titals. 0. p. pkxiki!€¦ · and w:is«;h

POSTAL FRAI'I) CHARGI.h BIG REITBI.H AN U M.I.V. AFFAIRS IX HOXDOX. BIG MEN TO RUN TOR ALDERMEN r..PTATN AND MRS. R I. WALTON. Who. lashed to a maat. had a harrowing experience In a storm at .«»a H. FULTON GUTTING CONSENTS TO MAKE RACE MAI! AX A XI) PUTNAM TALKED OF. George B. McClellnn. Home. Refutes to Saif Whether He /.« a Candi- date-Did Noi See Croker. „. . Hdl-M) TRII TO CALIFORNIA. <\u0084tui«- tv i". f*" m Cblcadß rta CTrtraaTß Kit- »u.«r» 4 S! I'x'il«i"« I'nion PadttQ line Route of Tt>« (NafaMai Urult^d Tlp*ets 3a Bru»Jw») - idbJti ' Th- Ftmm Itppad uj. .ii us arkon we had all and aara tiiakiriß g«>c.<j time, with the wind back .'f ur." mid the captain yestenJav. « h< n h«- ca:;<-.j to report at th" office Of th<. r' : > broker. A. J. Bail»>. No. 44 -jtli-jn \u25a0 is- fore tho crew got more than their hands on the jib* 'he> were torn away and went by the Lo.»rij Tli*- n.alnsr.:! with a report like a small n—"" ripped its full length ar.a went out to «es. W«: put the wheel hard down, but a big wave can.* aboard and tarried away all the loose dOl k furniture Bad the stem railing. We n.anafed. g-omehuw. to tat ten down the hatche*. hi.d tbea atood away baton the barrtcaae un.ier bar* poies Tl.e buirtcam ranght us fair on the c topped a .\t v.aye. and turned [side. Tba : II '\u25a0 BOient «c arcre on our beam ende. A!! banda up the rigging and let tho afctntaxa eara of n.-vif. 1 '.»rhed my wife to the mast, and the . rev tark.ei 111 111 IMI Via to the tfcil :I «- our yawl bad been swept a,v*..j. and tbora v\ nr nothing left i>ut 10 fi;.k or This cGmi-Jtied BBtfl \u25a0* \u25a0 \u25a0 widrsWlW boo. »ban Iba ht" i:j ' P"* > <' " xer uc *nd V t sea cradunlly suUidi-d. We made our way aowr, •be raging and to the cabin which *' found was awa.h. After retting some cotT**» v.l i. h mv wife nin.de for us. we turned to and Wrt S' me »a:l» io the mast, bound up our rarTs. Mhi h were badh spltttterad, and made aail f"i !i..nie." It was an experience that made ee n the \u25a0taattaM of us- quail and . ike " said O'Neal, the rrate. bflafkar of the steward, yesterday "Some of our me:i who have had thirty-five yea:? of ?;> a life. a;j^ have (jvrn !>een 6hip*vrerked, say they have never b . n Through anything so terri- ble as Urn asm of laet Tv Rday night. Lashed t.. th« Baaßti oT' w if «.ur l.ravest men. Frederick P \u25a0:" a.!, d -'Ut that all he wanted was 'time And throuph It all that brave woman, \y Ah the i£ptnir> arm al:out her. never uttered t>. F'-ream or a anerd. Itad you. :s a w«MI plucked one for fair" Mrs Wnlt.-n hAS been on the Baas with her bßßTband fot the mmM B«a years— since the day at BeT marriage The sailors on the De Morey Oray sVy that Fh'- behaved -\ith remarkable courage and fortitude. Schooner Captain Keeps Anns Round Her in Hurricane. The thr»s- maMcd srhrnin -r I»e Moray Orey. wi'h | ereaj Bf M \> -n BM .. <';.;>tain R. I. Walton Bfld his wife, laden w;th four hundred tons of plaFter. was caught by the hurricane Tues- day right baa milea beta** Winter Quarters I HtHatlh> and thrown on her beam ends. After her for?gaX thro* Jibs, tba gad anchor and chain a:.d her two boats had been swept overboaid, the .aptain, l*lie\ing that his rhip -va» doomed, ordered all hands to tie themselves to one of the m*Ms. He with OUaal, th. stew- ard. chmVied to the <• ros?tree» of the mlzrenmast. | tlie body of his wife. They lashed her to the in.if- ut-.d he:d th^ir -irnif around !i<»r .ill through the ga.,e. WIFE LASHED TO MAST. South Norwalk, Qaaßk, t>pL 1* ii).— Orlando P. De\t«=r, t!:e tnurdrrc-d tv or. bad been a resi- dent af KarataDX <>If find on, for about fifteen ream He was f-f-.^ntric. and »a? know i. to have much \u25a0Idsaaßjß Jt was not ruppos*;<l that hi was a millionaire. He kept what he chore to call a law BBBM at No. \u25a0 Wail-st , and lived in a little corner of the home of F. R. Stsrr. in Westport- *\e. lie travelled much, and the greater part of hi* tlm- :r town be sp*nt p< >r l r over the record* al '\u25a0 ' ><\u25a0?.% in the Town CttrKll office and tfKjkinjr up grenealoffical tables. It wut never known here what he did with his researches, although 11 was understood that he had published several books alone the**; lines. Mr. Loiter wan of a most reticent dkßaattßMl lie w^f aJmort BVBlastoßaL H. •went to an'l from N'W-'iork a* l.c rho«*. ani v.--r left .-my w.ir.i. hai a laraa caacb at .s«r.t.i Ckata. in the Adi- r 'nrlai kf, wii.-r« be ->iier:t his tasaaMfß. Most ..f !.i- sreatth wa> In slacks and bonds. Hr was In- •\u25a0 real ••! in thf American X'»s <u:ii;any, of X-w- 'i iK. ai.d *a* a i.ng.- stockhoMer la tba Near* Nav-Havea im Hartford Railroad i:«a no home in Kcw-Tork. although bis fat!, r. IW.i.ry i«n. r liv.? Utare. '< P. iHxt'-i li;-.d l.irn jijj=t:c«of the MOjOa In v \u25a0 r rt t<rm.-. lit- wa.v a .achelor .'.tout furty-nir.e year* <\u25a0!.< Henry Dexter, the father of the murdered man, who is a mem'ter of the Chamber of Com- mcro- and the Museum of Natural History, and the founder and president of the American News Company aft.;- hearing at his home. No. 42 West Fifty-si\th-st . of his sea's murd«r. by me;\ns of ;i t--l« rraai from J. P. Baagar, of m.i- l"ti». his K'^ir- lawyer, expressed the opinion th.-it ike crime ama Ike result of traahsi expert- em^e-d by Btmaetf and his son v. it rt lumbermen. Bvcr blbj t the PfHtaa Brat bacan to ny ap 1.-md lzi th.^ Adi:.»:idack.«. BOBBrdtng to th" fatlier. they h:>v. bad troabk with the tunberman of the resrion, who u«.» !i"t rf-s;-ect the laws »mfe- guardin? prhate proj« rty, and f«-«'l aaajrtevajd if preveDtad from cultinj; the timber en Hud bclonginc to ?ith'-r men. Th" Dexter ' state waa X fine <»t ••. u'iJ there mtich good Umber <>d It. wh! h araa creatly .iesire,; by Use Umber ih:.-\r> \ir T>ex»'T Bfdtr«d them off. hut erea aft?r he ha.] ru:: •> v ir- fcrce entirely arouni ihe ef>:a:e. their ft pndatlaßa OQSJtBJMd. Caa man. Mr. Drxt. r ?-iid last riiglit. wj«. rs- •e<Mally riK^.Fe r olJ^. «>ni hal had repeated tT-niiM- \ ith 881 son. At one time Mr. Dester bad toed btm hr treapass. ,<nd thf man ad- rr.-.it.d that he had rrespasseJ 2.VCS times. Th<-T' v. as .-\u25a0 ! .5.> a law su!t running sonv- roads through the D'-xt^r estate, since" which line h.id been more bitter. Mr. Paster said that .i sh<ut tim. ago he received a latter Iron bbi boo, in arbJen tbe hittar \u0084.'. he would Btay l:i UM neighborhood unt-1 th»- ... of r.cxT m< nth. ' ecause he rxi-e. t'd trouble. 1 I LDdO I*. l '•. xt.-r was fnrty-r.ine years old. a sraduat- of Harvard tJntweratty. Oxfot and tbe Oatembfo Le>w School, and though he area admitted t«. the bar. h*- never ii rlaualy pr.i«;- tlsed law. but apent Baeat of his tin.**m the A 11- r> a\u25a0• :\u25a0 he h.iU a well fv.rti'.shed house r.nd BBtate of about six thousand acres of th'- bed Umber lhii-1 In the mountains. Ibe Batbi - and »on bare travelled i ilnialMlj. \u25a0Ad an ft,.i to h.i\- circled tho gloix. not less than a AoBCB timts. Mr. Dexter was killed a half mile from hi? Funnier home. D»>xter Lake. He was driving and w:is «;h<<t from ambush by an unknown per- son. The bullet passed through the bach of the i»ugg> an.l through the body of Mr. Dexter, just BtfBBI '.h--* hf.art and in'.o the horse ...I much trouble r'^ei.tly with ad.jointnK hie. and this made enemies i looting wis done by som r> i h nter. The Lawyer Killed from Ambush in the Adirondack*. MaJo.l". N T.. fcepl li Orlando P. Dexter, of Xon\alk. Conn., a large holder of Adirondack lands in Franklin County. «nd a man of wealth, »m sh-.t and instantly killed while riding alone along the road ne.ir Santa Clam to-day. Mr. I>• \t»r for several seasons had spent con- sidcrai.U \u25a0;ni at his summer home, in this county. No clew as to Whs shot him has been received. 0. P. PKXIKI! SHOT DEAD ' •» rerwtlti.wi «,f your iumoi«r \mcaUon m»> "••aJmeC ob a L»a> Lit.* oa« day utuiUoa.- aC^l :. England exfludea •• - . .' weuta .-.n. \u2666• d '•doi:la. Pour bishops have protested : ' tnacttan <if Ike Prftbrti GawajrasnasL - Canon M \u25a0 \u25a0 1 In denouncing km of tbe Christi..: .!•••;. ulaTion in \u25a0 m Europe which :.:'\u25a0 \u25a0 had )->eti BcOvared from I \u25a0 \u25a0 ) v wh< n * M :]r \u25a0 •\u25a0 - : >>»:» record of . ; b taVCB ' '' \u25a0' ' v »!-«:!'i . M: . « th' i ;>ir f wit Tics?. and the recitais \u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0:\u25a0 al by J. a Ha \u25a0 \u25a0 i - ;of i bbbJ OM Bsan : - red with every Qvesßa r* r •\u25a0 m bbbl Btrai By, ;md ebß* \u25a0•a'-::p oxens ;ir,d anted \u25a0Bmb. ?r M; -k»''i b«ffc«rttf (M r •rreKponrt personally \u25a0 ifcy c-i<J inFcasibillty, BJikßßfjß ftcy warn ""*v"w f >* Bawiatty sta- 'atic* ;r. ctnru« l*perlß> f>tlan Eng!ar.<J. I BbT AufUM:;? njtf-mar'f Blue PCapaCSßal ißJpafaßl trade and food BBS* ; ..,.....,, -ns:<Jeratir.i M; redor.ianfr, for which XrttfeJi - f I*l Beacontfield> time \u25a0 '• \u25a0 '\u25a0 t. In'red 1 ' | tnal aa Is the in:». I i"n ' »ers. 11 now serms f ' \u0084 Mftaflfeytba Banaaalar of -,• > afUftion and rnassa. re Th» car a hoc oalleij ojt NBBrVOi; 1 ttng an army in the aoaCb- f*ja naocaotsataan al tarkJßa pßi p-'iji--- bs ''\u25a0' i—iHl^Bl \u25a0 f \u25a0 apaa DBBaMfl The ihratre !ier Bulrj r ia at :;«Fla l-e Sratatß .-.. ' : :;:«. but xhr rcn--: \u0084r -he n Corstantinoplf and Varna. ' D .:< rr lire room «.f IMPcVßlgß 00m nas Wr. c - iur day« by tfce Alaskan Com- ;»o trrouj-a afl «*ana<:ian end \u25a0 .: : Kir.lay speech BM tea a \u25a0 iracie of <ju:- le»» *!:0 v. \u25a0 | tataSl (M] ":.cp ha* he t .-•..-.:\u25a0 ': « «aj b4jbb I flj -, -o \u25a0:• I tti An '• •\u0084.•• -us v!n!a: I : \u25a0 i^^.". Mr. Wutso:, '...:: probably I par the Arrerl. ai. tU» th* jr.iddie ** next staak T*.* Canadian lawyer*. i.ry industry in work.r.v BP ti^- -,roduring Iba oi'J dbHti Bf Vasi- J( .e f bad ::.e> ; ru\e too much. The B«Q| _ \u0084f ur6.i.; to their i non. com . f paaat the boundary quea- . abaj coastt within courts in place of - *e*uoa.rd v ::h windings ar.d sli.uositJes v *he base for ir« .i--urirg Iba BM marine - r!~ll KtOt -\u25a0' . ..-...- aMt i-k»: BBlr* •••.United .... fuurlk •••' \u25a0 .;.-.\u25a0 1 rmrie«s ' f a l'r::nr Mir.iFter. His - NPaa Ihßl he has not .. •• ->hlp at any . I :: •• positive viev.s OB : \u25a0:..- raaal I bJT Mr. I'ham- \u25a0 ' *hi re!-ig»;;itir,n o' his . IBM BCt of a strong and . -\u25a0 :.i. Mr. Foar. while now ' Dpi :. OaMaBIBBBj occupies . ..Joyous to that cf Sir Robert Peel was ir. rg:i::iE''.| (aeOmtVa - \u25a0\u25a0 .-ibe'ished. Mr. Cham- haad, vhii" Badettakkai m .!\u25a0...\u25a0 st tree trade, ha>: I.e. ome lance, Dka OBtxSen, with independent \u25a0 * ha) n. He *-mi>loyr Cobden's tac- r to undo Cobden's work. spaaaaaee \u25a0 Mr. Ritchie and \u25a0 \u25a0 ; \u25a0 ' flu- Change of Government War PrdbdbU in Balkan*. op. . Iba N«»-"\»rk TMUjti*by French »"»t>lf » V.\ T\< Tribune A«!>r«-Ut lon > -cjt. V.».— The grrnrral »-!f*ctlons have •\u25a0 d. bat cannot long l>e deferred. Th> ' I ;>.; >. '^ tht c >emnient. is rent v \u25a0 ! divisions a-: 1 utterly demoral- ized by cptifuscd li. ictshij. and the ••videtice of Tl.e by»-r!.Ttions now offer v:.: : f that the jntrv requires a ••mem, whether or not there are I Icrt i:ij dofl:ille rrlnctples on tbe tibrnal side, at.d the DMbbbM politicians are eaprr t<-> lia\e general elections coma on, since : I that tan alternative R-ovom- .:irot last lone and that their own party ». -. .i I •\u25a0•;.••. to DOW reorganta* I and n«tc<l. The minister* themselves ere thor"..-" I -n 1 harassed, and while loath k :no?,: no?, when ihe .-xpenses r j^ng ,v I/or.don. Baai EMB ofllce. iin's own unexpected action in the Prime Minister apr. . 1 \u25a0 Ht| BBportant pojj.t end followed fu ' ;.:::.p t. tali uion fur | I Ba Ii I par:i'i"X uhich en \><* ex- ; - ' --:• :'.nd n-.ind. H. has \ if-p» rated b> th^ m. , Itu Ie i tor i gbl v. ..! v. p !r up v, ,oi : \u25a0 \u25a0 . .- 'jiiif t.> Db* :••'.< i>jo?;i:il ;nli. ics, and it the Treasury - - ition auii.s wen repeal^. ; worn out !•>• the con- X «M c : . .- lv -•.•.derinK progr«-ssi\«? irn- : . \u25a0 y to \u25a0 »ht outside th» ' -hr Cabinet for The principles ' \u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 bnpartaaea to I Minus after the pro- Tvhiprins thistle? m the foverr-.. Nt £ ..r- : Many personal friends were j>t the pier when Mi. McClellan walked down the gangplank, and they lias tad him warmly. None of the district leaders were, among them, however. Murphy had issued orders that the district leaders were to keep away from the pier, as their presence there might "queer" the candidate. •Did the passengers of the Philadelphia know that they had the Tammany candidate for Mayor Of New-York aboard with them." Mr. M< c'leii:in wa; ask»d •There was a mareontgram that I was likely |n be the Tammany candidate for Mayor of ;».".<.-York published In The Transatlantic American, 1 published aboard the ship, but I know of DO reason why there should have been a general uprising among the paaaeaaara. W. Bayard Cutting, you must remember, was a pas- setiKC" on the Philadelphia, and W. W. Dudley. of Indiana. Strange to »y. the District Attor- ney who prosecuted General Dudley in th" 1,],,, . of live' matter waa also a paßßßßajer," s.ii.l colonel McCletnua. jud^e Laventrttt, who v.aa \u25a0 paaatngar >\u0084. the Philadelphia, said that In til*- opinion Mi. McClellan would make a pood Mayor. Colonel MeClelbin did not hay* any further political conferences last night. "Yes I saw Mr Murphy this afternoon." he naid. We talked politics, but I'm not going to toO what was pur-ly •« perseaaJ affair. to whetiur rd accept the mayoralty nomination. that* i «'">•! '*•<• day* afl >"' and H \u25a0 polite to wall nil ">i re Baked." Mi Marph] would not tulk about htm .»n vets:«tloi. with Colonel .M< Cleilau Vhsßß of the World, «old by Detroit Pbott>grapnUi rr.pa:.i, » > \u25a0?• »» ATenue.-Atfvt. lam glad to know that It will tend to clean politics, and the Democrats of greater New- York are to be congratulated that they have rid themselves of Peverv. who was, to say the least, I stench in the nostrils of decent people." Whan asked what he thought of Coler as a running mate, in case he should be nominated for Mayor. Mr McClellan said: "Personally I am a very good friend of Mr Coler. and admire him greatly. However, as I said before. I know nothing either of his inten- tions or the intentions of 'he ctty convention " On incomplete infotmation Mr. MoCtollSß as- sumed that District Attorney Jerome had gone to the Tammany camp, and he said when set straight . l^t f hope th:«t he will be h.i.-k in the fold some day." (iLAD DEVEBf was DEFEATED. Mr McClellan manifested a good deal of in- terest in the result of the primary fights. Wher. told that William B. Devery had been d>f.-ated by the Goodwin Smlth-Dowling men In the IXth. he said: Among ether things told the Congrer-man were that Mayor Low. Controller OrOWJ and President Fornes Of the Beard of. Aldermen bad decided to accept nuuailaslUas. and that the Controller had said thai local politic* had no essential relation to State or satteaal polltlca, •I do not see how that can he," declared Mr McCl.-lian. 'I do not nee how local politics can be divor. »-d from State and national politics. any more than the Stnte can be ihrSTCed from Its own government, and national goremment made aaa-aarthma. In the era of good feeling, when President Madison was sleeted for the second lena by practically n unanimous vote of the Elector I College, the national government was BOppoaad to be non-partisan, and yet the fact remains that almost every officeholder un- ,i. Madison was a DaaMW r "The c.aim thnt national Issues and purposes d.i not enter into the coming contest is false. The apparent object of the Republican party ie plaJa it is. if possible, to Kepublicanize New- York City at the expense of good Democrats. and this the local D—Mirrstlf party must com- bat at the coming election." "I have not been home lon* tnoagii la war- rant my talking politic. It will enough to say what I will do about the aoaUaatloa after it Ii offvred me. My aaawer will ha ready .vhen th;<t tine eaasea.*' He was not \u25a0« \u25a0]] surpriyed when the news- paper iaea laM him that he was bOtm talked of tor Mayor hi the Tammany managers. He knew all about it when Charles F. Murphy was elected leader of Tammany Hall, and he could write a ettar Ptory about what Murphy is going to do in case Tammany wins than any- body else. Charles P. Murphy made it his business to see Colonel McCK-llan soon after the latter reached th. Man Hill Hotel. Mr Murphy had a long talk vith the candidate at the hotel, and left Mr. McClrilan feeling flrst rate. There was a strand look of exhilaration In the Congress- man's eyes when he greeted the new-paper men. •Did you MS Mr Croker while on the other side this tin •_•?" he was asked. I did not When I went abroad I went directly through Engtand without stopping. On my return I did not touch England." Bald Mr. McClellan. "The fuslonlst* a«?ert that if you are nomi- nated you will be called Murphy's man." it was suggested. -If that is so then T am not. the nominee for the mayoralty." said Mr. McClet'a , WONT TALK POLITIC? YET. "Will you accept the nomination for Mayor if it is offered you?" Exhilaration in the Congressman's Eye* Afterward. Cr-ngiPSMnan Qoort* B. McCMaW, who wai be nominated for Mayor if the Tammany leaders think he is stracaj eio,i h to win. returned fsalliasi morninK to this city on the steamer Philadelphia, after an abaaaca of nearly Fix months. MIHVIIY SEES MCLELLAX. Fttthnuti Hope Co Prevent Bobbery of the City. The leaders of the fusion forces intend to pay Cspor-{a! attention to the election of BM&> bera of the Board of Alderman in the eemhaj Tiuini. ipal campaign. The power for Rood or evil that can ba rv-,-i, P<i \, y tin? !>o.ird is fully "nlized by ii,.. captains of the forces fighting for goad government, and they believe that, irrespectjif of pan or polit..al nations, rood citizens should grt behind candidates for aldermen, who are clea.i and nOOaBL The Citizens ; lion hi taking the lead in this movement, and the Renvbtfeaa arjßUiisatloß Is !«-artily supportlns: the plan. It is pointed out that In Kurope few rner. consider their posi- tion t'.o high fur th' ' to accept nomination to maaletnal ejoverntns l*oiirds. In England Lord liosel.ery took his seal in a municipal coun- cil. The idea is to elect to the Board Of Ald-rr- men here men of the highest personal character. who will net as the best Interests of the city de- mand, irrespective of parties or polit!<al organ- ization?. It i? believed th.3t nmnir.g candidates of this type for members of the Board of Alderman will help the who!.' city ticket, but this is not the first aim of the plan. The desire is to elect a board that will be dean *nd honest and work for the city's interest*. Titan, whether th.» fu- sion forces elect the Mayor or the Tammany ticket is successful, the board will lie an engine for good government. :•. Is pointed out that »Mle Bpasfbljr the fusion forces, nominating candidates of this stamp, will nut be able to elect a majority, yet they can certainly elect several candidates. A FEW CAN PROTECT CITT. "Suppose we elect otily four or five BMBlbCxa of the bonrd."' said ana of tba fusion leaders yesterday. "These four or five men, « -f coangt honesty and persona] \u25a0worth and high reputa- tion, SMB. wliosn the puM:-- k:.i w and respect, can form a coalition which ca.ii brand evtry Btaal ttSBIBtaJ In the board and defeat it. A handful of men working together this way can make the 'grafters* stand in a corner, and do moca to prevent vi. ious legislation than all the executives in the city. VFfl BOpa to elaci a mn- Jority. bat we will eertaJi elect .noiuh t<j break .in cow :he forces for vicious ]•••_':*< it;..'-." R Futon Cuttlag is one of those who will run for aiderrran. Captain Alfre.i T. .Mahar., the well known naval expert, is anotbcr. Oacuaja Haven Patnam is al 0 talked of M a candidate. Dr. Nicholas Murray Bvtler, pwaldcnt <>f Co- lumbia. Is al4«> a probable candidate While h)1 the tr:en S7ho .ire to '>> made cfridi- dates have not ye: been mined upon, men of this" type will be aakad lO Bhra «"tme cf their time and I"t'g| to the "\u25a0" \u25a0 11y . Til plan has met enthusiastic support from all the fUaloa allies, and the fusion forcaa will have an their tlcheta this fall tot aumbtri of the Beard of Alder- imn probably a or" prominent names than w«re >\fT before printed en « '>;:l!ot for these of- fices. True to the podejr »bi'-h he outlined in his letter of August 1". to the district MMdMta, R. Fulton Cutting has offered himself for the saTi- !!i >\u25a0 l.y consenting to run for alderman la the XVIIIthDistrict. In that letter he urged upon UM fusion le.idtri< the importance of patting up strops; candidates in every district, evcti where election i« in posalblt Acting with this general prin^ip!' in mind, the committee sent the following letter to Mi. Cut- ting: We r.ik you to permit m to present yoni name ar.fl propose your nomination as alderman to the respective ald'eriran convemior.s about to bo held by the Cltl* :,.- Cnlon an.l the R*r ibUeaa ori zation of the XVUIt.i AaaamMy Dtstrict Wa ha\e r»aton I* beiiev« that It will be th. pteasnre et the •ireater New-York Detaocracjr nt this dL«trkt to follow our request In this matter as arcd. trust that you will <jeem it poaalbHl to promptly sanction ocr artshoe. We believe that such e«pref..-!on of T'--i 1- Inesp up. your rart ta accept such a nomination wcu!d N- m far reaching and . ndurn:K coaaaßnencn of Boad to "iirrll Wa baOawa IxMaad, that your candidacy for ancb poattton in our municipality would he. M so often exhibited* In your dltsinter- rsfil d?\"tl«>n to public affaJra, » r other striking .x- aaspla of hlKh-mir.d*><i cltlsenabtp tbal \»"-ilii Bad a rryult ami 'ewaril in bringing I"?\u25a0 re ill" various district onvent throosboul tb< \u25a0 i;\ rcaponsibl<i men of leiiut-- as candidates for iMnsMB. We be. Heve. further, th.it the ..:itiro fusion ticket wo'Jld h*- benefttted by your candWlßfy for this aoVa. The following letter arsi rvci. -1 in reply from Mr Cutting. Ibee to th:.:ik you tor the kin.i expression of jour letter asking me to permit tht iiukiiilbHiiii of my aanh as candiduti- fur aMerasa i al '.• xvilith Alderinarjli EHxtrlcl to irj- DoaUnattoa convei of t tit fmton a.'.i. \u25a0. I accept t!ic iMvii.'ttion with senuine pleasure and with t:.> eoaodaat ucpcctatlon that »•\u25a0 abali ba aNie to rally to our cai'v all \.it.r.~ « n> \u25a0 the paranio.';nt lna ><i i"'a! "''' '" Ibd n-\ !):•> wii.ilc city of »>i!V)|K>ril!.g bomal hiul Boa«paTtlaa3i mu:ilcii».ii fuverninent, I apprai tit* hI the mire keenly the fact thai thiw rf'iu-xt cocnaa fron tb« XVII I th ! »b»rc 1 araa i>.-m. apcat tvaoty >• ira of my !if-. aiid With « h< n«-.ls and miere-t* I.mi ih.»r- Uw'chiy familiar. It baa b n aald thit "the pc pie are n. \ lufit. i' ,i -ire oft«i di satvad.' and If my candldicy may aarra in »my \\u\ t.. \u25a0prvad :nn truth and to rcfuta ti.-- mtarepreseni U i T mraanjr Hall, I f. ' repaid for the additional burden Ishall iiv-mine in toakloa tb« campalcn. \t i -mi \u25a0 i ful In th-- content. I lru»t yon will ala . rvpreaantaUv* froia tba XVllltb Alderma :• i»t - trie: aottettsoa foi th« latcrrata ->f at* eonsttnanta and urvoiad to tba MattU* of our gri.it dty. This decision means no Wttle perjonul BBCTI* flee to Mr Cutting. He. of course, exposes him- self to mire defeat This hi Murphy's di*trl< t ar.d ba .uiivora a tix«.l BtachtaM \u25a0••• tbata •: \u25a0•wry election, -ii M*'\ ha ;u> Bbepard .">. tin. «Kiiti:M I'.^.V: 0.1 LOW. X'-v.-ithiless Mr .\u25a0 .: tine sv ,\\ pal op a atrofla Bsbt, ni\«- Mi Mor« •a] a haul run. «nd mattrially atfCAgtbrn tli<- ganatal fusion ticket i>jr aaaaartag on H In this capacity. TO MAKE tt() A HI) HONEST. State Senator Indicted iK.it h Heaver* He Asserts Hit Innocence. (bt fUMBaM t>> tick riiiif «B>] Binfrhamton. N. V.. SSte t i. V-> - Senator fliwißjl E. Grr^n, president of the Intern:itl<»nnl Time Re<-ording Company, was anaaßad and held in SIO.«>.H» bail before l'nit«d Stat"< Commissioner Charl--., E. Hal', to-day on tv.o lnd!< \u25a0tm?nw charpins: him wiih conspiracy i.nd bribery in connection tv ii the Ball of tlrie 'itHWfltrt t'» tho \u25a0 bMbV Der'artmerit. <»;.»• ad th>- mdirt- iner.ts is in four counts .stahi-'t Mr OpatSi •-harem? him with payi;:R sums rariicinjf from 9829 CMS to Gaarsa V BaaTWI I The other Is acalnn; Qiaaa and Weavers Jointly. an>l charges lailll with <..>nspiracy In th- sale and purchase of tlm~ re- i>rd«-rs«. and rn.ik^s nine dif- ferent charges. aIU-itinK that Mr. «»reen nave checks ranpinir from .*;>l^ to .?I.<>4'_' to Reavers. The tarn of the BDtgad rfatry WBi from Da> cwnber 11. V.»>\ to «K-tober - 190 C. mmia- 3TATE SENATOR GEOROE E. GREEN. •IBingl;amtiin. who was arrested yesterday In con- nection with the postal scandal. sioner Hall h?M that Mr. <:r-«»n was entitled to an examination, that the Indictment w., not primary evidence. a.nd that the government lr.usL produce further proof In order to hold 1 him. Senator Ore^n pleaded not guilty to both Indictments and Jonas M. Kilmer tx-came hia baodsjnaa in th*» sum of ?5.0f"0 for each indict- ment. Mr. Grata th»n s?ave out the follOTrtnz - B tat: I hope it i- : BBOBOCBBBn to say that I have rot given or received bribes; that I have wronged no man. much lew the United State* Governmwt or any department thereof. All <>f my business ha* been .otiducted of'n'.v and boßCatlj, aad no mean a<lvanta*« u^.-« beer. "lien eoßearatag COStxmcts, orders, prices or otherwise, rithei- by mystlf or by any business tnteraata witii atalußi I am connected. Ihave 1.0 rritioiHm t'» offer, and only wish that those recponalßti fur Iba lirttllH trouble which has rrini*- to nu- and mine by this undeserved an'i. us I btllre, nsmrraatad act loa li.iv. been imbued with xiure motives in the Internal of < ivi, virtu and hiK!>-«t Mtmla, I ?hnil net n.ek "t ask .«yni;'athy. but sh ill bOfM th*at my !it>. bBBfBMi ;tn.l i-i.fuK r-cirj. Bar 'i;.in> y--a:~. BM •\u25a0 .. I i th:it publt..- Judgment wrffl ba aoapended uritil time and opportimttj will per- mit fa<-t» to replace fanries an.l susf :cior.3. To my k:f>\\ Ifls;.-. 1 h.i\>- Davcy brought dla- trcaa th.- thadow of ;i raOwtloa t<> the p.,- ::-! al party t'» whj.h I a.rr, i»i» if»>.! to earn at* legfanea, i.t..! nor,- thai m;. s««)d name a.:..[ •\u25a0••; - utati"r. nr. s>» eaBsptCTMOSI) "Trill IIH*III.I IH* lll. Jaat aa th»- prittiarit« .ir>- on and wh»'ti my Blßmdl Un .:>- return t.» the Broom'- County Repub- lican C< rmaltte, r r;::st i:i.«lst spaa complrtely \\tthiir,! 1 in^- and rctlrtng from the RepabHcaa al least until aacfl tin a.< I am lesaily '!\u25ba''• and deaf from any im^utat I \u25a0 ii.vii'iii -• and dlabonorabla a.-tiors. Btnslc* <;r"-n i" ihairman of the R.-publican Ooontj CDnnntttcCi K. Orara, who ha-* laasaaaaaal laa x.N.wiuth r>istii-t in th<» st. L te Basata ataca ;»o. is a nativt- of BIIHMBa County, and i-> n>w Juat forty-:' \u25a0 : ': rly education m > m .-\u25a0ir Iin th- public schools of th»- t"wr. of Kirk- wood. :iml when nin«>t»en ye:irs aid he went to work in a gflMJary if PinKhamton. Waßl thi.-< b«» arcs) bi iba wmrtkM <•( a caal ttrni. ,M.i aa neOM w.ij! ba in Jtcurlng business that h>- was .K.mitted to partnership In It. He also kacBSM int-rested in a lars»> number "f other enterprises ;n the Parlor <*ity. and Is one of Its lf.i.Jiri^ stne^ men. His a-tivity in aaßUea h»tr.in in aarty BBBj )\f was ch^irrnar of the H--( •;• \u25a0!! -: \u25a0 committee of Brcwmi" < 'uunty for a number of years, and later president of the Stato Le.usrue of Republic; 1; t'lubs. '.:; i\»7 he iycaroe al.lprmai: of the Third Ward of Uinghamton. and UM following year president of the CBSUBBa i.*o - ;ikil. Althi/'ich •!'~f«'ated for Mayor i:i 'A'^. ho was el*ct«sd to tnat offle* in *.•<>:,. and by succ<"?uive re-election? he flUefi th«- office for a^^ term?. His aclmir.lstratijr. w;is R-.arked by many municipal Uaprov*a«Bta ir.d a Boafeet of reforms He was aWrtirj to th*" Btat* tiy tfca .We- pabllcana in ir««i. by 19.9>W \->trs to .•"« for his opponent, an.l r<»--->> u-d \.. im without opfrattloo. .in<i baa servei on important rommlttee 1 . S.^nat^r <jroon B) a^tiv.- m Hr*** 1 ' ttwlaa. h.is aaaa th« baad al tfca Irapcoved Ordar of Ran Men and taaa instmmrnt*! In catttaM the 'ie fof 'he « aßßaaflCßll Tra%f > l!-r.s 1 Home i:? Firu -ton THE INDICTMENTS, (treat and Bcaven Accused of Bribery and Conspiracy. |rP>>M THE TBIBt M! TaT 1 WaaUngtoo, Bent. l-». -Th- IMfiiiirtnl ad State Senator QaOt'B* E Gnm, ai Nesv-York. and Ml arr*?t la Btßgbasttea to-day for .-om- r>iirir> in th.- peataOcc acandal constitute one of the m<>*» significant developments in the In- vestigation thi;s far. for they demonstrate the •\u25a0 ; \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0'. ..t i ..:.:: flueucca to .-«'.<•;. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 -,- •• ; •! :.. .;> i :!h AotStanl !' ',-r.- eral Urisio\>. Th<- ti'.si.le h!;t"rr of Urft cast forms OOt "f tha rr/ st in: ' :ii- i:i\^stijjiiT i'lii, but aoch imfortixnal< > .. \u25a0. in ill prebablltt t.-..i in full. AVith the arr>«t t •;:>\u25a0•\u25a0 Iba ;: •'.!. tmetits r**- \u25a0 lumtd l i^t TJ; ui ••\u25a0:.\u25a0> !•>\u25a0 the I>l3tri.'t <>f •\u25a0 t>:.i Brand lory bava bw . n ida >• htotn apair.st tlreen. one f<>r eooaptraci t<> daftsod the gjtnrcmaarnl un.ior BarUaa r>.44<> el the Cnttad Bl .t--.- Bl itute3. arid on.> for uaTailUfl a bribe to \u25a0 (overnmeni . iifi< : i undo Pactteu r..i;.i Tba totnaiuii:*,' Indlctmeat is bsblb rga v> ! ronneri] upcilulaadcnl al t*u- i . . *lo;i of Salaried a;id Ailowaiues. for OBBBBtnatJ to defraud. In these :n<llctn.er.ts it Is charged that Green, as president of the International Time Re.cr.l; nij Company, of Bkuchamtoi.. .•;it.-i.->J into a < onspirai y with Baarvaia l»y v hicb ba "as t.i pay t<> Paayra !»\u25ba i-er c--.it caonaiastaa <>f 11 B»n«i> tt:r.e .i..tks i>unh.»*«l ri..i.i OnexCa company, and .-;\u25a0••• \u25a0 *ri- - payments or <:.\u25a0> ..ii Ptttinfrtf 11. MM: SS3I IS on Janu- j QaartaaraMd •\u25a0 •r«-»«« $»•«•. Foraker. 1 1 anna. Herritk and Hard' fag Speak at Chillicothe. [r.r Tti.c.k.iPll n< r:i . inn r xk . ''hiliir. .•!]••. « «M;t». Sept. IS -Perfect wea!.h»P >nd .ir- enthusiasm . .now unparalleled In Ohio paßttßl combined Is .T..l*- the P>nnal opening •if the Republican camp-ilcn hoe tu-diiy an even greater succem than any >ti» hud exptsetM. Mm the keynote was sound* .1 by Orator Kar.na wh»n he dBBnfBSd th- opposition "nondescript party with .i crazy -|ui!t tl.ttet." : . .-:• la the Bioralag the influx of visitors be- scan. Train Bftrr train from Portsmouth >'»- lumbun. t»ayt«>p, Cincinnati, Tol<»!o and Cleve- land rteurri'' into the stations, al! bringing; bi* et ..d*. All th- marching- cluha of th* Star* «•\u25a0*\u25a0 in fore. Amone then * re the \u25a0 I M Club, of Cincinnati, a thousand *irnnz. *he iTn I Splitters, of Toledo; th<- TippvcßOM Huh. .if f.evelnnd. fbj ObBBBMBOI <;:••\u25a0 <\u25a0 i. >nd •V.zr . •>f others, each headed by a Nan 1. The speakers of th- ;..- Colonel Myron T. H- Trick. Senators For.lt. r ar I Hai.ns. mil W.irr.n Harding, arrived early, accompanied by prominent mm from all over th» and newspaper m*n poured in in droves Th- \u25a0*.- < their friends »er<; entert.itaeal in 88881 sty> at the Chlliicothe Press Club, and e\*r> other so- « '.al ,-m.l patriotic organisation ;n th>- city com- bined to mak»- th- rlsitors f- - \u0084. h.om-. Chi!:i- roth* had a reputation for hospitality to main- tain, and earttdnry llve-i up to ir. Th- parad* Ktart-.l promptly at 1 \u0084 :,,. k I.-. |. * hv th- l«i Regiment Band, of Cksetßßßfl and th<* Pis fas flub. There Man Ml le-* thin fiv- th»us;»n.| men in line, including riding clubs from all t>r toarnshUs of the cn- ir > - -'.nnf*. Th- parade 1 rt> »•«• :•\u25a0\u25a0! to ToctaQßM Kirk. where th- speaking h«-K. in half an h^ur ;.it^ r . Douglass Introrlureri tIBHIIHII Staat as th* chairman of the Baßsttaß "^rj Air. BOTltfc .„ * strong, sober, srratghtfbrvard ipeaill. ou- M the Issues of the .•anp.iign Senator Foraker followed fe, hiS fetE v-!n, carrying Ik* paal enaajdJ with h'm. H* referred to a statement published m rh!s mor"- lr.tf'3 papers from Vita J. Kryan. !n wh;rh Bryan said h^ had had a privet- talk w'th John H. CUrke and was aptßMWd w.rh Clarke's pn.»i- tlon on the money qBJaaOBa a: -: adflM that (Mi statement alor.e should : - -r; | fJ MM Clarke. Ser.ifur Haan.i MIMRHI VtQ hN <XX In. lsiv* humor, and was gr-eted in a nay thac testified In hi*i pr^at popularity wt:h the paßßaft Mr. ITardtnsj'o addre?- . : rr^-'.r.g. The f.r«t meeting of | catnpaljn is chiefly viluar\u25a0'. \u25a0\u25a0 for aaaartßl the temper of tt« r the way the artad n tendinsr. ar:d the r- to-day certainly aatßH to augur Vafl ! ,r Kepuh- ,: an victory U. QBdo thi.-t fall. I;, ta-t. a* ator Foraker sal<i. would fe-1 tfc ir the tiiket had been defeiited U" it? plural;--- ntfl btl^ « hundred thousand. COLONEL mncn ADDRESS. Colonel Herrlck's speech was deroted larse!^ to atate issues. He said: I „-<• \u25a0 not say that I am ir. ChonoH mri atttt the poUci»» cf President Koojwv-ir . n « hM a<tolr.<»- trat'.jn. occapying mnmnn Kroun.l wuh .rp-vi^. P'lhJi.'an In /'- lr,!-- c gratis. It «\u25a0•:;, to \u25a0 -J« > "'.K Jii:> V'^^li'n the. R^pubU'«n pnrrr ar.,l the so-ca. led Df- - -• , n ()h .,, tn: , year Id the m.-thod by wnich h nur' ti.xatl.)" t»po**d upon mnti \u25a0 .h. l>m ; z»-r.j of (he State wn.-r- it. j ;... ; -s .x .; fh,, two rart>s v!-w Utfl qoesti ,cr«.nt p.iinfs ..f view T*. \u25a0: , party caa- templatn it from rh . ' . /„„,. ItM Drao rnti part . . least 1. ok.-, out upon it fr I'Mand The I:- ::•.-, . t; \u25a0<:: , ' : c \u25a0 \u25a0 - I Al hIVe «KB ' .- evvrytblni whl b makes a go> ; upon the wJII ..f i a;aj..nty. nub»titut« or |-. |udi wnicn imputed ia accord -her fh»»..rv or m. th.j.i c:i.m .i .»t a]>pro-..-U l>y th...s.f who b«U«T« in .«o,;i: ri 1 wiM niit »-faacM r>*- \u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0m:- II :":\u25a0«\u25a0 : t ... R th It he .' :.-.\u25a0 - -\u25a0\u25a0 •t \u25a0\u25a0»!\u25a0\u25a0 f> mo to be th. : - -•• . waraiaK han.l Hjca Inr In dan- - ' \u25a0\u25a0' T ' \u25a0 ;l ' n t * rjn th» ttsrejH to Mast th. v , ciruuatton und -, t ositlon tv tba ' \u25a0 . \u25a0 ,j ha< '•'• n \u25a0'••' tntef fact - Ivilizat'on m ! \u25a0- - eal term •odalian I . would wh \u25a0!1, b< ri«h< \u25a0 <v whirh I . reiipious r^verern-'-. w-i'-h -:v. us , and oui ( . sr '\u0084,;\u25a0» \u25a0 \u25a0 . , r . '^•\u0084 a ;',, •\u25a0•'\u25a0•• . ... . v Th.- ..::!y i*«u» M«MI t' .• IStIM thi* r^r h»v- ing r»f»T. r..«» r,> r•ti \u25a0 \u25a0 . . :'• r th- mal •...-..: s . *nd lf» countl.* and monlclpailttM ahaD \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0( in a.-.-or !wi-h \u25a0 ' <nt» ,'* Oh!.. -'it in th.--t.V- I . ' in. ,-..,,, n- anij \u25a0•\u25a0 wh shall nii^.- «-i. h hnprorerxMßta fr lexislatioß as exr»r!ence ha* i i an ba s-ifVly ma-te for rh- 1 •• •" . -\u0084 ... fh< , St.ite. \u0084r Wh.th-T MT« - \u25a0 . <«-!je,t I BMthotfa of taxation arid idopt th" \u25a0 , bawd upon t&f SD-o-j:;.t:-. . \u25a0 ; ore. at-d his foM-rwer^ .:-...\u25bc , ft is ' ' m ' - n •< \u25a0-•»\u25a0\u25a0 the leade- of crp pr»?»ru '••::! P»-m... •, . : »r<l 15 »uppf,rt-d 03 '."\u25a0 stumn h> r> r.jrnized -x- ponenu of the dootri -,~,.r ,- a " -- public attentkin in }?: t to the tart t « tax id nbje-tiop.atl t to nil .\u25a01a!....-«. beo.i ', - i^hes aj; p:ar.s of -»*rj l ' . - v : Cc »t pr-v«>r.t.« t:-:e aawasißent ' \u25a0 j ,. rom e aQOttabiy *35e?se.-? . It rv;:-.::.r v ;:-.::. •-. free insti- tutton*; it cuta oR th , a trnsta and corporations ; vuts th^ «rbol« hi:r.!-" of r \u25a0 , w an j - luauy; :::..k-» t.i- f-ir-nrr - : v overpay. and th^ dancerocs f.irm of w !t would BOt remove ttngla l is^:!p\u25a0 It »i \u25a0 1 the poor, would not j iTtr clasn. an.J, « . \u0084 : , en a f'ijias- foiiß fathm in th- only mstan (\u25ba of exp«rt«nc« Contemplattna what have, w< - r >' ,-, »«'»«Ion even by the tnfer f>h<o •< commendation cf su^h a pen!. \u25a0 MR mRAKKii fTATEa THE BSI - •Jeaator Pvraher. who u.i< •BtftoßtaSi received, spok" .-is fallows W'•\u25a0 iippro.-Thtßß -in. .tlier »!ectjon '• « \u25a0 1 o:ie of rreat tmpcrtan \\ - nr- to -l-vt . Gorernor and ther t-r^ortant \u25a0 -. stares 9 1 would b4 '-.- uKh to ni..*-« this e.^, >;o n ,-,- ,-. \u0084,t tr , lrtt iHtt» more were r volveil <»\u25a0-;. . , rrO r tbM« mpenatM« . .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. H-:r m ponant ;\u25a0> far than 1 : , : , ot mhat n ',^ : ! any one or thes^ pla.-es ii th« great '\u25a0;'«" :\u25a0\u25a0 <•-* \u25a0 \u25a0• "\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0 ; p.>;i"eii naxUaa. 1> Obiq to «ii Democratic .r Republican? is what -iy K-in'? to Know. :\u25a0•\u25a0>: ,>r,iv »,.-.,» «*••» •' \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0' WTtal w- .'.-. thi, veir w:; 1 In- ' * "' ' ' \u25a0 •\u25a0" n«si \^ir 4 v,it« for '<•\u25a0-''. k \u25a0 a :: \u25a0 .. -. \u25a0 .. .v.., . n-rrronw*-)': \u25a0 \u25a0 - ..f It" }\u25a0,• r,,,. A ( n trii . ,[.,.. ; thing . rt Thf \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - t!oi wh< th-r we d •: - :n?c thi-m tf the . . .. \u25a0 ll<rri<-k wouM be •\u25a0 \u25a0- ) v, 1 •« , v.te. for. *o far as S \u25a0 : ir .•( h'.s p . \u25a0 »tl \u25a0 Btata iitrmi>-« , v . i \u25a0 \u25a0• \u25a0 . . ' nil mn ' \u25a0 - * \v- \u25a0 . \u25a0 •\u25a0 - . . . ft ex "en Is tr> nY, .->c Mipa^ons. T* rw-»-,,?j.. a ]i tion». and a!'«pen»e^ ft«ivich r»«,.:i> t.. \u0084:j ria<Mr« «.•* p^oji'.e r>ur revenues were n^ver so imr'V nor evaj so !!tt!<- >-.:r.te:v, .-\u25a0..-. T l^ %-nerU .in 'n^'m» wa* ne- ,»r m> h..n..--.| . t^, v , r i l( . f^. w»-*i!*h .iri'l <>ur «tr»ructh , v edied •• .! M v - \u25a0. r»rll if j\e a.'r: \u25a0 il ' ' - v •• «\u25a0: !':«' b \u25a0 Bl t v < d*»- The «we*t n «M of the Howep, them*elv<»» dwell* la D*lettr«x' •xtj'jlstt* D-rrun*r«. Try them. Jtdvu PRICE FIVi: ri.N'i'S. g. c. <;iii-:i-:n arrested. OHIO CA3IPAIGN OPENED. Te-«*i. fair. l».mortiw. fair and nararr: irr.h .«m,l. NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 100:;. -FORTY-FOUR PAGES. YouV ou TAIIT----N 0 20.762. M\" « \TITALS. - -' •~^ : * : *^^*^ rCcryrlCht: ion?.- Vr TV Trlbun* Asserlattio. I

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r..PTATN AND MRS. R I. WALTON.Who. lashed to a maat. had a harrowing experience In a storm at .«»a



George B. McClellnn. Home. Refutes to Saif Whether He /.« a Candi-date-Did Noi See Croker.


<\u0084tui«- tv i". f*"m Cblcadß rta CTrtraaTß Kit-»u.«r» 4 S! I'x'il«i"« I'nion PadttQ line Route

of Tt>« (NafaMai Urult^d Tlp*ets 3a Bru»Jw»)-


'Th- Ftmm Itppad uj. .iius arkon we had alland aara tiiakiriß g«>c.<j time, with the

wind back .'f ur." mid the captain yestenJav.« h< n h«- ca:;<-.j to report at th" office Of th<.r' : > broker. A. J. Bail»>. No. 44 -jtli-jn

\u25a0 is- fore tho crew got more than their handson the jib* 'he> were torn away and went by

the Lo.»rij Tli*- n.alnsr.:! with a report like a

small n—"" ripped its full length ar.a went out

to «es. W«: put the wheel hard down, but a big

wave can.* aboard and tarried away all the

loose dOl k furniture Bad the stem railing. We

n.anafed. g-omehuw. to tat ten down the hatche*.hi.d tbea atood away baton the barrtcaae un.ierbar* poies Tl.e buirtcam ranght us fair on the

c topped a .\t v.aye. and turned[side.

Tba : • II'\u25a0 BOient «c arcre on our beam ende.A!! banda up the rigging and let thoafctntaxa eara of n.-vif. 1 '.»rhed my wife to themast, and the . rev tark.ei 111111IMIVia to the

tfcil :I «- our yawl bad been swept

a,v*..j. and tbora v\ nr nothing left i>ut 10 fi;.k or

• This cGmi-Jtied BBtfl \u25a0* \u25a0 \u25a0• widrsWlW

boo. »ban Iba ht"i:j'P"*><' "xer uc *nd

Vt sea cradunlly suUidi-d. We made our wayaowr, •be raging and to the cabin which *'found was awa.h. After retting some cotT**»v.l i. h mv wife nin.de for us. we turned to andWrt S' me »a:l» io the mast, bound up ourrarTs. Mhi h were badh spltttterad, and made

aail f"i !i..nie."

It was an experience that made een the\u25a0taattaM of us- quail and . ike

"said O'Neal, the

rrate. bflafkar of the steward, yesterday "Someof our me:i who have had thirty-five yea:? of?;> a life. a;j^ have (jvrn !>een 6hip*vrerked, saythey have never b .n Through anything so terri-ble as Urn asm of laet Tv Rday night. Lashedt.. th« Baaßti oT' w if «.ur l.ravest men. FrederickP \u25a0:" a.!, d -'Ut that all he wanted was 'time

And throuph It all that brave woman,\y Ah the i£ptnir> arm al:out her. never utteredt>. F'-ream or a anerd. Itad you. :s a w«MIplucked one for fair"

Mrs Wnlt.-n hAS been on the Baas with herbßßTband fot the mmM B«a years— since the dayat BeT marriage The sailors on the De MoreyOray sVy that Fh'- behaved -\ith remarkablecourage and fortitude.

Schooner Captain Keeps AnnsRound Her in Hurricane.

The thr»s- maMcd srhrnin -r I»e Moray Orey.wi'h |ereaj Bf M \>-n BM .. <';.;>tain R. I. WaltonBfld his wife, laden w;th four hundred tons ofplaFter. was caught by the hurricane Tues-day right baa milea beta** Winter QuartersIHtHatlh> and thrown on her beam ends. Afterher for?gaX thro* Jibs, tba • • gad anchorand chain a:.d her two boats had been sweptoverboaid, the .aptain, l*lie\ingthat his rhip-va» doomed, ordered all hands to tie themselvesto one of the m*Ms. He with OUaal, th. stew-

ard. chmVied to the <• ros?tree» of the mlzrenmast.| tlie body of his wife. They lashed her

to the in.if- ut-.d he:d th^ir -irnif around !i<»r .illthrough the ga.,e.


South Norwalk, Qaaßk, t>pL 1* ii).—OrlandoP. De\t«=r, t!:e tnurdrrc-d tvor. bad been a resi-dent af KarataDX <>If find on, for about fifteen reamHe was f-f-.^ntric. and »a? know i. to have much

\u25a0Idsaaßjß Jt was not ruppos*;<l that hi wasa millionaire. He kept what he chore to call alaw BBBM at No. \u25a0 Wail-st , and lived in a littlecorner of the home of F. R. Stsrr. in Westport-*\e. lie travelled much, and the greater part ofhi* tlm- :r town be sp*nt p< >rlr over the record*al '\u25a0 ' ><\u25a0?.% in the Town CttrKll office and tfKjkinjrup grenealoffical tables. It wut never known herewhat he did with his researches, although 11 wasunderstood that he had published several booksalone the**; lines.

Mr. Loiter wan of a most reticent dkßaattßMllie w^f aJmort BVBlastoßaL H. •went to an'l fromN'W-'iork a* l.c rho«*. ani n» v.--r left .-my w.ir.i.M« hai a laraa caacb at .s«r.t.i Ckata. in the Adi-r 'nrlaikf, wii.-r« be ->iier:t his tasaaMfß. Most ..f!.i- sreatth wa> In slacks and bonds. Hr was In-•\u25a0 real ••! in thf American X'»s <u:ii;any, of X-w-'i iK. ai.d *a*a i.ng.- stockhoMer la tba Near*

Nav-Havea im Hartford Railroad n» i:«ano home in Kcw-Tork. although bis fat!, r. IW.i.ryi«n.r liv.? Utare.

'< P. iHxt'-i li;-.d l.irn jijj=t:c«of the MOjOa Inv \u25a0 r rt t<rm.-. lit- wa.v a .achelor

.'.tout furty-nir.e year* <\u25a0!.<

Henry Dexter, the father of the murderedman, who is a mem'ter of the Chamber of Com-mcro- and the Museum of Natural History, andthe founder and president of the AmericanNews Company aft.;- hearing at his home. No.42 West Fifty-si\th-st . of his sea's murd«r. byme;\ns of ;i t--l«rraai from J. P. Baagar, of m.i-l"ti». his K'^ir- lawyer, expressed the opinionth.-it ike crime ama Ike result of traahsi expert-em^e-d by Btmaetf and his son v. it rt lumbermen.

Bvcr blbjt the PfHtaa Brat bacan to ny ap1.-md lzi th.^ Adi:.»:idack.«. BOBBrdtng to th" fatlier.they h:>v. bad troabk with the tunberman ofthe resrion, who u«.» !i"t rf-s;-ect the laws »mfe-guardin? prhate proj« rty, and f«-«'l aaajrtevajdif preveDtad from cultinj; the timber en Hudbclonginc to ?ith'-r men. Th" Dexter 'state waaX fine <»t ••. u'iJ there mtich good Umber <>d

It. wh! h araa creatly .iesire,; by Use Umberih:.-\r> \ir T>ex»'T Bfdtr«d them off. hut ereaaft?r he ha.] ru:: •> v ir- fcrce entirely arouni

ihe ef>:a:e. their ft pndatlaßa OQSJtBJMd.Caa man. Mr. Drxt. r ?-iid last riiglit.wj«. rs-

•e<Mally riK^.FerolJ^. «>ni hal had repeatedtT-niiM- \ ith 881 son. At one time Mr. Desterbad toed btm hr treapass. ,<nd thf man ad-rr.-.it.d that he had rrespasseJ 2.VCS times.Th<-T' v. as .-\u25a0 !.5.> a law su!t running sonv-roads through the D'-xt^r estate, since" which

line h.id been more bitter. Mr. Pastersaid that .ish<ut tim. ago he received a latterIron bbi boo, in arbJen tbe hittar \u0084.'. he wouldBtay l:i UM neighborhood unt-1 th»- ...of r.cxT m< nth.

'ecause he rxi-e.t'd trouble.

1ILDdO I*. l'•. xt.-r was fnrty-r.ine years old. asraduat- of Harvard tJntweratty. Oxfot andtbe Oatembfo Le>w School, and though he areaadmitted t«. the bar. h*- never iirlaualy pr.i«;-tlsed law. but apent Baeat of his tin.**m the A 11-

r> a\u25a0• :\u25a0 he h.iU a well fv.rti'.shed houser.nd BBtate of about six thousand acres ofth'- bed Umber lhii-1 In the mountains.

Ibe Batbi-

and »on bare travelled iilnialMlj.\u25a0Ad an ft,.i to h.i\- circled tho gloix. not lessthan a AoBCB timts.

Mr. Dexter was killed a half mile from hi?Funnier home. D»>xter Lake. He was drivingand w:is «;h<<t from ambush by an unknown per-son. The bullet passed through the bach of thei»ugg> an.l through the body of Mr.Dexter, just

BtfBBI '.h--* hf.art and in'.o the horse

...I much trouble r'^ei.tly withad.jointnK hie. and this made

enemies i looting wis doneby som r> ih nter.

The Lawyer Killed from Ambush in

the Adirondack*.MaJo.l". N T.. fcepl li

—Orlando P. Dexter,

of Xon\alk. Conn., a large holder of Adirondacklands in Franklin County. «nd a man of wealth,

»m sh-.t and instantly killed while riding alonealong the road ne.ir Santa Clam to-day.

Mr. I>• \t»r for several seasons had spent con-sidcrai.U \u25a0;ni at his summer home, in thiscounty. No clew as to Whs shot him has beenreceived.


' •» rerwtlti.wi «,f your iumoi«r \mcaUon m»>"••aJmeC ob a L»a> Lit.*oa« day utuiUoa.- aC^l

• :. England exfludea•• -..' weuta .-.n. \u2666• d'•doi:la. Pour bishops have protested

• :'• tnacttan <if Ike Prftbrti GawajrasnasL-

Canon M\u25a0


1 In denouncingkm of tbe Christi..: .!•••;.ulaTion in

•\u25a0 m Europe which

:.:'\u25a0\u25a0 • had )->eti BcOvared fromI




v wh< n



:]r \u25a0 •\u25a0

-:>>»:» record of

. ; b taVCB' ''

\u25a0''v »!-«:!'i. M:.

« th' i;>irf witTics?. and the recitais\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0:\u25a0 al by J. a Ha \u25a0


i-;of ibbbJ OM Bsan


red with every

Qvesßa r*r •\u25a0 m • bbbl Btrai By, ;md ebß*

\u25a0•a'-::p oxens ;ir,d anted\u25a0Bmb. ?rM;-k»''i b«ffc«rttf (M

r •rreKponrt personally\u25a0 ifcy c-i<J inFcasibillty,

BJikßßfjß ftcy warn ""*v"wf>* Bawiatty sta-

'atic* ;r. ctnru« l*perlß> f>tlan Eng!ar.<J.

IBbT AufUM:;? njtf-mar'f BluePCapaCSßal ißJpafaßl trade and food BBS*

; ..,.....,, -ns:<Jeratir.i• • M;redor.ianfr, for whichXrttfeJi

-f I*lBeacontfield> time

\u25a0 '• \u25a0 '\u25a0 v» t. In'red1'

| • tnal aa Is the in:».Ii"n'»ers. 11 now serms f '

\u0084 Mftaflfeytba Banaaalar of-,• > afUftion and rnassa. re Th»

car a hoc oalleij ojt NBBrVOi;1 ttng an army in the aoaCb-

f*ja naocaotsataan al tarkJßapßi p-'iji--- bs ''\u25a0' i—iHl^Bl \u25a0 f

\u25a0• apaa DBBaMfl The ihratre

!ier Bulrjria at :;«Fla l-e Sratatß.-.. '

::;:«. but xhr rcn--: \u0084r -he

n Corstantinoplf and Varna.

'D .:< rr lire room «.f IMPcVßlgß 00m nas

Wr. c-

iur day« by tfce Alaskan Com-;»o trrouj-a afl «*ana<:ian end

\u25a0 • .:—:Kir.lay speech

BM tea a \u25a0 iracie of <ju:-

le»» *!:0 v. \u25a0 | tataSl (M] ":.cp ha* het .-•..-.:\u25a0 ': « «aj b4jbb

Iflj -, -o \u25a0:• Itti An '•

•\u0084.•• -us v!n!a: I:\u25a0 i^^.". Mr. Wutso:, '...:: probably

Ipar the Arrerl.ai. tU» th* jr.iddie**next staak T*.* Canadian lawyer*.

• i.ry industry in work.r.v BP ti^-

-,roduring Iba oi'J dbHti Bf Vasi-J(.ef bad ::.e> ;ru\e too much. The

B«Q| _\u0084f ur6.i.; to their •inon. com

. f paaat the boundary quea-. abaj coastt within courts in place of-*e*uoa.rd v ::h windings ar.d sli.uositJes

v *he base for ir« .i--urirg Iba BM marine-r!~ll KtOt -\u25a0'

. ..-...- aMt i-k»: BBlr*

••••.United .... fuurlk •••'


.;.-.\u25a0 1•

rmrie«s• ' f a l'r::nr Mir.iFter. His

• -NPaa Ihßl he has not

. .• •• • • ->hlp at any. I:: •• positive viev.s OB: \u25a0:..- raaal IbJT Mr. I'ham-

\u25a0 • '*hi re!-ig»;;itir,n o' his. IBM BCt of a strong and

. -\u25a0 :.i. Mr. Foar. while now' • Dpi :. OaMaBIBBBj occupies. ..Joyous to that cf Sir Robert Peel

was ir. rg:i::iE''.|(aeOmtVa

-\u25a0\u25a0 .-ibe'ished. Mr.Cham-haad, vhii"Badettakkai

m .!\u25a0...\u25a0 st tree trade, ha>: I.e. omelance, Dka OBtxSen, with independent

\u25a0* ha) o» n. He *-mi>loyr Cobden's tac-

r to undo Cobden's work.



Mr. Ritchie and



; \u25a0'

flu- Change of Government—


PrdbdbU in Balkan*.op. . Iba N«»-"\»rk TMUjti*by French »"»t>lf »

• V.\ T\< Tribune A«!>r«-Utlon >-cjt. V.».— The grrnrral »-!f*ctlons have

•\u25a0 d. bat cannot long l>e deferred.Th>

'I ;>.; >. '^ tht c >emnient. is rent

v\u25a0 !divisions a-: 1 utterly demoral-

ized by cptifuscd li. ictshij. and the ••videtice ofTl.e by»-r!.Ttions now offer

v:.: : • f that the jntrv requires a••mem, whether or not there are

I Icrt i:ijdofl:ille rrlnctples on

tbe tibrnal side, at.d the DMbbbM politicians areeaprr t<-> lia\e general elections coma on, since: I that tan alternative R-ovom-

.:irot last lone and that their own party». -. .i I •\u25a0•;.••. to DOW reorganta* Iand

n«tc<l. The minister* themselves erethor"..-" I -n1 harassed, and while loath

•k :no?,: no?, when ihe .-xpenses

r j^ng ,v I/or.don.• Baai EMB ofllce.

iin's own unexpected action in

the Prime Minister apr.. 1\u25a0 Ht| BBportant pojj.t end followedfu

' • ;.:::.p t. tali uion fur |I

Ba IiIpar:i'i"X uhich en \><* ex-;

- ' --:• :'.nd n-.ind. H. has\ if-p» rated b> th^ m. , •Itu Ie

itor i gbl v. ..! v. p !r up v, ,oi

: • \u25a0\u25a0 . .- 'jiiift.> Db*

:••'.< i>jo?;i:il;nli. ics, andit the Treasury l« -

-ition auii.s wen repeal^.

; • worn out !•>• the con-X «M c :..- lv -•.•.derinK

progr«-ssi\«? irn-: . •

\u25a0 y to \u25a0 »ht outside th»' -hr Cabinet for The principles'

\u25a0 . •\u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0 bnpartaaea to

I Minus after the pro-Tvhiprins thistle? m the

foverr-.. Nt £ ..r-:

Many personal friends were j>t the pier when

Mi. McClellan walked down the gangplank, andthey lias tad him warmly. None of the district

leaders were, among them, however. Murphy

had issued orders that the district leaders wereto keep away from the pier, as their presence

there might "queer" the candidate.•Did the passengers of the Philadelphia know

that they had the Tammany candidate forMayor Of New-York aboard with them." Mr.M< c'leii:in wa; ask»d

•There was a mareontgram that Iwas likely|n be the Tammany candidate for Mayor of;».".<.-York published In The TransatlanticAmerican, 1 published aboard the ship, but Iknow of DO reason why there should have beena general uprising among the paaaeaaara. W.Bayard Cutting, you must remember, was a pas-setiKC" on the Philadelphia, and W. W. Dudley.of Indiana. Strange to »y. the District Attor-ney who prosecuted General Dudley in th"1,],,, . of live' matter waa also a paßßßßajer,"

s.ii.l colonel McCletnua.jud^e Laventrttt, who v.aa \u25a0 paaatngar >\u0084.

the Philadelphia, said that In til*- opinion Mi.McClellan would make a pood Mayor.

Colonel MeClelbin did not hay* any furtherpolitical conferences last night.

"Yes Isaw Mr Murphy this afternoon." he

naid. We talked politics, but I'm not going to

toO what was pur-ly •« perseaaJ affair. A« to

whetiur rd accept the mayoralty nomination.that* i«'">•! '*•<• day* afl >"' and H \u25a0 polite to

wall nil ">i re Baked."Mi Marph] would not tulk about htm .»n

vets:«tloi. with Colonel .M< Cleilau

Vhsßß of the World, «old by Detroit Pbott>grapnUi• rr.pa:.i, » > \u25a0?• »» ATenue.-Atfvt.

lam glad to know that It will tend to clean

politics, and the Democrats of greater New-York are to be congratulated that they have

rid themselves of Peverv. who was, to say the

least, I stench in the nostrils of decent people."

Whan asked what he thought of Coler as arunning mate, in case he should be nominatedfor Mayor. Mr McClellan said:

"Personally Iam a very good friend of Mr

Coler. and admire him greatly. However, as I

said before. Iknow nothing either of his inten-

tions or the intentions of 'he ctty convention"

On incomplete infotmation Mr. MoCtollSß as-

sumed that District Attorney Jerome had gone

to the Tammany camp, and he said when set

straight .l^t f hope th:«t he will be h.i.-k in the fold

some day."


Mr McClellan manifested a good deal of in-

terest in the result of the primary fights. Wher.

told that William B. Devery had been d>f.-atedby the Goodwin Smlth-Dowling men In the IXth.he said:

Among ether things told the Congrer-man

were that Mayor Low. Controller OrOWJ and

President Fornes Of the Beard of. Aldermen bad

decided to accept nuuailaslUas. and that the

Controller had said thai local politic* had no

essential relation to State or satteaal polltlca,

•Ido not see how that can he," declared Mr

McCl.-lian. 'I do not nee how local politics can

be divor.»-d from State and national politics.

any more than the Stnte can be ihrSTCed from

Its own government, and national goremment

made aaa-aarthma. In the era of good feeling,

when President Madison was sleeted for the

second lena by practically n unanimous vote of

the Elector ICollege, the national government

was BOppoaad to be non-partisan, and yet the

fact remains that almost every officeholder un-

,i. Madison was a DaaMW r"The c.aim thnt national Issues and purposes

d.i not enter into the coming contest is false.

The apparent object of the Republican party ie

plaJa it is. if possible, to Kepublicanize New-

York City at the expense of good Democrats.and this the local D—Mirrstlf party must com-

bat at the coming election."

"Ihave not been home lon* tnoagii la war-

rant my talking politic. Itwill enough

to say what Iwill do about the aoaUaatloa after

itIioffvred me. My aaawer will ha ready .vhen

th;<t tine eaasea.*'

He was not \u25a0« \u25a0]] surpriyed when the news-

paper iaea laM him that he was bOtm talked of

tor Mayor hi the Tammany managers. He

knew all about it when Charles F. Murphy was

elected leader of Tammany Hall, and he couldwrite a ettar Ptory about what Murphy is

going to do in case Tammany wins than any-

body else.Charles P. Murphy made it his business to see

Colonel McCK-llan soon after the latter reached

th. Man HillHotel. Mr Murphy had a long

talk vith the candidate at the hotel, and left

Mr. McClrilan feeling flrst rate. There was a

strand look of exhilaration In the Congress-

man's eyes when he greeted the new-paper men.

•Did you MS Mr Croker while on the other

side this tin •_•?" he was asked.Idid not When Iwent abroad Iwent

directly through Engtand without stopping. On

my return Idid not touch England." Bald Mr.

McClellan."The fuslonlst* a«?ert that if you are nomi-

nated you willbe called Murphy's man." it was


-If that is so then T am not. the nominee for

the mayoralty." said Mr. McClet'a ,WONT TALK POLITIC? YET.

"Will you accept the nomination for Mayor if

it is offered you?"

Exhilaration in the Congressman's

Eye* Afterward.Cr-ngiPSMnan Qoort* B. McCMaW, who wai

be nominated for Mayor if the Tammany leaders

think he is stracaj eio,i h to win. returned

fsalliasi morninK to this city on the steamer

Philadelphia, after an abaaaca of nearly Fix



Fttthnuti Hope Co Prevent Bobberyof the City.

The leaders of the fusion forces intend topay Cspor-{a! attention to the election of BM&>bera of the Board of Alderman in the eemhajTiuini.ipal campaign. The power for Rood or evilthat can ba rv-,-i,P<i \,y tin? !>o.ird is fully"nlized by ii,.. captains of the forces fightingfor goad government, and they believe that,irrespectjif of pan or polit..al nations,rood citizens should grt behind candidates foraldermen, who are clea.i and nOOaBL

The Citizens ; lion hi taking the lead in thismovement, and the Renvbtfeaa arjßUiisatloß Is!«-artily supportlns: the plan. It is pointed outthat In Kurope few rner. consider their posi-tion t'.o high fur th' ' to accept nomination to

maaletnal ejoverntns l*oiirds. In England Lordliosel.ery took his seal in a municipal coun-cil. The idea is to elect to the Board Of Ald-rr-men here men of the highest personal character.who willnet as the best Interests of the city de-mand, irrespective of parties or polit!<al organ-

ization?.It i? believed th.3t nmnir.g candidates of this

type for members of the Board of Alderman willhelp the who!.' city ticket, but this is not thefirst aim of the plan. The desire is to elect aboard that will be dean *nd honest and workfor the city's interest*. Titan, whether th.» fu-sion forces elect the Mayor or the Tammanyticket is successful, the board will lie an enginefor good government. :•. Is pointed out that»Mle Bpasfbljr the fusion forces, nominatingcandidates of this stamp, will nut be able toelect a majority, yet they can certainly electseveral candidates.

A FEW CAN PROTECT CITT."Suppose we elect otily four or five BMBlbCxa

of the bonrd."' said ana of tba fusion leadersyesterday. "These four or five men, « -f coangthonesty and persona] \u25a0worth and high reputa-tion, SMB. wliosn the puM:-- k:.i w and respect,can form a coalition which ca.ii brand evtry

Btaal ttSBIBtaJ In the board and defeat it. Ahandful of men working together this way canmake the 'grafters* stand in a corner, and domoca to prevent vi.ious legislation than all theexecutives in the city. VFfl BOpa to elaci a mn-Jority. bat we will eertaJi elect .noiuh t<j

break .in cow :he forces forvicious ]•••_':*< it;..'-."

R Futon Cuttlag is one of those who willrun for aiderrran. Captain Alfre.i T. .Mahar.,the well known naval expert, is anotbcr. OacuajaHaven Patnam is al 0 talked of Ma candidate.Dr. Nicholas Murray Bvtler, pwaldcnt <>f Co-lumbia. Is al4«> a probable candidateWhile h)1 the tr:en S7ho .ire to '>> made cfridi-dates have not ye: been mined upon, menof this" type will be aakad lO Bhra «"tme cf theirtime and I"t'g| to the "\u25a0" \u25a0 11y. Til plan has met

enthusiastic support from all the fUaloa allies,and the fusion forcaa will have an their tlchetathis fall tot aumbtri of the Beard of Alder-imn probably a or" prominent names than w«re>\fT before printed en « '>;:l!ot for these of-fices.

True to the podejr »bi'-h he outlined in hisletter of August 1". to the district MMdMta, R.Fulton Cutting has offered himself for the saTi-

!!i >\u25a0 l.y consenting to run for alderman la theXVIIIthDistrict. In that letter he urged uponUM fusion le.idtri< the importance of patting upstrops; candidates in every district, evcti whereelection i« in posalblt

Acting with this general prin^ip!' in mind, thecommittee sent the following letter to Mi. Cut-ting:

We r.ik you to permit m to present yoni namear.fl propose your nomination as alderman to the

respective ald'eriran convemior.s about to bo heldby the Cltl* :,.- Cnlon an.l the R*r ibUeaa orization of the XVUIt.i AaaamMy Dtstrict Wa ha\er»aton I*beiiev« that It will be th. pteasnre et the•ireater New-York Detaocracjr nt this dL«trkt tofollow our request In this matter as arcd. W« trustthat you will<jeem it poaalbHl to promptly sanctionocr artshoe. We believe that such e«pref..-!on of T'--i 1-Inesp up. your rart ta accept such a nominationwcu!d N- m far reaching and. ndurn:K coaaaßnencnof Boad to "iirrll Wa baOawa IxMaad, that yourcandidacy for ancb poattton in our municipalitywould he. M so often exhibited* In your dltsinter-rsfil d?\"tl«>n to public affaJra, » r other striking .x-aaspla of hlKh-mir.d*><i cltlsenabtp tbal \»"-iliiBad arryult ami 'ewaril in bringing I"?\u25a0 re ill" variousdistrict onvent throosboul tb< \u25a0 i;\ rcaponsibl<imen of leiiut-- as candidates for iMnsMB. We be.Heve. further, th.it the ..:itiro fusion ticket wo'Jldh*- benefttted by your candWlßfy for this aoVa.

The following letter arsi rvci. -1 in reply

from Mr Cutting.

Ibee to th:.:ik you tor the kin.i expression ofjour letter asking me to permit tht iiukiiilbHiiiiof my aanh as candiduti- fur aMerasa i al '.•xvilith Alderinarjli EHxtrlcl to irj- DoaUnattoaconvei of t tit fmton a.'.i. \u25a0.

Iaccept t!ic iMvii.'ttion with senuine pleasure andwith t:.> eoaodaat ucpcctatlon that »•\u25a0 abali baaNie to rally to our cai'v all \.it.r.~ « n> \u25a0

the paranio.';nt lna><ii"'a!"''' '" Ibd n-\ !):•>

wii.ilc city of »>i!V)|K>ril!.g bomal hiul Boa«paTtlaa3imu:ilcii».ii fuverninent,Iapprai tit* hI the mire keenly the fact thai

thiw rf'iu-xt cocnaa fron tb« XVIIIth !»b»rc 1 araa i>.-m. apcat tvaoty >• ira of my !if-.aiid With « h< n«-.ls and miere-t* I.mi ih.»r-Uw'chiy familiar.It baa b n aald thit "the pc pie are n. \

lufit. i' ,i-ire oft«i di satvad.' and Ifmy candldicymay aarra in »my \\u\ t.. \u25a0prvad :nn truth and torcfuta ti.-- mtarepreseni U i T mraanjr Hall, I

f.• ' repaid for the additional burden Ishalliiv-mine in toakloa tb« campalcn. \t i-mi \u25a0 iful In th-- content. Ilru»t yon will ala .rvpreaantaUv* froia tba XVllltb Alderma :• i»t

-trie: aottettsoa foi th« latcrrata ->f at* eonsttnantaand urvoiad to tba MattU* of our gri.it dty.

This decision means no Wttle perjonul BBCTI*flee to Mr Cutting. He. of course, exposes him-self to mire defeat This hi Murphy's di*trl< tar.d ba .uiivora a tix«.l BtachtaM \u25a0••• tbata •:\u25a0•wry election, -ii M*'\ ha ;u> Bbepard .">. tin.

«Kiiti:M I'.^.V: 0.1 LOW. X'-v.-ithiless Mr .\u25a0 .:tine sv ,\\ pal op a atrofla Bsbt, ni\«- Mi Mor«•a] a haul run. «nd mattrially atfCAgtbrn tli<-ganatal fusion ticket i>jr aaaaartag on H In thiscapacity.


State Senator Indicted iK.ith Heaver*—He Asserts Hit Innocence.

(bt fUMBaM t>> tick riiiif«B>]

Binfrhamton. N. V.. SSte t i. V-> - Senator fliwißjlE. Grr^n, president of the Intern:itl<»nnl TimeRe<-ording Company, was anaaßad and held inSIO.«>.H» bail before l'nit«d Stat"< CommissionerCharl--., E. Hal', to-day on tv.o lnd!< \u25a0tm?nw

charpins: him wiih conspiracy i.nd bribery inconnection tv ii the Ball of tlrie 'itHWfltrt t'»tho \u25a0 bMbV

•Der'artmerit. <»;.»• ad th>- mdirt-

iner.ts is in four counts .stahi-'t Mr OpatSi

•-harem? him with payi;:R sums rariicinjf from

9829 t» CMS to Gaarsa V BaaTWI IThe otherIs acalnn; Qiaaa and Weavers Jointly. an>lcharges lailll with <..>nspiracy In th- sale andpurchase of tlm~ re- i>rd«-rs«. and rn.ik^s nine dif-ferent charges. aIU-itinK that Mr. «»reen navechecks ranpinir from .*;>l^ to .?I.<>4'_' to Reavers.The tarn of the BDtgad rfatry WBi from Da>cwnber 11. V.»>\ to «K-tober

-190C. mmia-


•IBingl;amtiin. who was arrested yesterday In con-nection with the postal scandal.

sioner Hallh?M that Mr. <:r-«»n was entitled to

an examination, that the Indictment w., notprimary evidence. a.nd that the governmentlr.usL produce further proof In order to hold 1

him. Senator Ore^n pleaded not guilty to bothIndictments and Jonas M. Kilmer tx-came hiabaodsjnaa in th*» sum of ?5.0f"0 for each indict-ment. Mr. Grata th»n s?ave out the follOTrtnz-

B tat:Ihope it i-:BBOBOCBBBn to say that Ihave

rot given or received bribes; that I havewronged no man. much lew the United State*Governmwt or any department thereof. All <>fmy business ha* been .otiducted of'n'.v andboßCatlj, aad no mean a<lvanta*« u^.-« beer."lien eoßearatag COStxmcts, orders, prices orotherwise, rithei- by mystlf or by any businesstnteraata witii atalußi Iam connected. Ihave1.0 rritioiHm t'» offer, and only wish that thoserecponalßti fur Iba lirttllH trouble which hasrrini*- to nu- and mine by this undeserved an'i.us Ibtllre, nsmrraatad act loa li.iv. beenimbued with xiure motives in the Internal of< ivi, virtu • and hiK!>-«t Mtmla,I?hnil net n.ek "t ask .«yni;'athy. but sh ill

bOfM th*at my !it>. bBBfBMi ;tn.l i-i.fuK r-cirj.Bar 'i;.in> y--a:~. BM •\u25a0 .. I

• i th:it publt..- Judgment wrffl baaoapended uritil time and opportimttj will per-mit fa<-t» to replace fanries an.l susf :cior.3.

To my k:f>\\ Ifls;.-. 1 h.i\>- Davcy brought dla-trcaa th.- thadow of ;i raOwtloa t<> the p.,-::-! al party t'» whj.hI a.rr, i»i» if»>.! to earn at*legfanea, i.t..! nor,- thai m;. s««)d name a.:..[ •\u25a0••;

-utati"r. nr. s>» eaBsptCTMOSI) "TrillIIH*III.IIH*lll.Jaat aath»- prittiarit« .ir>- on and wh»'ti my Blßmdl Un

.:>- return t.» the Broom'- County Repub-lican C< rmaltte, r r;::st i:i.«lst spaa complrtely\\tthiir,!1 in^- and rctlrtng from the RepabHcaa

• al least until aacfl tin a.< I amlesaily '!\u25ba''• and deaf from any im^utat • I

\u25a0ii.vii'iii -• and dlabonorabla a.-tiors.

Btnslc* <;r"-n i" ihairman of the R.-publicanOoontj CDnnntttcCi

•K. Orara, who ha-* laasaaaaaal laa

x.N.wiuth r>istii-t in th<» st. L te Basata ataca ;»o.is a nativt- of BIIHMBa County, and i-> n>w Juatforty-:' \u25a0 : ': • rly education m > m.-\u25a0ir Iin th- public schools of th»- t"wr. of Kirk-wood. :iml when nin«>t»en ye:irs aid he went to

work in a gflMJary if PinKhamton. Waßl thi.-< b«»arcs) bi iba wmrtkM <•( a caal ttrni. ,M.i aa neOMw.ij! ba in Jtcurlng business that h>- was .K.mittedto partnership In It. He also kacBSM int-restedin a lars»> number "f other enterprises ;n theParlor <*ity. and Is one of Its lf.i.Jiri^ stne^ men.

His a-tivity in aaßUea h»tr.in in aarty BBBj)\f was ch^irrnar of the H--( •;•\u25a0!! -: \u25a0 committee ofBrcwmi" <'uunty for a number of years, and laterpresident of the Stato Le.usrue of Republic; 1; t'lubs.'.:; i\»7 he iycaroe al.lprmai: of the Third Ward ofUinghamton. and UM following year president ofthe CBSUBBa i.*o

-;ikil. Althi/'ich •!'~f«'ated for Mayor

i:i 'A'^. ho was el*ct«sd to tnat offle* in *.•<>:,. and bysucc<"?uive re-election? he flUefi th«- office for a^^

term?. His aclmir.lstratijr. w;is R-.arked by manymunicipal Uaprov*a«Bta ir.d a Boafeet of reformsHe was aWrtirj to th*" Btat* tiy tfca .We-pabllcana in ir««i. by 19.9>W \->trs to .•"« for hisopponent, an.l r<»--->> u-d \.. im without opfrattloo..in<i baa servei on important rommlttee 1. S.^nat^r<jroon B) a^tiv.- m Hr***1' ttwlaa. h.is aaaa th«baad al tfca Irapcoved Ordar of Ran Men and taaainstmmrnt*! In catttaM the 'ie fof 'he « aßßaaflCßllTra%f>l!-r.s


Home i:? Firu -ton


(treat and Bcaven Accused ofBribery and Conspiracy.

|rP>>M THE TBIBtM! TaT1WaaUngtoo, Bent. l-». -Th- IMfiiiirtnl ad

State Senator QaOt'B* E Gnm, ai Nesv-York.and Ml arr*?t la Btßgbasttea to-day for .-om-r>iirir> in th.- peataOcc acandal constitute oneof the m<>*» significant developments in the In-vestigation thi;s far. for they demonstrate the

•\u25a0• ; \u25a0 • \u25a0 \u25a0'. ..t i..:.::

flueucca to .-«'.<•;. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 -,- •• ;•!:.. • .;> i :!h AotStanl !' • ',-r.-

eral Urisio\>. Th<- ti'.si.le h!;t"rr of Urft castforms OOt "f tha rr/ st in: ' •:ii- i:i\^stijjiiTi'lii, but aoch imfortixnal< > .. \u25a0.

in illprebablltt t.-..i in full.

AVith the arr>«t • t •;:>\u25a0•\u25a0 Iba ;: •'.!. tmetits r**- \u25a0

lumtd li^t TJ;ui••\u25a0:.\u25a0> !•>\u25a0 the I>l3tri.'t <>f •\u25a0

t>:.i Brand lory bava bw . n ida >• htotnapair.st tlreen. one f<>r eooaptraci t<> daftsod thegjtnrcmaarnl un.ior BarUaa r>.44<> el the CnttadBl .t--.- Bl itute3. arid on.> for uaTailUfl a bribe to

\u25a0 (overnmeni .iifi<:iundo Pactteu r..i;.i Tbatotnaiuii:*,' Indlctmeat is bsblb • rga v>! ronneri] upcilulaadcnl al t*u- i ..*lo;iof Salaried a;id Ailowaiues. for OBBBBtnatJto defraud. In these :n<llctn.er.ts it Is charged

that Green, as president of the International

Time Re.cr.l; nij Company, of Bkuchamtoi...•;it.-i.->J into a < onspirai y with Baarvaia l»y

v hicb ba "as t.i pay t<> Paayra !»\u25ba i-er c--.it

caonaiastaa <>f 11 B»n«i> tt:r.e .i..tks i>unh.»*«lri..i.i OnexCa company, and .-;\u25a0••• \u25a0 *ri-


or <:.\u25a0> ..ii Ptttinfrtf 11. MM: SS3I IS on Janu- jQaartaaraMd •\u25a0 •r«-»«« $»•«•.

Foraker. 11anna. Herritk and Hard'fag Speak at Chillicothe.[r.r Tti.c.k.iPll n< r:i. inn r xk .

''hiliir..•!]••. « «M;t». Sept. IS -Perfect wea!.h»P>nd .ir- enthusiasm . .now unparalleled In Ohio

paßttßl combined Is .T..l*- the P>nnal opening•if the Republican camp-ilcn hoe tu-diiy an evengreater succem than any >ti» hud exptsetM.

Mm the keynote was sound* .1 by OratorKar.na wh»n he dBBnfBSd th- opposition a» •"nondescript party with .i crazy -|ui!t tl.ttet.":. .-:• la the Bioralag the influx of visitors be-scan. Train Bftrr train from Portsmouth >'»-lumbun. t»ayt«>p, Cincinnati, Tol<»!o and Cleve-land rteurri'' into the stations, al! bringing; bi*et ..d*. All th- marching- cluha of th* Star*«•\u25a0*\u25a0 in fore. Amone then * re the \u25a0 I MClub, of Cincinnati, a thousand *irnnz.*he iTn ISplitters, of Toledo; th<- TippvcßOM Huh. .iff.evelnnd. fbj ObBBBMBOI <;:••\u25a0 <\u25a0 i. >nd •V.zr .•>f others, each headed by a Nan 1.

The speakers of th- ;..- Colonel Myron T.H-Trick. Senators For.lt. r ar IHai.ns. milW.irr.n Harding, arrived early, accompanied byprominent mm from all over th» andnewspaper m*n poured in in droves Th- \u25a0*.- <their friends »er<; entert.itaeal in 88881 sty> atthe Chlliicothe Press Club, and e\*r> other so-« '.al ,-m.l patriotic organisation ;n th>- city com-bined to mak»- th- rlsitors f-

-\u0084. h.om-. Chi!:i-

roth* had a reputation for hospitality to main-tain, and earttdnry llve-i up to ir. Th- parad*Ktart-.l promptly at 1 \u0084 :,,. k I.-. |. * hv th- l«iRegiment Band, of Cksetßßßfl and th<* Pis fasflub. There Man Ml le-* thin fiv- th»us;»n.|men in line, including riding clubs from all t>rtoarnshUs of the cn-ir

> --'.nnf*. Th-

parade 1 rt> »•«• :•\u25a0\u25a0! to ToctaQßM Kirk. where th-speaking h«-K.in half an h^ur ;.it r̂.Douglass Introrlureri tIBHIIHII Staat as th*chairman of the Baßsttaß "^rjAir. BOTltfc .„ *strong, sober, srratghtfbrvard ipeaill. ou- Mthe Issues of the .•anp.iign

Senator Foraker followed fe, hiS fetEv-!n, carrying Ik*paal enaajdJ with h'm. H*referred to a statement published m rh!s mor"-lr.tf'3 papers from Vita J. Kryan. !n wh;rhBryan said h^ had had a privet- talk w'th JohnH. CUrke and was aptßMWd w.rh Clarke's pn.»i-tlon on the money qBJaaOBa a: -: adflM that (Mistatement alor.e should :

--r; |fJ MM

Clarke. Ser.ifur Haan.i MIMRHI VtQ hN <XXIn. lsiv* humor, and was gr-eted in a nay thactestified Inhi*i pr^at popularity wt:h the paßßaftMr.ITardtnsj'o addre?- . : rr^-'.r.g.

The f.r«t meeting of | catnpaljn is chieflyviluar\u25a0'. \u25a0\u25a0 for aaaartßl the temper of tt« rthe way the artad n tendinsr. ar:d the r-to-day certainly aatßH to augur Vafl!,r Kepuh-,:an victory U. QBdo thi.-t fall. I;, ta-t. a*ator Foraker sal<i. h« would fe-1 tfc ir the tiikethad been defeiited U" it? plural;--- ntfl btl^ «hundred thousand.

COLONEL mncn ADDRESS.Colonel Herrlck's speech was deroted larse!^

to atate issues. He said:I„-<• \u25a0 not say that Iam ir.ChonoH mri attttthe poUci»» cf President Koojwv-ir.n« hM a<tolr.<»-trat'.jn. occapying mnmnn Kroun.l wuh .rp-vi^.

P'lhJi.'an In/'- lr,!--c gratis. It t« «\u25a0•:;, to \u25a0„

-J«>"'.KJii:> V'^^li'n the. R^pubU'«n pnrrrar.,l the so-ca. led Df- • -

-• ,n ()h.,, tn:,year Id the m.-thod by wnich h nur' ti.xatl.)"• t»po**d upon mnti \u25a0 .h. l>m;z»-r.j of (he State wn.-r- it. j ;... ; -s .x .; fh,,two rart>s v!-w Utfl qoesti,cr«.nt p.iinfs ..f view T*. \u25a0: , party caa-templatn it from rh . '. /„„,.

ItM Drao rnti part . .least 1. ok.-, out upon it fr


The I:-::•.-, .t;\u25a0<:: , '

: c \u25a0

\u25a0 -IAl hIVe «KB • ' .-evvrytblni whl b makes a go> ;upon the wJII ..f ia;aj..nty. nub»titut«or |-. |udi •wnicn i« imputed ia accord -her fh»»..rvor m. th.j.i c:i.m .i.»t a]>pro-..-U l>y th...s.f who b«U«T«in .«o,;i: ri

1 wiM niit • »-faacM r>*-\u25a0• i« \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0m:- II •:":\u25a0«\u25a0

: t• ...

R th It he .':.-.\u25a0-


•t \u25a0\u25a0»!\u25a0\u25a0 f> mo to be th. :-

•-•• . waraiaK han.l Hjca InrIn•

dan-- '\u25a0\u25a0' T'

\u25a0 ;l'n t

* •rjn th»ttsrejH to Mast th. v ,

ciruuatton und -,t

ositlon tv tba '\u25a0

• . \u25a0 ,j ha<'•'• n \u25a0'••' tntef fact-

Ivilizat'on m !\u25a0--

eal term •odalian I • . would wh\u25a0!1, b< ri«h< \u25a0 <v whirh I.reiipious r^verern-'-. w-i'-h -:v. us ,• and oui (.sr '\u0084,;\u25a0» •

\u25a0\u25a0 . ,r. '^•\u0084 a;',,

•\u25a0•'\u25a0•• • .... . vTh.- ..::!y i*«u» M«MIt' .• • IStIM thi* r^r h»v-ing r»f»T. r..«» r,> r•ti

•\u25a0 \u25a0 . .

:'• r th- mal •...-..: s •. *nd lf» countl.*and monlclpailttM ahaD \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0( in a.-.-or !wi-h\u25a0' • • <nt» ,'*

Oh!.. -'it in th.--t.V- I . 'in. ,-..,,, n- anij

\u25a0•\u25a0 wh shall nii^.- «-i. h hnprorerxMßta frlexislatioß as exr»r!ence ha* i i an bas-ifVly ma-te for rh- 1 •• • •" . -\u0084 ... fh<,St.ite. \u0084r Wh.th-T MT«-

\u25a0 . <«-!je,tIBMthotfa of taxation arid idopt th" •


bawd upon t&f SD-o-j:;.t:-. • .\u25a0 ;ore. at-d his foM-rwer^ .:-...\u25bc

,ft is '' m ' -n •< \u25a0-•»\u25a0\u25a0 the leade-of crp pr»?»ru '••::! P»-m... •, . :

»r<l 15 »uppf,rt-d 03 '."\u25a0 stumn h> r> r.jrnized -x-ponenu of the dootri • -,~,.r ,-a"--

public attentkin in }?: t to the tart t «tax id nbje-tiop.atl t to nil .\u25a01a!....-«. beo.i ', -i^hes aj; p:ar.s of -»*rjl

' . -v:Cc »tpr-v«>r.t.« t:-:e aawasißent '

\u25a0 j ,.rom e aQOttabiy *35e?se.-? . It rv;:-.::.r v;:-.::. •-. free insti-tutton*; it cuta oR th , a trnstaand corporations ;vuts th^ «rbol« hi:r.!-" of r • • • \u25a0 ,w anj-

luauy; :::..k-» t.i- f-ir-nrr-: voverpay. and th^ dancerocs f.irm of w

!t would BOt remove .» ttngla lis^:!p\u25a0 It »i\u25a0 1 the poor, would not j

iTtr clasn. an.J, « . \u0084 :,en a f'ijias-foiiß fathm in th- only mstan (\u25ba of exp«rt«nc«Contemplattna what w« have, w<


>' ,-,»«'»«Ion even by the tnferf>h<o •< commendation cf su^h a pen!.



•Jeaator Pvraher. who u.i< •BtftoßtaSireceived, spok" .-is fallows

W '•\u25a0 iippro.-Thtßß -in..tlier »!ectjon '• « •\u25a0

1o:ie of rreat tmpcrtan •\\

-nr- to -l-vt . Gorernor and ther t-r^ortant

\u25a0• • -. •

stares 9 1•

would b4'-.- uKh to ni..*-« this e.^, >;on ,-,- ,-.\u0084,t tr,lrttiHtt»

more were r volveil <»\u25a0-;. . ,rrOr tbM« mpenatM« . .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. H-:r mponant ;\u25a0> far than 1 :

—,:, ot mhat n',^• :!any one or thes^ pla.-es ii th« great

'\u25a0;'«" :\u25a0\u25a0 <•-* \u25a0 \u25a0• "\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0 ;p.>;i"eii naxUaa.1> Obiq to «ii Democratic .r Republican? is what-iy K-in'? to Know. :\u25a0•\u25a0>: ,>r,iv »,.-.,»«*••» •'

\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0' WTtal w- .'.-. thi, veir w:;1 In-'* "' ' '

\u25a0 •\u25a0" • n«si \^ir 4 v,it«for '<•\u25a0-''. k \u25a0 a :: \u25a0 .. -. \u25a0 • .. • .v..,.n-rrronw*-)':\u25a0 \u25a0-

..f It" }\u25a0,• r,,,.A (n trii. ,[.,..;

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• -c»

t!oi wh< th-r we d•:

-:n?c thi-m tf the . ...•


ll<rri<-k wouM be • •\u25a0 \u25a0- ) v, 1 •« ,v.te. for. *o far as S


:ir .•(h'.s p

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Btata iitrmi>-« ,v. i\u25a0

\u25a0• \u25a0 . . '

nil mn'

\u25a0 • - *\v-

\u25a0 . \u25a0•\u25a0

- . ..ft ex "en Is tr> nY, .->c Mipa^ons. T* rw-»-,,?j.. a ]ition». and a!'«pen»e^ ft«ivich r»«,.:i> t.. \u0084:j ria<Mr««.•* p^oji'.e r>ur revenues were n^ver so imr'V norevaj so !!tt!<- >-.:r.te:v, .-\u25a0..-. Tl^ %-nerU .in 'n^'m»wa* ne- ,»r m> h..n..--.| . • t^, v,ril(. f^.w»-*i!*h .iri'l <>ur «tr»ructh , vedied •• .! M v

-.» \u25a0.

•r»rll if j\e

a.'r: \u25a0 il' ' -

v •• «\u25a0: !':«' b \u25a0

Bl tv < d*»-The «we*tn«M of the Howep, them*elv<»» dwell*

la D*lettr«x' •xtj'jlstt*D-rrun*r«. Try them. Jtdvu

PRICE FIVi: ri.N'i'S.

g. c. <;iii-:i-:n arrested. OHIO CA3IPAIGN OPENED.

Te-«*i.fair.l».mortiw. fair and nararr: irr.h .«m,l. NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 100:;. -FORTY-FOUR PAGES.YouVou TAIIT----N0 20.762.

M\" « \TITALS.

- -' •~^:*:*^^*^rCcryrlCht: ion?.- Vr TV Trlbun* Asserlattio. I