tipene - nuca of the carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 william h. feather safety award winner...

The Pipeline PRESIDENTS REPORT 2016 PRESIDENT—KEITH BURKE/PIPELINE UTILITIES It looks like spring is here! I hope everyone survived the long and rainy winter and are taking advantage of these sunny spring days we have been having! Spring Conference is just around the corner and I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the Wild Dunes Resort in Isle of Palms, SC!! We have a great program planned with top notch speakers as well as the Safety Applicaon finalists presenng their safety programs. If you have not signed up to aend, please do so as soon as possible. Don’t miss out on this special me of vising with your fellow NUCA members, listening to some great speakers as well as enjoying golf, sporng clays and enjoying the Charleston area! Wild Dunes Resort is a beauful place to spend the weekend! Last month I had the pleasure of aending the Naonal NUCA Convenon in Puerto Rico along with Brian Wilkerson, Jarrod Wil- liamson and Linda Goslee. Anika Kahn, Senior Economist with Wells Fargo in Charloe presented her economic perspecve on the economy. She expressed cauous opmism about the forecast for the construcon industry through 2017. She was more opmisc about North Carolina’s forecast. New housing starts as well as architectural / engineering billings were the key drivers for her opmism. HD Supply Waterworks sponsored 2 keynote speakers at the convenon; Kris “Tanto” Paronto, co-author of “13 Hours”, deliv- ered a great session on “Boom-Up Leadership and how it saved lives in Benghazi”. Merril Hoge, author of “Finding a Way” presented an inspiring session on life’s challenges. Merril was a four-year football starter at Idaho State University and played for a couple teams in the NFL. He discussed his many struggles including a bale with cancer and how his opmisc atude in his life’s mantra of “find a way” got him through them. Caterpillar, Inc. sponsored the annual “Team Building” event! Teams were challenged with construcng a boat from cardboard and packing tape! What an experience that was! Let’s just say that Brian Wilkerson and I decided that we will stay in the Ulity Construcon field and not go into boat building!!! It was a top notch convenon; if you have never aended one before, I hope you will consider doing so in the future! The NUCA Washington Summit is May 23-25 th . Linda Goslee, Kevin Cripps and Brian Wilkerson are planning to aend and wel- come anyone else that would like to join them! Please let Linda know if you plan to aend. The registraon informaon is post- ed at www.nuca.com. Please look through the “Pipeline” to see all the NUCA of the Carolinas and NUCA Naonal highlights! I look forward to seeing everyone at the Spring Conference in a couple of weeks!! KEITH I N S I D E 2016 Officers and BOD Members Page 2 New Members Page 12 S&RM Page 4 Washington Summit/Silica Page 13 & 14 Member News Page 5,9,10 Training Classes Page 15-17 NC811 Safe Dig Month Page 6 Raffle—Benelli Gun Page 18 Report from Brad Page 7 NUCA Store Page 19 Joint UCC Meeng Page 8 Save the Dates Page 20

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Page 1: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William



It looks like spring is here! I hope everyone survived the long and rainy winter and are taking advantage of these sunny spring

days we have been having!

Spring Conference is just around the corner and I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the Wild Dunes Resort in Isle of

Palms, SC!! We have a great program planned with top notch speakers as well as the Safety Applica#on finalists presen#ng their

safety programs. If you have not signed up to a&end, please do so as soon as possible. Don’t miss out on this special #me of

visi#ng with your fellow NUCA members, listening to some great speakers as well as enjoying golf, spor#ng clays and enjoying

the Charleston area! Wild Dunes Resort is a beau#ful place to spend the weekend!

Last month I had the pleasure of a&ending the Na#onal NUCA Conven#on in Puerto Rico along with Brian Wilkerson, Jarrod Wil-

liamson and Linda Goslee. Anika Kahn, Senior Economist with Wells Fargo in Charlo&e presented her economic perspec#ve on

the economy. She expressed cau#ous op#mism about the forecast for the construc#on industry through 2017. She was more

op#mis#c about North Carolina’s forecast. New housing starts as well as architectural / engineering billings were the key drivers

for her op#mism.

HD Supply Waterworks sponsored 2 keynote speakers at the conven#on; Kris “Tanto” Paronto, co-author of “13 Hours”, deliv-

ered a great session on “Bo&om-Up Leadership and how it saved lives in Benghazi”. Merril Hoge, author of “Finding a Way”

presented an inspiring session on life’s challenges. Merril was a four-year football starter at Idaho State University and played

for a couple teams in the NFL. He discussed his many struggles including a ba&le with cancer and how his op#mis#c a@tude in

his life’s mantra of “find a way” got him through them. Caterpillar, Inc. sponsored the annual “Team Building” event! Teams

were challenged with construc#ng a boat from cardboard and packing tape! What an experience that was! Let’s just say that

Brian Wilkerson and I decided that we will stay in the U#lity Construc#on field and not go into boat building!!! It was a top

notch conven#on; if you have never a&ended one before, I hope you will consider doing so in the future!

The NUCA Washington Summit is May 23-25th

. Linda Goslee, Kevin Cripps and Brian Wilkerson are planning to a&end and wel-

come anyone else that would like to join them! Please let Linda know if you plan to a&end. The registra#on informa#on is post-

ed at www.nuca.com.

Please look through the “Pipeline” to see all the NUCA of the Carolinas and NUCA Na#onal highlights! I look forward to seeing

everyone at the Spring Conference in a couple of weeks!! KEITH


2016 Officers and BOD Members Page 2 New Members Page 12

S&RM Page 4 Washington Summit/Silica Page 13 & 14

Member News Page 5,9,10 Training Classes Page 15-17

NC811 Safe Dig Month Page 6 Raffle—Benelli Gun Page 18

Report from Brad Page 7 NUCA Store Page 19

Joint UCC Mee#ng Page 8 Save the Dates Page 20

Page 2: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William

2016 Officers and Board of Directors


Keith Burke Pipeline U+li+es PRESIDENT

Kenneth Smith KBS Construc+on VICE PRESIDENT

Chris Humbert Park Construc+on Company SECRETARY/TREASURER


Joe Williams Concrete Pipe & Precast PAST PRESIDENT


Justus Evere8 ABE U+li+es

Sco8 Thomas Gregory Poole Equipment

Jarrod Williamson Xylem/Godwin Pumps

Ben Aton Foremost Pipeline

Jeremy Howard Distribu+on Construc+on, LLC

John Barringer BRS, Inc.

Chris Sellman Smith, Kesler & Associates

Byron Sanders US Pipe

Brian Wilkerson JF Wilkerson Contrac+ng

Bre8 Sondergard United Rentals

Sco8 Li8le State U+lity Contractors


Bradford Barringer—BRS, Inc.


Ken Malonson

(Underground Damage Preven+on Review Board)

Kevin Cripps—Cripps Proper+es

(NUCA Na+onal)

Page 3: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William


Mee#ngs and Fun in Puerto Rico!

We had a great combina#on of edu-

ca#on and fun at the NUCA Annual

Conven#on! Gold Partner Caterpil-

lar, Inc. sponsored the Team Building

event - building boats from card-

board and packing tape! Let’s keep

our u#lity contractors laying pipe and

stay away from the boat building!!!

Page 4: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William

Page 3

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Piedmont Na�onal Gas

100 Woodruff Industrial Lane, Greenville, SC 29607

9:00—11:00 a.m. : Lunch a'er mee�ng

RSVP BY Friday, May 6th

Linda Goslee—910-686-2331 or [email protected]


Membership Social

May 10, 2016

Barleys Pizza

25 W. Washington Street

Greenville, SC

6:00—8:00 p.m.

RSVP—[email protected]

Page 3


August 9th—Kernersville, NC—S&RM MEETING

“Explosives” Class—September 27th (Details Soon)

November 1st—State U+lity Contractors—Monroe, NC—S&RM MEETING

Page 5: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William



2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner

Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the

2015 William H. Feather Safety Award at the annual NUCA (National) annual

convention in Puerto Rico, March 12, 2016.

The William H. Feather Safety Awards are presented to NUCA member company who have

shown significant commitment and effort to safety. Judging is based on outstanding safety rec-

ords, safety statements and safety program information. William H. Feather was a founding

member of NUCA’s first Safety Committee and was widely known as the backbone of NUCA’s

Safety Program that was established in 1978.



A safety Stand-Down is a voluntary event for employers to talk directly to employees and others

about safety. The focus is on trench/excava+on hazards and reinforce the importance of using

trench protec+ve systems.

The goal is to reach out to as many workers as possible to help reduce the number of serious inju-

ries and fatali+es.

To par+cipate in the Stand-Down—Plan to take a break to have a toolbox talk or another safety ac-

+vity to draw a8en+on to the specific hazards related to working in and around trenches/

excava+ons. Consider reviewing your trench/excava+on safety program to help provide a more

effec+ve stand-down. Make it interested for your employees!

Ask your subcontractors, owner, architects, engineers or others associa+on with your projects to

par+cipate in the stand-down.

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Page 6: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William

North Carolina 811 Celebrates Ninth Annual NATIONAL


NC811 encourages North Carolina residents to always

call 811 a few days before digging

Greensboro, NC, (March 30, 2016) - This April marks the ninth annual National Safe Digging

Month, reminding North Carolina residents to always call 811 three working days before any dig-

ging project. National Safe Digging Month is formally recognized by the U.S. House of Represent-

atives and Senate and has traditionally earned the support from nearly every state governor

across the country.

When calling 811, homeowners and contractors are connected to NC811, the local one call cen-

ter, which notifies the appropriate utility companies of their intent to dig. Professional locators

are then sent to the requested digging site to mark the approximate locations of underground

lines with flags, paint or both. Every six minutes an underground utility line is damaged because

someone decided to dig without first calling 811.

Striking a single line can cause injury, repair costs, fines and inconvenient outages. Every dig-

ging project, no matter how large or small, warrants a call to 811. Installing a mailbox, building

a deck and planting a tree or garden are all examples of digging projects that should only begin

a few days after a call to 811.

"As April marks the traditional start of digging season, we are using this month to strongly en-

courage individuals and companies to call 811 before they begin digging," said Louis Panzer, Ex-

ecutive Director of NC811. "By calling 811 to have the underground utility lines in their area

marked, homeowners and professionals are making an important decision that can help keep

them and their communities safe and connected."

The depth of utility lines can vary for a number of reasons, such as erosion, previous digging

projects and uneven surfaces. Utility lines need to be properly marked because even when dig-

ging only a few inches, the risk of striking an underground utility line still exists.

NC811 encourages area residents to visit www.nc811.org or www.call811.com for more infor-

mation about digging safely.


Page 7: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William

The bureaucrats who are obviously in control, view regula#ons as job crea#on. It makes jobs for the subject ma&er

experts. It makes jobs for the regula#on writers. It makes jobs for the regula#on enforcers. It makes jobs for the

folks that teach the new regula#ons. It makes jobs for the people that make the ink used to print the regula-

#ons. It makes jobs for the land owners that grow the tree that make the paper on which to print the regula#ons.

It makes jobs for the loggers that harvest the trees that make the paper on which the regula#ons are printed. It

makes jobs for the illegal aliens who replant the trees (work that will not be done by Americans) cleared to make

the paper used to print the regula#ons. It makes jobs for the printers that print the regula#ons. It makes jobs for

the lawyers that interpret the regula#ons. It makes jobs for the lawyers that prosecute the alleged violators. It

makes jobs for the lawyers that defend the alleged violators. It makes jobs for the trash collector that hauls away

all the waste generated in the process. It makes jobs for the land field operators who bury the trash generated by

the regula#ons. It will make jobs for some far distant genera#on that digs in the land field to see what life was like

in our day. New regula#ons even make jobs for the people who make the staples to hold the pages in order.

I have probably leM out half of the jobs created by the new regula#ons. BUT, the real tragedy is that all this work

and energy results in a net loss rather than a gain. All, or at least most, of those jobs could have been applied to

some useful purpose that could have benefited society rather than being a drain and a waste. Just think how much

this country could actually produce and how much we could help the rest of the world if we used our resources

wisely. Our government is out of control and frankly I don't see a quick and easy solu#on. One thing for sure, my

grandchildren will suffer from our apathy. Brad


YES, I will contribute because I care about the underground u+lity construc+on industry, our livelihood and most im-

portantly the public health, safety, environmental integrity and economic vitality of our State.





___ $20 ___ $50 __ $100 ___ $250 ____ $500 ____ Other

Please Remit to:


c/o Brad Barringer

P.O. Box 456

Richfield, N.C. 28137

Let’s stand together and have a Voice!!

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Page 8: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William

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Page 5

What does a Local U#lity Coordina#ng Commi&ee or UCC offer to an excavator? Well,

for starters valuable networking opportuni#es with the underground facility operators

and locators working in the area. These mee#ngs, usually only an hour or so in length,

give excavators a chance to put names with faces. It also gives them an opportunity to

share any concerns they may have about ac#vi#es going on in and around their work lo-

ca#ons. There are over 60 of these local UCCs around the state and every excavator is

encouraged to take part in mee#ngs close to them. Most take place monthly; some bi

monthly or quarterly.

If you can’t make it to a mee#ng but have a concern you want to voice, you can use the

NC 811 app to send it in using the “UCC Issues Form” bu&on. You can also submit your

concerns through the web: go to h&p://www.ncucc.org/UCC's/UCC_MAP.htm and scroll

down to the bo&om.

By sharing your concerns (and this can be done anonymously) you will accomplish two

things. First the concern will be sent to the chair of the local UCC for the county in which

the problem is occurring. That gives them a chance to bring it up at the next UCC

mee#ng. Second, the issue will get posted to a State UCC database so that the issue can

be brought before that group as well.

Hey, if a problem is happening in one area it may also be part of a larger problem. This

method allows all concerns to be shared with everyone so that a resolu#on might hap-


In 2017 the UCC program in North Carolina celebrates 75 years of helping coordinate all

stakeholders in the state. This valuable resource is only made stronger when your voice

is added to the dialogue. Please join us at a UCC near you. Find out where that might be

by visi#ng www.ncucc.org.

Thanks and as always know we are commi&ed to safety as a shared responsibility!

Louis Panzer

Execu+ve Director

North Carolina 811, Inc.


cell: 336-707-1736

34th Annual Joint NC/SC U+lity Coordina+ng Commi8ee Conference

May 4-6, 2016—Holiday Inn Resort, Wrightsville Beach, NC

A8endees and Exhibitors register at www.ncucc.org

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NUCA “TOP JOBS” FINALIST (Sanitary Sewer Collections/Storm Drain Category)


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Page 12: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William

SUZANNE VALENCIA, MBA Senior National Account Representative

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[email protected]

Serving AK, AL, AR, GA, KS, KY, LA, MO, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, VA




**Plan to visit Suzanne’s Exhibitor table at the 2016 Spring Conference**

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Raleigh, NC


[email protected]


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Page 14

Zonar Systems is an Electronic

Fleet Management Company

which provides GPS data, an

electronic inspec#on system

and other features for fleets in

many different markets!

Visit www.zonarsystems.com

Page 13: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William

The 2016 Washington Summit - MAY 23-25

The Washington Summit benefits both members and the NUCA Advocacy and lobbying agendas and

is an opportunity for you to have conversa+ons in front of your Senators and Representa+ves about

our industries problems. This is the best way to get them to listen to the concerns that U+lity Con-

tractors have!

Sign up today to a8end at www.nuca.com. The program begins on Monday with commi8ee

mee+ngs and on Tuesday, there will be speakers to discuss relevant topics and legisla+ve develop-

ments as well as elec+on insights. A legisla+ve briefing will be held on Tuesday aSernoon to help

with the topics of discussions to have with your legislators and answer any ques+ons you may have

in regards to preparing for your day on the Hill.

To find out who your Representa+ves and Senators are go to www.nuca.com and click on the

“Advocacy” tab at the top. You will see a sidebar link “Find Your Officials”.

If you plan to a8end, please contact Linda Goslee—www.nucacarolinas.org or 910-686-2331.

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OSHA released its final Silica rule this morning. Warning: its 1700+ pages.

While it will take NUCA’s VP of Safety, George Kennedy and I some time to wade through what it will mean, I wanted to give you

some top-line info to begin with.

First, the rule has been changed, has been changed, has been changed, has been changed, which was one of our objectives. Construction companies will be exempt from certain components

(like air quality monitoring and subsequent triggered requirements) if control methods the rule prescribes are followed. We will know

more about what the exemptions are and what the control methods are soon.

The rule will go into effect June 23, 2016. Compliance with the rule, except air sample analysis requirements begin June 23, 2017. Air

sample analysis requirements begin June 23, 2018.

The Construction Industry Safety Coalition (CISC), of which NUCA is a member, circulated the attached press release shortly after

OSHA made the final rule public. We remain concerned the rule is technologically and economically infeasible, and remain opposed

to its implementation.


Director of Government Affairs


WASHINGTON, March 24—The Construc#on Industry Safety Coali#on (CISC) has concerns with the final rule on respirable crystalline

silica released today by the Occupa#onal Safety and Health Administra#on (OSHA). It appears, upon ini#al review, that the 1,772-

page final rule contains some of the same problema#c provisions that the CISC previously iden#fied and shared with the agency.

CISC has been a highly engaged par#cipant in the rulemaking process since OSHA put forth the proposed rule two and a half years


“NAHB has long advocated the importance of the rule being both technologically and economically feasible,” said Ed Brady, chair-

man of the Na#onal Associa#on of Home Builders (NAHB) and home builder and developer from Bloomington, Ill. “While we’re

s#ll reviewing the final rule, we’re concerned that it may not adequately address these issues and take into considera#on real-

world applica#on.”

“The construc#on industry submi&ed hundreds of pages of comments in response to OSHA’s proposal and as we review the final

rule we will see whether OSHA has taken these comments into account in developing a standard that is workable,” said Associated

Builders and Contractors Vice President of Regulatory, Labor and State Affairs Ben Brubeck. “ABC will remain an engaged stake-

holder with OSHA in developing viable standards that will promote healthy and safe construc#on job sites.”

“Instead of craMing a new standard that the construc#on industry can comply with, administra#on officials have instead opted to

set a new standard that is well beyond the capabili#es of current air filtra#on and dust removal technologies,” said Stephen E.

Sandherr, the CEO of the Associated General Contractors of America. “Our concern is that this new rule will do li&le to improve

workplace health and safety, which is why we will con#nue our review of the new measure, consult with our members and decide

on a future course of ac#on that will best serve the health and safety of millions of construc#on workers across the country.”

“At first glance, we have observed that a number of provisions that concerned us in the proposed rule have been leM in the final

rule. This makes us con#nue to ques#on the final rule’s technological and economic feasibility for the construc#on industry. In

addi#on, OSHA has added several new provisions not in the proposed rule that we have not had a chance to thoroughly review

and consider the impacts. Once we complete our review we will be able to be more specific about what was released today,” said

Jeff Buczkiewicz, president of the Mason Contractors Associa#on of America

The members of the CISC include: The American Road and Transporta#on Builders Associa#on, American Society of Concrete Con-

tractors, American Subcontractors Associa#on, Associated Builders and Contractors, Associated General Contractors, Associa#on

of the Wall and Ceiling Industry, Building Stone Ins#tute, Concrete Sawing & Drilling Associa#on, Construc#on & Demoli#on Recy-

cling Associa#on, Distribu#on Contractors Associa#on, Interlocking Concrete Pavement Ins#tute, Interna#onal Council of Employ-

ers of Bricklayers and Allied CraMworkers, Leading Builders of America, Marble Ins#tute of America, Mason Contractors Associa-

#on of America, Mechanical Contractors Associa#on of America, Na#onal Associa#on of Home Builders, Na#onal Associa#on of

the Remodeling Industry, Na#onal Demoli#on Associa#on, Na#onal Electrical Contractors Associa#on, Na#onal Roofing Contrac-

tors Associa#on, Na#onal U#lity Contractors Associa#on, Natural Stone Council, The Associa#on of Union Constructors and the

Tile Roofing Ins#tute.


Page 15: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William


Mid-Atlan+c Open Enrollment 2016

Charleston, SC Burlington, NC Raleigh, NC Charlo8e, NC Manassas, VA

4/7/2016 4/14/2016 4/21/2016 4/28/2016 4/7/2016

5/5/2016 5/12/2016 5/19/2016 5/26/2016 5/5/2016

6/9/2016 6/16/2016 6/23/2016 6/30/2016 6/9/2016

7/7/2016 7/14/2016 7/21/2016 7/28/2016 7/7/2016

8/4/2016 8/11/2016 8/18/2016 8/25/2016 8/4/2016

9/1/2016 9/8/2016 9/15/2016 9/22/2016 9/1/2016

10/6/2016 10/13/2016 10/20/2016 10/27/2016 10/6/2016

11/3/2016 11/10/2016 11/17/2016 11/24/2016 11/3/2016

12/1/2016 12/8/2016 12/15/2016 12/22/2016 12/1/2016

New Construc+on Confined Space or Competent Person for Trench/Excava+on


Trench & Excava+on Competent Person Class

April 26, 2016

Fairfield Inn & Suites

4841 Tanger Outlet Blvd.

Charleston, SC 29418

Instructor: Patrick Knipe

To Request Space please visit www.neffcorp.com or [email protected]


Page 16: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William

Using Posi+ve Response in South Carolina

Posi#ve Response is defined in the SC Underground Facility Damage Preven#on Act as an automated informa#on system that

allows excavators, locators, operators, and other interested par#es to determine the status of a locate request un#l excava#on

or demoli#on is complete.

Posi#ve Response is a great resource for all stakeholders. From the #me a no#ce is ini#ated an excavator can check posi#ve re-

sponse to see which companies have responded, as well as how they have responded (marked, no conflict, etc.) and if the area

has been cleared for work to begin. This system is only as effec#ve as those who comply with the proper process and its provi-

sions as outlined in the statute.

Using Posi#ve Response became mandatory in South Carolina in June of 2015, but not everyone is using it correctly. In the first

quarter of 2016, 74% of locate transmissions contained a closed posi#ve response code before the three full business day #me

frame expired. Closing out a locate no#ce when work is complete is also part of the law, but only 16% of locates are being closed

by the excavator.

In 2015, SC811 worked hard to get all facility owners to join the associa#on and be set up to use the posi#ve response system.

The goal in 2016 is to improve the posi#ve response numbers by educa#ng all stakeholders about the benefits of using posi#ve

response and checking the status of a locate before arriving at the job site. Facility operators who don’t respond in #me are de-

laying the excava#on work and possibility pu@ng their facility lines in jeopardy, if the excavator followed all the statutory re-

quirements and choses to dig. Excavators who don’t check posi#ve response are not aware of what they should be looking for at

the job site and whether a lack of markings means that there is no conflict or the company simply didn’t mark the lines. Report

cards will be available soon allowing facility operators and excavators to see their individual company performance as it relates

to the proper use of posi#ve response codes.

South Carolina 811 recommends using the portal as an easy and efficient means of checking and responding in posi#ve response

as well as entering locate requests. Once a portal account is created, a user can log on at any #me during the life of the

#cket to check the status, respond, or close a locate no#ce. If you have mul#ple users within your company responsi-

ble for different por#ons of the no#ce process, accounts can be linked together by no#fying the SC811 Helpdesk.

Users can also check posi#ve response within the SC811 app using the same portal account. SC811 is currently work-

ing to improve overall func#onality to the Portal in addi#on to more robust reports.


An interac+ve video based training series is brought to you by Pipes Plus. Training can be done on-site

or online. Each sec+on covers topics such as excava+on, distribu+on and transmission pipelines, lo-

ca+ng, electric overhead and underground, telecommunica+ons and NC811

ON-SITE TRAINING—We bring training to you

ONLINE TRAINING—Web based, online training portal/self paced


Page 17: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William

Training Schedule for United Rentals *Call John Knighten for private classes 919-795-5866



Date Time Class Name

*Confined Space Classes are in the NEW Stand-


Instructor Loca+on

59524 4/5/16 8:00 Excava#on Safety Training for Competent Persons (CPT)

Doug Barnes N. Charleston, SC

59526 4/6/16 8:00 Confined Spaces in Construc#on Doug Barnes N. Charleston, SC

59528 4/7/16 8:00 Excava#on Safety Training for Competent Persons (CPT) Doug Barnes Wilmington, NC

59529 4/8/16 8:00 Confined Spaces in Construc#on Doug Barnes Wilmington, NC

59531 4/19/16 8:00 Excava#on Safety Training for Competent Persons (CPT) Doug Barnes Greensboro, NC

59534 4/20/16 8:00 Confined Spaces in Construc#on Doug Barnes Greensboro, NC

59546 4/26/16 8:00 Excava#on Safety Training for Competent Persons (CPT) Doug Barnes Charlo&e Corp. Office

59548 4/27/16 8:00 Confined Spaces in Construc#on Doug Barnes Charlo&e Corp. Office

59550 4/28/16 8:00 Excava#on Safety Training for Competent Persons (CPT) Doug Barnes Columbia, SC

59551 4/29/16 8:00 Confined Spaces in Construc#on Doug Barnes Columbia, SC

59547 5/5/16 8:00 Excava#on Safety Training for Competent Persons (CPT) Doug Barnes Charlo&e Corp. Office

59549 5/6/16 8:00 Confined Spaces in Construc#on Doug Barnes Charlo&e Corp. Office

59525 5/10/16 8:00 Excava#on Safety Training for Competent Persons (CPT) Doug Barnes N. Charleston, SC

59527 5/11/16 8:00 Confined Spaces in Construc#on Doug Barnes N. Charleston, SC

59552 5/17/16 8:00 Excava#on Safety Training for Competent Persons (CPT) Doug Barnes Raleigh, NC

59553 5/18/16 8:00 Confined Spaces in Construc#on Doug Barnes Raleigh, NC

59554 5/24/16 8:00 Excava#on Safety Training for Competent Persons (CPT) Doug Barnes Wilmington, NC

59555 5/25/16 8:00 Confined Spaces in Construc#on Doug Barnes Wilmington, NC

59556 5/26/16 8:00 Excava#on Safety Training for Competent Persons (CPT) Doug Barnes Charlo&e Corp. Office

59557 5/27/16 8:00 Confined Spaces in Construc#on Doug Barnes Charlo&e Corp. Office

59532 5/31/16 8:00 Excava#on Safety Training for Competent Persons (CPT) Doug Barnes Greensboro, NC

59535 6/1/16 8:00 Confined Spaces in Construc#on Doug Barnes Greensboro, NC

Page 18: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William

Benelli Super Vinci 12 Gauge 3 1/2”

Tickets coming soon!

Raffle to be held at Fall Conference

October 15,2016

The Homestead Resort

Hot Springs, VA



If you would like to buy or sell +ckets, please contact

Linda Goslee


Page 19: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William


Plus Shipping

Golf Shirts—$50.00—Plus Shipping

Contact Linda Goslee for Sizes & Colors

Equipment Decals— $5.00/each

Hard Hat Decals— $1.00/each

Plus Shipping

Tervis Cups—$20.00/each

Plus Shipping

Contact Linda Goslee

To place order


[email protected]

Page 18

Page 20: Tipene - NUCA of The Carolinas · 2019. 1. 28. · 2015 William H. Feather Safety Award Winner Brian Wilkerson, JF Wilkerson Contracting Co., Inc. was presented with the 2015 William

May 4 –6 NC/SC Joint UCC Conference/Wrightsville

Beach, NC

May 10 Membership Social/Greenville, SC

May 11 S&RM—Greenville, SC

May 23-25 NUCA Washington Summit

July 21 NUCA Open Golf Tournament—To& Hill Farm/

Asheboro, NC

August 9 S&RM—Kernersville, N.C.

Sept. 27 Explosives Class—TBD

Sept. 27-29 NUCA Safety Directors Forum/Atlanta, GA

Oct. 10-13 NUCA Na#onal Fall Leadership Conference,

Denver, CO.

Oct. 13-15 Fall Conference—Hot Springs, VA

The Homestead Resort

Nov. 1 S&RM—Monroe, NC/State U#lity Contractors