to establish a faith-filled community bonded by love. to proclaim...

Divine Mercy Catholic Church 2231 Club Center Drive, Sacramento, CA 95835 Tel: (916) 256-3134 Parish Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm MISSION STATEMENT ~ To establish a faith-filled community bonded by love. To proclaim the good news, foster personal encounters with the living Christ and strengthen the family by witnessing the gospel values of love, mercy, justice, forgiveness and service to all. PASTOR Rev. Soane Kaniseli [email protected] Deacon Rick Morales [email protected] Deacon James Ogbonna [email protected] Sacraments Mass Schedule Mon - Sat 8:30 AM 10:00 AM Sundays 9:30 am My parish App Church Office Lines, M-F 9:00am-4:00 (916) 256-3134 Your email box. Anointing of the Sick Confessions Please call the Parish Office. Resources In this e-bulletin you will find: -Whoever enters through me will be saved a COVID Reflection for the Easter Season pg 2 -Saints and Readings for the Week pg 3 -Adoration At DMCC pg 3 -Prayers of the Faithful pg 3 -Mass Schedule and Intentions pg 4 -Confessions Schedule pg 4 -Angels of Mercy News pg 4 -Treasury Report pg 5 -Mortgage Sunday Offering pg 5 -Crowing Mary in a Covid 19 Lockdown pg 6 -DMYC Sings King of Kings pg 7 -The Church is Always with the People And With the Sacraments pg 7 VATICAN (CNS): “Contemplating the face of Christ with the heart of Mary, our mother, will make us even more united as a spiritual family and will help us overcome this time of trial,” Pope Francis said in a letter addressed to all Catholics and released by the Vatican on April 25. He asked Catholics to make a special effort in May to pray the rosary, knowing that they will be united with believers around the world asking for Mary’s intercession in stopping the Covid-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Fourth Sunday of Easter Good Shepherd Sunday May 3, 2020 “I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.” John 10:9

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Divine Mercy Catholic Church

2231 Club Center Drive, Sacramento, CA 95835

Tel: (916) 256-3134

Parish Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm

MISSION STATEMENT ~ To establish a faith-filled community bonded by love. To

proclaim the good news, foster personal encounters with the living Christ and strengthen the

family by witnessing the gospel values of love, mercy, justice, forgiveness and service to all.

PASTOR Rev. Soane Kaniseli [email protected]

Deacon Rick Morales [email protected]

Deacon James Ogbonna [email protected]

Sacraments Mass


Mon - Sat

8:30 AM

10:00 AM


9:30 am

My parish App

Church Office Lines, M-F 9:00am-4:00 (916) 256-3134

Your email box.


of the Sick


Please call the Parish Office.


In this e-bulletin you will find:

-Whoever enters through me will be saved a

COVID Reflection for the Easter Season pg 2

-Saints and Readings for the Week pg 3

-Adoration At DMCC pg 3

-Prayers of the Faithful pg 3

-Mass Schedule and Intentions pg 4

-Confessions Schedule pg 4

-Angels of Mercy News pg 4

-Treasury Report pg 5

-Mortgage Sunday Offering pg 5

-Crowing Mary in a Covid 19 Lockdown pg 6

-DMYC Sings King of Kings pg 7

-The Church is Always with the People

And With the Sacraments pg 7

VATICAN (CNS): “Contemplating the face of Christ

with the heart of Mary, our mother, will make us

even more united as a spiritual family and will help

us overcome this time of trial,” Pope Francis said in

a letter addressed to all Catholics and released by

the Vatican on April 25. He asked Catholics to

make a special effort in May to pray the rosary,

knowing that they will be united with believers

around the world asking for Mary’s intercession in

stopping the Covid-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Good Shepherd Sunday

May 3, 2020

“I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be

saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.”

John 10:9

Page 2 A Word From...

A COVID 19 Bulletin Reflection: “Whoever enters through me will be saved. John 10:9.”

“God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever

believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

( )

What we read and hear and see shapes

our thoughts and our beliefs, our feelings

and our actions. Jesus said to us, Peace

I leave with you; my peace I give to

you; not as the world gives do I give

to you. “Do not let your heart be trou-

bled, neither let it be fearful” John


Today, I imagine Jesus would say to us something like this: Do not be shaken

by what you read, by the news, or by COVID-19, nor by its devastating effects.

Do not let fear take root in your hearts. Hold to the truth. I am the truth. Have

courage. Comfort one another. Support each other, for this shall pass. Re-main in my peace; “because I live, you shall also live” John 14:19

Whence comes our courage, our hope? During this Easter season we continu-

ously recall our Lord’s Resurrection – an event as real and as important as His

Passion and Death upon the Cross. The Resurrection is no mere afterword

but a confirmation of Christ’s identity as the Only Begotten Son – and a confir-

mation of the truth of His promises to us, that He is with us and that His words

will come to pass. It is this holy and superabundant evidence which draws us

to place of hope and trust in Him. ”If you abide in my word…you will know

the truth, the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

At the Resurrection human life was changed forever. From the crucifixion of an

innocent man, from the fear of His disciples, from the very death of God made

man – from injustice, tragedy, confusion, and darkness – came forth light: the

promise of eternal life newly revealed! “For if we have been united with him

in his death, we will also be raised to life as he was.” Romans 6:5

This year many Christians celebrate Easter in lock-down and isolation. Many

mourn the loss of loved ones. Many live in fear and pray still that the plague

might pass them over. Many do not know how they will find work or sustain

their families through the coming months. Sickness and death haunt us all.

Yet, amidst the very darkest of these days, the truth is proclaimed: Jesus

Christ lives – the light of the world. “In him was life, and the life was the

light of men”. John 1:4

At the Resurrection our hope is born. In

life and in death, we anticipate life eter-

nal. Through hope, may all of us in the

coming days and weeks find peace and

joy in our Risen Lord. Let us unite our

suffering to His suffering and draw close

to Him this Easter in His glory. Just as

He suffered death and was raised from

the death, He encounters us today in

our time of crisis and restores life and

light and peace to us. “I am the light of

the world; he who follows Me will not

walk in the darkness, but will have

the light of life.” John 8:12

Our hope is in Him. From the darkness of this plague, He will draw forth

among us new cures, new customs, and closer bonds among families, friends,

and nations. Let us pray that we receive and cultivate what He offers, that He

might draw forth a new culture of love, an economy obedient to His Law, His

Kingdom revealed among us. Our hope in Him shall not disappoint. “All

things work for good for those who love God.” Romans 8:28

In Him

we shall be raised:

Alleluia! Alleluia!

We are all in this “global storm” together. All

of us are suffering; some more than others.

Were this to continue, what we have seen

up to now would not compare to what could

come: massive spread of illness, deaths

uncountable, the extensive collapse of the

global economy – the “boat” would be sure-

ly capsized. But this need not happen; this

will not happen. Yet, we must awaken and

remember the promises of the Lord.

On the boat, Jesus was awakened from sleep and said, “Why are you afraid,

do you still have no faith?” Mt 4:40 “Behold, I will be with you always till

the end of time.” Mt 28:20 “When I am lifted up I will draw all men to my-

self.” John 12:32

Our Savior, the Almighty – El Shaddai – is with us and for us. This time it is our

turn to wake up from slumber. It is a time to choose. It is a time to put things

right in our lives, to choose what matters most, to look up and look out for the

salvation that comes from Him, Jesus on the Cross. It is a time – an opportuni-

ty – to choose to take refuge in His mercy, to choose to put our faith in God

who is able to save us and who will save us. It is an unprecedented time to

choose God. The choice lies in our hands. Jesus said, “Peace! Be still! and

the wind ceased and there was a great calm.” Mark 4:39

A Time to choose

what matters

Hosanna, Hosanna:

Please Save Us!

The Lord Saves!

Blessed is he who comes in the

name the Lord.” Mt 23:39

The crowd shouted Hosanna as Jesus was entering into Jerusalem. “Save us, we pray, O Lord! O Lord, we pray, give us success! Blessed is he

who comes in the name of the Lord!” Psalm 118:26

Today we are joining the exultant throng and lifting up the shouts of Hosanna!

Save Us, Lord! As new Israel, children of God, we welcome Jesus and shout


Hosanna on our lives,

Hosanna on our families, works, and projects,

Hosanna on the medical professionals and on those who are laying down

their lives to end the Covid-19 out break,

Hosanna on those who are sick and suffering,

Hosanna on our nation and government,

Hosanna on the global economy,

Hosanna on all the nations and peoples,

Hosanna on the global crisis of the fear

For the Lord is our Deliverer. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and

today and forever.” Hebrew 13:8

If God exits and if he is good, why would he allow the global pandemic that

has been wrecking havoc in the world?

What good could possibly come out of this?

Why bad things happen to good people?

These are the questions which many struggle with or some may even lose

their faith on. Jesus could have come earlier for his beloved friend, Lazarus,

when he had been sent for. But he arrived a couple of days too late. (see pg3)

Page 3 “Pray without ceasing-”...I Thessalonians 5:17


Sunday, May 3 St. James the Lesser

ACTS 2:14A, 36-41; PS 23: 1-3A, 3B4, 5, 6; 1 PT 2:20B-25; JN 10:14; JN 10:1-10 Monday, May 4 St. Florian

ACTS 11:1-18; PS 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; JN 10:14; JN 10:11-18

Tuesday, May 5 St. Hilary of Arles

ACTS 11:19-26; PS 87:1B-3, 4-5, 6-7; JN 10:27; JN 10:22-30 Wednesday, May 6 St. Dominic Savio

ACTS 12:24—13:5A; PS 67:2-3, 5, 6 AND 8; JN 8:12; JN 12:44-50

Thursday, May 7 St. Rose Venerini

ACTS 13:13-25; PS 89:2-3, 21-22, 25 AND 27; RV 1:5AB; JN 13:16-20 Friday, May 8 St. Peter of Tarantaise

ACTS 13:26-33; PS 2:6-7, 8-9, 10-11AB; JN 14:6; JN 14:1-6

Saturday, May 9 St. Pachomius

ACTS 13:44-52; PS 98:1, 2-3AB, 3CD-4; JN 8:31B-32; JN 14:7-14

Continued from pg 2

What met him in the familiar home of his

dear friend were grief and sorrow. But in

front of the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus de-

clared to Martha, the sister of Lazarus,

“Did I not tell you that if you believe you

will see the glory of God?” John 11:40

Jesus called out Lazarus, and much to the

astonishment of all, Lazarus came out of the tomb. “His arms are not too

short to save.” Is 59:1

Jesus is speaking to us today: if you believe, you will see the glory of God .

If you believe

you will see the

glory of God.

This year, March 25 – the great

Feast of the Annunciation – falls

on the first day of the month of

Nisan (Aviv), the month of joy and

hope, the month of Passover, of

the miraculous redemption of the

Hebrew People from slavery in

Egypt. Today is the first day of the

year on the Hebrew Calendar.

God told Moses and Aaron to instruct every household to put the blood of

the lamb on the doorposts and lintel of the house in which they take shelter

and to eat the Passover meal, so that God would pass them over them and

spare them from the final plague, the death of the first-born.

“For I will pass through the land that night and I will strike all the first-

born …the blood shall be the sign…and when I see the blood of the

lamb, I will pass over you and no plague will befall you to destroy you”

Exodus 12:12

In this month, we Christians celebrate the Last Supper, the Death, and the

Resurrection of Jesus Christ. During this period, we remember that through

the blood shed on the Cross we have received Salvation from Sin and

Death. We have received New Life in God.

“But He was wounded for our sins, He was crushed for our iniquities,

upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his

stripes we are healed” Isaiah 53:5

Both Jewish and Christian Scriptures, Jewish and Christian calendars affirm

that our Salvation is in God our Almighty Father. As we turn to Him, submit

our lives to Him, we receive healing and peace, grace and freedom – free-

dom from fear and from the plague. According to His will, the plague of

COVID-19 will pass us over and abate. In the words of the hymn by John H.

Yates (1891) :

Faith is the victory

Faith is the victory

Oh, glorious victory

that overcomes the world…

“Faith is confidence in what

we hope for, the assurance

of things we cannot see.”

Hebrew 11:1

Prayers of the Faithful

Fourth Sunday of Easter, May 3, 2020

On this Good Shepherd Sunday we present our petitions to our heavenly


For the Vicar of Christ, Pope Francis, that he will be given the grace he

needs to guide the Church in these days of uncertainty.

For the priests serving in this Diocese, that they will be the shepherds

that the Good Shepherd calls them to be.

For all those called to the priesthood or consecrated life in this Diocese,

that they will recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd and follow His


For all of the faithful, that we will patiently carry our crosses as Jesus

carried His for us.

For all those in authority in our Local, State and Federal Government, that

they will be guided by the Holy Spirit in their decision making.

For all those who are weighed down by the various difficulties caused by

this time of pandemic, that they will confidently look to Jesus, the Good

Shepherd, who gave His life for the sheep.

During this time of pandemic, we ask for healing for the sick, strength for

their families and courage and protection for those who care for them.

That God will bestow His never-ending mercy on all those who have died

and console those left behind.

Adoration at Divine Mercy

Catholic Church

Unless Father announces otherwise, Divine Mercy

Catholic Church will be live streaming Holy Hour/

Adoration on Fridays at 3:00 pm. Just tune into the

Divine Mercy You Tube Channel. If you copy and paste

this link into your browser it will take you right there:

h t t p s : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l /

UC6U5T3eVct8F6m2ni48ctJQ Due to Covid and social

distancing we cannot adore in the church. But we can adore from home. For

more information and ideas on Adoration from home go to:


Coming to the disciples, He found them sleeping and,

in Matthew 26:40, asked Peter:

"So, could you not watch with Me one hour?"

May 3, 2020

Page 4 Approach God….Luke 11:1-28

Sunday, May 3 Live Streaming You Tube 9:30 am Bess Dagcasin + Fr. Soane Rosalia & Gerardo Rosario + Sylvia Booker + Debbie Pineda (Healing) Makasini Otuhiva Monday, May 4 Live Streaming You Tube (Both Masses) 8:30 am Fr Michael 10:00 am Zosimo Magana + Fr Soane Makasini Otuhiva Tuesday, May 5 8:30 am Fr Michael 10:00 am Live Streaming You Tube Fr Soane Makasini Otuhiva Wed, May 6 8:30 am Fr Michael 10:00 am Live Streaming You Tube Fr Soane Pat & Ben Guevarra + Makasini Otuhiva Thursday, May 7 8:30 am Angel Escarcha + Fr Michael 10:00 am Live Streaming You Tube Fr Soane Dominador & Arceli Melendez (Wedding Anniversary) Makasini Otuhiva Friday, May 8 8:30 am Fr Michael 10:00 am Live Streaming You Tube Fr Soane Makasini Otuhiva 3:00 pm Holy Hour/Live Streaming You Tube Fr Soane Saturday, May 9 8:30 am Fr Michael 10:00 am Live Streaming You Tube Fr Soane Makasini Otuhiva Sunday, May 10 Live Streaming You Tube 9:30 am Bess Dagcasin + Fr. Soane Consolacion Gamboa Naniong + Rufina Sagario (Mother’s Day) Makasini Otuhiva

+Live Streaming Until We Can Meet Again+

We are live streaming the Masses and Friday Holy Hour on You Tube. You can

paste this link into your

browser or go to scroll down to the bottom right

hand side of the screen to "External Links" click on Divine Mercy You Tube.

Today’s readings on this fourth Sunday of Easter

offer us a glimpse into the heart of our loving

Savior. He is the Good Shepherd and we can

confidently place our trust in Him as we live the

stewardship way of life.

This endearing image of Jesus as shepherd, and

His personal love for each one of us, is described in our Gospel passage from

John, through the words of Jesus Himself. Here we read Jesus’ description of

Himself as the “Good Shepherd.” He says of Himself, “The sheep hear his

voice, as the shepherd calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When

he has driven out all his own, he walks ahead of them and the sheep follow

him, because they recognize his voice.”

This aspect of our Lord’s tender and personal love for each one of us is a com-

pelling reason to embrace the stewardship way of life — in the offering of our

time, talent and treasure to Him, we can express our gratitude to Him for the

incomprehensible love He has for us.

Embracing this way of life certainly requires trust on our part. But Christ has

proven Himself worthy of our trust. He “bore our sins in His body.” He calls

Himself our shepherd and He offers Himself as the guardian of our souls. He

has withheld nothing of Himself and His goodness from us. He would never ask

anything of us that would bring us harm. He tells us “I came so that [you] might

have life and have it more abundantly.”

This Easter season, let us resolve to entrust ourselves and our lives gratefully

to Him. +

Mass Schedule and Intentions

Would you like to

have a Mass said?

You still can! Just follow these easy steps!

1. Go to


2. Click on Mass Intention Request Form

3. Fill the form out and print it out to mail to the church, or you can scan it

and email it to [email protected]

4. You can take care of the donation by clicking on the “Big Blue Button!”

and then going to Mass Intentions.

Giving/dmcc or you can just click here:

App/Giving/dmcc and it will take you right there. Choose Mass Inten-

tions and then submit.

5. Or you can mail the $10 donation to the Church Office at 2231 Club

Center Drive, Sacramento CA 95835.

6. Because we’re remote, we can’t take specific days, it's really first come

first serve. You still can call the office and see if we can “save” the

spot, and we’ll try.

Confessions at Divine Mercy

Catholic Church

May 1st , 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (Friday)

May 8th , 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (Friday)

May 15th , 5:00 p.m.– 7:00 p.m. (Friday)

No appointment necessary

First come, first serve basis

(If the Narthex is full please wait in your

car for next available opening

Father Memo pre-

pared for hearing

confessions, and

using social distanc-

ing recommenda-


Jesus is pretty direct when it comes to

caring for others. Feed the hungry, he

explicitly tells the disciples, for “just as

you did not do it to one of the least of

these, you did not do it to me.” (Matthew 25:45). Over and over again,

Jesus tells us through his words and actions to care about people’s

physical needs.

Your donations helped feed 35 hun-

gry families in April ! May God bless

you for your generosity! We are accepting food donations through “drive

thru”; just drive into the parking lot and drop off your donations. We will

take it from there. Donations are on going, Monday’s from 9:00-10:00


We are continuing the Food Drop offs. The pantry is in need of every-

thing except canned vegetables. Thank you so much for your support of

the Angels of Mercy and feeding the hungry.

Our food distribution will be a drive through on May 2 from 9:30 to 11am.

We especially invite those who may have never required extra food in

the past. Let us help you.

Please help our Angels of Mercy continue our outreach program.


Page 5 Giving Time, Talent, Treasure

[email protected]





It’s an unprecedented time for everyone. Even

though we cannot attend mass in person, we’re

humbly asking you to continue your financial

support for our Church; if you are able to, by

sending your check donations by mail or via

Online Giving from the convenience of your

homes. Your support is greatly appreciated!


Fiscal Year July 2019- June 2020


Don’t have a Connect Now Giving account? Follow these easy steps….

1. Go to the Church website:

2. Click on the big blue button

3. Click on “sign in” (you aren’t registered yet, but this is one step to get

you on.

4. Under the blue sign in button you will see “New? Register for an ac-


5. Click there and then fill out the form and submit.

Email [email protected] if you have any questions!

Mortgage Reduction weekend is



Please consider what you can give to

help reduce the Church’s mortgage.

We realize that this isn’t an easy decision to be made during this pandemic,

especially when you are considering making your own house payments.

But we still need to cover the mortgage for our Lord’s Church. May God

bless you abundantly for all that you can give.

To quickly send in a donation, please copy this address into your browser.

Then follow the steps.


God Bless you.

For Week Ending April 19, 2020

OFFERTORY REQUIREMENTS (July 2019 - June 2020)

Average 4 week Month Requirement $ 60,000

Weekly Average Requirements $ 15,000

Week of: 5-Apr wk 1 $ 10,942

Week of: 12-Apr wk 2 $ 9,199

Week of: 19-Apr wk 3 $ 9,142

Week of: 26-Apr wk 4

Total Collections This Month $ 29,283

Note: The Above Amounts Do Not Include Fundraising Donations.


Mortgage Loan Balance 4/17/20 $ 2,015,549

This Week:

Live Streaming Attendance For 4/19/20 = 173

100 Families Gave $5,135 (Checks Mailed & Connect Now Giving)

Mortgage Reduction Donations Were $3,327

Easter Donations Were $520

Cup of Sacrifice Donations Were $160

Monies collected for fundraising events have not been adjusted for costs. Net income will be reflected when the fundraising event


Plan ahead, sign up for Connect Now Giving

God Bless You for Your Continuing Generosity

Have your gift recorded by using envelopes. We will provide you with a record of your tax-deductible donations every year. Don’t have enve-

lopes? Call Parish office to request – it’s easy!

Page 6 Divine Mercy Catholic Church Ministries

It is an incredible gift that the

Easter season includes the Mari-

an month of May. As we contin-

ue to celebrate the Resurrection

of Jesus it is only fitting to cele-

brate his mother and our mother

too. Take this passage

from Mense Maio, an encyclical

of Pope Paul VI from 1945:

We are delighted and consoled by this pious custom associated with the month of

May, which pays honor to the Blessed Virgin and brings such rich benefits to the

Christian people. Since Mary is rightly to be regarded as the way by which we are

led to Christ, the person who encounters Mary cannot help but encounter Christ

likewise. For what other reason do we continually turn to Mary except to seek the

Christ in her arms, to seek our Savior in her, through her, and with her? To Him men

are to turn amid the anxieties and perils of this world, urged on by duty and driven by

the compelling needs of their heart, to find a haven of salvation, a transcendent

fountain of life.

Typically, this month begins with a May crowning celebrated within the Sunday Mass

on or very close to Mother’s Day. But how do we crown Our Lady in the middle of a

pandemic crisis with no public Masses? Here are some practical ways to enter into

that celebration at home.

Crowning Mary at Home

If you have a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you can crown her within your own

family. Two years ago, I purchased a small wire garland from a local craft store, and

we use it for our family May crowning each year. The statue that we use is about two

feet tall, and while we could process around the house with her (a doable idea if the

kids are big enough), we usually bring her our prayers (written down the night be-

fore), along with a few flowers from the yard. Then, we sing a couple of Marian

hymns and one of the children place the garland on the head of Our Lady. If we

have a first communicant (which we do this year), that child gets the honor of the

crowning and we try to give each of them a “job” so no one feels left out.

If you don’t have a statue of Mary or the craftiness or means to make a crown for

her, you can print out photos of our lady and have children draw their own crowns

around her head. It’s a wonderfully creative way to invite them into the Marian

month. You can also hang their finished photos all together or near their bed for the

month. This is a good reminder that asking for Our Lady’s intercession is a good

way to begin and end the day.

Though the crowning of Mary is a physical act, it can be carried out in the heart

throughout the month. You can go on virtual Marian shrine tours. A quick Google

search reveals videos for virtual tours of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La

Crosse, Wisconsin, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Concep-

tion in Washington, DC, and the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Miraculous Med-

al in Missouri, to name only a few. You can even make a virtual tour of

the Redemptoris Mater Chapel in the Apostolic Palace.

It’s also a beautiful opportunity to learn more Marian hymns and chants. Make it part

of your family memory work to recite the Hail Mary in English, Latin, and any other

language you’d like to add to that. You can also use the month to discover the differ-

ent compositions of the Ave Maria, to pray more rosaries, and to pray the Ange-

lus as a family. As with all things, the physical crowning of Mary should incite or

deepen one’s interior disposition towards her, particularly throughout the month of


Turning to Mary in COVID-19

In our present circumstances, the Mense Maio paragraph following the one above is

even more poignant today:

Because the month of May is a powerful incentive to more frequent and fervent

prayers, and because our petitions more readily find access to her compassionate

heart during it, it has been a favorite custom of Our predecessors to choose this

month, dedicated to Mary, for urging the Christian people to offer up pub-

lic prayers whenever the needs of the Church demanded it or some grave

crisis threatened the human race. This year, Venerable Brothers, We in

turn feel compelled to call for such prayers from the whole Catholic world.

Looking at the present needs of the Church and the status of world

peace, We have sound reasons to believe that the present hour is espe-

cially grave and that a plea for concerted prayer on the part of all Chris-

tians is a matter of top priority.

For adults and others that are away from their younger family members,

crowning your Marian statues may seem adolescent, but it is still a beauti-

ful practice for any home and any vocation. If you want to practice anoth-

er devotion without flower crowns, you can read scholarly works on the

Blessed Virgin Mary like Daughter Zion from Joseph

Ratzinger, Handmaid of the Lord from Adrienne Von Speyr, or Walking

with Mary by Edward Sri. If you don’t want to wait on a book delivery and

ebooks aren’t your gig, you can meditate on the beautiful papal works on

Our Lady like John Paul II’s Redemptoris Mater and Pius XII’s Ad Caeli


Perhaps in the most practical and simple way, we could all make the first

prayers of Our Lady personal prayers of our own. In the midst of all that is

yet unknown about COVID-19, we can echo the trust of Our Lady: “Fiat

mihi secundum verbum tuum.”

And, we must heed the fatherly guidance of our current pontiff, Pope

Francis, who gently encourages us with his Letter to the Faithful for the

Month of May, urging us to “rediscover the beauty of praying the Rosary

at home . . . either as a group or individually; you can decide according to

your own situations, making the most of both opportunities.”

In the letter, he provides two new prayers for us to pray at the conclusion

of the Rosary, but they are beautiful petitions at any time of day. Let us

join him as he prays along with us “in spiritual union” during the upcoming

month of Our Lady:

O Mary, You shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and

hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who, at the foot of

the cross, were united with Jesus’ suffering, and persevered in your faith.

“Protectress of the Roman people”, you know our needs, and we know

that you will provide, so that, as at Cana in Galilee, joy and celebration

may return after this time of trial.

Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the will of the

Father and to do what Jesus tells us. For he took upon himself our suffer-

ing, and burdened himself with our sorrows to bring us, through the cross,

to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen.

We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God; Do not despise our peti-

tions in our necessities, but deliver us always from every danger,

O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.






ROME - Pope Francis said he was praying for expectant mothers who may be

anxious or worried about giving birth during the COVID-19 pandemic.

And he said the forced isolation devised to stop the pandemic was presenting

the danger of people living the faith only for themselves - detached from the

sacraments, the church and the people of God.

Online Masses and spiritual communion do not represent the church, he said

in his homily at his morning Mass in the chapel of his residence April 17.

“This is the church in a difficult situation that the Lord is allowing, but the ideal

of the church is always with the people and with the sacraments - always,”

Pope Francis said.

The pope began the Mass by praying for “women who are expecting, preg-

nant women who will become mothers and who are anxious; they worry,” he


DMYC Cover

King of Kings

We are sharing this gift

of song with our Faith-

ful as this was the song

that the Youth Choir

was going to sing for

the Easter Sunday

Mass, but then the pandemic happened. Its an honor to enjoy this video

that the DMYC worked so hard on for this beautiful season.

To listen to the full song, copy this address into your web browser:


King of Kings (in part; Verse 4 since Pentecost is coming)


And the Church of Christ was born

Then the Spirit lit the flame

Now this gospel truth of old

Shall not kneel shall not faint

By His blood and in His Name

In His freedom I am free

For the love of Jesus Christ

Who has resurrected me

Praise the Father

Praise the Son

Praise the Spirit three in one

God of glory


Praise forever to the King of Kings

Who has resurrected me

“Perhaps they are asking themselves, “What kind of world will my child live

in?” he said.

Let us pray for them, that the Lord give them the courage to carry these

children forth with the trust that it will certainly be a different world, but it will

always be a world the Lord loves very much,” he said.

In his homily, the pope reflected on serious concerns about the faithful not

being able to come together as a community to celebrate Mass or to receive

the sacraments because of government restrictions against people gathering

in groups as part of efforts to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

Masses, prayers and faith-based initiatives have been offered online, and the

faithful have been encouraged to make an act of spiritual Communion given

their lack of access to holy Communion, but “this is not the church,” the pope


One’s relationship with Jesus “is intimate, it is personal, but it is in a commu-

nity,” and this closeness to Christ without community, without the Eucharist,

without the people of God assembled together and “without the sacraments

is dangerous,” he said.

It is dangerous, he said, because people could start living their relationship

with God “for just myself, detached from the people of God.”

As the Gospels show, Jesus’ disciples always lived their relationship with the

Lord as a community - they gathered “at the table, a sign of community. It

was always with the sacrament, with bread,” the pope said.

“I am saying this because someone made me reflect on the danger of this

moment we are living, this pandemic that has made all of us communicate,

even in a religious sense, through the media, through means of communica-

tion,” he said.

By broadcasting his morning Mass, for example, people are in communion,

but they are not “together,” he said.

The very small number of people present at his daily morning Mass will re-

ceive the Eucharist, he said, but not the people watching online who will only

have “spiritual Communion.”

“This is not the church,” Pope Francis said. People are living this “familiarity

with the Lord” apart from each other in order to “get out of the tunnel, not to

stay in it.” The pope said it was thanks to an unnamed bishop who “scolded

him” and made him think more deeply about the danger of celebrating Mass

without the presence and participation of the general public.

He said the bishop wrote to him before Easter when it was announced Mass

would be celebrated in an “empty” St. Peter’s Basilica. He said the bishop

questioned the decision and asked, when “St. Peter’s is so big, why not put

30 people at least so people can be seen” in the congregation?

The pope said that at first he didn’t

understand what this bishop was

trying to get at, but then they spoke

and the bishop told him to be careful

to not make the church, the sacra-

ments and the people of God some-

thing that is only experienced or

distributed online. “The church, the

sacraments and the people of God

are concrete,” the pope said. The

faithful’s relationship with God must also stay concrete, as the apostles lived

it, as a community and with the people of God, not lived in a selfish way as

individuals or lived in a “viral” way that is spread only online.

“May the Lord teach us this intimacy with him, this familiarity with him, but in

the church, with the sacraments, with the holy faithful people of God,” he

said. +

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