time to purify your blood - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · baltic sea the mediterranean or lake...

I THE WASHINGTON TIMES VEDNESDAY JtfAECH 28 1906 y Count Con ditions Are Ideal ASCENSION AT WEST POIN Will Use Second Largest Carrier Flights Over Ocean Still Too Dangerous t AMERICA A MECCA FOR BALLOONISTS dela Vaulx Says lr t SEW YORK March de la Vaulx the famous French aeronaut was In conference today with Cortland Field Bishop and other officers of the zero Club of America and M Levee he French aeronaut who recntely made 1 sixtymile trip by balloon from West Point He made further arrangements- for tho ascent from West Point next Sunday for which he probably will use his second largest balloon LOrient capable of carrying one other person besides himself Denver to Washington in Forty Hours There is no question in my mind said the count that this country is tar the best for experiments on a large scale in aerial navigation In the first place Its great size makes it possible- to arrange for long flights Your pre- vailing westerly air currents would make a trip from Denver to few York easily possible I the trip from Denver to Washington could be com fortably covered in forty hours While we are still debarred from crossing the Atlantic we can vouch for the security of a balloon above an In land sea such as any of your Great Lakes We are able to do this through an apparatus known as starlsisators devised by M Heine and myself So such great stretches of water as the Baltic sea the Mediterranean or Lake Superior or Lake Michigan have no terrors for us any more May Cross Ocean Some Time- I even think the time Is coming and rowing soon when tho Atlantic or even the Pacific ocean can be passed over safely by balloons That day will not come however until the balloon be directed as certainly In the hori zontal plane as in the vertical But as are now the ocean is a dangerous snare Maritime ascen- sions differ from voyages over the land arises over the land necessitating an Imme diate descent it can bo made but over the sea the balloon must be left afloat until the coast or a vessel Is reached Several Speakers Will Tell of Work of Organization in Field Including Secretary Taft The District of Columbia branch of the Red Cross will hold a meeting at tho Belasco Theater Friday March 30 at 40 p in to which the public is in vited The purpose of this meeting Is to acquaint the public more with the purpose and work of the Red Cross The meeting wil be presided over by Commissioner H B F Macfarland The speakers will be William H Taft Sec rotary of War David A DeArmond- M C Simon Wolf Miss Mabel T Eoardman Col Valery Havard U S A who will describe the Ruwian and Capt Charles Lynch who will tell of the Japanese work Persons who desire to attend can admission cards at the Red Cross office S25 Colorado Building The American National Red Cross has made another remittance of through the State Department to the Japanese Red Cross for the relief of the famine sufferers making in all 130 000 which has been sent through the American Red Cross for the relief of the famine districts of Japan 2SCount tan BIG hEEl GROSS MEETING AT BELASCO OW FRIDAY ob- taIn OOO i r t greatly serv- ice ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WILL REVOLUTIONIZE CENSUSTAKING METHODS A Punch Instead of Pen 11 L The use or a punch instead ot- a pen by the 10000 enumerators in the field will revolutionize cen5ustakin methods 9 Instead of laboriously writing out the information the enumera tor will simply punch it In the card i f J- H t J l Ill r I 1is f 3 1 e- J e i 4 nt1t tlr r Y- r t r I y J t t a I et 1 z N t 3 = < Punch and Specially Pre pared Cards Will Old System A punch instead of a fountain pen will doubtless be the recording instrument of the 10000 field enumerators of the next decennial census If present plans can be perfected mechanically as seems probable a revolution In censustaking methods is promised The story is sim pleOf recent years the enumerator with a fountain pen wrote in the answers to the questions which he put 16 the people of the country In the spaces provided in the blank forms for that purpose This material was shipped into the Census Office here as raw material More than 1000 clerks in the last census were i formation into cards so that electrical tabulating machines might do the rest The machines human passed over the cards and wherever a hole had been punched an electric con tact resulted which added one to the count of the particular qualification or characteristic which the punch denoted Will Save One Process Xext time Dr North purposes to let the enumerator In the field punch the card The punch system eliminates one process or at least one process to which human minds must attend It is quite possible that another set of cards will have to be prepared from those which the enumerators execute In order to correct inaccuracies In the location of the holes but this correction the in ventors say can be done by machine They can feed Into it cards containing the irregularities of human touch and there will come out on the other side of the machine cards recording the same information but with holes of strict mechanical accuracy and regularity The enumerator can jot down his engaged for a year In this In Dis- place punching ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ When You have a Bad Breath r HATS the time to take a Cas caret When your tongue is coated When you have Heartburn Belching Acid Risings in throat When Pimples begin to peep out When your Stomach Gnaws or Burns the time to check coming Con- stipation Indigestion and Dyspepsia One single Candy Cascaret will do it if taken at the right minute Just when you first feel the need of it Cascaret in time Is worth nine later on Cascarets dont Purge nor Weaken nor waste Digestive Juices in flooding out the Bowels like Salts Castor Oil Physics act like Exercise on the I Muscles that shrink and expand the In- testines thus pushing the Food on Natur lly to its Finish the Bowel Muscles grow flabby 7 or lazy from want of the make them act Thats Constipation Castor Oil or Physic will help to slide out one load of trouble but they cant help the In fact they weaken the Bowel Muscles more than ever by slackening them and by doing work for which they should do for themselves When your ArmMuscles grow flabby they need Exercise to strengthen them not a sling o support them When your BowelMuscles grow flab by they need Exercise to strengthen Physic to pamper them Then carry the little tencent Vest Pocket box constantly with you and take a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need It One Cascaret at a time will promptly cleanse a foul Breath or Coated Tongue thus proving clearly its ready steady sure but mild and effective action Have the little lOc Emergency box of Cascarets constantly near you I All Druggists sell ten mU lion boxes a year for six years Be very careful to get the genuine made only by the Sterling Remedy Company and never sold in bulk Every tablet stamped CCC TO OVA FRIENDS t sun to oar a beastifnl GOLDPLATED BONBON BOX han namfcd In enters It Is a fer the dressing tattle cents la stamps is asked as r d faith aaa to caste Catnrets 5rftti which tHstEntytrlalcet Is leaded 755 r euatotdas this Address Sterling Chicago or New Ink j Food does not tickle them enough to them I themnot That themover pas- tA Butthey rr ed I I w 1 C 1j Cause- S k it- s t f t eta L e I FREt e Wet French t a then Exerciser ta ¬ ¬ ¬ > facts in half the time that it took him to write them If he punches the wrong place through accident or be- cause his subject changes an answer such as deeding that he fe thirtynine years aftr r he has given the num erator his age us forty wmt happens The pneumatic tire of tbe cycle suggests the remedy Th pastes on the back of the card an adhesive wafer which would close off the electric connection asset he makes a new punch This te really quicker than the use of a rubber erasure under the pencil system Patents Have Expired This development of Census Office work is an outgrowth of the efforts of the establishment to make Us own tab ulating machines The basic patents of the Hollerith Tabulating MaciMne Com- pany covering and controlling the whole system of mechanical tabulation by the punched card system expired on Jan- uary S last Anybody Is now at to build and use the machines upon which both the Eleventh and Twelfth censuses were tabulated without the payment of rent or royalty to anybody Under these circumstances and seem ingly without infringing at any point Mr Holleriths later patents the Cen sus Office proposes under the author construct an apparatus cheap er and more expeditious than yet devised which the Government can build and operate for about 10 per cent of th sum it must otherwise pay in royalties if it attempts to use automa tic machinery at the Thirteenth census The Machine Company has been asked to name a price at which it would sell to the the richt to use all its mechan isms covered by live patents with the privilege of further them along the Governments own lines Director North indicated his entire will ingnesswto submit to Congress any proposition the company would make to its rights and thu avoid any pos of conflict wtih Its patents No to this suggestion has ever received The companys objection these plans as the Census Office un Jt rests on the around that Government ought not to enter In competition with private parties In granted a YeAr ago to enum- erator liber- ty ity by Congress Gov- ernment ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I J CARD ENUMERATOR WOULD CARRY This card which has been made up in the Census Office for purposes of shows the general scheme The list under Place of birth of this person would be repeated under the two similar columns adjoining which in the model have left blank J THIRTtENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES I State of Supervisors No County of lJistrict um or towDlhlp pndDct d Or villa c dlrbkp 157 be 5fe NaMe er number of a Teet r 11- m Name l ptT3DfllllCJe jai tJ Jatn lVT1IDIe nt t t J I G eiGI1tJ- alJ NPoC tAe hc4ortAe razur 1i1eO D 8 Q 1Uie DIl OlaU9id SerarltO 01 0 x r I r I lZle QH9 J e lgee 00000 r S 0 I trth fch punta la the pYG the die u lot Bal IHnll Ih I Mal 1r1 or birth fit J Ann glace or birth of Mcmrn lj- I rl3 I f1i- a1tlh Am l nt k l I i- rk 1J G I S tatrl- I 010 Mn h If e I d r E r I C F Q I la honu u e I ra hina f i l 1 Uba t- j i1ho ti I I I MlWd- nd F ndl IEln1cd I I S l 11 I rans v- v Brt Una ID D J i JlA l S Iliad J Ga ee as ee I 1fT ii UoLtu linn arm iss YHnhtft 0 0 Q Ieko- nnt lorwaT KINO OF HOME I a oland rA 0 0 H nbA rGn J nlad rRu FrreO OWllt4 do M o ad f orlut L tI n UptuJI C toununu mtWd jty fCQOO ain Jtl or f- a wedc1- R u n 7b l 0 L 2- tr1nn l1othu 0 11 n f o h Va 0 I o l experiment been 3 tardYo1 District E71i67neratz0n Nr- oitl teen orotherdnl town luad the tyre noasamter ofit4ltaba order ottbitatto ear aced a o ewasrnc parrauis u aelty ntuxtsedtaitiallfaay- n 0000000 artfr 01 en7 Ohad lodger nrr bor QS 4rret1 ritl- Cafottt n t 6 w tl Irr 000000000 00O0e00 c Tla and If beta UaltdStto DtrlliGr on 7i s itbforIto tin C fry oalr tbu of tala per C- blaa z 0 wstnlia 0 I fifes a C- B S v- in t W rams 0 e cc- ce1E c rrt14 QartY1- n rkrlrr Ilfith her rhes si IeA rarnt 0f8tr aG Ids fJcntcdQ A7arf9s1 ti ve 1 a 000000- Da us1s 000000- o IIPATIOti trait tr rr L tra be puachrdrir fiasas8aiar aa r n r w q < < = μ any held of work where it granted patents The Appropriations Committees of Con cress are greatly pleased with what they see of the new scheme It accords also with President Roosevelts Idea of how nubile business time which elapses between the gather lug of material and the publication o results will be cut In two The six months which the country m wait to learn the total population last iime- will be reduced to three The census of Chinas 400000000 people can at last be taken cheaply and effectively If tbe re vivine old empire ever so decides And the machinery for this new system is so nearly perfected that the results In this article as probable may be regarded as practically assured EULOGIES IN THE HOUSE On motion of Mr Samuel of Pennsyl- vania the House of Representatives has fixed Sunday April 15 as the day for the delivery of eulogies in the House on the life character and services of tle late Representative George R Pat terson of Pennsylvania- On the same day eulogies will be de livered In memory of Representatives Marsh Pinckney and Castor haS It may bt safely that the predicted isa pre- dicted ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SHINOLASh- oe shining Is a pleasure when the SHINOLA Dauber and Polisher are used NO SOILING OF HANDS OR CLOTHESSHINES INSTANTLY AND ONE SHINE LASTS A WEEK The SHI2TOIA Outfit 35c at your dealers as above consists of a box of SHUJOLA lOc the SHZXTOA Dauber 5c of lambs wool guaranteed not to scratch the leather and the SUnrO LA Polisher 20c made of tanned skin with wool surface backed by flexible felt The Polisher imitates the movement of the cloth as used by bootblacks y Beware of Imitations Accept no Substitute SHINOLA COHPANY Rochester N Y specialist I examine eyes by the latest rrclhoJs especially to difficult cases 11 practice No extra for Can and cot booklet free The famous RYE years old tUB Order bJ phone Shoemaker Co E tablUhed 1S5X- S1 St X W Phone Main 1UXM 1906 Diaries Go at PriceY- our choice of any style in off marked price R P Andrews Paper 627 to 629 Xtoulciaaa Avenue 628 to 630 D Street TIMES WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Shlno your shoes with the BEST polish the modern Waterproof Paste Shoe Polish DEAR James K- f 7oa J3th St IiW All Our sterln stockonehalf SHOO MAKER Co- n She I e made I 1 ja2Iu a = Major Sylvester Scoffs At Epidemic of Thievery Declares There Has Been No More Thefts Within Last Fen Days Than in Any Similar Period There Is no epidemic of petty thievery in Washington according to Major Syl- vester Superintendent of Police Per sistent reports to that effect he de- clares are greatly exaggerated Major Sylvester said today Petty thieves have always operated- in this city otherwise thrice would be no need of the police force So far as I have been informed there have been no more thefts In Washington within the past week or ten days than in any of er similar period of time The detectives KIT CARSON POST WILL CELEBRATE TONIGHT Veterans Will Observe the Thirty ninth Anniversary of of Organization- The thirtyninth anniversary f Kit Carson Pest No 2 of the Potomac G A R will be celebrated at S oclock this evening in the mala hall at Grand Army headquarters Hl avenue Addresses sengs and recitations will make up a program of unusual entertainment and everything indicates a successful and patriotic cele bration- C S Wilder commander will 4e liver the address of welcome and the principal speaker will be the Dr Bailey Others who will in the program will be Miss Mary Buford Smith Mrs E S Mist Laura Collieon Mrs E V Wilcox E Middleton George H Lille bridge and the Tukoma Chorus under the direction of James W Dyer Two important features of the program will be the of the colors and sing frig of The StarSpangled Banner and a series of calls by a trumpeter from Fort Myer Robert Armour te chairman of the entertainment com- mittee JEALOUS SUITOR KILLS RIVAL GIRL AND SELF DALLAS Tex March 2S At 1 this morning W T Walker shot and instantly kilted Grover Record and Myrtle Smith and then killed himself and Miss Smith had just re to the Smith home when Walker them Jealousy was the cause the double murder and suicide PEOPLING OF PHILIPPINES Tee Peopling of the was subject of an Interesting and instruc lecture delivered last night by Dr E Jenks before the members guests of the Anthropological So at the rooms of the Cosmos Club Stafford who at one time was gov Rev orge oclOCk i also discussed W or Island or Guam i Existence Penn- sylvania partici- pate ice Ar- thur subject was by the ¬ ¬ ¬ ± ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ under Captain Boardman are competent and capable and wilt attend te nay case that demands serious attention Within the past ten days there been no loss or larceny anywhere near M This Is not being overrun by thieves nor is there of thieves In Washington The Police Department not pretend to recover everything that is the street but it is for things that are stolen and ef fort is made by police and detectives at the present time to hend the culprit in every larceny case we have on our books WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY GETS SUCCESSFUL TEST Interesting Transmission of Messages Takes Place at Points Near Arlington Va One t the met successful tests in wireless telegraph te r vrewMi Wash hasten took place yeetentay near n Va when mewagcB were ex- changed between the station of Dr Alexander Graham Bell at that place points The meeeage which came from the farthest point was from the steamer BermiNttan miles out from New York sari 369 mites front the Arlington station Tbe tests were signally successfoL The test kites were between 1STO and I7f feet in the air They carried a steel wire to which were attached about feet of antenna wire A Potter of the United States Weather Bureau stood at the end of the line with his head OB the wire With bis other hand he clasped that of G P who held the receiver The messages were thus transmitted through the bodies of the two men The longest and most important message toll about ten minutes in transmission Y M C A LAW CLUB SELECTS ITS OFICERS The Law Club of the Young Men Christian Association has elected thes officers A H McConniclc t K Daugherty vice president and Frank Buren secretary These officers will also act as an executive committee of the organization The following are the members of th court and counsel who will participate in the next case tried before club Chief Justice H K ass date justices J W Crawford Frank Buren counsel for the plaintiff- H C Long and F F Barker counsel for the defendant J W and H C Cooke has dt aR d tab the Ar- t the De stations at various nt- H the Da Ae antI Howell 1 batten and Forrest MacDonald ¬ ¬ < > ° TIME TO PURIFY YOUR BLOOD i Spring is natures time for renewing and 5fe puts on new life the sap vegetation the earth out from its Winter freezes and all respond to Springs call to v and purify themselves The change in the vegetable kingdom is no greater than the change which takes place in our physical sys lEss tems at this season few undergo it without of disorder During the Winter we live a shutin life as much as possible breathing the air of closed rooms and heated buildings we indulge our appetites more of the heavier richer foods and take exercise As a result the blood grows thick and sluggish the members whose duty it is to carry off the refuse of the body get dull and inactive from the lack of exercise etc and leave the waste matter in the system to sour and form impurities and acids which are taken up by the blood and distributed through its circulation Then as warmer weather comes on and we change our mode of the blood is aroused from its torpid state and stirred to quicker action and begins to throw off these accumulations causing Boils Eczema Acne rashes pimples scaly eruptions and itching burning skin diseases of various kinds In its to rid the system of these accumulated poisons the blood calls upon every member to assist but the system is often unequal to the struggle the energies give way Some four years ago I was suffering from impure blood the appetite grows the Spirits are de and a general rundown condition of the system I had no pressed and a general rundown Condition appetite was losing in flesh and an allgone tired feeling result To the return of that made me feel miserable I began the use of S S St IS after taking several bottles my skin was cleared of Spring means the return of disease for aU eruptions and took on a ruddy healthy glow that as weather IS to force the sured me that my blood had been restored to its normal warmer sure healthy condition My appetite was restored and I could seeds and of old chronic troubles eat anything put before me and as I regained my appe have dormant tits I increased in weight and that tired feeling which in worried me so much disappeared and I was onoe again system the Winter months my old salf VICTOR STTJBBINS ft TIME PII Cor Barthman Washington Aves Columbus Ohio R1FY YOUR BLOOD assisted and if we wish to pass this trying period of the year free from disorders and disease we must have our blood in good condition SSSis natures remedy being made from the roots herbs and barks of the forests and fields and has long been recognized as the King of Blood Purifiers and the greatest of all tonics It goes down into the circulation and its fine purifying and tonic effects SSS neutralizes any excess of acid in the blood making it and pure and cures Eczema Tetter Acne and all skin eruptions and dis eases promptly and permanently It adds to the blood the rich properties it is in need of and in every way prepares the system for the change from Winter to Spring SSS cures Rheumatism Catarrh Sores and Ulcers Contagious Blood Poison and any and all diseases arising from an impure or poisoned state of the blood and so thoroughly does it eradicate the cause that no signs of the trouble are ever seen in after years SS S is not an experiment but a success and its forty years of existence it has so thoroughly proven its worth that it is now the most widely known PURELY VEGETABLE and used blood purifier on the market One great point in its favor is that it does not con tain the trace of mineral to any of the delicate parts of the system which are naturally upset and somewhat deranged at this season If you have any evidences of a weak or impure condition of the blood the use of S S S and get the system pre pared for the depressing Summer months which are to follow on the blood and medical THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA A9 everything others THE TO Nature must be gently but particle of impurity or humor that may be there restores lost energy builds up he appetite and steadily and pleasantly tones up the entire system by e e t Y 5p G tr t I in x r 3 h- and out Poisons which lain fife perhaps NOW be re- moves thor ughlYeverY durin g ook t ¬ ¬ ¬ =

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Post on 13-Sep-2019




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Count Conditions Are Ideal


Will Use Second Largest CarrierFlights Over Ocean Still Too

Dangerous t



dela Vaulx Says



SEW YORK March de laVaulx the famous French aeronautwas In conference today with CortlandField Bishop and other officers of thezero Club of America and M Leveehe French aeronaut who recntely made

1 sixtymile trip by balloon from WestPoint He made further arrangements-for tho ascent from West Point nextSunday for which he probably will usehis second largest balloon LOrientcapable of carrying one other personbesides himselfDenver to Washington in Forty Hours

There is no question in my mindsaid the count that this country is tarthe best for experiments on a largescale in aerial navigation In the firstplace Its great size makes it possible-to arrange for long flights Your pre-vailing westerly air currents wouldmake a trip from Denver to few Yorkeasily possible I the trip fromDenver to Washington could be comfortably covered in forty hoursWhile we are still debarred fromcrossing the Atlantic we can vouch forthe security of a balloon above an Inland sea such as any of your GreatLakes We are able to do this throughan apparatus known as starlsisatorsdevised by M Heine and myself Sosuch great stretches of water as theBaltic sea the Mediterranean or LakeSuperior or Lake Michigan have noterrors for us any more

May Cross Ocean Some Time-I even think the time Is coming and

rowing soon when tho Atlantic oreven the Pacific ocean can be passedover safely by balloons That day willnot come however until the balloon

be directed as certainly In the horizontal plane as in the vertical

But as are now the ocean isa dangerous snare Maritime ascen-sions differ from voyages overthe land arisesover the land necessitating an Immediate descent it can bo made but overthe sea the balloon must be left afloatuntil the coast or a vessel Is reached

Several Speakers Will Tell of Work ofOrganization in Field Including

Secretary Taft

The District of Columbia branch ofthe Red Cross will hold a meeting attho Belasco Theater Friday March 30at 40 p in to which the public is invited The purpose of this meeting Isto acquaint the public more with thepurpose and work of the Red CrossThe meeting wil be presided over byCommissioner H B F Macfarland Thespeakers will be William H Taft Secrotary of War David A DeArmond-M C Simon Wolf Miss Mabel TEoardman Col Valery Havard U SA who will describe the Ruwian

and Capt Charles Lynch who willtell of the Japanese work

Persons who desire to attend canadmission cards at the Red Cross

office S25 Colorado BuildingThe American National Red Cross has

made another remittance ofthrough the State Department to theJapanese Red Cross for the relief ofthe famine sufferers making in all 130000 which has been sent through theAmerican Red Cross for the relief ofthe famine districts of Japan







i r













LThe use or a punch instead ot-

a pen by the 10000 enumeratorsin the field will revolutionizecen5ustakin methods 9Instead of laboriously writingout the information the enumerator will simply punch it In thecard i










J e

i4 nt1ttlr


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aI et


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Punch and Specially Prepared Cards Will

Old System

A punch instead of a fountain pen willdoubtless be the recording instrument ofthe 10000 field enumerators of the nextdecennial census If present plans canbe perfected mechanically as seemsprobable a revolution In censustakingmethods is promised The story is simpleOf

recent years the enumerator with afountain pen wrote in the answers to thequestions which he put 16 the people ofthe country In the spaces provided inthe blank forms for that purpose Thismaterial was shipped into the CensusOffice here as raw material Morethan 1000 clerks in the last census were i

formation into cards so that electricaltabulating machines might do the restThe machines humanpassed over the cards and wherever ahole had been punched an electric contact resulted which added one to thecount of the particular qualification orcharacteristic which the punch denoted

Will Save One ProcessXext time Dr North purposes to let

the enumerator In the field punch thecard The punch system eliminates oneprocess or at least one process to whichhuman minds must attend It is quitepossible that another set of cards willhave to be prepared from those whichthe enumerators execute In order tocorrect inaccuracies In the location ofthe holes but this correction the inventors say can be done by machineThey can feed Into it cards containingthe irregularities of human touch andthere will come out on the other side ofthe machine cards recording the sameinformation but with holes of strictmechanical accuracy and regularity

The enumerator can jot down his

engaged for a year In this In









When You have aBad Breath

rHATS the time to take a Cascaret

When your tongue is coatedWhen you have Heartburn

Belching Acid Risings in throatWhen Pimples begin to peep outWhen your Stomach Gnaws or Burns

the time to check coming Con-

stipation Indigestion and DyspepsiaOne single Candy Cascaret will do it if

taken at the right minute Just when youfirst feel the need of it

Cascaret in time Is worth ninelater on

Cascarets dont Purge nor Weakennor waste Digestive Juices in floodingout the Bowels like Salts Castor Oil

Physicsact like Exercise on the

I Muscles that shrink and expand the In-

testines thus pushing the Food on Naturlly to its Finish

the Bowel Muscles grow flabby7 or lazy from want of the

make them actThats ConstipationCastor Oil or Physic will help to

slide out one load of trouble but theycant help the

In fact they weaken the BowelMuscles more than ever by slackening

them and by doing work forwhich they should do for themselves

When your ArmMuscles grow flabbythey need Exercise to strengthen them

not a sling o support themWhen your BowelMuscles grow flab

by they need Exercise to strengthenPhysic to pamper them

Then carry the little tencent VestPocket box constantly with you andtake a Cascaret whenever you suspectyou need It

One Cascaret at a time will promptlycleanse a foul Breath or Coated Tonguethus proving clearly its ready steadysure but mild and effective action

Have the little lOc Emergency box ofCascarets constantly near you I

All Druggists sell ten mUlion boxes a year for six years

Be very careful to get the genuine madeonly by the Sterling Remedy Companyand never sold in bulk Every tabletstamped CCC

TO OVA FRIENDSt sun to oar a beastifnl

GOLDPLATED BONBON BOXhan namfcd In enters It Is a fer thedressing tattle cents la stamps is asked asr d faith aaa to caste Catnrets5rftti which tHstEntytrlalcet Is leaded 755

r euatotdas this AddressSterling Chicago or New Ink j

Food does not tickle them enough to

them I





Butthey rred




C 1jCause-










t athen






facts in half the time that it took himto write them If he punches thewrong place through accident or be-cause his subject changes an answersuch as deeding that he fe thirtynineyears aftr r he has given the numerator his age us forty wmt happens

The pneumatic tire of tbecycle suggests the remedy Th

pastes on the back of the cardan adhesive wafer which would closeoff the electric connection asset he makesa new punch This te really quickerthan the use of a rubber erasure underthe pencil system

Patents Have ExpiredThis development of Census Office

work is an outgrowth of the efforts ofthe establishment to make Us own tabulating machines The basic patents ofthe Hollerith Tabulating MaciMne Com-pany covering and controlling the wholesystem of mechanical tabulation by thepunched card system expired on Jan-uary S last Anybody Is now at

to build and use the machines uponwhich both the Eleventh and Twelfthcensuses were tabulated without thepayment of rent or royalty to anybody

Under these circumstances and seemingly without infringing at any pointMr Holleriths later patents the Census Office proposes under the authorconstruct an apparatus cheaper and more expeditious than yetdevised which the Government canbuild and operate for about 10 per centof th sum it must otherwise pay inroyalties if it attempts to use automatic machinery at the Thirteenth census

The MachineCompany has been asked to name aprice at which it would sell to thethe richt to use all its mechanisms covered by live patents with theprivilege of further themalong the Governments own lines

Director North indicated his entire willingnesswto submit to Congress anyproposition the company would make to

its rights and thu avoid any posof conflict wtih Its patents Noto this suggestion has ever

received The companys objectionthese plans as the Census Office un

Jt rests on the around thatGovernment ought not to enter Incompetition with private parties In

granted a YeAr ago to



ity by Congress














This card which has been made up in the Census Office forpurposes of shows the general scheme The list under

Place of birth of this person would be repeated under the twosimilar columns adjoining which in the model have left blank



State of Supervisors NoCounty of lJistrictum or towDlhlp pndDct d

Or villa cdlrbkp 157 be 5fe

NaMe er number of a Teetr



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DistrictE71i67neratz0n Nr-

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any held of work where it grantedpatents

The Appropriations Committees of Concress are greatly pleased with what theysee of the new scheme It accords alsowith President Roosevelts Idea of hownubile business

time which elapses between the gatherlug of material and the publication oresults will be cut In two The sixmonths which the country m waitto learn the total population last iime-will be reduced to three The census ofChinas 400000000 people can at last betaken cheaply and effectively If tbe revivine old empire ever so decides Andthe machinery for this new system isso nearly perfected that the results

In this article as probable maybe regarded as practically assured

EULOGIES IN THE HOUSEOn motion of Mr Samuel of Pennsyl-

vania the House of Representatives hasfixed Sunday April 15 as the day forthe delivery of eulogies in the Houseon the life character and services oftle late Representative George R Patterson of Pennsylvania-

On the same day eulogies will be delivered In memory of RepresentativesMarsh Pinckney and Castor


It may bt safely that thepredicted







SHINOLASh-oe shining Is a pleasure when the SHINOLADauber and Polisher are used


The SHI2TOIA Outfit 35c at your dealers as above consists of abox of SHUJOLA lOc the SHZXTOA Dauber 5c oflambs wool guaranteed not to scratch the leather and the SUnrOLA Polisher 20c made of tanned skin with wool surface backedby flexible felt The Polisher imitates the movement of the clothas used by bootblacks yBeware of Imitations Accept no Substitute



I examine eyes by the latest rrclhoJsespecially to difficult cases 11

practice No extra forCan and cot booklet free

The famous

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Order bJ phone

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1906 DiariesGo at PriceY-

our choice of any style inoff marked


R P Andrews Paper627 to 629 Xtoulciaaa Avenue

628 to 630 D Street



Shlno your shoes with the BEST polishthe modern Waterproof Paste Shoe Polish

DEAR James K-f

7oa J3th St IiW All Oursterln











Major Sylvester ScoffsAt Epidemic of Thievery

Declares There Has Been No More TheftsWithin Last Fen Days Than in Any

Similar Period

There Is no epidemic of petty thieveryin Washington according to Major Syl-vester Superintendent of Police Persistent reports to that effect he de-clares are greatly exaggerated

Major Sylvester said todayPetty thieves have always operated-

in this city otherwise thrice would be noneed of the police force So far as Ihave been informed there have been nomore thefts In Washington within thepast week or ten days than in any of ersimilar period of time The detectives



Veterans Will Observe the Thirtyninth Anniversary of

of Organization-

The thirtyninth anniversary f KitCarson Pest No 2 of thePotomac G A R will be celebrated atS oclock this evening in the mala hallat Grand Army headquarters Hl

avenue Addresses sengs andrecitations will make up a program ofunusual entertainment and everythingindicates a successful and patriotic celebration-

C S Wilder commander will 4eliver the address of welcome and theprincipal speaker will be the Dr

Bailey Others who willin the program will be Miss Mary

Buford Smith Mrs E S MistLaura Collieon Mrs E V Wilcox

E Middleton George H Lillebridge and the Tukoma Chorus underthe direction of James W Dyer Twoimportant features of the program willbe the of the colors and singfrig of The StarSpangled Banner anda series of calls by a trumpeterfrom Fort Myer Robert Armour techairman of the entertainment com-mittee


DALLAS Tex March 2S At 1this morning W T Walker shot andinstantly kilted Grover Record andMyrtle Smith and then killed himself

and Miss Smith had just reto the Smith home when Walker

them Jealousy was the causethe double murder and suicide

PEOPLING OF PHILIPPINESTee Peopling of the wassubject of an Interesting and instruc

lecture delivered last night by DrE Jenks before the members

guests of the Anthropological Soat the rooms of the Cosmos Club

Stafford who at one time was gov




also discussed Wor Island or Guam







subject was by





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under Captain Boardman are competentand capable and wilt attend te nay casethat demands serious attention Withinthe past ten days there been no lossor larceny anywhere near M

This Is not being overrun bythieves nor is there of thievesIn Washington The Police Department

not pretend to recover everythingthat is the street but it isfor things that are stolen and effort is made by police anddetectives at the present time tohend the culprit in every larceny casewe have on our books



Interesting Transmission of MessagesTakes Place at Points Near

Arlington Va

One t the met successful tests inwireless telegraph te r vrewMi Washhasten took place yeetentay near

n Va when mewagcB were ex-changed between the station of DrAlexander Graham Bell at that place

points The meeeage which came fromthe farthest point was from the steamerBermiNttan miles out from NewYork sari 369 mites front the Arlingtonstation

Tbe tests were signally successfoL Thetest kites were between 1STO and I7ffeet in the air They carried a steelwire to which were attached aboutfeet of antenna wire

A Potter of the United StatesWeather Bureau stood at the end ofthe line with his head OB the wire Withbis other hand he clasped that of G P

who held the receiver Themessages were thus transmitted throughthe bodies of the two men The longestand most important message toll aboutten minutes in transmission


The Law Club of the Young MenChristian Association has elected thesofficers A H McConniclc t

K Daugherty vice president andFrank Buren secretary These officerswill also act as an executive committeeof the organization

The following are the members of thcourt and counsel who will participatein the next case tried before clubChief Justice H K assdate justices J W CrawfordFrank Buren counsel for the plaintiff-H C Long and F F Barker counselfor the defendant J W andH C Cooke






the De stations at various


theDa Ae





and Forrest








iSpring is natures time for renewing and 5feputs on new life the sap vegetation the earth outfrom its Winter freezes and all respond to Springs call to vand purify themselves The change in the vegetable kingdom isno greater than the change which takes place in our physical sys lEsstems at this season few undergo it without of disorder

During the Winter we live a shutin life as much as possible breathing theair of closed rooms and heated buildings we indulge our appetites more of

the heavier richer foods and take exercise As a result the blood grows thick andsluggish the members whose duty it is to carry off the refuse of the body get dull andinactive from the lack of exercise etc and leave the waste matter in the system to sour andform impurities and acids which are taken up by the blood and distributed through itscirculation Then as warmer weather comes on and we change our mode of theblood is aroused from its torpid state and stirred to quicker action and begins to throw offthese accumulations causing Boils Eczema Acne rashes pimples scalyeruptions and itching burning skin diseases of various kinds

In its to rid the system of these accumulated poisons the blood calls upon everymember to assist but the system is often unequal to the struggle the energies give way

Some four years ago I was suffering from impure blood the appetite grows the Spirits are deand a general rundown condition of the system I had no pressed and a general rundown Conditionappetite was losing in flesh and an allgone tired feeling result To the return ofthat made me feel miserable I began the use of S S St IS

after taking several bottles my skin was cleared of Spring means the return of disease foraU eruptions and took on a ruddy healthy glow that as weather IS to force thesured me that my blood had been restored to its normal warmer surehealthy condition My appetite was restored and I could seeds and of old chronic troubleseat anything put before me and as I regained my appe have dormanttits I increased in weight and that tired feeling which inworried me so much disappeared and I was onoe again system the Winter monthsmy old salf VICTOR STTJBBINS ft TIME PIICor Barthman Washington Aves Columbus Ohio R1FY YOUR BLOODassisted and if we wish to pass this trying period of the year free from disorders and diseasewe must have our blood in good condition S S S is natures remedy being made from theroots herbs and barks of the forests and fields and has long been recognized as the King ofBlood Purifiers and the greatest of all tonics It goes down into the circulation and

its fine purifying and tonic effects S S S neutralizes any excess of acid in the bloodmaking it and pure and cures Eczema Tetter Acne and all skin eruptions and diseases promptly and permanently It adds to the blood the rich properties it is inneed of and in every way prepares the system for the change from Winter to Spring S S Scures Rheumatism Catarrh Sores and Ulcers Contagious Blood Poison and any and all

diseases arising from an impure or poisonedstate of the blood and so thoroughly does iteradicate the cause that no signs ofthe troubleare ever seen in after years SS S is not anexperiment but a success and its fortyyears of existence it has so thoroughly provenits worth that it is now the most widely known

PURELY VEGETABLE and used blood purifier on the market Onegreat point in its favor is that it does not con

tain the trace of mineral to any of the delicate parts of the system whichare naturally upset and somewhat deranged at this season If you have any evidences ofa weak or impure condition of the blood the use of S S S and get the system prepared for the depressing Summer months which are to follow on the blood andmedical THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA A9



THE TONature must be

gently but particle of impurity or humor that may be there restoreslost energy builds up he appetite and steadily and pleasantly tones up the entire system by

e e



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