tips about home security

TIPS about Home Security

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Post on 08-May-2015




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TIPS about Home Security

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It is very important to have security in your home. You will not know when will intruders enter your house and steal all your belongings. Do you want your belongings to vanish? All you need to do is improve the security in your house to avoid intruders on entering your house and harming your family members. There are lots of cases nowadays about stealing that also includes killing. If you have enough money, you can install a security alarm or CCTV. In that way you will be aware if there are intruders in your property. Most people hire a Small Construction Company or Home Inspector to check for the parts of the house that intruders can use it to enter their house. You can still improve the security in your house without spending large amount of money. Houses that are very beautiful or look good are the usual target of home intruders or burglars. Even if there are guards in your area, you still need to be sure that your house is safe from intruders or burglars.

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Here are the TIPS about Home Security

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The first thing you need to do if you want to improve the security of your house and prevent intruders from entering your house is to think like a burglar. If you are a burglar, what are the things you will do in order to enter the house. You need to know the weak parts of your house. For example, your doors look weak. The intruder will definitely break your door in order to get inside especially if you are out of your house.

Think like a home intruder

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 When you go outside or if you plan to leave your house, you need to lock your doors and windows. If you don’t lock your doors and windows, intruders will use them as way to enter your house. To make sure that intruders will not be able to open your door, you can put two or three locks in your door. You can also put metal barrier on your windows if your windows are made out of glass. If your windows don’t have metal barriers, (especially if your windows are made out of glass) intruders will just break the glass with a hard object in order to get inside.

Lock your Doors and Windows

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If you only buy a pre-purchase house, make sure to buy new locks and replace the old ones. There are possibilities that someone already copied the keys on your lock and just waiting for you to be out of your house before they enter your house. If you lost your keys, make sure to replace your locks immediately. You also need to buy a lock that has high quality so that intruders won’t be able to break it.

New Locks

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When you are going out, leave the radio or television on. In that way, intruders will think that there is someone inside your house. Thief or intruders usually target houses that are very silent. If you are not planning to stay at your house overnight, you need to let your lights on. In that way, intruders will hesitate on entering your house. They will also get noticed by other people if they try to enter your house. 

Lights, TV, Radio

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Never ever leave notes on your door or gates. For example, you are going out to go shopping and your little sister is still at school, don’t leave notes like “I’ll be back before sunset get the key under the pot”. If the intruder saw the note before your little sister got home, the thief or intruder will definitely steal any valuable things in your house. You can leave the key of your house in your neighbors and tell them to give the key in your little sister when she got home.


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Always keep your curtains close wherein your valuable things are cannot be seen from the inside. If your windows are made out of clear glass and you don’t have any curtains, intruders or thief will possibly enter your house if they see things that are valuable like, computers or gadgets. As mentioned above, you need to think like a burglar or thief. If you are a thief or burglar, what are the things you might want to steal?


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As mentioned above, if you have enough money, you can install CCTV in your house. CCTV or Closed-Circuit Television is very reliable. If the thief successfully steals some of your belongings, you will still know the face of the intruder especially if they don’t wear mask. Security alarm activates when intruders already enter your house. If hear your security alarm, you need to be alert and fast to report and call for help.

CCTV/Security Alarm

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If you pre-purchase a house and you think burglars or intruders can easily enter your house, you need to renovate your house. You should consult a professional home renovator in order to meet your needs. As mentioned above, you can also hire a home inspector to check the parts of your house that is already weak. Intruders might destroy that weak part of your house in order to get inside. If you are planning to renovate your house, I recommend Macro Building Solutions because they provide a good quality service.

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• If you want to protect your personal files or money, put them into a safe. In that way, even if intruders or thief successfully enters your house; they will not be able to get your money and personal files.

• If you neighbors are trustworthy, you can ask them to watch your house when you are going out.

• It is also a good idea to have a pet dog in your house. They are best guards.

• Don’t leave your spare keys anywhere; put them into a place that is not obvious.

• When you see some suspicious person or car roaming around your house, call for help immediately.

• If you have a garage, make sure to lock it too. Intruders can use it to enter your house.

Additional tips