tob4 teens 1

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Pope John Paul II dedicated 129 of his Wednesday audiences during the first six years of his papacy (1979-1984) to a series of talks about the human body and sexuality.These talks were later put into a book entitled Theology of The Body. Theology of The Body For Teens
  2. 2. Theos= God Logos= Logic or reason It is logical that the Incarnation of Christ, or his becoming flesh, is so we could see Him. Our bodies reveal something about God.-ology= Study of Theology of the body isthe study of God as revealed through our bodies. Theology of The Body
  3. 3. Then God said: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground." God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them. Gen 1:26-27 God made us male and female so we could image His love. Man discovers his purpose in a sincere gift of himself...
  4. 4. God himself is an eternal exchange of love...and He has destined us to share in that exchange of love...and He has destined us to share in that exchange. CCC221 When you have love, you must have a lover, a beloved and the love between them. A communion of persons, united in love.In the case of Father, Son and the fire of love between them, which is the Holy Spirit. God is Love. (Jn 4:8)
  5. 5. Sacramentality Of The Body The Body, in fact, and it alone is capable of making visible what is invisible; the spiritual and divine.It was created to transfer into the visible reality of the world the mystery [of God]...and thus to be a sign of it. (TOB 19:4) KNOW : intimacy=relationship Purpose of life revealed through incarnation; Father : Our creator, protector, One from whom all Mercy flows Son : The Bridegroom. Whether sacrament of Marriage or Holy Orders: weParticipate in a relationship with the bridegroom. Holy Spirit : Speaks to us, heals us, inspires us, communicates with us LOVE : Full and total Gift of self, Free Gift of self, faithful and it bears forth new life=fruitful SERVE : To Give our Yes to Change the World and to enter into union and communion with others and with God. Union and Communion with Him Forever In Heaven (our ultimate Goal) Sacraments: Outward sign of the inward grace being received
  6. 6. I'm tired, so tired I'm tired of having sex (So tired) I'm spread so thin I don't know who I am (who I am) Monday night I'm makin' Jen Tuesday night I'm makin' Lyn Wednesday night I'm makin' Catherine Oh, why can't I be makin' Love come true? I'm beat, beet red ashamed of what I said(What I said) I'm sorry, here I go I know I'm a sinner but I can't say no(Say no) Thursday night I'm makin' Denise Friday night I'm makin' Therese Saturday night I'm making Louise Oh, why can't I be making Love come true? Tonight, I'm down on my knees Tonight, I'm beggin' you please Tonight, tonight it bleeds Oh why can't I be makin' Love come true? Tired Of Sex Tired of Sex; by Wheezer demonstrates how true happiness can not be found by giving ourselves away as though we are an object for use and pleasure. Instead, Pope John Paul II invites us to consider the alternative, to give ourselves as a sincere gift inside of a faithful, fruitful and freely inside of marriage to our spouse. Banquet Garbage