today’s worship schedule

Sunday, April 19, 2015 Today’s Worship Schedule ——— Song 76 How Great Thou Art Song 155 Highest Place Welcome Gabe Bacus Prayer Joel Harper Projected Song Wonderful, Merciful Savior Song 366 By Christ Redeemed Projected Song Create In Me A Clean Heart Communion Lewis Robeston Song 290 Shine Jesus, Shine (Dismiss Children for Children’s Hour) Sermon Randy Stumpfhauser Song 701 My Jesus, I Love Thee Closing Prayer Jeff Young Sunday Evening Services 5 pm Joe Boe Please Save for YBC Plastic Containers with Lids: Large Cottage Cheese, Sour Cream and 5 Qt Ice Cream. See Debbie Mercer.

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Page 1: Today’s Worship Schedule

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Today’s Worship Schedule ———

Song 76 How Great Thou Art

Song 155 Highest Place

Welcome Gabe Bacus

Prayer Joel Harper

Projected Song Wonderful, Merciful Savior

Song 366 By Christ Redeemed

Projected Song Create In Me A Clean Heart

Communion Lewis Robeston

Song 290 Shine Jesus, Shine

(Dismiss Children for Children’s Hour)

Sermon Randy Stumpfhauser

Song 701 My Jesus, I Love Thee

Closing Prayer Jeff Young

Sunday Evening Services 5 pm

Joe Boe

Please Save for YBC

Plastic Containers with Lids:

Large Cottage Cheese, Sour

Cream and 5 Qt Ice Cream.

See Debbie Mercer.

Page 2: Today’s Worship Schedule

Out of Town: Suetta Miller, Cypress,

TX; Roland Hendrix family, Brandon

Evans & family, Delano, CA; Judy

Rawlings, Sanger, CA

Local: Melissa Hall, Barbara Koomjan, Mary Miller,

Sharon Walsh

Attendance: AM 719 Class 488 Sunday Night 236

Wednesday Night 308

Weekly Contribution: $11,436 Weekly Budget: $13,350

Wonderful Way to Begin the Lord’s Day

“Let The Bible Speak” 7 AM

“In Search of the Lord’s Way” 7:30 AM

TV Channel 53 KAIL

Every Sunday

Rodessa Jones—Pray for my mom’s up-

coming angiogram 4/23. Pray for me to

overcome worry.

Cheryl Rowe—Please pray for my sister,

Betty and my brother Willie that they will

surrender to the Lord.

Margie Warnock—Thanks to all for prayers and cards

and calls after my thyroid surgery.

Ramon Tostado—Pray that all who are struggling to

find Jesus and to stay faithful.

Leo Gamboa—Pray for everyone in need of God’s pro-


Edna LaVergne—Pray for William and Veronica. Last

Thursday they were in an accident and are in a lot of


Lucy Soria—My son’s upcoming court date, April 27th.

He needs prayer for justice. Thank you for our church.

Steve & Hilda Stoll—Please continue praying for Al

Sousa’s battle with cancer. Also, please pray for Roland

Hendrix’s family will have an easy transition in their

move to Fresno.

Sarah Phillips—God is Good ALL the Time and All

the Time God Is Good.

Cindy Blair—Please pray for me and my family as we

have had yet another death in our family. I thank you,

Jesus for allowing my continued strength during these

rough times.

Mary Weber—Continued prayers for my granddaugh-

ter, Megan as she has her chemo treatments. She is hav-

ing pain and trouble breathing in her chest.

David Law—Pray for Linda’s health and move to


Linda Vermilya—My sister is going through some dif-

ficult times. Please pray for God to work for good in her


PrimeTime Dinner April 22, 2015

Lewis & Loretta Crew

Something Delicious

Sunday Bible Study

Combined Class – Bible Basics

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Guys – Junior High Room

Girls – High School Room

Upcoming Events

April 24th – Guys/Girls Night Out

Don’t Worry. Be Happy.

As most of you can tell Margaret Ellen is about ready to pop.

This is such an exciting time for our family. However, it is also a very

nervous time. Apparently giving birth to a child is very painful. I would-

n’t know from my own personal experience but that is what Margaret

Ellen tells me (and I fully believe her). I asked her a lot when she was

having Owen are you nervous or scared? She always replied no. Now

having been through the pain she is a little more nervous for the pain

this time. Honestly the past few weeks I have been nervous too. Worry-

ing if the baby will come on time. Worrying how much pain she will be

in. Worrying about if everything will go well. And you know what? That

worrying hasn’t done me one bit of good. Jesus said in Matthew 6,

“And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span

of life?.” He was basically saying what good does it do you to worry?

Worrying doesn’t do anything positive for you so why worry? Instead I

have needed to lean on God. I have needed to pray for the things that I

worry about. When I show that trust in God to give Him my worries and

cares I seem to have a burden lifted off of me. So what are the things

you worry about? Have you thought to give your burdens to God and

let Him help you? Besides, worrying isn’t going to help so why do it

anyways? Trust in God and He will always be there for you.

Find us on the internet!

Facebook: WPYG / Twitter: @WoodwardYouth / Instagram: WPYG

GOSPEL MEETING at Yosemite Parkway Church of Christ

Merced , CA

April 20, 21 & 22 7 pm—8 pm every night

BACK TO BASICS Gospel Meeting

Guest Speakers:

Glen Bowman, Los Banos; Jeff MacDougall, Livingston;

Gary Davenport, Madera; J Daniel Walker, Turlock;

Ethan Liles, Atwater; Nick Perez, Merced

Children’s Worship Today

2’s & 3’s — Megan Hinton

4’s & 5’s — Erin Bacus

K—2nd Grade — Jason Santymire

Opening — Kevin Hinton

Puppets — Sarah Bates, Bailey Douglas

New SIBI Class to Begin on Wednesday Nights

Room 111 April 22nd

Denominational Doctrines

Ed Planas & Ray Bowden

We are sad to announce the

passing of a senior member of

our Hmong congregation, Mai

Her. She was Gloria Vang’s

mother. Our prayers and

thoughts are with her family at

this time.

Change of Addresses:

Larry & Barbara McCreary

2432 E Marquise

Fresno, CA 93720 797-4326

Kelvin Akataobi

3641 N Cedar Apt 41R

Fresno, CA 93726

FREE Clothing Give Away Next Month

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Attention All Members

Please Bring Any Used Clothing for Adults

and/or Children to the large box in back of the


Toward the end of the nineteenth century, Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel awoke one morning to read his own obituary in the local newspaper:

“Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, who died yester-day, devised a way for more people to be killed in a war than ever before, and he died a very rich man.”

Actually, it was Alfred’s older brother who had died; a newspaper reporter had bungled the epitaph. But the ac-count had a profound effect on Nobel. He decided he wanted to be known for something other than developing the means to kill people efficiently and for amassing a fortune in the process. So he initiated the Nobel Prize, the award for scientists and writers who foster peace. Today he is more widely known for the Nobel Peace Prize than he is for inventing dynamite. Nobel is quoted as saying, “Every man ought to have the chance to correct his epi-taph in midstream and write a new one.”

As I read this quote, I was hit with a very arresting thought: My obituary has not yet been written. Whatever it is that men think of me, I still have the opportunity to make it better. Whatever mistakes I have made in the past, the possibility still exists for me to correct them. Whatever it is that I have yet not done, but should have, I still have time. As long as God gives me life and liberty, I can make of it something meaningful and lasting. As long as I have breath and desire, I can do my part to improve myself, my family, my neighborhood, the church, even the world.

Everyone still has the opportunity to correct his epitaph, up until the day he dies. Of course, the best thing that could ever be written in our obituary is that we were a faithful Christian. And certainly there are many wonder-ful things we can add to that. And if you awoke this morn-ing and are able to read this, there’s still time to make sure that is the case. Edd Sterchi, Campbellsville, KY

Your Obituary Has Not Yet Been Written

Please Note . . . .

If you have borrowed these Sunset tapes,

Topical Christian Evidences or Denominational Doc-


See Ray Bowden or Ed Planas asap. Thank you