times herald. (palatka, fl) 1911-11-03 [p...

T J ii I CRYSTAL RJVER NEWS P KLJliDSK Editor Entered nt the Piiatofllee florldai as second class wall stutter Slnrih- ADVBKTIRINO 11ATK8 Transient mlvertlsoments 15 cents per by tho month per Incticnch Insertion Speclnl rotes will bo advertIsers vlslilnpc to contract nilrortlsluit apiico l y the year Locitl no li punt por lino onuli Inicrtlon Pre Hallo veea Party The Earnest Workers of the Prosbytoran churohgavo a party- in Bosllerts Hall on Monday was largely at tended and from which tho sum of over 2300 was realized The ladies had prepared n large amount of good things for the eaters and the refreshment tablo was well patronized The fishing pond was in one corner of time room and tho bait used was silver We presume that the larger the bait the larger tho catch Some of tin younger generation made the at mosphere jingo with the evi- dence of their enjoyment and wealeo notice that N B which does not mean take notjCo was among the happy juveniles In the southeast corner was where Romany held forth and paraded before the seekers after tho Hidden things of the future her thorough masteryof the oc- cult They say that time seercss vhos name wo will not reveal for it is a secret that is well known surpassed the sagest of tie sago in especially helpful- art and several people of they themselves knew to ers knew how to lit 7 UOOPElt nen each 10 cents hon cycnin which oven h r 1- 1ak0 it and tV 1 ec tlllug tht the orhig 1 r I O- T5013SOItIPTIO vAI- t i lnsurttotal ro told thin s bo true i It all t yetliertite okotl ing was ItappT p in placid contolitthc we- t tltitg1t pass ¬ ¬ ¬ = Halloween Party JUisB Nellie Miller oEall- oweJen Party home in honor of tha i pupils of the school Jt well attended anti will be a topic of conversation for some timq to conic Of course the ghost was in quite ghostly apparel im- personated in a ghostly manner by Miss Nellie Miller The for- tune teller was Elsie Masters and the witch was Elsie Miller all of whom were appropriatly garbed Tho evening was largely taken up in tao playing of games and tbo gamo gamut was run almost to its entire length Olapp in Clapp out Equilibrium diving for apples and pecans blowing out candles by those who blindfolded in fact every stopping just short of mumble the peg introduced Apples candy pecans and were served The stirring incident of tho evening was thu burning of an upholstered chair origin of the lire is linden in the depths of deepest mystery Some do say that it caught from a jack o lantern the light i was supposed- to add to the gruosomness oi the hour others however say that a certain diffident man who occupied the eMir twisted at such a lively rate saw best girl chat another that the fric- tion caufeoa the subsequent hold gave upper wore grste quo from whi young wrung h t ng with r r et J 1 ted I OJ r I If 1 f t f lk- y at her grado was be jig j n t I game were pea- nuts V Tile L s Y and hgtt p his r LOIN it Caught Ir- 7 r4 iJh Y ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + < ° the chair did tako Wise council prevailed in the emerg- ency and under thoablo loader ship of Elsio Masters mid Tommy Hoyt ft fire promptly and bj intrepid spirits Burled selves upon tho of flame To the minds of some the department was not equal to the strain put upon it and this condition furnished the sittings- for one of the heroic incidents vof history A mod sst re tiring young man of auburn ringlets whqsc voice is but seldom heard n public noting the opportunity securing a Camagie medal grabbed n tub of water apples IUd pecans and promptly put fire departmentanb al most extinguished th6 firs In toot Ohiis did put out the fire nor the sweat running down hie noble brow fell upon the seeth- ing mass andthecity For Congressmanat large Brooksville Florida Oct101911 TILE DKlfOOrATIC VOTKB3 OP TUB iTATE OF FLOKIDAt I hereby announce my candi lacy for Congressman from the state at Largo subject to the choice of the Democratic party lint will be expressed through the primary election to be held luring time year 1912 Later on I will diseues before die people the political and eco- nomic issues of the day but I desire in makingihis to say that I heartily in lorso the last Democratic Na oipual platform and iugofar as it touches questions Of Inportance in the pending Oongressiondl Campaign 1 adopt mud make it part and parcel 0f this declaration of principals I favor a tariff for revenue only If elected allaiumisR it shaft tfr l wmse y and cooperate with the DoniOf crane meniberjof the jn an effort tp relieve the country from many of the oppressive and fire e i rts t was saved i O i literally 1 t Uc iso t organized e t mil surfing billows airtime t announce- ment ft ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > unjust of tho tariff schedules and if tnissiouod as one of your Jpii- gressmen I pledge myself such member df Congress to make an earnest and faithfu effort for the enactmentof in harmony progressive thoiightof the count try consonant with Democratic principles- I cooperation- of Ooanty State and Natibfiin the construction and mainteiiV- ance oH permanent good roadffiil the interest of nIl the people Good roads mean prosperity a benefitto pie whff live in the cities this towns and an advantage tho people who live in the country Qobb like good make them i they aluo of farm landsi transpyr4- tation And Odd mitold wealth io the producers and consumers qf the couatry bftautifyj the country i n touch wi h each pro mote the oduca tionaland the industrial Of tho Respectfully GOt Martin Coopero Piano W N Potter of ratbjvh N Y bas Idhli posieaBloria Which to values Wghlj und 4 Jtend of to W visitors by D Peoie of made the piano and tho ffr at novielB bought It Afterward h it to Judgo Stewart Had after through df D P Jacobs of Milfqrd andhls daughter H camo into thpso o Potter jtj8of six octite mahogany com legis- lation t r the nctt Ve progress ttfrllt the p Blr J Good olld no elrg o pl T I f C tl Wan owp ed Jan e F lIb1b r s r 1 r u rf republi- can n with tli be s favor t roads habitatioih along de- sirable o facilitate and bring other and serial progress very Coop i the iihnd land frpmeof plalndoalgn- t t s ¬ ¬ ¬ > = DIET OF THE TEETOTALER f Ho Telia What Ho Ate and Drank During Day of Golf and Business vi- i was Just recalling what Iliad taken In the of rofreshment to- day said a teetotaller to his when heCamo homo to dinner on of the hottest days and it makes mo astonished that there are not cases of upsot stomachs You know I up early and went up to play golf Well for breakfast I had chop cereal coffee toast and a couple of bananas After Idplayed the six hill1 holes- I had a drink of Ice water and after playing the fifteenth hole wo repaired to the shanty of the flagman on the railroad and had one of his lemona des which ho makes for the thirsty golfers and through which trade ho probably makes more than his wages amount to After wod finished I had a dish of ice cream and two large glasses of excellent milk Then I took a show er bath dressed and went down town tarrying for a pineapple Ice cream soda and a glass of Ico water For lunch at my usual downtown restaurant I took a lettuce nnd toma to sandwich Iced tea a good sized section of watermelon and a piece of cocoanut plo About fifteen minu tea after f I took an egg chocolate at a soda fountain And hero I am ready for dinner and not awaro of any Ill effects from tho variety of foods and drinks 1vo taken HE AROUSED HER INTEREST Woman Didnt Want Books or bbt Lotion for Wrinkles Was Different Madame the gentlemanly agent I am selling a of the greatest poems overwritten The book In finely bound containing 697 andI dont carp forppetry You will havo to cxcuso meT In that caep rnaam perhaps would liko to see A Bible that I am selling It contains a handy lndet which will find any name or quotation without No Ive have ill the Bibles wo want I am rcry busy you are Interested In art I furnish you with replicas of all the old masters so that no would be ablo Ve have all the aift wo I must afik to lection of the worlds prose plecda It is the most handsome vol- ume1 alamb clock I PIc- tureD pageS tf clever t f ou War fife more got said you can onto went I master ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ No I dbht card to be bothered any further Good day I am handling lotion that is to remove wrinkles in one night It is recommendedby just step in and be wont please Do you carry a with immediate t- I heard recently of a mother smacked her small boy because he She remarked that if that would not euro the child sho did not know what would She evidently had no idea that squinting is a nervous un- less it comes from a deformity of the eye which generally cured by operation and that sometimes It is a symptom of serious brain disorder Most of the ugly tricks that chil- dren develop in childhood are clmpiy tbs result of nerros and to attempt- to cure them by nagging or worst possible Way sot about It Itis very important that they ehould remedied Because sometimes these tricks Imprebsldhs that Into dult life And spoil tho nppcaranco 6r tho manners or perhaps nd also may considerably Injure the Inefficient parla PjoatoffjeCf of commercq and foreign chambers of in tParlaY to say nothing of thousands Of Pivt to Individuals have been com- plaining bitterly of the df English malls by the first post In Paris rery morning Thd malls get into Paris at ten minutesto sit If the train is very late they sometimes do not arrive there before 616 When this happens tho letters are never delivered until thesecond post which means that not got them much before midday for newspapers and printed matter ev4r delivered by ftrtt post la ParW lip matter early they arrive Tho French sepa o has or dared aa xhaustivft into tho matter but thorp mays iulrfejf ordered befpro and the promea amendmenta few Meanwlbile the and ijopspapers continup tcgonlvo f nt d can be owqver hav J oth U1go theIr l aro J b J s sII arl sJ 111c U iTi1I r fJL- r guar- anteed seated you you for delivery 8qulntinq 4 who affection tar oven bealthj cbamber the mon dollyery these An letters late and tbo tradtict fare Cor baptinddbt IAadgn- Tc f1 i e ttl- f Pa il F ¬ ¬ < > > = Rope Mending and Hanging Reels and Artificial Bait rv SherwinWilliams Paints Wbolseys and MotorBoat Hardware at Mrs Mary P No One Knows Your BusinesSjow- l Well as You do Yiurseli A DONT permit yourself to beinvegedjntPiinye8tin get rich quick t purpose of getting you poor quick Uttigvon for dfeposit it i r c MllrBt e tit oM I J l f t f i i t f f J l t 1 i 1 j 1 f a t 1riL- ardl Cans t f I Twine laX r i I and Cotton rab N 1t i j J 1 I trj t I White t Jr j I 1 p J i r f i 1 I f i tfi liIH It 0- j n 7 I r i Zl1 if f ESTATE OF t i- tl t th l r Sf I I to f l 1 Nm n 1fI rt w tL1 f t r f J- r o- fifjir1 t l t- L q 1 J it i t Ij1t Jj Your Business c J1If1 IlJ 1 J 11 i TJlJ1L1 it g I l p propositions olUzc J 00 of r- l dnti t o fr r I tin A dffj t 4 f A f I 1 i 1 to 1 1 I a y- Q4F r f Fishing Tackle Gill Net j odd end Webs ets Hooks J r w x Copper Paint Lead brass solil3h Williars Allyn r d y i r 4t l- y Ain BQelyf pry r You go wrong inseoidmig high rates izmterss6- s on of J money abut n- l atfn 1 n h < > > < < < < <> <> < > < > + I f If mute Business C r j 1 Lv J iJiJl1 r 1 ItI t Jf 1 1 J 1 i J I It i JI 1 I f fAit 11 B HppY t e f i Happy the girl hMP9 I cUr unJ i r womanhood ho balftI1 t she rPt rd l womans tonlcl j Itls an turalmedl Jn e f7i It has been than 50 years It t tu UsJ iUd i i J T J iO r t j r r f J I I I Tenn says I think 21 ode rt 1 Stl WIth the very best J everything a cr with Now j I men i coJit to uU nen I tit cant praise Jt As o tired J1 bl tOday i Adaorr DtPLCha 1f11 i r r lJl i r- L lJ r r- I Ff LOr r rA 1711 II U t gS y DRnprQ FQ Ui dif iT MV Ll fr it I 1 SfI i1I 1 fI- 1lt t f t i Jt I N l- tr01 f 1 1 t i Aa eul couservativ e IJegt Banking y onductf- x v ky 5 9 M Bank of IysLaI Rie Irt- w v a y l i Y4- kt orwoman whg hA any of the diseasesof Or sufferer happy Is If she las teamed othewnnds benefits the r- yv 1 Cardul is itgenlle totilc remedy forwomens Y i 4- f harmless purely vegetable In use for more cuted thousands do the same for yliu r- SARDU I1woiawnnk 7 a beaver here fa nattonict as used It results hid backache and early a woman coultC until 1 took Cardul cJ I feel better than have l shall Ash always rr flier toe f ltghly a nth 1 Wpmout a safe an ro w 1t V- 1Vrlri Lade neon Meeldaa Ca fr aa boo 4 IM i J Y l 11 < > > > < + < > > > > > < > < ° ° +

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Post on 18-Mar-2020




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ii I


P KLJliDSK Editor

Entered nt the Piiatoflleeflorldai as second class wall stutter Slnrih-


Transient mlvertlsoments 15 cents perby tho month

per Incticnch Insertion Speclnl rotes willbo advertIsers vlslilnpc to contractnilrortlsluit apiico l y the year Locitl no

li punt por lino onuli Inicrtlon

Pre Hallo veea Party

The Earnest Workers of theProsbytoran churohgavo a party-

in Bosllerts Hall on Mondaywas largely at

tended and from which tho sumof over 2300 was realized

The ladies had prepared n

large amount of good things for

the eaters and the refreshmenttablo was well patronized

The fishing pond was in onecorner of time room and tho baitused was silver We presumethat the larger the bait thelarger tho catch Some of tinyounger generation made the atmosphere jingo with the evi-

dence of their enjoyment andwealeo notice that N B whichdoes not mean take notjCowas among the happy juveniles

In the southeast corner waswhere Romany held forth andparaded before the seekers aftertho Hidden things of the futureher thorough masteryof the oc-

cultThey say that time seercss vhosname wo will not reveal for itis a secret that is well knownsurpassed the sagest of tiesago in especially helpful-art and several people of

they themselves knew to

ers knew how to




nen each 10 cents


cycnin which

ovenh r


it andtV

1ec tlllug tht theorhig



I O-


i lnsurttotal


toldthin sbo true i

It all t yetliertite okotling was ItappT p inplacid contolitthc we-







Halloween Party

JUisB Nellie Miller oEall-oweJen Party home inhonor of tha i pupilsof the school

Jt well attended anti willbe a topic of conversation forsome timq to conic

Of course the ghost was inquite ghostly apparel im-

personated in a ghostly mannerby Miss Nellie Miller The for-

tune teller was Elsie Mastersand the witch was Elsie Millerall of whom were appropriatlygarbed

Tho evening was largely takenup in tao playing of games andtbo gamo gamut was run almostto its entire length Olapp inClapp out Equilibrium divingfor apples and pecans blowingout candles by those whoblindfolded in fact everystopping just short of mumblethe peg introduced

Apples candy pecans andwere served

The stirring incident of thoevening was thu burning of anupholstered chair originof the lire is linden in thedepths of deepest mysterySome do say that it caught froma jack o lantern thelight i was supposed-to add to the gruosomness oi thehour others however say that acertain diffident man whooccupied the eMirtwisted at such a lively rate

saw best girl chatanother that the fric-

tion caufeoa the subsequent hold




grste quofrom whi


ht ng with

r r et J 1 tedIOJ r

IIf1 f t




at hergrado


be jig







V Tile


Y and

hgtt p his


LOIN it Caught


7 r4

iJh Y








the chair did tako Wisecouncil prevailed in the emerg-ency and under thoablo loadership of Elsio Masters mid TommyHoyt ft firepromptly and bjintrepid spirits Burledselves upon thoof flame To the minds of somethe department was not equalto the strain put upon it and thiscondition furnished the sittings-for one of the heroic incidents vof

history A mod sst re tiringyoung man of auburn ringletswhqsc voice is but seldom heardn public noting the opportunitysecuring a Camagie medal

grabbed n tub of water applesIUd pecans and promptly put

fire departmentanb almost extinguished th6 firs Intoot Ohiis did put out the firenor the sweat running down hienoble brow fell upon the seeth-ing mass andthecity

For Congressmanat largeBrooksville Florida



I hereby announce my candilacy for Congressman from thestate at Largo subject to thechoice of the Democratic partylint will be expressed throughthe primary election to be heldluring time year 1912

Later on I will diseues beforedie people the political and eco-

nomic issues of the day but Idesire in makingihis

to say that I heartily inlorso the last Democratic Naoipual platform and iugofar as ittouches questions Of Inportancein the pending OongressiondlCampaign 1 adoptmud make it part and parcel 0fthis declaration of principals Ifavor a tariff for revenue only

If elected allaiumisR it shafttfr l wmse y

and cooperate with the DoniOfcrane meniberjof the jnan effort tp relieve the countryfrom many of the oppressive and


e i rts


was saved

i O



1 t

Uc iso

torganized e t


surfing billows











unjust of thotariff schedules and if

tnissiouod as one of your Jpii-

gressmen I pledge myselfsuch member df Congress tomake an earnest and faithfueffort for the enactmentof

in harmonyprogressive thoiightof the counttry consonant with Democraticprinciples-

I cooperation-of Ooanty State and Natibfiinthe construction and mainteiiV-ance oH permanent good roadffiilthe interest of nIl the peopleGood roads meanprosperity a benefittopie whff live in the cities thistowns and an advantage thopeople who live in the countryQobb like goodmake them

i they aluoof farm landsi transpyr4-tation And Odd mitold wealth iothe producers and consumers qfthe couatry bftautifyjthe countryi n touch wi h each promote the oducationaland the industrialOf tho

RespectfullyGOt Martin

Coopero PianoW N Potter of ratbjvh N Y

bas Idhli posieaBloria Whichto values Wghlj und 4 Jtend of

to W visitorsby

D Peoie of madethe piano and tho ffr at novielBbought It Afterward h it toJudgo Stewart Had afterthrough df D P Jacobs ofMilfqrd andhls daughter H camo intothpso o Potter jtj8of sixoctite mahogany



lation t


the nctt Ve

progress ttfrllt

the p



Good olldno

elrg o

pl T



tl Wan owped Jan e F lIb1b r


r 1ru rf



with tli be s



roadshabitatioih along de-

sirable o


and bringother and





the iihnd

landfrpmeof plalndoalgn-

t t








Ho Telia What Ho Ate and DrankDuring Day of Golf and


i was Just recalling what Iliadtaken In the of rofreshment to-

day said a teetotaller to hiswhen heCamo homo to dinner onof the hottest days and it makes moastonished that there are notcases of upsot stomachs

You know I up early and wentup to play golf Well for breakfastI had chop cereal coffeetoast and a couple of bananas

After Idplayed the six hill1 holes-I had a drink of Ice water and afterplaying the fifteenth hole wo repairedto the shanty of the flagman on therailroad and had one of his lemonades which ho makes for the thirstygolfers and through which trade hoprobably makes more than his wagesamount to

After wod finished I had a dish ofice cream and two large glasses ofexcellent milk Then I took a shower bath dressed and went down towntarrying for a pineapple Ice creamsoda and a glass of Ico water

For lunch at my usual downtownrestaurant I took a lettuce nnd tomato sandwich Iced tea a good sizedsection of watermelon and a pieceof cocoanut plo About fifteen minutea after f I took an eggchocolate at a soda fountain

And hero I am ready for dinnerand not awaro of any Ill effects fromtho variety of foods and drinks 1votaken


Woman Didnt Want Books orbbt Lotion for Wrinkles

Was Different

Madame the gentlemanlyagent I am selling a of thegreatest poems overwritten The bookIn finely bound containing 697

andIdont carp forppetry You will

havo to cxcuso meTIn that caep rnaam perhaps

would liko to see A Bible that I amselling It contains a handy lndetwhich will find anyname or quotation without

No Ive have ill the Bibles wo wantI am rcry busy

you are Interested In art Ifurnish you with replicas of all theold masters so that no

would be abloVe have all the aift wo I

must afik to

lection of the worlds proseplecda It is the most handsome vol-ume1






clevert f















No I dbht card to be bothered anyfurther Good day

I am handling lotion that isto remove wrinkles in one

night It is recommendedbyjust step in and be wont

please Do you carry awith immediate t-

I heard recently of a mothersmacked her small boy because he

She remarked that if thatwould not euro the child sho did notknow what would

She evidently had no idea thatsquinting is a nervous un-less it comes from a deformity of theeye which generally cured byoperation and that sometimes It isa symptom of serious brain disorder

Most of the ugly tricks that chil-dren develop in childhood are clmpiytbs result of nerros and to attempt-to cure them by nagging or

worst possibleWay sot about It

Itis very important that theyehould remedied Becausesometimes these tricksImprebsldhs that Intodult life And spoil tho nppcaranco 6rtho manners or perhaps ndalso may considerably Injure the

Inefficient parla PjoatoffjeCfof commercq and

foreign chambers of intParlaY to say nothing of thousands OfPivt to Individuals have been com-plaining bitterly of thedf English malls by the first post InParis rery morning Thd malls getinto Paris at ten minutesto sit Ifthe train is very late they sometimesdo not arrive there before 616When this happens tho letters arenever delivered until thesecond postwhich means thatnot got them much before middayfor newspapers and printed matter

ev4r delivered by ftrtt postla ParW lip matter early theyarrive Tho French sepa o has ordared aa xhaustivft into thomatter but thorp mays iulrfejfordered befpro and thepromea amendmenta few

Meanwlbile the andijopspapers continup tcgonlvo


nt d

can be


J oth


theIr l






sJ 111c

UiTi1I rfJL-




you for delivery








mon dollyery




and tbo tradtictfare Cor baptinddbt IAadgn-

Tc f1 i e ttl-

f Pa ilF







Rope Mending and Hanging

Reels and Artificial Bait rvSherwinWilliams Paints Wbolseys

and MotorBoat Hardware at

Mrs Mary

PNo One Knows Your BusinesSjow-l Well as You do Yiurseli A

DONT permit yourself to beinvegedjntPiinye8tinget rich quick t

purpose of getting you poor quick


for dfeposit

it i rc

MllrBt e tit oM I

J l ft f i

i tf f J l t

1i 1

j 1f a



ardl Cans t f I

Twine laX r i Iand Cotton rab N 1t ij J

1I trj


White t Jr j


1p J ir f i 1 If


tfi liIH It0-

j n 7 Ir


iffESTATE OF t i-

tl tth

l r


I to

f l 1Nm n 1fI rt w tL1 f


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fifjir1t l t-

L q 1 Jiti

t Ij1t Jj

Your Business c


IlJ 1 J 11 iTJlJ1L1 it g Il p

propositions olUzc


of r-

ldnti t o fr r

Itin A dffj t

4 f Af I 1

i1 to 1 1


a y-

Q4F r


Fishing Tackle Gill Net j

odd endWebs ets

Hooks Jr

w xCopper Paint Lead brass solil3h

Williars Allynr


y i

r4t l-



BQelyfpry r

You go wrong inseoidmig high rates izmterss6-s on of Jmoney abut n-

l atfn 1n h







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> <




fIfmute Business C r

j1 Lv



1 ItIt Jf 11

J 1



JI1 IffAit

11B HppY te f i

Happy the girl hMP9 I cUr unJ i rwomanhood ho balftI1 tshe rPtrd l womans tonlcl

jItls an turalmedl Jn ef7iIt has been than 50 years It ttu UsJ iUd i i



r r



ITenn says I think 21ode rt 1

StlWIth the very best Jeverything a cr withNow j I

men icoJit to uU nen I titcant praise Jt As o tiredJ1 bl tOday

iAdaorr DtPLCha1f11 ir r lJl

i r-

L lJr r-

I FfLOr r rA 1711 II U tgS y DRnprQ FQ Ui difiT MV Llfrit

I 1

SfI i1I

1fI-1lt t

ft i Jt INl-

tr01 f1


t i

Aa eul couservative IJegtBanking




v ky5 9 M

Bank of IysLaI Rie Irt-

wv a y l

i Y4-


orwoman whg hAany of the diseasesof Orsufferer happy Is If she las teamed othewnndsbenefits the r-

yv1 Cardul is itgenlle totilc remedy forwomens



4-fharmless purely vegetable

In use for morecuted thousands do the same for yliu r-

SARDU I1woiawnnk7

abeaverhere fa nattonict as used It

results hid backache and earlya

woman coultC until 1 took Cardul cJI feel better than have l shall Ashalways rr fliertoe fltghly a nth 1

Wpmout a safe anrow 1t V-

1Vrlri Lade neon Meeldaa Cafr aa boo





















