tn faftnrv wins j j bpatiiia: tffipme -...

I First Section iZiT^xji^ VOL. 10. NO. 255.' .^°' Profited From Continental Trading Company’s Transao- tlon: Defies Senate Board. J (By The As«iclal«l P« m) WXaniNOTOK. Feb. S-AIUrmiUn* Hashlmf-tlrCT-or-tempw-WHl-dUMnu - tag 5mlIcs,.RobcrU¥,..Strrort^ch^r- _ man of Uie board ol the Standard OU of Indian*, defied {he «na(« oil com- mittee today. bu|» repeftlcdly denied ^ that'he profiteddollar from the now cetcbrawd Continental Tradtaj company's transactions. . He will bc recalled tomorrow and If he twraiJU aMWMrt' to tt*' *^jurTT^ " committee will bo faced, with.the de- ___ cialon a* to what, »tew ahould F Uken • looklnj to hi* punlihmenl' for 0 coHtmpt. a dKln!on~whieh~irprompr- q -V |y y” ” ^ BeKtelSSeT------------- ^----------------------------' ' On Stand Two Houn ' Fot' more than two houn today, the tl ___^tnll._ thlck-Mt, gray*halred Chicago oil operator. hlm»elf on» a lawyer, t voice and emphatic manner his own actions In connection with various oil •~nra@aUbtiriHanhni^ ^ ^Umo-AndtUain-conleBGa-in taabUlty f _:-to-«mc5ib«-JnBiiy-a*lfln^ 'T hen suddenly, as It appeared he " WM-tO'be-exeuscd.-tha-mUiliil-Cfim- 1 mlltee clialnnan. Qerald P. Nye. • North Dakou, put to him two quea- ■ ___ tIntM which he ^ « uihft nny nr tni> lJl»rty PnniTit * Oil proliu and whether lie hid dia- ctused ai\)T of the Contlnentai bond IransocUons with Sinclair. > ______________ IUj Own~ way_______ J Previously. Stewart had decllnid to t 1 . -the.bonds.went.from. Sinclair .to Al* | - Itert B. Pall after Ihc lease of Teapot (Oontlnued^J^ Two)' r "plQmcD W im -GfllEpi| Front-toMIVeloome-Amerioan ] . FliST House Tops ^ m m e d .} ' C BAN JUAN. Porto Blco. Feb. 3 tPJ __i=PQrto_Bico.KttloU5ol«nBl Charle# i « A. Llndberah when he landed al Es- i Mriibron' flying 'flel4 ~tto '^ t ernbte > a presldentUl salute. He heard also m e shouls of many tbous&ndi who t fed gathered along the sea front and In Munos Rivera^K . 8lr«W.'«tIW i dla of all sorts of nolse*nukln« de- , ------v im . 'fmmm imiHBTn' 1 to the youthful airman. . . . --------- ----- Uoaso Topi Jammed ,-------- ' The tops of housea and> publlo , buUdlngs. from which the field could bo aeen. were Jamibtd wllh itlU more thousands eager to ace the Spirit of I a llg ti^ at 1:65 p. ni. (12:U DUtem < aUtndard lime). - ^ \ . jUe was In the air two houn and ' - tlvQ-mlnutes, having taken off at S t ' ‘num uu. Vlrtln Islands, at 11:S0, local time. , ------ CONFIRM" NOMINATIONS— 7 " - :WAaHmaTON. ftb. S.(/n-Th« . nomlnatloaa of. Eugene Meyer; Jr., , Oeorge R. CpOuey and Floyd R. Bar- rlBon td be membCTa of the Federal W rm Lwn bwrd.yerc fflitlrtnrt ?«t^ .today by the senate afler three hour* , ------ . ■ : ---------------------------------- i coynT sm ifltcifl LOS ANGELSS. PefaL a (A -A lec«l battle between Tom Mix, film aotor, —and'hl*‘tormcrwlfer^toirOllw-8tota« ^^MiiFwho'iTbBngliiFsull^lo^KaVT^ monthly allowance of;their IS^year- old daughter, RtiUj, l n c r i ^ , t r « ^ ISO ' to tlMO In order tlu l she may be educated lof the stage went u i^ ^ v ' ed today In superior Judge Spencer SovTon's court. '. judie Dowroti iUted t)iat Iw. weuld not give an order for an lnereaso:ln'-'KftMidTH-in-iniount fo^ber up- \ ' brtntlnr pnvtdM that she bwMM'ft pQpU Imtead ot « dajrioboel ____ ^ * S i-0Mt^»i*-tc«Aliuitd.-th8 dat* . .:ot-lU muajpuan >o b> U<*f- - --.-v ■ - n~~ i i - |Bnrgiar t NEW YOnKrFeb.-8-W^^«- |1 J -Jo£lS£LS2SStJC £Ss^ A hull Iran • idiuW . -iiiS L .'g?. C^miuiJuSi CT a buri'ia^ w hl^ Huntley awoM • In time to frustrate by leUlng a , leg that was disappearing oul of his window.______________ MfflllfflPlffi- liiEMHi; ------------------— h; ; Columns of Silent Mourners m ' Stand in. Rain for Turn to '« Uoi( at M a r s h a l ’s Coffin, n ; LONDON. PW).. a body of , Field Manhal Bari Halg.-ta; a heap ? orrpopples.-rep«d-toBight-;to-th# -U . holma ta hw dr**! m All day long VMt crowds, even more U thousands than jMlerday, -pMsed Ir ' through st. Columba's to look for t ^ ir > last t^e upon the fl4g*shrouded. ic ^ flower-strwn coffin ,ot •BrtUln*5~TOro ^ [ Long Columns In Bain L, nasplta perlofli fit britt iiln.JPM . a * Of the World war to ultimate vl'ctoryJ^ ;• rTtufarTfitertayr-mauar-of'the-pll- ti ' grlms were men who had fought and IJ bled under his command aod as they I r ' Wear V rte rlrfP w iM J Neorly all who went to the church _ wore or carried popplei m»de by dls- V aWed veterans w h ^ Bwl Haig Imd ? them broken. Thaie Uttle artificial * ttewoma. symbetleai^ or utM U bhtaQ ; • > rlflee and deroUon, fell one by one ^ : around the casket. !.-■ - - i t In wheeled chairs pushed by police- ^ crutche8,||{ good-bye. " > . L egiStcaightening j O peration Comes in " ----------E o tJftu iestig atio n . i .; , E OHlCAOO; Feb. 3 (/P)-Appearlng p at an ta^lr^tef^ lho . sUte-^ h f s^^^^^^^^IeO O n O w ii li formed the leg-stralihtenlng operb- tl tlon on Miss sadle Holland whleh her a * family contends' led to Uve amputation « of both- her.' legs yfler * gangrene In- li fectlon set In. '. , ) Dr. SchlKson said lhe operation on j s the .girl's legs was performed b*ji an - assistant. Dr. 8. D. Zapp, although » he"^aaVe~Hlmwl^oiim V 0 aMUie^ ^ e ^Ume.^^*'*lhat*^wM ’ 0 how he happened to be present. * ^ two M tllSPBiy n = I "Gem State Ordiardists Op- t.' posed to Changing Toler- kl ance Standards on Apples. ® BOlSt' F». • a WV-Idaho fruU “ growen attending sculona of'the aa- : nual Idaho. Hprtleullural ass^cliUon g mwgng^./led^^^thew * arsenical ipray ruldue. tolArabce - standarde-«B-:^e»-fr«m-that-«(.U(t - year. TIjIs aoUon wu taken by In- dlTldujU groiren and- not by tbe aa- _ infininn t.» pell''was made of _ _ Kti»l_iwoctaUonjnfm^._ _ [ "A S dom«eU^S$fxrS*‘M S S S ? ^ Ulea woBid conUnue lo require not , more than oiu-hundredih of a gnln J oLMienlo:.pflr_pouad_on-ttPl>l»^P- _ Mofone-torUetbof a grain of anenlcpcr 2 pound, la «f/ect-last year,-to:th*-for- - " eto-stondard. ; ■ -------- * piJiNri!i6N-Bfop>udaT^^^- A RAVANA..- M ). 3 M>)-A non-stop t „ fllght_ffom Avana » St. UuU is g .ptonaea.»~0&» A: LUi2toth'-w^ hi^TtfAHaTMPTiir hemrinad-hoy-TOe • U ftTlatcc.'lndMM hu.plan todwr-«n - TWIN PALLS, IDj< IF M IM IIF V M H ' 'iiH ie! JE B E F H li: Recital of~Events in First Years of Defendant; Tells of j Mother’s Threats of Murder. -------<«y-Tl.ji-t»Arlat«H Pr»«l . • —LOS-ANQELEa.-FWi.-2-Thr-sanlty - trial of-WUllam^ day produced an Intimate picture of “ hlircaily-ArlcsnsM-homc-llfe,-palnled from the n-l(neu stand b}* his father. S mother and bnsUicr. and led In trial evidence the heavy Icnife u-lth which 0 he killed Marian Parker. The sixth trial day ako brought the I. flnt of Hitkmun’s alienists to the j defense of his Pleu ot sanity.________ 1 _ A , broad-lilmuldcn’ri, r^dy-Iacwt ! ,( father, whose teslimony of Ills family p unhapplneu broke him down wbblnig, icstllied.thc-earlyJlfe.oLth&.defendflnt. ,e had been affected-by^ a mel^ancholy, £ u.rtwi thri.«t nf tho “n^rvnin nnrt m».|l cullar:!:.mother,to kill.hlm. and.her, J e Uiree children. He told ot her show- d Ing signs ot Insanity from their early « married life doni-n to when her doctors 1. lold him site was "craty." ^ -. ^ --------- ----------------------------------------- On the oUicr h»nd Uie witness ad- ^ milted to lhe prosecuUng attorney !T | w l o i ! h o ; ^ s t a t i r f ' ^ . - m r ^ ^ ^ “ tinr^lclttl* mnt he n^t r'had;^!^ hitiirtDBrrp- psiiMM i Very Eoveronl Monslgnor Pftt- Id rick'Michael pnihMhan Dies ^ in,- B^it. i,nicff V ty ^ "'sALt'LAKE OrtY, Feb. a'W>»—'nie Very Re<. Monslgnor Patrick Michael CuinaHan. vicar general of'ihe Salt Lake diocese of Uic Catholic, churcli. ^ n tt^ an-IMnK^oMTioriM^'*^" Monslgnor Cushnahan.. wlio \ .J postor of Si Joseph'stchurch In Og- den. was stricken 111 last Dcccmber while on Ills way heme from a trip to Ireland. Ko continued the Journo'. _ however, and after reaching Ogden «- «wned-lo-b>-g«mng-bcttfr. Lntc-ln December he became’ worse nnd was Ig removed to the Holy Cross hosplul !t here. .............................: 1-, Patrick Michael Ciichnahan was t laridLjunc. 't- the national scliools of Ireland-and >r a t'A H '^ lo w > college In Dublin nnd <n was ordained in-the chapel ot that I- InsUtutlon at the age of 33. 'n --------------------— r - ................... ......... .. 41 I - ‘ _ h .......... g j-- g jC^ ^ : --------- ^436 s . . •i, «t --------------------- .'f>\ ^ f ^ m k e _Z m®5 il --------------------- ^^ ----- . j P v ' ^ ------- •n ........ ^ [DAHO, FRID AY irfORNIN( ir Well-Dressed‘Man ■ II ill ------BUPP^|U»r-Y.. Fob,.a (4^-.- I ' Tlie w ell-drei^ man musl' havs lO. ~'«t~l^fat~nvrbfiifC«tU. style men»— j t in lho NaUonal Aooclatlon of Mer* | -chatit- •I%tloriirhaw'-‘dKTeeil.---------- A< report read today by A. Un- coln Sladler, h » d of ilie fashions ~f^iwiuing'*0n«icilitw overcoat'" uf for town'WtSHT^ morc ample coat for general wear, suitable for spring and falL »<id a heavier one 01 tor winter: an ulsirr or tireat coal tor'travel nnd a'special ccat for er. sports. elude moderately broad shoulden. close-tKtlng iaekeis, tulUcliested St? -wabL-aJftUJOOnHieriUSlOrtaf- =: ta. trousers cul to hanK «ral*hl and full, SllghUy narrowfO and tapertd at Ihe bottom. *• f‘ single and doublc.brrwied'two* ■ ^ button or thrw-button »ack cooU and pockets with or inDioui lings. arc favored. ; « ihUiR MAIL,PLAtlE WINGS •; fa- -WftY-THROUflH bARKNE8»- -ji g, IS CONTEST WITH DEATH " S “ aSvasND.^Ofiio, ^ !T ^ e ^arl^eM to ^ h t iii /a race het dcatli— ' ~ ■*" J-. Charles A. i>acKan:, cmcinnatinooK' passage In the I^ane here late today " .l„ m order to reach ths bedside of hU ■®” moUier. M rs.-^ A. Packard, al Umg « ___ llcach._Callfornl^.,wt!il,^ hlie_ls_sUll “ Q(j. Packard received word todoy thal nev his mother, had been stricken wllli parfllvnl* nnd that dcatli was only n.mmter_oLhoura. . _ a ^■1 ............. ? « CAPITOL-TAGE^-ENTER-IN- - ^ R E S tB E ffflS F W ftflG If - prwi*rSal°^polgn \ir<A7v^f1^ ^ *11 at the capltol tOdny as Uie forcc» of n iftj: cuHBrig a a c am ^-T^ ^ f ^u l “tA m ^'ail in lun. A~se^ rpa'Rc bor<Hdmlrer of the Kansas re- ^ 'At- publican suMed hostilities by stamp- lies Ing In the anow on the broad ex- ^0^ petty? tbe _ Inspection Service ^ ircli. miii.| U r i roduce'Hi^iuanfr-p \ -3 ll Og- BOISE, Feb. 3 ' (;P)-Pedcral- U nber sUte Inspection service Issued cer- fl p to tlficatea durlns iJanuary on 2170 k o rno'. cars of agricultural producu. com- ;den p o ^ ot 1669 cai^'of potaloes. 3U ji 'iiSr L ?S7%aSmrT«mnS=-4^ piul spector In chante. announced to- e dny. In, January a year , ago In- e was spectlons'In ldnho'were made on r r ^l!■ ' ^iu**jiuiuiiii iliipuient^ broiijhl ~ n -wi’d ■“ Uitt’[ol5I“ iiUml>0r"Wrcw*TStnce-^ and - July-l-to 16W5 cm , as cortipsred C that wiui 1S.8&3 car? In tbe. enllre .ILs- f cal year, ended June 30. n --TH E PRICELESS-HERITAGE ! ^ O U CAM 'T - \ A .R R S 5T - ^ ^ . iK J m Y n •• IING, FEBRUARY 3,1928. bpatiiia: ! on One Hundred and Fiftieth i Anniversary of Alliance Be- ' tween States and Louis XVI. i_ /tB??. I^r } VBded by “Uie splrll of Locarno,- * cheered M. Briand. Uie foreign rtUn- ister-today.-wben.hc announnwl-thaL the sixth arbltraUon Ireoly, nego- , Uated by France In accord with the comprornlse pact with Oermany, wilt p i^ b ly be signed by Prance and tho t;nlted States on or betore February g. on the occasion of the one hundred fiftieth anniversary ot the treaty of S~ alliance between-Louis XVI-and (lie rH ______ Iw w.p1ylny , Oulltay Str^mann, Oerman-fo«lg^ ^ e- mlntoter-ww-anlmatmi-by-eoneUlatory- motive* but .he noUced at Locarno hli thal wheoeter Hcrr Stresemann held out hla hu>d. It wemed to be wlUi mi the hope of pulUng ll back wlUi some- t h t n y - l n - l t ---------: ......................... ^ Ul Given All Premised Uh ‘'Prance has given all she prom- s i Jwl,:_lw , fla.-w'ttwy in rarry nut. th»^ pmmLiwt ' *. ' —^ |~ •— Rhineland .qunUon ISbi T —— {Oontlnued on Page-Two)^— •iiEffliHiaim Ate t V PoBtag* Bates in Neiffhbor- ex- in ;' Bepablio. to Be Baiseil tbe to A!d‘in New Development. 1^ASHD«WOH.-.Feb.^ 3 (flV-The - Mexldui'Kovarnment.will.take Imme- diate stepa' to-rftlse mODey-for-the e#- tablbhment of alfm aU route* Jrom hfr rauui^^ic ^tuviir ln-Mcxlco-fromTeight-to-10-c«»Uw»,| I- the postoftloe departmenl was noU-| r- fled today by the postmaster, general; 70 K of Mexico. fi. The Mexican offlelal sald'Uio pro-1 SS jected route would extend from Mex- ot Ico City, to Neuvo Laredo. PurUier 0^ CTer, between offlcloli of the two gov- n- emmrtiU b^ore any 'decision Is Ml reochdd.' fd CltFlo"BrownisvllIc7^as, via' Tam- Ls- pIco and MiftAnorati would be the moat dealrable one'., ', '- IE : - ^ ^ y '__________________________ T______ ^ t\r.a ' i ______ ^ eo T A - , I ^ BAB . 1 H IS ^ Y i8. ^ 'V Countess at'W ort n I Tn Faftnrv W ins J I --------- I NEW YORK-W>K!LW!Hn.‘lnB?_- | '"art looking up for the Counlcas ^|- Vrra Mtusma Pushkin.- She liiui - |(T uirce work In ik hat faetory, Uut i5dar=hCT-^l<^^^l««t=n*r.=- - to tl»e poalUon of designer. And her claim to noble lineage, he Ijd. ’ snid. had nothing to do with It. J|j —~7Tt ^ ^j lIniiBTiil * m yi thfl -* jii, -who-now oalta herself Mlss-Mus.------- slno. «-as killed fighting fur ilie Je- , ______ : -------------- WHITO iln- httL ............................... ........— .— ^— me' Roundhouse and'MachineSliops tho Ruined by Flames; 31 Loco- ' tary M motives Are Badly Damaged. Of . C0NNELL8VILLE, Pa- Peb. 3 ----- A—roundhouse- In-whlch-M Igwjmp- lUv. .uvM-were-staiuUng.-ajid-the-adJalai'J . crc- ing machlno shops ot -Uie BalUmoro tory- officially__wt mnin lh«ni . im o M.000,000.. All of Uie locomotives | uld were badly damaged and It was said I iriUi tbat the exact loas could Jiol be de-11 me. lermlned until they were ekamlned. I Thi>_locomDUveL_l^te todav werft .. laying amid thP smouldering mlns, „ • several wlUt whUUes blowing as fallen timbers lay across Uie whlsUe JSLeordfc-------------------------1 ----------------------- L « » from UIe'dlvUloR-:auperlntaident'aiof.-|«i , ___ flcc-ialdJ_Iuioned_la-ft.rmKaJroin.j_ -------ihtiih.hafllM air wns driven by ft fsn Tft to >11 poru of Uie'big roundhouse.} -U lipflv^n throuah the heaUng Ploai by IU Uie tan. Uie sutement said, the flames broke out at several points slmultan- Ilf- - uluble to-remove, any of the e<iulp-l lOr- ment." seil ----------------- —. . - - cnt. KILL REBELS J M^AOUAi, M . a (ffVeeven Nle- ■The aragiian •« b d a ’ aro known to "havo ime- boen-kllled.and four wounded In five } et- tngagemenls wlUi a- United: .States t from marine corps palrel cqmmandedb&L the CaoUln Roner W.'Peord.--inTlTrnisU w »|ia'd.>— •“ Z — E Prohibition Party . Issues-Form al igx- Por Big Convention M- I u tional •oommlltee ^f Uie prohlblUon pdrty’today Issued a fornial' cali'tw ...... ......................----------- --- run- CandldateA for president and vice Uie president will be selKUd ai^ a . foria ’dnifled by 163T delegates.-. D. Lelsh Colvin. naUonal chairman, an- nomicea: ;“ T __ i. -^*The inYltftUonJojendjcpcwmtfc tlves to the convenUon Is broad,** he m M “TK piirpoi/ h ta bring about ___ _ a^ijew alignment In American-polltlea.** r Oot thousand delegates ai^ _'to~'^ chosm from among members of the prohlblUon- party, lie explained.' -flEM ID Il lBS FOR W ll m ~ R S p D B I IS s n s " ■■W jlf-Have 152 ,Voters at St«e Meellng In August; Democrats Have 74. BOISE,‘ Febra-t/Pf-On-Uie basis oX ^ elecUon tor congressional and sUte candldfliw, ApporUoning . one del(«ftte for every 400 votes, the re- _____puMi>.^n foflvenUon. A u g t ^ - a s . will hara 153 d^atcs. ^ O mbS* crktie convenUoii ^IFhavei 74 dei^ gates and the progressive coQVcnUoix _____will have 77 delKratas. ______^ ’ Delegates apporUonment was an- iwuwed today by Fred X tu keoi, " iw w anr of State; ArUie-wnvenlias ; ___ _ Iiv ittaa the republicans had 166 dele- gates. Uie democrata had ■», ond. the pRVraslves had 134. . Aroortlonment of delegatee to.the ri' republican and demoemUe convenUons ^eh-lKe^ketlMi-of^delewtw-to^ ___ • pwwy>ly y<11 tw> ___ bised-upoiiTtiie.mdhbd-uatdJoeitbs I-— state-meeUngs.--------------------- r.PIUBON aUABD k iu S dI T ' HUNTSVILLE. Texas, P*b. a, d ; B. Long, guard at the S u ttw .......... state prison fann.'3l miles from beKO, «M .shot.aad klUed by. ToBTBodeiliftn. aaaUiw;;fuard. wte mtotooK:'atih:fOK' PRICE 5 CENTS/ ■ tffipME llorthtotern ,Hree7{. Drives— - '-Flamcs-on;-Damage Mounts— to- Millions of Dollars; Fire Being Brought Under Control. . __HOSTON-lFWdar-Mianln«).Fcb. 3 (;p)—Operators ot ibe Wcstem ; Union Telegraph rompony In the Pall River office Mnt oat news • of the great tire, which was sweeping their clly this momlng, until their bulldlni was in tiameih ' I The record In the log of Uie of- i shoes were bnmlng." . Al-mldulghl Uie stricken"cHy“ ' ~ wiU» the - o a t^ e - wotM. W e- li -Wor»-4l.^»^clock Uat-nl|h t. whaa- “ > the flsnioi reaehed the mala tele- lj phone txcbange. .] (By The AssocUted Press) — ’ H ■p A L f E I y E r ; km k ; l\ (PridayMornlBg)?eb. 3— J ___ M ore^than Jm jo M fl-b Bm - ;-!*^ ' e r f l - d e s t r o y b l - * 1 > ^ ^ il~ni?~w Ka B)^pt~the~city^— n last Qiffht. Ai 1 o'clock tbift " ! working its way alosf the yj_ w d aJi^BinflM^ but ^ ®] trol. The -residential dis - trict at-that.honr seemed to be in no immediate ^ ' • gar- : ' ' " ' "T" ' . i l ■.-.-.BUJcBIVBE, HoM l. PobV 2 ’Oj T^nre ibnight.BwepL.throngh I thc'conter of Pall Blver?B-bnflir'“ i^r_N <Contlnued on^ ^ ^ ^ g L :«iTHirair vTflWiliS m '■ Assistant Secretary of State~ - -V /a i iirA yainst-Propaganda In " Address at Women’s Meeting. D. ■ ■" T ^ ' ________________ WASHINOTON, Feb. 2 (JPt-K v t n - V- log -that "war talk toa often causes' - „ ^ »plrtt,"'wak soiihded today by;'• at WllUam R. CasUc, asslsUnt secretar:* -^f='eUt*-in^:wrgMr*r=»rDW=xar'— 5« ■wom«nTT>ftiiouc-conrm5M“q r3 “-E ir M nallonnTdef^. mertlng'here in sup., port of adequate prtparedness. _ “TOe State d y a ^ m t is In heorty. [J* Mr. CosUe asserted.' I t Is the'sttne:— X for yp as pr^utioia to _ Berated mlllUry preparednw-to^^-rr I result ot fear, and fearfulneaa.lnntes..^ I The state department, he continued, exerts iu “whole tafluenee"_.toward_ the development of "Intaimtlonal con- |T fidence and \a coo^Utitt-WHh Ui«'- ifc departmenl of commcrce to raise-the . standards of. commerdal relatlona." in Brigadier Ocoend Heniy. J, Reilly,. ol the' Otflcen* Reserve corps took;. - i luue with the state department offl*.’ ' cUI In his remarks on preparednasa - - and commercial relaUons. •‘I do nol agne wlUt Mr. CasUe.-' " he aald.-“U he^means to suggest U ut .... »* we'are’in'dangwofexiggertUaffTJreT Qd sarednets. The old trading saUona' ne resent the appearance of Ute United. «• States In foreign trade, and commer* - le. eUl-rivalry haa IngvlUbly-ln the Post 10- provoked war." _______ . • iKEGliliM- s-POEMiiEB-Tfli- jj;-r --------- ^ ------ --------------- T-— POOATELLO, Feb. a (AV-Tansema^; ^ m w ta relieiwl by touches o( . Jw ordw'd.MlIk«thJng;rd>ti>M'fi^'Bcee^ Uu Jltet rut

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Page 1: Tn Faftnrv Wins J J bpatiiia: tffipME - · I First Section iZiT^xji^ VOL. 10. NO. 255.' .^°' Profited

I First Section

iZiT^xji^■ VOL. 10. NO. 255.' .^°'

P r o f i t e d F r o m C o n t in e n ta l

T r a d i n g C o m p a n y ’s T r a n s a o - ■

t l o n : D e f ie s S e n a te B o a r d . J

(By The A s«iclal«l P « m ) ’W XaniN O TO K . Feb. S-AIUrmiUn*

— H ashlmf-tlrCT-or-tempw-W Hl-dUM nu - tag 5m lIc s ,.R o b c rU ¥ ,..S trro rt^c h ^r- _ m a n of Uie board ol th e Standard OU of Indian*, defied {he « n a (« oil com- m ittee today. bu|» repeftlcdly denied ^ t h a t 'h e p r o f i t e d d o l l a r from the now cetcbrawd Continental T ra d ta j company's transactions.

. H e will bc recalled tomorrow and If h e twraiJU

aM W M rt' to tt*' * ^ ju rT T ^ "com m ittee will bo faced, w ith .the de-

___ cialon a* to w hat, »tew ahould FU k en • looklnj to hi* punlihm enl' fo r 0 coH tm p t. a dKln!on~whieh~irprompr- q

-V |y y” ” ^

— BeKtelSSeT------------- ----------------------------'' On S tand Two H oun

' Fot' more th a n two h oun today, th e tl___^tnll._ thlck-Mt, gray*halred Chicago

oil operator. hlm»elf o n » a lawyer, t

voice and emphatic manner his own actions In connection with various oil

• ~ n ra @ a U b t i r iH a n h n i^ ^

^ U m o-A nd tU ain -con leB G a-in taabUlty f _ : - to - « m c 5 ib « -J n B i iy - a * l f l n ^

'T h e n suddenly, as It appeared he " — W M -tO 'be-exeuscd.-tha-m U iliil-C fim - 1

m lltee clialnnan. Qerald P . Nye. • N orth D akou, pu t to him two quea- ■

___ tIntM which h e ^ «

uihft nny nr tni> lJl» rty PnniTit *

Oil p ro liu a n d w hether lie h id dia- c tused ai\)T of the Contlnentai bond IransocUons w ith Sinclair. >

______________ IUj Own~ way_______ JPreviously. S tew art had decllnid to t

1. - th e .b o n d s .w e n t.f ro m . Sinclair . to Al* |- I te rt B. Pall a fte r Ihc lease of Teapot

( O o n t l n u e d ^ J ^ Two)' r

"plQmcD Wim -G fllE pi|— F r o n t- to M I V e lo o m e - A m e r io a n ]

. F l i S T H o u s e T o p s ^ m m e d . }' C

BAN JUAN. Porto Blco. Feb. 3 tPJ _ _ i= P Q rto_B ico .K ttloU 5o l«nB l Charle# i

« A. Llndberah when h e landed a l Es- i M riibron' flying 'fle l4 ~ tt o ' t ernb te >

a presldentUl salute. He heard also m e shouls of many tbous&ndi who t f e d gathered along th e sea front and In Munos R i v e r a ^ K . 8 lr«W .'« tIW i

d la of all so rts of nolse*nukln« de - ,------v im . 'fmmm imiHBTn' 1

to th e youthful airm an. . . .--------- ----- Uoaso Topi Jammed ,-------- '

T h e tops of housea and> publlo ,■ buUdlngs. from which the field could

bo aeen. were Jam ibtd wllh itlU more thousands eager to ace the Spirit of I

a l l g t i ^ a t 1:65 p. ni. (12:U D U tem < aUtndard lim e). - ^ \. jUe was In th e a ir two h oun and

' - tlvQ-mlnutes, having taken off a t S t ' ‘n u m u u . V lrtln Islands, a t 11:S0, local tim e. ,

------— CONFIRM" NOMINATIONS— 7 " - :W A aH m aT O N . f t b . S . ( / n - T h « .

nomlnatloaa of. Eugene Meyer; Jr., , O eorge R. CpOuey and Floyd R. B a r- rlBon td be membCTa of the Federal

— W rm L w n b w rd .y e rc f fl itlr tn r t ?«t^ . to d a y by the senate a fle r three hour* ,

------ . ■ : ---------------------------------- i

coynT sm ifltciflLOS ANGELSS. PefaL a ( A - A lec«l

battle between Tom Mix, film aotor, — and 'h l* ‘torm crw lfer^ to irO llw -8 to ta«

^ ^ M iiF w h o 'iT b B n g liiF su ll^ lo ^ K a V T ^ monthly allowance o f ; th e ir IS^year- old daughter, RtiUj, l n c r i ^ , t r « ^ ISO

' to tlMO In order t l u l she may be educated lof th e stage went u i ^ ^ v

' ed today In superior Judge Spencer SovTon's court. ' .

ju d ie Dowroti iU ted t)iat Iw. weuld n o t give an order for an lnereaso:ln ft'-'K ftM idT H -in -in ioun t fo ^ b e r u p - \ ' b r tn t ln r p n v td M th a t she bw M M 'ft

pQpU Imtead ot « dajrioboel

____ ^ * S i - 0M t^» i* -tc«A liu itd .- th8 dat*. . :o t - lU m u a jp u a n >o b> U<*f- -

--.-v ■-

n~~i i -

| B n r g i a r t

■ NEW Y O n K r F e b . - 8 - W ^ ^ « - |1

J- J o £ l S £ L S 2 S S t J C £ S s ^ A

hull I r a n • id iu W .

■ - i i i S L . 'g ? . C ^ m i u i J u S i CT■ a b u r i 'ia ^ w h l^ Huntley awoM

• I n time to frustra te by leU lng a ,leg th a t was disappearing ou l of his window.______________


------------------— h;

; C o lu m n s o f S i le n t M o u r n e r s m

' S t a n d i n . R a in f o r T u r n to '«

‘ U o i ( a t M a rs h a l ’s C o f f in , n

; LONDON. PW).. a body of, Field M anhal Bari H a lg .-ta ; a heap? o r rp o p p le s .- re p « d - to B ig h t - ; to - th # -U

. ho lm a ta hw dr**! m

All day long VMt crowds, even more U thousands th an jM lerday, -pMsed Ir

' through s t . Columba's to look for t ^ ir> last t ^ e upon th e fl4g*shrouded. ic f low er-strw n coffin ,o t •BrtUln*5~TOro ^

[ Long Columns In BainL , nasplta perlofli fit b r i t t iil n .J P M . a

* Of th e W orld w ar to ultim ate v l'ctoryJ^ ;• rT tu fa rT f ite r ta y r -m a u a r -o f 'th e -p ll- ti ' grlms were men who had fought and IJ

bled under h is command aod as they I

r ‘ ' W ear V r t e r l r f P w i M ’J Neorly a ll who w ent to th e church _

wore o r carried popplei m»de by dls- V aWed veterans w h ^ B w l Haig Imd

? them broken. T haie Uttle artificial* ttew om a. symbetleai^ or u tM U b h ta Q ; •> rlflee and deroUon, fell one by one ^ : around th e casket. !.-■ - ’ - i t In wheeled chairs pushed by police- ^


good-bye. " • > “

. L e g i S t c a i g h t e n i n g j

O p e r a t i o n C o m e s i n "

----------— E o t J f t u i e s t i g a t i o n . i. ; , E

OHlCAOO; Feb. 3 (/P)-Appearlng p a t an t a ^ l r ^ t e f ^ lho . s U t e - ^ h

f s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I e O O n O w i i li formed the leg-stralihtenlng operb- tl tlon on Miss sa d le Holland whleh he r a

* family contends' led to Uve am putation « of both- her.' legs yfler * gangrene In- li fectlon se t In. ' . ,

) Dr. SchlKson said lhe operation on j s the .g irl's legs was performed b*ji an- assistant. Dr. 8 . D. Zapp, although» h e " ^ a a V e ~ H lm w l^ o iim V0 aMUie^ ^ e ^ U m e .^ ^ * '* lh a t* ^ w M ’0 how he happened to be present.

* ^ tw o

■ MtllSPBiyn = I

" G e m S t a t e O r d i a r d i s t s O p -

t . ' p o s e d t o C h a n g in g T o le r - kl

a n c e S t a n d a r d s o n A p p le s .

® ■ B O lS t' F » . • a W V-Idaho fruU ■ “ growen attending sculona o f 'th e a a - : nual I d a h o . H prtleullural ass^cliUon g m w gng^ . / le d ^ ^ ^ th e w

* arsenical ip ray ru ldue . tolArabce- s ta n d a rd e -« B -:^ e» -fr« m -th a t-« (.U (t -

year. TIjIs aoUon w u taken by In- dlTldujU g ro iren and- not by tb e aa-

_ in fin in n m» t.» p e ll ''was m ade of _ _ K t i » l _ i w o c t a U o n j n f m ^ ._ _

[ " A Sd o m « e U ^ S $ f x r S * ‘ M S S S ?

^ Ulea woBid conUnue lo require not , more th a n o iu-hundredih of a g n ln J oL M ien lo :.p flr_pouad_on-ttP l> l»^P- _

M ofone-torU etbof a grain of a n en lc p c r 2 pound, l a « f/ec t-las t year,-to :th*-for- - " e to - s to n dard . ; ■ -------’ -

* p i J iN r i ! i6 N - B f o p > u d a T ^ ^ ^ -A RAVANA..- M ) . 3 M>)-A non-stop t „ f llgh t_ffom A v a n a » St. U u U is g . p to n a e a .» ~ 0 & » A: L U i2 to th '- w ^

hi^TtfAHaTMPTiir h e m rin ad -h o y -T O e • U f tT la tcc .'ln d M M h u .p la n todw r-«n


I F M I M I I F V M H '

' i i H i e !J E B E F H l i :

R e c i ta l o f ~ E v e n t s in F i r s t

Y e a r s o f D e f e n d a n t; T e l ls o f

j M o th e r ’s T h r e a ts o f M u r d e r .

-------<«y-T l.ji-t»A rlat«H P r»« l .• — LOS-ANQELEa.-FW i.-2-Thr-sanlty -

tria l of-W Ullam^ day produced an Intimate picture of

“ hlircaily-ArlcsnsM -homc-llfe,-palnled from th e n-l(neu stand b}* his father.

S mother and bnsUicr. and le d In tria l evidence the heavy Icnife u-lth which

0 he killed Marian Parker.The sixth trial day ako brought the

I. f ln t of Hitkmun’s alienists to the j defense of his Pleu ot sanity.________

1 _ A , broad-lilmuldcn’ri, r^ d y -Ia cw t ! ,( father, whose teslimony of Ills familyp unhapplneu broke him down wbblnig,

icstllied.thc-earlyJlfe.oL th& .defendflnt. ,e had been affected-by^ a mel^ancholy,

£ u.rtw i thri.«t nf tho “n^rvnin nnrt m».|l cullar:!:.m other,to k ill .h lm . an d .h er, J

e Uiree children. He told ot her show- d Ing signs o t Insanity from their early « m arried life doni-n to when h e r doctors 1. lold him site was "craty."^ - . --------- -----------------------------------------

On the oUicr h»nd Uie witness ad- ^ m ilted to lhe prosecuUng attorney

!T |w l o i ! h o ; ^ s t a t i r f ' ^ . - m r ^ ^ ^“ t i n r ^ l c l t t l * m n t he n ^ t r 'h a d ; ^ ! ^

hitiirtDBrrp-psiiM Mi V e r y E o v e r o n l M o n s lg n o r P f t t - Id r ic k 'M ic h a e l p n ih M h a n D ies ^ in ,- B ^ it . i,n icff V t y

^ " 'sA L t'L A K E O rtY , Feb. a'W>»—'nie Very Re<. Monslgnor Patrick Michael

■ C u in aH an . vicar general o f 'ih e Salt Lake diocese of Uic Catholic, churcli.

^ n t t ^ an-IMnK^oMTioriM^'*^"Monslgnor Cushnahan.. wlio \ .J

postor of S i Joseph 'stchurch In Og­den. was stricken 111 la st Dcccmber while on Ills way heme from a trip to Ireland. Ko continued the Journo'.

_ however, and a fte r reaching Ogden «- « w n ed -lo -b> -g«m ng-bc ttfr . L n tc -ln

December he became’ worse nnd was Ig removed to the Holy Cross hosplul!t h e r e . .............................:1- , Patrick Michael Ciichnahan was

t la rid L ju n c.'t- th e national scliools of I re land-and >r a t 'A H '^ lo w > college In Dublin nnd <n was ordained in - th e chapel ot that I- InsUtutlon a t the age of 33.

'n --------------------— r - ................... ......... ..41 I - ‘ _h . . . . . . . . . .

g j - - —

g — jC ^ ^ : ---------

^ 4 3 6s . .

• i ,

« t --------------------- . ' f > \ f ^ m k

e_ Z m® 5i l ---------------------^ ^ ----- . jP v '

^ -------

•n ........^


ir Well-Dressed‘Man ■ II

i l l ------B U P P ^ |U » r - Y.. Fob ,.a ( 4 ^ - . - I' Tlie w e l l-d r e i^ man m usl' havs

lO . ~'«t~l^fat~ n vrbfiifC «tU . style men»— j t

i n lho NaUonal A ooclatlon of Mer* |- ch a tit- •I%tloriirhaw'-‘dKTeeil.----------

A< report read today by A. U n ­coln Sladler, h » d of ilie fashions

~ f ^ iw iu in g '* 0 n « ic i l i tw overcoat'" u f fo r town'WtSHT^ morc ample coat

fo r general wear, suitable for spring and falL »<id a heavier one

01 to r winter: an u ls irr or tireat coal to r 't ra v e l nnd a 'specia l ccat for

e r . sports.

elude moderately broad shoulden. close-tKtlng iaekeis, tulUcliested

S t? -w a b L -a J f tU J O O n H ie r iU S lO r ta f - = : t a . trousers c u l to hanK « ral*h l and „

full, SllghUy narrowfO and tapertd a t Ihe bottom. *• f ‘

sing le and doublc.brrwied'two* ■ ^ button or thrw -button »ack cooU and pockets w ith or inDioui lings. a rc favored. ; «

i h U i R M A I L ,P L A tlE W IN G S • ;

f a - -W ftY -T H R O U flH b A R K N E 8 » - -ji

g , I S C O N T E S T W ITH D E A T H "

S “ a S v a s N D .^ O f i io ,

^ ! T ^ e ^ a r l^ e M t o ^ h t iii /a race h e t dcatli— ' ~ ■*" J - . Charles A. i>acKan:, cmcinnatinooK'

passage In the I^ane here late today " . l„ m order to reach ths bedside of hU “ ■®” moUier. M r s .- ^ A. Packard, a l Umg « ___ llcach._Callfornl^.,w t!il,^ hlie_ls_sUll “

Q(j. Packard received word todoy tha lnev his mother, had been stricken wllli

parfllvnl* nnd th a t dcatli was only n .m m ter_oL houra. . _ a

^ ■ 1 .............?« C A P I T O L - T A G E ^ - E N T E R - I N - -

— ^ R E S t B E f f f l S F W f t f l G I f -

p r w i * r S a l ° ^ p o lg n \ir<A7v^ f 1 ^ ^*11 a t the capltol tOdny as Uie forcc» of ni f t j : c u H B rig a a c a m ^ - T ^ f

^ u l “tA m ^ 'a i l in lun. A ~ s e ^ rpa'Rc bor<Hdmlrer of the Kansas re- ^

'A t- publican suM ed hostilities by stamp- l ie s Ing In th e anow on the broad ex- ^0^ petty? tbe _

Inspection Service ^ircli.

m iii.| U ri roduce'Hi^iuanfr-p\ -3 — • llOg- BOISE, Feb. 3 ' (;P)-Pedcral- U

nber sU te Inspection service Issued cer- flp to tlficatea du rln s iJanuary on 2170 k orno '. cars of agricultural producu. com-;den p o ^ o t 1669 cai^ 'o f potaloes. 3U ji

' i i S r L ? S 7 % a S m r T « m n S = - 4 ^p iu l spector In chante. announced to- e

dny. In , January a year , ago In- e was ■ spectlons'In ldnho'w ere made on r

r l ! ■' ^ iu**jiu iu iiii iliipuient^ broiijhl ~ n -wi’d ■“ U itt’[ol5I“ iiU m l>0r"W rcw *TStnce-^ and - J u ly - l- to 16W5 c m , as cortipsred C th a t wiui 1S.8&3 car? In tbe. enllre .ILs- f

c al year, ended June 30. n

- - T H E P R IC E L E S S -H E R IT A G E !

^ O U C A M ' T -

\ A . R R S 5 T - ^ .

iK J m

Y n ••


b p a tiiia :! o n O n e H u n d r e d a n d F i f t ie t h

i A n n iv e r s a r y o f A llia n c e B e-

' t w e e n S t a t e s a n d L o u is X V I.

i _ /tB ?? . I^r} VBded by “Uie splrll of Locarno,-* cheered M. Briand. Uie foreign rtUn-— is te r -to d ay .-w b en .hc announnwl-thaL• th e s ix th arbltraU on Ireoly, nego- , U ated by France In accord w ith the

comprornlse pact w ith Oermany, wilt p i ^ b l y be signed by Prance and tho t;n l ted S tates on or betore February g. on th e occasion of the one hundred fif tie th anniversary ot the trea ty of

S ~ a llia n ce between-Louis X V I-and (lie

rH______ Iw w.p1ylny , Oulltay

S t r ^ m a n n , O erm a n -fo « lg ^ ^ e-

mlntoter-ww -anlmatmi-by-eoneU latory- motive* bu t .h e noUced a t Locarno

h li th a l w heoe te r H crr S tresem ann held o u t h la hu>d. I t wemed to be wlUi

m i th e h ope of pulUng ll back wlUi some-t h t n y - l n - l t ---------: ......................... ^

U l Given All PremisedUh ‘'P ran c e has given all she prom-s i Jw l,:_ lw

, fla.-w'ttwy in ra rry nut. th»^ pmmLiwt— ' * . ' — ^ | ~ •— ■ Rhineland .qunU on ISbi T

— — {Oontlnued on P a g e -T w o )^ —

•iiEffliHiaimAte t V

P o B ta g * B a t e s in N e iffh b o r- ex- i n ; ' B e p a b l i o . t o B e B a is e i l tbe t o A !d ‘ in N e w D e v e lo p m e n t.

1^ASH D«W O H.-.Feb.^ 3 (flV-The - M exldu i'K ovarnm en t.w ill.take Imme-

— d ia te s tepa ' to-rftlse mODey-for-the e#- ta b lb h m e n t of a lfm a U route* Jrom

h f r r a u u i^ ^ i c ^ tuv iir— ln-M cxlco-from T eight-to-10-c«»U w »,| I- th e postoftloe departm enl was noU-| r- fled today by th e postm aster, general; 70 K of T h e Mexican offlelal sa ld 'U io pro-1 SS jected rou te would extend from Mex- ot Ico C ity , to Neuvo Laredo. PurUier

0^ CTer, between offlcloli of the two gov- n- e m m rtiU b ^ o re any 'decision Is Ml reochdd.'

fd C l tF lo " B ro w n isv l lIc 7 ^ a s , via ' Tam - Ls- pIco and M iftAnorati would be the

m oat dealrable one'., ', ' -

IE : - ^ ^

y '__________________________ T______

t\r.a ' i______

^ e o T A - , I

^ BAB . 1

H I S ^ Y

i 8 . ^

'V C o u n t e s s a t ' W o r t nI Tn Faftnrv Wins JI --------- I NEW Y O RK -W >K!LW !Hn.‘lnB?_- |

'" a r t looking up for the Counlcas ^ | - Vrra M tusm a Pushkin.- She liiui - •

|(T uirce work In ik h a t faetory, Uuti 5 d a r = h C T - ^ l< ^ ^ ^ l« « t= n * r .= - - to tl»e poalUon of designer. And her claim to noble lineage, he

Ijd . ’ snid. had nothing to do with It. J|j—~7Tt j l I niiBTiil * m yi thfl -*

j i i , -w h o -n o w oalta herself M lss-M us.-------slno. «-as killed fighting fur ilie

J e - , ______ :--------------

W H ITOiln-h ttL ............................... ........— .— —

me' R o u n d h o u s e a n d 'M a c h in e S l io p s

tho R u in e d b y F la m e s ; 3 1 L o c o - 'taryM m o t i v e s A re B a d ly D a m a g e d .

Of .

C0NNELL8VILLE, Pa- Peb. 3----- A—roundhouse- In -w h lch -M Igwjmp-lUv. .uvM -w ere-sta iuU ng.-a jid-the-adJalai'J . crc- ing machlno shops ot -Uie BalUmoro

tory- officially__wt mnin lh«ni .imo M.000,000.. All of Uie locomotives | u ld were badly damaged and It was said I iriUi tba t th e exact loas could Jio l be de-11 m e. lermlned u n til they were ekamlned.

I Thi>_locomDUveL_l^te todav werft .. laying am id thP smouldering mlns,

„ • several wlUt whUUes blowing as fallen tim bers lay across Uie whlsUe

JSLeordfc-------------------------1----------------------- L

« » from UIe'dlvUloR-:auperlntaident'aiof.-|«i,___flcc -ia ld J_ Iu io n e d _ la -f t.rm K aJ ro in .j_------- ihtiih.hafllM a ir wns driven by ft fsnT f t to >11 p o ru of U ie'big roundhouse.} - U lip f lv ^ n th rouah the heaUng Ploai by IU Uie tan . Uie su tem en t said, the flames

broke out a t several points slmultan-

Ilf- -u luble to-rem ove, any of th e e<iulp-l

lOr- ment."seil ----------------- —. . - -c n t. KILL REBELS J

M ^A O U A i, M . a ( ffV eeven Nle- ■The aragiian • « b d a ’ aro known to "havo ime- boen-k llled .and four wounded In five } e t- tngagem enls wlUi a- United: .S tates t from m arine corps palrel cqm m andedb& L

the CaoU ln Roner W .'P eord .--inT lT rn isUw » | i a ' d .> — •“ Z —

E P r o h i b i t i o n P a r t y .

I s s u e s - F o r m a l

ig x - P o r B i g C o n v e n t i o n

M -I u tional •oommlltee ^f Uie prohlblUon

pd r ty ’ today Issued a fornial' c a l i ' tw

...... ......................----------- ---r u n - CandldateA for president and vice

Uie president will be selKUd a i ^ a . foria ’ dn ifled by 163T delegates.-. D.

L elsh Colvin. naUonal chairman, a n - nomicea: ;“ T

__ i. -^*The in Y ltf tU o n Jo je n d jc p cw m tfctlves to th e convenUon Is broad,** h e m M “TK piirpoi/ h ta bring about

___ _ a^ij ew a lignm ent In American-polltlea.**r O o t thousand delegates a i^ _ 'to ~ '^

chosm from among members of th e prohlblUon- party, lie explained.'

-flEM IDIl lBS FOR W ll m

~ RSpD B IIS sns" ■■ W j l f - H a v e 1 5 2

, V o t e r s a t S t « e M e e lln g I n

A u g u s t ; D e m o c ra ts H a v e 7 4 .

BOISE,‘ Feb ra-t/P f-O n-U ie basis oX

^ elecUon tor congressional a n d sU te candldfliw, ApporUoning . one del(«ftte fo r every 400 votes, th e re -

_____puMi>.^n foflvenUon. A u g t^ -a s .will h a ra 153 d ^ a t c s . ^ O mbS* crktie convenUoii ^ IF have i 74 d e i^ gates and th e progressive coQVcnUoix

_____will have 77 delKratas. ______^’ D elegates apporUonment was a n - iw uw ed today by Fred X t u keoi,

— " iw w a n r of State; A rU ie -w n v e n lia s;___ _ Iiv ittaa th e republicans had 166 dele-

gates. Uie democrata had ■», ond. th e pR V raslves had 134. .

A roortlonm ent of delegatee to . t h e r i' republican and demoemUe convenUons

^ e h - l K e ^ k e t l M i - o f ^ d e l e w tw - to ^___ • pwwy>ly y<11 tw>

___b ise d -u p o iiT tiie .m d h b d -u a td Jo e itb sI-— state-m eeU ngs.------------------- -- —

r .P IU B O N aUABD k i u S dI T ' HUNTSVILLE. Texas, P *b . a ,

d ; B. Long, guard a t th e S u t t w.......... s ta te p rison fan n .'3 l miles from beKO,

« M .sh o t.a a d klUed by. ToBTBodeiliftn. a aaU iw ;;fua rd . w te mtotooK:'atih:fOK'


■ tffipMEl l o r t h t o t e r n ,H r e e 7 {. D r iv e s —

- ' - F l a m c s - o n ; - D a m a g e M o u n t s —

to - M il lio n s o f D o l la r s ; F i r e

B e in g B r o u g h t U n d e r C o n t ro l .

. __H O STON-lFW dar-M ianln«).Fcb.3 (;p)—O perators ot ibe W cstem

; U nion Telegraph rompony In the Pall River office M nt oat news

• of the g reat tire, which was sweeping the ir clly th is momlng, u n til the ir bulldlni was in tiameih

' I T h e record In the log of Uie of-

i shoes were bnmlng.". A l-m ld u lg h l Uie stricken"cH y“ ' ~

wiU» th e - o a t ^ e - wotM. W e -

l i -W or»-4l.^»^clock U at-n l| h t . wh a a - “ > th e flsnioi reaehed th e mala tele- l j phone txcbange.

. ] (By The AssocUted Press) — ’

H ■ p A L f E I y E r ; k m k ;l\ ( P r i d a y M o r n l B g ) ? e b . 3 — •J ___ M o r e ^ th a n J m j o M f l - b Bm -

;-!*^ ' e r f l - d e s t r o y b l - * 1 > ^ ^ i l ~ n i ? ~ w K a B ) ^ p t ~ t h e ~ c i t y ^ — n l a s t Q iffh t. A i 1 o 'c lo c k tb if t "

! w o r k i n g i t s w a y a l o s f t h e y j_ w d a J i^ B in f lM ^ b u t ^

®] t r o l . T h e - re s id e n t ia l d i s ­t r i c t a t - t h a t . h o n r s e e m e d t o b e in n o im m e d ia te ^

' • g a r - : ' ' " ' " T " ' .

i l ■ .- .- .B U JcB IV B E , H o M l. PobV 2 ’Oj T ^ n r e ib n ig h t .B w e p L . th r o n g h

I t h c 'c o n t e r o f P a l l B l v e r ? B -b n f l i r '“

i ^ r _ N <Contlnued on^ ^ ^ ^ g L

:«iTHirairvTflWiliSm '■

A s s i s t a n t S e c r e t a r y o f S t a t e ~

- - V / a i iir A y a in s t- P r o p a g a n d a In

" A d d r e s s a t W o m e n ’s M e e t in g .D. ■ ■" T^ '________________

WASHINOTON, Feb. 2 (JPt-K v tn - V- log - th a t "war talk to a often c au se s ' - „ ^ »p lrtt," 'w ak soiihded today b y ; ' • a t WllUam R. CasUc, asslsU nt secretar:*

-^ f= 'e U t* - in ^ :w rg M r* r= » rD W = x a r '— 5« ■w om «nTT>ftiiouc-conrm 5M “ q r 3 “- E i r M n a l lo n n T d e f ^ . m ertlng'here in su p .,

p o r t of adequate prtparedness._ “TOe State d y a ^ m t is In h e o rty .

[J* M r. CosUe asserted.' I t Is th e 's t tn e :— X fo r y p as p r ^ u t i o ia to

_ Berated m lllUry p r e p a r e d n w - to ^ ^ - r r I resu lt ot fear, and fea rfu ln e aa .ln n te s ..^

I T h e sta te department, h e continued, exerts iu “whole tafluenee"_.tow ard_ th e development of " In taim tlonal con- ‘

|T fidence and \a c o o ^ U ti t t - WHh U i«' - ifc departm enl of commcrce to ra ise -th e . s tandards of. commerdal relatlona." in Brigadier O coend Heniy. J , R eilly ,.

o l th e ' O tflcen* Reserve corps took;. - i lu u e with th e state departm ent offl*.’ '

cU I In h is rem arks on preparednasa - - a n d commercial relaUons.

•‘I do nol a g n e wlUt Mr. C asU e.-'" h e aald .-“U he^means to suggest U u t.. . . »* w e 'a re ’ in 'dangw ofexiggertU affT JreT Qd sa red n ets. T h e old trading saU ona ' ne re se n t the appearance of Ute U nited.« • S ta te s In foreign trade, and commer* - le . eU l-riva lry haa IngvlUbly-ln th e Post 10- provoked war." _______ . •

iKEGliliM-s-POEMiiEB-Tfli-j j ; - r --------- ------ ■ ■ ---------------T -—

POOATELLO, Feb. a (A V -T ansem a^; ^ m w ta relieiw l by touches o( .

J w o rd w 'd .M lIk « th Jn g ;rd > ti> M 'f i^ 'B c e e ^ U u J l t e t

r u t

Page 2: Tn Faftnrv Wins J J bpatiiia: tffipME - · I First Section iZiT^xji^ VOL. 10. NO. 255.' .^°' Profited

' P i g e , T w o '

I d a h o U n iv c fs ify T e a m n o t !

- U N l ^ s m ’ OF JOAUd.' Moscow. 1-------jr^b-a-IdH lw '^-iw ^vPry-A U w -lotU JBI-

lho t i n t Hircc coniprciiff liirtl- !•_U.. c s l i i - UJft«lW =va«a3to3Xc=DQt=loJJffi

cotuldcrnl enHrrly mil o( the ronri-r- i cntc chan\plot»HiD nice. T lir 4 d a - ' , hniin« Timv »mvp loM lliplr rluiicp nl 1

-------U.0 liUc bul cm dlL lk il UU U1U.1 llUlilLLIloor lOMiitol.Ql.Uic.rciuuliiiiii! «'»»■' I ond opparemly liavlni: ainv.-cl as a • {lnla>iMl team may Imvn Miiiictiiliiii (o , K>y a / to' wJjo »J1J Dll' ( li.'iii|)loi«- J

0«*U ir rood Irij) lihlwi loM Ui llic • Oregon’ AgRles HI lo ::0. i<> Orrnoii

____,.Md-tu-WmJ»Umtmha7-to:.L9d>Tl»e -flrhl huiiic IMIIk- ruMi«l:and played s|«rklinK Uall u> .MqpUUlt=i8rt«>zg<ir-^ri>t.t- vltlory - b H -

■ 'cam e doubly lni|ircjii\p ^nitii MOtP| tona movrd ovsr-lo I'lillman Hit* JilKlUj

. a llc r niJd dftea lra WaiUiUigUm SUxlc 3S to 30 nn llir Coiicar's liomc lioor. Maho Morfd n s’Iciory ovrr OonraKu J

. tlte n igh t alter willopUiR Monlana, ‘ Indlcallng the newly tound imrc wa-s * not a one-nlglti nftnlr. <

m O ilnc lo ii Uiiderealed |W iuhlngton alone ita n d i liic ini- |

Jl*ure Idaho will troiincr the HuslclMj”, a l Momow. Tlie Vaiidult nre a t u j j LUilccUcit fth cxceilciit“chttiie^“lv“even a tta lrs wltli both Ore«on _and .th e ‘ Oieuuil ’Alll{l» ii’he irilim e tlub* eome -

------rnee-*ame!r-teni(itnln»-fln-»»*^M hed-uie, two wiUi WaAlilnslon State, and >one each wllh Wiulungion, Oregon, *Oregon Aggie? ahU Monlana. T lw 'Wftslilngton g late gam o-bt next oti <

___ lUe-CaJcndar. aiuL.comes i''coruary-4 in l Pullman. Dales fcr other game*on. the schedule include Wanhlngloh 1 here F ftru a ry lj . Waslilngton

------ruai7"19. Orrgon'TlBitlM’ he r^ 'T eb^I• trr---» r< 9 r«n« 'M un t«n» -ft(-M w ouU uie»^ =t----- Tuary-gg.-^— ‘ --------- -J

— B L A Z F T H B E A T F U ji T O ’ ;

-----------W I P E - M A S S A e H U S t m ^

T O W N O F F F R O W M A P ,

' ‘ ■■ ■ ^

a& ss ~ d i s t r i c t c a u s in g lo s s c b J pliVCjod, i a c a r ljr o s U m a to s , a t l j s o y o r a l m iU ibn d o l la r s . A t l O i c

_ < ft 1 .___ U-H J_U■ V VIW it LII Jbliui XU lU I^V wUUw^I n g s h n d b c o n d e s t r o y e d a n d «! Uie tlunes were drirliiR on taiinwl. - 0 .b risk.norlhw eit.brtcM . Aid hadeither arrived or «(as on Use way trom N w Bedford and oilier cllles,

------o 'ciocic.m -(ne-NUuiettat-comer o r UW "Pocaoaet mills, a dism antled textile | l Hjanl whleh w a s 'b iln g rared. Tlie I imlls t r e the property of Louis K. > U « (e tt. Boston. All four, u n lu o f' the p lant were wiped .out. It

I .. i i ^demolished Uie Mohican h o u i. with

. several stores In lhe sam e building.- the Rialto theatre, the B oW club. <he I

------>M,hiilMln>-nf-thr^PrtlhfHrpr w>.ri^wr"r____sv<r« th« h..iirfing_>.f P r,m .|, ; t

newspaper L’lndependeni.-the V erm onl' c block, .tb e -R resge .buU d ing -and ih n ' l

W ock...Tho.M w -buU dlng of j l

l ih m d "

I n o r d e r t o s t i m u l a t e

S a t u r d a y w e m a l t e t l i e


- $19■ 31

—; -v ;------ ------

TWIM K A IJSI): : :iKii 3U n ld < N * u . recanUii.complct«d. f

” MeWiilft deparlinent s tb V w ss,"in ^• fUm ei.-- ......................................

fled. One rumor was lliat tlve tlrtm en , I had hcen liurM In Die follapi? of •

wall B i;the pocaorr-in tlt»T -stif-lh« '- — , men were .under ireatm eni a t various . I hosplul* for InjurlM U

When the tire Marleil I h e r e '^ s a

" • ' \V ltig_(farrln H tn rli '------a irattorc a rn eit by th e -ft-lnj -aet iimi t r “•. fires In ollirr part* of lhe clly. Tl»e 4+Tfoy-niiHnr-M l.ntctl-ti-mlle-rfrom-ttTr TC• sccne of Uie flre. cauL'hl In thla way at c^nd-oiie-geyH onTO f-lhe-ulttht-W M -iti IK• ftiimea. A number ot (Iwelllngn lo the In• rasi of (he iiiahi tiro wo.s «Im) b u rn - ce

Ei_Al-4U-UtlOrH UlB-lHlll.jiBtum.WggE ® » building Vttts reported n to la l.w reck . . » The Woolworlh bulldlni: woa in flames ° as well as a building occupied by the ,’• FaH n ire r oUlce ol iJir Providence Journal. The old opera hnitnr a wood*

‘ en building .n cooptmUyc

! | On oppaiilp sides of Main street J.LlvoJiuJ!dlimMjU»a_4u,-tlre:jjr(>ftk8-ln — ^.Xlhe-|MU».of U>0 -tlam is. Oiv-th(>-wcst i 'fi ld e of Uie fclreet lho flames were [o . I checked J}1 ih r MerchnnU block' fiullt jc . In ia « , This building had whluiood , previous conflflRratlons In the Fall

n iver bii.\inw dlstrlel. Oii ihe cast W s sldo the buildlnit o t the Fall River

Olobe new»pai>er iiiarki-d lhe llmll of ihe rovaiietl ai'ea. Enip!oyv<i of Ihc iiDw.sjiaprr wore rnKiijn-d In playlrtK

I hose on the root nnd wolb cf Ihelr I

jf] THe Wilbur holel, Immedlalely od- TT 3lJaliiln8..the Globe buildln«.Lwa».burn. ^ .J l « l J U L C l l j ’-nB lL ncntby_w as.tlirca t-_„

l ' these .w ere-broughl under conlrol by . ., rcsldenu oislsted by firemen. Tlje He t) Union mills of Pleasant slrieet also be* nc 1 came Ignllrd, nnd .w ere, thretti-nwl ur p f i n r n ^ S u S n r ^ ^ thK From the editorial rooms ot the Fail or 1 River Olobe membefs of the news« ca

paper sU fr watched the pro«res» of ' U w flamWTluwii Main atreft nnfl Ktp r• ; ^ ^ ^ » g ^ l ^ ~ y r ^ l n f Q r'trietl by IcIP '

- * ould rtpor t -thal~~iihoUicr' ‘r;- ^ H t i i r ^ h a r f - c a u i^ t - . or -tHiFTiome *- the woke

down inio Uie einbeni. ^) The tire from lU early ;«omcnU !?_ y> pL bcxm ti-ihL paw «j*-of-u i/» j2r i r f «0 jjsnling.t^ojcetittnd sprwidrbstoro-tiic? i£

u lna "WUl 'a lm ost IfgntnlnS'repldllyT «,: At 10 o'clock there syemed to bc slgiu '

Uiol ll was burning Itself out. The ef- i,; I'.j.iorti-ot the flrem en-jrere dirrcted-to ) I drenching the woUs and roofs of bulld-

J ijirevenl a further npread. . n;

if-ANNOUNCEMENTS - .?‘ - -------- lh

Tha Pan Hellenic club b orronBlng ju

e nmg. a l the recrcauon room o f Ih'e t » Reed aparimenU, Miss Irene Costello J e IU lo be ^lotlflcd of regrels. f l

r ' Tlie Pasl M otioti?~club wlll..mccl S [th is evening wllh Mr*. Saroh Smllh M

( 'C harles DwJghl oulsU ng hostess. j ||> IB

-A bontiuel .wUI be served lo Royal 11 J^*«!ltw j?:«UhC-O ait£tllows:hiU l-Frl-- M

t*order w ill tollow. -M onbcn-are-urTCd H I u> a tu n d and vlstUng - members' will B f jb e welcome. ................ B

- I

e business Friday and e extra special _offerof_


15r i N r l T T ' O i i i T c i ^d l l C ~ 0 u l T i 3 ---------- ^

K50 - - 1

e O v e r c o a t s

a ' v j l '

dA'. T .'J

im spM F

* Officers. Continue Search for

e DURLEY. F e b .’ 2 -L cflera and in- tr T crm atiotrrronrT iiriflD niE SC T '^m iBK y and privale individuals In different tt. p a rts -of - j lw* cGunlry Are sUU com- e ing to lh e nherltf’s olflce here, cun- .. cerning "Illacklr" Miller, wanted In _ «iiuuitiU «i-w iU i—U ts-niH nkF-trf-Jw 'k-

5_ A Irttp f fro itT tn ririerlff a l I’hwnlx. J Arizona. Males Umt no une nnswcrlim

Miller's description had boen In cu.v tody there. The Phoenix sheriff hud been eomniunlcuicd wlUi on account of n reixirt lh a t the suspect hiid been

I h tia iQ L -U m t ■:ttolnt,-..Dc3cr)pllons ..of Snilcr ore bciiiK iorw-«rdtu to otiu-r

Dlaci'j In respoiUG to Inqulrie.i.'• — A -l(> lim cw n id ‘6 r il2 S 0 b now of-^ ferpd~rot~infcrm aTinir'T liat will“ ^ to the apptehciislon of Terry'p nuir-t d rrer....................... — .[] _________________


Dome and apparently hc‘ Imd .«oiten* away w ltn -tnB rdM lito li.’- *-U—w as-n e arly -an -h o u r-« iflc £ * ard s

th a t f^yt^-nxked-if he fcnew-aiiy-dne: ^ o ;^ h t :x e ^ O (m t ^

V .••I'll say this," he replied. have c Hever handled any of these boiuls and* never have given any of-them to any i ta lltlf.i l, n a iK -o r .u i-an y ,p f(lc la to _ n l- the -U n lted -S ta te* .-o f-an> -?ta te -ar ofII ony terrllory. T lioi's o.s far as I . con to rif "llttve j’oti dl.tcus.wd any of these

r c !a in ‘*Tiyc T>OTued;* • ---------- -----

■r' - . - : ^ a t - t 9 -n e t-TnMerlal- tq ‘-thMM«e.'^

g '’."1 w an t to odd It seems to me lhal

’ (Ualr a n d tho tocl Uiot 1 am sum* ^ noncd a s a wllne.u In tlial cose and

thaC w hfln 'th is "stoix goesE lff-thJil^B rould~«o-fcff«re the judge’ ’■ .and Jury.'

Senator -Wtkish Immedlalely Inter-* pMfd n differen t view.0 "The senate of the United State.i * ^ a s taken nn opposite-view, he said.

tlie somite dOM not admit tha t l( Is esiopi>rd from inqulrjp^, ,ic to ^ e

* •'•••It 1.1 the opinion of the committe* ^ lha t th c 'fn c l th a t these same matters

^ I • ' • v ' '0 ■_______________ ■ , « ^8

: b ^ E11 g ^ v e p * ^

DEPAB■ 'Y iut 'c a l l ilcpeiiil o ii Uh fo i

H vice— A v is i t to o u r so lf -s iI f o n y in c e .y o u . , , ............i P m id 'G S o u p , lO 'b a r s -

f o r ........ ................................3 9 ^

U nit^ lns. 2 Ih. uk tf.L ibbyH I 'o r k a n t n S a n s r

^ T C i K u in :;|y.ti, n m w M n tc h i’H. c a r to n ............

— OaHoirThT h e r m ic J u g f o r k e e p in g foibe s o l d ' f o r — $ 1 ,

: MeatlJe;- B u l k S a u e r 'K t f u t r i b r

S m o k e d B o s t o i f S u t t s , lb . ... S rr io k tjd R o lled S h o u ld e r S .J h S n o w C njv S h o r te n in g , Ibi--.

- B u l k L a r d , lb . :.; . . . . . . . .......;..,

r p a i i s r i i r A ~ H O r F B i B A ¥ H

|T - - [ A R B t T - B A T l e i r T f l B > T Y - - - | s


IIA (ConUnuwi P H ^ d n a ) t. . ’ 11 — n

Franco -ae rm an ' queilian, " he’“ c o n - '? U ndid, sisyto*:;- ^

iv i -x iie occupation of lh ; Rtiliieland f I . was in p u m unco of the treaty of > I in Vrrmlllw p ;v i.tly^^^^^aa fc ;ifa^ le■ ^

------ I i ' i~i i~'«'iii ------ t

sMSmMttftrt rEi CfliiEfirS[!iSi|;[■nix ruler* of Twin Falls].rt„K FalU lodge-of-BIIcs were g reeU d-at-a ccu..,. meeting of the lodKc lost evening 'hiid which tiiey occupied all of lhe of-1

ouni flcial positions, by an assemblage | *bci'ti 0^ neorly 300 membcr.s of the qrder. I °5 of _ A _clfl.'is_o r_ lS 'n rw members were I *T m r in itttttca'- i nw ^ tn e ' «i«ic:'.

I monlnl being condiirtrd by the posi . ol- exalted rulera of the lodge. P “T >res(i^ i<nn5irT )y-nhrT »® i-"f«ntM r« ■uir- ju le rs of a buouUful .silk, flag w p an lu

uutstanding event of Uie evcnUw—T lie J ; riii» «n.H-pre«eiited for the past ru l-jn CM by L. A. Chapin, and accepted jB' for the lodRC by C. D. Tliomns, .ex-jij, a licd ruler. |H

Pa-st exn iud rulers occupied offl- lb IQE clal s u tlo n s ' as follows: ' Ex;ilted | |

ruler. Frank MotUson; leading knight. |:___ H nrrv Benoit: lPYal_t.nlght, K _R. |------ j-r.ranli.lanlntingJcnlBliL J. Paul jolui..l ie n ston: esquire. L. A. Chapin: chap­

lain. V. H r-o rm sb y r* Insldc-mm rt.- ards H.—O.— LttUlerbftclti— seoreU ry-im d one tyferr -H.- B.- Delss.— 01J ie r-p M t-« r- ie » r

lave " "and an excuse for your refurjil to ansijier any pertinenl questions of UiU cominiltoc." s n f ,. T heh 8eIato^^B^alton._New MexHior r of nskpd'Stew art: ■ -* • [Ifl I ••Colonel, why ore you so sollcltousi

about the govenimeni ond,defendanU hese In the court case and why arc >-ou,.so3ln» anxtous-to-adyanee-jw ie-ow ii-oplntoiv------tn thls ma tter?**:----------- — -

- • 'B e c a u M -t-B m -f t-c ll lic n .c t-U ia = iU n ltc d z f i t« c s r im d z J lf l ! £ y e - in - a - f t i l r lha l ond ImporUal trial and levl lhat lhl3 | sm .. casc-sbm ilrt 80-tie f0rc-a - lu d g e _ iu n q

and rig h t to go- Into 'ihLi ca.w u . j u ^ e

goesidae gf^iii.>»'ioinoTt ov ■wh~en' thf-f|uea( lotMrr

perhaps fnuned slightly dUferenUy. iter- wiil be pu t to him aguln, If he r t -

fuse* to answer the commlllec will ate.i decide whether to iceommend Uls lin- ittld. mediate a rrest and imprisonment lor

it u D U trict of Columbia Miprenie court, lh e a i was done when Stiidau' refused to ^ . answer questtims liv March; lp24. »;

Itera News W oat Ads reach, the people you

i« r" | I

'b TMENT;- f o r q u a l i ty , f iuaiiM ty a n d low i l f - s e r v e d e p n r tm c n t w il l r e a d ily

a r s - S o d a C’ra t;k c r.t, 3 .1 b . - b o xf o r ........................................3 9 ^KelloKit.s- I’cp . 2 f o r . . . . ^ ^ J P . -

P o s t T o a s tie a , n io d il im s l i e , '9 ^ 1 3 f o r ........ ...................... t - . - a S f

Phernric-Jug^—^:o f O rp g n n T r a i l , n n f f f t f l .n .g a l ln n ..!i: fo o d OP ll<|uidH H ot o r co ld w ill


...... i b i fJ ............................................ ............a » «5, .lb . ............................................. t a tl b > . ; . ...... ........ ........ ........................1 8 ^

' M m


ICAa lu « jC T U ~ o r= U ie - iip S r^ fT td ^ - th e Bhftmreck Kho6I have received p e n -

----- maftsJifp aw sniJ rrom th9 A. N. l^ r k -:on-- tr -c o m p o n y :— M ftri4n"W utt. E dith

' in iin rO lm -m iK iirflr .ltuua 'B irank^ ^^ and pro«reM p ln j? M arjerle Mallory, H ol-

of lice O runn. P rank Ooodrich. V incent

- 37 addltionttl~a«mrdTthi»~w gr:Z— . *I ~~ I Mr. Ooodrich. vbitlng in W osh- I h n ( iio n ''n ja - B f o w ram i’ tim e ' l i E ^ ' , medical UefcUnent. n i l L ^ ri.» n d J tfU ,i^ o h n -M o o re . «era;dlB< I N nc r guesU of Mr. and Mrs. Cordon UH and Mrs. B lakeley In. Twin F a lls

■alUj u n e 01 lh o ,m o s t pleosjuit meetings lU a .0 the season.w as.held by tho Ladie«* ling A't* « ‘he Community church on

j Wednesday. Membera and gucsis to lage •*'*■ ef «3 sa t down to d in n e r(jjr. the noo n -h o u r, Tlie dny tnas ^ere I •" conversation. Somev plans

,)Mt j Pi'esldent of

I tM T '" " . I ' ■— — —'.- T .- - -• 'H lin ff iM B T io ri ic in.....,;..,

Tiie I J .~ : • . . . -•■V --,ir u l - lH l - . ' , . j tc d jM ,

iffl- 13Ited Ih flht. f f l

R. tw l ■ ' . _________ho., j— -

^ 3 l i - * Jm■ v/y06^ ' v n K

■m ___ / y - f f

;ous Wm ts I ' ilsol

( s ir —this '

^ I^ 1 1itly, j M

m K bI ' B

(or , H H H ■ H H | H

urt, jM i a i i a t f B tw iM lS rI ; t a M M g B j H n i ^

I “ M jgci C n A l

C h a m b riiy , .p e rcn le .s a n i l ol

I ' in c lu d i ills' th e w itn h a h lc g

H d o ts , check.<, s t r ip e s , p ln id s

tn m m c t l—m t h - r i b b o n a , —n |

pricL 'd f ro m —

— — - 9 5 e ^ o ^ 31

giSpj U nftUj-iHH-h3^UntHw -p e n - ' - -------- • 1

- Twin FalU Klwanls club eommemor* JS iv l< » « ) - th e - fo u rU i'iu u U m ta ry -o (-U ie I2 ^ ? ' crganUillon of Company E. 116Ut I

rn g ln ee n . Twin Fails .unit of thfrldohff 1 naUonal guard, a t iU rtgulof weekly r

' “ neU i E ngineers.'gavr & brief ouUlne M h- of th e history of the local company. 1 E n i f Tlie m ajor slr'eaCT'tffeTlBed-OfTraftr '

quote armory faellltiei and- umed th e '< dlB< K iw tnlans to Ji9t-bctUn4-Uie- Apwr- t rdon lean Leflon movemenl to build a \ ^ ills community building.

i Flrat L ltuicnant ■■ Jr-P «n l-T hom att 3 :lnffs| Qeiouca uic~t<|UI|Ulltiil~uf Uie'llRUl dle«' company and espUlned Ils uses. He '

on cxplolned tha t the local company h as ' 8 to in Its omiory approximately $30,000 1 n n e r »orth of eijulpnienl consUUng m ^ y , w in of the various tooU used' by an cngl>


^ l 1 i. "i


— _A. speci al l

s a l e , t h e

H / B B — m o r n i n g —

I H I T M n i ^ t e rS a t h f t b i g - a a

- J B y i B W y o u r a d v a

I 9 H / ■ y - e a r l y F r i<

B O B - A P o I q u i c k s a l e


d other m aterials Adorable Felts 0 « i ^ h a m . . i n

aids and colors to in all colors, si: , New coU a r s j i n ^ - all hcitds-- • -


g 3 . 9 5 —

In .sheer beauty, in colors and colp im part the:very broath-of »prinK,

. the thing fo r your spring ensembl

Printed T ub Silks created by Pr: ■mu.stcrliil designers;' yard-^ .......... ter

S l . l d and 8 1 .4 0

-------^ r iH t^ - r s i a n r s f ) Vnllc.'in, a ,host,, „ . l . ^of new colora: y a rt— ' . '

• Prlnuxl Radioug ChlKon and fo Totfosan in cliecks ond piaius; -chi

.yard—- ■ '■ ••7 0 o to O8 0 _____________

r /A Tubfftst p rin ted ChUfon Crepw ^ ' I featuring w hofs new In colors ^ _ ^ » n d , p o tte m s:'y o i^ « - • / J

aW . 30-lnclt fast color PriPU in prct- 30-

i a r e v lra l-M ^ lb ^ .C h H ilta n ' ehurch;I- sana- si. niUBh«r flf snn f. Mr, \ aI Pyggrt acc« npM iltd ;the a lhiw . ■

^ w J R 1 ' ^ .

1 -T ii^ T ’a tu h y m nrirm m n th g t p rfr., s 'f i e r V ic k t - ^ t c a n n o t u p se t de lica te- f t o n i a e J a J tu b b c d on th roa t a n d --------- d u s t , i t ac ta tw o w ays a t once:

(1 ) J ta h e a lin g vapors, released •I h v th i j _ h ^ ^ n ig ? i r - n n r in h i i1 g d -------- -f d lR c t t o th e a i r p a s s a g e s ; s ■ (* ) I t " d r a w l o u t” th e soreneia .0 IQct a n o ld -fa ih lo fie d poultice.



'VJmks ~: l . g r Q , u p J B a t . a n - i v e d ~ : i ~

iy ~ a n d ^ ~ w i t l ~ ^ T O ~ o n — ^ ~ -

e f i r s t t h i n g t h i s

T j i e - s t y l e s , - c o l o r s — : —

e r i a l s . a r e a l l h e r e i n «

i > a E e s = g ^ t P f t i f f f a e r t o ^ . l

v a n t a g e t o b e h e r e | L

' r i d a y . “ P r i c e d f o r | j

$579- r

fits c o m - ^ " c l e v e r — “ -----

sizes for


olpr combinations thut fairly g, thesa daring creations-arc nble. . •

Printed Silks in fanciful pa t­terns,' a y a rd -^ ' .................. .......................

S1i9B and $2.19

In daring DosUl hues; yard 5 0 o ____

Fast color iteyona In plaids,

Kayo C a n u n Prints, a ll fast •coio f n t yar a"..'...'.:..................Bf lc ‘ —

Tommy Tucker, SB-Inch fast col- or prints, yard .............. ....4 8 0 ; ___.

"3fl-inch ^ P ^ e w o o d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g ^ " " ^

Page 3: Tn Faftnrv Wins J J bpatiiia: tffipME - · I First Section iZiT^xji^ VOL. 10. NO. 255.' .^°' Profited

^ S P Q ;

— I Hrough-Fast, Short Prac.' - — -tiGe;-Drllls-ln-Of(ensive.::__:

Bruin prapeeU m i r u t the Filer WlldcoU brUhtened w mowhat lost

tin to' Uib u)uu1 a tu r a lwo>d*y lay- off by reuoD of a ipnOned ankle. ’ AIU)OU(h Uie Injured member i s utill badly swollen Uie speedy Kuard will

' n o doubty lU r t o«aliui the Wild­cats.

sent hto quInteHltrouBh tt laxi, s ire irT jm nce lasi nucm driuing ‘

.principally on offensive play. The ■y»—flrult»-«lUplfty«>-a wiBrkcd-j ;Mfcn,>r^_ , I ■ in ofienilve play airalnst the W ild- \ . c fts In the flrat encounter o f-the-tw o- -

\ teams and llie coa«h has spent most o f the past week on offensive ta c ­tics.

■ The D niliu also luive shown m ark­ed Improvemenl In flndinir the hoop during thu past two weeju df play. .

_Alvln Kempton. Pinch and Baylor hJlv^ been sinking ihe lr shots wllh

------ rrgulnrlLY nnrt ih r.,W ilU am -«lU -Ilnd .— ■a dHferent - tCiUii limn Uie uuu Uiuy ■

faced two weeks ago. — - - • W lld cU 'S lfo n s

---------T hB -W iltlcats-arc-theon1y:leam -to___ give th e Bnilns a ^ t e j t defeat

------ repea ted-F rlday-n lgh ti— 6mUhi-MU—ler, Klaos ond Schockley are all ae* curate on the long sliots. and In the d lm li^tlve court th a t the Bruins call homi* It will bc difficult to stop these

^ V l ld c o ts from gatnerinB many jsiunT^

The gIrU'. (earns of the two liu tl-____ iuU o[ujrllL n]cetJ;)ithe_openlnuam e^ !.- _ . : l ^ | l L | i c j h c ^ L c h a a c i L ^ .

• Qiu g Ii» * A' ' * tvnuum eiiL- eiiouW: ■ the Bniln sextet defeo tW Ier Ifw ou ld ! Have o c h a n re - to -b e -sc lfc tc d -tts -th r ' runner-up Ui Ihls sub-district to m eet

------ tlw —n m ncr-up_ la -_ lh t_B nrlcy_ jll*_^ .•' i f i a tu ui!i ide~thT~fou n ! r t< M rig -w e -

do ss "/>;■ tournament. The- game


o( the Amcrtcan anny of occupa­tion a t Coblentz, Q crm a ay ^ Ii^ bfliett '

— destroyed by fire, according to word • received by A. Oulbert of Tw in Polls ] In a letter from a (rlend.-who I s . a .

■ .niemhgr_of-the.lD teramM hlah w m . _.-_<niMinn for npigijim Of th e R hen- •

lah territory. ", T he destroyed - landm ark o t th e ,

Amcrtcan occupation wa* fam iliar , to 0 numlKr of Tw in F a lb W orld ,

• w nr V 6l8rans-who-were..members_of . th e MOUi Held artillery regiment.

JlfllDEBiL4i---------------------— ;;_____________________ 1


tM riotSTj i_ ^ | .liIfl.Kllflayelia_____Iw ia J t lU T iB ia i

Dally Program except Sunday 12 to L ■; — M anteU, news, sporta and m bceU anw ui j

— 1 KOA.-DeBwr-.t=rti-— jm Kuocyelci Tw in Fa lli T tm e ,

6:30—Dinner Concert.

—:— ftWW— •

~ ~ W K U oeydea Tw in F» lh T ln n

. f - 7 d « - B lu » S lngert.-------------------'■ 0:00—Wrlgley Review.-

Il:00-V lrglnla MeCoy*

------ rW W toC T de t-------

I0 :00-L lght Opera Hour. , H :»-T roub>dour». __________

K N X U i Aac«let U M M * l« i .JM XOoeyclet Tw in M b T im a

8:50-Courtesy Program <aw houra).- ia:Oo-*Duice Music.-— —

K G & Oaklasd tS M M a ten I ItafaiejHm T f t o f ^ T t M

------ lflioft=yhlta,H ack. CoiiMrL-----------}0;30-Memonr la n e .

I I P X <W J>i4 , 8 ^ > to tea 1

■ 9!00-0pera Hour. .■ iQ ja-Q rditatfa . . . , .. -------

KGW, F o t t la ^ - 4 » U U e te n I eiomiocytlea. Tw to FiUU T tm a .

— 7;00-0old«tt-w w t O lil___________ _

. iS U RilMyclM Twin raU a T i m | j

*9:00-8ky-Woy Journeys. . - I llilKh-Dftnee Music (2 h o u n K . _ .

l : K P 0 r 8 a n - P r a n d w - 4 I U - l ^ l |-------W -K noeytlaa— X w ln -n m jP a w .1

' IJJO -O rjan and V l< ^

. ' n : K S ^ l f f i ^ " h o u n i l .

------------T W I N : 7 A L t S t ^

•R T S J

" " W m •••■. S s t ^ ' I

l i S f l l m I' " i f l l i y f ' — ' ” ’

I ’ . 11 ,

t ■-------- --------------------------1

Indians M l Face Squads of i> Burley and Goodmg Schools; | j “ Hard-Fought Contests Loom. '

- Nows)—T n w -B u h l-b ftsketba U- team s ' , face_ tft’Q-Jiard. games thlS-week-end ' ’ when ’they meet U»e Burjey and ■;

QoodInir~l«»ms. Tlte Burler team .' ^ will n m e here W d ay n ighV lo r a rc- 1 ** ttih i game w llh U it' IM U Il' " tg m tr "I ~ Tho D u ltrteom a“ Jourw yea“ lo -U io '* east end earlier In Uie aeason and ] , trounced Uie Burley aggregaUons and ' ‘ Ujo- re tu m game tomorrow n igh t j

* O n Saturday n igh t th a local teams ^ win go to Gooding lo play th e sec- I

■ ond of a two-game seriM w ith the ‘

^ ~j

f ^ I ' ^ S ^ a ^ ' iS S -a S S - 1i . .lhftt_U m [t_ iu id_»ltlL _llic._ re tum _oL ' t Price to the team will no doubt nive ' . Uie locab n tough batUe. *

e ' - ' '

L - ~ - ' ' *' i I

^ PERRINE — E. J . Dolan', Idaho i Power Co.: Ployd Mercer. Idaho Pow-

•• T r c u.; K . 'F . c ou o n v w a Hp r r i n r- DmUc and wife; Nompa; Mr.^ ond } H A .^ c a t Pearson. Pocatello; *Alvlh ^ F . Eggter; Salt U k e : Chas. L . Dun- » bar. PorUand; C. P . D arls, Clncln-■ y H ; c .

1 J lo b t i_ E - .G L JU b tlz h t. j5 o ia c _ J—H lCampbell, Denver; R. A. Ring, Buhl;

® O. R. Crookhom. Caldwell; R. A.[ Bolln. Idaho Falls; Mra. A. Reed,I Seattle.

R 00E 31S 0N -P . K . Orerfn. Contact^- N e rr i-B. 6 i- G raham ,.«Con l»c t; Nev.;.

P. R. Garretson, S t. Paul; Qordon E. H anson .-sa lt L o k c : 'J . 'W ; Swal- berg. Salt Lakc; W. H. Eggers. Avoca. ^ow a:-M c— u « U M r i— D ._ I^ _ f ln I^ , Bobe; I* C.*B«eler and wife, Bobe;

_ M - n ■■SklnntT, P n n lrl ln ; f l r r f l h a p . man. Salt U k e ; M. Richmond. Poca­tello; . J o h n _ D ,jf la r t . . Roche.«er; _N,0 . Brfijuon. Chicago: W. E, Peterson,n g>t)in; ILT 'V fftm-V, Rtiivlmnn; nR . W harburlon, O. 8 . U ; Clyde P.

> Tomas, Ogden; A. C. Buxton. Drlggs;>• S . L. Armstrong S a lt Lake; Bcn Cam-

4ronr~ O gdtn;-K aiI-C aj!)ercin.J3cden:.B zBcStrm ghim .tShcU eynL W m .iM or^ m . PoMtello.


g B ' . B ' M W ^ T ^ - H r T S

!_ 3 -------------w in d o w ---------- u

f 8 - ■ [ ~

1 ^ H e

b T ^ B p ring -^

1 ™ p ie c o t y

J 3 t o n to p

j T h e I

1 J ( in d i s t l r

J V y r s . 0' r t j --------


I y T h e * 'u p

' I l e a th e r

1 " s n tM n !


.GOES BEFORE JURORSV — (Coaujiuwi-p ro m -p n c e~ o n « )------

templed tuicuir a lew months eorllcF.' The gn iv-hsltrd . unemoiionol mo-

, to n e .-tw tu ifd -th a t--* n r r tm e m b m dt ’few times" when ilie ihrrateiw d to kill h e r hubam i Shp triiifled «he a ttem pted w kkh- o v farr a io bc»

pon and ih r ino itu r' t>i>oU«r*i>ht ot the victim's miitiUt<^| i o r Tho ex- hlhlH W T«t tn Ly ih .tense to r ihe t in t time p U i i ^ in the

- sanity trial ob)r(Ui h t 't imty rimnffttng ' the defendant to lm m m e.

The twond d r f tn v allenui. Dr. R.' Q. Shelton, Lm A t^ rlr , tng to the ]ur?- Iii> m rdiral opinion tha t the prisoner "•uffered lhe w ont form of drmenUa iiraecox " when the *e»»lnn WM adjournrd until Friday.

Wltnewe* More F u l A swift moviiuc iianomma of wlt<

_ n w s and evldcncc .marked. Uic .iriaL naoim urittuii. leacUrr a l Ur? r«hooi

I f which Marlon attendFd, (old of Hick- ¥ iiian'n n«klng for (he elrl on tin- ore- 7 ” texl~tliai lier laU irr hod b « n in jw td- on-O i'em ber-li.- th e dity he k id n a p s

hrr. M n. Mnrla Mnrtoii lloU. super- vbInK teacher of ihp school, testified

Dr to releasing Kfarlon to Iflckamn w ltb-1 out a donbt In h e r mind o.i (o the!

SJ truth of the story' h? (old. She said he was well-Krootned and ralin and

n , quid in his address.Herman K. Cline, chief .of J .? s An-

__ tlfftcfUfM g’hn fHr../.!..,* il.n tiiintlIT Tur-Mnrtan's-ltiln.'r.-proauefa' IW! m ite JU ’‘jll* which, he declarn l, Hickman said

he d lsm ted Uie'libdy. Lancer Uian -■lh^■ofdlnary^x^cke^Klilr^^biil1l1lflIcT than a IiuiiUiih knifo, It was almost

lio’ 'blade. about^ou^1 nd■t)ne•hnlf^Ilclles. was th e one Cline said Hickman told him h e us^^. NelUicr blades nor han- die appeared soiled. Cllno went over Hickman’s confession to him on the

nil tram cn jrou ic irom-t'cndieion,— c- Ron, where he wxi cnpti^red, to Los 1,5 Anifcles. He told of the "fits Hickman

4hrau.-.i:-and-hls-bAkit-Uial-tli<'y-wi>r«-i s L __- . _ -

^ ^ e lb y :j |a i ) ^ a l« > = t€ o m .^ i^ a i a n 'vnr home town. Kansas City. Missouri, un ^ ncni.w d'TnrcflmpiroriirtirL" murder u l

Clirlstnia.'i llmv, 1020, of C. Ivy Tlioms _ In 0 drug .store holdup. wa.i the 'nexl

YovnR Hunt, tall, sIlRht ond falr- halrw l.- ln -ecWkftst to h b short.

■' ■cmSiky.'dnrlcJtiahed cohfesseft ''cdm- panloii lu crlm f. rjilU Ihn l he hud

J - known Hlckmnn 14 inonllri.He sold Uiai durlnx Uiat time Hlck-

lio man had expressed a wish to "cut upW- I ■ -

sf J o h i i n y M a r v i niV. O f f e r s a n e w - •

k I V ic to r R o c o r d th i a w c o k ___

j K e e p S w e e p in g th e C o b w e b s O f f th e

|i‘ . M o o n ’

'H I s S h e M y G ir l F r ie n da. Victor Jtecord No. 21153

K >uu Itku.oH icr jon iu iy Marvin records wc a rc 's u re t h b one will

i , ' " oppc iif to 'y o ti.

L —


B h m

SirDept. oi t^ . ■ r

e r e A f e t h e E

p ^ r i n g - G a p s - j

i} ^ro iH > -^f-< > apB r-a> t-o e w r fOi g - - L

ig - ^ in c lu t io BofR th « . " o n o r r

} ty p o 'a n d th e e ig h t- p ie c o b u t - t l

to p flly le . Ibi

10 a ll-w o o l fflb rlcB a r e s h o w n T

s tin c U v e n o w w ca v cfi, s u b d u e d ~ ffij

b o ld p l a i t e f f e c t a n d s t r l k - J

/ b o ld h e r r in g b o n o 'w e a v e s . ^

i ^ I L f t i i o y { f i n t s i M t n r e a r o r « = = 3

; u p b r c a k a b l a ~ v l w r r - t t e - | i l l . ' 3

le r in - b a n d : a n d . t h e h p a v y Q

m iln irig . P r ic c d 1 6 w ~ 'Q

■’: : S 2 l 9 5 ^ S 3 ; 2 5 - ; ; . ' 3

[ t I s n 't . R ig h t , B r i n s . I t .B a c k " . . . I

■ j i p p a z ^

M i a ^ s . i D ‘A a c > , f h i ) S ¥ t

" ion* ';n» • m a Jliitw UiV.'flccsi' j

" ^ ' ^ ’palr. H unt Usllllwl. drove t o j l DC Los Angeles trom K ansas City tn ; nv> automobile In December lOM. K lck-

----- TilmT---------------------------------------------- 7 “

m n y w ^ .~^ « u n M ~ o c f in ;to :rm r t> g - r lief th o l Hlckmon. w hm lie eame In , ecntact wiUi him. "knew «luit he wa-s,flotnr.“ ----- T ' ---------- --------r. ■■ - •

Peek it was who sal 'Jh h is green w don on liip evening nf Sunday; D*-1

e tnfber 3S. when Hlcknun held him u p ' be- p , « yi’" drove IiIit| t.. tln« m il- '*

H F .!” l^ * 'y ^ c ^ i n a U D n IMstrlci A i - i ! > o ' tom ey Asa Keyes asked IVck it H lckT;,

man “eeemed to know w hal h o , |

U»« -Yea S r . r u aay he did." was U)o !t t n r r e p ly .----------------------------------- T ......... ]

Reperirr*s Inlenrlru (ilvrn iA reporyer's Interview with Hlckmap ,

I’j® " JaU. nexl appeared. Tm- ncM pdper m an, Lionel Mob,.re|)ort-.d Hickman as declaring he "did not ihliik" h im - :

■ self Insane, bu t undtr. - om nipotent ' guidance."

, , T hen Inlo the reconM went th e i

membercd body, #asenil)lcd-by pollcc , o fter Hlekman had Uirown her heod

for »lMO_ond M'urcliers had ^ found iTer fdreomis oliil !n:s w ra p M

In ncwspapeni oloni! tlic hlshw’ny ;.h Uirough Elyslan park. ''• ? ’ W hite-halrcd men ond woiiifn o t th e i

ju ry a n d , Uic veternn. storn-faced \ Judge gasnCd and paled ;«s they viewed i for U ic J lr s l time, coiicri'ie ovldcncc i of*^4JijJatc o t the 13-ycivr-oId school i

H lckmon sa l motlonic.'.'!. looking said *. I , t nlirnil

... T h a . opcntn>{l.wltaeas_ut-Uie-aftcr.. . nocn session was Ute prisoner's Uro- ■

S L l b £ L . M m U i ™ u 4 L ____________ .. In -ranlc»^s[»kc^w cll-w njdr<l sen t- ^

***■ buretlro f'o tw cr on lhe imrt c t h b m o- ' , . i Icm ol grandfoUicr. Poul Duck, which

led Uie witness Xo believe lha t ai•ul I'niM w " !«“ "«•

r,a.)infl~ttin ,m n f cninriii'iiL ln ,m nltf . o n 'M m c~ rnnirw touicrT rnct!o iL 'rin« i ■ under a sUft croas.*xamlnatlon, h e m alntolned Umt .

lan'V _I. un ................r w ~ ^loms'm L ___

fair-Iw n. r r S:dm- --------------

hud J B & S i i i g g r - —

lick- *It up S w j^ a B ^ s W W w g g g g .



— -------------------------F b f ' S O O y e a r s ;

t o A m e r i c a

5 y ‘ "T’f f a g r a n t ' f r e s H

. . . n o w - y Q u - c « r t r t

__________ g « I f l o f f

...............................j f o r d e n s . — I t ’s -

M ............ .. .......................... - S c h l U i n f f .

n . J A P A N ( O r o p n l

I•m ___ _

T l | . D A N C E 1

t a n d E v e r y F

r _ ’ f y 1 ■' ~ Y


I (56od ¥ f f l 6 = ^ d "<

g E X T R A S P E C I A L I

r ~ I B e U l a h . a i i d 7 . S e n e :

- ] .G e n e a n d 'h i s a c c o j

. I :....... H O T . i T A ^

y M O f t K i r G T F E i R l f ^

iOFELWPi'■*Xl. ._ .J_______

p .

« is , Throe Link Order’s Mcnibe're mn -“ Pack Hall lor LuncheonMeet-D *- I' “ " I. ing With Interesting Program'

■ ! iitB’ rmTinnuTTnnjrTtf'nTiiviiwiii—WTir .A^-Z-Uodgo-and-vliiton-from-othei^lodges- ICK-. district cro»-ded the L O. O. P.• ■ hall last nialit a t w hat was one of

' IKd iikmi nijoyaijle and enUiusiaslle WP gathertn jp in U ) c _ h la lo r y ^ - th t - w

ganlzatlon here. Tlie ineedhg was called to Inaugurjite a ihembcralilp

m op campaign. ■ ' 'Hold Open MeeUnc

m an After the regular session lO t Ihe llm - lodge, the duors were throw n open ttcnt to vbltors and an Interesting program

was given under the, direction ot the^ Charles Brueggenian.

ollcc a plono occordeon solo by Oene Ahern, leod T iib was followed by a reading. “K

had vln _C Ioy_^nR _a^solo. and Henry Mahnken gave a reclfaHdn.

iw^ny A quarte t composed of Patrick, Musser, Carter and Dellamy sang o

th e number, with W. K. B u rt as accom- aced panlst. a fle r which a sk it 'b y Howell 'wcd an d .D o v b (ook the house by storm, unce c. Brueggeman then favored the hool company with a recitation........ .......... Veteran Olves Itea d in g i • '

T here ' was plenly oi applause *'‘” 8 when M. H. “Dad ’ Pape took th e fldor

;t£r>. ^T he-O dd-Pellow S 'R evle^and~ 'T )v< bro- Bucking Broncho." Tlie veteran ot

tha-titfca .llnks.ah ffa -rd .th r nld timfi,

m oT oonlMt in Uw Kansas City schools dT h ich too dkeloped Inoblllly t^ d b tln g u b h . aV between right and wrong.

In reply to one question, Uie wll- .n lrr H.rtiM hU rv ri cn hlg. D rbonct■nra b rother as he s a id :-------

h e "My broiher lotd me h b amblUon Uure in life was to become a great public

fflfsrtea-haa com e ^ —

c a w T th h a lf i t s __

re ih n ess lost, b u t . ^

Btirtosto4t-afr-frc6h-:---- r- r r —

[t»9-^-new -secr© t----------------


I ^ ^ _ ^ V DLACKlOn>ngoP«ko>>

p W w B p y •


■y F r id a y N ig h f^ ' . _

»d "O rd e r— G ood “

L F O R T H IS P I ^ A Y

enevieMzassiatedrby-r--r-r' iccordion their ' . .

R Y S; ~~

‘ ' during 'U w I t n d i u ^ ’ T he clos­ing number waa a u lk by w . B. i t am lth . superintendent o l the Twin F a lb high schooU.whlctL-vaa Tecelv- ^

[ IP ed »1Ui enlhustasm. A ' luncheon ■■ 1 III** closed lhe a iis ir . . wt

orm. 'the

rE S" . ________ ______

* .“N ew s ty ie s , h a n d c r a f te

c l o t h e s f o r e v e r y m a n .

I T a w a i t in g y o u r in g p e i= . ---1.

= =

_ ' K U P P E N l

j o t h e r r

J — — m

_ _ T r y S i n c l i

— “ “ r r p .

___ — Noi-lB yeara has the w rten givenM appw U sfl A supreme character

r ~ '>tayw Ti|hl.'"W ll& rd M ack"-B ea«

B u o k Q o rd o n ................ ;

J im " d o n le yT o m m y ... .......................... ..............

D o t ...........................P h y lU f . ..................................

_ 8 e th M c K W a n . . ; ....................T ." . - : . t .

^ /B i l l OhM C •* M rs . B a n c r o f t - . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I T h e W f t f d o n .................................T h e O o v o r n o r ..................... ..... ...

— Or a i g—. . . 1 1 > t » » I » » r 1 1 1

P r ie B t . . . . . . . • • • •— .................... .. : " " T— — < O ftb a re t O ir la ) Y o iu , d ’A v r l

U sb . C e c i l B r u n n o r , J&DiflC . ■ ■ A tw

" n i e N oobo” . w &8 o n e o f th

r ‘-m o th B T lo v p ^ l H h m B ^

~ A lic e Jo y o e . u i a B a s a e a t t e , ' B o b e r t H . R a in e s a n d th e 41 lo n ,- w b e h a a a d d e d i^ h ls .g r e s

I . a b l e 'U s V o f ^ i

------------------ -------------

PhUophUoa cookMl.Iood.ti)«, day. Feb. 4 at‘.aofc*-Adv; ' V

! I ' I,'— ' i ' '1!»Ne^nWfiirAas~>eatnUiei»rt>1aTmi : l [Wish to attract. - • •

- - I

i ~ —

i = =i o r

i* f y / i i v v % A f — - — I

'te d in r ic h n e w fa F rira .

f o r y o u n g m e n , g o o d

n . T h e y ’r e h e re , now , i k it:iciraTid~ap tfrova l;—

p E J M E R — ___ ^

r m a k e s • ^

^ 5 0 _ : U p ------------------------=

■ ■ .Uatlnoo ~aqd Evening.......IWI.. - Today-Otnd-Tomorrow— —

- rren yoB drama so realbUe so lirtjp- sterhaUon of Uie rtory'by ihe m I«4 •-ad the namet of ito noiaWe-cart: •

,. .......................Montagu Love. ^ ; Bobert E, O’Connor.................................. JayBaton ___7777771......... Lina Basqnette.............. .... ...........Thelma Todd......................... .. Ed Brady7'Vr.7.'^ —................ ....... ,Wm,..Davldion .

........................ .V.~-Alice-Jo!^e- '............... ......v ,. Wm. Waning.....................Sobert E. Baines ._ ................J EmtiBt - '■__'.V . r r . ' . r . ' . . Bmlle OliantMd" . . . . . . . :..;^Kom alne holdinT 'vril, Oorliig Palmer. Kav Bng« ^ tW- p MlMB, Biilh LortelH-May- — •twood, •the ■five, neatoflt, playif of,thi:;,.

I 4it'eotl6n'«f Jbhji ®

Page 4: Tn Faftnrv Wins J J bpatiiia: tffipME - · I First Section iZiT^xji^ VOL. 10. NO. 255.' .^°' Profited

. P a g o F oot

-------- g]M -v in r ........ - . :■ w g

- One.M on th ...... " 'JC Z L Jt' manApril 0. lOlB. a t them b ^ ld a l ig .j in i l« Uic net of

(EsUblbli'cti 1£KM)

. MEMDEit OF AaSOCIATED PBE88.----------- Thc“ A syxlftt«l l’rf5.i-l» w cli^vcly

e n m lr t to -U w -..« fpr-pubucatlon o( all new* dlspatclif* "rcOitfd to ll. or not othpr»’l»c crcditod 111 tlil» paper.

spfclal dispatclicA htrclii ulso rcierved.

(,1») m<piis Avsocialol PrcM. ____

’~TI)e NcM li .a mmlxT oi 'Jio Audit ---------Bureau of CircuUtloiu. from whom

be obtolncd upoti - aiipUcBllon.--------- ttHM — intormatlon—w ppllad , locally

— •.• — Nff TM|xm5l611itri3-nMiimpd-fop-Uio' carc of uitMllcll«l nunuacripti. pbo*

tocraplu or other conulbiii«l mailer.. Articles submltled for pu{»llcaHon. wlU

be uiied or not nl the dl.wrellon of the editor, nml no inanuncrlpla will be relum ed •unlc.u accoinpanlcd by nec* eu ary poslage. ______


New York. Chicago. Dosion. 8an | -------^-ttancH co,-I«oa Antelea.-Bentllc- ---------


to aiiy olher Wild of a marriage. ••• com e#-now ..Uic" "patlnerililp" m ar-

rlaae. which will probably be found lo

except as Jo . name. .__ ____ JL Js -a .w n tp lQ m _ e f_ th e _ tlm « ^ l^

scarcli for ncw.ldca* wlUi Ila Inces-

■ ■'^•■are mnny~i)t^nplr " ^ i ..t(’ Uie^ .can------- ..Just-give a new 'turn to 'Bn'ota'‘«Uflj-______ ll.liort ]inir ttr i» nrr Billing lo bcllCVC----------Uwi-tiwy.4iftvc.«unethlDK-iuuch.bctler

I Itian uie orlHiiml." Very lllUu“ Utli.-ji:

nol have lo be marked, people o( IMs kind arc oflen salWlcd ^ I th Jusl a u .tle dllfcKncc. jusl enough to be able lo polnl lo and talk about.

~ A ~M -called~ partnerriilp marrlase wn* solemnized Uie olher day be­tween two university gludenta a t SL

•Jolin's Collfse, Indlanatwlls. A MeUi- odUt EpUeowtl c ltntyman performed the ceremonT. which can" be i c ^ t e j as prclly good evidence lha l. barring ihe name. 11 was prclly much o f ar old rashhloned orthodox ly ln j of lh«

— :— k h 6 ir iii“efrccl‘ lf not In'form ;------------- 7he-faeWhaMhe-young7«ouple-«n(l

Uielr friends chose lo call It by Mmi . olher nam e doe# not make a n y ' dif-

_ i i_ J c r m c t J iO !C iJ J tC L J a J lIc J h n L m f l3

change, although the outward and vU Ible forms may. A so-called “com

panlnoate” marriage of a few monUi----------- SB O TTipom nalysts-w as-fouQ d-to-b

exaclly the same Ihlng os the regulaIrtrm B (j i» I n 1 pftnipiinlnnthtp «•»

_______ stressed, and there were , vague refercnees lo anoUier sort' of ’companion ahlp usually a corollary o

-------- -'.aboul-lU -B ut Uie-marrlage llself wt

vorcc will be necessary lo end It, an I ; . . . ; no jQ t.of. pa rcn tal o r.o ther responsl

________blllly.-Is.escaped, by either party. 1depends for lU success upon lhe nan:

■ cleinenlA whlcli obtain lii liie ease < -!till- r t hf f - m!iT[luei-'.

I t Is n silly sort of buslnns. -a pai dering lo the slilbolIeUi of self e: prcsslon carrlrd lo*'cxlrcmr!i. Perhai

___ _ _ U ..d o c 8 _ a o . tic a t - la r m - b u t a.% cv. dence of Uie trend of thoufiUt onioi

certain clo-ues of iKople. ll Is vogue______disquieting w d llioroui:hly dlNtustln

.......b n O c a lla tc a lo plmrKe.up.lhls soo ^ th ln i i to modern education but

■ m o d ^ . educatjw ts In any Mnw T

_ proper name,-

from us our Glorious f>3urlli. and iu ________ alltylc tlij^efor. July srcom l.'

hrings -out Uia alleged fact U ial l S e c U n l^ n of Independence v.

• iliniwl Ifn thn ImI mentlonrd rin............. toot.*aa always suppc6«l,jipon.t

: L :d a t« - » « i e c ta ~ /« - l i i r ia p U a r f i^ 'T ilori o f 'ih<{ event.. . * <rhU 1< the sort of discovery wh I '^ (A ild bo classed under the head i >Tmjy>T^nt u T rue.", W hat dlff: 'rr.''.,,<itt J t .m i i e J f l - th o ^ ^

r TWIN FALLS Ie . f>i»hri>iiftn of lh e O lorlousii_ Second, cxacily tho same am ount of ■* enU iuilU nrw iin."w hlch-w o-h'aTfr-en* ’

^ T he genUcmaii u>K.s loo much.60 • . ' -I ________

s r ; --------A 'nA FF i.iN n q u e r t i o w ............J" "W ho Is CliarlM A; Lindbergh?" ( ~ Ttiis~oiiHtinnrmiPTnitt»a~to'thg-freetK ■

■ inff^ttsWOT^rom'^fwTr 'o r - tile- yuulij • historians:—O nrT *pla1ned-that-lilndbergh-w ftS -

Oj! prlmc,n>l_nlstcr_of_ tittfdcii In lho flf- •of teen ih century^............... • i

O ne Uibuahl he wa.s a Ournmn gen- i H er«Hn:thff-WorW-W«rH------------------^ j

^ leoder In Hussla;. iO ne Ihmighl he wiv. the balUo line !

— Hint tho Allies brnki' through In 1918. . 1'* T lie moro you imiidrr ihcso amwers. i ^ Ihc more yuiT are purpled, W here do ' « . such siudenu~coinp from? w iia i kind , ^ of-fam{lle>i;(lft-<lffy'(M4onfl-t«7— W h a t .— flort-ot-pcople-<lo-U»»y-aaoc1aU.w lU 4- - lie Do-Ui«y- over *cc aii>-ililng. oc‘ hear lO- an>'ihlnj:,_or U lk ..ab o u t any th ing? ,

Aro Uiey going Uirough ll.'e wllh their of senses closed? , \^ Presumably Uiey kiiott’ jiomcUilng. or ; * ' th e y could hard ly ,w t Into college: but

arc they Incapable of Iraniliig ony- '__ th ing cxccpt Iroom printed lexlbooka?^ Maybe Uie collcKes thould Introduce__ a coninulsory eourso of newspapcr-

rcsuUng. ___________ _ ______

S f— T-n EjFORtiM— I


D ear Sir: A.i everybody la telling lilj w h*t U wrong wllli the potato mar-— m eranfl-havliirTend-the TeaBonii which

f c m to run from the fact Uiat some-CCC ^^alfh yf , rpilf^S^

Uilnk I vrllT send in "nn Idea albnS .w lU iU h eu r ttlL _ B ri l._ C !u r_ m ctlio ^

iw distribution Is "all wet." Take Henry PnrH-. mfU'oH of wiling car* .. Ills

h i , dollars on *500 Is 10 per cent. Wtf. on lhe other hand, get from 15c lo

* s ic a hundrwl for our product which bc rcw lls from 4c to 6e a pound. Ford

gels M per ccnl w ith even’ salesmilh a nnrt. ndverllSCr.

while wc gel 10 per ccnl of th e re- be- U ll price whllo our Milesinen and St. agents don'i give a whoop and don't .u advcraie our product because Uiey gel

ju s l es much for selling one st.'vic's ned noiaiota as Uiey do for

r r r commmee wiin a s niuctt i»w er as Hays of the movies or U ndL i ot the

an baseball world. T hen divide Uie Unll- ihe ed Slates up Inlo d lsulets. Ship all - - spud«’4ucach.dlS';

, t r l c f Let him collect hU o*-n com- Knd TniBsluii un-every sack- w>ld - ln - hl!»-dlft- )me trlc t. In retum ho Is lo furnish rtif. storage for 10 oi* 16 dnys supply for

h is district -n delivery s^ le in - a ^

not sacks for hotel and leataum nl trade ~ t t n a ~cmild ‘tw • cluuiged ' to- meet ' the

demand). WlUi th e price sel a t whal om- th e retailer Is lo sell ot. th e w me as lUis nine oul of ten th ings a re sold, we

could divide th e selling ca«.i out ” something like Ihla: O ur shlppeTs’‘a t

ular thU end to recclvo. 39c a hundred A-as for sorUng. sacklnjf_nnd_handllnB—

which 1 think Is more Uian they made th is yeor; o u r-dcalers-o l-U ic -aU w e end ■35c or 40c a sack: nnd retailer

y of SOc. or 10c to r 25, pound sacks, which

I^"pha^*n«gh7.■'' T hen spuds retailing * iii .at_Jc_ivouldi8<Ye-us Jc ::\e? .tJK )B tit;

-d U ft>v»niv.tiv»-w ir-cw iU <^-thw -tpucU nnd u ia t we sent ou t yeW lld’ n l five to

, eight pounds for a quarter. T his year a dealer selling a carlood a day would

I t make from five to sei,'en hundred a lamc '^'cek and would bc a booster and ,ad< „ vertUcr.

— ■fj.*-pan- United States, n o t to say n thing

aboul the smivll town*. W ith ihli system our trouble 'would be In grow,

haps Ing enough.'liistead of too mnny, cvl- Wo farmers of lhe Snake River havi

none " 'I'onopoly on th e best spuds srowi *“’7 on-llie facc.of th e earth . Wliy no lucly make It pay?illng, • - J . C. PBTEllSON.

jori' P- D. No. 1. Paul, Idaho. Jan . J

u t If ~ ^

~ "Paragraphs _u*ay. ____ lhe_CtEaia.oI_U iCLH »M ej»i__iub- - J tm e t

lyunt I'htni."t lhe stowed down to sec w hal lhe femal

was hand signal , ahead eouldi ]>o,s b1 mean.—Tlie FOrt WorUr Ilecord-Tcl<

n .u i« w . ,............---------............IMjBir := T li rK r T le W rM ln s tr e l» 4 m -^ iK

ed after 41 years, b u l many of U -,*,uT,lJokc» they orlglnaled 'In.Uip bcglnnlr

will go on- w orklng.-T lie Dclro ^ of News.lUfec- --------10 a re l ^ language expert in .Clevelan

1 th e I SeuUi Bend Tribune.

-y *u! r Wow .we Me very sure th a t Pro ^ “ » ,1. m roo lu i . IMI ,nnl|t .lo .. i. .‘UpoQichoose.but Is .n o t-80U g to run.- 102 th e to U nd In Cuba "on Frid l^ jjP ^ lth B 13UL-The U i t t l n t S U te Joum

■ V-' • '-Setnebcily i n n t t t« known w hat I W j i t e r Uie H appen when t ^ y g

. . .. .

3 D A I L Y N E W S , T W I N F ,

piSitDSEBh5 S E i l^I?'' Castleford Adopts Precaution-

_ C A B IL E E im D .-J^ b ._ .2 -CM tlcford schooU are closed this weeu o»Jng lo

- Uie ixrlQua llhicfla of two of Uic PiiilMiou Children W H O -m aj--haa:

>n- spinal menUigltls. BoUi nre In the __ ^ u n ly reporlc<l to

chairman of th e ' public welfare cli- Ine parlm cnt of th e Federalctl OlubN of . . Idaho, and clm lm ian ot the Anti- '•®- Tuberculoslo society of the slalc. nd- ;rs. dre.%sed the P a ren t Teocher aMoelatton

j»^i Joint

^ a c n in g H r^ 'H . C. Darrow, presldeni

iirw ldPd.Qvcr a sligrl buslncMi meet- ing a fte r ivhicK M r i t)«rBC Ciifiicin look; ch u ig e-o f .-tho-TnceUng; .T h m

ig? .were fieverol_vocal and Intlnimenial iclr numbers by some of the hiKh school

stucfcnis, then Mhi. Atliey wax latro- duced. She gave an Inlem tlni; aiul

or iiuitrucUve U lk on ••Health." but Charles Moyer la qulle III wllh an

attack of appcndlcltls.’ A baby girl arrived a t the honir ol

^ Mr. .M M n . W »ll.r_R y » on M.n- UCC day, January 30, - ; e r- _ _ ________

TheJ CoIfMBookplate

— ■ -■ A f l N B B ^ n i R R ---------

______ ‘ ________. ____________1 ^ ___ _

bng_of ■______________ •

HIS _______ • — --; a ' ^ WNUftrrlM

W<!. U --------~, ‘h 1* loolfCil a t X‘eier’8 downcast fuc<

and 0 llioogbt U iat hnd o c c u ^ d I njin mo over Uio Blenmlns kettle reverted •fr. I fell convlnccd th a t ho waa cnrrylm re- some h c a v ? 'Bccret T O Pn'TUmUurTi

and Julia Orosvenor. I hod never forgol on‘l ton tha t a ta le o f fronUc alann whlc!

had *0110(1 bim on Uio tbreitiold o * Sll'. Cnsc'a ofllco Inst llooday, Uioiig

t ^ Ucularly v lico tie ood I bod bocnil- talklQg to U r. Altsy. U 1 coolil.lui^

all OQly told him of my tIsU to lu lls . <dlSi L cr_rccognlU on.of .tilm In Uio tho|on>- her relief on hoorlng Uiat f io H tf ^ i

tn t l o n l n u t knowing tba t Uiat vIb ‘“I was confldcmlnl. 1 merely Bdld:

ic lu -* 'O uek up. P c to f i- i f a up lo you <

r t ^ [ s -w ll li '^ o u r B b leld^ r on I t Otuoi -the - c m rW rrc l liJ irT n i- tc 'k cc p - th t-b o ir vhat ( i„a bomlng."® “ Poier looked srato fu l, but *a1d noti ■ -u'. Ins, for n t -tlidt Instant Money awot 5- a t round and saw him. Do pu t man dred Orst quesUon to womon. n g - “ When qjp you co ins bom er' bo Inade -qiilrtil-klcm ly. ---------

— ‘W slr-o W o ck " -sa ld -N eo c y n f« « ? ,* ! ly. viewing him w llh coltn oppralsi


■iBht— '‘N o.-U m nU -you—llionV -you-bo: ^ i ^ d p ; > r h

year ••if you won’t como to dinner i •o'lW Dlglil, JOU m ust como ond iloy wl “ tio nil niglit tomorrow." declor ‘ • Nnncy. teuuclouB a s oiunl of b •I,,, wlKhe*. "o r I'll tw oil nloDO."


this “Will you comc. CoBetanc«7":row- “I diiati |>o (Icllglitcd. my dear,

help lli^ e ight o the r occupant* of thave I,pnr you compi(Jy?'------

-Oim lo r i m . N m nol" criod Pel ' “ Well. Constnncc. good-by Ull Sat! 3N dny. nt Uio latest. Tm oft for P lj in . 3. oulh Rock nnd way lU itlonsr. .>............ , Nnncy ond 1 worked alooo lo i— , silent shop wliUoui further Intern

1. Hon. ,'Tho silence of Iho blC btilldi

dlstnnt. In frcqueof rumble of li------ -imnier-Not-un(ll-l-hnd-nwrly-&DUi' dinner, acui In to me. did f b t t i

— Tiinslo sound In tho shop. Theo.^

It wns rep e n ted ' . • I t co

S n j t j ' o n ' l l u ' I c M m / S lilii S I nuHUto u uim ugure uiaUTiaiixeo in

iu b lv •*“»>» “» *T . , / OVCC moro Umn my Burpriie, I rcc- . ~pl^ x l.-Mr- Cnso iiisl ns bo B lo il^ &

Id nmaicm ent. closo o t my left.- .'

)f Uie dinner,*; t - r a ld mattcrHjf-foctly. - innliig - I thought you nod." be eouoici x-lrolt -Everybody else has who-* jolog

,worlt lon lgh t I w o i just dola* « , . of my w ork now, becouto 1 like • <

t e t lo m c ililn j'b c lte r l o ' ^ i r '“ I rcn llf lin te tb e reiponilbllltj

Prcst- 'th e-cn lo t< w e." .-l-ohJe tted .-J!o r. «—nov reao rk i. In- He .way, to I dldnlt want to Iobo

Ume.- 'T here 'fl o I w » llkcly.'.to I oumal. h iich w hea you're In a h«ny.„ t h ^ ! ! 2 s s : : _____________ _____________t y ^ r a ' j . < O o n ^ i ^ l a i M i t J i ^ .

!____ _ L e a « i3 for .K oiiw »-M rs, .Paul_W jldnnd two c h lld rtn -lu ll W cdncaday-{ot

. jg p , Bylvitt. KansM . lo make Uiclr home.

Power M an In B u b l-J . D,' Orr. leford Twin Pnlto maiiniier of Uio Idaho ng '<> Power company. w an iiT JU n n m lju il '-

Uic nc£s-vcsterday..'haM - - - - - — ----------:

Here From W*tlw-ML« Mcldo Hyde of WclU. Nevada, visited In Twin

^ n d c . 'o r ^ o n , ™ vlilV Uicl'e. ^

Hack From S a iT u iT e -L . A. Chap- ' ' ‘rt In lu « rclurned.Jrom the sem i-annual I’-iitnn d istric t meellng ol the U lha-Idaho joliii Klww‘1* h iid III S a lt U k e .

— O bta in ' B n ffff i|r ' r t» IlW = = I»8lli:^ - mion. Davls and Bessie M, W ltl. boUi of iiipci- T W li r a lK obtnl ncil" *a luarrigge-- ll-*4

the re nion ilnB ,.............lental — - » - — 'ichool VWU 8lsU r~M rs. Plorence King oflotro- Kansas Clly. who lioj bw n tiie guest: and of h e r s lsu r M n. C, H. Drown, for

several doys. Is lo Irave loday forh an O akland lo visit.

in- of v b ilt In B nh l-M r. and Mrs. J . J. M g i F n i f r n f PMHtflln, » f t f In Twin f»ll<

yeslerday on Uiiilr way lidiiie a fte r vIsIUqs the ir daushler, Mm. Tliomas

-^ « k c s -B a y ta f -T r l» - lI . MacMiillei^

Lw ■ from -a-buylnff-lrip-to-N ew -Y ork-niar- t C kela._

H ere, for InlUaUon—Mrs. P . L. Olm- sV dd of Minidoka, aii officer In Uie

___ Tvin lodge, ^

monies tonlghU. ,

Rct. _Bart4>n Breovcr*—IteV. E. C.

ifor th e f irst Ume Miicc lie wn.s slrlckcn.

— ~ ^ tu n irt» ^ w a iP llo » ;-y rH .-M c B v e ffl

. lageht of th e Ofrcoii short Lloe. who : -W tic u c re w-JoiintCtiuu n iic

tello laa t evening, fuce, .

<d to H ere Frorft F a lls -B a y E. 'crtcd. Brow n of G reat Falls. M ontana, for- rrylpB m er Tw tn Falls resilient who haa spent

’or&ot- MonUuia. arrived the Iln l of the week ‘which for 0 vUlt here.

Tmke*' P o s l U ^ H r ^ H a r o l d Sin-

retu rned to Twin Falls and occeptedl.bnVe a poslUon In the swre of h la JaU ie rills, o f J . A. Sinclair. .

Bbop. ■ ■»a d ^ o - Tnsurane* M«B~Here—G ordon ~ En«/>in. Hunitnn nt Rail Lake, dlslrlct monoseit VlBlt fo r- th e M utual Bcnclll u i c iiisurartCl; company In' Idaho and U tah, nrrlvec' to *« Tw ‘" J ^ r d a y o:i business' " to re lu m tO-Sal

-bom e ijn iw s FH if=F m nk Smltl- was fined 525 by Police Judge H. E

1 Doth- R ead ycalerduy on a charge of dls sw ons orderly conduct. W hen arrested abou m an's aao-o'clock-vcim rday m om lng_Bm itl

gave Uie name of Fred Fitzgerald am 1,0 In. claim ed Edoii as his place of real

—G W n o “ C(inferenee — D r.^ E .- I praUoI. district superintendent of thdinner M ethodist church, lefl Wcdnesda

----------- fnr m itvrt to a tlc nd 0 ChUTCu-boU) ccnfcrcnce._D r. W, 0, Corbett, o i ui

fer^ io - K endall of K lmtarly was omon IT wHh Uie speakers.. Blmllor mectlnga ap> t leclorcd held In Amerlean Falto and ', Abet o t be r deen.

^ g U l r a l ln n Oolni

Januory"3irr.TflslraUon still continue lear, to the Auio association is asslsUr I of the owners make out proof of tllle. Ai

sesstrr S. Clnucl siew art *ay» lh a t pw 1 Peter, slbly some who make oppl

8 a ta ^ cation a t hir. office during th e big ru: r Plyni- crowded oul ond he osks a ll su«• people to retum .

Pwalono H o « u e - I t -K. L

btiiming SunpM n. Music corre. Py 0 pgfiy, f - tii-nrri vf»gtgfdaV from ' Poc Of Intc iciio .w here h e 'a tten d e d th e form .floUhed. opcnln« of ih r PocatttTI" ^b t t r « company. While Uiere h e alko atUn>

fiep.^uo- ed the- con^Tntlon

________All f venis OTre succeasiui o»a «It como Joyable. ■ ,

------------filO tlT-M EN -D RO W N -J—s n 5 T n r ~ w u itP uL K , v i , r eu. a

ab o ard -th cm .-lh e ^^ ^ ald m rr rw MIio n * - to hnd -U iem -ln -tow rhB s-ln feem ed-»

em^lhWsporiaUon^TxnnpMijr^-^oUleimotcrcd. here . The barge* broke from B ^ d n Kilna to and foundered, while m en on th e I a* somo helpless durhig Uio gale lo ;n t e a loto «»«• _ _ K 0 V N n K D -O m C E R HOME

■ u i n RIcliard Livingston, w ho was iblllty -of command of th e m arliw detachm -JlOrJlflf. m b u s h e d ; . D i ^ ^ ^ - aO^

lose t n r ..P lta l w day to wcelvo' t m l n i n i r tn iM a .a ' wound In tb e ,le l t a rm . R e ei

u Norfolk, Vir»»nla. w] ^ ....fou r o ther wounded-m arlnea and ffcrlns from m alarU ^ v e d yes M) .......... d ay . H e w u rthe only one to- 0 .W uhlngtoa.

w ild —Uti Barthelmess Scores;;:^

In DrairiaBc Vehicle

Orr.daho "The Kooee," a noted story by Wll-

lM -d-M ack.-ls..a h igh ly .d r«na tlc .tjB ! h id e of vhlch -Uie - t ta r a a d dlreo<

------ : loc rhav frT -lu liy -T jtna ed ^ ttie tuw ltwHyde f t teepu wlUi sure tiro s ituations and Tu-ln is. unqucstlonsbly one ' o t th e (Inesl

tif ir if i nsrth rliacM -has. had _ln years --------iK irst'N B U onu M otu ru n u ''l t Ip p i iR

n remarkably wcU-balanced cast ol ;hap- f irs t rate B rtlsts,.a splendid produc- inual tlon. excellent p h o lo ^ p h y aAd i [daho scenario wlUi th s 'T W U lt'tha t-patron j tc. of th e Orpheum theate r a re offeree

nn cnterU lnlng and thrlU lng phot»

J , of R ichard QarUielmtts enM ts th e n i l

caught In.UieJroolc m e«h« of a ver - melodramatic comblnaUon ^ c l r ^

ng of sunccs. BarUielmess avalU hlmsel Bunl oi th e broad opportunlUes fo r bla I for trlonlsm and achieves th e dramalli t for h r lg liu ot wblch he U so cap a b le ..

Opposite lhe star appears U n a B as quelle, former .Follies dancer, aw

J J nhc to a genuine sensation. H er In F^lls terpretaUon of Dot, Uie cabare

t t S F daAcer. u u m irw iy UUII?. Allu lomas Joyce os Uie governor's w ife, am______ NickUi'»^nomM.4 tvM-a^coavln d n g aiu

------ edifying performance. - MonUigu Loviiullcii' M ^ U ic ^ te y j i^ iUhOT. ew ls ^ Bcm e ^0

i*inwiatlfl career. ‘ ~ .

Woman’s Dream Olm- G o m e s T r u i

” ^1® At- last you find a new wonderful fac powder tha^

so sm M uf^ Uie*’skin looks'like a peacl— -M ELLO-OLa-is-mode-bya-newXreoc^ ProcMs and su v s on longer. Goo ■tnrct^

BR0CEEDIMG5 OF BOARD * = e O T ) S T Y - e 9 M M IS S IO N E H

Twln^^?aU^ l d ^ ^ * ^ v O T b « I t 1037. 10 a.-m .

_ T lio board met a l this tim e, pu suan t to recess hereloforo U ken . t members and Uie clcrk bclng prtscr

MoUitr's Pension*

amlnaUon of claims for MoUicr’s Pei slons and claims were allowed aj w arran ts ordered draw n-Us'follow s:

1 8*n* Allen. Mrs. Lucy..............................*20,It has AUclns. Mr*. Jo h n ,.......................... 30.

l.v hasiccpted = s ^ = = = ^ ^ = father,

on _ g _ - I _______ _____ 1

arrived . -

h p y n i i T

-Sn ilU rH. D. . ( Y

of dU- 1 about-B m U b .----------------------------------------lid andif real- •_

Ab^to b e c o m c 4 'i e te d c e x p '

iihough * m eals to b e n o u r is h in g

intlnues. N a tu re ’s -----------L o n g b e f o r e w e h e t n

la i poR- m incraT s a l t s , N a t u r e oe a p p ii- riffh t p r o p o r t i o n — tn<

w L l e w h c t

'■ . S h r e d d e d W h e a t ib -K Lo- T o o d e lem e n tH r e n en Falto th e b ra r t o f ' t h e w h o U

- s y s te m .h e a l t h y a n d c U

- T o r s n - ----------------^ W r t h - T n i H c ^ f « i n-------------b u ttc r -« n d - s a l t , - * i t : i s

iquet of tjo u rish in g * I f y o u likm ilk — th e r e ’a n o «

------------- aegyg .-T u s t ' s t a r t a l l y o u

z i i i - j j W 5 t ^ -gTF ygaA l=bwas, ou l . ' i t n c e tis , i n t h e w a y tfi nk s u n - . 'and c ar-i*»l m en - -

I to ;r tn - ^

itachm enti Q i ^ l . • ’

■ PAtKAOE,ed j t s t e r - - • -.1 to- come

E L l . u " i l ^ ' ' n ' -----7 -----^ 1'

™ '- ■ T ' - " " 1 6 «

. » .w'^ ^ M e K m a e j r ; M nrfirtaU jv m . . .....i ^ ’Wacatttej. l£ra. .M ari? J .... ............

■* - J 5 S’P“ ^ n 3 sot; Mrs.' V irg in al.... ......... - - “ -JS

ffered j . N.............................ihoto- Mt*. Bthel M ..... - .....*>-00— f e a r / M l * . UIIA . .L .... - ........e w l* mdber. Mrs. B e : ^ B..,.~----------

1 very 8w eartn«cn..M ts, .p r,*^ .,-.— ..-,.-.

. hU- V l i O d M t M r. B um -.............m H lc ■WWlaU M n . B » J l « ............. . ..M e.. W j» . J « i l . M >■«

WUson, Mrs. U tle A ....................i S h m ile /M n i. 01U« ..................- .......

^ w ..lli» !. M n . N dlU -----------------

- A l l« aW M u u f „ a ila d

'' ooninlclftl Ihn t**e~______tia ln u -e fa tn s t-U ie -c u r tw it-e s p e n s e

fund, a recess wos taken unUl 10 a. m.

" r u e ® t ! E-^Moore. C h a ^ n .a iace A U «t: *H ax iy 0 . Parsons. Clerk, ow ar. ’p m ---------- R jfu IS 'T Ic C S tfT S a S H

^ S v l - I * l n FiillT , l r tB h o ^ o v ^ U > ^ ” J-^ mi l

---------T he board*al th is Ume rattm ed the

ID « > ^ l n a U o n _ ^ e l ^ a B . ^ t

a m ff iin t f l l^ ^ t B jpense • Arrow Head Servlco StaUOn

aS S ? , R<kito;' ® »

B."^ T a cJ wv w V ig ' - 0*

T S A l v ^ i r d M oil. g « c . j ^ . ...... , » gand Brown. H asal D , i r l l ^ ; . ^ - - » »

lows: - Blass. John .... ”„» jo M Boum Bros.

30.00 Brobb, Stephen A., spec dep.^ Torvii tniMiinn-rfi

--JHoW few ofM h»vc.lim?------

g a a S £ : ,

'h o l e -nK cut g r w n t o k e e p y o u r

- , : - ; , h m e l « d ■

T u k l ' X t « m d . j m t p i w t » »

l y t l u t m t u r e i n te n d e d .

e d d e dT l

^ ® ~

0 Bsmea, J a k I a. «xpeos«.___.,. M 40 .<1 B enolw R uU vclertcaU iorfc.____ .13 W - .0 n<;nn<i T.. i_ iu n » ft fin

Hatley, Oeo. C . med. and e r , . 16 50 - 133. Hnm, P rank , ....» 30

the Idaho Pow. Co.. service............ 69 00u r- Johnstone. ..John P.. servlcc , - . 3vW

___ ■af,kiiftn,'n."fl.^Bali>ry..cic'"'.., 105'Bi ~

L— —— ^IS “ le g a l ADVERTISEMENTS -100 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ) 1.30 N otice-of Proof AppUcaUon of W ater

1 M NoUce Is h m b y g l ^ th a t a t 10 a.» M m. on Uie 34Ui day ot February, 103B,IM a t Tw ln'FBU i;-County of-Tw ln PaUs,I M s u t e o f Idaho, before- H arry Benoit,

no tary public, proof wUl be su b m ltt^

^ one ( 1) cub^le fM t of m p .w a lers-o f-M ulo -creek~ ln -aeoo rdance - wlUi th e term s and condlUons of Per­m it -No. 13169 heretofore issued by the BU te Engineer of the S U te of Idaho.

--------- Tift-nmne-andTW Btoffice-address-of—Uie person o r corporation holding said

------pcnntt-ls-H aroJd-ftr-JonesrJtoB enw n—Idaho.

■ Tho use to which sold w ater h w ____ been oppUed Is IrrigaUon and domcsUc

^ ttm m int_applk d to“ T7 Aise^ls ono ( l) cublcJoot per secona;—

T he place-w here said waler b used (If fo r IrrigaUon, glvo full and ac>

■ euraU description of the land In l------- tated)^>— T b e - S BU -o f -SW U -of Sec—

, 30; ond Uie NBU of NW'4, .Pcc. 39,In Tw p. 16 a . R.-19 E , B. M.

T h e r ig h t to U ke water from such------ w orks is-based upon Perm it H o..iai89._,

■■ • T h » “ 80ur*~of~BU pply-ftom“ whloh-^-------iu S i w ater’ U’ dl»CTt*d-ls-Mulo-Oreck;-

whlch U a - tributary ot Shoshone Creek. '

_______ T ho da te of t ^ priority which said

10.-1919r------------------------- -___________ ■______ 0 ^ - OABTER.

-----iri-BANKRUFrOY-NOrS7BO— -In - l h o D tolrlct Court, of Uie United

s u tc s , fo r th e DlsUlct of Idaho, SouU iem Division. .

. In th e -M atfer of J . H. L ^ , Bank-

f irs t m eeting -of eredllors of said ban krupt wUl be held a t Uie office of th e undersigned referee In Twin FslU. C ounty of Twhi Palls, BUte of Idaho,

- a t -3 o 'c lo c k .? . M. OQ Monday, tho latta day of February, A. D. I03t; such meeUng will be beld for the allow- a n ee -B r-m irn s . appolnUntnt of t m -

— too and exam lnatlm .of bankrupt.;_____GUY L. KINNEy;

Referee In' Bankruptcy. --------- O A L t ^ B B O N DS-------^

...... T he- following bonds ore called for

--------^ ^ ? T » C T U ? i t - t h e office ot CityTreasurer of Twin Falls, Idaho, of

. th e G uaran ty Trfisk Co. of New Iforic• W V • T,«riil ImppnwwiKrif ■

. p ls t . No. 34. 7 per cent, dsted July 1st,--------- IW 0r-bondsJllL ta-7M Jac.L l«M alJm :^

— s n s S ' i .° m b .” '.. lM .’ lne.| Local Iniproronent b i ^

n to t No. 37, 1 per- cent, dated^ w 1st, IB30. bonds 17, IB, 19, Xnlerest

' • • '.P e b a ^ i m i ' ' -

W --“ W

r/ ilmintttn u r —

Page 5: Tn Faftnrv Wins J J bpatiiia: tffipME - · I First Section iZiT^xji^ VOL. 10. NO. 255.' .^°' Profited

• MflF FlflFH TIlKFIili----------------------- ■ ........................... E

Grant Halc.-Former Stage Orl-p■ lb

____ ____ nGrant Hale, to r a Umo driver on the |

Morc from Tw in Pali* to WclU tt-a3|i

to iftce oT flony c to tg o ro n illc scd dcV i;sprtton a t hU wl/o « n J cJshl m liio rij children. Iteie * tn talcgn Into custody j i

o( nulhorlU n In WMhlnttldn couniy. I Utah, and held In Jail unlll.the arrival I of an otf leer with proper credentlnU. (i

Cottam arrived Wednesday nlRht o n ; t ■ the *la«c from Dolse where he had \

been lo Kccuri- the refjiilrcd rlsnature i C ■■ nf fkivpmnr HnlttrM^N. t ^ - I

papire pem iltiin? h»« M e Hale, i l J Married Homr 0)rl|===A 0£0^dA lS-T l< )H ll<^-•ttf)^o l(> •^h<^ I . ^.deuuiy. slicrtlf. Hale niarrlcd ' a 'S L i j \ QcorRtf ulfl a nuiiibrr'of years a<fo a n d ' j

lived.ttlUi iic r.un til.ft relatively B hortll Jlnic ago. Ue M i St. Oeorge and went I to SaJt Lakc, to Khlctx placc the of/I- 2 ccrs tmccd him. He disappeared from <j

- there, and wa* la ler locatcd In Twin h Palls. - - I

Another Alleted Detcrtlon fiCottam haa said tlia t he left 81. !c

. <^corBe with two w arran u lo r allcRcd 11 wife dcscKlon. One was fo r 'a man In |l Helena. MonU>na._wha-he' orreattd f n r ^

- alleged doHrtlon o( a wlla ond fiv e : I children, and bmiiBht lo Pocotello.: 1whrrc Inrlgwl

- I l l» ,p c is Jo r lH a re ._ H L p W tc d -takcn In M ontana aa he went ihrough , Pocaicllo Thursday morning. | |

, r------- ' ----- ----------'I

BdJttt! by ■ \

3 - — - --------------- -- \ \Announcing the engBgepicnl of her I

sh ier, Mlsa Bula Pox. to Mr. H, R.

talnetl J t lth a beautifully appointed .'i 'titiCgHayT~t;veimii;,-4>Vy)

.■■..iKr J is i il& .ja -a c v rn n i n,vrnim r a t l . i i• T he s'-ests. nil Intimate friends of '

/ the. honurcc. wero scaled a t eight I I ano ll labler w ith ccnlcrplcces of pink A ro,'e,i in crystal v.iscn. Tlic pink 1

placc card.', wcrc In heart Miape. ond , ■„thp fl. PM-flnd..TVllllC. J

~ -color scheme; ■■ ■ - - - i

The Woman's MlMlbiiary soclefy oT 1 Uie Chrlsllon church met ThurKlay atiernocii In the cliurch parlors with a large attendance. After the rcs«- ■

___ Prown'5_djvUlmi_wcrn fii cbarge-oL litlic program. Uie subject being 'T h e ; ' Negro.” Mrs. P, B. Corcon conduct* i ) cd tlitf devotlonals, Mrs. C. L. Btovn I ' g av e ‘on Inlerestlng paper on ’T h o l l

------Nfgro.':— Mra.-^-Franlc Krueger—rea d -,nn entertaining le tte r from Miss Hazol | |

C. B. AUcn .sajig -T he Old U uggS^I •• OrcM, 'w ith -M rs; J . B. Whito a tU io \ __ pianri, A uptendid talk was made by '

____SlilfliU .■anK-ttt'n Mijn'i n r r n r ^ n i y , ,~ b r M r j . U. N ."T c 'r r? .^ R irP a flb w '» |

• division. scn-ed rcfroshmcnts during . the social hour, - '

-------T lig-Cnlbollc-nVomcn'r-Lcagug-mct- ^a l the home 'of Mra. O. A. Schwartz, | Tliursday afternoon. The prtsldent, , Mrs. Pm nk W agner' presided during |

-----Tthn—tm n ^ e tlo n —of— hualneiM.— Tlie ,_ ._prognim _con3lstcd_of..un:.Interesting. J

-outJlns of tb e of tbe new wel- j fare orsanlar.tlcn In combating dclln* '

, quenc)'. J . H. Jam m e. gave an . ln * ||

A Tiinrr whw

‘ , C01)«M iDAI iG a H lu l^

' ‘ Pcrvltlenl e6uRli»and coI<Ulca>iloMti. I oo» trouWa You can stop llicm now with , Crmmulilon, aii em<iliiCed vcu»<>le tlu l I U p lu u n l lu lake. Cteomuliion It a new , tne<llesl dbeorcry with two-fold sclloni il | sonihrs and heals tlio Inllaraed tnemb»nu , nnil Inlilbllngcnn growili. I

O nirV now n drus«, crtowlo it r«og- li nlinl Ly high Rifillcjl aullioriilct ai ono ' (if llie’grealfst heallnc agenclc*'Tor per*, ] siiicnl coughs and cniil* ami olhrr forms {,

-in Bcldillon to rifofdtfl, other licallnB e lc menis wiiicli aootlin and heal tin Inieeted 1 mcnibrsnrs nnd «iop the irrilallon and .

lo lho ttomacli.isabMrbcdluto'iheblon(!. i allaeks the w at of the trouble snd diecks ' ilw growth nf the gernii. . J

In lho treatment of persittent couglis and'] { ro1l]^ bronehlal ssilunn, .bronchitis and . otllcrform* of resplntorr dlsetses, tnd li ' cxrrllent fnr building up the lyuetn'ih'er i

■ ro]tUnr(Iu. Mnney n?funded If tny cou^ j

T skoW -H A rw urflK itoY - .__ You|l[to*'titaridna»';br jynilag |

totk. luOTia actlno itr ' 1titkrefooSMn. (i

^ - j

-• I

-TW INFXl^TjSaItplrlng t«lk on Boy' rIni' Uiafthe scout movtaani U ono co

berfi “Iropronjptu In A FUf"' and to ’ “MiTch Wind," by McDowelh' 0 « n

Bucbuuui pUyed two vlolln.£0l09.acT. rr- eompanlnhon-the piano by MUi Anna be• Wagner.; Relrcshmenti w««Iby a committee composed ot Mrs. K. In

Thurrdito- altcmoon at ber. home on c NInlh tvtnue north. Th# regular bus- M s IncM was transacted after which ;. port* ■ot -canvocttttcn'-heM-by-tht?!^

rtoBTrtMh na~iAn.-.ia r B. S. tvniianu. DwJjtf tbe .alter- W <• j noon tncmbers sewed on■.Iholds tnch year on the first Saturday Idl I In December. At the closo of Oje;c' , nficrnoon rctrcahmcnia wcrc served by ■ at I the hostess aaaisted by Mr»,-.W. H .;^ 1 Ward, Mrs. Newell Wight and Mrs. Pl •IGeorge K Sprague. -O'

•i Mrs. H, W. Wilson. Mrs. Bluartl ^ylor. ll*” - U

• i MriT wrT.'-'lxsUcTjmaTMrj.-'Wr-Pn Si I ' Ilaney were hostesia to' the Pres-; wt) byterlan-Lartles‘-AW-at-the-Wllson|mt home on Eighth avenue north Thurs- k• Say afcemoon. DcroWonalj wera-con. ci I diictcd by Mrs, H, W, Clouchek and' w.I Mrs. Sturgeon. McCoy presided al the w:

builness session- Al this time the rc society volcd to pay the remainder.w

.! Dt the debt on the improvements on b< lithe Manw' ■oii'd" lho"lailuU'lUK .iium*'!uII Inatlng commltlec was appointed from. att-Uie—tloopt—Meednmee-Oi—Pr-Dawaoiir—*:H.-W. CJouchek, B. c , Wark.-A. il., i.: Herron and H. S. Cowling. The pro-; P

‘15IJJ S p r i n g W o o l e n s

.N n v f f l t v S p r i n g S - ______ C a s t i n g s ________^ '-Original sprinR patterns umi

.ihfw B. , A l - inrlinti f f l r - w i i a C i l g r a ^ A t o ^

• J l checkcrboard''nrid-foiir-.color- ' ^ combinntiona in the biisket-

. a . : - - ^ 4 a i i o i a

I j J Good cjuality litjht weight nov-' S city woolen in four'irood new{ % colorK: Lucerne, Gray BicKc,: W Roae. B rick; 30 inches ^villc.- g - ' r CT" 'ya«P=-— --------------------. ^ 9 8 ^ ro n d $ 1 ^ 9

' ^ • S p o r t F l a n n e l sI y S<i-inch fine litfht woigtitounU

M 'k’"K lbbon"BlueT^nk.shdiSv6^i j j j Violet, Daffodil, Posy Greeji,I I % M ayfair Tau. Priccd -reneon- i « b lc ,nt. per yn r d .......^ 7 9

lA— EyerfastJfofiries-; W Everfast Suitings

'hitVL- t t^ticw n.T-ortTneh t of ^-=thu-BKiimnu,ovcrf3i!5t-KoitinB8: , J l S tandard 3G.inch .width. Per

^ yard ............................... -.,49p

t; 1— -^Jverfast-Checked— ■ % - Ginghams ^• % s tan d ard 32-inch _w’idth,_in I % ■' medium-<;heck--and-Hi»h-<:ltecjc- S patterns in ilm popular colors.- J ' For yard .........................5 5 ^

J 36 inches wido, in n completo

everyone knows. Per yd. SS^-


^ 5 -------- E ¥ e r f a s t 4 ' - u b t < * ^'• ^ D ainty stripes and diecks 5— Buitablo-foi^Bhirta- or-w ash r drc.^oa. A tu)>.f«.st SC> inch

• \ \ Everfast P r in ts .l\S ' Dim itie s_____|4 % - ^m all f l o r a l -.pftttcrna wnicn- jJ . wilL^makc-'attractive- .flprlnB

3 • waaK, frocks. 3G inches wide;jm in colors you’ll want. Aslirto j Bcc them. Per y a rd ....... 4 9 <

j l E v e r f a s t P l a y t im e

; j j | Eh'ery ono/knows (h is‘,cr6r- ■ i- lS -JM t: fab ricL ;\:ery prijctlcni.

W _Small _colqrfuLpat;‘ w* ierns. 3 2 'inches wide. P er. I ynr<^.......... ....................

DAILY NEWS, TWIN f t■ p a m . arranBe<l..bu,jrj*_W^ E._NU*ft i 9 cotulsied o l » piano tolo and e n c o n '\B l-m iv Himuirt If

I ta l numbers by Mrs. A, W. Peck, i I Refreshment* were wn'od from a i r. prettily . 9D00liU£d.^ULlo. havln*. a : s bouctuet—at—red'ftiK l—yeiUiw-frMslaa < 1 for a centerpiece.—*nie napkins were :. In Valentine dcslgn.t and le.t and coiz.

jH ? " r r™ The Highland -Vi.'!*- ciub met w llh 1- Mrs, Elmer WlllLi \Vcdnc^dny a f te r - !- noon wllh 15 m em ber atul five g u e s t i i rrp re#entr-rinnrT rtrt'--cjjffipT pt«r fo r 5T ci.YlilSQllU(Lpatli'Joc.Uie.huibanda andi- I, jfm nn ies .o t thr-m rm bcrs of iho club■^- * to be given In the I, o . O P. hall next ■ r i Fridny evening, Fi-bnury 10, supper*

y ld ld v r c g n m Is.belns arrangi-d to r t h e e!event. After the biiMiicM ).es.iloii th e ' y ■ afternobii wns spent .loci.illy and Uic 1I.: hostess served rffrMliineiil*. Mrs.)

Ployd Dandy wlli en trrtain llie clubi.! on February. IS.

t l Indirn<lon.i point lo a largo ot- J , ' Icndanco a l the card pnrty lo b f given ITTby-thp A.-A. u , w r m iii.i l is n f >riSalurdav- attcrw xav-foriy .slx .-iablM .l ;-;belng already- spokrti for, 'T h r" c b m -I n •m lt to * - ln -c h n r t» ,-w ih -M rs .—W alter- I-'R oller as chaimion, is mnking dab-1 . CTjile - prep'iratlons for the n /f a l r ; rt which Is to begin-at i! o'clock. .There; e will be ottracllve itrt?fs and di'lectablc' e ' rcfreslimcnts. nnd llu' cause l.s one r wtiicli should npiKnl to nil. being a 1 n 'b o n e llt for their i-cliohraiiip fundi

II . student. - j

1., JM Jlic.licm c 0LMra..C_-A..Balley-0a -;P r ,p ln r nvcnuc Wcdncsdny evening.

| _ , ..... tFITI5NTRIGHT>>^’ I IT BACK, ^

1 nffiifiiSa *

V Y 6 * T S T Z V ^ ^ T

I Fabrics i\ g a

~ \ i s \}c;i, \ \ x m>on- \ E a S r ^ '— \ - m.7 9 \ B f t

! \ ■ i S ^ f f i f i ^ i

irst - - •' c r M t ? f WB


• ' / • • jSZ S vin ________________ / • - J J K J - j a . ’U'

- • J jv i f vo rs . '7 i e / £ C 0 s S(Sit y I f g


m ' T h o n o w m a to r i a l s w i l l g iv e£ / I t y t o BOW. E v e r y d a y , w o n§ = a r e l a S n u iB r 808, a n d o v e n ta U o r e d s u i t sI > w i ^ r c a d y - m a d o g a r m e n t s .

J You’ll Want to SI _ _ _ J ’w y a n d a ^ S i l k ^ ; ^

K C r e p eL x ' ’G u aru n te tH i f a s t c o lo r a n d - ^ w a H h a b k a n d p o s i t iv e ly

w ill n o t s i i p o n in o w a r p . * - A n e x t r a h e a \ 7 q u a l i t y . ___4 0 in c h c a w l ^ . F r i c o , -

■cks & .... ., . ,, 2,69_a s h - 'C o r a l , P l i ik , B la c k , M ont»

• y n g r 2 i n c r R o s e : 9 ^ ° ^ » -P o p -— p y ,* R o s e ' B i s q u e , ' A lm o n d G re e n ; C h in C h in B lu e ,

. P e a c h .

i i c i r ^ ^ i H p ^ t i x c d r i - o n g e e ^•in g A 3 2 - l n c h - w i d t h - l n - t w c l v e - id e ; n e w a n d , d l f f e r im t .g c o m e t - r t o r i c a n d f lo r a l p a t t e r n s . A

JW ^'shftble , : q q ^f a b r i c .............. y o C

L u -Piirft ai»r-1?Aiil»rrt— 3 6 ' • I n c h c i ' i '^ d e . '- 'a l l p u r o

:6r- s i l k - i n ^ sm A lf r jf lo ra l , p a t - cn li, - te rn B . I n - l ig h t , m e d iu tn - a n d -

:p r i c o , y a r d ^ ; . ; . $ 1 . 4 “ -

^ ,• " A f t e r A U .T h o ;B e

FALLS.IDAHQ,F-R1DAY I\tai lho-'American AMColation c f U n lv tr-lA . oro 'iH y 'W o^ n ^ f l a t ^ l r a tudy class tli ,icr. ' Of t t b-TMgmmU K u iio n a division. i

!ck.a tlinea lo lh'> R w ar. Mr. ' a lHndU4‘ .lcctu rfl.on .R uv i,i^_B lv?fL r^

liaa oenU y-al-F U M -w aa-T cvJow ud-by-ilrt.^ ■cre R - M . Ow tc lc y ^ T h » -n u tly -of- Rus- -Oiz. sla win bo continued at. ‘ihp next ^

d lh j ih e ciiureh. Tho mcciiiiK wliich 'w nsln i le r - 1 In cliarpe ot Mrs, E. T . O uttery, open, ot

r^ftTly." and .was followed by prayer by m d l-Mra.rH=H.=Danj«.— Uiirtns.thc-bU5*. .K !lub■^lHeM-n‘uln^-t»1e••Ald. ri^Ttrt«l to 'serve G le x t'd in n e r on Saturday. Fcbninry 4, to cn 'pe r * ^ e^ Hnr»cul»ijaJ^^^^^ M r s ^ Q M ^ «

the I rccenl. welfnre tneclliiK held In Twin ot t h e ' P\lLi. The ^oclal hour Miis'siicht sew- tl the 1 Ing on a quilt, at^uir ivhirh dcleclablc wi ^ni. trefrtshm ents— were— sm -ttl from' a la ;Iub I beautifully appointed lab lr coN’cred

[with an exquisite hand embroidered___ ! cloUi.-CcnlcrcdJ;Hh.aji\:ihp£Bny_vft.w, A

i filled wilh red iw m ni'rT in ir-nankdd i r ...n I wllh maliogony candloiick.i holding ,:-.-^TW=apwi_i-ongg ni'iiT nnvc-dcm ua Jii hS* I carried out the colors of s t . valen- U ^ f l i n e ’»“ diy:— T^nr^Hom PT— KoUtsiw m . * prMided.aL.tljft.allvcr,M r.viLC-Mr3..S. ti lab-1 *'*'■ <‘'>»'nilltcc were M

In charge of Uic, rcfrestmieiiK. T « rn - icyc!ty*flvc members were iircaent.tblc 1 ------- ,one Mrs, noy Oardner ttU'Ttiilncd ihc _ I a 1 members of the H |.U ) Drldce club uud I Wcdneiday afternoon nl j ic r hmnc-on.

jaincm a, Mls.n C lco 'H u m anii Mrs, ?„------KYn:Brfiroofci-werfr-T,uo.i».-lliHh-a««l--Oa low..flcorcj, were won re.^peetlvely by p, ing. Mrs. Sinema aM Mrs. Alvlu Casey^

I : T

' . " liic

Are Here! I

give you confidonco in y o u r abil- womon wl}0 aro far from export ;inDniii|; t:upinl c6^li^,-'i}port tircB- uits that comparc very favorably mts. ' ■ ;

) See the New Silks- - - G e o r g e t t c - C r e p e £ /Fine quality C eorje ltc in

nd- sprintf’s newest- p a s t . e l

Very rcusoiiiiljly'^** p H cc d T '<

.........$1.29 <------ 'iikei- Lily. Jloney Dew, ~i

Flcah, Fullnw. P s v o h f^ hln. ^ Blue, Oyster, W hite, , te,-„ Cnntly P in k ._______^

S d S a t i n P r i t i t eJC, Pino quaUty sa tin ''in , at- ]____ _tractixe_snuUl-dc8ljm8-and- -i"

—iJ 9 r iU - p a w o a w .- X ^ o w - f a b - ^ iv p - _lic_.?rw lqd.for J h o J n r in s . .“i t ' season. Priccd

'X u C p c i :y a r d : . . : .3 > i5 ;4 y ^

g C e l a n e s e V o i l e , “

ANncwjheerjJystrous.drosa. . . .- i aliricV=^p>aFantfteA ~ waflh-- -r-

iro ablo. In orijrinul flp rah^nd , ' i t- convehtionm patterns, ’ 86- nd^— inch-rand'^'lO-Inch -^aUi'.

• . • • * , 363 Best Placc .To Trade" ' ?.

■ i i M i i i i l i i i i

lY M O R N I N G , F E B R U A R Y

f f . I A two ytursa lunchton ^nred. ftt]jw u>c eonclwioror tSTiflmM------

'7 ^ n u e east. A largo num ber wore pr«s- h I en t and roll ta ll was answered w ith ^ helpful-HoiwhoW h in tH .-A -new -m m - I b«r-w u-T atK t-1 tr-M nr-E dd lf-D am * L

) | ^ | r w , A flc f th e bu.<lneM meeting th e ^

w s I ^ n c x t^ e c M ^ ' w'lU^** a t tho h r o o l? en. o t Mra. Mack Prey qt Rock Creek. \ \

by The cngngemcnt o t Mtss G m ccl^ U5* K athlerntN larU nit^N y. Olemerit-Hnll Jk rvc G rtftim w*^ tu inouneM -'W «ln»day |1 to evening nt Ihe home ot Mr. nnd Mrs, b

ISC. wnUer rnrUT nt nttmrtert h v ^L,itninnlo..lenl iBh-ifc

win orator}', urldge wn* nijoycd a lter U «v-- th e annoum-i>mcnl, the ‘prlrc.i belngt^ ,blc won by Mr. and Mr.i. Hugh E. W al- w '• a lace, Jred -------- I ired Memben of lhe American Legion ’ 0.W Auxniarv wcrc enlertained a t a meel-1 \

^ ^ O T 'a '^ ir^ p a r ty T o be given soon io r : \ nw m«nbers-of^cTauxiltar7rtmd--tn«r I

5 friend}. The ho»iess_was assisted by P •ere Mre, Merlin Uatley............................ \\

“ TO CttECK G-IS f> ^ DOISE. F'eb. a W-is-Moro accurate l

,, chcck“ on the carlood shipm ent of n gtu^litie into Idal'io _wlll bc obioitied \ tliU year. Pred K, Lukcns. cnmmi.y j }

^ sitwer-of-iaw.-enforg hieni,' in ensfBrnol gas tax culievtluu.-i. docluicd ludu)'~|' III amiouncinB the Oregon Short Line ) -hBr-ottercdrto- fumlsh-tmmtlily—«*-«

•’y pdru trom the ccnoral offices on ship* I I'J!: mentajo. Idaho polnls. h

. - N o v e l t y S u i t i n g s

T w e e d S u i t i n g s ^

-Novelty—mottled—effcetrt—in— -% four KOod color combinatiun.s: ■ k

in ^ e s wide. U w pricecl at, ^ -vavjl ..................

_ ^ n i f- . W■J • V * vtvy ""ivttyvn I iiiiKH. guaranteed fa s t color, k .Meadow GiTzen, Tan, Popjjyiind Canton Blue nre the col- %oi'.-i. :iti inchcs^wide; yd. 59<i k

R a y o s i i e e n e ^Very attractive for stree t en- J | sembic.'t. 36 inchcs v4dc. In* ^ teresting novelty w e a v e s .

- ^Pcr-yurd— .7...:;.;........■.;:.9 8 ^ ^ l

N e w C o t t o n a n d 1

■ U a y o n F a b r i c s " ~ j

” 3 6 -In c Ii R a y o n F a b r i c s , WA lustrous finish rayoiv fab- ^

_ ri.' with i<Tnull_diapQnalnifaGckrr.^

color.-t. Per y a r d ..............59<5

_ P u n ja l) P e r c a l e s WA wojului'ful assortm ent of k this well-known dress m ater- J

' 'inhin“ i)oth*print3~and'"plJiln _ .colors. You' may- choose-from — k . of iirinliul patterns anil 10 A

plain color.s; per yard .....

____ Windsor. Henley - ?.!------------------P r i n t s -------- ^

Good looking fa s t., colored Jprint.'* in a wide variety of Jsmall tk'.siK'ns; th ree small Wniirfiury patterns fo r child- ^

f. ren’s i>an'.y dre.saes.' 32-inch ^r ■Wldlli. neaiuJnalJIy pnccd %

at, yiiril.....

I- ~ ^ h t O ’D ^^ ;^ ie ¥ ^ p n » > r 'f a b r i ie erc'a~tedr-~ ^ 7 I jy ^ i t tt r f tc ld r rA lt t iu b ^ a s tr -^ S

colorsrSI6 'inche8~^vido■r-Pif•—i -teen- fiiscinatinrrfioral—d c ~ f f

dffna, in Hprin? shades, Pric- 'J l ed re.isoiinb]y,- at, yard..v.9 8 f ^

la, - . J . i g I i t O ’D a y - P l a i n - ^ — C o lo r - R a y o n s J}. 'Fourtec;i_ attractive seasonal ^ i; ^bl6r«.‘ Y<JU’dMIkd'thfe8^f‘ma- k V Iterlalfl for dresses, slips, o r in j J

H M i i i i i i i i i i

RY3.1928- ' ~

f . # - , * 5 # a K < l D A H 0 J ) E E ! l

i ' : ^ _ _ . _ A n d j ! a y . o r c d . £ o L S


g ' .....

■ S —

nil ^ " E u ln tIn t» -^w u " th o _ “ "7 - keynote upon-w hlch- - -

k tii(M sulU were fash- ^

lU S Tliey are strictlyk Uklloretl styles. B o th ' ------ ■ ■ ■^ double a n d single -

n r \ — ^ n d - ^ V l T O W : ^ e --------------c lt Iw w dfl-arczH ^ and grey mlxttircs; / /

W llie twllbi a rc navy , ■m M J bluc. -% Voirif like ( t i e i r ^


|<^ S $ 2 2 3 0 . S 2 6 .0 S

W L a d i e s ’ S p o r t B l o u s e s

Ip* k The long .pointed cojlors and ve1 ctfcci fronU make them unusual a

—^ w verv sm art. Hemstitching, lucking, no^ eiiy biiitoni, oml pom t irunmin* i

m ^ lisoa elicctiVl'iy, tt'llllc someiuivo six ■|L- k " 'iw c k e t s ' a n d 'a r c belted Jn Uie ba■ J In coral, white, tcd aild tan S 5 .{

V V r j y ^ > > ^ i D A H 0 P E P

l l O n H o m e G las

---------^ N o r m a l e y ^ ^ l -

"Ttk Cut ulassware t.k 1^ T h in b lo w n c r y s t a l g c iiu -0 ^ in e h a n d -c u t “ n o r m a lc y "

- S — c u t-d e a ig n ., A h ig h q u a l i ty .k k l in e o f g la s s w a r e W hich is

o __ w e ll-k n o w n to o u r - m a n y .J J l c u s to m e rn .

k — B c U :8 h a p c d iG o b !c ts ,- r s c t ;o fcJ J s i x .................................. 5 Z 7 9

S — Ic»-T -<w Sr-flaF<t-top, .no t o l , _ J J _ a i x ......;....... ........

C ^ . 0 OZ. s t r a i g h t T u m b le rs , s e t . 5 S o f s i . \ ........ ................... $ 1 .3 51 % S h e r b e ts , s e t o C .s i x , .$ 2 .6 9 k m H ig h - s te n i S h e r b e ts , flcC o f

_ 5 3 _ a b £ ________________S 2 JS .% C 5 4 ^ z . W a te r P i t c h e r w i thk k . ic e g u a r d ......................5|1.3So J l 5 4 -o z . T a n k a r d W a te r P i t i V J chcr ........ .................» i .3 S

k 3 ' J a p a n e s e L u s t r e

5 J ___________ T e a S e t s . ______ __

" m ^ - " S S - p i c c c - T f a S e t o f - t h c a t - o % t r a c t i v e J a p a n e s e lu s t e r -

k i J a n d t a n c o lo rs . A n e c o n -J , J i o rn y a t ; ..........................$ 9 . 9 8

S" L i ^ l e u m ^ f i ^ 'S . ■ A -loh*-w w ln8 iu ir r4 l» -« JcH - —

5 k tnchcs. Made o l UnMed'.QU' <'i■ k g . £


- . T Vy

-Spring . . ___^ ^ ___


5"vcst ' ^tZ- ' ™ai - J:back. ‘ ...' .---

_________________ j :

iP ^ T . S '£ O R E r ^ M ^ j 0 ' ] > .

i s s w a j r e N e e d s ^

- ^ ^ G r y s t a l - G la a s —* “ J fT u it D i s h e s S '

. A ttractive floral and .vino %’ design," with ijcullopcd'cdge'.' k ' ......L Per set of s i x .......„S 1 .1 9 ___J J a p a n e s e L u s t r e S- - G u p s - a n d ^ S a u c e r s — 3 —L -Im ported-cupa. and -sauc-_ .% ___I er.H'rthe pojiuliir lustiro fin- . i«h. Choice' o f tan, green S '

! ; - M u c c r J —

t Japanese lustre bridge or ' k : j ' 'sanllwich sets in yellow and J | ,I bluc. nnd yellow and tan k f combinations. Prfte, p er Wi a c t .....................,.j.........9 S ^ SII A m b e r .W a t e r s e t s 5S Seven-piece, crinkled am- %>- ber-water_aclfl. 'Very at- k 5 tractive. One pitcher and , |3. .

s ix tall flured-top tumblers. 51 ‘ Por s e t ........ ............ $ 1 .3 9 k

C r y s t a l G la s s k- - - B e r r y - S e t — - k - -

•- A ' Ncven-piecc. 's e t witli W -e . pre tty floral ami vino de- S -i- sign. I’riced lowi perS ac t ...............................$ 1 .8 9 1^

j g s fo r flip Hnmfi ^

Japanese CrexTSugs ^-I8x3C.-ovnl-fihapcd-crcx-rugs“ S ~ - Ihilktitetl-^ r-an i- SapM. A % hebvy, long wearing mat. A ,W ..

■::vnlagni tz l : :- - - ..

— - r - g — n i l O y a ^ g ^ u g s ; K ~Braided and stitched, size ; k 20x48. In tan.'blueand g rM n rffc : ': , cornbfntttions.., An ‘ocohtiny,. g f C -

: : ; i - 2 7 x d l 2 i O M ^

Page 6: Tn Faftnrv Wins J J bpatiiia: tffipME - · I First Section iZiT^xji^ VOL. 10. NO. 255.' .^°' Profited

" P a p f l l i _____________^

j M i i a i l

^ D N C r n N S i i F T P ^

Idaho Branches is Unknown;

ZZS5aiiand7Pws:^ofra-Bii|!<: - ' “ -=of -Punihasos;in This State.

forporeU ona. In llic Unlled SUte* which have been dolnc l«i$ineM In ^ th is lerrltory for tho po il 10 y m * . (C have etrccied a eoiuoUdailon occord- ^ Ing lo word recrlvcil her<*. _

Tlie th ree h o im . which arc whole- I — -fo r-tftg tw d trarip n n d - ja jk . 11

nine concern*, uniung in m e mcmer lh>.

— p«ny~ot-8l>»i)<>ygaa^Wm m ; i l l l> ^ te = ~ 'E « r i « ~ B . C U rk 'B *«I- cotnpany-o t - — M llforarC onncctlco t.-and- lhe N .-B r —

Keeney and Son. Incorporated; of Le ~ n b V . New Y o tJC l'T h e-n e» -co n ce rn -

win be k n o w o» the Assoclalfd ^ • Orowers. Incorporaied. of New Hov* en. ConnccUcut, .

nepre»entaUves for lhe ihrce houica In t ^ ^ 'd U lrlct were^ co

for the Everett B, Clark company. »j; _ _ ,n r t- i^ A .- B « lh e l- o t :- n i< ! r for, the. *5

N . B. Keeney and Son. The Idahd " • tppresentaUvea of ih w T T io u m haVe ^

W n Informed of the merger, b u t.d o ™ ^ t k n o H t the present limft WTttt « lh e results and T in tu . uJ iKu U iL u

*'»"«**• " - . ■ L. SBic Facton ;n Indnslry

' T he ihree-concem s have been WU rge iT purcJiasers of eeed Hr th is h

locality fo r Ihfl la st decade. .They hnv.. fvintniftrd for lam e quanUtlea «

_ o f pe™ in U™ m t c m pAH ^



Arraigned on a chorge 01 lulluru l« _ nrovlde for a m inor child. Joseph 1. •> FoUieroff. 31. was fln « l tiIn probate court yesterday by Judge „ 0 . A. Ballcy. Complaint wos filed „

the defendant on W e d n q d y . p and was signtu uy lU# fwni'vi 1 Edna Petheroft. Ii

A divorce wos gran ted ta Mr*. Feth- 0 croff on July 6. l« n . whlcli Umc <l

. Pelheroff w u ordered to pay WO a = T r to m lr - to w n rd - th e -# u p p o r t- o f -ll*e- - ■ n ,in ,^ .-fhn rt-T ^ » ii.- j- i» fthp ro lf .-ag fd I

Uiree yeaw . According to Uie c o rn e t p la in t th e m an Hod failed to con- f tribu te anything tow ard Uio support t

I— o(--Uie: 'ch il(l-slnce Uie, dlvorca.JUk& 1___fram ed- . ■ J

-------- miitii nnrt light weightovercoats for M ccnta. Phone M - Troy.—Adv. ' '


A . ' '■-

' v*

Sprinir bo: f o o t 0/ th j u s t one -3 t

___ i ‘ _______________ o f Htylce,—— nil'

I h ls c u rly


I B M k


rp i

I*— ■ - ■

- - - * ' wc-------.-T h e - r« o in -r m - l im p in ' U .becajue

I tied a *lrJn« to mr toe a n ' h in r it cu l of the window for P u | lo

—w n i f W - m f ^ t . im -j»ana. Mnmhled ^

(Copyriihl. i m , ifublhhrr*. Syndicate) , '


j y i L i i i U f l M om ieE L i_______________ —— ___ ____ ______i*’:A . J a c o b s a n d A . M e y e r T a k e n ^ ■ 7 ih~ R aId“ o n * B c B W e n o o -D tir in g r «(

E a r ly H o u r s ; L iq n o r F o n n d . su-------n

A niiur Jacobs nnd Andrew M eyer JJ' of Castlcford will appear in probate >»• court th li m om lng to receive Judg- monl rUM tir* Bl- lllCtnil 'T MPCi ^slori of IntoxlcaLlrg' llqU or~w Sm ictt- ^ they entered pleas of guilty a j. the ir am»l8)uncrit“ye»tcnl8y: -Jafo b a -a n d -M e y er were U ken In a - •raid upon U ic.Jacoba'.rwldertce.squUi-, '

ghM lffg Ulforce. - T h e y wero -b ro u « h t_ to -T w la fi?P^lU where chorges of ll l e w l posses- nlslon of intoxicating liquor wero filed Ikagainst >hem. A t their arraignm ent Mbefore: Probote Jud*e O ;, A. Bailey Jrthey ;p leaded guilty ,a n d date for »the passing of Ju?igment V ast set a l J-

_ O fflc e ta jW ie _ iL » a l-Jh o men a fte r 13 pleading guUty Jn p d e a sla tetiienl in -

victed “Of- lIleBaT-possessKm-lasir-lSe- - cO T btt^m -Bin»-W w <ifJuU lar7Che«tiig O, A . DlvelbLns. ond abo Pred Wise. n ,h ^ ra« . on~ a ~i;hdiiff~S f iiirBm '~I5 - now pending In l l i c r n iHirlct cunrtrfhi WUe wa.-. Iwnt to the-pcnU ten tlary ; Ji

rnnvnn pountv fin eonvlctlon on Q

^ ro le d . J .- W . \Yiiwlcr. w arden toC fit the sta le penitentiary, while hero, ft staled th a t sotne allowing beyond iin - st

■ proven allfgatliin of forBery would be L ncceMary btfoi-e h e would revoke Uic !>:

. parole. O. W. WUhom. proacc«tln[;|' utiuniey. u iid“ ifisc“ i i t s h c ^ h a t he wiw ■

inveatlgitlng lhe alleged slalem cnt ' ot Jacobs and M i^cr. w llh r. view of ,1 ! delennlninK w hether i t would fumlxli L ' a ground for such revocation.!■ —O fjierra-atated - ih ak jib o u t- two «aU I lori*-of-iiioonU>lno-whlikev - uia t - ili ^ L ^cloaed-by-U in-ra1(1 _W iiea_ tlH L Ji:.l . fires arrived a l th e house. Meyer w i» i I etlll in bed. w hich Indlcote th a t the I raiding officers p < ^ M ..a consider-

able quantity of "eorly bird" qiiui-1 lUc*. - -

t Jacobs Is m arried and hoa a fam -

home. j

F i r s t A r r i v a l sH T 0 * ‘

'.T h t__________ ; ‘ T h .I ^ l n e ...................P oU y"

licrntds the shoe faahions 10 ^ii I the discrim inating v(omen who de -3tep ohead o f th o style trend. Such i, leathers and , colors aa making tl ^vonce nresentutfon Ih ri!ull> " io iiii ly Htiirt of the seoHon.

----------------------------:— iro m y -Dsncette '

,P rianpa R a n fi From • ’

-----------M A IN -PLOO B .SH O S-D BP.T ... ,

pl J j e p a i p f t T O


TiIH t G L l X , U Q KII | .|U- I= | U 1: =

UnUUU UU il i lU I L H I I 1u . _ __________________________ fB n T l f o s c c u U o n j i L E v ^ D w ,


__ ^ — r

Tlircc hiindrcd ahd Tourteen were filed during Uie year \W\ by »

• T n n jf f« ;p "O f-T w lh -F iills :w in tjr ia t : .; , tomey. according to figurea compiled,‘ la jt e-pe»llnin>y O.-W .-WlUiam. pror.e-

cuUng atlomey. for his ann iial ni|>ort.I Of Uiese 07 were felony ciinrges and ,

oStenaca. j, TJicre WTre IBS convictions, all told: i 13 trials, including misdem eanor ca.«s,resulted In acquittal; there were 40 1dbimluals (or which various cau-ws Iore assigned Includlnp dlsappeorance 1

£ n H U H i w linf«fii,^rrrHlm ia;mHTtoje=. 1try a fte r Jury disagreements, evldcncc ideemed Iniulticlent on Investigation. 1

lnit.~~ ln M casesTthere waa mTiTrfvSt i ~ owing to "disappearance' bf'H cfchdants 1 ' before complaint was m ade. T h n v 1 r ttf tT 'one'^ven tle-hcQ rtng—whleh-TT^ 1 , suited lu decision for th e sta te . In a d - <

'dltlon there were th ree Inebrlalo co.%c!i. 1 . threo prisoners souglit'rrlcaM through 1 i habeas corpus anti failed. 1

T -JURY-R£TttRNSr:S£RBICT— ■ 1 — lN_AEELE_DAMAGEiSUIT! ^Vcrdlct for I3M was gltfen tho plain-”^ tiff In ttiB BUlt of Jomes Pargo agnla’it Uie Oregon Short U ne Railroad com-

I pany in dUlrlct court here tvc- - rilng. Panto sued f w iloSBiW whlcli 1 ho alleged waa due *bccouse of dam- I age to a carload’ of apples sliipped f from here lo Omaha. Hodglii and r Hodgin represented th e plolnillf and I J. H. McKn'rs tho defeliduiit.

All Jlirors were dltcharKcd until 7 'HuiiduV inormng:-------- — ' '

= ^ p - f t Y - f t r - H l f i H 'S C i i D L

B —ta tm siitdi' tiut ui iiJL‘ im ii~ i';tiB ' »4->iltih..~tfhwil win urc s m t_ a iihv liy •y Julia Prances Wood entitled. “Lotin in lO raniniar Siteoka." tiiidcr the dlrw -

>C|8tnictwr.lii the iiIbIi hcIiwh. An c l- ' e. fort Is bt'ltig"'modc to Intcrc.-.t cvcrj’I- student ot the flrsi ond. sccnnd year « Latin c i t ie s In the iryo iiu for theIC j)by_ CMt, ____ _____ —It; ----------

'M Cunci-rnlng llie whereabouts of Mcr* nil I'o rlcr. nuppoiwl lo bc w orkl|« In

'•‘ or Hear T>ln Kalis, will be gratefully . ! received by hl.i fatla-r. M. E. Porter, ' • 1 «n'M ainTaveit\ie' »oiitli;“ PIioiJe' 225.J .

is I . ..I.ler;| r.RRRR RADIO

Tnbe*. Baiierle*. EUmlnatora 1- 1 Phone for a D e m o n itn tlo n '' u d _ !C m > _ F R T !n JP O S B flt^.

is .

I t Ihu ■dnintj— --------------------—de.><ire to h e

>iich a v a r ie ty th e i r , d e b u t

rurnurknW u a l

W -

r t S t o w ^ ^ ^■ ; A .

^ ill

I I r^ln and focal »no»»: moderale Irm- prralure.

- -A -s tra lR h t- rl« -o f -four d r tree s -in -r. » y . iftn p e io tu rn n ark o d -th c-ttcaUicf- C0ll--j - i l

IF*- 'iTniiji' t r V*

— atjovG ^o^tnlm ntn^-ftr^W W iifsO B yrrw ^


JJjf^EeONffT-ERM^OFF-ICIALSl;"ise- ' .................Z= -^— ----------------j-m*

Offlcera for d ie second semtstcr were elected by the A. W. W. club

IU m «U ag WediKMlay a lta /m »n n l tld: 6-clock.- \^ '«*, Laura Preis war. clcctcd a i prenl- l’

<0 dent ot UlO society. Barbara Oam- 1-1CS ble as vlcc president and fluUi OrlgK* ncc 0.1 trca.iurer. A social commlilM wns j te , A|ijvilat«d.ftnrt inel»d«>d-Uu;-foUoitlw|lIC nee m e m b e ra :^ ^ c e W nltr.'W ttm a ClaariU » on. and A llle ^ o u se .

nU ^ n M -p c a r i-U iu e .- in s tru c tn r- tn - th e ,nv «n lo r high school. Elsie Cordca gave Te«- It—phino-aolo.—ftttd-M axlne‘-M ag lcv -j- nd- Alice Waite. M artha ifoover and I ses. Kathleen Cook'oppcarcd in a ploylet „ .Igh entitled, •T he Lunatic, oc l l i e Pro-

les.wr."Tlie meeting closed with "Follow the

___ ntnnm " nnri ■■Tani." Virginia Carl- P |'— w ^reH ftng - vl w - p rc tnicnt, iirpiitii-ti

J)T ', 111

"F U N E R A L S ---------1'“in.1t ----- • . 1 ni

‘* ^ '* rD O m V ' n in tra l n r V '- - *'■' ■' *

“ ] her home InM atelton Thursday m o m .| uj‘ „ l intc, WlU b e h e ld ihU uflcmoon a t 3 t *f ,„ o'clock a t the Oros.iriion chapel. Rev. i*'J 3 Mr. WotcrhouM of the Filer Baptist

ehurch will officiate..T lie body will be

In WM *'bv” hrr ^___ liilih .n ii' n «i n / jiVniM l.rB e rry o ij

Haifllton. and he r step-children fUyrqii

i l k flf TTll»10^n^nW>-M.'S.-Orlg \Ti.der d lT ^ h 'T W i^ I™


i»ilnrce- 1 1

W - ' ¥I 1

I cJjAdvanta

W o m e n

— - . - - .

J u n i o n



T M O g N m G r F E B E ir A R r -

l l m___^ li

11" TWD~Below^Zero7WarColcfe^ J

■ nglativffly-mIM nnd ^vi»n tgm p/rn. h Hiire-dlsilniruUl'H! tho m onth ot Jan-

Q Har>’-ln -U io-T K ln-Falla.ttrett..accnfd-- - *^irifn<rtJic*T rtftciil-rcporrof-M r-H am » -— monv—T h » -m flam u m : w oi-as-abov* i

Ij j on January 13; Iho minim um two be- ** lub lc* Oh Januory 19.' T h e mean max- “ n, Imum B,-aa 38.4; th e m ean 'm inim um . “

r j ’l w —ttie m t aw—lo f ww—<i>otm»i !<¥■<■'TliDre w flfe 'e ig h t c loudy ' doysr 18

■I. partly cloudy and five clear da};a— ^ PrecipltoUon airiountcd to .S3 inch. ^

'Uicre was ^lx Inchea of snow.

iluSE=OF=POWER*SHbW«=■ IN EDUCATIONAL TALK~ ’ThC~Romance -o f-P ew e r.” - ita - told la*t evening to an appreciative oudT- i-iire a t Uie Twin Polls hl«h school. bT 'C hM lST W rTllJileJ'-orihc OeWetur

I Eloctrio company of Schnectady. New | York, proved o t educational value .as well as o t interest.

Mr. Ripley recently returned from , nil airplane trip over many countrif*]' .ot-Ti:iimpc, -nnrt pr«.M.nt^ manv

Tf(iiii’iiiu]iu |{riiptu 'vnicn 'tiirt(x]k ' dur-1 liiK Ills'airplane" IraveLi. showing the

— i-livffl-Hnd-^ufltoma-of Uie |w p le ^ f - i__ vorIoU 5 .jia llpn j.,_ ________________ ._ _ p

Ue told hia story In an interesUng— .ana..hum orou? ' ^ y which^Tgysht

■I 1 home to hts audience th e contrasi be- a i twifti tiie^peoplo pf tneso nations and

Uic cltlzcna o t America, where-use of]I 3 iwwrr has been dev.(loped and where [ >v. eli'cirlclty is adapted to industry. Ilist _ --------------------------

Clean vp a t low price*. Men's sulti.50 cents. T ro y -P h o n e M.—Adv.

"oT __________ Y QUn_EUTUBE__________1rqn W hat doea ll ho ld fbr you?.. U t ck- Personal Analvsls Servlcc* heln cliart 1 “g o t ^ 16 % m ’Xi » r a 4Q l K. n j n n r 4n_TCPC3 ^ . fnr annnmt-— 7tinit>-Adv. I


i t a g e o u r B u ; ^ n g B :

— t o 7 t h e - W o

■ ^ 1 ^ — - v i n c e - y o u

° a I / t ra o r d in a ]

________Ijl ^ s e a s o ^ n i

f w o r th y »—6 u r& - to - s

y p — \ I w liU e a l l - s i z ^ ai 'l ' in d i e a s s o r tm e n l

H e a v y F h

. • ■ S A e e r G i e

I G l i s t e n i r iI J h e m a te r i a l s a r e th e

a h d -w ill w e a r t o y o u

/ I ______ (mfVmI I buy ing power;

— I---------- - r - - — L a s t - M i m

I Y o u t h f u l ‘tw o -p ie c e e

7 m i s i e s ^ t a i l o r e d ' f r o dl , _....................... f o r y a n n tiw

\ T h ^ F f o c K ' Y m T i

I — N o w W

M r :— O .......................



I f ? 5 r Idaho a ^ U u i l w y w r ^ M i |,y “ haa Jusfr been lau»d hy th e Moim- n j

ta in States Telephone And T elegraph i ~i| — eom ptnr.— T he ycMow-seetion o f - th li- in , S t airb tto ry co n ta ln r-a-llr t- of lUl- busl-

n w -te lcp h o n e iu b k rlb ers ' In" IdaHqj

weolUi of InformaUdn conipUcd f o r ' ihe-eonvenl«noo-ot-businea fiw ia.—

—<t(> lHny—tnTtniiTHnn— tn | -VloUn J)!ea«s -meci . a U t h c . Pe rrlne! _

z Tw ier sa iu ril5y :-F ib . 4.' t n ) m - » r a r t i q j * t to 0 p. m. Lcmoiu given also o l Oial ‘J

lim e. Annette Querenu.—Adv.

18 M ens’ «tflM a/»d ll«ht we/ffhfc o v c r - |S coati, cleaned and pres.icd-M cents. Phone CO. Troy .-A dv . • '


I N O T S O !Z\ Y ou ’l l B e Hea

i G R A H A M0 M o d e rn Md1

1 R o g e r s o n H o t e lU nder _New Ma

It, B r o n k f u s t 6:-15 to 1 0 ; L u n c h !

1 Special oUetition given JJIn n er) Poi

[;jf —cnolctJ-pDods------------- O ocd -S errtce-



W 0j f a a r e ^ g r e u f e s f i L - _____-

B i ^ s I f n p o r t a n t 1

f e m e n o f - t h i s C o h e

A t T h r ^ S a v i n g I

/ m i n u t e a w i l l c o n - / /

^ ^ o u ' t h a ^ h e r e " a r c ■ e » - — ^--------- b

i n a r y f r o c k v a l u e s —

l r e s s e s = ^ — t h e = —

3 n s a p p r c i r r r l

h a v e n o t b e e n

r e d a t s u c K " I vy s a v i n g s . B e n

0 s e e t h e m - A

s a r e i n c l u d e *

l e n t 4 t ; ; ^

Flat Crepe Georgette ring Satiii 'the choice of ’weU-dress^ l e- t h g quiflity Iw ka well your satisfecdon. ’ 'p e se I T | pleg-of-puf-<»nc<ntT»ted-------4 i J

i n n f e - S f y f e » - j L _ _ / Jce iffecu ' fo r ja n lo w «na ^5 5 a 5 T o F i S ^ B n J » T “ ' l 7 " ^ ^

ma:. Th a ^g lw _____

Withm Yotir Means


— m W n r ~ a m a f f l a - - f ^ - n « ----------

t e r - V n o - T w l n - n t i » - i j n m ^ ^, Djlry S lo m of America located a t 1J21 Shoihone Jtreel north resulted: In* lh P 'n i i i r « > t“ 0 f ' em ploya '8 n d ;a ----------IcalJ for a id 'la n ee '10-u ie n re d e p a r t - " .........

^bM ^iclit. ' r . *1

iUTAlI 8F.NAWRV0RnBTW'i “I • rnO llE OF INDIAN A rP A lR g!" WABHlfJOtONTTtTf; 'i Aft In - ^ -rVwll|t<HWin'^=the= Bdmlntttta tto n ro tr :,- - ■ t

Ind ian affairs wa» ordered today by I the senate.I A rctolutlon of Senator King, d e m - .

luo on Indlon affairs to c o n d u c t.n n , . Inquiry Into the rclatlon.1 ot the bu­reau of Ind ian 'affair* , with Iiidiani and their properly was approvcti wltli- out debate.

c a r i n g F r o m

[ = = P A I G E ,I d t O r s i I n t . - ' ^

3I D in in g R o o m “Management

h l l :4 n to 2; Dinner 5 to 8.

Portlea. Lutichcons nnd BonqueLi _____

5 f

: Savings^------ - -R s n u B ^ f y — — r —

I* ' ^ ___ : =

Prices.................... '

r r*"t ' - ____

V ’-• V ■ ' ________ ______

S g s j

Page 7: Tn Faftnrv Wins J J bpatiiia: tffipME - · I First Section iZiT^xji^ VOL. 10. NO. 255.' .^°' Profited

- &cond Section'

...... = = a ^ =


M F '

-= ] f ife ji

■ ■

’“ '^ '‘^ f c ’S A ;,WINNER* ward P.\Clnrk coptun

___ jClBTcmont,' N.*H.; doaIrace>nd:lB'8hown .w

o f ‘Ohfo.^pictjtfed: politician’had open candidacy for the ]

’ ■; ~ ^ L

' '■ _ ., ’

--------- -------' \ • '' ~ . - - - . - t -----------rer

^ = s s = s r s a s 5 s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ =

:. ~. : , i _____■ ■mmmk-m~~w' “

l-Q F^^nt

: ' IH B

<. ^ »

-. J .- l t

urcs t h e .log tcani r ..,;>^th-h!a

K ; • >■■---; ---------------

Iti BA'iTLlS—Senator and Mrs. F rnnf d j n Washington soon after the w •ened headquorters in Columbus to fu e Republican Presidential nominationf t r - t t : - : : - . . ; - .- ................... -;-■ - ; - v " ^ ---- -

/•■ -•! ■■■■;:.■ ■ • • ■• 1

L = - - d = —

M p r ^ ^r ■•- ^ ; j y M

b'ne-of tho new steel, typo- of const- s ig;to after tour of dut:

^ iH'trMiloMi »iy«r«ua

w n T F :T.\UIN..FALr.S,ir)A

. ----------

•' '^1iiiPm i I '

H B B B H E ’S STORM CENnnft B~ WH[is-------zcn-fnmrt-Gcrmnr; “ e li.k n o « n ? " I ' * " S"n I a f u r th e r hia '» Jf >’'1 'jjon_ ou r A. A; U /m ce ts

1 . ' . • • ; ^ ■„;'. '• ■' ■■ :•.'

d a h o ;- f r i b a -q i q r n i n g


.........................■ I H i i P ^ ^ ' —No leap yc

^ ^ B p E S S E S w B B S member, of /

Inn FranclKO while wait- ' v p y p iv rr <11 b e jJ Io w cd .0 c „ W S ™ S ,

'ifm .ii..'.M o..i’ ..i ‘ thc'cHnly 1

m E f= mI N G . F E B R U A R Y , 1 , 1 9 2 8 .

SH r BYl

= r ----- :------ OfF - F oV -TRA IN IN G -i— ..........— buAs of the -WoahlnKlon f

' forTamtin. Ma„ 10 Kiirnt? 'VftTiTt.. ~ -ahflpe^«^AYltH-ftinLjrt^ »ti }-OUi^ Henry Rodler. Thelma (

CohcH. M/!dr«J Griffith.j s e r J S

Noble, ' ■' ■ ■ ‘ -


^ S ii iw i^ 'n ^ ''’* ' ' ' ' ’ h I B H |^ | |B ||^

m »clle in Now.roVk Ciiy.

— '■ ' — *•“" '• . .■ • -■ „ . . I—’ING WARM IN WINTER~And how! Newark nnd New .York Giants in stea

iniy hreezes by their ahMr^e^^

? o n S ° w a ^ t h r o u g h 'f M - f f iT«;|n.Huriijigh^ ^ V |i

o ^ . .w a t f f a n S ^ v ^Lwtfe* 'i ii« 'w » iiw U J> ji^ .;j? l!«M ■ '

; .,..•. . / ; , " . . . ■^.w,:-

EWS— =fI. ' t y _

G -C ln rk ^ ^ G r i^ ^on S o n a t o r 8 j c ^ e R B ^ M _ l J E ^

iT ^riffilli. Meyer ith. Clark. himself,'

i j - t r d i i r c T s k r ia 'n K r r s u rp r l f l i r T a r ty n o n ^Ilnl)

• ■ ■ ' . f ' ^ - 1 : low! as you might add if you cared to, 8tcam*heated soccer action a t Starlight


iWEARING.A' DIAMOND—Florehc^Tr ',with5Tier;parcnt8,‘G o y ^o ri4 tt4 ‘M n;iJ


^ S :to, a f te r watching^ ght Park,’ defying

Page 8: Tn Faftnrv Wins J J bpatiiia: tffipME - · I First Section iZiT^xji^ VOL. 10. NO. 255.' .^°' Profited

- i lm s j i i

— Boys-'From -Albion lr.stilulion

r 7 . J ii>rn.iiiii'

OOODINO, I'd) ;• t.i Till-N tA it — Allih'li Nniiiial b.i'l«ll);ill teams laiil' I'An rxrl'lm ; . KAMK". from

~ ~ T B m fT r7 liin rttH T T T ‘nm—lifrr-lH*-^ -

• T hr Nornii.l Kii i- *1111 i« I.V BoUi,..Mi'r- n , .,. r i . ' f-r.,- Mh- anri .

Till' lioy^' WJ-. n-'ii!y fduiililI -ror ’he lirM liiilf " I 'll 111.' N iininlj'

iMiii iMroly 11 Ii:ui Tlic hnlfjpmlcil CO tn 1:1 r rr tti( f|ii1li- 1 let. In llic •..(•iPiid 'iMll :lii- AllJioti •

. Mads b- t:af.

iiuiri:iii cliirmi; llu- r!c-;ini; ■niiimli'.s. j I’lwHl <)( All)lc:n '.va.'. lilKli pi'liil 1 1

— -I.OU-’>( Cuc(lii:u-u.uiiL' thu I lor.-vU ■A’liir Ifl l•cllmlpr^.' Till' KirU' tiaiiii- Wll!, ifiunlly fust itjtd cxcUliii; .‘I’lfJiiiii pvi-n nmiovt iliirtni! IMp (irM tmlt whlcli rndrd 1,-. 10 11 wiin llir nd- vanl.iKC l(ir ilic Normnl .'.pxiri. Tlu- .■•ocond luK llir • Niiraifll Klrlv ro- jicniod llll’ <if (hc_lwys' Iciirnmul Mil llll !i cciinniiiniHrii.' Iriiil to '' will. H;ili.vrlJ c: GiKVllliK wxs Ul«ll tor "V ixfinus u lili Ul rnuiiiiT:.-ami Ancoln!i|J|

Tlie IV.U Alblnii ■ limin.s l i 'f l hcrp f; - ^ u r M i a w { » r - . t : 3l{la:cll—a,lirra ...Ilicy- ±

Oohr 10 TiiiTt Ilic Linkn DiislnrM cni- n I Icsr toaiiiN .Sniurday niRtii. « li

r M B T M E S T O - j

M HSKtti[ ■ TliW T-f-r-Pfn«c}-«mtMny-hBn-Bn-^ ^

I u-i! I'AprU 1. il

I____ A_r»ii!nni_lc im prest attnclics Itaelf _[(

tho l priiios J*,

The rcifiipiiiiy hns purchancd "(lie l>ntock nnd uood-will ol W. J . K cyn , Ii

— Bt‘lo l( '-du ih lim -.and -ih tie—m erchant. —• I t waj m ^^r. Kryc’s ntorc lh a t Mr. J

ft* wi'll .l.i M-kcriil ot the other cx- /,cciiUvcs anil mnnnKPrs, reci-lvpd ihe lr :iiI'lrly mcrcAiiMlc Mixrlenct’. . ■. h

I . . Q ai .tl- ir ie iid slilp -X o r_ M f.-K ty e s. hthe ceitipanv haa rclro lnn l Jrom open- ci

G r e e t i n g s , F r i (

( S w e a t e r sSll|Hircr» and t 'o a t ulylr _

- | - | - r ^ i 8 - 2 T 8 5 — - -

B o ^ ’ W o r l T ~

tr-:-8 onir W U h'H tfh = T o p s - r |- • Value* ro H.95 I

$1.89 I

[_2 jl% niw rn iiifa in -M l^


I|-E E E =^ 1 ' ftL'MN'VS H « J

VOU &ecwv t O ' o e f - N \ o a 6 *m t o r r

n • e y c f t B S PO R B

E ^ 8

H miiS iiiiiigimEilNiliEB:a

_____ pa

Twin Fal.s.hlith .iPhnol delislo schcd-i llie ror'Ilil.'i yrnr will not bc m u - ' wi: lerlftlly nlfpyi«| by llie siale c h am - ' 8c !IU.'ll>llll) UllirilfJ' lllAllllnl bi llll- slolc I Ctt nthlo'le board, i la ln l J« |in Este.i, cle* ] m<

__ Sci'£rul_tlialrlcU _ariL-iJi-U ic_proc-4iJlMt^ot J ormatloii a t prcicnl. ia ld Mr,

■Ptopd'. i !£nT"l>w*^rtat^w^^^^I'd into oboiil 10 dbirlct.4. The icamii>P^ III 1‘nch rilMrlet wlli compelr fo r ' clmmpiciwhlp honors In tha l .w ction.i” FollowinR the nelecflon of dW rlc t. champloiu. a atmc . to u m e ^ w l ll. be—- h rid Inter in (lie honton.

iJiTuujie 01 m e inel Umi no stale Uvquestion loc high school tlebatt tcanw __

fo r-\lilii7yo ftr .-m r.-

Ing **'*lo reilri', however, the crnnpaijy of- rlr fered to buy hto utoek nnd dl.’'iiwp nn o H t, and then open u n d e rilic lr ouV of nnnic In I nearby location, Tlie ln>

br completed Ui lime for the opcnlns luiIII t(ie early part of Aiirli. ------ . Tw—C .-C .- .s a n u .-th o .p re s id e n t.o t- th e waJ. C. Penney company, wns bo rn ,In of

After tinl.dilmt Rrutb xchool in Simp- nii!inn. h r iiltvndfd hlRh »chool In t)c- wn loll. . Oh aaturday and afler tclioul iiu hoiirx Mr. S.iim worked behind ‘.h r oueountcr In lho Kcye.i more, ral

JW le :A ;

' P e o |

I ’■ mall

■ that

W V f Z1 6 ■

J j ______

r i e n d s !

1 O v e r a l l s . I, B ;;o W clih t •Dfnlm. __ I

lilb, S l5 i V iluts ■

M o t ’s U r e s s I ; ■

-----S ------- ■ ARlAIi W f ^ ” '■ Values to l&M I ■

I $1 .29 I ; j

I Wfntrf*!- U ninn S ljlta, Rln^P~ r ^ ■■"'V ■,

- • , ■...... •' ' ■ •- V ........V .


-------------------------- ---------------- : - G A S C

V ~ / ^ MjkVB ■ N C V e t lh t r ; : ---------- c o v e o ^ o - o p w — ■

A S I 0 0 NO'AJ.° VM P lL U e O »WITk■Zn. M U S IC ^ M D I ,

V ^ - r e '

■ ■

trcl.^ will bf-' rfi*hnti>f1 thmii[fhnin . - th e - '!TWt’ ." ~ TUL'.- Win iieirMt t a t f - y ‘ •‘chotee of n *mte> tourney qiieitlon c n - '

I tirely d ifferent from a n j.u ic d 'b y any I team lit th r conietl Id order lo make :\h e slote meet fpir l a a ll ’p^rUcl- pants. •

j Twill FfllU.lilgU Kchoors -whedulc , ' j w llh o lher leaiin In southern Jdaho '•

will nol be chanjed materially. , ' Seme few m alchen ' may have lo be ,

r I CttUCdllL-il. mil' III Uils cl'chl olhcf , . 1 meeUi wlU be uchedulod to flit lhe , .. v n c a n t^ d a to — PracUcaUy—U>o—tudy- -,

^ o e a l “lc Iird u le w tin adjusim eni o f ,

: CcmnrUiInn will bw^n t-omewhni .

T p ro p o w t slaio tourney wa# suggeMed. ' . l l n order th a t oil prellmlnnrle.i will I be om of lhe way when the date for , , ntnle m eei iirrlves. • j

-------------------- ............................... .........— I

.jCQYOTE DRIVE- WTWOS--------^: T - ^ t J P " W t T H ^ O O D - L - U N C H ^

I aide of the Snake river 'WedfieNlay {

rliii rock, resulted In no ea.iunlllrs ‘

I of rabblU "bit lhe dusl" but no ( ' l^e j t i im c ya« _»e£ured. 'AUMO £

Itineh served Iwo inTle.i norlh of lhe Twin Patl».Jeroine bridge. Alter it wftv-all-cvcr. tlie leaden of.thc d rh r.- ij

I of -.vhcni tliere wert’ about 2J0. Jield •

' nii/re iir Inu recrimination o.i'to wlin.n wn.1 lo blaino for the straiecy and!

1 iiurtli|H prnc-tleed. nnd why they were ’ outBJiioraled by the cnyotfs. \Vhen ‘'g

ratlcii:i v.'m- nrrvetl. hoivever. all f e i l>


eople of IVin Falls am

lake room for new spr

lat is arriving daily, 1

mable iteinsTsuch as li

/ ■ ■ _____________ A . i ^ <

I Ladies' Silk Hgse I J

;H~LadieB’" Oxfords-^- |

Sijipp b r F ’ I I 25c I I


[FA biarlD & H O rPBIBA Y i


\ ' / D O N 'T S r O R N /

\ J u 6 - t . x e e p . o M ,

A c t o b 4 t f e 8 t e l a r = = ( =

t n - C r e e p s J i i l u n g - L e d g e '

: S '^ T o i O l S i i W i n d o w slci- . .. ■ --------

An acrobatic Inirglar. somewhnt youthful, aecordin* to the belief of Twin F a tia 'l» lie e , entered the offlcc

“ >■• of Dr. Charle* Wctherbee a t 140 Main ^ ttYcnue .aouth , inm r limf; T iirrtay —

n lsh t and rtn iaekM n disk. Entrance to the office was Bolned by a clr- Tnittuus . mute UirtmBti“ suiiii!” fn ip tr —

through a window to a 'ledge outside — — Hhe--(>ulldtngrH)ionB-(t>M»<tB»-t»-U>e- —

w tut-enler«d-by-)>ry!nK -opeii-«-*ln- —fSi ■I™'fJil The bmidlng In which Dr. Wether-,

bev'ff offlcc 111.. located Is built In the , form of a hollow tquare-obove the

— ( In t -f lo o r .-T h e -b u r ila r made hb w«y...... nlfins th f Irrtarftin th r inMrir n f ih r _

-Ttjunre, and'consequenlly \vas noi ob-% n-£eacdJpM n,t> ic,..aliE cL ----------------L _

-phyildati'i!_mUc. _

''jjicked. b m nothing u-bs bkon,‘P5^', " llcc who lnve*Ugated Iiic ca.-;c oJIIttir

th a t the "job" w»» acconipllahed by one or more Doy*. ^ ~

in, a»d were as pleated to bv pres- cnt^ut--tha.coyeitea-ttcre-fll-Uielr,owrf. _

POTATO GROWERS, SHIPPEBS . W rite IL R. SuIUvan. Tecumseh. Nc-

'■^••bnMka; to sell your potsloes.—Adr; •eld ' -

' I uUIca' Illlui u ilu iu l lu }uUlI'n ,m easure , a t Frledman'j:—Adv,n d l ________________• « 50 cen t cleaning si>eelal 011 Men's

■'Bult.i " a7i& ligh t wclglii. uvcfcoata. e il.Phone M. Troy.-A dv.

■ ■ ■ ■ iiH M p M liB ~

icquainteeyvithrther;: ~

and vicinity, alao to

a p r i n g m p r c h a n i t i s p _

y, I have used ths ,

s listed below.

LCAREY, M g r .

j i f l W o r k S h i r t sI— .........................I n ii.i t'liiiiitiiiiyr “ ”• . ■ Heavy Wel»ht-sl.W Valoes' ■ J

l - f — — 59c— T h -

- ■ — f t k f t V T a i l ^ I

8 l o « . »

I I . ' $ 1 , 8 9 " . : :

1 -Qisri'LESS' ' ,■

f f ^ M O P t tO jT G . F E B R ^ - j

\IC S T J U 1 i ^ CtfAfiil

? o ° M E

s l i i ^■ I | k : . M j

: Tireof

ICC - •»ln^ ^ ____ice!>■- ^

E 0 0 M A N Y w om en.I d e ____ m a n y m e n , c a n ' t I n s t jiio-------------- t h r o i ^ h —d w - d ^ . — E v « n - I

------------l u i l a r m r d ' i p c n i — H o p c T -. l i t t l y t i r e d . j

h e _ W h o t n d i f f e r t n c e i t j he w o u ld m e a n if th e y b u t 'y r e a l iz e d h o w c o n s tip a tio n^ ------------a a i a - ^ ie H lth - B iid - e iieigy ;—

H o w i t s te a l s y o u th . M o c iu; T ------------ b r a u iy r - K 1 1 t r ^ r a l5 l ! t o H r ~L f ........ - H o v i ^ t i e g d r i nnK B-r a a'-To—•S.- ^ l o J d d r t e a s e s . '

A n d i t c a n b e so easily fcIi% ------------ r n d a n f e ly - p r f v r n t r r i K r)l

is g u o r a n tc e d to je lL ev c J t “ • p le a s a n tly . J o p tw e n t i t .e v

d e a d ly w o rk .

c . ' T o r e l ie v e c o n s tip o tio n nafui ' m u s t h a v e p le n ty ;o tb u lk r AL

i t is 1 0 0 % b r a n , ^ m i i h u b W ■ " q u a n b t y . I t ca rrJc s m ois ture

te s tin e s - .e x e rc is in g them , (j j.j, c u t p o is o n s a n d w astes. Ttj- - '■ fcnO ug h 'b u H c 'to -p ro p e rly 'd o

p a r t - b r a n p r o d u c t . T h a t i


1 7 r a ||f

[RY^7T-9gir— ' m is

? S O A K S tM — I C A M 'T B O t \)o ou?h Hovw. ro vjelu.'TEM T O y o u P O R e v J a R . - J - B O T H

ed people

3 4 H B - - - T io o 'J

H own t lhan

I^ D W flf lP M lr * liiiiills E°{"to -

■ ' y • th a t i lk 'fe tieved . 5 6 su re ly t o c o rre c t constip i K e l lo g g s Ai.t^RRAN th n n to r i» k D il ls .d r

. ._ _ _ _ __________ _ ^ t in ^ o ld n g - jo o r r*c ____ _ I t w > h o th e r c erea li

naruraf^li. (h e sy s te m g u t in s is t on g 7 A ^-DliAN, b tc o u « c , i , l p a ii-.bT ahV uti le s b u lk m ge tiero u s Uv nil pm r>.t« S«»i iture th ro u g h th e in - - - C ^ i n i n ^ c a ^ ^ m. Rcntly sw ee p in g C re e k . .I. T h e re is s e ld o m i ''d o 'th !s ~ w o rk in a . b a t IS w h y d o c to r s .


gises, the ble chiniiisis

ifei Heasons


a N - P U k t - r e R t f 4 0 A '^ = ■ =T rT'S wou A.9 i

t . W B - 7 ,ITM W ^ ^ / e ■ *■ . :^ L •R C ^ S O M : ;A • •

f ^ t VrT t^P

.V . V

tam aa ia^ K U ^ W U M Z i^c -___________10% b ra n .

J i a u w e lL d a n g e r o u s — • i

— d ru g s ~ •

w m u c h b e l te r i i ALLpBRAN m |J ia b it« fo tn u n g ^ p i» s j a n d

c o n s tan t ly in c re a s e d to f e - n in e f f e c t iv e . _ K e l l o g g l a _____________

>t i t is f a r sa fe r a n d f a r b e t t e r ' tip a tion in th is n a tu ra l w a y . d ru g s o r p a r t - b r a n p r o d u c ts ? ________

t^BRAN is d s lic io u s w idT m iric I fruits o r h o n e y a d d e d . U se> ,rS p rin k lfrtt- in to ^ o ttp » r-M ix --------------------;a ls. Ju s t e a t m o ta b le s p o o n - _

1 genu ine K e l lo g g ^ D o n 't iubstitute>; AtX-DRAN is sol'dS erved in hfiltili . T rstn\irflniV., ________" M a d r b y 'K e l lo g g in B a f lle ~~

_ C w ffw tfssJ/

* ------------------

I t S ' l a S a SI n th* «nxAaM pr<ct.

i n '

g|=r , ^

J ie — ^


k i o n ____________

Page 9: Tn Faftnrv Wins J J bpatiiia: tffipME - · I First Section iZiT^xji^ VOL. 10. NO. 255.' .^°' Profited

jm osE iJi^ g g = = = n n D i i h n n m i i i - m T r H <

— u U n i H U I i l l l l l ; l j f l | Q : l l

S e l l i n g o f J u l y D e l iv e r y

W h e a t , A o a iD s L S in 'i i i t a n t

CHICAGO. Pcb. 3 ,(/W -6em ns tlic July delivery of w heat :

---------------fti!«in»t-glniuttanew a buylry a t -^ ^nlprc had .a bearlth cffect today

■J--. ..— ih e ^ t’W eajo w hear-m orkeL . T were lato rcporu, too, of raltu

_________ domestic wlntCT w heat territory aoi

of holdert more th in wiped out s I n .th e com market.

\Vheat closed heavy, half cent I 'ic -n e t loaxr, corn He lo I ' i c dc o a u \ c to 'vc off, nnd provls

_ i _ ‘fom I2e dccline to a

Repdrts UiBt nuKRCatcd n good i

------- L ^L oU -am l-Ind lana- |fd -tf t-B ^ tfaw-<h--------j | „ i]y a l one tim e' today In wl

> [irke.s, but the iipiunw failed \ M.« 111 the face of 8C)llnK oscrl

lar«ely lo northwc.ii nrcounl. 1 tveaknc.M of the ja)rn market c tributed nUo to di'ctlncs In wheat ^•nrd the flnWi, Earlier, the doir ntliig Influence tu to w heat camo fi iitiexpectcd lower quotations a t-U i

_________ pool p rcd lcH om -oflncn

M’h e a t - Open H ijh Low C........ — ^ M a rc h ., .........130___ l3 0 J i_ a 2 9 1 i^

May ........... 130S 131 130 i;• ' ~ July ...........127% 128% 127-4 11

;_________Cam —

May ............ OIS 02'.; OO i tJuly .......... 03 03M . 9 2 \ t

O at»»' M arch . . 'M ’; 54?; !----- May .. . 5S»i 55-\. 55 'i !

Jillv . .. SI'n 5 P i ' !

CA.Sii OKAIN.c m cA C io , vtb. 'i

•'I"’.' ' • ' ' • c V ri^ N e v '^ * b r4 ^_______ - 1 v llna- ntr ; nM---------- N o ra yp llQ w iii 'ic ;---------------------

O ats—No, 2 white Sec to 58c; Ni

Ry.v-No~3 li;09 ',;r -----------' Barley 8t)c to D7c.

-----------------C lo v ei^ b ee d -ia iJS -to -m o o-------

I hard $1.24: No. 2_hard llJ23>i lo |1 t N No, 3 hard »I,46; No. 3 rtilxcd » U I , C o rn -N o . 2 white 81c; No, 2 yel

- ! '■ ' iue; 'wor r m iii!a ‘ Bi’.5c-:m 8 ic. ‘I O at3=N br2^ 'W tC -3S‘?:—

’ I'ORTLAND GRAIN■pORTLAND,‘'F i 'b . - 2 (,?)—W iei

DDB hn^d^ w ^O ^ »1.4I^

\ winter $152; northern aprlug «1 \ western red $1.21, -

\ TOLEDO SEED TOLEDO. Feb. 2 f/p)-C lose: Wl

_________ C a th -N o -J l-r rd - ll .i5 -lQ .a U fl___C orn-N o. 3 yellow 05 'ic to 90c. Oats—Ca*h No, 2 while M '.ic

___ ............................................................................

CHICACO rnoD U C E CHICAGO. Feb, 2 (/V(-Poult

Alive, stcatly: recelt>t.i seven c fowls 23'.ac to 25c: fprlngs 21’ic

-------- a’c i ' turkeyu-25o-lo .28c; .rooatera-:ducks 20c to 25c: (teese 20c.

B utler—Unchanged; receipts_____ r r r . tubs,--------------------------------------------

■ - _i-Egc»—Btendy; receipt* 13,043-ca firsts 3ic\ ordinary firsts 30c 33c.

potatccs-R ccclpta 71 cars; on ti

_________ 001 cars; demand ^ n d _ tra m n g sm arket dull; Wisconsin sacked'TO

Ru.ucla nnd Burbanks No. 1. *1.5: $1.05,


tiiicp pxchange receipts:_________B utter 173.700 poundsr cheese

potindi; fBRs none,B u t te r - In bulk 4Cc,_ &BCS-*Bxtras ?4>3c; fronh flr>^

case count J3'«c,Poultry—Unchanged.

. • 8UGAR• • NBW YORK, Ftb, 3 </l>)-The

--------- . >u8» r-m irke t-w a» -« u le r ««alnday. Prlcci dtcllned to a new record for lhe Mason, o r 1*10 '

. . ren t below tho cIom yesterday. >ale« reported on the basU of I

__________ Ric&p U te yeslerday. In nearby

ot Porto Rican, February shlpt - - a t $4.24 and 17M0 bags of Ph--------------- pines, m r Mnrcti arrtvat-a t-» 4 :g____________cnntlniiM .ffcilm cw In

■ market, led to renewed IKpildatlo

( raw augor futures w ith p rlcca ,ci

thaiiRcd wllh nil refiners • llstlni $5.70 for fln t granulated.

- | n ----------- :---------e s f f l r m v E S T o c K ' ^. .• 0^!AHA. reb . 3 t4>J-Catlle-

“ ---------- tlM K -aml--itiuUng3-Blow.:J*e»>2Jc lower; she-jlock 'steady to w

'b u lls «cak lo 2ic lower; vcala : steady; siockcn and feeders act sleady; fed s l« rs nnd yearlings I to >13.75; nomc held higher: he $10.00 to $11.50; bulk b r tf cows 1

---------------- tl) $B.S0;- nn.\llui v bu iiy*W O -»-»practical tcp . veals $1150,-----------

. .ShcepT-All.cla^ses generally sic bulk led woolcd lamb.i $13.75

...J--,.- •,-,.>U ,2i;-t<in to thlpttfr5-lll.lfl:.fllq’ > : t c r ewe* ihostly $7.75 to $8.25; 1 f 'Ing lambs upvard $14.25,

________Hogs-S low . steady to shippers;

to 300 DOund ilsh ls $i7o' to $ ---------------- b iB ir^ 6 6 T o ^ < ? o u n a ‘ buR h-err

• - ■ to„>8.10,-

:— L -jc W IN i’AIitI

I d .r ~ ~py o f ----- -----------

Ing of •; here . -

ins in ^ j a :“ Util- n ^

t gains !

ent lo ,//,/down,' ' I i f / .

'VWOM . li ^ K S / 7 ,

d deal m . H- i I, ’ , ' '-lllliH- •

« 3 | mAHKETS at a GUNCiicrlbed _ _

NBW Y ORK: a tocka-S lrong Hi Vanadium s t « l .rises 5 polnta,

B onds-S tcady: $30,000,00? Rl \ «le Janeiro Issue over subsalbett I u ^ C oilon-L ow er: easier southen

Cof/ee-D eclined :- dlsappolntln ’ cables.

— c i n c s o o : — W h e a t7 ? - - i> o « i i? * large ArgenUne shipments, .

— C om = B tty r-1ncreM ln r-r«w lp t

^ t0 3 j= S te a d y : --------------:-----------


tory combing with prices strong tllg h tty -b lg h e r.. AcconUog-te-qBS

it—No. bv mUls to th e United Stages Depa

i-fijo i- T itn n i-in uw iumwr. iiic-»usTTW■4i'.700,000“ poiJndr-ccrnipftrc<I-»im-'

No. 3 300.000 in November. A moderate

activity, w llh the greater slack ing In TOtnbs and uorsted^ splnd

----------fliw snow ea UlB i w t . - - ----------------

^ = = = - H f e ) v i i r » n | E F ■H J S r " “ DENVER, Feb. 3 W>)-ehctrp - -1 yellow cclp tj 730 on Uirough billing; no

w ea k -w tlh W cdn«day’a c lo je :r l 103 iiound thesrInR lu n h s *I3JX); : Wednesday lam bs steady to 25c lo

l i e a l - “ W W white __________ ~ --------

NBW YORK. Peb. 2 (/P>-Di fn ilta an d .h o p s steady.

W heat T W IN F A L L S M A R K E T S

Oc- T bete priecT are~ obtalneJ dall'.i>c to a l 4 o’claek. la the afternoon an . . . a re In te n d ^ (o c o m only th — z j w o i t z o f r p r i « i~ W h t t t_ t e r t a l

___- - f t c i l , g 8 . . f e r nhBrt P trio li ntft................m a re .th a n the :qooted prleet n

effort I t n u d e to Inciode n c ultrj-— qnotalioDi. QaotaUont are offere

Cf rs; merely as a gnlde to prodacei ■ic to and ahould not be aecepUd a

rs-20c r -re n ee ltn t-c x ircm e a-o L x llh e tJ iU ior low prices.

I 5083 ^ Prodocers______ The Tft'ln F a lls m arkets ycslen- cases; .u 'loU ow s:10c' t o --------------------------------

LlTCstock1 trnck Hogs ...................................................$:pinenla»h» Hmuj- Ur^.! alow. Heavy H'ogs ,•..................................«TOUIW Cows .................................... H.M t»«]•sackcd. Holfca................................H i5 to S leers__________________ « io to $ !

Veal calvcs ................ .........$5,00 to $1Yearling L am bs' .......................... $1

E U m bs .................. ...........................$11, Ponllry

H W Y hCM. i '.i Ihl, nnri lip------ISO 500 Light,hens, u n der 4'/j lbs.................

• Leghorns hens ................................COK .......................................................

its 24c; sprlngc'rs. co lo re d ..............................Springers, L egho rn -.................Broilers, up to. 3 lbs........................Stags ........................... .........................Capons. No. 1 ................................

he raw Capons, No. 2 ‘.....................................lln- to- Slips ............................ew low Turkey#. No. : ...............................G of a Turkeys, No. 3 ...................................y. with Turkeys, old t o m s ...........................-f $4.24, ocese '................. .........l......................

Pnrtn mii-V. 'by po- D ,!,,,*M -U i*- -B utterfatr-sw cet— ...........................ilpment Bulterfnt, sc u r ...............................Philip. Eggs tcash) ....................................

- -g ggs t lucat - gtoi'in ................. »

tlon^ln Cano .................................................$''.CMtcr Pcct .................. ................. ,.;...........$'

....................ling a t nusjeia ................................................

Bcaos____ a rc a t..N o r lh e m _________ $fi,35M, ' , ..............W I i w f ^ a 'f f l l l T e ^ -------l e -? W Dlcklow -wheal.-4»o, 2 or bcUcr.„.$

T O t a ufai twft'MH^oT-'J 'gP w t t r r Tweak; Barley, cwt................... ^ ...........$

Is fully Bnin_ ............. ......... ....... IBran. MO--lb.-loU ........................ I'stock food, 100 l b s , ..... ...... $

food. 600-lb,-3oU------------»....................... neU U Pricea .. , .

•7T.H... O ra n g es ,-d o irn 3SctosUady,. P outoes. • 16 - lbs; ....... .>-75 ^ Carrots; l b . ..............M uuns.o> > i> ag i- ....i......1 *e«l- c ttto c B ,'h e ad ....................lO caadH

; Oelsry •..... ....................V..................-W■'■J W a w K t p o u io o , ] Ito. ............ ...ulk-tlW Prodnec> $8,10; Butte r (ranch) _____________rs •$B,00' b a t te r teream cfy) ....;......

------ r-;;


Its, ' NFAV VORK. iJ-i-JtalsliiiRio the New York Pcdfjal R c jm v

Tlbed. dLscoimt m te Irom 3'.- to 4 per c them whleh was annountrcd alter llic n

kel closcd. wa.i the oii.ilaiulltig e

Intlng ' fears ol nn Inerca.w ticrc cupre ' in ftomc quarters earlier In the pools nevertheless continued agR

K>wert- U tve,-bu lllsl> -dem onstrallons-ln- clnl. stocks, marking up more tin

Miplfc- 4oi«x-U>r»-4o-l4-poin)-H(>-new-;

sluggish in reflection of the poor cember. earnings slalemc'nls,

_ _ Wall r trec t looked for a hi ; JJcw York rate- but apimrcnUy

contin- nol expect It so soon. In the : I ta r r U ig iirh adi n r r in hflvu .bMa. r«flttr4» ong to bearish, n l least temporarily, reports llurroiiglw Adding Mncliliie a’as p ^ a r l- T o u is ta n d W IndlvMM^

m t-d e - in c w -H W r-^^ l.btlhR- Toji; Inlernailonni 'Business Mad lth“ 4tJ.~ ^umpcd^norc-thah■10-point5'to-B• rate re- peak a t 130';, Cas<>jCire5hlng,. irhinrrv -trnlt - E d ty n ,—Vamfdlmli—S tw l- ilaekcn- W arren BroilicTs cflinbca 5 I :plndles, points, th e last Uirec a t new 1 i- s p ln - -for-Uio'-year . ---------

- ____ arosE Y ^“ - “ 'y o ^ . - F e b r - 3 - ( / ! p f ^

inonev ca.Mcr: high 4''l;"iow"4: tng rate 4 'i ; cltnlng lid 4; leans firm : mixed collalcral 60

■**j r ^ t n »n7g-3% Vc !mii*-tc -t ix- miS u nicrcantllc paper 3Vi

ic lo^ W . aiCTALSNEW YORK. Pcb. 2 M>>-Cop

Steady; electrolytic, spot and ft

^ ^ h r - “ Slcady: - s p o t- n n d -f i

Iron—S lra d y and undianged. — ■ U a d - ^ tc a d y ; spol New York

' Zinc—Easy: ,£asl Sl.-Louls siMl :TS futures $S.G2'-i lo $5,65. __________ Antimony—Stwt $1137._______dally '

J and SA>f FRANCISCO L1VEBT0( , tho SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. F ertalo— < ^ |^ 0ff»-R w »lpU ^ ^ : d l r ^

et no lower cnrij-. . TT ....n c h Shecp-R eceipU 1900 direct: )

ffered a ll back; good to choice handywlactre laiiibs quoted $14.35; yearlings $:!d os cwcs' upw ard to $8.00,


;sterday Receipts 000: moderately a - , filcody 10c - higher^—{o^*#'.75y

pbiirid averages $0,35; packing . $8,00 lo $8.25.

....$7,75 Cattle—Receipts 300: alow, s— lajO - ,tft „ wrak:— atrnr nnlea_inclufe

.$aJdo cutter and common 733 pound to«0.50 'zonas a t ' "ITSSTTiulk common

to $9.00 te rs $4.00 lo $0J)0: bulls $7,0 I to $8.00 $8,10. Calves, receipts 60; si.....$8,00 small lo t cholcc 300 pound Ca.,. $10.00 nls tI4.50.

Sheep — Recfcipts none; Wet17i» throo rfiv*lf« pnnri OS nonnrt

...... 140 Shorn ArUona lambs $13A0 wit....... 12c per cen t n t $11.00: medium to c'........5c woolcd ewes quoted' $5.75 to $0 i

~ ! l l c - ’PORTLAND LIVESTOCK....... 18c PORTLAND, PeB. 3 M>>-Cal....... 10c Receipts 30; no early Iradlng........ 25c Hogs—Reeelpls none; steady;....... 18c butchers $W5, weightier kinds....... 166 down.----------------------------------------.......22c Sheep — Receipts none;


. News ServicJ) - Shipmenls Ttiei tam fom lu - W .-C olorado-air-ldah

........43c M aine 102, Michigan 19. U inn.......32c 134, Oregon 3.- Washington 20.

_____-7flS;-Canada 10. Bermut.....*■'•32 Cuba 6. ■.....$7.13 Idaho ahlpments Tueylay 97:

ed east ll. lo i,ognfl!HrCallfoni r r r r m r ^ a h o - H la h divcnuons i«; pas....... -75c Cheyenne and Denver 150,-to si

em California 0, to iicrthem Ca 5 ^ 8 -3 1 Jila-Q. Qmahft to Chicago 39.------- - “ B hipplne-polnr infonnntion-of-'T„.$ l.ll dav:■nxm. ::^ a iH o.JaUs~Uaul>ngi a ^.....$1.60 thand. r a th e r slow, market steady......$ IM lo a d s-f . 6, b. <asli track: Ril.... ll-<* warehouse regraded. O. 8 . N<.....U-TO 76c to 80c, partly padett 85o to— Jl-«3. V. 8 . No. 4 . 4ScUlurals, partly gr

, - mostly 05o. Wagonloads-oash 40 J •mkMOO: T r r ' I tUMets. U.,'Oi Hsi t b ut t 5cta70o welBht,-mostly 50c, few-better hi.... ---^e T w in P a lli-H nuU iigsllgh i:'del....... ...30 very alow, niarket du ll Carloa.

o.-t»r*=eMh^tnicki--'9ws*tor-«fi--» Qdl3He 1, 75e'.to 80c. Carloads cash to | .- 1 3 'ia ers: R usw ts. U, S. No. 4 , 70c to------29o u . s , Ho, 3, 40c. Growen'laellni

Kold for higher p ritts.— .T degrttp h lg J} ^ o m at|m from '

;,..-.. J 3 a “ C h l L S S r r iv e d , Colorado' 4.

t m G'uaps

ii-rM; rc- _________________________________per cen t. --------------liic m ar-;i; OME CEI<T PER WORDexpressed T C n iN S C n T lU Nllie day.

1 aggres* —- in - f lp e - -« irw a n rA « iiU T e anfl-ictlTB‘and- c th a n a _ they bring Uie^*l^ --------------------- f liBiie M >------------

for SALE=FORNmrR¥a h ig h e t ^ R SA LE-USED LAOONDA PIA cnlly d id oak finish. In very good condllithe past. Sampson Music C o . _______j axd>d M- PO n - OALB- KIMOOBUnV PIAi

fine condlUon: mahogany ca.te.

jc in jo - _ FO R - b a l e "At t o e ' p o p p y ^ z

;>lftt<i, feS;'--S30 w l c U ' f e Machines t js o kltchcn mixer, $50: IIB br -to-a-ncw- 8 iieerr$ IO :-f23T )o jr^ -rsc fc r$ to .-

Hwl—and ' -EOR SA LETrjpullR Y jM1.°.. i s , I ," - •

^ or a l l v r ^ t w ^ «W.

5M-R-4.1 M to M VOUNQ T U R ^ _ ^ T O S r a r F R

■*3>i‘“to^4* Phone 507-R.X— ______________■ FO R .. SA LE-STA TE ACCBEDIT

blood-tested W hile "Leghorn ct - c o p p e r - crcls. J. A, Kilpatrick. Phono 70 id futures POR SALB — BRONZE TU Rt

;d-fu tu rcs


_to°!L tor' rc ro rd. ___________ LOOT—3 ^ 4 k40 r im , OASINO ' >

STOCK tu rn 520 Third east.0 . Feb. 2 -

eluding broiten,— Siippllcs_J^ight. it'Jvi fnond and trading «low, market «

Track sales, carlots outwelght. Igs $10.00, f^o rled , Idaho Riisj__________ U, 8, No. 1. $1.60 to $1.75.

Kansas CUy-^A'fri'vca. C’oiornao■ Idaho 11. Mitine.ioi.'v 2. Ncbmskii

-North- D nko ln -lr Wyomlng-I.-Dlvc d -lr .)m _ lcauu rack i_10. j 0 n_lins)<unbrokm -eantr^SuppU ef-llbcrol.-

ung Bon.'v ,„o(L‘ralc, market sleady. C. lot » lM to oulslde polnta, K at

T ;.. - I Clly basis: Idaho Riiwcts, U. 8 . llU dC -_£^ .}^„„_eM _W J10^pattly-gnulcd-m >iind A rt- ) . ^ n n m f i . i s - it s Wn *» y . i !

1? Colorado. 6. Idalio 12. MlimcsoUi Nebraska 2. O n track 47 cars

I Callfo r- firakcn. Stipplles modatdemand slow, markel dull. Sales

w cancs- jobbers: Idaho and Colorado F jflUM—ItlJI. x t J U, Cl tIO, ll <1X0 to tl.OSi Tl t with 10 'carlols Involcc wtlglit: S

Tuesday: Idaho Ravsrts, partly gc ’ ed car $155; U, S. No. I, onu

f ine quality $1,70.I: . . t Ban FraneUco—No carlot a rrh

- C a tt l ( > - ^ i v f d by boat. CalKomlo 3, Wr " j... Ington 3. O n track 2 cars. Dock hi‘‘i " Ings heavy. Deinniul and trndlnB s

Inds $9.00 about stonily. Carlot sto -Jobber5:--Idaho and O regon-I'

no co n y fancy SI' Idaho Rus.seb baken:. $1.85 to $:

Los Angeles—Arrived, CaUfornln * , . , Idaho 4. Nevada 8. Oregon 1 by b . . . tMItfKCL p iv»rl*d-C r-O n..inirlr 109,,rara.J3

Tuitsdoy. demand Mow, market (

outwelght: Idaho Russets, tf. 8 . Nt one car $1J5; U. 8 , No. 3 $1,05.

a l.n a lL c d ________________________________:rm uda_ lj. _ v n „ f .n n t g in be correct » ¥\H'

Frlcndm an's.-A dv.97: b ill- ---------------------r —

llforn la-T T -------- : - upassed— W arrants of«Independent school

to so u th - tr lc t No. 1. numbers 3559 to 3M3, n Callfor* elusive, will be paid upon prosei 9. . tlon U) th e treasurer. Interest cc F o F W o ^ ■ Jonu iw ^I?lW 8~c.-lt.^S U nionrtr

urer,—Adv.letaU..d6.-. ^ . .:ady. C ar- WAfiRANT C fttL: R uisots, W arrants of Independent sehool1. No. 1, tr ic t Jio . 1. numbers 3D43 to 4109, (0 to S9c; elusive, wUl be paid upon preso ly graded. Uon to thp treasurer of th e 'd is t ;V W o w ^ ta U r is t o a . these w a n a n la -c e

Feb, 6, 1928. ■ ' • er_higher, • ■ w , 'n . o i i r .o w «, A rtl

a r l S b ” ? ’IN m iM E N X aUt H. TTo! B- P w > I'M iiurthaxii

Palls fr6m a » ’ couniy-and will , • some of. thdm a t gT eal'ba^ain*:

aellned to -^ tr th o u ie and JacUny .sltfli ' B>lo v lth water (»wer; fclso-jrlll 1

yp”' I lrg o _ O ro h ard r ty :J iM _ l4 _ J i 6W iftd;:PI£6Me“B71 o r l w t w . , '« i

0 4. I d * , en* sto re . ■ 0 . 0 . Fftrgo.-ArtVi^


P S - lH iE L P ! H E L P !

T " ■................ : ' . ' ■

■ ■ '

' '•______________

n r ^ . '

'(Hf ^


’ e n i exccpt-hcat. T erm s. 444 3i_____ 1 iKOR^.^SALE-3 ACRE •niA CT, O

. .. ; lmprcv?inent.i untt Kood tirs a n d - |^2. . • _________ _:_______ Ij O R f^Al.F.-FIVR»HnOM-MOD

^ ___ I ^ous?: bargam for gtilek sole.■* jaV Y rd V y . ]east. . . .___

rURE - F O R S A L ^ A C R E A O E H O________ spring .water, fru it and berries;A PIANO term s and particulars call B63>. condition. 513 Olh Ave. E.________ F O R SALE—ONE O F TH E BEST

C4.W. In- Will « l l cheap. Also good : I p, m, - .'H enry Orlmm, Paul. Idaho. ■i'Y -2?m F O R -S A L E -^ Q ^ CRES O P CHi

IIB bread McMa.'ftcr,' Tn’ln Palls,$to.- — f o r s a l e - e a s t i i a l f o f n c I I lialf lot y n lo r - s c ebwk^add

gliuIf.'U M Jflih UVB- o a w im S fC


- B U E E fe ^ ..n in o ^ o n tiM old. - P h o n o -13- I. r-,P -rT 6P O -n fo POLAND pOTtEH

•„ _ i boar._.4_jnonlhs._old,_Brice re I. FROM able. W. H. Spence, Kimberly, 1

_________F O R "S A L B -M li^ D ” 8 P 0 T f SREDITED, land China > hogs; 40 fa ll Jig orn cock- bred sows and gUts to farrow tho one 703, die of March: all pu re bred and T U R K C T 'W ^^^:

___ i W ashington school.________ __

I “ T or rent— f OrnishIT U N E R S' S3xP IN O ^ R O O M ,^C L O S a’ ^

ird. Main west.-.- • - -----------n S ’ AND * V 0 s t e a m HEATED-r o o m s mrri— Hr -Rt'fK>'nni« norlh.

ROOM AND BOARD, CLOSE IN 2nd nve. north.______________

llffht d r . ■ i 'O H -llE N T -L A R O E .F IR aT -F IKkct’ dull I furnished apartm ent . P hone j Ight few POR REN T-2-R OO M T O ^ I l } Riis.icts i apartm ent, $23, 3 0 4 -S th ave.

j Phone 908, ilbrndo ' sH 'FCIU ltEN- l '^ rx " H O O llA " ' MOI :bm5kii C. fiirnishixt Iiouse, 138, 8Ui avc. l,-D lven -!-rhuno-564-J.— ------------ -------------L iD tfk Jj7 {F O R J^ ^T ::.R O q M , h b a t e d ^beral.-do—I— hot-w aU r-licaL —UH so-enrogb idy. C nr-13rd nve. wcsl. Phone Itfj.I, K ansas f i v e ROOM FtJR N iaH E D HC U. 8 . No. $to; five room m odem house,ie ri-n in ti- t, t■h, nA _________3 . i l J J U o --------------------------------------------------

t FOR RENT, GOOD ROOM WI m csou 3: !ic.ii. Hi Uia ttvij. no rm . i*ii

cars In-m odara te ., ..........

" I " ' ! " ? " F O R R E H T - A P m H IE r

lit: Sales FO R RENT—THREE ROOM 1 rtly grad-1 nlshcd apartment. Bungalow A , out! car mcnls. 2nd ave, ea.^

: HELP WANTED— MALE3, Wn.ih- r r i i » i r*)ock hold- FEMALEriot sales \V ^ m ) - C U R L " “p O R OENi jgon -R«k-. -hoii.'.c'i'crlt— n d c tcn c ca ... ..Col ncy 81A0; inormtin. );i7 7Ui ave. north .

U) $2,00. WAN'lT-n-A'LL AROUND BL Wornlu 6 ,, smith nnd slioer; steady work. I by boat. drcs.i Box 00, >yendell, Idaho . a nt, finlp.i n r in jn :g fL -P n u n mttm t t . rket dull. | nawl>-igirs in- Idaho. Oood a ^ i m D t r ^ ry ~ n o ,j ,ro , , j : i^ > ^ ^ 18fl8«J., 8 . No. 1, w ANTED-OIRL OB M IDDLE-/ *'” • woman for general liousowoi


.rhn«i Ht. promising fu ture Hes. At‘‘.S p . O. Box 4C, Twin Pulls, foi

S n S " Polnuneni. __________•e t ceases e x p e r ie n c e d PARM ER TO lO D rtrm * ' —blg-randx-cji-pcrccntago-propoi

Everything lurnlahed, b u t labor---------=?■ board. Give referen ces flrat :•*— ........ Address-P. H.. c 5 fe " N ^ .-

" 5 ” J,M n: ' ^ itW ions w a n t e i

U R 8- MOLLIE 8 m Z E R , . UA n ity nutslng. Phooe 4OT-R-4.

' ...... — 1036-W.'or M7. — -----------I£N T8 A U ID D L E A ^ MAN WAN

a Job

i will ‘sell merly. Idaho, Itbuto 2. o r phone' <

■ ■;■■■ F t iu N D , . 'lease .J --------------------------------- -

jVi^____ :...Wewi olHce' and ' pay '

tTTA'RY-3,' 1928.---------

> /

____ H j

Z Z Z Z m


t«_3id_E. Plione 20. Eden. _____________T, OOOD F ^ iT S A L E -K IR S T q U T n N O T t]i tcnns, . . .Phonc ,8Q 3 ;J;l ._ J ._C ,.P oc._____________ r o u SALE-CQfeEMAN , 0A50L3MODERN ~ P h nnc la m -w . ___

— - —iiu w f it Pllcr. C, Q, KaTley.____H O M E , b a t t e r ie s p o r T o r d s , eto '.7 ?

a . E. O. H a ten s Battery Oo.or o V ,g_T T 4V - - r » J g \.T V g ''p i

half south K lm ^ ly . DalTMorlt: n ^ t r o c t ' gA L E -50 TONS QOOl? H~

Roy M cM ute r. 3 miles east of I

‘“c n o icF : CLA8 8 - H i r A y D - ^ H A ^

r f o r s a l e - PRE3H COUNl

: addition, —

- w r B i ^ w p r e ; : - ' iv i - ,i -A -i', ',-r— -a.: Patrick, phone 703.TOOK FOR 6ALE~BALED HAY,'DEUV:

CB. DOO. Paul, Phooe 10-R-l. '

nE.T3REfi T r s tc o n d 'c u t iW M y . ' Jbtin»ori"lJ: :e reason- S tar ran c h ..R o u te 1. Tw in PoUs. rly, Idaho, p o R SALE—BALED UAY IN {

m u . n a u e ieu v ric o un retiu m .- ITED PO- J , Anderson. Phone 494-R-4. Bu: ll Jigs; 30 f u l l e r b r u s h CO. REPRE3B V tho mid- cd by W . S. WliSbcrly. Phone I and reg- for dem onstrations. Brushes, bro< [S. Phone v n and dry mops. mlU rfw Ut f t j u n A L l i^ N E JU WAUUN,Ul

- . -.eondlU ori._low _w heola.._w lde..t SHED fram e; one wagon. 3',i

wheels, wide tires;, one set harr r'Tw I m Inquire of J . P . Patterson, Filer, ’ Sam B AlaUiU). Tourist holel.

K3MS. 7T7 = = = = = = = = =


T-FLOOR P O R ._ S A L E -M A X W E L L _ C O t oneJ57-J. 1926 Model. In good shape. 'W is h e d ° f ''■'rlto c . a . Ballcy, Twin Falls, avc. cost. <gnns. ________ ^ ^

“? v ™ | SEE THESE----------- ----— 1020-No«h-7-paas.-Sedan.BD WITH 1020 Jew e tt Coach.rra8c.“ 41l - ~W 23-OadUltte-Vletorla.~-------

■ 1920 OvcHand tfl) Coach.' - n r io tfH E 1®2<J N ash Victoria. - ioumT $40; ‘ ®20 N ash Touring.

' ______1927 Chevrole t Coach.____________ ■ ~ ' I in5~f7npvrnter~cm:irli.'

[.T*h6ne J025 8 lo r Tourliig S M O ,1634 S ta r Touring. 8 1 0 0 - -------

- 1925'Ford Touring 8 1 0 0 ' 1023 Pord 8 « la n 8 1 6 0

MENTS 1024 Ford Touring 8 7 5

» ? POR. U EPPLEB NASH MOTOB C( OW Apart- Phone 104

l o a 'n s '

________PARM LOANS. O-Tr. SWIM A; CO,D E N IA L MONe V W i OAN,-CnU _ e s ta lo .____________

1!}:____ 1_ b b N E Y PO R S n tA IQ H T LOAN?BLACK* m odem houses In Twla Palis,

vork. Ad- th u r L . Swim is Co.CITY L O A N S -W ^E^^W A^^DMl

property.— B fliit-nnw ,-p rom p t-* irL i ______ Twin PalU T itle i i Abstmcv Co.,ILB-ApED fibT IS V “ n ^ lS D A N - bN "P A H ii’ sowork In e ttv fi/'T'io tn,

tn aums of from 1500 to *5000 n n

BER- U l Perrlne. l i e ShMhono et. west.* PARM LOANS—NO COMMISSI

; tn r , T »» deloy. T w in Palls TlUe &'■ stree t Co,. L td. 'TO n u » f A M . b K F ^ Q A Ve r v t i k

= = 3 l u a . O. A. RoblnsQB.ITED ," mS S - FOR fiENT-FAHMS 'i.’i'S tN iT Y FOR RENT-flO ACRES, Phone 61

-------------- ^ ^ t ^ ‘ ^ ^ « c r W ' f 0 « l - ^ t ^ATANTS A Phono 083.where wife r J - i : -: : . . r - ____

S S i 'F O B R E N T - U N F U R m S H I

,* p o iv R ^ - - b ARAO E AT 411 W■ ■ . _ 'M ain . . -, _________ '

B fO nO N , ITHRSB R O O M S -U N rum tiS H S D a ro ilfy a f p ^ y - f u m l s l ^ . . 'w l t l i or wlU

■ V , .

S '

_l __IjfJJ t P.. M . wC .' -.

PORTUNITirS:ous ------------------------ —;


■ P R O r C S S lO S A L

f.T ftls ' r; A - n o B ^ s

•rT5t W. I . DUNN—lAW Offlcee—ROOU Iortia. ' and 4. Sm lth-Rlco DuUdlng._______I jA V 8 U A ^ |lO D 6 l j |^ - R < ^ 4 ^ 6 J a n >

S ^ I aO : ^ S l J b i t s u f t ' -

^ i m a t a ^ , « w i E i i r ~ u w ^ a B gJNTQY ijiofto Power BuUdla«,.Phone u s , - :


A.-Kii ' W E L WOBJH A 'Q C ilU

^ « ^ « , ^ t l o n . . m »rd ara., eait

S S J S f w s r h n r f n j m m r r m x stng Works, m o d e n plumblOB. Prico

TIT, '

larncss. AUTO IN8DRANCK, a ll co re ta iti Her. o r -Potter Real-Kstato. Phonal7«

............ ...........- - tR A N S re B .

l[ p g o M K m e

MUPE. m u io a tmuy. eiwam I i i

iills ^fw ntA TEBN A L O B G A N ^ T IO N S

___ MODERN WOODMEn ' o F-AMOU^^------ : meets In I. ,0 , o . P . hoU every secoat

n n d fuuiUi Muuiiuy.

W A N J E D — M .I S C E L U N E O U S

- :w A K T i5 ^ r o U L T a r .Z J ^ a .a :H T Ote r. Phone 9(B«W._______________

W AN TED -TO BUY ALL KINDS Ol second han d lu m lturc. Phone M l.

•P R M flM A H T N ^ N D -B B W i'N er^ term s or nppolntm ent call 1220»W.

WANTED T O BUY CHEAP HORflffl--------- T H P n in w - -w . w ,. &. iuw ii‘» a a

WANTED—TW O O ANDERS, ONI drake a n d th ree ducks. Mrs. H. J

H ast. Hansen.______________________

CO. " w iU i the ticw gcttn ana pncc. h W. Cochran. Rflutc 1. Twin Palls.

--------- 1 W ANTED-ALL KINDS .OP HORSES- = Wc havo cash buyers fo r Uien:

llollcnbcck & Sullivan Sale Y ard ..•. WANTED T O RENT—RANCH POR

c o " '^ ' n lsh r t o r job on ranch year round ~ — tv o bo)-s big enough for rancb wort' R*AL 753 3nd ave. east. Phone BO.________- £ - ■ WANTED—T O BUY-A FARM EQUIP lN8 o n m ent Including livestock, machlnerj I*- At- elc,, and r e n t tho ranch. Am an ^

perienccd farm er. W rite Box 38, carESIRA-

------ FOR-SAtE— SEEOS-^,o.,_Ltd. . . . ■ - . ■ . . i i i OR POR 8ALE-GE.Vt SEED POl'ATOEfi ' TMnejr T $ iaa . ■.Piimiu u u -J -3 .— :— ; ,

POR OE R T IpiE b R U M O T SEBI " potatoes, w ilte~W ;-L. Biay,“AshtGQ Trtflhn » __________o e r t T p T e ^ ^ ic k l o w s k e i

" w heat a t K lmlwrly elevator. Bruo- Rcqua._________ ____________________

FOR • S A L E - C E R T I F I E D IRWU ^ » Dlcklow seed w heat. Seo a l Pl^e

3 ^ RURALSBBOW TATOES-TOR SALE •• A ;-B .-BeckSihT315'P6ttneufiB Ulia ing. PocateUo,‘Idalio . Phone 891.

= = i>OR S A li^ N O .’l SEED POTATOfii

S , : ; one jrea r:fr tan ‘C * rtllled .tl P«t bun _ _ _ d i ^ . M c h e r , |r q o l« ; l t W t


Page 10: Tn Faftnrv Wins J J bpatiiia: tffipME - · I First Section iZiT^xji^ VOL. 10. NO. 255.' .^°' Profited

JillDsilK'l i j W In c re a se J n J l '^ ^ 'l i i r o f ij

C a rs i o a n d F rom T w in F a lls «

. . O ver S am e M onth J n J 9 2 7 . L

— dd«l Incn ase ovrr the shlpmenl .for U — -Ihe-iMnfr-monlh-Jrt-lM?. nccordlni to fti

th(‘ report mndi |iuU)lc yMtrcdky by ' P. S. Haasch. depot aci-'nt ot'ihp Qrtj- _ B on^hort Clnp hallroail compariy. di

jiL;ilieAlQt«b.OUtCOln(|. »lkl£UlCnl&Jk8Sie:la sated 4S3 thls'ycnr nnJ 201 In 1B37. The number of rar loads received this year were 3S0. nml la.t year.

(itaU nm l for Month The followUiB U Ihc romplric stale*

.ment ot lhe compnny for the'monlh;Cosmodlty__ KorwaTjfd ItfrelTnl

V lillS 19:7 ■ 19Jd 1927Barley .................... 1 , . . .

----Ttoiui^• •_____ -•:-■ ■■ 78 ' ■07"" 'G- 2 _Can Oood.s ........... l-i 7 .

• Cement .......... 3 2.J .e w l_ ........"■ _

Corn ................................... J - ' 3 -■■'■Drted-’ Kriiltji T ' V "1 ---------T T V ~

Onloiis ................. M 1 . ... .....Hay ..................................... 15 • ••Lum ber............................... 5 - 0MerchandLw . . 03 i > 1« 130MIU atiifra ........... M /:J2 7 1MoUm m ................ . . • ••

• Oaa and Oil ........... \ . • 30 36Apples ................ 3 fl\.......................

— ButtCT.-rgiTs-gna— ’--------■ Poultry ..........- B 8 .............

Prults and Veg.................... 14 12

' ' Balt . . . r r r T T , . ~ . 3 3 '“LIvfitock ............. 37 32 7 . 1Oravri .........., ........ . ■ -3 _

— 10— TT - Wood . .... 1Auto*. T rucks..................... 31. 15MUcellaneoua .... 2 4 22 13

Idaho I>ep«tment

by the "Dry Goods Economist" whlph In in —

titements as. published In Tlie Twin ^ P atU-Ncws.-=;M=:«ar«xatt» fc :o tj* a h ; “ E n d in g “Sieflt m iho use" ol iTewB

' paper advertUlnc space.The event adverllsed was the

Uoonmny' BaMmnnt Piul Tag r i r f - ___ance aale ond the analysis by the BconomUt di»c«ics tlie advertlsfment from a number'of itondpolnU.-ralmg

a little i ~ to the i—

the-rar<- -.- o f H ii]

I lZ IZ Z lC o ff - fro tn -fc

- “7— rt-he-s^aip r in c i f

■ ■ ■ ____________milk or water a li

. I , • gi t ia.liwipUtic o m a feui pour

. continuous proccsuniform flavor i n '

______ , ■■__________ Because H iliLf________________ _ -proem, )•ou. TOn!l

___ _ other coffee. Hill.~ ; pack*forcoff«.‘"A

and look for tb e .

ieopjr of “The Ai HUU Dept

H I L L S 1


' Q uarterly rfcelp» for ltie~offlw »

show a toui of $i:».23.Of these siimv ilte fee* paid .th t

sheriff amount to i m The county u e rk and lecorde; rccclved 133^3.29.

. of-which-the. amn ot »1112J0 waa in cl^rk'a fees and I22C9.93 In recorder'a fees. The probate i»<l«e fees j.an4

nmriiinfiiil 1(1 i7fn«i.mvif1ari a h ;

tales - IMS* 'guiiniinnshl(M ~ W .BOr ;ndoptlons'inrtiiarrlaBM

day a t Umt)3U|{)i's.-A(lv.

- y s q fe ^ n i e d \

“ Brings otiti h e W s i

^ _

I . W » H i ^

W^From C o n tin i^ Cowt ^

a t a tim e flo u r m akes

^ i c l V y • a • ■

re-goodnessIls B^qs___e—com es^--------

i L b r o ^ i g the .tkillet-you-aJd-tlie--------I little a t a time u you it i r in order Int t r-rintincncv, -BferKtttttfg^thefr ounJt a t .a lime, by their patented,

H ilU Bros, secure A m atch leu . in every ounce.tLBiDs..discovered.andpaiented-thi»-------> n !tJ in d Jh c J lf lW r it-create* in any lilla B roa . alto ori^na ted .tne vacuuin lAilc fd rH il i rB fo s . Coffee by rtatne le A r a b on the can . jW rite fo r free A r t o f E nterta in ing ." Addreas—

e p _ t.S 1 7 ,2 H arrjjo a S t., Sao F ra n - .


Ht \rW ie ! #f h _ E « l / y _ £ . ------------- r - - - r ..................t* « *»J|.

' " ■ ■ ■

- E a i L Y . - N E W S ; W & ? '^ J i

. ■ ■ —I

' Parly M Frocks

I . . . - _ / i g ^ S 'X

..........-Light, -airy —creations offrpitfd-crew ------and seoni-rllr«{Uiln- . iV ^M \ '

r -^ irif6 c rrc ia“^ / / l H | | IV~^strct bead C T « B |'

■ di-alitns. All ' ____

” ' — cate pMiel //IL i \ l ! mfolon. 81»e ^ .Ifl lo 40- U

'$14.95' i V 'I n f a n t a H o s e 19c“

“ ■:----- TnfaffU* Hose, im c riii cot~- ' lon, whltc-OE-blttsk. Siziil •• — - .i.'/s" to’G ;-p e r p n ir .-— 196-

I n f a n t s S i l k P l a i t H o s e 2 5 c

Siiniljiry puckfil infanl.H' hose in imiiviiliial ti.'wio :<ciik-(l onvflopc. Made of

----------fintr-HiHt- and- w tto n .— Vwu-•\vill likf thin new Jiiiml)er that w arc .stocking'. Hizii

- r ^ - T ^ n f a n t f l - O u t i n g — - : ' U o w n s- tji)C -------

InfantH* outing flnnncl niKhl Rowns, trimmod with blue or white Hllk-finiHh liiaa tnne. W nirn nnti com­fy for the little, one..... 6 5 f

--------- Infanta-Oift-Bpx—

" • h i S H t ' I i r c s c n t ' Is'----------- LlH in iifmitij' Hlfi Uox

si.stinff of rubber pnnta. r :— .tliiylio!)c^ p j)o r te r s .nniTir” ------rfreora l ^ l i i u.''li nml cotnb.__ ___A It rncti viMy_|ituiltad-iiufflft-

: ----- ?iTimV-rotTibiBai-ffi£l-flfl^

i : =7^ : ^ .; 3 y a r n e r s - W r a p ~ A r o u n d - $ 2 .0 0 —

Hero i.H one o f o u r spocinl

. nor factory. A wrap a r­ound of lieiivy'pink cotll. well dccofnted with ruypn

■ hrocjide. ohi.stic Koro» on- ■ — bothrTtidM=ofceofetefer$tt.OO-

G i r l s ’ B l o o m e r s 5 9 c- 'Hcnvy ([ualUy .sateen bloom-

, era in peach., pink -and black. AKea •! to 12 years;

---------- pnti ...........:.................'.8 n ~

s t a m p e d L u n c h e o n = : = = = S e t f $1^00

" ■ ~ ’“ irnotl!t.~ThiB"}{6-inch“ iunch- cloth with napkins !a made

I of Indian head . w ith -per- _ I l i n e n finiah.

I'JnouKh thTeiuI lo r wort(’ injr complete wet........> 1 .0 0

= I = = ^ S l a i n p e f 4 5 - I n c h — _______ L i in c h S e t $ 2 .4 5

0 7 _ |)tire linen a r e theae

---------n—Himilar-border—trim —of---------- tw Hht yollow 'ttnd ft beau*'

tiful nppliquc rose design in tho corner............ $ 2 ^


_______S p r in s 5 t« c ^ j^ - S ta m p -^ e d P i l l o w C a s e s_ a o o

I.Qvel>Miew a ta m p e g ^ p i f l ^

“ MiKnH, atnm ped re a d y fo r workinit. P e r p a lr . . . .$ > .0 0

O b lo n g L u n c h C lo th s ( S t a m p e d )

- ----------- ^ $ 1 . 5 0 — r -------:.- ._ 0 ,b lo n R ^ tm clr ::c lo ^ -a re

- - new, fitfl riew atyle i^ le a ."Four pattcrnB to choose from. The act, includjnff tiapkinnand floss fo r work- in* ............. .................$ 1 .8 0

-------- (3ard-Tabie-eovei»(Stamped) 75c....

Stamped_tmrd toble.covers _ ,mado of.lnriian h e a d j i t h

dark green bias^tape_trtm.■ ^ o t i ^ ll like these pat-

•• t e r n s .... ,....................

. . 1

- F A t a i a f i D a H O f P R r o i m

L o w e s t P

- ’ Tlnch'while"plateaTrrn:::::^^B-inch, platen .............E»-|nch htippio “.!.7...:,...!.... ...i.

• 7*inch nappio ......................

firixvy bowl .... ....... ..............----------- Oreamci ............................:vv;------------- -fiti p i r ..................................... I, . . . " '

7-Inch. vcK'etnble dish ..........8-inch vuirt'tftble .\ .....,9*inch VPKctable dinh ........ .10-inch vcj^otalile .<liah .......

~ : 3 3 = K e c e ^ S e t —

--------f ! h T ! d r p T T V _ i R o m p e r s = :

i 9 t .........................................................:■ -jx Children’H r o m p e r s of

ijrlffht. new .jiprinfr prints. Trimmed in white or cot-

nt.H' ored bias tJipe. Aj{e.s 1 tn .suo y yearH.................... $liOO

i ^ ^ lY e trC o fs a ffe______

i»r F lo w e r s i>Oe5iz(! CoriMigc flowers of durable

------vclvct'that~\wll”stnnd'rain- -or shine. Colord-~to blond With-any W ot- m ni—

__aharp_conli:aal_...»*^,_.5.W“O r g a n d y D re s s

; |S - F lo w e r s 98c -om- LarRC dross flowers of{55------ itnlncy 'Tiuloi.^:‘Ouliii.s that—

will harmonize or _withX-------- dashing—pontrwtt— Small—

petal B h 11 p c H or large ,, ; - ^ > M lll lw t a l illB C % a x a a t e g

!un- I '" ^nta. •__________ li


Dtli. C h i ld re n ’s R u b b e r J'“" ------ A p ro n s SOc —^ R«l)bt‘r Hprnns iinttcrncd

,9c green, row, red and dark bluc. Those all havc shir-

-_ j red edges' of bright con- ■' trasting color.. Little side

IM ------ pockHti-haft-bFighfr-colored—- ^ rubber flower trim.....50^

W r i g h f a B i a s J a p e ^

"j*" ^on'ProfeSrthSTDiartapc. ada ’Wrinhts is guaranteed fast

■ colors arid has six yards toii*;____thoJiolt and-can..bfi p t i tw*2 chased in number 5 or 6

• 9 9 .__width. Bolt..... 4 .......10» •

h 5'' ‘= 3 = M o re T S a fe ty = P in S — L lO cleae Sate ar>'; im vmir mfetv__m n pins. The 3 more card has -o f---- - th re ^ m o r^ sa fe ty —pina;—

lign the card. Can bc bought in :45 0, 1. 2 and 3. All.....„.10^

Silk HoseA ))iire thread UU*lnch boot silk stocking. 18 i]c\v, spring colors

i ; L » o n 9 8 c '

3 ' Your spring wardfobej^ll ' demand lace trims. Pineng^y------et‘riHoi‘-whlte-vaifl-of-mBny^

. deslKn.H and patterns. 4 to' -fpy ~ i-incir Wde......... ..........e r ~

--------S i ik - W in a s o i-T ie s —-------------

i ) ■ An item that is needed by--------nll-foi'-Hport-or—business—

-are - ' -War..The Windsor gjves an flea:— rrtidded finjflhitojany-outfit'— 5555-——Thc5c-tic8' arc df -crepe-de— 4{ncr chine, biased ends.. Comes oVk- . in-nli'colors.... ..........W t

, S a tu rja y _ 0 .n ly ::r- . r D a r n in g C o tto n

v e r s , 2 f p c .5 ciVith___ J . P. Coats darning’cotton. •rim.__—any color,Jjolge, nude,, jun...pat- , metal, black, or . gray, 2

for ....Mf

i t P r i c e s o n „

D ISH ^-A RE-^-— ^ -------= t i ^ =

1 7«---------- -----------------------------------X S T

' 2 S t--------- -----------------2 5 ( —

2 S «......... ............ — ................. :...2 S r -.............. .................................................. 4 « # -

t s t■

3 5 t


r s z i m W a n n r S l c e p e r s ^ S c ^ ^Sleepern with fee t,-long ciifffl, d rop seat, warm

(j. wool-like sleepers made of fine ileecy cotton and of a brownish gray that, does

%« not readily show the dirt. Slze.s 1 to 0 yeans....,.9 5 ^

----------- D a r i « x - H o 8 e-$ 2 ,2 5—A new fancy .sheer allk

:>le hose, made of the finest lin • —c h i f f o n ^ v ith —fu ll '^ a sh ^ — nd ioncd foot, this Dartex fan- rtli cy hecIiRl hose is sure a W \miner>_aelected.oLalLnfiW-Z

colors :....................... $ 2 .2 8P o n y S c h o o l H o s e

of 2 5 c - i = ;lat— ' Pony schoul lioae of ' heavy ~ ith ribbed cotton in either fine

ge ■ beige, black, new camel and

--Extra SpiBcial! 7 - ^ W i i m e n V B l o o m e r s : E

Women’s bloomers of lingette •_ ; -nnd cottOD-crcpe.J^taftia-ge^ _fuH-und_roomy. Eizes 27'! IoT 30. All - O A ^

,-„CQlflr.i____________ — O U i L -

! r C h i l d r e n ! s S c h o o l ------------- S h o e s , $1 .95icd Here is a new S tar Brandirk ono->n.»=ftp—^ t e n t — le a th e i^irk slipper with a fancy lightir- stitch trim on strap and)n> vamp. Rspocially suitabloIdb fd^lslzo!) 5 to n ^ ....$ 1 ,9 8

— S g f V ic e - S h o e s , $ 1 .9 5 "* H ere is a solid hard .wear-

^ __ ing. HchooJ_ shoe, _withlPan^__-------^o-BolesTind'hcclsT—Uppera—' ‘" ‘ uf "hpavy rordnvan"bi^\^i!

— calf J ca th c r.—.^^cso-como__J r in sizes 5 1^ 'to 2.....$ 1 .9 8to S c h o o l G i r l s P a t e n t

1— Q x { o r d s r $ 3 .9 5 ------- --_® Patent oxfords in blutcher ?f_.:— style —with— bright—gold— fi'R'= —trim ming—on—vamp—and—

q u a r te r ..................... $ 3 ^ 8,tv — P a t e n t O n e S t r a n — las S l i p p e r , $ 3 .9 5 :n»|------ T h l im l im o r i i r y h r h lg lF —15 est grade S tar Brand qiial- in ity. It is black patent, lea- .

0^ ther with light ton under..— lay oiv quarter and piping,

. t r i m on s trap .'T h e .heels2 . ----- afe-fnedHMn-h igh.- instirttty:—

a very easy fitting quality. Sizes 4 to 8............... $ 3 .9 8

i P a t e n t P u m p $ 5 .8 5 .^ /A D’Orsay style black pat­

ent lea ther pump with cut k fltecl buckle trim .' 11-8 lea­'s th e r heel wlth.8hort_popu-_ rf lar vamp. Sizes 4 to 7V^L/ and B to AAA widtha: the_ p a i r .............................. $ 8 .8 8

^11 Here is a light weight blacknjs------calf^k irH llpperw ith^ancy—ny— star cut hiickle cffect of (o ' leather. Hus short brogue

K ------ vamp~gnd~tt~culyan~hg8n—^ the pair ....................$ 7 .8 8!S— — J V - e a r i g h t S h e e t i n g —

4 9 c|}y Here is an extra spmial

ess------^value.Jieavy_wcight-blcach5__an ' ed sheeting. Either 72 or

. '_:-.81Jnchdtf jwide; Extra-good -

nea filling. Usual eOc v a l - ,0 ^ ues ................ ................4 9 ^ '

s t a m p e d I n f a n t s • ---------- R o m D e rB -7 S c -

A ttractive ore these stamp- __ od patterns of cIowM. and--

................- arflnialB, P a ttem i-th a t ap*on. • pgnl to thft Httlw tPB^T ra of lun.......theso-soods.~Rompers com-—

2 p)ete ready fo r working 9 f .at ..... ....................

a - Y - 3 - l g g S . = ^ - ^ ' - - . - .


" S t a i r t r Y o t t i

“ — W a r d r o b

G w r g e t t e sGcorKctie inticcd Is a very popu Very aheur but p f firm .stjong tc:

--------of sorvico. BcHrsbimig'CobrR-nT“ , C re p e S ued j' ‘ Another very popular sp rin ^ m t* Thick without filling.. Very-luai " finish. Comes In all the beat ae'I ■ C re p e B a c k Sis Our Rnide crepc back satin, t. uniforrp finish. This Is. a self ^ very popular indeed ...................___ ^ ^ ____ S p r i n g F l a n nk Spring flannels are extensively u it nea.s wearing apparel. An all \

------56-ini;hos-wide:-HolGctions-of bes[:________ K a s k a i C lo ta------ n twf'pd-llkp mntjj[— -finish-Armost-soughtrafter-Bpon ® and comes in many mixed color

. J a p P o n g €----- !- Jap pongee of tho best grade,r —■ label.'filK»ifi'iii|t tflp .Hrada- .i a i

It_____G aass-T (iiM U nK -2{L c—d A double thread, h e a v y ___

; L a r ^ T O r l T T o ^ i- . • ..... 2 9 c . . ■

E xtra larite uouble tnread ’ ____bleached turRisH towels

- - - e a c h .... '.......29^____a n £ a n ts L ^ f l t f i_ $ L Q D ___

Once a year arc we able to buy quantities • oP Vanta vcsLs . to - r e ta i l - a t Jl.OO. arc,o f silk and wool

d ----- mlxtiirj, flat hox arnm nnfl —

it ia r $1.50 value, very spe- d cially p riced ............. $ 1 .0 0

S° - G i r d l e s $ 1 .0 0e------ Glrdle{H)f-faney-trim-rayon-------® of pink cotil quality. Very -----■' .specially priced____ $ 1 .0 0 . '

S S A T U R D A ^ lf I

P i l i h d I i v s ^ S o a p - “ | 5 f o r 2 5 c i

For- Satiirday only 5 bars — of Halmolivt tW lc f m ir to — ^

^ the customer. Note: One .'i----- packagc~toTcuBtomerr-^5—

---------C r o s s B a r M u s l in ; - ^i9c---------------------- ;_____ Thi« f a b ric Ib eaoeclallv i

^ iitfim ts’ dreases. F in e croas ■ bar rib insures extra long . wear.-ColorarofTwhlte. -o r--' - :

chid and yellow.........;;.19f *

I.----------- - W e n t f n e s - -------------='• Come in and see the swectr* heart valentines. Clover i 1 rhymes,- attractively deco- ( ► ' rated. You will want some i

of th e s e ....... .*...lfr to 2 8 < 1

r Lov 8 ^


l j To bc si" ' days or <

Z Z Z Z I^ ^^ ^ tZ iZ Z m a H E Z B i ners simple

— - r - T ^ — Beach-ar id— ■ — - --elaborati >r------------ ............................... ^spring i1- , i / v ■T- . ' / / \ p rin ts a

I / \---- -- 1_ r - - \ : ~ — gpwnr~f' ?• / r \ of sm art

- M — ^ \ - --------8llhouctt(?• l \ ^ .........L \

1-— — ......... ■ Sig ' t ’ i — 7 — -------------------- -----------

— * -----------------

[ r r S p r i i i g ^ ^

b e N o \ r " ---------------;e8 $1.75 "tp u la r sp rin g m a te r ia l.,te x tu re th a t will g ive p l e n t y ______

~nTC~hcrc rcp re .s e n t e d - $ l t 7 S ^ ----------^

a r i r a s ---------------- --------mtiVerial is thlfl c rep e suede. *mlustrous w ith a sm ooth e v e n --------- -A

se llin g sp rin g colors $ 1 . 9 8 /

S a f i n $ 2 .9 5in, e x tra heavy w ith a n even.If tr im m in g m ateria l a n d is ..............................................$ 2 . 9 8

[ i n e l 8 $ 2 . g 9 ______________y used in tho sp o rt a n d busi- 1 w o o l'p rc -sh ru n k m a te r ia l; b est-co lo rs-..................... . $ 2 .8 9 - - ------

o th $ 2 . 8 9 _________________ :


g € e 4 9 c -;e, 12 MM quality w ith red

u.|,UV__________ M f ____

-^Earasols—= =

— emrpn— parroi-T:— an— eor:----------------ort .............. ............ t l .O BCpttflU #n|l linen, all col­ors .........................S 2 .0 8silk and linen, all col­ors ............................ 9 3 . e s

“ trim ............. .............! s 4 .9 5- All silk taffeta ......... & a.e&

r.\il ..........., .................8 8 .9 S

P i e c e G o o d s ______________ R e m n a n t s V2 P r i c e

T w o tab les stiicked h igh— w ith -rem nantS f-C ionsisting------— -

o f dome.stic.s, w h ite g oods, '

—in-short—lengths.-^All-aro-----——ju s t— h a lf—o f- '- th c p r ic c . -----

m arked . ' ‘

^ f c r D r S r G a r m e n t s -------------— SL 19 __________

- T he ann rovcd -sty le -L T ^ .-S r- .- - ;___— gjirm entsi • e i th e r -n e w - o r— ---------

old style. Comes in m ed-

c o U ^ ? S i« a l r o r n 36 to"44.— S p acla lly -p rlrpd a t $ 1 . 1 9 - — —

G o ld s tr ip e S h e e r _ C h if fo n $1.95 ‘ .

Stockings, fine sh ee r ch if- I f fo n . 31 inch boot, w ith

Y o u r choice of 18 o f th e new est sp r in g colors. T he G oldstripe will n o t allow a ru h to continue in to tho leg o f the h o s e ....... ^ ..$ 1 .9 8

vely Frocks---------- - f o r = _ -------------------- ---------

T m g ^ B a y s ^ "

s tr ic tly correct fo r sp r in g ~ >r evenings, these froclts ^ r c ■ toL Jipaim . afiprnnnnSt i a i E : ~ = : o r dances. They a re very ! ty p e s sponsored b y -P a lm"an d-P arlB hryet-w ith -aT new ------- —a tio n th a t makes .each new * . r fro c k evc’n lovelier , lh “‘K T!''

I n b rig h t colors, viv id new a n d d a rk e r s tre e t tones.

i f o r d in ing an d d a n d n g ; r^ o r -_ e v e c y -d 8 y -U 8 f l« -^ °^ r — - - ~ a r t . fabrlc7 M aldng « sm a r t r t te .I rC X ip a r tip r ijJ f f J ^ ^ ” ^ -------_ J -