today - alley perez


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Post on 20-Mar-2016




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A short story about graduating high school and going off to college.


Today is the big day. I bet you’ve been counting down for quite sometime now. You will finally be leaving high school and embarking on a new stage in your life. As much as you tell me you aren’t nervous, or apprehensive to leave high school, I know you are. Want to know how I know? I was scared too.

In the excitement and stress of today it is easy to forget that today is just like any other day. Although it may be hard to see now, it is important to remember that everyday that you are alive is equally as important.

Where were you this time last week? What about last month, or better yet, what about one month and thirteen days ago?

It may be hard for you to remember. Or you may think it is not important to remember things as insignificant as what happened one month and thirteen days ago, but I have a life lesson for you, from my college experience that will help you understand why some-times, it is.

Pulling away from the house I was raised in, the friends I loved and family I cared about was hard. It was hard realizing that places and people that were once my entire world now would become much smaller pieces of my life. You soon will experience this too.

Don’t be sad when this happens. Though I know it’s easier said than done.

I came into college with plans. Lists of things I wanted to be involved in. Ideas of what kinds of people I want to be friends with. Along with all of these plans and media-lead ideas of how college should be, came my concept of what days would be the best.

Everyone says that the first weeks is one of the best, so after the first week I was massive-ly disappointed it was over. I heard finals were awful so I dreaded those. I soon realized I was almost spending more time looking forward to, or dreading days instead of appreciat-ing each day for what it was.

The best things that have ever happened to me were not planned. I had no time to look forward to them, or be nervous for them, because I had no way of knowing what I was getting myself into.

Spontaneity is one of the most important things in life.

Don’t get me wrong-you will have responsibilities. You will have to go to class, and do homework. Some nights you’ll stay up all night studying for exams.

On days when your schedule is packed and it seems like everything is planned, and


Smiling helps too. So does remembering that you have no idea what each day has in store for you.

As I told you earlier, today is today. It is just like any other day. Which means it has the po-tential to be the best day of your life. Don’t count it out simply because you think it is not going to be good.

Wake up the same way each morning-happy to be here.

Never let anything get you too stressed out or overwhelmed.

Find those that make you happy and spend as much time as you can with them. When you can’t, find people in your other surroundings who make you happy too.

If you’re alone, find happiness with in. As long as you’re happy, what day it is or what is coming next will no longer matter.

Take peace in the fact that no matter what happens today, you will eventually fall asleep. The moon will shine and then morning will come. The sun will rise, and it will be a new day.

If you’re alone, find happiness with in. As long as you’re happy, what day it is or what is coming next will no longer matter.

Don’t let today, tomorrow, or August when you leave for school be something that gets you too worked up, after all, it is a day just like any other.