time to introspect

Irritating Behaviours at work for sure to be taken care of Awareness is key to CHANGE. Half of our problems get solved if we are aware of our acts and behaviour which are not socially acceptable at workplace. Successful lives and careers are built on the foundation of the right values. Right values give us a strong sense of purpose. We need to engage ourselves in the process of self-examination some call it Inner awakening or inner engineering etc. but we must understand our values and priorities in life. Achievement without the right values can be self-destructive. With the right values, achievement can be deeply satisfying and fulfilling. Talent, skill, education, experience all are important but treating other people with courtesy and respect is a key ingredient in long-term professional success. Personally I feel almost at every work place we find people blessed with some unusual behaviour that at times if left unattended can seriously affect the productivity. The idea is to create awareness, as most of the time people are not even aware of their behaviour. So I request you to read this article carefully Though the list of people blessed with irritating behaviour is endless, but some of our behaviour that needs our attention...... People who thoughtlessly waste other peoples' time There are people at every workplace who love to waste their as well as others time thoughtlessly. We must learn to behave as if the people around us have more urgent needs than ours and we will never go wrong… and we will definitely be liked. We should avoid talking irrelevant things during the peak working hours. We should appreciate the importance of time and use it productively for ourselves and others. Tip - Resist the URGE to talk unnecessarily and waste time. People who deliberately ignore others Occasionally we all do it. We have a tendency to respect people in position and often ignore people who extend helping hand in performing our routine work effortlessly. We must learn to work for the Organization and stop working for people and position.

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Page 1: Time to introspect

Irritating Behaviours at work for sure to be taken care of

Awareness is key to CHANGE. Half of our problems get solved if we are aware of our acts and behaviour which are not socially acceptable at workplace.

Successful lives and careers are built on the foundation of the right values. Right values give us a strong sense of purpose. We need to engage ourselves in the process of self-examination some call it Inner awakening or inner engineering etc. but we must understand our values and priorities in life. Achievement without the right values can be self-destructive. With the right values, achievement can be deeply satisfying and fulfilling.

Talent, skill, education, experience all are important but treating other people with courtesy and respect is a key ingredient in long-term professional success.

Personally I feel almost at every work place we find people blessed with some unusual behaviour that at times if left unattended can seriously affect the productivity.

The idea is to create awareness, as most of the time people are not even aware of their behaviour. So I request you to read this article carefully

Though the list of people blessed with irritating behaviour is endless, but some of our behaviour that needs our attention......

People who thoughtlessly waste other peoples' time

There are people at every workplace who love to waste their as well as others time thoughtlessly. We must learn to behave as if the people around us have more urgent needs than ours and we will never go wrong… and we will definitely be liked. We should avoid talking irrelevant things during the peak working hours. We should appreciate the importance of time and use it productively for ourselves and others.

Tip - Resist the URGE to talk unnecessarily and waste time.

People who deliberately ignore others

Occasionally we all do it. We have a tendency to respect people in position and often ignore people who extend helping hand in performing our routine work effortlessly. We must learn to work for the Organization and stop working for people and position.

Page 2: Time to introspect

If you salute your job you don’t have to salute anybody If you pollute your job you have to salute everybody

People who continuously seek favours way too much

Our needs are our problems. The world doesn't owe us anything. We aren't entitled to advice or mentoring or success. The only thing we’re entitled to is what we earn. Our false sense of entitlement creates problems.

People tend to help people who first help themselves. And people definitely befriend people who look out for other people first, because we all want more of those people in our lives.

People managing others for their personal advantage

People at work place are looking for INCLUSIVENESS and they hate to be managed. Unfortunately most of us busy in managing people. I strongly believe good things always come back to you in the form of feeling good about yourself. And that's reason enough to help people who find themselves on the downside of advantage. Synonymous to Workplace Politics

Resist the urge to have biasness for people – Say No to FAVORTISNM

People asking question to start a conversation

I have come across people who would pretend to be showing genuine interest in you by asking questions that can lead a conversation beyond time – SMART MOVE.

Such people shoehorn their opinions under false pretence. I suggest only ask a question if you genuinely want to know the answer. And when you do speak again, ask a follow-up question that helps you better understand the other person's point of view. People like people who are genuinely interested in other people, not in themselves.

People getting and pulling around with “Do you know who I am?"

These are the people who aren't shown their "deserved" level of respect. They always give a false pretence that they are very close to the authorities and can manipulate things. Their behaviour is always in question as they have very awkward body language and mannerism.

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Always remember - People like you better when you don't act like you know you're somebody -- or that you think it entitles you to different treatment.

People trying to act funny

An unusual personality is a lot of fun. Yet when the going gets tough or a situation gets stressful, some people just can't stop "expressing their individuality." We know some people are funny and quirky. We know they march to the beat of their own drum. Still, there's a time to play and a time to be serious, a time to be irreverent and a time to conform, a time to challenge and a time to back off.

Knowing when the situation requires us to stop justifying our words or actions with an unspoken language makes all the difference between being likeable and being an idiot

People who mistake self-deprecation as permission to make fun of others

It's OK to make fun of certain things about yourself… but not for other people to make fun of you for those same things? Like marriage, or bad family relations and issues that are very personal.

It's OK when you poke a little gentle fun at yourself, but the last thing you want to hear are – that why you are not getting married etc.

Sometimes self-deprecation is genuine, but it's often a mask for insecurity. Never assume a person who makes fun of himself is giving you permission to poke the same fun at him.

Only tease when you know it will be taken in the right spirit. Otherwise, if you feel the need to be funny, make fun of yourself.

It is good to be PROFESSIONAL

People who humbly boast themselves

Humble big-headed people are full of themselves that tries to cover the show off with a face of humility so they can sing their own praises without appearing to rude. (I have used the word "appearing," because humble big headed are quite delighted with themselves for example people like me) No one wants to hear your achievements and your problems so before you self praise humbly or not, business or personal -- think about your audience.

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Just be proud of what you've accomplished. Let others praise for you. And I am sure if you've done cool things, they will.

People pushing their opinions

Agreed you know things. Cool, Great & Awesome but only share them in the right settings. If you're a mentor, share away. If you're a coach or a leader, share away. If you're the guy who just started please stay cool and contended you need to prove your mantle. What's right for you may not be right for others. Shoot, what you think is right for you might not even turn out to be right for you.

I am sure you too must have your own list of irritating behaviour. I would be glad to hear about them. Please do share your list with me.

CA Vinod.Kr Sharma Director Jagran Institute of Management 15th March 2015