tm 5-4320-218-15

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  • 8/14/2019 TM 5-4320-218-15


    TM 5-4320-218-15D E P A R T M E N T O F T H E A R M Y T E C H N I C A L M A N U A L



    P U M P , C E N T R I F U G A L

    P E T R O L E U M


    4 IN., 350 GPM, 275 FT HEAD

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    When ha ndling gasoline, always pr ovide a met al-to-met al cont act be-

    tween th e conta iner an d th e tan k. This will prevent a spar k from being

    generated as fuel flows over the metallic surfaces.

    Be extremely careful when using a carbon tetrachloride fire extin-

    guisher in an enclosed area. A poisonous gas is generated by the contactof carbon tetrachloride with a heated metallic surface. Provide adequateventilation before entering an enclosed area where carbon tetrachloride

    has been used.

    When fighting fires with a monobromotrifluomethane fire extinguisher,

    avoid breathing of smoke. Rules prohibiting smoking must be estab-l ished and strict ly enforced. Adequate NO SMOKING signs must be

    prominently posted.

    Do not operat e th e pum p in a n en closed building unless th e exhaust

    gases are piped to the outside. Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide

    which is a colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas.

    See that the pump is grounded before operating. Ungrounded unitsmay produce sparks which will ignite gasoline vapors, causing destructionof materiel and serious injury or death to personnel.

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    Changes in force: Cl, C4, C8, C9, and C10

    TM 5-4320-218-15


    No. 10




    WASHINGTON, D.C., 12 January 1981

    Operators, Organizational, Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance Manual



    (GORMAN-RUPP MODEL 04A12-MVG4D) NSN 4320-691-1071

    (GORMAN-RUPP MODEL 04A12B-MVG4D) NSN 4320-069-8494

    TM 5-4320-218-15, 2 March 1961, is changed as follows:

    Page 12.

    Page 22.

    Immediately following subparagraph 12a.(4), add th e following Warn ing:


    After removing the priming cap and filling the pump casing with the product to be pumped,

    check the snap-in gasket in the cap to be sure that it is present and that it is serviceable (No

    dents; cuts, abrasions). Remove and replace as necessary.

    When the casing has been filled, place the cap on the male quick disconnect adapter and raise the

    cam levers on th e cap t o the fully locked (vertical) position.

    Bind the cap cam levers together in the locked position with soft wire or heavy twine in order to

    eliminate any possibility of their release due to vibration. This procedure must be followed each

    time the pumping assembly is primed.

    Immediately following subparagraph 27c.(6), add the following Warning:

    WARNINGAfter removing the priming cap and filling the pump casing with the product to be pumped,

    check the snap-in gasket in the cap to be sure that it is present and that it is serviceable (No

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    TM 5-4320-218-15

    By Order of the Secretary of the Army:


    E. C. MEYERGeneral, United States Army

    Chief of Staff

    J. C. PENNINGTON Major General, United States Army

    The Adjutant General

    DISTRIBUTION:To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-25A Operator Maintenance requirements for

    Petroleum Distribution.

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    TM 5-4320-218-15

    This manual contains copyrighted material

    T E C H N I C A L M A N U A L H E A D Q U A R T E R S ,

    D E P A R T M E N T O F T H E A R M Y

    N o. 5 - 4320- 218- 15 W A S H I N G T O N 25, D. C., 2 March 1961

    Operator, Organizational, Field, and Depot Maintenance Manual


    4 IN. 350 GPM, 275



    FSN 4320-691-1071

    Paragraph Page


    Section I. General __________________________________________________________________ 1,2

    II . Description and data ___________________________________________________________ 3-5


    Section I. Service upon receipt of equipment ------------------------------------------------------------ 6,7

    II. Cont rols a nd In st ru me n ts _________________________________________________ 8-10

    III. Operation under usual conditions ------------------------------------------------------- 11-15IV. Operation under unusual conditions ----------------------------------------------------- 16-19


    Section I. Special organizational tools and equipment ______________________________ 20,21

    II. Lubrication and painting -------------------------------------------------------------------- 22-2.5III. Preventive maintenance service --------------------------------------------------------- 26-29

    IV. Troubles hooting ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30-44

    V. Radio suppression ________________________________________________________ 45 -50VI. Engine fuel system ________________________________________________________ 51-58

    VII. Lubrication system ________________________________________________________ 59,60

    VIII Muffler and manifold 61 63











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    TM 5-4320-218-15



    CHAPTER 5.


    I I I .


    paragraph P a g e

    P u m p a s s e m b l y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3 6 - 1 3 8 85

    P u m p t r a i l e r f r a m e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3 9 - 1 4 1 88

    D E M O L I T I O N O F P U M P T O P R E V E N T E N E M Y U S E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 142- 146

    REFERENCES __________________________________________________________ 91MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART __________________________________ 93

    BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST ______________________________________________ 101

    M A I N T E N A N C E A N D O P E R A T I N G S U P P L I E S - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - 105

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    TM 5-4320-218-15



    S ec t ion I .

    1. Scop e

    a. This manual applies to the Pump, Centri-

    fugal, Trailer Mounted. It includes a descrip-

    tion, dat a, operat ion, ma intena nce, and field and

    depot maintenance.

    b. Repair parts are listed in TM 5-4320-

    218-20P and TM 5-4320-218-35P.

    G E N E R A L

    2. Re c o r d s a n d R e p o r t F o r m s

    For Blank forms that may be used in the

    preparation of records, reports, and requisi-

    t ions relat ing to the centr i fugal pump unit

    refer to TM 5-505.


    3. De s c r i p t i o n

    a. General information. The pump unit is a

    gasoline engine-driven, trailer-mounted, self-

    priming, centr ifugal pump. The unit is de-

    signed for pumping gasolines, jet fuels, diesel

    fuels, light liquid petroleum fuels, and water.A right front, three-quarter view is shown in

    figure 1. A left rear , three-quarter view is

    moving par ts ins ide the engine are

    lubricated by part of the oil which en-

    t e r s t h e c o n n e c t i n g r o d bearing

    through holes in the rods and by the

    balance of the oil which forms a spray

    or mist.

    (2) Cooling. Cooling is accomplished by aflow of air circulated over the cylin-

    ders and heads of the engine by a

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    TM 5-4320-218-15

    5. Tabulated Data

    a. General .

    Length overall ------------ 102 in. (inches)

    Length (tow bar retracted) 75 in.Widt h -- - - ----- - - 57 in .Heigh t ---- -- 56 in.Tir e size ------------- 7.00 x 16

    Tire pressure ------------ 25-30 psi

    b . Eng ine .

    Manufac turer - - - - - - - - W i s c o n s i n M o t o rCorporation

    T y p e - - - - - - - - - - A i r - c o o l e d

    M o d e l - - - - - - M V G 4 D

    C y l i n d e r b o r e - - - - - - - 3 - 7 / l 6 i n .S t r o k e - - -- - - -- - -- - - - 4 i n .Piston displacement ---- -15cu5 cu. in. (cubic inches)


    24 at ------ - 1400 rpm (revolut ions per

    minute)27 at -------- 1600 rp m

    30 at -------- 1800 rp m32.7 a t --------- 2000 rp m

    34.5 --------- 2200 rpm

    Carbure tor :

    Manufac turer ---- Marvel-ScheblerModel No. ------ VH-69-A

    Fuel pump:

    Manufac turer -------Blackstone Manufacturing

    Co.M o d e l N o . - - - - - G 1 9 5 9 C - C


    Manufac turer - - - W i s c o n s i nM o d e l N o . - - - - - - T - 8 4 - H - 1

    Type ----- -- -- -- Centrifugal flyweight


    Manufac turer - F a i r b a n k s - M o r s e

    Model No. ----------- FM-XZE4B7Air cleaner :

    M a n u f a c t u r e r - D o n a l d s o n C o .

    Model No. - - ------- A-A552

    c . Pump.

    Manufac turer - G o r m a n - R u p pM o d e l N o . - - - - - - - - M V G 4 D - M V G 4 D

    T y p e - - - - - - - - - - - C e n t r i f u g a l

    Number of stages --------- OneVolume flow --------------------- 350 gpm

    Total dynamic head -------275Su ction size -------------- 4 in .Disch ar ge size ------------- 4 in .

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    TM 5-4320-218-15

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    TM 5-4320-21 8-15



    Sec tion I. SERVICE UPON

    6. General

    The pump unit is export boxed, processed andpackaged according to level A. Prior to op-

    erating the pump, a careful inspection should bemade to make sure that the condition of the unit

    has not changed during shipment.

    7. Inspection and Installation

    a. Check all bolts and nuts for tightness.b. Inspect assembled pump for damaged and

    broken parts.c. Check engine crankcase oil level, Add oil

    if necessary.d. Fill fuel tank with gasoline if necessary.e. Actuate hand primer lever about 20 to 30

    strokes or until it moves easily,

    Section II. CONTROLS


    f. Install g-rounding rod and attach groundincable to rod and to pump frame.

    g. Start the pump in accordance with proce-dure in paragraph 12 and conduct the follow-ing break-in procedures.

    (1) Operate one hour at 1000 rpm.

    (2) Operate one-half hour at 1500 rpm.

    (3) Operate one-half hour at 2000 rpm.(4) Unit should now be broken in for reg-

    ular duty.

    h. Locate the pump as close as possible to

    fuel supply source.

    i. The pump should be level when intalledwith the stand support secured in the downposition.


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    FrameShock mountGage identification plateControl panelVacuum gageName plateEngine oil pressure gageGage identification platePump suction gageConnector 1/4 in. NPT by 1/4 in.Flex oil lineThrottle controlPump pressure gageGage identification plateTachometer-hourmeter

    e. Oil



    TM 5-4320218-15

    ing pumped or the rate of pumpingand regardless of speed of engine.

    pressure gage (fig. 5).

    Location. The oil-pressure gage (7) islocated on the control panel in the up-

    per right-hand corner.

    Pm-pose. The oil-pressure gage pro-vides a means of determining the oilpressure within the lubricating system,

    f. Tachometer-hourmeter(fig. 5).

    (1) Location. The tachometer-hourmeter

    (15) is located on the control panel inthe upper left corner.

    (2) Purpose. The tachometer-hourmeterregisters the rpm of the engine andmaintains a running total of the

    engine operating hours.

    10. Pump Controls

    a. Check valve throttle.(1) Location. The check valve throttle is

    located on the left-hand side of the

    check valve as you face the gage panel.

    (2) Purpose. The check valve throttle ad- j usts to the opening and closing of

    the check valve. Normally the checkvalve should close automatically when

    the pumping operation is discontinuedto retain enough fuel in the pump andsuction hose for priming the pump in

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    14. Op era t ing Deta i l s

    a. S et the idling speed when the unit has

    been opera ted long enough t o become wa rm .Adjust the thrott le unti l the minimum steadyidling speed is obtained. Screw the low-speedadjustment of the carburetor in or out until theengine runs steady and as fast as the thrott le

    position will permit in a ccorda nce with par a-graph 58b.

    b. The horsepower required to drive the

    pump varies with the weight of the liquid being

    pumped and the capacity or rate of pumping. To

    prevent overloading, the engine throttle shouldbe adjusted so as to have at least 5 inches vacu-um on t he engine vacuu m gage regar dless ofliquid being pumped or the rate of pumping

    and regardless of speed of the engine.C. A composite pump performance curve for

    TM 5-4320-218-15

    the pump unit is shown in figures 6 and 7.




    Pump capacities are shown in gallonsper minute. Pump discharge pressuresar e shown in pounds p er squa re inch

    and in feet of head of the liquidpumped .

    These two sets of curves are for fuelsof different specific gravities.

    Lines of constant brake horsepowerrepresent the loading of the engine for

    various pumping conditions. They arechar acterist ic of th e Wisconsin MVG4D engine and apply to both curves.This engine will give satisfactory serv-ice as long as th e bra ke h orsepower

    does not continuouslymaximum continuousshown on the curves.

    exceed theperformance

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    TM 5-4320-218-15

    Figure 7. Performan ce of pum p u nit pum ping gasoline @ 0.75 specific gravity.

    d A ill b f th h li is most desirable that the engine speed be held

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    TM 5-4320-218-15

    expected air temperatures as indicated in thelubrication guide (fig. 8).

    d. Fuel system protection. Fill the fuel tank

    at the end of each days operation to prevent an

    accum ulat ion of vapor in th e fuel tan k.

    18. Ope ra t i on Und e r S a ndy o r Dus ty

    C o n d i t i o n s

    a. General. Protect the unit from dust oras much as possible. Cleanness of the pump isimportant for proper cooling and operation.

    b. Special lubrication instructions. Take spe-

    cial care t o service th e air cleaner as often asnecessary. When adding oil, remove any dirt orsand from around the filler neck. Keep the

    crankcase breather cap clean. Lubricate in ac-

    cordance with the current lubrication guide(fig. 8). Refer to paragraph 29b.

    c. Protecting stores of oil and fuel. Keep

    stores of oil an d fuel t ightly closed t o protect

    them from dust or sand. If possible, store thesupplies in a shed or storage room.

    19. Op e r a t i on i n S a l t Wa t e r Ar e a

    a. General. When the pum p is operated nearbodies of salt water, the salt air will quicklyattack unpainted surfaces. Remove any rust for-

    mations immediately and cover the exposed sur-faces with paint. Lightly coat any m achined sur-faces with oil.

    b. Special precautions. To prevent rusting of

    cylinders, pistons, rings, and valves, remove thepipe plug from the intake manifold, or dicon-nect the air cleaner hose and introduce about

    one-fourth pint of rust preventative oil to thewarmed-up running engine. A bluish smoke

    will indicate that enough oil was added. Checkall electrical cont acts daily; replace corr odedp ar t s .

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    Air cleaner. Cheek the oil level andsediment content in the air-cleanercup daily. Clean and add oil as re-quired. At weekly intervals (50hours of opera tion), remove th e a ir-

    cleaner bowl, drain, and wash it withsolvent. Refill with oil to the properlevel. Wash the air filter body in sol-vent. Add oil to the filter and element;allow excess oil to drain off.

    Oil filter. Change the filter ele-ment after every oth er oil cha nge. If

    operating conditions are extremelydusty, replace element after every oilchange.

    Governor and carburetor linkage.Lubricate in accordance with the lubri-cation order (fig. 8).

    24. Lu br ica t ion Under Unusua l Condi t ions

    a. General. Adjust service intervals speci-fied in the lubrication guide to compensate forabnormal operation and extreme conditions,

    such as high or low temperatures, prolongedperiods of high-speed operation, continued op-erat ion in sand or du st, immersion in water, orexposure to moisture, any one of which mayquickly destroy the protective qualities of the

    lubricant. Intervals may be extended during in-

    TM 5 4320 218 15

    active periods. See paragraphs 16 through 19for operations under unusual conditions.

    b. Chan ging grades of lubricants. In the keyto the lubrication guide, lubricants are prescrib-ed in accordance with three temperature

    ranges: above +32[ F; from +32 to lO F.;and below 10 F . Sluggish star t ing is anindication of lubricant-thickening, and is thesignal to change grades prescribed for the next

    lower temperature range. ordinarily, it will benecessary to change grades of lubricants onlywhen air temperatures are consistently in thenext higher or lower range.

    25. Pa i n t i n g

    a. The pump assembly should be repaintedwhenever the existing paint shows signs of

    wearing off, cracking, peeling, or deterioratingin any way.

    b. Before starting to paint, make sure that all

    machined surfaces, lubrication fittings, breathercaps and vents, identification plates, wires, andother electr ical parts are protected with m ask-ing tape, Make sure th at paint does not get on

    exposed threads of carburetor and governorcontrol linkage.

    c. Paint all exposed surfaces of chassis, hood,

    fuel tank, instrument panel, and external con-

    trols. Paint olive drab No. 23 in acordance with

    specifications MIL-T-704.

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    TM 5-4320-218-15

    ( 2 )

    ( 3 )

    ( 4 )

    ( 5 )

    Oil. Cheek oil level in engine crank-case. See that oil is at proper level.

    Check reserve supply of lubricants andreplenish if necessary.

    Tamper ing and damage . Inspect fortampering or damage that may have

    occurred since the unit was last oper-ated. Check the rear of the controlpanel to make sure that there are noloose connections on any of the compo-nents. Be sure all connections are tightand that each component on the con-

    trol panel is in good condition. Location and alinement. Locate thepump as close as possible to the sourceof supply. Each time the pump is re-located see that the unit is on solidfooting and approximately level. Blockthe wheels securely and carefully an-chor the support stand. Make sure

    the unit is properly grounded.Fuel line connections. Check all thesuction and discharge lines. Makesure the lines are independently sup-ported near the pump, so that no

    strain will be transmitted to the pumpwhen the connections are made. Ar-range the lines with as few bendsas possible, Make required bends

    with a long radius whenever possible.Be sure each connection is properlyfitted and fastened




    Unusual operation

    for any abnormaland noises. Checkoperation, such as

    engine overheating or running at be-low governed speed, failure of the

    pump to deliver full volume or torespond to controls. Stop operationimmediately if any unusual noise isnoticed. Examine the pump for signsof undue heating,

    Gage readings. Check all gage read-ings frequently, watching particular-

    ly to see that there is no unusual drop

    in engine oil pressure, and that theengine vacuum gage indicates at least5 inches vacuum regardless of the liq-uid being pumped or the rate ofpumping and regardless of speed of

    the engine.

    L e a k s . Check the entire unit forleaks, paying particular attention to

    the pump seal. If a leak is noticed itmust be corrected or reported to theproper authority. Look under the

    trailer for signs of leaks and check theengine fuel lines and connections.Stop operation in case of a bad leak,and make the necessary correctionand report to the proper authority.

    If leaks are found which do not seri-ously affect the operation of theequipment and if continued opera-

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    TM 5 4320 218 15

    interference. This

    the intensity of thewiring and units causing

    shielding does not reduceinterfering surges, but prevents broadcasting.

    Woven metal conduit is used where flexibility

    is required, while solid conduit is used else-where.

    49. Effects of Suppression

    There is no interference from equipment sat-

    isfactorily suppressed for broadcasted interfer-ence over the frequency range of 0.55 through156.0 50. megacycles at a distance of 25 feet

    from the unit.50. Suppression

    This test ing is


    System Testing

    performed by 3d echelon or

    a. Install a battery-powered radio receiver ingood operating condition not more than 10 feet,from the pump. A wide band receiver cov-

    ering the frequency ragnge of 0.55 to 156.0

    megacycles is preferred.b. Start the equipment and turn on the re-

    ceiver. Turn the receiver volume to maximumand select three widely separated frequencies

    for listening. Use frequencies that are freefrom signals with strong carriers so that thereceiver will be in its most sensitive operating


    c. Systematically replace suppression compo-nents in the circuit causing trouble, testing af-ter the replacement of each component to see if

    the trouble has been eliminated.


    51. Description

    The engine fuel system consists of a fuel

    tank, fuel pump, fuel strainer, fuel-pump adapt-er, and hand primer, carburetor, governor, air

    cleaner, and fuel lines and connections. Fuel isdrawn from the tank to the strainer, which re-moves solids and water from the fuel. The

    strained fuel passes through the fuel pump andinto the carburetor. The oil-bath air cleaner re-moves any dust, water, or foreign matter from

    the air, and passes clean air to the carburetor

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    TM 5-4320-218-15





    Screw the fitting into the strainerbody (1).

    Install the strainer body (1) into posi-

    tion by screwing it into the fuel-pumpconnection.

    Connect the fuel line to the fitting.

    Install the sediment bow] (5), gasket(3), and filter element (4), and se-

    cure by means of the clamp assembly(6). Check the entire fuel strainer as-sembly and be sure that it is correctly

    assembled and installed and that eachconnection is tight.

    54. Fuel Pump, Fuel Pump Adapter,

    and Hand Primer Assembly

    c. General. The fuel pump contains a flexi-

    ble diaphragm which acts to pump fuel fromthe fuel tank to the carburetor. The diaphragmis pulled down by a rocker arm and link which

    is actuated by the plunger in the fuel-pumpadapter. A spring forces the diaphragm backup to force fuel to the carburetor. The adapter

    contains a plunger that rides on an eccentric of

    the camshaft, and a built-in lever for hand

    priming the carburetor.

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    b. Removal (fig. 9).





    (5)Remove the engine housing canopyand partition plate,

    Remove the fuel strainer (par. 53b).

    Disconnect the primer control from (6)the priming lever (7).Disconnect the fuel line (1) from thecarburetor and fuel pump; cap the

    carburetor fitting. Be sure that no

    TM 5432021815

    Remove the two cap screws and lock-washers (4) that secure the fuel pump

    (8) to hte adapter (5); remove thefuel pump (8) and gasket.

    Remove the two Allen-head screws(6) and lockwashers that secure theadapter to the crankcase. Lift awaythe adapter (5), and cover the plung-

    er hole in the crankcase.dirt-or other foreign matter enters the c. Cleaning and inspection.fuel system. (1) Clean all parts in an approved sol-

    vent; dry thoroughly.

    (2) Examine each part for evidence ofcracks, breaks, or other visible dam-age.

    (3) Inspect the fittings and be sure that

    the fuel lines are not damaged when

    the fuel pump or adapter is removed

    or installed.

    d. Installation.




    Remove the seal from the hole in thecrankcase; position the fuel-pumpadapter and its gasket, and securewith the two Allen-head screws andlockwashers.Place a new gasket between the fuelpump and adapter; secure the fuelpump to the adapter with two capscrews and lockwashers.Remove the seal from the carburetorfitting and connect the fuel line to

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    Place the two pieces of felt (9) inposition and lower the fuel tank (8)in th e sam e position it was in before

    removal,Place the other two pieces of felt (13)around the fuel tank and place the

    two straps (4) in position.Secure each strap in place with the at-taching parts .Install the strainer and the fuel tankcap with its gasket and install the fuell ines as instructed in paragraph 55c.

    Close drain cock (12) in bottom oftank .

    Tight en ea ch fitting a nd fill th e fueltank and check for leaks.

    Go v e r n o r

    General. The engine governor is of thecentrifugal fly-weight type, is driven by the

    camshaft gear, and functions to maintain a con-sta nt engine speed under varying load condi-tions. The governed engine speed can be ad-

    justed by fitting the governor spring to one ofth e 12 holes in th e governor lever.

    b. Adjustment.

    (1) Determ ine th e desired engine speed,and r efer to figure 13 for th e proper

    spring hole in the governor lever; in-sert the spring into the proper hole.



    TM 5-4320-218-15

    Take up on th e locknu t at the end ofthe adjusting rod (9, fig. 14) until thespring (8) is horizontal to the engine.Remove the nut (4) and lockwasher

    from the ball joint on the governorcontr ol rod (6). Pu sh t he r od towar dthe carburetor to open the throttlevalve. Adjust the positions of the ball

    joints on the control rod until the studof the ball joint is aligned with thetop hole in the governor lever (7).Install the nut (4) and lockwasher

    to secure the ball joint to the governor

    lever.c. Removal.






    Remove the n ut (4, fig. 14), and pullthe governor control rod (6) out of

    the governor lever (7).Disconnect the governor spring (8)from the governor lever.Disconnect t he oil line (10) from th e

    pipe nipple on the governor. Discon-nect the tachometer adapter (12) fromgovernor.Remove the four cap screws (2) andlockwash ers (3) tha t secure th e gov-ernor housing (1) to the gear cover(5); remove the governor and itsgasket .

    Unscrew the pipe nipple (13) fromthe governor housing.

    d. Cleaning and inspection.

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    TM 5-4320-218-15




    Position the governor housing (1) andgasket against the gear cover (5) be-ing careful to engage the governordrive gear with the camshaft gear; se-cure with the four cap screws (2) andlockwashers (3).Install governor control rod (6), lever(7), and spring (8), Secure with nut(4).Install the filter oil line (10) and thetachometer adapter (12) on the gov-ernor.


    a. General. The carburetor is a float typecarburetor with an idle fuel adjustment. Thecarburetor is designed with two major units - adie cast aluminum throttle body and a stampedsteel fuel bowl, Figure 15 shows the carbure-tor installed.

    b. Idle adjustment.(1)



    Remove the cotter pin (10) securingthe governor control rod (11 ) to thegovernor lever; pull the control rodloose from the governor lever.Start the engine (par. 12) and let itrun until it reaches its operating tem-perature; push the choke control in.Move the governor control rod untilthe engine runs at idle speed. Turnthe idle adjusting screw (7) out un-

    1 Governor hous i ng2 Ca p screw3 Lockwasher4 H ex nu t5 Gear cover

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    (1) ; secure the carburetor to the mani-fold with two cap screws (3) and lock-washers (4). Be sure that all themounting surfaces ar e clean.

    Remove the seal from the fuel line

    (6) ; connect the line to the carbure-(4)

    tor. Take care that dirt or foreign (5)

    matter does not enter the fuel system.Insert the choke control wire (9) in

    th e hole of the choke lever. Operate

    TM 5-4320-218-15

    the lever so that the choke is openwide, and with th e choke cont rol on

    the front panel all the way in, tightenthe choke swivel screw (8).

    Install the air-cleaner hose.

    Attach the governor control rod (11)to the throttle shaft assembly and stop

    lever (2). Adjust the length of therod (par . 57b).

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    TM 5-4320-218-15


    59. Description

    A gear type pump supplies oil to four noz-

    zles which direct oil streams against fins on theconnecting-rod caps. Part of the oil enters therod bearing through holes in the rods, and thebalance of the oil forms a spray or mist whichlubricates the cylinders and all other parts ofthe engine.

    60. Oil Filter

    a. General. The oil filter is mounted on theupper left side of the flywheel shroud. A por-

    tion of the lubricating oil entering the governoris diverted through the filter, where any sus-pended solids are removed.

    b. Removal (fig. 16).(1)



    Loosen the cap screw (1) and removethe assembled cap screw, cover (3),cap screw gasket (2), and cover

    spring (4) from the filter body as-sembly (12). Remove the cover gask-et (5).Remove the drain plug (13) to drain

    the sludge from the body assembly.Remove the cartridge (6).Disconnect the oil pressure line andthe oil return line from the elbows on

    the body assembly. Remove the twocap screws, nuts, and lockwashers thatsecure each of the straps (7) to the

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    TM 5-4320-218-15


    61. De s c r i p t i o n

    a. Muffler. T h e m u f f l e r ( 2 , f ig . 17 ) ismounted at the top of the engine and equipped

    with a weather cap (1). The muffler is con-

    nected to the manifold (9) with a pipe nipple

    (14) and muffler clamp (3).

    b. Manifold. The manifold assembly (9) is

    of single casting and is a combination exhaust

    and intake manifold. The manifold is mount-

    ed on the engine cylinder block and securedwith studs (11), nuts (7), and lockwashers (8).

    62. Muff ler

    a. Removal Remove the muffler clamp (3)

    and lift off the muffler (2) from the pipe nip-

    ple (14) on the manifold assembly (9).

    b. Cleaning and inspection. Inspect the muf-

    fler for breaks, dents, corrosion, or carbon de-

    posits which may restrict the flow of exhaust

    gases. Remove any dirt, carbon, or foreign ma-

    terial. Replace an unserviceable muffler.

    c. Installation. Follow the procedures in a

    above in the reverse mann er.

    63. Mani fo ld

    a. Removal.

    (1) Remove the muffler (par. 62).

    (2) Remove the carburetor (par, 58c).(3) Remove the nuts (7, fig. 17) and lock-

    washers (8) and flexible hose (6).

    (4) L if t off the manifold assembly (9)

    from the cylinder block. Remove the

    gaskets (13) and manifold gasket in-

    serts (12).b. Cleaning and inspection.

    (1) Clean the manifold with a wire brush

    to remove any rust or other foreign

    material .

    (2) Examine the manifold for cracks or

    breaks; replace a defective manifold.

    (3) Check the manifoId to cylinder block

    gaskets and insert. Replace them if

    they were damaged during the re-

    moval of the manifold.

    c. Installation. Reverse the procedures out-

    lined in a above. Torque manifold nuts to 40-

    50 foot-pounds.


    64. De s c r i p t i o n (fig. 18)

    The spark for ignition of the fuel-air mix-

    the cylinder head shroud, an intense blue sparkshould be observed.

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    1 Spa rk p lug cable2 Ground s t r a p3 Flange gaske t4 Elbow5 Nu t6 Magne t o moun t7 Ex t e r n a l tooth lockwasher8 Capscrew9 Magne t o10 En d cover screw

    Figure 18 . Magneto, i ns ta l l ed v i ew .(8) Remove the elbow (4, fig. 18) from

    the gear cover and turn the magneto




    Inspect the points on the breaker arms(fig. 20) for pitting and burning; re-place burnt or badly pitted breakerpoints (see g below).

    Use a breaker point file or stone todress the breaker points; adjust thepoint gap (see fbelow).Inspect the gasket for tears or otherdamage. To replace the gasket, re-move the two screws that secure theextension plate to the magneto hous-ing, position the extension plate on

    the housing, and secure with the twoscrews. f. Adjusting breaker point gap.



    Slowly crank the engine until thepoints on the breaker arms (fig. 20)are fully open; measure the gap witha feeler gage, The gap should meas-ure 0.015 inch.

    Adjust the gap by loosening the lock-ing screws, inserting a screwdriver in-to the adjusting slot at the bottom ofthe contact plate and turning. Tight-en the locking screws. Recheck thegap.

    g. Replacing breaker points and capacitor.(1) Remove the terminal screw and lock-

    washer that secure the coil lead andbreaker arm spring to the contact sup-port, Remove the snap ring, and lift

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    TM 54320-218-15

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    F i g u r e 2 0 . Magneto breaker points.(7) Position the end cap on the magneto

    housing, and secure the end cap and

    ground strap (2, fig. 18) with thefour screws (10) and lockwashers.

    Spark Plug Cables

    a. Removal.



    Tag all spark plug cables so that theywill be reinstalled on the same sparkplugs (the cables are different inlength ).Disconnect the cables from the mag-

    neto and spark plugs. Remove the

    1 Nu t2 Panel3 Choke wire4 Choke control5 Nu t6 Switch t a g7 Ignition switch assembly8 Wire to magneto

    Figure 21 . Front control panel, exp loded v ie w ,

    Lift out the gaskets (17), and plug the sparkplug holes with corks or wooden pegs.

    b Cleaning and inspection

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    ( 3 )

    ( 4 )

    shrouds and cooling fins for causes ofengine overheating. A rusty brownor grayish-white powdery deposit,when unleaded or regular gasolines

    have been used, or a white powderydeposit, when highly leaded gasolineshave been used is normal. Clean awayfrom the electrodes, and use a wire

    brush to clean the threads.Examine the spark plug electrodes forpitting. Replace a badly pitted spark

    plug; use a file to repair slightly pit-

    ted electrodes.Set the gap of the spark plugs to 0.030inch by bending the side electrodes.

    c. Installation. Remove the temporary plugsfrom the spark plug holes, slip a gasket overeach spark plug, and install the spark plug.

    Tighten the plugs to 25-30 foot-pounds torque.Connect the loom assemblies to the plugs.

    69. Ignition Switch

    a. Removal (fig. 21).(1) Disconnect the ignition switch wire at

    the magneto.

    Section X. ENGINE

    flywheel forces a70. DescriptionA combination fan andfl f i th h th fl h l h d t i

    (2) Unscrew the nut (5) that secures theignition switch assembly (7) to thef rent panel (2); remove the switch

    tag (6) from the switch and pull the

    switch assembly out through the rearof the front panel.

    b. Cleaning and inspection.



    Clean the parts with a cloth dampen-ed with cleaning solvent.

    Inspect the hardware and switch for

    bad threads; replace a damaged switchor any defective hardware.





    Position the switch assembly (7) onthe rear of the front panel (2) so

    that the threaded portion of the switchextends through the front panel.

    Slip the tag (6) over the extendedthreaded neck of the switch assembly,

    and secure the switch with the nut(5).

    Connect the ignition switch wire tothe magneto.


    (4) The lockwasher (11) has two of its

    tines bent over the nut (12). Positiona screwdriver against the tines, and

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    72. Engine Air Shrouds

    a. Removal. (3)(1) Cylinder head shrouds.

    (a) Disconnect the spark plug cablesfrom the spark plugs.

    (b) Remove the 10 screws (5, fig. 22)and lockwashers (4) that securethe two spark plug cable clips andcylinder head shrouds (1 and 16)

    to the flywheel shroud (7), lowercylinder shrouds (17 and 21), rear

    shroud covers (19 and 25), and cyl-inder heat deflectors (2 and 20).

    Lift the spark plug cables, and re-move the cylinder head shrouds.

    the rear shroud covers; remove therear shroud covers.Lower cylinder shrouds. Removethe two cap screws (27) and lock-

    washers (14 ) that secure each of thelower cylinder shrouds (17 and 21)

    to the flywheel shroud (7); removethe lower cylinder shrouds.

    (2) Rear shroud covers. (1)




    Remove the screw, nut, and lock-washer that secure a spark plug ca-

    ble clip to each of the rear shroud(2)

    covers (19 and 25).Remove the two screws and lock- (3)washers (4) that secure the rear

    shroud covers to the cylinder heat

    deflectors (2 and 20),

    Remove the screws (5) and lock-

    (4) Flywheel shroud.(a) Remove the f rent panel.(b) Remove the flywheel fan.(c) Remove the cap screws (9) and

    lockwashers (8) that secure the fly-

    wheel shroud (7) to the gearcasecover; remove the flywheel shroud.

    b. Cleaning and inspection.. , Wash the removed air shrouds with

    an approved cleaning solvent; dry

    thoroughly. Use a wire brush to re-move any carbon or dirt deposits.

    Use a wire brush and compressed air

    to clean the air fins on the engine.Inspect the shrouds for cracks, breaks,or bends that would affect the circula-tion of air. Straighten any dented orbent areas. Replace any unserviceableparts and hardware.

    washers (4) that secure the low- C. Installation. Follow the procedures out-er cylinder shrouds (17 and 21) to lined in a above in the reverse manner.


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    (2) Remove nails, glass, or other objectsthat may be imbedded in the tire, us-ing long-nosed pliers for that pur-


    (3) Inspect tires for evidence of cracks,deep sidewall cuts, or separatedtire treads; replace worn or damagedt i res.

    TM 5-4320-218-15

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    (4) Replace inner tubes that are cut or

    otherwise damaged.(5) Inspect the steel wheels for bends,

    cracks, or oth er da ma ge; repair or r e-

    place bent or da ma ged wheels.e. Reassembly.

    (1) Follow the instructions contained in cabove in the reverse manner.

    (2) Inflate the tires and tubes to 45 psi

    air pressure. f. Installation. Carefully place the assem-

    bled tire and wheel to position on the brake

    drum, and secure it in position with the fivenuts taken off during removal. Place the othercomponents removed on the wheel and tire as-sembly in their proper position and tighten eachnut .

    74. Wh e e l Be a r i n g s a n d S e a ls (fig. 23)

    a. Removal and disassem bly.





    Remove the wheels and tires from thehub and stud assembly (par. 73b.).

    Remove the capscrews (27) and lock-wash ers (26 ), and r emove th e out er

    grea se cap (5) an d lockwa sh ers (26),and remove the outer grease cap (5).Remove the gasket (6).Flatten the tang on the washer (8).

    Remove the n ut s (7) and wash er (8)from the axle (15).Slide the hub and stud assembly (12)

    (6) Remove the oil seal (13) from the huban d st ud a ssembly (12), Remove theinner bearing cone (10), Do not re-

    move the bearing cones (10) unless

    they are damaged or worn, If worn,remove them using a brass drift orbearing puller.

    b. Cleaning and inspection.






    Wash all parts in an approved clean-ing solvent an d dr y with clean com-

    pressed air. Do not spin bearing coneswith compr essed air as th is will dam-

    age the bearing.

    Inspect the bearing cones for pitting,excessive wear, and for free rotation.Replace a da ma ged or worn bear ingcone. Inspect the bearing cups for

    pits, grooves, and wear. Replace a

    worn or damaged bearing cup.

    Inspect the axle nuts for stripped,worn, or damaged threads; replace asnecessary.

    Repack the wheel bearing with GAAas instructed in the lubrication order.

    Discard the oil seals and gaskets.

    c. Reassembly and installation.

    (1) Reassemble and install the wheels and

    bearings in the r everse mann er out-lined in a above using new gaskets

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    CHAP TER 4



    75. Gen e r a l

    Instructions in this section and in succeedingsections of this chapt er a re pu blished for th euse of maintenance personnel responsible forthird and higher echelons of maintenance of thepump unit. They contain information on main-tenance which is beyond the scope of the tools,

    equipment, or supplies norma lly available tousing orrranizations.

    76. Pr oc e du r e

    a. The following sections describe the com-

    S e c t io n I I .

    77. Descr ip t ion of Engine Opera t ing


    a. General. The four-cycle engine is so term-ed because of the four distinct and separate

    plete disassembly, repair, reassembly of the cen-

    tr ifugal pum p un it an d pum p engine. Beforeproceeding with overhaul, check to see that re-

    placement parts are available.

    b. The tools and equipment used for the re-pair of th e centr ifugal pump u nits a nd pum pengines are those that are normally issued to af ield and depot shop, and are not enumeratedin this section.

    c. Repair parts for field and depot mainte-nance are listed in TM 5-4320-218-35P.


    (2) Compression stroke. On the compres-

    sion stroke, the piston moves upward.

    Both exhaust and intake valves areclosed, and the upward piston motionth f l i i t

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    c. Cylinder firing order. Because of the V-

    type construction of the engine the interval ofcrankshaft rotation between firing of the cylin-der is as follows: 180 degrees between cylin-

    ders No. 1 and No. 3, 270 degrees between cyl-inders No. 3 and No. 4, 180 degrees betweencylinders No. 4 and No. 2, and 90 degrees be-tween cylinders No. 2 and No. 1

    78. Engine and Pump Removal for


    Whenever it becomes necessary to remove the

    engine and pump assembly from its mountingon the trailer for overhaul purposes, the engineand pump assembly is removed as a unit. Thepump is directly connected to the engine. Thecrankshaft extends into the pump and servesas an impeller shaft for the pump, Before thepump and engine can be removed certain com-ponents of the pump must be removed as fol-lows :

    a. Remove the pump suction manifold.

    b. Remove the pump discharge manifold.c. Disconnect the fuel line from the engine

    fuel pump to the fuel tank.

    d. Disconnect the suction gage at the suctionmanifold.

    e. Remove the nuts, bolts, and lockwasherssecuring the pump and engine to the trailerframe.

    f Use a lifting device such as a crane and

    unit from the trailer. The unit is lifted bymeans of the lifting eye located in the centerof the unit.

    79. Engine Cleaning and InspectionAfter Reassembly

    a. Before reinstalling the engine, be surethat the cleaning, inspection, and repair proce-

    dures for each component have been performed,following instructions contained in succeedingsections of this chapter.

    b. Remove all dirt, grease, grit, and otherforeign matter from the mounting surfaces.

    c. Clean all the mounting screws, lockwash-ers, and nuts with a stiff wire brush and an

    approved cleaning solvent. Inspect each thread-ed surface for corrosion and damage.

    d. Replace all mounting screws and nutswhich are corroded or otherwise damaged.

    80. Engine and Pump Installation After


    The engine-pump assembly can either be in-

    stalled as a unit, or each assembly can be in-stalled separately. Position each componentand secure it with the attaching parts, revers-

    ing the procedure described in paragraph 78.

    Tighten each attached part and rotate the pumpby hand cranking the engine to see that it turns

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    1 Dome bolt2 Gasket3 Dome4 Gasket5 Filter screen6 Fuel head7 Screw8 Fuel line9 Spring retainer

    10 Valve spring11 Valve12 Gasket13 Valve plate14 Screw15 Diaphragm16 Gasket17 Spring18 Bracket19 Linkage20 Spring21 Rocker arm22 Gasket23 Plunger cap24 Lockwasher25 Cap screw26 Primer handle27 Spring28 Packing ring29 Primer shaft30 Adapter31 Gasket32 Plunger33 Bushing34 Pin35 Lockwasher

    36 Capscrew

    TM 5 4320 218 15

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    TM 5-4320-218-15

    f. Put the pump bracket in a vise. Line up back and forth several strokes, releasing it withthe file mark on the edge of the bracket with a snap. The pump is now fully assembled andthe file mark on the edge of the fuel head. ready for service.

    Get the diaphragm flush by moving the rockerarm, and hold it flush while installing all the g. Install the fuel pump and the fuel pumpscrews and lockwashers. Be sure that the adapter in place on the engine. Start the en-screws pass through the holes in the diaphragm gine and observe the operation of the fueleasily without damaging the fabric. Tighten pump. Check for leaks; tighten any loose con-them evenly and securely. Push the rocker arm nections.

    Section IV. CARBURETOR

    85. Description

    The carburetor is a horizontal, single-venturitype with a straight-through air intake. Thefloat chamber is constructed concentric with themain discharge jet, thereby practically sur-rounding the main metering system with fuel.

    This design permits a supply of gasoline to bepresent at the main discharge jet, even whenthe engine is at an angle. The float assembly is

    of the dual type and is so constructed that onefloat operates in each side of the float chamber.The dual floats are connected to the floatneedle valve by a single lever.

    86. Carburetor Disassembly (fig. 25)

    a. Remove the carburetor from the engine.

    b. Loosen the screw (16) and screw (20) anddisconnect the choke control (25) from choke

    87. Carburetor Cleaning and Inspection

    a. Clean all the metal parts in an approvedcleaning solvent and dry each part thoroughly.

    b. Blow out all passages in the throttlebody and fuel bowl with clean, dry compressedair. Reverse the flow of air in the passages toinsure that all dirt has been removed. Makesure that all carbon deposits and other foreignmatter have been removed from the throttle

    bore and idle port.

    Note. Do not use a wire or drill t o clean out thejets.

    c. Inspect the top side of the float for wearwhere it contacts the fuel-valve needle. Replace

    the float if it is loaded with fuel or damaged,if its axle bearing is worn, or if its top surface

    shows wear.d. Replace the float axle if it is visibly worn

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    outside diameter of the throttle-shaftbushing.With the casting still in place, set the

    stop on the press to the length of the

    bushing. This will give the approxi-mate setting of the spindle travel.Counterbore the hole to accommodatethe bushing.Drive the throttle-shaft bushing intoplace, using the proper bushing driv-er.Ream this bushing with the line ream-er, using the opposite shaft hole as a


    pilot to aline the line reamer in thebushing.Turn the casting over and prepare theopposite hole to take the bushing. It

    will be necessary to reset the stops onthe spindle. Counterbore the hole anddrive the second throttle-shaft bush-ing into position. Line-ream the in-side diameter as before.

    88. Carburetor Reassembly

    Reassemble the carburetor in the reversemanner outlined in paragraph 86.

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    TM 5 - 4 3 2 0 - 2 1 8 - 1 5

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    Section V.

    89. Descr ip t ion

    a. The centrifugal flyball governor rotates

    on a stationary pin driven into the upper partof the timing-gear cover. The governor isdriven through the governor gear off the cam-shaft gear at the speed of the crankshaft.

    b. The flyweights are hinged to lugs on the

    gear. As the crankshaft speed increases, the

    flyweights are thrown outward by centrifu-gal force. Hardened pins on the flyweights are

    brought to bear on a sliding sleeve, and themovement of the sleeve is transmitted througha ball thrust bearing to the governor lever,which, in turn, is connected to the carburetor

    throttle lever. A spring hooked to the gover-nor lever tends to hold the governor fly-

    weights in and to hold the carburetor throttleopen. As the engine speed increases, the cen-

    trifugal force of the flyweights acts against thespring and closes the carburetor throttle tomaintain a practically constant engine speed un-

    der varying load conditions. This speed can bevaried by hooking the spring in various holes

    provided in the governor lever. (See figure13). (See par. 57 b for governor adjustment).

    90. Governor D isassembly (fig. 26)a. Remove the governor from the engine.


    91. Governor


    Cleaning, Inspect ion, and

    a. Wash the parts in an approved cleaningsolvent; dry thoroughly.

    b. Examine the face of the thrust sleeve andbearing for signs of wear. Examine the bear-ing end for worn or binding bearing balls. Re-place a worn or defective thrust sleeve and


    c. Inspect the governor drive shaft for scor-ing or wear; replace a defective thrust.

    d. Slide the assembled gear and bushing on-

    the drive shaft and check for loose fit. A slid-ing fit of 0.0015 inch is proper, Check the face

    of the bushing for wear through contact withthe bushing washer; replace a worn or dam-aged bushing.

    e. Check the ends of the hardened pins onthe flyweights for wear or roughness; replace

    both flyweights if either is defective,

    f. Check the yoke and bushing washer forsigns of wear, replace a worn yoke.

    g. Inspect the governor gear for cracked or

    chipped teeth; replace a defective gear.h. Inspect the hardware and remaining parts

    for good condition; replace them as necessary.

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    "O" i

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    Section VI. MAGNETO

    93. Description

    The magneto is designed to produce and dis-

    tribute, to the spark plugs, correctly timed elec-tric spark discharges of sufficient intensity to

    fire the cylinders of the engine. An impulsecoupling automatically retards the timing ofthe ignition sparks to prevent engine back-

    firing, and intensifies the spark to facilitate


    94. Magneto Disassembly (fig. 27)

    a. Remove the magneto as described in para-graph 66b.

    b. Remove the screws (7 and 8) that secure

    the end cap (73) to the frame (39); removethe end cap and gasket (69).

    c. Remove the assembled high-tension lead(20) and insulator (19) and remove the brush

    and spring assembly (65) from the distributor

    Hock (66) .

    d. Remove the screws (18) that secure thedistributor block (66) to the end cap; removethe distributor block.

    e. Remove the two screws (4) that securethe capacitor (5) to the end cap; remove thecapacitor and O ring (6).

    f. Remove the screws (72) that secure thevent covers (71) to the end cap; remove the

    t d (70)

    (25) to the stationary contact. Remove the re-taining ring (24) and remove the contact armand breaker arm wick (64).

    l. Remove the two screws (60 and 63) andthe flat washer (62) that secure the stationarycontact of the contact set (61) to the bearingsupport; remove the stationary contact and the

    cam wick and holder.m. Remove the retaining ring (26) and the

    rotor gear (27) from the rotor.n. Remove the four screws (28) that hold

    the bearing support (29) to the frame (39);remove the bearing support. Remove the re-

    taining ring (30) and remove the distributorgear. If damaged, remove the d is tr ibutor

    bearing (23) and the cam end rotor bearing

    from the bearing support.o. Remove the two setscrews (38) that posi-

    tion the coil (57) in the frame (39); remove

    the coil.p. Remove the lock wire (50) and nut (49)

    from the end of the rotor (33) and remove themagneto drive gear (51), bushing (52), andthe assembled impulse coupling shell (53),spring (54), and hub assembly (55). Carefullyrelease spring tension and disassemble theparts.

    q. Remove the oil slinger (45), outer sealwasher (44), seal (43), and inner seal washer

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    96. Magneto Reassembly and Installation procedure.

    a. Reassembly. Reassemble the magneto by b. Installation. Refer to paragraph 66d forreferring to paragraph 94 and reversing the installation details.


    97. Description

    A gear-type oil pump, driven from the idlergear in the timing-gear train, draws oil from

    the crankcase oil sump through its filter screen.It delivers the oil under pressure to an oilheader, which sprays oil against fins of the con-necting-rod caps to lubricate the rod bearing,

    and directs oil through exterior oil lines to thegovernor and bypass-type oil filter. The cylin-

    ders are lubricated by the mist from the con-necting rods and crankshaft. Lubrication andsplash plates are installed inside the crankcaseto prevent excess lubrication of the cylinderwalls. The lubrication system is protected from

    dirt or other foreign matter by a screen overthe intake of the oil pump, and by the oil fil-


    98. Oil Pan

    a. Description. The bottom cover plate (32,fig. 28) is also the oil pan of the engine andalso serves as an oil reservoir. The oil pan is

    provided with a pipe nipple (34) to drain thecrankcase oil from the engine.

    b. Removal.(1) Drain all the crankcase oil from the



    of the oil pan, and wash all partsremoved in an approved cleaning sol-vent.

    Brush the screen with a stiff brushand remove all sludge and foreignmatter from between the wires ofthe screen, Dry with clean, dry com-

    pressed air.Inspect the oi l pan for dents. If

    minor, smooth out with hammer anda wood block. Replace the oil pan ifit is damaged beyond serviceablelimits.

    d. Installation. Apply a thin coat of greaseon a new oil-pan gasket and install the oil panin place on the crankcase with the fourteen capscrews and lockwashers.

    99. Oil Pump

    a. Description. The oil pump is driven fromthe idler gear, which is located next to the mag-neto gear in the timing-gear train. The lowerend of the oil pump extends down into the

    oil pan, and the oil is drawn into the pump

    for circulation under pressure to lubricate thecomponents of the engine. When the engine

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    29 Idler gear 36 Cork washer 43 P la te30 Pipe plug 37 Hex nu t 44 Engine suppor t31 Gasket 38 Lockwasher 45 Capscrew32 Plate 39 Cap screw 46 Setscrew33 Cap screw 40 Lockwasher 47 Cork washer

    34 Pipe plug 41 Cap screw 48 Oil sabre35 Short oil sabre 42 Lockwasher 49 Plug pipe

    Figure 28-Continued

    50 Pipe tee51 Pipe nipple52 Nut53 Lockwasher54 Cover plate

    55 Gasket56 Stud,

    (4) Remove the Allen-head setscrew that

    was exposed when the slotted pipe

    plug was removed.

    (5) Remove the nut (1, fig. 29) that se-

    cures the gear (2) to the oil-pump

    drive shaft (5). Place a suitable brass

    rod or a s imilar punch against the

    drive shaft, and carefully drive the

    s ha ft t h r ou gh t h e gea r . Th e oil

    pump assembly can then be removed

    by withdrawing it toward the center

    o f the c rankcase . Dur ing removal ,

    t h e p u m p m u s t b e p ro t ec t ed f ro m

    dropping into the crankcase.

    c. Disassembly.

    (1 ) Remove the co t te r p in (9 ) and re -

    move the spring (11) and check ball

    (10) from the cover (8).

    (2) Remove the screw (14) and lock-

    washer (12); remove the screen (16)

    from the cover.(3) Remove the screws (13 and 15), and

    (3) Examine the pump body and cover

    for cracks or breaks, and replace if


    (4) Test the fit of the idler gear on the

    idler gear shaft . The gear should

    turn freely but should have no per-

    ceptible wobble. If the gear wobbles,

    m eas u re t h e g ea r b o re an d s h a f t

    diameter. The diameter of the drive

    shaft should be between 0.4993 and

    0 .5002 inch . The d iameter o f the

    shaft bore in the pump body should

    be between 0.498 and 0,5017 inch.There should be a bore-to-shaft clear-

    ance of between 0.003 and 0.0027

    inch. The diameter of the driver gear

    stub shaft should be between 0,4993

    and 0.5002 inch. The diameter of the

    bore in the driver gear must be be-

    tween 0.5003 and 0.5017 inch. Re-

    place any part that is worn beyond thelimits specified above.

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    1 Nut 6 Pin 11 Relief valve spring 16 Screen2 Gear 7 Cover gasket 12 Lockwasher 17 Driver gear3 Body 8 Cover 13 Screw 18 Driven gear4 Woodruff key 9 Cotter pin 14 Screw 19 Stub shaft5 Drive shaft 10 Steel ball 15 Screw

    Figure 29 . Oil pump, exploded view.


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    100. Description

    Each of the two L-type cylinder heads is se-cured to the cylinder blocks with 17 capscrews and plain washers. They must be re-moved if it is necessary to regrind the valvesor to do work on the pistons and connectingrods. The valves are roto type valves, andcan be adjusted by removing the valve coverplate.

    101. Cylinder Heads

    a. Removal.(1)


    Remove the cylinder head shroudsand rear shroud covers (par. 72).Remove the manifold.Remove the spark plugs.Remove the 17 capscrews (13 and16, fig. 30) and washers (12) that se-

    cure each cylinder head (11) to the

    cylinder blocks (7); remove the cyl-inder heads and gaskets (10).

    b. Cleaning and inspection.




    Carefully scrape and wire brush allcarbon deposists from the cylinderblocks. Clean the carbon from thetops of the pistons and blow away thecarbon with compressed air.

    Wire brush and scrape the carbonout of the cylinder heads.Wi h li d h d d bl k


    on the cap screws and tighten to 25-32 foot-pounds torque in the sequence

    shown in figure 31.

    102. Valves

    a. General. The valves are lifted by mush-

    room head tappets located in the crankcase.The tappets are raised by the lobes of the cam-

    shaft, and cannot be replaced without remov-ing the camshaft. The firing order of the cyl-inders is 13--42. Number 1 cylinder is the

    nearest one to the flywheel in the left bank ofcylinders; number 3 cylinder is the other onein this bank. Number 2 cylinder is the nearest

    one to the flywheel in the right bank of cylin-ders and number 4 is the other.

    b. Tappet clearance adjustment.




    Make sure engine is cold. Removethe cap screws (1, fig. 30) and wash-

    ers (2) that secure the valve covers(3) to the cylinder blocks (7); re-move the valve covers and gaskets(4).

    Remove the flywheel screen.Remove the spark plug from the No.1 cylinder.Crank the engine slowly until the pis-

    ton rising in the compression strokeblows air out of the spark plug hole.C ti ki til th k d

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    (11) Install the spark plug in No. 1 cyl-inder .

    c. Removal.(1)




    Remove the governor (par. 57c).

    Remove the cylinder heads (par.101a).

    Remove the valve covers (par.102b).

    Use a valve spring compressor andcompress the valve spring. Removethe pair of valve spring seat locks, thevalve stem roto cap, and valve spring

    seat. Remove the spring compressor,lift out the valve, and remove thevalve spring.

    Note. Ta g or otherwise ident i fy each valvea n d it s p a r t s so t h a t t h e y will be r e ins ta l ledin t h e s ame guide a nd valve chambe r fromwhich t h ey were r emoved .

    d. Cleaning and inspection.




    Clean the valves on a wire wheel brushto remove carbon from the valve faceand gum deposits from the stems.Wash th e springs with an approvedcleaning solvent, and dry thoroughly.

    Use a rifle brush to clean out thevalve guides in the cylinder block;

    blow out with compressed air.

    Clean t he valve seat inserts and topof the cylinder block.





    Inspect the valves for burned, pit ted,or cracked faces; replace a burned,cracked, or deeply pitted valve.Inspect the valve springs for brakes

    and wear. Compare with a newspring and replace if weak or dam-

    aged.Inspect the valve seat inserts for loose-ness and excessive wear,

    Inspect and replace all unserivceable

    par t s .e. Valve and valve seat refacing.




    Reface valves and valve seats onlywhen there is evidence of warping or

    deep pits. A good method of detect-ing warping is to check each valve

    stem in a valve face grinder, and slow-ly rotate the valve while the grindingwheel is brought near the rotating

    valve face.

    Using a valve face grinder, reface thevalves to an an gle of 45 degrees. Re-place any valve that measures less

    th an 0.0625 inch from th e top of headto the edge of the refaced outer cir-cle.

    Inst all a pilot in t he valve stem bore

    of the cylinder block. Set the stoneon the valve reseating outfit to the

    angle of 45 degrees and dress thestone with the dresser. Place the

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    four times. Release pressure on thevalve so that the lifting spring willlift it from its seat, and turn the

    valve 10 degrees through 15 degrees

    to another posi t ion. Repeat thegrinding. Do this until all of thecompound is rubbed off the valveseat. Take out the valve, apply freshcompound, and repeat the grindingoperation as necessary.Do not overgrind the valves. Occa-sionally clean the valve and its seat

    to see how the grinding is progress-ing. When all of the pits and grooveshave disappeared, wipe the valve andits seat clean and place 3 to 10 soft

    pencil marks on the valve seat. Dropthe valve in place. Turn it one-quar-ter turn, and remove. A perfect seatwill be identified if every pencil mark


    shows where the valve has rubbed it.If any pencil marks remain untouched,continue the grinding.

    When the grinding is completed.

    clean off all traces of the cleaningcompound. Check the valve seat forconcentricity with a dial indicator.

    g. Valve assembly installation.






    Place the valve springs (19, fig. 30)in their respective valve chambers,

    Insert the valves (9) into the samebores from which they were removed.

    Assemble the valve spring seats (20)on the valve stems. Compress thevalve springs, and install the vlavespring seat locks (24).

    Install the valve covers.

    Install the cylinder heads.

    Install the governor.


    103. Description

    The valve seats are replaceable, hardenedinserts which are pressed into the cylinderblocks. The inserts should be replaced if theyare pitted or burnt to the point where ordi-nary grinding procedures will not make them


    Caution: Do not attempt tosized insert before machining

    d. Finish the counterbores

    drive in an over-the counterbore.

    in the cylinder

    blocks so that bore-to-insert interference is be-tween 0.001 and 0,003 inch. Chill the inserts

    with dry ice; then, using a pilot driver, tap theinsert in place with light blows. Peen theinsert to anchor it in place

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    b. Remove the Allen-head setscrew from theleft-hand side of the crankcase. Improvise agear puller by using 3/8-inch flat washers, a

    3/8-16NC x 4-inch bolt, and a socket of suffi-cient diameter to clear the shoulder of the idlergear shaft (29). Inser t the bol t through the

    wash ers an d socket; position th e socket over

    the shoulder of the idler gear shaft so that thesocket rest s on t he idler gear (29). Screw t hebolt into the shaft and, using a wrench, takeup on t he bolt t o remove the sh aft; remove the

    shaft and idler gear.c. Remove the th ree cap screws (7, fig. 32)

    and lockwashers (6) that secure the camshaftgear (5) to the camshaft. Pry the gear fromthe camshaft . Pul l the camshaft thrus t plung-er (8) from the end of camshaft. Remove theplunger spring (9).

    107 . C le a n ing a n d In spe c t i on o f Timing-Gea r T ra in

    a. Wash the removed gears with an approv-

    ed cleaning solvent; dry thoroughly. Discardthe gear-cover gasket.

    b. Clean the gear-cover spacer with a clothdampened with an approved cleaning solvent;dry thoroughly.

    c. Examine the gears for broken, cracked,or chipped teeth. Replace any damaged or

    excessively worn gears.

    d. Inspect the idler gear shaft for scoring orpitting. Remove any roughness with a finegrade of emery cloth.

    e. Examine the camshaft thrust-plungerspring for pits or breaks. Replace a defectivespring.

    +420-21 8-15f Examine the gear cover spacer for breaks c Install the woodruff key in the oil-pump

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    f. Examine the gear-cover spacer for breaksor cracks. Replace a defective gear-cover spacer

    and its gasket.

    g. Check the hardware for rust and bad

    threads; replace any defective hardware.

    108. Installation of Timing-Gear Train

    a. Position the camshaft gear (5, fig, 32) onthe end of the camshaft. The three holes inthe camshaft and the gear are staggered in sucha manner that they are lined up in only one

    position. At this position, the timing marks

    should aline with the mark on the crankshaftgear. Secure the camshaft gear in place withthe three capscrews (7) and the three lock-washers (6). Tighten to 14-18 foot-poundstorque.

    b. Install the thrust-plunger spring (9) andthe thrust plunger (8) in the hollow end ofthe camshaft.

    c. Install the woodruff key in the oil pumpshaft.

    d. Slide the idler gear (29, fig. 28) over theidler gear stud (28) with the timing marks to-ward the shoulder of the idler gear shaft. Us-

    ing a suitable fiber hammer, carefully drive theidler gear shaft into the case. Be sure that the

    oil groove is facing upward. The single markon the idler gear should line up with the sin-gle mark on the crankshaft gear, Take care toallow an end clearance of approximately 0.005

    inch. Install the setscrew in the crankcase,near the magneto, to secure the idler gear

    shaft.e. Install the oil-pump drive gear as in-

    strutted in paragraph 99f .f. Check the positions of all the gears and

    other components of the gear train, and in-stall the gear cover in place.

    g. Lubricate as instructed in the lubricationorder,


    109. Description

    The pistons are made of heavy duty alloycastings, and are equipped with two compres-sion rings, one scraper, and one oil-regulat-

    ing ring. The upper end of the connecting rodis fitted with a hard bronze bushing. The endf h i d b i i di l b b

    f. Push the piston and connecting rod outthrough the top of the cylinder bore. Be care-ful not to scratch or mar the bore. Reassemblethe connecting-rod cap loosely on the connect-ing rod.

    Note. The connecting rods and caps are matchedand m ust be paired together to insure corr ect insta lla-

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    17 Oil slinger 21 Starting crank 25 Shim (0 014 -in ) 29 Cap screw

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    17 Oil sl inger 21 Start ing crank 25 Shim (0.014 in.) 29 Cap screw

    18 Flywheel 22 Shim 26 Gasket (0.003 -in.) 30 Oil seal

    19 Lockwasher 23 Palnut 27 Bearing plate 31 Connecting rod bolt

    20 Nut 24 S him (0.006 -in .) 28 L ock wa sh er

    Figure 33-Continued

    b. Wash all parts in an approved cleaningsolvent; dry thoroughly.

    c. Measure the cylinder bores with an insidemicrometer. Measure the bore lengthwise and

    crosswise above the ring travels; repeat themeasurement at the top of the ring travel. The

    difference in these measurements will deter-mine the amount of wear in the cylinder bore,

    the taper, and out-of-round condition. If cyl-inder bores are worn more than 0.008 inch,

    rebore the cylinder with conventional reboringequipment and hone until the bores are notmore than 0.001 inch out-of-round, and are

    not tapered more than 0.001 inch.

    Caution: Before boring or honing thecylinder, wrap the crankshaft with rags to

    protect its bearing surfaces from abrasiveparticles. Measure the cylinder frequently while

    honing to keep from honing the bore oversize.

    d. Clean the carbon from the top of thepiston. Clean the ring grooves with a ring-

    groove tool or a piece of an old ring.

    e. Wash all of the parts with an approved

    cleaning solvent and blow dry with com

    Note. Each pistion and connecting rod is markedfor its cylinder; make sure that the parts are assembledin the proper position.

    b. Place the proper connecting rod (8) in

    the matched piston so that the stamped arrowon top of the piston faces the side of the con-

    necting rod opposite the oilhole in the con-necting-rod cap. Tap the piston pin into theother bore of the piston, and install the tworetaining rings (6).

    c. Expand the oil ring (3), and install it in

    the bottom groove of the piston skirt with thescraper edge of the ring facing toward the bot-tom of the piston. Next, install the scraper

    ring (2), and finally the compression rings (1).

    The scraper ring also has a scraper edge; thering must be installed with the edge facing

    down. Stagger the ring and gaps on the pis-tons.

    d. Fit the connecting-rod bolts (31) in the

    rod, and fit the upper bearing half (9) so thatoilhole in the bearing alines with the oilhole in

    the rod. Lightly oil the piston, piston rings,

    and cylinder walls. Turn the crankshaft sothat the crankshaft journal to which the rod is

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    Note When removing camshaft and idler 117 C k h f t d C h f t C l i

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    Note. When removing camshaft and idlergear, tag each gear to facilitate installation.



    Remove the connecting rods and pis-

    tons (par. 110f).

    Remove t he s ix capscrews a nd lock-washers that secure the main bearingplate to the crankcase; pry off the

    bearing plate, gaskets, and any in-stalled shims.

    Note, Keep the shims together so that thesame shims will be reinstalled. If any aredamaged, replace them with shims of the samethickness.




    Slide the oil slinger (17, fig. 33)from the flywheel end of the crank-sha ft (13), an d carefully remove th e

    assembled crankshaft through therear opening of the crankcase.

    Remove the crankshaft gear (16) witha press plate by pressing the cran k-

    shaf t through the gear with a n a rbor

    press; remove the woodruff key (10 )from the crankshaft.

    Remove both bearing cones (14), andremove the cups (15 ) from the crank-shaft .

    b. Camshaft.

    (1) Lift the valve tappets (10, fig, 32)up into the valve 3 chambers of thecylinder blocks, and secure them withwire to keep them free of camshaft

    117. Cr an k s h a f t an d Cams h a f t C l ean i n g ,

    Inspec t ion , and Repa i r

    a. Crankshaft.








    Wash the removed cran ksha ft par ts

    with an approved cleaning solventand dry thoroughly.Inspect the connecting-rod journals on

    th e cra nk sha ft for scoring. Hone th e journals to remove any slight scoring,or replace a defective crankshaft.

    Measure the journals. Replace acrankshaft that is worn more than

    0.002 inch. The diameter of the crank-shaft journal should be between 2.123and 2.125 inches.

    Check the main bearing plate andbearing retainer plate for cracks,

    breaks, or burs on the mating surfaces.File away any burs; replace a crackedor broken plate.

    Check the rear oil seal for damage orindication of wear. Replace a defec-

    tive oil seal.

    Inspect the bearing cones and cups.Ordinarily they should be in good

    condition. Replace any defective bear-ing assembly.

    Inspect the hardware for bad threads,

    rust , or dam age incurred during re-moval. I f the sc rews have badh d l h R i

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    1 camshaft journal should be between1.8723 and 1.8732 inches. The small-er No. 2 journal should be between1.2473 and 1.2482 inches.

    Measure the camshaft journals andthe carmshaft bores in the crankcase.If the difference in diameters exceeds0.0035 inch, try measuring a new cam-shaft and again note the difference indimensions. If the difference in diam-eters still exceeds 0.0035 inch, re-

    place the crankcase. If the difference

    in diameter is less than 0.002 inch,ream and hone the crankshaft bores.Inspect the tappets. If they showsigns of wear, replace them. Replacea defective or worn adjusting screw.Inspect the splash plates for bends ordents. Ordinarily they should be ingood condition. Repair a bent or dent-

    ed splash plate.

    118. Crankshaft and Camshaft

    Reassembly and Installation

    a. Camshaft.



    Position the two splash plates (43,fig. 28) in the crankcase, and securethem with the cap screws (41) andlockwashers (42).

    Apply a thin coat of oil to the tappets(10, fig. 32) and install them in the

    (3) Assemble the oil seal in its retainer

    and press the assembly into the mainbearing plate with the retainer facingtoward the exterior face of the plate.

    (4) Press the bearing cup into the mainbearing plate.

    (5) Apply a coat of bearing grease to theroller bearings on the bearing cones.

    Coat the cups with grease.

    (6) Carefully lead the crankshaft into thecrankcase through the rear opening of

    the crankcase. Engage the crankshaftgear in the gear train so that thepunched timing mark on the camshaftgear alines with the timing mark of

    the crankshaft gear.

    (7) Apply a thin coat of grease to the twogaskets (26). Position the thickergaskets (24) around the rear opening

    of the crankcase and the gasket onthe main bearing plate.

    (8) Install the bearing plate and shims onthe crankcase; secure them with thesix cap screws and lockwashers. Tight-en the cap screws to 25-30 foot-poundstorque.

    (9) Use a dial indicator, and set its con-

    tact point against the end of the crank-shaft. With a screwdriver, pry the

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    positioning bracket (23), so that the spring(20) will either hold the valve open or pull thevalve to the closed position. Under most con-ditions, the valve should be positioned to close

    automatically when the pumping operationceases to retain liquid in the pump and suctionhose. This will save time in subsequent opera-tion by eliminating or reducing the time re-quired for priming the pump. When it is de-sirable to drain the discharge hose, andproviding the discharge hose is higher than the

    pump, manually open the automatic dischargevalve by means of the lever (16). The contentsin the discharge hose can then drain back

    through the pump and the suction hose to thefuel supply source.

    127. Check Valve Replacement

    a. Removal.

    (1) Remove the nuts, bolts, and lockwash-ers at the discharge elbow flange.

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    (2) R th t d l k h (6) R th tt i (7) t (2)

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    (2) Remove the nuts and lockwashers se-curing the check valve to the dis-charge elbow on the pump.

    (3) Remove the check valve and gaskets.

    b. Disassembly (fig. 34).(1)





    Remove the capscrew (1.9), washer

    (18), and sleeve (17) and disconnectthe spring (20) from the lever ( 16).Remove the capscrews (19 and 22),washers (18), and sleeve (17) and re-move the bracket (23) and the spring

    (20).Unscrew the setscrew (21) and slideoff the lever (16) from the shaft (14).Remove the key (15).Remove the packing nut (12) andpacking (11) from the check valve

    body (8).Unscrew the setscrew (4) and slidethe weight arm (5) on the shaft farenough to remove the key (13). Re-

    move the key (13) and pull out theshaft (14) ; remove the weight arm(5) and valve weight (3) from thecheck valve body (8).

    (6) Remove the cotter pin (7), nut (2),and shoulder screw (6), Remove theweight (3) from the weight arm (5),

    (7) Remove the plugs (9) from the check

    valve body (8).c. Cleaning and inspection.(1)





    Wash all parts with an approved

    cleaning solvent and dry thoroughlywith compressed air or a clean cloth.Inspect the shaft for wear and dam-

    age. Replace a defective shaft,

    Inspect the check valve body for

    cracks and breaks; replace if neces-sary.Inspect all mounting and assemblyscrews and studs for stripped or dam-

    aged threads. Replace damagedscrews or studs as necessary.Replace a broken or cracked spring.Discard the gaskets; remove and usenew gaskets for reassembly and instal-

    lation.d. Reassembly and installation. Reassemble

    and install the check valve following the in-structions in b above in the reverse order.

    Section XV. GATE VALVES

    128. Description (fig. 35)

    The gate valve is a valve in which the line-closing element is a gate in the form of a disk

    gate valve at the flanges. Remove the valve

    and gasket.b. Disassembly (fig. 35).

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    1 Bonnet2 Wheel nut3 Handwheel4 Packing nut5 Gland spring6 Packing gland7 Packing

    8 Bonnet stem9 Disk stem

    10 Male disk11 Female disk12 Gasket13 Body14 Bonnet screw

    Figure 35. Gate valves, 4-inch, exploded view.

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    1 S t b k t 19 R t i i i M

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    Support bracketPressure gage oil lineBushingHourmeter-tachometer

    Hex nut

    LockwasherClamp plate


    Hex nut

    Hex nutLockwasherIns t rument pane l

    ScrewCaseSystem assembly

    DialDial upper screwFlourescent pointer

















    Retaining r ing

    GasketGlassThreaded r ingDial lower screw

    Manu factur ers nam e plateScrew

    GageScrewOil pressure gagePressure gage

    SnubberConnectorAssembly hoseBevel


    Figure 36-Continued



















    Hex nutLockwasherSpacerStudDial screw

    Machine screwRubber supportFla t washer

    Hex nutGage


    130. Generala. Mounted on the instrument panel (12,

    fig. 36) ar e th e following instru ment s. Hour-

    meter-tachometer (4), pressure gage (29 ), oilpressure gage (28), vacuum gage (26) and

    pump suction gage (53).b. The instrument panel and its cluster of

    gages is mounted on the left side of the pump

    an d so locat ed th at all gages ar e clearly visibleto the operat or at all times. The above gagesid h i h h k

    131. Replacement of Instrument PanelComponents

    a. General. The ins t rum ents mounted on t hepanel are precision instruments and with prop-er care, seldom will it be necessary to replacethem. However, when it is definitely foundthat the gage is defective, the pump unit should

    not be operated until the defective gage is re-

    placed.b. Removal and installation. The ins t rumentl d ill d i h l d d

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    1 Lift ing ba il 15 Screen2 Support 16 Adapter (male)



    Valve leverPi t i



    Suction manifoldC i

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    2 Support 16 Adapter (male)

    3 Lockwasher 17 Stud4 Hex nut 18 Cover plate

    5 Gasket 19 Drain cock 6 Eliminator assembly 20 Hose clamp

    7 Cap screw 21 Th in wa ll hose8 Cap screw 22 Cot ter pin9 Throt t le bracket 23 Scr ew

    10 Setscrew 24 Float11 Jam nut 25 Valve collar12 Yoke 26 Valve lever clip

    13 Cover 27 Valve14 &