time machine - neil hughes


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Time Machine - Neil Hughes


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Page 2: Time Machine - Neil Hughes

My experiences of day services stretch back over 15 years. Starting originally in the north of England then moving to the Black Country. I used Hill Top Resource Centre in West Bromwich for more than 10 years. I did not really go out, despite the fact I love being active and seeing new things. As in a lot of day centres at the time, they used to do lots of art work, and what they called “in house” activities. If I am honest I was bored.

My name is Neil and this is my story.

If I am honest I was bored

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I recently moved to a service run by Sandwell Council known as South Enablement. This is based at the Windmill Centre, Smethwick. I come here four days a week. Before, my experiences were just contained in four walls, and my opportunities to lead a more independent life and make my own choices were limited; in the past people had really low expectations for people with learning disabilities and made decisions for us.

Now I am in control, and it’s my voice that shapes my opportunities.

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I have consistent support from Chris. Although there is no funding for me to have 1:1 support, Chris is the person I go out with. This works really well for me. I am supported to make my own choices about where I go and who I go with; this has made a significant difference to my experiences. Chris and I share similar interests so it’s more like going out with a friend than a paid worker.

Whenever I used to go out I always used the minibus, which meant I always travelled in a group to a group activity. Now I have my own bus pass and use the train, bus and metro. I am now seen in my community rather than being a stranger.

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My activities take me locally such as The Public to look at the different art exhibitions and use the interactive displays; Smethwick heritage centre as I am really interested in local history and just shopping in local shops. The difference now is I chose the activities.

Now I choose the activities

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Transport is a real interest of mine; boats, trains but especially planes more specifically model planes. I have also been fascinated by them and wanted to build one myself. Chris supported me to choose my own model; I needed somewhere to build it as I need materials, such as glue and paint for it. I joined active arts where I go each week to build my plane; I thoroughly enjoy it because its something for me and most importantly something I want to do.

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Recognising my interest in planes but not to be labelled a plane spotter, I visited Bobbington Green Airport, known officially as Wolverhampton Halfpenny Green Airport. I got to see the light aircraft take off and land. Absolutely brilliant!

To encourage my fascination with planes I travelled to RAF Cosford over the summer. I was very impressed with all the planes and the history that goes with each one. The day was excellent and I will remember it as one of the best days.

I will remember it as one of the best days

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Another place of interest was the Transport Museum, in Coventry. It was great; something for me to do, without the distraction of other people who may not enjoy the activity.

My interest in trains also took me to the Severn Valley Railway in Kidderminster. The train carriages are accessible to people with physical disabilities so I could have a ride on one. The experience was fantastic.

Other places I have been to have been are the art gallery in Walsall, stopping off also for a bit of lunch. These may seem insignificant to other people but to have this freedom and actually do something I enjoy is such a great feeling.

The experience was fantastic.

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The Leather Museum was another place I wanted to see. I travelled there by bus, Chris supporting me to plan my route. I had a private tour of the museum, chatting to a curator who had been in the leather industry for nearly 60 years. As part of my visit I learnt how to make a leather key ring, and I got to keep two.

As history is a keen interest of mine, I go to St Paul’s Church in Wolverhampton to look at the architecture. I was lucky enough to also to speak to the reverend, David, whilst there.

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My travels have taken me into Birmingham on the Metro to the rag markets to buy some DVDs and a gift for my friend.

My biggest dream is to go fishing; Chris and I looked into it, and I need to apply for a special permit. I decided I would try it first, so we are arranging to go to Albrighton Moat and Gardens, near Wolverhampton because the facilitates are accessible, for example, paths to the moat are suitable for people using wheelchairs and the toilet facilities are accessible also, which means we can spend a good length of time there!

My biggest dream is to go fishing

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I hope in the future I carry on doing as much, if not more, but at the moment there are so many more opportunities. It’s my life and I am playing the lead role in it for the first time.

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Going back in time to look at the lives of people with learning disabilities from a historical perspective and celebrating peoples positive lives and experiences now

Sandwell OfficeChanging Our LivesThe PublicNew StreetWest BromwichWest MidlandsB70 7PG

Wolverhampton OfficeChanging Our LivesNewhampton Arts CentreDunkley StreetWolverhamptonWest MidlandsWV1 4AN

Telephone: 0121 533 7174Email: [email protected]: http://www.changingourlives.org