tip from connect 2014: java performance analysis and troubleshooting

© 2014 IBM Corporation SHOW104: Practical Java Mark Myers, London Developer Coop Julian Robichaux, panagenda

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This particular tip deals with performance analysis and troubleshooting. Mark Myers (London Developer Co-op) and Julian Robichaux (panagenda) focus on code optimization, troubleshooting with FindBugs, analyzing Java Memory Usage and a whole lot more. The rest of thir presentation (which you can download for free in the IBM Connect 2014 community on SocialBizUG.org) is packed full of useful information relational data access; images, PDFs, and Plugins; IDEs other than Domino Designer you may want to consider; and tons of resources.


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© 2014 IBM Corporation

SHOW104: Practical Java

Mark Myers, London Developer Coop Julian Robichaux, panagenda

Page 2: Tip from Connect 2014: Java performance analysis and troubleshooting


Performance Analysis and Troubleshooting

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Code Optimization

Make your code work first, then worry about speed – You always want working code to fall back on

Is it fast enough? Leave it alone.

An elegant solution that is slightly slower is often better than an ugly solution that is slightly faster

Making code shorter doesn’t make it faster

Keep the code readable and easy to troubleshoot

Don’t assume you know where the bottleneck is

“We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil”

- Donald Knuth

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Static Code Analyzers

FindBugs is a great tool for finding potential problems

Bugs grouped by categories – Scariest – Scary – Troubling

Also subcategories like “Correctness”, “Security”, “Performance”, and “Dodgy Code”

New cloud option for development teams – Rank bugs, assign fixes



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Debugging, Logging, and Unit Testing

Mark and Julian did a 2-hour presentation on debugging, logging, and unit testing at Lotusphere 2012

– Please see the slides at: – http://londondevelopercoop.com/ldc.nsf/pages/goodies

Highlights: – How to add unit testing to Java code in DDE – How to add unit testing to JavaScript code – Debugging Java agents on Notes clients and Domino servers – Debugging Java classes used by XPages – Tips for using Java logging

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Common Bottlenecks

Some other guy’s server

Slow database queries

Memory issues – Leaks (less common than you’d think) – Too much cached information

• Especially large objects, strings, XML – Strong references

Loading and unloading resources

Non-lazy initialization of objects

Slow or broken network connection

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Simulating Poor Network Connections



Network Link Conditioner (OSX) – XCode > Open Developer Tool > More Developer Tools

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Analyzing Java Memory Usage

Used for: – Tracking down memory leaks – Finding high-memory-use objects (and arrays) – Finding objects that are unexpectedly still in memory

IBM Heap Analyzer – https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/alphaworks/tech/heapanalyzer – http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27006624&aid=1

YourKit Java profiling app – http://yourkit.com – http://notesin9.com/index.php/2012/11/29/notesin9-091-xpages-memory-profiling-part-1

Eclipse Memory Analysis Tool – http://www.eclipse.org/mat/downloads.php – http://lazynotesguy.net/blog/2013/08/30/wheres-my-memory-gone-peeking-inside-jvms-

heap-part-1-installation – http://lazynotesguy.net/blog/2013/10/04/peeking-inside-jvms-heap-part-2-usage

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Generating Heap Dumps with Notes/Domino

Domino XPages – tell http xsp heapdump – XPages Toolbox ( http://www.openntf.org/p/XPages%20Toolbox )

Notes Client (Expeditor) – notes\framework\rcp\rcplauncher.exe -com.ibm.rcp.core.logger#dump heap -dumps heapdump – writes to notes\data\workspace\logs\heapdump.###.phd by default – You can also do a core (thread) dump with:

• notes\framework\rcp\rcplauncher.exe -com.ibm.rcp.core.logger#dump threads -dumps javacore

Directly from Java – com.ibm.jvm.Dump.HeapDump(); – writes to notes\framework\heapdump.###.phd when run from an agent

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Access Connect Online to complete your session surveys using any: – Web or mobile browser – Connect Online kiosk onsite


Mark Myers London Developer Coop [email protected] Twitter: @stickfight

Julian Robichaux panagenda [email protected] Twitter: @jrobichaux

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