today's people, tomorrow's prosperity: reviving growth in central and west asia

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  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia


    Tewowo c Ctas}b o Ie`}tjh j`m Sey} Jyoj

    ]amjy ^ea~he(

    ]afattasy tay~eto}

  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia


  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia




    e`}tjh j`m Sey} Jyoj< bafe a }be Yohk

    Tajm j`m o}y boy}atoi fetibj`} ij~o}jhy

    a Dukbjtj j`m Yjfjtkj`m( Betj}( j`m

    Kjybcjt; a }be et}ohe ehmy a }be Getcj`jWjhhe; j`m a }be fj` iuh}utey a }be Ijuijyuy.

    ]be tecoa` oy toib o` mowetyo}.

    J`m luy} jy }boy tecoa` a`ie lao`em moy}j`} j`m

    mowetye ~ea~hey o` j`}ozuo}( o}y ia``ei}oa`y jte

    deo`c tewowem }a ma }be yjfe jcjo`. ]be Ie`}tjh

    Jyoj Tecoa`jh Eia`afoi Iaa~etj}oa` "IJTEI/

    ~tactjf dto`cy }ace}bet Jcbj`oy}j`( J|etdjolj`(

    }be ^ea~hey Te~udhoi a Ibo`j( Kj|jkby}j`(

    }be Ktc| Te~udhoi( Fa`cahoj( ]jlokoy}j`( j`m

    U|dekoy}j` }a duohm }tj`y~at} ho`ky( e`iautjce

    `es }tjme( j`m ~tafa}e e`etc yeiuto} j`m


    Sbete ijtjwj`yetjo a`ie y}aam( }bete jte `as

    `es }tjmo`c tau}ey j`m aut&y}jt ba}ehy sehiafo`c

    }autoy}y taf jhh awet }be sathm( yjy Luj` Fotj`mj(

    motei}at ce`etjh at JMDy Ie`}tjh j`m Sey} Jyoj


    @ejth 4> ejty yo`ie fj` a }beye iau`}toey

    efetcem taf }be iahhj~yo`c Yawoe} U`oa`( JMD

    ia`}o`uey }a beh~ }bef teduohm j`m teatf wo}jh

    yetwoiey j`m o`tjy}tui}ute.

    O` 4>>?( JMD j~~tawem -9 dohhoa` o` he`mo`c

    }a Jcbj`oy}j`( Jtfe`oj( J|etdjolj`( Ceatcoj(

    Kj|jkby}j`( }be Ktc| Te~udhoi( ^jkoy}j`(

    ]jlokoy}j`( ]utkfe`oy}j`( j`m U|dekoy}j`.

    O` U|dekoy}j`( ~ea~he jte }ut`o`c }tjmo}oa`jh

    itj}yfj`ybo~ o`}a ~ta}jdhe e`}et~toye so}b yfjhh


    J de}}et tajm JMD yu~~at}em}be ia`y}tui}oa` a }boy tajm(taf Doybkek o` }be `at}b }aAyb o` }be yau}b a }be Ktc|Te~udhoi. ]be ]aa&Jybuu ~jyyybas` bete fjkey }tuiko`ccaamy }btaucb }be fau`}jo`yejyoet j`m ibej~et

    j`m foita`j`ie ctj`}y. O` J|etdjolj`( j aam

    fo}ocj}oa` ~talei} bjy itej}em j yjet e`wota`fe`}

    at fate }bj` 4>>(>>> ~ea~he.

    O` Jcbj`oy}j`( haj`y }a}jho`c -::> fohhoa`

    bjwe beh~em duohm j fadohe ~ba`e `e}satk(

    teia``ei}o`c moy~hjiem jfohoey j`m ho`ko`c

    duyo`eyy as`ety }a o`atfj}oa`. O` }be Ktc|

    Te~udhoi( of~tawem emuij}oa` oy beh~o`c y}ume`}y

    ~te~jte at j mefj`mo`c o`}et`j}oa`jh eia`af.

    JMD jhya ~tawomey efetce`i jyyoy}j`ie. Yo`ie

    ^jkoy}j`y ejt}bzujke a 4>>5( JMD bjy satkem

    bjtm }a beh~ }be woi}ofy teduohm }beot howey.

    Ewetsbete `es tajmy j`m tjohy jte dto`co`c

    ~ea~he }ace}bet. A`e tecoa`jh tjohsj ~talei}sohh ia``ei} Fj|jt&e&Ybjto o` Jcbj`oy}j` so}b

    Bjotj}j` ejt }be U|dek datmet( j`m ewe`}ujhh

    er}e`m o`}a jkoy}j` j`m ]jlokoy}j`. J tajm

    ~tactjf o` Jtfe`oj sohh ho`k o}y yau}bet` j`m

    `at}bet` tecoa`y( ia``ei}o`c }a tjohsjy o`

    Ceatcoj j`m o}y Dhjik Yej ~at}y.

    JMD a~e`em j teyome`} foyyoa` o` Ceatcoj o`

    4>>?( 4 ejty j}et o} lao`em JMD( j`m bjy jhya

    luy} j``au`iem o} sohh a~e` j teyome`} foyyoa` o`


    So}b beh~ taf }beye j`m a}bet teyome`} foyyoa`y(

    JMD j`m o}y meweha~o`c fefdet iau`}toey jte

    mtowo`c o`}ectj}oa` j`m eia`afoi ctas}b o` }be


    ]be Yohk Tau}e jsjkey j`m }tjme oy daafo`c( yjy


  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    O` 4>>?( Yjdabj} Jmo|awj( 9>( sj`}em }a er~j`m bet deju} yjha` o` Dukbjtj( du} ybe `eemem doccet ~tefoyey o` j de}}et

    haij}oa`. Bet buydj`m sjy yu~~at}owe( du} so}bau} j fat}cjce at iahhj}etjh( j dj`k haj` sjy au} a }be zuey}oa`. ]be

    meiomem }a yeek jmwoie taf bet ju`}( Fjbdudj Ybamoewj.

    Deyomey tu``o`c bet as` yuiieyyuh ia`y}tui}oa` duyo`eyy( Ybamoewj sjy j fefdet a }be Dukbjtj Duyo`eyy Safj`

    Jyyaioj}oa` "DDSJ/ j`m j haijh jce`} at Ufom "ba~e/ Itemo} U`oa`( }be yeia`m hjtcey} o` U|dekoy}j`. Ybamoewj beh~em

    bet `oeie lao` fate }bj` =(>>> a}bet fefdety a Ufom( j`m j haj` sjy zuoikh jttj`cem. Jmo|awj j}}e`mem DDSJ }tjo`o`c

    yefo`jty a` bas }a tu` j yfjhh duyo`eyy j`m bas }a mtjs u~ j ~ta~et duyo`eyy ~hj`. ]beye yefo`jty o`ihumem o`}etji}owe

    Yfjhh ctj`}y }btaucb itemo} u`oa`y o`

    U|dekoy}j` jte }tj`yatfo`c tutjh safe`

    o`}a e`}te~te`euty( of~tawo`c a} a`h }beot

    o`iafey du} jhya }beot a~~at}u`o}oey

    D Ljfey Bu}iboya`

    Doc Of~ji}

    Yfjhh Ctj`}y Itej}e



  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    Y f j h h C t

    j ` } y I t e j } e

    j ihoe`}y bjot. J`m }be }tjo`o`c tejhh beh~em f ia`me`ie. Ybe

    bjy jhtejm er~j`mem `er} maat j`m y}jt}em j semmo`c mteyy te`}jh


    Yjdabj} de`e}em taf }be hecji a }be JMD ~talei} ]tjo`o`c a

    Safe` E`}te~te`euty o` Dukbjtja`e a 99 yfjhh ~talei}y a

    de}see` -:>(>>> }a -4>(>>> j ejt u`mem u`met JMDy -25>(>>>

    Ce`met j`m Meweha~fe`} O`o}oj}owe. ]be o`o}oj}owe ~tawomem yeemfa`e }a `a`cawet`fe`} atcj`o|j}oa`y yuib jy DDSJ.

    ]btejmy o`}a cahm Efdtaomet oy iaffa` o` }tjmo}oa`jhU|dek bj`moitj}y. @utba` Otcjybewj bjy }ut`em }boy ~oeiea bet beto}jce o`}a j }btowo`c duyo`eyy. Bet bj`m&yes`U|dek ut`oybo`cy so}b cahm efdtaomet jte }be `ey}jtau`m( j`m ya ~a~uhjt }bj} ybe as bjy 3> ef~haeey }abeh~ bet fee} mafey}oi j`m o`}et`j}oa`jh mefj`m

    eretioyey( so}b }tjo`ety ~hjo`c }be tahe a dj`ko`c

    aiety ya dattasety sauhm `a} de o`}ofomj}em

    sbe` }be se`} }a }be dj`k at }be ty} }ofe.

    Deju} j`m }be Duyo`eyyO` Jucuy} 4>>?( Yjdabj} a~e`em }be maaty }a bet

    `es deju} yjha` o` }be La`mat moy}toi} a Dukbjtj

    Io}. Ybe ijhhem o}Djbat

    ( sboib fej`y y~to`c o`U|dek. ]amj( bet yba~ oy ya duy ybe bjy botem

    j`a}bet bjotmteyyet.

    So}bau} }be Duyo`eyy Safj`

    Jyyaioj}oa` j`m beh~ taf }be itemo}

    u`oa`( O sauhm bjwe fjme yafe doc

    foy}jkey( yjy Yjdabj}( jy ybe y}hey

  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    Ibjot~etya` a da}b DDSJ j`m }be Jyyaioj}oa` a Itemo} U`oa`y(

    Mohdjt Jkbfemawj( yjom }bj} de}see` 4>>> j`m 4>>3( }be famey}ctj`}ybjwe tej~em doc teyuh}y d }tjo`o`c u`ef~haem safe`

    o` tutjh jtejy j`m beh~o`c bu`mtemy a safe` koik&y}jt} `es


    @j}oa`jhh( }be DDSJ bjy 5(>>> fefdety( sba bjwe itej}em awet

    3>(>>> lady j`m }tjo`em awet 4=(>>> safe`. ]be Dukbjtj dtj`ib bjy

    }tjo`em 3>> safe` }btaucb yefo`jty j`m satkyba~y( so}b 2>% a

    }bef y}jt}o`c }beot as` duyo`eyy.

    Se ma`} luy} aget safe` iau`yeho`c a` bas }a y}jt} j duyo`eyy(

    Jkbfemawj yjy. ]be jhya `eem }a k`as bas }a ad}jo` haj`y taf

    dj`ky( j`m satk so}b }be hjdat aie( }be Ibjfdet a Iaffetie(

    j`m haijh iaffu`o} atcj`o|j}oa`y.

    O`y~oto`c Eriehhe`ie@utba` Otcjybewj itej}ey }be `ey} bj`m&yes` }tjmo}oa`jh U|dek

    cahm&efdtaometem ut`oybo`cy jwjohjdhe. O` 4>>4( bet 4&ejt&ahm

    duyo`eyy sjy }btowo`c. Atmety o`ihumem j co} at U|dekoy}j` ^teyome`}

    Oyhjf Kjtofaw }a ~teye`} }a UY ^teyome`} Ceatce Duyb muto`c j

    woyo} }a }be Sbo}e Bauye }bj} ejt. So}b }be o`itejye o` duyo`eyy( }be

    ==&ejt&ahm fa}bet a }btee mey~etj}eh `eemem j 9&ejt haj` a :

    fohhoa` U|dek yuf "jdau} -75>/ }a du tjs fj}etojhy }a er~j`m bet

    duyo`eyy j`m bote fate satkety.

    Du} Otcjybewj bjm `a itemo} teiatm at j fat}cjce(

    j`m ya iaffetiojh dj`ky teuyem }a he`m }a bet. Jtoe`m yuccey}em ybe ia`}ji} Mohdjt Jkbfemawj

    j} DDSJ. Deijuye itemo} u`oa`y y~eiojho|e o` ybat}&

    }etf haj`y( Jkbfemawj ~u} Otcjybewj o` }auib

    so}b }be haijh hjdat aie( sboib j~~tawem }be

    haj`. Of~teyyem d }be k`ashemce j`m `e}satk

    ia`}ji}y a DDSJ( Otcjybewj lao`em j`m dattasy

    tecuhjth taf }be Ufom Itemo} U`oa`.

    Ey}jdhoybem d := DDSJ fefdetyo` :??3( Ufom oy

    `as }be doccey} a yewe` itemo} u`oa`y o` Dukbjtj

    adhjy}"~tawo`ie/. DDSJy aiey jte a` }be yeia`m

    aat a }be itemo} u`oa` duohmo`c( sboib itemo}

    u`oa` fefdety ~jom at so}b itemo} u`oa` u`my.

    O`y}ejm a sjo}o`c u~ }a j fa`}b at j ybat}&}etf(

    9& }a 7&fa`}b haj` taf }be dj`k( O ij` ce} f

    j~~hoij}oa` j~~tawem tocb} jsj d }be itemo}

    u`oa`( Otcjybewj yjom. @as ybe bjy satk taf

    }be Tuyyoj` At}bamar Ibutib j`m teieowey atmety

    taf a}bet iau`}toey( o`ihumo`c at efdtaometem

    iut}jo`y at j Gte`ib ijy}he. Ybe bjy 3> ef~haeey

    j`m fj` ~teet }a satk taf bafe( jhya

    de`e}o`c taf j ~teyome`}ojh teyahu}oa` fjko`c

    Fejyuto`c yuiieyy JMD jofem }a bjwe 7>> safe` lao` }be Ufom Itemo} U`oa`. Awet :(>>> mom. ]be itemo} u`oa` j`m }be Dukbjtj Duyo`eyy Safe`yJyyaioj}oa` jte ho`ko`c }beye safe` }a }be teyautiey j`m }tjo`o`c }be eem }a ey}jdhoyb yuiieyyuh duyo`eyyey j`m ejt` fate fa`e

  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    }bef eref~} taf }jrey }a e`iautjce yuib

    bafe&djyem duyo`eyyey at safe`.

    Otcjybewj j}}e`mem DDSJy }tjo`o`c yefo`jty at

    safe` e`}te~te`euty( u`mem d }be JMD ~talei}(j`m jmwoyey a}bet safe` sba sj`} }a y}jt} }beot

    as` duyo`eyyey. Bet buydj`m( Amoh Jkb}jfaw( oy

    ~taum a bet. O jf ya huik }a bjwe j yu~~at}owe

    buydj`m sba O ij` moyiuyy ewet}bo`c so}b( ybe

    yjy. ]sa a bet }btee ibohmte` jte as y}umo`c

    o` ]jybke`} j`m bet mjucb}et sj`}y }a lao` }be

    jfoh duyo`eyy. So}b }be itemo} u`oa` j`m }be

    jyyaioj}oa`( jmwoie at fa`e oy luy} j ~ba`e ijhh

    jsj( yjom Otcjybewj.

    Jkbfemawj yjy }bj} a`e a }be doc jmwj`}jceya

    itemo} u`oa`y oy jy} ~taieyyo`c. Iuy}afety ij` sjhk

    jsj so}b haj`y o` ijyb o` : at 4 bauty. J fat}cjceat j bauye( j~jt}fe`}( at ijt }jkey 9 mjy. ]be

    dj`k }jkey :> mjy j`m u~ }a 4 fa`}by }a ~taieyy

    j haj`( ybe yjy.

    Ysee} TesjtmySbe` bet buydj`m moem 9 ejty jca( Buybwjc}

    Mlutjewj( =3( sjy jdhe }a ~tawome at bet we

    ibohmte` so}b ~ta}y taf bet yeso`c duyo`eyy j`m

    ~jy}t yba~( sboib iafdo`em ef~ha := ~ea~he.

    Ybe ca} o`}a duyo`eyy o` 4>>= j}et e`}te~te`eut

    }tjo`o`c so}b DDSJ. ]be }tjo`o`c cjwe fe }be ykohhy O `eemem }a tu` j

    duyo`eyy( ybe yjom. Ybe oy as j DDSJ }tjo`et.

    J doc ~tadhef o` tutjh jtejy( yjy Jkbfemawj(oy }bj} fj` safe`

    jte ~aat j`m bjwe `a yj o` bauyebahm dumce}y. ]be jte er~ei}em

    }a y}jj} bafe( ya se yu~~at} safe` }a awetiafe }boy( ybe

    yjy. ]se`} safe` jtfety o` a`e moy}toi} sj`}em }a dattas

    fa`e taf }be dj`k }ate`} hj`m at jtfo`c duyo`eyyey( du} }bejfohhj`m }be sj`}em }a uye jy j fat}cjce hecjhh deha`cem }a

    }beot buydj`my. ]be jhh jcteem }a ibj`ce }a lao`} as`etybo~ j}et

    se er~hjo`em }be ~tadhef.

    Yjdabj} Kuhoewj( =2( a~e`em j ~jy}t yba~ :2 kohafe}ety taf

    Dukbjtj o` 4>>:. Ybe bjy dee` }tjo`o`c :?&ejt&ahm \edu`oya( sba

    cjwe a`h bet ty} `jfe( at 9 fa`}by o` }be ~jy}t duyo`eyy. F

    mtejf oy }a a~e` f as` ~jy}t yba~( yjy \edu`oya. So}b }boy

    }tjo`o`c O ij` yee bas }a fjke o} j yuiieyy.

    Kuhoewjy duyo`eyy oy ctaso`c j`m ybe ij}ety at semmo`cy j`m y~eiojh

    ewe`}y as. Safe` eem }be ko`m a k`ashemce O hejt`em j} DDSJ

    yefo`jty( ybe yjy. Se bjwe }a u`mety}j`m }be hjsy j`m bas }abj`mhe fa`e( j`m ~ta~eth mejh so}b maiufe`}y. JMD ~talei}y

    yu~~at}o`c }tjo`o`c sete wet of~at}j`}.

    Itemo} U`oa` Jce`}y at Ibj`ce]be yeia`m ~bjye a JMDy ]tjo`o`c a Safe` E`}te~te`euty o`

    Dukbjtj decj` o` 4>>7. ]be Jce`}y @e}satk at Itemo} U`oa`y

    o` Dukbjtj( j :4&fa`}b ~talei}( sjy ye} u~ }a }tjo` we DDSJ

    fefdety jy itemo} u`oa` jce`}y. ]be cajh sjy }a y~tejm }be satm

    jdau} }be de`e}y a itemo} u`oa`y j`m foitaitemo} j`m }a j}}tji}

    fate safe`ey~eiojhh }baye o` oyahj}em tutjh iaffu`o}oey. Gowe

    jce`ioey sete ye} u~ o` Dukbjtj( yafe o` tefa}e moy}toi}y sbete

    jiieyy }a `j`iojh yetwoiey sjy fay} `eemem.

    Safe` yehei}em at }tjo`o`c sete jhh DDSJ fefdety so}b fate

    }bj` :> ejty er~etoe`ie. Fjbdudj Ybamoewj( 59( Yjdabj} Jmo|awjy

    ju`} sba beh~em bet so}b bet deju} yjha`( sjy a`e a }be jce`}y.

    O` Fjtib 4>>7( j}et 4 fa`}by }tjo`o`c d we itemo} u`oa` er~et}y(

    Ybamoewj j`m }be aut a}bety se`} }a satk o` }beot jyyoc`em

    moy}toi}y( bj`mo`c au} ijtmy( bahmo`c fee}o`cy( j`m ybaso`c womea

    ~teye`}j}oa`y. ]be ~talei} erieemem o}y cajh a tejibo`c 7>>

    safe`< }baye yeeko`c o`atfj}oa` ysehhem }a =(:==. Awet :(>>> `es

    fefdety lao`em Ufom jy j teyuh} a }be ~talei}.

    O} oy j y}tucche }a jiiaffamj}e jhh }be safe` sba sj`} }tjo`o`c(du} o} oy }be fay} of~at}j`} }bo`c se ij` ma }a of~tawe }be y}j}uy a

    safe`( yjy Jkbfemawj. ]be }tjo`o`c j`m }be ia`me`ie o} dto`cy

    fej`y }be ij yuiieem j} }beot duyo eyy.`

    Y f j h h C t

    j ` } y I t e j } e

    ^talei} O`atfj}oa`

    Ce`met j`m Meweha~fe`} O`o}oj}owey "4>>44>>5/


  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    a`we`}oa`jh soymaf yjy ibohmte`

    jdyatd jy fuib o` }be ty} 5 ejty a

    hoe jy }be ma o` jhh }beot hj}et ejtyiafdo`em.

    O` }be }o` Ktc| Te~udhoi wohhjce a Madahu(

    basewet( }bete sjy ho}}he o` }be sj a y}ofuhj}oa`.

    ]be jmuh}y sete duy satko`cfay}h o` ij}}he

    dteemo`cj`m }beot ~teyibaah&jcem ibohmte`

    ce`etjhh y}jem j} bafe so}b ctj`m~jte`}y at

    jfoh toe`my.

    $]be ho}}he komy o` }boy wohhjce sete deo`c tjoyem d

    }be eocbdatbaam($ yjom Ibah~a`dek ]ohe`djew(

    j` JMD emuij}oa` ~talei} iaatmo`j}at o` @jt`

    moy}toi}. $O} sjy j ~ut~ayeheyy eroy}e`ie at }bef.$

    O` meijmey ~jy}( ibohmte` }btaucbau} }be Ktc|

    Te~udhoi de`e}em taf iaf~tebe`yowe ~teyibaah

    o`y}o}u}oa`y }bj} agetem emuij}oa` at jhh. Du}

    }be ejty ahhaso`c o`me~e`me`ie o` :??: yjs

    iu}djiky o` }beye ito}oijh jtejy( hejwo`c fj` ~aat

    iaffu`o}oey hoke Madahu }a e`m at }befyehwey.

    $J}et }be dtejku~ a }be Yawoe} U`oa` }bete sjy

    `a}bo`c bete j} jhh($ yjom ]ohe`djew. $@a}bo`c.$

    O`y~oto`c Ibohmte`


    D boho~ Saam

    Ejth ibohmbaam emuij}oa` ~tactjfy o` }be

    Ktc| Te~udhoi jte of~tawo`c }be bejh}b(

    `u}to}oa`( j`m ~yibayaiojh meweha~fe`} a

    au`c ibohmte`

    ^teyibaahy< J Key}a`e]boy hjik a atfjh ~teyibaah emuij}oa` jhya fej`}

    }bj} ibohmte` sete heyy hokeh }a de`e} taf }betj`ce a `u}to}oa` j`m bejh}b de`e}y }bj} bjm a`ie

    dee` agetem j} yibaah. Geset yibaah fejhy j`m

    offu`o|j}oa`y bjm j `ecj}owe of~ji}.O`4>>:( at

    o`y}j`ie( j` ey}ofj}em 3% a ibohmte` o` }be Ktc|

    Te~udhoi sete fjh`autoybem( j`m}betesete bocb

    o`iome`iey a ejyoh ~tewe`}jdhe moyejyey.

    O} sjy jcjo`y} }boy djikmta~ }bj} JMD o` 4>>9

    j~~tawem }be -:>.5 fohhoa` Iaffu`o}&Djyem

    Ejth Ibohmbaam Meweha~fe`} ^talei} }a beh~ }be

    cawet`fe`} of~tawe }be bejh}b( `u}to}oa`( j`m

    ~yibayaiojh meweha~fe`} a ibohmte` u~ }a 2

    ejty a jce o` }be ~aatey} fau`}jo`auy jtejy.

    ]be ~talei} }jkey j bahoy}oi j~~tajib}bj}efdtjiey

    ibohm bejh}b j`m u}to}oa`( ejth meweha~fe`}

    j`m ijte o` }be bafe( j`m }tjo`o`c o` wohhjcey

    j`m iaffu`o}oey.

    ]be ~talei} oy cejtem }asjtm }be :4 ~aatey}

    moy}toi}y o` }be iau`}t j`m bjy ey}jdhoybem yafe

    9>> iaffu`o}&djyem ko`metcjt}e`y. ]bj`ky }a

    }be yibefe( ~teyibaah j}}e`mj`ie bjy o`itejyem


  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    ^talei} O`atfj}oa`

    Iaffu`o}&Djyem Ejth Ibohmbaam Meweha~fe`}


    Go`j`io`c fohhoa ( Lj~j` Gu`m at ^awet}

    Temui}oa` "JMD/; -:>.5> fohhoa ( Jyoj` Meweha~fe`}

    Gu`m "JMD/; -4.53 fohhoa ( Cawet`fe`} a }be Ktc|

    Te~udhoi; -=>>(>>>( iaffu`o}oey

    mtjfj}oijhh. O` }be fom&:??>y( a`h 4.5% a

    ibohmte` j}}e`mem ~teyibaah; }amj( }bj} cute

    y}j`my j} 42%.

    Jy sehh jy fjko`c u`my jwjohjdhe }a tebjdoho}j}e at

    ia`y}tui} yibaah jioho}oey j`m duohm ~hjctau`my(

    }be JMD ~talei} ~tawomey bejh}b j`m `u}to}oa`

    yetwoiey j`m }ejibet }tjo`o`c ~tactjfy.

    E`cjco`c Y}ume`}y j`m jte`}y]be `es ko`metcjt}e` o` Madahu oy j ~tofe

    erjf~he a }be ~tactjf o` ji}oa`.

    Ma|e`y a tay&ibeekem ibohmte` mjt} jtau`m }be

    yibaahjtm( ibjyo`c a`e j`a}bet j`m yijho`c }be

    iahatuh j~~jtj}uy o` }be dtj`m `es ~hjctau`m.O`yome( dtocb} j`m sjtf ihjyytaafy jte hhem so}b

    }be yau`m a cjfey j`m hjucb}et.

    Ybehwey jte ho`em so}b wahufey a ibohmte`#y

    ho}etj}utej`m }bete jte daaky a` ~jte`}o`c(

    jy sehh.

    ^to`io~jh ]ak}adudu Ibakutawj yjy }be daaky

    a` ~jte`}o`c jte j` o`}ectjh ~jt} a }be ~talei}

    }bj} jofy }a }ejib jmuh}y jdau} wjtoauy jy~ei}y

    O ` y ~ o t o ` c

    a tjoyo`c o`j`}y( ejth ibohm emuij}oa`( ce`met

    oyyuey( j`m bejh}b. Yafe :3(>>> ~jte`}y bjwe

    }jke` iautyey o` }beye jtejy jy ~jt} a }be ~talei}.

    ]be ko`metcjt}e` bjy ibj`cem }be }er}ute

    a hoe o` Madahu dea`m teiac`o}oa`. ^jte`}y

    yee j mogete`ie o` }beot ibohmte`( j`m }ejibety

    a yuiieyyowe ctjmey ij` teiac`o|e yoc`y a

    jiiehetj}em meweha~fe`} jy sehh( yjy Ibakutawj.

    $]be ctej}ey} eemdjik iafey taf }ejibety j} }be

    ty}&ctjme heweh($ ybe yjom. $]be ij` offemoj}eh

    y~a} j ibohm sba bjy dee` }btaucb aut ~tactjf

    j`m j ibohm sba bjy`#}.$`


    Y}jt}o`c ejth]be ~talei}}jkey j bahoy}oi j~~tajib }bj}efdtjiey ibohm bejh}b( ejthmeweha~fe`}( ijte o` }be bafe(j`m }tjo`o`c o` wohhjcey

  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    ]btaucb j` emuij}oa` ctj`} taf JMD( }be Ktc| Te~udhoi

    bjy tewo}jho|em o}y emuij}oa` yei}at( ~tawomo`c }be djyoiy

    }bj} sohh ~te~jte y}ume`}y at caam lady j`m itej}o`c j `es

    iuttoiuhuf }a tejm jhh yibaah ibohmte` at satk o` j

    famet` eia`af

    D Kjjtfj`dek Kuhuew

    te~jto`c Y}ume`}y

    gat j Famet` Eia`af

    Dtjwe `es sathmJ es iaf~u}et ie`}et j`mhj`cujce&hejt`o`c hjd o`}boy Ktc| yibaah jte cowo`cy}ume`}y j ibj`ie }a iaf~e}e o`}amjy famet`( }eib`ahacoijhhjmwj`iem( j`m o`}et`j}oa`jheia`af


  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    Cuh`j| Efohdekawj oy j :>}b&ctjme ~udhoi

    yibaah y}ume`} sba ba~ey }a deiafe

    j` jot~at} moy~j}ibetyafea`e sba

    iaffu`oij}ey so}b ocb} itesy jdau}

    yje} tecuhj}oa`y( sej}bet ia`mo}oa`y( j`m ocb}


    ]a ma }bj}( ybe `eemy }a jiboewe j iet}jo`

    iaf~e}e`i o` E`choyb.

    O uyem }a hejt` E`choyb taf daaky( du} `ewet

    bejtm o} o` tejh hoe( yjy Cuh`j|( sba howey o` }be

    `at}bet` ~jt} a }be Ktc| Te~udhoi. Se ma`}

    bjwe ateoc`ety o` aut wohhjce.

    Gat}u`j}eh at Cuh`j|( bet yibaah o` ^j`haw oy

    jfa`c ?> }bj} de`e} taf j` emuij}oa` ctj`}

    taf JMD. So}b JMD jyyoy}j`ie( }be yibaah bjy j

    `es iaf~u}et ie`}et j`m hj`cujce hjdatj}at( jysehh jy of~tawem bej}o`c j`m hocb}o`c.

    Ohhufo`j}o`c OmejyDjybawj ]j}oj`j( a`e a }be ha`cey}&yetwo`c

    }ejibety j} }be ^j`haw yibaah( meyitodey }be

    ~etoam deate }be ~talei} jy }be mjtk }ofey.

    Ewe` hocb}o`c sjy j yetoauy oyyue at uy( yjy

    ]j}oj`j( sba oy }be teio~oe`} a j Yawoe}&etj jsjtm

    at eriehhe`ie o` emuij}oa`. @as se bjwe }beye

    uateyie`} hjf~y( sboib fjke tejmo`c ejyoet.

    Muto`c }be ha`c so`}ety( y}ume`}y ij` ia`ie`}tj}e

    de}}et a` }beot y}umoey deijuye }be yibaah bjy

    j `es bej}o`c yy}ef }bj} kee~y }bef sjtf.

    J`m J`jtj( j :=&ejt&ahm at~bj`( j~~teioj}ey }be

    `es mo`o`c bjhh duoh} o` bet at~bj`jce( sboib oy

    j}}jibem }a }be yibaah.

    ]be yibaahy `es hj`cujce hjdatj}at oy j daa`

    at y}ume`}y hoke Cuh`j|. Deate( so}b hofo}em

    a~~at}u`o}oey at hejt`o`c E`choyb( ybe }baucb}

    ybe focb} deiafe j ocb} j}}e`mj`}( du} `as ybe

    ij` jof at yafe}bo`c ybe `my fate ibjhhe`co`c.

    O ij` bejt j`m ~tji}oie f E`choyb( ybe yjy.

    Fawo`c j} }be Y~eem a K`ashemceU`met }be Yeia`m Emuij}oa` ^talei}( JMD oy

    jhya yu~~at}o`c }be Fo`oy}t a Emuij}oa` }a

    famet`o|e }be yibaah iuttoiuhuf; ~udhoyb `es

    }er}daaky; j`m }tjo` }ejibety at yibaahy o` tutjh

    jtejy j`m o` ~aat iaffu`o}oey sbete yibaah

    jioho}oey bjwe dee` ~aat j`m j}}e`mj`ie has.


    ^talei} O`atfj}oa`

    Of~tawo`c Jiieyy }a Zujho} Djyoi Emuij}oa` at

    Ibohmte` so}b Y~eiojh @eemy "4>>34>>?/

    Go`j`io`c< -:.> fohhoa ( Lj~j` Gu`m at ^awet}

    Temui}oa` ctj`} "JMD/

    Yeia`m Emuij}oa` ^talei} "4>>34>>?/

    Go`j`io`c< -:5.5 fohhoa ( Jyoj` Meweha~fe`} Gu`m

    ctj`} "JMD/

    ]btaucb }boy famet`o|j}oa`( cawet`fe`} aiojhy

    ba~e }a ibj`ce }be e`}ote ia`ie~} a emuij}oa` o`

    }be iau`}t.

    Se howe o` j sathm sboib oy ibj`cem d

    }eib`ahacoijh ~tacteyy( sbete iaffu`oij}oa` oyjy}et }bj` ewet( yjy emuij}oa` y~eiojhoy} Cuhfotj

    Jt}kdjewj. K`ashemce ce}y au} a mj}e jy}et

    }bj` aut yibaahy }ejib o} }a ~u~ohy.

    JMD bjy u`mem teyejtib a` j `es iuttoiuhuf(

    jy sehh jy }be ~udhoij}oa` a ty}&ctjme }er}daaky

    }a de o`}tamuiem o` 4>:>. ]er}daaky at bocbet

    ctjmey sohh ahhas hj}et.

    J}et }be moyo`}ectj}oa` a }be Yawoe} U`oa`

    o` :??:( }be eia`af a }be Ktc| Te~udhoi

    iahhj~yem( fjtkem d j 5>% mta~ o` ctayy

    mafey}oi ~tamui}. Yudyezue`}h( emuij}oa`( j`m}be `ejt&u`owetyjh ho}etji a }be Yawoe} ~etoam(

    me}etoatj}em jy sehh.

    Yo`ie }be fom&:??>y( JMD bjy dee` }be iau`}ty

    ~tofjt yautie a er}et`jh yu~~at} at emuij}oa`.

    O} bjy beh~em famet`o|e }be iau`}ty iuttoiuhuf(

    y}te`c}be` }ejibet }tjo`o`c( j`m duohm at te`awj}e

    tutjh yibaahy.

    J} }be }ut` a }be 4:y} ie`}ut( eia`afoi

    ia`mo}oa`y of~tawem( j`m cawet`fe`} u`mo`c

    at emuij}oa` ctjmujhh o`itejyem. ]amj( }becawet`fe`} ia`yoy}e`}h y~e`my fate a`

    emuij}oa` }bj` a` j` a}bet yo`che o}ef o` }be

    `j}oa`jh dumce}.

    JMD tefjo`y j iate ~jt}`et at }be cawet`fe`}

    o` o}y e`mejwat }a of~tawe jiieyy }a zujho}

    emuij}oa` }bj} sohh ~te~jte }be iau`}ty ibohmte`

    at o}y ibj`co`c eia`af.`


    ^ t e ~ j t o ` c Y } u m e ` } y

  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    J` JMD&yu~~at}em fommhe yibaah ~talei}

    oy fjko`c }be mtejf a j` emuij}oa`

    j tejho} at jkoy}j`y tutjh cothy

    D Ljfey Bu}iboya`



    Tjoyo`c bj`my( tocb}o`c boy}at]bj`ky }a j` JMD&yu~~at}emFommhe Yibaah tactjf( sboibbeh~y cothy y}j o` yibaah( au`csafe` hoke }beye ij` fjke tejhia`}todu}oa`y o` }be ihjyytaaf(ibj`co`c haijh a~o`oa`y jdau}cothy j`m emuij}oa`


  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    Bjltj y}j`my u~. ]be :9&ejt&ahm eocb}b

    ctjmet ia`me`}h j`ysety j fj}b

    zuey}oa` }bj} `a`e a }be day o` bet

    ihjyy ij`. Bet }ejibet( Fj`|aat Jho

    Jddjyo( yjy ~taumh( Ybe oy aut }a~ y}ume`}.

    Jddjyo( =4( }ejibey j} Yukkut Fommhe Yibaah(

    sboib bjy de`e}em taf j` JMD&yu~~at}em

    ~tactjf }a beh~ ^jkoy}j`y fommhe yibaahyj

    ~tactjf }bj} bjy y~eioijhh }jtce}em efjhe

    y}ume`}y. Yjy Jddjyo( @a`e a }be cothy o` }boy

    ihjyy sauhm bjwe ca}}e` ~jy} ctjme we so}bau}

    }be Fommhe Yibaah ^talei}.

    ]be Fommhe Yibaah ^talei}Ho}etji tj}ey o` jkoy}j` y}ohh jhh debo`m a}bet

    iau`}toey o` }be tecoa`( ~jt}oiuhjth jfa`c

    safe`. Jh}baucb }be ~etie`}jce a ho}etj}e

    efjhey taye }a 75% o` 4>>7( u~ taf 5:% o`:??:( ^jkoy}j`y iutte`} ~tacteyy a` ce`met

    ~jto} o` ~tofjt emuij}oa` oy tj}em d JMD jy

    yhas j`m ag&}tjik.

    O` :??4( }be cawet`fe`} tezuey}em JMD haj`

    jyyoy}j`ie a -32 fohhoa` }a er~j`m j`m of~tawe

    fommhe yibaah emuij}oa` o` Djhaiboy}j ( @at}b

    Sey} Gta`}oet ^tawo`ie( j`m Yo`mb. ]be ~tactjf

    ey~eiojhh e`iautjcem }be ~jt}oio~j}oa` a

    cothy hoke Bjltj~aat cothy taf tutjh jtejyd

    ageto`c y}o~e`my at efjhe y}ume`}y o` ctjmey

    yor }btaucb eocb} j`m d o`itejyo`c zujhoem}ejibety o` da}b tutjh j`m utdj` yhuf jtejy.

    ]be ~talei} sjy ia`ieowem }a jiiaffamj}e j

    yutce o` }be `ufdet a y}ume`}y er~ei}em }a

    iaf~he}e ~tofjt yibaah. J `j}oa`jh ~tactjf

    j} }be emetjh heweh o`o}oj}em iuttoiuhuf

    teatf( ~ta}a}~e }er}daak meweha~fe`}( j`m

    y}ume`} jiboewefe`} }ey}o`c. ]be ~byoijh

    of~tawefe`}y a yibaahy o` }be ~talei} cjwe

    ejib j` jwetjce a }btee ihjyytaafy( j yioe`ie

    taaf( j`m djyoi jfe`o}oey iaf~toyo`c j bejm

    }ejibety taaf( wetj`mj( }aohe}( bj`m ~uf~ at

    sj}et( j`m j dau`mjt sjhh.

    Yukkut Fommhe Yibaah to`io~jh Yaafjt Kbj`

    Fefaf ~ao`}y au} }bj} deate }be Fommhe

    Yibaah ^talei}( boy yibaah sjy a`h at ~tofjt

    y}ume`}y u~ }a ctjme we. So}b te`awj}em

    ihjyytaafy( `es meyky( daaky( }aohe}y( j`m fate

    y}jg( se sete jdhe }a e`tahh 3> `es y}ume`}y(

    fay}h cothy( be yjy.

    E m u i j } o `

    c B j l t j

    YUKKUT( ^JKOY]J@ ]ejibet ]tjo`o`cJha`c so}b awet :5(>>> a}bet }ejibety o` }be

    ~talei}( Fj`|aat j}}e`mem j =&seek }tjo`o`c

    iautye( jizuoto`c `es ykohhy }bj} fjme bof

    j de}}et }ejibet. Deate( O uyem a`h }be

    dhjikdajtm( du} `as }be y}ume`}y satk o`

    ~joty j`m }ejibo`c oy o`}etji}owe ya }be hejt`

    fuib fate( be yjy( `a}o`c }bj} ~tawoyoa` a}er}daaky( hodtjt daaky( j`m cuomey at }ejibety

    fjme j doc mogete`ie( so}b 47(3>> }ejibety

    bj`mdaaky ~tawomem }a }ejibo`c y}jg o` }be

    }btee ~tawo`iey.

    Gaut seeky a o`&yetwoie }tjo`o`c sjy cowe`

    }a yafe 5(5>> u`}tjo`em }ejibety }a of~tawe

    yudlei} iaf~e}e`i( j`m :5(5>> fommhe yibaah

    }ejibety teieowem :> mjy }tjo`o`c o` }be tewoyem

    iuttoiuhuf( so}b =(>>> fommhe yibaah bejm

    }ejibety }tjo`em o` j 7&seek iautye a` yibaah

    fj`jcefe`} j`m yu~etwoyoa`.

    Beh~o`c Cothy Deiafe Y}ume`}yj`m ]ejibety

    ]a tehoewe ~aat tutjh jfohoey a }be `j`iojh

    dutme` }bj} a}e` ~tewe`}y }bef taf ye`mo`c

    }beot mjucb}ety }a yibaah( j tutjh cothy y}o~e`m

    ~tactjf beh~em j `ufdet a cothy iaf~he}e

    fommhe yibaaho`c( ewe` o` tefa}e jtejy.

    ]a zujho at }be ~tactjf( ij`momj}ey `eemem

    }a de e`tahhem o` j` ehocodhe tutjh yibaah j`m

    }a bjwe j}}e`mem ctjme we so}b jiie~}jdhe

    j}}e`mj`ie j`m ~etatfj`ie. ]a tejib ~aat

    Ezujh a~~at}u`o}oey]be Fommhe Yibaah ^talei} bjy ibj`cem bas daytehj}e }a cothy o` }be ihjyytaaf


  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    jfohoey( }be ~talei} tezuotem }be j``ujh

    o`iafe a }be jfoh u`o} }a de heyy }bj`

    :>(>>> jkoy}j` tu~eey "^Ty/ "jdau} -::?/.

    ]be ~jte`}y at cujtmoj`y bjm }a ~tafoye }a

    kee~ }beot mjucb}et at sjtm o` yibaah u`}oh

    ctjme eocb} d yoc`o`c j` jcteefe`} so}b }be

    moy}toi} emuij}oa` aiet. A`h a`e de`eiojt

    ~et jfoh sjy ehocodhe( so}b ~teete`ie at

    ^talei} O`atfj}oa`

    Fommhe Yibaah ^talei} ":??=4>>2/

    Go`j`io`c< -32.>> fohhoa ( Jyoj` Meweha~fe`} Gu`m

    "JMD/; -44.5> fohhoa ( Cawet`fe`} a ^jkoy}j`

    }be ehmey}. toato} sjy cowe` }a at~bj`y j`m

    bj`moij~~em cothy. ]be y}o~e`m ~tawomem j`

    j``ujh ijyb j`m daak jhhasj`ie a ^Ty:(=>>

    "jdau} -:3/ }a ejib de`eiojt( tejibo`c j }a}jh

    a 5>(=9> y}ume`}y o` }be }btee ~tawo`iey.

    J tutjh }ejibet e`bj`iefe`} y}o~e`m ~tactjf

    `a} a`h jyyoy}em efjhe y}ume`}y sba sj`}em}a deiafe }ejibety du} jhya beh~em o`itejye

    }be `ufdet a efjhe }ejibety o` tutjh jtejy.

    J ij`momj}e bjm }a de iutte`}h e`tahhem o`

    j tutjh yibaah j`m j}}e`mo`c ctjme :>( so}b

    jiie~}jdhe j}}e`mj`ie j`m ~etatfj`ie

    teiatmy. Bet ~jte`}y at cujtmoj`y sete tezuotem

    }a fjke j iaffo}fe`}< }bj} ybe sauhm

    iaf~he}e }be }ejibety }tjo`o`c ~tactjf j}

    j cawet`fe`} iahhece j`m }bj} }be sauhm

    ~etfo} bet }a jiie~} j` jyyoc`fe`} o` j tutjh

    fommhe yibaah at 9 ejty j}et ybe `oybem bet

    iautye. ]be y}o~e`m ~tawomem j fa`}bh jfau`}a ^Ty45> "jdau} -9/ ~huy j` j``ujh daak

    jhhasj`ie a }be yjfe jfau`}. Awetjhh( :(=>>

    jy~oto`c }ejibety teieowem }boy y}o~e`m.

    Ibj`co`c Iaffu`o}oeyJ} Yukkut Fommhe Yibaah( a`e ij` adyetwe

    j`a}bet of~at}j`} jy~ei} a }be ~tactjf< o`

    ihjyytaafy hoke Bjltjy( day j`m cothy y}um yome

    d yome.

    O} bjy ibj`cem bas }be day tehj}e }a cothy o`

    }be ihjyytaaf( yjy Fj`|aat.

    Forem ihjyyey ay}et ce`met ezuo} d

    meweha~o`c j fate o`ihuyowe j}}o}ume }asjtm

    cothy jfa`c au`c fjhey. Du} }be ihjyyey ma

    fate }bj` }bj}. ^talei} yibaahy hoke Yukkut(

    sboib bjwe a~e`em }beot maaty }a tutjh cothy(

    bjwe itej}em u`~teieme`}em a~~at}u`o}oey at

    }beye cothy o` }beot iaffu`o}oey d ibj`co`c

    j}}o}umey }asjtm efjhe yibaaho`c.

    D }be }ofe o} sjy iaf~he}em( }be ~talei} bjm

    de`e}em 3>(=54 y}ume`}y j`m u~ctjmem 7>?

    ~tofjt yibaahy( o`ihumo`c 99: cothy yibaahy(cowo`c }bauyj`my a dtocb} au`c cothy hoke Bjltj

    }be a~~at}u`o} at j de}}et emuij}oa` j`m }be

    a~~at}u`o}oey ~tawomem d a`e. `

    Cothy fjko`c }be ctjme ]be ~tactjf }jtce}y efjhe y}ume`}y( hoke Bjltj"he}/ j`m bet ihjyyfj}e( j`m cowey }bef o`ie`}owey }a y}j o` yibaah.Jy }ejibet Fj`|aat Jho Jddjyo jik`ashemcey( fj` coth y}ume`}y sauhm`a} fjke o} }a fommhe yibaah so}bau} }boy ~talei}

    ]be y}ume`} deiafey }be }ejibet ]ejibet }tjo`o`c beh~y }ejibety itej}efate o`}etji}owe( y}ume`}&ie`}etem ihjyytaafy( sbete y}ume`}y ij` hejt`taf ejib a}bet



  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    J y}um yj`i}ujt]boy JMD&yu~~at}em hodtjto`]jlokoy}j` bjy deiafe j`o`y~oto`chejt`o`c y~jie at bocb yibaahy}ume`}y. _au`c fe j`m safe`tejm j`m sto}e u`met }be sj}ibuhee a }beot }ejibet

  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    Sjhko`c }btaucb }be yibaah fuyeufj} Yjfjtkj`m Io} Yibaah @ufdet

    4:( Motei}at Yjatj Fehokawj ~ao`}y

    au} djcy( ~e`y( o`ksehhy( j`m ahm

    }er}daaky( jhh o` uye sbe` ybe decj` }ejibo`c

    bete 99 ejty jca. U|dekoy}j`y emuij}oa`

    yy}ef oy cao`c }btaucb }be doccey} ibj`cey O

    bjwe ewet yee`( ybe yjy.

    O` }be iaut}jtm a }be yibaah( a`e a }be ahmey}

    o` }be iau`}t j`m sbete ^teyome`} Oyhjf Kjtofaw

    ctjmuj}em so}b ba`aty o` :?55( ybe ~ao`}y au}

    `es te`awj}oa`y( ~jt} a yewetjh cawet`fe`}o`o}oj}owey }bj} jte }tj`yatfo`c }be iau`}ty

    emuij}oa` yy}ef.

    A`e a }be fay} woyodhe j`m of~at}j`}atbet

    :(5>> y}ume`}y j`m }beot jfohoey j`m }ejibetybjy

    dee` j ~talei} u`mem d JMD }bj}dtaucb}

    jgatmjdhe }er}daaky }a }be `j}oa`y yibaah ibohmte`>=/

    Go`j`io`c fohhoa ( Cawet`fe`} a U|dekoy}j`

    Y~eiojh Gu`m

    Daako`c }be satk atie a }be u}ute @es }er}daaky j`m `esiuttoiuhufy ef~aset }beye au`c ~ea~he j`m ~te~jte }bef }a lao` }besatkatie j`m ueh U|dekoy}j`y eia`afoi ctas}b


  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    Hej~gtacco c}a Fadohe ]ehe~ba`JMD oy beh~o`c Jcbj`oy}j`y hjtcey} }eheiaf a~etj}at meweha~

    `j}oa`some fadohe ~ba`e o`tjy}tui}ute j`m er~j`m iehhuhjt yetwoiey


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    Meijmey a ia`oi} mewjy}j}em

    Jcbj`oy}j`y iaffu`oij}oa` yy}efy.

    Gorem }ehe~ba`e ho`ey jte wot}ujhh

    jdye`} o` j iau`}t so}b tuccem }ettjo`(

    hofo}em ehei}toio}( ~aat tajmy j`m ~ay}jh yetwoiey(

    j`m j` u`y}jdhe yeiuto} yo}uj}oa`.

    ]be jttowjh a fadohe ~ba`ey( }beteate(

    te~teye`}em j }eheiaf tewahu}oa`( e`jdho`c }be

    iau`}t}a hej~tac y}tjocb} }a 4:y}&ie`}ut

    yj}ehho}e }eib`ahac.

    O} bjy e`jdhem jfohoey moy~hjiem d }be ia`oi}

    }a tefjo` ia``ei}em( duyo`eyy as`ety }a fate

    ejyoh yejtib at caam ~toiey j`m tefjo` o`atfem(

    j`m oyahj}em iaffu`o}oey }a ut}bet o`}ectj}e o`}a

    }be eia`af. O} bjy jhya ~tawomem djyoi dj`ko`c

    u`i}oa`y o` j iau`}t sbete dj`ko`c oy hofo}em(

    du} tefo}}j`iey ~hj j wo}jh eia`afoi tahe.

    Mefj`m at fadohe ~ba`ey sjy y}ta`c taf

    }be au}ye}( du} yetwoie tahhau} sjy ia`y}tjo`em

    d hofo}em `j`io`c a~}oa`y o` }be ibjhhe`co`c

    ~aho}oijh j`m yeiuto} e`wota`fe`}.

    So}b beh~ taf JMDy ~towj}e yei}at a~etj}oa`y(

    basewet( }be ]eheiaf Meweha~fe`} Iaf~j`

    Jcbj`oy}j`k`as` jy Taybj` j`m }be hjtcey}

    a~etj}at so}b awet 9.4 fohhoa` yudyitodety

    bjy dee` jdhe }a er~j`m o}y fadohe `e}satk

    o`tjy}tui}ute `j}oa`some j`m of~tawe o}y tj`ce ayetwoiey. O` Luh 4>>2( JMD ~tawomem o}y }botm haj`

    }a }be ~taieyy( }boy }ofe -7> fohhoa`. ]boy ahhasem

    haj`y a -95 fohhoa` o` hj}e 4>>= j`m -95 fohhoa` o`


    ]be meweha~fe`} of~ji} a fadohe ~ba`ey

    bjy y~tejm jitayy }be iau`}t j`m }btaucb jhh

    hewehy a yaioe}( yjy Itjoc Y}ege`ye`( JMDy

    iau`}t motei}at at Jcbj`oy}j`. Bjwo`c jiieyy

    }a o`atfj}oa` j`m k`ashemce oy jy ito}oijh at

    }be emuij}oa` a }be au`cjhfay} bjh }be

    ~a~uhj}oa` oy u`met :5jy o} oy at }be yaiojh

    meweha~fe`} a safe`.

    So}b er~j`yoa`( Taybj` bjy dee` jdhe }a haset

    }be iay} a o}y fadohe ~ba`e yetwoiey( o`itejyo`c

    jiieyyodoho} }a }be ~aat.

    O``awj}owe YetwoieyJfa`c o}y o``awj}oa`y( Taybj` o`}tamuiem F&~joyj(

    j yat} a fadohe sjhhe}( e`jdho`c }be }tj`yet

    a u`my d fadohe ~ba`e o` j zuoik( ejy( yje(

    j`m iay}&egei}owe sj at ~eet&}a&~eet }tj`yet(


    H e j ~ g t a c

    c o ` c } a

    te~jfe`} a foita`j`ie haj`y( ~utibjye a

    jot}ofe( j`m yjhjt moydutyefe`}. ]boy bjy dtaucb}

    `j`iojh }tj`yji}oa` yetwoiey }a j iau`}t sbete

    a`h 9% a }be ~a~uhj}oa` bjy j dj`k jiiau`}.

    Iau`}tsome( Taybj` ye}y u~ ~udhoi ijhh aiey at

    }baye so}bau} j fadohe ~ba`e( ~jt}`eto`c so}b

    Goty} Foita`j`ie Dj`k }a he`m e`}te~te`eutyij~o}jh }a ye} u~ }be aiey. Taybj` jhya yu~~at}y

    safe`&a`h ~udhoi ijhh jioho}oey( j` of~at}j`}

    ej}ute cowe` a`cao`c ce`met yectecj}oa`.

    ]be iaf~j` oy jhya o`y}jhho`c yahjt ~ba}awah}joi

    ~j`ehy }a ~aset }eheiaf }asety( }buy temuio`c

    moeyeh ueh ia`yuf~}oa` j`m ctee`bauye cjy

    efoyyoa`y. J`m o` 4>>?( o} ~oha}em ]tjme@e}( sboib

    ~tawomey jtfety so}b fjtke} ~toiey }btaucb }er}

    feyyjco`c( sboib jhhasy jtfety j`m }tjmety }a

    yeiute }be dey} ~toiey at }beot ita~y.

    ]ehefemoio`e< Ho`ko`c Bejh}b Satketyso}b Er~et}yA` j somet heweh( }be ~tawoyoa` a fadohe }eheiaf

    yetwoiey oy beh~o`c of~tawe }be mehowet a

    eyye`}ojh yetwoiey yuib jy bejh}b ijte( emuij}oa`(

    j`m yeiuto}.

    Taybj` bjy ~oa`eetem j }ehefemoio`e ~talei}

    }bj} ho`ky mai}aty o` Kjduh j`m o` j tutjh bay~o}jh

    o` Djfj` }a fate er~etoe`iem y}jg j} }be Jcj

    Kbj` U`owetyo} Bay~o}jh o` Kjtjibo( ^jkoy}j`. "]be

    Jcj Kbj` Gu`m at Eia`afoi Meweha~fe`} oy

    Taybj`y fjlato} ybjtebahmet/. ]boy ~a}e`}ojhhhoe&yjwo`c }ehefemoio`e ~talei} bjy of~ji}em

    }be howey a =>> ~j}oe`}y j`m }tjo`em 9>> Jcbj`

    femoijh ~etya``eh. O} iauhm ~hj j ke tahe o`

    teia`y}tui}o`c Jcbj`oy}j`y bejh}b ijte yy}ef.

    Kbjhom J`yjto( j tjmoahacoy} j} }be Gte`ib Femoijh

    O`y}o}u}e at Ibohmte` "GFOI/( uyey }ehefemoio`e

    }a }tj`yfo} ofjcet taf }be bay~o}jhy fjc`e}oi

    teya`j`ie&ofjco`c yij``et }a iahhejcuey o`

    Kjtjibo. O se bjwe j iaf~hoij}em mojc`ayoy( o}

    }jkey luy} a`e ihoik }a ~u} }be ~oi}utey a` aut

    yetwet j`m ye`m }bef }a }be Jcj Kbj` Bay~o}jh(

    sboib ij` ye`m uy djik j te~at} so}bo` 4= bauty(be yjy.

    @a} ha`c jca( GFOI ey}jdhoybem j ia``ei}oa` so}b

    j ~tawo`iojh bay~o}jh o` tefa}e Djfj`( sboib

    bjy := ~byoioj`y yetwo`c fate }bj` 7>>(>>>

    ~ea~he. O` j` o`}etwoes d womea ho`k( fafe`}y

    j}et j ihjyy a` o`ei}oa` ia`}tah( bay~o}jh fj`jcet

    Fj}}bes Tamoeik yjom( Se jte wet oyahj}em bete(

    du} o a`e a aut y~eiojhoy}y iafey jitayy j ijye

    }bj}y moiuh} }a u`mety}j`m( be at ybe ij` dto`c


    H e j ~ g t a c

    c o ` c } a

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    }be ~j}oe`} }a }be }ehefemoio`e taaf j`m ia`yuh}so}b j ~byoioj` o` Kjduh at Kjtjibo.

    ]be ho`k ij` jhya de uyem at femoijh emuij}oa`>=4>>7/

    Y~a`yaty< Jhij}eh ^jt}oio~j}oa`y YJ.( Fa`jia

    ]eheiaf O`}et`j}oa`jh( FI] Iat~atj}oa`( Jcj Kbj`

    Gu`m at Eia`afoi Meweha~fe`}

    Go`j`io`c< -95 fohhoa ( ^towj}e Yei}at haj` "JMD/

    Taybj` Er~j`yoa` ^talei} "^bjye OO/ "4>>74>>2/

    Y~a`yaty< Fa`jia ]eheiaf O`}et`j}oa`jh( FI]

    Iat~atj}oa ( Jcj Kbj` Gu`m at Eia`afoiMeweha~fe`}

    Go`j`io`c< -95 fohhoa ( ^towj}e Yei}at haj` "JMD/;

    -9> fohhoa ( JMD D&Haj ; -:5 fohhoa ( ^aho}oijh Toyk

    Cujtj`}ee "JMD/

    Taybj` Er~j`yoa` ^talei} "^bjye OOO/ "4>>24>:>/

    Y~a`yaty< Fa`jia ]eheiaf O`}et`j}oa`jh(

    ]ehojYa`etj( Jcj Kbj` Gu`m at Eia`afoi


    Go`j`io`c< -7> fohhoa ( ^towj}e Yei}at haj` "JMD/

    Mt. Womea ]boy me`}oy} oy uyo`c j womea ho`k }a cuome bet o` bet satk. Bejh}b~taeyyoa`jhy eeh heyy oyahj}em so}b womea ho`ky( sboib jte jhya deo`c uyemat femoijh emuij}oa`

    ]be ]eheiaf Meweha~fe`}

    Iaf~j` Jcbj`oy}j`

    k`as` jy Taybj`bjy

    ~oa`eetem j }ehefemoio`e

    ~talei} }bj} ho`ky mai}aty o`

    Kjduh }a y}jg j} }be Jcj Kbj`

    U`owetyo} Bay~o}jh o` Kjtjibo(

    ^jkoy}j`. ]boy ~a}e`}ojhh

    hoe&yjwo`c ~talei} bjy beh~em

    =>> ~j}oe`}y j`m }tjo`em 9>>

    Jcbj` femoijh ~etya``eh.

    Bocb&}eib bejh}b]ehefemoio`e e`jdhey ha`c&moy}j`ie mojc`ayoy afemoijh ia`mo}oa`y



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    ]be cawet`fe`}( so}b beh~ taf JMD( oy temuio`c

    wuh`etjdoho} }a aamy o` ]jlokoy}j`( sboib bjy yugetem

    taf j hjik a hewee fjo`}e`j`ie o` }be ejty ahhaso`c


    D boho~ Saam

    Gowe ejty jca( }be ysahhe` j`l Towet

    yutcem awet j yetoey a j`}ozuj}em

    efdj`kfe`}y o` ]jlokoy}j`#y et}ohe

    Bjfjma`o moy}toi}( ysee~o`c jsj

    ewet}bo`c }bj} hj o` o}y ~j}b.

    ]be towet }ut`em o`}a j` jwjhj`ibe a fum j`m

    sj}et($ teijhhy Cjmao Fjyjufaw( sba as`y sbj}

    sjy a`ie j towetyome tey}jutj`} o` }be }as` a


    $Sbe` se te}ut`em }a }be jtej a`e mj hj}et(

    }be sj}et heweh sjy bocbet }bj` O jf($ jmmem

    Fjyjufaw( tjoyo`c j` jtf bocb jdawe boy bejm.

    O`iafey Sjybem Jsj]bj`ky }a jmwj`iem sjt`o`c yy}efy j`m j yso}

    cawet`fe`} tey~a`ye( }be gaam o` ]jlokoy}j`#y

    yau}bsey}et` Kbj}ha` ~tawo`ie ijuyem a j}jho}oey.

    Du} fate }bj` 45> duohmo`cy sete mey}taem( jha`c

    so}b tajmy( dtomcey( j`m sj}et }asety.

    ]be jtej#y jtfety sete ezujhh bjtm&bo}( jyyafe =(>>> bei}jtey a ]jlokoy}j`#y toibey} jtjdhe

    }a~yaoh sjy yse~} jsj. O` j iau`}t sbete fate

    }bj` 7>% a }be ~a~uhj}oa` tehoey a` jctoiuh}ute

    jy o}y fjlat yautie a o`iafe( }bj} fej`} }bj}

    howehobaamy sete yse~} jsj jy sehh.

    $Aut ~ea~he jte fay}h o`wahwem o` jctoiuh}ute( o`

    ctaso`c tuo} j`m ~a}j}aey j`m a`oa`y($ yjom Yo}jf


    Ibj`co c}be Iautye ag Efetce`ioey


    Bas }a bahm a j towetBuce mokey a ejt}b j`m taik(duoh} so}b yu~~at} taf JMD(~ta}ei} }be ~ea~he a Bjfjma`otaf }be j`l Towet( sboib oyo`itejyo`ch ~ta`e }a aamo`c

    ^ i o k o ` c U


  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    Ybjtoaw( j teyome`} a Bjfjma`o. $Du} }be aam

    mey}taem jhh a aut jctoiuh}utjh ehmy. ^ea~he hay}

    }beot bjtwey}y j`m ya hay} }beot o`iafe.$

    Me~u} Iboe a Bjfjma`o Moy}toi} Jdmuljdat

    Kj}jew yutwey djtte` hj`myij~e }bj} y}te}ibey

    jy jt jy }be ee ij` yee. O} oy djte( yj`m er~j`ye

    iawetem o` fum ~ohey j`m ho}}etem so}b ibu`ky aia`ite}e.

    $]be aam mey}taem }be dtomce( }be tajm(

    teyome`}ojh bauyebahmy( yjom Kj}jew. ]sa

    y}tee}y o` a`e wohhjce sete uhh aamem( ya uhh


    JMD ]jlokoy}j` Iau`}t Motei}at Fjka}a Alota yjy

    }be yaioaeia`afoi of~ji} a sbj} bj~~e`em o`

    Kbj}ha` oy y}ohh deo`c eh} }btaucbau} }be ~tawo`ie.

    $]bete oy j y}ta`c ho`k de}see` aamy j`m ~awet}(

    j`m o` Kbj}ha` }bete sjy j wet yudy}j`}ojh hayya howehobaam($ Alota yjom( jmmo`c }bj} teyome`}y a

    }be jtej bjwe er~etoe`iem moyejye( me}etoatj}o`c

    mto`ko`c sj}et zujho}( j`m a}bet bjtmybo~y sboib(

    o` }ut`( bjwe hem }a ctej}et efoctj}oa`.

    Fo}ocj}oa` Fejyutey taf Ejt}b j`m TaikSo}b o}y fau`}jo`auy }ettjo` j`m bocb hewehy

    a tjo`jhh( ]jlokoy}j` bjy jhsjy dee` ~ta`e }a

    aamo`c j`m a}bet `j}utjh moyjy}ety. Du} }be aam

    a 4>>5 sjy u`~teieme`}em.

    J hjik a tau}o`e fjo`}e`j`ie o` }be }ufuh}uauyejty ahhaso`c ]jlokoy}j`#y o`me~e`me`ie o` :??:

    sjy hjtceh tey~a`yodhe at }be johute a }be mokey

    }a ia`}jo` }be towet.

    JMD bjy ~tawomem j -44 fohhoa` haj` at }be

    Kbj}ha` ^tawo`ie Toyk Fj`jcefe`} ^talei} }a beh~

    ~tewe`} u}ute aamo`c.

    ]be ~talei} te~teye`}y j ybo} taf teji}owe(

    o`tjy}tui}ute&atoe`}em aam ia`}tah }a j

    iaf~tebe`yowe( o`}ectj}em( j`m ~taji}owe

    j~~tajib }a aam fj`jcefe`}.

    J fjlat ~jt} a }be ~talei} oy }be tebjdoho}j}oa` a

    2.9 kohafe}ety a aam ~ta}ei}oa` efdj`kfe`}

    jha`c }be ^j`l Towet. J} }be ~talei} yo}e( sboib

    jdu}y ]jlokoy}j`#y datmet so}b Jcbj`oy}j`( datmet

    cujtmy ~j}tah jy buce }tuiky bjuh o` yaoh( taik( j`m


    ]be fj}etojhy jte ~jikem o`}a bocb( yha~o`c

    efdj`kfe`}y }bj} jte iawetem so}b ia`ite}e

    dhaiky. ]beye mokey sohh tejib jhfay} :> fe}ety

    ]be yo|e a moyjy}et Cjmao Fjyjufaw ybasy bas

    bocb }be ^j`l Towet taye muto`c j ij}jy}ta~boiaam o` 4>>5 }bj} sjybem jsj tajmy( dtomcey( j`mhowehobaamy

    o` beocb}( j uhh 9 fe}ety }jhhet }bj` }be sjhhy

    dtejibem o` 4>>5.

    Fjtk Ku`|et( j ye`oat e`wota`fe`}jh y~eiojhoy}

    so}b JMDy Ie`}tjh j`m Sey} Jyoj Me~jt}fe`}(

    yjom }be `es efdj`kfe`}y sohh beh~ ~ta}ei} }be

    jtej taf }be ihofj}e ibj`ce of~ji}y }bj} jte

    o`itejyo`ch deo`c eh} o` }be Bo`mu Kuyb j`m }be^jfot fau`}jo`y( j`m sboib jte ijuyo`c chjioety

    }a feh} j} jiiehetj}em tj}ey.

    $]boy sohh teyuh} o` o`itejyem asy o` }be towety

    a }be tecoa`( yuib jy }be ^j`l( sboib jte em

    d chjioet feh} taf }be fau`}jo`y($ Ku`|et

    yjom. $Ihofj}e ibj`ce oy hokeh }a jh}et }tjmo}oa`jh

    sej}bet ~j}}et`y j`m jhya dto`c jdau} fate

    er}tefe sej}bet ewe`}y. Sbe` }be aiiutte`ie a

    er}tefe ewe`}y oy iafdo`em so}b }be o`itejyem



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    ^ i o k o ` c U


    towet asy( }bete oy j yoc`oij`} ~a}e`}ojh at

    ut}bet yetoauy aamo`c o` }be tecoa`.$

    ]be ~talei} teatfy bjwe ca`e dea`m duohmo`c

    ~byoijh efdj`kfe`}y. JMD jyyoy}j`ie bjy

    beh~em }be cawet`fe`} duohm awet :9> bauyey

    jsj taf aam&~ta`e jtejy j`m }a of~tawe aam

    fj`jcefe`} yy}efy. ]boy o`ihumey u~ctjmo`c

    sjt`o`c feibj`oyfy( de}}et fjo`}e`j`ie a

    ~ta}ei}oa` y}tui}utey( j`m `es tecuhj}oa`y }a

    tey}toi} hj`m uye o` bocb&toyk jtejy.

    JMD bjy jhya beh~em }be cawet`fe`} u`met}jke

    }a~actj~boijh( yaiojh( e`wota`fe`}jh( j`m

    eia`afoi yutwey( j`m ia`mui} iaf~u}et

    fameho`c a aamem jtejy. Gtaf }beye yutwey(

    toyk fj~y sete ~te~jtem.

    ^talei} O`atfj}oa`

    Kbj}ha` ^tawo`ie Toyk Fj`jcefe`} ^talei}


    Go`j`io`c fohhoa ( Lj~j` Gu`m at

    ^awet} Temui}oa` "JMD/; -5>>(>>>( ]eib`oijh

    Jyyoy}j`ie Y~eiojh Gu`m "JMD/; -44.> fohhoa (

    Jyoj` Meweha~fe`} Gu`m "JMD/; -7.7:4 fohhoa (

    Cawet`fe`} a ]jlokoy}j`

    ]a of~tawe ateijy}o`c( }be cawet`fe`} bjy

    tebjdoho}j}em j`m famet`o|em }be Jce`i at

    Bmtafe}eatahacy ihofj}e y}j}oa`y j`m towet

    cjucey( jy sehh jy }be jce`iy mj}jdjye.

    $Sbe` se bjwe `oybem }boy ~talei}( Kj}jew

    yjom( }be sbahe ~a~uhj}oa` a }be jtej sohh de

    ~ta}ei}em taf u}ute aamy.$`

    Yutweo`c }be mjfjce Me~u} Iboe a Bjfjma`o Moy}toi} Jdmuljdat Kj}jew ~ao`}y }a }be tefjo`y a }be }as`y dtomce( mey}taem d

    }be u`~teieme`}em aam a 4>>5


  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    Duohmo`cDjik De}}et

    D Ljfey Bu}iboya`

    Woi}ofy a j mewjy}j}o`c ejt}bzujke o` ^jkoy}j`jte teduohmo`c }beot bafey so}b }beot as` bj`my


  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    Aut bauye( jtf( howey}aik( se hay}

    ewet}bo`c o` }be ejt}bzujke( yjy YbjbomjFjzyaam.

    Awet 9.5 fohhoa` a}bety hoke Ybjbomj j`mbetjfoh

    a we sete he} mey}o}u}e d }be fjyyowe ejt}bzujke

    }bj} y}tuik }be @at}bSey} Gta`}oet tawo`ie j`m

    yuttau`mo`c jtejy a` }be fat`o`c a 2 Ai}adet

    4>>5( }jko`c j` ey}ofj}em 2>(>>> howey.

    JMDy tey~a`ye sjy fuh}ojie}em. Goty} o} ~hemcem

    -: dohhoa` o` dohj}etjh ctj`}y j`m haj`y}a }be

    ^jkoy}j` Ejt}bzujke Gu`m j`m of~hefe`}em }be

    Ejt}bzujke Efetce`i Jyyoy}j`ie ^talei}( sboib

    yu~~at}y }be cawet`fe`}y egat}y }a tebjdoho}j}eejt}bzujke&bo} jtejy. JMD ~tawomem jyyoy}j`ie

    }a teia`y}tui} ~aset ctomy( tajmy( yibaahy( tutjh

    bauyey( j`m bejh}b jioho}oey. Ehei}toio} oy deo`c

    tey}atem o` jgei}em jtejy }btaucb tebjdoho}j}oa`

    a ? bmta~aset y}j}oa`y j`m :> ctom y}j}oa`y.

    JMD oy jhya teia`y}tui}o`c =99 ~tofjt j`m

    fommhe yibaahy uyo`c y}j}e&a&}be&jt} hocb} y}eeh

    tjfe duohmo`cy }bj} jte ejy }a jyyefdhe j`m

    ejt}bzujke teyoy}j`}.

    JDDA]]JDJM( JKOY]J@ ]beye ~talei}y sete meyoc`em a} }a tey}ate

    iaffu`o}oey }a ~te&zujke ia`mo}oa`y( du} }a duohm

    djik de}}et}a fjke jgei}em `eocbdatbaamy

    fate ~tay~etauy j`m fate teyohoe`} }bj` }besete deate 2 Ai}adet 4>>5.

    O``awj}owe Teduohmo`c YibefeA`e a }be cawet`fe`}#y cajhy sjy }a teia`y}tui}

    j`m tebjdoho}j}e bauyey ya }bj} }be sauhm de

    ejt}bzujke teyoy}j`}. O` 4>>3( }a yu~~at} }boycajh(

    JMD fjme j yeia`m efetce`i jyyoy}j`iehaj`

    a -=>> fohhoa`( }be Ejt}bzujke Moy~hjiem ^ea~he

    Howehobaam Tey}atj}oa` ^tactjf. Gu``ehhem}btaucb

    }be Ejt}bzujke Teia`y}tui}oa` j`m Tebjdoho}j}oa`

    Ju}bato} j`m o}y ~tawo`iojh dtj`ibey( }boyhaj`

    ~tawomem moy~hjiem ~ea~he so}b u`my atfj}etojhy

    }a teduohm }beot as` bauyey( j`m so}b ia`y}tui}oa`}tjo`o`c j`m yudyomoey. ]be ju}bato} y~eioem

    y}j`mjtmy j`m meyoc`y.

    ]be yudyomoey sete me}etfo`em djyem a` }be fjtke}

    te~hjiefe`} wjhue a j }~oijh bauye "9? yzujte

    fe}ety/( ottey~ei}owe a }be yo|ea}be atoco`jh bauyey.

    ]be cawet`fe`} moydutyem ctjmuj}em ~jfe`}y

    o` jiiatmj`ie so}b }be jfau`} a mjfjcejy

    me}etfo`em d ehm o`y~ei}aty taf }be jtfj`m

    taf `a`cawet`fe`} atcj`o|j}oa`y "@CAy/.

    D u o h m o ` c

  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    Gat erjf~he( at j iaf~he}eh mey}taem bauye(

    as`ety teieowem :35(>>> ^jkoy}j` tu~eey "^Ty/

    "jdau} -4(>7:/. Gat j bafe so}b fo`at mjfjce(

    as`ety teieowem ^Ty45(>>> "jdau} -4?5/.

    ]be teia`y}tui}oa` a o`tjy}tui}ute jhya itej}emfj` lady at ykohhem satkety j`m de`e}em }be

    haijh ia`y}tui}oa` fj}etojh o`muy}t( o`itejyo`c }be

    ~toiey a ke ia`y}tui}oa` fj}etojhy hoke iefe`}.

    @es Tey~a`yodoho}oey at Safe`]be ejt}bzujke bjy ybo}em ce`met tahey a

    safe` j`m fe` mue }a }be hayy a fjhe ~jt}`ety.

    Fj` safe`y tey~a`yodoho}oey bjwe o`itejyem jy

    }be ia~e so}b }be jmmo}oa`jh dutme` a ijto`c at

    at~bj`em ibohmte` j`m ~etya`y so}b moyjdoho}oey(

    sbohe jhya efetco`c jy bejmy a bauyebahmy.

    ]boy `es tejho} tezuotey te}bo`ko`c yaiojhia`mo}oa`o`c( jy sehh jy }be }~e a ia`}todu}oa`y

    }bj} fefdety a }be bauyebahm j`m }be

    iaffu`o} ij` fjke. O` ~jt}oiuhjt( y}jkebahmety

    te~at} }bj} efjhe&bejmem bauyebahmy( somasy(

    j`m at~bj`em ibohmte` "fay}h cothy/ bjwe bjm

    ho}}he jiieyy }a yu~~hoey j`m yetwoiey mue }a }beot

    hofo}em fadoho} at jdye`ie a ~ta~et ome`}o}

    maiufe`}y }a yu~~at} }beye ihjofy. J ce`met j`m

    wuh`etjdoho} ji}oa` ~hj` e`yutey }bj} eyye`}ojh

    `eemy( ia`y}tjo`}y( j`m ~toato}oey waoiem d

    safe`( j`m er}tefeh wuh`etjdhe o`mowomujhy j`m

    jfohoey( jte bejtm.

    ]be fuh}oyei}at ~tactjf jhya yu~~at}em ce`met

    ezuo} j`m o`ihuyowe yaiojh meweha~fe`}. ]btaucb

    }beye ~tactjf iaf~a`e`}y( Ybjbomj j`m bet`eocbdaty sete jdhe }a y}jt} tjoyo`c iboike`y j`m

    yehho`c }be eccy j} }be haijh fjtke}. ]be jhya

    ~hj`}em yfjhh sbej} ehmy( fjko`c }bef yeh&

    yuioe`} o` dtejm at }beot jfohoey.

    Jy bejm a bet Safe`y Iaffu`o} Atcj`o|j}oa`(

    a`ie j seek Ybjbomj caey }a }be haijh dtj`ib a

    Bjdod Dj`k taf bet teye}}hefe`} jtej `ejt }be

    wohhjce a Tjtj }a me~ayo} }be fa`e ybe j`m }be

    a}bet 44 safe` o` bet ctau~ bjwe ejt`em taf

    }beot bafe&djyem we`}utey. ]be bjwe yjwem

    ^Ty9>(>>> "jdau} -95=/ j`m uye }be fa`e at

    er~e`yey j`m jhya ~tawome foitaitemo} `j`ie }aa}bet safe` }a y}jt} }beot as` duyo`eyyey. ]be

    cowe ~toato} }a }be fj` somasy he} so}bau}

    dtejmso``ety d }be ejt}bzujke( jy }beot `eemy

    jte ctej}ey}.

    Gu`mem d }be JMD Howehobaam Tey}atj}oa` talei}(

    yaiojh atcj`o|et Yjhfj Dj`a a }be @j}oa`jh Tutjh

    Yu~~at} ^tactjffe beh~em }be safe` ye} u~

    }beot atcj`o|j}oa` j`m hejt` ewet}bo`c taf de}}et

    jtfo`c }eib`ozuey }a bas }a kee~ j ye} a daaky.

    Teduohmo`c }ace}bet Fe` j`m safe` cj}bet o` j iaffu`o} fee}o`c }a moyiuyy }be ~taieyy a teduohmo`c bafey j`m howehobaamy j}et}be mewjy}j}o`c ejt}bzujke a 4>>5


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    ^talei} O`atfj}oa`

    Efetce`i Ejt}bzujke Jyyoy}j`ie ^talei}


    Go`j`io`c< -44>.> fohhoa ( Jyoj` Meweha~fe`} Gu`m

    "JMD/; -::>.> fohhoa ( ^jkoy}j` Ejt}bzujke Gu`m

    "JMD/; -93.> fohhoa ( Jyoj` ]yu`jfo Gu`m "Euta~ej`

    Eia`afoi Iaffu`o}/; -3=.3 fohhoa ( Cawet`fe`}

    a ^jkoy}j`

    D u o h m o ` c

    Gat }be ty} }ofe se jte ia`}todu}o`c }a aut

    jfohy o`iafe( yjy Ybjbomj. So}bau} }be beh~

    a }boy ~tactjf se sauhm y}ohh bjwe `a}bo`c du}

    aut iha}bey.

    Tjoyo`c }be Djt so}b Teia`y}tui}oa`Hjy} ejt( j 4&kohafe}et jiieyy tajm u`mem d }be

    ~tactjf j`m }be wohhjcety ia``ei}em }be wohhjce }a}be fjo` tajm }a jhhas ia`y}tui}oa` fj}etojh j`m

    }tjo`ety }a tejib }be iaffu`o}.

    Deate }be tajm se`} o`( Jdmuh Hj}o#y mjucb}et

    Tuzoj ehh j`m o`lutem bet bejm sbohe satko`c o`

    }beot ehm( j`m deijuye o} }aak ya ha`c }a ce} bet

    au} }a }be fjo` tajm d ma`ke j`m }a j iho`oi( ybe

    oy `as moyjdhem. ]bj} sauhm `ewet bj~~e` `as;

    se jte luy} :> fo`u}ey jsj d ijt( yjy Jdmuh

    j`a}bet erjf~he a }be teia`y}tui}oa` ~tactjfy

    teyahwe }a duohm djik de}}et.

    J} }be fa`}bh fee}o`c a }be Tjtj Iaffu`o}Atcj`o|j}oa`( Jdmuh te~at}y a` }be teduohmo`c

    ~tacteyy a }be 3>> wohhjcety< 45 bafeas`ety jte

    o`y}jhho`c taay j`m aut jte y}ohh satko`c a` }beot

    sjhhy( du} jhh :95 bafey bjwe dee` teduoh}.

    Jdau} 45(>>> fjy}et bauye&duohmo`c }tjo`etyo`

    }be tecoa ( fjo h mtjs taf }be tj`ky a }bejtf

    j`m @CAy( }tjo`em fate }bj` 4>>(>>> jgei}em

    bauye as`ety( sba teduoh} so}b ~jfe`}yfjmej}

    wjtoauy y}jcey a ~tacteyy( sboib sete wetoem

    do`y~ei}aty. Jdau} 3:% a }jtce}em mey}taem

    bauyey bjwe dee` teia`y}tui}em( j`m d Lu`e4>:>( o} oy er~ei}em }bj} 25% a 525(>>> tutjh

    bauyey sohh de teduoh}.

    Y}tahho`c jtau`m Tjtj }amj( a`e yeey ho}}he yoc`

    a }be mewjy}j}o`c ejt}bzujke }bj} meiofj}em

    jhfay} jhh }be bauyey j`m kohhem :3 ~ea~he. ]bj`ky

    }a }be teia`y}tui}oa`( }bete jte a`h bafeas`ety

    `oybo`c u~ }beot `es msehho`cy.`

    Bafe of~tawefe`} J wohhjcet satky a` boy bauye o` }be wohhjce a Tjtj(o` }be @at}bSey} Gta`}oet tawo`ie

    Tej~o`c sbj} }be yas Safe` o` }be ~talei} jtej jte jdhe }a ~hj`}yfjhh sbej} ehmy( sboib beh~ }bef ~tawome at }beot jfohoey



  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    YjeSj}etDeate j `es sj}et j`myj`o}j}oa` yy}ef( safe`

    j`m ibohmte` o` }boy wohhjce

    o` }be Ktc| fau`}jo`y

    bjm }a sjhk at fohey j`m

    y~e`m bauty }a iahhei}

    ihej` sj}et

    D Kjjtfj`dek Kuhuew

    Teteybo`ch ejy }a mto`kO` }be fau`}jo`y a }be Ktc|Te~udhoi( eset ibohmte` jte ce}}o`cyoik }bj`ky }a }be ihej` sj}etjwjohjdhe j} }be wohhjce#y `es sj}et~uf~. ]boy da e`lay ihej` iaahsj}et y}tjocb} taf }be }j~


  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia




    Mey~o}e }be jdu`mj`ie a teyb sj}et bete(

    safe` j`m ibohmte` o` }be fau`}jo`auy

    jtejy a }be Ktc| Te~udhoi a}e`bjm}a

    sjhk fohey( j`m y~e`m bauty( }aiahhei}

    }be ~teioauy teyautie taf }be `ejtey} towet.Du}

    }bj} oy ibj`co`c( }bj`ky }a j` JMD ctj`}(sboiboyof~tawo`c sj}et yu~~h j`m yj`o}j}oa` o`tjy}tui}ute

    o` tutjh jtejy.

    Jdmfj`j~ howey so}b boy jfoh o` Laybahu wohhjce(

    o` }be fau`}jo`auy Jhjo moy}toi} o` }be yau}b a

    }be iau`}t. Sj}et o` }be towet oy `a} djm( be

    yjy. Du} muto`c }be tjo` yejya` }be sj}et }ut`y

    dtas` deijuye a }be mot}.

    Wohhjcety bjm }a hejwe }be sj}et o` duike}y at j

    es bauty }a he} }be mot} yo`k( er~hjo`y Jdmfj`j~.

    O} sjy j wet ~tofo}owe h}eto`c yy}ef.

    ]be a}bet ~tadhef so}b towet sj}et oy }bj} iasy

    j`m ybee~( sboib jte dtem o` }be moy}toi}( mto`k

    taf }be yjfe towet( j`m a}e` y~aoh }be sj}et( }aa.

    Jy j teyuh}( ibohmte` sba mtj`k y}tjocb} taf }be

    towet sauhm ce} yoik.

    Deate }be sj}et ~o~e sjy duoh} se bjm fj`

    ijyey sbete ~ea~he sete ce}}o`c o`ei}oa`y taf

    }be sj}et( yjy Lj`jtcuh( j utye o` }be haijh

    bay~o}jh. Mojttbej sjy wet iaffa`( ybe jmmy.

    ]be bay~o}jh o}yeh sjy ya ybat} a sj}et ewe`mai}aty }baucb} }soie jdau} sjybo`c }beot bj`my.

    @utyey sjhkem 9 kohafe}ety }a dto`c }sa duike}y a

    sj}et taf }be ihayey} towet.

    O` }be wohhjce( safe` j`m ibohmte` sete

    tey~a`yodhe at dto`co`c sj}et bafe taf }be towet.

    Ewe` 5&ejt&ahm J|o|j bjm }a ijtt j duike} a sj}et(

    du} ybe sjy huik}be towet oy a`h 5> fe}ety taf

    bet bauye.

    ]be JMD&`j`iem ~talei} ijhhem ]j|jyuu "ihej`

    sj}et/ e`jdhem haijh iaffu`o}oey }a ia`y}tui}

    sj}et ~o~ey. ]be ~o~ey ~tawome y~to`c sj}et }afj` wohhjcey o` }be iau`}t( o`ihumo`c Laybahu(

    sboib bjy =(5>> teyome`}y.

    ]amj( safe` j`m ibohmte` iahhei} sj}et j}

    y}j`m~o~ey o` }be wohhjce. ]be y}j`m~o~ey bjwe

    deiafe yaiojh ie`}ety sbete }be safe` fee}

    j`m ibj}. ]bete jte 57 y}j`m~o~ey jtau`m }be

    wohhjce( a` jhfay} ewet iat`et( ~tawomo`c teyb(

    ihej` y~to`c sj}et taf }be fau`}jo`y.

    A`ie }be y~to`cy bjwe dee` haij}em }be jte

    iawetem so}b j y~eiojh }e`} }a ehofo`j}e y~aoho`c

    taf tjo` j`m j`ofjhy. ^o~ey }jke }be sj}et taf

    }be y~to`c }a j teyetwaot j} }be }a~ a }be wohhjce.

    ]be teyetwaot ij` bahm u~ }a 5>>(>>> ho}ety( e`aucb

    }a ~tawome sj}et }a }be wohhjce at : mj( o` ijye }bey~to`cy y}a~ tu``o`c.

    Jdmjybf( sba }jkey ijte a }be teyetwaot( maey

    `a} dehoewe }be y~to`cy sohh y}a~ ~tamuio`c sj}et.

    O} sohh `ewet bj~~e`( be yjy. Du} ewe` o o} maey(

    }be wohhjce sohh `a} y}j so}bau} sj}et at wet ha`c.

    ]be JMD ~talei} jhya beh~em duohm j djiku~ sj}et

    yu~~h yy}ef sboib ij` }jke sj}et taf }be towet

    j`m }be` h}et j`m moy}todu}e o} }a }be wohhjce.

    @as safe` bjwe hocb}et hajmy( `ewet ijtto`cfate }bj` :>&ho}et duike}y a sj}et. Ibohmte` bjwe

    heyy satk }a ma j`m fate }ofe }a y}um at ~hj.

    \jfot j`m boy dta}bet Dekyuh}j` hoke }a ~hj so}b

    }beot mac j}et yibaah. ]be ij` y~e`m fate

    }ofe e`lao`c hoe j`m ij` mto`k sj}et j` }ofe

    }be sj`}. Ge}ibo`c sj}et oy `a} j doc ~tadhef

    j`fate( \jfot er~hjo`y. ]be y}j`m~o~e oy luy}

    jtau`m }be iat`et( j`m sj}et oy jhsjy jwjohjdhe.`

    ^talei} O`atfj}oa`

    Iaffu`o}&Djyem O`tjy}tui}ute Yetwoiey


    Go`j`io`c fohhoa ( Jyoj` Meweha~fe`} Gu`m haj` "JMD/;

    -5.5> fohhoa ( Cawet`fe`} a }be Ktc| Te~udhoi;

    -9.> fohhoa ( iaffu`o}oey; -5>>(>>>( ~tawo`iojh j`m

    moy}toi} cawet`fe`}y

    Y j g e S j } e t

    Safe` bjwe hocb}et hajmy(

    `ewet ijtto`c fate }bj`

    :>&ho}et duike}y a sj}et.

    Ibohmte` bjwe heyy satk }a maj`m fate }ofe }a y}um at ~hj.

  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    A ]tjikJ tjohsj famet`o|j}oa` ~talei} oy fjko`cU|dekoy}j` j tecoa`jh hejmet o` tjoh }tj`y~at}D Ljfey Bu}iboya`


  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    ]JYBKE@]( U\DEKOY]J@

    A` }be ~hj}atf j} }be ]jybke`} tjohsj

    y}j}oa`( aam j`m mto`k we`maty ijhh au}

    }a ~jyye`cety. Ia`mui}aty o` y`j~~

    U|dekoy}j` ]efot _ahhjto "U]_ / tjohsj

    u`oatfy ibeik }oike}y j`m beh~ ~ea~he }a }beot

    yej}y. ]be }tjo` y~at}y j ybjtk haca( efdhefj}oi

    a o}y y~eem. @a} ha`c jca( basewet( }be yetwoie

    de}see` ]jybke`} j`m Dukbjtj sjy j`}bo`c du}


    J @es Y}jt} at j` Ahm TjohsjDeate dajtmo`c( Humfohj Tafj`e`ka bucy bet

    yoy}et j`m `oeie. O` }be ~jy}( ybe a`h yjs }bef}soie j ejt< ce}}o`c }a }bef }aak j` jtmuauy(

    da`e&tj}}ho`c laut`e( duf~o`c jha`c a` bjtm

    yej}y at awet ? bauty at fate ejib sj. ]be

    famet`o|j}oa` a }be =9>&kohafe}et "kf/ tau}e

    de}see` Dukbjtj j`m ]jybke`} bjy ibj`cem }bj}.

    @as so}b }be `es }tjo`y( o} }jkey luy} 3 bauty

    j`m O }tjweh o` iafat}( ya O woyo} ewet 4 fa`}by($

    Tafj`e`ka yjy( yfoho`c. $]bj} fjkey o} ejyoet }a

    sjwe caamde }a }bef.

    O` }be haiafa}owe ijd u~ jbejm( mtowet J`mte

    Ahe`ok yo}y deate iaf~u}et yitee`y( ~etatfo`cyy}efy ibeiky a` }be ~asetuh moeyehehei}toi

    e`co`e( o` ~te~jtj}oa` at }be tu` taf ]jybke`}

    }btaucb boy}atoi Yjfjtkj`m j`m }a }be jdhem

    Yohk Tajm io} a Dukbjtj. So}b 47 ejty a` }be

    tjohsj( Ahe`ok tefefdety sehh }be tau}e

    deate }be JMD&u`mem Tjohsj Famet`o|j}oa`

    ^talei} sjy iaf~he}em o` Meiefdet 4>>7. A`

    jhfay} ewet }to~( }be ~aat ia`mo}oa` a }be

    }tjik atiem haiafa}owe mtowety }a y}a~ at yhas

    }a j itjsh. Itufdho`c yhee~ety j`m toike} tjohy

    dtaucb} y~otjho`c fjo`}e`j`ie iay}y j`m ewet&

    o`itejyo`c mehjy( ey~eiojhh at hjtce teocb} }tjo`y

    }tj`y~at}o`c }be duhk a }be iau`}ty ijtcaewet}bo`c taf ia}}a` }a fo`o`c ate~u}}o`c j

    mtjc a` eia`afoi meweha~fe`}.

    ]amj( a` famet` ehei}toem }tjik j`m ia`ite}e

    yhee~ety( }tjo`y hoke }be Ybjtk sboyk ~jyye`cety

    yfaa}bh de}see` ]jybke`} j`m Dukbjtj j} j`

    jwetjce a ?> kf ~et baut "k~b/( u~ taf 7> k~b.

    Gteocb} }tjo`y yofohjth o`itejyem }beot y~eem(

    dto`co`c jy}et ee} }ut`jtau`m( bocbet }tjik

    u}oho|j}oa`( j`m temuiem }tj`y~at} iay}y.

    A ` ] t j i k


    Kohho`c }ofe ]be Ybjtk( j `es j`my~eem }tjo` taf ]jybke`} }a }bejdhem Yohk Tajm io} a Dukbjtj(bjy }jke` bauty ag }be }tjweh }ofede}see` }beye iat~atj}e j`m iuh}utjhie`}ety( of~tawo`c haijh }autoyf j`mduyo`eyy

  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    Jy Ahe`ok ejyey }be Ybjtk au} a ]jybke`}( ~oiko`c

    u~ y~eem( ~jyye`cety hoe djik o` teiho`o`c yej}y(

    e`la y`jiky( j`m sj}ib }ehewoyoa`. O` j ~towj}e

    iaf~jt}fe`}( Djmcj` Ybjkb`j|jtaw( j ~jt}`et o`

    j yfjhh e`co`eeto`c iaf~j`( er~hjo`y de}see`

    yo~y a }ej bas be uyem }a taf Dukbjtj }a

    duyo`eyy j~~ao`}fe`}y o` ]jybke`}. ]be }tjo` sjy

    u`tehojdhe; au `ewet k`es sbe` au sete cao`c

    }a ce} }bete; o} sjy moiuh} }a fjke j~~ao`}fe`}y

    so}b iuy}afety j`m yu~~hoety. @as O }jke }be }tjo`.O} oy iafat}jdhe j`m jttowey a` }ofe.

    J}et U|dekoy}j` meihjtem o`me~e`me`ie taf }be

    atfet Yawoe} U`oa`( }be U|dek ~jt} a }be Ie`}tjh

    Jyoj` Tjohsj deijfe }be U]_( j y}j}e&as`em

    iaf~j` tey~a`yodhe at a~etj}o`c U|dekoy}j`y

    tjohsj yy}ef. O`me~e`me`ie dtaucb} j bay} a

    ibjhhe`cey( basewet( o`ihumo`c j ybjt~ mta~ o`

    }tji( me}etoatj}o`c o`tjy}tui}ute mue }a hjik a

    fjo`}e`j`ie( j`m j` utce`} `eem at `es ho`ey }a

    itej}e j `j}oa`jh tjoh `e}satk.

    JMD ~tawomem j -3> fohhoa` haj` at }be -:9>

    fohhoa` Tjohsj Famet`o|j}oa` ^talei}( sboib

    ahhasem a` }be beehy a }be Tjohsj Tebjdoho}j}oa`

    ^talei}( }be ty} a o}y ko`m o` U|dekoy}j`. ]boy

    atoco`jh ~talei}( decu` o` 4>>:( }aak 7 ejty }a

    iaf~he}e j`m sjy jhya u`mem d j -3> fohhoa`

    JMD haj`. O} }jikhem }be tebjdoho}j}oa` a }be

    fjo` tjoh iattomat taf }be Kj|jkb datmet o`}be `at}bejy} }a }be datmet so}b ]utkfe`oy}j`

    o` }be yau}bsey}}be tau}e }bj} ijttoem }be

    bocbey} wahufe a tjoh }tji. ]be fay} teie`}

    tjohsj ~talei}( iaf~he}em o` Meiefdet 4>>7(

    tebjdoho}j}em }be y}te}ib de}see` ]jybke`} j`m


    A`e Tjohsj( Ftojm De`eg}yDeyomey of~tawo`c }be eioe`i a da}b teocb}

    j`m ~jyye`cet tjoh }tji( }be ~talei} ef~haem

    awet 5(>>> ~ea~he j} }be ~ejk a ia`y}tui}oa` j`m

    itej}em 5>> `es lady( o`ihumo`c at fjo`}e`j`ie

    y}jg( fjibo`e a~etj}aty( j`m y}j}oa` aiety.

    O} jioho}j}em o`}et`j}oa`jh }tjme d of~tawo`c

    jiieyy }a `eocbdato`c iau`}toey j`m yej~at}y.

    O} o`}tamuiem famet` }tjik&hjo`c ezuo~fe`}

    j`m eioe`} fjo`}e`j`ie a tjohsj }tjiky.

    ]be o`y}jhhj}oa` a 4>> kf a det a~}oiy at

    }eheiaffu`oij}oa` yy}efy j`m `es tjmoa

    ezuo~fe`} bjy ctej}h of~tawem U]_y e`}ote

    iaffu`oij}oa` `e}satk j`m bjy fjme

    iaffu`oij}oa`y fate tehojdhe j`m eioe`}.

    Bufj` teyautiey bjwe jhya of~tawem deijuye}be ~talei} }tjo`em y}jg o` sjy }a yuy}jo` }beye

    }eib`ahacoijh of~tawefe`}y. O} jhya ey}jdhoybem

    j yfjhh duyo`eyy u`m at atfet tjohsj satkety.

    JMD j`m }be Atcj`o|j}oa` a ^e}taheuf

    Er~at}o`c Iau`}toey "A^EI/ Gu`m at O`}et`j}oa`jh

    Meweha~fe`} "AGOM/ `j`iem ezuo~fe`} j`m

    }eheiaffu`oij}oa` of~tawefe`}y( sbohe U]_

    `j`iem }tjik tebjdoho}j}oa`.

    Cao`c Famet`< O``awj}owe Yhee~etyj`m TjohyMe~jt}fe`} bejm j} U]_ @jwtu| Etko`aw yjy

    }be fjo` of~tawefe`}y sete uhh te~hjio`c }beahm }tjiky so}b y}eeh tjoh ey~eiojhh atfuhj}em

    at famet` tjohsjy( y}j}e&a&}be&jt} ia`ite}e

    yhee~ety( j`m y~eiojh erodhe tjoh jy}e`ety}be

    yjfe yy}ef uyem o` Euta~e sbete }tjo`y tejib

    95> k~b.

    ]a y~eem u~ }be ~taieyy( }be cawet`fe`}

    ia`}tji}em ~towj}e iaf~j`oey }a ye} u~ ji}atoey

    j`m fj`uji}ute }tjik j`m yhee~ety o` U|dekoy}j`.

    O` j` u`j`}oio~j}em de`e} a }be ~talei}( }beye

    Mtowety a ctas}b ^etatfo`c yy}efy ibeiky a` }be ~asetuh moeyehehei}toi e`co`e( mtowet J`mte Ahe`ok teijhhy }be mjy sbe` itufdho`cyhee~ety j`m toike} tjohy dtaucb} y~otjho`c fjo`}e`j`ie iay}y j`m mehjy(ey~eiojhh at hjtce teocb} }tjo`y }bj} ijttoem }be duhk a }be iau`}tyijtca.

    @as so}b }be `es }tjo`y( o} }jkey luy}

    3 bauty j`m O }tjweh o` iafat}( ya O woyo}

    [f yoy}et j`m `oeieV ewet 4 fa`}by. ]bj}

    fjkey o} ejyoet }a sjwe caamde }a }bef.

    Humfohj Tafj`e`ka


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    ^talei} O`atfj}oa`Tjohsj Famet`o|j}oa` talei} "4>>74>>3/

    Go`j`io`c(>>>( Lj~j` Y~eiojh Gu`m "JMD/;

    -3>.> fohhoa ( Atmo`jt Ij~o}jh Teyautiey "JMD/

    A ` ] t j i k

    ~hj`}y jte ia`}o`uo`c }a yu~~h ia`ite}e yhee~ety

    j`m bocb&zujho} }tjik at `es ~talei}y ehyesbete

    o` U|dekoy}j`( sboib bjy j tjohsj `e}satk a awet

    =(5>> kf.

    J} }be ia`ite}e yhee~et fj`uji}uto`c ~hj`} a` }be

    au}ykot}y a ]jybke`}( tjohsj }tjik y~eiojhoy} Jhekya

    Awibo``okaw sjhky }be }btee ~tamui}oa` ho`eysbete 9>> satkety ~tamuie :(45> yhee~ety j mj.

    ]beye jte }be sathmy fay} jmwj`iem yhee~ety( be

    yjy. ]be iaf~j` bjy fj`uji}utem j y}jcceto`c

    :.45 fohhoa` yhee~ety yo`ie o} decj` ~tamuio`c

    }bef at U]_ o` 4>>=. ]be tjohy jte jy}e`em }a

    }be yhee~ety so}b j } j`m atce} ehjy}oi Dto}oyb

    ^j`mtah Gjy}iho~ }bj} ij` de ~teo`y}jhhem j} }be

    ji}at j`m }bj} ij``a} de moyfj`}hem so}bau} j

    y~eiojh }aah( at e`bj`iem yeiuto}.

    Jy }be ia`ite}e yhee~ety jte ~autem( :7 sotey

    o`yome jte behm u`met }e`yoa` u`}oh }be for ye}y(itej}o`c ctej} y}te`c}b. Sbohe saame` yhee~ety

    bjwe j hoey~j` a jdau} :5 ejty( }beye bocb&}eib

    ia`ite}e famehy jte cujtj`}eem at 5> ejty.

    ]be iafdo`j}oa` a }be ehjy}oi iho~ j`m yhee~et

    meyoc` mtjy}oijhh iu}y o`y}jhhj}oa` }ofe a`&yo}e j`m


    Etko`aw yjy }bj} o` 4>:> }be Y~j`oyb iaf~j`

    ]jhca sohh yu~~h U]_ so}b }sa bocb&y~eem

    haiafa}owey j`m :: ijty ij~jdhe a tejibo`c

    45> k~b a` }be famet`o|em }tjik de}see`

    ]jybke`} j`m Dukbjtj. ]beye sohh de o` yetwoie d4>::( yjy Etko`aw.

    Mjoh dtejm J` e`}te~te`eut yehhy dtejm j} j `es }tjo` y}j}oa`( sboib bjyitej}em j y~jie at iaffetie

    E`lao`c }be tome O` es }tjo` ijty( ~jyye`cety jte jdhe }a tey}( tejm( at satk( }bj`ky }a famet` ia`we`oe`iey j`m j yfaa}bet tome



    ]be }to~ oy er~ei}em }a }jke 4 bauty at heyy. Io}

    ie`}et }a io} ie`}et($ be yjy( $o} sohh de jy}et

    }bj` o`c. Bocbet&a~etj}o`c y~eemy ia`}todu}e

    }a o`itejyem ee} }ut`jtau`m j`m fate eioe`}

    }tjik u}oho|j}oa`( sboib temuiey }tj`y~at} iay}y.`

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    Tjohsj }aTecoa`jh


    D boho~ Saam

    J `es tjohsj sohh ia``ei} Jcbj`oy}j` }a

    U|dekoy}j`y er~j`yowe tjoh `e}satk( fjko`c

    }be sjt&}at` iau`}t j bud at }tjme de}see`

    Ie`}tjh Jyoj j`m sathm fjtke}y


  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    T j o h s j } a

    Gat fj` ie`}utoey( Jcbj`oy}j`#y y}tj}ecoi

    haij}oa` bjy ~tawe` }a de j hojdoho}. Du}

    }amj( jy es }tjme tau}ey jte atcem

    ia``ei}o`c hj`mhaikem Ie`}tjh Jyoj so}b }be

    daafo`c eia`afoey a Yau}b Jyoj j`m }be Fommhe

    Ejy}( Jcbj`oy}j`#y ceactj~boi ~ayo}oa` oy ~tawo`cj wjhujdhe jyye}.

    ]be ~teye`ie a fjyyowe duhhma|ety a` }be muy}

    `at}bet` ~hjo`y a Bjotj}j` j}}ey}y }a }be ji} }bj}

    Jcbj`oy}j` oy ~aoyem }a deiafe j tecoa`jh bud

    at }tjme j`m iaffetie.

    O} oy bete( luy} jitayy }be towet taf `eocbdato`c

    U|dekoy}j`( }bj} }be ty} duohmo`c dhaiky a j

    35&kohafe}et yo`che&ho`e tjohsj jte deo`c ~u} o`

    ~hjiefjyyowe yei}oa` d fjyyowe yei}oa`

    }bj`ky }a j -:75 fohhoa` JMD ctj`}.

    ]be Bjotj}j` datmet ~ay} jhtejm yetwey jy }be

    cj}esj at jhfay} bjh a Jcbj`oy}j`y tajm

    of~at}y( du} }be eroy}o`c }tj`y~at} o`tjy}tui}ute

    ij``a} ia~e so}b }be er~j`mo`c wahufe a }tjme.

    Sbe` iaf~he}em o` hj}e 4>:>( }be `es tjoh ho`e sohh

    beh~ tefawe }be fjlat ~byoijh da}}he`eiky }bj}

    bjwe atfem j} }be datmet( }beted zujmtu~ho`c

    ij~jio} j`m daay}o`c tecoa`jh }tjme.

    Jy ~jt} a }be ]tj`y~at} Y}tj}ec j`m Ji}oa`

    ^hj` u`met }be Ie`}tjh Jyoj Tecoa`jh Eia`afoiIaa~etj}oa` "IJTEI/ ^tactjf( }be tjoh ~talei} sohh

    a~e` u~ jh}et`j}owe yu~~h tau}ey at `j}oa`jh j`m

    o`}et`j}oa`jh }tjme( jy sehh jy at bufj`o}jtoj`


    ]be `es ho`e sohh ia``ei} Jcbj`oy}j` }a

    U|dekoy}j`#y er~j`yowe tjoh `e}satk. ]be o`o}ojh

    yecfe`} sohh tu` de}see` Bjotj}j` j`m Fj|jt&

    e&Ybjto( Jcbj`oy}j`#y yeia`m hjtcey} io}. Gu}ute

    ho`ky jte ~hj``em }bj} sohh tu` jitayy }be `at}b j`m

    }a a}bet ~jt}y a }be iau`}t j`m tecoa`( o`ihumo`c

    Betj}( jkoy}j`( ]jlokoy}j`( j`m ]utkfe`oy}j`.

    ]be `es }tjo` ho`e sohh daay} teocb} wahufey(

    haset iay}y( j`m tjoye }be ~tahe a Jcbj`oy}j`

    jy j }tj`yo} tau}e( yjom JMD Jcbj`oy}j` Iau`}tMotei}at Itjoc Y}ege`ye`.

    $O` jmmo}oa`( Ie`}tjh Jyoj` y}j}ey j`m Ro`loj`c(

    ^ea~he#y Te~udhoi a Ibo`j( sohh de jdhe }ajiieyy

    sathm fjtke}y fate ibej~h j`m ejyoh woj

    Jcbj`oy}j` j`m yej~at}y a` }be Cuh( }buy

    of~tawo`c }beot iaf~e}o}owe`eyy o` sathm fjtke}y.$

    JMD#y fjlat tahe o` }be U|dekoy}j`Jcbj`oy}j`

    tjohsj ~talei} oy }ey}jfe`} }a o}y ef~bjyoy a`

    IJTEI. Gau`mem o` :??3( IJTEI oy j ~jt}`etybo~

    a eocb} iau`}toeyJcbj`oy}j`( J|etdjolj`( }be^ea~he#y Te~udhoi a Ibo`j( Kj|jkby}j`(}beKtc|

    Te~udhoi( Fa`cahoj( ]jlokoy}j`( j`mU|dekoy}j`

    j`m yor fuh}ohj}etjh o`y}o}u}oa`y< JMD(}beEuta~ej`

    Dj`k at Teia`y}tui}oa` j`m Meweha~fe`}(}be

    O`}et`j}oa`jh Fa`e}jt Gu`m( }be Oyhjfoi

    Meweha~fe`} Dj`k( }be U o}em @j}oa`y Meweha~fe`}

    ^tactjffe( j`m }be Sathm Dj`k. JMD bjy yetwem

    jy }be IJTEI yeite}jtoj} yo`ie 4>>>.

    IJTEI ~tawomey }be `j`ie j`m omejy`a}jdho`

    }be jtejy a e`etc( }tjme( j`m }tj`y~at}}a

    ~tafa}e eia`afoi meweha~fe`} j`m temuie

    ~awet}. O}y djikda`e oy j ~hj` }a meweha~ jyejfheyy `e}satk a yor }tj`y~at} iattomaty }a

    ia``ei} fefdet iau`}toey }a a`e j`a}bet jy

    sehh jy }a }be jy}&ctaso`c eia`afoey a Ejy} j`m

    Yau}b Jyoj j`m ey}jdhoybem fjtke}y o` Euta~e j`m

    }be Tuyyoj` Gemetj}oa`.

    Yof~h ~u}< }be Bjotj}j` }a Fj|jt&e&Ybjto tjoh ho`k

    oy IJTEI o` ji}oa`. `

    ^talei} O`atfj}oa`

    Bjotj}j` }a Fj|jt&e&Ybjto Tjohsj ^talei}


    Go`j`io`c< -:75 fohhoa ( Jyoj` Meweha~fe`} Gu`m


    T j o h s j } a


    Hjo`c ~hj`y Ia`}tji}aty j`m ia`yuh}j`}y haak awet j` au}ho`e a }be~ta~ayem tau}e a }be es tjohsj( sboib sohh bjwe j fjlat eia`afoiof~ji} a` }as`y j`m wohhjcey jha`c o}y ~j}b


  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    ]be ctj`meut a j `es ce`etj}oa` a

    ba}ehy j`m duohmo`cy }bj} y~tj`c u~ o`

    J|etdjolj`y ij~o}jh muto`c o}y hj}ey} aoh

    daaf( jha`cyome }be ~jhj}ojh teyome`iey

    j`m iowoi y}tui}utey duoh} muto`c }be aoh da`j`|j a

    j ie`}ut jca( ~teye`} j ybjt~ ia`}tjy} }a bjtybet

    ia`mo}oa`y o` }be tey} a }be iau`}t.

    _e} }be mowome de}see` ij~o}jh j`m iau`}tyome oy

    `jttaso`c. ]be hjtceh jctjtoj` iau`}tyome y}ohh

    y}tucchey so}b }be }tj`yo}oa` taf j iaffj`m }a

    j fjtke} eia`af `ejth 4> ejty j}et }be jhh a

    }be Yawoe} U`oa`j`m so}b }be egei}y a ia`oi}

    so}b Jtfe`oj o` }be fom&:??>y. Du} o}y }tjwjohy jte

    deo`c fjme ejyoet so}b }be u~ctjmo`c a j tajm

    }bj} y}jt}y o` }be ejy} j} Djku( a` }be Ijy~oj` Yej(

    j`m }tjwetyey sey}sjtm }a Ceatcoj( Euta~e( j`m


    Tajm }a


    J tebjdoho}j}em ejy}sey} iattomat bjy j wo}jh tahe }a ~hj

    jy J|etdjolj` meweha~y j emcho`c `a`&aoh o`muy}tojh djye.

    D Oj Cohh


    Ke yei}oa`y a }be 5>>&kohafe}et "kf/ ejy}sey}

    iattomat( deo`c tebjdoho}j}em u`met ~talei}y

    yu~~at}em d JMD( sohh iawet :94 kf j} j iay} a

    -93> fohhoa`. ]boy oy ~jt} a }be hjtcet JMD&djikem

    Ie`}tjh Jyoj Tecoa`jh Eia`afoi Iaa~etj}oa`

    "IJTEI/ ^tactjf( u`met sboib eocb} iau`}toey

    bjwe jcteem }a y~e`m -:2.3 dohhoa` }a famet`o|e

    j`m er~j`m yor tajm j`m tjoh iattomaty }bj} }tjwetyesbj} sjy a`ie }be Yohk Tajm `e}satk de}see` }be

    ^ea~hey Te~udhoi a Ibo`j j`m Euta~e.

    O} oy `a yfjhh }jyk< bjh }be iau`}ty tajmy jte

    ctjweh djyem j`m 3>% `eem te~jot( j`m aoh y}ohh

    jiiau`}y at awet ?>% a er~at} ejt`o`cy. Du} }be

    cawet`fe`} oy kee` }a mowetyo j`m oy jhhaij}o`c

    fate aoh tewe`ueysboib jte er~ei}em }a tu`

    }a bu`mtemy a dohhoa`y a mahhjty o` }be iafo`c

    ejtyat tajmy j`m a}bet o`tjy}tui}ute.

  • 8/9/2019 Today's People, Tomorrow's Prosperity: Reviving Growth in Central and West Asia



    Of~tawo`c ^tamui} Zujho} oy ItuiojhIhayet }tj`y~at} j`m }tjme }oey so}b o}y `eocbdaty

    j`m }be ejy}sey} iattomat jte ituiojh }a }boy

    egat} jy fuib a J|etdjolj`y j}}tji}oa` hoey o` o}y

    deo`c ~jt} a j tecoa`jh dhai. ]a fuh}o`j}oa`jh

    iaf~j`oey( se yehh J|etdjolj` jy ~jt} a }be

    Eutjyoj Duyo`eyy ^hj}atf }bj} iaf~toyey `o`e

    iau`}toey( yjy j Djku&djyem }tjme j`jhy} sbate~teye`}y o`}et`j}oa`jh j`m haijh er~at}ety.

    Fuib a }be o`muy}tojh y}tj}ec o`wahwey

    ~taieyyo`c jctoiuh}utjh caamy j`m jiieyyo`c

    }be bocbh iaf~e}o}owe j`m zujho}&ia`yioauy

    Euta~ej` fjtke}y( yjy Efoh Fjlomaw( bejm a

    J|~tafa( }be cawet`fe`} jce`i }jykem so}b

    e`iautjco`c er~at}y j`m o`wey}fe`}.

    Fjlomaw jofy }a ~etyujme yfjhh j`m femouf&

    yo|em ~tamuiety o` }be aam&~taieyyo`c yei}at( at

    erjf~he( }a iafe }ace}bet }a of~tawe ~tamui}

    zujho} jy sehh jy deiafe fate iaf~e}o}owe o`fjtke}o`c j`m moy}todu}oa`.

    ^jo`uh ]tj`yo}oa`]be tajm oy jhya of~at}j`} }a teyuyio}j}o`c j`

    jctoiuh}ute yei}at y}ohh y}toike` d }be moyfj`}ho`c

    a Yawoe}&etj iahhei}owe jtfy.

    ]boy oy ewome`} jtau`m Cj`lj( }be iau`}ty yeia`m

    hjtcey} io} =9> kf sey} a Djku( sbete jtfety

    jte jmluy}o`c }a `es tejho}oey( yjy Jto Ljbj`cotaw(

    me~u} motei}at a }be Cj`lj Tecoa`jh Ia`yuh}o`c

    Ie`}te( j ~towj}eh u`mem jce`i }bj} jmwoyeyjtfety bas }a o`itejye ~tamui}owo}.

    J}et o`me~e`me`ie( tutjh hj`m sjy temoy}todu}em

    jfa`c wohhjcety sba teieowem( a` jwetjce( :

    bei}jte ejib. ]be ~taieyy sjy wet ~jo`uh at

    ~ea~he( sba bjm dee` a`h hjdatety( }a hejt`

    jdau} jtfo`c( ey~eiojhh o }be mom`} bjwe

    fa`e }a du jtf ezuo~fe`}( yjy Ljbj`cotaw.

    Du} be oy `as jmwoyo`c jtfety }a dj`m }ace}bet

    jcjo` }a jiboewe eia`afoey a yijhe o }be sj`}

    }a tewowe er~at}y a sbej} at ctj~ey }a }be Tuyyoj`

    Gemetj}oa`( at erjf~he. Ya jt( }boy `a}oa` oyfee}o`c teyoy}j`ie jy fefatoey a iahhei}owe

    jtfo`c tefjo` teyb.

    @a`e}beheyy( j} }be wohhjce a Fatuh( 9> kf `at}b

    a Cj`lj( j atfet fj`jcet a j iahhei}owe jtf

    oy ybaso`c }be sj. Jy sehh jy tjoyo`c ita~y j`m

    dteemo`c ij}}he( Atuib Fjffemaw( 79( yehhy yeemy

    }a a}bet jtfety. J} }be }ofe a }be o`}etwoes( be

    ~hj``em }a ia`y}tui} j fjtke} o` j `ejtd }as` o`

    ba~ey }bj} be j`m a}bet jtfety iauhm `eca}oj}e

    ^talei} O`atfj}oa`

    Ejy}Sey} Bocbsj Of~tawefe`} ^talei}



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    92 ^jwo`c }be Sj

    at Ctas}bD boho~ Saam

    ]bj`ky }a j `es ia`ite}e j`m jy~bjh} tajm taf }beot wohhjce }a

    }be ij~o}jh( teyome`}y a Ado Cjtf ij` }tjweh }a Muybj`de o` bjh }be

    }ofe jy o` ejty ~jy}


    Ia`ite}e of~tawefe`}y]be es ~jwem tajm tafMuybj`de sohh ewe`}ujhhia``ei} }a }be Ktc| Te~udhoidatmet( beh~o`c haijh jtfety j`mdaay}o`c }tjme jy duyo`eyyey `m`es fjtke}y at }beot ~tamui}y.

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    @a yoc` o`moij}ey sbete j fjlat JMD

    tajm ~talei} }j~ety ag o` Tjyb} moy}toi}(

    ]jlokoy}j`. Du} ihaye aut eey j`m o}

    oy ejy }a }ehh. Yfaa}b ia`ite}e tajm

    jdtu~}h cowey sj }a ljtto`c( tu}}em }ettjo`( j`m

    weboihey bejmo`c ejy} taf }be ij~o}jh Muybj`dedeco` j =5&kohafe}et "kf/ itjsh.

    Mtowety iafo`c o` }be a}bet motei}oa` `m }be

    ia`ite}e }a de j sehiafe tehoe j}et e`muto`c j

    ha`c( yj`m ~a}bahem y}te}ib a tajm. A` jttowo`c

    j} heweh jy~bjh}( }be y}a~ j} j fjkeybo} ijt sjyb

    sbete }be }btas duike}y a dtjikoyb sj}et awet

    }beot mot}&e`ituy}em weboihey.

    ]boy duf~ }tj`yo}oa` taf ia`ite}e }a muy} ij`

    de au`m o` }be wohhjce a Ado Cjtf( yafe ?5 kf

    ejy} a Muybj`de. O} fjtky }be lu`i}ute de}see`

    }sa ~bjyey a j fjlat JMD tajm tebjdoho}j}oa`yibefe }bj} sohh ewe`}ujhh ia``ei} }be ij~o}jh

    so}b }be Ktc| Te~udhoi datmet yafe 9=> kf }a

    }be `at}bejy}.

    Of~tawem Jiieyy( J~~teioj}o`c O`iafeyU~a` iaf~he}oa`( }be Muybj`deKtc|

    datmet tajm sohh bjwe de`e}em taf }btee JMD

    o`wey}fe`}y }a}jho`c -::2 fohhoa`. Satk a` }be

    o`o}ojh ~bjyetaf Muybj`de }a Ado Cjtf

    decj` o` 4>>9 j`m sjy iaf~he}em o` 4>>2. Satk

    a` }be yeia`m ~bjye( sboib o`ihumey }be =5 kf

    duf~ y}te}ib bejmo`c ejy} taf Ado Cjtf( oyyibemuhem }a deco` o` fom&4>:>. Satk a` j }botm

    ~bjye}be tebjdoho}j}oa` a }be `jh :4> kf

    y}te}ib hejmo`c }a }be datmetdecj` o` 4>>2 j`m

    oy yibemuhem }a `oyb o` 4>:9.

    ]jtce}o`c j tecoa` so}b j ~awet} o`iome`ie

    ey}ofj}em j} ?>%( }be JMD&u`mem tajm u~ctjmey

    bjwe bjm offemoj}e of~ji}y.

    Teyome`}y a Ado Cjtf y~ejk a bas }be u~ctjmem

    y}te}ib hejmo`c }a Muybj`de bjy ibj`cem }beot

    howey. $_au ij``a} j~~teioj}e bas fuib }be

    ~a~uhj}oa` bete j~~teioj}ey }boy tajm($ yjy YjtKjtofaw( j wohhjce teyome`}. $Deate( ~ea~he a`h

    se`} }a Muybj`de sbe` }be bjm }a($ be yjom.

    $@as( ~ea~he jte sohho`c }a ca jhh }be }ofe deijuye

    }be ij`.$

    @uytj}uhha Oybj`lj`aw( j` e`co`eet so}b ]jlokoy}j`#y

    Fo`oy}t a ]tj`y~at} j`m Iaffu`oij}oa`y(

    meyitodey bas }tjweh }ofe de}see` Ado Cjtf j`m

    Muybj`de bjy dee` iu} o` bjh( fej`o`c ibej~et

    }tj`y~at} iay}y at ewet}bo`c taf ~ea~he }a


    $]boy oy j hjtceh jctoiuh}utjh tecoa`( j`m }beteate

    fay} a }be ~tamui}y }bj} iafe taf bete jte

    ~etoybjdhe($ be yjom. $Of~tawem tajmy beh~ ce}

    tuo}y j`m wece}jdhey }a }be fjtke} fate zuoikh

    j`m jhya dto`c mas` }be iay} a mao`c ya($ yjom

    Oybj`lj`aw( .

    Of~at}j`} Ho`ky }a O`}et`j}oa`jh Fjtke}ySbe` }be e`}ote tajm oy iaf~he}e( weboihey sohh

    de jdhe }a mtowe taf Muybj`de }a }be Ktc|

    datmet o` luy} 7 }a 2 bauty( j lju`} iaf~jtem so}b

    }be 4= bauty o} }aak deate JMD&`j`iem tajm

    of~tawefe`}y ca} u`met sj.

    O` }be fej`}ofe( mtowety }tjweho`c de}see`

    AdoCjtf j`m }be Ktc| datmet sohh bjwe }a

    ia`}o`ue }a e`mute mot}( muy}( j`m mehjy.


    Gteemaf a fa}oa` Yjt Kjtofaw j`m boy ya` howe o` Ado Cjtf. Deate }betajm( yjom Kjtofaw( teyome`}y tjteh fjme }be }to~ }a }be ij~o}jh( Muybj`de.$@as }be ca jhh }be }ofe deijuye }be ij`.$

    ^ j w o ` c } b e S j

    Of~tawefe`} a }be Muybj`deKtc|

    datmet tajm jha`c so}b tutjh tajmy temuiey

    ]jlokoy}j`y oyahj}oa` j`m bjy tefjtkjdhe

    motei} yaiojh of~ji} a` }be ~aat.

    Fjka}a Alota( JMDy Iau`}t Motei}at gat ]jlokoy}j`


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    Jyoj` Meweha~fe`} Dj`k

    ]amjy ^ea~he( ]afattasy ^tay~eto}< Tewowo`c Ctas}b o` Ie`}tjh j`m Sey} Jyoj

    Ie`}tjh j`m Sey} Jyoj< bafe ag }be Yohk Tajm j`m o}y boy}atoi fetibj`} ij~o}jhy ag Dukbjtj j`mYjfjtkj`m( Betj} j`m Kjybcjt; ag }be get}ohe goehmy ag }be Getcj`j Wjhhe; j`m ag }be fj` iuh}uteyag }be Ijuijyuy. @ejth 4> ejty yo`ie fj` ag }beye iau`}toey efetcem gtaf }be iahhj~yo`c Yawoe}U`oa`( }be Jyoj` Meweha~fe`} Dj`k "JMD/ ia`}o`uey }a beh~ }bef teduohm j`m tegatf wo}jh yetwoieyj`m o`gtjy}tui}ute. Gtaf foitago`j`ie j`m emuij}oa` ~talei}y }a }eheiaffu`oij}oa y( gtaf moyjy}ettoyk temui}oa` }a `es tajmy j`m tjohy( JMD oy satko`c so}b iau`}toey o` }be tecoa` }a tewowe }be YohkTajm j`m dto`c ~tay~eto} djik }a a`e ag }be sathmy itjmhey ag iowoho|j}oa`.

    Jdau} }be Jyoj` Meweha~fe`} Dj`k

    JMDy woyoa` oy j` Jyoj j`m jiogoi tecoa` gtee ag ~awet}. O}y foyyoa` oy }a beh~ o}y meweha~o`c fefdetiau`}toey yudy}j`}ojhh temuie ~awet} j`m of~tawe }be zujho} ag hoge ag }beot ~ea~he. Mey~o}e }betecoa`y fj` yuiieyyey( o} tefjo`y bafe }a }sa&}botmy ag }be sathmy ~aat< :.2 dohhoa` ~ea~he sbahowe a` heyy }bj` -4 j mj( so}b ?>9 fohhoa` y}tuccho`c a` heyy }bj` -:.45 j mj. JMD oy iaffo}}em}a temuio`c ~awet} }btaucb o`ihuyowe eia`afoi ctas}b( e`wota`fe`}jhh yuy}jo`jdhe ctas}b( j`mtecoa`jh o`}ectj}oa`.

    Djyem o` Fj`ohj( JMD oy as`em d 73 fefdety( o`ihumo`c =2 gtaf }be tecoa`. O}y fjo` o`y}tufe`}ygat beh~o`c o}y meweha~o`c fefdet iau`}toey jte ~ahoi mojhacue( haj`y( ezuo} o`wey}fe`}y(cujtj`}eey( ctj`}y( j`m }eib`oijh jyyoy}j`ie.