tips to develop your scuba diving skills

Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills Dial Us : 011-42156013 or +91-7838984471 [email protected]

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Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

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Page 2: Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

There is no denying the fact that in order to become askilled scuba diver, you got to learn it from a professional but a complete myth underlying this reality is that there is no learning or scope of improvement outside of a formal course environment. I would beg to differ.

I agree that diving courses are important in order to elevate one’s diving skills to the next level, but the truthis such courses are only a starting point.

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Page 3: Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

They can give you a foundation and you have to build upon it eventually with practice.

Note the key phrase - develop by yourself. Improvement is something that happens with every dive.

So here is the list of 10 tips for the divers for constantlyimproving their scuba diving skills.

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Page 4: Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

1. Engage Your Brain

One should not blindly follow the dive master. A good diver is the one who uses his own brain.

This does not mean that you should ignore what your instructor is saying as he knows better that is why he isyour master.

But make sure, you are not at his mercy for directions all the time. You should be well prepared in case he goesout of sight for a while.

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Page 5: Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

2. Test Your Weighting

This is important as when you are properly weighted, you do not need a lot of air in your BCD. For this you have to do a simple exercise - after a dive, run your tank down to 30-40 bars. Empty your BCD.

Lock your ankles together and fold your arms close to your chest, so you don’t scull. When you exhale, you should sink and when you inhale, you should come up thesame amount. If you are sinking or not coming up when you inhale, you are too heavy.

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Page 6: Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

3. Know Your Air Usage

This is something that you could acquire with practice. Allyou need is a routine.

Start doing this exercise - Before you begin your ascent, note your depth and air.

Then notice how much you have when you surface. Maintain a logbook.

Also note down whether it was a free ascent or on a line.

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Page 7: Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

With time, you would know exactly how much air youneed to ascend from 10, 20 or 30 metres respectively.

Double check it by testing yourself.

Soon, you would have an exact idea regarding how much air you need to surface safely.

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Page 8: Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

4. Fix Your Buoyancy

So how do you fix it? Simple – after every 5-10 min intoyour dive, make sure you are over a sandy patch or youhave a water column below you and stop kicking.

Try to stay more or less where you are, going down when you exhale and up when you inhale.

If this is not happening, add a small squirt of air and repeat until you get it right.

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Page 9: Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

Here comes the tricky part though. Your muscle memory isstill used to kicking in a way that keeps you off the bottom.

With the above exercise, you have just sprung a surprise onit. In order to re-train your breathing and kicking style, youwill do kick-pause-kick-pause rather than kick-kick-kick.

Wait till you start to descend before you exhale. Keep practicing this till you get better at it.

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Page 10: Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

5. Dive With A Buddy

I know you are the adventurous type but you have to livea long healthy life, have children, grow old and die. So donot take any chance.

Diving solo is always risky. Studies have shown 97% of allfatalities ever have happened when the diver was alone in the sea.

So a friendly advice, Always dive with a buddy. It is safe and fun at the same time.

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Page 11: Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

6. Keep Your Eyes And Ears Open

This basically means keen observation.

Observe your dive master, fellow divers and interact with them. Ask them questions.

This would help you learn some useful little tricks thatwould help you getting better.

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Page 12: Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

7. Be Aware Of Your Abilities

You have done 50 successful dives and now you are over-confident, nothing can harm you. and overconfidencewon’t just bite you in the ass in the sea, it will tear big chunks out of you.

Always be realistic about your capabilities when you are under the sea.

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Page 13: Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

8. Learn To Say No

Many a times, people travel from far for a fun and adventurous holiday. But being there, everything is making them nervous to an extent that they do not want to dive anymore.

If you are like a lot others, you may suck it up and go for thedive anyways. And then, if something goes wrong, your stress increases significantly till it becomes panic.

I am not saying, don’t push yourself at all but don’t push toan extent that you think you would regret this later.

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Page 14: Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

9. No Mask, No Problem

“Practicemakes a man perfect.”

So keep diving. It is something you love to do so I don’tthink there would be any issue there.

Always remember - “Diving is learned in the water andnot from books and magazines.”

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Page 15: Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

Tips To Develop Your Scuba Diving Skills

10. Dive Often

The biggest reason of injury to beginners is uncontrolledascent and uncontrolled ascent usually happens whenwater in the mask leads to inhaling a little water through the nose. This causes panic. This skill can be acquiredwith practice.

You can practice it by lying facedown in a bathtub (or swimming pool) with just a snorkel in your mouth and getused to breathing in and out from the mouth and keeping water from going in your nose.

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