Free to colored persona fiveroom houses northeast free for one month and thin only S5 a month CAYWOOD GARRETT car cer I3tft st and Ifcw York ave DW rn3lraD- AXC1XC PROF CALDWELLS fill 7th st nw Tuesday Thursday Saturday even- ings 7 oclock class reunion 53 fbtnwr pupils invited 1 littentl private lessons given by appointment nt30 LADIES TAILORilADE suits to order also far coats and repaired and lined on short notice work Address TAILORESS C04 Fs iirf second floor jn255- SUPERrLlfblS5 HAIR REMOVED with Sic neifdiej trial treatment free Address Stiff DE SIIUE Box 4 this office mISS PiANO and Total lessons oOc acmil r r inetho- diire PROFESSOR BOX 632 this office e277 TEETH without plates firm comfortable durable beautiful undetectable painless DR L B 1S03 F st nw 7n24 30 PiANO and organ lesson 2a cents Oil Delaware HANSA BUEUMATISH HEMEDYJ3 pleasant to take it is purely vegetable and contains no hurtful ingredients it stops pain In one thy price 1 a bottle HAXSA MEDICINE CO 615 I4th it Call or drop postaL ml3lr DIVORCE easy terms damage cases talOn on contingent fee advice free Address BOX 301 this office noSOlnio FULL DRESS and Tuxedo cults to hire 709 Jth- t nw e230 FULL DRESS SUITS for hire one dollar JULIUS COhEN 1104 7th Jiw e5ttT- VILLIAilS BOOK EXCHANGE Books and sold also book binding ia sit its branches HIS C it nw e30U- 5r5il Q jour Iru3ines3 teams cs well as TOUT drivers from TIlE lIRE STA- BLES JL SXX5HEU1EI Proprietor rear 615 E- rt nw Rubber Used vehicles oT all kinds IiOit Dayton wagons alwar FEW DAYS OXLY Rooms papered r samples brought RUNT 467 G st nw c30 NOLTE 224 But t nw Is constantly receiving the latest and must attractive designs in Walt and pipers rooms from 2GO GalS investigate tor yourself sod be convinced man 8TEbIDOT3 Norfolk News cud a ma tail bID 11 bath I ntif4i tat S both and 10 p 55 B r4Pr MLmaa can pay It back In weekly meats raIn P tOt I security St S s RENT FOR hlENTdcventhcm cOttage nearly new in Thomas MISCELLANEOUS Acadenic the WIL- SON 0c mae delTEl secured taos bought sins and en band elIsa WALt PIEUa 173 and < > < ¬ ¬ < > > > Wasfilngton Alexand ria Prom Station and St- In effect Xpvejnbe1 1 1 For Alexandria Week dayj 701 730 800 3 rv 8 9 OilS 10rf 30 U X 1130 m 3tJrf5 K O 1245 Xlff 12 2rf 2 0- x302 3 0 359 x414 483 1 4 503 x522 540 6fi filSO 7rf5 730 800 845 9SJ 13 5- Jlr20 Iiri9 m- Suc4ijs7rl5 9rfO 945 105 1100 l f a- ra 12 0 noon 1230r 100 136 200 230 300 330 403 420 500 530 C00 55i J S- S00 S45 950 1015 11 6 1150 p Ja For Mount Vernon TVcei days 630 8CO 1000 HrtO a ra il205 2 0 x302 1414 r5 2 7KW 9 0p ni- San4iys 3 a ra 1200 noon 200 403 53 700 930 p m days 630 701 7JO S 853 1000 llrDO a m 1205 1220 I245 103 125 200 iSO 302 3i50r 359 M 3 4 1 CtCS SSO 7 6 800 p ra- 5UXDAYS 745 9 0 ai5 lOlO 1100 1180 a m 1200 noon lImbO 100 1 0r 200r 230 JT X 3 0 400 J30 SriX a 600 630 7CO 730 fi O p ci x Bspres To Arlington only Parcels carried Baggag checked J COLTtS Superintendent G E ABBOT President OCEAN STEAMSHIFS 3E7 YORK SOUTHAIIPTOV LOXDOK St Panl Jan 1 10 am StIxHiisJan 10 am Zedaud Jan 8 noon i Phi phi Jan 22 10am RED STAR LINE XEV YORK AXTWERP PARIS I Kensington Jan 1 noon iStlrais Jan 15 10am Zealand Jan 8 noon neon INTERNATIONAL NAViGATION COJ1PAXY Piers 14 and IS X R- K sr York 73 Brflldws- ASHIXCTOX OFFICE 330 F St A W- Or G AV IToss 1411 G St X W Should be read daily as changes may occur at any tune FOREIGN MAILS are forwarded to the ports of tailing daily and the schedule of cosingn- is on the presumption of their tin interrupted overland transit For the week end will be made from the 3IAIX Tron Atlantic 3I I1- MOXDAY c At p m for ITALY reel e s Liguria from New York Mail mat IK directed Per s e LJguria At 1125 p m for SCOTLAND direct per s e FnrBcufa from New York Mail be directed Per s s FBroeseia TUESDAY b At 715 p m for EUROPE per s s SL Paul from Xew York via death ajcptop J4 il for IRELAND omit be directed Per s g St PauL f At IllS p m for EUROPE per s s Majestic from New York via Q e Qitewn- e Al illS p m for BELCH direst per s K Ifarerford from New York Mail must be directed Per s e Havejfori- TEDXESl AY Ccj At 915 p m for FRANCE SVITZERLAXD ITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL TURKEY EGYPT GREECE BRITISH IXOIA pHKr from New York via Havre lint for Per i Ctaaipagnt FRIDAY c At 1125 p ra for ITALY direct per s F Rfpmard from New York Stall must be directed Per B s F DisBaref- cf At 1125 p m fur IRELAND per js s- Un ria lean Xe York enatown Mail toe otfctr parts f EUROPE raast be directed Per s s 1inbiw c At 1125 p ra for EUROPE per s s- Kronprisr TjHieln from New York via Ply moata Cherbaorg and Bremen Malt far IRE LAND must be directed Per s Kronprinz- Wilhcliii At 1125 p m for AZORES ISLAXDS pe s s Tartar Prince Xew york Stall for ITALY must be directed s Tartar PiSces MiiilK for South mind ttentrnl Ameri- ca AVct Incites KtcM- OXDAY c At 11 5p m for CENTRAL AMERICA except Costa sOd SOCTH PA CIFIC FOWlS per s s Allianea from New York via Color Mail for GUATEMALA must be di- rected fee s s Allianea c At 11 5p ra for CENTRAL AMERICA j Hpt Rica and SOUTh PACIFIC PORTS per s s Allianca New York via Colon Stall for GUATEMALA roust be directed Per s Alliaaca c At lull p in for GRENADA TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIYAR1 per s j Grenada from New York e At 1125 p m for ST THOMAS ST CROIX LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLAXDS and BRITISH DUTCH and FREXCH GtIXA per s t Madiana Lyons Kctr YawL TCE5JMY 12 m JAMAICA per s s Admiral Dewey from Boston c At J 15 p m for FORTUNE HAITI per s Adirondack from New York VEDXESDAY Q At 10 a m for the BAHAMAS via Nassau steamer from Miami FAa c At 1125 p m for JA1HICA per s s Admiral Sampson from Philadelphia c At p m f r CAMPECHE CHIAPAS TABASCO and YUCATAN per s e Monterey from New York Mail for other parts of MEXICO must be directed Per s s Monterey c At 1125 p nu for BAIIAM S and the PROVINCE of SANTIAGO CUBA per s s Sara toga from New York c At 1125 p m for BAHAMAS per s A- i New York Moil must be directc1 Per rr Antilia THURSDAY d At 0a m for IXAGUA and HAITI per s s BelvenioH from Xew York c At illS n m fur MEXICO per s s inza from New York via Mai met bt directed Per s s Matanras- EKinAY c At 1125 p m for BER3IUDA per p s Trinidad from New York c At illS p m Jer PORTO RICO per s s Xew Ymfc t- e At 1125 p in Jo CURACAO and TENT ZUELV per s s Zulia Near York via La and Matacaibo Mail SAVAXILLA and CARTAGEXA must be dnecled Per s s- Zolia c At IllS P m for FORTUNE ISLAND JAMAICA SAVAXILLA CARTAGEXA and GREYTONVX per ss Athp from Near York SlaB for COSTA RICA must be directed s Athos- fc At hill p m for HAITJ per s s Prira Wilhelm III from New Ywrk via Port au Prince and Petit Grove Mail for CURACAO TEXEZ ELA TRINIDAD BRITISH and DUTCH GUIANA must be directed Per s s Print Vil helm in- Cc At IllS p m for ARGENTINA URUGUAY and PARAGUAY per s s Soldier Prince from New York SUXDAY 0 At 1030 a IB for the BAHA- MAS via Nassau per steamer from Miami Fla Mails for NEWFOUNDLAND by rail to North Sydney and thence via steamer close here daily except Sundays at 12 m and on Sundays at 1130- a m d h Mails for MIQUELOX by rail to Boston and thence via steamer close here daily at 315 p ra 01 CUBA SLUTS close via Port Tampa Fla Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays at 3 p m O Nails for MEXICO toilets specially addressed for despatch by steamers from New York close here daily at 1030 a TO and 10 n ro Mails for BELIZE PCEma COtTER and GUATKilALA by rail toXew Orleans and thence via steamer close here flaily at 10 p jn the connecting closes for which ben Mondays Mails for COSTA RICA rail to New Or- leans and thence via steamer close here daily at 30 p m the connecting cioses for which being Tuesdays TxnnsIJaciac Mauls Mils for TAHITI anti ISLAXDS via San Francisco close Semi daily at 630 p- ro map to December 30 inclusive for despatch per s Australia o- r Stalls for HAWAII eta San Francisco close lure daily at 030 p m up to December 3 in clnsivr for despatch per j s Alamcdo o Stalls for AUSTRALIA except those for Te t AiEtrafa which go via Europe and Zea- land which go viaSan Francisco and FIJI ISLANDS via Vancouver close here daily at 630 p up to January 4 inclusive for per S s Aoranci C Mails for CHIXA JAPAN HATTAH nod PHILIPPiNE ISLAXDS via San Francisco close here daily at 63 p m up to January C in- clusive for despatch pee s 3 City of Peking o Mails for CHIXA and JAPAN via Seattle close here daily at Gill p m up to January S inclusive far dispatch s s Rags Iaru- Rcciitercd mail must be directed Via Scat tie o Mails for AUSTRALIA except those for West Australia which are forwarded via Europe XEV ZEALAND FIJI SAMOA and HAWAII via Francisco close here daily at C30 p m after January 5 and up to January 11 in elusive for despatdi per s s Ventura o for CJIIXA and JAPAX via Vancocver close here daily at C30 p n up to January 21 Inclusive for despatch p rs S s Empress of Japan Registered snail must bo directed Via Vancrcvcr Merchandise for the UC S Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada o- MaHs for COCHIX CluNk are despatched to New York for connection with Cnropcatisleaniers- PHILIPPIXE ISLAXIJS CMuirafy Stall tespatched to FWMisco at all closes for that office f connect with GoviTmncnt trans port the railinpt of which are irrcgnlar REGISTERED MAILS close at the MAIN OF- FICE a follows b At lp 01 same day c At S p m tame day d at 5 a m tame day f Atl p m previous dayj At 1 p ra previous Satnnlayv ft At 8 r rir previous day o At B p m JDl r A MERRfT Postmaster STORAGE 7 Cents toad 1XTED ILRO4 and Mount Vernon ailwav Pennsylvania Ave bass GZD a For Arhingtoza and Aqueduct flrdgcWcek IS Sill Sill AMERICAN lINE 22 I Office POIIIIICN S1AIL- 9Witahincton D C Posi tUCe Nutice arranged in January 4 1502 the last connecting iloses OFFiCE as follows i illS pet must I and iORENZO MARIUEZ per a a La Chasm other parts f EUROPE must be directed a s s via a i from a bata from a fee ISLAND and e per hill Antihia s ifs Fan Juan from from Sos Pegs hero overland 5 New mat hmes Sail Jail San day iQlt SIOIIAGE COIIPANTY Sb ow m2- fbLI > > > = < < < ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° ¬ < ± > RAILROAD STATION CORXER OF SIXTH AND B ST3- T O A 1L DAILY PmSBURG ESPRESS Paries Dining Cars Harrisbcrs to 1050 A M DAILY PENNSYLVANIA UD1ITED Pullman Sleeping Dining Smokin and Ob crvation tars Hirrltburjj to Cinda anti St Louis Cleveland sna Toledo Buffet Parlor Car to Hsmsbsaj 1CXQ A M DAILY FAST UXE Pallman Baff t Parlor Car to harrisburg BcEet Parlor Cat S30 P 31 DAILY CHICAGO AND ST LOO13- JOCPRESS Slectjiag Car Wadiington o St- louij and and Dining Cars Hsrrit burg to Indianapolis St Louts via and iouisville and Chicago 715 P JL DAILY ST LOUIS EXPRESS Pn- U7is P JL DAILY WESTERN ESPRESSPUII man Sleeping Car to Pittsburg CHieago Car to Chicago 745 P JL flAILS CLEVELAND AND CIXCCs- KATI EXPRESS Pullrosn Sleeping Cars Wahf- Dzton to Pittsburff harrisburg to ACTC land and Cincinnati Dining Gar 1040 E M D1LY PACIFIC BXPKESSP Oman Sleeping Car to Pittsburg 750 if DAILY BUFFALO DAY E3PHEo3 with through Parlor Car Dining Car aad Coaches to Buffalo via Emporium Jun on 750 A 3L for Kane Canandaigua anti STaifara Falls daily except Sunday 1050 A JL for Eimira and Broom daily Sanday For riHiamsport daily 330 P M p U DAILY BUFFALO SIGHT EXPRESS With Buffet Sleeping Car and Coacliel- to Buffalo v3 Emporium Junction 745 P M DAILY for Erie for Rochester Buffalo and Xia ara diily except Satnrdar with Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester 1040 P if for Erie Rocfcester Buffalo and Niagara Fills daily Pullman Washington to Bochest Salur only 400 P M CONGRESSIONAL LIMITED daily for New York all Parlor Cars with DinicS Car from Baltimore For Piilladclphia Xew York and the EaJtt Express 7SO Dining Car 757 7 7 Car 9CO 1000 Car 1025 ad 11- tDininr Car from Wilmington A L 1245 215 450 Dining Car from Baltimore 650 1000 P M 1210 night Oa Smdaye 700 1025 lliOO Dinvte Cir f m TiVilnungton 1215 315 4a DinIng Gar from mere 650 100 P M 12rlO night For Philadelphia oriv fipress 745 A M thiS P iL weekdays 21 4UO and 540 P M daily Boston without change 745 A M artEK days and 4 0 P it daily For Baltimore 615 700 745 7i5J 7 9 0 lO X 1025 1050 IlrfX A M liO5- 124S 201 315 330 Limited 410 4 fi 433 450 540 615 65o 715 745 300 1040 P M and 1210 night Sundays 7rf 7a 757 90 9 5 1 10 0 11KK A iL 1215 115 S H 3J533O 4 Lulled 410 4SO 450 54 815 0 715 745 1000 1040 P IL and EM night For Popes Creek Line 745 a m and 433 n- IB weekdays tar Annapolis 700 96D A M thiS and 51O P M weekdays Sundays 9rf0 A jl and 6 0 P II Ticket oSces corner FiJteeaUi sasS Streets end st the Sixth awl B Streets where crders J be left for the cheekier ot tegsaga to destination from iotea and residences Telephoi call 1441 for Pennsylvaaia road Cab rvicc J M nCTClUKSOX J R WOOD General JlaniCer Ctntrfl russcssr Agent Schedule in effect November 17 19M Leave ATasln ston New Jersey Are C St m 343 p m lilO night Pittdwrg Still Cleveland 10i5 z n 3S p- in and la night Coluznbu and Wheeling p m- fViachecttt 5 3 m 33 and H5 p Lcray 3 5p m Annapolis JJ715 330 jiS S 153 a J p m Frederick 335 300 il 43 a m 115 114 0 and j6r20 p m- Hagerstown 1110 5 a ra and Ji5J pm Boyd and way points iiS 5 9d 3 a ra 113- J4 0 520 1OO5 iIlr20 p m- GaitiiersbarK and paints tiS 5 900 S30 113 iiSKW 5O3 RSiSJ 5 7 1015 lillSO p m- tVaJjic toTi Junction sue uy fjS J 900 a TH L15 Ii4S3 3Q p c- Bsltirncre week slays xSrCO 5rf 6 0 StrfB- x715 sS3O 8 5 xS Q xiO O 11 5 a a- s2 0 noon rl55 x200 H3 3430 4d5- ii55 x5S5 xS 630 xSO3 jtlOrfO jcllJO 1135 p m Sundays x30 x7rfS TT1S B30- s3H m il2iSO 115 xSOO 1330 iSaM- xS S G O x3J nOtO xll30 31135 5 m- Al trains filuniinatcd with Pintseh light Baltimore Tliiladdplaii J Boston soS the East 300 705 Diner iS Buffet 900 Diner ijlO fl Diner a 3B liJO Diner 3rf Royal Limited Diner Buffet 5rf Diner 300 and lUO p m Sleeping Car open t 10rfX oclock Pullman Cats on alt day trains Atlantic City 1220 neon Daily jExcfpt udy jjalr- s Express trains Baggage called Tor anti checked from Uateb and residences by Union Transfer Co on crdtrs left at ticket fcfflces 613 Pennsylvania avenue cortTt west Xew York avenue Fifteenth Street anJ SOUTH Schcdylc corrected to November 25 1901 leave Irotn Pennsylvania Station 8 51 a m Daily Local for Harnsonbarg War Tmlnn rt rr fr and tations 1051 z m Daily Washinyton Richmond Florida Limited Firstclta coach ad drawing room sleeper to Jacksonville Dining ear ervicc 1115 a m Daily United States Fast Mill Firstclass coaches and sleeper to New Orleans Dining car s vice 1137 a m Daily Local foe W rreston ind Charlottesville 401 p m Week Days Local for Harrlsca burg and way stations on Jlzntxsa breath 430 p m Dally Local for VTaTrVstoa d CharlottesviUe- B30 p m Daily Washington and Chattanooga Limited via Firstclas coach and sleeping car to Roanoke Knoxville Chaiiaaooia and sleeper to New Orleans Dining ear o o m Daily New York and Atlanta Ex- press Firstclass coach and sleeper to Atlaui Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays Boute- Tonrist sie per Waihi3Kton to San FrancIsco Pnllmas buffet service Firstclass coach and sleeper to Savannah Jacksonville and Port Tampa sleeper to Sos merrille Ctarleston AuguSta and nafictioa for Aifcen Dining car service 1045 p m Dally Washington and Southwci- tm Limited All Pullman train club and obser- vation cars ia Atlanta hares to Nashville Atinti Macon Memphis Sew Orleajw- Triwceily to Pinehurit X C Mondays Wed days and Fridays Dining car service TRAINS OX BLUEMOXT BRANCH Leave Washington SKJl a ia daily lrfK p m 435 p m and 419 p m west nd 615 Sundays only for Blacmont and 6 5 p m wee and 1140 p m theatre train Mon days Wednesdays and Saturdays for Leesbury from the South arrive Waih- ro 903 p m and SSO p ih daily Local trains traIn Harrisonbure 1137 a m week days and 940 p m daily Krosi CharlottssviUe IrIS m and 040 p ra dilly Capital City Rtote leave Washington Pens B H alioa A fit SEABOARD FAST MAIL Tiwsii DAILY Pullman Scepes to Jackaonviiit- rconnectins at Uamlat tJIUl man Sleeper to Atlanta P FLA AND METRCPOrrAS DAILY LIMITED Throuh Pullman cleep era to Tampa and Atlanta Cafe Dining Car service Pullman Sleeper Tues- days Thursdays and Saturdays to Southern Pines Pinihcrsl These trains tier excellent srhednles and servica to Petersburg Ralcisft Southern Pines Pine hurst Carcdtn Columbia Savaimali Jackson- ville and all 1orida points Charlotte Athenv Atlanta Xtr Orleans Chattinooja NaShviLle points Vvest anti Southwest A t LOCAL To Petersburg Calcistt DAILY Southern Pines CPiachBrst Ham- let sad intermediate points Office JI34 X T are anti Pcnna IU U OSres- R E 1 BUNCH Vf UDOLU- rxnnl A ort O 1 V t- DIBDS DOGS ETC FOR SALE Fine Gorflon setter doar well briVtea and perfect in every respect Address BOX S this office m SS- FOUIlTEEXTlT ST Hospital for Animals snrjical and medical cases Always open Telephone 1712- tlia Fourteenth st e293mo VOlt SALE Twelve acres improved tjso sew cottages price S2SQO rant ran remain iwr pare Apply BtTTS Slfgo P O7 MO- ro S3 RA2LR- OASISPENNSYLVAMilA and Marrisbueg to Pittbtirg man Sleeping Car St and and excePt Falls Bleeping Car Din Dining Dining Car 757 757 Dining Car 9f0 A- IL The IsIS sOD ThIS station RaIl BALTIMORE OHIO Rfl and Chicago and Northwest 1045 a so 5il0 p so- F clOCSnaatz ft Loida sod Losairrilk 10515 SilO a as Sis way a- in pointS a ROYAL JIL13E LINE TerSe ISO Sunday and Pt station RY way antI dranmngoom advice 955 in Italy New York ant Florida Es and days p- in Itroamels trains ftgton6iZa n 652am 7bSs na 2510 p 1 Tck- inforustt St 5 Ars a Static 6 be ed r i ewe madr Phi tL T it e- FE i j Stv ie- rwAwt 4 Pall 10i LESILLR1i PPOPstrri CIIA < < > > < > = = > > > > > > = > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬

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Post on 01-May-2020




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I TI9 1 w W

rAHEZJP WANTED FBMAIE-vAXlEIJA firstdas finlAer on fine pants

COCK waceg Enquire SOS 7th st nw e803-AtAXTODYo woman lor light houseworkwjtk small family Flat Xo 2 512 Spruce sti-

ravft 002-WAIfTEIVFor general Iwusewrk by lady Inoffice competent cleanly respectable womanwWte or colored immediate references 1819-

O nw e 2-

A ANTED Colored woman for jieicsu houseworkTiinss be good cook stay night reference atxt Sea m fit ne i c302-

TrAXTJBtf ldy demonstrator for store musttalker net too young stage

y nnii wes crjieated JIMress BOXKSce el

WANTED A white woman for general house-work Call at 1130 IStU st nw cl-

AXTEDrSetlled woman fair general houseworkIB sataH fimilv star nights referencesKS Stfc st ss cl-

WASTRBiGirr to general muStl y nights and bring references Apply 451 6th-st sw el-

lyAXTEO A girl to lo plain and staynlptsT X st nw e 2-

AVAXTSD Ten hotel cli erra ids 13 wait-ress 15 help for hotels BURGESS HOTELAGENCY 5 S l th st el-

WAXTED Quiet white and colored cooks chain

S10 to S per month HARRELf PROTECTIVEAGENCY 321 a are nw elWASTKU Good cook and general houseworkerno washing or ironing reference betweenSlWja m and ni 1037 G st nw clI-

VAXTEB A girl for general housework G1S-

BSsfe nw elWASTED A woman for general housework trashing and ironing in family of tour must stayijights 439 O st ire cl-

AVAXTED Apprtiitk girl ansI help ff-

it nw e

WANTED Woman for pneral work three infamily stay nights traces 10 213 T st nw

WASTED A woman to do general houseworkreferences required Apply 1230 S st nw elWANTED A neat colored woman to do scnaalwork in colored luncii room 1521 7th st NW

elWASTED A white eirl in small family for lighthousework Applv 1135 8th st nw ml-

TVAXTED Reliable woman fur general housework 025 Sth st ntr ml

WAXTED Firstclass tailoress on coats at once1023 7th st nw WE1XSTEIX mlWASTED One white and three colored generalIwuewcrJsers also white mid colored chamber-maids 1211 10th st ml

WANTED Two waitressesaerebbers and cleaners Apply 1200 Sew York

n r rnl-

WASTKDColored woman to uo plainasdirasfa dishes 227 Sew Jerger ave riw mlWAXTED Girl for general housework in smallfamtif of two persona German preferred Apply624 1 it nw m30SWASTED At once waitresses PIITSBORGCAFE COO Fa ave nw m 3

wares SS Oat 1314Hirgs st-

TVAXTED Sis colored general houscworkers 12to 15 also coots chambermaids waitressesnurses butlers LADIES EXCHANGE 514 13thst mlWASTED Ten good plain cooks chambermaidsnurses We have good places on Hand Enquirein stor 1682 Olth st nw TIlE VIRG1XIA EM

PLOYMJGST OFFICE mlWASTED Colored woman as coek or generalhoaseworker 17J7 Oregon ave nwi mlWANTED White girl for waiting room Call 9-

te5 BASEMENT OFFICE 613 13th et aw ml

T ANTED A white waitress seven women cooksand boaseworkers also fire girls 212 II


lWAXTED Cook woman white or colored Applr Monday morning BOOSES CAFE 1726 Paare mlWASTED waist and skirt handsfor dressmaking 1207 G st nw rs283WANTED A white girl as waitress in lunch

029 E st nw e233WANTED A good colored girl for jrwral housework in a family of three adults 2129 Pa arc

ZIEIi VAXTED 3IAXE FEMALEWANTED I rperienced tailor also girl thatnndcrstariii working on mens and ladiesln 4 st CTT 29 S

BEGIN THE NEW YEAR Vytakiny indiv5dninstruction in SHORTHASD at the REPORTINGSCHOOL 913 G st nw m293-

WAXTED Shorthand smonthly Address lION 10 iJiis office

GOING to study shorthand It sothe best system a reliable school and experi-enced teachers TIlE VEXABLE SIIORTHAXDSCHOOL COO F si nw dc2StfesSa-


WASTED Agents for Life of RooseveltStandard Dictionary Life of McKinley

Bibles albums and pictures all sold on installfflCBt plan DIXSMORE PUB CO 621 7th nvr

PROFITABLE WORK offered magenta in every townto secure subscriptions to The Ladies HomeJournal and The Saturday Evening PostWe want agents who triM work thoroughly amiwith business system to cover each section withour illustrated little booklets and other advertising matter and t look sharply after renew

vals from old subscribers The pay U first rateand at the end of the season 20000 will be giventhe best workers as extra prizes for good worklion well some of our agents have succeeded 13

told in a little booklet we would like to sendyou portraits of some of our best agents withthe story of how they made it CURTISPUBLISHING COMPANY Philadelphia Pa



22 ISth st nrn as claiabermaid er generalall family or place as nurse

y Mind LRTIX 113 Maryland ave

WAXTHD By neat colored woman place to dogeneral housework in small family 921 st-nr pi-

tt ANTED By colcred women place as jrcnerali-MHiaeworker in sirs II family or flats 012 Lst nw iWANTED By respectable woman office cleaning alter hours or work out bv the day 919-H at nw pi

WASTED By an honest colored girl place as

WAXTED By resjvectable woman placeas companion or chaperon Address E F incare of J O Poole 510 E st nw clWASTED BV a colored woman place to workin private family Call S5I Q st nw el-

WAXTED By neat lightcolored girl position ascnamberreaidor nurse BERDA WEST 917 st

tlWANTED By four competent wowca places asfiretclasa cook laundress general hoaseworkerchambermaid or nurse lill10th st ml-

WAXTED Copyiny to do at home will calland take dictatiis Address lION IS this office


WAXTED By a your r lady position as a stenog-rapher Address BOX 13 this office m293-

WAXTED Position by middleused Northernwoman as working housekeeper let or gentAddress BOX 25 this oilier n 2 2WASTED By experienced yoeng lady situathou in confectionery store Address BOX 5this other e2S2-


WANTED Cheap for cash chiffonier stat priceAddress BOX 81 iiiis office rfSO3

WANTED A good secondhand doublebarreledshotgun and pistol also watch dog and rattercombined Address BOX 9ft this offlcc ra293WANTED Furniture ol all kinds See us beforeyou Edl Telephone Main S75S2 FRIES HOPWOOD SUi and K sts Uw m2 5-

WAXTED Chair canIng 25e up repairing upholstering drop postal 2S07 7th st nw-

m2S3WASTED Highest t i prices paid for ladiesend gents castoS drop postal JHcall B TARSHES 1303 7ti st nw 3ec29lciA-

VAXTKD iou to know you can get realbread cakes and pies at the ifT VERNON

tfte entirebread n ifie city 823 SUi st nvr

HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for iron bed conper brass bottles book stock and alsomachinery general merchandise EDCVSBAUM 20 7th st nw d12tfWASTED Pawn tickets for diamonds sndjewelry highest cash prices paid for old goldsilver etc LOUIS A3HAHA1L 4SS 9tli it asr-

SVASTED Highest prices paid lor latlieVand grrta caatoff clothing drop postal Illtilt 3 BLEBESBCY ISOCI 7Ui st nw dealma

be g




herisialds waitressin nui and liouseworkersm

350 i




wArEDA gIrl for general housework mustrefer nce 423 I at mc m30-

2STEDA young girl to assist in houseworkant





Pitman 3na2a3

you want

n3eworZer Inci-

TtTEDDressmnaker deeires situation in psi



cbamber mid or maurse Ie at st ciyoung






home-madehOME BAKERY also beat wheat


















HELP TVJLSTED 3IA1E-WAXTED Vjrst as whH harbor at onceguarantee HOTEL JOHXSOX el-

WAXTED Energetic young men to solicit andcollect for responsible house 52 per dayantroi Cell TSS5 P st nw Room 2 secondfSodr el-

WAXTED A Iw1 in photographic shop Room14 35 F st nw cl-

WAXTED White driver must have At referencesApply after 7 pi3 i ELITE ESUKDBY 1203 G si-

nw elWAXTED Colored young man in stareApply iarly 613 12th st nw ml-

WAXTED Driver also useful man in restaurantgood wages Apply 1200 Sew York nw mlWAXTED A bustler to sell cigarsXATIOXAliOKTAR FACTTORY IOU Pa avc mlWASTED At once three good ushers Apply J

to JAMES W HUXTLEY Head Usher BijouTheatre mlWAXTED Colored ordercook Appiy 338 15thet nw with reference mlWAXTEDrEnergetic young men to solicit andcollect for responsible house 2 per 3ay guaranteed Call 1SSD JT st nwT Room secondfloor ml-

WAXTED Colored boy for store lOOT st nw

WASTED Cooks dishwashers and porter alsowhite waiters KEXILWORTU CAFE 17 37

ace nw ml-

tuemcnts SIS 12th st nw upstairs ml-

WAXTED A student ttf wait on table for hisboard 713 12tlr sL nw ml-

WAXTED Yard S3 soda water boy 350Call after 0 a m BASEMENT DOOR 3 13thst cw lllWASTED Today six dishwashers three waiterstwo drivers four men for housework two bellboys porter SHACKLEFORDS 08 E st nw

mlWAXTED A colored man for general work inrestaurant must be good oyster ehucter 1003-

Pa are nw ml-

WAXTFV A stout white boy to drive horseand raiL permanent job Call 116 Sth st nw-

m202IV AXTED Man to attend to furnace and dohouse and store cleaning 912 lith sr nw

mIdiWANTED jo boys with wheels ROOM 10Central Bunding m2Stf

Sumner references required no drones need apply 1503 Pa ave nw t2O1-


VAXTEI By Al colored restaurant orposition references Address BOX 56

office t el-

WAXTED By respectable coloretl boy work instore or to run errands good refernces S2213th st maw el-

WAXTED By csperieoce cliite chef position-Al references good Yssrker Address BOX 32this office e383-

WAXTSD Bv vuiiag ratal speakiiM RussianGerman FreirtKrSM Finiiisli Englfe positionwilling toUo jujjhiae in oftce preferred 12dab eSO2-

WAXTED ri nc d meat cutter and TO-

cerv clerk iima m reference AddrassJ It DORSEY Laurel Md c902-

WAXTED By young man 22 position m officeor business experienced in oilier work anda bookkeeper references Address BOX r thisoffice m292-


WXTED Crocery delivery wagon pert cashbalance gioceriesi Audiess BOX 11 this oilier

WAXTED Good orse sJiiiiWe for mIlk wagonstate price Address BOX 696 this office m293


IVAXTEDrTwo wclWmn5 hed ms heat and533 for light Jrousekeepiry in Northwest byquiet couple without children state nwest priceAddress BOX St this otBce dOSy ANTED Twor OBS fiat with bath suitable for

Address BOX 679 this offlt e 73-

WAXTED Two rooms in the Northwest oneand one unfurnished for light housekeep

ing Address BOX CT5 ills oSsce e273


5 beat and gas forcoocing state terms northwest location notabove P st Address BOX 25 this oilier m2 3-


WAXTED In privaTt family secondstory frontroom and board for sane wife 5yearoW boysouth of Sew York ave and east ol Sth st nwAddress BOX 12 this oilier ml


GROCERY STORESsaloons HHber ilxips shoot-ing fraHcry aav stigat IHXLAP SOS F it-


Northwest Call at WM CARLEYS 1741 L st-nw

BRLNsVlCivipool tables quick75 bargain DUXLAP S F st e303

WILt EXCItAXlKE to 1090 worth of gooddividendpaying stock tegeiJier with some h-

eor w ill scli stock for cshgood safe inrestraent Address BOX 2S thisOf8ce eSO3ROOMING HOtigES diningrooms storescentral DrxTX Fst c30Sroll SALE FurnU5tcd rooming house central 2o-

catien filled with roomers Address BOX 25this office e30SCONFECTIONERIES notions and doer storesmarket stalls DJXLAP l6 F st eKKJWILL TRADE liAfor any kind DUS-LVP COS F iL C305-

WAXTED Partner with some capital to estab-lish a firstclass tailoring business one winunderstands it or is already established AddressBOX GOS tIde office at3O 3

FOR SALEtAt a sacrifictr anhottse and Confectionery esJabli hed in

1333 doing a good business near three schoolswill be if sold at r Fw particu-lars address BOX 699 this oflr mSOy

HAVE BUYER for grocery frw 5f to 10XSec r3 NEW YORK EU3IXESS BROKERS 6ii-F st ntv Tn233FOR SALE Grocerv and liquor tore daily sales

75 price 3000 YORK BUSIXESSBROKERS 611 P st nw W293

FOR SALE Saloons 3300 6 00 S500 threeCAPITAL BUSt

NESS EXCTASGE Atlanlie Building solOS

FOR SALE Grocery store Apply 1715 llth st-nw m293FOR SAIJ Cigar antI news stand good profit

200 cash reason for selling other business109 II st nvr nr293SEND ONE DL ir receive mailed secretarticle money conveniently caried on personnightly dsily iinvwhere rate from thievesEDWIN 30 Grint tt Cleveland Ohio mlWAXTED Man with invest in businr aMRS STEVENS 470 K st nw c2S3

FOR SAIJ Furnished house full of roomersAddress BOX C this office e2-

GEXTLEJIAX with 500 t r 1 X wishes to engage in established business with serviecs Ad-

dress BOX S tliioffice C2S3

PROFITABLE butter and produce business will bedisposed 6f if taken knoTm as theEkria Butter Depot BI6 Louisiana ae

no triflers we mesa business m233WILT 100 to sayone securing me Govern-ment position paying 00 per month AddressBOX 2 this Cfike in2S3

WASTED A man with 150Q to 2091 to takeinterest in one to the best paying businesses inthe city Addreaa BOX 6S5 this office n2S3FOR SAUT Cigar business and fixtures businessstreet bargain sickness V II YOUNG 700math st nT ro2S2-

YOtXG JLS rill invest 500 to i000 ineMablislied paying business or accept positwnreferences excliangal Address BOX 6SO this ofSee m2S3RAGES I Have an absolute liandicap to theraces what nine persons will me In 1003pool Address BOX 6S1 lIdS office e273


5 BOWSv balance 510inontlr homes PIERCETIERCE Vienna Va d 23at-

FOR SAIE AtBrookland many houses and lotsat bargain prices one sixroom house 2 500

worth 2800 iGrtACE M ThOMAS CorcoranBldjr t m2S7


FI STCTASS board 12 and 413 goodmeat and fbreadyjsicgle meal j 20c iJ15 tl t

L e203-FIRSTiCrAjS Habp bwd by rsperience-atccr 503 JcHy ave se 28I


avewith task



WATEDExpiencetl satan to put out adver



WANTEDSA N 1 specIal regrese tativc fr In


at sac


house5 fl



housekeeping near Patent and Land OdiCes


WIEIB cui4 tiro kiv anda three nntundsh d

FOR SALECOrtICr grocery sail provision store



for a gruceaiy








money to













> ¬¬




FOR HEXT Oac or two furnished lighthousekeeping permitted 612 G st n e303

FOR UEXT Famished rbona gentlemen onlyand T per month 618 E 6t nw

FOR RENT icelyfurnished front parlor suitable for two gentlemen also halt room 461 G-

et nvr V eSO3

FOR REXT 101 4tli st nw neatlyfumisliedrooms with or without board air front rooms


FOR RENT Ronme furnished or unfurnished723 12Ui St nw c203

FOR REST Sicclyfumished secondstory roomfor one or two gentlemen pricemoderate 621 4th st nw C303

FOR REST Two furnished rooms for house-keeping or parlor famished 119 ild ave nc-

m303 V

FOR REST Two furniShed light housekeeping 1203 H st nwv mlFOR REST Furnithed room suitable for one ortwo gentlemen beat and pi5 S per month 515

10th st nw m29SFOR RENT One or two rooms rent reasonable265 B st e m293

FOR REST Hooraa for hausekcepicg secondfloor front well hosted 350 per week S3

nw nj293

FOR REXT Two furnished roomsC 4 and S3-

ars nase door SSa II EtTc m293

KEXT Beautiful furnisbH room secondnear Capitol 0 Sew erscy ave E-


Foil RENT furnished rooms 12223 st nw m29r3

FOR REST Two second floor south front baywindow rooms f25 heat gas noJionsefccepiKthird floor front 12 refersnccr S215l stwmv-

5B2 r

FOR RENT Large roonui econd flootiheat gasbath 516 2d st nw y1Oq jn233FOR REST Two nicely furnished STO U roomsgentlemen only 301 D tt nw t 3 cr a293VOlt REST Two furnished rooms light

9H Sew York ave m233

RENT Furnished rooms cheap 423 K t

RENT Furnished front roomj warm cornortable clean southern 10 1213 L-

t nw m293

FOR RENT Nicely furnished welt heated secondstory room S02 llth st m293

rooms in private family 601 21st st nw m293

FOR REXT Large well furnished front roomsalso rooms with 8rstcla3s board southernexposure terms reasonable J21 I st nw m293

FOR REXT Xicelyfurnisicd roomsreasonable single trout 123 per

tvcek 418 2d si nw e2S5

FOR REXT Comfortable rooms dou-

ble and single all modern rbUveniencte OH ft nw e2S7

FOR REXT Furnished secpadTStery rpoftfwith board terms st C238

FOR RENT Two furnished ToonSr1 near Cap M l-

117B tne tfiS3

FOR REXT S33 New York ave nicelyfurnishedrooms gentlemen only cS3

FOR REXT One raeelyfnrniSied and wellheated rosin 478 II f3 3

FOR REST Stwndstorj Vaclk neat andheated to a gentleman S21 13th ft nw

FOR REXT Two secondflew furnisHed TOOEMS

suitable gentlemen 211 II st nw c4S3

FOR REXT Two furnished rooms 107 2d st ne-c S3

FOB RENT Two dgentlemen eSSIFOR KEXT Well heated toasotrfely fnrniefetdrooms transients taken SIS Sew Yoikave

FOR REXT Two furnished rooms 5 e seKceping512 Its JKh nw m2S3

FOR REXT Large parlor fursisheddoctor or dentist well heated and kept c ntraL-SSt llth nw laSSS

FOR REXT Front parlor 1 furnished back sec-ond stcuy 1113 S st nm near Thomas Circle

FOR REXT Large bright well hiatcd cwnrattiiieating rooms second floor 52C Cth st nw-


FOR REXT Pleasant front room with or withoutboard central 812 G st nw mISS

FOR RENT Three furnished roomr ferrJtRnfb-ouscfeeepla or roomers one block from Library115 3d st se TO2SS

FOR REXT Famished room in colored iaraiiy1740 UifsaomsotU ave nw llSSSFOR REXT Large front room very reasonablehousekeeping allowed 433 II st nw mallSFOR KENT iiceiy furnished rooms en suite orsingle central location moderate rent E07 7th-st nw m2SS

FOR REXT Comfertable furnished rooms inhome cheap Owner SOT f si m JifFOR REXT Rooms furnished or uafarnLhed297 Pa ave maw e273FOR REXT VcllfurnShed TOWIB cheap lIt T-

st nw c273FOR REST Large furniahed hall room to Kentleraan 615 E st nw e273FOR REXT Furnished rooms strictly first class

FOR REXT 201 East Capitol St facing Capitoland Library well tarnished rooms excellenttable moderate rates transients and table boarders accommodated near all car lines del4lra

LOST A laaya silver watch on FTDen Saturday p m marked if I Return to024 G Reward ml

LOST Black and tan do named Prince Re-ward if returned to FREff Ti UOOXE 172SPa ave nw mSO5

LOST An umbrella withMarket with initials A S Bird 615 lith-st nw mIllSLOST Clieck on Columbia Xational Bank madeout by F Joannini to bearer and endorsedby Gt A t P Co B A Bowman amount

20 Finder will return to A St P TEA COcornfr7tli and E sts nw antfTecelrc leward

naIlSLOST ladys gold watch diamond in back name

Marie Griffiths on inside casei KeJrard if returned to 219 3d st ee nr2S3

LOST Going from 9fh st to Postofflcc packageof papers containing photo also pension paperliberal reward Return to 60S Whitney nvei-


pound pound cake two iounds for 25c AVILKISS ret 9th st cSO3-

FODN At Lacertory In America delicious chocolate vanilla andstrawberry ice creamy nude from the notthe acid lOc per gallon Also Lsreya special70c per gallon OfiBce G07X r Tort ve PhoneMain 823 delOtf

FOR SALE HORSKS AND VEHICLESFOR SALE Tounj medium eiie drivingharness and rubber tire ranabo it suitable busi-ness or pleasure cheap iliX illXSTER 1243F st m 3

FOR SALE Four horses suitable Wr rts SOI-

II st DC

FOR SALE Tliree horses and Iwo goodworkers also delivery wagon and oneriage suitable for private use Apply at 4C3Pa ave n r m9SLEFT to sell or trade coupclette two wagonsbuggy and harness cash or on time1212 ave nriS3FOR SALE Lot of new arid secondlazid harnessbuggy and wagon wheels lot shafts COGSWELL203 llth st nw c277FOR SALE 23 to BO have no farther tue 15horses and mares suitable lor farm family otgeneral business purposes one fast driving mareaLso wagon harnes utensils Apply 212 4 st-nw 7TTO REDUCE my stock I otter this great Inducemorris to my patrons and the public in generalfor thirty days only

In stock I have 75 scs c assorted harnesslandau coupe surreyj back Bupgy and wagonOlin great inducement In secondhand harness ofill descriptions

Also for the holiday I have in clock an asEorimcnt of goat harness which 4 offer at greatbargains blankets and storm ccversr at aacrifice At 301 10th st nr-

dc3lm S D HOUeS

FOR SAiErHOUSESFOR SALE 100 cash balance 25 monthly in-

cluding interest six rooms por-celain bath near ears JOHN F 7ARET 1411 O-

st c23sFOIl SALE A decided bargain ioolc at So1101 liz ave ne Ever convenience all modernImprovements nxrms and bath bricksta

attached Will iarriflce in order to close anestate at once Cell at 1009 B st R rnllU











FOR RE2TTo gentlemen onlyaicely fusniahed


ivtlheatrdvery ford

0OO hit

FOR RENTFurnished ntbalftom-stnw 5




rooms second r16 1 at maw


table Foe



hot water heat boardhig4i4Gtii at nw clO


Pa ave

goud bhsfdle in Central



FOUNDA place to buy fruit sibc Zi tSe pee

most modern ice errant fan




otherpoe cur








± ¬




< ¬







FOR RENT USFtTRWISHED BOOMSFOR BEXT Three unfumislied rooms heat 11813 I St aw e303FOR RENT Thirdstory front room unfurnishedfor lady heat and gas lilt H st nw m303FOR HEXT Taro largt unfurnished rooms alcove heat gas bath light housekeeping 9911 Sth st se

FOR RI3XT Three rooms closets and bath onsecond floor all conveniences where TJO children1224 Sew Jersey ave mIllSFOR RENT Three unfornishcd rooms heat bathgas 1050 1703 New Jersey ave nw e283FOR REXT Two large unfurnished rooms secondftbor single or en it e-

40J Florida avc nw

FOR REST Seven rooms bath two latrobcsrange and sink 12O 161B E se key lIlt

TO2S3 5

FOR REXT Ttiree rooms furnace Ittat gas andbath 22 443 Massacbnsctts ave nw m233FOR REXT Unfurnwhetl three communicatingsecond floor rooms let housekeeping gasand bath reasonable H4S2 Corcoran st m2S3FOR REHT Fomroqra on third floor beat ajtgas 13 no children 21 ft at nw ra283FOR KENT Two unfurnished rooms heati beth10 month C19 lUryttnd ave m3SS

tOg REST Three unfurnished third loot roomsousck cping I5ilOO Massachusetts ave

ne jn233REXT Unfurnished three communicating

rooms for light housekeepiiig splendid conditionlocation to cars terra

2013 II fit nw j j c273-QR RENT Thtee unfurnished rooms on thirdoor 1313 Q xt nw e273


WANTED Young man to share room and boardwith boy sixteen years olH fie a month 5154th st maw t s e303-

RSTCLASS rooms sail board week14 K it CTT e303

TASTED Two boarders nicely furnished roomboard heat gas beth 3 0 per week each

037 U st T3ir mSO3

FOR REXT Rooms and board at G12 Mass avenw MRS NORRIS m303PRIVATE family of adults would rent Iiandrosuite of room with Srstclaw board to gentle-man and wife or party of modernlioness centrally located convenient to all cawnorthwest telephone in house Address BOX 8S8this ojfflcc e2S3-

UOOM AND BOARD 18 221i I t nw neardepartments c283

03 K ST XW Large secondstory room south-ern exposure home central e2S3-

FURXlSirED rooms large sod small with board401 G nw e2S3FOR REXT Large neatlffumttBfcd front roomsuitable for two with good board reasonableSOS New Jersey ave se eSSSTWO neatly r on with boardgsntleiacn preferred 222 Get nw mSS3FRONT ROOMS with or withwc board 2004-

P st nw tttSSS

WANTED About gentlemen to board in pri-vate family 25 C st neFURNISHED ROOMS wift board 223 East Capi-tol ft e73WARM HALL ROOM hosed 350 week14 2 Bth st nw 273FOR RENT Xewlypalsted arid papered enemawith or without board everything first clau-ipiendia locstion 42 Ji t nvr e 0tf


FOR SALE fresh Jersey cow andcall only must be sold bv January 1the price 1411 GalveEtoa fit Brookland D C

FOR SALK Sixtoot upright showcaseDRUG STORE 7th awl E eta 293


56c Driving Gloves Mens and Boys 290-

SI Saxony Wool Underwear 49f1 UMIV Sweaters Mens awl Boys2 Saxony Wool Jackets feeMc breasted BSc-

ii2 Blue yicnBel VSc40 Sew Drop Cabinet Sewing Machine 15-

5c Saxony Socks 151 Full Dross Shirts 4cC AUERBACH 7 H Importer of S xeny

Wool German HandKnit Jackets and SweatersDomestic Sewing MacMec Agency mSS6

FOR SALE Finely marked pug puppies i eachAddress BOX 9 this oilier m293FOR SALE One of crockery such aaodd wajfebovls and pitchers Sc efeirabera Sic

SfJc per dozen toilet sets 145 dairylunch mugs 45c per dozen special price en-gross lintel pfate3f 4oc per dozfen See usor telephone Main 275 FRIES i HOPWOOD-Sth K its aw i rtJ m2 3

FOR SAE8Sewl M i w hg iBicKncredit 59e per week xateed from 330 epjsome oak nrachines slightly used Singers Do

household etct iven op by oScc proSS st sw Open evenings m293

SALE cheep atfoope what cant be goldwill be to tltp p entire contents of-

24roea residence bedroom suites odddressers chhTonien eOTE large sideboard tablechina closet chairs cookers hair mattresesfrau and brass beds aMid mahogany desk haltclock parlor atite I etluir couches ebony ballsuite office reviving chairs 12foottables stands cabinet JEancy pillows antiquesancient lamps in two carloads of

furnitBffci Sth I do not wish totike wit BW to Califftrnia IIARRY SAYMAXin charge SSI tfe st irer Dealers specially in-

vited nt293FOR SAIK ReU top desk SIS See tis or tele-phone S75S2 Stain FHIES i IIOPWOOD Sibanti K sU nw solOSFOR SALE ISano uBfigU cost SS50 wilt sellfor 200 free from a bemL h aijdirrade makeSee ns or tslepfcooe 73 ifain IRIES SlOPWOOD Sth and K aw mISSFOR SALE Stoves sli WIy us or tidephone 27582 Main FRIES IIOPWOOD Sthsad K eta nw m293FOR SALE FurnitOTe slightly usoL See us ortelephone Main 27562 FRIES HOPWOOD 8thand K ala cw m295FOR SALE Xew upright piano will exchangeold one and balance cash Address BOX thisoffice c233

Organs i ust GoEVCIJ Organ in our wanrooms must go before

January 1 We need the room Seldom you canbuy the best Organs on the market from 10to 535-

Carhart XccdUam Organ 1O

Prince Orgran i 15Time following Organs on l wecily payments

Carhart Organ 23Bratty 0 stops SO

Charge k Warren Organ high top 6 stops 40Smith American Organ 10 50Frrana Aatey Organ top 10 stops

very liandsome case 65F G SMITH 1225 Penaa are


KOTHIXGYou have the advantage of s in this sale of

Square Pianos for we must sell and that meansyou can name your own price and terms Weare crowded for room and these Pianos must bemoved before January 135Stein Piano 10Matt Co Piano 20Chickerins Piano 30Guild ti Co Piano 75-

Groveslcsn Fuller Pfar6 03Chickering Piano i J i 125

Come in pick rmt Piano and pay for it on1 weekly F G SMITH 1225

Venna m2SU-

rOU SALft 1 jrgc tail irs i blc and sewing ma-

chinc cheap 1VM LOWEXTHAL 7th andarc nw nl2S3

FOR SALE Typewriters all rcakss 15 up rent-ing 2 month typewriter repairing very


FOR SALE Cheap stvset of double coach harnesssilver plated secondland Apply to GEORGEMOTTS Stlt st nw c273FOR SiLE Fresh Jersev cow cod calf 1411Frankfort t Brooiland D C c273LOOK 1 box x t beer 7Sc 5 bottles assortedwines such a port sherry blackberry catewba

land clarets for fl Wilson Paul Jones Overholtand Woodland whiskies SIVper quart bottle De-

ilivcrcd to any address THOS R BEAVERS 42344 st sw Ph ne Main 10035 dec313tFOR SALE Sl

Almost J

piano CO Caas low a



del7lmoCREDIT A

furs blanketsclothing etc


it aX Knabe

Squareiaymca-tsIBJ C-

el7tfcake andd at th-

ct caslioff clothing dfFOR SALE Ma-

rrots dogs ciORE 712 m

TOll SALEJ5Ion S for lainroekera li8per week BEE

tauFOR SALE Goto your tritrfenopaque th 3ej

hliEKPhone East SS



S eachrvs BIRDnorsrftit cushoak ana


suite housekeepingchS3





fine reason-able


350 per


tableSECONDFLOOR ROO31S wlth beard 920 RhodeIshod ae maw 25I

furnished frent




tSP hence







nastierpie 44





ateused See



k Ne dbaXUOrgan







pianos r5



e I at ow

ON rtsstittarsaa rid boyswin i3ce

WANTEDB I s 5 s r highs tt cast

t5dSSi ethlanr r Ist s

I 3sStait Slt a

f so es lOOs

ts 1 sss nitetiU i nifty ott

s 2 3 witht













and Washington

Steamboat Go

Every day in the year Joe Norfolk Kcwpore News and all points South by thesuperb powerful steel palace steamers

Newport Norfolk and Vna-bInston on the following schedule

Ly WashiDirton630 pan j Lv Portsmonth500 pra-Lr Alezsndria7C3 ptn KT Korfolk600 ptn-Ar Ft Monroe 700 am J Lv Ft Monrce700 pusA Norfolk 800 san Ar Aexandria630 amis PortEmouthS15 am j Ar WasMagton 70a sin

Tickets on sale and staterooms reservedat general ticket oiflcc Bond Building 14U-

it and N Y ave at downtown officeCth st and Pa ave at office on wharfand on board steamers

XSTFor further information apply at gen-eral offices foot 7th St phone 750 orBond Building llth st and S Y arcWashington D a Phone 22CO

JOHN CALLAHAN General Manacer


THOS L WA66AMANSteal Estate Drt Auctioneer


3013 P 3 stories 17r a jn i lot 7tel20 ftI4000113 Spruce bb Srr bath m i 3tel03 ft 600911 and 1101 20tb store and dwg rented 4900124 F b Ij Or bath a i 4100H31 lltfi b h 6r bath a m i and stable 3S03-S 4 13th b 7r bs th and a m 1 31001 H toUU SCih Sr bath ami each 28TiO1133 th frame Sr water and seweri 2600145 9th if tli er lot llx ft 27001811 6th frame 6r rented for 1430 mo 009-

SQt 25th b h Cr water and sewer 2009417 Ct b h 3r 1500

SdUTlh 1 STX b h Br and bath 2SW-

41S 10th b h 4r and back bulldin 2700712 and 344 M f bs 5r earl stable bath 2500-

XORTIIEAST123 A b h Br bath and a m i 570S Bth t f h cellar 6r bath am i 5 00Silt 8th b h r bath ami l rfl ft 4500707 12th b lu 7r bath and a m i 3WO1127 12th b h 6r bath and a SB i 3300701 35th ft Store and dweliin 2S531312 12tb f h 6r sad a m i 2000


02 A b h its bath and a w i 8S-3S to O 2d b lis 6r ami cock 5500

Intersection of Va ave and I st 5 i4 eqft with improTemcntgi rested for 2per jnontUti 5000

701 and 70S L b bs lot 40i5S It both 3-

1U4 X J ars b h 4r t 1560-90S Sth bX5r water sever 17 ft 1401207 X JL 5r ICxlf ft 1409415 L f X 6r lot 23x170 ft 1000

FOR RENTXc Taoil 7rr 12 tNe 1 King st 4r 5 CO-

Se 981 Ga ave 7r 14 80-

Se SIS Ga ae 6r i 100-Se 1HH Stv t Sr M

Se lie Mfsow arid dwelling Sr 30ST S South OtpHol lOr and 2 9-

Sw917 Md a e r bath IS-

Sor 201 M 5r 1 50Sw 21O 14th Sr TO SO-

Sw 1S15 3d 4r S 30-

Sw ISIS S L 4r 809-Apjily at Office for VVcoUly Bulletin


SMALL SALARIED HOME SEEKERSApply for our list ol dwellings for SALE en

terms WIThIN the 3IEAXS of REXT PAYERSIt Ii surprising hoar small a salary can SUPPORTFAMILY and also BUY a HOME One of many147 Betse eight rooms bath STONE frontin excellent orderTIlE WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE COMPANY

1221 T f t sw de5lmo-


We Will Lend You Moneyen your furniture pianos organi etc end ysa

cr monthly pay

ABSOLrTELT XO DELAYOur business Is strictly confidential no ua-

barrasdnt questions to salt you Lowest iathe cRy Private offices


CIS Street X V

Money Loaned Salaried PeopleTutail merchants teamsters bosTdir houses

witboct security largest business ir fortytwoprincipal cities TOLMAX Boom 10U S23 I5th-tt aw el4tfMONEY TO on real estate collateral andpersonal J C DAYJS 505 E st nw


MONEY TO LOAN at VA to 5 per cent In sumsof 1003 to 510000 on IX C real estate pay oft5 end 6 per cent mortgages and begin anew alttiansjctiora conducted with economical consider-ation for borrowers VTil II LAUNDERS 4 CO1407 F st BW-

JIOXEl TO LOAN OX APPROVED COLLAT-ERAL Xo delay CHARLES A BAKER Rooms40 and 44 Metzcrott Building 11JO F it-


FOR RENTBrick No 161S loth st nw 10 room 3 e

Frame llth st road Bright wood I CC rooms modern conven-ient to electric car fine 15-

Brick Xo 1303 ne rms 95aFrame onCrani roatl 14 rooms Potomac

water cohvenient to cars f-c306 LOUIS P SHOEMAKER SCO F sr nw

FORStore Xo 1313 7Ui st nw large cellar noStore Xo 1SOO Florida ave nw cellar 13Store Xo45 7 4 st sw two rooms 41-


FOR REXTJanuarr J5 comfortable sixroomhouse location ccrtral mind Srstcla somehousehold goods for sale Address BOX 25 thisoffice

L m293-

Tenleytown IXC 15 per month T J GILESReal Estate Tli 14th st nwv m2S3FOR RENT as F st nxr 1420 A st se 5roombrick 13 HOO1I 10 Central Building 3th andP ave dec20tfFOR REXT X n 335 to 147 t maw newhouses will be ready for occcpancy about Dec15 6 rorcos and bath all modern improvementsfurnace rent 2539 FIlIal T BEEVES CI-7Hth sfnir d CtfFOR REST Free to colored persona fiveroomhouses northeast free for one month and thinonly S5 a month CAYWOOD GARRETT carcer I3tft st and Ifcw York ave DW rn3lraD-

AXC1XC PROF CALDWELLS fill7th st nw Tuesday Thursday Saturday even-ings 7 oclock class reunion 53 fbtnwr pupilsinvited 1 littentl private lessons given byappointment nt30

LADIES TAILORilADE suits to order also farcoats and repaired and lined on shortnotice work Address TAILORESSC04 F s iirf second floor jn255-

SUPERrLlfblS5 HAIR REMOVED withSic neifdiej trial treatment free Address StiffDE SIIUE Box 4 this office mISSPiANO and Total lessons oOc acmil r r inetho-

diire PROFESSOR BOX 632 this office e277

TEETH without plates firm comfortable durablebeautiful undetectable painless DR L B

1S03 F st nw 7n24 30

PiANO and organ lesson 2a cents Oil Delaware

HANSA BUEUMATISH HEMEDYJ3 pleasant totake it is purely vegetable and contains nohurtful ingredients it stops pain In one thyprice 1 a bottle HAXSA MEDICINE CO 615I4th it Call or drop postaL ml3lrDIVORCE easy terms damage casestalOn on contingent fee advice free AddressBOX 301 this office noSOlnioFULL DRESS and Tuxedo cults to hire 709 Jth-t nw e230

FULL DRESS SUITS for hire one dollar JULIUSCOhEN 1104 7th Jiw e5ttT-

VILLIAilS BOOK EXCHANGE Booksand sold also book binding ia sit its

branches HIS C it nw e30U-

5r5il Q jour Iru3ines3 teams cs well as TOUT

drivers from TIlE lIRE STA-BLES JL SXX5HEU1EI Proprietor rear 615 E-

rt nw Rubber Used vehicles oT all kinds IiOitDayton wagons alwar

FEW DAYS OXLY Rooms papered rsamples brought RUNT 467 G st nw c30

NOLTE 224 But t nw Is constantly receivingthe latest and must attractive designs in Walt

and pipers rooms from 2GO GalSinvestigate tor yourself sod be convinced












ntif4i tat


and 10

p 55 Br4Pr MLmaa

can pay It back In weeklymeats



tOtI security

St S



FOR hlENTdcventhcm cOttage nearly new in






0c mae delTEl

secured taos


sins and en band elIsa












Wasfilngton Alexand ria

Prom Station and St-

In effect Xpvejnbe1 1 1

For Alexandria Week dayj 701 730800 3 rv 8 9 OilS 10rf 30 U X 1130

m 3tJrf5 K O 1245 Xlff 12 2rf 2 0-

x302 3 0 359 x414 483 1 4 503 x522540 6fi filSO 7rf5 730 800 845 9SJ 13 5-

Jlr20 Iiri9 m-

Suc4ijs7rl5 9rfO 945 105 1100 l f a-

ra 12 0 noon 1230r 100 136 200 230 300330 403 420 500 530 C00 55i J S-

S00 S45 950 1015 11 6 1150 p JaFor Mount Vernon TVcei days 630 8CO

1000 HrtO a ra il205 2 0 x3021414 r5 2 7KW 9 0 p ni-

San4iys 3 a ra 1200 noon 200 40353 700 930 p m

days 630 701 7JO S 8531000 llrDO a m 1205 1220 I245 103125 200 iSO 302 3i50r 359 M 3 4 1

CtCS SSO 7 6 800 p ra-

5UXDAYS 745 9 0 ai5 lOlO 11001180 a m 1200 noon lImbO 100 1 0r 200r230 JT X 3 0 400 J30 SriX a

600 630 7CO 730 fi O p cix Bspres To Arlington onlyParcels carried Baggag checked

J COLTtS SuperintendentG E ABBOT President



St Panl Jan 1 10 am StIxHiisJan 10 amZedaud Jan 8 noon i Phi phi Jan 22 10am


Kensington Jan 1 noon iStlrais Jan 15 10amZealand Jan 8 noon neon


K sr York 73 Brflldws-ASHIXCTOX OFFICE 330 F St A W-

Or G AV IToss 1411 G St X W

Should be read daily as changes may occurat any tune

FOREIGN MAILS are forwarded to the portsof tailing daily and the schedule of cosingn-is on the presumption of their tininterrupted overland transit For the week end

will be made from the 3IAIXTron Atlantic 3I I1-

MOXDAY c At p m for ITALYreel e s Liguria from New York Mail

mat IK directed Per s e LJguriaAt 1125 p m for SCOTLAND direct per

s e FnrBcufa from New York Mail bedirected Per s s FBroeseia

TUESDAY b At 715 p m for EUROPEper s s SL Paul from Xew York via deathajcptop J4 il for IRELAND omit be directed

Per s g St PauLf At IllS p m for EUROPE per s s

Majestic from New York via Q e Qitewn-e Al illS p m for BELCH direst per

s K Ifarerford from New York Mail must bedirected Per s e Havejfori-


pHKr from New York via Havre lint forPer

i CtaaipagntFRIDAY c At 1125 p ra for ITALY direct

per s F Rfpmard from New York Stallmust be directed Per B s F DisBaref-

cf At 1125 p m fur IRELAND per js s-

Un ria lean Xe York enatown Mailtoe otfctr parts f EUROPE raast be directed Pers s 1inbiw

c At 1125 p ra for EUROPE per s s-

Kronprisr TjHieln from New York via Plymoata Cherbaorg and Bremen Malt far IRELAND must be directed Per s Kronprinz-Wilhcliii

At 1125 p m for AZORES ISLAXDS pes s Tartar Prince Xew york Stall forITALY must be directed s TartarPiScesMiiilK for South mind ttentrnl Ameri-

ca AVct Incites KtcM-

OXDAY c At 11 5 p m for CENTRALAMERICA except Costa sOd SOCTH PACIFIC FOWlS per s s Allianea from New Yorkvia Color Mail for GUATEMALA must be di-

rected fee s s Allianeac At 11 5 p ra for CENTRAL AMERICA

jHpt Rica and SOUTh PACIFICPORTS per s s Allianca New York viaColon Stall for GUATEMALA roust be directedPer s Alliaaca

c At lull p in for GRENADA TRINIDADand CIUDAD BOLIYAR1 per s j Grenada fromNew York


TCE5JMY 12 m JAMAICA pers s Admiral Dewey from Boston

c At J 15 p m for FORTUNEHAITI per s Adirondack from New York

VEDXESDAY Q At 10 a m for theBAHAMAS via Nassau steamer from MiamiFAa

c At 1125 p m for JA1HICA per s sAdmiral Sampson from Philadelphia

c At p m f r CAMPECHE CHIAPASTABASCO and YUCATAN per s e Montereyfrom New York Mail for other parts of MEXICOmust be directed Per s s Monterey

c At 1125 p nu for BAIIAM S and thePROVINCE of SANTIAGO CUBA per s s Saratoga from New York

c At 1125 p m for BAHAMAS per s A-

i New York Moil must be directc1Per rr AntiliaTHURSDAY d At 0 a m for IXAGUA

and HAITI per s s BelvenioH from Xew Yorkc At illS n m fur MEXICO per s s

inza from New York via Maimet bt directed Per s s Matanras-

EKinAY c At 1125 p m for BER3IUDAper p s Trinidad from New York

c At illS p m Jer PORTO RICO per s sXew Ymfc t-

e At 1125 p in Jo CURACAO and TENTZUELV per s s Zulia Near York viaLa and Matacaibo Mail SAVAXILLAand CARTAGEXA must be dnecled Per s s-

Zoliac At IllS P m for FORTUNE ISLAND

JAMAICA SAVAXILLA CARTAGEXA andGREYTONVX per s s Athp from Near YorkSlaB for COSTA RICA must be directeds Athos-

fc At hill p m for HAITJ per s s PriraWilhelm III from New Ywrk via Port auPrince and Petit Grove Mail for CURACAOTEXEZ ELA TRINIDAD BRITISH and DUTCHGUIANA must be directed Per s s Print Vilhelm in-

Cc At IllS p m for ARGENTINA URUGUAYand PARAGUAY per s s Soldier Prince fromNew York

SUXDAY 0 At 1030 a IB for the BAHA-MAS via Nassau per steamer from Miami Fla

Mails for NEWFOUNDLAND by rail to NorthSydney and thence via steamer close here dailyexcept Sundays at 12 m and on Sundays at 1130-a m d h

Mails for MIQUELOX by rail to Boston andthence via steamer close here daily at 315 pra 01

CUBA SLUTS close via Port Tampa FlaMondays Wednesdays and Saturdays at 3 pm O

Nails for MEXICO toilets speciallyaddressed for despatch by steamers fromNew York close here daily at 1030 a TO and10 n ro

Mails for BELIZE PCEma COtTER andGUATKilALA by rail toXew Orleans and thencevia steamer close here flaily at 10 p jn theconnecting closes for which ben Mondays

Mails for COSTA RICA rail to New Or-

leans and thence via steamer close here dailyat 30 p m the connecting cioses for whichbeing Tuesdays

TxnnsIJaciac MaulsMils for TAHITI anti ISLAXDS

via San Francisco close Semi daily at 630 p-

ro map to December 30 inclusive for despatchper s Australia o-

r Stalls for HAWAII eta San Francisco closelure daily at 030 p m up to December 3 inclnsivr for despatch per j s Alamcdo o

Stalls for AUSTRALIA except those for Te tAiEtrafa which go via Europe and Zea-land which go viaSan Francisco and FIJIISLANDS via Vancouver close here daily at630 p up to January 4 inclusive for

per S s Aoranci C

Mails for CHIXA JAPAN HATTAH nodPHILIPPiNE ISLAXDS via San Francisco closehere daily at 63 p m up to January C in-clusive for despatch pee s 3 City of Peking o

Mails for CHIXA and JAPAN via Seattleclose here daily at Gill p m up to January Sinclusive far dispatch s s Rags Iaru-Rcciitercd mail must be directed Via Scattie o

Mails for AUSTRALIA except those for WestAustralia which are forwarded via EuropeXEV ZEALAND FIJI SAMOA and HAWAIIvia Francisco close here daily at C30 pm after January 5 and up to January 11 inelusive for despatdi per s s Ventura o

for CJIIXA and JAPAX via Vancocverclose here daily at C30 p n up to January 21Inclusive for despatch p rs S s Empress ofJapan Registered snail must bo directed ViaVancrcvcr Merchandise for the UC S PostalAgency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded viaCanada o-

MaHs for COCHIX CluNk are despatched toNew York for connection with Cnropcatisleaniers-

PHILIPPIXE ISLAXIJS CMuirafy Stalltespatched to FWMisco at all closes forthat office f connect with GoviTmncnt transport the railinpt of which are irrcgnlar

REGISTERED MAILS close at the MAIN OF-FICE a follows b At lp 01 same day cAt S p m tame day d at 5 a m tame day

f Atl p m previous dayj At 1 p raprevious Satnnlayv ft At 8 r rir previous dayo At B p m

JDl r A MERRfT Postmaster

STORAGE 7 Cents toad 1XTED


andMount Vernon ailwav

Pennsylvania Ave bass



For Arhingtoza and Aqueduct flrdgcWcekIS Sill





9Witahincton D C Posi tUCe Nutice


in January 4 1502 the last connecting ilosesOFFiCE as follows i




and iORENZO MARIUEZ per a a La Chasm

other parts f EUROPE must be directeda s













Fan Juan from


























< >







° ¬





T O A 1L DAILY PmSBURG ESPRESS PariesDining Cars Harrisbcrs to

1050 A M DAILY PENNSYLVANIA UD1ITEDPullman Sleeping Dining Smokin and Obcrvation tars Hirrltburjj to Cindaanti St Louis Cleveland snaToledo Buffet Parlor Car to Hsmsbsaj

1CXQ A M DAILY FAST UXE Pallman Baff tParlor Car to harrisburg BcEet Parlor Cat

S30 P 31 DAILY CHICAGO AND ST LOO13-JOCPRESS Slectjiag Car Wadiington o St-

louij and and Dining Cars Hsrritburg to Indianapolis St Louts via


man Sleeping Car to Pittsburg CHieagoCar to Chicago

745 P JL flAILS CLEVELAND AND CIXCCs-KATI EXPRESS Pullrosn Sleeping Cars Wahf-

Dzton to Pittsburff harrisburg to ACTC

land and Cincinnati Dining Gar1040 E M D1LY PACIFIC BXPKESSP

Oman Sleeping Car to Pittsburg750 if DAILY BUFFALO DAY E3PHEo3

with through Parlor Car Dining Car aadCoaches to Buffalo via Emporium Jun on

750 A 3L for Kane Canandaigua antiSTaifara Falls daily except Sunday

1050 A JL for Eimira and Broom dailySanday For riHiamsport daily 330 P M

p U DAILY BUFFALO SIGHT EXPRESSWith Buffet Sleeping Car and Coacliel-

to Buffalo v3 Emporium Junction745 P M DAILY for Erie for Rochester Buffalo

and Xia ara diily except Satnrdar withSleeping Car Washington to Rochester

1040 P if for Erie RocfcesterBuffalo and Niagara Fills daily Pullman

Washington to Bochest Saluronly

400 P M CONGRESSIONAL LIMITED dailyfor New York all Parlor Cars with DinicSCar from BaltimoreFor Piilladclphia Xew York and

the EaJttExpress 7SO Dining Car 757 7 7

Car 9CO 1000 Car 1025 ad 11-

tDininr Car from Wilmington A L 1245215 450 Dining Car from Baltimore 6501000 P M 1210 night Oa Smdaye 700

1025 lliOO Dinvte Cir f m TiVilnungton1215 315 4a DinIng Gar from

mere 650 100 P M 12rlO night ForPhiladelphia oriv fipress 745 A M thiSP iL weekdays 21 4UO and 540 P M

dailyBoston without change 745 A M artEK

days and 4 0 P it dailyFor Baltimore 615 700 745 7i5J 7

9 0 lO X 1025 1050 IlrfX A M liO5-124S 201 315 330 Limited410 4 fi 433 450 540 615 65o 715 745300 1040 P M and 1210 nightSundays 7rf 7a 757 90 9 5 110 0 11KK A iL 1215 115 S H 3J533O

4 Lulled 410 4SO 450 54 8150 715 745 1000 1040 P IL and EM

nightFor Popes Creek Line 745 a m and 433 n-

IB weekdaystar Annapolis 700 96D A M thiS and 51O

P M weekdays Sundays 9rf0 A jl and6 0 P IITicket oSces corner FiJteeaUi sasS Streets

end st the Sixth awl B Streets wherecrders J be left for the cheekier ot tegsagato destination from iotea and residences

Telephoi call 1441 for Pennsylvaaiaroad Cab rviccJ M nCTClUKSOX J R WOOD

General JlaniCer Ctntrfl russcssr Agent

Schedule in effect November 17 19MLeave ATasln ston New Jersey Are C St

m 343 p m lilO nightPittdwrg Still Cleveland 10i5 z n 3S p-

in and la nightColuznbu and Wheeling p m-

fViachecttt 5 3 m 33 and H5 pLcray 3 5 p mAnnapolis JJ715 330 jiS S 153 a J

p mFrederick 335 300 il 43 a m 115

114 0 and j6r20 p m-

Hagerstown 1110 5 a ra and Ji5J pmBoyd and way points iiS 5 9d 3 a ra 113-

J4 0 520 1OO5 iIlr20 p m-

GaitiiersbarK and paints tiS 5 900S30 113 iiSKW 5O3 RSiSJ

5 7 1015 lillSO p m-

tVaJjic toTi Junction sue u y fjS J900 a TH L15 Ii4S3 3Q p c-

Bsltirncre week slays xSrCO 5rf 6 0 StrfB-

x715 sS3O 8 5 xS Q xiO O 11 5 a a-

s2 0 noon rl55 x200 H3 3430 4d5-ii55 x5S5 xS 630 xSO3 jtlOrfO jcllJO1135 p m Sundays x30 x7rfS TT1S B30-s3H m il2iSO 115 xSOO 1330 iSaM-

xS S G O x3J nOtO xll30 31135 5 m-

Al trains filuniinatcd with Pintseh lightBaltimore Tliiladdplaii J Boston soS

the East 300 705 Diner iS Buffet900 Diner ijlO fl Diner a 3B liJO

Diner 3rf Royal Limited DinerBuffet 5rf Diner 300 and lUO p mSleeping Car open t 10rfX oclockPullman Cats on alt day trainsAtlantic City 1220 neonDaily jExcfpt u d y jjalr-

s Express trainsBaggage called Tor anti checked from Uateb and

residences by Union Transfer Co on crdtrs leftat ticket fcfflces 613 Pennsylvania avenue cortTtwest Xew York avenue Fifteenth Street anJ

SOUTHSchcdylc corrected to November 25 1901

leave Irotn Pennsylvania Station8 51 a m Daily Local for Harnsonbarg War

Tmlnn rt rr f r and tations1051 z m Daily Washinyton Richmond

Florida Limited Firstclta coach ad drawingroom sleeper to Jacksonville Dining ear ervicc

1115 a m Daily United States Fast MillFirstclass coaches and sleeper toNew Orleans Dining car s vice

1137 a m Daily Local foe W rreston indCharlottesville

401 p m Week Days Local for Harrlscaburg and way stations on Jlzntxsa breath

430 p m Dally Local for VTaTrVstoa dCharlottesviUe-

B30 p m Daily Washington and ChattanoogaLimited via Firstclas coach andsleeping car to Roanoke Knoxville Chaiiaaooiaand sleeper to New Orleans Diningear

o o m Daily New York and Atlanta Ex-press Firstclass coach and sleeper to AtlauiMondays Wednesdays and Fridays Boute-Tonrist sie per Waihi3Kton to San FrancIscoPnllmas buffet service

Firstclass coach and sleeper to SavannahJacksonville and Port Tampa sleeper to Sosmerrille Ctarleston AuguSta and nafictioa forAifcen Dining car service

1045 p m Dally Washington and Southwci-tm Limited All Pullman train club and obser-vation cars ia Atlanta hares toNashville Atinti Macon Memphis Sew Orleajw-

Triwceily to Pinehurit X C Mondays Weddays and Fridays Dining car service

TRAINS OX BLUEMOXT BRANCHLeave Washington SKJl a ia daily lrfK p m

435 p m and 419 p m west nd 615Sundays only for Blacmont and 6 5 p m

wee and 1140 p m theatre train Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays for Leesbury

from the South arrive Waih-

ro 903 p m and SSO p ih daily Localtrains traIn Harrisonbure 1137 a m week daysand 940 p m daily Krosi CharlottssviUe IrIS

m and 040 p ra dilly

Capital City Rtoteleave Washington Pens B H alioa

A fit SEABOARD FAST MAIL TiwsiiDAILY Pullman Scepes to Jackaonviiit-

rconnectins at Uamlat tJIUlman Sleeper to Atlanta


era to Tampa and AtlantaCafe Dining Car service Pullman Sleeper Tues-

days Thursdays and Saturdays to Southern PinesPinihcrsl

These trains tier excellent srhednles and servicato Petersburg Ralcisft Southern Pines Pinehurst Carcdtn Columbia Savaimali Jackson-ville and all 1orida points Charlotte AthenvAtlanta Xtr Orleans Chattinooja NaShviLlepoints Vvest anti Southwest

A t LOCAL To Petersburg CalcisttDAILY Southern Pines CPiachBrst Ham-

let sad intermediate pointsOffice JI34 X T are anti Pcnna IU U OSres-

R E 1 BUNCH Vf UDOLU-rxnnl A ort O 1 V t-

DIBDS DOGS ETCFOR SALE Fine Gorflon setter doar well briVteaand perfect in every respect Address BOX Sthis office m SS-

FOUIlTEEXTlT ST Hospital for Animals snrjicaland medical cases Always open Telephone 1712-tlia Fourteenth st e293mo

VOlt SALE Twelve acres improved tjso sewcottages price S2SQO rant ran remain iwr pareApply BtTTS Slfgo P O7 MO-

ro S3



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Bleeping Car


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