toefl---best assays (score 5 to 6)

People may have two choices to eat, either they go out to fast food stands or restaurants, or they prepare food at home, whatever suitable to them. In my opinion, I prefer to go out to eat, as it is easy to get, it saves my time, and I can try variety of interesting food of different countries. Being a working person, with all day long office work and driving long way, it becomes difficult to do all preparation for making food. For me, easy way to get food is restaurant, where I can get prepared food at home or office by just ordering on phone, Along with that another comfort is that whenever I have to eat together with my so many friends, I can always go to a restaurant, otherwise it’s difficult to prepare food at home for so many people and don’t get time to talk and having fun. So I always find it easier way to eat out, apart from that it make my other outdoor activities possible because I don’t have to bother about food wherever I go, to any fun place or theater or traveling, restaurants are always there throughout city and it becomes easy every time to get food whenever and whenever I need according to other activities. Besides that I can save a lot of time by getting food from restaurant as, I don’t have to go for vegetables and grocery shopping, I don’t need to clean, cut and fry food and do a lot kitchen work, doing dishes etc., instead I can get fresh food delivered in minutes. Along with that when I eat at restaurant, I have more time to do other things like reading, watching TV, and listening music, going out theatre, or having fun with friends, that don’t make me tired or boring and I feel refreshed for next day’s work, so by going to restaurant I can manage a lot more activities than preparing food at home. In addition, in restaurant I get a variety of food choice, I can have taste of different regions, for example Indian restaurant I can get varied food from North Indian to South Indian, Punjabi, Bengali, Madrasi, Maharashtrian, etc. at one place.

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People may have two choices to eat, either they go out to fast food stands or restaurants, or they prepare food at home, whatever suitable to them. In my opinion, I prefer to go out to eat, as it is easy to get, it saves my time, and I can try variety of interesting food of different countries. Being a working person, with all day long office work and driving long way, it becomes difficult to do all preparation for making food. For me, easy way to get food is restaurant, where I can get prepared food at home or office by just ordering on phone, Along with that another comfort is that whenever I have to eat together with my so many friends, I can always go to a restaurant, otherwise it’s difficult to prepare food at home for so many people and don’t get time to talk and having fun. So I always find it easier way to eat out, apart from that it make my other outdoor activities possible because I don’t have to bother about food wherever I go, to any fun place or theater or traveling, restaurants are always there throughout city and it becomes easy every time to get food whenever and whenever I need according to other activities.

Besides that I can save a lot of time by getting food from restaurant as, I don’t have to go for vegetables and grocery shopping, I don’t need to clean, cut and fry food and do a lot kitchen work, doing dishes etc., instead I can get fresh food delivered in minutes.Along with that when I eat at restaurant, I have more time to do other things like reading, watching TV, and listening music, going out theatre, or having fun with friends, that don’t make me tired or boring and I feel refreshed for next day’s work, so by going to restaurant I can manage a lot more activities than preparing food at home.

In addition, in restaurant I get a variety of food choice, I can have taste of different regions, for example Indian restaurant I can get varied food from North Indian to South Indian, Punjabi, Bengali, Madrasi, Maharashtrian, etc. at one place. Likewise, I can taste worldwide food variety like pasta dishes in Italian restaurant, tortilla and Doritos dishes in Mexican, pizza, and burger items in American, noodles in Chinese, etc. and can enjoy various vegetarian, nonvegetarian dishes which are specialty of different countries.

Not only that, in restaurant the food is served with beautiful garnishing that tempts for eating and is worth of paying. I find it very interesting to experience varied food in different restaurants.

To conclude, I am fond of going stands and restaurants for eating that is suitable for me because of convenience, quick and variety of tasty food which I enjoy very much and make my routine easier and interesting.As people get more and more busy with their life style and career, they tend to go out and eat food from restaurants or other food stall. But I for one still prefer to come home, prepare, and eat my food at home.

I have always enjoyed cooking for other people and let them praise me for it. It has been an extra bonus because I find cooking therapeutic as well. After coming from a exhausting day of work from the office, it is fun to be your own boss in the kitchen. I can

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do whatever I want to do and do not have to ask for any permission or worry about if I am doing everything right. It is the fact that I know what I am good at it makes me feel exuberant.

But apart from this, cooking at home and eating with the rest of the family at the end of the day has been a tradition in the old generation, a tradition that more and more people are forgetting these days. We are so busy with our own lives that we are no longer interested with the lives of our near and dear ones. So I think the best way to catch up with the rest of the family is with over a nice cozy dinner and sipping warm wine.

Eating at one of those classy restaurants means that you have to be dressed properly with black jacket and white shirt. If you go to one of the Chinese restaurants that is just round the corner, it is always noisy when all you want is quite and peace around you. Sometimes the food is not even up to standard, sometimes your favorite dish is not available any more.

Then there is a question of hygiene. How well cooked is the food at the restaurant? Have they been washed properly before cooking? If food is eaten at home, you are sure that it will be cleaned and washed properly because hygiene, to you, is the most important thing.

Even if some people think of cooking as a hassle nowadays, with microwave, oven and other different kitchen gadgets, cooking can be done with no problem at all.

Last but not the least, it's very cheap when you eat at home. A person might not be able to afford Chinese food 30 days a month and 12 months a year.

So based on all the above mentioned point, I think it is better to eat at homeOptional attendance to classes at universities has been an increasingly popular way for students to study for several years in quite a few countries. However, it has not yet had its intended results as it had been hoped. In fact, today, this system seems to be one of the reasons for the corruption of university education. In my opinion, compulsory attendance is better than having no requirement to attend all the lessons on-campus.

There are two points of view to this question. First, one side will say that university students are adults and should be able to manage their time as they see fit. This point of view says that sometimes, in today’s busy world, people need flexibility to manage their lives. For example, many single parents who are trying to earn their college degrees will sometimes need to skip a class because of the demands of their other responsibilities. However, I believe that the great majority of college students are young and single, and have few responsibilities, and that they need the discipline and structure of a system that requires attendance. Young people who have just gone off to college are notorious for the excesses to which they enjoy their freedom.

There are many negative situations caused by the free-attendance system. The most harmful one is the economic waste for both universities and students. Many students who

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do not attend classes regularly are likely to suffer decreased performance on their exams and therefore waste their time in college. They, generally, do not feel panic because of the failures or restudying the same subjects for the second time. However, this sometimes costs a fortune to both parents and the government that have created tax-funded subsidies for education for each student every year. Not only are the university fees wasted, but also the money for accommodations and other spending are also wasted.

On the other hand, students who are required to attend classes regularly have no time to waste in pubs or clubs. Nor can they spend these young years, which are more valuable to them to learn and think than any other period in their lives, on gambling or drinking. I do not mean they are only to study without any break or entertainment. Their social life is as necessary as studying during the hard academic years, yet, the amount of each should be balanced well. More spare time than necessary encourages the young to ignore studying and classes. Thus, neither the universities nor the students do their best if the students have too much freedom not to study.

To sum up, many teenagers are not able to think sensibly to decide when to study and when to enjoy with friends. A scheduled chart of classes which have a huge number of options that are necessary to identify the best fitting one for each student, will help them to construct an ideal campus life including leisure activities. In addition, this will stop the waste of time and money and is likely to reevaluate the higher education system in several years. In short, I believe that the majority of college students are too young to manage their time responsibly and that universities should therefore impose strict rules on attendance.From the very beginning of the development of the society people live in small groups. This helps them to face any problem easier.In my opinion a neighbor must be first and foremost a good friend, secondly a person with good manners and finally a sober-minded one. I will prove the importance of these qualities one by one so you could understand my position.The importance of a neighbor to be also a good friend can be proved by the following example. This week, one of my neighbors was hit by a car. When this happened I was staying at the balcony with my father, so we rushed out of the house and took our neighbor to the hospital. If we had come 10 minutes later she would have died. That's why I think a neighbor must be a good friend that would always help you.If you have a neighbor with good manners, being neighbors becomes a pleasure for both of you. A day begins better if you get a "Good morning" from a smiling and nice person. And finally, if your neighbor is a wise person you can always get a good advice from him; he can always help you with to solve some difficult problem.In conclusion, a neighbor must be an example of a man from a developed society, because only then he can represent all the qualities mentioned above.

Neighbors are part of our daily lives. They are part of the process of socialization. Socialization is the process in which we interact with other people. In our lives we are always trying to look for a good area to live, a nice house, and most important of all good neighbors. This will influence in the decision of either moving to the area, or star looking

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for another area. In my opinion a good neighbor will be those who are respectful, friendly, and helpful.

The first quality that good neighbors should have is to be respectful. Respect is the most important aspect of being good neighbor. Neighbors should respect your space and privacy in order to live in a peaceful environment. Being a respectful neighbor means not invading your personal space as well as your property. Another example will be to maintain a quiet environment not allowing loud music, or noise that will bother others. Respect to one another is the most important quality that a neighbor should have in order to live in harmony.

Another quality of a good neighbor is that he should be friendly. All people should be friendly to one another, but this quality is most important when it comes to neighbors. Neighbors are close to you, to your home, property and most important to your family. You might not see them every day, but they live next to you all the time. These are the reasons why they should be friendly. One of the ways to be friendly is by showing they care about you, and they should welcome you to their neighborhood. Friendly neighbors make a good and united society. The last quality of good neighbor is that it should be helpful. Neighbors as well as everyone should be helpful to one another. Helpfulness is a characteristic that everyone should have. A helpful neighbor is that, that in the times of need is there for you. For example, if a person is in a situation where he/she needs a moral support for the lost a loving family member, the neighbor should give this person all the support he/she might need and encourage he/she that they can count on them no matter what. Overall good neighbors are those whom are respectful in every way. Friendly, that every time you see them they greet you with a good smile. And good neighbors are those who are helpful whenever you need a supporting hand.

Neighbours are the people who live closest to us, so close that their maybe only a cemented wall separating their abodes. Therefore, i believe that a person has many responsibilities towards his neighbours. in my opinion the qualities of a good neighbour are, that he should be helpful, friendly, understanding and trustworthy, I would like to quote a personal example here. this incident just happened last year when a couple of my relatives came with arms to threaten my father.Me and my mother were on the door and screaming our lungs out at them. Hearing our voices my neighbour, a very pious lady, came to our house with her guards and sons. She helped us to get our relatives reported to the police and thats not it she walked beside my family in every trial concerning this issue. Now that truly is a quality of a good neighbour! she turned better then our relatives also, a helpful and faithful friend, indeed. Another quality of a good neighbour is to be trustworthy. A neighbour always has some knowledge about what is going on in the four boundaries of a house. This is because he lives so close to you, he can hear voice, see your appearences, observe who comes to your house and who goes; at what time. Basically, a neighbour can gossip about half of the things happening in your klife. that is where the quality of a good neighbour comes in. A good neighbiur should be tryustworthy and sensible enough to not leak out one's family secrets.

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I believe that neighbours are very close people and being a good neighbour is a duty that everyone should fulfil. iIt higlights the basic concept of give and take. As a neighbour is the nearest person to one in the darkest hour of the night also,therefore one should always be a good neighbour so that he is also treated in the same manner when he is need.It has been recently reported by the local newspaper that a new restaurant is going to be built in our neighborhood (which is located in the country side of a big city). Some neighbors oppose the building of the new restaurant. I however (like most of the neighbors), believe that the new restaurant can contribute a lot to our neighborhood, as well as offer new opportunities to the neighbors.

One reason for supporting the building of the new restaurant is that after the restaurant will be built, I will not have to spend a lot of time in order to go to a restaurant. Since my neighborhood is pretty far from the city's center I have to drive several hours until I find a good restaurant. The result is that I, as well as the other members of the neighborhood, go only to restaurants only in special occasions (for instance, in birthdates). When the restaurant will be built I will have the opportunity to go to restaurants more often, the way other people from other neighborhoods do.

In addition, the restaurant may offer work for the students who live in our neighborhood. If the restaurant will be successful, it will naturally need a lot of waiters. The students in my neighborhood, who need to work in a working place that allows flexible working hours, would love finding a job where they can earn some money. Therefore, if the restaurant will hire them as waiters, it might help them a lot. I can take myself as a good example: when I was a student I lived in another neighborhood where two restaurants were located. I used to work as a waiter in one of these restaurants, earning money for the university's tuition fees.

In conclusion, I strongly support building the new restaurants in our neighborhood. The restaurant will allow me (as well as to the other neighbors) to eat in a restaurants more often. The new restaurant might also offer job opportunities to the students of the neighborhood.When thinking about a place where people can gather and talk, I feel it as a great thing for the community. A restaurant, to me, is a great idea for my neighborhood. Not only it is a place that everyone can go to on special occasions, but also it is good that people around my neighborhood have new kind of food; since there is only one restaurant around my neighborhood. I really like this plan because it really gives people a different restaurant to go to and another place where new food can be found.

Around my neighborhood, there is only one Chinese restaurant for many years. I, myself, am tired of Chinese food and really want another menu. One of my friends said no to me immediately when I asked him to go to the Chinese restaurant. People around my neighborhood like changes. Last week, a new shopping mall was opened and on the newspaper survey of how people think about the new shopping place, everyone agreed that they liked it. A new restaurant, to me, will be welcomed by my community.

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A place where people around neighborhood can go to socialize with good food is very important. The new ideas of the restaurant will give my neighbors another place to come for business, special occasion, and much more. As I mentioned earlier, the Chinese foods are very bland and almost everyone hates it; the new restaurant may have a different menu that can give everyone a fresh taste.

The new restaurant is perfect for my neighborhood, which likes changes and loves to go to place to talk and to eat tasty food. This restaurant will take part to bring people together as a family and as a community. The more people go to the restaurant, the more exciting and fun the place will become. The restaurant may has many success and can leads to more commercial building to be built. Ours is a locality which has a dearth of good restaurants. Eating out at a good place necessitates a long drive of one hour. Hence I personally welcome the proposal to build a new restaurant in my locality. Ours is a family which likes to eat out often. We enjoy trying out different cuisines. We treat a visit to a restaurant as a family get-together.However since the closure of our favourite restaurant a few months ago we have had to cut down our visits to restaurants. Hence the opening of this new restaurantwhich plans to offer five different cuisines is like a god send for us. We are all eagerly awaiting the inauguration of this restaurant. Every one likes to eat out once in a way. Nowadays one hardly gets time to spend with his family. Gone are the days when the entire familyused to sit together for dinner. Hence a visit to a restaurant is treated as a special get together wherein the entire familycan spend time together. However an hour long drive is enough to put off anyone from going to a restaurant. Thus I would conclude by saying that the presence of a good restaurant in my locality is long overdueand I am eagerly looking forward to the resumption of our frequent visits to the restaurant. Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. In my opinion, I prefer to have a teacher or instructor so that my learning will become more efficient and the knowledge I gain will last longer in my mind. Having a teacher always makes the learning easy and efficient. When you make a mistake, the teacher can immediately point it out to you so that you won't do the same thing again later. This is obvious while you are learning a language. You will never know if you have any mistakes in your pronounciation if there weren't a teacher beside you, teaching you to pronounce in the correct way. Since the teacher is keeping on track of your studying, he or she will know what your weaknesses are, and thus finding a way to help you out. Interacting with a teacher while studying makes the learning fun. The teacher might tell you his/her own experience, how he or she becomes successful inthe subject you are studying, or even the mistakes he/she has made, telling you not to make the same mistake again. You will sure learn a lot from them. This is my own experience: if I am studying by myself, I will always forget what I learn right away. When I first began to study English myself, remembering what a word means

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was probably the most difficult thing to me. Usually I had to look up the same word in the dictionary over five times a day in order to memorize it. But when I took an English course in school, I would remember a word easily after the teacher had explained it to meonce. See, learning with a teacher really DOES make a difference! In conclusion, having a teacher while learning is easier, more effective and fun, and most importantly, the knowledge will be long-lasting!_____________

I personally feel that only a brilliant student can study himself without the guidance of a teacher.Most people require the guidance of a teacher to direct his studies in a fixed direction.I belong to the latter category. To begin this discussion,let me introduce myself.I come from India and at present I am doing my engineering in computer science. When I joined Grad school I was overwhelmed by the enormous size of the syllabus which was to be covered in a short period of six months i.e one semester.In mostcases even the syllabus is not clearly defined.In such a case it becomes essential for an individual like me to have a guiding force who can give a sense of direction to my studies.Also the concepts to be learned in Grad school are no longer simplebut rather complex.It becomes frustrating if one has to cover everything all by himself.In such a situation the role of a teacher becomes very crucial.However I would like to state that the quality of teaching has to be very good otherwise it contributes to further frustration.In the above situation it becomes imperative to the student to do everything himself. Another aspect why teachers are required is to keep a check on the activities of the students.Some students who opt to teach themselves may actually utilize the time spent studying in college on other activities like games,parties etc.This may lower the grades of these students.Not all of us mature enoughto realise our responsibilities.We may take advantage of our freedom(i.e no teachers) in indulging ourselves in unwarranted activities which may ultimately bring about our downfall.For instance I know of a student who never attended lectures in college but instead watched movies during college hours.A student like him who was in thetop ten in school failed miserably in Grad school. Thus I would conclude by saying that teachers play an important role in the all round development of an individual and hence I feel that I cannot do without their services. I support the view that teachers should be a part of the learning process. Below are several beneficial reasons for which I feel that teachers are needed in while learning. Below are also some of the the problems that come up without their presence.

Primarily teachers are there for guidance in a particular field or subject. They give you a systematic and better way to approach a subject. A teacher normally teaches a subject in which he or she has expertise in. Hence that person has made a study of the subject and can guide you in order to help you approach the subject in a better way. This guidance may be in the form of giving you names of reference books or giving you notes. Without a teacher it would be extremely cumbersome to go through large libraries for a certain topic. Besides this the teacher could provide you help with any sort of problem

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that you come across while studying. The teacher could provide you strategies that help you solve a problem. Without a teacher, this problem would take up a lot of your valuable time or remain unsolved. Teachers can also point out when you are going wrong. They point out our mistakes and suggest ways for us to correct them.

In the end it does depend on the individual person to finally getting down to learn a subject. The actual studying has to be done by the individual. But the learning process can be made much simpler with the proper and continuous guidance of teachers. Hence it better to learn with the help of a teacher rather than learning by yourself. Depending upon their abilities and demands of the subject people plan to study, different people have different ideas about the need of teachers.

Some people think that they can learn better with the help of books and computers. Certainly, modern technology has made our lives easier in every aspect. Today, computers have almost eliminated the need of most paperback books. Students can get the study materials over the Internet now. But in my opinion, no matter how advance the technologies may become, the need of a good teacher can't ever be over-stated.

Whenever we are reading a new topic or new subject, questions regarding that topic start to appear in our minds. We need someone to answer them all and tell us more about them. At those moments, we actually need a concerned teacher who can help us by answer those questions based upon his own experiences.

In fact, a teacher can be a person who knows things better than us. For example, in my opinion parents are the best teachers throughout our lives. They teach us from taking the first steps to good manners, learning lessons from life to the accumulation of knowledge. No one can deny their important part in building our characters.

In old times of kingdoms, royalties were provided with the best teachers of their times to make them expert in every field of life. Even today, many intelligent students are taught, by teachers, at home.

What could be a good example of the need of a teacher that God almighty sent his prophets to teach people about his teachings. Prophets were the selected persons from common people to guide people towards righteousness.

It is an old saying that the knowledge from experience is far more relevant than the knowledge from books. Books make you see the lines only whereas a teacher can take you beyond those lines in to a practical world.

So, in the light of the above discussion, it can be safely said that no matter how advance we may become in the technology, the need for good teachers will always remain. However, again, it may depend on a student's own choice.

I am a person who sincerely believes in Elton Mayo's Human Resource approach to management.Acoording to him the key assets of an organization are it's employees.

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Hence I personally believe that one of the most important quality that boss should possess should be to guarantee employee satisfaction. An organization is as good as it's employees.Hence the supervisor should have the knack of selecting the best possible employees.He should be able to identify talent when he sees it.He should create a good working atmosphere for his employees so that they can give their best.He should also offer appropriate remuneration packages to keep his employees motivated.He should follow an open door policy wherein the employees are encouraged to come forward with their suggestions and grievances.There should not be a barrier of any sort between the employee and the boss.The employee who is part of an organization whic follows the above policies will feel motivated to give his best which in turn will prove instrumental in the success of the organization.Mr Narayan Murthy CEO of Infosys,a software consultancy firm in India has all the above qualities.Hence his organization has been voted the best organization in Indiafor three years running. A boss should also have the tactical acumen to take the right decisions at the right time.After all the success of the oragnization depends on the kind of decisions he takes.He should also have the leadership capabilities to command the respect of his employees.He should lead by example.He should be prepared to accept his mistakes. Thus I would conclude by saying that a boss should be a person who inspires his employees to give their 100 percent and also should be able to take the right decisions at the right time. A good supervisor is one who can manage his team of people well. Some of the most important qualities to be found in a good supervisor are courtesy , leadership , patience , composure and responsibility.

Most people would not like to work for an ill mannered boss. It is most essential that he or she be courteous and polite. Every person expects to be treated with respect. Some people might leave a job for the single reason that they were not being respected as a person. This might result in the loss of manpower for the most simple reason. A good supervisor will posses good leadership skills. He or she should be able to command respect and lead a team of people through the task at hand. Employees will not do good work under a person who they dont respect or recognize as a leader. A firm hand is indeed required from time to time to counter slack and laziness, but on the other hand an iron fist would only lead to diaster.

Patience and composure are mutual. Supervisors are expected to be patient and maintain their composure at all times. There may be a time when something outrageous might have happened. It is up to the supervisor to maintain his composure and be patient at such times. This is necessary to perform panic measures and damage control activities. Problems are inevitable in the course of work. A good boss should be able to absorb the tension arising from these problems and maintain his image.

Responsibility is the key to good supervision. The person looked up to as the supervisor should be able to take on responsibility for any and all activities performed

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under him. There are cases when the supervisor resigns taking full responsibility for the actions that took place under his supervision. He or she should be brave enough to take responsibility in the event of the mishap. On the other hand he or she should also share the good will obtained from a job well done. Recognition is something everyone looks for in a good job. It is the supervisors job hence to recognise and award good work.

Every supervisor is different because every person is different. Leadership , patience , courtesy composure and resposibity are just some of the few qualities that constitute a good supervisor. Similar to a problem that is solved using a compbination of techniques a good supervisor is a mix of various qualities that make him or her a winner.

That is a great pleasure and a rear fortune to have a boss you enjoy working with. Having more then ten years of working experience, I have had the opportunity to observe different kinds and shapes of bosses in real life and, therefore, can determine for myself which characteristics of my supervisor I would describe as mandatory.In short, that would be professional erudition and extraordinary people skills. The reason why I put professional erudition on the first place is that, as far as I am conserned, the boss' deep knowlege in the particulare field of work is a mandatory detail of his characteristic. In the other worlds, the reason this particular person has been assigned to supervise others is his extraordinally professional erudition and experience.Fortunately, I have never had a boss who did not have the level of knowlege necessary to lead and supervise work of others and that was the main thing we admired him. The next one, people skills, is as important as an erudition, because that is what the boss or the team leader supposes to do - supervise people. From his ability to motivate his team, organase its work and divide the task between the right people,depends how succesful the project will go. I have only positive experience because I was lucky enough to have resonably wise supervisors who were able to explain me the reason why I have to do my best at work. Summarising all the above, I would like to say that the idial supervisor for me would be an person who would be able to demonstrate the combination of deep professional knowledgive and extraordinary personal skills. As far as I am concerned, this combination makes a member of the team its leader.A good supervisor is always rated according to his qualities. Some of the qualities in a Supervisor that make him a good boss include like punctuality, cooperativeness, being supportive to subordinates, good in communicating and be a motivator. He should be dedicated to his work.

A Good supervisor should be able to supervise all the subordinates in all the aspects. A good supervisor should be punctual in his work. The employees whom he will supervise will work according to his punctuality. If he's not punctual, obviously the subordinates will also not be punctual. The employees go in the foot-steps of their boss and they will be irregular in work if boss is late to work and is not dedicated to his work.

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Supervisor should be very cooperative and should be good in communication skills. If he is authoritative and not kind to his subordinates, the rapport between the employees and supervisor will not remain good. There may be some misunderstandings between them and so the relations will be effected. Praising the work of employees and encouraging them to do some more good work, giving them increments for their good work make employees feel happy at their work. And make them feel good about their supevisor. So, one of the important qualities of a supervisor is that he should be encouraging the people under him in their work to get out their hidden skills.

So, supervisor could be good in the eyes of his sub-ordinates if he's really good to them, not being rude to them.It's surely not so easy to be a good supervisor because you have to manage so many things and to deal with a lot of people, including your employees. In my opinion, the most important qualities a good supervisor should have are discretion, finesse and impartiality.

Since a supervisor is usually responsible for a company, project, or business, etc., he will certainly meet many difficulties and problems and require him to make correct decisions. If a supervisor has not discretion and hesitate to solve the problems, he, of course, can't deal with them well, and he maybe lose some chances of business or cause greater damage because of his hesitation.

Besides discretion, I think a good supervisor should have finesse and impartiality. Usually a supervisor will supervise several employees. It is common there is some conflict of interest among the employees. How to make the employees get along with one another well is a task for a good supervisor. Generally speaking, if a supervisor treats his employees impartially, he can reduce or avoid the conflict of interest among the employees and make them work hard. Jinny was a supervisor in my company, when there was a chance of promotion in her department, she gave the chance to a employee who worked very hard, not to her relative who also worked in her department. All employees said nothing bad about the promotion but respected her.

As a supervisor, a person has to not only do his work well, but also manage his company or team well. In order to be a good supervisor, the most important qualities he should have are discretion, finesse and impartiality.

*** Hi, I will be glad if you could add your corrections. Thanks ***

What are the qualities of a good supervisor? Every one of us might have supervisors during her life. We spend a lot of time with them, work for them and generally, try to make them satisfy with our work. Usually we don't have the opportunity to choose our supervisors. But what if we could? what would be the most important qualities of a good supervisor?

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The first important quality of a good supervisor is that a good a supervisor should have good interpersonal relations with his employees. This includes being interested in the employees' professional work as well as in their personal feelings. Take for example the case of my supervisor, Tom. When I don't feel well because of personal troubles, Tom asks me about my feelings, trying to give me good advice that will solve the problem. I know that my personal troubles are not related to my work. Even though, it is really good to know that the person you are working for takes care about your feelings and not only about your productivity.

The second important quality of a good supervisor is that a good supervisor should correct your mistakes, trying to explain you what is the right way to implement the assignment you have. For instance, when my supervisor saw that the report I prepared was written inpropertly, he called me to his office, explained my mistakes and told me how to write it propertly. I am sure that in the next time I write such a report, I will do it propertly...

In conclusion, a good supervisor should have two important qualities: he should have good interpersonal relations with his employees and he shoud explain them how to fulfill proprtly an assignment they have. In an organization that is based on a team work ,good supervisor might mean good employees and good team always usually means good productivity.

There is an unresolved controversy what is more important for the city - convenient public transport or the well developed net of highways and roads. That is really a hard question because while each of the ways brings some advancement in the standard of leaving, it also has its own weaknesses. Nevertheless, I personally believe, that public transport is an essential part of the modern city so it has to get support from the government. I will try to prove my point by the following ideas. Firstly, public transport decreases the amount of the vehicles on the city's roads and thus, reduces the harmful pollution. For instance, I have grown up in the big city with the population over eight million people. Fortunately, not that many people could afford the personal car back than, so we did not really have any noticeable problems with the quality of the air. But nowadays, when car became a prevalent convenience for every middle-income family, city faces a real problem. The enormous amount of the cars in the streets create traffic problems, roads in the downtown are absolutely solid during the rush hours. Apparently, the pollution of the air reached the critical point and government has to urgently find the solution. I think that public transport can significantly benefit the environment. On the other hand, well-developed and convenient net of public transport will drastically increase the safety of the city's roads. Obviously, when the professional drivers are in charge the collisions happen not that often. Furthermore, during the rush hours, especially in the evening, when people are in a hurry to get home after the working day, they do not pay much attention to their driving. On the other hand, the professional drivers that have been trained to deal with the stress on the roads are able to concentrate

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better. So, more people leave their cars at the garages in the morning, less collisions we will have during the day. Resuming the above, I would like to say that if I were the government I would pay more support and attention to the public transport's condition then that to the highways and roads. The convenient net of the public transport is able to benefit environment and increase safety on the roads. My personal opinion is that the public transport is an essential element of the modern city. Should goverments spend money on improving roads and highways or should goverments spend money on public transportation? This issue is a controversial one. On one hand, modern roads and highways are essential for any trasportation. On the other hand, public transportation is vital for certain populations. Taking all considerations into account, I believe that the goverments should spend money on improving roads and highways.

One reason for my belief is that spending money on roads and highway is essential in order to keep the public's safety. Roads and highways that are not built properly are major reason for dangerous accidents. For example, the road that leads to my hometown is very old and dangerous. Last week a car made an accident, driving on this road, resulted in several injured people. Had the goverment invested more money on improving this road, the resuld could have been different.

Another reason for my belief is that it is very important to connect between lone places and communities and other parts of the country by building and improving the roads and the highways that lead to these lone places. Take for example the case of Bat-Yam, a town in my country. This town, placed on a high mountain, is not connected to the other parts of the country by any modern road or highway. People who want to go there must drive through a narrow and old road. This situation limits the access to this town and the access of this town' members to the other parts of the country.

In conclusion, I believe that govenments should spend more money on improving roads and highways than spending it on improving public transportation. The major reasons are that bad quality roads might be dangerous to the public and that it is very important to connect lone places with other parts of the country. Once the quality of roads and highways will be sufficient, it is not unreasonable that governments should spend money on public transportation. In order to answer the question as to whether to improve roads or public transportation, we have to consider how it will help the common man to travel conveniently and quickly. With this in mind, I feel that improving roads and highways will help the general public more as the time spent in traveling will be less.

One of the major problems today is that of traffic jams which are mainly caused because of inefficient roadways. By spending money on improving existing roadways and building new ones, we can considerably reduce the problem of traffic jams. People face a lot of problems due to long circuitous routes to reach some places. This problem

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can be solved by building new highways or flyovers. In this way, both traffic jams and the traveling time of the people can be reduced.

Another reason for spending more money on roadways is the weather. There is a lot of wear and tear of the roads due to harsh climatic conditions like rains, snow, and extreme heat. If periodic measures are not taken then traffic on some of the roads will have to be shutdown. This will lead to the inconvenience of the public. Hence, enough funds have to be kept aside for the maintenance of the roads.

Some people may argue that improving the public transportation will be a better idea as the public can travel with more ease. But the main concern of most of the people is time required to commute from one place to another. Also of what use are the buses and other vehicles if the roads on which they travel are not maintained?

To conclude, I would like to say that the roadways and the highways are the nerves of a country, connecting people and maintaining the integrity of the nation. Hence, utmost importance should be given to their maintenance and development.In today's fast pace life the transportation plays very important role. There are different means of transportation owned by the government such as buses, trains and subways. This public transportaion serves people at large. According to me the government should concentrate more in developing and maintaining the public transportaion. This government effort will lead to the minimal questions with the traffic, low consumption of natural resources like gas and adding up to the fiscal income.

There won't be a single person who would not have the experianced stucking up in a traffic especially when one is getting late for work or in any other urgent situations. Due to the improved public transportation the more and more people will utilise this means of transportation there would be even less problems of traffic.

Also, due to less ussage of the private means of transportation there would be low consumption of our precious natural resouces like gas. This will result into conservation of natural resources. Also, this will automatically lead to the less pollution.

According to me the goverment should spend more money on the public transpotation as it will increase the fiscal income. Although the goverment has to undertake the heavy investment program in developing and improving these means of transportations and so it doesn't seem more profitable in the short term. But in the long run it can be easily converted into an important source of income for the state. Thus, the government should spend more on he public transportaion rather than spending more on improving the roads and highways. The result would be less traffic with the less usage of the gas and increasing government income. Therefore I would suggest that government should consider all these factors and should develop and improve the public transportation.

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The transportation is a basis of utilities that governments should provide to their citizens. If they have to choose to spend money on improving between roads and highways and public transportaion, I perfer them to do the last choice by following reasons. The public transportation is a service for the most people in the country. Therefore, if governments have to spend money, they should expend for the best advantage. It means that medium and low state people go by buses, trains or subways more than high state people go by cars. If governments improve public transportation in convenience, quick and safe, people will go by them. This will deduct the air pollution problem that occurs from burning fuel by cars that cause from burning fuel by cars. In big citys, there is the same problem that is air pollution that was found the major cause is come form vehical that use fuel to operate. If we can decrease the vehical in transportation, we will abate the air pollution problem directly. When people take any public transportation, it will save the energy especially gas and oil which will lack in the future. If we are realize to the fuel shortage situation, we should pool efforts to solve this problem by going with public transportation. So governments should foresee by improving public transportation for example, increasing route and round, comforting and saving while wait and journey. The people using public transportation depend on policies of each governments that support this way or not. For all above reasons, I strongly recommend that governments should spend more budget on improving public transportation.

Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should governments spend more money on improving public transportation (buses, trains, subways)? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should they spend money on improving public transportation? Well may be some people would suggest that governments should improve roads and highways but I think governments should improve public transportation.

First of all we should think about what is the purpose of transport? It is to save time, money and comfort. By improving public transportation what governments will get is a big amount of money, which they would have, spend on making highways and roads. This amount could be used on improving public transportation buying new buses, improving local train system and also they can use this money on environment welfare too. By appreciating and advising people to travel by public transport governments will save fuel too. It is also good for environment. Like in Norway people use bicycles to travel a lot in this way they not only save money and fuel but they also get a better health. Above

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all by traveling in public transport people will save time, money and will win peace of mind too. Beside if governments work on roads and highways it will be costly, not environment friendly and will also create problems in near future. Like people will buy more and more automobiles and more and more fuel will be used and if this becomes a national attitude it will cost too much in future. So governments should work on improving public transportation. This will be in greater interest of people and will create less problems in future. Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should governments spend more money on improving public transportation (buses, trains, subways)? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

Yes the government should spend more money in improving public transport facility. In country like India where people like to travel in transport facilities provided by the govt. mostly due to inability of possessing a vehicle or inconvenience of driving to place of work depend highly on these transport facilities to go to work. Public transport forms lifeline of travelers and workers. Public transport is analogous to blood in our body. As blood constantly nourishes various parts of our body public transport provides industries and services with a fresh supply of work force to carry out it operation uninterruptedly. The majority of work force depends on public services for its daily conveyance to its work place be a factory or office catering to essential services. An improvement in these services on only enhances the accessibility of the place but also improves the productivity of the workplace, thus causing enhancement of socio-economic growth of the nation.Public transport is some times the only means of transport to a remote region, the increase in trips to the region would make reach essential services like medication and healing to reach in time. This improvement of transport may improve the economic condition of the region thus accelerating the process of development of the region which would other wise have taken a longer stretch of time.Improvement of public transport would enhance the productivity and development, as improvement of transportation would remove the tension from the person’s mind about his probability of reaching home if he missed his ride back home thus allowing him to concentrate more on his job.Thus I would support the development in public transport rather than improvement of roads as transportation would comfort the work force who depend on it and on whom the nations development is dependent. Transportation is very important to a big city, people go to work or school rely on the public transportation such as bus, train or car every day. The convenience of transportation will have great impacts of people's life and the economic potentiality of a city. A good transportation can shorten the distance and improve the efficience. Government know the importance of transportation to a city so they spend a lot of money in it every year. Some people think government should spend money on improving roads and highways, others think they should spend money on improving public transportation. I agree improving public transportation is more important than improving roads and highways. The reasons are public transportation can save energy

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and reduce pollution, besides, it is also a way to save money and sometimes faster than drive. Improving roads and highways too much will encourage more people go out by driving cars. It might be convenient sometime but is inconvenient in rush hours. Besides, Parking is also a big problem to those who drive. From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that improving public transportation has more advantages to people, it saves money and reduces pollutions. I think government should pay more attention on it and let people like take bus and train in their life. All means of transportation should be kept in good conditions. However, I believe it would be most beneficial for a country or city, if its govenerment spent more money on improving public transporattion. This would result in substantial standard of living improvements.

The volume of cars and trucks hitting the higways is dramatically rising every year. As a result, the number of traffic jams, accidents and carbon monoxide emissions are doing too. All these factors have a detrimental effect on our quality of life. Expanding subway lines and railroads and developing an effective plan to combine buses and subways routes, would eventually lead to a reduction in poluttion levels, less trafic jams and less stress for the people.

If subway lines reached every corner of a city, people would not need to use their cars to commute. Less cars on the road, means less carbon monoxide emissions into the atmosphere; therefore, the air we breathe would be more pure. Less cars also means less trafiic jams, which translates into less stress for drivers and better living conditions.

Not every country has a well developed railroad system. Consequently, they have to rely on trucks and buses for ground transporattion of passengers and freight. Expanding and upgrading railroad systems will result in fewer trucks and buses on the highways. Removing this kind of traffic from the highways and encouraging the use of trains, would be another way to reduce congestion on the freeways. The reduction of traffic, represents less maintenance costs for the government. This surplus of money could be use for other purposes. For example, a forest recovery program or a national campaign against pollution.

Highways, roads and public tranportation all require maintenance funds, but I think it is more important to think about the future and how to make our countries or cities better places to live in. Improving public transportation, will help reduce traffic jams, accidents and air pollution. A safer, healthier and more enjoyable place to live awaits for us in the future. Government should spend more money on improving roads and highways first.They are the root cause for a safe and a comfortable journey.Only when the roads and the highways are the vehicles can move easily.Even if the vehicles are in good condition and the roads are not then there is no use using the best of transportation. Take for instance the rainy season,when the road is a great mess.Even the good transport don't give a comfortable ride.On the other hand the good vehicle becomes spoilt

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due to the road.If the roads are not improved first then improving the vehiles is of no use because road is the root for the safe and good ride.Money has to be invested on the road improvement first. For problem to be solved first theroot has to be identified and the steps to regulate is to be taken.Not by just seeing the problem in upper level will it solve the problem totally.The government thus should see the that road is the primary cause and invest money to improve them first.Once they are good then the public transportation can be improved.In this manner the cost of maintenannce for the transportation also will be reduced. Once the roads and highways are improved they reduce the accident percentage.The road is the main cause for accidents in the bad weather and condition.Thus by improving the roads percentage of accidents can be reduced maintenance cost for the vehicles can be reduced and the safe and comfortable journey can be assured. Both roads and public transportation are important to all citizens for their convenient lives. With enough roads, they can go anywhere by their own cars not to be bound by the timetable of public transportation. And with perfect public transportation system, we don't need to own any car, consuming too much money to own. Neverthless of the good point of improving roads, I think, improving public transportation is better.

First of all, the realms of a country is limited, and lands are needed for more essential things such as houses, buildings and so forth than roads. In case of Korea, we live in a very small area comparing to the population. There isn't enough land even to build houses, buildings, parks etc. If we build more roads in this situation not buildings or houses, in the end, there would be no more land to build something.

Second of all, if the government would improve many roads, almost every people, who can afford , would buy their own cars, and their cars would make the air to be polluted. Good natural situation is necessary for good living quality. And if the government would provide good public transportation condition not the roads, there would be less cars on the roads and the air would be less polluted. At the result, we would live in a better condition.

To summary, I think, the government should improve public transportation.Firstly, the lands are limited, and they should be used for more essential things like houses or buildings. Secondly, if cars would increase on the roads, the air would be too polluted, and our living quality would be worse. So, I think, improving the public transportation is better.I agree that it is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city.

First of all, in the countryside, children can be aquainted with nature which is hard to get aquainted in a big city. Often nature roles as a good teacher. For example, trees, flowers, animals, and insects can be children's biology teacher themselves. Personally I think themselves are the best teachers.

And I can think of the environmental differences between city and countryside. In a big city, pollution is major problem for quite many diseases.

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It's very obvious for people who lives in city to more likely have allergy problems such as asthma, rhinitis and so forth. But people who enjoys fresh air and sunshine in the countryside has vigorus healthy life.

And in a big city, high rate of crimes makes people tend to lock themselves in their own teritoty only. People become more self-centered and cold. But in the countryside, people still open their house to neighbers, sometimes even to stragers. There are loving relations among people in the countryside.

In short, children can learn from nature and be raised as big hearted persons in the countryside.More over, they would be healthier in the countryside than in a city. So I really prefer raise my children in the countryside to in a big city. Wherever the children live , they need their parents' supervision and support, in order to become good-charactered and well-nurtured individuals. Children should be grown up in a warm and good environment to their psychological and physical well being. In my opinion, it is better for children to grow up in a big city than in countryside because, first, during the childhood , children need everyday stimuation in order to grow well mentally and cognitively, they can be taken to parks, schools and care centers, to get along with other children which the latter will help them to be socially good person. In fact, may be this opportunity will be a little bit difficult to be done in any countryside if there isn't a good accomodation for that. Second, children in a big city will get the opportunity to recognize the developed technology before than those are in a conutryside, because first the city become develop then the countryside.this means that the child will acquainted to the internet or others and he is still a young. Third and the most important one, is that in any case of emergencies, in the city, there will be more availability of emergencies, including hospitals, clinics to help the injured or ill child than in the countryside. Finally we shoud do our best in order to help the child to grow and thrive in any kind of environment, in addition we should try not to abused them, because they are our future. Some people prefer living in a big city; others enjoy residing in a small town or in the countryside. Children usually do not have a choice and live where their parents choose to live. Both living in a big city and living in the countryside have some advantages and disadvantages for children’s development. In my opinion, living in a big city is more beneficial for children because it offers more choices in education, services and fun activities.

Most of us agree that education is crucial for our children. Often, when a family reside in the countryside, there is only one neighbourhood school in the area. On the contrary, there are plenty of educational choices in a big city: French schools, private schools, Montessori centres, and, of cause public school.

Another reason for me to believe that living in a big city is better for children is a higher level of availability of different services. From my personal experience of living in a small town in northern Ontario I can say that it was a problem to find a dentist or family physician in the area, so we had to travel up to fifty kilometres in order to get help.

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Last, but not least is that living in a big city offers a variety of extracurricular activities: sports, arts, hobby clubs, dance schools, gyms, and many more. I strongly believe that those activities are very important for children’s development.

In conclusion, no doubts that living in the countryside have some advantages; however, in my opinion, growing children are much more benefited living in a big city. They have more opportunities to get good education, to receive services they need, and to have quality fun time.This is very discussable theme. There is pro and con for children being raised in the countryside or in a big city. If we would look from history point of view we would see that our community had migrations for countryside to big cities.Years ago people were living mostly in a countryside working in fields with cattle while small number of people was start living and developing sites that today become big cities. However are those sites developing and start having a life on a much higher level. Also jobs which they were doing some were more sophisticated than jobs which were available in countryside site. People form countryside realized that and the started a migrations into big cities. It was not just a sort of jobs, which you can get. Living in a city would allowed very fast finding a job than in countryside. People on countryside are all the time in somebody else business rather than theirs. City people mind own business. Also in a big city culture is on much higher level and being around cultural happenings forces you to behave. With countryside is not that case. For rising a kids in countryside is until some age good. They can have and make a connection with nature and keep her when they move in a big city. In countryside before parents would not have to worry about criminals but now days is not a case unfortunately.Also parents would be a worried where they will send kids on college if they were living in countryside. Today we have very well a universities and colleges also available in a countryside. At the end I will give my personal thought … I would like to live in countryside, which is not so faraway from a big city. Which I think now day’s people looking in something like that solution or I can say they start going back from big cities and living again in countryside. Combination of both would be the best and for kids and for parents.There is no doubt that a selection of the suitable place in which children can grow up represents an important aim towards parents nowadays.Whether childern may grow up in the countryside or in a big city is debated by many people. Some people argue that children have to grow up in the villages for many different reasons. Others believe that children may grow up in a big city for many aspects. however before one decides to support or oppose one of the above two opinion, he/she should carefully consider the all aspects and reasons concern that subject.Children have to grow up in the countryside for many different reasons. First, the countryside contains vast green areas of fields . these fields take part in purification the air from any pollution, consequently, children can breathe fresh and healthy air.Second, Parents may not worry about thier childrem when they are playing in the farms and fields. This is because, there is no any dangerous things, such as cars, trains or uncovered electric wires that may hurt children in these fields. Third,living in the countryside may stimulate the hide tallents of children. for example,children may like to draw or paint

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what they see, therefore the viewing of green land may make children how to express themselves by drawing and painting.

On the other hand, children may grow up in a big city for many aspects. First, parents may want thier children to grow in the urban city to let them live in feel the prosperity and advancement of thier country second by second from the biginning of thier life. Second, living in the big city may make the growing of children so easy. For example,in the big city parents can find a suitable baby care center for thier children easily. They can also find modern schools in which thier children can go. Third, parents can find excellent hospitals in which thier childern can go if they get sick.

Even though growing it is better for children to grow up in the countryside or village for many different reasons, children may grow up in the big city for other aspects. In my own opinion, i believe that it is better for children to grow up in the big city for the following reasons. First, in the big city a mother can find easily a reliable person who loves her kids during her work outside the home. Second, living in the urban city may help children in growing in a social atmosphere. for example, in the big city there are alot of children who can paly together.In conclusion, growing of children in the big city is better than the countryside. at last, can you imagine the population density in the big city if all parents suddenly decide to leave the city and go to the countrysides to let thier children grow up there? Of course, I know your answer!!!I was born in a small, quiet and peaceful village. Like other children in the village, I hope that one day I will live in a big city. Because I think that it is better for children to grow up in a big city than in the countryside. There are many advantages when living in a big city.Firstly, the infrastructure in big city is much better than in the countryside, so the life there is more convinient. There are many highways and long, big bridges which make transportation esier. With so may transport means such as taxi, family car, bus, cyclo... it is very easy for you to go anywhere at any time. Along busy streets are tall, beautiful buildings. They are hotels, restaurants, embassies, hospitals, schools, private vila... Big schools, big hospitals equiped with modern facilities make the study and treating disease more effective. Living in big cities, children have good opportunities to learn in good schools and examine in good hospitals. In entertainment centre, there are many games to develop children' body including physical games and intellectual ones. Children can phay there after hard periods in class. In big cities, telecommunications are also completed. Children can access with new technology easily. It's wonderful to live in big city. That's reason why I wanted to stay in my uncle's house in Hanoi, capital of Vietnam, when I visited her at the children' age.Secondly, big cities are not only economic centres but also social, cultural ones of a country. People here are active, polite, intelligent... They are always busy with their work. It's good for children to get acquainted with people like them. Children can learn more from life in big cities than in the countryside. The life is hard and difficult, so it's good to adapt to it when you are children. The life in city help children to have beautiful dream and have chance to make these dream come true.Although there are also disadvantages in big cities such as social evils, environmental pollution, noise... living in big cities is still dream of many people. It is better for children

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to grow up in big cities and have weekends in the countryside enjoying fresh air than live in the countryside and rarely come to city. In brief, children can develop comprehensively when living in big city.

I was born in a small, quiet and peaceful village. Like other children in the village, I hope that one day I will live in a big city. Because I think that it is better for children to grow up in a big city than in the countryside. There are many advantages when living in a big city.Firstly, the infrastructure in big city is much better than in the countryside, so the life there is more convinient. There are many highways and long, big bridges which make transportation esier. With so may transport means such as taxi, family car, bus, cyclo... it is very easy for you to go anywhere at any time. Along busy streets are tall, beautiful buildings. They are hotels, restaurants, embassies, hospitals, schools, private vila... Big schools, big hospitals equiped with modern facilities make the study and treating disease more effective. Living in big cities, children have good opportunities to learn in good schools and examine in good hospitals. In entertainment centre, there are many games to develop children' body including physical games and intellectual ones. Children can phay there after hard periods in class. In big cities, telecommunications are also completed. Children can access with new technology easily. It's wonderful to live in big city. That's reason why I wanted to stay in my uncle's house in Hanoi, capital of Vietnam, when I visited her at the children' age.Secondly, big cities are not only economic centres but also social, cultural ones of a country. People here are active, polite, intelligent... They are always busy with their work. It's good for children to get acquainted with people like them. Children can learn more from life in big cities than in the countryside. The life is hard and difficult, so it's good to adapt to it when you are children. The life in city help children to have beautiful dream and have chance to make these dream come true.Although there are also disadvantages in big cities such as social evils, environmental pollution, noise... living in big cities is still dream of many people. It is better for children to grow up in big cities and have weekends in the countryside enjoying fresh air than live in the countryside and rarely come to city. In brief, children can develop comprehensively when living in big city.To explain the fact that people are living longer now, I will use 3 hypothesis. The first reason that can explained that is the lifestyle of people that is less difficult now. An another reason could be the variety and the quality of the food that's better today and a third reason could be the improvement of the medicine science.

Since 100 years, lifestyle has become easier for people. Take for example the laundry. Women took twelve hours to clean clothes of a small family. Today, women or men just have to put clothes in the laudry machine and it will be done in one hour.

Today, we eat fruit and vegetables all year long. We eat fresh salmon or other fish each week. If we want to serve a big rostbeef for diner, we just have to go to the grocery store and buy one. It was impossible to eat an orange each week or to use citrus in a receipt in january because they was not easily available in Canada in winter.

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Medicine was incredibly improved in comparaison with what it was 100 years ago. Today doctors have new drugs like penicilin to cure ill-people. They can easily cure pneumony or other infections. Futhermore, to cure very sick people, doctors can, for example, transplante new hearts or make complicate surgeons.

In conclusion, I think that people are living longer now because the lifestyle in general is easier, they have access to a variety of foodstuff and doctors can cure illness that killed people in the past.

To explain the fact that people are living longer now, in my view following factors are responsible. The life style of people now-a-days become much easier compared to the past . Most of the work now can be easily done. As for example, cooking becomes more easier as microwave, oven, are available, washing cloths which was more hazardous become easier by the help of washing machine. We can get variety of food now in all the seasons. Before, people can not get fresh fruits in the odd seasons, which are now available whole over the year. The quality of food also are better now. The food preservation is now more easier by the help of refrigerator due to which we can take food as it is. In addition, various healthy diet are available now which can improve our deficiency. Another important factor is advances in Medical science. Medicine was incredibly improved in comparison with what it was 100 years ago. The invention of penicillin has removed the fear of infections. The life spans of people with severe heart disease or kidney disease are also increased with the method of transplantation. Previously, when people got kidney damage, there was no way to save his life, which is now possible by transplantation. The life span of people with chronic diseases like diabetes, heart diseases is increased due to invention of various medicine. Another thing is awareness. People now is more conscious about their health. They are aware about the factors which may cause harm to their health. We are now very conscious about hygine.

In conclusion, I think that people are living longer as they lead an easy life style, they have access to a variety of foodstuff, and doctors can cure the diseases which killed people in past. Healthy eating habits,daily exersice and sleeping at least eight hours at night are some of the reasons why people live longer now.Consistency and discipline are needed to achieve all these. I believe that people should adopt healthy eating habits in order to maintain body weight and a healthy body.For instance,fiber should be included in every meal.Fiber can be found in fruits and green vegetables.It is recommended to eat alot of fiber in order to have lean muscles and less fat.In addition,carbohydrates and sugars should be consumed in a less quantity because it can be converted into body fat.For example,if people eat spaghetti for lunch they should not eat it again for dinner.And all sweets should be avoided from a healthy diet in order to reduce calories which later become stored as body fat.

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However a good daily exercise routine is necessary to achieve longeviness.Running,jogging or walking for a lapse time of 1hr. are good examples of a basic exercise routine. I , myself,prefer to make my daily exercise routine at a local gym. For instance,my routine consists of weightlifting for 1 hour added to a 30 minute session of aerobics. Other people prefer to swim and play tennis or squash as part of their daily exercises.On the other hand,people that don't have time for an exercise routine opt for been active during the day.For instance,walking to places intead of using the elevator can be a good option. Another reason that adds up to a long life is sleep. It has been demonstrated that adults need at least 8 hours of sleep to maintain a good health thus a long life. Sleep is a must because the body needs to rest and recover from the daily routine.In fact,people that sleep less hours have a tendency to become ill and tired most of the time compared to those who get to sleep 8 hours. Therefore,having good eating habits,a daily exercise routine and a good night's sleep are the ingredients that lead to a long life.In order to achieve these goals successfully, one must be consistent and possess discipline. A greater number of people are now hitting the eighty-year mark than ten years ago. In fact, the life expectancy of the average human has gone up considerably, and is rising still. This phenomenon is the result of several reasons. For one, continuing scientific and medical innovation ensure that more people receive the treatment they require. As our knowledge grows regarding various diseases, we become better equipped to tackle them. Consequently, we have managed to eradicate some diseases on a global scale, while controlling the other diseases, so that the rate of mortality does not reach an alarming height during the outbreak of a disease. The plagues of yore, as well as the more recent plague outbreaks are becoming few and far in between. Such control of diseases means that the general life expectancy has gone up.Diseases such as cancer, which used to result almost inevitably in death, are now curable, provided they are diagnosed at a certain stage. Diseases such as tuberculosis and cholera now cause fewer deaths than they used to only a few decades ago.Another reason for the greater life expectancy is the general betterment of the quality of life. What we call the ‘global village’ is fast becoming a city. And in this city, more and more people are being provided a better level of hygiene than ever before. A better and improving system of communication ensures that the latest medical discoveries in the United States and Europe are known all over the world in a space of a few days. Therefore, more and more peeople have access to better health care. Even people living in relatively remote areas have access to some kind of medical facilities. Though these facilities may be incapable of handling a crisis, they may help prevent death in cases that require antibiotics and antivenin, thereby preventing death by infection or poison. The increase in awareness also means that people in general are becoming more aware of the risks of various diseases. For instance, more people now, than two decades ago, are aware of the scourge of cholesterol and the havoc it wreaks on an individual’s circulatory system. Similarly people are becoming aware that prevention is, after all, better than cure and are taking the appropriate steps to prevent infection from diseases. In general, though, the increased life expectancy owes much to the revolution in communication. It may be mentioned that even two hundred years ago, inventions and discoveries were being made. However, they did few people any good. It simply took too

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long to disseminate the information. The general level of awareness regarding health was also low. However, it has been noticed that since the inception of communication through first print, and then radio and television, the level of awareness regarding health has generally risen. To illustrate, print facilitated the spread of knowledge through books. Radio helped bring that knowledge to many people. Television helped to further this knowledge and disseminate is amongst an even greater number of people. And finally, the Internet has removed the final barriers between intercultural and interracial communication. In the coming years, we may hope to see an even greater increase in life expectancy, even as communication techniques continue to improve.It's really true that people are really living longer now.The reasons may be due to increased ,sophisticated medical facilities,diet of the people ,good healthy habits,keeping the surroundings clean and also increased resistance against diseases.

In olden days the diseases are high and there is no chance for the people or thedoctor to conduct several medical tests to diagnose the disease .Presently the situation is better ,the medical research developed tests and invented so many machines to diagnose the diseases.Thus the medical examination is accurate and the correct treatment is possible for the patients.

Consider an example to diagnose a stone in the kidney. when a patient is having severe pain he willbe tested using the technology of ultrasound scanning which predicts the actual psoition of the stone in the kidney.Doctors then conducts the laser treatment to break the stones . Thus the increased technolgy is playing a major role on human lives.

Children are protected from various diseases by vaccination which is not possible in the early years.The diet of the present day people is also fine.Good balanced diet help people to overcome certain diseases. Eatables are properly covered to avoid the chance of insect infection on the food .Daily body excerises are also helping people a lot to maintain good physique .Body excersices are keeping people away from fat .

People now-a-days are keeping and maintaining their environment clean and tidy ,avoiding mosquiotes and insects.

In conclusion, increased resistance among the people is protecting them from various diseases ,thus making themto live longer .Living a longer life has been one of the deepest desires of human beings.Life is the name of happiness,enjoyment ans sorrow,whereas death is argueably the end of all these activities.

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Since a long time ,efforts have been made to make the span of human life longer.People consulted palmist and astrologers to learn about their future throughout time.As more research was done in the medical field new information was discovered about human body which opened doors towards the research on the facts of life and death.In this way the dream of living longer has grown stronger.Now a days we see people livig a longer and healthier life than before.This has been made possible even with all the deadly and untreatable diseases like Aids and Cancer.However the so called "medicine of life" has not been discovered yet.But some ways to live a longer life have been identified to us.

Healthy eating:These days doctors advise us to maintain a healthy life style and to keep active as long as possible.Eating fresh fruits and raw vegetables can sut the risk of various diseases.

Exercising:People are now more aware of their physical health.In exercise clubs and gyms,older people can also been exercising besides young people which is a sign of people interest in their health.People these days are more concious about their appearence as well,since a healthy,smart and active person is more acceptable in the society.

Vitamin supplements:Vitamin supplements and fat reducing medicines have also made people to learn about their body requirements.In the field of medical science new medicines have been created which can help against certain viruses and bacterias.However their side effects are not known to the public yet.

Affordability:Another main reason as to why people live longer these days is that in old times the facilites were limited to exclusive fews.Only a fraction of people were able to afford the expenses on doctors and medicines.Now a days people are provided with basic health facilities and doctors by their governament.Good medical helps are more accessable to people now.

Considering all of the above ,the reason of a longer life is quite clear.Healthy life style and awareness of the public in eating healthy foods have played a vital role.The serene life style and security have also improved the over all condition of the lifeIn all retrospect,however living healthy is far more relevent than living longer in my opinion.According to the latest statistics, the average life span of human beings is about 75-79 years old. Comparing to that ten years ago, it has been increased by 10%. Advancement in technology, better lifestyle and nutritional diets are the main reasons for prolonged lives.

Advancement in technology helps to bring about new methods of curing fatal diseases. Cancer used to have no cure in the last decade, but recently new methods such as X-ray treatment and various types of injections are introduced which can greatly extend the patients' lives. Advancement in technology also improves the quality of medical instuments. This lowers the risk and minimizes the possible side effects of various operations.

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People nowadays are having better lifestyle than in the past. They are more aware of the importance of heathiness. Compulsory annual body checks help to prevent the condition to worsen and the spread of diseases. People become more depending on their family doctors when they are sick instead of consuming medicine that is not given by their doctors. They also learn to maintain a suitable amount of workload and take breaks in order to be healthy psychologically. This can minimize the chances of getting the diseases that are stress related such as heart attack.

Balanced diet is not only a motto for people who are keeping fit, but also applies to the general public. People become more aware of the choice of food. They start to pay attention to the nutritional values of food. This can serve as a guideline to prevent people from overeating certain types of food and ignoring the nutritional food. It can therefore improve the healthiness of the public as a whole. It can also reduce the chances for malnutrition and can help extend the life span of human beings.

To conclude, advancement in technology and raising awareness in healthy lifestyle help to extend the life span of human beings. We can predict that in the future, people can live longer and healthier, and more methods of curing diseases will be introduced.@@In the past, if you live up to 50 years old, it was said to be longevity, but nowadays people live almost twice as much as people in the past do. Why does this phenomenon happen? I would like to discuss the causes of this by using specific reasons and details. One of the biggest reasons is peace. In the past there are many wars and guns and bombs killed an enomouse amount of people. People died from starvation as well. I have heard that the average life expectancy in Japan was 25 years old during the Second World War. However nowadays Japan keeps the highest life expectancy, about 80 years old in the world. This date shows why people are living longer now. Sientific discoveries have also helped to bring out longevity. For instance, in the past cancers were uncurable and many people died without relevant cures. But nowsday in most of cases, it is curable and operations are also more succesful. There are what we call medical check-ups too. It is always better to find and cut down disease earlier. In general the doctors have more knowledge and experience to deal with diseases. People also have more knowledge about health and more chance to know that. There are many ways of media and you often hear about health. For example, people know that it is better to have well-balanced meals three times aday, and junk foods such as potato chips and hamburgers are bad for your health. It may be from TV, magazines, books, and newspaper. With more knowledge, people try to be helthier and as a result, people live longer. Globalization is also one of the reasons. Because each country contacts other countries, in case of emergency such as an earthquake or epidemic, a country asks other countriesf help and things may be cut down earlier, and casualities may be reduced. Consequently because the numbers of casualities are reduced, the number longeviety increases. In conclusion, I would like to say that from these reasons above, people are living longer. It is peoplefs instinct that they all want to live longer. So people try to gain more imformation and invent things to live easier and longer. It might be natural to live up to 150 years old or even more in furture.

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A fairly large number of people spend most of their time at work, which means that enjoying their job is imperative in order to be mentally healthy. A salient factor which contributes to job satisfaction is the character of our co-workers. They play a crucial role in our lives as the quality of work performed as well as our happiness depends on them. I regard team spirit as being an essential quality a co-worker should have. One of the greatest working experience I have ever had is my telemarketing job at Microsoft. I had the opportunity to interact with people who place great emphasis on team-work. The quality of work performed was substantially improved. In addition, we took great pleasure in doing the most of our job by sharing our ideas and helping one another when in need. Another quality an ideal co-worker should have is receptivity to new ideas. I regard inflexibility as being a drawback which can only alter the working environment. Moreover, instead of achieving progress in our work, we may have to face a deterioration of work quality, which can benefit neither of us. Conversely, someone who neither sticks rigidously to his/her ideas nor imposes his/her views on others contributes significantly to a job well-done as well as to an enthralling work atmosphere. In conclusion, I think that team spirit and open-mindness are two qualities of paramount importance a co-worker should have in order to add to the quality of work and to a pleasant atmosphere.In a social system we all work in company of others.A good co worker can make workplace a lovable one whereas a bad co worker can make it unbearable. The most important quality, a good co worker must have is the temperament to work in a team. In todays world most works are team jobs. To make this kind of jobs one must not be selfish and self concerned, instead he/she should be patient enough to consider the views of his/her companions.He should be helping, and considerate to others people's feelings but he must not be carried away by emotions only. He should be dutiful, hard working and sincere to do his part in the job correctly in proper time. His insincerity, whatsoever trivial it may seem can spoil the work as a whole. For an example, let us consider a production unit wherer the whole process is divided in three steps. First to ensure the quality of production, second to pack the products appropriately and finally to market them. Now any negligence in part in any of the three steps will cut down upon the unit's profitability. If the quality is not considered with great care, the product may fail to reach the desired quality, resulting in the drop of sales in spite of attractive packaging and good marketing strategy. In the packaging part, if that is not done efficiently, it may not attract the prospective buyers of that product. Again, a rightly timed and appropriate market strategy should not be looked down upon as this is absolutely necessary to thrive in the cut throat competition. Along with this qualities, I would like to be the co workers be really co operating and humorous as well. This light though relieving approach of his may help the colleagues to pacify their stress, despair and agonies and boost up the working spirit in them. The co workers shold try helping their friends in work to rectify their faults and drawbacks through positive criticism. But he/she must, on the other hand, be careful not to be of interfering and complaining type which may unknowingly cost the peace. I would like my co-workers to possess some if not all of the above mentioned qualities to make my time in their company a really enjoyable and memorable one.

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After finishing my studies,I will soon be entering a practical life.Iwould have to work in an office with people of different nature.An ideal worker is defined as an intelligent individual who knows the work given to him,willing to learn more ,doesn't mind extra work etc .But,in real life such an exceptional individual is quite difficult to find.Therefore,in my mind, the image of a co-worker, I would like to work with ,should have the following qualities.The first and formost characteristic I would expect in her is that she should be a hard worker.I have always worked hard my self and that's why I would prefer someone who loves to work hard too,in order to get the work done by mutual contribution.Secondly,she should be fun loving.Dull and boring people are rarely competitive in my opinion.Jolly and friendly people are mostly liked by everyone.Third characteristic I would love to see in my co-worker would be,she must respect others.When you respect others ideas ,people tend to respect your ideas too.My co-worker should not be racist.In todays world,people have realized that skin and features have nothing to do with one's capabilities.So she should be kindhearted and positive minded,since the environment in most big companies is multi cultural.She should also have the quality of taking the ownership of the relevant issues.She must know what she is doing and what can be the possible consequences .She should also know the solutions of the small problems appearing in the workMost of these qualities, I understand,can not be found in most people.As a matter of fact,I would probably have two or three of the listed above.However,if you have the choice of co-workers that will work with you,it would be great for them to have the above qualities.I have been working for 6 months in a dental clinic.This time allowed me to meet in different ways my co-workers. Im working with many kinds of people and I am spending a lot of time with them everyday .And now ,I know a litle bit about them.In my opinion some characteristics of a co-worker are help everybody in the office, good comunication , Responsability and create a good work's atmosphere. Helping each others is really interesting because you will finish fast.When Im in the office , my partner Rachel brings me help and we both finish in less time I think that without her help , i probably spend hours .You can make more tasks in less period of time when somebody brings you help.Helping is a good way to meet people . When you work with other people is like a team . Things won't work good if you don't share your abilities with the people around you in the office.Everybody is important to make a excellent work. Being responsible is the best characteristic of a co-worker because It means that you really care about your job and your working enviroment.Being responsible is demostrated dedication and respect for others .Therefore, everybody will have an excellent impresion if you are responsible with your work.In addition , when you are working you want to have a good relation with everybody in the office.Avoid talk bad or criticate about somebodyelse from the office. I dont like to work somebody who is bossy or always in a bad mood . If my coworker knows something else ,Itis good to share knowledge . I always have good attitude and open mind to learn new things. I love to work with nice people. That make me feel in excellent mood and alwayas available to enjoy my job.

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For all these reasons some characteristics of my coworker are : Responsability, Nice and kind with everybody .Available to help .

TOPIC: Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

The increasing quality of modern day education in universities includes a curriculum of a wide array of subjects. It is for this reason that I believe attendance for university students be made compulsory for the reasons elucidated as follows.

First and foremost, attending classes regularly makes the students punctual. Moreover, adhering to time schedules and deadlines for the completion of assigned work fosters virtues of high moral character. It makes them disciplined and recognize the value of an organized student life. Students will also refrain from idle pastimes and wasting of economic resources.

Some may opine that attending classes may consume a lot of time. Yet, I feel attending classes helps in interaction with the teaching faculty who are able to explain better the text book concepts and their practical applications. One may argue that students can learn on their own but it is the teachers who can clarify the areas of difficulty in understanding the subject matter with ease. Further, discussion with other students in class helps to promote healthy competition and mutual co-operation thereby improving the learning process.

University education nowadays is quite expensive. It is the duty of the students to wisely utilize the hard earned money of their parents. Attending classes regularly will produce dedicated students who are able to earn a good job, hence, a comfortable living. Attending classes will also create a fear in the student to study regularly and perform well in examinations.

To summarize, I fully support the view point that university students should attend classes regularly to nurture an effective learning process by inculcating discipline, regularity and frequent interaction with learned teachers.--------------------

"Fear less, hope more; whine less, breathe more;Talk less, work more; hate less, love more;Then all the good things are yours ."

---Proverb--- This is my first essay :

#02 - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

I definitely agree that parents are the perfect teachers. They have superiority over the others due to a few explicit reasons: the connection between parents and children is exceptionally firm; parents teach children filled with desire and benevolence; children spend more time with their own parents than other people. Occasionally, the generation gap impedes the conception of the communication problem or some parents don't care about the bringing up of their own children.

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Recently, there was a survey in our school. The matter was whether our parents spend a part of their spare time to develop our general knowledge. The results were positive - most of us are satisfied with their concern. Similar surveys were held in other schools and the returns were according to the expectations. One week ago I had a conversation with a friend of mine. Now he is learning in a math School. He told me that he had taken the exam with excellence due to his father, who had been interested in math when a boy. His father explained to him plainly and understandably all mathematical problems. My friend was also obliged to solve definite numbers of problems every day to gain an insight into math gradually. After the exam's results he was very grateful to his father for helping him constantly.

Unfortunately, some children haven't got responsible parents. The latter leave their children bring up alone because they are too busy with work or have no will to communicate each other. A social poll was held in my city few days ago. The query was "Why the connection between parents and children is fading away today?" and most of the parents answered that they hadn't got time to pay attention to them despite their will to. Therefore, they must hire a domestic or a tutor to bring up or educate them. These latter people won't live forever with the children in comparison with parents in spite of that they can be experienced teachers. Yesterday my best friend told me that he couldn't comprehend why his parents compel him to tide up his room every day or why whenever he goes out he should be in formal clothes without caring a rucksack. I told him that it is normal there to be a distinction between the generations, but parents are one of our closest friends and what they do they do for us.

In spite of these few shortcomings parents always direct their children to the true way and they build the foundation of children's future life by teaching them. I believe that they have the ability to teach them in the most adequate way.#68. Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

I do not think that daily homework is necessary for students. On the contrary, daily homework will make students bored, occupy their free time, and limit their creative thinking.

First, in general, students stay at school for five or six hours per day. After classes they should take some other physical activities to rest their brain and exercise their bodies. In other words, sports can help them refresh their mind and they can have more energy to learn new lessons effectively. However, daily homework sticks them in learning. Students can easily get tied and bored. Without interest, they are forced to finish their “burdens” in order to avoid criticizing from their parents as well as teachers. So, the result can be imagined, vain.

Second, daily homework uses up their free time ruthlessly. After whole day classes, students should have rights to arrange their free time at home. They can read whatever books they like, watch television, or play games. If they are free to enjoy their enthusiastic activities, they are willing to love their lives much better than they have to bring their “work” even back home. Unfortunately, homework makes them have less or even no time to do want they enjoy. More worse, heavy assignments make them live more like learning machines than human beings.

Third, daily homework limits their thinking. If students have more time to read some other extracurricular books, they can broaden their mind to have more novel ideas.

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The comprehensive knowledge can help them better understand their subjects. Furthermore, they may have more innovative ideas to improve or even create something. However, homework has much less such effect. It forces students to pay more and more attention to their books and reduce their curiosity about other fields.

In conclusion, daily homework is not only necessary for students but also consume their precious free time and hinder them to develop more completely at both mental and physical aspects.Today the student's situation is the focus for many people. Someone say that the student's homework burden is high so that we must reduce their homework a lot, or to stop assign them homework so that they will grow better. Other people say that the student nowadays is too lax to finish their basic studying task, so the teacher must assign more homework for the student. We can not say every one of these ideas is wrong, I think the homework is necessary, but the way for the teacher to assign the homework is critical.

Firstly, if teacher no longer assign the homework to the student,when the student go home,they will just play,and when they will go to school next day,they will forget the thing which they study before,that will make the teacher spend time to review the things.That will waste the time for teachers to teach the new things to them.

The homework is important for the good teaching,but the teacher must think how to assign the homework to the student.The homework's content should change.For example,the teacher should assign their student to review the things they teach the day before,so that they will easy to continue their teaching in the next day.The teacher also should assign the homework to urge the student to prestudy the textbook,so that they will study more efficient in the class.

According to the discussion above,the homework is important to the good teaching,we should eliminate all the homework because of the student's burde,at the same time,teacher must change the homework's content so that the student will easy to finish it.The topic asks us to analyze the necessity to assign homework on a daily basis. Although at college level the student has more liberty, I believe that certain rules must be obeyed. One of those rules is to work hard every day. This continuous work can be assured only by doing homework daily.

First of all, to understand the topic we need to scrutinize the educational system. The human society established an educational system in order for young people to learn all they need to know further in life. The learning process is very complex and also personal, but the first thing that needs to be assured is repetition. You cannot learn anything, if you read it once and never think about it again. You must read it again and again and again. Surprisingly to many people you will discover many ideas that you missed the first or second time. That is the purpose of repetition. The best way for students to train their abilities and develop their thoughts is to do homework every day. That is why homework needs to be taken very seriously by the students as well as by the students.

Secondly, even though many students do not like do homework, this activity might help them in the future. You may not be attracted to a subject from two or three hours of class, but you may start to feel the notions after you rethink them at home. For instance I did not like physics very much. In high school mathematics and computer science fascinated me and I did not pay much attention to the other subjects. But in the first to college years I realized the complexity and beauty of quantum mechanics or electronics. I would not have begun to love these subjects if it

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were not for homework. Therefore doing homework daily helped me to expand my areas of interest and my horizon of knowledge.

Thirdly, the mass concept that homework is boring and useless must be dealt with in a serious way. A teacher has to try to diversify as much as possible the exercises done in the classroom and assigned for homework. The student must feel a part of the education and not just a robot executing some algorithms. For this kind of activity we have computers. Humans are creative and teachers have to try to stimulate imagination. Homework does not hamper the developing process of a student on the contrary it helps him/her to choose what he/she likes.

Finally, a daily activity has much more munificent effects in the long run than a temporary struggle. For example most of the students that have learned all through the scholar year achieve much better grades than students that try to pile up hundred of pages in few days. So forcing students to advance gradually in a subject will help them for their final examination.

To sum up, I strongly believe that students need to do homework daily to learn a particular subject. Only by repetition and determined work you can advance in any realm.Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

It is a common notion that students have homework and papers to do when they reach homes. some may hold the opinion that daily homework is necessary ,while, others think that daily homework can be optional. In my perspective, I believe that daily homework is necessary for students. My reasons to support this view are outlined as follows.

My primary reason is that daily homework provide students self- discipline. Assigning daily homework will remind students of their duty to study and drives them to have good disciplines ,such as being on time and be responsible, before entering the real world.

Another reason is that students can practise and understand their lessons more by doing daily homework. Doing daily homework encourages students to revise knowlegde they have learnt each day. For instane, Math is one of requisite subjects that need to practice a lot, thus, students can comprehend more difficult math problems by doing daily homework. Moreover, daily homework will effectively measure students’ understanding and abilities.

Lastly, assigning daily homework pushes students to focus during classes. Some teachers give special scores for students who do their homework perfectly because they listen to teachers’ lecture and obtain almost every deatil. Without daily homework, some students may skip school or not pay attention while teachers are teaching.

On the whole, if all the factors mentioned above are considered, we can reach the conclusion that assigning students daily homework has numerous advanatges as discussed above. Therefore, I strongly believe that it is better for students to have daily homework.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "Teachers should make learning enjoyable and fun for their students." Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.

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Here's my essay:

The fact that "Teachers should make learning enjoyable and fun for thier students" is a debatable one. On one hand there are students who would love to learn in a fun way but on the other hand there are students to whom this way is not all that appealing.

Talking about students who love to learn when they are taught in a fun way; I feel that these students have the potential to strike a balance between the fun part and the learning part. Explaining this in further detail, I was in a similar situation some years ago when I was studying in Class VII .My geography teacher had thought of teaching us about the planets in a musical way. She began singing a song about the planets. There were a few of us who besides enjoying her song; also learnt from it. But there were other students who were so busy enjoying the song that they failed to catch the educational part of it.

Now coming to the students who do not find learning by fun very appealing. Take for example a class of marines where their commander in chief is teaching them the various aspects of defense. It is not possible to teach a subject like that in a fun manner. Neither will the professor be comfortable in conveying the exact feelings of the topic nor will the students understand them correctly.

Lastly I would like to say that teaching gels with fun only when the students are able to learn in that manner and it also depends on the topic of education.I believe that teachers must make learning enjoyable and fun for their students. The main reason for that as we shall see in this essay is very important to both the teacher and the students in order to increase the student's learning ability.From the student point of view, it is clear that when a student enjoys the process of learning, he will be much more self motivated. It means that he will be interested in his studies tasks and will invest much more time in order to study and understand. As a result the educational level of the student will be increased. He will gain much more knowledge and a deeper understanding.There are many researches made in the recent time trying to prove a connection between fun during the learning process and the student concentration level. It has been clearly and undoubly shown that students who had fun during a lesson could concentrate much better during the lecture and therefore present a higher performance in tests, than students who participated in a boring dry lesson.From the teacher point of view, we reviled similar results. It seems that teachers who teach in an enjoyable way (enjoyable level was determined by the students who attended the lessons) demonstrated much higher teaching level expertise: it means that the teachers were much more familiar with the lesson's material and presented much more accurate information to the students. This amazing results brought the researchers to the conclusion that the fun element is essential not only to the students but to the teachers themselves. It seems to be a feedback cycles between the teacher and the students which makes the whole learning process effectiveness very much depended on the fun and enjoyment elements of the participants: teachers and students.A school or college should pay its teachers at the same rate in all disciplines, regardless of differences in salaries for related fields in the world outside of school.For example, entry-level teachers in mathematics and in the arts should receive the same pay, even if outside of school, math specialists earn a much higher salary on average than do specialistsin the arts."

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Salary evaluation of a teacher at school or college depends on many factors. However, the salaries cannot be evaluated by comparing with the salaries that are offered to the teachers who are in the related fields in the outside world.

The chief reason to support my view is, a teacher at school cannot demand same salary that is offered to the teachers, who teach at different places other than school and college. For example, lets take an entry-level teacher at school and a professor who teaches at a famous university. Evaluation of both salary payments would depend on the certified education they had to get qualified as teacher or professor. Apparently, professor would be paid high not only for his qualification to be as a professor, but also for his ability to be able to perform as one. Even though entry-level teacher has certified education, one cannot expect the same salary offered to the professor at a university, because it involves many more responsibilities than an entry-level teacher at school. Therefore, entry-level teachers should receive the same pay, even though the teachers in the outside world are offered higher salaries, who are in the related fields.

Another reason for my view is, entry-level teacher's salary can be increased eventually, based on their performance and students response to their way of teaching. However, evaluation of their salary based on the salary given to the teachers in the outside world, who are in the related fields cannot be compared. For example, these days, students get to evaluate a teacher's performance. If a teacher get high ratings in the evaluation, it is likely that their salaries are increased. Also, if overall class performance in the examinations is good, then teachers are appreciated and their efforts to improve the class performance is recognized by the salary hike. Hence, it is evident that the salaries of the entry-level teachers cannot be compared with the teachers who teach at different places in the outside world.

Yet, some might argue that, every person has to go through the education to get certified as professor or teacher, then why not the salary payments are equal. It depends on different levels of education each one had. Before becoming a Professor has to write and present many papers on research. Once the research papers get accepted they get qualified for professor position at a university. On the other hand, an entry-level teacher has to go through certified board exam to get qualified. It is evident that professor is highly qualified than the entry level at school. Thus, the entry-level teachers at school or college should receive equal payment regardless of the payment offered to the other teachers, who work at different places.

In sum, I concur that, entry-level teachers at school or college should be given equal salary, irrespective of the salary given to the others, who work in the related fields outside.