today’s iro: knowledgeable. credible. insightful. - ciri annual...


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The role of the IRO is unique. Every day we are faced with tasks that require us to draw upon a wide range of knowledge, from communications and regulations to fi nance and capital markets. We connect with shareholders within Canada and around the world to communicate our compelling corporate story and demonstrate the value of our organization. What makes our work rewarding, is our ability to do this amidst changing capital markets and macroeconomic challenges. Today’s IROs work hard, transforming our knowledge into valuable insights, making us trusted advisors to our management teams and boards while building credibility with the street.

Keeping with tradition, CIRI’s 28th Annual Conference program has been developed – for today’s IROs – by a team of IROs from across Canada. There is something for everyone, whether you are new to the profession or you are a seasoned practitioner. This year, the Conference will feature a keynote address on Sunday afternoon from the Honourable Frank Oberle, Minister of Energy from the Government of Alberta, who will shed light on Alberta’s plan to address recent economic challenges. Other keynote speakers include James Bowzer, President & CEO, Baytex Energy and three-time Olympian and four-time Olympic medalist – Kristina Groves.

The Annual Conference provides a forum to discuss, analyze and sometimes debate a host of management topics that intersect with the world of investor relations and provide us with added colour needed to enhance our IR programs. This year we will have not one, but two economists make predictions for the coming year; we will hear diff erent perspectives on the earnings guidance debate; and we will have representatives from two exchanges discuss their priorities for the Canadian capital markets. Delegates will also have an opportunity to discuss and share ideas with fellow IROs on IR-specifi c topics, such as hosting a successful investor day, refi ning your targeting eff orts and enhancing the value of your IR website.

In addition to off ering a unique program, we have organized a number of optional activities to take advantage of this year’s Conference venue – beautiful Banff ! Network with fellow IROs while golfi ng at the renowned Fairmont Banff Springs Golf Course, wandering the naturally occurring mineral springs at the Cave and Basin National Historic Site or mountaineering atop the breathtaking Canadian Rockies. We hope to see you in Banff , as we connect, learn and share ideas with IROs from across Canada.

Shirley ChenierSenior Director, Investor RelationsBombardier, Inc.



Brian EctorSenior Vice President, Capital Markets and Public Aff airsBaytex Energy Corp.


from Ivey Business School and the CIRI/Ivey IR Certifi cation Program as he covers the essentials of eff ective writing, including how to develop and craft compelling messages in plain language, and what makes a piece of written communication eff ective.

Michael Sider, Assistant Professor, Management Communications, Ivey Business School

OPT 2 CSR and IR Convergence

Sponsored by The Works Design Communications

More IROs are assuming responsibility for all or part of their organization’s CSR eff orts, which has been spurred by the growth of CSR investment strategies and a strong international push for more CSR disclosure. Learn what sustainability models today’s issuers are using to communicate CSR information, the IRO’s role in the preparation of the CSR report and how this disclosure has infl uenced investors’ perception of their organization.

Kelly Castledine, CPIR, Director, Investor Relations, Algonquin Power

Marie-Josée Privyk, Director, Investor Relations & Sustainable Development, Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.

OPT 3 Weighing Both Sides – A Discussion on Earnings Guidance

Trying to determine whether or not to provide guidance? Looking for a way to enhance trust and transparency while minimizing the street’s short-term view of your company? Join us as we present the results of CIRI’s IR directions: Guidance Practices and discuss the pros and cons of providing annual and quarterly earnings guidance.

Yvette Lokker, President and CEO, CIRI

Matt Orsagh, CFA, Director, Capital Markets Policy, CFA Institute

10:30am Break with Exhibitors

Sponsored by RR Donnelley

11:15am In Conversation with the Street

Sponsored by Scotiabank

Wondering how various roles within investment fi rms interact and how they meet the needs of their clients? New in 2015, the sell-side/buy-side discussion will include the perspective of an institutional sales representative and trader. The panelists will share their thoughts on the current state of the Canadian capital markets, what they expect from today’s IRO and how IROs can leverage these relationships and increase their knowledge.

John Cole, Director, Equity Trading, RBC Capital Markets

Steven Hansen, Senior Vice President, Equity Analyst, Raymond James Ltd.

David Jiles, Canadian Equity Analyst, Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel

Derek Wheatley, Director, Energy Specialist, Scotiabank Global Banking and Markets

12:15pm Awards Ceremony & Lunch


6:30am 19th Annual CIRI Golf Tournament

7:45am Rock Climbing in the Rockies

9:00am Cave and Basin Tour

12:00pm Registration

3:30pm The “Must Haves” and “Should Haves” for an IR Website Sponsored by Business Wire

Join us to discuss regulatory and functional requirements of an IR website, along with best practices and current trends for presenting corporate information to the investment community. This session will also examine the use of tools, such as mobile technology, security features and search engine optimization to boost your IR website.

Ibrey Woodall, Vice President, Web Communications, Business Wire

4:30pm Alberta’s Resources, Canada’s Outlook

Volatile oil prices have shocked Canadians across the country, triggering a lowered overnight interest rate and a declining loonie. Nowhere in Canada has felt the shock more than the Province of Alberta. Hear about the challenges ahead and how the province plans to weather this storm and its potential impact on all Canadians.

Honourable Frank Oberle, Minister of Energy, Government of Alberta

5:30pm Welcome Reception & Opening Ceremony


7:00am Registration / Breakfast with Exhibitors

8:15am Welcome & Opening Remarks

8:30am A View of IR from the C-Suite

Sponsored by Marketwired

Baytex Energy has undergone many changes over the past few years, the most notable being the appointment of its new President and CEO, James Bowzer. Under new leadership, Baytex Energy successfully completed the acquisition of Aurora Oil & Gas in 2014, earning recognition for best IR during a corporate transaction by IR Magazine. Join this interactive discussion as James Bowzer discusses the company’s strategy, the importance of community relationship building and the strategic role IR plays in supporting organizational objectives.

James Bowzer, President & CEO, Baytex Energy

9:30am Breakout Sessions (select one)

OPT 1 Writing Workshop Part 1

Want to learn how to make sense of your organizational strategy and articulate it in a compelling manner in your investor communications? Join Professor Michael Sider

1:45pm Breakout Sessions (select one)

OPT 1 Hosting a Successful Investor Day

Planning an investor day in 2015? Wondering how to manage this high stakes event while meeting the needs of the investor and analyst community? Join this panel as they discuss how they plan for and execute their investor days on varying budgets and hear from the sell-side on what makes an investor day successful.

Janet Drysdale, Vice President, Investor Relations, CN Railway

Dirk Lever, Managing Director, Institutional Equity Sales, AltaCorp Capital

Randy Mah, CPIR, Senior Manager, Investor Relations, Capital Power

OPT 2 Writing Workshop Part 2

This session allows delegates to apply the principles and concepts learned in “Writing Workshop Part I” with practical and interactive writing exercises. Delegates will work in small groups reviewing quarterly reports, annual reports and/or news releases and create compelling messages that meet IR objectives.

Michael Sider, Assistant Professor, Management Communications, Ivey Business School

OPT 3 How Equity Strategies and Asset Allocation Impact the Buy-Side

Sponsored by Corbin Perception

Various capital market professionals provide data to portfolio managers, infl uencing their buying decisions. These professionals – equity strategists and asset allocation specialists – often go unseen, yet have an impact on your company’s stock. Through this interactive discussion you will learn about their responsibilities, how they work with portfolio managers and their outlook for 2015.

Chris Dutton, Director, TD Equity Research

Vincent Delisle, Managing Director, Portfolio Strategy Group, Scotiabank Global Banking & Markets

2:45pm Break with Exhibitors

3:30pm Priorities for Canada’s Capital Markets

Are you staying current on changes taking place in the Canadian capital markets? Join this high profi le panel, as representatives from the Toronto Stock Exchange, Aequitas NEO Exchange – soon to be Canada’s newest markeplace – and IIROC discuss the impact high frequency trading, proposed amendments to trading rules, and market structure changes will have on Canada’s capital markets in 2015, and what this means for today’s IRO.

Kevan Cowan, President, TSX Markets and Group Head of Equities

Victoria Pinnington, Vice President, Trading Reviews & Analysis, Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada

Jos Schmitt, President and Chief Executive Offi cer, Aequitas Innovations Inc.

6:00pm Reception with Exhibitors

7:30pm Dinner & Dance


7:30am Breakfast with Exhibitors

8:00am CIRI National Annual General Meeting

8:30am A Multi-Perspective Discussion on the Global Economy

With recent pressure on the price of oil and the surprise announcement by the Bank of Canada to cut the overnight interest rates, many Canadians and capital markets participants want to know what other economic news they can expect in 2015. As IROs, you need to stay informed about changing economic conditions – in Canada and abroad – and how they may impact your organizations. Join this session as two leading economists discuss their predictions for 2015 and beyond, and what it means for IROs.

Todd Hirsch, Chief Economist, ATB Financial

Josh Wright, Economist, Bloomberg

9:30am Breakout Sessions (select one)

OPT 1 Enhancing and Unlocking the Value of IR Websites

Is your website in need of a refresh? Are there tools and technology that you should be implementing to make the information more accessible and meaningful to the investor community? This lively and interactive discussion will take a look at investor websites, what factors you should consider when redesigning your IR website and what tools IROs are using to enhance their IR websites.

Yan Lapointe, Manager, Investor Relations, Bombardier Inc.

Lori Rozali, Senior Analyst, Investor Relations, Teck Resources Ltd.

OPT 2 Taking Charge of Your Marketing Program

Sponsored by Meetyl

Looking for a way to revitalize your targeting and marketing eff orts? Join this panel of senior IROs as they share with you their strategies for identifying new and existing investors, their approach to marketing and how they measure success.

Kelly Freeman, Director, Investor Relations, PotashCorp

Mélanie Hennessey, Vice President, Corporate Communications, NOVAGOLD

Dean Morrison, Director, Investor Relations, Vermilion Energy Inc.

OPT 3 Reputation Management

Wondering how to avoid a reputational crisis at your organization? Join this multi-perspective discussion as we examine how issuers have tackled reputational issues and how this has impacted their relationship with various stakeholders.

Lois Gardiner, Senior Vice President, Director Risk Consulting, Aon Risk Solutions

10:30am Break with Exhibitors Please visit our website for program updates. Sessions and speakers are subject to change.

11:15am Pursuing Long-Term Value Through Shareholder Engagement

Sponsored by CST Trust Company/D.F. King

Looking to take your shareholder engagement practices to the next level given activist events over the past few years? This session will discuss how issuers and investors engage and what approaches they are using to avoid costly and contentious proxy issues.

Helen Beck, Senior Vice President, Canadian Equities and Indexed Management, Caisse de Depot

Todd Coakwell, Director, Investor Relations, Agrium Inc.

Zachary George, Hedge Fund Manager, FrontFour Capital

12:15pm Power Lunch: Skating to Success

Retired speed skater, Kristina Groves, a three-time Olympian and four-time Olympic medalist, was a Canadian powerhouse in the world of women’s speed skating. Get ready to be inspired as Kristina shares with us her inspiration, how she has overcome challenges and how she accomplishes her goals.

Kristina Groves, Four-Time Olympic Speed Skating Medalist and Olympic Broadcast Analyst

2:00pm Closing Remarks

Sponsor and exhibitor opportunities are still available. Please contact Salisha Hosein at [email protected] for details.





National Strategic Partner


Regular Rate January 17 to May 19, 2015CIRI Member $990.00 plus GST (5%) = $1,039.50Non-Member $1,300.00 plus GST (5%) = $1,365.00

Late Rate May 20 to June 2, 2015CIRI Member $1,090.00 plus GST (5%) = $1,144.50Non-Member $1,400.00 plus GST (5%) = $1,470.00


CIRI is off ering a membership bundle that includes an annual membership with National and Chapter dues, a 2015 Annual Conference registration and CIRI’s Standards and Guidance for Disclosure including the Model Disclosure Policy, Fourth Edition plus CIRI’s Guide to Developing an IR Program, Third Edition.

To view the details of this bundle and to save $945, visit “Member Services” on If you have any questions about membership contact Karen Clutsam at [email protected].


Refer a friend to become a CIRI member and receive a $100 credit that can be applied to your 2015 Annual Conference registration, the 2015 Essentials of Investor Relations Program or next year’s annual membership dues.

To benefi t from this program, ask your friend to include your name on their CIRI membership application.


CIRI has arranged rooms at the Fairmont Banff Springs at a special rate of $271/night for a Fairmont room (plus applicable taxes). This rate is guaranteed until April 28, 2015. Reserve your room by visiting “Travel & Hotel” under the Annual Conference section of Please ensure you book under the CIRI group rate as rooms booked outside of the group or at other hotels may result in additional costs to CIRI.


CIRI has arranged for discounted air travel with Air Canada and WestJet, as well as discounted ground transportation for shuttling between Calgary International Airport and the Fairmont Banff Springs, via the Banff Airport Express. For more information visit “Travel & Hotel” under the Annual Conference section of


Take advantage of the opportunity to network with peers and enjoy what Banff has to off er. For complete details and to register visit “Optional Activities” under the Annual Conference section of

Rock Climbing in the Rockies: The Canadian Rockies provide some of the world’s best climbing routes – join the adventure and explore a mountain peak! For a fee of $155 plus tax, you will have the opportunity to mountain climb in Kananaskis, located just outside of Banff .

Cave and Basin Tour: Enjoy a sightseeing tour of the Banff area including a visit to the Cave and Basin National Historic Site. Naturally occurring, warm mineral springs can be found inside the cave, and outside in an emerald coloured basin. For a fee of $69 plus tax, you will enjoy the birthplace of Canada’s National Park system with knowledgeable guides.

19th Annual CIRI Golf Tournament: Renowned for its panoramic beauty, the Fairmont Banff Springs Golf Course is situated in Banff National Park, a mile high in the Canadian Rockies. With a breathtaking view in every direction, it is a captivating and challenging course. A fee of $205 plus tax per person includes round-trip transportation, green fees, golf carts, and a light breakfast on the cart.


Delegate Discussion – To facilitate communication before, after and during the Conference, please use the Twitter hashtag: #CIRI15.

Archived Audio Webcasts & Speaker Presentations – Sessions and presentations will be available for download from following the Conference.

Canadian Investor Relations Institute (CIRI) 601, 67 Yonge St.Toronto, Ontario, M5E 1J8 D





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