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" ' m' " "" "' "' "' - .i i.i i,.,;;.,'." '. ''t .. ... i., .... I, . I, " """iTTT ... - 7"' 7"'i"' 7 T"'j"' T" "T" . .I i . . , ""."H r r Devoted to News, Politics, Literature, and the Productive Industries. ' : " " , ' ' " .. ... By A. M. BUMEY & 00, ' McMINNVILLE, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY; MARCH 20, 1880. $1.00 per Annum, in Advance, THE KINQ'8 PETITION. An Eustorn King, of undent timo, whose line- age is untold, , Culled both his wins about him when ho was growing old, Anil said: " Shayono,' tny youngest, and you, , my bold Village, Give iue j our youth mid beauty, and take my luournful age. I oun not rule my people, I have no pcaco or l"y, For Time's infirm distresses now all my time employ. 1 once could wave my scepter high, nor ruffled be by care; Hut now tlui slightest burden is more than I can bear." But ho who was the eldest replied : " Not I, in truth, 1 know no radiant Jewel so precious as my Youth. For, now the blue horizon stands beckoning before, The Joyous view entices. So do not me im- plore." The King looked sad and moody at such a stiff reply. And thought how like a whirlwind his own youth fleeted by. Hut wished lilm all lie hoped tor, though feel- - ' lug very Horoi " To think the years behind hint would come not any more. Then fair Shayono,' the youngest, gold-hatre- and hazel-eyed- , Heloved of all the household, drew gently to . his side, And said to him : " My father, I lovo you well, in truth. lloro, take the gifts you long for my Beauty and my Youth. ' I know the future glistens, I see its fields of blue; Hut all that shines before me I proffer now to yon. Your wIho enreer Is more to mo than Time can well unfold. So you shall he tho young man, and I will bo the old." Then King Jajatl thanked him, and wished hint health and bliss, And printed on his forehead a father's tender kiss ; Hut Death came on, and, dying, he said: " My dear Shayono, I go where Youth is endless, and leavo to you my throne." Oh! better far than riches, or sooth, Shine forth the golden kingdom we cuter on in Y'outh ; For never ruled a monarch who would not give, with Joy, His wealth and power and glory to be once more a boy I Joel Benton in the Independent. BETTY AT THE BAUX-DOO- The cows are housed, the mtlking-dono- , The sheep are in the fold ; I hear tho vespers of the birds Across tho dewy wold. The mowers from the marsh come late, The sunset bells have tolled, I see them loom, like silhouettes, Against the sunset gold. And flushing o'er their loosened galls, From some last lingering ray, A Meet of homeward tlsliing-boat- s Comes rippling up the buy. I hear tho closing of the forge That clinks across the way, And, as he dolis his frock, tho strain Of Ueorge's rounduluy. Another moment, with a bound, lie will beslie me be, While tlsherJohn comes from tho wharves, And Joseph from the lee My heart is torn to choose Detwixt, With all me; I think perhaps 'twill be as well-- To try and love all three. i sHoita Trantoript. THE ROliBEB OF St. GEHYAIS. One cold, blustering morning, late in me inn, a man who walked with a crutch and a short staff was on the road from Lodove to St. Gervais, in the de- partment of Herault, away in the south- ern part of Franco. Tho traveler was an old man, perhaps live and fifty, with a face very dark from long and constant exposure, anil with a stone-gra- y beard and mustache. An old gray overcoat completely enveloped his person, but it was plainly to be seen that he had only one leg. The road was veiy muddy and a cold, drizzling mist was falling, and though it was well into the evening yet there was light enough to distinguish tho way, for awav beyond the clouds and the mist a bright moon was shining, and though even its whereabouts could not bo made out, yet it served to make visible what must otherwise have been enveloped in utter darkness. , The old man hobbles on, plunting his crutch and staff carefully on the treach- erous ground, and thus he passed out slowly on his way. It was near nine" o'clock when he reached tho little copse of. swamp-woo- d that at the edge of the village of St. Gervais. Here it was somewhat darker, and ho mado his way more carefully. He had just reached the edge of the copse when his attention was attracted by a noiso close by him, and in a moment more a human being stood in tho road before him. The new comer was a slight-bui- lt person, as the old man could distinctly see, and most probably a youth. He had surely come from the wood. Ha!" uttered tho traveler, "what now, ehP" ' Your money, or your life!" was the reply, given abruptly but somewjiat ueiuiiiousiy. "You don't mean it P" " I do," the youth said more firmly " And be quick, too, for I've no time to waste. You see this pistol. It contains two balls. Give me money or they both go through your head!" ' "Ten thousand thunders, bov! vou wouldn't kill me just for tho sake of a little money perhaps only the lew sous iL- -i ....... i. 2 .:,.ve. uiiu iue ueuessary to pojr iui ihjt uigui. lodgings P" And why not kill you for that as well as die myself for the want of itP Ay, and worse, too. Come quick ! 1 ' There was a resoluteness in the youth's tones which proved him to be in earnest, but yet they had a cast of eagerness and pathos which proved him to be a new bee inner tins kindo: .urnrlr "Die, did you say?" returned the old man, moa in pity than in anger. "A boy likyon talk of dying, and with sucn piuuK, 100 r i on are crazy i " Will vou give me money, or must shoot your"" No sooner wero these words out of the boy's mouth than up came tho old man's staff, and the pistol went Hying across mo roan into the mud. mere you ve got rid ol a very aangcnms weapon ; and don t you neve use it again in such a fashion. Now who are ye P" The youth stood for a few moments as if undecided how to act. " Hold on," continued the old man as the young stranger started as though he would turn away. " Don t be afraid for I may give vou that of my own fre win wntcn i would never give to any living man upon compulsion. Hut teil me I have faced death a thousan times, and havo killed many men, but J have done it for Franc- e- for my couu try. But why should you face death thus? In the night on tho highway in your own home and at tho expense of a countryman P 'WhyisitP . Nothing never mind, lou said you would give me money. Give it to mo, in Heaven's name." "Hold," answered tho traveler. Your home is not far from here." "Home! O, what is home to the starvingP"- 1 he old man was moved, lor there was a depth oi agony in the tones of the youth's voice which was not to be with stood by any one possessing ordinary feelings. " What is your name!" he asked. "Never mind." " But I won't exposo you." " Truly P" " I will not." "But why should I tell youP ou have disarmed me, and 1 am at let, as God is your mercy. . my , i i it, i uuge, nau i Known you were an oiu oldicr I would not have stopped you. would have lain in the woods and starved first. Give me money a few sous." "Tell me your name." The youth hesitated, but finally he replied : " If you are" a true soldier I should take your word. My name is I'ierre Chollet." " And have you no parents Hi' " A mother." " And she lives not far from here? " "Not far." " And sho is starving? " "Aye." "Then let us hasten and find her. I may help her, and, moreover, get lodging for myself and my crutch. Come, it is cold here. Lead the way." lou will help my mother you goP" " To be sure I will." " And you won't lisp a word of this?" " Not without your consent." " Then folio v me." Thus speaking the youth turned and started on. Apb you acquainted with this road ?" the old man asked. " Every inch of it," was tho reply. "Then go ahead and pick out tho best path, and I can get along faster." At the end of about twenty minutes they topped a little hill, and tho lights could be seen in tho village of St. Ger- - ais ; but before they reached the vil lage tho guide turned off to the right into a narrow lane and finally came to a mall hut which the youth said was his home. He opened tho" door and went i, and tho old man followed him. hero was only one room, and that had floor of clay. In the fire place burned few faggots, while close by wero heaped a lot more boughs, twigs and stuff such as might be dragged out of tho swamp close by. In an old arm chair sat an elderly female with her. hands folded in her lap,"and fclose ; by llul TV t3 ct tavi x uu nuuiuu a wuim be seen by tho glimmer of the fire, and it was thin, haggard and pale She looked up as her boy entered and in a feeble tone asked : "Did ye find it.rierrc?" " I hope so mother. A kind soldier has come home with me and he will help us." The old lady started up and gazed around, no saw the stranger and a, look of hopo rested upon her features "Haven't ye a ugntr' asKed tho stranger. No only the hre, ' answered the boy. " Then we 11 have a better one," the soldier said. " I've a candle in my hav ersack, and a bit of food, too." As he spoke he sat down in a chair, the only other one in the room, and having unslung his haversack he over hauled the contents until ho came to the eandlo. This ho gave to Pierre and bade him light it. An old wooden can dlestick was found and the candle was soon burning. Tho soldier could now see the faces of his hostess and her son nic ve plainly The former was a mild looking, full-brow- woman, with a prayerful cast of countenanco, and must have once peen exiremeiy uvauiiiiu. Sho was certainly fifty years of age, for her hair was very gray and timo had been busy with its indelible touches. Her sou was not over nineteen, and was a handsome youth. . lie was palo and wan now; but his brow was full, his eves largo, dark and brilliant. " You suffer muchP" said tho soldier, addressing the hostess. Very much," she returned. "I have been very sick, but I am getting bettor now. Yet my sickness has eaten up every thing we had, and my noble Doy lias sacnnceu uu ins earnings ; anu, worse than all else, he can't find work now to do. The crops are all garnered and the barns closed. Yesterday he went to tho house of a rich man to beg, and ho was kicked " "No, no, mother not kicked! " ex claimed the youth, quickly. He did not dare to d that. He said he would kick me if I came there again. " " But are there not others who would help you? " asked the old man. " i'hey might, " returned Fierre ; "but tho son-prefe- of police swore that he would send mo off if he caught mo begging again. What could 1 oo, sir?" "But tho sou-prefe- ct is a villain! What does ho mean P " " Ho is angry with me. He wanted me in tho harvest time to work for him for five sous a day, and I wouldn't, better man gave mo fifteen " sous. " He is a perfect villain. But come we'll eat something. My old haversack has something else in it besides candles. I don't travel without something to guard against tho danger of being be- nighted in the wood. " As he spoke he pulled a loaf of bread and a piece of cold boiled beef from his old provision bag, and then made the mother aud son eat. He assured them that he had eaten a hearty supper, and that he had money to buy more, so with- out further ceremony they began the meal the first they had eaten since the morning of the day before, save the lit-tl-o milk which they were able to get from one old goat" which they yet re- tained. Tears stood in the old soldier's eyes as he sat and saw tho boy and his moth- er eat, and when they were done they turned aud blessed him. The woman seemed much revived, and as her son put some more faggots upon the fire, sho turned and spoke to her guest. Her voice trembled as she spoke, and tears were in her eyes. " lou are a soldier P" she said. " Yes," tho old man replied, turning his gaze upon the fire instead of upon his questioner. " Havo you been long in the army P 1 ' "Eighteen years." j " Perhaps you have been in Africa? " " I have." "Whom did you servo under P" "Colonel l'ehssier." " Then you may have known Francois- - Uhoiieti"' And as tho woman said this sho wiped her eyes with her apron. 'Corporal (JholIetP To be sure 1 knew him. Aye and a fine fellow he was, too. Did you ever know him?" "Yes, sir." He he " and here a passionate Hood of tears interrupted her; but finally she concluded " he was my husband." "Ah was he e roor irancois: ins was a sad fate! " , The woman started and laid one of her hands upon the soldier's arm. The tears ceased flowing and her lips were tlosed. " Then he is dead?" she whispered. "No I guess not." ' " Not dead ! Francois alive ! Do you know this?" she cried. "I am sure of it. He was sadly wounded, and lost a leg as I havo done. Ho was taken prisoner and kept a long while too, and that is the reason why he did not come home with his regiment. But how long since you have seen him?" " Fifteen years, sir. He sailed from Marseilles with tho first that went to Algiers. But where is he now P" Where did you see him lastP" " llo landed at Toulon with me." " O, God bless you sir! And he will come to mo soon. Did you leave him there?' " No. Ho started on with me." " Started onP But where where did you leave him!" "The last I saw of him was in a small hut where ho had called to pass the night. But, you see, I have come off with his crutch and staff, so 1 shouldn't wonder if he had to stop where he is for some time." " O how could you, sir? But you didn't know that ho had a waiting, weeping wife to whom he would go." " Yes, I did." " And you left him thus!" "But the crutch was mine." ' " Ah you lent it to him. But no if you had only one crutch bctwten you both, how did you come so far?" " bimpiy because wo were botn one and the same persons." " One both you " "I am Francois Chollet." The woman started to her feet, and having gazed one moment into the sol-- ! diet's taco, she sanx on ma .bosom ana wept. Pierre was 'upon his legs in an instant, and at tho next was by his father's side. Ho forgot for tho moment his expedition upon the highway, and only realized that his father had re-- " turned. He remembered well when the father took him upon his knees fifteen years before, and kissed him ; and he remembered, too, how the big tears had rolled down that father's cheeks. But the husband and father was at home once more, and if he had returned with his body maimvd, he had brought back an untarnished name. In audi- tion to a goodly bulk of gold which he carried stitched up in his vest, he had a pension settled upon him, and tho fu- ture looked bright and clear. The son of Corporal Chollet became an im- portant personage , among the good peasants, and the sou-prefe- ct was among the first to solicit the friendship of tho battle-scarre- d old anldier. The little cot smiled once nioTe, and Pierre had never occasion to go upon the highway again with any foul intent. Tho old soldier often refers to meeting with the the young robber of St. Gervais, and under all the circumstances it rather pleases him, and he thinks he can see in it the proof of Pierre's courage, and also of his true affection for his mother. Safety of Kihilists In the Great Cities of Russia. "It is by no means necessary," writes a correspondent of the Cologne uazctte. " that a Nihilist should btrry himself in the interipr of the country to evado de- tection, for he can reside with much greater safety to himself in St. Peten burg or Moscow than in any obscure vil- - 1 . . . . 1 T 1 - iage oi some remote pnaunce. in me new Capital, for instance, many thou sands of persons of both sexes are resl dent who possess no permit or pass, as prescribed by law, and get on perfectly well without any justificatory document whatsoever. There are people in this town who have lived here for dozens of years without permits, although every body is required upon changing his or her lodgings to produce an official pass- port at the district police office, and to have it stamped by the competent au thoritv, and although house-owner- s, dvomiks (porters) and police officers expose themselves to heavy penalties if any one for whom they can be held re sponsible be found not to possess a pass Do you wish to know how this is man aged? It is simple enough. All you have to do is to make the acquaintance of the police officer in whose beat your domicile is situated, to ask him to lunch, and slip a bank-not- e of from ten to twenty-fiv- e rubles under his napkin That piece of paper will serve vou in ev ery respect as efficiently as an Imperial passport." YEAST.--Bo- il six medium-size- d pota- toes, cut in halves, in three pints of water, with a handful of hops tied in cloth. Have ready in a pan a cup of flour. Ahen the potatoes are done turn tho water scalding hot through the c blander onto the flour, stirring it until f.mooth. Mash the potatoes through the colander and when lukewarm add a cup of good yeast. I. C. Cross, of Disco, Mich., has just found a long-los- t brother and sister, The three were separated by the deSth rf their rtarents nearlv half a centnrv ago, and during the long years that fol lowed, up to a few weeks ago, knew nothing of 's whereabouts, NEWS AND NOTES. k BVMHABY 0? IMPOBTANT XVXNlS. Count dk Lesreps had an intorviow with President Hayes on the 6th, during which the Inter-ocean-io canal project was freely discussed. De Lesseps stated that it was not contemplated that the eanal should bo under foreign control, but that he? would bo glad to have- - the majority of the stock placed in this ountry. " The Duchess of Marlborough, writing to the Lord Mayor of London, March 7, says : " The distress in Ireland con tinues to be general, and in some parts is increasing." - The House Committee on Coinago, Weights and Measures have agreed to report favorably Representative Fort's bill to provide for the exchange of trade-dollar- s for legal-tend- silver dol- lars. A provision was added that the. Secretary of the Treasury shall cause to be exchanged at the Treasury and at all United States legal-tend- er silver dollars for trade-dolla- rs at par, and shall recoin said trade-dollar- s into legal-tend- dollars, as now provided by law, and shall stop the further coinage of trade-dollar- s, at the amount so redeemed shall not interfere with the minimum now authorized by the existing law. The United States- - Supreme Court has delivered opinions on two addi- tional cases involving the constitution- ality of the Federal Election law, in both of which their constitutionality is sus- tained. Justices Field and Clifford de- livered a dissenting opinion in both cases, as did also Justice Bradley. The House Committee on Judiciary, by a party vote, have agreed to report favorably Representative Thompson's bill to regulate the number and pay of United States Supervisors of Election and Special Deputy Marshals. Tho bill, as amended by the Committee, provides that no more than one Deputy Marshal shall bo appointed to any voting pre- cinct or district; that Super- visors and Deputy Marshals shall not receive more than $1.50 a day for their services, and Marshals shall not receive pay for more than three days, nor Supervisors for more than six days ; that no fees shall be paid except In pursuance of an express appropria- tion by Congress for that purpose; that, It shall not be lawful' lor any Dep uty Marshal or Supervisor, or any per- son acting by their authority, to arrest or imprison on election day any election officer acting as such under and by virtue of election or appointment under any State law, for any offense against the election laws of tho United States or of any State ; but a warrant or process for such ( offense may be exe- cuted at any time after the close of such election day. It is said that the Repub- lican members of the Committee have signified their intention to make a party issue upon this measure when it comes before the House. TnE "Citizens' Protective Union" is the name of an organization formed in San Francisco for the declared object of preserving the peace and protecting life and property. The membership is un- derstood to bo large, but the names of those officially connected with it are not made public. Mayor Kalloch has published a proclamation, declaring that there is not tho slightest reason to apprehend any dis turbance from the working classes, that the public are deceived by incendi- ary misrepresentations as to the situa- tion, and that the most outrageons means are being used by designing men to provoke an outbreak. The Bulletin and Chronicle commend the formation of the Citizens' Committee, while the Call, Alia and Post oppose it as unnec essary and unpolitic. A daring robbery of gold bullion d at Sidney, Neb., on the 10th. En- trance was effected through the floor of the express office while the agent was at dinner, and four hundred and eighty pounds of bullion, which had just come in on the Black Hills treasure-coac- h, was carried off. Fortunately the weight of the treasure was too great for the robbers to carry any distance, so they secreted the most of it in a coal pile where it was soon afterward found. It is estimated that they cleared about 13,000 by tho operation should they not be captured. The nouie Committee on Indian Af- fairs have agreed to report favorably Representative Pound's bill authorizing the Secretary of War to set aside any vacant posts or barracks, not required for military occupation, for use in the establishment of normal and industrial training schools for Indian youths from nomadic tribes, having educational treaty claims upon the United States. Favorable reports are received of the growing wheat crop throughout the West. Wet weather has done some harm in Illinois, while in Kansas and Iowa there are complaints of dry weath- er, but an average crop is expected. The most serious complaints of winter- killing come from Wiscor?n. Additional evidence has been taken before the Senate Exodus Committee. Col. Holloway, Postmaster at Indian apolis, and Hon. John C. "ew, members oi the Indiana Republican State Com- mittee, testified that the Committee en- deavored to discourage the exodus as a political movement. George T; Rugby, Colored, editor of the New Orleans testified that the exodus from Louisianna originated among plantation lalorers and was owing mainly to po litical persecution; IIon. John B. Hawlet has resigned the office of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury because, as a candidate for nomination to the office of Governor of Illinois he felt It duo to himself and friends to givo more timo to the canvass than he was able to do In office. So says a late Washington dispatch, as if by authority. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. JThk Jn San Francisco has been further heightened fcy the concentration there of a large number of United States troops, under command of Gen. McDowell, by orders from Washington. As a further measure of precaution, the arms belonging to the militia have been re- moved from several of the city arsenals and placed In secure places, the reason assigned by officials being that the arsenals and their contents were exposed to capture by the disorderly classes in case of a riot. Placards are posted about the city, signed by the "Council of Thirteen," warning employers of Chinese to dlrchargo them. The work-ingm- are greatly agitated by the military movements, and their leaders charge the authorities with trying to force an outbreak. The Louisiana Democratic State Con- vention has been called for April 12th, to select delegates to Cincinnati. In accordance with an order of Court the wires and property of the Atlantic and Pacific Telpifranh Comnanv alone the Union Pacific Railway, seized by order of. Jay Qould, have been restored to their owners and all connections The dissolution of Parliament has been announced, to take place at Easter. On account of ,the dissolution of Par- liament, Mr. Parnell has returned to Ire- land, but will return In a few weeks to com- plete his engagements in this country. The main building of the Kansas State Insane Asylum, at Osawatomie, was par- tially destroyed by fire on the evening of the 8th." The inmates were u.l safely removed. The fire is believed to have originated from spontaneous combustion. The loss is esti- mated at $35,000, with no Insurance. James Allen, the waiter at the St. Nicholas Hotel, LasVegas,N. Mex.,who shot and killed James Moorehead, a commercial traveler from St. Louis, was taken from the custody of the Sheriff and hanged by a mob. The Arkansas Democratic State Con- vention will bo held at Little Rock, June 2, to nominate candidates for State officers and also to choose delegates to the National Coi ventlon. The Alabama State Republican Con- - Vfjitton; U, JteUct. delegates hf tional Convention will be held . eelraa, May 20. Gen. Grant and party expected to sail from Vera Cruz, Mexico, on the 15th, for New Orleans. M. De Lesseps and Capt. Eads, by invitation, have both appeared before the Senate Cominitteo on Inter-ocean- Canals and explained their respective systems. The Senate, by a party vote, rejected the nomination of AV'm. R. llrown as Census Supervisor of the Eighth District of Illinois, upon the ground that at least one of the eight Illinois Supervisors should have been selected fronrye Democracy. The boiler in Lehman, Rosenthal & Co.'s flax mill, at Frankfort, Ind., exploded on tho morning of the lllh, just before the usual hour for beginning work, and while all the employees, ten in number, were gathered around. Every one of the ten men was instantly killed. The building was completely demolished, (fnd the debris took lire and was quickly consumed. The names of the killed arc: II. Rogers, EU Hemlick, Scott Williams, Joseph Wise Joseph Miller, Thus. Croxton, Pat Leay) John Honisscll, Joseph Eichenbcrry and Michael Shields. The Missouri Republican State Con- vention, to select delegates to the Chicago Convention,vill be held at Sedidja, April 14. The House Committee on Public Lands will report favorably Mr. Ryan's bill to graduate the price and dispose of the res- idue of Osage Indian Trust and Diminished Reserve Lands, Kansas. The House Committee on Epidemic Diseases have agreed to recommend for passage the Joint resolution authorizing the President to call an International Sanitary Conference, to meet at Washington, D. C, and to increase the efficiency of the National Board of Health. The Ohio Republican State Conven-ventlo- n has been called tomeevat Columbus, April 28. An anti-thir- d term Republican meet- ing was held at St. Louis on the evening of the 11th. Hon. John B. Henderson was the principal speaker. Mrs. Agnes Beroeset, a domestio In the family ot Dr. J. Byrne, 231 West Chicago, was accidentally shot and almost instantly killed on the 11th, by a ld son of the Doctor, with a re- volver which had been left carelessly lying around In the room of a boarder in the house. Dennis Kearnet was arrested at San Francisco, on the 11th, on charges of mis- demeanor, based upon his remarks at a workingmen's meeting. He was released on bail. A detachment of the Fifth Infantry recently overhauled a party of Sioux who had been committing depredations near Fort McKeoirh aud killed three of them. Two Cheyenne scouts were killed In the fight. The Post-offi- ce Department has con eluded contracts for the Star Mail Service for four years In Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi. The total amount of awards Is about 000. It is reported from Chicago that the Trade and Labor League or that city recent ly received a communication from the St Louis branch, urging their nt ion In a trade-unio- n strike, to be Inaugurated- - April Land to comprise all organizations in the West. Three negroes were hanged on the 12th: At Washington, Ark., Sydney for the murder of his wife; at Florence, Ala., John MayfielJ, for the mur- - j der of Tbe Irvine, another colored man; and at Thomasvllle, Ga., Day Brlghcrly, for m indecent assault upon a white woman. The Wisconsin Democratio State Convention, to choose delegates to tho Cin- cinnati Convention, will be held at Madison, May 19. The Arkansas Republican State Con tention, for the lelectlon of delegates to the National Convention, will be held at Little Rouk,April2 The House Committee on Commerce have instructed Mr. Clardy to report a bllj to tho Houso providing for the appropria- tion otlO.COO for the improvement of the harbor or landing of St. Charles, Mo., by diverting the .channel of tho Missouri River from the south to the north bank. The Ohio Democratio State Conven- tion, to select delegates to tho National Con- vention, will be held at Columbus, May 10. Score of tho O'lxsary-Westo- n con- test at San Francisco O'Leary, 610" miles; Weston, 400, .The, trial of Virgil and Houston Gaily for the murder of jihn P. Ullmour, ut DeKalb, Miss., has been postponed onac; count of the failure to get a Jury. The residence of Mr. Richard John- son, a farmer living near Dennlson, Craw- ford County, Iowa, was burned on the 12tb, and two daughters perished in the flames. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and seven other children had a narrow escape FORTY-SIXT- H CONGRESS. MARcn 9. Senate The President'! mcs-sap- e on the Inter-oceani- canal was read, and, with Hpcompunying documents, referred. Senator Thufman presented a memorial of the delegates of Indian tribes In the Indian TcrritorV, remonstrating salnst the pnsa(0 of the bfll to establish a United States Court in tl) ut Territory 1" vie of the important leKl (inestions involved in the subject, ho inoted the relerenee of the memorial to tho Committee on Judiciary, In. the ab- sence of Senator Vest, who reported the bill, tho motion to refer was laid over, Senator llailev submitted a resolution, refer- ring to the reported combination entered into between the Central Pacific Railroad nnd the 1'ucitlc Mail Steamship Company, declaring such combination prejudicial to the public Interest, and instructing tho Judiciary Committee to investigate and report thereon. Considonitlon was resumed ot the rlta John l'orter bill, and Mr. McDonald spoke in favor thereof Hoiue Mr. Scales (n.N. C), Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, reported a bill authorizing tho President to prescribe suita- ble police regulations for the government of the various Indian reservations, and providing for the punishment of the Crimea of murder, arson, rape and burghirv on the various Indian reservations. Mr. Wellborn (1)., Tex ), from the same com- mittee, reported a bill to prevent Indians on reservations from going Into Texas. Mr. Waddell l)., Mo.), from tho same committee, reported a bill for tho relief of set- tlers on absentee Shawnee hinds In Kansas. Mr.Johnston (1)., Va.), from the same com- mittee, reported a bill authorizing the Secre- tary of the Treasury to ascertain and report the amount of money expended and indebted- ness aisumed by Kansas in repelling Invasion and suppressing hostilities; and Mr. Upson (I)., Tex.) reported a similar bill. All were placed upon the calendar. At the expiration of the morning hour the Political Assessment bill, being tho first bill on the calendar, was taken up, and Mr. Hostotter (D., Ind.) spoko thereon. March 10. Senate The nt presented a message from the President trans- mitting the agreement between the Secretary of the Interior and the Uto Indians, and rec- - wmemllns' its rntlflcatlon. Referred. - The uiotiwii iiitjeytci'(Hy iy mi.pswwBp refer to tho Committee on Judiciary tno re. monstrance of Indian chiefs against the assageof the bill to establish a I . S. Court tlie Indian Territory was ianen up. Mr. Vest onnoscd the motion, saving the Committee on Territories, who had reported the lull, Included several good lawyers fully able to draw the bill, and there wasnio reason to refer this any more than any other bill to tho Committee on Judiciary'. Pending dis- cussion the morning hour expired, and con- sideration was resumed of the bill for tho relief of Kit John Porter, Mr. McDonald having the floor. At tho close of his remarks, Mr. Garland offered a resolu- tion Hint on account of the many Intricate le- gal (piestions presented by the bill undercoM-sideration- , It be referred to the Judiciary Committee for examination and report. Mr. Randolph opposed the motion. Without action tho Senate ad- journed f utiie Mr. Ucngun (I)., Tex.) presented a resolution in relerenee to tho proposed Isthmus canal, w hich he offered as a substitute for the resolutions of the regular Committee. Hills were placed on tho calen- dar: appropriating $.'K),(l(K) for the relief of the poor of Ireland; to restrict Chinese emi- gration; to prevent the removal of Indians from tho Slates into the Indian Terri- tory; to prevent the withholding of pen sions from pensioners nnuertlie act; oiinii; to prevent the withholding of pensions from pensioners tinder the act of 1H7S. t'onsldera tioll was resumed ot me roitiicHi assessment bill, and the House was addressed by Mr. Young (11.. .). An evening session was held, at which twenty pension bills were dis- posed of. Makch 11. Senate Mr. Sharon present ed a petition of newspaper publishers for a reduction of tho duties oh paper, after which ho mado a personal explanation regarding Ills long absence from his seat in the Senate, which he said was occasioned by an emer gency in his business attalrs, involv- ing millions of dollars. The same reason, he said, would compel his absence for some weeks to come, lie added, in conclusion, that bis resignation win at tho disposal ot his constituents whenever they chose to call for It. Tho bill for the recfiimation of arid and waste lands passed. It authorizes the Secretary of tho Interior to contract lor the unking oi two artesian wells on the plains east of tho llocky Moun tains, the wells to be in the center of a reser- vation of four snuare miles. The bill for the relict of Kit!! John Porter was then taken up, Mr. .limes of Florida havlnir the tloor. At the conclusion of his remarks a motion was made to lay tho pending bill noon Hie lame, wnicn was carried, and tho bill can now be called up at any time by a majority vote. Tho Fortifications Appropriation bill was then taken up, and alter an exec- utive session the Senatn adjourned Uotue Hills were reported from the Commit' tee on Pubttt! Bulldlmrs and Ground, and re. lerred to Committee ' the Whole, for the erection of public buildings in the following cities: Padu ah. Kv. : Charlestown, W. Va.; Cleveland, Ohio; Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; (mincy, Illinois; Mnysville, Kentucky; Minne- apolis!, Minn.; Denver, Colorado; llouston, Tex.; Clnrkslnirg, w. a. ; reortn, in.; ports-mouth- . O.: Owensboro. Kv.. and IOiilsvillo, Kv. The Political Assessment bill was taken up. and, alter some debute. Mr. Hostetter (!., In i.) demanded the previous ouestlon. On Ordering the demand the Hepublieans refused tovoteandthe resultshowednouorum. Aeall of the House was then mado aud showed the presence of more than a quorum. Several more vain attempts wero made to secure a vote, but tho Republicans steadfastly re- frained from voting, and after some acrimo- nious debate Mr. Aiken (!., 8. C.) moved to lay the bill upon the tame, which was ao feated veils, 112; nays, 1'22- -a strict" party vote, with the exception of Messrs. Aiken P.). Kelton (in.), and Morse (Mass.), who voted in the affirmative. Tho House then ad journed. Marc n 12. Senate Mr. Bruce, from the Committee on Education and Labor, reported adversely on the bill to provideforthe Invest' ment of certain unclaimed pay and county moneys in tho Treasury and to facilitate tlm etliirHtlmi nf the colored race. In dellnitelv Dostnoned. Mr. (iotdun asked unanimous consent for tho present consideration of his rexoluti for a spe- cial committee on the Interoceanlc Canal, nnd it whs taken nrt. but alter some do bate it was withdrawn and the resolution ol Mr. Piatt, reuesting the Pre-lilc- nt to com- municate to loieiun liovernnients the desire ol this Government to secure neiitrllty of anj transit route the Isthmus, wa rWerrcd ti tho Committee on Foreign Kelat.on. Adjourned till Monday Bcmr The meriting hour was dispensed with and Mr. McMnhnn (It., O.) reported back the ltetlctency Appropriation inn iroin me Ap lroiriatioli ( iimiiiittee. '1 lie committee ree omiueud an auieiuliiieiit appropriating yM, UK) fur the navment of fees and exitens ot I'. S. MarsWls and their lieiieral Dcputle tor the present tlscal year, thus making the total amount Ht.propnuted by the bill i.Y MO. The limine immediately tlenl into Committee ot the Whole to conMdcr the bUL Adjourned till Monday, PCX(JEtiT PARAGRAPHS. " What is: Heaven's best gift to nianP" asked a young lady oh Sunday, night, smiling sweetly on a pleasant-lookin- g clerk. " A boss," replied the young mail with prudence. Edith and Mabel had just put their dollies in their little crib when Edith, with the expression of one who has had a great weight lifted from her shoulders, said : There ! I'm thankful we've got tho children to bed! We bliuU have a little peace now! " It is pointed out that in these bad times a hint how to provide a most ac- ceptable and inexpensive present for the children may not b ,; yitivvelconie. It was the practice of an eminent army surgeon to lock up his olive branch a' week before the anniversary f his birthday. On that day he solemnly -- opened his dtmgeon and released him, saying: ,lThf most valuallu ltn which man can enjoy is liberty! 'lake it,' my eon, tua welcome present' from v ' your parents!" " "Any thing in tho literary line to- day, gents P" said tho old book-pedlde- r, as he rested his bundle on a table in tho boat's cabin. "What hev yer got thar?" queried ono of the passengers, who was dressed in a butternut suit. "Most any thing. Hero's Dickens.Thack-era- y, Sir E. ltulwer Lytton, Emerson Bennett, Ned. Buntlino, and other dis-- . tinguished authors. Take a look." "(Jot ther life of Davy Crockett?" " Here it is, complete in ono volume Price 50 cents." " Wall, just do mo up two of urn, ML-ter- . I'm a powerful read- - er. 1 reckon tney u ao me uu i gui. ter Texas." " What will tho spring bonnets b like?" asks Clara. You do us proud to ask us, Clara. They'll be the prettiest yet invented, with great ruches of silk on top, cut en train, and fichus on tho side, and passementerie flowers, anil water-colore-d wlvet, and rullles, and rubber rings, and Jack roses, and gros-grai- n elastic, and they'll be about afoot and half hieh, and there'll be lots of oth- er things oh them, Clara. Oh! they'll bo scrumptuousthis season, and tho cost-w- ell, dear, about $K0. This is a good time to tell your husband ghot stories about how you love him, tic Chicago Tribune. IT WAS Til K CAT. When aroused from meditation lv some noisv disturb ilion r'is one's natural inelliititinn To exclaim: "Oh, what whs that:" At first vou're all contusion, Then you think It a delusion, Then you come to the conclusion That it must have been tho cut. When a' father overlienring A farewell in terms endearing Twixt a voting man, disappearing, And his daughter, thinks H put To demand an explanation Of that sound like osculation, Sbe replies, with hesitation, That it must have been the cat. When "at midnight, sounds appalling Like the noise of some one fulling And a voice In anguish culling, Makes your heart go pit a pat. You're sure it's burglai sbreakliig In vniir floor. HiiiVoli lie ihiuivioh. When It only is the cat Jlriittm Pott. A Marriage of Midgets. A wedding occurred in tho parlors of the Whitcuiib House yesterday noon, which, of its nature, we think is unpar- alleled in the history of Rochester. It was no less than the marriage of two of the Lil'miitian Opera Com pany, which has just concluded a suc- cessful engagement of three night at the Grand Opera-hous- e. ' Tho fairy lady who deserted tho ranks of spinsterhood to assumo tho cures and responsibilities of a wife, was Ke- - bocca Ann Myers, me mT.aii. of tho company, anil who is nv acuiai measurement just tniny-on- o n'""' m height. She is a decided blomld, has sparkling blue eyes, a perfect and sym- metrical figure, and is, upon tho whole, j as Liliptitians go, a decided beauty. She is remarkably intelligent, has ft good education, is a brilliant eoiiversa. tionaiist, ami since hi the opera company lias mado rapid nroo-res- s in music. hw was uorn near . Kuui.0,1., .- .- jviarsiinu lymoutn, i'ii , . ,ton i. ... ,1 tlm til tlf will no iweiny-uvi:- ii - -- April. , ... ... The bridegroom, uciiui-- .1 111...., fllMiinnatur. was oorn in uiu vwuf;" H. I., Oct. 19, thirty-thre- e years ngo. He is thirty-fiv- e inches in height, and of slim build. Ho ' 0,,,y ?c ' the Liliptitians who has any near, . no "killing" mustache and goatee adorn- ing his manly face. It is almost an impossibility to de- scribe the toilets of the bride and maids, so ingenious wero they in construction and style. The dresses of the bride anil Miss Quigley wero almost similar, and consisted of palo blue gros grain silk and plaited pale pink satin, with tulle laco trimmings, and ornaments of dia monds, the former Having 1 niter ncr tiny veil a profusion 01 orange uin"iia. Both dresses wero cut princesse. Miss n,Jinn'. 1roa onnaistcdof wllim-Colo- i C1 silk and black velvet, with ornaments of diamonds. The groom wore an English cutaway walking coat, and his best men were in lull evening uu. Tho husband and wife will continue until the end pi with the opera company the season, when they go to Coney Is- land for the summer, probably rejoining the troop again next season. Itwhcsttr (N. 1.) Jhmwrai. A Muscovite letter carrier, last July, . stole a registered money pan e, nam ing several thousand rouoies, aim i davs later resigned his appointment, - tiring into private im - to have a good time vpon the proceeds of his felonious achievement, oy iij by the theft was discovered aim iraeeu to him. His arrest foil wed, and stock: to the value of 7,000 ro lbles was found in his possession. Lik 1 a prudent tnan he had invested his booty in good . securities. About three weeks ago his j trial came off before a common jury at St. Petersburg. Ho acknowledged his crime, and pleaded in extenuation that his salary had been an absurdly small one, and that he had been for a long time penetrated by tho ambition .really to enjoy life, if only for a single day. He had taken tho money unconsciously, and, finding it in his pocket, had spent part of it in realizing his d dream. This pha made so favorably an impression upon the jurymen impan eled to try his case that they acquitted him unanimously without leaving the box. Li! - f4 V n I

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Devoted to News, Politics, Literature, and the Productive Industries.' : " "


' ' " .. ...

By A. M. BUMEY & 00,'

McMINNVILLE, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY; MARCH 20, 1880. $1.00 per Annum, in Advance,


An Eustorn King, of undent timo, whose line-age is untold, ,

Culled both his wins about him when ho wasgrowing old,

Anil said: " Shayono,' tny youngest, and you,, my bold Village,

Give iue j our youth mid beauty, and take myluournful age.

I oun not rule my people, I have no pcaco orl"y,

For Time's infirm distresses now all my timeemploy.

1 once could wave my scepter high, nor ruffledbe by care;

Hut now tlui slightest burden is more than Ican bear."

But ho who was the eldest replied : " Not I, intruth,

1 know no radiant Jewel so precious as myYouth.

For, now the blue horizon stands beckoningbefore,

The Joyous view entices. So do not me im-plore."

The King looked sad and moody at such a stiffreply.

And thought how like a whirlwind his ownyouth fleeted by.

Hut wished lilm all lie hoped tor, though feel- -' lug very Horoi "

To think the years behind hint would comenot any more.

Then fair Shayono,' the youngest, gold-hatre-

and hazel-eyed- ,

Heloved of all the household, drew gently to. his side,

And said to him : " My father, I lovo you well,in truth.

lloro, take the gifts you long for my Beautyand my Youth.

' I know the future glistens, I see its fields ofblue;

Hut all that shines before me I proffer now toyon.

Your wIho enreer Is more to mo than Time canwell unfold.

So you shall he tho young man, and I will bothe old."

Then King Jajatl thanked him, and wishedhint health and bliss,

And printed on his forehead a father's tenderkiss ;

Hut Death came on, and, dying, he said: " Mydear Shayono,

I go where Youth is endless, and leavo to youmy throne."

Oh! better far than riches, or kinglypower.insooth,

Shine forth the golden kingdom we cuter onin Y'outh ;

For never ruled a monarch who would notgive, with Joy,

His wealth and power and glory to be oncemore a boy I

Joel Benton in the Independent.


The cows are housed, the mtlking-dono- ,

The sheep are in the fold ;

I hear tho vespers of the birdsAcross tho dewy wold.

The mowers from the marsh come late,The sunset bells have tolled,

I see them loom, like silhouettes,Against the sunset gold.

And flushing o'er their loosened galls,From some last lingering ray,

A Meet of homeward tlsliing-boat- s

Comes rippling up the buy.I hear tho closing of the forge

That clinks across the way,And, as he dolis his frock, tho strain

Of Ueorge's rounduluy.

Another moment, with a bound,lie will beslie me be,

While tlsherJohn comes from tho wharves,And Joseph from the lee

My heart is torn to choose Detwixt,With all me;

I think perhaps 'twill be as well-- Totry and love all three.

i sHoita Trantoript.


One cold, blustering morning, late inme inn, a man who walked with acrutch and a short staff was on the roadfrom Lodove to St. Gervais, in the de-partment of Herault, away in the south-ern part of Franco. Tho traveler wasan old man, perhaps live and fifty, witha face very dark from long and constantexposure, anil with a stone-gra- y beardand mustache. An old gray overcoatcompletely enveloped his person, but itwas plainly to be seen that he had onlyone leg. The road was veiy muddyand a cold, drizzling mist was falling,and though it was well into the eveningyet there was light enough to distinguishtho way, for awav beyond the cloudsand the mist a bright moon was shining,and though even its whereabouts couldnot bo made out, yet it served to makevisible what must otherwise have beenenveloped in utter darkness.

, The old man hobbles on, plunting hiscrutch and staff carefully on the treach-erous ground, and thus he passed outslowly on his way. It was near nine"o'clock when he reached tho little copseof. swamp-woo- d that at the edge ofthe village of St. Gervais. Here it wassomewhat darker, and ho mado his waymore carefully. He had just reachedthe edge of the copse when his attentionwas attracted by a noiso close by him,and in a moment more a human beingstood in tho road before him. The newcomer was a slight-bui- lt person, as theold man could distinctly see, and mostprobably a youth. He had surely comefrom the wood.

Ha!" uttered tho traveler, "whatnow, ehP"

' Your money, or your life!" was thereply, given abruptly but somewjiatueiuiiiousiy.

"You don't mean it P"" I do," the youth said more firmly

" And be quick, too, for I've no time towaste. You see this pistol. It containstwo balls. Give me money or they bothgo through your head!" '

"Ten thousand thunders, bov! vouwouldn't kill me just for tho sake of alittle money perhaps only the lew sousiL- -i ....... i. 2 .:,.ve.uiiu iue ueuessary to pojr iui ihjt uigui.lodgings P"

And why not kill you for that aswell as die myself for the want of itPAy, and worse, too. Come quick ! 1 '

There was a resoluteness in theyouth's tones which proved him to bein earnest, but yet they had a cast ofeagerness and pathos which proved himto be a new bee inner tins kindo:.urnrlr

"Die, did you say?" returned the oldman, moa in pity than in anger. "Aboy likyon talk of dying, and withsucn piuuK, 100 r i on are crazy i

" Will vou give me money, or mustshoot your""

No sooner wero these words out ofthe boy's mouth than up came tho oldman's staff, and the pistol went Hyingacross mo roan into the mud.

mere you ve got rid ol a veryaangcnms weapon ; and don t you neveuse it again in such a fashion. Nowwho are ye P"

The youth stood for a few momentsas if undecided how to act.

" Hold on," continued the old manas the young stranger started as thoughhe would turn away. " Don t be afraidfor I may give vou that of my own frewin wntcn i would never give to anyliving man upon compulsion. Hut teilme I have faced death a thousantimes, and havo killed many men, butJ have done it for Franc-e- for my couu

try. But why should you face deaththus? In the night on tho highwayin your own home and at tho expenseof a countryman P 'WhyisitP .

Nothing never mind, lou saidyou would give me money. Give it tomo, in Heaven's name."

"Hold," answered tho traveler.Your home is not far from here.""Home! O, what is home to the

starvingP"-1 he old man was moved, lor there

was a depth oi agony in the tones of theyouth's voice which was not to be withstood by any one possessing ordinaryfeelings.

" What is your name!" he asked."Never mind."" But I won't exposo you."" Truly P"" I will not.""But why should I tell youP

ou have disarmed me, and 1 am atlet, as God isyour mercy.


,i i it, iuuge, nau i Known you were an oiuoldicr I would not have stopped you.would have lain in the woods and

starved first. Give me money a fewsous."

"Tell me your name."The youth hesitated, but finally he

replied : " If you are" a true soldier Ishould take your word. My name isI'ierre Chollet."

" And have you no parents Hi'" A mother."" And she lives not far from here? ""Not far."" And sho is starving? ""Aye.""Then let us hasten and find her.

I may help her, and, moreover,get lodging for myself and mycrutch. Come, it is cold here. Leadthe way."

lou will help my mother yougoP"

" To be sure I will."" And you won't lisp a word of

this?"" Not without your consent."" Then folio v me."Thus speaking the youth turned and

started on.Apb you acquainted with this road ?"

the old man asked." Every inch of it," was tho reply."Then go ahead and pick out

tho best path, and I can get alongfaster."

At the end of about twenty minutesthey topped a little hill, and tho lightscould be seen in tho village of St. Ger- -

ais ; but before they reached the village tho guide turned off to the rightinto a narrow lane and finally came to amall hut which the youth said was his

home. He opened tho" door and wenti, and tho old man followed him.hero was only one room, and that hadfloor of clay. In the fire place burnedfew faggots, while close by wero

heaped a lot more boughs, twigs andstuff such as might be dragged out oftho swamp close by. In an old armchair sat an elderly female with her.hands folded in her lap,"and fclose ; byllul TV t3 ct tavi x uu nuuiuu a wuimbe seen by tho glimmer of the fire, andit was thin, haggard and pale Shelooked up as her boy entered and in afeeble tone asked :

"Did ye find it.rierrc?"" I hope so mother. A kind soldier

has come home with me and he willhelp us."

The old lady started up and gazedaround, no saw the stranger and a,look of hopo rested upon her features

"Haven't ye a ugntr' asKed thostranger.

No only the hre, ' answered theboy.

" Then we 11 have a better one," thesoldier said. " I've a candle in my haversack, and a bit of food, too."

As he spoke he sat down in a chair,the only other one in the room, andhaving unslung his haversack he overhauled the contents until ho came tothe eandlo. This ho gave to Pierre andbade him light it. An old wooden candlestick was found and the candle wassoon burning. Tho soldier could nowsee the faces of his hostess and her sonnicve plainly The former was a mildlooking, full-brow- woman, with aprayerful cast of countenanco, and musthave once peen exiremeiy uvauiiiiu.Sho was certainly fifty years of age, forher hair was very gray and timo hadbeen busy with its indelible touches.Her sou was not over nineteen, and wasa handsome youth. . lie was palo andwan now; but his brow was full, hiseves largo, dark and brilliant.

" You suffer muchP" said tho soldier,addressing the hostess.

Very much," she returned. "Ihave been very sick, but I am gettingbettor now. Yet my sickness has eatenup every thing we had, and my nobleDoy lias sacnnceu uu ins earnings ; anu,worse than all else, he can't find worknow to do. The crops are all garneredand the barns closed. Yesterday hewent to tho house of a rich man to beg,and ho was kicked "

"No, no, mother not kicked! " exclaimed the youth, quickly. He didnot dare to d that. He said he wouldkick me if I came there again. "

" But are there not others who wouldhelp you? " asked the old man.

" i'hey might, " returned Fierre ;

"but tho son-prefe- of police sworethat he would send mo off if he caughtmo begging again. What could 1 oo,sir?"

"But tho sou-prefe- ct is a villain!What does ho mean P "

" Ho is angry with me. He wantedme in tho harvest time to work for himfor five sous a day, and I wouldn't,

better man gave mo fifteen"sous.

" He is a perfect villain. But comewe'll eat something. My old haversackhas something else in it besides candles.I don't travel without something toguard against tho danger of being be-

nighted in the wood. "As he spoke he pulled a loaf of bread

and a piece of cold boiled beef from hisold provision bag, and then made themother aud son eat. He assured themthat he had eaten a hearty supper, andthat he had money to buy more, so with-out further ceremony they began themeal the first they had eaten since themorning of the day before, save the lit-tl-o

milk which they were able to getfrom one old goat" which they yet re-

tained.Tears stood in the old soldier's eyes

as he sat and saw tho boy and his moth-er eat, and when they were done theyturned aud blessed him. The woman

seemed much revived, and as her sonput some more faggots upon the fire, shoturned and spoke to her guest. Hervoice trembled as she spoke, and tearswere in her eyes.

" lou are a soldier P" she said." Yes," tho old man replied, turning

his gaze upon the fire instead of uponhis questioner.

" Havo you been long in the army P 1 '"Eighteen years." j

" Perhaps you have been in Africa? "" I have.""Whom did you servo under P""Colonel l'ehssier."" Then you may have known Francois- -

Uhoiieti"'And as tho woman said this sho wiped

her eyes with her apron.'Corporal (JholIetP To be sure 1

knew him. Aye and a fine fellowhe was, too. Did you ever knowhim?"

"Yes, sir." He he " and here apassionate Hood of tears interruptedher; but finally she concluded " hewas my husband."

"Ah was he e roor irancois: inswas a sad fate! " ,

The woman started and laid one ofher hands upon the soldier's arm. Thetears ceased flowing and her lips weretlosed.

" Then he is dead?" she whispered."No I guess not." '" Not dead ! Francois alive ! Do you

know this?" she cried."I am sure of it. He was sadly

wounded, and lost a leg as I havodone. Ho was taken prisoner and kepta long while too, and that is the reasonwhy he did not come home with hisregiment. But how long since you haveseen him?"

" Fifteen years, sir. He sailed fromMarseilles with tho first that went toAlgiers. But where is he now P" Wheredid you see him lastP"

" llo landed at Toulon with me."" O, God bless you sir! And he will

come to mo soon. Did you leave himthere?'

" No. Ho started on with me."" Started onP But where where did

you leave him!""The last I saw of him was in a

small hut where ho had called to passthe night. But, you see, I have comeoff with his crutch and staff, so 1

shouldn't wonder if he had to stopwhere he is for some time."

" O how could you, sir? But youdidn't know that ho had a waiting,weeping wife to whom he would go."

" Yes, I did."" And you left him thus!""But the crutch was mine." '" Ah you lent it to him. But no if

you had only one crutch bctwten youboth, how did you come so far?"

" bimpiy because wo were botn oneand the same persons."

" One both you ""I am Francois Chollet."The woman started to her feet, and

having gazed one moment into the sol-- !

diet's taco, she sanx on ma .bosom anawept. Pierre was 'upon his legs in aninstant, and at tho next was by hisfather's side. Ho forgot for tho momenthis expedition upon the highway, andonly realized that his father had re-- "

turned. He remembered well whenthe father took him upon his kneesfifteen years before, and kissed him ;

and he remembered, too, how the bigtears had rolled down that father'scheeks.

But the husband and father was athome once more, and if he had returnedwith his body maimvd, he had broughtback an untarnished name. In audi-tion to a goodly bulk of gold which hecarried stitched up in his vest, he had apension settled upon him, and tho fu-

ture looked bright and clear. The sonof Corporal Chollet became an im-

portant personage , among the goodpeasants, and the sou-prefe- ct was amongthe first to solicit the friendship of thobattle-scarre- d old anldier. The littlecot smiled once nioTe, and Pierre hadnever occasion to go upon the highwayagain with any foul intent. Tho oldsoldier often refers to meeting with thethe young robber of St. Gervais, andunder all the circumstances it ratherpleases him, and he thinks he can see init the proof of Pierre's courage, andalso of his true affection for his mother.

Safety of Kihilists In the Great Citiesof Russia.

"It is by no means necessary," writesa correspondent of the Cologne uazctte." that a Nihilist should btrry himself inthe interipr of the country to evado de-

tection, for he can reside with muchgreater safety to himself in St. Petenburg or Moscow than in any obscure vil- -1 . . . . 1 T 1 -iage oi some remote pnaunce. in menew Capital, for instance, many thousands of persons of both sexes are resldent who possess no permit or pass, asprescribed by law, and get on perfectlywell without any justificatory documentwhatsoever. There are people in thistown who have lived here for dozens ofyears without permits, although everybody is required upon changing his orher lodgings to produce an official pass-

port at the district police office, and tohave it stamped by the competent authoritv, and although house-owner- s,

dvomiks (porters) and police officersexpose themselves to heavy penalties ifany one for whom they can be held responsible be found not to possess a passDo you wish to know how this is managed? It is simple enough. All youhave to do is to make the acquaintanceof the police officer in whose beat yourdomicile is situated, to ask him to lunch,and slip a bank-not- e of from ten totwenty-fiv- e rubles under his napkinThat piece of paper will serve vou in every respect as efficiently as an Imperialpassport."

YEAST.--Bo- il six medium-size- d pota-toes, cut in halves, in three pints ofwater, with a handful of hops tied incloth. Have ready in a pan a cup offlour. Ahen the potatoes are doneturn tho water scalding hot through thec blander onto the flour, stirring it untilf.mooth. Mash the potatoes through thecolander and when lukewarm add a cupof good yeast.

I. C. Cross, of Disco, Mich., has justfound a long-los- t brother and sister,The three were separated by the deSthrf their rtarents nearlv half a centnrvago, and during the long years that followed, up to a few weeks ago, knewnothing of 's whereabouts,



Count dk Lesreps had an intorviowwith President Hayes on the 6th, duringwhich the Inter-ocean-io canal projectwas freely discussed. De Lesseps statedthat it was not contemplated that theeanal should bo under foreign control,but that he? would bo glad to have-- themajority of the stock placed in thisountry. "

The Duchess of Marlborough, writingto the Lord Mayor of London, March 7,says : " The distress in Ireland continues to be general, and in some partsis increasing." -

The House Committee on Coinago,Weights and Measures have agreed toreport favorably Representative Fort'sbill to provide for the exchange oftrade-dollar- s for legal-tend- silver dol-

lars. A provision was added that the.Secretary of the Treasury shall causeto be exchanged at the Treasury andat all United States legal-tend- er

silver dollars for trade-dolla- rs

at par, and shall recoin said trade-dollar- s

into legal-tend- dollars, as nowprovided by law, and shall stop thefurther coinage of trade-dollar- s, at

the amount so redeemedshall not interfere with the minimumnow authorized by the existing law.

The United States- - Supreme Courthas delivered opinions on two addi-

tional cases involving the constitution-ality of the Federal Election law, in bothof which their constitutionality is sus-

tained. Justices Field and Clifford de-

livered a dissenting opinion in bothcases, as did also Justice Bradley.

The House Committee on Judiciary,by a party vote, have agreed to reportfavorably Representative Thompson'sbill to regulate the number and pay ofUnited States Supervisors of Electionand Special Deputy Marshals. Tho bill,as amended by the Committee, providesthat no more than one Deputy Marshalshall bo appointed to any voting pre-

cinct or district; that Super-visors and Deputy Marshalsshall not receive more than $1.50 a dayfor their services, and Marshals shallnot receive pay for more than threedays, nor Supervisors for more than sixdays ; that no fees shall be paid exceptIn pursuance of an express appropria-tion by Congress for that purpose; that,It shall not be lawful' lor any Deputy Marshal or Supervisor, or any per-son acting by their authority, to arrestor imprison on election day any electionofficer acting as such under andby virtue of election or appointmentunder any State law, for any offenseagainst the election laws of tho UnitedStates or of any State ; but a warrant orprocess for such ( offense may be exe-

cuted at any time after the close of suchelection day. It is said that the Repub-lican members of the Committee havesignified their intention to make a partyissue upon this measure when it comesbefore the House.

TnE "Citizens' Protective Union" isthe name of an organization formed inSan Francisco for the declared object ofpreserving the peace and protecting lifeand property. The membership is un-

derstood to bo large, but the names ofthose officially connected with it arenot made public. Mayor Kalloch haspublished a proclamation, declaringthat there is not tho slightestreason to apprehend any disturbance from the working classes,that the public are deceived by incendi-

ary misrepresentations as to the situa-

tion, and that the most outrageonsmeans are being used by designing mento provoke an outbreak. The Bulletinand Chronicle commend the formationof the Citizens' Committee, while theCall, Alia and Post oppose it as unnecessary and unpolitic.

A daring robbery of gold bullion d

at Sidney, Neb., on the 10th. En-

trance was effected through the floor ofthe express office while the agent was atdinner, and four hundred and eightypounds of bullion, which had just comein on the Black Hills treasure-coac- h,

was carried off. Fortunately the weightof the treasure was too great for therobbers to carry any distance, so theysecreted the most of it in a coal pilewhere it was soon afterward found. Itis estimated that they cleared about

13,000 by tho operation should theynot be captured.

The nouie Committee on Indian Af-

fairs have agreed to report favorablyRepresentative Pound's bill authorizingthe Secretary of War to set aside anyvacant posts or barracks, not requiredfor military occupation, for use in theestablishment of normal and industrialtraining schools for Indian youths fromnomadic tribes, having educationaltreaty claims upon the United States.

Favorable reports are received ofthe growing wheat crop throughout theWest. Wet weather has done someharm in Illinois, while in Kansas andIowa there are complaints of dry weath-er, but an average crop is expected.The most serious complaints of winter-killing come from Wiscor?n.

Additional evidence has been takenbefore the Senate Exodus Committee.Col. Holloway, Postmaster at Indianapolis, and Hon. John C. "ew, members

oi the Indiana Republican State Com-

mittee, testified that the Committee en-

deavored to discourage the exodus as apolitical movement. George T; Rugby,Colored, editor of the New Orleans

testified that the exodus fromLouisianna originated among plantationlalorers and was owing mainly to political persecution;

IIon. John B. Hawlet has resignedthe office of Assistant Secretary of theTreasury because, as a candidate fornomination to the office of Governor ofIllinois he felt It duo to himself andfriends to givo more timo to the canvassthan he was able to do In office. Sosays a late Washington dispatch, as ifby authority.


JThk Jn SanFrancisco has been further heightened fcy

the concentration there of a large number ofUnited States troops, under command ofGen. McDowell, by orders from Washington.As a further measure of precaution, thearms belonging to the militia have been re-

moved from several of the city arsenals andplaced In secure places, the reason assignedby officials being that the arsenals and theircontents were exposed to capture by thedisorderly classes in case of a riot. Placardsare posted about the city, signed by the"Council of Thirteen," warning employersof Chinese to dlrchargo them. The work-ingm-

are greatly agitated by the militarymovements, and their leaders charge theauthorities with trying to force an outbreak.

The Louisiana Democratic State Con-

vention has been called for April 12th, toselect delegates to Cincinnati.

In accordance with an order of Courtthe wires and property of the Atlantic andPacific Telpifranh Comnanv alone the UnionPacific Railway, seized by order of. JayQould, have been restored to their ownersand all connections

The dissolution of Parliament hasbeen announced, to take place at Easter.

On account of ,the dissolution of Par-liament, Mr. Parnell has returned to Ire-

land, but will return In a few weeks to com-

plete his engagements in this country.The main building of the Kansas State

Insane Asylum, at Osawatomie, was par-tially destroyed by fire on the evening of the8th." The inmates were u.l safely removed.The fire is believed to have originated fromspontaneous combustion. The loss is esti-

mated at $35,000, with no Insurance.James Allen, the waiter at the St.

Nicholas Hotel, LasVegas,N. Mex.,who shotand killed James Moorehead, a commercialtraveler from St. Louis, was taken from thecustody of the Sheriff and hanged by a mob.

The Arkansas Democratic State Con-

vention will bo held at Little Rock, June 2,to nominate candidates for State officers andalso to choose delegates to the National Coi

ventlon.The Alabama State Republican Con- -

Vfjitton; U, JteUct. delegates hftional Convention will be held . eelraa,May 20.

Gen. Grant and party expected tosail from Vera Cruz, Mexico, on the 15th, forNew Orleans.

M. De Lesseps and Capt. Eads, byinvitation, have both appeared before theSenate Cominitteo on Inter-ocean- Canalsand explained their respective systems.

The Senate, by a party vote, rejectedthe nomination of AV'm. R. llrown as CensusSupervisor of the Eighth District of Illinois,upon the ground that at least one of theeight Illinois Supervisors should have beenselected fronrye Democracy.

The boiler in Lehman, Rosenthal &

Co.'s flax mill, at Frankfort, Ind., explodedon tho morning of the lllh, just before theusual hour for beginning work, and whileall the employees, ten in number, weregathered around. Every one of theten men was instantly killed. Thebuilding was completely demolished, (fnd thedebris took lire and was quickly consumed.The names of the killed arc: II. Rogers, EUHemlick, Scott Williams, Joseph WiseJoseph Miller, Thus. Croxton, Pat Leay)John Honisscll, Joseph Eichenbcrry andMichael Shields.

The Missouri Republican State Con-

vention, to select delegates to the ChicagoConvention,vill be held at Sedidja, April 14.

The House Committee on PublicLands will report favorably Mr. Ryan's billto graduate the price and dispose of the res-

idue of Osage Indian Trust and DiminishedReserve Lands, Kansas.

The House Committee on EpidemicDiseases have agreed to recommend forpassage the Joint resolution authorizing thePresident to call an International SanitaryConference, to meet at Washington, D. C,and to increase the efficiency of the NationalBoard of Health.

The Ohio Republican State Conven-ventlo- n

has been called tomeevat Columbus,April 28.

An anti-thir-d term Republican meet-

ing was held at St. Louis on the evening ofthe 11th. Hon. John B. Henderson was theprincipal speaker.

Mrs. Agnes Beroeset, a domestioIn the family ot Dr. J. Byrne, 231 West

Chicago, was accidentally shotand almost instantly killed on the 11th, by a

ld son of the Doctor, with a re-

volver which had been left carelessly lyingaround In the room of a boarder in thehouse.

Dennis Kearnet was arrested at SanFrancisco, on the 11th, on charges of mis-

demeanor, based upon his remarks at aworkingmen's meeting. He was released onbail.

A detachment of the Fifth Infantryrecently overhauled a party of Sioux whohad been committing depredations near FortMcKeoirh aud killed three of them. TwoCheyenne scouts were killed In the fight.

The Post-offi- ce Department has coneluded contracts for the Star Mail Servicefor four years In Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky,Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina,Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi.The total amount of awards Is about000.

It is reported from Chicago that theTrade and Labor League or that city recently received a communication from the StLouis branch, urging their nt ion In atrade-unio- n strike, to be Inaugurated- - AprilLand to comprise all organizations in theWest.

Three negroes were hanged on the12th: At Washington, Ark., Sydney

for the murder of his wife; atFlorence, Ala., John MayfielJ, for the mur- -

j der of Tbe Irvine, another colored man;

and at Thomasvllle, Ga., Day Brlghcrly, form indecent assault upon a white woman.

The Wisconsin Democratio StateConvention, to choose delegates to tho Cin-

cinnati Convention, will be held at Madison,May 19.

The Arkansas Republican State Con

tention, for the lelectlon of delegates to theNational Convention, will be held at LittleRouk,April2

The House Committee on Commercehave instructed Mr. Clardy to report a blljto tho Houso providing for the appropria-tion otlO.COO for the improvement of theharbor or landing of St. Charles, Mo., by

diverting the .channel of tho Missouri Riverfrom the south to the north bank.

The Ohio Democratio State Conven-

tion, to select delegates to tho National Con-

vention, will be held at Columbus, May 10.

Score of tho O'lxsary-Westo- n con-

test at San Francisco O'Leary, 610" miles;Weston, 400,

.The, trial of Virgil and HoustonGaily for the murder of jihn P. Ullmour, utDeKalb, Miss., has been postponed onac;count of the failure to get a Jury.

The residence of Mr. Richard John-

son, a farmer living near Dennlson, Craw-

ford County, Iowa, was burned on the 12tb,

and two daughters perished in the flames.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and seven otherchildren had a narrow escape


MARcn 9. Senate The President'! mcs-sap- e

on the Inter-oceani- canal was read,and, with Hpcompunying documents, referred.Senator Thufman presented a memorial of

the delegates of Indian tribes In the IndianTcrritorV, remonstrating salnst the pnsa(0of the bfll to establish a United States Courtin tl) ut Territory 1" vie of the importantleKl (inestions involved in the subject, hoinoted the relerenee of the memorial to thoCommittee on Judiciary, In. the ab-sence of Senator Vest, who reportedthe bill, tho motion to refer was laid over,Senator llailev submitted a resolution, refer-ring to the reported combination entered intobetween the Central Pacific Railroad nnd the1'ucitlc Mail Steamship Company, declaringsuch combination prejudicial to the publicInterest, and instructing tho JudiciaryCommittee to investigate and reportthereon. Considonitlon was resumed otthe rlta John l'orter bill, and Mr.McDonald spoke in favor thereofHoiue Mr. Scales (n.N. C), Chairman of theCommittee on Indian Affairs, reported a billauthorizing tho President to prescribe suita-ble police regulations for the government ofthe various Indian reservations, andproviding for the punishment of theCrimea of murder, arson, rape andburghirv on the various Indian reservations.Mr. Wellborn (1)., Tex ), from the same com-mittee, reported a bill to prevent Indians onreservations from going Into Texas. Mr.Waddell l)., Mo.), from tho same committee,reported a bill for tho relief of set-tlers on absentee Shawnee hinds In Kansas.Mr.Johnston (1)., Va.), from the same com-mittee, reported a bill authorizing the Secre-tary of the Treasury to ascertain and reportthe amount of money expended and indebted-ness aisumed by Kansas in repelling Invasionand suppressing hostilities; and Mr. Upson(I)., Tex.) reported a similar bill. All wereplaced upon the calendar. At the expirationof the morning hour the Political Assessmentbill, being tho first bill on the calendar, wastaken up, and Mr. Hostotter (D., Ind.) spokothereon.

March 10. Senate The nt

presented a message from the President trans-mitting the agreement between the Secretaryof the Interior and the Uto Indians, and rec- -

wmemllns' its rntlflcatlon. Referred. - Theuiotiwii iiitjeytci'(Hy iy mi.pswwBprefer to tho Committee on Judiciary tno re.monstrance of Indian chiefs against the

assageof the bill to establish a I . S. Courttlie Indian Territory was ianen up.

Mr. Vest onnoscd the motion, saving theCommittee on Territories, who had reportedthe lull, Included several good lawyers fullyable to draw the bill, and there wasnio reasonto refer this any more than any other bill totho Committee on Judiciary'. Pending dis-cussion the morning hour expired, and con-sideration was resumed of the billfor tho relief of Kit John Porter,Mr. McDonald having the floor. At tho closeof his remarks, Mr. Garland offered a resolu-tion Hint on account of the many Intricate le-

gal (piestions presented by the bill undercoM-sideration- ,

It be referred to the JudiciaryCommittee for examination and report.Mr. Randolph opposed the motion.Without action tho Senate ad-journed futiie Mr. Ucngun (I)., Tex.)presented a resolution in relerenee to thoproposed Isthmus canal, w hich he offered asa substitute for the resolutions of the regularCommittee. Hills were placed on tho calen-dar: appropriating $.'K),(l(K) for the relief ofthe poor of Ireland; to restrict Chinese emi-gration; to prevent the removal of Indiansfrom tho Slates into the Indian Terri-tory; to prevent the withholding of pensions from pensioners nnuertlie act; oiinii;to prevent the withholding of pensions frompensioners tinder the act of 1H7S. t'onslderatioll was resumed ot me roitiicHi assessmentbill, and the House was addressed by Mr.Young (11.. .). An evening session was held,at which twenty pension bills were dis-posed of.

Makch 11. Senate Mr. Sharon presented a petition of newspaper publishers for areduction of tho duties oh paper, after whichho mado a personal explanation regarding Illslong absence from his seat in the Senate,which he said was occasioned by an emergency in his business attalrs, involv-ing millions of dollars. The samereason, he said, would compelhis absence for some weeks to come, lieadded, in conclusion, that bis resignation winat tho disposal ot his constituents wheneverthey chose to call for It. Tho bill for therecfiimation of arid and waste lands passed.It authorizes the Secretary of tho Interior tocontract lor the unking oi two artesianwells on the plains east of tho llocky Mountains, the wells to be in the center of a reser-vation of four snuare miles. The bill for therelict of Kit!! John Porter was then taken up,Mr. .limes of Florida havlnir the tloor. At theconclusion of his remarks a motion was madeto lay tho pending bill noon Hie lame, wnicnwas carried, and tho bill can now becalled up at any time by a majorityvote. Tho Fortifications Appropriation billwas then taken up, and alter an exec-

utive session the Senatn adjournedUotue Hills were reported from the Commit'tee on Pubttt! Bulldlmrs and Ground, and re.lerred to Committee ' the Whole, for theerection of public buildings in the followingcities: Padu ah. Kv. : Charlestown, W. Va.;Cleveland, Ohio; Pittsburg, Pennsylvania;(mincy, Illinois; Mnysville, Kentucky; Minne-apolis!, Minn.; Denver, Colorado; llouston,Tex.; Clnrkslnirg, w. a. ; reortn, in.; ports-mouth- .

O.: Owensboro. Kv.. and IOiilsvillo,Kv. The Political Assessment bill was takenup. and, alter some debute. Mr. Hostetter (!.,In i.) demanded the previous ouestlon. OnOrdering the demand the Hepublieans refusedtovoteandthe resultshowednouorum. Aeallof the House was then mado aud showed thepresence of more than a quorum. Severalmore vain attempts wero made to secure avote, but tho Republicans steadfastly re-

frained from voting, and after some acrimo-nious debate Mr. Aiken (!., 8. C.) movedto lay the bill upon the tame, which was aofeated veils, 112; nays, 1'22- -a strict" partyvote, with the exception of Messrs. AikenP.). Kelton (in.), and Morse (Mass.), whovoted in the affirmative. Tho House then adjourned.

Marc n 12. Senate Mr. Bruce, from theCommittee on Education and Labor, reportedadversely on the bill to provideforthe Invest'ment of certain unclaimed pay and countymoneys in tho Treasury and to facilitatetlm etliirHtlmi nf the colored race. Indellnitelv Dostnoned. Mr. (iotdun askedunanimous consent for tho presentconsideration of his rexoluti for a spe-cial committee on the InteroceanlcCanal, nnd it whs taken nrt. but alter some dobate it was withdrawn and the resolution olMr. Piatt, reuesting the Pre-lilc- nt to com-municate to loieiun liovernnients the desireol this Government to secure neiitrllty of anjtransit route the Isthmus, warWerrcd ti tho Committee on ForeignKelat.on. Adjourned till MondayBcmr The meriting hour was dispensed withand Mr. McMnhnn (It., O.) reported back theltetlctency Appropriation inn iroin me Aplroiriatioli ( iimiiiittee. '1 lie committee reeomiueud an auieiuliiieiit appropriating yM,UK) fur the navment of fees and exitensot I'. S. MarsWls and their lieiieral Dcputletor the present tlscal year, thus making thetotal amount Ht.propnuted by the bill i.Y

MO. The limine immediately tlenl intoCommittee ot the Whole to conMdcr the bULAdjourned till Monday,


" What is: Heaven's best gift tonianP" asked a young lady oh Sunday,night, smiling sweetly on a pleasant-lookin- g

clerk. " A boss," replied theyoung mail with prudence.

Edith and Mabel had just put theirdollies in their little crib when Edith,with the expression of one who has hada great weight lifted from her shoulders,said : There ! I'm thankful we've gottho children to bed! We bliuU have alittle peace now! "

It is pointed out that in these badtimes a hint how to provide a most ac-

ceptable and inexpensive present for thechildren may not b ,; yitivvelconie. Itwas the practice of an eminent armysurgeon to lock up his olive branch a'week before the anniversary f hisbirthday. On that day he solemnly --

opened his dtmgeon and released him,saying: ,lThf most valuallu ltnwhich man can enjoy is liberty! 'lakeit,' my eon, tua welcome present' from

v '

your parents!" "

"Any thing in tho literary line to-

day, gents P" said tho old book-pedlde- r,

as he rested his bundle on a table in thoboat's cabin. "What hev yer gotthar?" queried ono of the passengers,who was dressed in a butternut suit."Most any thing. Hero's Dickens.Thack-era- y,

Sir E. ltulwer Lytton, EmersonBennett, Ned. Buntlino, and other dis-- .tinguished authors. Take a look.""(Jot ther life of Davy Crockett?"" Here it is, complete in ono volumePrice 50 cents." " Wall, just do mo uptwo of urn, ML-ter- . I'm a powerful read- -

er. 1 reckon tney u ao me uu i gui.ter Texas."

" What will tho spring bonnets blike?" asks Clara. You do us proud toask us, Clara. They'll be the prettiestyet invented, with great ruches of silkon top, cut en train, and fichus on thoside, and passementerie flowers, anilwater-colore-d wlvet, and rullles, andrubber rings, and Jack roses, and gros-grai- n

elastic, and they'll be about afootand half hieh, and there'll be lots of oth-

er things oh them, Clara. Oh! they'll bo

scrumptuousthis season, and tho cost-w- ell,

dear, about $K0. This is a goodtime to tell your husband ghot storiesabout how you love him, tic Chicago

Tribune.IT WAS Til K CAT.

When aroused from meditationlv some noisv disturb ilionr'is one's natural inelliititinn

To exclaim: "Oh, what whs that:"At first vou're all contusion,Then you think It a delusion,Then you come to the conclusionThat it must have been tho cut.

When a' father overlienringA farewell in terms endearingTwixt a voting man, disappearing,And his daughter, thinks H putTo demand an explanationOf that sound like osculation,Sbe replies, with hesitation,That it must have been the cat.

When "at midnight, sounds appallingLike the noise of some one fullingAnd a voice In anguish culling,Makes your heart go pit a pat.You're sure it's burglai sbreakliigIn vniir floor. HiiiVoli lie ihiuivioh.

When It only is the catJlriittm Pott.

A Marriage of Midgets.

A wedding occurred in tho parlors of

the Whitcuiib House yesterday noon,which, of its nature, we think is unpar-

alleled in the history of Rochester. Itwas no less than the marriage of two

of the Lil'miitian Opera Company, which has just concluded a suc-

cessful engagement of three night atthe Grand Opera-hous- e. '

Tho fairy lady who deserted tho ranksof spinsterhood to assumo tho curesand responsibilities of a wife, was Ke- -

bocca Ann Myers, me mT.aii.of tho company, anil who is nv acuiaimeasurement just tniny-on- o n'""' m

height. She is a decided blomld, hassparkling blue eyes, a perfect and sym-

metrical figure, and is, upon tho whole, jas Liliptitians go, a decided beauty.She is remarkably intelligent, has ft

good education, is a brilliant eoiiversa.tionaiist, ami since hithe opera company lias mado rapidnroo-res- s in music. hw was uorn near

.Kuui.0,1., .- .-jviarsiinulymoutn,i'ii , . ,ton i. ...,1 tlm til tlf

will no iweiny-uvi:- ii - --

April. , ... ...The bridegroom, uciiui--

.1 111...., fllMiinnatur.was oorn in uiu vwuf;"H. I., Oct. 19, thirty-thre- e years ngo.

He is thirty-fiv- e inches in height, and of

slim build. Ho ' 0,,,y ?c ' theLiliptitians who has any near, . no

"killing" mustache and goatee adorn-

ing his manly face.It is almost an impossibility to de-

scribe the toilets of the bride and maids,

so ingenious wero they in constructionand style. The dresses of the bride anil

Miss Quigley wero almost similar, andconsisted of palo blue gros grain silk

and plaited pale pink satin, with tulle

laco trimmings, and ornaments of diamonds, the former Having 1 niter ncrtiny veil a profusion 01 orange uin"iia.Both dresses wero cut princesse. Miss

n,Jinn'. 1roa onnaistcdof wllim-Colo- i C1

silk and black velvet, with ornaments of

diamonds. The groom wore an English

cutaway walking coat, and his best men

were in lull evening uu.Tho husband and wife will continue

until the end piwith the opera companythe season, when they go to Coney Is-

land for the summer, probably rejoining

the troop again next season. Itwhcsttr

(N. 1.) Jhmwrai.

A Muscovite letter carrier, last July,.

stole a registered money pan e, naming several thousand rouoies, aim idavs later resigned his appointment, -

tiring into private im -to have a good time vpon the proceeds

of his felonious achievement, oy iijby the theft was discovered aim iraeeuto him. His arrest foil wed, and stock:

to the value of 7,000 ro lbles was foundin his possession. Lik 1 a prudent tnanhe had invested his booty in good .

securities. About three weeks ago his j

trial came off before a common jury atSt. Petersburg. Ho acknowledged hiscrime, and pleaded in extenuation thathis salary had been an absurdly small

one, and that he had been for a longtime penetrated by tho ambition .reallyto enjoy life, if only for a single day.He had taken tho money unconsciously,and, finding it in his pocket, had spent

part of it in realizing his d

dream. This pha made so favorably

an impression upon the jurymen impaneled to try his case that they acquittedhim unanimously without leaving thebox.


