tile sun monday september 221 - chronicling america · 2017. 12. 15. · m tile sun monday...

m TilE SUN MONDAY SEPTEMBER 221 1902 4f ttE I I ground floor but the man started upstairs Whn Leech called after him no the clerk says tho man jumped o though ho had tuck n pin In him 1 a kcd him If he wanted to go straight to his Haiti Itfh yesterday and he ho did He a for 8- oclock In the veiling and although I didnt- suspec then that the man might b Young It struck me an queer that a man tthoutd want to uli At that time of day Whim I Uft to RO home A II Miado my rellof took tht do k and I left the man call with him Monde said that lit B oclock went call thn man He had to knock set end tlin to arouse him Meado said and when man did wake he answered In n low volew n though afraid that some one would hiar tutu first the man re- fused to OVTI tin door Miado says de- manding to know who wanted him but when clerk tutu him that It was 0 oclock- he wild that h would right out A low minute htor ho came out Into th read In room and nflur looking around for a monvnt ni Hum men who worn reading evening iu wninpi ri walked out Meatle akd him if lie wa mining back and ho PKILOW UJDOFR HfSPKCTFtl TOO LAT- Kin of loilfiiTM who had been r ad Ins a iiKr In tlio public room walked over to Meade nfter thn Mrange lodger had left ami paid fellow lunt krow him nald Meadc Well Mid thi other he a queer fallow anil I think ho look a lot like ih Iirttirf papers are printing of tin man Young who killed a woman li NVw York Hitother day Mutdr MIIH interested looked nt on or piitiirin of Young in an afternoon pnper nnd wide up hi mobil that the moo diil look Ilk YniiiiR He didnt go after tho stranger or Rive tlm alarm because ho man would come bark soon A I tte lirerleedireturned to the house niiii Vrndc tay that liofero hi mentioned his M icions to him Iwh who had Uxti over tli papers whilo at dinner Old Say believe thnt I ee who earn hen thin afternoon tho intir Icier men ii m ared the description of tIt lodger with that of Young in the alarm MIII om by the police and they decided that i tallied exactly Nevertheless they didnt inform inllif of their buspleions- ami it wasnt until yesterday morning that the iiuthoritieri learnrd that there wax a strong probability that tho they WITH alter hnd hM m the night lodging CinAIIKTTK RMGEFR TRAIUFn At S oclock yesterday morning a visitor to Cmrgo Snydern mloonnt J2o Urnadwny next door to thw lodging house maid he had MTU a lying on the grab in the front yard furnlfchrdrooin housn of Mrs Annie Low at 20S South Kighth street diagonally actosn the square at thin point of Broadway The man on time grass time other moan said was smoking cigarettes and acting qucerly Two young men Walsh and Lou Nlchobon of 225 South Mi eel whom WITH in the saloon de- cided to K over and MO what the man was doing Tin moment they reached tho house they say he jumped up from thin grass in great excitement and wild I know what you want to ilo You wOnt to nrreot me Well kiep away or Ill hoot your belly off The man then walked up and down tho grass plot puffing on his cigarette und swearing at Walsh and Nicholson Ho appeared to b greatly excited and on of tho young men said ho guessed hed policeman On hearing that tho man Jumped into the road and boarded a Ixe avenue car bound south The Incident created some excitement- in the neighborhood and the lodging houso people immediately jumped to the con- clusion that this wa the man who had at their place tho night before The de- scription that Walsh and Nicholson gave of him fits that of tho man who stopped for four hours at the Olenwood house therefore nlto describes Young Short heard of the and questioned the conductor of tar which passed that corner at 5 oclock- in the morning The conductor said ho romiinliereil time Incident and also recalled when hU passengers got off For the of thn day after that tho conductor was nine as guide for apt Short and tho letiHtiviM Tho chase took tho offlcJM to CannrMo llrownsvlllo Flatbuth Flat lard nj l RirE n Reach At U oclock at night tha eari vn riven up no trace of th iiwi boon foiid- COTl ISLAND COMUFD FINE Hut there ha been no relaxation in the general search Every point 1 being watched arid although tIm police are over not having caught the man already they aro still confident that he U In tho will soon bo found Yesterday a story reached them that a nn wering Youngs description hail rn Mvn nt Coney Titun tin previously wnt a full description of Young to tho Coney hiippletnented this with n batch of photo graphs of the man mado bytho head quarters photographer who has already tnnile several hundred pictures of Young After these picture were circulatnl Coney Island policemen walked up and down Iho streets there photograph ofYoung In hand scanning the faces of passersby and endeavoring to see some likeness In each to the picture It was reported ono time or a dozen different place yesterday that Young had been seen hut Coney Island for nil the photographs lilt not pick up even one suspect IlTTHHUBO WANDFRER GATHERED IN The police of the Bergen street station In Brooklyn did better After the descrip- tion of Young won read to the squad which went out at noon William Patrh n years old a wanderer fom Ilttsburg appeared at Seventh and Flat bush avenues A policeman thought Patchen looked like Young and arrested him In no time at all Titus was notified and sent Pe leetive Jackson over to see the man Jack on saw nt once that the man was not Young nnd suggested that ho bo released But once In a Brooklyn station house a prisoner to spend the night there unless In good enough to ball him out so Patchen back to a cell Ho arraigned In court today and TOtTNO HAS A LImIT Bchmlttbergers activities ye tor lay resulted In no now discovery but sev- eral now theories were unearthed by tho who learned where the crime had Ixen committed from the Hoboken chief of Kjllce Capt SchmlttborgtT received a letter yesterday from Koenig the lodg- inghouse keeper who says Young applied 0 him for a room with a stove In it on Fri Jay night In the letter said that 10 had forgotten to tell that when Young ivnHiu his plaeo i wore a light overcoat Capt Schmlttberger indulged ir more ibuso of Capt Titus He resented the ttntement made by Titus that Chief Dono- van had done wrong In taking his Infor- mation to time precinct captain rjther thin to the Octoctivo Bureau and said that 0 I I rom 1 t t h I tII i I t i I HI il lip t ill flow I the mal hOI lan i I Ton t t I I i l i I I i and- I t apt mater ret IAn 1 3 I led dl hugo apt Iii t Iii t i j In bo t hU g s tet viI t Imf hoc l 1 hIt t I I I I call- a ten I 1 Living appointed y Island apt tins some- one was will- Is I I i i 4- J > ¬ < > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ Titus as an Incompetent official told what Schmlttljergcr had said laughed anti refused to discuss It at all TARN THAT MORMONS DID IT A further was mado yesterday to fasten responsibility for tho killing of Urn Pulitzer on time Mormons On the authority of MIStS Elizabeth Dlckenson- the young woman who became a Mormon- In 1001 hut renounced her nlleglanctt n statement printed thnt Young In- stead of being an from the Church- was In reality an ardent Worker In the cause and that Mrs Pulitzer Instead of being tho woman she wa supposed to be was secretly u Mormon anti hat attended Mormon services In this city and Perth Amboy with Young MIstS Diekenxon said she had teen Young at a number of Mormon gnthoring ac- companied by n blond woman answering- Mrs Pulitzers description who was known as Miss Nelsen was Mrs Pullt7ern maiden Incidentally Miss Picken son told she had quit the Church in fear of her life and declared that the blood atonement tenet which in that a Mormon who sins can only bo cleansed by being killed by another Mormon still an active principle of the Mormon faith and that Young was one of Its leading TOtNO WASNT A MORMON Although the Mormon elder have nil repudiated Young and It Is known that his own father an ardent Mi would have him in his house President John Mctjuarrie of the Eastern Division of tilt Mormon Cuirch anti Klder Snow Woods Porter and Taylor worn asked nbotit it again last night just miller they hall held a ervico at ll Wet 121th street President MeOunrrle slid Young was not a Mormnn and never at tendfd our Nrviies As for the woman he killed nom of us ever saw or lienrd nf her before this tragedy occurred It I not true that ever uttordn As for Young the I over saw of him WILS two months ago when lu cnme to for money I lectured hint on way was living anti the disgrace he was bringing on Ills family Then I gave him A little money nnd as wo having a service about that time he camo ia anti attended it That I the only hi ever tendril here nnd I suppose simply came In bfcnusc I had given hitnmotey- Youns never did arty mission vork for tile Mormon Church nnd never lind any the Mormon Church A for his being in the Perth Amboy Mission that U ridiculous The was never In Perth Amboy antI a man was not a Mormon and knew nothing of our faith would hardly- be doing work for the church- NO VENGEANCE Foil MISS IIICKKNSON I have Mon Mis Dickinsons statement about a Mim NeUen who Is supposed to bo Mrs Pulitzer a coming to Mormon services with Young This Is and of course untrue There are not so many Mormons here but that very one Is personally known to mo anti there never was A Nel en or any woman answering that description a mem- ber of the Mormon Church A for Miss left the Church of her own free will and when she went I told her that if it was her honest conviction that our faith was not the right one she was doing well to abandon It I told her then that she would always bo wel- comed at our meetings and thnt we would look on her as a ulster Only a month ago she came to coe mo at my ofllce 172 West Eightyfirst street She came uninvited and we talked together about religion for some time When she went away she her address with me although 1 did ask for it A few days later a story was printed in the papers to the effect that Miss Dicken son fearing the vengeance of the Mormon Church was in hiding The address she had given me a short before gave tho lie to that statement I can only say In addition to this that Miss Dlckenson never met Hooper Young nt a Mormon meeting hero and that soc never saw Mm Pulitzer at a Mormon meeting here for the very simple reason that neither ono of them was a Mormon The other Mormon elder heard nil that President McQuarrlo said and saul their view were tho same All of them wild very emphatically thnt th y hoped Young would be caught nod punMicd for his crime MORMONISM nnBAM AMtMKS P3MCE The police wero amused at tho Mormon story yeMcrdar Ucnuxe In nil the ex- haustive search they liavo mnde Into tho life of Mtv Pulluer they have not found anything tu show that she was a Mormon Capt Titus said yesterday that ho was still firm In opinion that Young and the woman had only known one iinotlu for a short time anti lhit was the principal motive for the Capt Titus said he hail discovered that In Seattle Young was regarded as weak minded Hn hits also learned that Young reported Congrewmnn Roberts trial in Washington for a Lake City totes paper writing a of nntlMormnn articles that were very bitter That wild tho captain showed well whore Young stood on the subject of MormonlKm WOMAN AT MORMON MEETINGS naRK Ant Tim murder of Pulitzer lies of course created n great deal of Interest in Perth where she was brought up was related to Mormons folks there re that eight years ago a band of Day SaInts hold meetings in Perth Amboy and that Mrs Pulitzer then a girl member of St Stephen Lutheran Church attended several of the Mormon meetings with other In tho place One of time Mormon missionaries according to the people In Perth Amboy was named Young are sure that ho must be tho man who murdered Mrs Pulitzer They recalled that a few months after tho meet- Ings Mrs Pulitzer went to York to loam tho trade of n milliner TOUNOS RELATION TO HOIlMONlflM William Hooper Young the murderer was the son of John W Young anti Libby Cornfield Young Libby Cornfield watt a resident of Philadelphia The children of the Joint Wesley Young Brigham Young hoper Young and Earl Young Cornfield Young wan divorced from J W Young about twenty years ngo She married Dr Wil llama and with her now husband moved- to Washington Territory John W Young U tho third son of Brigham Young who succeeded Joseph Smith an tlwfireuidcnt of the Mormon Church Mary L Young who Is now with her father In Paris anil William Van Cott Young the Columbia student who I now In Utah were John W Youngs children by Luelln Cobb who divorced him several years ago FATHER limEs A LAWVEH FOR HIM W F S Hart n lawyer of ft Ueckman street has been retained by friends of John W Young to defend Hooper In case he Is arrested These frIends have com- municated with Mr Young putting him in- xsm lon of thi situation and in- structed them to engage a lawyer fur hU son Mr Hart when wen Larch mont Yacht Club lout night sold he had regal TIP tamp r non tot I our pro mal 1ln absurd her let tLmo robbery enl Sol Ambo mill girls thpy ew unIon lam IIC haM r liter was exponents she sorvices first itt severely I lit- he service lit Interest In Miss hut Mrs Yesterday after reading that her slayer terr ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ not been able to reach his client hut if f did succeed In getting in touch with him he would advise him to give himself up There U nothing to b gained by staying away like this said Mr Hart From what I have heard of this young man ho Is no better and no wonto than the average young man In New York leaving aside of course this heinous crime I want to state that I have not been hired by tho Mormons but that I was retained by a prominent business man of title city who Is a friend of Mr Young MORMOV BERNICF8 AS USUAL The four young Mormon elders who occu- pied one of tho suites of the Young In the Clarence held their regular bimonthly Sunday night lecture In thn lodge of the Hawthorne Building 1S1 West 125th street lat night They had their usual congregation of fifty men and women and tho lecture a they prefer to call It went on with no more a reference to the events of the week After the singing of hymns and prayer John I McQuarrie president of tho mission and head of the Mormon Church In the East delivered an address which was an ex- position In a general way of the relation- of his church to Christianity na accepted and nn explanation of Its organization and doctrine Time four young elders have the manners and air of theological students and the clear skin anti eyes of clean lIvers One Clarence Snow Is n Harvard graduate anti the professor of physics in the Agri cultural College of the State University- of Utah another li a district school teacher another a cowboy anti the fourth a book- keeper Mr McQunrrie I a member of the State legislature of Utah and a merchant The practice In their church I to turn the work of proselytizing over to zealous religionists as these young men are No salaries are paid and this missionaries return to tl elr secular life whenever they fool they hfcvo done their duty Few spend more than a year at the work unless they nre unusually welt fitted for It Of time mis- sionaries sheltered by Mr Young only one of those now in the apartment was in Now York last July and since they first took their residence there the Nintiol of tho four In tho suite has been changed several times AS TO nLODD ATOXRMENT Mr McQuarrie spent some time after srvleis last night answering questions about faith and talking to newspaper- men who camo for an explanation of socnlled doctrine of blood atonement Ho sold there was no tenet of his faith relating to blood atonement other than tho statem nt in scripture that by the shedrildg of ChriMs blood In atonement for tho sins of men our sins are forgiven provided wo nil the conditions prescribed such as that sheddeth mans blood by men shall his blood ho shed and others- In connection with text ho said In Utah capital punishment wa either by shooting or hanging Shooting wns most often chosen at least by the Mormons because by the shedding of blood text Is literally fulfilled Executions are left of course to the civil law hence capital punishment is Justified in Utah Mr McQunrrle also told the Mormon side of the Danlte and avenging angel period of Mormon history which he com- pared with the Vigilante days of California arid Montana TRUNK WITH RELICS ARRIVES The trunk which Young shIpped to Chi- cago on Thursday night and which was found to contain Mrs Pulitzers clothing tho dirk with which he was stabbed tho pawn ticket for her diamond earrings and various other articles arrived in Jersey City nt I oclock this morning One of sealS on It watt broken Tho trunk was brought to Police Headquarters lIen anti will bo opened later today In the presence- of time District Attorney VICTIMS BOUT OOKS HOME TODAY A man anti a woman left at Speers morgue- In Jersey City yesterday a bundle contain- ing clothing in which Mrs Pulitzer will 1m dressed for burial Henry Griffith the morgue keeper said ho had expected Pulitzer last night to complete arrange- ment for his wifo funeral but the hus- band did not appear This body will 1 shipped today on the Pennsylvania Hail road to Perth Amboy will take place nt the home of Nelson Pulitzers mother Tho service will bo Tho body will be buried in an oak with sliver handles The coffin plato bears the Inscription aged 28 years 11AIHY III ItT OIIKYMO illS WIFE lorkrtMn DentIst Takes tIer Adtlre anti Falls Two Stories- L V armel n dentist of Willis aye nun was locked In his workroom last night by a of wind slamming tho door shut There was a spring lock on the outsIde of the floor and rather than break it his wife told him to climb from the window to the dining room window four feet away In doing so Cnrniel lot balance anti foil two stories to the tnt He was picked up unconscious anti taken to the Lincoln Hospital where it found that hut skull had been fractured Ho may die SHAKEIT IX JKIISKY llrownlng Indrr Military TiarRm Against a llrutrnant TRENTON N J Sept 21Troubles have arisen in tho Second Brigade of the Now National Guard that threaten a Capt W Browning of Company K of Plalnfleld has lieen plated tinder military arrest and relieved of command because of alleged Insubordina- tion tho charge growing out of his refusal to obey a command of Col Collins with reference to transportation to Sea Girt Charges have elite been preferred against time Lieutenant of Company K who In tho absence of Cnpt Browning commanded- the men at the funeral of Gen Ollphant hero on Tuesday It 1 charged that tho omen wero disorderly on West State street while awaiting time of tho funeral cortege luw already tendered hi resignation liecauso treatment ho company during time Sea Girt encampment- of tho Gen Gilmoro Issued an ordnron Saturday evening Major pur of is seine of the stall brigade have exceeded their authority in the of orders The mates that there has been discourteous deliveries of commands This order Is considered to mean that those to whom It has been directed am nulto likely to bo hauled up for their con duct To Make a Pocket Telephone LAFAYETTK Ind Sept company has been formed hero to manufacture a pocket telephone Tho receiver ls so shaped ns to fit the mouth and ear An aluminum box fastened to a telephone a fits this arid calls tho telephone exchange caller tho wants and tho Inser- tion of his cuts off all pcrbons on the lino until be la through rom abut In t prl mIl Ann Jersey tnt nt the hantle of of throu pot i 21A apart- ments per his lie eli this this Mrs Mrs rio his was 1111164 in- apt Arrests tile the men imis lit box ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ NEW STATE COMMITTEEMEN TIlL ELKVEX UKV WHO ARK TO IIEPHESEXT TillS COVTY Postmaster Van Cott Robert Morris Charles Murray Hllllani llrnkrl- Icmurl K nicic anti Chairman Te- nKyckrenionif Those Already Slated SARATOOA Sept 21 Since the dele- gate to the Stat convention from Now York county arrived hero they have matin up tho state for memUrship In the State Committee of 100301 which will bo elected as soon a the delegate arts officially recog- nized anti put on tilt official list The mem- bers of the State Committee represent tho Congress districts In the State anti they are chosen by tho delegates from thirst districts elected to time State convention Under tho new apportionment which goes Into effect thus fall Now York county will have eleven meml ers of tho com- mittee one of whom will also represent Itlchmond county It was inserted authoritatively this even- ing that Mr Hobort Morris of the Repub- lican County Committee would tx sent to the State Committee from the new Thir- teenth Congress district which includes this Twentyninth Assembly district It will be recalled that Mr Morris is having u fine old fight with the organization In tim Twenty ninth which Is his homo district and thnt tho organization refused to elect him to tho County Committee Mr Morris was to cimmtttiv from the Thirty first district anti to the State Convention from the First district it that Mr Morris will liave the of the Twentyninth district delegates for mem in thn Committee but lila friends assort tlmt they will tie ubu to elect him The Eighth Congress district has from Itlchmond two First district two from the Second four from the Thin anti four from the Sixth Postmaster Van Cott will bn elected front this district It was declared thl evening hills n nndldnto for the office and is to land him Mr Van Colt Is recognized however n one of the most astute ioUtlcn of the State and his on tlie State Committee Is regarded ns eminently desirable Charles Murray Quarantine Commis- sioner anti of the district will Ixi returned from time new Ninth Fer dinand Kidman collector of Internal Kevenue will bo sent from the new Tenth and National Coinmltteemnn will l o returned from the Eleventh The new Twelfth presents something- of a puzzle for it Ls up of artfl of However it was said this evening that when the fourteen dele- gate representing district meet they States Marshal Henkcl the leader of tho Eighteenth dis to tho i predicted that Lemuel E Qulgg will of time committee from the new Fifteenth district which includes his district the Nineteenth which has of tile In the new Seventeenth where there is a contest between Atvu tnl Bennett of the district anti T Andrews for tho nomination for Congress the of Senator Samuel Scott Slater is lieing attempted tile Andrew Mipjiortor wAnt to have Assembly- man Smith of the Twentythird named for Senator in the district In case An- drews supporters have their way it is un- derstood they aro that the State go to the Thirtyfirst district anti in that east Tux Commissioner Samuel Straw will lx rent to the committoo- Mr Bennett and Mr Slater are mocking n strong fight for the control f tin two nnil Senate The Assembly district ha six delegate to the State convention from that of the included in thl Congress district tbe hIlts nine time has ton Tho Eighteenth Congrrs district Is the erd Assembly district Annexed ftc i riot has eight delegates the twelve and tilt Annexed two It i x oted that Chnlrman Ten Kyck of the Kepublican County Executive Commit lot1 will In chosen to represent this diMri- ctSKATlll SlATIlt InHiATDe- nlen the Charge That He Trlnl to heat tile Late Family SARATOGA N Y Sept 21In tho fight hint ha boon mnde Senator Sam- uel Scott Slitter of the Nineteenth district who is opposed for by Assem- blyman Smith of the Twentythird district It ho been charged that Mr Slitter in lila dealings with tho estate of tilt lato Sur- veyor of tit Port Silas G Croft who was lender of time Thirtyfirst district over- charged thn estate anti mado an effort to gouge the family of some of tho money that Mr Slater was In Europe when these rges were made and ho had no opportunity to reply to them until now Today he Issued a circular letter to tho enrolled voters of the district denying the charge and declaring that Mr Croft was nt all times one of hi warmest friends Mr Slitter was sent to time Assembly by Mr Croft nnd later in woo was elected to the Senate largely through tilt efforts of tilt with whom ho on the most friendly terms In the circular Mr Slater says Tilt charge mnde was to tho effect that I had to collect for legal service from estate friend Surveyor Croft lip wickedly conceived one timing which really attacks my char- acter Ixcauso it crime worn than I liavo yet to be guilty of Ingratitude of breaking my word or of The fact touchltiz the estate of Croft are these At time Surveyor request I Indorsed certain notes were discounted nnd the proceeds entirely used by him Since his to assume obligations which I guaranteed to time ngeregflte of over 10000 I hare never sent In a bill of any kind to the estate of Surveyor Croft hut I did send a claim ninn t estate for over JSfniO on these obligations I have hall to assume and will have to pay front which I hate not received one slnclo I have in acknowledge- ment of this indebtedness signed by tho Surveyor himself In which ho my nsslen forever A of this statement of time Surveyor was among his papers At the time of In my I have avoided I hart a decent hesitancy to drag Into the political arena the affairs of Surveyor Croft whom I loved in lifetime and whoso memory I ehorlsh I do not agree with the that I A business In which friendship cannot bo considered Such a leads to to treachery and Is the mother of faithlessness and every vicious clement Ineharnctor It was stated last evening that Mr Slitter was preparing several other statements Issue nt the defending himself against these charges Yoias ins i rnniT ov nil Attempt to HrlKln HU Mcmhmhlp of time State Committee SARATOGA Sept ZlOne of the Incidents of tIme Republican State convention Is tho attempt of William J Tonnes to retain his membership In the Republican Com- mittee from the First which comprises tho counties of Suffolk nnd Nassau and time eastern hnlf of Queens county Mr Young wilt have to tight hard to retain title membership as the friends of Congressman Frederic Storm ow ten of t Frederick- S tit he hOI t I l wentIhlnl all t ro- mp Thin aId a nin1 ali was tiuc 1 ht mon COP J- I Stall trlel Is riot Stat ti although iresltleni Cromwell Gibbs this itt ireriltiit iLt net v a Tilmrt flf Slirt C lit nil ts Ion t was I itt TillS a betraying s possession sin- cerely < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > of Side mean to have the of Mr Young for unsuccessful attempt to prevent the renomlnatlon of Congressman Mr lives In Nassau ccuuty He has been to defeat Mr Storms re nomination by attempting to take sonic of the own county- of Queen from him In that event Mr hoped to Into times nom- ination but friends frustrated- Mr Youngss efforts to innko trouble In Queens anti secured delegates This Mr Storms friends claim means lila re- nomlnntlon according to tile unwritten rule In this Mr i now Deputy State Superin- tendent of Banks nt a Before that he WHS to Governor when President Roosevelt filled time execu live chair of timid State Mr Youngs tried to Influence President Jioosevelt Mr Storm rcnomtnutlon telling the Presi- dent Mr Storm was the weakest candidate that could U named In of thus It I said Mr arranged a luncheon with the President at Hill which wns attended Mr Youngs and time three chairmen of the Com mittoo In time Congress district These chairmen did not uphold Mr Youngss contention that Storm would he n weak candidate at title time hut Mid he would make an admirable candidate and was entitled to a ronomttm- tiori He Gives Ip the Oflloe of Ilrputy Attornr General SARATOOA Sept 21 It wits announced this evening timid Deputy AttorneyGeneral- Job K Hedges of New York county has resigned his office AttorneyGeneral Davies has selected a man to succeed him but ho Is not ready to make his name pub- lic at present Mr hedges Bent hits resig- nation to tho AttorneyGeneral over a month ago after cleaning up the work of his lat Spring anti during the sum pending most of the summer in tilt for tile of so Mr hedges watt appointed Deputy At for years and ho took care of a largo amount- of civil law business for tho department When tho law establishing electIons district was Mr Hedges was on tho department- to look out for tho interests Ho served ns In many of the most important election cases were tried Primary and General Elec- tion law and convictions- Mr Hedges in resigning the followed what a with him of not serving out his term of office in any post that he may bo called to Ho was ap- pointed secretary by time lato Strong office and resigned In 1897 to accept a Magis- trate of a he resigned office to bo succeeded Willaru H Olin sted now a Justice of Special Sessions SENATOR STEWARTS SUCCESSOR Complication Otrr the Selection of Hrpubllean Candidate SARATOOA Sept reached Sara- toga today that some complications have arisen regarding time selection of a Republi- can candidate for Senator from the district comprising tho counties of Chemung Tompkins and Schuyler Each county has five delegates eight being necessary to nominate Tho Schuy- ler delegates art for Owen Cassidy of Walkin who I n and was a mem- ber of the last Constitutional convention nnd afterward a member of time State hoard of Health Senator Stewart of Ithaca now that district and tho dele- gate from Tompkins are with him now Assemblyman Knlpp of Chenmng county as a candidate Some time ago the Republicans in convention elected five Senate and Instructed them for Mr It appears that three of those delegate if Mr Knipp was not n candidate At the regu county convention of tho Chernung Republicans on this situation by the chairman of Senate delegation from that who asked for further Instructions In view of the fart that Mr Knipp withdrew with the idea that tile county delegates would favor Senator Stewart time convention named three new delegates to take time place of those who were disposed- to favor ldv question been raised as to whether or not a substitution Is legal NOttTALLY- Jealous Man Wounds HU and Then Commit Suicide JOHNSTOWN Pn Sept 21 So Insanely jealous of Irene Wlnebrener was David Milton Goughnourof Conemaugh that when another spoke to her on the street he bccnnio nng He had put himself down ua belrg l Wendy companyand- so far as can bo learned ho had no rivals Shortly before midnight last night sue had occasion to visit a drug store and while there met Edward Kaylor who resides doors from her homo were walking toward their resi- dences when Goughnour approached from the rear and three shots at time woman lodged In her abdomen Inflicting what will probably to IM a wound The lodged near her left kidney and the third grazed one of remaining four In the revolver were sent after young Kaylor who Is a mere boy began to shoot MIss Wlnebrener ran to an alloy where time fell followed and woman lying and believing her lend his revolver a bullet through his heart Death wits In Ntnntnnoous and Miss Wlnebrener were 21 years of age truths still teens Time physicians hnve not boon able to tho lodged In her body and her recovery Is not expected II irtlVK JIKMfV COMPLAIX- S8i HU Room t the Mrtropolf Was Robbed of a Match and M420 William Wayne Belvin known as a pro- moter and at present living In Boston re- ported to time Tenderloin police lust night that he wits robbed In the Hotel Metropole early yesterday morning of a 120 said tutu valuables wero taken from his room while he was absent Belvin attained notoriety In 1890 by assert ing that David t00000 anti by threatening to On May 5 1901 he arrested In Buffalo for a telegram to Secretary Cortelyoti telling him that train would be blown up by dynamite in Arizona Death of Kcv Allirrt R Stuart WASHINGTON Sept Rev Albert R Stuart late rector of Christ Church Episcopal of this city died this evening after a Illness Dr Stuart hns been tho Church for over six years He was born In Charleston 8 C I 1MB nnd served several years In Confederate The of theology appealed to him and shortly after tho war he Spartanburg and went to tho Virginia Theological Seminary Hi first charge a church at S anti for two years he woe rector of St Pauls Church Ohio On June 17 1S7B he lila New StirItrrrcIDrrk Strainer TIme Mfnmer Orncchus which arrived lust night from NmvcostleonTynoisn now steamer hulk at Newcastle Is 310 feet long anti n sheltond deck Sh con carry 7SO horses Usldot 5750 of has engines and Is fitted throughout with TheGriicc- hiiM was built for the Australian and trade a the h 1 Ilml IUS mIEn oft I man laor a Clt 21Word count HIT IT 111 nan y feral fred and who to when Iou hnour abut owl In lit hat lrLt t thus Arm fntcrl ter e at Church has India his is rue cii ItT Girl Miss was i Time doe was first sermon Christ Georgetown tOlls ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 3500 yards of Crepe Canvas in Street and Evening Shades at Monday Sept 22d at 65c per yard Rear of Rotunda eighteenth Street nineteenth Strut and Sixth Hoenue J ttinnii 1o ROOSEVELT AVOIDS CROWDS TRIES TO TIKE A QUIET DRIVE IX DETROIT STREETS Wouldnt Go on the Thoroughfare the Police Hart to Take Him Two Run Down by CarrlateTUIt to a Hospital DETROIT Sept 21 Tho day of the Pres- ident In Detroit has been a contrast to that busy Sunday in Chattanooga throo weeks ago Then tho President had moro sightseeing and parading to do than he ordinarily does on a weekday Tho President arrived here on hU special train at half past 8 oclock this morning and was met by former Secretary Alger and Mayor Maybury who escorted him to the Cadillac Hotel He attended services at the Fort Street Presbyterian Church The police hero took charge of the church service as they did of everything else per- taining to tho Presidents visit the day They issued tickets to and posted guards to see that only regular pewholders and ticket holders were ad mitted Tho preacher the Rev E M Pence preached Christ and Him cruel fled and left the trusts and politics alone After an Informal luncheon at hen Al gems house with Cloy Bliss Mayor May a number of members of the reception committees the President wont for a drive through the city The police had arranged that this should be in the nature of a publlo function and had published the route which the carriage- was to take The police horses were hitched- to the carriage and Police Captain acted as driver He was In full The President directed that the crowd should be avoided as far as possible and that his carriage should not be followed by those of the others of his party When the carriage was approaching the bridge to Belle Island the citys great park however it was seen that the park was massed full of people and the visit to tho park was abandoned and the horses wore turned back Just as they were starting up two little girls 10 old ran out in front of the wanted to cross tbe street and the other wanted to pull her back They tugging at each other until tho big were almost upon thorn Capt Guyman leaned back and hauled high in the ah and hcl f them up on their hind legs until a policeman from the side- walk snatched the children out of the way greatly to the relief of the President and hits who were up in the barouche horrorstricken- On hU way back to the hotel the Presi- dent stopped at St Hospital to visit Patrick a of the Thirtysecond Michigan Volunteers who had been told that Doherty had begged the doctors and his nurses him be put on a stretcher and bo carried in a to place from which ho could the President Ho said be was willing to risk his Ufe for the privilege Tho Presidents In connection with the convention of the War Veterans and he was particu- larly touched by the story about Doherty on to seeing the sick soldier Mr Cortel you ho went Into the more Doherty announced when dent went away that be was to well now to provo that the President had not wasted There was a mass meeting of coal strikers sympathizers at the Guard and the both attended Yesterday one of the or- ganizers of tho a to time with the intimation that If ho did not attend the meeting he would affront thousands of union laboring men In Detroit The President remains in his rooms at the Cadillac tonight Mayor Maybury- got a message for time man to the President to thn effect that tho President could not consider the ac- ceptance of invitations sent on such short notice and without any preliminary arrangement Tho will make two speeches to morrow Ono will be to tho Spanish war veterans and time other will speech at a public ban There will be a of tho lull war veterans tomorrow afternoon ROOSEVELT HURTS HIS CHAJfCES limits the London Telegraphs View of HU Trust ffitclil CiNt DespairS See LONDON Sept 2J The Telegraph holds that President Roosevelts declaration at Cincinnati overshadows in definite Impor- tance even his New England addresses It says that ht raises tho greatest Consti- tutional Issue since the Civil War The President In ono sense has cfcared the air and brought hits personal programtro into strong focus In sense he has probably jeopardized his prospects of Planed dung bur GUy abut yea std on time Mal fever won Imo WIt side for a boo ArmorY Pan lila van reins untii the were rearing is The President of an ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The Forsythe TODAY Surpassing All Former Dliplay TAILORMADE Velvet Waists Silk Waists Flannel Waists Neckwear Belts A Mans Glove for Women THE FORSYTHE loO GLOVE- A special glove for women which we haw In It Is an Ideal walking or shopping glove with a style of superior to un like hitherto Mannish In leather cut and stitching easy fitting long wrist i large button At lfio abso Three shades of White Grey Made by John ForsytheT- HE WAIST HOUSE 665 Broadway bet 17th and 16th Sts Orders Promptly Filled Send reflection by placing hU trust policy upon a which the entire Democratic party an unpractical and Imprac- ticable while at tho same time it will bt repugnant to a large sect Ion of Ilcann themselves and ran never ho con sidered aa promising by any outfido ob server of American affairs The writer maintains that combination are more Inevitable than artificial growth and says that if thoy have nothing to tnt before the amendment of thin Constitu- tion sites place their demise U not to be an ttdpated until a sufficiently remote period when it will b possible to return a ver- dict of death from natural causes coy CUMMINS AMUSED J Htra Iw1ii Theory That Ilendtrtnn Wants to Be President Mike Him Lanctu BOSTON Sept 31 Oov Albert B Cum- mins of Iowa rood a newspaper despatch last saying former Congressman J Hamilton Hendersons retirement was to a do sire to run for the nomination against Roosevelt The Governor laughed That absurd rumor can be disposed of In a very tern words Gen was born in Scotland That fact is well known to the friends of the Iowa Congressman and when taken in rtltutional provisions that no forelgnborq moan nf that nonsensical rumor Mr Henderson U on earnest dentious man and I have taken him at his word I do not now believe that can be prevailed upon to his mind from had he of so doing his course thus far would rob In any sense help his candidacy HEffDERSOX COMIXO BAST Leaves Dubuque for Atlantic City nil Wife and Daughter Are DrancjUE la Sept 21 Speaker Hend tt son left tonight for Atlantic City Ho cancelled campaign engage monte in this district whether he will keep engagements with the National do ia said to be duo to his desire to avoid the that he U seeking to dic- tate to the convention to be hold next Thursday to nominate his his wife and Utter 111 VbjecU to McGulrei Proposed fiUtn Delegates STBAOTSE Sept 21 Alderman John D Scanlon Democratic leader of the Ninth ward is involved in a light with former James K over McOulreM proposed list of to tho Demo Convention Scanloa accuse McQuire of naming wealthy political drones You wont wirh delegates with out a fight Scanlon told MeGulru Wn Why the young who do all the work n chance Liquor Tax Certificate IlrtnknlN- RwntrRoit Sept 21 Judge Iirlu y l it revoked the liquor tax certlflcatu nf lV r- Rlebllng of Queens county It woe t io on application of tho State Kxrl keeping a nlckelintlio lol gambling hits saloon Waist rf own unequaled Tat Mal bal the Repub its can to Mr Henderson to Atlantlo be- cause daughter are there th wont for any ornaments or carpe- tbaggers < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ We have received and are now showing a splendid assortment of English Wilton Carpets in designs and suitable for the highest class furnishing The patterns have been made us and are not able elsewhere Broadway ib street i H w fJloane 4 ¬

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Page 1: TilE SUN MONDAY SEPTEMBER 221 - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 15. · m TilE SUN MONDAY SEPTEMBER 221 1902 4f ttE I I ground floor but the man started upstairs Whn Leech called


4f ttE I I

ground floor but the man started upstairsWhn Leech called after him no the clerksays tho man jumped o though ho had

tuck n pin In him1 a kcd him If he wanted to go straight

to his Haiti Itfh yesterday andhe ho did He a for 8-

oclock In the veiling and although I didnt-suspec then that the man might b YoungIt struck me an queer that a man tthoutdwant to uli At that time of day Whim

I Uft to RO home A II Miado my relloftook tht do k and I left the man callwith him

Monde said that lit B oclock wentcall thn man He had to knock set

end tlin to arouse him Meado saidand when man did wake he answeredIn n low volew n though afraid that someone would hiar tutu first the man re-

fused to OVTI tin door Miado says de-

manding to know who wanted him butwhen clerk tutu him that It was 0 oclock-he wild that h would right out A

low minute htor ho came out Into th readIn room and nflur looking around for amonvnt ni Hum men who worn readingevening iu wninpi ri walked out Meatle

akd him if lie wa mining back and ho


Kin of loilfiiTM who had been r adIns a iiKr In tlio public room walked overto Meade nfter thn Mrange lodger had leftami paid


lunt krow him nald MeadcWell Mid thi other he a queer

fallow anil I think ho look a lot

like ih Iirttirf papers are printingof tin man Young who killed a womanli NVw York Hitother day

Mutdr MIIH interested looked nt onor piitiirin of Young in an afternoonpnper nnd wide up hi mobil that the moodiil look Ilk YniiiiR He didnt go after thostranger or Rive tlm alarm because ho

man would come bark soonA I tte lirerleedireturned to the house

niiii Vrndc tay that liofero hi mentionedhis M icions to him Iwh who had Uxti

over tli papers whilo at dinnerOld

Say believe thnt I ee who earnhen thin afternoon tho intirIcier

men ii m ared the description of

tIt lodger with that of Young in the alarmMIII om by the police and they decidedthat i tallied exactly Nevertheless theydidnt inform inllif of their buspleions-

ami it wasnt until yesterday morning thatthe iiuthoritieri learnrd that there wax astrong probability that tho they WITH

alter hnd hM m the night lodging


At S oclock yesterday morning a visitorto Cmrgo Snydern mloonnt J2o Urnadwnynext door to thw lodging house maid he hadMTU a lying on the grab in the frontyard furnlfchrdrooin housn of MrsAnnie Low at 20S South Kighth streetdiagonally actosn the square at thin pointof Broadway The man on time grasstime other moan said was smoking cigarettesand acting qucerly Two young men

Walsh and Lou Nlchobon of 225 SouthMi eel whom WITH in the saloon de-

cided to K over and MO what the man wasdoing Tin moment they reached thohouse they say he jumped up from thin

grass in great excitement and wildI know what you want to ilo You wOnt

to nrreot me Well kiep away or Ill hootyour belly off

The man then walked up and down thograss plot puffing on his cigarette undswearing at Walsh and Nicholson Ho

appeared to b greatly excited and on oftho young men said ho guessed hed

policeman On hearing that tho manJumped into the road and boarded a Ixeavenue car bound south

The Incident created some excitement-in the neighborhood and the lodging housopeople immediately jumped to the con-

clusion that this wa the man who hadat their place tho night before The de-

scription that Walsh and Nicholson gaveof him fits that of tho man who stoppedfor four hours at the Olenwood housetherefore nlto describes Young

Short heard of the andquestioned the conductor oftar which passed that corner at 5 oclock-in the morning The conductor said horomiinliereil time Incident and also recalledwhen hU passengers got off For theof thn day after that tho conductor was

nine as guide for apt Short and tholetiHtiviM Tho chase took tho offlcJM

to CannrMo llrownsvlllo Flatbuth Flatlard nj l RirE n Reach At U oclockat night tha eari vn riven up no

trace of th iiwi boon foiid-COTl ISLAND COMUFD FINE

Hut there ha been no relaxation in thegeneral search Every point 1 beingwatched arid although tIm police are

over not having caught the manalready they aro still confident that he U

In tho will soon bo foundYesterday a story reached them that a

nn wering Youngs description hailrn Mvn nt Coney Titun

tin previously wnt a full description ofYoung to tho Coneyhiippletnented this with n batch of photographs of the man mado bytho headquarters photographer who has alreadytnnile several hundred pictures of Young

After these picture were circulatnlConey Island policemen walked up and downIho streets there photograph ofYoung In

hand scanning the faces of passersby andendeavoring to see some likeness In eachto the picture It was reported ono timeor a dozen different placeyesterday that Young had been seen hutConey Island for nil the photographs liltnot pick up even one suspect


The police of the Bergen street stationIn Brooklyn did better After the descrip-

tion of Young won read to the squad whichwent out at noon WilliamPatrh n years old a wanderer fomIlttsburg appeared at Seventh and Flatbush avenues A policeman thoughtPatchen looked like Young and arrestedhim In no time at all

Titus was notified and sent Peleetive Jackson over to see the man Jackon saw nt once that the man was not Young

nnd suggested that ho bo released Butonce In a Brooklyn station house a prisoner

to spend the night there unlessIn good enough to ball him out so

Patchen back to a cell Hoarraigned In court today and

TOtTNO HAS A LImITBchmlttbergers activities ye tor

lay resulted In no now discovery but sev-

eral now theories were unearthed by thowho learned where the crime had

Ixen committed from the Hoboken chief ofKjllce Capt SchmlttborgtT received a

letter yesterday from Koenig the lodg-inghouse keeper who says Young applied0 him for a room with a stove In it on FriJay night In the letter said that10 had forgotten to tell that when YoungivnHiu his plaeo i wore a light overcoat

Capt Schmlttberger indulged ir moreibuso of Capt Titus He resented thettntement made by Titus that Chief Dono-van had done wrong In taking his Infor-mation to time precinct captain rjther thinto the Octoctivo Bureau and said that 0








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Titus as an Incompetent officialtold what Schmlttljergcr had

said laughed anti refused to discuss Itat all

TARN THAT MORMONS DID ITA further was mado yesterday

to fasten responsibility for tho killing ofUrn Pulitzer on time Mormons On theauthority of MIStS Elizabeth Dlckenson-the young woman who became a Mormon-In 1001 hut renounced her nlleglancttn statement printed thnt Young In-

stead of being an from the Church-was In reality an ardent Worker In thecause and that Mrs Pulitzer Instead ofbeing tho woman she wa supposed to bewas secretly u Mormon anti hat attendedMormon services In this city and PerthAmboy with Young

MIstS Diekenxon said she had teen Youngat a number of Mormon gnthoring ac-

companied by n blond woman answering-Mrs Pulitzers description who was knownas Miss Nelsen was Mrs Pullt7ernmaiden Incidentally Miss Pickenson told she had quit the Church infear of her life and declared that the bloodatonement tenet which in that a Mormonwho sins can only bo cleansed by beingkilled by another Mormon still an activeprinciple of the Mormon faith and thatYoung was one of Its leading


Although the Mormon elder have nilrepudiated Young and It Is known that hisown father an ardent Mi wouldhave him in his house President JohnMctjuarrie of the Eastern Division of tiltMormon Cuirch anti Klder Snow WoodsPorter and Taylor worn asked nbotit itagain last night just miller they hall helda ervico at ll Wet 121th street PresidentMeOunrrle slid

Young was not a Mormnn and never attendfd our Nrviies As for the womanhe killed nom of us ever saw or lienrd nfher before this tragedy occurred It I

not true that ever uttordnAs for Young the I over saw of himWILS two months ago when lu cnme tofor money I lectured hint onway was living anti the disgrace he wasbringing on Ills family Then I gave himA little money nnd as wo having aservice about that time he camo ia antiattended it That I the only hiever tendril here nnd I suppose simplycame In bfcnusc I had given hitnmotey-

Youns never did arty mission vork fortile Mormon Church nnd never lind any

the Mormon Church A forhis being in the Perth Amboy Mission thatU ridiculous The was never In PerthAmboy antI a man was not a Mormonand knew nothing of our faith would hardly-be doing work for the church-


I have Mon Mis Dickinsons statementabout a Mim NeUen who Is supposedto bo Mrs Pulitzer acoming to Mormon services with YoungThis Is and of course untrueThere are not so many Mormons here butthat very one Is personally known to moanti there never was A Nel en or anywoman answering that description a mem-ber of the Mormon Church

A for Miss left theChurch of her own free will and when shewent I told her that if it was her honestconviction that our faith was not the rightone she was doing well to abandon It Itold her then that she would always bo wel-

comed at our meetings and thnt we wouldlook on her as a ulster Only a month agoshe came to coe mo at my ofllce 172 WestEightyfirst street She came uninvitedand we talked together about religion forsome time When she went away sheher address with me although 1 didask for it

A few days later a story was printedin the papers to the effect that Miss Dickenson fearing the vengeance of the MormonChurch was in hiding The address shehad given me a short before gave tholie to that statement

I can only say In addition to this thatMiss Dlckenson never met Hooper Young nta Mormon meeting hero and that soc neversaw Mm Pulitzer at a Mormon meetinghere for the very simple reason that neitherono of them was a Mormon

The other Mormon elder heard nil thatPresident McQuarrlo said and saul theirview were tho same All of them wildvery emphatically thnt th y hoped Youngwould be caught nod punMicd for hiscrime

MORMONISM nnBAM AMtMKS P3MCEThe police wero amused at tho Mormon

story yeMcrdar Ucnuxe In nil the ex-

haustive search they liavo mnde Into tholife of Mtv Pulluer they have not foundanything tu show that she was a MormonCapt Titus said yesterday that ho wasstill firm In opinion that Young andthe woman had only known one iinotlufor a short time anti lhit was theprincipal motive for the

Capt Titus said he hail discovered thatIn Seattle Young was regarded as weakminded Hn hits also learned that Youngreported Congrewmnn Roberts trial inWashington for a Lake City totespaper writing a of nntlMormnnarticles that were very bitter That wildtho captain showed well whoreYoung stood on the subject of MormonlKmWOMAN AT MORMON MEETINGS naRK Ant

Tim murder of Pulitzer lies ofcourse created n great deal of Interestin Perth where she was broughtupwas related to Mormons folks there re

that eight years ago a band ofDay SaInts hold meetings in Perth

Amboy and that Mrs Pulitzer then a girlmember of St Stephen Lutheran Churchattended several of the Mormon meetingswith other In tho place One of time

Mormon missionaries according to thepeople In Perth Amboy was named Young

are sure that ho must betho man who murdered Mrs Pulitzer Theyrecalled that a few months after tho meet-Ings Mrs Pulitzer went to York toloam tho trade of n milliner


William Hooper Young the murdererwas the son of John W Young anti LibbyCornfield Young Libby Cornfield watt aresident of Philadelphia The childrenof the Joint Wesley YoungBrigham Young hoper Youngand Earl Young Cornfield Youngwan divorced from J W Young abouttwenty years ngo She married Dr Willlama and with her now husband moved-to Washington Territory John W YoungU tho third son of Brigham Young whosucceeded Joseph Smith an tlwfireuidcntof the Mormon Church

Mary L Young who Is now with herfather In Paris anil William Van Cott Youngthe Columbia student who I now In Utahwere John W Youngs children by LuellnCobb who divorced him several years ago


W F S Hart n lawyer of ft Ueckmanstreet has been retained by friends ofJohn W Young to defend Hooper In casehe Is arrested These frIends have com-

municated with Mr Young putting him in-

xsm lon of thi situation and in-

structed them to engage a lawyer fur hUson Mr Hart when wen Larchmont Yacht Club lout night sold he had




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she sorvicesfirst

ittseverely I lit-



Interest In




Yesterday after reading that her slayer











not been able to reach his client hut iff did succeed In getting in touch with himhe would advise him to give himself up

There U nothing to b gained by stayingaway like this said Mr Hart Fromwhat I have heard of this young man hoIs no better and no wonto than the averageyoung man In New York leaving asideof course this heinous crime I wantto state that I have not been hired by thoMormons but that I was retained by aprominent business man of title city whoIs a friend of Mr Young


The four young Mormon elders who occu-pied one of tho suites of the Young

In the Clarence held their regularbimonthly Sunday night lecture In thnlodge of the Hawthorne Building1S1 West 125th street lat nightThey had their usual congregation offifty men and women and tholecture a they prefer to call It went onwith no more a reference tothe events of the week

After the singing of hymns and prayerJohn I McQuarrie president of tho missionand head of the Mormon Church In theEast delivered an address which was an ex-

position In a general way of the relation-of his church to Christianity na acceptedand nn explanation of Its organization anddoctrine

Time four young elders have the mannersand air of theological students and theclear skin anti eyes of clean lIvers OneClarence Snow Is n Harvard graduateanti the professor of physics in the Agricultural College of the State University-of Utah another li a district school teacheranother a cowboy anti the fourth a book-keeper Mr McQunrrie I a member of theState legislature of Utah and a merchantThe practice In their church I to turn thework of proselytizing over to zealousreligionists as these young men are

No salaries are paid and this missionariesreturn to tl elr secular life whenever theyfool they hfcvo done their duty Few spendmore than a year at the work unless theynre unusually welt fitted for It Of time mis-

sionaries sheltered by Mr Young only oneof those now in the apartment was in NowYork last July and since they first took

their residence there theNintiol of tho four In tho suite has beenchanged several times


Mr McQuarrie spent some time aftersrvleis last night answering questionsabout faith and talking to newspaper-men who camo for an explanation ofsocnlled doctrine of blood atonementHo sold there was no tenet of his faithrelating to blood atonement other than thostatem nt in scripture that by the shedrildgof ChriMs blood In atonement for tho sinsof men our sins are forgiven provided wonil the conditions prescribedsuch as that sheddeth mans bloodby men shall his blood ho shed and others-

In connection with text ho saidIn Utah capital punishment wa eitherby shooting or hanging Shooting wnsmost often chosen at least by the Mormonsbecause by the shedding of blood textIs literally fulfilled Executions are leftof course to the civil law hence capitalpunishment is Justified in UtahMr McQunrrle also told the Mormon sideof the Danlte and avenging angelperiod of Mormon history which he com-

pared with the Vigilante days of Californiaarid Montana


The trunk which Young shIpped to Chi-

cago on Thursday night and which wasfound to contain Mrs Pulitzers clothingtho dirk with which he was stabbed thopawn ticket for her diamond earrings andvarious other articles arrived in JerseyCity nt I oclock this morning One ofsealS on It watt broken Tho trunk wasbrought to Police Headquarters lIen antiwill bo opened later today In the presence-of time District Attorney

VICTIMS BOUT OOKS HOME TODAYA man anti a woman left at Speers morgue-

In Jersey City yesterday a bundle contain-ing clothing in which Mrs Pulitzer will1m dressed for burial Henry Griffith themorgue keeper said ho had expectedPulitzer last night to complete arrange-ment for his wifo funeral but the hus-

band did not appear This body will 1

shipped today on the Pennsylvania Hailroad to Perth Amboywill take place nt the home of Nelson

Pulitzers mother Tho service willbo Tho body will be buried in anoak with sliver handles The coffinplato bears the Inscriptionaged 28 years


lorkrtMn DentIst Takes tIer Adtlre antiFalls Two Stories-

L V armel n dentist of Willis ayenun was locked In his workroom last nightby a of wind slamming tho door shutThere was a spring lock on the outsIdeof the floor and rather than break it hiswife told him to climb from the windowto the dining room window four feet away

In doing so Cnrniel lot balance antifoil two stories to the tnt He waspicked up unconscious anti taken to theLincoln Hospital where it found thathut skull had been fractured Ho maydie


llrownlng Indrr MilitaryTiarRm Against a llrutrnant

TRENTON N J Sept 21Troubles havearisen in tho Second Brigade of the Now

National Guard that threaten aCapt W Browning

of Company K of Plalnfleld has lieen platedtinder military arrest and relieved ofcommand because of alleged Insubordina-tion tho charge growing out of his refusalto obey a command of Col Collins withreference to transportation to Sea Girt

Charges have elite been preferred againsttime Lieutenant of Company K who In thoabsence of Cnpt Browning commanded-the men at the funeral of Gen Ollphanthero on Tuesday It 1 charged that thoomen wero disorderly on West State streetwhile awaiting time of tho funeralcortege

luw already tendered hiresignation liecauso treatment ho

company during time Sea Girt encampment-of tho

Gen Gilmoro Issued an ordnron Saturdayevening Major pur

of is seine of the stallbrigade have exceeded their authority

in the of orders Themates that there has been discourteousdeliveries of commands

This order Is considered to mean thatthose to whom It has been directed amnulto likely to bo hauled up for their conduct

To Make a Pocket TelephoneLAFAYETTK Ind Sept company

has been formed hero to manufacture apocket telephone Tho receiver ls soshaped ns to fit the mouth and ear Analuminum box fastened to a telephone

a fits this aridcalls tho telephone exchange caller

tho wants and tho Inser-tion of his cuts off all pcrbons on the linountil be la through





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Postmaster Van Cott Robert MorrisCharles Murray Hllllani llrnkrl-Icmurl K nicic anti Chairman Te-nKyckrenionif Those Already Slated

SARATOOA Sept 21 Since the dele-gate to the Stat convention from NowYork county arrived hero they have matinup tho state for memUrship In the StateCommittee of 100301 which will bo electedas soon a the delegate arts officially recog-nized anti put on tilt official list The mem-bers of the State Committee represent thoCongress districts In the State anti theyare chosen by tho delegates from thirstdistricts elected to time State conventionUnder tho new apportionment whichgoes Into effect thus fall Now York countywill have eleven meml ers of tho com-mittee one of whom will also representItlchmond county

It was inserted authoritatively this even-ing that Mr Hobort Morris of the Repub-lican County Committee would tx sent tothe State Committee from the new Thir-teenth Congress district which includes thisTwentyninth Assembly district It will berecalled that Mr Morris is having u fine oldfight with the organization In tim Twentyninth which Is his homo district and thnttho organization refused to elect him totho County Committee Mr Morris was

to cimmtttiv from the Thirtyfirst district anti to the State Conventionfrom the First district itthat Mr Morris will liave the of theTwentyninth district delegates for mem

in thn Committee but lilafriends assort tlmt they will tie ubu to electhim

The Eighth Congress district hasfrom Itlchmond two

First district two from the Second fourfrom the Thin anti four from the SixthPostmaster Van Cott will bn elected frontthis district It was declared thl evening

hills n nndldnto for the officeand is to land him Mr Van ColtIs recognized however n one of the mostastute ioUtlcn of the Stateand his on tlie State CommitteeIs regarded ns eminently desirable

Charles Murray Quarantine Commis-sioner anti of the districtwill Ixi returned from time new Ninth Ferdinand Kidman collector of InternalKevenue will bo sent from the new Tenthand National Coinmltteemnn

will l o returned from the EleventhThe new Twelfth presents something-

of a puzzle for it Ls up of artfl ofHowever it was said

this evening that when the fourteen dele-gate representing district meet they

States MarshalHenkcl the leader of tho Eighteenth dis

to thoi predicted that Lemuel E Qulgg will

of time committee fromthe new Fifteenth district which includeshis district the Nineteenth whichhas of tile

In the new Seventeenth where there isa contest between Atvu tnl Bennettof the district antiT Andrews for tho nomination for Congressthe of Senator Samuel ScottSlater is lieing attempted tile AndrewMipjiortor wAnt to have Assembly-man Smith of the Twentythird named forSenator in the district In case An-drews supporters have their way it is un-

derstood they aro that theState go to theThirtyfirst district anti in thateast Tux Commissioner Samuel Straw

will lx rent to the committoo-Mr Bennett and Mr Slater are mocking nstrong fight for the control f tin two

nnil Senate TheAssembly district ha six

delegate to the State convention from thatof the included in thl Congress

district tbe hIlts ninetime has ton

Tho Eighteenth Congrrs district Is

the erdAssembly district Annexed

ftc i riot haseight delegates the twelveand tilt Annexed two It i x oted thatChnlrman Ten Kyck of the KepublicanCounty Executive Commit lot1 will In chosento represent this diMri-

ctSKATlll SlATIlt InHiATDe-

nlen the Charge That He Trlnl to heattile Late Family

SARATOGA N Y Sept 21In tho fighthint ha boon mnde Senator Sam-uel Scott Slitter of the Nineteenth districtwho is opposed for by Assem-blyman Smith of the Twentythird districtIt ho been charged that Mr Slitter in liladealings with tho estate of tilt lato Sur-

veyor of tit Port Silas G Croft who waslender of time Thirtyfirst district over-charged thn estate anti mado an effort to

gouge the family of some of thomoney that Mr Slater was InEurope when these rges were madeand ho had no opportunity to reply to themuntil now

Today he Issued a circular letter to thoenrolled voters of the district denying thecharge and declaring that Mr Croft wasnt all times one of hi warmest friendsMr Slitter was sent to time Assembly byMr Croft nnd later in woo was elected tothe Senate largely through tilt efforts oftilt with whom ho on themost friendly terms In the circular MrSlater says

Tilt charge mnde was to tho effectthat I had to collect forlegal service from estate

friend Surveyor Croft lip wickedlyconceivedone timing which really attacks my char-acter Ixcauso itcrime worn than I liavo yetto be guilty of Ingratitude of breaking myword or of

The fact touchltiz the estate ofCroft are these At time Surveyor requestI Indorsed certain notes werediscounted nnd the proceeds entirely usedby him Since histo assume obligations which I guaranteedto time ngeregflte of over 10000 I harenever sent In a bill of any kind to the estateof Surveyor Croft hut I did send a claimninn t estate for over JSfniO on theseobligations I have hall to assume and willhave to pay front which I hate not receivedone slnclo I have in acknowledge-ment of this indebtedness signed by thoSurveyor himself In which ho my

nsslen forever A ofthis statement of time Surveyor was amonghis papers At the time of

In myI have avoided I

hart a decent hesitancy to drag Into thepolitical arena the affairs of

Surveyor Croft whom Iloved in lifetime and whoso

memory I ehorlsh I do not agree with thethat I A

business In which friendship cannot boconsidered Such a leads to

to treachery and Is the motherof faithlessness and every vicious clementIneharnctor

It was stated last evening that Mr Slitterwas preparing several other statements

Issue nt thedefending himself against these charges

Yoias ins i rnniT ovnil Attempt to HrlKln HU Mcmhmhlp

of time State CommitteeSARATOGA Sept ZlOne of the Incidents

of tIme Republican State convention Is thoattempt of William J Tonnes to retain hismembership In the Republican Com-

mittee from the Firstwhich comprises tho counties of Suffolknnd Nassau and time eastern hnlf of Queenscounty Mr Young wilt have to tighthard to retain title membership as thefriends of Congressman Frederic Storm










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of Side mean to have the of MrYoung for unsuccessful attempt toprevent the renomlnatlon of Congressman

Mr lives In Nassau ccuuty Hehas been to defeat Mr Storms renomination by attempting to take sonicof the own county-of Queen from him In that eventMr hoped to Into times nom-ination but friends frustrated-Mr Youngss efforts to innko trouble InQueens anti secured delegates ThisMr Storms friends claim means lila re-nomlnntlon according to tile unwrittenrule In this

Mr i now Deputy State Superin-tendent of Banks nt aBefore that he WHS to Governorwhen President Roosevelt filled time execulive chair of timid State Mr Youngs triedto Influence President JiooseveltMr Storm rcnomtnutlon telling the Presi-dent Mr Storm was the weakest candidatethat could U named In of thusIt I said Mr arranged a luncheonwith the President at Hill whichwns attended Mr Youngs and time threechairmen of the Committoo In time Congress district Thesechairmen did not uphold MrYoungss contention thatStorm would he n weak candidate at titletime hut Mid he would make an admirablecandidate and was entitled to a ronomttm-tiori

He Gives Ip the Oflloe of Ilrputy AttornrGeneral

SARATOOA Sept 21 It wits announcedthis evening timid Deputy AttorneyGeneral-Job K Hedges of New York county hasresigned his office AttorneyGeneralDavies has selected a man to succeed himbut ho Is not ready to make his name pub-lic at present Mr hedges Bent hits resig-nation to tho AttorneyGeneral over amonth ago after cleaning up the work ofhis lat Spring anti during the sum

pending most of the summerin tilt for tile of so

Mr hedges watt appointed Deputy Atfor years

and ho took care of a largo amount-of civil law business for tho departmentWhen tho law establishing

electIons district was MrHedges was on tho department-to look out for tho interestsHo served ns In many of themost important election cases weretried Primary and General Elec-tion law and convictions-

Mr Hedges in resigning the followedwhat a with him of notserving out his term of office in any postthat he may bo called to Ho was ap-pointed secretary by time lato Strong

office and resigned In1897 to accept a Magis-trate of a he resignedoffice to bo succeeded Willaru H Olinsted now a Justice of Special Sessions


Complication Otrr the Selection ofHrpubllean Candidate

SARATOOA Sept reached Sara-toga today that some complications havearisen regarding time selection of a Republi-can candidate for Senator from the districtcomprising tho counties of ChemungTompkins and Schuyler

Each county has five delegates eightbeing necessary to nominate Tho Schuy-ler delegates art for Owen Cassidy ofWalkin who I n and was a mem-ber of the last Constitutional conventionnnd afterward a member of time State hoardof Health Senator Stewart of Ithacanow that district and tho dele-gate from Tompkins arewith him now Assemblyman Knlppof Chenmng county as acandidate

Some time ago theRepublicans in convention elected fiveSenate and Instructed themfor Mr It appears that three ofthose delegate if MrKnipp was not n candidate At the regu

county convention of tho ChernungRepublicans on this situation

by the chairman ofSenate delegation from that whoasked for further Instructions In viewof the fart that Mr Knipp withdrew withthe idea that tile county delegateswould favor Senator Stewarttime convention named three new delegatesto take time place of those who were disposed-to favor ldv questionbeen raised as to whether or not asubstitution Is legal


Jealous Man Wounds HU and ThenCommit Suicide

JOHNSTOWN Pn Sept 21 So Insanelyjealous of Irene Wlnebrener was DavidMilton Goughnourof Conemaugh that whenanother spoke to her on the street hebccnnio nng He had put himselfdown ua belrg l Wendy companyand-so far as can bo learned ho had no rivalsShortly before midnight last night sue hadoccasion to visit a drug store and whilethere met Edward Kaylor who resides

doors from her homowere walking toward their resi-

dences when Goughnour approached fromthe rear andthree shots at time womanlodged In her abdomen Inflicting what willprobably to IM a wound The

lodged near her left kidneyand the third grazed one ofremaining four In the revolver weresent after young Kaylor who Is a mere boy

began to shootMIss Wlnebrener ran to an alloy where

time fell followed andwoman lying and believing

her lend his revolver abullet through his heart Death wits InNtnntnnoous and MissWlnebrener were 21 years of agetruths still teensTime physicians hnve not boon able totho lodged In her body and herrecovery Is not expected


S8i HU Room t the Mrtropolf WasRobbed of a Match and M420

William Wayne Belvin known as a pro-

moter and at present living In Boston re-

ported to time Tenderloin police lust nightthat he wits robbed In the Hotel Metropoleearly yesterday morning of a

120 said tutu valuables werotaken from his room while he was absentBelvin attained notoriety In 1890 by asserting that David t00000anti by threatening to On May5 1901 he arrested In Buffalo for

a telegram to Secretary Cortelyotitelling him thattrain would be blown up by dynamite inArizona

Death of Kcv Allirrt R StuartWASHINGTON Sept Rev Albert

R Stuart late rector of Christ ChurchEpiscopal of this city died this eveningafter a Illness Dr Stuart hns beentho Church for oversix years He was born In Charleston8 C I 1MB nnd served several yearsIn Confederate The oftheology appealed to him and shortlyafter tho war heSpartanburg and

went to tho Virginia TheologicalSeminary Hi first charge a churchat S anti for two years he woerector of St Pauls ChurchOhio On June 17 1S7B he lila

New StirItrrrcIDrrk StrainerTIme Mfnmer Orncchus which arrived

lust night from NmvcostleonTynoisn nowsteamer hulk at Newcastle Is 310 feet longanti n sheltond deck Sh con carry7SO horses Usldot 5750 ofhas engines and Is fittedthroughout with TheGriicc-hiiM was built for the Australian andtrade




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first sermon Christ Georgetown
























3500 yards of Crepe Canvas in Street

and Evening Shades at

Monday Sept 22d at 65c per yardRear of Rotunda

eighteenth Street nineteenth Strut and Sixth Hoenue

J ttinnii 1o



Wouldnt Go on the Thoroughfare thePolice Hart to Take Him

Two Run Downby CarrlateTUIt to a Hospital

DETROIT Sept 21 Tho day of the Pres-ident In Detroit has been a contrast tothat busy Sunday in Chattanooga throoweeks ago Then tho President had morosightseeing and parading to do than heordinarily does on a weekday

Tho President arrived here on hU specialtrain at half past 8 oclock this morningand was met by former Secretary Algerand Mayor Maybury who escorted him tothe Cadillac Hotel He attended servicesat the Fort Street Presbyterian ChurchThe police hero took charge of the churchservice as they did of everything else per-taining to tho Presidents visit theday They issued tickets toand posted guards to see that only regularpewholders and ticket holders were admitted Tho preacher the Rev E MPence preached Christ and Him cruelfled and left the trusts and politics alone

After an Informal luncheon at hen Algems house with Cloy Bliss Mayor May

a number of members of thereception committees the President

wont for a drive through the city Thepolice had arranged that this should bein the nature of a publlo function and hadpublished the route which the carriage-was to take The police horses were hitched-to the carriage and Police Captainacted as driver He was In fullThe President directed that the crowdshould be avoided as far as possible andthat his carriage should not be followedby those of the others of his party

When the carriage was approaching thebridge to Belle Island the citys greatpark however it was seen that the parkwas massed full of people and the visit totho park was abandoned and the horseswore turned back Just as they werestarting up two little girls 10

old ran out in front of thewanted to cross tbe street and the otherwanted to pull her back

They tugging at each other untiltho big were almost upon thornCapt Guyman leaned back and hauled

high in the ah and hcl f them up on theirhind legs until a policeman from the side-walk snatched the children out of the waygreatly to the relief of the President andhits who were up inthe barouche horrorstricken-

On hU way back to the hotel the Presi-dent stopped at St Hospital to visitPatrick a of theThirtysecond Michigan Volunteers who

had been told that Doherty had begged thedoctors and his nurses him be put ona stretcher and bo carried in a to

place from which ho couldthe President Ho said be was

willing to risk his Ufe for the privilegeTho Presidents In

connection with the convention of theWar Veterans and he was particu-

larly touched by the story about Dohertyon to

seeing the sick soldier Mr Cortelyou ho went Into the

more Doherty announced whendent went away that be was to wellnow to provo that the President hadnot wasted

There was a mass meeting of coal strikerssympathizers at the Guard

and theboth attended Yesterday one of the or-

ganizers of tho ato time with the intimation thatIf ho did not attend the meeting he wouldaffront thousands of union laboringmen In Detroit

The President remains in his rooms atthe Cadillac tonight Mayor Maybury-got a message for time man

to the President to thn effect thattho President could not consider the ac-ceptance of invitations sent on such shortnotice and without any preliminaryarrangement

Tho will make two speeches tomorrow Ono will be to thoSpanish war veterans and time other will

speech at a public banThere will be a of tho

lull war veterans tomorrow afternoon


limits the London Telegraphs Viewof HU Trust

ffitclil CiNt DespairS SeeLONDON Sept 2J The Telegraph holds

that President Roosevelts declaration atCincinnati overshadows in definite Impor-tance even his New England addresses Itsays that ht raises tho greatest Consti-tutional Issue since the Civil War

The President In ono sense has cfcaredthe air and brought hits personal programtrointo strong focus In sense he hasprobably jeopardized his prospects of





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TODAYSurpassing All Former Dliplay


Silk WaistsFlannel WaistsNeckwear Belts

A Mans Glove for WomenTHE FORSYTHE loO GLOVE-

A special glove for women which we hawIn It Is an Ideal

walking or shopping glove with a style ofsuperior to un

like hitherto Mannish Inleather cut and stitching easy fitting longwrist i large button At lfio abso

Three shades ofWhite Grey

Made by


665 Broadway bet 17th and 16th Sts

Orders Promptly FilledSend

reflection by placing hU trust policy upona which the entire Democratic party

an unpractical and Imprac-ticable while at tho same time it will btrepugnant to a large sect Ion ofIlcann themselves and ran never ho considered aa promising by any outfido observer of American affairs

The writer maintains that combinationare more Inevitable than artificial growthand says that if thoy have nothing to tntbefore the amendment of thin Constitu-tion sites place their demise U not to be anttdpated until a sufficiently remote periodwhen it will b possible to return a ver-dict of death from natural causes


J Htra Iw1ii Theory That IlendtrtnnWants to Be President Mike Him Lanctu

BOSTON Sept 31 Oov Albert B Cum-mins of Iowa rood a newspaper despatchlast saying former Congressman JHamiltonHendersons retirement was to a dosire to run for the nominationagainst Roosevelt The Governor laughed

That absurd rumor can be disposed ofIn a very tern words Gen wasborn in Scotland That fact is well knownto the friends of the Iowa Congressmanand when taken inrtltutional provisions that no forelgnborqmoan

nf that nonsensical rumorMr Henderson U on earnest

dentious man and I have taken him athis word I do not now believe thatcan be prevailed upon to his mindfrom had heof so doing his course thus far would robIn any sense help his candidacy


Leaves Dubuque for Atlantic Citynil Wife and Daughter Are

DrancjUE la Sept 21 Speaker Hend ttson left tonight for AtlanticCity Ho cancelled campaign engagemonte in this districtwhether he will keep engagements withthe National do

ia said to be duo to his desire toavoid the that he U seeking to dic-tate to the convention to be holdnext Thursday to nominate his

his wife andUtter 111

VbjecU to McGulrei Proposed fiUtnDelegates

STBAOTSE Sept 21 Alderman John DScanlon Democratic leader of the Ninthward is involved in a light with former

James K over McOulreMproposed list of to tho Demo

Convention Scanloa accuseMcQuire of naming wealthy politicaldrones

You wont wirh delegates without a fight Scanlon told MeGulru Wn

Why the youngwho do all the work n chance

Liquor Tax Certificate IlrtnknlN-

RwntrRoit Sept 21 Judge Iirlu y l itrevoked the liquor tax certlflcatu nf lV r-

Rlebllng of Queens county It woe t ioon application of tho State Kxrl

keeping a nlckelintlio lol gamblinghits saloon




unequaled Tat



the Repub


can to

Mr Henderson to Atlantlo be-cause daughter are there th

wont for any ornaments or carpe-tbaggers










We have received and are nowshowing a splendid assortment of

English Wilton Carpetsin designs and suitable for thehighest class furnishing The patterns havebeen made us and are notable elsewhere

Broadway ib street

i H

w fJloane

