to be wed to new yorker - 10/yonkers ny herald... ·...

Miss Marilyn Anne Klamm To Be Wed To New Yorker Mr. and Mrs. Victor N. Klamm of 55 Abner PI. have announced the betrothal of their daughter, Marilyn Anne, to John James Murray, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Murray of New York City. A September wedding is planned. The couple's engagement was solemnized by the Rey. James P. Cassidy in St. Barnabas Church, Woodlawn. The bride-to-be. a graduate of St. Barnabas High School in Wood- lawn and the Washington Secre- tarial School in New York City. is a secretary with the White Cap Co. in New York. Her fiance is an alumnus of Cardinal Hayes High School and attended St. John's University in Brooklyn. Mr. Murray is with the electronic data processing depart- ment of the Union f^wM* fnm in New York- Miss Kashar Is Married Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Marilyn Kasfyar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kashar of Mount Vernon, to Wal- ter Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones of Syracuse, N.Y. The couple was married on Sat- urday by Judge Albert Gordon at his home in Fayetteville, N. Y. A reception was held following the ceremony at the Belle Ma Club in Syracuse. Mrs. Jones is a graduate of Da- vis High School in Mount Vernon and attended • New York State Teachers College in New Paltz and Boston University in Boston, Mass. Her father is the owner of Kash- ar's department store on Main St. Her husband is a graduate of Syracuse High School and attended Syracuse University. . Mr. and Mrs. Jones plan io make their home in San Francisco. Calif., where Mr. Jones is employed in an architectural planninc firm spe- cialising in civic planning grams. Lee-Wilson Troth Is Told I Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joseph 'Lee of Chicago, 111., formerly of Bronxville have made known the betrothal of their daughter, Linda to Michael Breamer Wilson, son of Mrs. H6race W. Hooker of Ty- rone. Pa., and Tacoma. Wash., and the late George C. Wilson Jr. A summer wedding is planned. Miss Lee was graduated from the Bronxville. High School and Centenary College for Women in Hackettstown, N.. J. She is em- ployed by the Government in Washington. D. C. Mr. Wilson, an alumnus of the Hill School in Pottstown, Pa., ex- pects-to be graduated in June from Lafayette College in East on. Pa. He is a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. (Valcrest) MISS MARILYN KLAMM HALL WORKS FOR NIXON WASHINGTON (CDN)—Leonard Hall, former Republican national chairman, is back in Washington (luietly doing political spadework, inder an unlisted telephone num- oer, for his good friend, Vice President Nixon. 6 County Artists Display At Cooper Union Museum By KAY ROSS Ikcys are involved. The youth Six Westchester Arts and Crafts Mands below a girl's grilled win Workshop members of the Artist- pro- Mayor, Trustees To Be Guests Of GOP Women's Club Mayor E. A. Hugil! Jr. and the Village Trustees will be guest speakers at an "Information Please" night under the auspices of the study group of the Wom- en's Republican Club of Bronx- ville at Village Hall Monday at 8:15. The meeting will be conduct- ed by Mrs. Andrea B. Froelich. chairman of the study group. Questions to be propounded and discussed with audience partici- pation include "Are you in favor of parallel parking on Pondfield Rd?" "Do you think Trustees should be mainly a policy making body or be concerned with day- to-day governmental operations?" and "Would you like to see serv- ice on the Board of Trustees be- come a catapult for jerviee in higher Rovernmental echelons such «J county, state and feder- al?" The meeting Is open to the pub- lic. Members of the Board of Trustees are Donald K. Clifford, public works commissioner; Franklin J. Dickman, zoning; Don- ald M. Elliman. recreation and fi- nance; and Donald S. Wilson, po- lice commissioner. Craftsmen of New York arc among those whose work was chosen by the jury for the annual exhibition to be-seen currently at the Cooper Union Museum, 4th Ave. and 7th St., New York City. They are Sophia Fcnton of Mount Vernon, exhibiting ceramic- plants; Estelle Halpcr of Eastches- ter. ceramic lamp and herb jars; Henry Gemhardt of Poekskill, ce- ramic pottery; Albert Jacobspn of Wilton, Conn., a ceramic plate; Elaine Kazan of Chauncey. enameled plaque, and Charlotte Kizer of Scarsdale. sterling silver coffee service with tray. Elaine Kazan and Sophia Fcnton are advanced students at the workshop in the County Center. The others are instructors, with Miss Kizer being the gifted direct- or. The exhibition, open until Feb. 19. with the exception of Feb. 12 and Sunday, runs the gamut v from pottery, glass enamel, sculpture, textiles, rugs, jewelry, wood, met- al work and mosaic. Under the theme "Craftsmen Preview the Sixties." the show offers a fore- taste of things in the new decade. dow and makes a romantic pro- posal. If she accepts, she tosses a flower. In Barcelona, young couples have their el Enticrro de la Sar- dina. or the burial of the sardines. This custom has nothing to do with sardines, naturally. It is a name given to picnics which begin in the afternoon and end in the middle of the night. Ah, well. Things were different in old Eng- land. There a young girl on St. Valentine's Eve pinned four bay- leaves to the corners of her pillow and one in the center. If. during the night, she dreamed of her lov- er, they would be married within the year. (He seemed to have no word in the decision.) To make doubly, sure of success, the girl would boil an egg, replace the yolk with salt and eat it. shell and all, before going to sleep. North- ern Europeans believed that if they dreamed of a hen cackling, they would have success in love. There ought to be a germ of an idea in ail this. 11 Miss Reinhard Is Betrothed To William Stelling The engagement of Miss Mary Jane Reinhard to Wilfred R. H. Stelling has been announced by the future bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Reinhard of Palmerton Pa. The prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stelling of 115 Ramsey Ave. A September wedd- ing is planned". Miss Reinhard is a graduate of Stephen S. Palmer High School in Palmerton and the Hahnehann Medical College and Hospital in Philadelphia. She is an X-ray- technician for West Jersey Hospi- tal in Camden, N. J. Mr. Stelling was graduated from Roosevelt' High School and Laf- ayette College - in Easton. Pa., where he majored in business ad- ministration and was a member of Kappa Delta Rho. He is a mer- chandising salesman for Texaco Inc. in the New York district. Herald Stotesmon, Yonkers, N.Y., Thurs., Feb. 11, I960 4S .. ... • — . • . • . . I ..i. —.•.—-•• i '.IN—— • • • • » • • • • ' •••ii .i • mmm—mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Margaret Elizabeth Sitzler Engaged To Gerald D. Evans Mr. and Mrs. John Sitzler of Ml Upland Ave. announce the tagag*- ment of their daughter Margaret Elizabeth to Gerald D. Evant. ton of Mr. and Mrs. Russel D. Kunkel of Reading. Pa. A summer wed- ding is planned. Miss Sitzler is a graduate of Gor- ton High School and the Berkeley School of Secretarial Training in New York City. She is a secretary for Union Carbidje Consumer Prod- ucts Co., a division of Union Car- bide Coip. in New York City. Mr. Evans was graduated from Reading High School and attended the University of Pennsylvania where he plans to resume his stud- ies in the fall. He has completed a two-year tour of duty in the Army, stationed in Germany, and is now employed by th« Reading School District. MISS MARGARET E (Giorsri) SITZLER Hat Sale Bv Burroughs Club To Aid Orphanage In Korea Pacing all home - bound home economists. That is what the Westchester Extension Service Home Demon- stration Department is doing ai this very' minute. Not wanted are employed home economists, but rather those who are now "strict- ly homemakers." The purpose is. of course, to organize a group of women with similar interests and professional training. To each his own: With St. Valentine's Day on the horizon, comes A release to this desk about the romantic customs of Spain from which many a hus- band might take inspiration and brighten ' a weary wife. It would surprise her. too. In Spain, young men pool their money to hire a flamenco guitar- ist. dancer—and professional-clap-. There are still tickets available, report Mrs. James N. Hynson of Scarsdale and Mrs. Carl H. Pforz- heimer Jr. of Purchase, cochair- men of the theater party at "Greenwillow" March 7 in bene- fit of the County Council of So- cial Agencies. This fact should make happy many a theatergoer's heart since the musical will have music and lyrics by Frank Loesser. The cast will boast tall. dark, handsome, gangling young Anthony- Perkins in the lead. Zeme North. Cecil Kellaway and William Chap- man are featured in the cast which George Ray Hill is direct- ing. Joe Layton is choreographer. Julien Bryan of Bronxville. pro- ducer of documentary films, will make a personal appearance along with the showing of his new color film, "Poland, as It Was—as It Is" at Carnegie Hall next Sunday afternoon. The showing, which may be the last picture present- ed before the building comes ,do>vn 'GiorgD MISS ELEANOR CARSWELL Miss Carswell IsBetrothedTo Larry Jarvis Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. George Millar of 81 Bruce Ave. of the. engagement of their daughter Miss Eleanor Cars- well to Larry J a m s , son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jams of 37 Homecrest Oval. The couple plans a June wedding. Miss Carswell is a graduate of the High .School of Commerce where she was named to the Na- tional Honor. Society. She is em- ployed bv Myrna Mills Inc. in New York City. Mr. Jarvis is a graduate of Theo- dore Roosevelt Hich School in the Bronx and served with the Navy in the Korean War. He is attend- ing the New York School of Inter- ior Design and is associated with his father in the Westchester Paint Supply in this city. THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Anne Louise Cover to James Ed- ward Bricgs Jr. of Ann Arbor. Mich., has been announced by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rod- ney A. Cover of 25 Ridge Rd., Bronxville. The prospective bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Briggs of Glen Cove. L.I. A June wedding is planned. Miss Cover was graduated mag- na cum laude from Smith Col- lege where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Ni. She received a master's degree from Colombia Univer- sity Teachers College and is on faculty of. the Virginia Road School in Valhalla. Mr. Briggs, a chemical engineer, is an alum- nus of the University of Michi- gan and is a member of Sigma Chi.fraternity, and of Tau Beta Pi and Phi Lambda Upsilon, en- gineerinc honor societies. He is a research assistant at the Uni- .versity of Michigan, where he was awarded a National Science Foundation fellowship to contin- ue his studies for a doctorate in engineering. "Flowers on Hats" instead of the usual "flowers in pots" will be this year's introduction to spring bv the John Burroughs Garden Club. The club is planning a hat sale Wednesday' at 1:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Frank L. Walton, a member of the Ninth District of the Federated Garden Clubs, at W.C.C. Alumni Dance To Aid Scholarship The Alumni Association of West- chester Community College in Val- halla will hold its annual dance Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in White Plains. Proceeds from the affair will be used for a scholarship fund. Or- chestra music will be provided. Robert Pentz of Hartsdale is president of the Alumni Assn. Mrs. Robeil Fetzco of Thornwood. formerly of Yonkers. is chairman for the dance. Serving on the com- mittee from Yonkers is Miss Car- ol Swidorsky. 480 N. Broadway. The sale-is the group's project to raise funds for the Happy Gardens Orphanage in Korea. The sale will be conducted \ by Mrs. Marion Nardozi. Invitations have been sent to Yonkers garden clubs as well as to guests of members to help swell John Burroughs' contribu- tion to this fund. Proceeds of the sale will go to- ward the $4,000 goal for the orphanage set by the Ninth Dis- trict Federated Garden Clubs of New York. The campaign is being directed by Mrs. Hiriam McCann and Mrs. Robert Straub. Happy Gardens Orphanage is located in Taegu. Korea, and is operated by Mrs. Hong, a Korean widow. The orphanage is seeking more land to x raise its own food supply. Mrs. Harry B. Farrar will be hostess at the hat sale and meet- ing with Mrs. William F. Shanley acting as chairman. Geraldine O'Keefe Is Engaged To Coast Guard Man Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Keefe of Fort Hamilton. Brooklyn, formerly of Yonkers. announce the engage- ment of their daughter. Geraldine Margaret, to Kevin Garvey. Petty Officer First Cass. USCG. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Garvey of the Bronx. A summer wedding is planned. Miss O'Keefe Is a graduate of Scored Heart High School. She is in the accounting department of the Shell Oil Co. at Rockefeller Center in New York City. Her fiance is a graduate of St. Simon Stock High School In the Bronx. In the Coast Guard, he Is with the supply department sta- tioned in Brooklyn. A party in honor of the couple will be given on Valentine's Day by the parents of the bride-to-be. per 'and invite their fiancees and sweethearts to a St. Valentine's party. Served are almonds, shrimp salami, sausage, olives and cheese. . .none of it prepared by the gals beinc honored. Although Spaniards never send Valentines, in the south they will have delivered to their sweet- heart's home a bottle of sherry. Different is this one. In the southern province of Andalusia, a young man and woman will par- ticipate in the Pelar la Pava, or plucking turkey. Actually, no tur- SgWSf^s^ss^gp^^ to make way for the new Carnegie Hall, will start at 5:30 p.m. The film is composed of four parts, beginning with all facets of Polish life as it was in 1936. going on to 1939. then to 1916-18. and fi- nally. 19.S8-59 which tells the story of Bryan's return to Warsaw, his discovery of 2'-> wartime friends, and pictures of people made on his 1.200-mile journey to Krakow. Wroclaw, Szczecin and Gdansk. Mr. Bryan a leader in the doe- umentary film field for many- years, considers this the most mov- ing and dramatic of his work. College Students RITA ROSE ABEL, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Murray Abel of "165 LaSalle- Dr.. Tuckahoe. is chair- man of special arrangements for Elmira Collece Winter Weekend macy. He is a member of Beta Xi chapter Rho Chi, honor phar- macy society. GEORGE BANDRE III son of at Elmira. N. Y. vice president of 1962. the Cass of CONSTANCE LANDT. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Landi of 157 Willow St.. has been named to the dean's list at Cortland State Teachers Collece where she is a junior majoring in elementary education. She is a craduate of Yonkers High School. She is prac- tice teaching now at Whitney Point. N: Y., Elementary School. Miss Abel is! Mr. and Mrs. Bandre Jr. of 41 Magnolia Dr.. Dobbs Ferry, has been named to the dean's list at Duke University in Durham. N.C.. where he is majoring in mechan- ical engineering. A senior, he is a member of the ROTC and the men's glee club which will sing in Town Hall. New York City, on April 1 during its northern spring vacation tour. Marvmount Sophs Set Class B^all On Friday TARRYTOWN- The same orchestra that played for the Prince Rainier-Grace Kelly wedding in Monaco will furnish music for the Marvmount Collece sophomore class ball at Tappan Hill Friday from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. It is the Stan Rubin or- chestra. The ball will be the highlight of the winter festival weekend for the sophomores. A snorts program is scheduled for Saturday, an in- formal dance that eveninc in the tea house, and a Communion breakfast Sundav. FOUR STUDENTS from Yon- kers are becinninc the first of two nine-week teaching assign- ments from the State University Collece of Education at Oswego They are Gail Bender of 180 Hawthorne Ave.. Concetta Cal- vacca of 48 Putnam Ave.. Joseph Guerney of 85 Waverly St., and Paula Traurig of 39 Bajart PI. KENNETH R. KEATING, son of Mr. ,jind Mrs. John J. Kcatinc of 30 Warren Ave.. Tuckahoe. has been named to the dean's list at Fordham University in the Bronx for the past semester. A mem- ber of the junior class at the uni- versity, he is majoring in phar- KAREN AUSLANDER. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Aus- lander-of 30 Post St.. is on the dean's list at Hunter College where she expects to he graduat- ed in June. She is a student teach- er at School Thirty-one. In The Neics GKRALDINK O'KEEFK FOIL Volenti Men To Take Over Work Of 'Missus' For Club Parties The men of the Rth • Ward Democratic Club will don the aprons of their 'Missuses' and take over the usual feminine chore of planning parties at the club at 3< Lawrence St Their first effort will be a Valentine party this Saturday at 8 p.m. m the clubrooms. And to insure only male spon- sorship of social affairs at the club, any husband or . male member caught soliciting help from the fair sex will be fined, according to Harry B. Miller, chairman. , i • " '. THE FRED A. MALES of 7 Cowles Ave. were honored on their tOth wedding anniversary Monday at a family party in the Washing- ton Arms Restaurant in Mamaro- neck. Hosts were the couple's three children. Mrs John A. Zan- zarella, Mrs. George O'Connell and Francis Male, all of Yonkers. Both Yonkers born. Mr. Male, who has his own real estate and insurance firm on S. Broadway, married the former Anna Revellese Feb 8. 192(1 in Our l^dy of Mount Carmel Church. The couple has six grand- children. MRS ERIC LAWTON of 17 tyin ross PI. is a representative fro the Women's Auxiliary of St John's Riverside Hospital at the Benefit Shop on 56 Warburton Ave" In Tuesday's Herald Statesman her daughter. Mrs. Dorothy A. Lawton..who is a member of the Junior Assembly, was incorrectly reported serving as the hospital auxiliary representative.. PRINCESS UNGER. daughter of Imr. and Mrs. Arthur Unger of 787 Kimball Ave . is enrolled' at the University of Bridgeport a? a sophomore in the. College of Ed- ucation. She is majoring in bust ness education. House Decor Lecture Set By Chi Omega WHITE PLAINS— West Chester alumnae of Chi Omega will hear Milton Mulwitz discuss "Techniques of Chosing a Decorator" at their luncheon meet- ing Feb. 19 at 12:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John Reynolds, 123 Greenridge Ave. Multwitz, a University of Penn- sylvania graduate, is head of the interior decoration department and purchaser of furniture for the Mul- witz Co. Cochairman will be Mrs. C. Rus- sel Hayes and Mrs. C. Lyman Haswell of White Plains and Mrs. Robert Shelli of Bronxville. The newly organized Chi Omega, evening section will hold a pro- gram planning meeting at 8:13 p.m. next Tuesday at the home of Miss Barbara Waltner, 503 Cort- landt Ave., Mamaroneck. Miss Sandi DePasquale of Rye will pre- side' at the meeting, which will be followed by card playing. Miss Mary Collin of Hartsdale. secre- tary. may be contacted for infor- mation on attending. Lillian Murphy- Is Married To John Petnuch Jr\ Announcement is made of the marriage of Mrs. Lillian Rowe Murphy of 1 Cottage Place Gar- dens, to John Petnuch Jr. -of 21 Croton Ter. Mrs. Petnuch is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rowe. formerly of Lindenhurst. L. I. Her first marriage terminated in divorce. The bridegroom's par- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Petnuch of the Croton Ter. address. The couple was married by Jus- tice of the Peace Robert W. Ca- cace at his home Jan. 30. A recep- tion for the immediate families was held at the home of the bride- groom's parents. Mrs. Petnuch is an alumnus of Yonkers High School. She is em- ployed by the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. at the meat .ware- house in Elmsford. Mr. Petnuch was graduated from Saunders Trades and Technical High School. He served with the Army for two years with duty in Germany. He is employed by the Sanitation Dept. of the City of Yon- kers. The couple is living at 147 Belle- vue PI. after a wedding trip to the Pocono Mts. in Pennsylvania. The Gaertners Honeymoon In Florida After a wedding trip to Florida. Frank Arthur Gaertner and Ui bride will make their horn* is Flushing. L. I. The bride is the daughter el former School Trustee and Mrs. Harry G. Rudolph of 28 Seneca St. in Dobbs Ferry. Her husband is the son of Frank E. Gaertner of Massapequa, L. I., and the late Mrs. Gaertner. The couple was married oa Saturday afternoon in Zion Epis- copal Church in Dobbs Ferry with the Rev. Charles E. Karsten. rector, officiating at the 1 o'clock ceremony. A reception was held at the Dobbs Ferry Woman's Club. Mrs. Gaertner is an alumna ef Dobbs Ferry High School and Green Mountain College in Poult- ney, Vt. She is a secretary with the International Business Ma- chines Corp. Her husband Is a graduate ef John Adams High School in Ozone Park, L. I. A veteran of two years' service in the Army, Mr. Gaertner is with the Allied Chemical Corp. in New York City. Emmett Burke Guest Of Catholic Women "The Catholic in the Commun- ity" will be discussed by Emmett Burke tonight at a meeting of the Catholic Women's Club of East* chfester in the cafeteria of the Im- maculate Conception School in Tuckahoe. Mr. Burke, who is secretary-e- rector of the Municipal Housing Authority, is state deputy of the New York Council, Knights of Columbus. Under his leadership a loan program was instituted to enable members of families of Knights to attend college. Mrs. Joseph Walsh is chairman of arrangements. The business meeting preceding the talk will be conducted by Miss Jane Coyle. after which she will introduce the speaker. THE TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Gub of Yonkers which usually meets every Monday at the YWCA, this week went bowling at the Twentieth Century Lanes on Palisade Ave. James Ferguson gave the group instruction at its first bowling session. Next week there will be folk dancing at tha YWCA. according to Mrs. Michael Pristash. program chairman. Future Functions rjlie QJttnuture m anor PRESENTS BETTER FURNITURE dt LOWER LOWER p R | C Es THE YONKERS CHAPTER of Hadassah will hold a luncheon and entertainment for the eye bank to combat trachoma on Mon- day at noon at the Jewish Com- munity Center. THE WEDDING BAND of Tem- ple Emani-El will hold a "Beat- nik Square Dance'' on Sunday eve-' nine. Feb. 21, at 8:30 at the tem- ple. George Smollen will be the! caller and refreshments will be' served. THE BRYN MAWR Home Bu- reau l>emonstration Unit will meet Tuesday at the Bryn Mawr Pres- byterian Church parish house at I p.m. Mrs. Barbara Joukovsky, home demonstration agent, will dtscusa. nutrition. Buy United States Savings Bonds] io insure your future. MRS. RICHARD ORftSDO- WICH, bride of a Yonkers man. is the former Miss Carole Rais- ley — Photo by Gonda Studio. WARD'S JEWELERS 23 MAIN STREET YONKERS Uarfet War* 1 •wnertMp j » M K. Merriiefv ma*. Swiss Watches For Your Volentine SC50 uoront«»d WotChtt SWISS WATCH MOSNTAI It N.HK I'w.y Yenkm YQ |.44tl , NEWEST FASHIONS COMPLETE SELECTION OF DRESSES • PURE SILKS & CHIFFONS • POLKA DOTS • NAVYS • JACKET TYPES • PRINTS fro* 10.99 » s ee OPEN FRIDAY T I L ! P.M. IJI \ ' i'>1 1 r J DRESS SHOP 143Mi New Main Street \Onker« 50423 • BIDROOMS MEAKFKONTS » DINING ROOMS BARS A WALL UNITS LARGEST SELECTION if BEDROOM FURNITURE IN NEW YORK & WESTCHESTER Over 100 Bedrooms of the Most Discriminathtg Styles and Finest Quality SHOP US * Our Quality SHOP ELSEWHERE * / > £ ^ tion Our Pnces WILL BRING YOU BACK TO US m Ni u frol YONKERS BRANCH 7SI YONKERS AVE. r* YO 3 6622 anor MAIN STORE 3074 WHITE PLAINS R0 oi 2 rm Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: To Be Wed To New Yorker - 10/Yonkers NY Herald... · 2010-02-28 · To Be Wed To New Yorker Mr. and Mrs. Victor N. Klamm of 55 Abner PI

Miss Marilyn Anne Klamm To Be Wed To New Yorker

Mr. and Mrs. Victor N. Klamm of 55 Abner PI. have announced the betrothal of their daughter, Marilyn Anne, to John James Murray, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Murray of New York City. A September wedding is planned.

The couple's engagement was solemnized by the Rey. James P. Cassidy in St. Barnabas Church, Woodlawn.

The bride-to-be. a graduate of St. Barnabas High School in Wood-lawn and the Washington Secre­tarial School in New York City. is a secretary with the White Cap Co. in New York.

Her fiance is an alumnus of Cardinal Hayes High School and attended St. John's University in Brooklyn. Mr. Murray is with the

electronic data processing depart­ment of the Union f^wM* fnm in New York-

Miss Kashar Is Married

Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Marilyn Kasfyar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kashar of Mount Vernon, to Wal­ter Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones of Syracuse, N.Y.

The couple was married on Sat­urday by Judge Albert Gordon at his home in Fayetteville, N. Y. A reception was held following the ceremony at the Belle Ma Club in Syracuse.

Mrs. Jones is a graduate of Da­vis High School in Mount Vernon and attended • New York State Teachers College in New Paltz and Boston University in Boston, Mass. Her father is the owner of Kash-ar's department store on Main St.

Her husband is a graduate of Syracuse High School and attended Syracuse University. .

Mr. and Mrs. Jones plan io make their home in San Francisco. Calif., where Mr. Jones is employed in an architectural planninc firm spe­cialising in civic planning grams.

Lee-Wilson Troth Is Told

I Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joseph 'Lee of Chicago, 111., formerly of Bronxville have made known the betrothal of their daughter, Linda to Michael Breamer Wilson, son of Mrs. H6race W. Hooker of Ty­rone. Pa., and Tacoma. Wash., and the late George C. Wilson Jr. A summer wedding is planned.

Miss Lee was graduated from the Bronxville. High School and Centenary College for Women in Hackettstown, N.. J. She is em­ployed by the Government in Washington. D. C.

Mr. Wilson, an alumnus of the Hill School in Pottstown, Pa., ex­pects-to be graduated in June from Lafayette College in East on. Pa. He is a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity.



Hall, former Republican national chairman, is back in Washington (luietly doing political spadework, inder an unlisted telephone num-oer, for his good friend, Vice President Nixon.

6 County Artists Display At Cooper Union Museum By KAY ROSS Ikcys are involved. The youth

Six Westchester Arts and Crafts Mands below a girl's grilled win Workshop members of the Artist-


Mayor, Trustees To Be Guests Of GOP Women's Club

Mayor E. A. Hugil! Jr . and the Village Trustees will be guest speakers at an "Information Please" night under the auspices of the study group of the Wom­en's Republican Club of Bronx­ville at Village Hall Monday at 8:15. The meeting will be conduct­ed by Mrs. Andrea B. Froelich. chairman of the study group.

Questions to be propounded and discussed with audience partici­pation include "Are you in favor of parallel parking on Pondfield Rd?" "Do you think Trustees should be mainly a policy making body or be concerned with day-to-day governmental operations?" and "Would you like to see serv­ice on the Board of Trustees be­come a catapult for jerviee in higher Rovernmental echelons such «J county, state and feder­al?"

The meeting Is open to the pub­lic. Members of the Board of Trustees are Donald K. Clifford, public w o r k s commissioner; Franklin J. Dickman, zoning; Don­ald M. Elliman. recreation and fi­nance; and Donald S. Wilson, po­lice commissioner.

Craftsmen of New York arc among those whose work was chosen by the jury for the annual exhibition to be-seen currently at the Cooper Union Museum, 4th Ave. and 7th St., New York City.

They are Sophia Fcnton of Mount Vernon, exhibiting ceramic-plants; Estelle Halpcr of Eastches-ter. ceramic lamp and herb jars; Henry Gemhardt of Poekskill, ce­ramic pottery; Albert Jacobspn of Wilton, Conn., a ceramic plate; Elaine Kazan of Chauncey. enameled plaque, and Charlotte Kizer of Scarsdale. sterling silver coffee service with tray.

Elaine Kazan and Sophia Fcnton are advanced students at the workshop in the County Center. The others are instructors, with Miss Kizer being the gifted direct­or.

The exhibition, open until Feb. 19. with the exception of Feb. 12 and Sunday, runs the gamut vfrom pottery, glass enamel, sculpture, textiles, rugs, jewelry, wood, met­al work and mosaic. Under the theme "Craftsmen Preview the Sixties." the show offers a fore­taste of things in the new decade.

dow and makes a romantic pro­posal. If she accepts, she tosses a flower.

In Barcelona, young couples have their el Enticrro de la Sar-dina. or the burial of the sardines. This custom has nothing to do with sardines, naturally. It is a name given to picnics which begin in the afternoon and end in the middle of the night. Ah, well.

Things were different in old Eng­land. There a young girl on St. Valentine's Eve pinned four bay-leaves to the corners of her pillow and one in the center. If. during the night, she dreamed of her lov­er, they would be married within the year. (He seemed to have no word in the decision.) To make doubly, sure of success, the girl would boil an egg, replace the yolk with salt and eat it. shell and all, before going to sleep. North­ern Europeans believed that if they dreamed of a hen cackling, they would have success in love.

There ought to be a germ of an idea in ail this.

11 Miss Reinhard Is Betrothed To William Stelling

The engagement of Miss Mary Jane Reinhard to Wilfred R. H. Stelling has been announced by the future bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Reinhard of Palmerton Pa. The prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stelling of 115 Ramsey Ave. A September wedd­ing is planned".

Miss Reinhard is a graduate of Stephen S. Palmer High School in Palmerton and the Hahnehann Medical College and Hospital in Philadelphia. She is an X-ray-technician for West Jersey Hospi­tal in Camden, N. J.

Mr. Stelling was graduated from Roosevelt' High School and Laf­ayette College - in Easton. Pa., where he majored in business ad­ministration and was a member of Kappa Delta Rho. He is a mer­chandising salesman for Texaco Inc. in the New York district.

Herald Stotesmon, Yonkers, N.Y., Thurs., Feb. 11, I960 4S — . . . . . • — . • . • . . I ..i. • — . • . — - • • i ' . I N — — • •• • • » • • • • ' •••ii .i • mmm—mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Margaret Elizabeth Sitzler Engaged To Gerald D. Evans

Mr. and Mrs. John Sitzler of Ml Upland Ave. announce the tagag*-ment of their daughter Margaret Elizabeth to Gerald D. Evant. ton of Mr. and Mrs. Russel D. Kunkel of Reading. Pa. A summer wed­ding is planned.

Miss Sitzler is a graduate of Gor­ton High School and the Berkeley School of Secretarial Training in New York City. She is a secretary for Union Carbidje Consumer Prod­ucts Co., a division of Union Car­bide Coip. in New York City.

Mr. Evans was graduated from Reading High School and attended the University of Pennsylvania where he plans to resume his stud­ies in the fall. He has completed a two-year tour of duty in the Army, stationed in Germany, and is now employed by th« Reading School District.



Hat Sale Bv Burroughs Club To Aid Orphanage In Korea

Pacing all home - bound home economists.

That is what the Westchester Extension Service Home Demon­stration Department is doing ai this very' minute. Not wanted are employed home economists, but rather those who are now "strict­ly homemakers." The purpose is. of course, to organize a group of women with similar interests and professional training.

To each his own: With St. Valentine's Day on the

horizon, comes A release to this desk about the romantic customs of Spain from which many a hus­band might take inspiration and brighten ' a weary wife. It would surprise her. too.

In Spain, young men pool their money to hire a flamenco guitar-ist. dancer—and professional-clap-.

There are still tickets available, report Mrs. James N. Hynson of Scarsdale and Mrs. Carl H. Pforz-heimer Jr. of Purchase, cochair-men of the theater party at "Greenwillow" March 7 in bene­fit of the County Council of So­cial Agencies.

This fact should make happy many a theatergoer's heart since the musical will have music and lyrics by Frank Loesser.

The cast will boast tall. dark, handsome, gangling young Anthony-Perkins in the lead. Zeme North. Cecil Kellaway and William Chap­man are featured in the cast which George Ray Hill is direct­ing. Joe Layton is choreographer.

Julien Bryan of Bronxville. pro­ducer of documentary films, will make a personal appearance along with the showing of his new color film, "Poland, as It Was—as It Is" at Carnegie Hall next Sunday afternoon. The showing, which may be the last picture present-ed before the building comes ,do>vn


Miss Carswell IsBetrothedTo Larry Jarvis

Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. George Millar of 81 Bruce Ave. of the. engagement of their daughter Miss Eleanor Cars-well to Larry J a m s , son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold J a m s of 37 Homecrest Oval. The couple plans a June wedding.

Miss Carswell is a graduate of the High .School of Commerce where she was named to the Na­tional Honor. Society. She is em­ployed bv Myrna Mills Inc. in New York City.

Mr. Jarvis is a graduate of Theo­dore Roosevelt Hich School in the Bronx and served with the Navy in the Korean War. He is attend­ing the New York School of Inter­ior Design and is associated with his father in the Westchester Paint Supply in this city.

THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Anne Louise Cover to James Ed­ward Bricgs Jr. of Ann Arbor. Mich., has been announced by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rod­ney A. Cover of 25 Ridge Rd., Bronxville. T h e prospective bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Briggs of Glen Cove. L.I. A June wedding is planned. Miss Cover was graduated mag­na cum laude from Smith Col­lege where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Ni. She received a master's degree from C o l o m b i a Univer­sity Teachers College and is on faculty of. the Virginia Road School in Valhalla. Mr. Briggs, a chemical engineer, is an alum­nus of the University of Michi­gan and is a member of Sigma Chi.fraternity, and of Tau Beta Pi and Phi Lambda Upsilon, en-gineerinc honor societies. He is a research assistant at the Uni-

.versity of Michigan, where he was awarded a National Science Foundation fellowship to contin­ue his studies for a doctorate in engineering.

"Flowers on Hats" instead of the usual "flowers in pots" will be this year's introduction to spring bv the John Burroughs Garden Club.

The club is planning a hat sale Wednesday' at 1:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Frank L. Walton, a member of the Ninth District of the Federated Garden Clubs, at

W.C.C. Alumni Dance To Aid Scholarship

The Alumni Association of West­chester Community College in Val­halla will hold its annual dance Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in White Plains.

Proceeds from the affair will be used for a scholarship fund. Or­chestra music will be provided.

Robert Pentz of Hartsdale is president of the Alumni Assn. Mrs. Robeil Fetzco of Thornwood. formerly of Yonkers. is chairman for the dance. Serving on the com­mittee from Yonkers is Miss Car­ol Swidorsky.

480 N. Broadway. The sale-is the group's project to raise funds for the Happy Gardens Orphanage in Korea. The sale will be conducted \ by Mrs. Marion Nardozi.

Invitations have been sent to Yonkers garden clubs as well as to guests of members to help swell John Burroughs' contribu­tion to this fund.

Proceeds of the sale will go to­ward the $4,000 goal for the orphanage set by the Ninth Dis­trict Federated Garden Clubs of New York. The campaign is being directed by Mrs. Hiriam McCann and Mrs. Robert Straub.

Happy Gardens Orphanage is located in Taegu. Korea, and is operated by Mrs. Hong, a Korean widow. The orphanage is seeking more land tox raise its own food supply.

Mrs. Harry B. Farrar will be hostess at the hat sale and meet­ing with Mrs. William F. Shanley acting as chairman.

Geraldine O'Keefe Is Engaged To Coast Guard Man

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Keefe of Fort Hamilton. Brooklyn, formerly of Yonkers. announce the engage­ment of their daughter. Geraldine Margaret, to Kevin Garvey. Petty Officer First Cass . USCG. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Garvey of the Bronx. A summer wedding is planned.

Miss O'Keefe Is a graduate of Scored Heart High School. She is in the accounting department of the Shell Oil Co. at Rockefeller Center in New York City.

Her fiance is a graduate of St. Simon Stock High School In the Bronx. In the Coast Guard, he Is with the supply department sta­tioned in Brooklyn.

A party in honor of the couple will be given on Valentine's Day by the parents of the bride-to-be.

per 'and invite their fiancees and sweethearts to a St. Valentine's party. Served are almonds, shrimp salami, sausage, olives and cheese. . .none of it prepared by the gals beinc honored.

Although Spaniards never send Valentines, in the south they will have delivered to their sweet­heart's home a bottle of sherry.

Different is this one. In the southern province of Andalusia, a young man and woman will par­ticipate in the Pelar la Pava, or plucking turkey. Actually, no tur-


to make way for the new Carnegie Hall, will start at 5:30 p.m.

The film is composed of four parts, beginning with all facets of Polish life as it was in 1936. going on to 1939. then to 1916-18. and fi­nally. 19.S8-59 which tells the story of Bryan's return to Warsaw, his discovery of 2'-> wartime friends, and pictures of people made on his 1.200-mile journey to Krakow. Wroclaw, Szczecin and Gdansk.

Mr. Bryan a leader in the doe-umentary film field for many-years, considers this the most mov­ing and dramatic of his work.

College Students RITA ROSE ABEL, daughter of

Mr and Mrs. Murray Abel of "165 LaSalle- Dr.. Tuckahoe. is chair­man of special arrangements for Elmira Collece Winter Weekend

macy. He is a member of Beta Xi chapter Rho Chi, honor phar­macy society.

GEORGE BANDRE III son of at Elmira. N. Y. vice president of 1962.

the Cass of

CONSTANCE LANDT. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Landi of 157 Willow St.. has been named to the dean's list at Cortland State Teachers Collece where she is a junior majoring in elementary education. She is a craduate of Yonkers High School. She is prac­tice teaching now at Whitney Point. N: Y., Elementary School.

Miss Abel is! Mr. and Mrs. Bandre Jr. of 41 Magnolia Dr.. Dobbs Ferry, has been named to the dean's list at Duke University in Durham. N.C.. where he is majoring in mechan­ical engineering. A senior, he is a member of the ROTC and the men's glee club which will sing in Town Hall. New York City, on April 1 during its northern spring vacation tour.

Marvmount Sophs Set Class B all On Friday TARRYTOWN-

The same orchestra that played for the Prince Rainier-Grace Kelly wedding in Monaco will furnish music for the Marvmount Collece sophomore class ball at Tappan Hill Friday from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. It is the Stan Rubin or­chestra.

The ball will be the highlight of the winter festival weekend for the sophomores. A snorts program is scheduled for Saturday, an in­formal dance that eveninc in the tea house, and a Communion breakfast Sundav.

FOUR STUDENTS from Yon­kers are becinninc the first of two nine-week teaching assign­ments from the State University Collece of Education at Oswego They are Gail Bender of 180 Hawthorne Ave.. Concetta Cal-vacca of 48 Putnam Ave.. Joseph Guerney of 85 Waverly St., and Paula Traurig of 39 Bajart PI.

KENNETH R. KEATING, son of Mr. ,jind Mrs. John J. Kcatinc of 30 Warren Ave.. Tuckahoe. has been named to the dean's list at Fordham University in the Bronx for the past semester. A mem­ber of the junior class at the uni­versity, he is majoring in phar-

KAREN AUSLANDER. daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Aus-lander-of 30 Post St.. is on the dean's list at Hunter College where she expects to he graduat­ed in June. She is a student teach­er at School Thirty-one.

In The Neics


FOIL Volenti

Men To Take Over Work Of 'Missus' For Club Parties The men of the Rth • Ward

Democratic Club will don the aprons of their 'Missuses' and take over the usual feminine chore of planning parties at the club at 3< Lawrence St

Their • first effort will be a Valentine party this Saturday at 8 p.m. m the clubrooms.

And to insure only male spon­sorship of social affairs at the club, any husband or . male member caught soliciting help from the fair sex will be fined, according to Harry B. Miller, chairman. ,

i • " '. •

THE FRED A. MALES of 7 Cowles Ave. were honored on their tOth wedding anniversary Monday at a family party in the Washing­ton Arms Restaurant in Mamaro-neck. Hosts were the couple's three children. Mrs John A. Zan-zarella, Mrs. George O'Connell and Francis Male, all of Yonkers. Both Yonkers born. Mr. Male, who has his own real estate and insurance firm on S. Broadway, married the former Anna Revellese Feb 8. 192(1 in Our l^dy of Mount Carmel Church. The couple has six grand­children.

MRS ERIC LAWTON of 17 tyin ross PI. is a representative fro the Women's Auxiliary of St John's Riverside Hospital at the Benefit Shop on 56 Warburton Ave" In Tuesday's Herald Statesman her daughter. Mrs. Dorothy A. Lawton..who is a member of the Junior Assembly, was incorrectly reported serving as the hospital auxiliary representative..

PRINCESS UNGER. daughter of Imr. and Mrs. Arthur Unger of 787 Kimball Ave . is enrolled' at the University of Bridgeport a? a sophomore in the. College of Ed­ucation. She is majoring in bust ness education.

House Decor Lecture Set By Chi Omega WHITE PLAINS—

West Chester alumnae of Chi Omega will hear Milton Mulwitz discuss "Techniques of Chosing a Decorator" at their luncheon meet­ing Feb. 19 at 12:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John Reynolds, 123 Greenridge Ave.

Multwitz, a University of Penn­sylvania graduate, is head of the interior decoration department and purchaser of furniture for the Mul­witz Co.

Cochairman will be Mrs. C. Rus­sel Hayes and Mrs. C. Lyman Haswell of White Plains and Mrs. Robert Shelli of Bronxville.

The newly organized Chi Omega, evening section will hold a pro­gram planning meeting at 8:13 p.m. next Tuesday at the home of Miss Barbara Waltner, 503 Cort-landt Ave., Mamaroneck. Miss Sandi DePasquale of Rye will pre­side' at the meeting, which will be followed by card playing. Miss Mary Collin of Hartsdale. secre-tary. may be contacted for infor­mation on attending.

Lillian Murphy-Is Married To John Petnuch Jr\

Announcement is made of the marriage of Mrs. Lillian Rowe Murphy of 1 Cottage Place Gar­dens, to John Petnuch Jr . -of 21 Croton Ter.

Mrs. Petnuch is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rowe. formerly of Lindenhurst. L. I. Her first marriage terminated in divorce. The bridegroom's par­ents are Mr. and Mrs. Petnuch of the Croton Ter. address.

The couple was married by Jus­tice of the Peace Robert W. Ca-cace at his home Jan. 30. A recep­tion for the immediate families was held at the home of the bride­groom's parents.

Mrs. Petnuch is an alumnus of Yonkers High School. She is em­ployed by the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. at the meat .ware­house in Elmsford.

Mr. Petnuch was graduated from Saunders Trades and Technical High School. He served with the Army for two years with duty in Germany. He is employed by the Sanitation Dept. of the City of Yon­kers.

The couple is living at 147 Belle-vue PI. after a wedding trip to the Pocono Mts. in Pennsylvania.

The Gaertners Honeymoon In Florida

After a wedding trip to Florida. Frank Arthur Gaertner and U i bride will make their horn* is Flushing. L. I.

The bride is the daughter el former School Trustee and Mrs. Harry G. Rudolph of 28 Seneca St. in Dobbs Ferry. Her husband is the son of Frank E. Gaertner of Massapequa, L. I., and the late Mrs. Gaertner.

The couple was married oa Saturday afternoon in Zion Epis­copal Church in Dobbs Ferry with the Rev. Charles E. Karsten. rector, officiating at the 1 o'clock ceremony. A reception was held at the Dobbs Ferry Woman's Club.

Mrs. Gaertner is an alumna ef Dobbs Ferry High School and Green Mountain College in Poult-ney, Vt. She is a secretary with the International Business Ma­chines Corp.

Her husband Is a graduate ef John Adams High School in Ozone Park, L. I. A veteran of two years' service in the Army, Mr. Gaertner is with the Allied Chemical Corp. in New York City.

Emmett Burke Guest Of Catholic Women

"The Catholic in the Commun­ity" will be discussed by Emmett Burke tonight at a meeting of the Catholic Women's Club of East* chfester in the cafeteria of the Im­maculate Conception School in Tuckahoe.

Mr. Burke, who is secretary-e­rector of the Municipal Housing Authority, is state deputy of the New York Council, Knights of Columbus. Under his leadership a loan program was instituted to enable members of families of Knights to attend college.

Mrs. Joseph Walsh is chairman of arrangements. The business meeting preceding the talk will be conducted by Miss Jane Coyle. after which she will introduce the speaker.

THE TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Gub of Yonkers which usually meets every Monday at the YWCA, this week went bowling at the Twentieth Century Lanes on Palisade Ave. James Ferguson gave the group instruction at its first bowling session. Next week there will be folk dancing at tha YWCA. according to Mrs. Michael Pristash. program chairman.

Future Functions

rjlie QJttnuture m anor PRESENTS



Hadassah will hold a luncheon and entertainment for the eye bank to combat trachoma on Mon­day at noon at the Jewish Com­munity Center.

THE WEDDING BAND of Tem­ple Emani-El will hold a "Beat­nik Square Dance'' on Sunday eve-' nine. Feb. 21, at 8:30 at the tem­ple. George Smollen will be the! caller and refreshments will be' served.

THE BRYN MAWR Home Bu­reau l>emonstration Unit will meet Tuesday at the Bryn Mawr Pres­byterian Church parish house at I p.m. Mrs. Barbara Joukovsky, home demonstration agent, will dtscusa. nutrition.

Buy United States Savings Bonds] io insure your future.

MRS. RICHARD ORftSDO-WICH, bride of a Yonkers man. is the former Miss Carole Rais-ley — Photo by Gonda Studio.


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