tingiaplapnn 1resentthemfor payment,...hord bekcpt, andwill onlyprotmis to all who livor him yith a...

er erYa ,Viir~tue, 6teg ir rits oF'ieri Fa- ciase~t~~e- iirkced fo.:1 sell at-.-Edefild : fis i-o'aday and T cember next, the the following name George Parroft, a vs Elizabeth Carter, t where the defendant lives, c n thousand acres, more or less, as ,09Ng lands of John Wise, John Marsh, atd others. John Stidham vs Elizabeth Shaverith. tract of land, wherepn the defendant -ItesN containing one hundred and forty-eight acrie more or less, adjoining lands-of George Strother, John Loury, and others, Levi Bush and Lewis Bush vs William Bush, John G. Dagnell and Emerson Bus- sey, the tract of land whereon the defend. ant John G. Dagnell lives, containing three hundred acrew, more or less, adjoin- ing-lands of Jesse Bailey, R. Prince, and others, Also the tract of land whereon the defenldant Emerson Bussey lives, contain- ing three hundred acree, more or less. ad- joining lands of D. Bussey A. Sharpton, and others. Alfred N. Dicks, and others. vs Leyman S. Catlin, and his wife Catharine, atitact of land containing one hundred and forty acres, more or less, adjoining lands of W. Wilson, R. Harden, nud others, also one other tract of land containing one hundred acres. more or less. adjoining lands of R. Bradford, and the estate of - Hatfield. Williamson Dalion vs Samuel Batamon. a tract of land containing one hundred acres, more or less. adjoining lands of Thos Kernaghan and 1. L. Brooks. Charles Dunkin vs Michael hTare. Ad- ministrator, a tract of land belonging to the estate of John Hare, Deed., cntaining four hundred acres, more or lese, adjoining landsof William Etheredge, Mary Whit. man. Jacob Long, and others. Terms of Sale Cash. 11. ROULWARE, S. E. D. Nov. 12 4t 43 SHERIFF'S SALE. B Y virtue ofrsundry wvits of Fieri Fa- ieao, I will proceed to sell at Edge- field Court- House. on the first Monday and Tuesday following in December next, the following property. in the following cases, viz: Kinsler, McGregor & Co. vs. Mary F. Guodwyn; William Hopkins. and others, severally, vs. the same, one negro woman Sneby and her three children, Allice, El- lei, and Nanny. Terms of-sale cash. The above property will be sold at the risk dihe fornei purchaser. H.. BOULWARE, S. E. D. iovember 19 3t. 43 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLUNA EDOEFIEbD DISTRICT. IN 'R&-COMMON PLEAS. .Tomas.P. Milner; :Declaration. - vs. . in Attachment. t7Pliitiff in the above case. having hsdaiy filed b6is Declaration.in my oi eijq jin taifeDfendint -having, neither, wire por atoriey, known'to reside within the limuits .4f lhj 011te,no' .omL copy ofsaidDecipra- 'santh wuia rule to pleadcan-bierved.;-On ni0otn nfElr. datisfattorneyor-Plitiff~il ia ordergdtibitihiiid:tlerendaintappearand plead tie said Delaration.. within a year and a aij: from thedate hereof, or judgment will be givet~Ogainst him by defaulk.. -THO. G. -BACON, Clerk. Clerk's Office. Edgefield C. H. 18th Nov.13847. november24 ~ : ly 44 * State of Soulth Carolina,- .EDGEI'IELD DISTRICT, ZN THE COMMON PF1EAS. Fleetwood Lawniare, Deelaration in Ralph Scurry. Atalret VIHE plaintiff in the abtove case having this Lday filed his declaration to my offhee, and the defendant having neither wvife nor at- tor'ney, known to reside' within the liitit of this State. on whom a copy of saidI declatntion. with a rute to plead. can be served. On' imotion of Mr. Wiseman, Attornay for Plainotiff. it ts rdrtered, that the said delendant appear atnd plead to the said declaration, in a year and a day, from the date hereof. or judgmnent wilh be -given against him hv defanlt. -THO. G. BACON. Clerk. Edlgefield C. HT. Clerk's Office, 18th Nov. 1847. noieember 24 ly 44 Notice. T Hn subscriber having been appninted b~y G. W. Brannoni. Assignee of the stock in trade, and asets of the firm of G. W. & W B. Bratnnon, hereby requires payment romn all the debtors of said firm, who wish to avoid costs. -Ntotice is also given to the creditors of said firm, to meet at Liberty 11ill, on Saturday 27th mettant. to appoint an Agent to act with the subscriber in the premises, if they think proper. novemaber 17 3mn 43 Notice. BY arn order from the Ordinary of Edge- fiehtl District, I shall proceed to sell at the late residence of Dr Angn-'tna 'V. Biirt. dec'dl., on Mbonday the 13th of December next, all the personal property of said estate. econsisting of Several Likely .lVegroes, Minle3, Horses. Cows. Hogs. Household and Kitchen Fnrniture, Plantation Tools, Crop, &c. Terms--A eredit of twelve months, the pur- chaser being reqiuired to give note with two approved seenrittes. All autms under four dol- lars cash. W. M. BURT. Administrator. november 17 4t 43 Notice. T H ERP, will be an Election hlcd at the * different Compsany Muster Grounds, on Friday the 17th or December next, in the Salun- da Resiment for Colonel. Polls to he opened accoruling to law. Managers to meet on the day following, at the Regimental Parade Grounid, count the votes, and declare the elec. tion. By order of Brig. Gen. BRaDLn.t M. . C LARY. ~ienit. Col. Ps S. All the Company's will Parade on the day ifElection, and be exempt otn their next regu~ r Muster day. .i - By order, " , M. W;.CLARya .Lient. CoL. november 17 5t 43 : E~f STOR Q9 Y51. ocrupied by J. .D.- Tibbets. -Posses~sion on the first of January. 3f. FRAZIER. -.,..er. i ift 43 SHERIFF'S SALE. B Y viri ne of sundry writs of Fieri Fa- cias, to me directed. I will proceed to sell at Edgelield Court House, on the first Monday and Tuesday folloning, in December next, the following property, in the following cases, viz: Charles Hall vs. Milledge Galphin, two ro slaves, by the names of George and neer. oses Holstein vs Mary F. Goodwyn; David Shealy vs the same, three negro slaves, by thp names of Billy, San, and John. Terms of s icsh. H. B ARE, s.E. D. nmovember 17 3t 43 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. . IN EQUITY. Henry Cox and wire & others vs Partii. Jonathan IN. Miller OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that by.: . virtute of an order from the Court of Equity, I shall sell at Edgetield Court House, on the first Motiday.in December next, the following property, vz. One tractof land, coutaining three hundred acres, more or less. lying near the Savannah River, in Beach Island, in the District and State aforesaid, and adjoining lands or Ulrick Reddick. Randolph Bradford, and nthers. Also, the followmtg Negroes, eight in number, viz. Isaac, Miles, Randal, Newman, Ned, Daf- ney. Mary and Ellen. Said Land will be sold on a credit of one and two years. and the Negroes on a 'redit of one year. except for so much as will pay the cost of this suit to be paid in cash. Purchasers giving bond and good sureties, and the pur- chasers of the Land a Mortgage of' the premi- ses. Among the above negroes, is said to be a good Blackstnith. I will also sell in the above case, at the resi- dence of Mfr. Iosana S. Nail, in Beach Island. on Wednesday the 8th December next, five Mules. and a lot of HIo, &c. Terms of Sale, a credit of one year. S. S. rOM PKINS, c. z. .. D. Comn'rs, Office, Edgefiold, Nov. 1, 1847.- nov. 3 5t 41 Lands and Negroes For Sale. N Sattr. fi-'s day of"January, 18 (by virtneeks e last Will and Testam of Col. Michael WaLton, dec'd.,) we will olle, for sale, at the residence of his widow, on the Ridge, inEdgefield District, the following es tate, real and personal. to wit- The tract of land containing 477 acres. more or less, known as, and .alled the Jones Tract. bounded by lands of Major Till.nan Watson. Jes.e Smith. Stanmote Watson, Burrell Ikut- wright, and landsof the estate ofAmos W. S che ,deceased. These lands are highly pr A Ugrain. corn and cotton. 'The ies about 160 acres cleated and , ofwrhich about 40 acres is secon ew ground;-the whole tract is well atere'and well timbered, and ointains some hifibie sites for building, on and near die old C'ailiridge road. We williloan offer for sale, on the same day, 12 or15 Likely Negroes, among whom there will-be some very puime fellows. The abb'e roperty, both Real and Person- al, will be. ji'llon a credit of one,. and three fea eqtal ista lmens,> w i'ept on the whdM. wim. payible anii,10W0 he las.-e and dirity . M. R.- H. RAI S, Qualified Exentors. under he last Wail arid Teslamient of Gel. Mieait IVatson, dic'd. october 20 11 39 NIotice. B Y an order urnm the Ordinary of Edg:. field -District, I shall proceed te sell, a' the late residence of James Miller, dec'dl., on, Wednsilay the 15th Decemter next, all the persornl'property of snid estate, consisting of A9 kW50 Likely .Vegroes, Lateestock'f Horses, Mules. Catnle, Hogs it heep; Ilousehoild and Kitchen Furniture, 'Platiatin' Tonls, the entire crop sof Cotton, Corn. Fodder and Oats, on a credit of twelves months, with note anid two approved seenrinies for all sumis over five dollars. undler that amont caisht. T HtOMAS ANDERSON, Adm'r. november 3 t 41 Town Properly tor sale. 71 HIE H OUSE & LOT at present occupted Nby Mrs. P. 31. Bntler, sitanted in the Towno of Edgefil. will be offered at [Public Sale. on thte first*Mlonday in De'cember next, The Honse is large arid cnmfortable. with an excellen t Kitchen. Smnko houise. andl other out kniildings. which can be examuined at any time p revions to the slay ofsaile. The l.ot contaiin.. M4 ases, more or toe.. Te'rms ofrsale.-Credit to the first day nfJan. nairy 1849. J. R. WEVE.R. novembter 3 5t 41 New Falls & Whnter VGootle. G. L. & E. PEVIN AV E received a lasrge -il iiist desirable LUStock of NEW GOOD)S, to suit the senann. consisting oi a gene'ral assortmenrt of Staple and Fancy Goods,. Groceries ofrall kinds, Hats and Caps., Shnes and Doots, Hardware andt Crnekcry, Drugs and Medicines, Books and Strationry, A splendid stoek of Bonnets, Andl a variety of other .,rtieles usually kept ini our lirne, all of which wall be sold on the mno~r accommodating terms. They invite their friends to call and examine the stock, arid they promise to give them good bargains. septr29 if .36 State of South Carolina, EDGEFI RLD DISTRICT. IN OBDINARY. B Y JOHN HILLJ~. Es.q., Ordinarydo Ed gefield District: Whereas John Qutattlebtim, hath applie~d o me for letters sof administration, on all andI singular the coods andi chiattles. rights and credits of John Roblinus, late of the District aforesaid. dee'd. These are, therefore, to cite and admron- ish all and singualar, the kindred and credi- tors of th'e said deceased, to he and1 appear before me, at onr next Ordinary's Ourt for the said Distr ict, to he holden at Edge- field Court Honuse on the 6th (lay of De- embher next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration shouldl not be grantedl. Given under my hand and seal, this 18th say of November, in the year of ouar LordI one thousandl eight huandred and for:y-se- vn, and in the seventy-second year of American Independence. JOHN 11ILL, o. v.. D. Nov 21 2tr 4 TO THE PUBLIC. TH underaigned would J rspectfully -announce .to SgI g Travellers and 'persons viS- iting Hamburg. that he has taken for a term of years. Blthe Hotel, long known as Ilubbard's American HOTELy hieb it is his purpose :elkeep asesuch a house hord be kcpt, and will only protmis to all who livor him yith a call. that he -will-do all in his iower to please; and where jat.nuch comfort t ndqiet m-ky he expectod 'jx.be found in ny ublic lionse. A careful and attentive Hloilif will be kept :nstantly in the Stabla ena'H'orses shall beo ttended to in a way thasballgive entire sais actions. A liberal patronage i respectfolly solirited. WM7 KETCiHAM. Hamburg, larch:8-10 tf 7 WA REHOUSE 8 AND V -- ' TtftE Subscribers n havpnf leased fron Nathan L.GriffinF.4q., . - the Cotto Wareho e a in Hamburg. recently acctipied -Dr. J. F. Griffin, and formerly by..Mesiru. .L Jeffers h & Co., situated at the font ofrth4 ll, and im- mediately at the head of-the nain buminess street.. From it' superioti lodatidt, and being r urrounided by a stream ofwaterit-is compal- a tively exempt from the casualty.dfire and en. trely above the reach-of high freits. They propose to carry on exclqfsively :he -a WARmEtousS & CxN r.IIAi gACToRAGE R U 8 1 ei? .8. N nnder the firm of GEIGER & PARTLOW. Having engaged an expeninced and com- 1 petent assistant, in addition to their own per- esanal attention, and possessing menns to r.nake liberal advances on Produce consigned to their rare, they hereby render their services to Plan. ters, Merchants and others, in the stornge ani t sale ifo Cotton, Flour, Bacon, and other Produnce, in Receiving and Forward- ing Mlerchandise, and purchasing goods to or- er. Their charges will be regulated by the usual rates of the plae. W. W. GEIGER, JAMES Y. L. PARTLOW. Hamburg, June 3, 1846. ne9 6m 20 REMOVAL- TCfJ.U So CO.,' .HAMIIURG, S. C. AVE: ramoved their stock of Dry Goods to the Store under the Amercan Hotel, (lte Hunbbard's.) where it is their purpose to a (mll a!sortnent of can. French and Engiush RY GOODS. ake this opportunity to return our nunteromi friends for the very bestowed on its for the last six fdsolicit a contiance of their W alio invite all persons,buying Dry Good. itn Hamhurg, who are not already on our large list of subscribers regireas a trial. Our stock will conisist of a imch larger and more general assortment than we have hereto' fore kept. We shall also continue to keep mar misual aoisortment of Carpeting, Oir.Ulnth, Floor atting,. Bonnets, and Ladies and Childrens Shoeis. *N;mB eceived a full assortment of all - ltima''loths$, which to er'with all articles in our line will i be sold as low als they can be procured in Ham. F burg or Augusta. I WM. KETCHAM& CO. i Hamburg. S. C. Ang. 7-11 f 29 t Warehmousse & Comnission BUSINESS, HAMBURG S. C. T Ht Sublscriber begs leave to inform lis 1..f to and the public generally, tha~t he $'rnse &6 Cormsssiou 39%U 51NME 8, THE RAIL ROAD DEPOT. conventienice of this Establishmenit is too Iknowni to tegntire much co'mment. Couttonmi r othear l'roduce onc'e itt state canm lhe ptut on t the Rail Roadi without the addmtional expence fdrayatge, &c.;t which its certainly an itemi vrthi totice, both to merchanttsantd platnters. Mychtargea will hie as reasonntble as other keconcermns in the place, amid the usual famcilm- ies given to those wvho mtay give me their pa- roage. B.'M. JRODriERS. seipt. 15 3ma 34. STATE OF~SOUJTH CAROLINA. EDGEFTELD DISTRICT. IN T1IE COURT. OF OIRDINARY.~ Octier 29t h 1847. Iilliami Kay & others A ppr'ts. )Summons Os in Wiley Kay &.othecrs Def'is. Parttrio. T appearing tn my ratmsfaction that the said Wiley Kay, Eli Kny. Hlirami Kay. Sanmiel Christitin andi wife Ilihecn. Editmn Mslartin ind wife Nancy. and Williamn Thoriton andmi vife Lintda, live withiouit the limits of the tate, it is thterfore ordered, thatt they do appear 1 n the Court of Ordinary on or brefore the firset ilonday int March next, to show cause if anya hey catn. why', the Real Estate of Sarah Kamy. ecd. should not bc divitded or sold, or the-irt onsent to the sanme will b4 emntered of-Racordi. liven under miy hand itt the Gilurtof Ordininry h day and date above written. ~. t~ Nov. 3 3m d1 Sate of South Carolina. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN THE COURT. 'O ORDINARY. 29th of Octobler, 1S47 Simeon Attoway & wvife Appl'ts. Summons 'anney Gouldien & others Def'ts. Partilion. T appearing to my satisfatetion that Seth.b Hazel. Hliront Ahncy-and wife Wille3 .Jon- than Hazel and wife Hulduth. Rhody Moss. 'ohn Mossnnd wife Luceinda, Morris Johnson . - ltfrd Johnson, and Pickens Johnson. ives ithout the limits of this State, it is thterefore irdered, that they do appear and object to the ivision or saln of theo Real Estate oh Charity ohsoni. deceased. oni or before the first Mon- [y in March text. or their consenit to the atti will lbe entered of Record. Given untder ny hand in the Court of Urdinary, the day anid ate above wvrmtten,- -JOHN HILL, o.z.n. Nov3 3m 41 SOUTH CAROLINA. 0 EDGEFTELD DISTRICT WILLIAM BROWN. living ahotit eight . mles above the Court House. ott Tmtrl ey Creek. tolls beforo mie ami estray sorre l0 RSE, blind in the right eye, both htind feet nhte, a blaze iti the face, supposed to be ninte1 ears old. Appraised at forty dollars.J C. MITCHELL, Magistrate. T .antar 6 *Iamam 37.. DR. JOFL BRANHAN'S 4'ER DrSI*ECTIC IMEDICINE. [N offering thisvalunable 4uedicine to the preo ple of S. Carolina for the relief and cire of inny diseases incident to a Southern climate, do not claim for it infallibility; neither do 1 ty it will cnre all diseases. Bit in HRQNIC LIVER AFFECTIONS A ND DYSPEPSIA. I can confidently advise and recommend its se, from .y personal observation and use of ie article in my own practice. This article is ivorably received wherever it has beer used. am allowed to refer to Mr. George Heard of 'roup. Mr. John Warren of Colhmbus. Mr. cAlree of Cobb, Atr. Asbury Uil of Athens. fr. William D. Terrell of Putnam, Rev'd. olin E. Dawson of Lagrange; to which a rent umber of names might be added, who ear their testimony to its value. Iabitualcostiveness is foutid very freqently onnected with -feeble constitutions, and per- ans of sedentary habits, which often exert a ery unafavorable influence upon the general selth of the subject; and is particularly mani- ested by a restlesa and desponding state of the mind, irregular if not a los of appetite. For his condition of the system, this article is confi. ently recommended with the positive assuir- nee that if the dose is properly adjusted. so as int to move the bowels too actively, relief may e relied on, without any, even the least of the nplessant consequencies, rensting from thie ie of the common purging medicines itsually esorted to. This article will be tind to act a pleasant eordiil and tonic, restoring the ppetite. and at the saime titne fullilling everyi idication that the common purging medicines re desiEned to effect. Tiere are some constitutions liable to regn r attacks of Bilious fever almost evey fall, ri such, I recommend the use (if this Medicine, rgiining at least by the middle of May, of first rfJiino Alany persons whose Digestive organs are reble. ollten experience a sense of tillness, veight, and oppression, about the stomach af er eating-in such cases a dose olthis medi. ine will often afford immediate relief. Pregnait women ofien siifer from heart mrn and costiveness, they tay use the article ithout the least danger and with great betiefit, n sick or nervous head-ache, it is a most valti- ble medicine' I coid append a long list of certificates, hnt orbear, preferring to rely on the virtnes of the nedicine to sustini itsell The nelicine is n ;etle and certaincathartic tonic and sidorihic. JOEL BIIANHAM. Eaonton. Georgia. For sale by Robert Anderson, Liberty Hill. heatem & settle, Dnntoiisville, Charles Free- nan, Cairo P. 0., and J. D. TIBBETTS, Edgefield C. 11. sept.8 ly 33 E'yler's Ague & Fever Pl is. A CERTAIN. safe and elTecteial cere for . Agne and Fever, in all varied forms. Al. s.an excellent Tonic in Dyspepsia, Palpita- ion of the Heart. Less of Appetite. Neuralgi, ervuus and other diseases, which arise fron a eak and delilitated coidition of the system. B-Itintore. Derember 151h, 1843. Dr. G. K. TrTLR.a.-Dear Sir.-It -is with reat pleasture that I announce to you a perfect ,tortion of my healsh by the nse of your in- riable pills. I had been suffering from 3hillsand Fevers for eighteen or twenty ionth. tiring which time I took five bottles of Rmv- nd's Tonic Mixture, Dr. Sherman's Fever and gue Lozenges, Dr. Love'segetaile Elixir. eener's Powders, Barks, Qiinine, Thompso. ian Medicineit Arsenic,. Herbs, .and in fict moat all the popular remediesi' could hear il'; td received no lasting benefit. Tbechill6 ed by Quinine and other thingsbtaI dsr' a few iays or weeks'they would ret urn- gin, asad or vorse than before Towarils he last the chills caime only every thiid day,. und.thee were followed by fever of such me -eity as to af'ect my reason and it was funnd ecesary for some one to watch with me un- il the pa'roxysm passed off. At lai~t I procured box of your pitls and only took four of them ; us so completely stopped the clls, that I iave never had a return of them up to this ime, (nearly two years) and ne'ar a year of' his time was passed in the same place Iwhere I ret raught the disease. That my ease is not one enred by chance is noven from the fact that four pills out of the ane boi curEd Capt. Reuben Baiiks, so ef- ictally that lie has never had the disease since. viereas before he often siuff'ered from it. Two ther person were also cnred biy the cotments of his same box, and they neiilher of them have td a returii of it although they both reside viere they are exposed every seauson. I knoew several others who have been cured iv your pills. hut it is unnecessary to de'taih hier cnses. The best certilien;tes of their ellini- imey in Ciiills and lFever will be a few~doses, tmd i' they are as beneficial to others as they mve been to me they may be truly called a ptnh- ic blessing. am with nmuch respect yonr obee't serv't. HENRY BRISCOE. For sale by T. Rbdey). hiimborg. S. U., and Edged'ield C. HI., S. C. nly 28 (Gm 27 Lucina Oordial; or the ELIXIR OF LOVE. T IlS is a sovereign and speedy cure for lulciplienit Cosnsumpioni, hiarrenneus, mpotency, hnicnrbuoa or Whhiies, (Obsitnction. )ill'init or' Pai nfii M 1enstruation.Inucomuinence if Urine. or Involuntary Disc'harge thereof; nd ftor general proitration of the system,. whe- her the result of inherent ceinses or produced y irrenularity, illness or ac.idenit. There is not a shadow of doubt that this is r'ie, and were not the siubjet of too delicate a eantre, hundreds waould tesuify to the ittrival- ed eency of this Cordial as a specific for bar enness, flour albmus, gleets. irreguilariie' in the ecretions, pains ini the Kidneys. fe'mnle sup- iressions. For saile biy all the principal Drug- ;ists in Augusta, H amburg and Charleston. 0.- Price, $3 per bottle. For sal~e by Huiviland. Ilnrral & Allen, King treet: P. Melvin Cohen, No. 19 Hnayne street ; elson Carter, AMeeting street. nsd E. M. Ca- ey. Broad street, Charlestn; T. Ihisley, 1lam- urg; andJ. ..D.TBBETTS, Edgefield Court H.-ouse. S. C. july 28 Gmu '27 LAWV NOTICE. HiE undersigned will practice in partner- Fship in the Courts of' Law and Eqnity ur Edgefield District. THOMA-S 11. POPE, october 20 3mu 39 NOTICE. NY Persns wiithing Pl.\NNO'S TUNED can he attended to, by apply ing to M1r. rn A. Clark, Edgefielid C. H..; by letter otherwise. Jly 7 tf 241 A SPLIENDID LOT OP Spartanbuurg Iron, OR~SA LE cheap, at A. I3USIlNELL'B, consisting oh' Farming Iron, and Wagon ovembr7. 1 ESTIMONIALS.-Extract of a letter, 1 from Dr Waiies. of Philadelphia, FeL-. I, 1841.-" Your Pills are the mildest in theit iperations. and yet most powerful in their ef 'cts, or any that I have ever met with in a prac ice of eight and twenty years. Their action on le chyle and hence on the impurities or the. >,ood, is evidently vety surprising.' Extract ofa letter from Dr. Henry Hall, or .-nebec, L. C., Match 6. 1841.-" For bilions 'evers, sick hendaches, torpidity of the bowels. tnd enlargement of the spleen. Dr. Peters!&, Pills are an excellent medicine." For sale by all tie Druggists in Anguta,. Hambiurg. and in Charleston by P. Melvin, Cohen. Nn. 19 Ilayne street. Haviland. Hiar- ral & Allen. King street; Nelson Carter, Meet- in *rent; E. M. Carey. Broad street. and At..s Head. corner East Bay and Broad street. Tr. Risley, Hamburg ; and J. D. TIBBETTS. Edgefield Court House, S. C. jnly 28 6m 27 Dr. Gordon's PHiIs. GREAT ARRIVAL! A3 Bnshels or 25.A0 boxes of Dr. COR DON'S FAfMILY PILLS.-The vaist and increasing demand for this new and iistly celebrated Medicine. and the numerous cures they are daily effecting in all portions of the country where they have been introduced, of Dyspepsi1. Liver Complaints and Billions Dtseases, with their well known attendants. Sick Head-sche, &c., haus induced the tinder sianed to make arrangements to receive their stocks direct from the Proprietor, and would say to their numerous customers that they are prepared to sthpply them, wholesale or retail, af New York prices. ItT 02 per dozen, or 24 cent' per box. By P. Melvin Cohen. No. 19 Hayne street: Hav;land, Harral & Allen, King street; Nel- soi Carter, Meeting street; E. M. Carey. Broad str-nt; and Amos Head, corner East Bay and B:-oad street, Charleston; T. Risley, Hamburg; and J. D). TIBBETTS, Edgefield Court House, S. C. july 28 6m 27 F OR the cure of White Swellings. Scrofulas, and other tumors, Ulcers, Sore Legs, old aiid fresh Mounds, Sprains and Bruises, Steel. lings, and Inflammation, Scald Head. Sore Breasts, of women. Rheumatte pains, Teters. Eruptions, Chilblnius, Whitltcs, Biles, Corns, and externial diseases generally. It is likewise greatly superior to any medicine heretofore discovered for the chafed backs and limbs of horses; for ringworms, chapped lips. and in slort-ror evety external bodily evil that may fall to.the lot of maii or beast. 'the proprietor of this noble specific can positively state,, without fear of contradiction, that it is vastly superior to any compound ever discovered,. or at least that is known in these days, in the'erp.of the above complaints. Indeed, too much canniot be said in its favor, for there is nothing: rniie certain,than its efficacy in tie matters forWhich it is recommended,,and the speed and pert'ec- tion of itszures are such as to have-theiappear. ance of bniiig miraculoui. No house should .be without this almost universal'.iitnent, for.Ihte inimates o'r all houses are liableuto ecalds,setatch' es. cuts, lrnises, biurticortise. cippd lips. &c. &c. Bc.; front any :or.alhriihiicr-ithey can rei e.butlstleii f' they hiea box olf. rris'istiik --.alecific toto rongend pa on h For galey ij burg;,fUd Edgieeld Court House, 8 C. july 28 Gm 27 HEALUTH .MADE EASY.- DRI. L E .ROY'S, YEGEITAhSLE UNIV~lSAIL'PILLS. 1 HE starilitng drawback otn nearly all Me- dicinal Agents has ever been that in their process of pnato and purification they hate also Debilituued the Sysem.-Hlentce Purgative Medicines have alwaysheen regarded as at beet but a Necessar3 Ecil, Paienits resorting to them for the refef of~one disease at the expence of another.-To obviate this Physicians have long sough' for an Agent that would at the same tiite PURtGE. PURIFY antd 8TRENGTH-. EN. Ilut their ett'trrs were nearly fruitless, and they had almost despaired of snecess wheni the labors of science, and research were re- wnrdled by a discovery wh~ich flly realized the fotdest desires of the Medical Fneicity, and which is justly regarded as one of the most im-a prtant T1rinmuphs~ that Pharmacy has ever a- chieved.-This iunportant desideratumn is natm- ed Dr. LE~ ROY'S VtEETABLE UNIVER- SA L PILLS which purity the Blood and re- move all cotnpt, and vitiated hntmors, antd tin. 'aealthty accumntiations trom te body in a moan- nor never h~el'ore rivnlled. aid which yet pro- ditce no weakness or lassitude whatever, bit on the conttre y. tone the StomachI atud invigo- rate the constitinlion dnring the progress of their operations! Dr. Le~ ty's Pills, ini fact unuite those hueitofore irrei'oncihable, but tmost decir- able qualities. Evneniationi and Invigoration, lor they are at the same time a STItENGTH'1 EN- ING PURGATIV E, and a PUiFYIN(G TO NIC. Trhe two principle inigredients in Dr. Le Ro's Pills are W ILD CIHEILitY and SAlR- SA'A RiiLLA, so ptreparetd that each prmnuotes the bentelicial ielfect of the other, the formier strengthening. wvhile the latter, throngh its nnion with variotis vegtetable ingredients, evacuates, and purities-th'ns they superinduce nit torpid- ity or laqsitude of the Digestive Funictions, and henice their operations are attended by nto lRe- actiitn, or subsequent Catstivetnes. Dr. Le Rtoy's Pills are the most active and senchitng Mledicine in existence. They at onte attack the very root of Diseases. and their ac- tiin is so prompt, that in an hour or two nIler they are taketn. the patienit is aware of their good etTcts. They not only operate on the Blood. hitt also on the chyle, ofwhich the blood is formed. atud this secures good blond front the fottntain hend. inntenver they proditee neither nasen, griping otr debility, and ns a family MledIcine they have no rival.-Pice 25 CENTs perBox. For satle by J. D. TIB3BETT'S, Edgefield C.li., S. C. jttly7 (imo 24 EDGEFIELD HOTEL, T H E: Subscribers anountce to their friends antd the pubtiic, that they haive opened lieoute formottly ocenpt~ied by M1r. B.J. Ryatn, in Edgetield village, and ate prepared to accom- mundto all those who may invot theim with their ptrntago, with comufortable fare for thienmelvest mdn horses. Tiuei, Table will he always provided with the Ibest thin arknet nltfords, ad attetnded to by Their Stables will lhe nitended to by first rate asters, wvho will he in waiting at all hiotrs, by lny or night, to see that hiorses are propirly ta' kenm care of. ClA RLES J. G LOVER, ARMISTrEAD BURT. sep 2 tf 35 117 The friends of WESLEY BOJDIE, an notuce him as a citndidlate for the office of- Notice. LL.persons Indebted to the estate of Larw. - tinGiaplapnn eceaed., .are r ise T nake 8mmdtt 11 ent..i and t emnp nd9 agamsmet le ne, .are. ret 1resent them for payment,.y On the 18th of December'ie Inoiite it the s-ie of the propert ielitmig to ate becomes dnme. As I am ,anxson Y he estate, I caninot gtaht.longerjnd:#g'ence. . JOHN ADAM 'november2 Al, 4 0T After ten years constant experi'P4te the Warehouse Business, I feel My-. self fully competent to discharge any: 6iineas n my line. which may be trusI.to.my .tre md after the very recent uinparralled'depy.ig. on in the price of the great staple, Cotton. %ian' is the Planters are alone able to stay thd' ward tendency by holding their cropsi e r. a time. nntil ihe present embarrassed stateof rommercial affairs subside. And to ai-tiit 4o doing, I propose to store Cotton at the foglow' ing rates, viz-25cents forthefirstfour moatawe 3*4 cents fir 6 months, and 50. cents f(pr ghe seaspn, or JO cents per hlg, either of whiel mst he agreed on the day of storink o 3 cents will be charged. -Lr W. T. ljEt P. S. Liberat advanees will be made oi pro doice in store. Hambnrg, November 1 2m ' NOTMCE. 1 N ELECTION will be held. aR Me 4cr' ent places of Election for this Dstrict ow the first Monday in January next, roe: iri Ordinary, and Clerk. to fill the vacancies.iei will be occasioned by the expirationorsfithi terms of H. Boulware. Sheriff. :JohnHiilt ,Or dinary, and Thomas G. Bacon. Clerk.i, .+ There will -be only one day for voting. The Managers will meet at EdgefieCot House on the Wednesday following, coiintth votes and declare the election. THO. G. BACON, Cl. - Edgefield C. H. 26h Oct. 3847. october27 10- -40 tiotice. LL those indebted to the estate of C 't Johnon, dee'd., are reqneste a immediate payment, and those having demanis to present them properly atested. ' C. B. GOULDEN; SIMEON ATTAWAY;- Adnministrators. july 7 if 24 Notice. A LL persons Iddebted to the estatoi - Dr. IS Angustus W. Burt, dec'd., are requiI to make immediate payment. and tboiwehaN.._ demands aseinst saisd estate? are reqnest ito present the for psayenTfpro atest june 16 +: 21 A LL those indebted'tb the.old firin 4iPm- ley & Bryan, eitherby- Note 46ee,n are requested to come forward azi0etleimp. We are compelled to biing the .~iisne qa close. E. . PSESLEY - B. C. BRYAN. September 7, 1847. tfr NOTICE. A.LL Persons indebted to the Ette if George Pope, decetaed, are here ynoj. lied that it is absolutely necessary t pgol rt-e money due the Estate, and tfi o ' 1 iot pay will- beaud before reirn I TheNtes i 'thand. of.N. Grfip or $1jfln. thI i ergy~ffice, on dMoattday ie 3rd day, Janpary next, ank-"it heir demad erIy attested,asI desire to tloseup thee t.. * NANCY REYNO.LD~; amigat Admnistr Notice. ILL Persons indebted tou ut onr late Met .cantile business, are hier'chy notified that onger in amnigence can, nor will'not be given. We mmust close our bnasiness. A w'ord~t'tite wise is sificient. A. BLA ND.. W. P. BUTLER. Edgefield C. H.S. C., Sept. 10, 1847. tf .34' A'ice. LL Persons indebted to the estate of Char- .les G. Garrett, dec'd., are regnaested' to nake immediate payment and, those having- lematnds against said estate are rieqnested to presenit thema for payment properly attested. P. H. ELA-M. Adm'tr. apt 8 3m 33 NOTICE. R. ROFF. who held conditionally an in- J.V.terest in the right of Edgefield District, n Iitatthkiss' Renction Mill Wheets, (Patent) . mat never cotmplied with said condition. thero- ore he ho'ldat no interest, and has tno right te mel! tar makte any contret- lfor said Wheels. We. the nndersigned are the owners, of said rigiht, amnd a iht purchased from any other, anless our n'genvt, will not he gooid. Mr. J. T. WVasaRa, we anthorise, with full lower to ect as onr agent. COTH RAN & MOORE. Marcha 1, 1847. tf' 6 CA RD. HE nnderuigned having made the neces- ksnry arranmgemetas. is now prepared to iarnishi Cofl~us of every description, at. the iortest notice, and will give thin brachof his mosinessa his personal attention. He has..also iow finished. q new and elegant Rearse, ,vhich wmdl he in mendinmess at any time, to attend Pnaoerals. His charges wdml be reasonable and iccommnodating. .4- A. BUSHNELLa Edeefieldl C. hi..July 28' .-tr 27 iBACONI--BACON. JUST RECEIVED, ANEW lot of very superior Bacon, which will he sold low for CASH. Also-A lot of fine Flour. J. A. WILLIAMS. jnne 9 tf 20 -Bauyley.s here Yet!- ASH made .at 6J cenits per light,- for all Sash cotmtnining 15 lights to the window: - umal np~wards, all windacows containing less7 ct. aer lighat. All kindas of FUR NITURE made .to onier, it thme old stand, I mile from Gilgal ehurch,.- mdt 17 from Catmbridge, upona thme Martintown ond. Ail orders left at this office wuilbe attetided o.WW. BAYLEY. aagnst 25 tf 31 Atbville Danner an.l Anderson Gasette co- my three tiames. RYE FOR MALE IO Bnshels RYE SEED. of best qualty- ror sale by the snbsrihers. G. L. & E. PENN., sept tf ASALGIR L sir BOY as'a' I855 one about8 or 10 Jest's oasige, of 6ifld~isl tioimoaldb'e preferred. EttqturdaMbVeci

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  • er erYa,Viir~tue, 6teg ir rits oF'ieri Fa-ciase~t~~e- iirkced fo.:1 sellat-.-Edefild : fis

    i-o'aday and Tcember next, thethe following name

    George Parroft, avs Elizabeth Carter, twhere the defendant lives, c nthousand acres, more or less, as ,09Nglands of John Wise, John Marsh, atdothers.John Stidham vs Elizabeth Shaverith.

    tract of land, wherepn the defendant -ItesNcontaining one hundred and forty-eightacrie more or less, adjoining lands-ofGeorge Strother, John Loury, and others,

    Levi Bush and Lewis Bush vs WilliamBush, John G. Dagnell and Emerson Bus-sey, the tract of land whereon the defend.ant John G. Dagnell lives, containingthree hundred acrew, more or less, adjoin-ing-lands of Jesse Bailey, R. Prince, andothers, Also the tract of land whereon thedefenldant Emerson Bussey lives, contain-ing three hundred acree, more or less. ad-joining lands of D. Bussey A. Sharpton,and others.

    Alfred N. Dicks, and others. vs LeymanS. Catlin, and his wife Catharine, atitactof land containing one hundred and fortyacres, more or less, adjoining lands of W.Wilson, R. Harden, nud others, also oneother tract of land containing one hundredacres. more or less. adjoining lands of R.Bradford, and the estate of- Hatfield.

    Williamson Dalion vs Samuel Batamon.a tract of land containing one hundredacres, more or less. adjoining lands of ThosKernaghan and 1. L. Brooks.

    Charles Dunkin vs Michael hTare. Ad-ministrator, a tract of land belonging to theestate of John Hare, Deed., cntaining fourhundred acres, more or lese, adjoininglandsof William Etheredge, Mary Whit.man. Jacob Long, and others.Terms of Sale Cash.

    11. ROULWARE, S. E. D.Nov. 12 4t 43

    SHERIFF'S SALE.BY virtue ofrsundry wvits of Fieri Fa-ieao, I will proceed to sell at Edge-field Court- House. on the first Mondayand Tuesday following in December next,the following property. in the followingcases, viz:

    Kinsler, McGregor & Co. vs. Mary F.Guodwyn; William Hopkins. and others,severally, vs. the same, one negro womanSneby and her three children, Allice, El-lei, and Nanny.Terms of-sale cash.The above property will be sold at the

    risk dihe fornei purchaser.H..BOULWARE, S. E. D.

    iovember 19 3t. 43


    .Tomas.P. Milner; :Declaration.-vs. . in Attachment.

    t7Pliitiff in the above case. havinghsdaiy filed b6is Declaration.in my oieijq jin taifeDfendint -having, neither, wirepor atoriey, known'to reside within the limuits

    .4f lhj011te,no' .omL copy ofsaidDecipra-'santhwuia rule to pleadcan-bierved.;-Onni0otn nfElr. datisfattorneyor-Plitiff~il iaordergdtibitihiiid:tlerendaintappearandpleadtie said Delaration.. within a year and a

    aij: from thedate hereof, or judgment will begivet~Ogainst him by defaulk..-THO. G. -BACON, Clerk.Clerk's Office. EdgefieldC. H. 18th Nov.13847.november24 ~ : ly 44

    * State of Soulth Carolina,-.EDGEI'IELD DISTRICT,ZN THE COMMON PF1EAS.

    Fleetwood Lawniare, Deelaration in

    Ralph Scurry. AtalretVIHE plaintiff in the abtove case having thisLday filed his declaration to my offhee,

    and the defendant having neither wvife nor at-tor'ney, known to reside' within the liitit ofthis State. on whom a copy of saidI declatntion.with a rute to plead. can be served. On' imotionof Mr. Wiseman, Attornay for Plainotiff. it tsrdrtered, that the said delendant appear atndplead to the said declaration, in a year and aday, from the date hereof. orjudgmnent wilh be-given against him hv defanlt.

    -THO. G. BACON. Clerk.Edlgefield C. HT. Clerk's Office, 18th Nov. 1847.

    noieember 24 ly 44Notice.T Hn subscriber having been appninted b~y

    G. W. Brannoni. Assignee of the stockin trade, and asets of the firm of G. W. & WB. Bratnnon, hereby requires payment romnall the debtors of said firm, who wish to avoidcosts.-Ntotice is also given to the creditors of said

    firm, to meet at Liberty 11ill, on Saturday 27thmettant. to appoint an Agent to act with thesubscriber in the premises, if they think proper.

    novemaber 17 3mn 43

    Notice.BY arn order from the Ordinary of Edge-fiehtl District, I shall proceed to sell at the

    late residence of Dr Angn-'tna 'V. Biirt. dec'dl.,on Mbonday the 13th of December next, all thepersonal property of said estate. econsisting ofSeveral Likely .lVegroes,

    Minle3, Horses. Cows. Hogs. Household andKitchen Fnrniture, Plantation Tools, Crop,&c.Terms--A eredit of twelve months, the pur-

    chaser being reqiuired to give note with twoapproved seenrittes. All autms under four dol-lars cash.

    W. M. BURT. Administrator.november 17 4t 43

    Notice.T HERP, will be an Election hlcd at the* different Compsany Muster Grounds, onFriday the 17th or December next, in the Salun-da Resiment for Colonel. Polls to he openedaccoruling to law. Managers to meet on theday following, at the Regimental ParadeGrounid, count the votes, and declare the elec.tion.

    By order of Brig. Gen. BRaDLn.tM. . CLARY. ~ienit. Col.

    Ps S. All the Company's will Parade on theday ifElection, and be exempt otn their nextregu~r Muster day. .i -

    By order, " ,M. W;.CLARya.Lient. CoL.

    november 17 5t 43

    :E~f STOR Q9 Y51. ocrupied by J..D.- Tibbets. -Posses~sion on the first of

    January. 3f. FRAZIER.-.,..er. i ift 43

    SHERIFF'S SALE.BY viri ne of sundry

    writs of Fieri Fa-cias, to me directed. I will proceedto sell at Edgelield Court House, on thefirst Monday and Tuesday folloning, inDecember next, the following property, inthe following cases, viz:

    Charles Hall vs. Milledge Galphin, tworo slaves, by the names of George andneer.oses Holstein vs Mary F. Goodwyn;

    David Shealy vs the same, three negroslaves, by thp names of Billy, San, andJohn.Terms of s icsh.

    H. B ARE, s.E. D.nmovember 17 3t 43


    . IN EQUITY.Henry Cox and wire & others

    vs Partii.Jonathan IN. MillerOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that by.:

    . virtute of an order from the Court ofEquity, I shall sell at Edgetield Court House,on the first Motiday.in December next, thefollowing property, vz.One tractof land, coutaining three hundred

    acres, more or less. lying near the SavannahRiver, in Beach Island, in the District andState aforesaid, and adjoining lands or UlrickReddick. Randolph Bradford, and nthers.Also, the followmtg Negroes, eight in number,

    viz. Isaac, Miles, Randal, Newman, Ned, Daf-ney. Mary and Ellen.

    Said Land will be sold on a credit of oneand two years. and the Negroes on a 'redit ofone year. except for so much as will pay thecost of this suit to be paid in cash. Purchasersgiving bond and good sureties, and the pur-chasers ofthe Land a Mortgage of' the premi-ses.

    Among the above negroes, is said to be agood Blackstnith.I will also sell in the above case, at the resi-dence of Mfr. Iosana S. Nail, in Beach Island.on Wednesday the 8th December next, fiveMules. and a lot of HIo, &c.Terms of Sale, a credit of one year.

    S. S. rOMPKINS, c. z. .. D.Comn'rs, Office, Edgefiold, Nov. 1, 1847.-

    nov. 3 5t 41

    Lands and NegroesFor Sale.

    N Sattr. fi-'s day of"January, 18(by virtneeks e last Will and Testam

    of Col. Michael WaLton, dec'd.,) we will olle,for sale, at the residence of his widow, on theRidge, inEdgefield District, the following estate, real and personal. to wit-The tract of land containing 477 acres. more

    or less, known as, and .alled the Jones Tract.bounded by lands of Major Till.nan Watson.Jes.e Smith. Stanmote Watson, Burrell Ikut-wright, and landsof the estate ofAmos W. Sche ,deceased. These lands are highly pr

    AUgrain. corn and cotton. 'Theies about 160 acres cleated and, ofwrhich about 40 acres is

    secon ew ground;-the whole tract iswell atere'and well timbered, and ointainssome hifibie sites for building, on and neardie old C'ailiridge road.We williloan offer for sale, on the same day,12 or15 Likely Negroes,

    among whom there will-be some very puimefellows.The abb'e roperty, both Real and Person-

    al, will be. ji'llon a credit of one,. andthree fea eqtal ista lmens,>w i'epton the whdM. wim. payible anii,10W0 he

    las.-e and

    dirity . M.R.- H. RAI S,

    Qualified Exentors. under helast Wail aridTeslamient of Gel. Mieait IVatson, dic'd.october 20 11 39

    NIotice.BY an order urnm the Ordinary of Edg:.field -District, I shall proceed te sell, a'the late residence of James Miller, dec'dl., on,Wednsilay the 15th Decemter next, all thepersornl'property of snid estate, consisting ofA9 kW50 Likely .Vegroes,Lateestock'f Horses, Mules. Catnle, Hogsit heep; Ilousehoild and Kitchen Furniture,'Platiatin' Tonls, the entire crop sof Cotton,Corn. Fodder and Oats, on a credit of twelvesmonths, with note anid two approved seenriniesfor all sumis over five dollars. undler that amontcaisht.

    THtOMAS ANDERSON, Adm'r.november 3 t 41

    Town Properly tor sale.71 HIE HOUSE& LOT at present occuptedNby Mrs. P. 31. Bntler, sitanted in the

    Towno of Edgefil. will be offered at [PublicSale. on thte first*Mlonday in De'cember next,The Honse is large arid cnmfortable. with

    an excellen t Kitchen. Smnko houise. andl otherout kniildings. which can be examuined at anytime previons to the slay ofsaile.The l.ot contaiin.. M4 ases, more or toe..Te'rms ofrsale.-Creditto the first day nfJan.

    nairy 1849. J. R. WEVE.R.novembter3 5t 41

    New Falls & Whnter VGootle.G. L. & E. PEVIN

    AVE received a lasrge -il iiist desirableLUStock of NEW GOOD)S, to suit the

    senann. consisting oi a gene'ral assortmenrt ofStaple and Fancy Goods,.

    Groceries ofrall kinds,Hats and Caps., Shnes and Doots,Hardware andt Crnekcry,Drugs and Medicines,Books and Strationry,A splendid stoek of Bonnets,

    Andl a variety of other .,rtieles usually keptini our lirne, all of which wall be sold on the mno~raccommodating terms.They invite their friends to call and examine

    the stock, arid they promise to give them goodbargains.septr29 if .36

    State of South Carolina,EDGEFI RLD DISTRICT.

    IN OBDINARY.BY JOHN HILLJ~. Es.q., OrdinarydoEd gefield District:Whereas John Qutattlebtim, hath applie~d

    o me for letters sof administration, on allandI singular the coods andi chiattles. rightsand credits of John Roblinus, late of theDistrict aforesaid. dee'd.These are, therefore, to cite and admron-

    ish all and singualar, the kindred and credi-tors of th'e said deceased, to he and1 appearbefore me, at onr next Ordinary's Ourtfor the said Distr ict, to he holden at Edge-field Court Honuse on the 6th (lay of De-embher next, to show cause, if any, whythe said administration shouldl not begrantedl.Given under my hand and seal, this 18th

    say of November, in the year of ouar LordIone thousandl eight huandred and for:y-se-vn, and in the seventy-second year ofAmerican Independence.

    JOHN 11ILL, o. v.. D.Nov 21 2tr 4

    TO THE PUBLIC.TH underaigned would J

    rspectfully -announce .toSgIg Travellers and 'persons viS-

    iting Hamburg. that he hastaken for a term of years.

    Blthe Hotel, long known asIlubbard's American

    HOTELyhieb it is his purpose :elkeep asesuch a house

    hord be kcpt, and will only protmis to all wholivor him yith a call. that he -will-do all in hisiower to please; and where jat.nuch comfort tndqiet m-ky he expectod 'jx.be found in

    ny ublic lionse.A careful and attentive Hloilif will be kept:nstantly in the Stabla ena'H'orses shall beottended to in a way thasballgive entire saisactions.A liberal patronage i respectfolly solirited.WM7 KETCiHAM.Hamburg, larch:8-10 tf 7


    --' TtftE Subscribers n

    havpnf leased fronNathan L.GriffinF.4q.,

    . - the Cotto Wareho e ainHamburg. recently acctipied -Dr. J. F.Griffin, and formerly by..Mesiru. .L Jeffers h& Co., situated at the font ofrth4 ll, and im-mediately at the head of-the nain buminessstreet.. From it' superioti lodatidt, and being rurrounided by a stream ofwaterit-is compal- atively exempt from the casualty.dfire and en.trely above the reach-of high freits.They propose to carry on exclqfsively :he -aWARmEtousS & CxN r.IIAi gACToRAGE

    R U8 1 ei? .8.Nnnder the firm of GEIGER & PARTLOW.Having engaged an expeninced and com- 1

    petent assistant, in addition to their own per-esanal attention, and possessing menns to r.nakeliberal advances on Produce consigned to theirrare, they hereby render their services to Plan.ters, Merchants and others, in the stornge ani tsale ifoCotton, Flour, Bacon,

    and other Produnce, in Receiving and Forward-ing Mlerchandise, and purchasing goods to or-er.Their charges will be regulated by the usual

    rates of the plae.W. W. GEIGER,JAMES Y. L. PARTLOW.

    Hamburg, June 3, 1846.ne9 6m 20


    .HAMIIURG, S. C.AVE: ramoved their stock of Dry Goodsto the Store under the Amercan Hotel,

    (lte Hunbbard's.) where it is their purpose toa (mlla!sortnent of

    can. French and EngiushRY GOODS.

    ake this opportunity to return ournunteromi friends for the verybestowed on its for the last six

    fdsolicit a contiance of their

    W alio invite all persons,buying DryGood. itn Hamhurg, who are not already onour large list of subscribers regireas a trial.Our stock will conisist ofa imch larger and

    more general assortment than we have hereto'fore kept. We shall also continue to keep marmisual aoisortment of Carpeting, Oir.Ulnth, Flooratting,. Bonnets, and Ladies and Childrens

    Shoeis.*N;mB eceived a full assortment of all

    - ltima''loths$,which to er'with all articles in our line will i

    be sold as low als they can be procured in Ham. Fburg or Augusta. IWM. KETCHAM& CO. iHamburg. S. C. Ang. 7-11 f 29 t

    Warehmousse & ComnissionBUSINESS,HAMBURG S. C.

    T Ht Sublscriber begs leave to inform lis1..f to and the public generally, tha~t he$'rnse &6 Cormsssiou


    conventienice of this Establishmenit is tooIknowni to tegntire much co'mment. Couttonmi

    r othear l'roduce onc'e itt state canm lhe ptut ontthe Rail Roadi without the addmtional expencefdrayatge, &c.;t which its certainly an itemivrthi totice, both to merchanttsantd platnters.Mychtargea will hie as reasonntble as otherkeconcermns in the place, amid the usual famcilm-

    ies given to those wvho mtay give me their pa-roage. B.'M. JRODriERS.seipt. 15 3ma 34.STATE OF~SOUJTH CAROLINA.EDGEFTELD DISTRICT.

    IN T1IE COURT. OF OIRDINARY.~Octier 29th 1847.

    Iilliami Kay & others Appr'ts. )SummonsOs in

    Wiley Kay &.othecrs Def'is. Parttrio.T appearing tn my ratmsfaction that the saidWiley Kay, Eli Kny. Hlirami Kay. Sanmiel

    Christitin andi wife Ilihecn. Editmn Mslartinindwife Nancy. and Williamn Thoriton andmivifeLintda, live withiouit the limits of thetate, it is thterfore ordered, thatt they do appear 1

    n the Court of Ordinary on or brefore the firsetilonday int March next, to show cause if anya

    hey catn. why', the Real Estate of Sarah Kamy.ecd. should not bc divitded or sold, or the-irtonsent to the sanme will b4 emntered of-Racordi.

    liven under miy hand itt the GilurtofOrdininryh day and date above written. ~. t~

    Nov.3 3m d1

    Sate of South Carolina.EDGEFIELD DISTRICT.

    IN THE COURT. 'O ORDINARY.29th of Octobler, 1S47

    Simeon Attoway & wvife Appl'ts. Summons'anney Gouldien & others Def'ts. Partilion.T appearing to my satisfatetion that Seth.bHazel. Hliront Ahncy-and wife Wille3 .Jon-

    than Hazel and wife Hulduth. Rhody Moss.'ohn Mossnnd wife Luceinda, Morris Johnson . -ltfrd Johnson, and Pickens Johnson. ives

    ithout the limits of this State, it is thtereforeirdered, that they do appear and object to the

    ivision or saln of theo Real Estate oh Charityohsoni. deceased. oni or before the first Mon-[yin March text. or their consenit to the

    atti will lbe entered of Record. Given untdernyhand in the Court of Urdinary, the day anid

    ate above wvrmtten,--JOHN HILL, o.z.n.

    Nov3 3m 41


    mles above the Court House. ott Tmtrley Creek. tolls beforo mie ami estray sorrel0RSE, blind in the right eye, both htind feetnhte,a blaze iti the face, supposed to be ninte1

    ears old. Appraised at forty dollars.JC. MITCHELL, Magistrate. T

    .antar 6 *Iamam 37..


    IMEDICINE.[N offering thisvalunable 4uedicine to the preople of S. Carolina for the relief and cire of

    inny diseases incident to a Southern climate,do not claim for it infallibility; neither do 1ty it will cnre all diseases. Bit inHRQNIC LIVER AFFECTIONS

    AND DYSPEPSIA.I can confidently advise and recommend itsse, from .y personal observation and use ofie article in my own practice. This article isivorably received wherever it has beer used.am allowed to refer to Mr. George Heard of'roup. Mr. John Warren of Colhmbus. Mr.cAlree of Cobb, Atr. Asbury Uil of Athens.

    fr. William D. Terrell of Putnam, Rev'd.olin E. Dawson of Lagrange; to which arent umber of names might be added, whoear their testimony to its value.Iabitualcostiveness is foutid very freqently

    onnected with -feeble constitutions, and per-ans of sedentary habits, which often exert aery unafavorable influence upon the generalselth of the subject; and is particularly mani-ested by a restlesa and desponding state of themind, irregular if not a los of appetite. Forhis condition of the system, this article is confi.ently recommended with the positive assuir-

    nee that if the dose is properly adjusted. so asintto move the bowels too actively, relief mayerelied on, without any, even the least of thenplessant consequencies, rensting from thieie of the common purging medicines itsuallyesorted to. This article will be tind to acta pleasant eordiil and tonic, restoring the

    ppetite. and at the saime titne fullilling everyiidication that the common purging medicines

    re desiEned to effect.Tiere are some constitutions liable to regnr attacks of Bilious fever almost evey fall,risuch, I recommend the use (if this Medicine,rgiining at least by the middle of May, of firstrfJiinoAlany persons whose Digestive organs are

    reble. ollten experience a sense of tillness,veight, and oppression, about the stomach afer eating-in such cases a dose olthis medi.ine will often afford immediate relief.Pregnait women ofien siifer from heartmrn and costiveness, they tay use the articleithout the least danger and with great betiefit,n sick or nervous head-ache, it is a most valti-

    ble medicine'I coid append a long list of certificates, hntorbear, preferring to rely on the virtnes of thenedicine to sustini itsell The nelicine is n;etle and certaincathartic tonic and sidorihic.

    JOEL BIIANHAM.Eaonton. Georgia.For sale by Robert Anderson, Liberty Hill.heatem & settle, Dnntoiisville, Charles Free-nan, Cairo P. 0., and

    J. D. TIBBETTS,Edgefield C. 11.

    sept.8 ly 33

    E'yler's Ague & FeverPl is.A CERTAIN. safe and elTecteial cere for. Agne and Fever, in all varied forms. Al.s.an excellent Tonic in Dyspepsia, Palpita-

    ion of the Heart. Less of Appetite. Neuralgi,ervuus and other diseases, which arise fron aeak and delilitated coidition of the system.

    B-Itintore. Derember 151h, 1843.Dr. G. K. TrTLR.a.-Dear Sir.-It -is withreat pleasture that I announce to you a perfect,tortion of my healsh by the nse of your in-riable pills. I had been suffering from3hillsand Fevers for eighteen or twenty ionth.tiring which time I took five bottles of Rmv-nd's Tonic Mixture, Dr. Sherman's Fever andgue Lozenges, Dr. Love'segetaile Elixir.eener's Powders, Barks, Qiinine, Thompso.ian Medicineit Arsenic,. Herbs, .and in fictmoat all the popular remediesi' could hear il';tdreceived no lasting benefit. Tbechill6

    ed by Quinine and other thingsbtaIdsr'afewiays or weeks'they would return-

    gin,asad or vorse than before Towarilshe last the chills caime only every thiid day,.und.thee were followed by fever of such me-eity as to af'ect my reason and it was funndecesary for some one to watch with me un-ilthepa'roxysm passed off. At lai~t I procuredbox of your pitls and only took four of them ;

    us so completely stopped the clls, that Iiavenever had a return of them up to this

    ime, (nearly two years) and ne'ar a year of'histime was passed in the same place Iwhere I

    retraught the disease.That my ease is not one enred by chance isnoven from the fact that four pills out of the

    ane boi curEd Capt. Reuben Baiiks, so ef-ictally that lie has never had the disease since.viereas before he often siuff'ered from it. Twotherperson were also cnred biy the cotments ofhissame box, and they neiilher of them havetda returii of it although they both resideviere they are exposed every seauson.

    I knoew several others who have been curedivyour pills. hut it is unnecessary to de'taihhiercnses. The best certilien;tes of their ellini-imeyin Ciiills and lFever will be a few~doses,tmdi' they are as beneficial to others as theymvebeen to me they may be truly called a ptnh-icblessing.am with nmuch respect yonr obee't serv't.

    HENRY BRISCOE.For sale by T. Rbdey). hiimborg. S. U., and

    Edged'ield C. HI., S. C.nly 28 (Gm 27

    Lucina Oordial; or theELIXIR OF LOVE.T IlS is a sovereign and speedy cure for

    lulciplienit Cosnsumpioni, hiarrenneus,mpotency, hnicnrbuoa or Whhiies, (Obsitnction.)ill'init or' Pai nfii M1enstruation.InucomuinenceifUrine. or Involuntary Disc'harge thereof;ndftor general proitration of the system,. whe-herthe result of inherent ceinses or producedyirrenularity, illness or ac.idenit.

    There is not a shadow of doubt that this isr'ie, and were not the siubjet of too delicate a

    eantre, hundreds waould tesuify to the ittrival-ed eency of this Cordial as a specific for barenness, flour albmus, gleets. irreguilariie' in the

    ecretions, pains ini the Kidneys. fe'mnle sup-iressions. For saile biy all the principal Drug-;istsin Augusta, Hamburg and Charleston.

    0.- Price, $3 per bottle.For sal~e by Huiviland. Ilnrral & Allen, King

    treet: P. Melvin Cohen, No. 19 Hnayne street ;elsonCarter, AMeeting street. nsd E. M. Ca-ey.Broad street, Charlestn; T. Ihisley, 1lam-

    urg; andJ. ..D.TBBETTS,Edgefield Court H.-ouse. S. C.

    july 28 Gmu '27

    LAWV NOTICE.HiE undersigned will practice in partner-Fship in the Courts of' Law and Eqnity

    urEdgefield District.THOMA-S 11. POPE,

    october 20 3mu 39

    NOTICE.NY Persns wiithing Pl.\NNO'S TUNEDcan he attended to, by apply ing to M1r.

    rn A. Clark, Edgefielid C. H..; by letterotherwise.

    Jly 7 tf 241

    A SPLIENDID LOT OPSpartanbuurg Iron,OR~SALE cheap, at A. I3USIlNELL'B,consisting oh' Farming Iron, and Wagon

    ovembr7. 1

    ESTIMONIALS.-Extract of a letter, 1from Dr Waiies. of Philadelphia, FeL-.I,1841.-" Your Pills are the mildest in theit

    iperations. and yet most powerful in their ef'cts, or any that I have ever met with in a pracice of eight and twenty years. Their action onle chyle and hence on the impurities or the.>,ood, is evidently vety surprising.'Extract ofa letter from Dr. Henry Hall, or

    .-nebec, L. C., Match 6. 1841.-" For bilions'evers, sick hendaches, torpidity of the bowels.tnd enlargement of the spleen. Dr. Peters!&,Pills are an excellent medicine."For sale by all tie Druggists in Anguta,.Hambiurg. and in Charleston by P. Melvin,

    Cohen. Nn. 19 Ilayne street. Haviland. Hiar-ral & Allen. King street; Nelson Carter, Meet-in *rent; E. M. Carey. Broad street. andAt..s Head. corner East Bay and Broad street.Tr. Risley, Hamburg ; and

    J. D. TIBBETTS.Edgefield Court House, S. C.

    jnly 28 6m 27Dr. Gordon's PHiIs.GREAT ARRIVAL!

    A3 Bnshels or 25.A0 boxes of Dr. CORDON'S FAfMILY PILLS.-Thevaist and increasing demand for this new andiistly celebrated Medicine. and the numerouscures they are daily effecting in all portions ofthe country where they have been introduced,of Dyspepsi1. Liver Complaints and BillionsDtseases, with their well known attendants.Sick Head-sche, &c., haus induced the tindersianed to make arrangements to receive theirstocks direct from the Proprietor, and wouldsay to their numerous customers that they areprepared to sthpply them, wholesale or retail,afNew York prices.ItT 02 per dozen, or 24 cent' per box.By P. Melvin Cohen. No. 19 Hayne street:

    Hav;land, Harral & Allen, King street; Nel-soi Carter, Meeting street; E. M. Carey.Broad str-nt; and Amos Head, corner EastBay and B:-oad street, Charleston; T. Risley,Hamburg; and J. D). TIBBETTS,

    Edgefield Court House, S. C.july 28 6m 27

    FOR the cure of White Swellings. Scrofulas,and other tumors, Ulcers, Sore Legs, oldaiid fresh Mounds, Sprains and Bruises, Steel.lings, and Inflammation, Scald Head. SoreBreasts, of women. Rheumatte pains, Teters.Eruptions, Chilblnius, Whitltcs, Biles, Corns,and externial diseases generally. It is likewisegreatly superior to any medicine heretoforediscovered for the chafed backs and limbs ofhorses; for ringworms, chapped lips. and inslort-ror evety external bodily evil that may fallto.the lot of maii or beast. 'the proprietor ofthis noble specific can positively state,, withoutfear of contradiction, that it is vastly superiorto any compound ever discovered,. or at leastthat is known in these days, in the'erp.oftheabove complaints. Indeed, too much canniotbe said in its favor, for there is nothing: rniiecertain,than its efficacy in tie matters forWhichit is recommended,,and the speed and pert'ec-tion of itszures are such as to have-theiappear.ance of bniiig miraculoui. No house should .bewithout this almost universal'.iitnent, for.Ihteinimates o'r all houses are liableuto ecalds,setatch'es. cuts, lrnises, biurticortise.cippd lips.&c. &c. Bc.; front any :or.alhriihiicr-itheycan rei e.butlstleii f' they hiea box

    olf. rris'istiik --.alecifictoto rongendpa on h

    For galey ij burg;,fUdEdgieeld Court House, 8 C.

    july 28 Gm 27HEALUTH .MADE EASY.-DRI. LE .ROY'S,

    YEGEITAhSLE UNIV~lSAIL'PILLS.1 HE starilitng drawback otn nearly all Me-

    dicinal Agents has ever been that in theirprocess of pnato and purification they hatealso Debilituued the Sysem.-Hlentce PurgativeMedicines have alwaysheen regarded as at beetbut a Necessar3 Ecil, Paienits resorting to themfor the refef of~one disease at the expence ofanother.-To obviate this Physicians have longsough' for an Agent that would at the sametiite PURtGE. PURIFY antd 8TRENGTH-.EN. Ilut their ett'trrs were nearly fruitless,and they had almost despaired of snecess whenithe labors of science, and research were re-wnrdled by a discovery wh~ich flly realized thefotdest desires of the Medical Fneicity, andwhich is justly regarded as one of the most im-aprtant T1rinmuphs~ that Pharmacy has ever a-chieved.-This iunportant desideratumn is natm-ed Dr. LE~ ROY'S VtEETABLE UNIVER-SAL PILLS which purity the Blood and re-move all cotnpt, and vitiated hntmors, antd tin.'aealthty accumntiations trom te body in a moan-nor never h~el'ore rivnlled. aid which yet pro-ditce no weakness or lassitude whatever, biton the conttre y. tone the StomachI atud invigo-rate the constitinlion dnring the progress of theiroperations! Dr. Le~ ty's Pills, ini fact unuitethose hueitofore irrei'oncihable, but tmost decir-able qualities. Evneniationi and Invigoration, lorthey are at the same time a STItENGTH'1 EN-ING PURGATIV E, and a PUiFYIN(G TONIC.Trhe two principle inigredients in Dr. Le

    Ro's Pills are WILD CIHEILitY and SAlR-SA'A RiiLLA, so ptreparetd that each prmnuotesthe bentelicial ielfect of the other, the formierstrengthening. wvhile the latter, throngh its nnion

    with variotis vegtetable ingredients, evacuates,and purities-th'ns they superinduce nit torpid-

    ity or laqsitude of the Digestive Funictions, andhenice their operations are attended by nto lRe-actiitn, or subsequent Catstivetnes.Dr. Le Rtoy's Pills are the most active andsenchitng Mledicine in existence. They at onteattack the very root of Diseases. and their ac-

    tiin is so prompt, that in an hour or two nIlerthey are taketn. the patienit is aware of theirgood etTcts. They not only operate on the

    Blood. hitt also on the chyle, ofwhich the bloodis formed. atud this secures good blond front thefottntain hend. inntenver they proditee neithernasen, griping otr debility, and ns a familyMledIcine they have no rival.-Pice 25 CENTsperBox.For satle by J. D. TIB3BETT'S, EdgefieldC.li., S.C. jttly7(imo24

    EDGEFIELD HOTEL,T H E: Subscribers anountce to their friendsantd the pubtiic, that they haive openedlieoute formottly ocenpt~ied by M1r. B.J. Ryatn,inEdgetield village, and ate prepared to accom-mundto all those who may invot theim with theirptrntago, with comufortable fare for thienmelvestmdn horses.Tiuei, Table will he always provided with theIbestthin arknet nltfords, ad attetnded to byTheir Stables will lhe nitended to by first rateasters, wvho will he in waiting at all hiotrs, bylnyor night, to see that hiorses are propirly ta'kenmcare of. ClARLES J. GLOVER,

    ARMISTrEAD BURT.sep2 tf 35117 The friends of WESLEY BOJDIE, annotuce him as a citndidlate for the office of-

    Notice.LL.persons Indebted to the estate ofLarw. -tinGiaplapnneceaed., .are r ise Tnake 8mmdtt11 ent..i and t

    emnpnd9 agamsmet le ne, .are. ret

    1resentthem for payment,.yOn the 18th of December'ie Inoiiteit the s-ie of the propert ielitmig toate becomes dnme. As I am ,anxson Yhe estate, I caninot gtaht.longerjnd:#g'ence. .

    JOHN ADAM'november2 Al, 40T After ten years constant experi'P4tethe Warehouse Business, I feel My-.self fully competent to discharge any: 6iineas

    n my line. which may be trusI.to.my.tremd after the very recent uinparralled'depy.ig.on in the price of the great staple, Cotton. %ian'

    is the Planters are alone able to stay thd'ward tendency by holding their cropsi e r.a time. nntil ihe present embarrassed stateofrommercial affairs subside. And to ai-tiit4o doing, I propose to store Cotton at the foglow'ing rates, viz-25cents forthefirstfour moatawe3*4 cents fir 6 months, and 50. cents f(pr gheseaspn, or JO cents per hlg, either of whielmst he agreed on the day of storink o 3cents will be charged. -Lr

    W. T. ljEtP. S. Liberat advanees will be made oi pro

    doice in store.Hambnrg, November 1 2m '

    NOTMCE. 1N ELECTION will be held. aRMe 4cr'ent places of Election for this Dstrict owthe first Monday in January next, roe: iri

    Ordinary, and Clerk. to fill the vacancies.ieiwill be occasioned by the expirationorsfithiterms of H. Boulware. Sheriff. :JohnHiilt,Ordinary, and Thomas G. Bacon. Clerk.i, .+There will -be only one day for voting.The Managers will meet at EdgefieCotHouse on the Wednesday following, coiintth

    votes and declare the election.THO. G. BACON, Cl. -

    Edgefield C. H. 26h Oct. 3847.october27 10- -40

    tiotice.LL those indebted to the estate of C 'tJohnon, dee'd., are reqneste aimmediate payment, and those having demanisto present them properly atested. '


    Adnministrators.july 7 if 24

    Notice.A LL persons Iddebted to the estatoi - Dr.IS Angustus W. Burt, dec'd., are requiIto make immediate payment. and tboiwehaN.._demands aseinst saisd estate? are reqnest itopresent the for psayenTfpro atestjune 16 +: 21

    A LL those indebted'tb the.old firin 4iPm-ley & Bryan, eitherby- Note 46ee,nare requested to come forward azi0etleimp.We are compelled to biing the.~iisne qaclose. E. . PSESLEY -

    B. C. BRYAN.September 7, 1847. tfr

    NOTICE.A.LL Persons indebted to the Ette ifGeorge Pope, decetaed, are here ynoj.lied that it is absolutely necessary t pgolrt-e money due the Estate, and tfi o '1 iot pay will- beaud before reirn ITheNtes i'thand. of.N. Grfip or

    $1jfln. thI i ergy~ffice, on dMoattdayie 3rd day, Janpary next, ank-"itheirdemad erIy attested,asI desire totloseup thee t.. *

    NANCY REYNO.LD~;amigat Admnistr

    Notice.ILL Persons indebted tou ut onr late Met.cantile business, are hier'chy notified that

    onger in amnigence can, nor will'not be given.We mmust close our bnasiness. A w'ord~t'titewise is sificient. A. BLAND..

    W. P. BUTLER.Edgefield C. H.S. C.,

    Sept. 10, 1847. tf .34'A'ice.

    LL Persons indebted to the estate of Char-.les G. Garrett, dec'd., are regnaested' tonake immediate payment and, those having-

    lematnds against said estate are rieqnested topresenit thema for payment properly attested.P. H. ELA-M. Adm'tr.apt 8 3m 33

    NOTICE.R. ROFF. who held conditionally an in-

    J.V.terest in the right of Edgefield District,n Iitatthkiss' Renction Mill Wheets, (Patent) .mat never cotmplied with said condition. thero-ore he ho'ldat no interest, and has tno right temel! tar makte any contret- lfor said Wheels.We. the nndersigned are the owners, of saidrigiht, amnd a iht purchased from any other,anless our n'genvt, will not he gooid.Mr. J. T. WVasaRa, we anthorise, with full

    lower toect as onr agent.COTHRAN & MOORE.

    Marcha 1, 1847. tf' 6CARD.

    HE nnderuigned having made the neces-ksnry arranmgemetas. is now prepared to

    iarnishi Cofl~us of every description, at. theiortest notice, and will give thin brachof hismosinessa his personal attention. He has..alsoiow finished. q new and elegant Rearse,,vhich wmdl he in mendinmess at any time, to attendPnaoerals. His charges wdml be reasonable and

    iccommnodating. .4-A. BUSHNELLa

    Edeefieldl C. hi..July 28' .-tr 27iBACONI--BACON.JUST RECEIVED,ANEW lot of very superior Bacon,

    which will he sold low for CASH.Also-A lot of fine Flour.

    J. A. WILLIAMS.jnne9 tf 20-Bauyley.s here Yet!-ASH made .at 6J cenits per light,- for allSash cotmtnining 15 lights to the window: -

    umal np~wards, all windacows containing less7 ct.aer lighat.All kindas of FURNITURE made .to onier,itthme old stand, I mile from Gilgal ehurch,.-mdt 17 from Catmbridge, upona thme Martintown

    ond.Ail orders left at this office wuilbe attetided

    o.WW. BAYLEY.aagnst 25 tf 31Atbville Danner an.l Anderson Gasette co-

    my three tiames.RYE FOR MALEIO Bnshels RYE SEED. of best qualty-ror sale by the snbsrihers.

    G. L. & E. PENN.,sept tf

    ASALGIRL sir BOY as'a' I855

    one about8 or 10 Jest's oasige, of 6ifld~isl

    tioimoaldb'e preferred. EttqturdaMbVeci