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WSP Environment & Energy TITLE HERE Other Details Here www.wspenvironmental.com Helping staff reduce carbon at home How different CSR programmes create value David Symons, Director WSP

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TITLE HERE Other Details Here. Helping staff reduce carbon at home – How different CSR programmes create value David Symons, Director WSP. www.wspenvironmental.com. Personal carbon allowances. What is it? How does the WSP scheme work? Do personal carbon allowances change behaviour? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


WSP Environment & Energy

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Helping staff reduce carbon at home – How different CSR programmes create valueDavid Symons, Director WSP

WSP Environment & Energy

Personal carbon allowances

What is it?

How does the WSP scheme work?

Do personal carbon allowances change behaviour?

Does the concept have wider application?

WSP Environment & Energy

Personal carbon allowances provides equity.

You set the scope of the allowances Agree what the allowance should be Provide a framework to track emissions

Those under their allowance can sell their allowances To those who have emitted more.

WSP Environment & Energy

This is what we’ve set up in WSP

A FTSE350 business One of the world’s top five environmental and

sustainability consultants HQ in London with international operations

WSP Environment & Energy

This is how WSP’s PACT scheme works

A VOLUNTARY personal carbon trading scheme for staff.

Designed and delivered on a highly professional basis

We set a 5 TONNE ANNUAL carbon allowance

WSP Environment & Energy

WSP Environment & Energy

Pioneers Club membership provides a ready made staff engagement programme, well thought through and well delivered.

1. Marketing materials to promote PACT to your teams.

WSP Environment & Energy

This is how WSP’s PACT scheme works

A VOLUNTARY personal carbon trading scheme for staff.

Designed and delivered on a highly professional basis

We set a 5 TONNE ANNUAL carbon allowance

Staff track their DIRECT emissions on a quarterly basis on www.wsppact.com

WSP Environment & Energy

Data is managed through a web-based portal

WSP Environment & Energy

Area 1 – home energy consumption

WSP Environment & Energy

Area 2 – cars and vehicle use

WSP Environment & Energy

Area 3 – Commute to work – if it’s on public transport

WSP Environment & Energy

Area 4 – flights, boats, trains, buses

WSP Environment & Energy

This gives a quarterly snapshot of carbon performance

WSP Environment & Energy

This is how WSP’s PACT scheme works

A VOLUNTARY personal carbon trading scheme for staff.

Designed and delivered on a highly professional basis

We set a 5 TONNE ANNUAL carbon allowance

Staff track their DIRECT emissions on a quarterly basis on www.wsppact.com

Staff who are under their allowance receive a bonus payment of 5p per kilo up to £100. Staff who have used more than their allotted share of carbon pay into the scheme.

The scheme is based on TRUST - we do not audit the results

WSP Environment & Energy

The Results

712 staff taking part in the scheme in 2010 in six countries

Staff like it

Average 10% reduction in participants’ footprint

£1.4 million in advertising value equivalent media coverage in 2009

PACT has made a huge difference to our CR profile in the industry

Pioneers’ Group launched to extend the concept wider

WSP Environment & Energy

720 staff taking part in the scheme across the world today

“It was initiatives like PACT that made me want to work for a company like WSP – they actually practice what they preach and care about sustainability issues.” Julian Elsworthy, Senior Consultant

“As a result of PACT, I was able to see how much carbon I was using on my car. I decided to stop driving to work and I took up cycling instead.” Marie Jones, Consultant

“At home I bought a real time energy meter. This gives me better information on where the energy is actually being used. I am also thinking more about the impact of flights that I take.” Louise Wood, Senior Consultant

WSP Environment & Energy

The Learning Points for similar schemes?

It’s thinking differently that adds to value

Don’t be afraid to take action

You won’t have all of the answers to start with – start small and grow the scheme

Make it interesting, engaging, and long lived.

WSP Environment & Energy

Do personal allowances have wider application? Could be part of a policy landscape.

It allows participants to decide where to use their allowance

Tie it into help as well and stress the positive. Negative schemes are less likely to change behaviour

Voluntary schemes are easier to launch and less costly

WSP Environment & Energy

Personal carbon allowances

Change behaviour

In a flexible way to suit each individual

Have the potential for wider application

We’ve demonstrated that it’s a scheme that companies or communities can take the lead on – not just Governments.

David SymonsDirector

+44 (0)20 7314 [email protected]