today food is traveling thousands of kilometers from where it is produced

Today food is traveling thousands of kilometers from where it is produced. Is it a positive or a negative trend? - Food= produce=foodstuff= fish/dairy products - Travel= transport=carry=deliver=distribute=sell - thousands of kilometers= miles= in a distance= in a distant location=across the border/region= - where it is produced= origin=original places= locally-produced/domestic food (# exotic= foreign) Positive trend

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Today food is traveling thousands of kilometers from where it is produced

Today food is traveling thousands of kilometers from where it is produced. Is it a positive or a negative trend?- Food= produce=foodstuff= fish/dairy products

- Travel= transport=carry=deliver=distribute=sell

- thousands of kilometers= miles= in a distance= in a distant location=across the border/region=

- where it is produced= origin=original places= locally-produced/domestic food (# exotic= foreign)

Positive trend1. food export: power/boost the growth of domestic agricultural economy

export produce abundant/plentiful in 1 country- scarce/lack-> export earnings:

stimulate domestic farming: plant, harvest more-> thriving agriculture-based economy

improve lives of peasants: sell farming goods at a cheap price in domestic market-> make a fortune from export

e.g. coffee/rice: leading exporter (%GDP, poverty eradication in highlands)2. food export: promote cultural exchange, particularly cuisine. chances to enjoy/taste exotic traditional foodstuff: VN- sushi/kebab/fastfood learn new recipes/ spices/cooking methods: be exposed to cultural meanings: table manner, dressing, cutlery e.g. a Vietnamese meal- position of eaters: host/old people, share common dishes in the middle, serve food3. food export: unhealthy food transport: long journey- additives/preservatives/ frozen method-> lose nutritional value, original flavour, smell, and structure

Taking into account all these factors/ judging from the evidence offered/ considering all the factors above/ because of all the above reasons/ from what has been discussed above, I come to/ arrive at the conclusion that

1. Countries should try to produce food for all their population needs locally and import as little as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?