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Hayton+Tiln news September 2016 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 w Dates for your Diary w Blue or Green Bin Collections w August Lottery Winners w Hayton Contacts w Church Services w Police Report for August 2016 w Gardening Tips for September w Weather Statistics August 2016 w Hayton Life Photographic Competition w Danger to Dogs on Hot Days w Old Photos of Hayton w Thank You From Lily Brown w Sunk w Path Warden’s Update w Hayton Book Exchange w St Peters Church News w Annual Pets Service w Ride and Stride w Village Hall News w To Whom it Concerns w Fouling the Verges w Hayton Parish Councillor Vacancy w Hayton Parish Council Meeting w Coffee & Chat

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September 2016








w Dates for your Diaryw Blue or Green Bin Collections w August Lottery Winnersw Hayton Contacts w Church Services

w Police Report for August 2016

w Gardening Tips for Septemberw Weather Statistics August 2016

w Hayton Life Photographic Competitionw Danger to Dogs on Hot Days w Old Photos of Hayton

w Thank You From Lily Brown w Sunkw Path Warden’s Update w Hayton Book Exchange

w St Peters Church Newsw Annual Pets Service w Ride and Stride

w Village Hall News w To Whom it Concernsw Fouling the Verges w Hayton Parish Councillor Vacancy w Hayton Parish Council Meeting w Coffee & Chat

Village Hall News

50’s NightDetails and New Date

to be Confirmed

To hire Hayton Village Hallfor a private event - please contact

Marilyn on 01777 704575

We have one vacancy for a Parish Councillor so would welcome enquiries from anyone inter-ested in participating in our local administration.

The qualifications are simply to be over 18 and have been a resident in the Parish for more than 12 months.

Please [email protected]

or phone David Otter 01777 707693

Hayton ParishCouncillor Vacancy

Hayton Parish Council meetingMonday 5th September at 7.30

in Hayton Village Hall.Agendas, Minutes and Contact details

available on the Parish Council websitewww.haytonparish.co.uk

The grass verges in front of properties in Hayton are private land

belonging to each individual house.Would irresponsible dog owners please

desist from allowing their pets to foul theseverges and also pavements in the village.We don’t want to step in it the next time

we mow the grass!If you can’t prevent fouling

the least you can do is clean it up!Not only is it a thoughtless and irresponsible act


Fouling the Verges

Coffee & Chat

Coffee & Chat will take placeon Monday 12th Septemberat Harefield, 34 Church Lane

from 3.00pm with GillDo come along for an exchange of news and

views over a cup of tea or coffee

The playing field is not the place to be leav-ing empty beer and wine bottles and beer cans.If they got caught up in the mowers and broken, they could cause injury to children using the playing field or anyone passing across the field in sandals etc.

There is no excuse to leave anything lying around in the playing field as there are dustbins at entrances from Church Lane and a rubbish bin behind the goalposts.

The other downside to this is that the per-petrators were heard using bad language and seemingly affected by the alcohol that they con-sumed.

To Whom it Concerns

VH update. The toilets are completed and in use (except for the emergency pull cord in the gents/disabled toilet)

The roof will be re-slated before the end of August and the extension just needs to be plas-tered.

There is still other work to be completed and we don’t have an opening date. It all depends on how much money is left in the pot as to what we can do.


Our Monthly regular services are:-Each 2nd Sunday at 9.15am Holy CommunionEach 4th Sunday at 11.00am Morning Prayer

On other Sundays St Peter’s regularly combine with other Churches in the Clays Group

You would be sure of a warm welcome at any service but here some special dates for your


Sunday 11th September 3.00pmThe Pet’s Service

stalls, refreshments, come along with or withouta pet from 3.00pm - service at 4.00pm.

Sunday 16th October 3.00pm

Harvest FestivalA traditional village event

light harvest tea following the service

Friday 16th December 7.30pmThe Christmas Show with “Village Harmony”

entertaining us with seasonal musiccome and join in the fun with the mini-panto with

mulled wine and mince piesSt Peter’s looks beautiful dressed for Christmas

Friday 23rd December 6.00pmOur traditional Carol Service

with the dressing of the cribDo bring the children to this beautiful service

Saturday 24th December 11.30pm we join with the congregation at St John the Baptist

Church at Clarborough for Midnight Mass

Christmas Day 10.30am a combined service with Grove Street Methodist Church Retford

Hayton’s lovely old village Church St. Peters celebrate several special days throughout the year. One of our favourites is the Annual Pets Service.

This year it is to be held on Sunday 11th Sep-tember. From 3pm we will be welcoming all pets and their owners to walk around the Churchyard and visit the various stalls manned by visiting charities. St. Peter’s are pleased to help the charities promote their very valuable work for those poor animals who are unable to help them-selves. Zola the retired guide dog is a regular attender.

At 4pm we and our animals will go into the Church and our Vicar the Rev’d Mark Cantrill will lead the very informal Service. This is always such a delight especially when the various dogs or cats join in with the odd woof or meow.

In previous years we have been delighted to see up to 30 dogs, some cats, rabbits, hamsters, a chicken and once a pony bring their owners and friends to the service. No problem if there is the odd puddle – we are well equipped with buckets and mops.

After the service it is good to stay and chat with friends and neighbours and enjoy a cuppa and cake with, of course, bowls of water for the animals.

It may be that you have not yet visited St. Pe-ters - do come along and join us for this annual village event – everyone is very welcome – with or without a pet.

Annual Pets Service inSt Peters Church

3pm Sunday11th September

Ride and Stride

Ride and Stride in aid of Notts Historic Churches takes place on Saturday 10th September

St Peter’s will be open during the day to welcome the riders and striders and provide refreshments

Do feel free to come along at any time

St Peters Church News


One would think that a vessel in a sea worthy condition, captained by an affable man, spon-sored by a wealthy owner and sailing in a sea of potential treasure would have the ability to navi-gate a course to a successful voyage.

Alas the mysterious depths of the sea hold many hidden obstructions including past wrecks, forgotten even in chartered waters.

How often do we see that when all seems well some unexpected disaster sends another ship to the bottom with all hands lost?

David Otter

May I thank all those kind people who have given Estelle and me so much support during my recent illness. It is very much appreciated and it has been a great comfort to both of us to know that there are so many people willing to help us through a difficult time.

I have a few hurdles yet to overcome but hope to be returning to my Path Warden’s duties in the near future.

In the meantime, if anyone spots anything that needs attention to the paths, stiles etc please contact me so I can ask Notts CC to investigate and remedy.

Thank you all again.Howard 869617


Path Warden’s Update

Hayton Book Exchange

How lovely to see that the Book Exchange in our redundant telephone box is being so regular-ly used.

We are beginning to get spaces on the shelves so if you have any books in good con-dition that you are willing to donate please drop them off.

Hi, my name’s Lily Brown and I live at The Barn 104 Main Street Hayton.

Since last summer I have been fundraising to be able to spend 4 weeks volunteering in Tanza-nia and Kenya. You may already know about my fundraising but the community of Hayton have helped and contributed a lot to my expedition to Africa.

On Friday 5th August I returned home from Africa after spending a month out there as most of you know. I had an absolutely amazing 4 weeks of numerous project works in Kenya and Tanzania.

In Tanzania, I redid a secondary schools classroom floor & built them a wall, in Kenya, I built the walls of a school classroom and dug the foundations for a wall and in the village of Tan-ga, I plastered (sand and water) an old woman’s house.

When I wasn’t building, I was visiting/ helping the locals in the villages, deworming their goats, making elephant deterrents and planted 1000 trees for their community.

It was a once in a lifetime trip that I will never forget, and I would do it all over again if I could. I would like to thank everyone who supported me throughout the whole experience through the sales of Phoenix cards and the generous dona-tions given were really appreciated.

Let me know what you think, thank youLily Brown

Thank You



All these places named above can be a dan-ger to dogs on a hot day especially the 3 C’s

If you know there is a dog that is being kept in an enclosed space with no access to shaded areas please report it.

Beaches are great but your dog needs shade if you are going to be there all day, buy a cheap parasol, let them dig a hole to lay in and cool their body. Have fresh water ready for them to drink.

Caravan parks - check caravans and cars as you pass by and report if dogs are left inside to the park owners, people mistakenly think their dogs will be safer as it is like leaving them at ‘home’ but caravans can be just as dangerous to dogs as cars.


I would appreciate any help you can offer by way of raising awareness. You can find more informa-tion here on my facebook page.


or on the rspca websitewww.rspca.org

Debbie Barraclough

Danger to Dogs on Hot Days

Old Photos of Hayton

If you have any interesting old photos of Haytonthat you would like to share please email to

[email protected]

STILL TIME TO ENTER YOUR PHOTOGRAPHSThe Village Hall Trust invite you to take part in a

Photographic competitionThe subject should represent village life

in its many formsThe format should be digital, j peg. images to be

sent to [email protected] OR


The committee will judge the entriesand select 12

these will illustrate a calendar to be printed for the New Year

The sale of which will go towardsthe Village Hall Funds

Hayton LifePhotographic Competition


Gardening Tips for September

Weather Statistics August 2016

TemperatureMax 29.7oC 23rd August

Min 8.1oC 9th August

Rainfall Total 55mm August

PressureHigh 1029mbar 15th August

Low 1007mbar 4th August

Wind speed Max 41.2mph 25th August


Full 18th Aug 16th Sept

New 2nd Aug 1st Sept

Marilyn Page

Heavy rain over the past week has given the garden a new lease of life, with more vigorous growth and renewed flowering. The down side is soggy drooping flower heads, rotting leaves and slugs. I recently planted out mixed oriental salad and slugs have stripped every leaf to the central vein whereas cos lettuce and spinach planted next to them at the same time have been left intact.

Gardens can look at their best in Septem-ber with plenty of colour from the addition of late summer/autumn blooms such as aster, sedum and crocosmia to those of plants that have been flowering throughout the summer. It is worth spending some time clearing away anything ob-scuring or spoiling your view of flowers. This in-cludes overhanging branches of shrubs, flowers that have flopped against other plants, regrowth of aquilegia foliage, spent growth of flowers such as alchemical mollis, geraniums, foxglove and lychnis, self sown saplings and weeds. Staking and tying flowers in need of support such as cos-mos, gladioli and phlox will show off both them and adjacent plants to the best. Moreover, clear-ing between plants uncovers weeds which can the be removed while small and before they set seed.

Crocosmia is a small genus of handsome hardy and reliable plants within the iris family. They grow from corms, they have sword shaped leaves growing from the base and they form clumps. The flowers are red or orange and cling closely to the spiky arching stems. They are na-tive to grasslands of south and east Africa

and some are evergreen The name comes from the Greek words for saffron and odour, reflecting the smell produced when dried leaves are placed in hot water. They are also known as montbretia here and as “copper tips” or “ falling stars” in the USA. Each plant has several corms forming a chain with the oldest and largest at the bottom and bearing contractile roots which drag them to a deeper level. The corms separate easily and some species can become invasive. Most bulbs have roots with similar properties, allowing them to pull themselves deeper if too shallow. I have often noticed that bulbs left lying on the surface send down roots and bury themselves.

Hedge cutting should be completed by the middle of the month. Electric cutters make the task much easier and quicker but you need a dry hedge and a fine day. Don’t forget to use a circuit breaker. Lavender can be lightly trimmed now leaving more drastic cutting back to the Spring. Once the flowers have faded, side shoots of climbing roses should be cut back to a couple of buds from the main framework. Remove any diseased, spindly, old and unproductive stems and tie new shoots onto supports at their base. Buddleia should be cut back hard after flowering and other late summer flowering shrubs pruned. Avoid composting any diseased plant material but otherwise almost all vegetation can go on the heap, even green stems and leaves if well chopped up. Newspaper and cardboard can be added too. It is best to dig over hard clay soil be-fore the winter, incorporating as much compost or manure as possible. Now is a good time to plant container grown trees, shrubs, fruit bushes and perennials, firstly soaking both the root ball and the hole with water and adding compost and a slow release fertiliser.

Roger Lloyd-Mostyn



2015 2016 2016 01/04 - 31/08Aug July Aug 2015 2016

Hayton+TilnCrimes 0 2 0 3+3 5+1

Whole BeatCrimes 6 7 9 32 43

Whole BeatAnti-social 3 6 7 26 29

Police Report for BassetlawEast Clayworth - Sturton Beat Area

for August 2016 (edited)

Burglary Dwelling (1) ClayworthBurglary Other (1) ClayworthTheft Other inc. attempted (1) Sturton le SteepleCriminal Damage Other (4) Sturton le Steeple, North Leverton and Clayworth (2)

Readers of local newspapers will be aware of recent crimes in Retford involving thefts from motor vehicles, especially from vans, where criminals are targeting expensive tools. Similar incidents are being reported across rural villag-es of East Bassetlaw where village locations are targeted overnight. Wherever possible, please empty this type of vehicles of items overnight. I appreciate how difficult and inconvenient this might be and where this is not possible consider having a secure box inside the vehicle to house tools or strengthen the security of the vehicles by using internal bars and/ or padlocks on doors to the same.

The weather has been very kind to us this summer and, hopefully, this will continue for some time to come into the autumn season. Whilst completing local enquiries recently the lo-cal beat teams have noticed that some proper-ties have been left temporarily unoccupied with windows left open. Open windows can prove to be very attractive to criminals.

Of course, in the weather which we are ex-periencing, it is right to have windows open but ensure that windows are only left open in rooms which are occupied and only leave doors open when they are in full view. Over recent months, there have been sneak - in burglaries reported to our control room where the property occupants were in their own garden area. Fortunately, this has not happened on this beat area but it has on adjoining beat areas, in parishes not too far away.

Many legitimate businesses sell products door to door (windows, solar panels, cleaning products, home maintenance, tree surgeons etc.). Gas, electric and water companies will also visit to read meters. In addition, charities may visit to ask for donations or post collection bags

for you to fill and leave out for collection.However, scammers also do the above to

part you from your money, gain entry to your home to steal, or profit by posing as charities in order to collect donations.

Door to door scams involve selling goods or services that are not delivered or are very poor quality. You won’t get value for money and you may get billed for work you didn’t want or didn’t agree to.

Some scammers conduct surveys so they can obtain your personal details or disguise their real intent to sell you goods or services you don’t want or need.

Door to door sales are normally uninvited and the people selling MUST leave if you ask them too.

Even when a genuine business and prod-uct is being sold, unscrupulous employees can sometimes still act illegally.

If someone knocks at your front door claim-ing to be from a company always check their ID. If you are not happy, then do not let them in your home.

Never ring the telephone number on the ID card. Tell the caller to wait outside, shut the door and ring the company’s number from the tele-phone book or website.

During the summer months of this year, I have attended a number of exceptional annual, seasonal events across this, and other beat ar-eas, and these seem to be getting more popular year on year. A large amount of credit needs to be passed to the event organisers and exhibitors without which these occasions would not be pos-sible. The success of the same is dependent on the local community supporting these ventures and it has been very pleasing to see the events growing in popularity with local, and not so local, community members. Well done to you all.

As ever, please remain vigilant at all times, day and night and continue to report suspicious persons, vehicles and activity through to the Po-lice control room on 101, for non-urgent calls, or 999 as appropriate. Calls of this nature are im-portant, do make a difference and help to reduce crime figures further.

PC 1695 Bill Bailey is the beat manager for this area. His contact number is 07910 336844 and email address is:-

[email protected] This phone number and email address should only be used for non-urgent matters, including advice and information.

Thanks, as always, for all your continuedvigilance and support.

PCSO 8139 Dave Airey7

Dates for your Diary

Mon 5th Sept 7.30pm Hayton Parish Council Meeting Hayton Village Hall

Sat 10th Sept During the day Ride and Stride Fund Raising St Peter’s Church, Hayton

Sun 11th Sept 3.00pm Pet Service St Peter’s Church, Hayton

Mon 12th Sept 3.00pm Coffee & Chat Harefield, Church Lane, Hayton

Sun 16th Oct 3.00pm Harvest Festival St Peter’s Church, Hayton

Fri 16th Dec 7.30pm The Christmas Show St Peter’s Church, Hayton

Fri 23rd Dec 6.00pm Traditional Carol service St Peter’s Church, Hayton

TBC TBC TBC 50s Night Hayton Village Hall

Hayton+Tiln ContactsVillage Hall

EventsGraham 01777 860846

Linda 01777 471384

Village Hall Hire Marilyn 01777 704575

Paths Warden Howard 01777 869617


Chris 01777 949416

Elizabeth 01777 706623

Cyril 01777 706997

Gill 01777 705290

Email your news, views and articles for the news-letter to - [email protected]

Parish Council Chairman David Otter01777 707693

Parish Council website - haytonparish.co.uk

Local Church website - haytonchurch.btck.co.uk

Blue or Green Bin CollectionsWednesday 7th September Green

Wednesday 14th September Blue

Wednesday 21st September Green

Wednesday 28th September Blue

Wednesday 5th October Green

Lottery Winners - August 20161 Hilda Robinson2 John Pask3 Steve Brown4 Stella Rhoades5 Wayne Harrison

Local Church Services4th Sept10.30am

United Service HCfollowed by picnic Littleborough

11th Sept9.15am


St PetersHayton

11th Sept6.00pm Evening Worship St Johns


18th Sept10.30am


St JohnsClarborough

25th Sept11.00am Morning Prayer St Peters


25th Sept6.00pm


St JohnsClarborough

2nd Oct10.30am


St JohnsClarborough

Church advice and information contact ourVicar Revd Mark Cantrill 01777 711530