tma training & events - sep-dec 2012

training and events promoting learning and best practice within the performing arts September — December 2012 Brought to you in conjunction with supported by

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TMA Training & Events - Sep-Dec 2012


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trainingand eventspromoting learning and best practicewithin the performing arts

September — December 2012

Brought to you in conjunction with

supported by

32 Rose Street London WC2E 9ET Tel:020 7557 6700

32 Rose Street

Booking InformationTo book a place on any of our courses or conferences, please go to: or call 020 7557 6700.

Terms and Conditions Please note we have updated our terms and conditionsBy booking onto any of our events, you agree to our terms and conditions below:

Cancellation of EventsWhilst TMA will make every effort possible to run all events (i.e. courses, conferences etc.), we reserve the right to cancel or change any event if necessary.

Event information is correct at time of going to press but is subject to change. For the latest information please check our events page.

TMA will be unable to reimburse delegates for any fi nancial or other loss incurred as a result of an event cancellation or other change.

New Flexible Cancellation PolicyIf you wish to cancel your booking, you must contact the TMA in writing. Should you wish to cancel your place, then please note: • Where two or more weeks notice is given before the event start date, a full refund will be offered.• Where less than two weeks notice is provided before the event start date, full fees will be due and will be held on credit for use towards a future event. No refund will be issued.

In all cases, registrations may be transferred to another name for the same course.

In conjunction with Superbreak, TMA has arranged for delegates to receive a 10% discount on accommodation booked through them. Please go to or call 0871 221 4444 and quote ‘TMA’ (calls are charged at 10 pence per minute).

32 Rose Street, London, WC2E 9ETT: 020 7557 6700 E: [email protected] F: 020 7557 6799 Web:

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Training and Events Sep–Dec 2012

Forward IndexWelcome to our autumn / winter 2012 training and development brochure detailing courses and conferences tailored to those working within the performing arts.

In collaboration with the ABO, we have incorporated their events into our training programme; adapting them to meet the needs of both TMA and ABO members.

We have scheduled a vast array of training and events, more so than in any other year and a number of events have been programmed in response to our member training needs analysis conducted conducted earlier in 2012 as well as from feedback from those who attended events over the last 12 months.

Our mission is to create and deliver interesting and relevant courses, conferences and networking opportunities that benefi t and support organisations and individuals within their roles.

Whether you’re new to the industry or an experienced hand, our events are open to all and we hope that you fi nd something here for you.

Julian BirdChief Executive

Travelers – supporters of TMA training

The theatre business is becoming increasingly more complex and it is important that those involved take advantage of professional development and share best practice. That is why Travelers is delighted to support the training programme of the Theatrical Management Association, helping theatres to successfully manage their organisations and business risks.

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To fi nd out more about Travelers go to, or talk to your insurance broker.

Business and FinanceWorking with Local Government 2Introduction to Finance 2Governance for a Not-for-Profi t Arts Organisation 3Pricing at the Cutting Edge 3Essentials of Fundraising in the Arts 4Finance for Non Finance Professionals 4

Management DevelopmentLeadership Skills 5Effective Management, ‘Walking the Tightrope’ 6Personal Effectiveness & Emotional Intelligence Skills 6

People ManagementConducting Performance Appraisals 7 Managing Confl ict with Customers 7 Performance Management 8Practical People Management Skills & Creating a Vision for your Team 9Recruitment and Selection SkillsTraining 9

Personal Skills DevelopmentNetworking for Success 10Time and Stress Management 10

Customer Experience DevelopmentExperience Design, Creating a Great Customer Experience 11Delivering an Excellent Customer Services and Up-selling 12

MarketingMaking the Most of Database Marketing 12Essentials of Marketing, ‘Druidstone’ 13Introduction to Marketing 13

Health and SafetyHealth & Safety Essentials Plus 14Code of Conduct Train the Trainer 14IOSH Managing Safely 15

ConferencesFrontline 2012 15Box Offi ce Conference 16Press and PR Conference 16

Mentoring 16

Tutor Biographies 16

Training and Events Calendar 21

Early bird discount

Keep an eye out for our early bird discounts, available on most of our events. Book by the early bird deadline and get £25

off most events (£45 off IOSH!)

Member rates are available to TMA, SOLT, ABO & ITC members.

Prices shown are before any early bird discount is applied.

All events are held at TMA in Covent Garden, unless otherwise specifi ed.

New for this season

• 27 events scheduled

• 13 new courses

• Early Bird booking discount*

• Management & Personal Skills Development training

• Beautifully refurbished central London training facilities

• New Flexible Cancellation Policy


020 7557 [email protected]

*on the majority of our events

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Training and Events Sep–Dec 2012 Training and Events Sep–Dec 2012

Business and Finance

Working with LocalGovernment

Date: Wed 10th October 2012Time: 10.30am - 5.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 5th Sept (£25 off) Suitable forChief executives and other senior management, fundraisers, community and outreach managers.

IntroductionThis course will provide an opportunity to examine and consider the changing local authority environment and what this might mean for theatres and other arts providers seeking to maintain or develop a funding and/or business relationship with them.

Course outlineThe workshop will give the opportunity to share views on the changing landscape and what is happening to and in local government, including an exercise to help map our view of the landscape in fi ve years time.

You will seek to agree the impact of the changes and the opportunities and threats it creates and will look at a model of personal and organisational resilience as the basis of future actions.

The changing priorities of councils will be considered and you will look to see how theatres might better position themselves against them. The importance of understanding political relationships and the growing importance of outcomes and impact measurement will be examined.

The session will fi nish by considering actions or activities that could help theatres to respond to the challenges, develop their resilience and better position themselves in their relationships with councils.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Have a better understanding of the changes currently taking place in local government as a result of the fi nancial situation and policies of the coalition government• Have considered the opportunities and challenges this is creating for existing and future relationships with local government• Have considered possible actions and activity they could adopt to develop their resilience going forward

TutorMartyn Allison

Introduction to Finance

Date: Thurs 25th October 2012Time: 10.30am - 5.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 20th Sept (£25 off)

Suitable for Those new to fi nance, or whose role includes some fi nancial responsibility, those working with budgets from assistant to management levels and with some experience of the subject or those looking to refresh their existing skills. IntroductionWould you like to learn more about fi nance, how to plan a budget, or simply understand fi nancial processes better? An Introduction to Finance is a practical one day seminar covering key issues in fi nancial management and budgeting.

Course outlineThis course is designed as an introduction to fi nance and is less advanced than Finance for Non-Finance Professionals. It will help dispel the myths surrounding accounts and fi nance and give more confi dence to those people who have little or no fi nancial experience.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Understand the difference between accounts and budgets and their application in the workplace• Know how to prepare a simple budget and better understand fi nancial information• Gain a better understanding of how your budgets fi t into a wider organisational structure• Feel confi dent to talk about budgets and understand fi nancial jargon

TutorAnna Williams

Testimonials from previous 2012 delegates “Very useful overview and contextualisation of fi nance with a practical application. An excellent course, very well delivered.”Grand Opera House, Belfast

Governance for aNot-for-Profi t ArtsOrganisation

Date: Mon 19th November 2012Time: 10.30am - 5.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 15th Oct (£25 off)

Suitable for New Board Members, experienced Board Members, Chairs, Company Secretaries. Those who support Boards of not for profi t organisations, including senior staff and funders. IntroductionWith continuing reductions in public funding, the challenges for Boards of not-for-profi t arts organisations to ensure charitable objectives are met whilst steering a sustainable future strategy for the company has perhaps never been greater. At the same time, many Local Authorities are passing assets into the community leaving volunteer Board Members with the duty of overseeing complex organisations, many with multi-million pound turnovers.

Course outlineThis is an interactive day using group work with opportunities to learn and share from each other, as well as from the Course Tutor, an expert in governance and improvement in both the Charitable and Local Government sectors.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Understand the key responsibilities of a trustee, governor or board member• Have a good understanding of best practice in not-for profi t governance• Be equipped for the future, with some insight into the likely challenges ahead for the sector• Greater confi dence in governing and/or supporting the governance of not-for-profi t arts organisations

TutorEdward Lord OBE

Pricing at the Cutting Edge

Date: Wed 21st November 2012Time: 10.30am - 5.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 17th Oct (£25 off)

Suitable for Those with management or senior management responsibility within box offi ce, ticketing, sales, marketing and communications, general management and producers; those with responsibility for pricing within their organisation; those with some experience of the subject or looking to refresh their existing skills. IntroductionIn the current fi nancial climate, organisations will increasingly need to turn back to self-generated income to sustain them into the future. There are a wide range of variables that can be adjusted as part of pricing strategy to help increase income, maximise sales and promote access. A really sophisticated strategy can achieve all these objectives.

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Course outlineThe day will cover the following areas:• Fundraising strategies and research techniques• Charitable trusts and foundations • Individual Giving and Membership schemes, corporate support and events • How to get the most out of boards and development advisory groups

The course includes a 6-month email follow-up service, answering basic questions that have occurred since the course took place.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Have a working knowledge of the many different ways to raise money• Know how best to apply that knowledge• Know how to plan a fundraising strategy and write applications and proposals• Have a clear understanding of what NOT to do when trying to attract funds

TutorSarah Gee

Finance for Non-Finance Professionals

Date: Thurs 29th November 2012Time: 10.30am - 5.00pm £125 +VAT: Members£175 +VAT: Non membersEarly bird deadline: 25th Oct (£25 off)

Suitable forThose with experience of the subject matter or those in Senior Management positions within their organisation that deal with the fi nancial affairs of their organisation.

IntroductionWould you like to learn more about fi nance, or simply refresh your knowledge on the subject? This course is a practical one day course covering everything from interpreting fi nancial information to how to apply this information in organisational planning and decision making processes.

Course outlineYou will learn about the sources of fi nancial information and how to interpret them, fi nancial management systems including monitoring, reporting systems and internal fi nancial controls as well as:

• Using fi nancial information in costing and decision making• Financial planning as part of the business planning process• Methods of fi nancial analysis• Using budgets in monitoring systems• Using fi nancial information to help in decision making

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Have a solid understanding of fi nancial controls• Know about the nature of different types of costs and income• Be able to identify your options for costing a project• Gain insight into how fi nancial planning forms part of business strategy

TutorAnna Williams

Testimonials from previous 2012 delegates “The content and the presentation of the course was extremely informative. The initial learning’s I’ve had today will be of benefi t to me and my organisation generally.” Tyneside Cinema

Leadership Skills

Date: Wed 19th September 2012Time: 10.30am - 6.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 15th Aug (£25)

Suitable for Directors, senior managers, general managers, CEOs ; anyone moving into a leadership role that could benefi t with learning about key leadership skills.

IntroductionLeading a team of people is perhaps the most diffi cult task anyone can undertake. Leadership rarely comes naturally, but there are skills managers can learn and develop that will help bridge the gap between leading and managing.

Course outlineThis one-day course will give delegates formulas for giving direction, stimulating and motivating their teams to contribute more in terms of performance and enjoy doing it!

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Have learnt about leadership characteristics, including success and failure traits• Understand the difference between leaders and managers• Know how charisma affects your style of leadership• Understand how purpose and direction plays a part in effective leadership• Develop your own style of leadership• Know the effects of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming)• Learn how to communicate your vision as well as to make decisions as a leader

TutorJim Price

Management Development

Course outlineThis course will give an overview of the newest developments in pricing, including dynamic pricing and new insights into pricing psychology. The training will be fully interactive, offering you the chance to share your own experiences and problems, with case studies and worked exercises studied throughout the session.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• The importance of understanding the value you offer before the price you charge for it• Quick guide to pricing strategy and the factors that affect your pricing decision- making• Price metrics: What prices?• How many prices? • How can the new discipline of behavioural economics help you make the most from your prices?• Revenue management and dynamic pricing, with lessons learned from clients in the USA

TutorTim Baker

Essentials of Fundraising in the Arts

Date: Thurs 22nd November 2012Time: 10.30am - 5.30pm £110 +VAT, Members£150+VAT, Non-members

Suitable for Fundraising and development staff working in the performing arts, including orchestras, theatres, venues, concert halls etc.; those new to fundraising or those looking to refresh their skills in this area.

IntroductionThis course aims to dispel the mystique of fundraising and show that anyone can fundraise successfully provided they follow some simple rules, enjoy communicating with people, can write well and research thoroughly, and are persistent.

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Effective Management, ‘Walking the Tightrope’

Date: Mon 1st – Sat 6th October 20125 day residential courseLocation: Catthorpe Manor, Rugby £1250 +VAT: Members£1500 +VAT: Non-members

Two 50% bursaries available for this course!

Suitable for Those who are new to management, current managers looking to develop their skills; managers who have had no formal management training in the past. IntroductionDelegates will benefi t from a comprehensive management course taught over 5 days by experts in the fi eld with diverse management experience within the arts, education and training sectors. The rural setting of Catthorpe Manor lends itself to learning and will allow delegates to network, share experiences and ideas away from the pressures of work.

Programme outlineManaging yourself and others, leadership skills, planning with people, infl uencing skills, team working, handling change and decision making and problem solving

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Know the techniques used to successfully manage yourself and others • Feel confi dent to infl uence decisions, make valuable and reasoned contributions and understand best practice to problem solving• Understand your management style and team dynamics and be able to get the most out of your staff• Be able to deal with change within the workplace and understand how to manage change and manage others during a period of change• Learn the key skills to becoming a successful leader

TutorsRoger McCann, Ruth Eastwood, Ruth Mason

Testimonials from previous 2012 delegates “Every subject was extremely useful and relevant, particularly the Insights Discovery, Performance Management and Visions / Missions / Strategies. Every moment of the course was expertly planned and presented”.2011 delegate, The Orchard, Dartford

Personal Effectiveness & Emotional Intelligence

Date: Wed 28th November 2012Time: 10.30am - 6.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 24th Oct (£25 off)

Suitable for New and existing managers, directors, Heads of departments looking to develop their personal effectiveness; those looking to gain a better insight into their managerial style and develop their leadership skills. IntroductionPersonal management is an essential part of a manager’s business success. People will more readily follow a leader who is confi dent, competent and in control.

Emotional Intelligence (EI), is a highly valued skill in any environment. Energy, enthusiasm, collaborative relationships, effective communication and compassion are all needed to make any organisation great. People with high EI are better equipped to manage their own thinking and decision making, communicate effectively with others, manage change and handle stress positively.

Course outlineThis course will combine Personal Effectiveness with Emotional Intelligence. It will help delegates understand their own position and style clearly, their organisational and time management skills in addition to their ability to set and achieve personal goals and targets. On

the EI side, you will gain an understanding of the fi ve domains of Emotional Intelligence: Empathy & Handling Relationships, Self-Awareness, Self-Motivation and Self-Management.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Setting SMART objectives • Communication and communicating effectively• Essential planning skills • Controlling & managing meetings • Infl uencing & assertiveness • Principles of Emotional Intelligence• Grain a greater self-awareness• Manage thoughts feelings behaviours

TutorMandy Rossi

Conducting Performance Appraisals Date: Tues 25th September 2012Time: 10.30am - 5.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 21st Aug (£25 off)

Suitable for Anyone who is managing staff and undertaking monthly or yearly appraisals. IntroductionPerformance appraisals are essential for the effective management and evaluation of staff. Appraisals help develop individuals, improve organisational performance, and feed into business planning. They can be used to review an individual’s performance against objectives and are essential for career and succession planning.

Used correctly and effectively, appraisals are important for staff motivation, attitude and behaviour development and provide a formal, recorded, regular review of an individual’s performance and a plan for future development.

Course outlineThe course covers the basics of running staff appraisals to evaluate performance against pre-set objectives and competencies.

It will provide information and guidance on how to prepare for the appraisal interview, how to run the interview using questioning skills and how to document the outcomes and set stretching goals for future achievement based on the organisation’s long term plans. The course will also show you how to deal with confl ict and underperformance.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Have an increased awareness of the value of appraisals and organisational success• Learn the principles of staff appraisals• Learn how to plan and prepare for the appraisal interview• Know how to use effective questions and probe to obtain further information• Know how to listen effectively and without judgement or interruption• Know how to deal with confl icting or challenging behaviours, defensiveness and denial• Learn how to agree development plans and set objectives in line with the organisation• Know how to get buy in from the staff being appraised• Learn how to agree the content of the documentation of the appraisal• Have prepared an Action Plan of things to do back at work

TutorGeraldine Kelly

Managing Confl ict with Customers

Date: Tues 30th October 2012Time: 11.00am - 4.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 25th Sept (£25 off)

People Management

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Suitable forFront of House staff including Stewards, Ushers, Cloakroom Attendants, Bar and Box Offi ce staff. Anyone whose job brings them into regular and direct contact with the general public.

IntroductionWorking to help our customers enjoy an artistic experience can be a source of immense job satisfaction. But what happens when things go wrong? If your role brings you in contact with customers you may have encountered diffi cult situations, fl ared tempers or even physical aggression. Knowing how to deal with these situations, remaining calm and professional and reaching a successful outcome for all involved is vital. Course outlineThis is an interactive day using group work, exercises and discussion, with plenty of opportunities for you to share your experiences and learn from each other.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Understand why confl icts happen• Understand challenge, confrontation and confl ict• Spot the signs of aggressive or violent behaviour• Be equipped with tips and techniques in order to respond constructively • Developed your assertiveness and your confi dence

TutorRuth Mason

Testimonials from previous 2012 delegates “Particularly liked the practical tips on how to deal with upset customers and the theories behind them.”Theatre Royal, Plymouth

Performance Management

Date: Thurs 1st November 2012Time: 10.30am – 6.00pm £125 +VAT, Members

£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 27th Sept (£25 off)

Suitable forAnyone involved in the Performance Management or Appraisal process. This could include Directors, Line Managers, Team Leaders and HR Professionals.

IntroductionPerformance management is not a fi xed sequence of events, but a continuous process that constantly adapts to the needs of your team. The key aim of the performance management process is to develop your team in order for them to assist the organisation in achieving its objectives.

Course outlineYou will explore the different management styles that are available to you as a manager and how they can be used to effectively manage the performance of others. You will explore actual issues affecting participants and how these issues might be resolved. The course will also cover the tried and tested methods for managing performance in a twenty-fi rst century organisation.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Understand the different styles that can be adopted to handle different circumstances• Be able to describe the key stages in the performance management process• Know how to use core performance management skills• Develop techniques to address poor performance• Review challenges that face you within your team • Follow an action plan of your key development points

TutorsRachel Newman & Ruth Eastwood

Testimonials from previous 2012 delegates “This course was incredibly useful. I feel I have come back to work full of good practice and am already planning my performance management strategy. The trainers were brilliant!” Octagon Theatre

Practical PeopleManagement Skills & Creating a Vision for your Team Date: Tues 13th November 2012Time: 10.30am - 6.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 9th Oct (£25 off)

Suitable for Any individual that line manages staff or a team of people. IntroductionKnowing how to manage your staff can be pivotal to the success and morale of your team. Yet knowing how to do this is can be quite a challenge. The role of a manager doesn’t just encompass hitting targets; fi rst and foremost it’s about effectively managing your team to ensure you get the most out of them and they reach their full potential. Creating a vision for your team will aid any manager through providing direction, credibility and thus buy-in from staff.

Course outlineThis programme will give an insight into managing people and developing a vision for your team. The course has been specifi cally designed for all fi rst line or middle managers who are reasonably experienced in their role and in need of revisiting the key principles of people management or those who are experienced in practical terms but lack previous formal training in people management skills.

In conjunction with this you will look into the vital skills of a manager to develop a vision – to know where you want your team to go and what life will look like when you get there.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Know how to use coaching and mentoring in the workplace• Be able to build a powerful team and raise motivation levels• Learn how to delegate effectively

• Have the confi dence to deal with diffi cult people • Understand the importance of vision on productivity and morale• Be able to create a vision for your team• Be able to use SMARTER model to communicate your vision to others

TutorJim Price

Recruitment andSelection Skills Training Date: Wed 5th December 2012Time: 10.30am - 6.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 31st Oct (£25 off)

Suitable for Those responsible for recruitment within their organisation, who do not have formal training on the recruitment life-cycle; those new to the role; those wishing to refresh their recruitment skills. IntroductionThe essence of successful recruiting is in the planning and preparation stages. Recruiting the ‘wrong’ person can be costly not just fi nancially, but can also impact on productivity, staff morale and credibility. Whilst there are no guarantees in fi nding the right person fi rst time, there are proven ways to minimise your risk through effective planning, research and questioning.

Course outlineThis course provides the techniques for establishing exactly the right candidate profi le, researching and structuring the interview and following up effectively. If you have not received any formal recruitment training or are new to the practise or simply in need of refreshing your skills then this course is equally valuable.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Know how to profi le a candidate• Understand the use of ideal candidate formulas

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• Learn how to effectively screen candidates prior to interview• Learn how to structure an interview to get the best out of the candidate• Know about the variety of questioning techniques that can be used• Gain confi dence in making a decision on who to hire

TutorAnita Douglas

Networking for Success

Date: Thurs 4th October 2012Time: 10.30am – 5.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 30th Aug (£25 off)

Suitable forEveryone from the theatrical, arts, media professions. From entry level to Senior Management.

IntroductionNetworking is an essential part of relationship building and business development for any organisation. Knowing how to start and maintain conversations, develop rapport and connect with new people is a skill that can be learned and built upon.

This is practical half-day seminar to learn the essential skills needed for successful and powerful networking market.

Course outlineThe course consists of:• The fi ve essential lessons in successful networking • Practical “business speed dating” session to practice your new skills and gain feedback into your personal effectiveness

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Know how to identify your core body language signals and those of others • Understand the magical secrets of building rapport and connecting instantly with other people• Discover how to get your message over quickly and effectively in a competitive market

TutorSonia Beldom

Testimonials from previous 2012 delegates “Good mix of theory and practice; trainer prepared to discuss things of interest throughout”. Birmingham Hippodrome

Time and StressManagement

Date: Wed 14th November 2012Time: 10.30am - 5.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 10th Oct (£25 off)

Suitable for Anyone who is managing multiple work-loads or projects or has multiple reporting lines. IntroductionTime and stress management are often seen to be two separate things but in fact they both are closely related. Time management is essentially a way of gaining control, allowing you to effectively utilise every minute of every day in a way that allows you to accomplish that which is needed. In doing so, you will gain a sense of control. Stress management can be seen to be the ability to recognise the causes of stress as well as to interpret the emotions involved and redirect its effects on you in a positive, healthy manner.

Course outlineThe course covers the basics of Time and Stress Management and how to set about planning,

organising and prioritising your workload. It will cover the issues of barriers to managing time effectively, how to overcome procrastination as well as manage the expectations of others who are dependent on you for achieving tasks.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Understand the rules of Time Management• Increased awareness of how you manage time• Learn the habits of Time Management• Use some basic tools to identify priorities• Identify ways of improving your Time Management• Learn how to reduce time wasters and barriers to TM• Understand the effect of stress when managing time• Recognise the warning signs• Reduce stress and its impact on your well being• Understand what delegation is and how to do it to decrease your workload• Learn Communication Skills with others and manage their expectations• Prepare an Action Plan of things to do back at work

TutorGeraldine Kelly

Personal Skills Development

Customer Experience Development

Experience Design:Creating a Great CustomerExperience Date: Tues 11th September 2012Time: 10.30am – 6.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 7th Aug (£25 off)

Suitable forHeads of Department in arts venues responsible for public-facing functions, those working in Programming, Front of House and Operations,

Marketing and Communications, Education / Outreach and Box Offi ce.

IntroductionYour organisation will only be as successful as the experiences you offer are great. But what do we mean by ‘experience’? Is it just the work on your stages or is there more to it? In what ways do you proactively plan for and manage your audience experience? This training is specifi cally for organisations that want to increase and delight their audiences, maximise revenue, build loyalty and deliver on their mission and their brand.

Course outlineThis one day workshop is designed to give you the thinking and practical tools needed to shape and deliver the best possible audience experience.

During the session, you will become attuned to your audience experience and consider ways in which you might turn a good experience into a great one. You will explore the roles of insight and innovation in experience design and management and develop some great ideas to take back to your organisation. Your key take away will be that audience experience isn’t touchie-feelie, it’s strategic.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:In the theory elements you will:• EXPLORE what makes a great experience• UNDERSTAND the relationship between audience and brand experience• LEARN about the innovative concepts of Experience Design and Strategic Value Creation • DISCOVER how these can deliver on your Mission and Business Objectives

In the practical elements you will:• INVESTIGATE and shape your audience experience • RE-IMAGINE a better experience offer• IDENTIFY a potential Experience Design project to take back to your organisation• TRY OUT some great new stuff: Personas, Customer Journey Mapping, Touchpoint Management, Storyboarding

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TutorLisa Baxter

Delivering ExcellentCustomer Service andUp-selling

Date: Wed 3rd October 2012Time: 10.30am – 6.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 29th Aug (£25 off)

Suitable forThose whose role brings them in contact with customers either face-to-face or over the phone, including Front of House staff, bar staff, ticketing personnel, ushers etc; anyone that wishes to gain an understanding of best practice in customer services.

IntroductionWhether you are in a dedicated sales role or simply a customer facing role in any capacity this course will be a valuable part of your personal development and understanding of the responsibility that everyone in the organisation carries to ensure your customers are not just satisfi ed, but delighted!

The result will be a renewed vigour for putting the customer fi rst with any and every transaction, which will strengthen the bond between you and the people you deal with daily.

Course outlineThis course will cover a number of key areas relating to delivering an excellent customer services, including facts and fi gures about customers, the defi nition of the ‘extra-mile’ philosophy, understanding the consequences of poor service as well as how to create a customer driven culture.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Know how to C.A.R.E for your customers • Be able to develop strong relationships

• Understand how important Moments of Truths are in the customer service experience• Be able to change complaints into advantages • Know how to positively project the company image • Have learnt the key techniques to product up-selling

TutorMandi Rossi

Making the Most ofDatabase Marketing

Date: Wed 26th September 2012Time: 10.30am – 5.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 22nd Aug (£25 off)

Suitable forAnyone in a ticketed arts organisation with a responsibility for promoting and selling shows and managing customer relationships.

IntroductionThis will not be a purely theoretical exercise! Proper use of customer data can make a big difference to the marketing bottom line. The content of this course comes from over 10 years of working with data from more than 300 organisations of carried size and type and will expose which segmentation systems get the best results.

Course outlineThis course focuses on getting the most from customer data held on box offi ce ticketing systems. It is designed to give delegates practical outputs that can be applied as soon as you are back at your desks.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Understand the relevance of the data held in

the ticketing system• Understand how to use the database to generate sales without exhausting it and the marketing team!• Gain an understanding of a variety of segmentation systems, • Have a top tips guide to take to your desk to employ some of the techniques discussed

TutorStuart Nicolle

Essentials of Marketing, ‘Druidstone’

Date: Mon 22nd - Sat 27th October 2012Location: Catthorpe Manor, Ruby5 day residential course £1050 +VAT: Members£1350 +VAT: Non-members

Nine 50% bursaries available for this course!

Suitable forThe Essentials of Marketing is aimed at those with between six months and two years experience in arts marketing, ideally working in a performing arts context.

IntroductionThe Essentials of Marketing is the leading entry-level arts marketing course in the UK. Since 1984 it has produced generations of professionals who have gone on to be the Marketing Managers and Marketing Directors of today.

The course aims to equip junior arts marketers with the essential knowledge, skills and confi dence to undertake their marketing responsibilities in a better and more fulfi lling way whilst developing a support network of peers.

Course outlinePlacing marketing within the wider organisational context will be the starting point for the course, focussing on creating effective marketing campaign plans. A thorough grounding in the following areas will be gained

providing an ideal toolkit for today’s arts marketer:

• Understanding and targeting audiences• Strategic campaign decisions• The Marketing Mix• Making choices with limited resources• The importance of evaluating the success of campaigns

The course provides a framework of skills that can be adapted and directly applied by delegates back in their workplace. Specifi c topics covered are likely to include digital marketing, social media, Press & PR, research and effective copywriting.

TutorsKate Sanderson (Course Director)Sarah Ogle (Course Tutor)Matthew Austin (Course Tutor)Ed Newsome (Course Tutor)

Introduction to Marketing

Date: Tues 27th November 2012Time: 10.30am – 5.30pm £110 +VAT, Members£150 +VAT, Non-members

Suitable forThose who are expected to ‘do’ marketing as part of their job, but haven’t received any formal training; those who want to get into marketing and for those who are currently doing it and want a better grasp of the bigger picture.

IntroductionIntroduction to Marketing will start by giving you an understanding of what marketing is and how it benefi ts an organisation.

Course outlineThe day will include a number of practical exercises and various case studies.Participants will learn about principles of marketing including:• planning• targeting & segmentation• relationships


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Participants will also gain a working knowledge about specifi c marketing techniques including:• knowing your customer• choosing the right medium for your message• monitoring and evaluation

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Have a working knowledge of the four stages of a marketing planning cycle• Know how best to apply that knowledge• Know how to plan and implement a marketing campaign• Understand the importance of audience development and the benefi ts it can bring to your organisation

TutorsJoanna Sigsworth & Melanie Ryan

The course will be a mix of interactive PowerPoint presentations and group exercises looking at how we implement safety effectively within the performing arts. Delegates will receive handout copies of the presentation and a certifi cate of attendance.

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will:• Understand the concept of health and safety • Be able to manage accidents in the workplace and complete investigations• Be aware of legal provisions and understand their importance • Manage and organise health and safety at your workplace• Have the confi dence to supervise health and safety

TutorPhillip Brown

Code of Conduct Trainthe Trainer Training &Risk Management

Date: Tues 23rd October 2012Time: 10.30am – 5.30pmLocation: Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham

Date: Fri 26th October 2012Time: 10.30am – 5.30pmLocation: TMA, Covent Garden

£60 +VAT, Members & Non-members

Suitable forProduction, Technical and Company Managers, Supervisors, Touring or Stage Managers and anyone involved in the training of or the health and safety of staff that work in the area of Get ins, Fit ups and Get outs.

IntroductionFollowing the success of our spring 2012 Code of Conduct Train the Training course for those involved with the training of staff working in the fi eld of Get ins, Fit ups and Get outs, we will be running this event again in London and Birmingham.

The Code of Conduct course has been designed by the ATG with the aim of standardising the training received by staff within the industry and will cover the areas below. A session on Risk Management directly applicable to elements of the Code of Conduct will also be given by Andy Howlett of Travelers Insurance.

Course outlineTheatre Terminology, Manual Handling, Working at Height, Flying, Use of Knots, Use of PPE, Drugs and Alcohol Policy, Health & Safety Policy, Risk Assessments, Working Hours and the Working Time, Regulations, Working with Electricity, COSHH, Noise Regulations, TMA/BECTU Agreement, Safe Use of Tallescopes, First Aid and Accident Reporting, Other Elements of The Code of Conduct

Learning outcomes:The course aims to give delegates a grounding in how to train others in their place of work on the Code of Conduct.

TutorJohn Young & Andy Howlett

Testimonials from previous 2012 delegate“An excellent day and has given me good ideas regarding the induction of new staff”

IOSH Managing Safely Course

H&S management within the performing arts

Date: Tues 6th – Fri 9th Nov 2012 (4 days)Time: 10.30am – 5.00pm £495 +VAT, Members£595 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 2nd Oct (£45 off)

Suitable forManagers and supervisors who have responsibility for health and safety within their organisation.

IntroductionDesigned and quality controlled by the Institution of Occupational Safety & Health, Managing Safely will provide you with the knowledge and practical tools to tackle the

many and varied health and safety issues that arise within your organisation. This course covers current legislation, theory and practice of H&S management and includes practical exercises and tests.

Course outline• Introducing managing safely • Assessing risks• Controlling risks• Understanding your responsibilities• Identifying hazards• Investigating accidents and incidents. • Measuring performance• Protecting our environment

Learning outcomes – by the end of this course you will: You will be awarded an IOSH Managing Safely certifi cate (see website for conditions)

TutorPhillip Brown

Testimonials from previous 2012 delegates “Very useful content; very empowering”National Theatre

“Great tuition! Work resources are informative.” Lyric Theatre

ConferencesFrontline 2012

Date: Thurs 20th September 2012Registration Time: 10.30am – 11.00am

Conference Start Time: 11.00amConference End Time: 5.00pmLocation: Birmingham Hippodrome £100 +VAT, Members£80 +VAT, Additional members£150 +VAT, Non-members Details to follow

Health and SafetyHealth & SafetyEssentials Plus

Date: Mon 24th September 2012Time: 10.30am - 5.00pm £125 +VAT, Members£175 +VAT, Non-membersEarly bird deadline: 20th Aug (£25 off)

Suitable forSupervisors and Line Managers. No prior knowledge required.

IntroductionHealth & Safety Essentials Plus will enable managers and supervisors to improve the health and safety culture within their workplace and understand the basic procedures required to develop their safety management systems.

Course outlineThis course is an excellent foundation for those looking for an introduction to safety before continuing onto the IOSH Managing Safely course.

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Mentoring Programme

TMA’s Mentoring Programme will enable any TMA / SOLT member to have access to a mentor at no cost.

To fi nd out more, please go to

Martyn AllisonMartyn was National Advisor for Culture and Sport with Local Government Improvement & Development. Martyn now runs his own company providing management improvement support to the culture and

sport sector and is an associate of the Local Government Association, a member of SOLACE and a Fellow of CIMSPA.

Courses run by MartynWorking with Local Government

Tim BakerTim is the director of a leading UK-based arts management consultancy, Baker Richards and Vice-President of its US sister company, The Pricing Institute. Prior to his consultancy career, Tim spent seven years

as Marketing Director of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, before which he was Head of Marketing at the London Symphony Orchestra.

Courses run by Tim Pricing at the Cutting Edge

Lisa BaxterLisa is the founding Director of The Experience Business, a strategic insight consultancy that helps arts and cultural organisation build business advantage and grow audiences through the delivery of great experiences.

Lisa has worked with organisations large and small to connect them with their audiences in a way that generates both business and social value.

Courses run by LisaExperience Design, Creating a Great Customer Experience

Sonia BeldomSonia is an experienced executive coach specialising in improving personal skills, communication and presentation techniques. Sonia coaches presenters, on-screen experts and people new to appearing on microphone

and camera.

She is a press and media trainer and an expert in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and creative thinking techniques.

Courses run by Sonia Networking for Success

Phillip BrownPhill is Group Head of Safety and Environmental Services for the ATG. He’s a member of the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management, a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational

Safety & Health and a Registered Occupational Safety & Health Consultant.

Courses run by Phillip IOSH - Managing SafelyHealth & Safety Essentials Plus

Anita DouglasAnita (MAD About Training) is a versatile Organisational and People Development professional with a key focus on application of learned principles to deliver business effectiveness and improvement. Her down to

earth approach ensures others can apply the lessons she delivers whilst engaging effectively across a business from inductee to board level.

Courses run by AnitaRecruitment and Selection Skills Training

Tutor BiographiesBox Offi ce Conference

Date: Thurs 18th October 2012Registration Time: 10.30am – 11.00am

Conference Start Time: 11.00amConference End Time: 5.00pmLocation: TMA, Covent Garden £100 +VAT, Members£80 +VAT, Additional members£150 +VAT, Non-members Details to follow

Press and PR Conference

Date: Wed 31st October 2012Registration Time: 10.30am – 11.00am

Conference Start Time: 11.00amConference End Time: 5.00pmLocation: TMA, Covent Garden

£100 +VAT, Members£80 +VAT, Additional members£150 +VAT, Non-members Details to follow

Ruth Eastwood Ruth specialises in transformational and change management. She is currently Interim Chief Executive at the Mercury Theatre, Colchester.

As a Chartered Director of the IoD, she brings a strong

business mind to all projects. As an accredited team development specialist, she brings extensive experience of dealing with the impact of change.

Courses run by Ruth Performance ManagementEffective Management

Sarah GeeSarah is co-founder and Managing Partner of Indigo-Ltd.

She previously worked in a variety of roles in the music business, most recently as Director of Communications

for the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra.

Sarah is known for her work on areas where marketing and fundraising overlap and also founded the philanthropic crowdfunding site

Courses run by SarahEssentials of Fundraising in the Arts

Andy Howlett, TravelersGuest speaker on:Code of Conduct and Risk Management

Geraldine KellyGeraldine (Plum Associates) is a qualifi ed Learning & Development Consultant and Executive & Life Coach with over 20 years experience in both the private and public sectors.

She possess business acumen which helps her to understand how businesses really function,

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identify their strengths and challenges and provides development solutions which are constructive, methodical and results orientated.

Courses run by GeraldineConducting Performance AppraisalsTime & Stress Management

Edward Lord OBEEdward is a highly experienced not-for-profi t chair and board member. He is currently chair of the Albert Kennedy Trust, Capital Ambition and Local Partnerships.

Professionally he started life in fundraising and communications, including serving as development director of two universities. He now runs a small consultancy practice covering governance, fundraising and public affairs.

Courses run by EdwardGovernance for a Not-for-Profi t Arts Organisation

Roger McCannRoger is a director of NFA International Arts and Culture. Internationally he has devised and delivered training programmes all over the world. His most recent production was Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, a co-

production with the Mercury Colchester and the Marjanishvili Theatre in Tbilisi, Georgia which involved fi ve live actors and ten puppeteers with over 30 puppets.

Courses run by RogerEffective Management, ‘Walking the Tightrope’

Ruth MasonRuth has held senior positions in arts management, business development, PR and leadership training across a range of organisations. As well as being a skilled trainer and development consultant, Ruth is an

accredited facilitator of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator tool (MBTI), and a qualifi ed practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Courses run by RuthManaging Confl ict with CustomersEffective Management, Walking The Tight Rope

Rachel Newman A member of the CIPD and General Manager for Lighthouse, Poole

Courses run by RachelPerformance Management

Stuart NicolleStuart is the Managing Director and founder of Purple Seven, a U.K. based tickets analysis software fi rm that offers the award-winning Vital Statistics marketing analysis and communications system, which is currently used by over

500 organisations across the UK, Scandinavia, Australia & New Zealand.

A graduate from the University of Huddersfi eld with a BA Hons in music, Stuart went on to study for an MA in Arts Administration at Anglia Polytechnic and has spent 15 years working with cultural organisations, helping them maximise the value and effectiveness of their customer data.

Courses run by StuartMaking the Most of Database Marketing

Jim PriceJim (MAD About Training) is an inspirational speaker with an impressive track record in delivering training aimed at helping leaders to maximise their results through greater staff satisfaction.

He has a down-to-earth approach ensuring that all theories are related to the real world and especially to the word his delegates live in.

Courses run by JimLeadership SkillsPractical People Management Skills

Mandy RossiMandy (MAD About Training) is a highly skilled, international learner-centred facilitator with extensive experience in a wide range of industries.

She is an NLP Master Practitioner and has an MSc

in Psychology. Mandy holds a LAMDA Advance Certifi cate in Acting and has recently delivered training for the Performing Arts Network of East Kent.

Courses run by MandyPersonal Effectiveness and Emotional Intelligence Skills

Melanie RyanMelanie is the Marketing Manager at the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, having worked there for 13 years.

Courses run by MelanieIntroduction to Marketing

Kate SandersonKate has worked as a consultant since 2006, after leaving her role as Director of Communications for West Yorkshire Playhouse. She joined Indigo as a Partner in January 2009. Alongside her marketing specialism, Kate

has a particular interest in using information to effect and manage organisational change and, as an accredited coach, in supporting individuals through that change.

Courses run by KateEssentials of Marketing, ‘Druidstone’

Joanna SigsworthJoanna is Marketing Manager for Town Hall and Symphony Hall (THSH) in Birmingham. Her career before joining THSH has included marketing, publicity and fundraising roles at the

BBC National Orchestra of Wales and Northern Ballet Theatre.

Courses run by JoannaIntroduction to Marketing

Anna WilliamsAnna is the Finance Director of the Birmingham Royal Ballet. Her role is to fi nd solutions to business challenges in an increasingly complex environment.

Anna is a Chartered Accountant and has lectured on fi nancial management and business planning for the MA in European Cultural Policy and Management at the University of Warwick.

Courses run by Anna Introduction to FinanceFinance for Non-Finance Professionals

John YoungJohn has worked in the theatre industry for 25 years. Having studied Stage Management at Guildford School of Acting, John went on to complete residencies at several regional theatres. He became Safety &

Environmental Advisor for the ATG and in 2011 was promoted to the newly-created role of Head of Technical Services. Courses run by John Code of Conduct Train the Trainer

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Training and Events Calendar


Tues 11th Experience Design – Creating a Great Customer Experience p11

Wed 19th Leadership Skills p5

Thurs 20th Frontline Conference, Birmingham p16

Mon 24th Health & Safety Essentials Plus p14

Tues 25th Conducting Performance Appraisals p7

Wed 26th Making the Most of Database Marketing p12


Mon 1st Effective Management residential course, Rugby p6

Wed 3rd Delivering an Excellent Customer Service and Up-selling p12

Thurs 4th Networking for Success p10

Wed 10th Working with Local Government p2

Thurs 18th Box Offi ce Conference, London p16

Mon 22nd Essentials of Marketing, Druidstone, Rugby p13

Tues 23rd Code of Conduct and Risk Management, Birmingham p14

Thurs 25th Introduction to Finance p2

Fri 26th Code of Conduct and Risk Management, London p14

Tues 30th Managing Confl ict with Customers p7

Wed 31st Press & PR Conference, London p16


Thurs 1st Performance Management p8

Tues 6th ISOH, Managing Safely p15

Tues 13th Practical People Management Skills & Creating a Vision for Your Team p9

Wed 14th Time and Stress Management p10

Mon 19th Governance for a Not-for-Profi t Arts Organisation p3

Wed 21st Pricing at the Cutting Edge p3

Thurs 22nd Essentials of Fundraising in the Arts p4

Tues 27th Introduction to Marketing p13

Wed 28th Personal Effectiveness and Emotional Intelligence Skills p6

Thurs 29th Finance for Non Finance Professionals p4


Wed 5th Recruitment and Selection Skills Training p9

Training and Events Sep–Dec 2012

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trainingand eventspromoting learning and best practicewithin the performing arts

September — December 2012

Brought to you in conjunction with

supported by

32 Rose Street London WC2E 9ET Tel:020 7557 6700

32 Rose Street

Booking InformationTo book a place on any of our courses or conferences, please go to: or call 020 7557 6700.

Terms and Conditions Please note we have updated our terms and conditionsBy booking onto any of our events, you agree to our terms and conditions below:

Cancellation of EventsWhilst TMA will make every effort possible to run all events (i.e. courses, conferences etc.), we reserve the right to cancel or change any event if necessary.

Event information is correct at time of going to press but is subject to change. For the latest information please check our events page.

TMA will be unable to reimburse delegates for any fi nancial or other loss incurred as a result of an event cancellation or other change.

New Flexible Cancellation PolicyIf you wish to cancel your booking, you must contact the TMA in writing. Should you wish to cancel your place, then please note: • Where two or more weeks notice is given before the event start date, a full refund will be offered.• Where less than two weeks notice is provided before the event start date, full fees will be due and will be held on credit for use towards a future event. No refund will be issued.

In all cases, registrations may be transferred to another name for the same course.

In conjunction with Superbreak, TMA has arranged for delegates to receive a 10% discount on accommodation booked through them. Please go to or call 0871 221 4444 and quote ‘TMA’ (calls are charged at 10 pence per minute).

32 Rose Street, London, WC2E 9ETT: 020 7557 6700 E: [email protected] F: 020 7557 6799 Web: