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  • 1.Sunnybrae Normal SchoolLearning Support ClassRoom 4 Timetable (Monday to Thursday)

2. Block 1 08:55AM Haere Mai Welcome Songcan you pat the beaton yourself somewherehands on hips move side to sidecan you bend your knees bend your knees just so roll your hands round and round they go 3. Block 1 (continued) 09:05AM Morning RollGood Morning Mrs. Pretorius 4. Block 1 (continued)09:10 AM Fitness / Movement to Music 5. Block 1 (continued) 09:15 Drink WaterToilet + Wash Hands 6. Block 1 (continued) 09:20 Handwriting Groups Challenge Tracing Basic TracingWorksheetWorksheet for for Emergent WritersEmergent Writers Stars Group Moons Group Suns Group Rockets Group Oral Language andTrace all + Write 1 wordTrace all + Write 3 wordsSentence Writing in linedexercise book 7. Block 1 (continued) 10:00AM Eagle SamEagle Sam watches the students during the day, and catches them being good.That night he writes a special note to each of those students, and the notes arepresented by the teacher the next morning. 10:05AM News Two or three students share their news every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The students greet the class, saying good morning class and use Makaton Sign. Parents follow the Personal Recount Format when they prepare news with their child. The students are exposed to the symbols used in the personal recount, as they learn to share their news with the class. Parents also write a little more detail about the recount, so that the teacher is well informed and able to prompt the student to add more detail to their news. 8. Block 1 (continued) 10:10AM Maths We follow the Numicon Programme, which is a multi-sensory approach to learning. Multi-sensory programmes are particularly helpful for children with learning difculties. Numicon helps with patterning, exploration, language, visualisation, socialisation 9. Morning Tea 10:40AM Morning Tea Students line up at the sink to wash their hands. They each stand on numbered footprints and gradually move forward. Hand washing is monitored by a teacher-aide to ensure that the job is done well. Students then get their lunch boxes out of their bags, and sit down at a table to eat their Morning Tea snacks. Teacher-aides monitor the eating and drinking to ensure that the students dont choke/ aspirate and to ensure that they do eat their snacks. When nished, the students pack their lunch boxes back into their school bags, and go out to play. Teacher-aides monitor the students during play, to ensure that they are safe and happy. 10. Block 2 11:00AM Library Reading Students choose a library book from the Library Corner, and read for approximately 5 minutes. They can either read on their own, or read with a classmate or a teacher.11:10AM Big Book Students sit on the mat. The teacher reads the Big Book every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, discussing the pictures and asking relevant questions. The students join in with the repetitive phrases. They also identify the focus high frequency words and/or punctuation in the Big Book. 11:20AM Jolly Jingles Students sing 6 Jolly Jingles every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. They revise the sound that each letter makes, and share words/names beginning with the letter. The craft activity for the week relates to and consolidates the Sound of the Week. 11. Block 2 (continued) 11:30AM Individual Reading + Developmental Activities Students work 1:1 with the teacher: Reading Book discuss the cover - title and picture discuss the pictures in the book read the sentence/s on each page with support or independently, depending on ability match their high frequency word ash cards to the high frequency word/s on each page answer questions related to the picture/the text on each page (what, where, when, who ... and later ... why, how)Reading Card discuss the picture read the high frequency word sentence Phonics Card discuss the pictures give the students the appropriate letters for the card, and encourage him/her to place the letters over the letters at the top of the card say the word, emphasising the initial sound (for those students learning initial sounds) / emphasise the consonant/verb/consonant (for those students learning to blend sounds). 12. Block 2 (continued) 11:30AM Individual Reading + Developmental Activities Continued The students direct their own learning by choosing 4 activities from an option of 6 activities. They place their chosen activities on the velcro strip above their PECS charts. The teacher-aide directs/redirects the students during Block 2, and supervises the activities.Fine Motor ActivitiesConstruction ActivitiesCognitive Activities 13. Lunch 12:30PM Lunch Students line up at the sink to wash their hands. They each stand on numbered footprints and gradually move forward. Hand washing is monitored by a teacher-aide to ensure that the job is done well. Students then get their lunch boxes out of their bags, and sit down at a table to eat their lunch (approximately 15 to 30 minutes). Teacher-aides monitor the eating and drinking to ensure that the students dont choke/aspirate and to ensure that they do eat their lunch. When nished, the students pack their lunch boxes back into their school bags, and go out to play. A teacher-aide and a teacher monitor the students during play, to ensure that they are safe and happy. 14. Block 3 01:30PM Afternoon RollGood Afternoon Mrs. Pretorius 01:35PM Relaxation 01:40PM Story A story book is chosen from the Library Corner, and the teacher reads to the students. 15. Block 3 (continued) 01:30PM Swimming Swimming is held 4 times a week in the rst and last 5 to 6 weeks of the year. The swimming lesson starts directly after afternoon roll, so the students are changed into their togs just before the end of lunch break. Relaxation and Story are done after the 20 minute swimming lesson. held in the last 5 to 6 weeks of Term 1, 01:45PM Topic / Art / Music / PE the whole of Term 2 and 3, and the rst5 to 6 weeks of Term 4.PE is held every Wednesday Jump Jam is also held 2 mornings a week.Topic, Art and Music rotate each week and are held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays . 16. Block 3 (continued) Teachers + Teacher-Aides supervise/support the students to 02:15PM Pack Bags pack their book bags + personal belongings into their school bags. 02:20PM Choosing 02:45PM-03:00PM Home Time