to recognize static and dynamic identity

Gandhinagar Institute of Technology Aadeshara Akshay(150120106001) Derasari Nandni(150120106020) Kuhad Rushika(150120106042) Active Learning Assignment TOPIC :-TO RECOGNIZE STATIC AND DYNAMIC IDENTITY Prepared By: Guided By: HETAL MAM CONTRIBUTION PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT

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Page 1: to recognize static and dynamic identity

Gandhinagar Institute of Technology

Aadeshara Akshay(150120106001)Derasari Nandni(150120106020)Kuhad Rushika(150120106042)

Active Learning Assignment


Prepared By:Guided By: HETAL MAM


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To recognize the contributor’s Identity and focus the static and Dynamic Identity persons quality and understand why they are valued so much in real life…

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Introduction Types of identity Static identity Dynamic identity Conclusion


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IDENTITY is a term which needs to be define properly. IDENTITY does not mean name, family name, father’s

name, your achievements, your qualifications etc…though this too is known as a type of identity, IT IS NOT A TRUE CONTRIBUTOR’S IDENTITY.

Identity is the way of looking at world and it is all about human concern.

Contributors identity

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The identity of a person is mainly divided into 2 kinds….

1. static identity2. dynamic identity

Types of identity

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Such an identity is very short seen, short lived and very shallow. The person with such identity presents himself by his position, Awards, Qualifications, contacts etc….

He/she sees his/her success with a narrow view or mind.

Static identity

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This kind of identity is a contributor’s identity which is very broad, open and person with such an identity presents himself by his ability to contribute, take responsibility etc…..

The persons view are like what he/she is “being” and what they are “becoming”.

The personality sees hisher success in broader way in which he also thinks about the society.

Dynamic identity

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Difference between static and dynamic identity

Static identity Limited to goals. No interest in the other

affairs other then their goals.

Not helpful to others. Believe in past

achievements. Make show of his power

and position.

Dynamic identity Unlimited to goals. Interest in the other affairs

other then their goals.

Always ready to help others.

Believe in future potential.


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Contributors Qualifications Position Years of experience


Contributors Capacity to deliver Commitment

organization’s purpose


Who Am I…?

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Jawaharlal nehru is also known as NEHRUCHACHA but do we know that this Nehruchacha sold the india?

With the help of speech given by MR>rajiv DIXIT who was a very well known indian social activist, we can come to know how he had done the business of independent india.


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Steve jobs is a name rarely someone has not yet heard.

He is pioneer of the apple products which are one of the most technically advanced and world-class gadgets.

His identity is not his qualifications or his degree but his identity is his contribution to the technical world.

Jobs had a vision. He wanted to contribute to the world with his best abilities and he gave this world some of the most advanced gadgets.

Why steve jobs is a dynamic identity

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His ability to see the world in broad way. His urge to make things himself which other can

use for their own good. His enthusiasm to keep trying to find new things in

life by learning and observing. These things made steve jobs a dynamic identity

which is the mark of a true contibutor.

What are his views that makes him dynamic identityu???

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The contributor’s image of self is not defined by the qualifications and achievements, not by power or position, nor by his/her glories rather, he/she thinks of oneself as someone who has a capacity to make a positive difference in the world, focuses on the responsibility.


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