to staff 101! - ywam sunshine coast · 5 our vision (our bhag) and values (six core values) will...


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Post on 06-May-2018




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… to staff 101! Thanks for your interest in staffing here at YWAM Waves, Sunny Coast. We wanted to put down a few thoughts to let you know who we are, where we are going, and what it is like being a part of this team. Serving here at YWAM Waves will be hard…but fulfilling. A time of radical commitment to God as

you find and step into the destiny he has for your life. As a surf community, we are laid back and fun loving, but we are serious about serving and glorifying our Father. All we ask is that you are committed to the same goal and willing to do whatever it takes to serve the Father with a sweet heart. So put your feet up for a few minutes and take the time to read and seriously consider the following – Bless ya!



what is ywam sunshine coast?

It’s our BHAG baby! YWAM Waves is focused on a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG): Influence our generation through waves of innovative ministries resulting in a revolution of grace. We want to see a God revolution in our generation throughout the nations! We want to release dreams and destiny to see young people grab hold of their calling and use their gifting, ability, and interests for the great commission. That means using surfing, skating, and technology – whatever- to reach a generation and enjoy-ing the ride. Our vision is not about programs or goals, but about releasing energies and dreams – your dreams. Our burning passion is to see you find God’s huge, wild, crazy, bodacious dream for your life and grab hold of your destiny to impact nations and disciple generations. We believe that our generation is full of gifting, ability, calling, and the potential to impact the world and our generation like none other. Our goal is to encourage you, disciple you, and challenge you to dare to believe God’s mission and grab it with both hands! What do we look like…? As a beach culture we enjoy a relaxed, fun loving at-mosphere. We have a close staff community who love to hang out with one another - we have beach days to-gether, volleyball or soccer nights, go surfing…you name it. But, we are serious about God and our mission. While we enjoy the journey we are focused on the goal, and that is to give our lives fully for God. We are seri-ous about knowing God and making Him know. The Sunny Coast is an awesome place to live, but that is not our reason for being here. Our reason is to glorify God, not get a suntan. 1. We are values driven not rules orientated. We don’t have a lot of rules. Rules assume the worst in a person not the best. They assume a person is going to do the wrong thing and so constrain us to “do the right thing.” Values create an atmosphere for us to vol-untarily rise up to the highest and best in any situation. They honour and assume the best in a person. Values enable true discipleship. Rules simply force our actions – until the rule is removed. Our values define who we


are and what is important to us. Every YWAM base adheres to the 17 foundational values of YWAM, but as a base we have six core values. These values define us and are the means to accomplish our vision. If it is one of our core values we do it regardless of the cost. Staff members are required to own and live out these values. They are: Know God – this means our relationship with Jesus is more important than what we

can do for him. We want to spend time hanging out with him, falling more in love with him.

Make God known – this means our ultimate desire is to see God transform lives, societies, nations, and generations globally.

Be visionary – we are committed to continually receiving, nurturing, and releasing fresh vision and new ministries.

Be a community of discipleship – We want to have an environment for growth, sup-port, and accountability.

Have fun – Missions is the most exciting thing you will ever do in your life, and we are privileged to live in such a fantastic location – we want to enjoy the ride!

Holiness – We are committed to living holy and righteous lives, to consider the needs of others, and live above reproach.

We are committed to our values and regularly take time out to spend a day with

God, engage in an evangelistic outreach, or have a beach day and bar-b-que. We often throw the schedule out and have an extended time of worship or hear God’s voice as a com-munity. We are focused on seeing new visions and ministries birthed as we support and en-courage the next wave. 2. Focused on the goals. Goals are sometimes frowned upon in Christian circles. Some think that a stated goal might limit God in some way. Our goals are not to replace or limit God in anyway – just the oppo-site, we believe these goals are from God. They are simply something to aim at and help us evaluate how well we are doing in accom-plishing God’s calling. If you aim at nothing, you will be sure to hit it. If you are bold enough to put a goal out there it will motivate and help direct you to action.

what is ywam sunshine coast?


Our vision (our BHAG) and values (six core values) will determine what we will look like as a base 20 + years from now. Hopefully it will look something like this… A web of self sufficient ministries - from Noosa to Caloundra into the nations Funnest base in the world 70% of staff (leaders) are under 27 – committed to releasing young people Everyone on the Sunny Coast aged 10-25 has personally heard the gospel Influencing YWAM bases and other organizations in cutting edge ministry tech-

niques Staff is some of the best trained (discipled) and supported missionaries in YWAM Recognized for creative evangelism – salvations/year are in the thousands Evangelism will be cool Measurable transformation in the communities and sub-cultures we target Partnering with multiple long-term, strategic projects internationally to see sustain-

able community impact. Concept of missions and being a missionary is radically redefined People are the greatest and most valuable asset Values driven not rules orientated Recognized and respected in our community – we will be known As a base we have goals and we are focused on achieving those goals for God. As a staff we do not want to waste our lives, but give all to change communities, cul-tures, nations, and generations.

what is ywam sunshine coast?

benefits of staffing What kind of people do we have here now? We have some of the most committed and called young people from the nations! They have an unquenchable passion for Jesus and are hungry to see God move.

One of the most important questions we ask when someone wants to join us is, “do they have a sweet heart?” We have people with sweet hearts; people who are willing to serve and who enjoy the ride. As a base 70% of our leaders are under 27 - we love to release young people into leadership. As a base full of young people we love to hang out and do stuff to-gether. Simply put, we have some of the best people you could find and we are very proud of everyone of em!


benefits of staffing How can we make staffing more meaningful? We are looking for people who want to give it all for God. We believe we can make that more meaningful for you by releasing you. We want to release you into your calling –, to encourage you, equip you, and then to follow you! How can we ensure staff members feel loved and cared for? As a base we encourage doing things together – beach days, volleyball, soccer, surfing, hiking, or eating and drinking coffees together. We want a family environ-ment where we know one another and our needs. This means everyone has a place to speak up and change what we do our how we do it. If there are ways we can improve, we want to hear about it. We believe you are our greatest asset…not a van. We care about you and want to continue to put things in place to ensure you feel loved and cared for. Do I fit here? We are diverse in our unity with staff from many nations who love God and enjoy life. We come from different denominations and back-grounds but we love and respect one another. We place a value on community and having fun to-gether in addition to hard-core ministry. People are our most im-portant asset - we value the indi-vidual, and we value you. We want to welcome you and make sure you find your place here. Am I needed? If you have a sweet heart and want to leave behind a life of mediocrity to live in radical abandon to God you have a place here. We are always looking for people who are ready to do whatever it takes to glorify God and reach the nations. If you have a dream for ministry, we want to support and release that vision, if you want to grow and disciple nations we want to encourage and equip. If you want to know God and make him known, have a sweet heart and willing attitude, if you want to enjoy the ride – then WE NEED YOU HERE.


benefits of staffing What is the value of joining? Here are a few reasons: Environment to grow deep with Jesus – to experience him and live on the cutting

edge with him. Opportunities to be radical about your faith and to go into all the nations to share

about Jesus. To be encouraged, supported, and released into your vision/calling. To be part of a community of young men and women who are sold out too and

thirsty for Jesus. To have fun serving God. To be challenged to new levels of holiness and growth. A place to belong and be valued. How many places will you find that will release and empower you to do what you feel called to do? That is what we do here. We give you the training and opportu-nity to fulfil your ministry dreams. Not sure what you feel called to do? Don’t sweat it. Jump into any of our current ministries – DTS or Skate, Surf or Evangel-ism, lead outreach teams to un-reached people groups – we can give you opportunities to grow, mature and discover your dreams. Join a community of people, like yourself, who are hungry to know God and make him known and create friendships for life as you discover your destiny for the nations.

requirements What is expected of me? We want people who share our vision, values, and passion to see the nations reached for Jesus; people who are willing to do whatever it takes with a sweet atti-tude to serve Jesus. Do I have a sweet heart? Every staff member here has a sweet heart. By that we mean that they have an attitude that wants Jesus and are willing to do whatever it takes. Their attitude is one of humble obedience and passion to see Jesus glorified. If that means going the extra mile – they go; if it means sleeping on the floor and eating strange food – they do it with a smile; if it means being willing to learn and grow – they are hun-gry.


requirements They take the initiative even if it is not their responsibility; they serve tirelessly, and spur one another on to keep the standard high. They know that being in missions is a huge honour and they serve with grateful attitudes. If you are not ready to do whatever it takes and maintain a sweet heart about it, this may not be the place for you. We are looking for people with sweet hearts.

Do I own the base values? We have six core values (mentioned above). Each person here owns the values – they live them and create an environment that is shaped by our values. They want to know Jesus, they are eager to tell others, they love to hang out and have fun, they dream big dreams and shoot for high goals, and they inspire one another to practical holiness. There is no point in us having values if we don’t own them and live them out – if we don’t create an atmosphere of values that our DTS’s and oth-ers come into and are effected by. We are looking for people that don’t just know our values but live them. Do I like the vision? Our vision is broad because we want to release people into their calling. To accom-plish this we ask for a minimum one-year commitment to the base in order to join staff, but we encourage you to consider two years. The first year at a new place is always a transition. It takes a while to get used to a new living environment, to be-gin to make friendships, and find your place in the life of the base. Usually, the first couple of months are fine because everything is new. Then a few months into it the newness wears off, you begin to realize you miss home, you may still not be sure exactly what you are doing, and you miss friendships. Usually, this is about the same time that you are beginning to think about what to do when the one-year commitment is up and it is hard to hear God say stay with all of the other emotions. However, if you commit to two-years you move through this patch and by the end of the first year, beginning of the second, you find you are feeling very settled, know your role, and are making some deep friendships. The second year is much more productive, you feel like you are accomplishing more and want to stay even longer because you are moving into new leadership positions. Ultimately, the greater your commitment is to us - the greater our commitment is to you. It is much easier for us to build into and release you into leadership and new areas if you are committed to the base vision and values. Responsibilities This will vary depending upon which ministry you are serving with and will be de-fined by that ministry.


how we are organized

1. Physically As a base we are purposely decentralized. That means we do not have one big property where everyone lives and serves. We are structured like a web. Our train-ing will form a small hub that is surrounded by self-sustaining ministries fanning out across the Sunshine Coast, and the nations. Our goal is to release the wave, not accumulate buildings. Each ministry is to become self sustaining and self led. This means we want to re-lease you into your ministry, to allow you the freedom to lead, while we support and encourage you. We want every ministry to feel championed, loved, supported, valued, and covered – but released to chase after their dream not conform to ours. 2. Structure Every staff member is just as valuable as the next, regardless of what you do or how long you have been here. We are not defined by our role (that is a worldly way of assigning value), but that we are sons and daughters of God called to serve him in whatever role. Therefore, we prefer to talk about “roles” rather than “titles.” Whatever position you may serve in, it is simply the role God has called you to in order to accomplish his dream. Obviously, we feel it is right to honour and respect those who carry responsibility, but no staff member is more important. One of our core values is holiness. This means we are all to hold one another accountable, re-gardless of our role. We want you to feel valued, honoured, and that you have a voice in this ministry. We have a leadership team to provide guidance to the base. The primary function of the Leadership Team is to apply our values and evaluate our progress towards our goals. The Leadership Team meets approx. once a month and is chaired by the Base Director. The Leadership Team then submits and reports to the staff through our weekly staff meetings for final ratification.

our expectations What does God expect from staff?

I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart. (Psalm 40:8)

Mission is possibly the hardest thing you will ever do. It requires self-sacrifice and a willingness to take initiative and responsibility. Serving God full time is a huge hon-our, and a huge responsibility.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Col. 3:23-24)


our expectations

Our supporters, whether financial or prayer, work very hard (usually a minimum of 40 hours a week) to then support us on the field. We should honour them in our willingness to work just as hard, maintaining a attitude of gratefulness.

Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet.I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no ser-vant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. (John 13:14-17) Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. (Phil. 2:3-7) So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. (Matt 7:12)

What do we expect from staff? People who really feel fulfilled serving in YWAM have already ‘Died to Self.’ If you are still struggling to die to your own wants and desires, you will probably find it a difficult transition. How do you know if you have died? You will have a humble at-titude, willing to serve and do whatever it takes to accomplish the ultimate task. Sometimes that means preaching in front of thousands, leading and discipling na-tions, and sometimes that means cleaning toilets and moving beds. There is no di-vision between secular and sacred – all are ministry. We are often working on pro-jects or ministry that requires us to be flexible with our schedule (we may have to

work evenings or weekends as re-quired), but that flexibility can also be a great benefit. As a base we do ask that you work a full work week (about 40 hours minimum), but your schedule is flexible to meet your needs and the min-istry. Living in YWAM is living in commu-nity. Our value is holiness, which means we mutually agree to prefer one another by keeping common and personal spaces clean and tidy.


Staff must take initiative and ownership within YWAM or you will become frustrated. You are not serving YWAM – YWAM serves you. You are YWAM. YWAM is not a big corporation; it is simply a platform to allow you to fulfil your ministry calling – nothing more. Houses, offices, vans, equipment, etc are there to serve our calling, so we must take ownership to care for these things or we will no longer be able to fulfil our dreams. We must take personal responsibility to care for the resources we enjoy, it is a holiness issue. In addition, ministry in YWAM is self funded. Any ministry, whether an outreach, leading a DTS, or attending further training, is OUR ministry - it is what God has called us to and we trust him to provide the finances, not YWAM. Have courage…where he guides, he provides. Ultimately, when we speak of commitment we are not just talking about how long you are willing to stay, but how ready you are to take ownership and initiative for your own destiny.

our expectations