title the impact of disciplinary background and teaching ...e-mail: [email protected] . 2 the...

Title The impact of disciplinary background and teaching experience on the use of evaluative language in teacher feedback Author(s) Guangwei Hu and Lilin Choo Source Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 22(3), 329-349. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13540602.2015.1058591 Published by Taylor & Francis This document may be used for private study or research purpose only. This document or any part of it may not be duplicated and/or distributed without permission of the copyright owner. The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice on 29/07/2015, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/13540602.2015.1058591 Notice: Changes introduced as a result of publishing processes such as copy-editing and formatting may not be reflected in this document. For a definitive version of this work, please refer to the published source.

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Page 1: Title The impact of disciplinary background and teaching ...E-mail: lilin.choo@rgs.edu.sg . 2 The Impact of Disciplinary Background and Teaching Experience . on the Use of Evaluative

Title The impact of disciplinary background and teaching experience on the use

of evaluative language in teacher feedback Author(s) Guangwei Hu and Lilin Choo Source Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 22(3), 329-349.

http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13540602.2015.1058591 Published by Taylor & Francis This document may be used for private study or research purpose only. This document or any part of it may not be duplicated and/or distributed without permission of the copyright owner. The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice on 29/07/2015, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/13540602.2015.1058591 Notice: Changes introduced as a result of publishing processes such as copy-editing and formatting may not be reflected in this document. For a definitive version of this work, please refer to the published source.

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The Impact of Disciplinary Background and Teaching Experience

on the Use of Evaluative Language in Teacher Feedback

Guangwei Hua (corresponding author)

Nanyang Technological University

Li Lin Choob

Raffles Girls’ School

a English Language and Literature

National Institute of Education

Nanyang Technological University

1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616

Tel: (65) 6790 3484; Fax: (65) 6896 9149

E-mail: [email protected]

b Raffles Girls’ School

20 Anderson Road, Singapore 259978

E-mail: [email protected]

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The Impact of Disciplinary Background and Teaching Experience

on the Use of Evaluative Language in Teacher Feedback


This study was designed to examine secondary teachers’ use of evaluative language resources in their

qualitative written feedback on student work and factors shaping the deployment of such resources.

Drawing on appraisal theory as an analytic framework for the language of evaluation, the study

analyzed 84 teachers’ evaluative reports on their students’ research projects. The teachers’ use of

several types of evaluative language was found to differ along the lines of disciplinary background

and teaching experience. These results can be explained by disciplinarily valued dispositions,

epistemological beliefs, knowledge-making practices, and varying knowledge of (in)effective

feedback resulting from cumulative teaching experience. Implications are derived from these findings

for developing teachers’ competence in using evaluative language effectively to provide feedback that

can support and maximize students’ learning.

Keywords: appraisal theory; disciplinary background; evaluative language; teacher feedback;

teaching experience


The potential of feedback to direct and facilitate learning and development is well recognized in

education (Adcroft, 2011; Guskey & Bailey, 2010; Hattie & Timperley, 2007) and other fields

(Ashford, Blatt, & Walle, 2003; Finkelstein & Fishbach, 2012; Kluger & DeNisi, 1996). Recent

reform initiatives in many educational systems have given much prominence to student-centered

instruction and called for alternative assessments of students’ learning that can yield qualitative

teacher feedback in addition to, or instead of, test scores (Evans, 2013; Hu, 2007; Hu & McKay,

2012). Teacher feedback is pivotal because it can (de)motivate students in subtle or direct ways,

scaffold their learning efforts (Orrell, 2006; Prince, Handley, & Millar, 2011; Värlander, 2008),

improve their performance (Shute, 2008), and provide the ‘information with which a learner can

confirm, add to, overwrite, tune, or restructure information in memory, whether that information is

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domain knowledge, metacognitive knowledge, beliefs about self and tasks, or cognitive tactics and

strategies’ (Butler & Winne, 1995, p.275). Previous research examined various aspects of teacher

feedback, for example, types of feedback, informational content of feedback, effectiveness of

feedback, timing of feedback, and the relationship of feedback effectiveness to a variety of learner

characteristics and task variables (for comprehensive reviews, see Butler & Winne, 1995; Evans, 2013;

Hattie & Timperley, 2007; Shute, 2008). Although this extensive body of research has greatly

expanded our understanding of how teacher feedback can impact on learning, insufficient research

attention has been paid to the medium of teacher feedback, that is, the language used to communicate

teacher feedback (Brinko, 1993). Given the inseparability of form and meaning (Halliday, 1994),

there is good reason to examine whether and how the language resources deployed to convey

feedback mediate its effectiveness. In this article, we report on a study designed to fill this gap by

investigating factors that shape teachers’ use of evaluative meanings in their feedback on student

work. We also discuss the implications of our findings for developing teachers’ competence in using

evaluative language effectively to provide feedback that can support and maximize students’ learning.

Previous research on teacher feedback

The growing literature on feedback indicates that giving effective feedback is a central concern for

teachers of all subjects (Hyland, 1998). Although teachers’ written feedback has the potential to live

well beyond their time with students, it may also be ignored or misunderstood by the latter (Gibbs &

Simpson, 2004; Prince et al., 2011). Previous research has found that a number of features are

characteristic of effective teacher feedback. First, teacher feedback can direct and facilitate learning if

its content focuses on tasks, processes, and actions under students’ control rather than themselves or

their personal characteristics (Brinko, 1993; Evans, 2013; Kluger & DeNisi, 1996), provides

information on (in)correct responses instead of mere teacher praise (Black & Wiliam, 1998; Hattie &

Timperley, 2007; Kluger & DeNisi, 1996; Shute, 2008), suggests strategies for improvement (Hattie

& Timperley, 2007), is goal-directed (Shute, 2008) and informative about success criteria (Gibbs &

Simpson, 2004), facilitates a deep understanding (Shute, 2008), enhances self-regulation (Butler &

Winne, 1995; Evans, 2013), encourages students to embrace rather than avoid challenging learning

tasks (Hattie & Timperley, 2007), and reinforces positive self-perceptions (Hyatt, 2005; Price et al.,

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2011; Värlander, 2008). Second, feedback is likely to be effective when it is provided in such a

manner that it is dialogic (Evans, 2013; Hyatt, 2005), personalized (Prince et al., 2011; Sutton, 2012),

balanced in positivity and negativity (Brinko, 1993), detailed and specific (Evans, 2013; Orrell, 2006;

Shute, 2008), clear and accurate (Dowden, Pittaway, Yost, & McCarthy, 2013; Hattie & Timperley,

2007), and devoid of derogatory or inflammatory language (Brinko, 1993). Third, feedback has a

better chance of being acted on if it comes from a teacher who is credible (Brinko, 1993), cognizant of

student strengths (Dowden et al., 2013; Orrell, 2006), supportive and non-judgmental (Brinko, 1993;

Shute, 2008), empathetic and responsive to students’ affective needs (Dowden et al., 2013; Värlander,

2008), and enjoys a positive student – teacher relationship (Dowden et al., 2013). Finally, feedback is

likely to improve performance, knowledge, and learning when it is directed to students who commit

themselves to learning (Hattie & Timperley, 2007), are attentive and capable of self-regulation (Butler

& Winne, 1995; Hattie & Timperley, 2007), receive the feedback mindfully (Shute, 2008), and act on

it (Evans, 2013; Price et al., 2011).

The aforementioned features of effective teacher feedback are likely to be mediated by many

factors (Evans, 2013). One such factor is a teacher’s disciplinary background (Bernstein, 1999). As

Siskin (1994) pointed out, ‘secondary teachers both describe and demonstrate the distinctive

vocabularies, logics, and concerns of their subject specialties in subject-specific ways’ (p.152). In

other words, there are ‘distinctive subject subcultures … characterized by differing beliefs, norms,

and practices’ (Grossman & Stodolsky, 1995, p.5). Such subject subcultures tend to divide along the

line of “hard” and “soft” disciplines, namely, the natural sciences vs. the humanities and the social

sciences (Becher & Trowler, 2001; Neumann, Parry, & Becher, 2002). Disciplinary language and

epistemology mediate how teachers conceptualize teaching and learning, and their understanding of

knowledge and learning is anchored in their understanding of subject matter. For example, Brandes

and Seixas (1998) found that school teachers and university academics working together on an

interdisciplinary curriculum integration project tended to frame their understandings and proposals

around their disciplinary/subject knowledge. Grossman and Stodolsky (1995) also found that the high

school teachers in their study had discipline-specific conceptions of teaching content, instructional

beliefs, and frames of reference. In a study of Norwegian secondary teachers responding to samples of

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student writing in interdisciplinary staff development projects, Øgreid and Hertzberg (2009) observed

that the teachers had different, discipline-specific conceptions of what constituted effective

argumentation. In a similar study, Helstad and Lund (2012) reported that an interdisciplinary team of

teachers at a Norwegian upper secondary school perceived and negotiated writing issues in student

texts (e.g., peer collaboration, potential plagiarism, and use of digital technologies) in different ways

that could be linked to discipline-specific genres and subject cultures. Of more direct relevance to the

focus of the present study, Biberman-Shalev, Sabbagh, Resh, and Kramarski (2011), McMillan (2001),

and Resh (2009) examined disciplinary influences on secondary teachers’ grading criteria (i.e.,

relative importance given to effort and academic performance) and found that teachers from different

subject departments tended to attach varying importance to the criteria in their grading. Finally, in a

study focused on feedback practices of university teachers from two disciplines, Fernández-Toro,

Truman, and Walker (2013) noted that language teachers focused more on skills development and

provided explanations in their comments on students’ assignments, whereas technology teachers

tended to focus on the content of assignments and provide corrections. The studies reviewed above

pointed to disciplinary background as an important influence on teachers’ pedagogical thinking and

practice. With the exception of Fernández-Toro et al., however, they did not examine potential

disciplinary effects on qualitative teacher feedback per se.

Another potential mediator of the characteristics of effective teacher feedback is teaching

experience. Extant research has uncovered important differences between beginning and experienced

teachers in pedagogical practices, conceptions of subject matter, knowledge of students, instructional

planning, interaction with students, and monitoring of their progress. Schempp, Tan, Manross, and

Fincher (1998), for example, found that experienced school teachers differed from beginning teachers

in their assessment/attribution of students’ learning difficulties and in their ability to make ongoing

reflective appraisals of student competence/progress and design learning activities accordingly.

Similarly, Lunenberg and Korthagen (2009) pointed out that teaching experience contributes to the

development of practical wisdom, namely, ‘the sensitivity for and awareness of the essentials of a

particular practice situation that shape our perception of this situation, and help us find possible

courses of action’ (p.227). This was borne out by Baldwin and Blackburn’s (1981) study of university

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faculty at different stages of their academic career which evidenced ‘continuing faculty evolution …

in areas directly related to their performance as teachers and scholars’ (p.610). Lee and Luft (2008)

also found that experienced secondary science teachers developed their pedagogical content

knowledge over time through extensive classroom experience, suggesting differences between

experienced and beginning teachers in an area of knowledge central to teaching and feedback on

student progress. In a recent study of newly qualified upper secondary teachers in Norway, Ulvik and

Langørgen (2012) found that beginning teachers were perceived by their mentors and themselves to

differ from experienced teachers in several important respects, including currency of knowledge,

point of view, digital competence, and understanding of students. Of greater relevance to our study,

Williams (2005) investigated university academics’ understanding of assessment tasks and uncovered

clear differences between junior and long-serving university teachers in their interpretations of

common verbs used in assessment tasks. Like disciplinary background, however, teaching experience

has been under-researched as an influence on teachers’ feedback.

A further gap in the relevant literature is the paucity of research on how language choices,

especially the deployment of evaluative language resources, may mediate the content of teacher

feedback. Two decades ago, Brinko (1993, p.588) called for systematic research attention to ‘the

impact of language on the effectiveness of feedback: the structure of sentences, the choice of words,

the framework within which problems are approached, how problems are named.’ More recently,

Higgins, Hartley, and Skelton (2001, p.269) pointed out that language is central to teacher feedback as

‘a unique form of communication’ and ‘a communication process.’ In a similar vein, Prince et al.

(2011, p.879) argued that teacher feedback should be reconceptualized ‘as a long-term dialogic

process in which all parties are engaged.’ Such engagement necessarily involves language use at its

core. As they noted, well-intentioned teachers may ‘unwittingly employ language and tone that

undermines’ (p.881) the intended purpose of their feedback. Despite the recognition of the need to

examine language use in teacher feedback, little empirical research has focused on teachers’ use of

attitudinal or evaluative language, though there is some research (e.g., Sutton, 2012) on academic

language as a barrier to students’ uptake of teacher feedback. In one of the few extant studies, Hyatt

(2005) examined the linguistic features (e.g., use of imperatives, pronouns, passives, and obligating

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modalities such as should and must) and rhetorical functions of a corpus of lecturer comments on

Master’s level assignments. In another study, Spinks (1998) considered how lexico-grammatical

choices in feedback played a role in inducting university students into a disciplinary discourse

community. Notably, both studies were conducted in university settings. Our extensive literature

search has not located any empirical study of school teachers’ language use in feedback, let alone

empirical investigations into the impact of disciplinary background and teaching experience on

language use in teacher feedback.

In response to the research gaps identified above, this study focuses on linguistic choices of

teacher feedback, specifically the use of evaluative language in secondary school teachers’ written

comments on students’ project work. Following Martin and White (2005, p.1), we define evaluative

language as various linguistic resources that are used to mark attitudes, for example, to ‘approve and

disapprove, enthuse and abhor, applaud and criticize.’ In other words, it comprises ‘linguistic

mechanisms for the sharing of emotions, tastes and normative assessments’ (Martin & White, 2005,

p.1). Evaluative language merits research attention because it can shape the focus of teacher feedback,

mediate the manner in which feedback is communicated intersubjectively, construe teachers’ attitudes

and judgments, and affect students’ reception of and engagement with teacher feedback. It also bears

on what Hargreaves (2000), in an interview-based study of school teachers, referred to as ‘emotional

geographies of schooling,’ viz. ‘the spatial and experiential patterns of closeness and/or distance in

human interactions and relationships that help create, configure and color the feelings and emotions

we experience about ourselves, our world and each other’ (p.815). Thus, our focus on evaluative

language allows teacher feedback to be understood as a social and socializing process that involves

attitudes, beliefs, motivations, and values (Adcroft, 2011). The study aims to investigate whether and

how teachers’ disciplinary background and teaching experience may impact on their use of evaluative

language in their written feedback. The following research questions have been formulated to guide

the study:

1) Are there differences/similarities in the use of evaluative language between secondary

teachers with a hard disciplinary background and their counterparts with a soft disciplinary


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2) Are there differences/similarities in the use of evaluative language resources between

beginning and experienced secondary teachers?



Participants in this study were 84 teachers (male = 27; female = 57) from a prestigious secondary

school (students aged 12-16) in Singapore. These participants were sampled according to two criteria:

teaching experience and disciplinary background. In line with previous research (e.g., Fantilli &

McDougall, 2009; Fenwick, 2011), the beginning teachers (n = 33) had no more than three years of

teaching experience, whereas the experienced teachers (n = 51) had at least five years of teaching

experience. In operationalizing disciplinary background, we followed Bernstein’s distinction between

disciplines of ‘hierarchical knowledge structures’ and ‘horizontal knowledge structures’ (1999, p.162).

Hierarchical knowledge structures, typically found within the natural sciences, view scientific

knowledge as cumulative, empirically grounded, value-free, and constitutive of general theories

which can be verified through invariant procedures and consensual criteria. By contrast, horizontal

knowledge structures, characteristic of the humanities and social sciences, see knowledge as

reiterative, contextual, value-laden, argumentative, and ‘consist[ing] of a series of specialised

languages with specialised modes of interrogation and criteria’ (p.162). Thus, disciplines or subjects

with the same type of knowledge structure share similar conceptions of the nature of knowledge and

knowledge-making practices. The distinction between hierarchical and horizontal knowledge

structures corresponds with the aforementioned distinction between hard and soft disciplines (Hu &

Cao, 2015; Hu & Wang, 2014). To examine the impact of disciplinary background on the use of

evaluative resources in teacher feedback, we included 40 teachers from hard subject departments and

44 teachers from soft ones. The teachers with a hard disciplinary background came from departments

of Math (n = 12), Science (i.e., Biology, Chemistry, and Physics; n = 23), and Physical Education (n =

5), whereas the teachers with a soft disciplinary background were from departments of Aesthetics (i.e.,

Home Economics and Art; n = 4), English Language and Literature (n = 18), Humanities (i.e., History

and Geography; n = 10), Languages (n = 7), and Philosophy (n = 5). Table 1 presents demographic

information on the participant teachers.

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Table 1 Participants’ teaching experience (in years) by discipline

Hard discipline Soft discipline Teaching experience n M SD Range n M SD Range Beginning teachers 15 1.53 0.52 1-3 18 1.22 0.43 1-3 Experienced teachers 25 13.52 5.88 5-26 26 12.05 5.85 5-25


The data for this study consisted of 84 evaluative reports (written in English) on students’ research

projects. Each participant teacher contributed one report. The research projects were conducted as part

of the Research Studies (RS) component of the school’s curriculum. Each RS project was a research

effort undertaken by a small team of students to study a subject-based topic that resulted in a research

paper and an oral presentation. A project team was mentored by a project advisor from one of the

subject departments. The project advisor was responsible for advising the team on their learning

process, the methodology adopted in the research project, the written research report, and the final

presentation on the project. At the end of the project, the project advisor wrote an evaluative report

which contained both grades for and qualitative feedback on different aspects of the team’s

performance and product. The evaluative report was completed on a prescribed template which listed

the different aspects of the RS project to be evaluated and the evaluative criteria to be used. Table 2

summarizes this information. All the project advisors were trained to use the template at

benchmarking sessions so that they could develop a clear and common understanding of the standards

expected of RS projects and ensure parity of grading across the various subject departments.

A composite score for each RS project was computed from the grades awarded for the criteria listed in

Table 2, and a 2 (hard vs. soft disciplines) x 2 (beginning vs. experienced teachers) analysis of

variance (ANOVA) was run on the composite grade scores. The ANOVA failed to find a significant

main effect for disciplinary background, F(1, 80) = 2.62, p = .11, ηp2 = .03. Nor was there a

significant main effect for teaching experience, F(1, 80) = 1.44, p = .23, ηp2 = .02. Furthermore, the

interaction between disciplinary background and teaching experience was not significant, F(1, 80) =

0.70, p = .41, ηp2 = .01. These results ruled out discrepancy in the quality of the RS projects as an

explanation for possible differences in the project advisors’ use of evaluative language in their reports.

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Table 3 summarizes descriptive statistics for the data-set.

Table 2 Assessment criteria for RS projects

Product criteria Process criteria 1. Analysis 1. Abilities

a. Reasoning a. Formulation of research question b. critical thinking b. Research methodology c. Synthesis c. Knowledge mapping d. Creative thinking d. Information processing e. Logical induction e. Resourcefulness f. Reflection f. Time management

2. Evidence 2. Attitudes a. Breadth and depth a. Task commitment b. Organization: sequence/transition b. Effort/perseverance c. Originality c. Pride in work/attention to detail

3. Presentation 3. Collaboration a. Language use: appropriateness a. Contribution

of vocabulary, style & tone b. Interpersonal skills b. Audience awareness c. Responsibility d. Neatness/visual appeal d. Accountability e. Clarity & effectiveness of e. Cooperation


Table 3 Descriptive statistics by disciplinary background and teaching experience

Hard discipline Soft discipline Teaching experience n Words M SD n Words M SD Beginning teachers 15 3,424 228.27 44.16 18 4,083 226.83 35.77 Experienced teachers 25 5,411 216.44 37.41 26 5,160 198.46 46.09

Analytic framework

To address our research questions, we draw on appraisal theory as our analytic framework. Appraisal

theory, most thoroughly explicated in Martin and White (2005), is grounded in systemic functional

linguistics (Halliday, 1994) and is concerned with the language of evaluation, that is, various

linguistic resources for construing interpersonal meaning. Such linguistic resources can be used to

mark ‘the subjective presence of writers/speakers in texts as they adopt stances towards both the

material they present and those with whom they communicate’ (p.1). Appraisal theory divides

evaluative language resources into three semantic domains: attitude, engagement, and gradation.

Attitude is concerned with language resources that are used to construe ‘emotional reactions,

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judgements of behaviour and evaluation of things’ (p.35; e.g., I am disappointed; He has reacted

disconcertingly; The report is well organized). Engagement comprises language resources for

dialogistic positioning, that is, resources such as concession, modality, polarity, and projection that

source propositions (e.g., according to Halliday) and position voices with respect to certain

viewpoints or opinions in discourse (e.g., I can’t agree more with his argument). Gradation deals with

language resources for scaling the interpersonal force of an evaluation (e.g., a highly contentious view)

or modulating the sharpness of boundaries between categories (e.g., a real friend). Because our study

focuses exclusively on resources for construing teachers’ attitudes in their feedback, the rest of this

section outlines only the attitude component of appraisal theory. Where available, examples are taken

from the corpus of teacher feedback constructed for this study to illustrate the use of various

evaluative language resources to construe stances. These examples are tagged with codes, for example,

H/E10 and S/B4, where the first letter stands for a teacher’s disciplinary background (H = hard

discipline; S = soft discipline), the second letter refers to his/her level of teaching experience (B =

beginning teacher; E = experienced teacher), and the number distinguishes him/her from other

teachers in the group.

In appraisal theory, attitude consists of three sub-systems: affect, judgment, and appreciation.

Figure 1 presents the three sub-systems with their various categories. Affect is concerned with

evaluative resources for registering positive and negative emotional reactions. Four broad categories

of emotions are distinguished. Dis/inclination communicates a desire for something (Example 1) or a

mental process of avoidance (Example 2). Un/happiness covers positive emotions of cheer and

affection (Example 3) as well as negative emotional reactions such as misery and antipathy (Example

4). In/security is comprised of positive feelings of confidence, peace, and trust (Example 5) as well as

negative emotions of anxiety, disquiet, and surprise (Example 6), that is, ‘emotions concerned with

ecosocial well-being’ (Martin & White, 2005, p.49). Finally, as exemplified in Examples 7 and 8,

dis/satisfaction is concerned with ‘feelings of achievement and frustration in relation to the activities

we are engaged in, including our roles as both participants and spectators’ (p.50).

1) I’d like to see them more focused. (H/E24)

2) She is wary of potential setbacks.

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3) [He is] an optimist…. (S/E16)

4) The group felt dejected because of the harsh criticism.

5) The team members are comfortable with their working relations.

6) He is constantly anxious in social situations.

7) Team’s effort was laudable. (S/B10)

8) The presence of many sentences which contained typographical errors was disturbing. (S/B10)

dis/inclination positive negative un/happiness positive affect negative in/security positive negative dis/satisfaction positive negative normality positive negative capacity positive negative

attitude judgment tenacity positive negative veracity positive negative propriety positive negative reaction positive negative appreciation composition positive negative valuation positive negative

Figure 1 Categories of attitude (based on Martin & White, 2005)

The sub-system of judgment is concerned with attitudes toward human behavior and dispositions,

‘which we admire or criticise, praise or condemn’ (Martin & White, 2005, p.42), and encompasses

five types of evaluation in relation to institutionalized norms: normality, capacity, tenacity, veracity,

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and propriety. Normality covers positive (Example 9) and negative (Example 10) judgments of how

customary/special someone or his/her behavior is. Capacity deals with how capable/competent

(Example 11) or incapable/incompetent (Example 12) someone is. Tenacity involves positive

(Example 13) and negative (Example 14) evaluations of how dependable/resolute/persevering a

person’s behavior or psychological disposition is. Veracity encompasses positive (Example 15) and

negative (Example 16) judgments of how truthful/honest someone or his/her behavior is. Propriety

covers positive (Example 17) and negative (Example 18) judgments of morality/legality, that is, how

ethical or reproachable someone’s behavior is.

9) [The group] did not wish to be conventional. (H/E6)

10) Expectedly, the team’s diverse personalities, talents, abilities and personal commitments

clashed and quite often, this impeded progress. (H/E4)

11) [The team] was able to think outside the box. (S/E16)

12) … the project … could have been better showcased with good time management. (S/B3)

13) Nevertheless, the team learnt to work beyond these limitations and persevered together as

best as they could to rise to the challenge. (H/E4)

14) The group members could have, however, been more independent and taken more initiative

during the whole process. (S/E21)

15) The team’s reflections on the product, the processes and their roles were honest. (H/B7)

16) His apparent naivety is a deceitful disguise.

17) The group was consistently punctual in submitting their work. (S/E20)

18) [The report] demonstrated a lack of carefulness/lack of thoughtfulness on the project team’s

part. (S/B10)

The last sub-system of attitude – appreciation – comprises positive and negative evaluations of

objects, products, processes, states of affairs, and entities rather than human behavior. It can be further

categorized into reaction, composition, and valuation. Reaction encompasses positive (Example 19)

and negative (Example 20) assessments of the impact or quality of an object, product, process, etc.

Composition involves positive (Example 21) and negative (Example 22) assessments of an artifact,

object, product or process in terms of makeup, balance, and complexity. Finally, valuation deals with

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positive and negative evaluations of processes, products, and artifacts in terms of their worth and in

relation to current social values, as demonstrated by Examples 23 and 24.

19) The portfolio was visually interesting. (S/E1)

20) [Something could have been done] so that it would have been easier for the audience to

distinguish between the two clearly. (H/E9)

21) Main ideas were communicated in a logical sequence. (H/E6)

22) The project report was made up of disjointed parts. (S/B10)

23) Some appropriate graphics and illustrations enhanced the quality of presentation. (S/E22)

24) The project did not contribute as much to the existing stock of knowledge. (H/B7)

Data coding and analysis

The 84 evaluative reports from the participant teachers were imported into the UAM CorpusTool

(version 2.8.7), a free software program for annotating text corpora at multiple levels (O’Donnnell,

2011). They were then coded manually by the second author using the analytic framework of attitude

and its sub-systems presented earlier. In coding the reports for their use of evaluative language

resources, the context of use as well as the object of appraisal was taken into account. As pointed out

by Martin and White (2005, p.52), ‘when it comes to language use in context, it is often the case that a

given lexical item will vary its attitudinal meaning according to that context.’ To establish coding

reliability, a graduate student who was familiar with appraisal theory and used it in his own

dissertation study was involved in coding a portion of the data. He was given a training session and

coded four reports for practice. Discrepancies between his and the second author’s coding results were

resolved through discussion, and their understandings of the coding scheme were standardized. The

two coders then coded six randomly selected reports (i.e., 7% of the data) independently, and inter-

coder agreement was assessed with Cohen’s kappa. The kappa statistic obtained was .63, indicating

good inter-coder reliability according to Landis and Koch’s (1977) criteria.

To determine possible effects of disciplinary background and teaching experience on language

use in teacher feedback, a series of 2 (hard vs. soft disciplinary background) x 2 (beginning vs.

experienced teachers) ANOVAs were run on the incidence of the various types of evaluation

represented in the attitude component of appraisal theory. To control for the varying lengths of the

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teachers’ reports, the raw frequencies were normalized and are reported as frequencies per 1,000

words. Because the frequencies for several types of evaluation were too low to allow reliable

statistical analyses, it was decided that an ANOVA would be run only when at least one group mean

exceeded 1.00. Consequently, the following types of evaluation were analyzed statistically: (a)

satisfaction, (b) positive/negative capacity, (c) positive/negative tenacity, (d) positive/negative

reaction, (e) positive/negative composition, and (f) positive/negative valuation. The statistical

analyses were conducted with IBM-SPSS (21.0), and the alpha was set at .05 (2-tailed) for all the

statistical tests.


Table 4 presents descriptive statistics for all types of evaluation on which ANOVAs were run. Two

patterns stand out. First, frequencies of use vary greatly across the various types of evaluation

represented in Figure 1. While evaluative resources for affect were rarely used, those for judgment

were used very frequently. Second, the standard deviations are relatively large, indicating

considerable intra-group variation. The following presentation on the results of the quantitative

analyses is organized around the sub-systems of attitude, namely, affect, judgment, and appreciation.

Table 4 Descriptive statistics (per 1,000 words)

Hard discipline Soft discipline Beginning Experienced Beginning Experienced Sub-system Category M SD M SD M SD M SD Affect Satisfaction + 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.88 2.95 0.33 1.18 Judgment Capacity + 25.34 13.36 27.91 16.08 21.83 8.92 21.79 13.40 Capacity − 10.52 6.99 6.59 6.06 8.58 4.66 7.42 6.00 Tenacity + 21.77 12.44 20.82 13.31 15.68 12.16 16.06 10.37 Tenacity − 3.14 3.36 6.58 7.16 7.46 6.97 5.62 5.78 Appreciation Reaction + 6.93 4.80 8.94 5.24 7.54 5.88 7.35 7.47 Reaction − 0.23 0.87 0.52 1.86 1.12 2.70 0.20 1.00 Composition + 11.90 9.05 16.00 10.99 9.54 11.74 12.83 9.94 Composition − 4.48 4.94 3.95 6.18 8.15 9.33 5.19 6.04 Valuation + 3.76 4.15 9.63 6.93 6.31 7.44 9.16 6.47 Valuation − 3.14 5.82 2.73 3.86 3.28 4.38 4.79 7.04

Note. + = positive; − = negative

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Of all types of evaluation in the affect sub-system, only instances of satisfaction occurred with some

frequency to warrant the use of a statistical test. The ANOVA found a significant main effect of

disciplinary background, F(1, 80) = 10.66, p = .002, ηp2 = .118, with the teachers from the soft

disciplines (M = 0.96, SD = 2.19) using more instances of satisfaction than the teachers from the hard

disciplines (M = 0, SD = 0). The obtained effect size indicated that disciplinary background accounted

for nearly 12% of the variance in the use of satisfaction, exceeding the criterion suggested by Cohen

(1988) for a medium effect (i.e., ηp2 = .059) and approaching the criterial value for a large effect (i.e.,

ηp2 = .138). The ANOVA also found a significant main effect of teaching experience, F(1, 80) = 5.24,

p = .025, ηp2 = .061, with the beginning teachers (M = 1.02, SD = 2.35) expressing satisfaction more

frequently than the experienced teachers (M = 0.17, SD = 0.85). There was also a significant

interaction between disciplinary background and teaching experience, F(1, 80) = 5.24, p = .025, ηp2

= .061. As can be seen from Figure 2, the teachers from the hard disciplines abstained from using

satisfaction as an evaluative resource, whereas the beginning teachers (M = 1.88, SD = 2.95) indicated

satisfaction more frequently than the experienced teachers (M = 0.33, SD = 1.18) within the soft


Figure 2 Mean frequency of satisfaction by disciplinary background and teaching experience








Beginning teachers Experienced teachers


n Fr




00 w



Hard disciplinesSoft disciplines

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The ANOVA run on positive capacity revealed no significant main effect of disciplinary background,

F(1, 80) = 2.54, p = .115, ηp2 = .031. The frequencies of positive capacity were not markedly different

in the evaluative reports written by the teachers from the soft disciplines (M = 21.81, SD = 11.66) and

by their counterparts from the hard disciplines (M = 26.95, SD = 14.99). Nor was a significant main

effect identified for teaching experience, F(1, 80) = 0.18, p = .675, ηp2 = .002. The beginning teachers

(M = 23.43, SD = 11.11) marked positive capacity as frequently as the experienced teachers (M =

24.79, SD = 14.95). Furthermore, no significant interaction was found between disciplinary

background and teaching experience, F(1, 80) = .19, p = .666, ηp2 = .002.

The ANOVA for negative capacity detected no significant main effect of disciplinary background,

F(1, 80) = 0.17, p = .678, ηp2 = .002, indicating a similar incidence of negative capacity in the

evaluative reports of the teachers from the soft disciplines (M = 7.89, SD = 5.46) and those of their

counterparts from the hard disciplines (M = 8.06, SD = 6.62). However, the ANOVA yielded a main

effect of teaching experience approaching statistical significance, F(1, 80) = 3.65, p = .059, ηp2 = .044,

with the beginning teachers (M = 9.46, SD = 5.82) using negative capacity more frequently than the

experienced teachers (M = 7.01, SD = 5.98). There was no significant interaction between disciplinary

background and teaching experience, F(1, 80) = 1.08, p = .303, ηp2 = .013, indicating that differences

in the incidence of negative capacity between the beginning and experienced teachers remained

consistent across the disciplinary backgrounds.

The ANOVA run on positive tenacity located a significant main effect of disciplinary background,

F(1, 80) = 4.03, p = .048, ηp2 = .048, with the teachers from the hard disciplines (M = 21.17, SD =

12.84) using positive tenacity markedly more frequently than their counterparts from the soft

disciplines (M = 15.91, SD = 11.00). In contrast, no significant main effect of teaching experience was

located, F(1, 80) = 0.01, p = .916, ηp2 = .000. The occurrence of positive tenacity was as frequent in

the beginning teachers’ evaluative reports (M = 18.45, SD = 12.48) as in the experienced teachers’

reports (M = 18.39, SD = 12.02). No significant interaction was found between disciplinary

background and teaching experience, F(1, 80) = 0.06, p =.806, ηp2 = .001, indicating that cross-

disciplinary differences remained consistent across the levels of teaching experience.

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The ANOVA for negative tenacity did not yield a significant main effect of disciplinary

background, F(1, 80) = 1.48, p = .227, ηp2 = .018. The teachers from the soft disciplines (M = 6.38,

SD = 6.28) and their colleagues from the hard disciplines (M = 5.29, SD = 6.20) used negative

tenacity equally infrequently, when compared with positive tenacity. The ANOVA did not detect a

significant main effect of teaching experience either, F(1, 80) = 0.34, p = .564, ηp2 = .004, showing a

similar incidence of negative tenacity in the evaluative reports written by the beginning teachers (M =

5.45, SD = 5.96) and those penned by the experienced teachers (M = 6.09, SD = 6.44). Furthermore,

no significant interaction was found between disciplinary background and teaching experience, F(1,

80) = 3.64, p =.060, ηp2 = .044.


The ANOVA for positive reaction revealed no significant main effect of disciplinary background, F(1,

80) = 0.13, p = .719, ηp2 = .002, indicating that the frequencies of positive reaction were comparable

for the teachers from the soft disciplines (M = 7.43, SD = 6.80) and those from the hard disciplines (M

= 8.18, SD = 5.11). The main effect of teaching experience was non-significant, F(1, 80) = 0.44, p

= .508, ηp2 = .005, revealing that the beginning teachers (M = 7.26, SD = 5.34) and the experienced

teachers (M = 8.13, SD = 6.46) were similar in their frequency of use of positive reaction. The

disciplinary background/teaching experience interaction was also non-significant, F(1, 80) = 0.65, p

= .423, ηp2 = .008.

As for negative reaction, the ANOVA found neither a significant main effect of disciplinary

background, F(1, 80) = 0.54, p = .465, ηp2 = .007, nor a significant main effect of teaching experience,

F(1, 80) = 0.66, p = .419, ηp2 = .008. In other words, the incidence of negative reaction did not vary

significantly between the teachers from the hard disciplines (M = 0.41, SD = 1.55) and those from the

soft disciplines (M = 0.57, SD = 1.92) or between the beginning teachers (M = 0.71, SD = 2.10) and

the experienced teachers (M = 0.35, SD = 1.48). Finally, the interaction between disciplinary

background and teaching experience was non-significant, F(1, 80) = 2.44, p = .122, ηp2 = .030.

The ANOVA run on positive composition detected no significant main effect of disciplinary

background, F(1, 80) = 1.38, p = .244, ηp2 = .017, showing that the teachers from the hard disciplines

(M = 14.46, SD = 10.38) were comparable to the teachers from the soft disciplines (M = 11.48, SD =

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10.70) in their use of positive composition. Nor was a significant main effect found for teaching

experience, F(1, 80) = 2.46, p = .121, ηp2 = .030. The incidence of positive composition was similar in

the evaluative reports of the beginning teachers (M = 10.61, SD =10.51) and those of their more

experienced colleagues (M = 14.38, SD = 10.48). The ANOVA did not find a significant interaction

between disciplinary background and teaching experience, F(1, 80) = 0.03, p = .866, ηp2 = .000.

The ANOVA for negative composition did not find a significant main effect of disciplinary

background, F(1, 80) = 2.62, p = .109, ηp2 = .032. There was no statistically reliable difference in the

incidence of negative composition between the teachers from the soft disciplines (M = 6.40, SD =

7.60) and their counterparts from the hard disciplines (M = 4.15, SD = 5.69). The main effect of

teaching experience was also non-significant, F(1, 80) = 1.33, p = .253, ηp2 = .016, indicating that the

frequency of use did not vary markedly between the beginning teachers (M = 6.48, SD = 7.77) and the

experienced teachers (M = 4.58, SD = 6.08). No significant interaction was found between

disciplinary background and teaching experience, F(1, 80) = 0.64, p = .425, ηp2 = .008.

As regards positive valuation, the ANOVA yielded no significant main effect of disciplinary

background, F(1, 80) = 0.51, p = .478, ηp2 = .006, indicating similar frequencies of positive valuation

between the teachers from the hard disciplines (M = 7.43, SD = 6.63) and those from the soft

disciplines (M = 7.99, SD = 6.95). However, teaching experience was found to have a significant main

effect, F(1, 80) = 8.96, p = .004, ηp2 = .101, with the experienced teachers (M = 9.39, SD = 6.64)

using positive valuation more frequently than the beginning teachers (M = 5.15, SD = 6.21). There

was no significant interaction between disciplinary background and teaching experience, F(1, 80) =

1.07, p = .304, ηp2 = .013, indicating that the difference between the beginning and experienced

teachers remained consistent across the hard and soft disciplines.

Finally, the ANOVA for negative valuation found no significant main effect of disciplinary

background, F(1, 80) = 0.80, p = .373, ηp2 = .010, revealing comparable frequencies of negative

valuation between the teachers from the soft disciplines (M = 4.17, SD = 6.08) and their colleagues

from the hard disciplines (M = 2.89, SD = 4.62). Nor was the main effect of teaching experience

significant, F(1, 80) = 0.21, p = .651, ηp2 = .003. The beginning teachers (M = 3.21, SD = 5.00) were

similar to their more experienced colleagues (M = 3.78, SD = 5.75) in the use of negative valuation.

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The interaction between disciplinary background and teaching experience was also non-significant,

F(1, 80) = 0.61, p = .436, ηp2 = .008.


The results presented in the previous section indicated both differences and similarities in the use of

various types of evaluation in the evaluative reports written by teachers from different disciplinary

backgrounds and with varying teaching experience. The teachers from the hard and the soft

disciplines were similar in the use of positive/negative capacity, negative tenacity, positive/negative

reaction, positive/negative composition, and positive/negative valuation. However, the teachers from

the hard discipline made no use of satisfaction but more frequent use of positive tenacity than their

counterparts from the soft disciplines. As regards the comparisons based on teaching experience, the

beginning teachers did not differ from their more experienced colleagues in the use of positive

capacity, positive/negative tenacity, positive/negative reaction, positive/negative composition, or

negative valuation. However, they used satisfaction and negative capacity more frequently than the

experienced teachers, whereas the reverse pattern was found for positive valuation. In addition,

disciplinary background and teaching experience were found to interact in the use of satisfaction.

These results are discussed below in relation to our research questions presented earlier.

Does disciplinary background have an influence on teachers’ use of evaluative language?

The observed differences in the use of evaluative language between teachers from different

disciplinary backgrounds are consistent with the distinction between hard disciplines (i.e., hierarchical

knowledge structures) and soft ones (i.e., horizontal knowledge structures) established by previous

research into disciplinarity (e.g., Becher & Trowler, 2001; Bernstein, 1999; Jones, 2011; Stodolsky &

Grossman, 1995) and could be explained in terms of disciplinary characteristics concerning core

knowledge, epistemology, valued dispositions, and knowledge-making practice. As Becher and

Trowler (2001, p.36) point out, soft disciplines such as humanities and pure social sciences are

‘concerned with particulars, qualities, complication,’ tend to be ‘personal, value-laden,’ and aim to

develop personal understanding and interpretation. Consequently, teachers from soft disciplines are

likely to communicate their personal reaction or interpretation by revealing their satisfaction or lack

of it with students’ subject-based project work (see Examples 7 and 8 presented earlier). Hard

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disciplines, by contrast, are ‘concerned with universals, quantities, simplification,’ strive to be

‘impersonal, value-free,’ and seek discovery and explanation. Given such disciplinary characteristics,

it is natural for teachers from hard disciplines to be impersonal in their feedback and focus on content

of work, hard knowledge involved, and criteria of performance rather than personal reactions that find

expression in evaluative language resources for marking satisfaction or dissatisfaction. This finding is

consistent with previous research into teacher student communication that highlighted a transmission

perspective in hard disciplines such as physics and chemistry, as compared to an interpretation

perspective in the soft disciplines (Barnes & Shemilt, 1974; Grossman & Stodolsky, 1995). It is also

broadly consistent with research that has found teachers’ views and assessments of student writing to

be influenced by discipline-specific conceptualizations of effective academic writing (e.g., Helstad &

Lund, 2012; Lea & Street, 2000; Øgreid & Hertzberg, 2009).

Similarly, the more frequent use of evaluative language to mark positive tenacity in the feedback

provided by the teachers from the hard disciplines, as illustrated by Example 13, could also be

accounted for in terms of disciplinary practices, epistemology, and values. According to Neumann et

al. (2002), hard disciplines are typified as having knowledge communities that are competitive yet

collaborative. Knowledge-making in these disciplines involve effort, perseverance, and

meticulousness, all of which are manifestations of positive tenacity. By contrast, research activities in

soft disciplines ‘are less competitive and less demanding in commitment’ (p.411) but place a premium

on lateral thinking, fluent expression, critical facility, and originality of opinion. These disciplinary

practices and values have also made their way into the classroom (Orrell, 2006). As pointed out by

Nilson (2010), students in hard disciplines:

are supposed to apply hard facts and reliable data to a problem-solving situation, consider

possible outcomes, hypothesize the most reasonable prediction, perform a tightly controlled

experiment to test the hypothesis, measure the results meticulously, and come to probable,

carefully qualified conclusions based on the resulting evidence. (p.225)

Such learning tasks require students to be careful, meticulous, thorough, resolute, and persevering.

Consequently, it is understandable that teachers in hard disciplines value positive tenacity in their

evaluation of student work more than their colleagues in soft disciplines who place a higher value on

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students’ ability to make original interpretation, ‘develop defensible stands on controversial issues’

(Nilson, 2010, p.226), engage in critical and reflective thinking, and ‘play an active part in the shaping

of knowledge’ (Barnes & Shemilt, 1974, p.220).

Does teaching experience have an influence on teachers’ use of evaluative language?

Apart from disciplinary influences, the results reported earlier also suggest the impact of teaching

experience on teachers’ use of evaluative language in their feedback on student work. There are at

least two ways in which teaching experience could have contributed to the greater use of satisfaction

by the beginning teachers (see Examples 7 and 8), as compared to the experienced teachers. First, the

beginning teachers and their more experienced colleagues were likely to be attuned to the normative

emotional geographies of secondary teaching to different extents. In his interview study of teachers’

emotional geographies reviewed earlier, Hargreaves (2000) noted that compared with primary

teaching, ‘secondary teaching is characterized by greater professional and physical distance leading

teachers to treat emotions as intrusions in the classroom’ (p.811). He found that the secondary

teachers in his sample seemed ‘more concerned to fend off and manage negative emotion that

threatens to intrude from the outside, rather than develop positive emotions in their own right’ (p.823).

It is plausible to suggest that the experienced teachers in our study were more cognizant of such

normative patterns of emotionality than the beginning teachers and consequently were less likely to

openly show their affective response, for example, their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with student


Another possible explanation of the difference in the use of satisfaction between the beginning

and experienced teachers may lie in varying knowledge of ineffective feedback as a result of

cumulative teaching experience. Several state-of-the-art reviews and meta-analyses (Black & Wiliam,

1998; Evans, 2013; Hattie & Timperley, 2007; Kluger & DeNisi, 1996; Shute, 2008) of research on

feedback have found that positive feedback and rewards, especially teacher praise, have little effect on

students’ learning and performance. Notably, positive feedback and teacher praise overlap

conceptually with what is characterized as satisfaction in our study. Factors potentially contributing to

the ineffectiveness of such feedback are various, including a perceived lack of learning- or task-

related information in such feedback (Hattie & Timperley, 2007), the deflection of attention away

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from the learning task to the self (Kluger & DeNisi, 1996; Shute, 2008), recipients’ counterproductive

self-evaluations of their own ability (Hattie & Timperley, 2007), inflated perceptions of success

(Black & Wiliam, 1998), and avoidance of challenging tasks that may pose risks to the self (Hattie &

Timperley, 2007). Contrary to previous beliefs, there is some research evidence that ‘the most

effective teachers actually praise less than average’ (Black & Wiliam, 1998, p.49). Like those

effective teachers, it can be argued, the experienced teachers in our study had experiential knowledge

that feedback expressing teacher satisfaction was ineffective in improving student learning;

consequently, they expressed satisfaction less frequently than their inexperienced colleagues, who

might see expression of teacher satisfaction as a useful means of motivating their students.

Varying knowledge of what would constitute ineffective feedback could also explain why the

experienced teachers as a group used negative capacity less frequently than the beginning teachers.

Like other types of judgment, negative capacity construes ‘attitudes to people and the way they

behave’ (Martin & White, 2005, p.52). More specifically, it conveys negative social esteem and

concerns how incapable, incompetent, unproductive, or unsuccessful someone is (see Example 14).

Thus, feedback that contains negative capacity draws attention to the self and threatens self-esteem.

Feedback research has consistently demonstrated the ineffectiveness and even the detriment of

feedback that is uninformative about the task (Hattie & Timperley, 2007), directs attention to the self

(Black & Wiliam, 1998), invokes negative emotional responses (Brinko, 1993; Evans, 2013),

attributes failure to ability (Kluger & DeNisi, 1996), demotivates students (Gibbs & Simpson, 2004;

Shute, 2008), undermines self-efficacy (Kluger & DeNisi, 1996; Shute, 2008), and leads to ‘self-

handicapping, learned hopelessness, or social comparison’ (Hattie & Timperley, 2007, p.97). It is very

likely that the experienced teachers had learned from their extensive teaching experience and contact

with students that feedback encoding negative capacity may be subject to all these problems and do

little to enhance student learning. As a result, they expressed negative capacity less frequently than

their less experienced colleagues. This explanation is consistent with Schempp et al.’s (1998) finding

that teaching experience helps in appraising students’ progress and attributing their learning

difficulties. It is also supported by the observed tendency of the experienced teachers to couple

negative capacity with positive tenacity to mitigate the former’s negative impact, as exemplified

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25) The group seemed a little unsure about the focus of the project initially [negative capacity],

although they exhibited commendable resourcefulness getting the school estate management

to work with them [positive tenacity]. (H/E25)

Finally, the observed difference in the use of positive valuation between the beginning teachers

and their experienced colleagues could plausibly be attributed to varying knowledge about effective

feedback that accumulates as a function of teaching experience. As summarized in the earlier review

of the extant research, there is ample evidence that feedback is likely to be effective or acted on when

it addresses tasks, processes, performances, and products that are under students’ control (Brinko,

1993; Evans, 2013; Hattie & Timperley, 2007), provides information on success criteria (Gibbs &

Simpson, 2004; Shute, 2008), and encourages self-regulation (Butler & Winne, 1995; Evans, 2013).

These are precisely what positive valuation is concerned with (see Example 23). As a type of

appreciation, positive valuation encodes esthetics, values, and criteria upheld in a given field and

drawn on for ‘construing our evaluations of ‘things’, especially things we make and performances we

give’ (Martin & White, 2005, p.56). Evaluating processes and products (in this case, students’

research projects and written reports) against disciplinarily and educationally valued criteria and

qualities requires skill, pedagogical knowledge, and internalization of institutional and disciplinary

values. As suggested by previous research (e.g., Douglas, 2009; Lee & Luft; 2008; Lunenberg &

Korthagen, 2009), these are typically areas where beginning teachers have much to learn from

experienced teachers. The latter are likely to have a more confident knowledge of what is deemed

worthwhile in their institutional and disciplinary contexts and, consequently, are more adept at using

positive valuation to socialize their students into communal norms, values, and practices. As

Wassermann (2004) aptly puts it, ‘in the hands of a skilled teacher, evaluative practices may inspire

pupils to new heights of performance and guide them toward greater mastery of skills and love of

subject’ (p.151).

Implications Several implications can be derived from the findings reported above. To begin with, given the

centrality of feedback in learning endeavors and the mediating role of evaluative resources in

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feedback, teacher education programs need to give explicit and focused attention to the linguistic

dimension of teacher feedback and foster student teachers’ literacy in evaluative language. This

pedagogical attention can take the form of direct instruction in and guided exploration of various

evaluative language resources (e.g., those comprehensively canvassed by Martin and White, 2005) in

professional communication skills courses for student teachers that aim to enhance their knowledge of

and expand their repertoires of lexico-grammatical resources for sharing feelings, stances, and values

effectively. Second, the findings of our study indicate that teacher feedback is a carrier of

disciplinarity (see also Gibbs & Simpson, 2004) and that diverse epistemological assumptions of

different subjects underlie and are reflected in language use in teacher feedback. This suggests that

explicit work on evaluative language in generic communication skills courses, as outlined above,

should be complemented and extended by discipline-based inquiry into the use of evaluative language

in teacher feedback that subject-matter courses are well positioned to provide. Such inquiry should

aim to raise student teachers’ awareness of how discipline-specific orientations toward teaching and

learning may result in differing use of language resources in teacher – student interactions, how

evaluative language resources can be used effectively to address subject-specific concerns, and how

discipline-appropriate use of language in teacher feedback serves to induct students into disciplinary

norms, core knowledge, valued dispositions, and discipline-specific meaning-making practice. Third,

student teachers need to be quipped, through the joint pedagogical activities of communication skills

and subject-matter courses, with useful and practical strategies for engaging in their own investigation

into the disciplinarily, experientially, and socioculturally shaped nature of evaluative language use in

teacher feedback. Such strategies can be fostered by engaging student teachers in various data-driven

learning tasks, for example, a school-based project that involves interviewing students to understand

how evaluative language may mediate their responses to teacher feedback, a textual project that

requires an appraisal theory-informed analysis of a corpus of oral/written feedback collected from

experienced teachers to find out how evaluative language resources can be deployed strategically to

enhance students’ reception of and engagement with teacher feedback, and a comparative project that

collects effective teacher feedback from different disciplines to identify cross-disciplinary similarities

and differences in the use of evaluative language. In conclusion, research-informed and well-

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coordinated pedagogical efforts are needed to help student teachers make sense of the role of

evaluative language in teacher feedback and develop their competence in using various evaluative

resources appropriately to provide effective feedback that can support and maximize student learning.


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