to te ayeiiee' s ;:^ti tiiivc mm»m^t^ commended by...

THE OGDEHSBURG JOUBWA1. It published, every Homing, (Sundays txeepUd,) I* gaemburg, St. lawrenoe County, N. T., at the low price of (5 per annum; when served bythe Carrie* •5.60 peryear. Office on Isabella Street, BATES OF ADTmnanro. One Square, one insertion». $ ™ do do two do ....... 1*6 do do three do ISO . . de do one week, 8 50 v 3b do two weeks,...,., 4W do do onementh ......... 6 00 do do two months,. ;;; 8 00 do do three months, 9 00 do do tlimonths, 12 00 _do do oneyeari . ... 18 00 O'ne quarter column one year, B5 OO Onehalf columnoneyear, 110 00 One column one year ....... 200 00 Business Cards, pet year, 10 00 One inchspacecoxistitutes a square. Notices In read- n J matter will be charged fifteen cents aline each inser- tion. Marriage notices fifty cents each. Death notice! free. Obituaries^. Ac, ten cents per line. Ho advertisement will be Inserted over five times a week, and'when tunning over a month bat fourtimesa week. 0r~8o cola will be Inserted In advertisements. Advertisement from unknown parties must be accom- panied by the cash. JOB~WORK. Every description of Job Work neatly and promptly executed at the JOUBXAI. Office. H. R. JAMEB, Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS. ST. LAWRENCE HALL MOSTBIaL, O. I. H. HOGAN, ..;.., Proprietor. This House is situated on Great St. James Street, and li ^^ the largest In the city. %IFAmerican Money taken at par. [aulT-ly] GGrDENSBURG, N. Y., FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER ll, 1868. to *«o PER MONTH QDASANtEED. Sure flpivw pay. Salaries paid weekly. Agents wanted everywhere to sell our Patent Everlasting white wire Olotbei Lines. Full particulars ftes. Address the ei- rard Wire Mills, Philadelphia, Pa. (dell-3m)l ST. JCIJIKN HOTEL, On the European flan. No. 4<t 6 WaihingtonPlace, near Broadway, N.¥ m Centrally located for business, and convenient !to placet of amusement. Cars and Omnlbnsiei to all parts of the city,'paii within one block of the door. Choice Rooms for families from (1 to 18 per day. ReiUttraint attached. (aell-Sm) W. W. INLAND. HOW TO GBT PATENTS. lor opinion, no charge. Send sketch and description. Vor application send model not over 1 foptln slse, and $16, fi«t Government and Stamp fees. Specifications, drawings, caveats, and assignment* prepared. Illus- trated pamphlet!, 110 pages, sent free. Address, MUNN k CO., Scienttflo American, 8T Park Row, New York. (dell-Sri) HOTEL, FESSCOTT, OUT. L. II. Daniels, - Proprietor, nd to no House in Canada. (mh21dly) ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, Corner King and, Centre Street, Preseott, Ont. (formerly kept by Orry Harris;) A. Well-, . - - - Proprietor S . J>. i n R i O K . . . - J I D C A O K K . A First Class Exchange Office and Billiard Room At- tached. tST*Free Omnibus to Boats and Cars. - (mhtfldly) JOHN ALLEND0RPH, Auction and Comjuisa»lon IVereliant, A1TO FAHOT OOOSB D»1T.«BB. Goods sold to Merchants and Peddlers at New York , " ."" " City Prices. •ifc'-ire. jjtFprd:St.,;pgden»bnrgh,N. T. [aplQdly] 0HAS. I. BALDWIN, BKOlin, Dealer In GoldSllver &. Canada Money. Drafts for sale on Ireland, Scotland and England. RaU- way and Steamship Agent to all points of the United States and the Old Country. |y<3s»eral Office, State Street, Ogdensburgh, N. T, OHAITGBION' S 1.1TB It Y, Catharine St., opposite Baldwin Hbnse, Is the place 10 GET. TBZ "BEST TUBN-OUT" IN TOWN I tyEHher Single or Double._jg Oaretol drivers can be had when desired. JaSdlyl CITY RESTAURANT. BY JOHN S. STEED, lake Street, Ogdensburg, West Side. JBi Always on handthe choicest Cigars, Wines and Uq- ors. (JeWdtf BALDWIN HOUSE, Water Street, near the Ferry. OQDKNSSOT.O, It. T. E. M. Oaiawla - -._«_ - Manager. The honje has been refitted and refurnished. A choice supply of Canada Liquors,Wines, and the best brand* of Clgar3 always on hand. Good accommodation for Horses. Large Barn*, Shed* and Yards connected with the House. Charges reason' able. . " " • » (jaaidAwly) CHA8. N. BIXBT, Attorney ana Counselor at Law, Also, Jfctary Public. JOTBBAU JBKCTIOH, ST. LAWTMHOl COUKTT, •. Y. f&-Partieular attention, given to Practice im Bankruptcy. (jylStUwly) J. H. MORGAN, [EBTJIBLISHSD 1853.] •Wholesale Dealer In Wlnea, U^nom dc Rectifier of WliltilElea OODiagBraoH S"T [JelOatwtq WILLIAM WELLS, [ Formerly at tht Baldwin Smut, ] DIALEB ni tjg^Gold, Silver and Canada BlH Honey exchanged on reasonable terms. Com Bills bought and sold; also Government and Oonnty Bonds. I^^OtSce with Chttrle3 Johnson, Ticket Agent, on Oatharlae Street, next door above Baldwin Home, .dansbnrgH.N. Y. ' (oo29a«?wtf Eosoros w. JUDSON, Attorney and Counselor at fcavnr, tar LICENSED CLAIM AGENT..JH Soldiers* Bounty, Back Pay, and Pension. Adrl(« on the subject, free, MOirrr TO LOAH OH GOOD IMPKOVBD rants. ojroffice, oomsr of Terd and Isabella streets, Og» »n3bnrgh,N.T. ; [ap*d«sw] NATIONAL HOTEfc, Corner of Fo-rd and Catharine Streets, oDS!tsBukaa T o o s , LYTLB ft MOORE, Proprietors. Newly refitted and furnished: and kept in- first olaw ityle Restaurant In connection. Free hack to and fromthe oara and boats. Passengers carried to any part of the city. • . (mya8diiwtf) JOHNSON HOUSE, : * OaDK»BBDllQ,l». T. N. V*. Keeier, -... •?. -, Proprietor. Late of Waierbury Wtet, VS. Carriages to and-from the Cars and Boats. (my20d*wtf) , J. S..WARNER, Watenmake*, Jeweller and AHD OBNKK1I. DKALIR IS Watches, Clocks, Jeustlry. Silver-Ware, <te. Sole Agtntfor Florence improved and unixctll-td. SEWING MACHINES, NO, 8 EAGLE BLOCK, *OBD ST., OGDEN8BTJRG. taB^All kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Sew- In; Machln'errepaired; -All-work warranted; . - . -; O. * ». WHITNEY, J*., * CO., Wholesale dealers in all Unas of . "W'E81I?I2I«XN' T.TTTVfsxmf>. I, *a»y-partlcular attention given to supplying the New England Market. W. 1. PROCTOR, Agent, (f*84d*wtf) Ogdensbnrg, N . Y . SEYMOUR HOUSE, rnmLT m. unr»i»cns l o n t , 1 J. TALLMAN, '.-•• Proprietor. 6gdensbnrgh,N.Y. " [jedAwtf THE ORIENTAL HOT-AIR Base Burning? J. S. OSIER, I S BOLE AGENT POK THIS CELEBRATED f nacefor Ogdensbnrg, and is prepared to 1111 orden on the shortest notice. Satisfactory references given. Also the Oriental Base Burning .Stave, the Imperial CooSlng Stove, and all kinds of Cooking and Parlor A full assortment of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, afwayi on band, and jobs done to order. ' t^TBtbre, two doors Bart of Seymour House, Tord Street, Ogdensburg. - (dtf) BODES, LTNDE ft NICHOLS, " M!ill©x-s, and aealers in Flour, 1ST MILL FEED AND GRAIN, J& 0GD3K3BT7RQ> H* T. NATIONAL LIFE...ffiSUIU^CE CO, i •• %\% Broadway, New York. All forma of Life and Endowment Policies issued. - Thirty days grace allowed la payment of premiums. Note taken for one-half the premium.. „—. .'All policies non forfeiting aftsr two yejira. - i~y ;r All policies Incontestable after-five yeafs. Dividends declared and paid annually. The last Dividend on Life Policies was 50 per cent. . JAMES SIMONDS, Agent, Great Western Railway Office, BANKING HOUSEOF JAY C0OKE No. V0 Wall Street, COE. JSA8SATJ STREET, NEW TOBK, ; - We bny and sell »t the most liberal current price*, and s»ep on band a fall supply of GOVERNMENT BONDS .01* ALL, ISSCES, SEVEN-THIRTIES, and COMPOUND •INTKBKST NOTES; ana execute orders for purchase and sal» of Stocks, Bonds and Gold. '•'- ' , ,t , 'We convert the several tonnes of" Stven-TMrtit* at the most favorable'market rates Into'Flve-Twentl**,' Which, at present price of gold,-yleia the'holder abont jOi»e:peV«ent.Tnor!B interest per anngm, . _ _ : Circulars wl*<h : fall, particulars, farnighed upon appUi - JAT OOOM * OO. ' ' ' " : " ' ' ' , ! S(|VIRE &LANDER, Importers and dealers in . '\ Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, SllT«r Ware, &c M I^T-Sell at Manufactory Prices, 97 Falton Street. New York, near William Street. (dell.lml) A Gold^«ns to be given away. "Knotwl- V U i U edge Is power,-rthe Pen Is mightier than the sword." One agent wanted In every county to sell,the cheapest and the most reliable frailly Medical work ever published, 400 pages, finely lluitrated and bound In extra doth. Every purchaser will be present- ed with a 14 Carat Gold Pen, No. 4, with ebony holder, or Silver Plated Extension Bolder, with No. 4 Pen and Pencil combined, and every pen warranted. Sample Book, with Pen, | 8 . Send for circular and agents terms. AddressM. LArATOTTE BYRN,M. D.,No. 80,Oeuar Street, New York, (P. O. Box 4,669. (dell-lm) WATERS NEW SCALE PIANOS; With Iron Frame, Over Strmg~Ba$$, and Agrafe Bridge. MKLODEONS AND CABINET OR&AN3, i The belt "manufactured; -warranted for B years. Ulfty Plonos, Melodeons and organs of six first olais makers at low rates, for cash, or one-third cash and the balance -in monthly-Installments. <Secqnd-haxid-.lnstrumen{ts at bargains. Illustrated catalogue mailed. Waferboms, 4S1-Broadway, New York. < (oc8-8m) HORACE WATERS). "Advertising is the Life of Trade."—FRAKKLIMJI |3J~Persons contemplating advertising, sbonld,, be fore making contracts, by no means omit applying to ABBOTT & CO., Or consulting their authorlxed agents, for estimates.— They have facilities for securing the insertion of Adver- tisements in all newspapers and other publications'at lowerrates than any other house. Oirculars and infor- mation free. Address, ' ABBOTT & CO.'S Bureau for General Advertising, . 82 AND g* NASSAU ST., NEW YORK CITY;, j BIARVIN'S OHRO9IB IRON SPHERICAL | I Burglar Safel, W^ll resist alL Burglar's Implements for any keaftth of Please send for Catalogue of Fire and Burglar Proof a*SBi:o«dway. New York; 721 Cheitn *t %?iitt,, Phil- adelphia, ; 103 Bank Street, Cleveland, O. (st224m) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, THE STTCCESS . or our $1.OO sale bais causid encli A. Complete Plevolxxtioxi IN TRADE, That In order to supply the demand occasioned by our constantly Increasing PATRONAGE, WK HAYS RE- CENTLY MADS IMPORTATIONS FOR THB PALL TRADE, DIRECT PROM EUROPEAN MANUFAC- TURERS, AMOUNTING TO NEARLY #500,000, So that we are prepared to sell every description of Dry and Fancy Gooda, Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery, Waviciies, Albnnisi, Jewelry, *<v, Of better quality than any other concern in the country for the uniform price of ONE JDOLXAR FOR EACH ARTICLE, With privilege of exchange from a Urge varietyof useful articles, not one of which,bought for TWICE THE A9IOVNT In any other way. DEVLIN & CO. 1 EXTENSIVE = € lot hinir Houses Broadway, corner &rand Street, AID Broadway, corner Warren Street,, I NEW YORK. ; Comprising all branches of the business, as repnMented in the ' I Custom &Ready-made, Department* of ; . Men's, Boy«' * Children'* ' CLOTHING. Of the Celebrated American Yoke Pattern, with \ Gentlemen'* Furnishing «oodr. Of every description. Our specialties (or Fall In new G»odi, are . Oassimere Suits, entire.... $22.00 Winter Over Coats 15.00 Pea Jackets ...... 19.00 (ocl8dcwSm) DEVLINfcCO. i FARMERS OF OSWEGATCHIE! farmers of Oswegatchle will take notice that <L. HA8- BROCCK has been appointed agent Jor U s Insurance Co. Imure tA*mai tte-usual LOW rate* W that Company. _J^ ^ \ "• B.--Measure thsdlitanoaT-by air fine., between baUdlngs within 100 feet of each other and bring the re- inlt.wltKyoa.JUso slse of buildings and nelght of posU therein, fromBill U Plate. > Br~Callat Hasbrouck's Oelebratsdlnsorance Agency Ford SV, Hasbrouck Block, and get your policy. Br^Betached City Dwellings Insured In the same J0o 6t Three Testra for 75 to 100 cti. on » *1OO, for that time. . ! No gtorti, Mills, Faetotles r Merchandlse, Churches, or echoolHoosMtakenlntblsCo. Touare.notioblljtdto pay for extra haxards and makeup dtfleitneU*. ' : ' '- " I'i' • ^anlMJtat Oroeer & Co*wiitssioii M«rehaiit For the purchase and sale of t at, md aU mdt of • * ' # u n M n Z T W H C I ; '• . . - ' ' ; A choice Una of family Qreeeries always on hand:! " Peed* deUvere. in and; part of the village, free, of ^^- 1 Water Street; Mit*, Ogdana- TU*r, Pork, Butt*, fatmm? _ . or Boston and New York reference* giv- en as to the reliability "or our house, and that our bust ness is conducted in the fairest and most legitimate manner possible, and that we give greater value for the money than can be obtained in any other way. ALL DAMAGED OR BROKEN IN TRANSPORTATION REPLACED WITHOUT CHARGE. | y Checks describing articles sold, sent to agents In Clubs at raws mentioned below. Weguarantee every article to cost less than If bought at any Boston or New York Wholesale House. - OUR COMMISSIONS TO AGENTS Exceed- those of every other ejtabllshment of the kind —proof of this can be found in. comparing; our premi- ums with those of others FOR CLUBS or THE SAME SIZS, In addition to which we claim to give bttter goods ef the same character. We will send to Agents free of charge, FOR ACLUB OF 80 AND THREE DOLLARS—One of the following articles: 1 doz. good linen Shirt fronts. 1 set solid Gold Studs. AU Wool Casslmere for Pants.— Fine white Counterpane, large slse. 1 elegant Balmoral Skirt, 20 yds. brown or bleached sheeting, good quality, yard wide. 1 elegant 100-Plcture Morocco bound Photo. Album. 1 double lens Stereoscope and 12 Foreign Views. 1 sllvej-plated engraved 5 bottle Castor. 1elegant Silk 7an, with Ivory or Sandalwood Frame, feathered edge and spangled. 1 Steel Carving Knife and Pork, very best quality, ivory balanced handle.' 1 handsome head- ed and lined Parasol. 20 yds. good Print. 1 very fine Damask Table Cover. 1 pr. best quality Ladies! Serge Congress Boots. 1 doi. vine Linen Towel*. X do*. Ragers'but Silver Desert forks. 1 Ladles'large real Morocco Traveling Bag. 1 fancy dres* pattern. Jtf doi. elegant silver plated engraved Napkin Rings. 1 doz. Ladle*'fine Merino or Cotton Stooklng*. Gent*'heavy chased solid Gold Ring. 1 pr. Ladle* 1 high cut Balmor- al Boots. 1 elegant Delaine Pattern. 1 Violin and Bow, in box complete. 1 set Jewelry, pin, ear drop* and sleeve button*.. * FOR A OLTJB OF 50 AND FIVB DOLL ABS—1 black or colored Alpacea Dress Pattern; 1 set Lace Curtains. 1 pr. all Wool Blankets. Engraved silver plated 6 bot- tle Revolving Castor. 1 beautiful writing desk. 1 sol- id Gold Scarf pin. ZX yd*, very fine Uassimere, for Pants and Vest. 1 set-ivory balanced handle Knives with silver plated Fork*. 1 elegant Satan Parasol, heav- ily beaded and lined with silk. 1 pr. gents' Calf Boots. 80 yds. good Print. 80 yds. good brown or bleached Sheeting, yard wide, or. 40 yds. 7£yd. wide, good quali- ty. 1 ladles'elegant Morocco Traveling Bag. 1 square Wool Shall. 1 plain Norwich Poplin Dress Pattern. 1% yd*, double width cloth for ladies' Cloak, tfegant en- graved silver plaied TeaPot,3 yds. double width water- proof Cloth for cloaking. FOR A CLUB Of 100 AND TEH DOLLARS—1 rich Merino or Thibet Dres* Pattern. 1 pair of line Damask Table Cloths and Napkin* to match. 1 pair gent*'Trench Calf Boots. I heavy silver plated engraved lee Pitcher. Very fine all Wool Clolh'for ladles' Cloak 1 . 1 web ve- ry best quality brown or bleached Sheeting. T#jdi. fin* Casslmere for suit. 1 elegant Poplin Dres* pattern. 1 elegant English Barege Dress pattern. 1 beautiful English Barege Shawl. 1 set Ivory balanced handle Knives and Forks. 1 ladles' or gents'Silver Hunting- cast Watch. 1 Bartlett Hand Sewing Machlnt. Splen- did Family Bible, steel engravings, with record and pho- tograph page*. 25 yd*, good Hemp Carpeting,- good colors. 1 pair good Marseille! Quilt*. 1 good sis barrel Revolver. I elegant fur Muff and Cape. I single bar- rel Shot Gun. 1 silver plated engraved S bottle Revolv- ing Castor, cut glass bottle*. 1 very flue Violin and Bow, In ease. 1set ivory balanced Knives and Tories. Prettnts for larger Club* Increase in. the same ratio. Send Money by' Registered Letter. SEND FOR OCR NEW CIRCULAR. PARKER it CO;, * No*. 93 and 100 Summer St., Boston. ROOK AGENTS WANTED FOR THE FA8TB8T. SELLING BOOK PUBLISHED. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe's NEW ,WO»K. BcautlfuLStealJllustraUoos fill Ihs book. It is dual- ly as popular as her famous "TJnclt Tom'* Cabin."— Agent* report inmente salet.- Over 30,000 aold. Send for circular* and learn of this work, and of extra cemmlssions Riven. Address H&KTFOKD PUBLISHING CO., Hartford, Conn. L ADIES OR GENTLEMEN CAN EARN AWATC0, SUItDress, Sewing Machine, Web Sheeting, Ac, by a few hours' work for (HLMaN * CO.'S GREAT ONE DOLLAR BALE, 119 Hanover street, Boston, Mass.— Circular* sent free. I. B. SMITH & CO.'STROCHES Are pronounced by all who have used them to be the most effective remedy known for {Coughs, Colds, and Hoarseness. Sold by all Druggists. Price 26 cents per box. DR. BUKTON'8 - TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. Waranted to remove all desire for Tobacco. This great remedy is an excellent appetizer. It purifies the blood. Invigorates the ijitem, possesses great nourishing and strengthening power, enables the stomach to digest the heartiest food, makes sleep refreshing 'and (stabilities robust health. Bmokera and chewer* for Sixty Tears, cured. Price, SO ct«., post free. A treatise on the In- jurious effects of Tobacco; with list* of reference, testi- monials, * c . Bent free. Agent* wanted. Address Dr. T. K. ABBOTT, Jersey City, N. J. (aul8.8m) Boston One Dollar Store. The Immense success attending our past business ha* Induced us to make great preparations for the fall and Winter Trade. Our cheek* and exchange list* contain nearly every article desired for family we. Sucha* Dry and Fancy'Goods, Boots and Shoe*, Jewelry and Plated Ware, Cutlery, Ac, *c. Presents worth from $Sto $100 sent free to Agent*. Make your order* a* large a* possible.and send your money by postal order or registered letter. We are agents for over 100 foreign and domestic man. ufactorie3. Our Goods are hew and sold at manufactur- ers prices at $1 for each article. Descriptive cheeks $10. perlOO, ortonfor $1. Agents wanttd in every town.— Circulars sent free. CO8HMAN A CO., (oc6Sm) 10 Arch St., Boston. Agents Wanted, to f»OO per month. ' To sell a new book pertaining to Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, by Geo.E. Waring, Esq., the distinguish- ed author and agricultural engineer ot the N. T. Central Park, Ac. Nothing like It ever published; 150 Engrav- ing*. Sells at sight to Farmers, Mechanics and Work- lngmen of all classes. Active men and women can sure- ly make the above amount. Send .for Circulars. E. B. TRBAT k CO., PttbUsh*rs,C51 Broadway,N. T. TOIUUSY'S WEATHBR PATBNT STRIPS. Agents wanted In every {own. Send for circular and price list, E. 8. * J. TORRE? * CO., 72 Maiden Lane, New Tork. . .,".".. Chapped Hsmdo tc Pace, Sore Lips, *e. Cored at once by the u»s of Hegeman's Camphor "lee with Olycerlne, which. k«*p* the hand* *ofl In tha coldest weather. 8«e thai you get tht genuine. Sold bydrug- glst*. Price 25 cents per box. Bent by mall for SO et*. A. B We are prepared to supply the public with uatful and ornamental Articles, Goods for winter wear, *«:, * c , from oar . , i Mamneth $1.00 Sale Hoise, IZieented try V. ,8. Authority.) Forthe standard price of »1 for each article. Havlnf ENS engaged in the '.business for some. Urn* past, and clearly knowing the wants of th* people, ws hav* «n- largtd ow Mchang* Ust ov»r 100 artlelis, both useful and ornamental) more than any ottitr house in thitrad* andwef*«leonfl<J«nta«ag«ntono»galu»dwlU bt r*J- t^nei-' .'- .'• «• v ' ' ' \ ,• '. nei Bt sides our MasasaothKxcha»ge:Hrt.«urln*io»ment» to agent* eie«l that of any otWrhoosi la tht bisiaes*. Any lady or gentleman, by spendlnga few- of their lebsu* monUnts, can oblaln a Gold Wat«»;-8llk Dm* Pattern, Stwlng;llachlne,*<.,*C,frte of «ost. -, Goods *»d«Kdfrosi our houst will at sent 0. 0. J). whtBdtrtrtd.' -- • '». -"."' c . .. -.- | Btod for Circular glvlns; foil. puUcaJan. Orsolar and sample stnVMt to uraMrtta. . ' • • ATWOOD, BATH. * CO., 8 UdlltttBe4tM TOE CELEBRATED IMITATION GOLD $15. Hunting Watches. _ THE OOLUNa OROIDE WATOH FACTOKT. Cases .orOollins Metal. [Improv- ed Oroide SPECIAL NOTICE. Our superior Oroide Watches having recently been Imitated and worthless watches sold In New York, Boston and Chicago, and* other cities, represented as our watch- es, we hereby caution the public against them, and give notice that we are In no way responsible for these bogus concerns, and only those purchasing directly fromus can secure.a genuine Watch of our manufacture. We have recently greatly Improved our Oroide In appear- ance and durability, and to protect the public from im- position hereafter, have named it the OOLJ/INS METAL, and we give notice that any one making use of this name will be prosecuted to the extent of the law. This metal has has all the brilliancy and durability of Gold; can- not be distinguished from it by the best judges; retains Its eolor till worn out, and is equal to gold excepting In intrinsic value. All our gentlemen'* watches are full Jewelled Patent Levers; those for Ladles ah improved Escapement, better than a lever for a Small Watch; all in hunting eases and fully warranted by special certifi- cate: The $15 Watches are equal in neatness, style of finish, general appearance, and for time, to a Gold one costing $160. Those of $20 are of extra finish and are fully equal to a gold Watch costing »200. Chains of ev- ery style rrom $2 to t$. ; JEWKtRf.—We are manufacturing all kinds of Jew- elry of the Collins Metal, Pins, Earrings, Sleeve But- tons, Lockst, Studs, Finger rings. Bracelets, Pencils, Charms, Odd Fellow and Masonic Pins, «c, all of the latest and most elegant styles, and fully equal to gold in appearance and wear. TO CLTJB3 where six watches are ordered at one time, we will send one extra watch free of charge. Goods sent to any part of the United States by ex- press, to be paid for on delivery. Money need not be sent with the order as bills can be paid when good are taken from the express office. Customer* must pay all express charge*; We employno-Agents; order* must therefore be sent directly to us. In ordering write plainly the name, town, county and State. Customers in the city will rep-ember that our only offlee Is ; 0HH. 8T and 89 Nassau Street, oppoiite the Tost Office, (dp stairs) N. York. 0 . E. COLLINS 4 OO. CARPET 8— Don't Pay the Prices. The Mew England Carpet Co., of Boston, Hats., estab- lished nearly aquarter of a century age, in their present location In halls over 71, 78, 75, 7T, 79, 81, 88, 85 and S7 Hanover Street, have probably furnished more houses with carpetsthan any other house inthe country. In order to afford those at adistance the advantages of their present low prices, we propose to send on receipt of the price, SO yards of upwards, of their beautiful Cottage Carpeting*, at SO cent* per yard; with aample* of 10 sorts varying in prloe from 35 oents to (8 per yard, suitable for furnishing tvery part of any honse, $1,000 A If E A R . ! Guaranteed and steady employment. We want a re- liable agent In every countytoMil our - patent WHITE WIRE- Clothes Line* (everlasting.) Address WHITE WIRT CO., 75 William it., N. T., or 1C Dearborn St., Ohleago.IlL . " \ WANTED—Salesmen to travel for a manufacturing firm and sell goods by sample. Good Wages guaranteed Address, with stamp. H. D. HAMILTON k OO., No. 418 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Toadies in Poor Health* One of the bast medicines, probably the very best ever prescribed for the numerous and distressing ailments known-as female complaints, is Dodd's Nervine and In- vlgorator. Headache, Pain In the back and limbs, Pal- pitation of the Heart, Falntness, Loss of Appetite, bear- Ing down pain. Prostration of strength, Retained, Ex- cessive, Irregular or painful menses—all yield to it* magic power. . For Hysteria, BpUepsy, Melancholy, 4c, lt It alL but Infallible. Itlialso most valuable to ladles who are experiencing the change' incident to. advanced year*. Then It Is that constitutional maladies make their appearance, if any larking about the system, and give caste to remaining days. Dodd's Nervine and Invlgorator greatly uslsts nature at this Important peri- od, maintaining the vigor an tranqulllty of early life, and carrying them with ease and safety through. ; IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE. (Communication by a Physician.) Some months ago I was called upon to attend a lady of WlUlamsburg, N. X., who had long be«n suffering from uterine disease. It* presence was marked by constant vaginal discharge, sometimes of a watery consistency and sometime* creamy and muoo-purulent. She had b«tn under other treatment for soma time, but constant- ly (Tew worse. Vaginal examination disclosed extensive Induration and ulceratlon of the cervix uteri. The uter- ine Inflammation which was evidently assuming a chron- ic form, was also aggravated by long standing eonstlpa- tl.n, palpitation of the heart, night sweats, cough, poor appetite, and almost dally falntings. She fainted to en- tire Insensibility during one of my first visit*. I eom- menctd of course, by such active local treatment a* the nlceratlondemanded, and then appliedmyself to a recup- eration of the general health. It was inconvenient to see herfrequently,and except to mark the healing of the ulcers; in the early stages, I visited her only every other we*k. lortonicand constitutional lnvlgoraot Dodd's Nervine only was prescribed. I had soma time before ecome acquainted with its properties, and knew noth- ing more safe or satisfactory In Its probable result*. ' The result completely justified my expectation. In leisthana fortnight the bowels had become free and regular in their movements, the night sweat* disappear- ed and appstlte pagan to grow. The fainting spells be- came less frequent and soon ceased altogether. In an- other fortnight there wa* no more cough, the vaginal discharge was sensibly diminishing, sleep was normal and refreshing, and thegeneral health decidedly im- preved. Whatremalnslsioon told. The patient con- tinued the use of the Nervine, (and no other medicine) for some weeks longer, when my further assistance was notrequlred. Since her recovery I have seen her but once. She seems perfectly well. Her joy over restored health Is naturally enough most enthusiastic. She nev- er before had a medicine give her to much comfort, such appetite, such sleep, such courage, and such strength. She wouldn't try to keep bouse again without It, et*., etc. It 1* my own opinion that the nervine is the best tonic and corrective of th« female organization that has .ever come under my observation. I ttis.ll not fail to continue its use In similar cases, and the. profession knowthey are numerous enough. For sale by all druggists.'- Price »1. (nolO-2m) THE GREATEST EDIOAL DISCOVERY AGE. air. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, ha* discovered a common pasture weed that cured every kind of humor, from the worst scrofula down to a common pimple. NURSING SORE MOUTH it caused by the bland and nourshlngjuice* being exhausted by thebabe, and tht acrid juices getting the upper hand; it It cured by two bottle* of Kennedy'* Medical Discovery. CANKER IN TH1 MOUTH AND STOMACH Is caused by a deficient vital heat, and a want 6T digestion, arising from a cold and slimy state of the Stomach, whereby are engendered sour, acrid and corrosive nourishment, from tulcu the body become* green, stringy and lean, from j Jch condition arises nearly all ailments flesh Is heir to. This (ondltloc 1* perfectly renovated by a few bottle* of Kennedy's Medical Discovery. SALT KHKUsf Is caused by tha acrid' and corrosive luIuibtlngearrM In tae circulation until the channels are choked and it Is compelled to break ont' on the sur- face. A bright r*d Salt Rhenm Is easily cured; a dark brown is more difficult. A few bottles of Kennedy's If ed- eal Discovery cum In tvery ease. DT8PBPBIA and Irregularity of the Bowels ii caused y withering or shivering of the nerve* of the Stomach By canker humor, which prevent* the free flow of the gas- trie Juice; The stomach I* strengthened and It* nerves and coatlnt brought to a healthy, active state by a few Dottles of Kennedy's Medical Discovery. ERYSIPELAS i* caused by a fermentation arising from sadden check of perspiration. The ferment Is a strug- gle in thi* fleah batween life and death. The venom'and Sroth I* at last expslledtothe aurntot in crust and scabs. It it thoroughly cleaned out of the system by three to five bottle* of Kennedy'* Medical Discovery. ULCERS, when of lone standing, are caused by any humor which may be In tht blood, which in place of oom- ingto«Kt surface, ha* eaten or worn iuelf a channel and •liebarcM all the humor* of .tht body one outlet. Fu •MxipSonaad duration wiUU band in say pamph aionnd each bottle. JOROrtTLA, or King'* Evil. I shall not haaard my hard-earned reputation by laying what the cause of It Is. The nature of genuine and unmixed Scrofula Is yet hid- Jan is mystery; of all tht theorle* written on It, I do-not mow of any so rational a* the Anlmacula. These para* lie* eat and oonsmsae tMlift of tht Mood, causing years f misery and general debility. The dl**a*e Is Inward and of coone not suspected. Thee* pemUes for want of vital heat and ttimull, get sluggish and elamaiy,and final- ly die, dogging th* paatag**, pausing Inflammation,; nl- e-TaUon and[decay, more particular of the spleen and I'. >r. TbeBerofnladepoaltU different from any other scts:anee found In the human *y*tea>; it la probably .the accumulation of dead anamalonlss. Ifth*dl*eawitmys> ItrlMSVHJ* eqnelly •nysterlom* thatno *urteure water. tr known for It until the appearance of Kennedy's Medl" oal Discovery. Tlvetoeight bottle* will cure every oase. CHILDREN 1 " TEETHISG HUMOR. Take my advice and let It alone. ! BOALD HEAD is taldtobe an animal fungus, follow the di.eotlon lamypammhUt around the bottle. ! •IOKVHBADAOllfc I *by a 1MB* of bet Taper braia taitljac a pretnrt *> the di.eotlon lamypammhUt ar •IOKVHBADAOllfc It eases* irWngfrosa*• Stoaaa*tothe eondeued and the sv - ~ ... —wimn»n»g to -prevent H I Korrenoe by two bottle* of Kennedy'*. If ad. Discovery. DROPBT dee* any eaae arise from humor. I with I could pay for adropsy advertisementtogive yon awvlewef lt,b«tIoaano«atoMiL Tet I am happy to nfom you that avery culvert, dam and ohannel In your SS'SiiSnia^nr* flowl>y * t&m bottUg of *"* B *" yiMtdlealWtootery. ; '«e.ptwaaie tke eyeap for th* ttengaM -sataon, anl to aeeaaad carry off the sediment of all Infection* dls- «paf*j*j*K tsana WB*^ »»a» • • • • • • • n • • i « »• *•« IW»VSIVIS« nip taaei jwwfcaa asaele*, scarlet «sv«r,whooj>lng eougb^saiall tot, or ftTtn of any Und,wh*re there is whatlt called sS335$&$SJjgSP MMnSoland by DOAU> saanmpT, jtm**»**r ttsTdrswIatU TE AYEIiEE' S OODGNSBTJBC AND X.^.KXC CKAM- PI.AIN BAIIVBOADi 1868. Chang* of r JTIm«. 1869. WlNTZa AKSANGEMENT. On and after Monday, Nov. 80, train* will run as follows:' lstr-THROTJGH MAIL. tea-re Ogdensburg at 11.40 A. M., Potsdam Junction. 12:40 P. M., connecting with Express Train rrdm K , w. * 0. K. R., Malone 2.40 P.M., (20 m. for dinner,) connect- ing atMooer'Juric.withP.&M.R.R. for PUtUburgh, Burlington, and points on the R. k B.. Railroad, arrive at Rouse's Point at B.SO B. M., connecting with Vt, CentralNlglit Express,for Burlington and all points East ana South, arriving In Boston at 8:10 A. M., Spring- field 6:40 A. M., -, Troy 4:85 A.M., New York 10:80 A. -M. 2d—BOSTON EXPRKS8. Leave Ogdensburg 7:00 P. M., Potsdam Junction 8:25 P. M. (connecting with express mall from R. W. k O. E. R.,) lodge at Malone, leaving 7:45 A. M., arriving at Rouse* Point at 10:35 A. M., connecting with Vermont Central R.R. Day Express, for Burlington, Can- cord, Nashua, Lowell, arrive in Boston 10:80 P. M. UETDKNING Leave New York 3:30 P. M., Troy 9:80 P. M., sleeping car, Rutland 1:80 A.M. Burlington 4-.1SA.M.; Bos- ton 5:00 P. M., Rouse's Point 7:15 A. M., arrive at Ogdensburg at 1:00 P. M. Connecting at Mooer's Junction with trains from Plattsbnrgh, Bur- lington and Rutland k Burlington R. R.; Potsdam Junc- tion with R., W. k O. R. R. for Watertown, Rome and West; aluo with Stages for H&ssena Springs ; and at Og- densburg with trains of B., W. t O. K, R. for Boutn and West; with Grand-Trunk. Railway forWert; St. Law- rence and Ottawa Bullway for Ottawa, and with Northern Transportation Co.'s-Line Steamers for West. Leave Boston 8.00 A. M., Burlington 4.50 P. M., St. At bans 6.45 P. M., Rouse's Point 8.00 P. M., arrive at Og- densburg at 1:40 A. M., connecting with Grand Trunk Railway express west. D. W. O. BROWN, G«n'l Bup't; Supt.'* Office, OgdeEtburg, Nov. 80,18«8. (d*w) VEU3EONT CENTRAL and SULLIVAN "BVAXLROADS WINTER ARRANGKMINT.. Commencing Nov. 80,1S68. GOIXa flOOTH AMD KAST. HAILTRAIN leaves St. Albaniat 6:20 A. M., and connects at Burlington with the ~Rutland Road; 'at White River Junction and Bellows -Tall* with train* for Boston, Worcester, Springfield, and with trains on Passnmpsle .road; arrives at New Tork at 10:45 P. M. DAY EXPRESS leaves Montreal at 8:40 A. M., St. Johns at 10 A. M.; Oxdensburg at 7 P. M., lodge'at Malone, leaves at 7:45 A. M., Souse's Point 10:46A. M., for Boston, ko., arriving In Boston, via Lowell, at 10-iO.P.M. - : •>. > .'- i NIGHT EXPRESS, leaves Ogdensburg at 11:49 A. M. Montreal 3:30 P. it Rouse's Point at S;40 P. M., ar-. riving at Boston at 8:40 A.M., connecting at Bellow* Vails with Cheshire Railroad for Boston and Worces- ter, and with Vermont Valley Railroad for Springfield *o.,and arriving in New Tork at 12:80 P. M. munra oonra XOKTH AIDWX«T. SAY EXPRESS leaves Boston, via Lowell, at 8:00 A. M., for Burlington, St. Albans, Montreal, Ogdensburg. and the West. MAIL TRAIN leaves Boston via Lowell at 7:00 A. M., via Lawrence and fitchbnrgh at 7:80 A. M., Bpringfield at7:45 A. M.,, for BurUngton and St. Albans. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave* Northfield at 8:00 A. 51., for Burlington, Rutland, St. Albans, Route'* Pt. NIGHT EXPRESS leaves Bellows Falls at 10:10 P.M., receiving passengers from Vermont Valley R. R., leaving NewY6rkatl2:15P. M.,and frdm'Oheshlre R. R.leiv- lng Boston at 5:80 P. M.; connecting at White River Junction with train leaving Boston at 6:00 P. M., for Burlington, Rouse's Point and Ogdeniburgh, connect- ing with Grand Trunk Trains for the West. • i Bleeping Oars are attached to both the Night Express Train* running between St. AHjanrand Boston and StV Albans and Springfield. '- > * '-. i. _' '.' Through Tickets for Chicago and the Wast for sale at the principal stations. ! ii. MERRILL, Gen'l Bupti St. AlbanB, Vt, Nov. 80, 1868. » [d*w} RUTLAND. & PURLINGTON R. K. LEAVK OGDENSBURG \ At 1.00 P. M.,35xprea«,rorlreyand New York, wltm lieeplng car from 8t. Albans to Troy, arriving in Troy at 4.40 A. M., and New Tork at 10.00 A. M., via the Hud- ion River Railroad. . ', At 1.00 P. M., Express for Boston, arriving at Bur- Ungton, by rail, at 9 80 P.M.,(with sleeping car from Bur- lington) and arrive In Boston next morning at 9:80 o'clock; ' Or, Passengers by the 1:00 P. H. train can take one of the Lake Champlaln Steamers, «n arriving at Rouse'* Point, get supper on board, pass through the most pleas- ant part of the Lake, touch at Pittsburgh, and arrive 1 at BurUngton In time to connect, WITHOUT FAIL, with the 10:00 P. M. ExpresB Train for Boston, (with sleeping cars) and arrive In Boston next morning at 8:80 o'clock. Passengers taking the 1.00 P. M. tralnSt^urdays.aie rive In New York at 8:00 P. M. Sunday. At 6 P. M., (sleeping car to Rouse's Point) arriving at 4:85A.M.,^Jurllngton 8:00 A.M., Rutland noon, arriv- ing at Boston at 6:80 P. M. **or tickets or Information apply to Ticket Office, Oc- densburgh R. R. Depot, or of Ohas. I. Baldwin, G. T.'R. Ticket Office, 8tate street, or T. N. Derby, G. W. R. Ties> tt Office, State street, opposite Seymour House. f^F" Baggage checked through from Ogdensburg. t GEO. A, MERRILL, Supt. J. T. CHURCH, Gen. Agt.,Ogdensburg. June 1,1868. ' fmyl4d*wl BOIIS, WATERTOWN AND OGDENS* BtRO, R. U.~ I .' 186S. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1869^ On and after Monday, Nov. 23,1868, and until further notice, Passenger Trains will run on this Road as fol- lows,(Sunday9 excepted,) EXPBESS MAIL. Leave Ogdensburg 9:00 A. M.,. arrives at Dei alb Junction 9.M A. M., Canton 11:05 A. M., Potsdam 11:80, A. M., Watertown 12:15 P. M. (25 minutes for dinner) Rome 4:05 P. M., Oswego 8:45 P. M., connecting at Rome. with New York Central Express Trains for all point* East and West, arriving at Utlca 5:10 P. M., Little Falls,, 6:03 P. M., SchenectaSy, 8:45 P.M., Troy 9:45 P. M., Al^ bany 9:80 P. M., Syracuse 7:25 P. M., Rochester 10:80 P. M., Buffalo 1:20 A. M., Saspension Bridge 1:45 A. li. NEW YORK EXPRESS. , Leave Ogdensburg at 2:00 P. M., arrive at Dekalb Junction2:55P.M.,Canton4:80 P.M.,Potsdam 5:5$P. M., Wstertown. B-.20 P. M...(25minutes for Supper.)Oswe- go 9:15 P. M., Rome 9:25 P. M:, Alb«ty r 2K)S'A. It New York, 7:30 A. M.; Syracuse 12:25 A. M., Rochester 8:30 A. M., Buffalo, 6:20, A.M. Suspension Br 7:00 A. M. Elegant Sleeping Car attached to this train at Watertown and run through, to NewYork wlthput- shange. Close connections made at Buffalo and Suspension J!r. for Chicago and all points ~Wcst. RETURNING. . Leave New York at 80th Street Depot, 6:00 P.M., ar- rive at Watertown 7:50 A. M., (25 minutes for break- fast) Ogdensbnrg, 11:80 A. M. Sleeeping Car attached to this train and runs throughto Watertown. Leave Albany, 7,80 A. M.,Buffalo, 8:25 A. M, arrive at Rome 12:22 P. M. Leave Rome 18:85 P. M., arrive at Watertown8:55"P. M.,(25mlnutesforsupper,)arrive at Ogdensburg 7:40 P. M. I " fare as low and time quicker than by any otherroute. Baggage checkedthrougb. . O. 0. CASE, Acting Supt.: H.T.IRARY,Gen.31cVet Agent, Idtw] ORANI» TRUNK RAILWAY. . Through to Chicago in S3 hours, being 12 hours quicker than by any other route: " ' - " ; , - , Trains leave Prescott Junction, opposite Ogdeas- Bnrgh.aBfollows.vU: FOR SHB WEST. i Chicago Day Express l.SS P.M. Accommodation ..4.4OP. H.' Chloago Night Express 12.45 A. HV FOR THE JJAST. . ; Horning Bzpress ..^ E.OOA.M. Local. 11.O3 A.M. , Evening Express 4 . 4 O P . M. - • V Through Ticket* for sale at tht General TJnitn. Office Old Ogdensburgh Bank Building, 8tate Streets ' OHAS. I. BALDWIN, Agent. O. J. BSYDGE8, Ogdensburgh, N. T. Managing Director. S. P. BEACH, (del4d*wtf ' General Agent. New York OU7. PACIFIC 8TEAHI8HIP3 CO'8, Through Line To California, China and Japan. TOUCHING AT MEXICAN PORTS; AND CARRYING THE U. S. MAILS } Through to Callforlna in Twenty-Two Days. Steamships on the Atlantic: Connecting on Pacific wittf ~ ARIZONA, COLORADO, HENRY ClinUNCEY, CONSTITUTION NEW YORK, GOLDEN CITY, ! OCEAN QUEEN, . . SACRAMENTO, NORTHERN' LIGHT,= - GOLDEN AOE, COSTARICA, MONTANA, One of the above large and splendid steamships wll leave pier No. 42 Nortk River, foot of Canal Street, »•• 13 noon, on the 1st, 9th, 16th and 24th of every month (except when those dates fall on Sunday, and then on the preceding 8atuMlay,) {or AsptajiaUi connecting, M » Panama Railway with one of the Company's Steamship , from Panama for San Francisco, touching at Acapuloo. *- Departures of the 1st and 24th connect at Panama, wVill * Ste»raers for South Pacific Ports. Those of 1st touch Manianillo. . ^ .. _ . „,. J Departure of Stheach month connect*,with the new. •team line from Panama to Australia and NewZeaUmd. Steamer of Jan. 9, connects closely at San Francisco with steamer JAPAN, leaving Feb. 4, 1S69, .for Japan and China. 1 One Hundred Pounds; Baggage allowed to eaeh'adult, *]ei|naBter»aeooripany> baggage •throWiiS,:ana ; ab ladl nd child ljht l b t W B ! < One Hundred Pounds; Bag ;Jtagga*]ei|naBter»aeooripanyaggage toWiS,a ; tend to ladles and children wljhout male prbtfceWn. Bag! gage received on the dock the day before sailing, from steamboats, railroads, and passengers who prefer to tend,' down early. , , *-' •'- An experienced surgeon bn-board. Mediclne-and at. tendance free; '•••,' ' . ,'''•' ,''" -Tor passage ticket* or furtherlnformatlon,apply a tk,n Oompany'stlcket-offloeron the-wharf;foot of-OaBa ' at* ilerVNewTdFK iCS3S'f ; Train*leaw White River Junction hi Ooncbrd ua, Grobin. Junction, Worcester. Proviaenc*: 'Lowell Bostohl'*c., at 1:80 Ai3C,a2:S0 and BiSOT.-M^ron»fc riTal of trains from Ogdensburg ana Montreal. ~ ~ Leave Ooneordior OgdeBsbnrg: and.Montreal at lO-SBc A. U., and 8:20 P. M., or on arrival of train* from" Bos- ton, WorceEter, * c . -- : ;-•"-• .i* 1 ; Trains over this Road are run daily In connection with. trains over the Ogdensburg Road, carrying Pasten- gers and FrelgbVto and from the West, Ogdensburg, Montreal, and Manchester, Na.nua, Wo?ctBter, XT6$L- dence, Lowell-, Lawrence, Boston, Porttinouthi PoHUad»ndthe8att,and all intermediate poinU. ONBLOW8MARNB,iAirMU.- Ooncjrdj.Dec. 1,1868. . : '•••-' CBNTRAlL Y CrRElT WESTERN RAILWAY Nt*Mg«ra>Fadla a n d S n . p e n s l o n R r l d c * . THREE KXPJUffiS TRAINS. •'.''• Leave Suspension Bridge, Hamilton and Toronto, dally, (Sundays exeepted,) on arrival of Trains from the Bast -for .; • - ': i _._ PBTROIT, CHICAGO, KXH.WAVKES, IWAnd all point* Wett.-ja Mail -Train' leaves, Ogdenabnrg, via Rome, W.- and ^O^WKERSMWP ILSi SAFETY VALVE. ;: r ^ti Tiiivc mm»m^t^ commended by the %. andDcpatiesof several State*, as laws in reliaUon to.St€»Mai JBoitei^ and as being superiortoanr Oth- tlisc valT«^ and bas nearly- «toil|»le the capacity therefore it For fartber puticitlan i "gaensDUrg K. B., daily (Sundays excepted) at 9:0,D; A. MiiRome4:06.P.M;,Niagara FallsTand sWn.Br- 1:50 A. M., Detroit 11:80 A. M., arriving at Chicago 10 P. : M. K'Prtss Train Ieav,es,idfdensburg SipO P.Mi, Rome 25. NlaM^.y^jj, aid, SuspensionTBr. T:08 A. k ™- K'Prtss Tra #5.NiM*rA,i;al}jand,Buspenslo rolt,B:8ffT;Mi, aSriyih'garthlea ta cl ncti ith ll ti aak* and »#5 trolt,B:8ffT;Mi, aSriyihgarthleage 6:80, A. S tag close connections with all train* South, W Express T|-atu at2 P.M.,make, dlree Train leaving DiaKara Fall! and Sutpemldm Bridge; 8iui<law*i at 18:20JS. *. Vsrdying at Detrolt:at-10:«0 P. M., ChicagolbA.M. Monday. - - r -.{' Cbeaey, Ftoke tc •. ••'. EXPRESS ? ; I Connect*) daUr wltli aU tike' eitieilat tke United State* and Canada. ?|: ThriefromKewirorltiMbSurir '"' Time from Boston It hours. All expreues in charge of iafe.ahd trusty mel Orders for the purchase of good* In the cities' especuU* solicited and promptly attended to. Office in Seymoat HooseBnildlnK, Ogdeniburgh. • . , > - . ; 0: P. GEER, Agent. Steriine Silver "Ware FINK ELECTRO - PLATEI> WARE. Th* Oorham Manufacturing Co., of Providence, R. I., having the largest imannfactgry of jBoUdlBUvei; Ware Ha,. the world, with' the most Improved machinery; and-em- ploying the mo.t skilled Ubor, are ensbled to offer ah iinequallea variety of new and beautiful designs in Din- ner and Tea Services, and every article ipeclsjly adapted *6r Holiday and Bridal Gift*. *• - - .-•-' •••'--• Y^ "• •Th^oirer also their unrivalled JJIckel SUver Xlec'tro Plated Ware, in which they have Introduced nowpat- Urns of rare elegance. The Solid Silver is guaranteed, to be of sterling purity by XT. 8': Mint assay. -The Elec- tro Plate-is guaranteed to be superior to th« finest Stief- ^ field ware: Order* received from the Trade-only; but these good may be obtained from responsible dealers ev- erywhere. _ .-*''•;*;" • i' Trade wark forSlilver. Trade mark for Electro Platei ,- V.L k °9*HAM: (nq5J4w5m). Sale Knowtedp is Power That fact induces the offering of a FEES TRIAL - to all. Weknowthe . CELEBRATE!) AURORA With a fair test, will prove to thousands, a* It'has j to hundreds who are now using It, afar preftrable OIL'to anything heretofore u*ed. . '. » . . .(> BRING OR 8BND THEtR AND TRY IT FREE. If all will do so there will soon be a greater rush than ever for the same.- - " . " :: Only 56 cents, a Gctlloii, AT BSTAIL, BY > - '••-•' i HIGBKK k McCOY. NEW At MADRID, iX. "ST. i pE ST3B3CBIBBR-HA8 RECENTLY OPENED THB X old Qoss Store, at Mairid, with a general assortment Dry Goods, Groceries, CROCKERY, Ac, &«•"' .--- And would respettfnlly solicit fromthe publlo a share of patronge, _ ...].• fW~Madrid. Clotlii and Flannels always on hand for Cash or in exohahaefor Wool. I [8862-3m] , A. VAN SIOKLBR.Madrld,N..Y. To Insnranoe THE GAPITAL OaBeeHo.3SVBlon Square, New York. ^iM^wfBARintf,President."'-'' '"'• •"-' ' WM.O,.PRlSOOTr,VleePresWent. ' •••) G. D.MACARTT,Secretary. . ' ISRAILO.PIERSOS; Actuary. - ' .'•-.• SAMDEL G. GOT, M. D., Superintendent of Agenclei. uiiCv : i'.- '-:•••/;*., .' .. -.' 'fi^'J. • f. t*"Thl*:8oclety being about to Teorganiulu Agen- cy Byite'mTlS New'Torki Invites proposal* from eipe^ rienoed agents In Jefferson, St. Lawrence, and Xiewis Counties. Address ..v»•. ' (deldl0t*w8w) WM.0. \ f A N T FAMILIES. H8D HI DIFHODLT TO StTIT ( 1V1 ihemsilve^ In the market In Hosiery and other Kntt,G!»a*.> ;W>M*prep*^to^Enit *?'«?!!«JffirS?: "We are »1|eW pp ^ Strle'Or»1|eWHoa^ r; Dnderwear.lkaUn'gSoclu, A</ * XAMB.KrUT. M * - -^Nonnand'setewaUoat,W .'~r't .-?--v «O «* 59 John St., Bfew York .•UJdtw8ai) -j :• :•-'.: •--. •"zf> "-% -' •'- ~-'&<il 20 For* Street, MUJHM* Books, er-BIBLBS, BLANK BOOKS, Cap; BUI, Letter * Bfote P a p e r . ^ 7 ;;^ AND GERMAN TdT8i«JE|—' Ogdensbnrg.^ jr., Aplil JBj 18&8.., (d ^ " - . ^ ^ " ^ t !i" • *£argel6(of -.. iici y.'X utters! -.-T J^TManufaetured by myself and warranted; In every way superior,. are now offered at the Lqwert Living PHcefc"" 1 "-"•"• "- -- ; ; -"••• •'•• " ••"-'.-i.a gVOall at «nce and secure the best. • , '. W-Cornerl»ab«lla andWashlngtoB Streets, Ogdens- bnrgi ; N.Ti,-.- •.-.:..•. .i.-..* • .:': , f i ;^^ . A. CALL4GHAN. » -1 WEED SEWING MACHINB CO. 61 HARTFORD, PATTIRH Nothing ha*' yet been made which will compare with It In simplicity or arrangement, thoroughness of con- struction, and working capacity. Withe these combin- es features or Simplicity,-DarmbUity and Capability, the Weed favorite Has advanced beyona airy other Sewing Machine yet offered to the pablio. galesroonu, . . . NO. *6. EAGLE BLOCK, FORD ST., (jyS8dfcwly) . :'- THOMPSON * WIL80K. 8 BTOXICE. rf«fflE ASSESSMENT ROLL dSiTHB tO^CLstOfr X wegatchlejhavlng been deliverel to the undersigned, - the Collector, he will recelVe the taxes from 9 o'clock to 4 o'clock, dally, Sunday* excepted, at the Bank of Aver- ells 4 Chapman, for the period of thirty days from this date:, .... «:N. MEREliM, Collector. OgdensbnrgiNoVi«i,lS68. . (n624d*wt«B) rwvss. NEW tRENCH CHAIRS, made front tempered X. OaitStoel, durable ani highly ornamental. Sold by A. N. SffltPJPBt *1OO; Ogdensburg, Nov. 21,1863. (oc8dtf) T! MM ; ,., V .EAIL^TO .ERQCtTRB^ : TKU Valnablejit«paratttm. hasibeehijjastewlla It not onl^reliereH-tlie child from pain, but inv&oratest. theTstomach- and bowelnp-eorrecti ""ad.aityf. aria g i v ^ Kne in*^en'ergy'tiPthei-trholo ->8yijejnT;t It-snUvalsgCnstajifly rgUeye irojliG ^ J ^ i ' 'WObelieWit the BEST;, and BTJKE DT^:tIHE'iW0BI^5!tnVatf:e»a8 tirnst Company

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T H E OGDEHSBURG JOUBWA1.It published, every Homing, (Sundays txeepUd,) I*

gaemburg, St. lawrenoe County, N. T., at the lowprice of ( 5 per annum; when served by the Carrie*•5.60 peryear. Office on Isabella Street,

BATES OF ADTmnanro.One Square, one insertion». $ ™

do do two do . . . . . . . 1*6do do three do ISO

. . de do one week, 8 50v 3b do two weeks,...,., 4W

do do onementh... . . . . . . 6 00do do two months,. ;;; 8 00do do three months, 9 00do do tlimonths, 12 00

_do do oneyeari . . . . 18 00O'ne quarter column one year, B5 OOOnehalf columnoneyear, 110 00One column one year .......200 00Business Cards, pet year, 10 00

One inchspacecoxistitutes a square. Notices In read-n J matter will be charged fifteen cents a line each inser-

tion.Marriage notices fifty cents each. Death notice! free.

Obituaries .̂ Ac, ten cents per line.Ho advertisement will be Inserted over five times a

week, and'when tunning over a month bat four times aweek. 0r~8o cola will be Inserted In advertisements.

Advertisement from unknown parties must be accom-panied by the cash.

JOB~WORK.Every description of Job Work neatly and promptly

executed at the JOUBXAI. Office.H. R. JAMEB, Proprietor.


MOSTBIaL, O. I .H. HOGAN, . . ; . . , Proprietor.

This House is situated on Great St. James Street, and l i^ ^ the largest In the city.%IFAmerican Money taken at par. [aulT-ly]


flpivw pay. Salaries paid weekly. Agents wantedeverywhere to sell our Patent Everlasting white wireOlotbei Lines. Full particulars ftes. Address the ei-rard Wire Mills, Philadelphia, Pa. (dell-3m)l


On the European flan.No. 4 <t 6 WaihingtonPlace, near Broadway, N.¥m

Centrally located for business, and convenient !toplacet of amusement. Cars and Omnlbnsiei to all partsof the city,'paii within one block of the door. ChoiceRooms for families from (1 to 18 per day. ReiUttraintattached. (aell-Sm) W. W. INLAND.

H O W TO GBT P A T E N T S .lor opinion, no charge. Send sketch and description.

Vor application send model not over 1 foptln slse, and$16, fi«t Government and Stamp fees. Specifications,drawings, caveats, and assignment* prepared. Illus-trated pamphlet!, 110 pages, sent free. Address, MUNNk CO., Scienttflo American, 8T Park Row, New York.



L. II. Daniels, - Proprietor,nd to no House in Canada. (mh21dly)

ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL,Corner King and, Centre Street, Preseott, Ont.

(formerly kept by Orry Harris;)A . W e l l - , . - - - P r o p r i e t o r

S . J > . i n R i O K . . . - J I D C A O K K .A First Class Exchange Office and Billiard Room At-

tached. tST*Free Omnibus to Boats and Cars.- (mhtfldly)

JOHN ALLEND0RPH,Auct ion a n d Comjuisa»lon IVereliant,


• Goods sold to Merchants and Peddlers at New York, " ."" " City Prices.

•ifc'-ire. jjtFprd:St.,;pgden»bnrgh,N. T. [aplQdly]


Dealer I n G o l d S l l v e r &. Canada Money .Drafts for sale on Ireland, Scotland and England. RaU-

way and Steamship Agent to all points of the UnitedStates and the Old Country.

|y<3s»eral Office, State Street, Ogdensburgh, N. T,

OHAITGBION' S 1.1TB It Y,Catharine St., opposite Baldwin Hbnse, Is the place

10 GET. TBZ "BEST TUBN-OUT" IN TOWN ItyEHher Single or Double._jg

Oaretol drivers can be had when desired. JaSdlyl


lake Street, Ogdensburg, West Side. JBiAlways on hand the choicest Cigars, Wines and Uq-

ors. (JeWdtf

BALDWIN HOUSE,Water Street, near the Ferry.

OQDKNSSOT.O, It. T.E. M. Oaiawla - -._«_ - Manager.

The honje has been refitted and refurnished. A choicesupply of Canada Liquors,Wines, and the best brand*of Clgar3 always on hand.

Good accommodation for Horses. Large Barn*, Shed*and Yards connected with the House. Charges reason'able. . " " • » (jaaidAwly)

CHA8. N. BIXBT,Attorney a n a Counselor at L a w ,


f&-Partieular attention, given to Practice imBankruptcy. (jylStUwly)


•Wholesale Dealer InW l n e a , U ^ n o m dc Rect i f i er o f WliltilElea

OODiagBraoH S"T [JelOatwtq

WILLIAM WELLS,[ Formerly at tht Baldwin Smut, ]

DIALEB nit jg^Gold , S i l v e r a n d C a n a d a B l H

Honey exchanged on reasonable terms. ComBills bought and sold; also Government and OonntyBonds.

I^^OtSce with Chttrle3 Johnson, Ticket Agent, onOatharlae Street, next door above Baldwin Home, 0§.dansbnrgH.N. Y. ' (oo29a«?wtf

Eosoros w. JUDSON,A t t o r n e y a n d C o u n s e l o r a t fcavnr,

t a r LICENSED CLAIM AGENT..JHSoldiers* Bounty, Back Pay, and Pension. Adrl(«

on the subject, free,MOirrr TO LOAH OH GOOD IMPKOVBD rants.

ojroffice, oomsr of Terd and Isabella streets, Og»»n3bnrgh,N.T. ; [ap*d«sw]

NATIONAL HOTEfc,Corner of Fo-rd and Catharine Streets,

oDS!tsBukaa To o s ,LYTLB ft MOORE, Proprietors.

Newly refitted and furnished: and kept in- first olawityle Restaurant In connection. Free hack to andfrom the oara and boats. Passengers carried to any partof the city. • . (mya8diiwtf)


N. V*. Keeier, -... •?. -, Proprietor.Late of Waierbury Wtet, VS.Carriages to and-from the Cars and Boats.

• (my20d*wtf)


Watenmake*, Jeweller andAHD OBNKK1I. DKALIR IS

Watches, Clocks, Jeustlry. Silver-Ware, <te. SoleAgtntfor Florence improved and unixctll-td.


taB^All kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Sew-In; Machln'errepaired; -All-work warranted; . - . -;

O. * » . WHITNEY, J*., * CO.,Wholesale dealers in all Unas of .

"W'E81I?I2I«XN' T .TTTVfsxmf>. I,*a»y-partlcular attention given to supplying the New

England Market. W. 1 . PROCTOR, Agent,(f*84d*wtf) Ogdensbnrg, N.Y.

SEYMOUR HOUSE,r n m L T m. unr»i»cns l o n t ,

1 J. TALLMAN, '.-•• • Proprietor.6gdensbnrgh,N.Y. " [jedAwtf



IS BOLE AGENT POK THIS CELEBRATED fnacefor Ogdensbnrg, and is prepared to 1111 orden

on the shortest notice. Satisfactory references given.Also the Oriental Base Burning .Stave, the Imperial

CooSlng Stove, and all kinds of Cooking and Parlor

A full assortment of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, afwayion band, and jobs done to order.' t^TBtbre, two doors Bart of Seymour House, Tord

Street, Ogdensburg. - (dtf)

BODES, LTNDE ft NICHOLS, "M!ill©x-s, and aealers in F l o u r ,



LIFE... ffiSUIU ̂ CE CO,

i •• %\% Broadway, New York.

All forma of Life and Endowment Policies issued. -Thirty days grace allowed la payment of premiums.Note taken for one-half the premium..

„—. .'All policies non forfeiting aftsr two yejira. -i~y ;r All policies Incontestable after-five yeafs.

Dividends declared and paid annually.The last Dividend on Life Policies was 50 per cent. .

JAMES SIMONDS, Agent,Great Western Railway Office,



No. V0 Wall Street, •COE. JSA8SATJ STREET, NEW TOBK, ;

- We bny and sell »t the most liberal current price*, ands»ep on band a fall supply of GOVERNMENT B O N D S

.01* ALL, ISSCES, SEVEN-THIRTIES, and COMPOUND•INTKBKST NOTES; ana execute orders for purchase andsal» of Stocks, Bonds and Gold. • '•'- ' , , t ,

'We convert the several tonnes of" Stven-TMrtit* atthe most favorable'market rates Into'Flve-Twentl**,'Which, at present price of gold,-yleia the'holder abont

jOi»e:peV«ent.Tnor!B interest per anngm, . _ _ -» :Circulars wl*<h: fall, particulars, farnighed upon appUi


' ' • ' " : • " • ' • ' • ' , !

S(|VIRE & LANDER,Importers and dealers in . '\

Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, SllT«rWare, &cM

I^T-Sell at Manufactory Prices, 97 Falton Street. NewYork, near William Street. (dell.lml)

A Gold^«ns to be given away. "Knotwl-V U i U edge Is power,-rthe Pen Is mightier

than the sword." One agent wanted In every county tosell,the cheapest and the most reliable frailly Medicalwork ever published, 400 pages, finely lluitrated andbound In extra doth. Every purchaser will be present-ed with a 14 Carat Gold Pen, No. 4, with ebony holder,or Silver Plated Extension Bolder, with No. 4 Pen andPencil combined, and every pen warranted. SampleBook, with Pen, | 8 . Send for circular and agents terms.

AddressM. LArATOTTE BYRN,M. D.,No. 80,OeuarStreet, New York, (P. O. Box 4,669. (dell-lm)

WATERS NEW SCALE PIANOS;With Iron Frame, Over Strmg~Ba$$, and Agrafe



The belt "manufactured; -warranted for B years. UlftyPlonos, Melodeons and organs of six first olais makersat low rates, for cash, or one-third cash and the balance-in monthly-Installments. <Secqnd-haxid-.lnstrumen{ts atbargains. Illustrated catalogue mailed. Waferboms,4S1-Broadway, New York. <

(oc8-8m) • HORACE WATERS).

"Advertising is the Life of Trade."—FRAKKLIMJI|3J~Persons contemplating advertising, sbonld,, be

fore making contracts, by no means omit applying to


Or consulting their authorlxed agents, for estimates.—They have facilities for securing the insertion of Adver-tisements in all newspapers and other publications'atlowerrates than any other house. Oirculars and infor-mation free. Address, '

ABBOTT & CO.'SBureau for General Advertising, .





Burglar Safel,W l̂l resist alL Burglar's Implements for any keaftth of

Please send for Catalogue of Fire and Burglar Proof

a*SBi:o«dway. New York; 721 Cheitn *t %?iitt,, Phil-adelphia, ; 103 Bank Street, Cleveland, O. (st224m)



or our $1.OO sale bais causid encli

A. Complete

PlevolxxtioxiIN TRADE,

That In order to supply the demand occasioned by ourconstantly Increasing PATRONAGE, WK HAYS RE-CENTLY MADS IMPORTATIONS FOR THB PALLTRADE, DIRECT PROM EUROPEAN MANUFAC-TURERS,

AMOUNTING TO NEARLY #500,000,So that we are prepared to sell every description ofD r y a n d F a n c y Gooda, Si lver P l a t e d

Ware, Cutlery, Waviciies, Albnnisi,

Jewelry, *<v,Of better quality than any other concern in the

country for the uniform price ofONE JDOLXAR F O R EACH A R T I C L E ,

With privilege of exchange from a Urge variety ofuseful articles, not one of which,bought for

T W I C E T H E A9IOVNTIn any other way.


€ lot hinir HousesBroadway, corner &rand Street,


Broadway, corner Warren Street,,

IN E W Y O R K . ;

Comprising all branches of the business, as repnMentedin the '


Custom & Ready-made,Department* of ; .

Men's, Boy«' * Children'* '


Of the Celebrated American Yoke Pattern, with \

Gentlemen'* Furnishing «oodr.

Of every description.

Our specialties (or Fall In new G»odi, are. Oassimere Suits, entire.... $22.00

Winter Over Coats 15.00Pea Jackets. . . . . . 19.00

(ocl8dcwSm) DEVLIN fc CO.


FARMERS OF OSWEGATCHIE!farmers of Oswegatchle will take notice that <L. HA8-

BROCCK has been appointed agent Jor U s

Insurance Co.Imure tA*m ai tte-usual LOW rate* W

that Company. _J^ ̂ \"• B.--Measure thsdlitanoaT-by air fine., between

baUdlngs within 100 feet of each other and bring the re-inlt.wltKyoa.JUso slse of buildings and nelght ofposU therein, from Bill U Plate. >

Br~Callat Hasbrouck's Oelebratsdlnsorance AgencyFord SV, Hasbrouck Block, and get your policy.

Br^Betached City Dwellings Insured In the same J0o

6t Three Testra for 75 to 100 cti. on» *1OO, for t h a t t i m e . . !

No gtorti, Mills, FaetotlesrMerchandlse, Churches, orechoolHoosMtakenlntblsCo. Touare.notioblljtdtopay for extra haxards and makeup dtfleitneU*. '

: ' '- " I'i' • • ^anlMJtat

Oroeer & Co*wiitssioii M«rehaiit

For the purchase and sale of t

at, md aU mdt of• • * ' # u n M n Z T W H C I ; '• . . - ' • ' ;

A choice Una of family Qreeeries always on hand:! " •Peed* deUvere. in and; part of the village, free, of

^ ^ - 1 Water Street; Mit*, Ogdana-

TU*r, Pork, Butt*,fatmm?

_ . or Boston and New York reference* giv-en as to the reliability "or our house, and that our bustness is conducted in the fairest and most legitimatemanner possible, and that we give greater value for themoney than can be obtained in any other way.ALL DAMAGED OR BROKEN IN TRANSPORTATION

REPLACED WITHOUT CHARGE.| y Checks describing articles sold, sent to agents In

Clubs at raws mentioned below. We guarantee everyarticle to cost less than If bought at any Boston or NewYork Wholesale House. -

OUR COMMISSIONS TO AGENTSExceed- those of every other ejtabllshment of the kind

—proof of this can be found in. comparing; our premi-ums with those of others FOR CLUBS o r T H E SAMESIZS, In addition to which we claim to give bttter goodsef the same character.

We will send to Agents free of charge, •FOR A CLUB OF 80 AND THREE DOLLARS—One

of the following articles: 1 doz. good linen Shirt fronts.1 set solid Gold Studs. AU Wool Casslmere for Pants.—Fine white Counterpane, large slse. 1 elegant BalmoralSkirt, 20 yds. brown or bleached sheeting, good quality,yard wide. 1 elegant 100-Plcture Morocco bound Photo.Album. 1 double lens Stereoscope and 12 Foreign Views.1 sllvej-plated engraved 5 bottle Castor. 1 elegant Silk7an, with Ivory or Sandalwood Frame, feathered edgeand spangled. 1 Steel Carving Knife and Pork, verybest quality, ivory balanced handle.' 1 handsome head-ed and lined Parasol. 20 yds. good Print. 1 very fineDamask Table Cover. 1 pr. best quality Ladies! SergeCongress Boots. 1 doi. vine Linen Towel*. X do*.Ragers'but Silver Desert forks. 1 Ladles'large realMorocco Traveling Bag. 1 fancy dres* pattern. Jtf doi.elegant silver plated engraved Napkin Rings. 1 doz.Ladle*'fine Merino or Cotton Stooklng*. Gent*'heavychased solid Gold Ring. 1 pr. Ladle*1 high cut Balmor-al Boots. 1 elegant Delaine Pattern. 1 Violin andBow, in box complete. 1 set Jewelry, pin, ear drop*and sleeve button*.. *

FOR A OLTJB OF 50 AND FIVB DOLL ABS—1 blackor colored Alpacea Dress Pattern; 1 set Lace Curtains.1 pr. all Wool Blankets. Engraved silver plated 6 bot-tle Revolving Castor. 1 beautiful writing desk. 1 sol-id Gold Scarf pin. ZX yd*, very fine Uassimere, forPants and Vest. 1 set-ivory balanced handle Kniveswith silver plated Fork*. 1 elegant Satan Parasol, heav-ily beaded and lined with silk. 1 pr. gents' Calf Boots.80 yds. good Print. 80 yds. good brown or bleachedSheeting, yard wide, or. 40 yds. 7£yd. wide, good quali-ty. 1 ladles'elegant Morocco Traveling Bag. 1 squareWool Shall. 1 plain Norwich Poplin Dress Pattern. 1%yd*, double width cloth for ladies' Cloak, tfegant en-graved silver plaied TeaPot,3 yds. double width water-proof Cloth for cloaking.

FOR A CLUB Of 100 AND TEH DOLLARS—1 richMerino or Thibet Dres* Pattern. 1 pair of line DamaskTable Cloths and Napkin* to match. 1 pair gent*'TrenchCalf Boots. I heavy silver plated engraved lee Pitcher.Very fine all Wool Clolh'for ladles' Cloak1. 1 web ve-ry best quality brown or bleached Sheeting. T # j d i .fin* Casslmere for suit. 1 elegant Poplin Dres* pattern.1 elegant English Barege Dress pattern. 1 beautifulEnglish Barege Shawl. 1 set Ivory balanced handleKnives and Forks. 1 ladles' or gents'Silver Hunting-cast Watch. 1 Bartlett Hand Sewing Machlnt. Splen-did Family Bible, steel engravings, with record and pho-tograph page*. 25 yd*, good Hemp Carpeting,- goodcolors. 1 pair good Marseille! Quilt*. 1 good sis barrelRevolver. I elegant fur Muff and Cape. I single bar-rel Shot Gun. 1 silver plated engraved S bottle Revolv-ing Castor, cut glass bottle*. 1 very flue Violin andBow, In ease. 1 set ivory balanced Knives and Tories.

Prettnts for larger Club* Increase in. the same ratio.

Send Money by' Registered Letter.


P A R K E R it CO;,* No*. 93 and 100 Summer St., Boston.


Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe'sNEW ,WO»K.

BcautlfuLStealJllustraUoos fill Ihs book. It is dual-ly as popular as her famous "TJnclt Tom'* Cabin."—Agent* report inmente salet.- Over 3 0 , 0 0 0 aold.Send for circular* and learn of this work, and of extracemmlssions Riven. Address


LADIES OR GENTLEMEN CAN EARN AWATC0,SUItDress, Sewing Machine, Web Sheeting, Ac, by

a few hours' work for (HLMaN * CO.'S GREAT ONEDOLLAR BALE, 119 Hanover street, Boston, Mass.—Circular* sent free.

I. B. SMITH & CO.'S TROCHESAre pronounced by all who have used them to be the

most effective remedy known for {Coughs, Colds, andHoarseness. Sold by all Druggists. Price 26 cents perbox.


TOBACCO ANTIDOTE.Waranted to remove all desire for Tobacco. This great

remedy is an excellent appetizer. I t purifies the blood.Invigorates the ijitem, possesses great nourishing andstrengthening power, enables the stomach to digest theheartiest food, makes sleep refreshing 'and (stabilitiesrobust health. Bmokera and chewer* for Sixty Tears,cured. Price, SO ct«., post free. A treatise on the In-jurious effects of Tobacco; with list* of reference, testi-monials, * c . Bent free. Agent* wanted. Address Dr.T. K. ABBOTT, Jersey City, N. J. (aul8.8m)

Boston One Dollar Store.The Immense success attending our past business ha*

Induced us to make great preparations for the fall andWinter Trade. Our cheek* and exchange list* containnearly every article desired for family we. Such a*Dry and Fancy'Goods, Boots and Shoe*, Jewelry andPlated Ware, Cutlery, Ac, *c.

Presents worth from $Sto $100 sent free to Agent*.Make your order* a* large a* possible.and send your

money by postal order or registered letter. •We are agents for over 100 foreign and domestic man.

ufactorie3. Our Goods are hew and sold at manufactur-ers prices at $1 for each article. Descriptive cheeks $10.perlOO, or ton for $1. Agents wanttd in every town.—Circulars sent free. CO8HMAN A CO.,

(oc6Sm) 10 Arch St., Boston.

Agents Wanted, to f»OO permonth. '

To sell a new book pertaining to Agriculture and theMechanic Arts, by Geo.E. Waring, Esq., the distinguish-ed author and agricultural engineer ot the N. T. CentralPark, Ac. Nothing like It ever published; 150 Engrav-ing*. Sells at sight to Farmers, Mechanics and Work-lngmen of all classes. Active men and women can sure-ly make the above amount. Send .for Circulars. E. B.TRBAT k CO., PttbUsh*rs,C51 Broadway,N. T.


Agents wanted In every {own. Send for circular andprice list, E. 8. * J. TORRE? * CO., 72 Maiden Lane,New Tork. . . , " . " . .

Chapped Hsmdo tc Pace, Sore Lips, *e .Cored at once by the u»s of Hegeman's Camphor "lee

with Olycerlne, which. k«*p* the hand* *ofl In tha coldestweather. 8«e thai you get tht genuine. Sold bydrug-glst*. Price 25 cents per box. Bent by mall for SO et*.

A. BWe are prepared to supply the public with uatful and

ornamental Articles, Goods for winter wear, *«:, * c ,from oar . , i

Mamneth $1.00 Sale Hoise,

IZieented try V. ,8. Authority.)

Forthe standard price of »1 for each article. HavlnfE N S engaged in the '.business for some. Urn* past, andclearly knowing the wants of th* people, ws hav* «n-largtd ow Mchang* Ust ov»r 100 artlelis, both usefuland ornamental) more than any ottitr house in thitrad*andwef*«leonfl<J«nta«ag«ntono»galu»dwlU bt r*J-t^nei-' .'- .'• «• v ' ' ' \ ,• '.nei

• Bt sides our MasasaothKxcha»ge:Hrt.«urln*io»ment»to agent* eie«l that of any otWrhoosi la tht bisiaes*.

Any lady or gentleman, by spendlnga few- of theirlebsu* monUnts, can oblaln a Gold Wat«»;-8llk Dm*Pattern, Stwlng;llachlne,*<.,*C,frte of «ost. - ,

Goods *»d«Kdfrosi our houst will at sent 0 . 0 . J).whtBdtrtrtd.' -- • '». -"."' c . .. -.- |

Btod for Circular glvlns; foil. puUcaJan. Orsolarand sample stnVMt to uraMrtta. . ' • •

ATWOOD, BATH. * CO.,8 U d l l t t t B e 4 t M


$15. Hunting Watches._ THE OOLUNa OROIDE W ATOH FACTOKT.

Cases.orOollinsMetal.[Improv-ed Oroide

SPECIAL NOTICE.Our superior Oroide Watches having recently been

Imitated and worthless watches sold In New York, Bostonand Chicago, and* other cities, represented as our watch-es, we hereby caution the public against them, and givenotice that we are In no way responsible for these bogusconcerns, and only those purchasing directly from uscan secure.a genuine Watch of our manufacture. Wehave recently greatly Improved our Oroide In appear-ance and durability, and to protect the public from im-position hereafter, have named it the OOLJ/INS METAL,and we give notice that any one making use of this namewill be prosecuted to the extent of the law. This metalhas has all the brilliancy and durability of Gold; can-not be distinguished from it by the best judges; retainsIts eolor till worn out, and is equal to gold excepting Inintrinsic value. All our gentlemen'* watches are fullJewelled Patent Levers; those for Ladles ah improvedEscapement, better than a lever for a Small Watch; allin hunting eases and fully warranted by special certifi-cate: The $15 Watches are equal in neatness, style offinish, general appearance, and for time, to a Gold onecosting $160. Those of $20 are of extra finish and arefully equal to a gold Watch costing »200. Chains of ev-ery style rrom $2 to t$. ;

JEWKtRf.—We are manufacturing all kinds of Jew-elry of the Collins Metal, Pins, Earrings, Sleeve But-tons, Lockst, Studs, Finger rings. Bracelets, Pencils,Charms, Odd Fellow and Masonic Pins, « c , all of thelatest and most elegant styles, and fully equal to gold inappearance and wear.

TO CLTJB3 where six watches are ordered at onetime, we will send one extra watch free of charge.

Goods sent to any part of the United States by ex-press, to be paid for on delivery. Money need not besent with the order as bills can be paid when good aretaken from the express office. Customer* must pay allexpress charge*; We employno-Agents; order* musttherefore be sent directly to us. In ordering writeplainly the name, town, county and State. Customersin the city will rep-ember that our only offlee Is ;

0 H H . 8T and 89 Nassau Street, oppoiite the TostOffice, (dp stairs) N. York.


CARPET 8— Don't Pay thePrices.

The Mew England Carpet Co., of Boston, Hats., estab-lished nearly a quarter of a century age, in their presentlocation In halls over 71, 78, 75, 7T, 79, 81, 88, 85 andS7 Hanover Street, have probably furnished more houseswith carpetsthan any other house in the country. Inorder to afford those at a distance the advantages of theirpresent low prices, we propose to send on receipt of theprice, SO yards of upwards, of their beautiful CottageCarpeting*, at SO cent* per yard; with aample* of 10 sortsvarying in prloe from 35 oents to (8 per yard, suitablefor furnishing tvery part of any honse,

$ 1 , 0 0 0 A If E A R . !Guaranteed and steady employment. We want a re-

liable agent In every county to Mil our - patent WHITEWIRE- Clothes Line* (everlasting.) Address WHITEWIRT CO., 75 William it., N. T., or 1C Dearborn St.,Ohleago.IlL . " \

WANTED—Salesmen to travel for a manufacturingfirm and sell goods by sample. Good Wages guaranteed

Address, with stamp. H. D. HAMILTON k OO., No.418 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Toadiesin Poor

Health*One of the bast medicines, probably the very best ever

prescribed for the numerous and distressing ailmentsknown-as female complaints, is Dodd's Nervine and In-vlgorator. Headache, Pain In the back and limbs, Pal-pitation of the Heart, Falntness, Loss of Appetite, bear-Ing down pain. Prostration of strength, Retained, Ex-cessive, Irregular or painful menses—all yield to it*magic power. . For Hysteria, BpUepsy, Melancholy, 4 c ,lt It alL but Infallible. Itlialso most valuable to ladleswho are experiencing the change' incident to. advancedyear*. Then It Is that constitutional maladies maketheir appearance, if any b« larking about the system,and give caste to remaining days. Dodd's Nervine andInvlgorator greatly uslsts nature at this Important peri-od, maintaining the vigor an tranqulllty of early life,and carrying them with ease and safety through. ;

I M P O R T A N T C E R T I F I C A T E .(Communication by a Physician.)

Some months ago I was called upon to attend a lady ofWlUlamsburg, N. X., who had long be«n suffering fromuterine disease. It* presence was marked by constantvaginal discharge, sometimes of a watery consistencyand sometime* creamy and muoo-purulent. She hadb«tn under other treatment for soma time, but constant-ly (Tew worse. Vaginal examination disclosed extensiveInduration and ulceratlon of the cervix uteri. The uter-ine Inflammation which was evidently assuming a chron-ic form, was also aggravated by long standing eonstlpa-tl.n, palpitation of the heart, night sweats, cough, poorappetite, and almost dally falntings. She fainted to en-tire Insensibility during one of my first visit*. I eom-menctd of course, by such active local treatment a* thenlceratlon demanded, and then applied myself to a recup-eration of the general health. It was inconvenient tosee her frequently, and except to mark the healing of theulcers; in the early stages, I visited her only every otherwe*k. lor tonic and constitutional lnvlgoraot Dodd'sNervine only was prescribed. I had soma time before

ecome acquainted with its properties, and knew noth-ing more safe or satisfactory In Its probable result*. '

The result completely justified my expectation. Inleisthana fortnight the bowels had become free andregular in their movements, the night sweat* disappear-ed and appstlte pagan to grow. The fainting spells be-came less frequent and soon ceased altogether. In an-other fortnight there wa* no more cough, the vaginaldischarge was sensibly diminishing, sleep was normaland refreshing, and the general health decidedly im-preved. Whatremalnslsioon told. The patient con-tinued the use of the Nervine, (and no other medicine)for some weeks longer, when my further assistance wasnotrequlred. Since her recovery I have seen her butonce. She seems perfectly well. Her joy over restoredhealth Is naturally enough most enthusiastic. She nev-er before had a medicine give her to much comfort,such appetite, such sleep, such courage, and suchstrength. She wouldn't try to keep bouse again withoutIt, et*., etc. It 1* my own opinion that the nervine is thebest tonic and corrective of th« female organization thathas .ever come under my observation. I ttis.ll not failto continue its use In similar cases, and the. professionknowthey are numerous enough.

For sale by all druggists.'- Price »1. (nolO-2m)



air. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, ha* discovered a commonpasture weed that cured every kind of humor, from theworst scrofula down to a common pimple.

NURSING SORE MOUTH it caused by the bland andnourshlng juice* being exhausted by the babe, and thtacrid juices getting the upper hand; it It cured by twobottle* of Kennedy'* Medical Discovery.

CANKER IN TH1 MOUTH AND STOMACH Is causedby a deficient vital heat, and a want 6T digestion, arisingfrom a cold and slimy state of the Stomach, whereby areengendered sour, acrid and corrosive nourishment, fromtulcu the body become* green, stringy and lean, fromj Jch condition arises nearly all ailments flesh Is heir to.This (ondltloc 1* perfectly renovated by a few bottle* ofKennedy's Medical Discovery.

SALT KHKUsf Is caused by tha acrid' and corrosiveluIuibtlngearrM In tae circulation until the channelsare choked and it Is compelled to break ont' on the sur-face. A bright r*d Salt Rhenm Is easily cured; a darkbrown is more difficult. A few bottles of Kennedy's If ed-eal Discovery cum In tvery ease.

DT8PBPBIA and Irregularity of the Bowels ii causedy withering or shivering of the nerve* of the Stomach

By canker humor, which prevent* the free flow of the gas-trie Juice; The stomach I* strengthened and It* nervesand coatlnt brought to a healthy, active state by a fewDottles of Kennedy's Medical Discovery.

ERYSIPELAS i* caused by a fermentation arising fromsadden check of perspiration. The ferment Is a strug-

gle in thi* fleah batween life and death. The venom'andSroth I* at last expslled to the aurntot in crust and scabs.It it thoroughly cleaned out of the system by three tofive bottle* of Kennedy'* Medical Discovery.

ULCERS, when of lone standing, are caused by anyhumor which may be In tht blood, which in place of oom-ing to «Kt surface, ha* eaten or worn iuelf a channel and•liebarcM all the humor* of .tht body one outlet. Fu•MxipSonaad duration wiUU band in say pamphaionnd each bottle. • •

JOROrtTLA, or King'* Evil. I shall not haaard myhard-earned reputation by laying what the cause of It Is.The nature of genuine and unmixed Scrofula Is yet hid-Jan i s mystery; of all tht theorle* written on It, I do-notmow of any so rational a* the Anlmacula. These para*lie* eat and oonsmsae tM lift of tht Mood, causing yearsf misery and general debility. The dl**a*e Is Inward

and of coone not suspected. Thee* pemUes for want ofvital heat and ttimull, get sluggish and elamaiy,and final-ly die, dogging th* paatag**, pausing Inflammation,; nl-e-TaUon and[decay, more particular of the spleen andI'. >r. TbeBerofnladepoaltU different from any otherscts:anee found In the human *y*tea>; it la probably .theaccumulation of dead anamalonlss. Ifth*dl*eawitmys>ItrlMSVHJ* eqnelly •nysterlom* thatno *urteure known for It until the appearance of Kennedy's Medl"oal Discovery. Tlve to eight bottle* will cure every oase.

CHILDREN1" T E E T H I S G HUMOR. Take my adviceand let It alone. !

BOALD HEAD is tald to be an animal fungus, followthe di.eotlon la mypammhUt around the bottle. • !

•IOKVHBADAOllfc I * by a 1MB* of bet Taperbraia taitljac a pretnrt


the di.eotlon la mypammhUt ar•IOKVHBADAOllfc It eases*

irWng frosa * • Stoaaa* to the

eondeued and the sv- ~ — ... —wimn»n»g to -prevent HIKorrenoe by two bottle* of Kennedy'*. If ad. Discovery.DROPBT dee* any eaae arise from humor. I

with I could pay for a dropsy advertisement to give yonawvlewef lt,b«tIoaano«atoMiL Tet I am happy tonfom you that avery culvert, dam and ohannel In yourSS 'S i iSn i a^n r* f l o w l > y * t & m b o t t U g of *"*B*"yiMtdlealWtootery. ;'«e.ptwaaie tke eyeap for th* ttenga M -sataon, anl toaeeaaad carry off the sediment of all Infection* dls-«paf*j*j*K tsana W B * ^ »»a» • • • • • • • n • • i « » • * • « I W » V S I V I S « n ip

taaei jwwfcaa asaele*, scarlet «sv«r,whooj>lng eougb^saialltot, or ftTtn of any Und,wh*re there is whatlt called

sS335$&$SJjgSPMMnSoland by DOAU> saanmpT,jtm**»**r ttsTdrswIatU



1868. Chang* of rJTIm«. 1869.WlNTZa AKSANGEMENT.

On and after Monday, Nov. 80, train* will run asfollows:'

lstr-THROTJGH MAIL.tea-re Ogdensburg at 11.40 A. M., Potsdam Junction.

12:40 P. M., connecting with Express Train rrdm K , w .* 0. K. R., Malone 2.40 P.M., (20 m. for dinner,) connect-ing atMooer'Juric.withP.&M.R.R. for PUtUburgh,Burlington, and points on the R. k B.. Railroad,arrive at Rouse's Point at B.SO B. M., connecting withVt, CentralNlglit Express,for Burlington and all pointsEast ana South, arriving In Boston at 8:10 A. M., Spring-field 6:40 A. M., -, Troy 4:85 A.M., New York 10:80 A. -M.

2d—BOSTON EXPRKS8.Leave Ogdensburg 7:00 P. M., Potsdam Junction 8:25

P. M. (connecting with express mall from R. W. k O. E.R.,) lodge at Malone, leaving 7:45 A. M., arriving atRouse* Point at 10:35 A. M., connecting withVermont Central R.R. Day Express, for Burlington, Can-cord, Nashua, Lowell, arrive in Boston 10:80 P. M.

UETDKNINGLeave New York 3:30 P. M., Troy 9:80 P. M., sleeping

car, Rutland 1:80 A.M. Burlington 4-.1SA.M.; Bos-ton 5:00 P. M., Rouse's Point 7:15 A. M., arriveat Ogdensburg at 1:00 P. M. Connecting at Mooer'sJunction with trains from Plattsbnrgh, Bur-lington and Rutland k Burlington R. R.; Potsdam Junc-tion with R., W. k O. R. R. for Watertown, Rome andWest; aluo with Stages for H&ssena Springs ; and at Og-densburg with trains of B., W. t O. K, R. for Boutn andWest; with Grand-Trunk. Railway forWert; St. Law-rence and Ottawa Bull way for Ottawa, and withNorthern Transportation Co.'s-Line Steamers for West.

Leave Boston 8.00 A. M., Burlington 4.50 P. M., St. Atbans 6.45 P. M., Rouse's Point 8.00 P. M., arrive at Og-densburg at 1:40 A. M., connecting with Grand TrunkRailway express west.

D. W. O. BROWN,G«n'l Bup't;

Supt.'* Office, OgdeEtburg, Nov. 80,18«8. (d*w)


WINTER ARRANGKMINT..Commencing Nov. 80,1S68.


HAIL TRAIN leaves St. Albaniat 6:20 A. M., andconnects at Burlington with the ~ Rutland Road; 'atWhite River Junction and Bellows -Tall* with train*for Boston, Worcester, Springfield, and with trains onPassnmpsle .road; arrives at New Tork at 10:45 P. M.

DAY EXPRESS leaves Montreal at 8:40 A. M., St.Johns at 10 A. M.; Oxdensburg at 7 P. M., lodge'atMalone, leaves at 7:45 A. M., Souse's Point 10:46 A.M., for Boston, ko., arriving In Boston, via Lowell, at10-iO.P.M. - : •>. > .'- i

NIGHT EXPRESS, leaves Ogdensburg at 11:49 A. M.Montreal 3:30 P. it Rouse's Point at S;40 P. M., ar-.riving at Boston at 8:40 A.M., connecting at Bellow*Vails with Cheshire Railroad for Boston and Worces-ter, and with Vermont Valley Railroad for Springfield*o.,and arriving in New Tork at 12:80 P. M.

munra oonra XOKTH AID WX«T.SAY EXPRESS leaves Boston, via Lowell, at 8:00 A.

M., for Burlington, St. Albans, Montreal, Ogdensburg.and the West.

MAIL TRAIN leaves Boston via Lowell at 7:00 A. M.,via Lawrence and fitchbnrgh at 7:80 A. M., Bpringfieldat7:45 A. M.,, for BurUngton and St. Albans.

ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave* Northfield at 8:00A. 51., for Burlington, Rutland, St. Albans, Route'* Pt.

NIGHT EXPRESS leaves Bellows Falls at 10:10 P.M.,receiving passengers from Vermont Valley R. R., leavingNewY6rkatl2:15P. M.,and frdm'Oheshlre R. R.leiv-lng Boston at 5:80 P. M.; connecting at White RiverJunction with train leaving Boston at 6:00 P. M., forBurlington, Rouse's Point and Ogdeniburgh, connect-ing with Grand Trunk Trains for the West. • i

Bleeping Oars are attached to both the Night ExpressTrain* running between St. AHjanrand Boston and StVAlbans and Springfield. '- > • * '-. i. _' '.'

Through Tickets for Chicago and the Wast for sale atthe principal stations. !

ii. MERRILL, Gen'l BuptiSt. AlbanB, Vt , Nov. 80, 1868. » [d*w}


LEAVK OGDENSBURG \At 1.00 P. M.,35xprea«,rorlreyand New York, wltm

lieeplng car from 8t. Albans to Troy, arriving in Troyat 4.40 A. M., and New Tork at 10.00 A. M., via the Hud-ion River Railroad. . ',

At 1.00 P. M., Express for Boston, arriving at Bur-Ungton, by rail, at 9 80 P.M.,(with sleeping car from Bur-lington) and arrive In Boston next morning at 9:80o'clock; '

Or, Passengers by the 1:00 P. H. train can take oneof the Lake Champlaln Steamers, «n arriving at Rouse'*Point, get supper on board, pass through the most pleas-ant part of the Lake, touch at Pittsburgh, and arrive1 atBurUngton In time to connect, WITHOUT FAIL, withthe 10:00 P. M. ExpresB Train for Boston, (with sleepingcars) and arrive In Boston next morning at 8:80 o'clock.

Passengers taking the 1.00 P. M. tralnSt^urdays.aierive In New York at 8:00 P. M. Sunday.

At 6 P. M., (sleeping car to Rouse's Point) arriving at4:85A.M.,^Jurllngton 8:00 A.M., Rutland noon, arriv-ing at Boston at 6:80 P. M.

**or tickets or Information apply to Ticket Office, Oc-densburgh R. R. Depot, or of Ohas. I. Baldwin, G. T.'R.Ticket Office, 8tate street, or T. N. Derby, G. W. R. Ties>tt Office, State street, opposite Seymour House.

f^F" Baggage checked through from Ogdensburg. tGEO. A, MERRILL, Supt.

J. T. CHURCH, Gen. Agt.,Ogdensburg.June 1,1868. ' fmyl4d*wl


186S. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1869^On and after Monday, Nov. 23,1868, and until further

notice, Passenger Trains will run on this Road as fol-lows,(Sunday9 excepted,)

EXPBESS MAIL.Leave Ogdensburg 9:00 A. M.,. arrives at Dei alb

Junction 9.M A. M., Canton 11:05 A. M., Potsdam 11:80,A. M., Watertown 12:15 P. M. (25 minutes for dinner)Rome 4:05 P. M., Oswego 8:45 P. M., connecting at Rome.with New York Central Express Trains for all point*East and West, arriving at Utlca 5:10 P. M., Little Falls,,6:03 P. M., SchenectaSy, 8:45 P.M., Troy 9:45 P. M., Al^bany 9:80 P. M., Syracuse 7:25 P. M., Rochester 10:80 P.M., Buffalo 1:20 A. M., Saspension Bridge 1:45 A. li.

NEW YORK EXPRESS. ,Leave Ogdensburg at 2:00 P. M., arrive at Dekalb

Junction2:55P.M.,Canton4:80 P.M.,Potsdam 5:5$P.M., Wstertown. B-.20 P. M...(25minutes for Supper.)Oswe-go 9:15 P. M., Rome 9:25 P. M:, Alb«tyr2K)S'A. I tNew York, 7:30 A. M.; Syracuse 12:25 A. M., Rochester8:30 A. M., Buffalo, 6:20, A.M. Suspension Br 7:00 A. M.

Elegant Sleeping Car attached to this train atWatertown and run through, to New York wlthput-shange.

Close connections made at Buffalo and Suspension J!r.for Chicago and all points ~Wcst.

RETURNING. .Leave New York at 80th Street Depot, 6:00 P.M., ar-

rive at Watertown 7:50 A. M., (25 minutes for break-fast) Ogdensbnrg, 11:80 A. M.

Sleeeping Car attached to this train and runsthroughto Watertown. •

Leave Albany, 7,80 A. M.,Buffalo, 8:25 A. M, arriveat Rome 12:22 P. M. Leave Rome 18:85 P. M., arrive atWatertown8:55"P. M.,(25mlnutesforsupper,)arrive atOgdensburg 7:40 P. M. I

" fare as low and time quicker than by any otherroute.Baggage checkedthrougb. .

O. 0. CASE, Acting Supt.:H.T.IRARY,Gen.31cVet Agent, Idtw]


Through to Chicago in S3 hours, being 12 hours quickerthan by any other route: " ' - " ; , - ,

Trains leave Prescott Junction, opposite Ogdeas-Bnrgh.aBfollows.vU:

FOR SHB WEST. iChicago Day Express l . S S P.M.Accommodation . . 4 .4OP. H.'Chloago Night Express 1 2 . 4 5 A. HV


Horning Bzpress ..^ E.OOA.M. •Local. 1 1 . O 3 A.M. ,Evening Express 4 . 4 O P . M. -

• V Through Ticket* for sale at tht General TJnitn.Office Old Ogdensburgh Bank Building, 8tate Streets '

OHAS. I. BALDWIN, Agent.O. J. BSYDGE8, Ogdensburgh, N. T.

Managing Director. S. P. BEACH,(del4d*wtf ' General Agent. New York OU7.


Through Line


THE U. S. MAILS }Through to Callforlna in Twenty-Two Days.


One of the above large and splendid steamships wllleave pier No. 42 Nortk River, foot of Canal Street, »••13 noon, on the 1st, 9th, 16th and 24th of every month(except when those dates fall on Sunday, and then onthe preceding 8atuMlay,) {or AsptajiaUi connecting, M »Panama Railway with one of the Company's Steamship ,from Panama for San Francisco, touching at Acapuloo. *-

Departures of the 1st and 24th connect at Panama, wVill *Ste»raers for South Pacific Ports. Those of 1st touchManianillo. . ^ . . _ . „,. J

Departure of Stheach month connect*,with the new.•team line from Panama to Australia and NewZeaUmd.

Steamer of Jan. 9, connects closely at San Franciscowith steamer JAPAN, leaving Feb. 4, 1S69, .forJapan and China. 1

One Hundred Pounds; Baggage allowed to eaeh'adult,*]ei|naBter»aeooripany> baggage •throWiiS,:ana ; ab

ladl nd child l j h t l b t W B !

< One Hundred Pounds; Bag;Jtagga*]ei|naBter»aeooripanyaggage t o W i S , a ;tend to ladles and children wljhout male prbtfceWn. Bag!gage received on the dock the day before sailing, fromsteamboats, railroads, and passengers who prefer to tend,'down early. , , * -' •'-

An experienced surgeon bn-board. Mediclne-and at.tendance free; • '•••,' ' . ,'''•' ,''"

-Tor passage ticket* or furtherlnformatlon,apply a tk,nOompany'stlcket-offloeron the-wharf;foot of-OaBa ' at*

ilerVNewTdFK i C S 3 S ' f ;

Train* leaw White River Junction hi Ooncbrdua, Grobin. Junction, Worcester. Proviaenc*: 'LowellBostohl'*c., at 1:80 Ai3C,a2:S0 and BiSOT.-M^ron»fcriTal of trains from Ogdensburg ana Montreal. ~ ~

Leave Ooneordior OgdeBsbnrg: and.Montreal at lO-SBcA. U., and 8:20 P. M., or on arrival of train* from" Bos-ton, WorceEter, *c. -- : ; - •"-• . i * 1 ;

Trains over this Road are run daily In connection with.trains over the Ogdensburg Road, carrying Pasten-gers and FrelgbVto and from the West, Ogdensburg,Montreal, and Manchester, Na.nua, Wo?ctBter, XT6$L-dence, Lowell-, Lawrence, Boston, PorttinouthiPoHUad»ndthe8att,and all intermediate poinU.

ONBLOW 8MARNB,iAirMU.-Ooncjrdj.Dec. 1 ,1868 . . : ' • • • - '



Nt*Mg«ra>Fadla a n d S n . p e n s l o n Rr ldc* .


Leave Suspension Bridge, Hamilton and Toronto, dally,(Sundays exeepted,) on arrival of Trains from the Bast

-for .; • - ': i _._


IWAnd all point* Wett.-ja

Mail -Train' leaves, Ogdenabnrg, via Rome, W.- and


SAFETY VALVE.;: r̂ ti Tiiivc mm»m^t^commended by the %.andDcpatiesof several State*, as

l a w s i n reliaUon to.St€»Mai JBoitei^and as being superior to anr Oth-

tlisc valT«^ and bas nearly- «toil|»lethe capacity therefore it

For fartber puticitlan i

"gaensDUrg K. B., daily (Sundays excepted) at 9:0,D; A.MiiRome4:06.P.M;,Niagara FallsTand sWn.Br- 1:50A. M., Detroit 11:80 A. M., arriving at Chicago 10 P. :M.

K'Prtss Train Ieav,es,idfdensburg SipO P.Mi, Rome25. NlaM^.y^jj, aid, SuspensionTBr. T:08 A. k ™-K'Prtss Tra

#5.NiM*rA,i;al}jand,Buspenslorolt,B:8ffT;Mi, aSriyih'garthleata cl n c t i ith ll t i


»#5trolt,B:8ffT;Mi, aSriyihgarthleage 6:80, A. Stag close connections with all train* South, W

Express T|-atuat2 P.M.,make, dlreeTrain leaving DiaKara Fall! and Sutpemldm Bridge;8iui<law*i at 18:20JS. *.Vsrdying at Detrolt:at-10:«0P. M., ChicagolbA.M. Monday. - - r -.{'

Cbeaey, Ftoke tc•. ••'. EXPRESS ? ; I

Connect*) daUr wltli aU tike' eitieilattke United State* and Canada. ? | :

ThriefromKewirorltiMbSurir '"'Time from Boston I t hours. •

All expreues in charge of iafe.ahd trusty melOrders for the purchase of good* In the cities' especuU*solicited and promptly attended to. Office in SeymoatHooseBnildlnK, Ogdeniburgh. • . , >

- . ; 0: P. GEER, Agent.

Steriine Silver "Ware

FINK ELECTRO - PLATEI> W A R E .Th* Oorham Manufacturing Co., of Providence, R. I.,

having the largest imannfactgry of jBoUdlBUvei; Ware Ha,.the world, with' the most Improved machinery; and-em-ploying the mo.t skilled Ubor, are ensbled to offer ahiinequallea variety of new and beautiful designs in Din-ner and Tea Services, and every article ipeclsjly adapted*6r Holiday and Bridal Gift*. *• - - .-•-' ••••'--• Y^ "••Th^oirer also their unrivalled JJIckel SUver Xlec'tro

Plated Ware, in which they have Introduced now pat-Urns of rare elegance. The Solid Silver is guaranteed,to be of sterling purity by XT. 8': Mint assay. -The Elec-tro Plate-is guaranteed to be superior to th« finest Stief- ^field ware: Order* received from the Trade-only; butthese good may be obtained from responsible dealers ev-erywhere. _ . - * ' ' • ; * ; " • i'

Trade wark forSlilver. Trade mark for Electro Platei

,- V.L k°9*HAM:(nq5 J4w5m). Sale

Knowtedp is Power

That fact induces the offering of a FEES TRIAL - toall. Weknowthe .



With a fair test, will prove to thousands, a* I t 'has j tohundreds who are now using It, a f a r preftrable OIL'toanything heretofore u*ed. . '. • » . . . ( >


If all will do so there will soon be a greater rush thanever for the same.- - " • . "::

Only 56 cents, a Gctlloii,


• - • '••-•' i



p E ST3B3CBIBBR-HA8 RECENTLY OPENED THBX old Qoss Store, at Mairid, with a general assortment

Dry Goods, Groceries,• • C R O C K E R Y , A c , &«•"' • . - - -

And would respettfnlly solicit from the publlo a share ofpatronge, _ . . . ] . •

fW~Madrid. Clotlii and Flannels always on handfor Cash or in exohahaefor Wool. I

[8862-3m] , A. VAN SIOKLBR.Madrld,N..Y.

To Insnranoe



OaBeeHo .3SVBlon Square, N e w Y o r k .

^iM^wfBARintf,President."'-'' '"'• •"-' 'WM.O,.PRlSOOTr,VleePresWent. ' •••)G. D.MACARTT,Secretary. . 'ISRAILO.PIERSOS; Actuary. - ' . ' • - . •SAMDEL G. GOT, M. D., Superintendent of Agenclei.uiiCv : i'.- '-:•••/;*., .' . . -.' 'fi^'J. • f.

t*"Thl*:8oclety being about to Teorganiulu Agen-cy Byite'mTlS New'Torki Invites proposal* from eipe^rienoed agents In Jefferson, St. Lawrence, and XiewisCounties. Address ..v »• . '

(deldl0t*w8w) WM.0.

\ fANT FAMILIES. H8D HI DIFHODLT TO StTIT(1V1 ihemsilve^ In the market In Hosiery and otherKntt,G!»a*.> ;W>M*prep*^to^Enit *?'«?!!«JffirS?:"We are

»1|eW pp• ^ Strle'Or»1|eWHoa^r;

Dnderwear.lkaUn'gSoclu, A</* XAMB.KrUT. M

* - -^Nonnand'setewaUoat,W

.'~r't .-?--v

• «O «* 59 John St., Bfew York. • U J d t w 8 a i ) -j :• :•-'.: •--. •"zf> "-% -' •'- ~-'&<il

20 For* Street,




Cap; BUI , Letter * Bfote P a p e r .

^ 7 ; ; ^


Ogdensbnrg.^ jr., Aplil JBj 18&8.., (d^ " - . ^ ^ • " ^ t ! i " •

*£argel6(of -.. iici



J^TManufaetured by myself and warranted; In everyway superior,. are now offered at the Lqwert LivingP H c e f c " " 1 "-"•"• "- - - ; ; -"••• •'•• " • • " - ' . - i . a

g V O a l l at «nce and secure the best. • , '.W-Cornerl»ab«lla and WashlngtoB Streets, Ogdens-

bnrg i ; N.Ti , - . - • . - . : . . • . .i.-..* • .:': , f i ; ^ ^ .A. CALL4GHAN.

» - 1




Nothing ha*' yet been made which will compare withIt In simplicity or arrangement, thoroughness of con-struction, and working capacity. Withe these combin-es features or Simplicity,-DarmbUity and Capability, the

Weed favoriteHas advanced beyona airy other Sewing Machine yet

offered to the pablio. galesroonu, . . .


(jyS8dfcwly) . : ' - THOMPSON * WIL80K.

8 BTOXICE.rf«fflE ASSESSMENT ROLL dSiTHB tO^CLstOfrX wegatchlejhavlng been deliverel to the undersigned, -

the Collector, he will recelVe the taxes from 9 o'clock to4 o'clock, dally, Sunday* excepted, at the Bank of Aver-ells 4 Chapman, for the period of thirty days from thisdate:, . . . . «:N. MEREliM, Collector.

OgdensbnrgiNoVi«i,lS68. . (n624d*wt«B)

rwvss. NEW tRENCH CHAIRS, made front temperedX. OaitStoel, durable ani highly ornamental. Sold by

A. N. SffltPJPBt *1OO;Ogdensburg, Nov. 21,1863. (oc8dtf)



: • TKU Valnablejit«paratttm. hasibeehijjastewlla

It not onl^reliereH-tlie child from pain, butinv&oratest. theTstomach- and bowelnp-eorrecti

" "ad.aityf. aria g i v ^ Kne in*^en'ergy'tiPthei-trholo->8yijejnT;t It-snUvalsgCnstajifly rgUeye irojliG

^ J ^ i' 'WObelieWit the BEST;, and BTJKEDT^:tIHE'iW0BI^5!tnVatf:e»a8

tirnst Company