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  • 7/31/2019 TM History XII


    History, Grade XII



    Grade: XII

    An Introduction to World HistoryFull marks : 100

    Teaching hours : 150

    Course Description

    This course is designed to make students familiar with the development of

    the human civilization, prominent religions of the world and main politicalevents of the modern world. The whole course is divided into two units. The

    first unit entitled, Ancient Civilization includes the contribution as well as

    the social, economic and religious life of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, Indus

    Valley, Vedic Era, Greece and Rome. The topics like the teaching of

    Bhagawat Gita, Gautam Buddha, Mahavir Vardhamana, Jesus Christ and

    Hajrat Muhammad are also included in the first unit.

    The second unit of this course entitled, Medieval and Modern World includes

    topics like the rise and fall of feudalism, causes, nature and effects of

    renaissance and reformation, causes and effects of different revolutions such

    as Glorious revolution,1688; American War of independence 1776-83,

    Industrial Revolution, French Revolution, 1789 and Russian Revolution of

    1917. The topics like the causes and the effects of the First and Second World

    Wars and the establishment, objectives and organs of the League of Nations

    and United Nations are also included in this unit.

    The first topics of the first unit entitled Egyptian Civilization includes the

    contributions as well as the social economic and religious life of Egypt.

    Egyptian Civilization is regarded as one of the oldest civilization in the

    World. Egypt would have become desert without Nile river. Egypt lies in

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    History, Grade XII


    history of its own. The Chinese legend highlight its golden age three

    thousands years before the birth of Christ. However, the actual evidence of

    the Chinese history mentions the date as 1000 B.C. Chinese civilization has

    its own origin. It has glorious history of the past. However, it may be

    comparable in some respect with the other civilization of the world. In this

    regard, H.A. Davies in his book entitled, "An outline History of the World"

    mentions "like Sumeria and Egypt, China was originally a land of city, states,

    the art of writing originated with pictorial signs in China as in Egypt, there

    was a feudal age in China as in Egypt, followed by a centralizing empire,

    Chinese Civilization, like that of the Egyptian and the Sumerians, owed

    much to its river the Hwang-ho (Huang-ho or Yellow River) and the Yang-


    The fourth topic of the same unit includes contributions as well as the social,

    economic and religious life of Indus Valley Civilization. This civilization was

    unknown to modern world before the excavation in 1922. The excavation

    works were carried on in Punjab, Sind and Baluchistan and spread over an

    area of 1200 x 700 miles. Mohanjodaro on the banks of the Indus, Harappa

    on the banks of Ravi and Lothal on the Kathiawar coast were three most

    important sites among one hundred forty discovered so far.

    The fifth topic includes contributions as well as the social economic and

    religious life of the Vedic people.

    The Aryans were regarded as the founder of the Vedic Civilization. It is

    believed that the Aryans originated in western part of Asia. One group of

    the Aryan migrated to Europe and other group to Iran. They entered into

    India around 2000 B.C. The four Vedas such as Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur

    Veda and Atharva Veda describe the Vedic civilization. The Rig Veda hasbeen regarded as the collection of the earliest and most important hymns

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    composed about 1500-1200 B.C. It is the source book of the development of

    Hindu culture. The Sama Veda is the collection of melodies. The Yajur Veda

    is something like a 'guide book' for rituals. Atharva Veda is the descriptions

    of the belief and superstitions of the Aryans.

    The sixth topic of this unit mentions contributions as well as the social,

    economic and religious life under the Greek Civilization.

    The Greek Peninsula lies in the south-eastern part of Europe and is separated

    from the Asia Minor by the Aegean Sea. This peninsula is surrounded by a

    large number of islands on all the three sides. Crete is the largest island

    below the peninsula.

    The mainland of Greece is full of rugged mountain. Therefore the people

    developed number of small Greek city states. The majority of the people

    were dependent on farming on the limited land. The scarcity of the

    cultivable land and nearness of the sea forced the people to sea-farming and

    trade. They came in contact with Phoenicians who supplied them necessary

    goods. Hence, the Phoenicians alphabet has some impact on the Greek


    The seventh topic of this unit is the social, economic and religious life of the


    The Roman civilization has many common features with the Greek. The

    Greek gave the idea of democracy, art, philosophy, science and literature to

    the world and the Romans added their legal system. Like Greece, the Roman

    civilization was also influenced by geographical or natural factors. The Alps

    in the north and sea in all the three sides gave Rome a protection from theenemy. However, there were some differences between these two. The

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    Greeks always remained disunited but the Romans had faith in unity and

    consolidation. The former believed in theory and philosophy whereas the

    latter in practice and reality of life.

    It is said that group of people called Italics came to Italy about 1800 B.C. One

    of their tribes was the Latins who settled in the south of river Tibar. Another

    tribes who were called Itruscans, settled in the north of river Tiber. These

    Tribes were regarded as the civilized people from the Asia Minor. Beside

    these two there were other tribes who settled in Italy.

    Rome was founded by twin brothers named Romulus and Remus on the

    Palatine hill in 753 B.C, according to the legends.

    Apart from civilization, this unit also mentions some philosophical thoughts

    of the ancient times.

    The Bhagawat Gita is one major focus in this unit. The literal meaning of the

    Gita is singing or saying of the God, meaning Krishna. But the Bhagawat

    Gita is related to the events of the Mahabharata. It is said that the Bhagawat

    Gita is the divine word of Sri Krishna spoken to Arjuna, the third Pandava,in the battle of Kuruchhetra.

    The whole text of the Bhagawat Gita has been divided into forty-seven

    verses. In its first or the opening verse, King Dhritarastra, who is blind and

    unable to assess the situation of the battlefield interrogates Sanjaya about the

    details of the war. Thereupon Sanjaya describe in the second verse as to

    how, approaching Dronacharya, Duryodhana starts his conversation. In the

    third verse Duryodhana invites Dronacharya to observe the mighty army of

    the Pandavas and devotes verses four to six to a recital of the names of theprominent warriors on the Pandava side. In the seventh verse Duryodhan

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    asked Dronacharya the name of the main warriors and generls of his own

    army, he gives in verses eight and Nine the names of some of them and

    describes their heroism and skill in warfare. In the tenth verse Duryodhana

    declared his own army as incomparable, and that of the Pandavas as

    comparatively weaker, in the eleventh he requested all his warriors to guard

    Bhimsen on all sides. The twelfth verse speaks of Bhisma blowing his conch

    and thirteenth describes the noise produced by the sudden blaring forth of

    conches, kettle drum, drums and trumpets, etc. in the Kaurava army.

    Fourteenth to eighteen in verses speak of Bhagavan Sri Krishna, Arjun, Bhim,

    Yudhistir, Nakula, Sahadeva and all other important warriors of the Pandava

    camp blowing their respective conches.

    The verse Nineteen tells about the terrible sound echoing through heaven

    and earth and rending the heart of Duryodhan and his followers a feeling of

    shock. Seeing the sons of Dhritarastra arrayed for battle Arjun requested Sri

    Krishna, in verses twenty and twenty one to place the chariot between the

    two armies, and in verses twenty two and twenty three he requested that the

    chariot should be kept there till eh observed and scanned the warriors

    assembled for the fight. The verses twenty-four and twenty-five describe

    how placing the chariot between the two armies, as desired by Arjuna, SriKrishna invites the latter to behold the warriors assembled for the fight.

    Then, up to the verse thirty there is a description, first by Sanjaya and then

    by Arjun himself, of the latters perplexity and grief at the right of his

    relations in battlearray. In verse thirty-one Arjun pointed out the evil

    consequences of war and verses thirty-two and thrity-three are devoted to

    his reasons for not covering either victory or the pleasures attending

    sovereignty. In verse thirty-four and thirty-five Arjun stated his close

    relationship with the warriors. viz, their being his teachers, uncles, etc, and

    declared that he did not want to kill them though he might be killed by them.He proceeded in verses thirty-six and thirty-seven to say that even though

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    Duryodhana and his brothers were desperadoes, their killing would result

    only in sin and happiness could never be expected from it.

    In verses thirty-eight and thirty-nine he pointed out why the Pandavas

    should desist from the sin of destruction of their own race and enmity

    towards friends, and devotes verses forty to forty four to a detail

    enumeration of the evils resulting from the destruction of a family and its

    traditions. In verses forty-five and forty sin Arjun argued that the

    preparation for war with a view to kill his own relatives for throne and

    enjoyment was nothing but preparation for the commission of a great sin,

    and expressing regret for it he declared that it was better that the sons of

    Dhritarastra should kill him. In the last forty-seven verse Sanjaya described

    how having determined not to fight, and agitated by grief, Arjun laid down

    his arms, and sank into his chariot.

    The teachings of Gautam Buddha have long and lasting effects in the society

    of our region. In fact, Gautam Buddha was the worthy and respected son of

    Nepal. He was born in 563 B.C. in Lumbini in Nepal. Min Bahadur Shakya

    aptly writes "Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha is the

    scared palce for Buddhist from all over the world." Mr. Shakya has alsoquoted from a veteran Asian traveller and author as saying "as millions of

    Chiristians look to Jerusalem for inspiration, as millions of Muslim turn to

    Mecca, so do the three hundred million Buddhists see in the sacred kingdom

    of Nepal hollowed thicket marked by a pillar left by the great Ashoka where

    the Shakyamuni was born. Buddhist know that the Site was in Nepal."

    Like Gautam Buddha, Mahavira Vardhamana was the worthy son of this

    subcontinent. He was the founder of Jainism. His native place was

    Kundapura near Vaisali in Bihar. He was born in a Kshatriya family.Siddhartha and Trisala were his father and mother respectively.

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    Mahavira received the usual education and training in literature, philosophy,

    military, administration, music and fine arts. During his youth he started to

    make a plan for renunciation. His parents were unhappy to listen to the

    plan. They tried to solve the problem by marrying him to a beautiful young

    woman named Yasoda. Yasoda gave a birth of a daughter named Anoja.

    However, after the death of his parents Mahavira left his residence for

    renunciation at the age of thirty.

    Mahavira started traveling from place to place, wearing no clothes. The most

    prominent places of his visit were Nalanda, Rajagriha, Champaran, Vaisali

    and Sravasti. He attained supreme enlightenment at the age of forty three,

    in the thirteenth year after his renunciation. He was enlightened on the tenth

    day of the bright fortnight in the month of Vaisakha, under a Sal tree in a

    field near the village Jimbhikagrama (Jambhi gaon near the Damodar in

    Hajaribagh). He started preaching soon after attaining the enlightenment.

    He continued it until his death at the age of seventy at Pavapuri in district of

    Patna. His first converts were eleven Brahmans. It is said that there were

    14,000 monks and 36,000 nuns at the demise of Mahavira. He never forbid

    women to be nun. As they wore no clothes, the nuns must have livedseparately. Although Mahavira organized a Sangha, he never allowed

    monks to live together in monasteries. They used to spend their lives either

    in the forest or in solitary place near towns and villages.

    Jesus Christ was the founder of Christianity. He was born a Jew at

    Bethlehem, a small village near Jerusalem in 4th B.C. He was born in a stable

    and died a criminal's death at the age of 33. His father was Joseph of

    Nazareth (a dessendant of King David) and his mother was Virgin Mary.

    Jesus was born at a time when the Jews were under Roman control.

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    Jesus Christ was very much influenced by his cousin, John the Baptist. John

    was executed for his preaching as a baptised. Therefore, Jesus took the

    responsibilities of his cousin and started preaching here and there. He talked

    about the kingdom of God where there would be Justice, Love and Kindness.

    He used to help those who were sick and exploited. His disciples called him

    Messiah. Some of his teaching was against the spirit of the Jewish Laws. The

    popularity of Jesus caused alarm and suspicion. He was executed by

    crucifixion along with two thieves at Golgotha. While being nailed to the

    cross, he said "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.

    The book entitled, "My world and I, the way of Unification" mentions "He

    did not leave any written works, and we have no description of what he

    looked like. Yet our calendar starts from the year of his birth. Across the

    world, people who are not even his followers, celebrate his birthday every

    year. Who was this man who wrought such an incredible change in the

    world history? Many years after Jesus died, accounts of his life were

    committed to record his life and teaching for posterity. These are called

    Gospels, meaning Good News. The earliest may have been written in about

    50 A.D., although some scholars date them much later. The only sources of

    the life of Jesus was the Gospels in the New Testament."

    Hajrat Muhammad was born at Mecca in 570 A.D. His parents died in his

    early childhood. He was looked after by his grandfather and later by his

    uncle, Abu Talib. He could not receive any formal education because of his

    poverty. However he was trained to look after sheep and camels. He

    entered into the service of a wealthy widow named Khadija. Later on he

    married her. They had two sons and many daughters. His sons died in their

    early age. His daughter Fatima was very popular.

    Muhammad was very popular for his honesty and sincerity. Therefore hewas called 'Amin' by his fellows. During his early youth he visited many

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    places including southern Arabia and Syria. He met the Jews and the

    Christians and was influenced by their ideas. He spent most of his time in

    religious meditations. He started to visit Mount Hira, near Mecca, for

    meditation and fasting. He fell into fits many times and uttered words

    which became Koran, the religious text of Islam. Muhammad realised that

    he had received divine messages from the God and he must spread it among

    his fellow men. He declared "there is no other God but Allah, and

    Muhammad is his Prophet". But his preaching made the priest of Mecca

    especially the Temple of Kaaba, hostile against him. His life was in danger

    and therefore he had to retreat to Medina in 622 A.D. It was the most

    significant year for Islam and they called it Hijira, a new year in the Muslim

    Calendar. He got warm welcome in Medina. He captured Mecca whose

    citizens followed his faith. In this way Muhammad sowed the seed of new

    religion called Islam (meaning Peace with God) in Arabia and it became the

    great religion of the world. It is the main religion in most of the Middle East,

    Northern Africa, Central Asia, Malaysia and Indonesia. Indonesia is the

    largest Muslim country in the world. Today, about one billion people

    around the world profess the Islamic faith. Mecca and Medina are the two

    religious sites for all the Muslims of the world. Muhammad died in Medina

    in 632 A.D.

    The second unit of this course starts with the topic like the Rise and the Fall of

    Feudalism. Feudalism was one of the most significant developments of the

    Middle Age in Europe. It was based on the principles of decentralization of

    political powers to fulfill the need of disturbed society. It began in France

    after the death of Emperor Charlemagne (814 A.D.) and spread to many

    parts of Europe. Feudalism was developed in Europe as a response to check

    the disturbance created by the barbarian invaders.

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    The second topic of this second unit is about the nature, causes and effects of

    two important historical events in Europe and popularly known to outside

    world as Renaissance and Reformation.

    The term 'Renaissance' is used to describe the changes brought by the people

    after the end of the Middle Age. it is a rebirth of Greco-Roman spirit of

    scientific curiosity and of humanism in arts and letters. It was an intellectual

    movement and spread all over Italy and remained in western Europe from

    the middle of the fourteenth century to the end of the sixteenth century. It

    enabled the people of Europe to have a new and rational approach towards


    The Reformation Movement in Europe was primarily aimed at reforming the

    Roman Catholic Church. Like any other religion, Roman Catholic Church

    became vulnerable in medieval period. The Pope became so powerful that

    even the kings of all the countries of the Europe, found it difficult to defy the

    orders of the church or stop its interference in matters exclusively coming

    under state jurisdiction.

    After the Renaissance and Reformation people of Europe felt the need forchanging their way of life. They tried to make their life more comfortable.

    Therefore, they challenged and questioned the authority of Pope, Priest,

    Kings and rulers alike. Hence, the revolution in different names and forms

    started in Europe, the prominent among them were the Glorious Revolution

    of England in 1688, the American war of independence, Industrial

    Revolution of England, French Revolution 1789 and the Russian Revolution

    of 1917.

    The revolution of 1688 in England was called The Glorious Revolutionbecause it was bloodless. The king of the middle ages were helped by the

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    feudal lords in the task to administration. But gradually the feudal lords

    became weaker and the Tudor king abolished the feudalism. Afterward the

    parliament endeavoured to take share in the administration with the king.

    Therefore, a long struggle began between king and parliament for acquisition

    of the sovereignty of the state. The result of this struggle was glorious


    H.A. Davies in his book entitled "An Outline History of the World' compared

    the American and French Revolutions like this "Before the eighteenth century

    ended there were two rebellions: the American Revolution of 1775-83, and

    the French Revolution of 1789-95 which were both of them severe blows to

    the theory of absolute monarchy, and which were destined to have a

    considerable effect upon the subsequent history of the human race."

    Clarifying the causes of the American war of Independence, H.A. Davies

    writes "The American Revolution, or the War of American Independence, as

    it is sometimes called, was a revolt against the autocracy of England which at

    this time was ruled by a well-meaning but obstinate king George III. Who

    had a desire to revive the personal power of the Crown. The Revolution was

    a direct consequence of England's intervention in the seven year's war, and

    of the ideas which prevailed throughout Western Europe at that time as tothe proper way of governing colonies."

    After the discovery of the new continent, colonies of different European

    powers such as Spain, England, France, the Netherlands and Sweden had

    spread everywhere in the world. Spain had established her colony in

    Florida, French in Northern America which were called as New France

    (Canada) and Louisiana (USA), the British had thirteen colonies spread in

    eastern coast of USA. The main reasons for the People of Europe and Britain

    to emigrate were trade and religion. Jemestown in Virginia was the firstBritish settlement in 1607. It was started as a commercial venture by the

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    Virginia Company. the Pilgrim Fathers who fled persecution in England,

    came to America and established colonies. These people questioned the

    British authority in America which resulted in the American war of


    The French Revolution of 1789, was another landmark in the history of

    modern world. The Revolution began with the meeting of the States-General

    in May 1789, and the destruction of the Bastille on July 14 the same year and

    continued until the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte.

    The social, economic and political situation in most of the countries in

    Europe were more critical than France. Then the question arises why there

    was no revolution in other countries before France. Because French people

    were sufficiently enlightened to realise the evils and absurdities of the

    system of government under which they suffered. The writings of Voltaire,

    Montesquieu, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Diderot etc. influenced their lives very

    much and they were encouraged to raise their voice against despotic rules of

    King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette.

    The western world witnessed many revolutions in the eighteenth andnineteenth centuries but Russia which had been made a first rate power by

    Peter the Great (1672-1725) and Catherine II (1762-96), remained

    undisturbed. It was not because the people of Russia were in much better

    condition than the rest of the world. The fact was that the tower ranks of

    Russian Society were among the most oppressed and exploited people in the

    world. The Tsars and the nobles could prevent the entry of the ideas of

    liberalism, nationalism, democracy, freedom and equality, and silence the

    people for a longer time than their counterparts in other countries. But they

    could not keep out new ideas permanently for all time and prevent thanfrom making an impact on the mind of the people.

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    The idea of Karl Marx about communism was gaining ground in the Russian

    soil. As a result a revolution broke out in 1905. But this revolution was

    ruthlessly suppressed by the Tsar. The Tsar did not learn anything from the

    revolution and continued to suppress the people. Naturally there was a big

    revolution twice in a year viz. February and October 1917. These two

    revolutions in Russia not only changed the course of Russian history, but

    also the history of mankind, because the entire set of the old political, social,

    economic and other principles and values were demolished Russia came to

    have a new power structure, and a totally new social and economic order.

    the happenings in Russia since 1917 had a profound effect on the whole

    human beings. The course of history inevitably changed.

    The last topics of this unit are related with the two world wars and two

    world organizations such as League of Nations and United Nations


    A great war which the world had never seen or experienced broke out in

    1914, and continued for four years, till 1918. It was for the first time in

    history, almost all the countries in the world were directly or indirectly

    involved in it, and its impact was felt by the whole world, by all the people,even by those, who were not aware of the war. That is why the great war

    called the First World War (1914-18).

    The Second World War broke out on 1 September 1939 before the world had

    fully recovered from the havoc caused by the First World War (1914-18).

    This war was longer and more devastating than the First World War. The

    interval between the two world wars was twenty years and nine months.

    The first international organization known as the League of Nations topresent world was established to avoid any war in the years to come.

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    Because the horrors of the First World War, loss of life and property,

    increasing debt burdens, storng conflicting emotions and dreadful sufferings

    created a great urge among the leading statesmen and even the common

    people to have a meaningful plan to save mankind from death and

    destruction of a World War in the future. The purpose behind the

    establishment of the League of Nations was that the problems of

    international conflict or War should be settled peacefully at the conference

    table and not on the bloody battle fields of the world.

    It was President Woodrow Wilson of the US who took the initiative at the

    Paris Peace Conference in 1919 in insisting on the establishment of the

    League of Nations. In 1918 the President put forward his fourteen points to

    prevent future World War before the end of the First World War. At the

    Paris Peace Conference, President Woodrow Wilson insisted on the

    incorporation of the League Covenant in the treaties. He wanted the League

    to be established at once. The League was to come into existence on the day

    on which the treaty of Versailles would come into force. President Woodrow

    Wilson had strong believe that if the establishment of the League would be

    postponed until after the treaties were put into effect, the League might not

    be born at all. However, on 10 January 1920 the League of Nations wasestablish on the same day when the Allies and Germany exchanged the

    Ratification of the treaty of Versailles with twenty four members.

    On 15 November 1920, the first Assembly of the League was convened when

    the number of the members was increased by forty-two. Geneva in

    Switzerland, a neutral state in World War I became the seat of the League of

    Nations. It was an international organization of many countries having its

    own sovereignty. It was not a federation of states or super states or a world

    government. It had no sovereignty, and could not take action on any state orcoerce any state by military might in the same way in which a state can

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    Coerce its subjects or citizens. Sit did not have any territory. There were no

    citizens or subjects over whom it could exercise control. Unlike a state it had

    no army of any kind.

    The failure of the League of Nations resulted in the Second World War and

    the establishment of the United Nations Organization. The great statesmen

    of the world realized during the course of the Second world War (September

    1939 to August 1945) that the idea of establishing the UN, an international

    organization much better than the discredited League of nations. In January,

    1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt of USA declared that every

    nationality had the right to nationhood, and the Allies were fighting against

    the Axis Power to uphold this right.

    In August 1945, the Second World War ended, and in 1946, the League of

    Nations was dissolved, though some of its independent agencies were

    permitted to continue functioning. Since the beginning of the war, people all

    over the world wanted the democracies to declare and clarify their war aims.

    President Franklin Delano Roosevelt of USA and Prime Minister Winston

    Churchill of U.K. declared the war aims of the Allies through the famousAtlantic Charter on August 14, 1918. The Atlantic charter was a significant

    as the Fourteen Points, which were put forward by President Woodrow

    Wilson of the USA during World War I. On a January 1942, representatives

    of Twenty-six governments adopted the United Nations Declaration based

    on the Principles of the Atlantic Charter. On 25 June 1945, at a plenary

    session, the charter of the United Nations was unanimously adopted by fifty

    one nations. The charter came into effect on 24 October 1945 after Japanese

    surrenders and ending of the Second World War. The UN Charter has a long

    document consisting of a Preamble and III Articles. John D. Rockfeller Jr.donated land plot in Manhattan, New York, for the UN buildings.

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    Overall Objectives of the Course

    After the completion of this course the students will be able to:

    discuss the social, economic and religious life of the people of

    Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, Indus Valley, Vedic Era, Greece and


    analyse the contributions of Egypt, Mesopotamian, China, Indus

    Valley Civilization.

    explain the teaching of Bhagawat Gita, Gautam Buddha, Mahavira

    Vardhamana, Jesus Christ and Hajrat Muhammad.

    explore the causes of the rise and the fall of the Feudalism.

    review the causes, nature and effects of the Renaissance and


    state the causes and the effects of the Glorious Revolution of 1688,

    American War of Independence 1776-83, Industrial Revolution,

    French Revolution 1789 and the Russian Revolution of 1917.

    examine the causes and the effects of the First and the Second

    World War.

    justify the need for the establishment of the League of Nations and

    United Nations Organization. identify the objectives of the League of Nations and United

    Nations Organization and elucidate the functions of the different

    organs of these two World Organizations.

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    Unit OneAncient Civilizations

    52 Teaching hours

    1. Introduction to the unit

    This course has been divided into two units and five sub-units. The first unit

    of this course entitled Ancient Civilization includes first sub-unit and topic

    like outstanding contributions as well as social, economic and religious life of

    Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, Indus Valley, Vedic Era, Greece and Roman

    civilization. the second sub unit and topics of this unit include the teachingof Bhagawat Gita, Gautam Buddha, Mahavira Vardhamana, Jesus Christ and

    Hajrat Muhammad.

    2. Pre-requisites

    Some knowledge of World Civilization at the Secondary School level.

    3. Objectives, instructional materials instructional strategies and period


    Objectives of the Unit Instructional





    hoursAt the end of this Unit

    the students will be

    able to :

    - Examine the

    contributions of

    Egypt, Mesopotamia,

    Indus Valley, Vedic

    Era, Greece and Rome

    to modern world.

    Maps, picture

    showing the


    and handouts


    the teacher will

    demonstration in

    the class


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    - Explain the social

    economic and

    religious life of the

    people of ancient


    Mesopotamia, Indus

    Valley, Vedic Era,

    Greece and Rome

    Pictures and


    describing the

    social, economic

    and religious


    Seminar, Each

    student should be

    asked to prepare

    seminar paper


    - Evaluate the

    teaching of

    Bhagawat Gita,

    Gautam Buddha,


    Vardhamana, Jesus

    Christ and Hajrat


    Pictures and

    Flash Card

    describing the

    teaching of

    Bhagawat Gita

    and Gautam


    Discussion Method

    the teacher will

    divide the class into

    five groups and ask

    each group to discuss

    and present in the



    4. Description of the Contents of the Unit : Contributions of the

    Egyptian Civilization

    1. Writings

    The Egyptian Civilization gave the world first form of writings called

    Heiroglyphics. It was picture writing used for religious purposes. They also

    developed twenty four letter alphabet.






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    2. Writing Materials

    Beside Heiroglyphics and alphabet the Egyptians gave the world writing

    materials such as paper, palette, reed pen Ink and Inkpot Paper was

    produced by the papyrus plants. the name paper was also derived from the

    word papyrus. They taught the world to make pen out of pointed reed and

    make ink out of vegetable gum and soot.

    3. Calendars

    Ancient Egypt gave the World Lunar and Solar Calendars. They developed

    Lunar calendar and when they found Lunar Calendar inadequate to measure

    time correctly they evolved a new calendar based on the solar system. Theydivided the year into three seasons each having four months and thirty days

    in the month. the last five days in each year were holidays. There were three

    hundred and sixty five days in a year in Egyptian Solar Calendars.

    Not only calendar, they also invented devices like sundial, water clock and

    the Hour-glass to indicate the time. The world learned the value of time

    from Egypt. Modern watch was the outcome of the devices developed by

    Egyptians in ancient period.

    4. Science and Mathematics

    Egyptians were much more advanced in science and Mathematics. They had

    very good knowledge of earth science and medicine. The physicians

    diagnosed the diseases by investigating their symptom and prescribed

    remedies. The Egyptian doctors were aware of the science of Surgery. They

    performed setting of bone fractures and were expert in surgical operation.

    Egyptians were well acquainted with the knowledge of mathematics. They

    knew addition, multiplication, division and fraction. They maintain theaccount properly. They knew Geometry well. The structure of Pyramids

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    clearly indicates their knowledge of Geometry. They were trained enough to

    calculate the area of triangles and rectangles.

    Modern world has learned many things from Egypt especially in the field of

    mathematics and medical science.

    5 Art and Architecture:Egyptian art and architectures were advance from The pyramid, temples and

    toms were the examples of their skill of architectural engineering. Some

    people were well-versed in medical science as well as architectural

    engineering. Imhotep, the advisor of the king Zoser of ancient Egypt was the

    example of such talent. He was quite popular as a great physician and

    architect. He was the architect of the first Pyramid known as the Pyramid of


    Egyptian paintings, beautiful jewelry, pottery, musical instruments, fine

    linen cloth, weapons and tools, enchanting glassware and excellent vessels

    had great impact on the art of modern world. Egyptian arts had great

    influence on Hebrew, Greeks and Phoenicians.

    Social Life of the Egyptian People

    Egyptian society was divided into three classes known as High class or

    aristocratic, the middle class and peasants and slaves. The Pharaoh, the

    nobles and the priests were regarded as aristocratic who enjoyed much

    power and wealth. The middle class of Egyptian society included

    merchants, scribes, artisans, physicians and other professional. This class

    emerged as the results of the growth of cities and towns in ancient Egypt.

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    The condition of the peasants and slaves were miserable. They worked hard

    but get little for their livelihood. The peasants had to pay taxes to the state.

    The slaves were taken as captives after the war and brought to Egypt. Their

    life was hard enough. They had to construct Pyramids and other buildings

    for Pharaohs and their masters. The woman occupied great prestige and

    high place in society. They were respected everywhere. They enjoyed

    freedom and owned property. The Pharaohs married their sisters and

    daughters to retain the purity of royal blood.

    Religious life of the Egyptian People

    The Egyptians were polytheistic. That is why they worshiped many gods.

    Deities were visualized as animals and other creatures, such as the

    crocodiles, the bee, the jackal, the bull, the ram, the falcon and others. The

    creatures themselves were not gods but they were the seats of divinity.

    The sun God called Ra was worshipped by all Egyptians. It was said that Ra

    used to sail across the sky in a golden boat daily. He was supposed to

    destroy the darkness and injustice and make life more happier and

    comfortable. Osiris, the son of the sun God Ra was equally worshipped byEgyptian because it was he who caused the Nile to overflow to make the soil

    fertile. The legend says that Osiris was killed by his bad brother but his

    devoted wife brought him back to life. Osiris became the king of the dead

    and judge the soul of the dead. They produced the book called the book of

    the Dead which was used to test the dead to go to heaven. The failure in the

    test indicated the life in the hell.

    Egyptians believed that their Pharaoh was an incarnation of god Ra and

    Osiris. They built temples, tombs and Pyramids to pay homage to their godand goddess. The temples constructed at Karnak, Luxor, Philae and Abu

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    Simbel were worth seing. The temple of Karnak took nearly two thousand

    years to complete and it is nearly quarters of a mile long.

    Economic Life of the Egyptian People

    The people of ancient Egypt were mostly dependent on agriculture. They

    grew crops of wheat, flax, fruits and vegetables.

    The fertile land of Nile had boost up the agriculture of ancient Egypt.

    Therefore Hecataeus, the geographer once remarked, "Egypt is the gift of the

    Nile." The ancient Egyptian also recognized the importance of Nile and

    exclaimed" Hail to the E O Nile that comes to keep Egypt alive."

    The Papyrus was made from the stem of the Papyrus plant which grew in

    marshes and pools near the Nile. The fresco in Theban grave the process of

    farming by Egyptian Peasants. It represents ploughing, sowing, reaping,

    carrying and threshing corn. Cattle farming was also common practice in

    ancient Egypt. A model found in a tomb dating from about 2200 B.C.

    indicates a nobleman inspecting his many cattle with herdsmen. Beside

    agriculture Egyptians were involved in many other profession and

    occupations. There were potters who made vessels of great beauty, weaves

    of fine linen stuffs, glass workers, makers of tapestry; cabinet maker whomade chair and conches for the king and nobles, goldsmiths etc.

    The Egyptians were also involved in trade and commerce. They built ships

    and started trading across the Mediterranean as far as Phoenicia. The

    Pharaohs used to send caravans of donkeys far up the Nile into the Sudan to

    deal with the black people of the south and bring back ebony, ivory, ostrich,

    feathers, fragrant gums etc. to Egypt.

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    make weapons and planned for war. The Assure and Nineveh were the chief

    cities of Assyrians. Their cities were founded on the bank of river Tigris.

    The Assyrians had extended their empire from the Persian Gulf to Egypt

    along the Fertile Crescent. Their love of war and capacity to organize the

    administration took them on the height of the glory of civilization. it was

    because of their power and glory they were called "Romans of Asia".

    5. Contribution in Science:Sumerians in Mesopotamian Civilization has made great contributions in the

    field of science. they developed lunar calendar. They invented writing.

    They divided time into hour, hour into sixty minutes and each minute into

    sixty seconds. Along with astronomy astrology also developed. The

    Chaldean kings encouraged the development of science by constructing

    observatories for astronomers.

    6. Hanging Garden of BabylonOne of the greatest contributions of Babylon was the Hanging Garden built

    by Chaldean emperor Nebuchadnezzar (604-561 B.C) on the roof of his

    imperial palace. The Greeks called it one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

    Social Life of the Mesopotamian People

    The Babylonian civilization reached its zenith during the time of

    Hammurabi. He was the first to build an empire Mesopotamia and govern it

    effectively with his code. His code was too harsh and cruel to some extent.

    For example, if a house fell down and caused the death of the householder's

    son, the code directs that the son of the builder shall be put to death. In other

    word it was the old concept of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

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    The Babylonian society was divided into three classes. The first class

    consisted of king and his family, priests, nobles, officers and rich merchants.

    The middle class included peasant, artisans, shopkeepers and others. The

    slaves were considered as the third and lowest class in the society. They

    were brought as the captive of the war. However, the slaves in Babylonia

    were in better condition in comparing with other parts of the world. They

    enjoyed the right of property, marriage freemen or women and right to buy

    their freedom with their savings. The women were enjoying freedom of

    property and the choice of the profession. They were allowed to divorce

    their husband in case of dissatisfaction. But the women in general were loyal

    towards husband and family.

    Education was common practice in Babylonia. The children used slate of soft

    clay to write their lesson in school. The children were taught to write on the

    slate and memorise some three hundred and fifty sign of alphabet. The

    writing and memorising all the sign were not easy job. Hence, a proverb was

    written on the wall of the school hour "He who shall excel in tablet writing

    shall shine like the sun."

    Religious Life of the Mesopotamian People

    The prestige of the chief local deity varied with the renown and power of

    city. Anu of Erah as gods of the sky, Ea of Eridu as god of water, Nanna of

    Ur as god of the moon were recognised as supreme gods. But the thing

    changed when Babylon became the capital of the empire. The attempt was

    made to raise the prestige of the Babylonian god, Marduk. He was

    promoted from a minor water god to a god of magic, and to a sky god. The

    priest of the god announced that he was lord of the universe. But this

    concept was not accepted widely.

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    Ishtar, the mother of gods and also goddess of love and Tammuz, the god of

    vegetation, were also worshiped. Enlil, the supreme god of Sumerians was

    replaced by Marduk, the supreme god of the Babylonians when they were in

    power. During the time of the Chaldeans or the new Babylonians, seven

    main gods came to be worshipped in rotation based on the principle of each

    god a day like the sun God on first day as Sun day and Moon God on second

    day as Monday.

    Economic Life of the Mesopotamian People

    The primary occupation of the people of Mesopotamia was agriculture. Like

    in Egypt they produced wheat, barley, spelt, onions, beans, grapes and dates.

    The dates were widely used for various purposes. They provided flour,

    fruit, wine, rope, wood etc. Cows and sheep were domestic animal used for

    milk and meat. A plow was used as farm implement which dropped seeds

    through a funnel while the earth was prepared to receive them.

    The trade and commerce were in advanced stage. Mesopotamia had more

    convenient access to the western end of the Fertile Crescent and to caravans

    from east than Egypt. The roving nomad population near the land of two

    rivers Tigris and Euphrates facilitated the exchange of goods.

    Mesopotamian exports were grain, cloth, dried fish and finished metallic

    products in exchange of imports of Ores, fine woods such as cedar and

    walnut, building stone etc. Professional accountants were appointed by the

    traders to keep the account properly. Mesopotamian seals or duplication of

    them were found in Fertile Crescent and in Asia Minor. Babylonian

    contracts were carefully drawn. Contracts for all business transactions were

    required with death penalty for failure to fulfill. Gold and Silver by weight

    served as media of exchange. Originally the Ziggurat had been the store-

    house for product.

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    Slowly it acquired great capital from gift of worshippers. Having acquired

    so much capital the temple acted as a bank which supplied seed to farmers in

    the growing season and money or precious metal for various enterprises.

    The craft and craftsmen were controlled by the temples and priest. But their

    tradition was challenged by the Code of Hammurabi and it was controlled

    and supervised by the State.

    Contributions of the Chinese Civilization

    Chinese people of ancient ages have made immense contribution to world

    civilization in the field of science, art, education, music, literature etc.

    1. Science

    China was on the top of progress in ancient period in the field of astronomy,

    mathematics, agronomy and medicine. The silk technology in ancient period

    made China world famous. The high way of China linking outside world

    was also addressed as Silk Road to signify the importance of silk. The

    manufacture of porcelain ware was so famous that the country itself

    acquired its name as China. She has taught to the world the method of

    making paper, printing, gunpowder, compass etc. The Great Wall of China

    and the imperial palaces and garden building in Beijing represented theachievement of ancient China in the field of Science and Technology.

    2. AstronomyIn ancient China astronomy developed in order to arrange farm and animal

    husbandry in accordance with the change of seasons. That is why they badly

    needed astronomical knowledge in making calendar. Ancient Chinese made

    great contributions not only to calendar making, but also to the keeping of

    astronomical records and the manufacturing of astronomical instrument.

    Another significant contribution of ancient China was the records ofsunspots, comets, polar lights, novas and meteorite showers. Ancient China

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    recorded more than 90 novas and supernovas which have attracted great

    attention among modern radio astronomers.

    3. MathematicsChina made great contribution in the field of mathematics also. The decimal

    system was for the first time adopted in China. The Chinese were proficient

    in the use of the decimal system and the fractions for the four arithmetical

    operations. The ancient Chinese mathematician Jiu Zhang Suan Shu wrote a

    book entitled "Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" in the first Century.

    This book is not only a Chinese classic of mathematics but also well-known

    scientific work in the world.

    4. AgronomyAncient China led the world in the practice of agronomy. In the Zhou

    Dynasty, over 3,000 years ago crops like glutinous millet, broomcorn millet,

    rice, barley, wheat, soya bean grew in Chinese farmland. The agricultural

    book of entitled Qi Min Yao Shu (Import Arts of the peoples Welfare) written

    in the 6th Century, records over eighty six specimens of millet, indicating

    that Chinese agriculture had reached a very high level of development.

    5. ArchitectureAncient Chinese architecture has some originality of its own. The Great Wall

    erected in the 2nd or 3rd Century B.C. and rebuilt continually afterwards has

    remained an architectural beauty of the world. It is one of the man-made

    structures that can be seen from satellites.

    Social Life in Ancient China

    China has a recorded history of about 3,600 years. The first primitive man so

    far known to have exited in China is Yuanmou Man, who lived about 1.70

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    million years ago. Peking Man was discovered at Zhoukaudian to the south

    west of Beijing (Peking) lived 400,000 to 5000,000 years ago.

    The ancient Chinese society consisted of various classes. They were

    educated elite, the peasants and workers and the merchants. Slavery existed

    in China. In the 11th Century B.C. The Zhou people (people of modern

    Shaanxi) under the leadership of King Wu, destroyed, the Shang Dynasty by

    military force and founded a new slave regime known as western Zhou (11 th

    Century to 770 B.C.). The Zhou kings adopted the system of fiefs in which

    land and people were awarded to various dukes and princess. All land was

    belonged to the king and all slaves were compelled to work collectively for

    the king.

    Religion and Philosophy

    Worship of nature was the most primitive way of religious tradition of

    China. It was followed by ancestor worship. During the warring states,

    many schools of Philosophy flourished, such as Mohism, Confucianism,

    Leagalism, Mencius and Taoism. Buddhism was introduced in China in 67


    Mohism Philosophy was propounded by Mo Zi or Mo Di (C. 478 392 B.C.).

    He advocated Universal love, pacifism, and emphasized on honouring of the

    virtuous. He had many followers and exercised influence on the society of

    his time.

    Confucius (551- 479 B.C.) was a philosopher, educator and the founder of

    confucianism. His real name was Kong Qill or Kong Zhongxi. He was born

    in Zhou yi state of Lu.

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    Confucius expressed his philosophy on politics, morality, love and

    education. He proposed that good and capable people should be appointed

    to official posts. He emphasized the importance of benevolence and

    regarded it as the highest ideal of morality. He advocated more love for

    those who were close and less for those who were distant, more for the

    highly placed and less for the lowly. For education confucius emphasised

    'the teaching according to individual talent, learning and relearning and

    learning about new things by reviewing old things "For learning process he

    advised," when you know, say you know and when you do not know, say

    you do not know."

    Confucius words and works were compiled by his students to form book

    entitled the Analects of Confucius. He himself edited Book of Odes, Book of

    History, Book of Change, Spring and Autumn Annals etc.

    Han Fei (C. 280 233) founded the idea of Legalism. He opposed such

    concepts as heavenly mandate and questioned the existence of ghosts and

    spirits. He did like the idea to return to old. He advocated the concentration

    of all power in the hands of the sovereign, and rule by law. He was the

    representative of legalist school. It was also called the school of logiciansthat studied the distinction between name and reality- a school that

    emphasized the importance of logic and debate.

    Mencius (C 372 289 B.C.) advocated the ruler to win the hearts of their

    subjects so as to secure their own rule. He believed that every person should

    have his own immovable property. There should be schools to teach people

    to be dutiful towards their parents and respectful towards all elders. He

    argued if all this was done people would be "friendly towards one another,

    helping one another in difficulties or in poor health. In that case the peoplewould have no desire to move to other places all their lives. Saying all these

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    things Mencius wanted to built a strong Nation. The purpose of having

    immovable property for everyone, as proposed by Mencius, was to combine

    tilling with weaving to create a small- scale agricultural economy where

    labour would be permanently tied to land.

    Lao Zi (C 604 517 B.C.) was regarded as the founder of Taoism. He

    believed that there was nothing man could do regarding the change of events

    which was controlled by the way of heaven. What man could and ought to

    do was to follow nature, remaining passive and doing nothing in particular.

    His ideal society was one small in size and spare in population where people

    had neither desire nor knowledge and do not communicates one another for

    the entire duration of their liver.

    Buddhism was introduced in China in 67 A.D. when Buddhist monk

    Kasyapa Mataeng and Dharmaranya came to Luoyang at the invitation of

    the Han emissary to their country. Emperor Ming Di ordered the White

    Horse Monastery built in their honour and asked them to translate Buddhist

    sutras into Chinese.

    Economic Life in Ancient China

    Chinese society in ancient period was primarily based on agricultural

    economy. Iron Plough and ox farming were popularized and improved.

    New methods of farming were also introduced such as "alternation method"

    and "small plot method". In the "alternatives method" the land was

    ploughed into furrows and the earth turned up to make ridges crops seeds

    were sown into furrows. To maintain the fertility of the land, the ridges

    crops seeds were sown into furrows. To maintain the fertility of the land, the

    ridges and furrows were alternated every year so that the ridges of this yearbecame furrows of the next, and vice versa. In small plot method deep

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    ploughing and close planting were applied on small plots, where water and

    manure were sued effectively.

    1. IndustryBeside agriculture, the Chinese were heavily involved in industrial activities

    in ancient period. Cloth-weaving, the main household sideoccupation

    covered silk, flax, kohemp and woolen fabrics. The silk fabrics used by

    aristocrats were of fine workmanship and exquisite design. The cotton cloth

    from the prefecture of Silkman and the silk from Shandong were famous at

    the time. Chinese brocade which was characteristic of high standards of

    Chinese textiles, found a brisk market in Rome. The hand operated spinning

    wheels, weaving looms and figures fabric weaving looms of the time had

    lasting influence over China's textile.

    Salt making, iron smelting and cloth weaving were three principal handicraft

    of ancient China. By the Easter Han Dynasty, iron and steel had replaced

    bronze in making the weapons.

    Paper making in China began in the 2nd Century B.C. when people used

    worn out bast fibres to make rough paper. In the second Century writingpaper was invented and the raw materials extended from bast to bark fibres.

    It is said China's paper making technology spread to Korea in fourth Century

    and Japan in Tenth Century, Ararb Countries in eight century and Europe

    after twelve Century. Chinese wood block printing was made between the

    period six and seven Century. The movable type printing was invented at

    the beginning of the eleventh century. During the period between second

    Century B.C. and second Century AD the building of wooden vessels was

    well developed. Chinese invented Gun-powder in seventh Century and

    used in fighting war in tenth Century.

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    2. TradeThrough the Silk Road and the sea routes, Chinese Silk and Silk products

    were transported to Europe, Asia and Africa where they ere well received.

    Not long afterward the technology of silk weaving also spread to foreign

    countries. For several times between the Fifth and Sixteenth Century,

    figured fabrics weaving looms were transported to Europe. The Eastern Han

    Periods witnessed a steady rise in the export of Chinese silk to the western


    Chronology of Chinese History

    Dynasty DurationPrimitive Society 4,000 years ago

    Slave Society Around 21st Century 476 B.C.

    Xia Around 21st - 16th Century B.C.

    Shang Around 16st - 11th Century B.C.

    Western Zhou Around 11th - Century 770 B.C.

    Spring and Autumn Period 770 - 476 B.C.

    Feudal Society 4756-B.C. - A.D. 1840

    Warring States Period 475 - 221 B.C.

    Qin 221 - 207 B.C.

    Western Han 206 B.C. - A.D. 24

    Easter Han 25 220

    Three Kingdoms 220 280

    Wei 220 265

    Shu 221 - 263

    Wu 229 - 280

    Western Jin 265 - 316

    Easter Jin 317 - 420

    Southern and Northern Dynasties 420 - 589

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    Southern Dynasties 420 - 589

    Song 420 - 479

    Qi 479 - 502

    Liang 502 - 557

    Chen 557 - 589

    Northern Dynasties 386 - 581

    Northern Wei 386 - 534

    Eastern Wei 534 - 550

    Western Wei 535 - 557

    Northern Qi 550 - 577Northern Zhou 557 - 581

    Sui 581 - 618

    Tang 618 - 907

    Five Dynasties 907 - 960

    Song (Northern and Southern) 960 - 1279

    Liao 916 - 1125

    Western Xia 1038 - 1227

    Kin 1115 - 1234

    Yuan 1271 - 1368

    Ming 1368 - 1644

    Qing 1644 - 1911

    Greek Civilization

    Contributions of Greek Civilization

    Greek civilization is called the mother of European Civilization. Europe andthe World as a whole learned many things from the ancient Greeks. Shallay,the eminent English poet once wrote "We are all Greeks, our laws, ourliterature, our religion, our arts have their roots in Greece. "Regarding the

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    impact of Greek civilization on Italy H.A. Davies Writes, "It was in southern

    Italy and Sicily that the most famous of the Greek colonies were founded.Southern Italy became a kind of new Greece, and it had its full share of theculture which afterwards came to the Greeks. This is a matter ofconsiderable importance, because it was through the Greeks that literature,art, architecture, and the knowledge of how to write came into Italy, so thatthe Roman civilization is the debtor of the Greek, just as the Greek is thedebtor of Phoenicia, and the Phoenicians the debtor of Egypt."

    Greek civilization has made great contribution to world in the field ofliterature, sports, political science, Philosophy and Science. The GreekScientists made important contributions to the scientific knowledge for

    which the world is greatly indebted.


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    Social Life of the Greeks

    1. SocietyThe word "Greeks" came from Latin, the language of the Romans not of the

    Greeks themselves. They called themselves "Hellenes" which applied to

    many different Aegean communities.

    Although Greece was divided into hundred of city states, the people had

    strong feeling of Patriotism. It is said that no people have ever loved their

    country more passionately than the ancient Greeks loved their cities. The

    Athenians during the time of Pedicles did not regard their lives as their own,but as the property of the state.

    The most prominent among several city-states of Greece were Athens,

    Sparta, Corinth and Thebes. There was the different system of governance

    between Athens and Sparta. Athens believed in Democracy. She made

    significant achievements in the field of politics, laws, literature, art, science

    and Philosophy. They discarded oligarchy and accepted democracy. In

    contrast to Athens, Sparta was basically the military state. In Sparta, there

    were three classes in society known as Peers, Freemen and Helots. TheHelots were aggressive. Only Peers were enjoying privileges and

    citizenship. The remaining two were deprived of the privileges and


    2. Greek LiteratureAncient Greece was rich in Language and Literature. The llliad and Odyssey

    composed by the blind poet Homer were the sources of the inspiration for

    the people of Greece. Less than a century after Homer, Hesiod wrote two

    significant books entitled "Theogony" and 'Works and Days'. The book

    Theogony gave a systematic account of the genealogy of the gods, and the

    others Works and Days, dealt with farm life of the period.

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    The woman who came up with lyric poetry was Sappho before 500 B.C. The

    name lyric means verse that was recited and sung to the accompaniment of a

    lyre. However, the lyric poetry was not new for Greece. Because the epic

    legends of Homer were also recited and sung.

    The Periclean age was regarded as the golden age of Greek plays. The

    Athenian government used to award an annual prize to the best play wright

    after an open contest. Aeschylus Sophocles and Euripides were the three

    great tragic poet of ancient Greece.

    Herodotus (484 - 425 B.C.), the father of History, brought changes by writing

    authentic history of persian wars. Thucydides (C 455 - 400 B.C.) another

    Athenian gave the world first scientific history. His history book on

    Peloponesian War (the great war between Athens and Sparta) introduced

    scientific approach in writing history, for example, cause and effects


    3. PhilosophyGreece produced many famous Philosophers of the world. Socrates(469 - 399 B.C.) was one of the greatest philosophers who taught his

    pupils not to accept any principle without putting it to a severe test of

    reasoning. The Athenian government found his ideas as dangerous and

    corrupted the youth. He was given hemlock (poison) to die. Before his

    death he proclaimed "know thyself, I will rather die having spoken

    after my manner than to like and speak in your manner". One of the

    students of Socrates was Plato (C 428 - 347 B.C.) who contained the

    teaching of his teacher in his book entitled Dialogues. Plato producedanother book named Republic in which he described ideal state

    governed by philosopher king. Another Philosopher of Greece was

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    Aristotle (384 - 322 B.C.). He was one of the students of Plato.

    Aristotle was the tutor of Alexander the Great. He wrote on a great

    variety of subjects such as philosophy, politics, ethics, poetry, physics,

    biology and medicine.

    4. SciencePythagoras was the first and the greatest mathematician, the world ever

    knew. Hippocrates (460-357 B.C.) was the father of medical science. A

    Greek, Aristarchus of Samos (250 B.C) was the first person to state that the

    earth moves round the sun. Anaxagoras (503 - 428 B.C.) was a great

    Philosopher and geometrician in Athens. Democritus developed the theory

    of Atoms. Archimedes (C 287 - 12 B.C) is well known to present world for

    his discovery of the principle of gravity.

    5. Greek Art and ArchitectureThe Greeks' primary interest was in people and the preference naturally was

    reflected in the choice of subject for sculpture. The gods were supermen.

    The Hellenic treatment of people or of humanized gods, showed a deliberate

    attempt to represent actual human anatomy. The fifth and early fourth

    century sculptors perfected anatomical realism.

    The fifth and early fourth century sculptors added something else to the

    accurate portrayal of anatomical features. People, ro gods were represented

    as doing something that was typical. The subjects were caught in a

    momentary pose or action. Myron's Discus Thrower is in the act of throwing

    the discuss, Polycleitus' youth is carrying a spear, Praxiteles Faun leans upon

    a Pedestal, Phidies Athena shows active power and benevolence that were

    assumed to be consistent with her character.

    In the centre of Athens there rises a hill known as the Acropolis, a rock table

    standing well above the rest of the city. Acropolis means high point. On the

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    highest peak, the temple of Parthenon was built. The features of the Greek

    temple that have persisted because of their usefulness are the rectangular

    shape, columns as support, the porch and the type of roof. Doric, Ionic and

    Corinthian were the three types of Greek Columns.

    Economic Life of the Greeks

    There was not enough fertile soil in Greece to feed her people. Therefore it

    has to import food and export finished good. Easy access to the sea

    encouraged the Greeks to make contact with the outside world.

    The exchange of food and other articles brought fifth century Athenian trade

    to a new height and this flourishing commerce also contributed to a sense of

    economic well-being. Athens exported processed goods and some raw

    materials needed by industries elsewhere. The exports included wine, olive

    oil, minerals, marble, pottery, arms, books (Scrolls) and works of art. The

    sources of Athenian imports were spread through out the Mediterranean

    World, ships from many lands depositing their cargoes at the sea-port of

    Athens, known as the Piraeus. Wheat came from Syria, Egypt, Italy and

    Socily, preserved fish from the black sea and iron from its perimeter, copper

    from Cyprus, tin from Britain, gold from Thrace, timber from Thrace andCyprus, Wool, flex and dyes from Phoenicia, ivory and spices from North

    Africa, perfumes and ointments from Arabia, slaves from Lydia, Syria and

    Scythia. By the fifth century coined money had become the usual medium of

    exchange, and advance beyond the barter of the Phoenicians.

    The first banks were temples which, receiving the gifts of the devoted, lent

    this treasure for various purposes.

    Fifth Century Athens benefited by certain economic advantages not enjoyed

    by other Greek City states. The State operated mines of silver that made

    possible an unchanging content of precious metal in Athenian currency.

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    Other cities, without the supply of precious metal, often reduced the

    percentage of silver in their coins.

    The dependability of Athenian currency, in comparison with that of other

    states, caused it to be readily acceptable to the advantage of Athenian


    Religious Life of the Greeks

    Beside language, Greeks also had a religion in common. The practice of

    religion consisted for the most part of carrying out rituals which would keep

    the god happy. Like Hindu, Greeks thought of the gods as very much like


    The king of god was called Zeus. It has terrible figure which gives hurling

    thunderbolt. The goddess of love and fertility was called Aphrodite. These

    deities were involved in human affairs too. They did not stand aloof from


    The god of the sea and earthquakes was called Poseidon. Apollo was the

    god of the sun and of the art. Athena was the god of the sun and of the art.

    Athena was recognized by all Greeks as the goddess of wisdom. TheAthenians also claimed her as the patron goddess of the city. She was also

    the virgin goddess of war and wisdom.

    All the Greeks believed that they had descended from a common ancestor

    Hellen. In spite of local deities all Greeks accorded deference to the same

    company f gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus.

    Olympic Game was also connected with the religion in Greece. The Olympic

    Games were held every four years in Elis in the South-western parts of

    Greece. Traditionally the games constituted a religious festival in honour of

    Zeus. The winner of the game received a great honour. Events were similar

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    to those in modern Olympic Games. There were races by men, and by horses

    throwing the discus and Javelin, wrestling and boxing.

    Roman Civilization Chart

    Chronology of Roman History

    1000 B.C. Latins and Etruscans move into Italy

    Roman Confucius

    800 B.C. Foundation of Rome, about 753 B.C. EARLYIRON AGE

    600 B.C. Etruscan kings expelled, 509 B.C.

    Consuls elected to head the republic500 B.C. Tribunes win rights for plebeians, 448 B.C. GOLDEN



    400 B.C. Rome begins conquest of Italy, 323 B.C

    Italy united, 275 B.C.

    Sicily ceded by Carthage, 241 B.C.

    War with Hannibal, 218 B.C. to 202 B.C.

    200 B.C. Cicero, 106 B.C. to 43 B.C.

    Caesar elected consul, 59 B.C.

    Octavian's victory at Actium brings peace in 31


    Rule of Augustus, 31 B.C. to 14 A.D.


    C AGE

    1 A.D. Nero emperor, 54 A.D. to 68 A.D.

    The Five Good Emperors, 96 A.D. to 180 A.D.

    200 A.D. Military despots and civil wars AGE OFROMAN


    300 A.D. Christianity made the official religion of the

    Empire400 A.D. Barbarian invasions

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    Contributions of Roman Civilization

    1. Preservation of Greek CivilizationRomans have made great contribution in the preservation and spread of

    Greek civilization in Europe. They acted as agent of the Greek to familiarize

    the glory of the past. It was true that the Romans took the ideas on religion,

    philosophy, art and architecture learning and science from Greek. But it is

    also not untrue to say that Greek civilization would not have been flourished

    without the help of Romans. Similarly Romans were much more advanced

    than Greeks in the organizing central and provincial governments, laws,

    principles of taxation, citizenship rights, construction of public works like the

    fountains, theatres, baths, bridges, aqueducts arterial roads, hospital and

    sanitation system. The Roman not only built an empire covering all the

    peripheral countries of the Mediterranean Sea including Britain and

    Mesopotamia but also organized the local and provincial governments in

    such a way as to ensure peace and harmony among the people. They did not

    inter-fare the local tradition and religion to introduce reform in the

    administration of the conquered land.

    Roman Law

    The most significant contribution of the Roman Civilization to the world was

    their law. It had made great impact on the law of almost all the civilized

    nations of the world. The first written code came in the form of Twelve

    Tables in 150 B.C. which were inscribed on the twelve table of bronze and

    publicly displayed in the market. This law was classified and codified by the

    Roman Emperor Justinian and it was called Justinian Code. This code

    adapted the principle of equality i.e. all are equal before the law.

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    2. Architecture and DesigningThe Romans were highly developed in the construction of all kinds of

    buildings. They learned the construction of columns or pillar from Greek but

    the arches and domes were their own inventions.

    3. Learning and LiteratureThe Romans learned education from Greeks. But they developed it in their

    own way. The Greeks taught the Roman children in the beginning but later

    on they were replaced by the Romans themselves. There is no doubt that the

    Romans copied literature from Greek but the Latin literature reached its

    height during the reign of Roman emperor Augustus. Julian Calendar was

    introduced by Julius Caesar in 45 B.C.

    4. Health and HygieneThe Romans were highly advanced in health and hygiene. The Europeans

    have learned many things from Romans especially in building of hospitals

    and drainage system.

    Social Life of the Romans

    It is said that a group of Indo-European called Italies came to Italy through

    Alpine passes. One of their Tribes was the Latins settled in Latium, the

    central plains of Italy lying south of the river Tiber. They constructed houses

    and small walled village for their protection. They used to speak Latin.

    Other tribe which came to Italy was Etruscans. Etruscans came from Asia

    Minor and settled in the north of the River Tiber about 800 B.C.

    The legend tells that Rome was founded by two brothers named as Romulus

    and Remus in 735 B.C.

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    H.A. Davies mentions "The earliest inhabitants of Italy of whom we have any

    very definite records were lake dwellers, who probably came from

    Switzerland and settled on the lakes of the north and over the marshes of the

    Po Valley."

    Slavery: There was very large number of slaves in Rome. It is said that

    there were slaves twice in number than freemen in Italy; and the proportion

    was still higher throughout the whole empire. The slaves were mainly

    domestic and not treated cruelty.

    Life of the People

    The lives of Romans were both luxurious and hard. The wealthy people

    lived in very beautiful mansions on the hills, the poorer classes were

    crowded into poor and thickly populated tenements in the Valleys. But

    luxury, idleness, and self-indulgence were probably confined to a very small

    class. The civil servants who carried on the administration of the Empire

    were extremely industrious, and there was a marked improvement in the

    treatment of the provinces. Even the worst of the emperors found it to their

    interest to rule them wisely, and when they were in need of money theygenerally wrung it from wealthy nobles at Rome not from the provinces.

    Economic Life of the Romans

    The main source of the income of ancient Rome was agriculture. The land

    supplied the substance of life, the basis for wealth and the credentials of

    social standing small farms existed. As time went on, however, the small

    farmer was crowded again.

    The food product most needed from agriculture was grain, for it continued

    to be the basis of Roman diet. The Romans had subsisted largely on porridge

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    or mush, made of coarsely ground wheat. Romans did not grow much food

    but imported it from outside world such as from Egypt, North Africa and

    Sicily. Romans gradually shifted to more profitable crops like grapes and

    olives, and were raising sheep.

    Romans developed manufacturing more slowly than large-scale farming. In

    Rome itself very little was manufactured beyond necessities. They made

    clothes out of wool, implements of clay, wood and metal, flour from grain,

    wine from grapes, oil from olives, bricks of clay. The only Roman industry,

    however, which attained a size appropriate to metropolis was the making of

    bricks for building.

    Commerce and industry, so largely in the hands of non-Romanas, were

    facilitated by condition created by Rome. The Roman peace established

    tranquility in which business functions well. There was a great and a great

    demand, without benefit of theory. They removed the obstacles between the

    demand and the theory of benefit.

    The Romans were directly responsible for markets even if they left to others

    the business of supply. Old cities in the East expanded, new towns in theWest grew. But Rome was the greatest of all. The system of selling and

    buying was well developed. Upon arrival, the goods were put to

    government use, purchased by large households, or sold in city stores. The

    streets were lined with stores and booths.

    The techniques of banking, initiated in the Hellenite Age, were developed

    still further to meet the demand for greater mobility of large sums of money.

    Roman money circulated throughout the Mediterranean region and beyond,

    but there were other coins as well, and so the money changers flourishedBankers, often freedmen, accumulated and guarded large stores of cash,

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    while letters of credit made easy the payment of debts overseas and

    eventually the employment of similar devices for local use.

    The Romans contributed the capital and energy of planning necessary for

    World Commerce and industry.

    Religious Life of the Romans

    Roman religion reflected Roman characteristics and reinforced them. Deities

    at first were merely spirits, or impersonal functional powers, who watched

    over the farm, the home and the state and whose good will be advisable tosecure by following the proper rituals. The lakes watched over the farm, and

    Saturnus over sown crops, the Penates were spirits of the storeroom, Janus

    guarded the door way and Vesta the hearth. The Genius of the house-hold,

    guarding the father and fertility, was a sort of alter ego and was worshipped

    like other gods. The male Genius was matched by a Juno for the matron of

    the household.

    The state gods were household gods promoted with some additions. Janus

    protected the gates of the city, as well as the door of the private dwelling,and when army was in the field the doors of the temple of Janus remained

    open until it returned. Vestal virgins were charged with the duty of

    watching the sacred fire of the city that it should never die. Jupiter, god of

    the sky was like Zeus in Greek and Juno was Jupiter's Queen. Minerva was

    goddess of wisdom, Mars was god of war, Dianna was goddess of the moon

    and of the hunt and Venus of fertility, love and beauty. The Romans

    sacrificed animals and plants to their deities like Nindus and others.

    Like the Greeks, the Romans thought of their gods like a heavenly expeditersof earthly affairs and did not associate them with a better life in another

    world. Romans were in the belief that relation with a god were in the nature

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    of contact, mortals contributed their share by sacrifice, and the god was

    expected to do something in return. The Romans like other ancient peoples,

    attempted to divine the future. No project, private or public, should be

    begun until the omens were found favourable. Priests wanted the skies,

    especially for lighting, or they observed the flights of birds, the movements

    of quadrupeds or the entrails of domestic animals. If anything peculiar was

    noted in any one of these sources of foreknowledge, it was considered an evil

    omen, and the project was postponed or abandoned. Even the meetings of

    the comitia and of the senate could not begin until the omens were consulted

    and found favourable. Veneration of ancestors was almost a religion. The

    best families treasured death masks of departed kindred. These images were

    kept in a scared nook in the home along with the statues of household gods

    and were displayed in funeral processions of members of the family. The

    great deeds of the departed were inscribed in the tablets.

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    The Vedic Aryans

    Contributions of the Vedic People

    The root of the Hindu philosophy, religion and culture was the vedic

    civilization. The Vedic literature reflects the different walk of the life of

    Vedic era. The most important and the earliest among the Vedic literature

    was Rig Veda. The Rig Veda was followed by other Vedas such as Yajur

    Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda.

    The political organization of Vedic civilization had great impact on the livesof the monarchs of Rajans. They were morally bound by the teaching of the

    Vedas. Even today people follow the teaching of Vedas and act accordingly.

    The people's representatives called Sabha and Samitee still exist in one or

    other form.

    Social Life of the Vedic People

    1. Family SystemFather was the head of the family system. Mother was next to the

    importance in the family. Everybody had to obey their father and mother

    alike. The mother looked after the management of household affairs and

    helped her husband in religious ceremonies and sacrifices. All the members

    of the family lived in the same house made of wood and bamboos.

    2. EducationEverybody had the opportunity of education. The girls and boys were

    equally educated. The girls were highly educated. They had full liberty of

    choosing their husbands. They composed hymns and sometime rose to the

    position of Rishis.

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    3. Caste SystemThere was division of labour and work but not the system of caste and

    touchability or untouchability in the beginning of the Vedic civilization. The

    warriors class known as the Kshatriyas was the result of the continued war

    and need for permanent class of fighting men. The priests were called

    Brahman. Vaisyas were engaged in agriculture, trade and commerce and

    Sudras belonged to the wild tribes.

    4. Food and DrinksThe people of Vedic era ate meat, vegetable, rice, barley, bean, seasame etc.

    They sued to take different kinds of fruits and fruit juice. They made sura orliquor from barley and corn and Sama from plant. They offered these

    alcoholic drink even to the Gods. The people were very much fond of milk

    and milk product things such as ghee, butter and curds. They prepared

    bread and cakes out of flour.

    5. Dress and OrnamentThe people of Veic era wore Vasas and Adhivasa. The garment of the lower

    part of the body was called Vasas and Adhivasa for upper part. Similarly the

    under garment was called Nivi. Embroidered clothes were worn by thedancers, brides and other wealthy women. The Hermits wore skin clothes

    especially made of deer.

    Men and Women both wore different types of ornaments. The ear ornament

    of man was called Karnasobhana. Kurisa, the head ornament, Khadi, the

    ring like an armlet and Nishka, the neck ornament were the most popular

    among the people of the Vedic era.

    6. EntertainmentGambling, Chariot racing, dancing, playing dice, wrestling, music were the sources

    of entertainment of the people. They enjoyed vocal and instrumental music.

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    Economic Life of the Vedic People

    1. AgricultureThe People of Vedic era primarily dependent on agriculture. They cultivated

    land and grew wheat and barley. They were very much fond of cattle. The

    wealth of the people could be measured by the size of the cattle.

    2. IndustryThere were many professional groups who engaged in different profit

    making activities. These were carpenters, blacksmiths, goldsmiths, butchers,

    potters, barbers, boatmen, hunter etc. They worked in small industry toproduce things to meet the demand of the society.

    Cotton and woolen garments were produced by the industry. They

    produced utensils house furniture, chariots, carts, boats, ships, sickles,

    razors, plough, weapons like spears and swords.

    3. TradeThe trade and commerce were in flourishing stage. The people were

    engaged in inland and river trade. Inland trade was carried out by cart

    driven by oxen and river by boat. The people had commercial contact withthe different part of the world. The tradesmen were also engaged in sea-

    born trade. The trade was carried on barter except a few nishka, a small gold


    Religious Life of the Vedic People

    The people of Vedic era primarily worshipped nature or the god and

    goddesses symbolising the nature. These can be classified into three groups

    viz. terrestrial gods like Prithvi, Agni, Soma and Brihaspati, the atmospheric

    gods like Indra, Marut, Vayu, Parjanya and Rudra, the celestial gods like

    Varuna, Dyus (the sky god), Sun god like Mitra, Savitri and Vishnu.

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