tl-ie orthopteran · ,· 1. :\letli:lll...

PRYCH.E. Tl-IE ORTHOPTERAN GENUS BY i\IC:";EILL, STAKFOHD U:'\1\'EHSITY, CAL. I ha 1·e recent] I" finished a revision of Trimerotropis Sti\ l and as its publica- tion is likely to be somewhat delayed it been thought best to publi,-,h the key with brief notes on the most im- portant synononw and the localities of the species. Through the kindness of the Nation:tl l\Ins eu m, Dr. Scudder and Dr. Bruner I have been :1ble to study the type" or typical specimens of all the species del'<.:rihed in this country except <•nly Tr. tlwlassica. The type of this species should be in the National J\Iu,eum but I have not been able to find it there. I have not been able to examine Saussure's types but \Vith a few exceptions I have sat isf:1ctorily de- termined his species. The genus is one of the and most difficult of Orthoptera hut with a single exception it contains species of little economic imp o rtance . A'E r TO TNIJJEROTROPIS. A I. Tegmina plain isabelline, not banded and with spoh not segregated into groups extending aero's the \l"ing. Frontal sulcat e as strongly abo\·e a" below the ocellus, its c;u inae continuous with the cari11ae of the vertex. l'ronotum with the di,k flat. Area of the cubita l forks narrow and with few exceptions occupied wholly or in part l>y a single row nf·quadrate cells. \\'ings always long 1vitli the disk yellow or hyaline throughout. Posterior tibiae ne\·er bJne. AGONOZOA subg. n. a 1 Lateral lobes of the prO JJnt um with a dentation en the posterior part of the lower border. b 1. General color pale testaceous, very plain. \\'ings transparent withont a trace of a fuscous band. Tegmina without bands and with a ,-cry few spots rc;.tricted alm oot entirely to the middle field. Posterior femora light 011 thL' _.. Tr. coqui11t..•tti has the frontal costa Jllrlstly solid above the ocellus.

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Page 1: Tl-IE ORTHOPTERAN · ,· 1. :\letli:lll carina of the llld:!~llllt' '"me\\'hat crist:1t e. Fu-.c"11s IJ;IIld of the 1\'ings




I ha 1·e recent] I" finished a revision of Trimerotropis Sti\ l and as its publica­tion is likely to be somewhat delayed it ha~ been thought best to publi,-,h the key with brief notes on the most im­portant synononw and the localities of the species. Through the kindness of the Nation:tl l\Inseu m, Dr. Scudder and Dr. Bruner I have been :1ble to study the type" or typical specimens of all the species del'<.:rihed in this country

except <•nly Tr. tlwlassica. The type of this species should be in the National J\Iu,eum but I have not been able to find it there. I have not been able to examine Saussure's types but \Vith a few exceptions I have sat isf:1ctorily de­termined his species. The genus is one of the large~t and most difficult of Orthoptera hut with a single exception it contains species of little economic importance .


A I. Tegmina plain isabelline, not banded and with spoh not segregated into groups extending aero's the \l"ing. Frontal co~ta+ sulcate as strongly abo\·e a" below the ocellus, its c;u inae continuous with the cari11ae of the vertex. l'ronotum with the di,k flat. Area of the cubita l forks narrow and with few exceptions occupied wholly or in part l>y a single row nf·quadrate cells. \\'ings always long 1vitli the disk greeni~h yellow or hyaline throughout. Posterior tibiae ne\·er bJne. AGONOZOA subg. n.

a 1• Lateral lobes of the prO JJnt um with a dentation en the posterior part of the lower border.

b 1. General color pale testaceous, very plain. \\'ings transparent withont a trace of a fuscous band. Tegmina without bands and with a ,-cry few spots rc;.tricted alm oot entirely to the middle field. Posterior femora light 011 thL'

_.. Tr. coqui11t..•tti has the frontal costa Jllrlstly solid above the ocellus.

Page 2: Tl-IE ORTHOPTERAN · ,· 1. :\letli:lll carina of the llld:!~llllt' '"me\\'hat crist:1t e. Fu-.c"11s IJ;IIld of the 1\'ings

l'.':J· J '('HE.

inner fflce with the usufll black bands obsolete. J-lYAI.IXA GllOlTP.

ilyalina 11. sp. b ~. General color isabel line. \Vings witt! a definite fuscous band or at least ·\\'ith plain indic.1tions of such a band in the infuscatecl nerves of the region usu;illy occupied by the bane!. Pronotum with a definite stripe extending along the 5ides of the disk or at least "·ith the edges lighter than the middle.


c I. Prozone of the prunotum bilobate when seen from the sille. l\Iedian carina a raised line on the met:lzone.

d l, Process of the mctazone acutangulate. l\Ietazone twice as long as the prozone. Fuscous band of the wings broad. l'usterior tibiae dull orange. Texana Ihun. d~. Process of the metazone obtusangulate. l\Ietazone not mo1e than one and three quflrter times as long as the prozone. Po5terior tibiae obscure greeni~h.

e 1. Smaller, (!; 15 mm., 9 2~ mm. long. into dentiform lobes.

Crest of the prozone divided Rebel/is Sauss.

e ~. Larger, (!; 19-23 mm., 9 27-30 mm. long. Crest of the pro-zone divided into rounded lobes.

f 1 • Posterior lobe of the crest of the prozone plainly not so high as it is long. Po5terior femora very distinctly bnnded on the outer [1ce, lower sulcus light colored with two black bands.

Albolineata D1111L

f 2 • Postel ior lobe of the crest of the prozone as high ns it is long. Posterior femora indistinctly bamled on the outside, lower sulcus blflck with t\\'O light bands. Crista/a 11. sp.

c 2 • Prozone of the pronotum not bilobate when seen from the side, and barely intersec~ecl by the sulcus and therefore straight ancl barely perceptibly notched J\Iedian carina cristate on the metazone and ne:1rly as high as on the prozone. Porrecta 11. sp.

a 2. Lateral lobes with no dentation on the posterior part of the lower bonier, or if there is a blunt tooth present, the fuscons bmHl is weak or interrupted :~nd the pronotum has no definite stripe fllong the L1teral edges of the disk nor is the middle darker than the lateral borders. .1\IARITBIA GHOUP.

b r. Area of the cub ita 1 forks of the tegmina occupied by more than one row of irregular cells. •

c 1. \Yings \vith the median and cubital ;treas about equaL Larger, (!; 26 mm., 9 3+ mm. lo11g. North 1\mericnn. J!aritima Ilarr. c~. \Yings with the median and cubital areas Yery unequal. Smflller, (!; 22 mm., 9 2S mm. long-. Chilean Oc!traceif>cllnis Blanch.

Page 3: Tl-IE ORTHOPTERAN · ,· 1. :\letli:lll carina of the llld:!~llllt' '"me\\'hat crist:1t e. Fu-.c"11s IJ;IIld of the 1\'ings


b "· "\rc;l of the c u bital fork~ o!" the tl'gmi n a n:11TO\\', occupied by a singk

row o f su bq u:1drate cells. L o w er sulcns of the posterior fc mor:1 hlark 11·itlt

:1·le prcapical light b:md.

,· 1. :\l e tli:lll carina of the lll d:!~llllt' '"me\\'hat crist:1t e. Fu-.c"11s IJ;IIld of

th e 1\'ings intlic:lted onl_l' ll\ i11fu~c;1ted 1·ein~ "r at mo.-.t illl.:omplete :lttd

l'<> lltinu e d "n the p riu r m:1rg inl ess tlt: 111 lt:ilf 1\'a_v tn the :111:1! angle. spn1

vxtt-ndi11g more th :111 h:dfw:~y t" the ba-.e. Grac/1/s Th"~­c -. • \l edian c;ni n:l of the llll't:l7.olle di-.t ill L't hut mcrelv :1 r:li~cd line.

Fuscou:, hand .. r the wi11g-. di-.tinct :1nd uninte rr upted. conti1111ed o1 1 th e

p oste ri or border much m o re tlwn lwlf 1\'aY to the :ma l :1n g le . spu r extending

less than h :ll f \\'ay t" the l1:1se. Cnqu/1/ett/ n. ~p.

A !. T egmina fa ~c i:1tc, 11·it lt ~olid well defined hand-. reaching :1! least h:df \\'~1\ '

acro,s th e wing from the anterior 111:1rgin. ur by the ~egreg·:1tion uf aunul:lr ~poh,

fa-. ciae so m e times faint on :1ccount of the ,] ight contr.1st between them :md the

gToUtHl co lor. Rarely the tegm in :1 are not f:1sci:1te , then they are c1·e nly m ;ICI I ­

Iat !' with fuscou~ :~nnuli and the 11· in g.' are l>rnad with the :tpic:d h :llt fuscou~ "r

f1t! igi nous. Fro nt:d coqa _ge n er: dl _l' sulc:1te :ll}()ve th e ucellus fnr a sh ort di~t:llll'L'

only, hchw the 1·c rt ex rounde d :n td punctate. Pronntum wiilt the di-.k u-.u:dly

c le l':ltc .J and s u htect ifi >nll 011 the ]H<l Zt> lH' . .\r(•:t of the c: nbit:d Cork-. h rna d. <~ccu-

pi e d hy ::oe 1era l I'<>\\'" o f irregular cel l-. Tt:t.\I EJHITl:<>PlS s ul>~etut-..

a 1. \\' ings wi th the di::ok yelli>ll' or green. n!'l'l':'r h!11e and nen·r 11·itlt<>l1t :1

fw; co u s h:11HI nr cloud.

f, 1. Ilind tibiae n e1·er hlue. T !'g·mina 11·ith the kba l and medi:111 l•:111<l'

,.;olid. :1pproxi m:1teiy equal to each uther :111<1 to the light hands ju~t he \'lllld

with whi c h the1· :liternate. and con lin ed to :1 littl e more tl1:m the a n ll'l i<>r

h:dt' Cr-.:L T.\ <d:OL'I'.

c 1. Fron t uf the h!':lll 1\'ith t11·o I>Llck ha nd~ e...:tcnding- l>ctll een the eyes.

<>IlL' a bolT and one J,e],, ,,. the h:t.-.:d j<>int o f the antenn:1e. ('/ncta Tho~.

,. ". Fwnt <>f the he:1d \\·ith II<> I. lack h:1nd~ extvnding het\\'el'n the e_1 e-.

Jnl/ana ~.- I Hid.

;, ·: . II i1td tihi:1e frL,ljiiL'llti_l' hlul'. 'J't'~lllin:~ ll«t as til the :litem;~til'('.

f' 1. T egmina • f:t'<..:iall' thronglt thv une1·en di-.tril>tttion <>t' ltl.lctd:tlioll~

or hy well-detined cloud~ n r h:1n•k I f the tegmina arL' the tir-.t kind then

litl' o uter half of the 11·ing- is not infusc;1ted and th e 1<>\\'er suk u~ of the

hind femora are bla ck 11 ith :1 si ngl e pre:1pic:J! light-h:111d.

rl 1• P oste rior tihi:1e hlue CoEnt ' I.Eli'ES <;!l<JL'I'.

f! 1. L:1ter.1l lohcs ,,f the pr<>nnt11111 ll'ith the po<,t!'rior :111gle rou nd ed,

.. /'1 11::'1't'.l/n \\i 1h ,J hro;1d fu .... co ll'- b;mrl .1nd rL· d hind tihi;w m11~1 he imlltilt•(l here th1111~h the te~ miJJa .He .dnL''"' dt·, titut<' of ")U : ...

Page 4: Tl-IE ORTHOPTERAN · ,· 1. :\letli:lll carina of the llld:!~llllt' '"me\\'hat crist:1t e. Fu-.c"11s IJ;IIld of the 1\'ings

30 PSYCHE. [March 1900.

without a downward projecting tooth. Disk of the wings gr~enish or yellow. fl. Lower sulcus of the posterior femora bl:1ck with a single pre­apical light bancl.

gl. \Vings with the apical half hyaline, neither fuscous nor fuliginous except at the extreme tip. Bands of the tegmin:1 pi:.Jinly formed by the aggregation of smaller m:.Jcttlatlons.

Cacruleipes Scudd. g 2 . \\rings \vith the apical hnlf fuliginous and fuscous, no\vhere entirely hy:.~line. B:.~sal :.~nclmecli:.~n b:.~ncls solid :1nd well-defined at least on the :.~nterior half.·

h 1• General color light, punctate with fuscous. Tegmina conspicuously f:.~sciate and punct:1te with fuscous. Disk of the wings semiop:1que, yellowish green, beyond mostly fus­cous. Tesscllata n. sp. h ~. General color fuscous, nearly plain. Tegmina plain fuscous with two pale bands. \\'ings with the disk transparent greenish yellow, beyond mostly fuliginous. Caligillosa n. sp.

f 2 • Lower sulcus black with two light b:111cls on the apical half. or (through the fading of the fuscous base) light with one preapic:1l black band.

gl. Ground color white. Tegmina white with three narrow black bnnds. Scutellun.1 of the vertex very shnllow with n Yery indistinct median carina Albesccns n. sp. g~. Ground color brown or gray never white and with only the basnl :lllcl median batHis well defined.

h 1• Scutellum of the vertex with n median canna. Posterior

field of the tegmina not plain. with spots or fascia. i 1• Bands of the tegminn not weakening posteriorly, in the posterior field n"t broken up into spots. Scutellum of the Yet tex no longer tl1:1n hrond even in the male.

Bifasciata !hun. t-. Bands of the tegmin:1 weakening po~teriorly, in the posterior field broken up into spots. Scutellum of the ,·er­tex much ( ,j) or a little ( 9 ) longer thnn broad.

Fcrruginca n. sp. h 2

• Scutellum of the vertex deeply ~nlcate with no median cannn. Posterior field plain without ~pots or fascia.

11-ocbclii Brnn. ,·

2• Lateral lobes or the pronotum with the posterior :tngle fnmished

Page 5: Tl-IE ORTHOPTERAN · ,· 1. :\letli:lll carina of the llld:!~llllt' '"me\\'hat crist:1t e. Fu-.c"11s IJ;IIld of the 1\'ings

March •qoo. J PSJ"CHE.

with a minute down\\·:dtl projecting tooth. green

d~. Posterior tibi:1e red o r orange. r· 1 • Lateral lohes of th e pronotnm without part of the lower border.


Disk of the wings sea­Thalassica Brun.

a tooth on the posterior

f 1• Scutellum of th e vertex moderately broncl but plniniy less than the short ( J) or long ( 9) diameter of the eye. Posterior femora with the di sk of the i11ner fa ce yellow or red with three ulack bands, o ne :1pical, one prenpical and one median, the latter may extend. as a stripe, toward the base, but the in1111ediate base is very rarely black, mrely the whok inner fnce 111'1)" be suffused with fuliginou s, obscuring the markings. CJTHlNA GROUP.

g 1• Disk of the metazone of the pronotum p lninly lighter than

the prozone, generally reddish brown in co lor and smooth except for a few large scnttered generally black g mnules. Pos­terior femorn chidly red on the inner side.

h 1• Lower sulcu~ ns well as the inner face chiefly 1ed with no fuliginous sufl"usion obscuring the fuscous bnnds or spots .

..lfonticola ~nuss. h ~ . Lower sul cus of the posterior femora black o r fuliginous. J\ l edinn cnrinn slight hut distinct. Campcstris Brun. l\Is.

g· 2• Disk of the metazone not as in the alternative. h 1• .l\Iedian and lJasal hands of the tegminn so lid nnd not plainly formed by the g rouping of spots.

i 1• Bnnds of the tegmina conspicuous. j 1

• Process of the meta zone ncute. k 1

• i\lecli:lll carinn of the scutellum of the vertex dis-tinct J]rltlli'ri n. sp.

i\Iedian carina wanting. Fascicula 11. sp. Process of the metazone decidedly obtuse.

Pracclcrra n. 5p. ,-. Bands of the tegmina dim, color testnceous, p lain. i\Iet­:1Zone with its process acute. "l.fodcsta Brun.

!t 2• l\ Iedinn nnd hnsal bands of the tegmina obvionsly m:llle

up offuscous nnnuli. Process of the metazone obtnse.

Citrina Scudd. f"· Scutellum of the vertex equalling the short ( J) or long ( 9) di:uneter of the eye. Posterior femora with the disk of the inner face black with one o r t\\ o light hands on the npical half. Fuscous hand of the wjngs :1l least o11e fourth the le ngth of the \\"ings in

\\"idth. L.·\TIL\SCIA rA ,;rwn•.

Page 6: Tl-IE ORTHOPTERAN · ,· 1. :\letli:lll carina of the llld:!~llllt' '"me\\'hat crist:1t e. Fu-.c"11s IJ;IIld of the 1\'ings

J'SJ'Cl!E. ~l.l.H.:h lt)OU.

g· 1• l'osteriur fe mora wi th two light b:1nds un the inner bee.

Process of the metazone obtusan~ubtc with the t ip rounded . It 1

• J\ Icdian carina of the scutellum of the \·c rtex \\·anting. 1\ledian carin:1 of the met:1zone of the p ronotum e le\·:.Jted :1nd \·ery di~tinct Latifasciata ::;cudd. h "· :\ledi:111 carina of the sc utellum of the Yertex d istinct. :1\[edi:.Jn c:1rina o f the pronotum nearly obsolete on the metil­zo ne Lalicincta Sauss.

g "· l'osterio r fcmor:t with nne light h:1n d on t he inner face. Process u f the met:1zune of the pronotum :1Ct tt:mgubte 1\·ith the t ip sharp.

It 1• B:1 s: tl ha If oft he w ings yel low. ii. Outer h:tlfnfthe \\·ings infuscatcd. T oltcca Sau~s. z -. Outer half of the wings not wholly infusc:.Jted but the :1pic:.Jl hy:1line part ne:1rly :1s bto:.Jd as the fuscous band.

Fistrina ria S:1uss. h 2• B:1s:.Jl one s ixtl1 of the wing-s yellow, :1 pical one sixth hy:tline. re m:1ining t \\'o-thircls occ upied by the fuscous b:.Jttd.

Jl.!elanopten? n. sp. c 2

• L:1ter:1 l lobes of the prnnotum w ith :1 tooth 0 11 t he po:,terior part of the lower border. C .'\LIFORXIC.\ G HOl' P.

f 1• Teg-mina co nspicuou~ly h:111ded <> r at le:1 st with the fu~cous

p unctation~ well se par:1tcd into three g roups. ~.t.;· 1 . l'ron ottJII1 with a light :,tt ipe on ei ther side of the disk. Fttscous hand o f the wings n:ltTO\\. :1bout one se venth uf the length of the wing in width. Cal~(oruica Brun.

~:,r-. l'ronottlll1 q uite pl:tin 0 11 the disk. Ftt~CUII'i band of the W111gs b roader. o ne si,dh nr o ne fifth the le ngth of the wing i11 \\ idth .

/;I. ~ lct:tZII\l C of tht" ]H~>Itlllttllt l\1 icc :1s long :1~ the prozone. wit h t l1e J> I<K e-.s actil:tllg·ui:Jtl" . Strrll!lr1 11. sp. h ·1 . :\kt o l· the p ronutttlll onn· :1nd :1 h: ilf : 1~ long as the'

IH"JII>t lllll \1 ith the procc~s ol> tn~:Jit_gui:II L'

.lfonlr7!1!7 Brun. ;\b . . /". Tt'gllli11:1 \Yi tlt sc:Jtce ly a tr:1ce of the u:,t J~tl h:111ds, l>ut \\ ith a few ' catll'red 'pots <>II the h:t'i:il hall'. the re~t alnt<>'t pl:1in .

.A.f/l"rst is n. ·" p. rl3

• l'nstcrior tihiae _n·llo\1' green o r lno\\ 11. t"

1• L:ttc1:1l lobe~ of the pronnt um \1 ith :1 t<>oth 011 the p<>ste rior p: trl

,, ftll<' lo\\Tr m: tr_g·i11 .

Page 7: Tl-IE ORTHOPTERAN · ,· 1. :\letli:lll carina of the llld:!~llllt' '"me\\'hat crist:1t e. Fu-.c"11s IJ;IIld of the 1\'ings

\larch 1900 PSYCHE . .l:

c~. L ateral lobes of the pronotum without a tooth. Tegmina cli~­

ti nc tl y or compicuou;;ly handed except sometimes in clark colored

sp ec imens, where the contr:1st may be slight; fascia large and though

irregul a r in shape semisol id and something more than aggregations of

fus cous spots. \\'ing-~ yel low o r g ree n ish yellow at the base with a

d istin c t fuscous ha nd . Posterior femora with the disk of the inner

1;1cc b lack \Yith two light bands. Vrl\C\'LATA <;non•.

f 1• L o w er sulcus of the posterior femora light with one preapical bl:tck ba nd or hbck with two light bands, one preapical and one

med ian, the latter not merely interr u pting the black on the cd.~·es of the s ul etl~ hut in the bottom a~ well.

g-1. Fuscous b:1nd in its usual po~ition in the middle of the wing.

S pu r extending les' th:1n half way to the he~se. Gener:ll colur

da rk fn,cous ln·nw11 permitting little contr:1't in the b:1nd~ (If th('

tegm i n:1. /; 1. ~l etnzone sc:1rcel\' 111ure than one and a h:tlf time' :1~ lon"· ,... :1s the prozone. F11~cou~ Lwnd of the wing' y~ry bru:1d nccup_1-i ng n c:lrl_l' one thi rei tile length nf the\\ ings. .')a/lila !\run. ~ r s.

/; ~. :\Iet:1znnc til' icc as long :1s the p1 nznne. Fuscou~ l>:111tl

r: tther n:t rt <>l\', ClCCI IJJYing no more th:111 :1 'i:dh or 'e\'enth the length of the wing,. .)'!mills Scud d.

,!.,'· 2 • F11sC<>11~ l>and entirely i>L'\'ond the middle uf the lYing·, maki11g

the length <>f the disk equ:il t<> the width. fuscnu~ spur extending

more t l1:1ll h:ilf \\':1\ to the h:1se. lbnds of tbe tegtPin:t contr:1~ting

!,tronglv \Yith ground color allCI H'l \' conspicuous.

Pa//id!j,.llllts l:nnn. _{

2• Lower _,nlcu~ of the po~teri<ll' fem<lr:l black IYith one preapic:tl

light hand . . !.!·I. l'o~te1 ior tihi:te _~·ellow or greeni,h, neYer brown.

/;I. P rnnotum ltlllt~ll:tlh 'hnrt not ( 9 ) 01 :1 Yen· little 1 J) lnnger than II' ide. Size 'mall. le"' than ~o 111111. 1 rJ) nr :ti)()lll

25 111111. I 9 ) . . Col/arls 11. ~p.

/; '2• l' ronotn n1 not tl'lltSII:tlh ~horl, consi<lerahh longer th:111

11·ide en•tt in the feJn:tle.

; 1. Fuscon~ h:m d \'ery n:tl'l'l!\\' :tnd interrupted, spur a cull'

e'tending more than lwlr w:1y tu the h:tse. l'roce~~ of the

metazonc :1C1 1te. Si;e sm:1l l. ~o 111111. ( J), 25 111111. ( <i'). Fratcrcnla 11. sp.

i'. F11sc•>th h:1nd hro:td 111 ll'ht·n narro1\' distinct :1nd unin­terrttptcd.

Page 8: Tl-IE ORTHOPTERAN · ,· 1. :\letli:lll carina of the llld:!~llllt' '"me\\'hat crist:1t e. Fu-.c"11s IJ;IIld of the 1\'ings


j 1, l\letazone twice as long a& the prozone with the process :.~cute. \Yings long, barely less than twice as long as wide. Fuscous b:md narrower, at most not exceed­ing one sixth the length of the wing. Lower sulcus of the po~terior femora with the black not almost se\·ered by the median ligllt hand lrinculata Scudd. j~. l\letazone less than one and three quarter times :1s long :1s the prozone, with the process rectangular. \\'ings shorter, being consider:tbly less than twice ns long as wide. Fuscous b:md equal iu width to a fourth or a tifth the length of the \\·ing. Lower ,ulcus of the po~lerior

femora with the l>lack almost severed by the median light band Sasatilis n. sp.

g- 2• Posterior tibiae brown with n p:de subbasal :mnulus. Size small. \Ying Yery broad, less than one and one half times :1s long as broad Filosa n. sp.

c~. Tegmina thickly punctate with e\'enh scattered fttscous :nmuli. con­trasting little with the fm.cous hackgrouJ,d and not or Yery rarel_Y collected into groups forming hands. \\'ings broad with the outer half infw;catcd or fuliginous, rarely only the tip of the apical part :md the Yeins beyond the fu~cous band arc infuscatcd. FALLAX GHOl"P.

J 1. Posterior tibiae i>lue with a light suh-h:ts:tl annulus or at lea~t a brownish spot on the exterior litce.

c 1• Tegmina evenly n;nculate with at the most faint traces of hand,, Process of the metazone acutangulate at least in the male.

Fa/lax Sauss. c". Tegmina plainly fasciate by the unequal distribution of fu,.,c<,us annuli. Process of the metazone obtusangulate e\·en in the male .

• \r11bila II. ~p.

d". Posterior tibiae not blue and without a p:de suh-h:t~al :1nnulu~. c 1• Portion of the \\"ing beyond the ft,scou~ hand eithn ftt,.,cous or fuliginnus, spur reaching ktlf \\":1\ to the base. Consj>,·r.m 11. 'P· r ~. Portion of the \Ying he_1 ond the fu,.,cous hand hyaline. ,.,pur re:tching t\\"O third,; the di~tance to the b:tse. l'ariegata 11. sp.

a'. \\'ings entireh· hyaline \\·itlwut fuscous h:111d :m<l colored di~k or the latter hlue with the fuscous h:md di-,tincl or indicated by infttsc:tted ncrn·s and cells. F:tsci:J of the tegmina ne\ er ,o]id hut nlJ\·iously made np of lu,cous :mnuli often impe1 fectly 'egreg:tted.

b 1• Fuscou-; hand present. I )isk hltte. ]',"terior tihi:te him· \\"ith :1 light su h-h:tsal :tnnul11' C.\EI:l'l.Ell'l 'o:'\1'-o Clt<ll"l'.

Page 9: Tl-IE ORTHOPTERAN · ,· 1. :\letli:lll carina of the llld:!~llllt' '"me\\'hat crist:1t e. Fu-.c"11s IJ;IIld of the 1\'ings

FS J'C/£1.!.'.

c 1. Prozone of the pronotum strongly ele\·ated and bilobate. Disk of

the wings faintly ti nged \vith blue. Fuscous band natTO\\' and indistinct.

Caerulcij>cllllis Eru11. c". P rozone of the pronotum \'ery little ele\·ated and scarcely bilobate. D isk of the wings deep b lue. Fuscou~ hand broad and distinct.

Cyallcijcllllis Brun Z, "· Fuscous band \Yanting. The wing entirely hyaline. Posterior tihi:1e obscure greenish or brown. Posterior femora with the disk of the inner

face hlack \\'ith t\·;o light lJatl<h on the apical h:df. Lower sulcus light \\'ith

one preapical black b:md. AztrRESCE:-.:s GROl'P.

c l. Scutellum of the \'erte:-.: broad, scarcely longer th:1n hto:1d and about equal in width to the diameter of the eye as seen from :JhoYe. Proces<; of

the mdazone :1cute A::urescens B1un. c". :-;cutellum nf the Yetll'x JWITO\\', pl:Jinl_\'lnnger than broad and much

less than eq1wl in width to tht: diameter of the L"_Ye :1s seen fn11n :dHlve. d I. Process ul the ll!e!aznnl' routHled I ::1sal fuscous b:n1d distinct

from the fuscous points of thl' inlllll'di:lte h:1~e. Larger, male more

th:1n 20 mm. long 1\cudo_jcl.l'ciata Scudd. d". P rnce~s of the mdazone sharp. R:J~:d fuscnus h:1nd of the tegmina

not di,tind fro111 tht· spots ot' the illllnedi:Jtl' base. ~ln:dlt:r, Jll:de It:~~

than 20 mm. long l..anl<l :-;cudd.

()f thl' ltft\ -fOil!' spC<.:ICS l'nlllllt'r:lted

in thl' prccedi11g ke\ twent_\-frn1r are

Jle\\', Sixteen ~pecics are confined to

Califomia :Is tnllmYs: hyali11a, rebel/is. albolillcota. porrecta, coqlfilldti. cal­~f.!illosa. rd(,es<cl!s. !..·ocbt•!ci, tha/,rssica, ,·a!~{o;·llic,l, pacijica. pi!osa, jclllax. COIISj>t·rsa. :•.rrit'j.,''<l!a. ;,nd j>scudr~fas­

n'ata. Three others are cmitlned to

the P:1citic co:1st \\'ithin the l 'nitr·d St.1tes: caerl!!o'pcs, bt'j(tsciata anu

simi/is. Three :1re fouiHI ea't of the :\ l ississippi: maritima .. m.Ya!ilt'., and

ritrt'Jia. 'i' hl' \:i-;t llll'ntioned l'XlL'nds f1 om the Rock\ .\ lollllt:lin, to :\!:try­

land. The li1 't llll'Iltinned i,- r,·~tricted

to thL· "\tl:111tic co:1't and !he ~horc' of till' ( ;re.d l.;i\,e.' and saxatil/s is t'nnnd

111 north\\'e't r\rk:tllS:IS :md southern lllilwi,. Fi\'e species are nnt i~>tllld

\\ ithin the limits of the Cnited States.

These are tollt'C<I, ochraceij>c1111is. pal­lidij>elllltS, !aula and cullaris. The

n~m:tining- species. twenty-se\·en, belong

to Rocky illollllt:lin St:1tes. J!oll!icola t'Xll'!h]S frolll C,>]Or:tdn into :\]e'\ico

and j>istri11aria from Tex:1s into 1\lcx­JCo. Ciurta r:111ges from C:difurni:1 tn

Tex·:,. Tr·xa1t1r rnnges from Texns to

:-\e\\ :\1\'xic<>; crista/a from Lo\\'er L':tlifollli:t to Salt L:1ke \':tlley. Ut:1h;

lat~'/clsn'ata fron1 Ptah to \ \':tshingtnn: r·<l,·rtt!,·t';>l'ltllis frnm C:1l i forn i:1 to \ \'y­<>Jning. \'hrt"e 'pecie,, sa!t'11a, a.!.!'~'<'S·

tis. pracd<7, ,, :1rl' con tined to :\'d•r:l,k.J;

thrvl' :d'"· Jllti1ila. mo.Zcs/<7 and mdan-

Page 10: Tl-IE ORTHOPTERAN · ,· 1. :\letli:lll carina of the llld:!~llllt' '"me\\'hat crist:1t e. Fu-.c"11s IJ;IIld of the 1\'ings

PSYCHE. [March 1900.

optei-a to New Mexico; iwo., frater- Ciiicta Thos. is not the species as

cula and campestris to Wvoming. understood by Saiissure and others,

The changes in synonomy are not which was probably vinculata Scudd.

great, a few ot" the most important may I have considered perplexa Brun. a

be noted. I have considered yo«/(r«i7 synonym oi azuresceris ]i\w\\.

Thos. as svnonyni of Juliana Scndd.

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