tolerance reflected in kazuo ishiguro’s never let me … · “the need for etiquette reflected...


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    Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting the

    Bachelor Degree of Education in English Department







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    Andre Ridwan Seplawan

    Dr. Phil Dewi Candraningrum

    Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

    [email protected]


    Penelitian ini tentang toleransi dalam novel Never Let Me Go oleh Kazuo

    Ishiguro (2005) yang dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi. Tujuan dari

    studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kondisi toleransi untuk manusia

    kloning yang mana telah memiliki perasaan untuk hidup. Dalam menganalisis

    Never Let Me Go, peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan

    sosiologi. Data utama penelitian ini adalah novel Never Let Me Go oleh Kazuo

    Ishiguro. Data sekunder penelitian ini bahan-bahan dan referensi-referensi terpilih

    yang berhubungan dengan pembelajaran. Metode pengumpulan data

    menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis

    deskriptif. Peneliti menarik kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini. Tidak ada toleransi

    atau penangguhan untuk kehidupan manusia kloning. Manusia kloning diciptakan

    untuk mendonorkan organ tubuhnya untuk manusia asli.

    Kata kunci: Toleransi, Never let Me Go, Sosiologi


    This research paper is about tolerance in Kazuo Ishiguro‟s Never Let Me

    Go novel (2005) which is analyzed using Sociological Approach. The objective of

    this study are to find out how the condition of tolerance to the human clones

    which have a feeling for life. In analyzing Never Let Me Go, the researcher uses

    qualitative method and sociological approach. The primary data of this research is

    Never Let Me Go novel by Kazuo Ishiguro. The secondary data are some selected

    references and material related to the study. The method of the data collection is

    library research. The technique of data analysis is descriptive analysis. The

    researcher draws the conclusion in this research. That there is no tolerance or

    deferral for life of human clones. Human clones were created to donate the organ

    of the body to the real human.

    Keywords: Tolerance, Never Let Me Go, Sociological

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    Never let me go (2005) is a science fiction novel. The novel was authored

    by Kazuo Ishiguro. The book is published by Faber and Faber. This novel was

    selected in the booker prize in 2005. in 2005, this novel received an award

    from the National Book Critics Circle Award. Then in 2006, the novel was

    awarded the Arthur C. Clarke Award. Never Let Me Go novel begin the story

    of a school called Hailsham in about 1970. Hailsham is a boarding school that

    educates students in a variety of ways. They taught a variety of subjects with a

    fun learning system. However Hailsham generally about the same as other

    boarding schools, but only one thing: all students are clones product.

    There are four reasons why the researcher choose this novel to be

    analyzed. First, the researcher choose this novel because the researcher was

    curious about the material presented by the author. The author makes the story

    of human clone. This is something new in the literature for the researcher. The

    researcher very interested in the author's courage in making novel about human

    clone, although not told about the process of creating human clones, the

    scientific basis, the process of its use, who users, and similar technical issues as

    it should be in a science fiction story. But the author tells the love life of a

    human clone.

    Second, this novel tells of life that must follow a predetermined path. No

    protest and no rebellion because they are clones. They are created to die. After

    leaving adolescence and witnessing the death of the other clones, they have to

    make a donation. That's when one after the other vital organs in their bodies

    were taken and transferred to another person's body. While their organs are

    used for the original human who fought against death. Donations are mostly

    done through three or four times, because after that, the clones will certainly


    Third, the researcher loved this novel because the characters and conflicts

    that occur between the love of two characters who are friends with each other.

    Kathy and Ruth are the characters in this novel. They were friends with each

    other despite their many differences. Their relationship began to move away

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    when the presence of Tommy. That raises a love triangle between the three of

    them. Ruth liked Tommy and want to be able to have Tommy. Kathy and

    Tommy actually like each other but are too shy to express her feelings. Finally

    make room for Ruth to come in and finally managed to win the love Tommy.

    But as an adult Ruth apologized to Kathy on past mistakes. Ruth was very

    sorry to have to separate the love Kathy and Tommy. This is the first step for

    Kathy to improve relations that had stretched between him and Ruth and

    Tommy, although she also was able to dodge her love to Tommy who come

    back to grow.

    Fourth, the researcher interested in the moral message conveyed in this

    novel. Message of the novel is about the use of time in life as good as possible.

    Take advantage of that time to the loved ones. You do not need to think of a

    time when it will end. You only need to provide the best for the person you

    love. So that you will not regret it after you will lose important people in your


    Before analyzing the novel, the researcher has read other papers that is

    relevant with the analysis, especially about the approach and the object. The

    first research was conducted by Taufik Wahyu Skripka (UMS, 2014) entitled

    Kathy H's Struggle For Getting True Love In Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me

    Go Novel (2005) : An Individual Psychological Approach”. On that research,

    the researcher found that Kazuo Ishiguro deliver message that struggle for

    getting true love because it is important in everyone's life because it is

    absolutely and the result shows that the most influential aspect in the struggle

    for getting true love. The second research was conducted by Ririn Tri Jantini

    (UMS, 2014) entitled “Lost Of The Emotional Side Of Kathy In Romanek’s

    Never Let Me Go Movie (2010): A Psychoanalytic Approach”. the researcher

    found that the main character has a psychological condition that is not good.

    The third is Medista Ayu Ningsih (UMS, 2015) entitled“Protest Against

    Human Trafficking In Paulo Coelho’s Eleven Minutes Novel (2003) : A

    Sociological Approach”. The author illustrates a sociological phenomenon

    which should make every effort to cope with the problem of life. The fourth

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    research was conducted by Anindya Nurul Kusuma Dewi (UMS, 2014) entitled

    “The Need For Etiquette Reflected In Suzanne Enoch’s England’s Perfect Hero

    Novel (2004): A Sociological Approach”. The researcher found a close

    relationship between the story of the novel and the reality of English society in

    the twenty first century, in which some people ignore the importance of

    etiquette in social interaction.The last is Siti Nur Rohmah (UMS, 2014)

    entitled“The Importance Of Equal Social Status In Choosing Spouse Reflected

    In William S. Maugham’s Up At The Villa (1941): A Sociological

    Approach.”Based on analysis it is quite obvious that there is a close relation

    between this novel and the social reality in England in early middle twentieth


    Literature is about presentation of human life. Literare is reflection of the

    social realities in their life. “Literature and sociology are not wholly distinct

    disciplines but, on the contrary, complement each other in our understanding of

    society (Laurenson and Swingewood, 1972: 13).It means literary and sociology

    have a close relationship.

    Sociology is essentially the scientific and objective study about people in

    society; it is also astudy about some social institutions and social processes

    (Swingewood and Laurenson 1972: 11). Sociology is related to the description

    of the ways people adapt by themselves with the certain societies, the

    description of socialization mechanism, the cultural study proces where the

    individuals are allocated to receive some roles in that social structure.

    Sociology is also related to the social changing process that happen gradually

    or revolutionary with the some effects of that changing.

    Tolerance: It is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity

    of our world's cultures, forms of expression and ways of being human.

    Tolerance is harmony in difference. It is fostered by knowledge, openness,

    communication and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is

    being yourself without imposing your views on others. Tolerance is not giving

    in or giving up. Tolerance is, above all, an active attitude prompted by

    recognition of the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others.

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    The practice of tolerance doesn't mean toleration of social injustice or the

    abandonment or weakening of one's conviction. Tolerance is not always a

    positive concept. More traditional meanings of the word tolerance do not

    include respect or acceptance. The tolerant person occupies neutral ground, a

    place of complete impartiality where each person is permitted to decide for

    himself. No judgments allowed. No "forcing" personal views. Each takes a

    neutral posture towards another's convictions (Koukl, 2013).


    There are five elements in this research that should be taken into account

    in analyzing Never Let Me Go (2005) as follows:

    a. Type of the Study

    In this study, the researcher uses the descriptive qualitative research. It is

    library research while data source are using literary data. It purposes to

    analyze the novel applying sociological approach.

    b. Object of the Study

    The object of the study is Never Let Me Go Novel by Kazuo Ishiguro and

    published by Faber and Faber.

    c. Type of the Data and the Data Source

    The researcher defines the source of data into „primary data‟ and

    „secondary data‟. The primary data is the text of Never Let Me Go itself,

    while the secondary data are taken from the books, internet and other

    materials that are relevant to support the analysis.

    d. Technique of the Data Collection

    In this study, technique of data collection is the library research. The

    steps in this library research are as follows:

    1. Reading the novel repeatedly

    2. Taking notes of important information

    3. Arranging the data into several parts based on its clarification

    4. Analyzing the data

    5. Drawing conclusion based on the analyzing data.

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    e. Technique of the Data Analysis

    The technique used in analyzing data is descriptive qualitative analysis. It

    focuses on the analysis of the structural elements of the novel and then

    sociological analysis.

    3. FINDING

    a. Social Aspect

    There are several social aspects in the English society. The English

    society is divided into three social classes that are upper class, middle class,

    and lower class. Never Let Me Go novel shows some social aspect or social

    structure in the story.

    In Never Let Me Go novel, Madame is identified as upper class in social

    structure of Never Let Me Go novel. The fact shows when madame visit

    Hailsham, the student of Hailsham amazed with the luxury style of

    Madame. Madame visit Hailsham by personal car.

    “She always wore a sharp grey suit, and unlike the gardeners,”

    (NLMG, 2005: 24)

    “The afternoon Madame's car was spotted coming across the

    fields,” (NLMG, 2005: 25)

    Middle class is a one of social structures in England during the beginning

    of the twenty first century. Middle class is the class that relative growth.

    They can be higher or lower depends on their economic value (Liveset,

    2006: 466-467). School teacher, sales employer and lower middle level

    supervisior ran among those in this social class. In Never Let Me Go novel,

    there are several teacher in Hailsham such as Miss Geraldine, Miss Lucy,

    Miss Emily, and Mr. Roger.

    “Miss Geraldine was everyone's favourite guardian when we

    were that age.” (NLMG, 2005: 14)

    Lower class is identified as the lowest class in social structure. Being lower

    class does not need a formal education to enchancing a job. Lower class

    repeated cycles of unemployement, working multiple low level part time

    jobs are common among this group (Thompson and Hickey, 2005). In Never

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    let Me Go, Keffers is identified as lower class because he is a gardener in

    Cottage. He comes to Cottage just two or three times a week.

    “He was this grumpy old guy who turned up two or three times a

    week in his muddy van to look the place over.” (NLMG, 2005:


    b. Race and Ethnicity

    In Never Let Me Go novel, Kazuo Ishiguro does not decribe clearly

    about the race and ethnicity of the characters in the story. According to

    Cook (2003: 27) “Ethnic group in England society had some ethnic group

    such as White people (British, Irish, Schottish), Mixed (White and Black

    Carribean, White and Black African, White and Asian), Black (Carribean,

    African, other Black) and other ethnicity. Madame is described as French

    or Belgian. French or Belgian people as upper class in social aspect of

    English society.

    “We called her “Madame” because she was French or Belgian–

    there was a dispute as to which–and that was what the guardians

    always called her.” (NLMG, 2005: 24)

    c. Economic Aspect

    In Never Let Me Go novel, several characters have self-economic sector.

    Kazuo Ishiguro shows the economic condition of the character he creates.

    Miss Geraldine, Miss Lucy, Miss Emily, and Mr. Roger are the guardians in

    the Hailsham. Guardian is the same as teacher in real life. Teacher is one of

    the economic aspect in the United Kingdom.

    “Miss Emily, our head guardian, was older than the others.”

    (NLMG, 2005: 29)

    Education and economic performance is likely to each other linked.

    Having a more educated labor allows a company to take advantage of new

    economic performance, it can improve the performance. The economic

    growth can lead to greater national and personal wealth, it can improve the

    available resources and opportunities for education. In Never Let Me Go

    novel, there are several students in Hailsham. The students of Hailsham

    such as Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy.

    “My name is Kathy H. I'm thirty-one years old, and I've been a

    carer now for over eleven years.” (NLMG, 2005: 1)

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    Healthcare in the United Kingdom is one of the economic improvement.

    The hospital is a measure of a country‟s economic. In Never Let Me Go

    novel, Kazuo Ishiguro makes Kathy worked in the hospital after she

    dropped out from Hailsham. Become a nurse is a very good job when at the

    time in United Kingdom. Become a nurse must have the intelligence and

    ability more than the other students of Hailsham.

    “For the most part being a carer's suited me fine. You could

    even say it's brought the best out of me.” (NLMG, 2005: 154)

    d. Political Aspect

    In Never Let Me Go novel, politic aspect from the government doesn‟t

    show the act. Kazuo Ishiguro doesn‟t show the act of government political

    because this story is a fiction novel or fiction literarure. In this story, there

    are enermous control power of the guardians or teachers from Hailsham.

    The students of Hailsham saw the control power from the guardians. They

    always obedient to the commands of Haislaham guardians. Especially, Miss

    Emily is the head guardian in the Hailsham. She is older than the others of

    guardian in the Hailsham.

    “Miss Emily, our head guardian, was older than the others. She

    wasn't especially tall, but something about the way she carried

    herself, always very straight with her head right up, made you

    think she was.” (NLMG, 2005: 29)

    A lot of aspiration from Hailsham students must be approved by Miss

    Emily. She is someone who has full responsibility for all available

    regulations in Hailsham. It can be seen when Roy J. will complain about

    compensation of sale exchange ticket.

    “Arguments went on between us for some time, and then one

    day Roy J.–who was a year above us, and had had a number of

    things taken by Madame–decided to go and see Miss Emily

    about it.” (NLMG, 2005: 29)

    There are other people who have great power in controlling the system of

    Hailsham. She is Madame. Madame is the one comes from outside the

    Hailsham. She has the rightful authority to take the best works from

    Hailsham students. She included the best works of the Hailsham students in

    the gallery.

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    “If for us the Gallery remained in a hazy realm, what was solid

    enough fact was Madame's turning up usually twice–sometimes

    three or four times–each year to select from our best work.”

    (NLMG, 2005: 24)

    e. Cultural Aspect

    There are several important aspects of United Kingdom culture such as

    literature, music, cinema, art, comedy, television, theatre, philosophy,

    architecture, and education.In Never Let Me Go novel, Kathy is very

    interesting to the music. Music is one of the important aspects in United

    Kingdom culture. Kathy has a favorite song, the title is Song After Dark by

    Judy Bridgewater.

    “But I wanted to talk about my tape, Songs After Dark by Judy

    Bridgewater.” (NLMG, 2005: 50)

    Fashion is a practice of style, especially in clothing, accessories, makeup,

    and everything that is used. Fashion is a habitual or characteristic of a

    person in favorite style to wear something. Madame is one of the characters

    who wear fancy style. She uses sharp grey suit when she come to Hailsham.

    The upper class person represented by Madame.

    “She always wore a sharp grey suit, and unlike the gardeners,

    unlike the drivers who brought in our supplies–unlike virtually

    anyone else who came in from outside.” (NLMG, 2005: 24)

    In addition to the upper class person, the lower class is one of the kinds

    of style. Usually, the lower class person is gardener, truck driver, bus driver,

    van driver, farmer, and the others job in lower class. Keffers is a van driver

    in Cottage. He uses dirty van when he come to Cottage, two or three times a


    “He was this grumpy old guy who turned up two or three times a

    week in his muddy van to look the place over.” (NLMG, 2005:


    Football is one of the favorite sports in United Kingdom. In Never Let

    Me Go novel, the Hailsham student love the game of football. They usually

    play football in the south playing field.

    “Then once, towards the end of an afternoon break, a group of

    us were sitting on the grass quite close to the South Playing

    Field where the boys, as usual, were playing their football.”

    (NLMG, 2005: 15)

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    f. Religious Aspect

    In Never Let Me Go novel, Kazuo Ishiguro doesn‟t show clearly about

    religion aspect in this novel, but several characters say god in the dialogue.

    They say that word to describe about the feeling. It can be seen in the

    following dialogue.

    “They think it's God-given. Until they came here, they knew

    nothing of it. All they feel now is disappointment, because we

    haven't given them everything possible.” (NLMG, 2005: 200)

    The other part of this novel shown about religion aspect. Keffers is a

    religious person. Keffers upset when Kathy, Ruth, Tommy, etc. read

    pornographic magazines. He is a religious and very dislike not just porn, but

    sex in general.

    “These magazines, incidentally, used to drive old Keffers mad.

    There was a rumour that he was religious and dead against not

    just porn, but sex in general.” (NLMG, 2005: 98)

    G. Science and Technology

    United Kingdom is the leader of biotechnology in Europe. It comprises a

    series of strategies and methods for the study and use of the genetic make-

    up of organisms and the relevant biological functions (OCED, 1998: 77).

    Biotechnology progress is marked by the presence of several technologies

    such as genetical manipulation, recombinant DNA, stem cell development,

    clone, etc.

    In Never Let Me Go novel, Kathy, Ruth, Tommy, and the other students

    are human clone. Human clone is one of the example of biotechnology.

    Initially, all the students do not know that they are human cloning, but along

    the time, they know that they are human clone. In Hailsham, the guardians

    prefer to called the human clone as a „existed only to supply medical


    “Before that, all clones–or students, as we preferred to call you–

    existed only to supply medical science.” (NLMG, 2005: 198)

    Kathy gets something from Tommy in sale exchange. The cassette of

    song After Dark by Judy Bridgewater is a gift from Tommy to Kathy,

    bacause Kathy doesn‟t interesting to buy something in sale exchange. She

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    plays the cassette by tape in the bedroom when she still stay in Hailsham.

    The tape and cassette are the technology.

    “But I wanted to talk about my tape, Songs After Dark by Judy

    Bridgewater.” (NLMG, 2005: 50)


    Literature is a presentation to describe about something written and

    spoken. Literature is reflection of the social realities in our life. Literature and

    sociology are not wholly distinct disciplines but, on the contrary, complement

    each other in our understanding of society (Laurenson and Swingewood, 1972:


    Sociology is essentially the scientific and objective study about people in

    society; it is also study about some social institutions and social processes

    (Swingewood and Laurenson, 1972: 11). The main purpose of any viable

    sociology has function as an instrument to grasp the meaning of the authors

    and to improve understanding of the society based on the phenomena as social

    life (Swingewood and Laurenson, 1972: 16). It means literature and sociology

    have a close relationship.

    The researcher analyze some sociological aspects of the Never Let Me Go

    novel. the sociological analysis is divided into social aspect, race and ethnicity,

    economic aspect, political aspect, cultural aspect, religion aspect, science and

    technology aspect. In Never Let Me Go novel, there is no the most dominant

    aspect, each aspect has contribution in the story and each character.

    There are several social aspect in the story. The social aspect in this

    story is the same as the social aspect in English society. The social aspect

    is divided into three classes, such as the upper class, the middle class, and

    the lower class. The upper class is also called elite class. The upper class is

    statistically very small and involves a group of peerage, gentry, and heredity

    landowners. The middle class is the dominant class in this story because the

    story tells about teachers and students in Hailsham. Middle class is the class

    that relative growth. They can be higher or lower depends on their economic

    value (Liveset, 2006: 466-467). School teacher, sales employer and lower

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    middle level supervisior ran among those in this social class. The third social

    classes in Never Let Me Go novel is lower class. This class also called the

    working class. Lower class isidentified as the lowest class in social structure.

    According to Cook (2003: 27) “Ethnic group in England society had some

    ethnic group such as White people (British, Irish, Schottish), Mixed (White and

    Black Carribean, White and Black African, White and Asian), Black

    (Carribean, African, other Black) and other ethnicity. Madame is described as

    French or Belgian. French or Belgian people as upper class in social aspect of

    English society.

    The economic aspect in the Never Let Me Go novel shows the economic

    of England in the beginning of the twenty first century. It can be seen by

    describe of the economic condition from each character. Kazuo Ishiguro shows

    the economic condition of the character he creates. Miss Geraldine, Miss Lucy,

    Miss Emily, and Mr. Roger are the guardians in the Hailsham. Guardian same

    as teacher in real life. Teacher is one of the economic aspect in the United


    The economic growth can lead to greater national and personal wealth, it

    can improve the available resources and opportunities for education. Education

    and economic performance is likely to each other linked. In Never Let Me Go

    novel, there are several students of Hailsham. The students of Hailsham such as

    Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy.

    Healthcare in the United Kingdom is one of the economic improvement.

    The hospital is a measure of a country‟s economic. In Never Let Me Go novel,

    Kazuo Ishiguro makes Kathy worked in the hospital after she dropped out from


    The capital city of United Kingdom is London.The Queen is the head of

    the state and the Prime Minister is the head of government. The government

    system of United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The government is a

    parliamentary democracy in a multiparty system (Burns, 2010: 259). In Never

    Let Me Go novel, politic aspect from the government doesn‟t show the act.

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    Kazuo Ishiguro doesn‟t show the act of government political because this story

    is a fiction novel or fiction literarure.

    In this story, there are enermous control power of the guardians or teachers

    from Hailsham. The students of Hailsham saw the control power from the

    guardians. They always obedient to the commands of Haislaham guardians.

    Especially, Miss Emily is the head guardian in the Hailsham. She is older than

    the others of guardian in the Hailsham. A lot of aspiration from Hailsham

    students must be approved by Miss Emily. She is someone who has full

    responsibility for all available regulations in Hailsham. It can be seen when

    Roy J. will complain about compensation of sale exchange ticket.

    There are other people who have great power in controlling the system of

    Hailsham. She is Madame. Madame is the one comes from outside the

    Hailsham. She has the rightful authority to take the best works from Hailsham

    students. She included the best works of the Hailsham students in the gallery.

    There are several important aspects of United Kingdom culture such as

    literature, music, cinema, art, comedy, television, theatre, philosophy,

    architecture, and education. The United Kingdom is a multicultural society and

    open mind. According to Higgins (2010: 1) “In Britain, the national culture has

    changed along with the population and the world at large. Even though they

    have a dynamic relationship with this present, their cultural activities are

    shaped by their histories and traditions.” In Never Let Me Go novel, Kathy is

    very interesting to the music. Music is one of the important aspects in United

    Kingdom culture. Kathy has a favorite song, the title is Song After Dark by

    Judy Bridgewater.

    Fashion is a practice of style, especially in clothing, accessories, makeup,

    and everything that is used. Fashion is a habitual or characteristic of a person in

    favorite style to wear something. Madame is one of the characters who wear

    fancy style. She uses sharp grey suit when she come to Hailsham. The upper

    class person represented by Madame.

    In addition to the upper class person, the lower class is one of the kinds of

    style. Usually, the lower class person is gardener, truck driver, bus driver, van

  • 14

    driver, farmer, and the others job in lower class. Keffers is a van driver in

    Cottage. He uses dirty van when he come to Cottage, two or three times a


    Football is one of the favorite sports in United Kingdom. In Never Let Me

    Go novel, the Hailsham student love the game of football. They usually play

    football in the south playing field.

    The official religion of United Kingdom is Christianity, as practised by the

    Church of United Kingdom. Christianity is the majority religion in United

    Kingdom society. United Kingdom has multi faith in society. In Never Let Me

    Go novel, Kazuo Ishiguro doesn‟t show clearly about religion aspect in this

    novel, but several characters say god in the dialogue. They say that word to

    describe about the feeling. It can be seen in the following dialogue.

    In the other part of this novel shown about religion aspect. Keffers is a

    religious person. Keffers upset when Kathy, Ruth, Tommy, etc. read

    pornographic magazines. He is a religious and very dislike not just porn, but

    sex in general.

    United Kingdom is the leader of biotechnology in Europe. It is comprises a

    series of strategies and methods for the study and use of the genetic make-up of

    organisms and the relevant biological functions (OCED, 1998: 77).

    Biotechnology progress is marked by the presence of several technologies such

    as genetical manipulation, recombinant DNA, stem cell development, clone,


    In Never Let Me Go novel, Kathy, Ruth, Tommy, and the other students

    are human clone. Human clone is one of the example of biotechnology.

    Initially, all the students do not know that they are human cloning, but along

    the time, they know that they are human clone. In Hailsham, the guardians

    prefer to called the human clone as a „existed only to supply medical science‟.

    Kathy gets something from Tommy in sale exchange. The cassette of song

    After Dark by Judy Bridgewater is a gift from Tommy to Kathy, bacause Kathy

    doesn‟t interesting to buy something in sale exchange. She plays the cassette

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    by tape in the bedroom when she still stay in Hailsham. The tape and cassette

    are the technology.

    Finally, based on all aspects that are reflected in Never Let Me Go novel,

    there is a correlation among the story of novel and the underlying theory. The

    result from the rumours about Hailsham students and deferrals or tolerance

    about donor time is not true because Miss Emily and Madame do not have the

    power to determine the deferrals. There is a correlation among this novel and

    the social background of English society in the beginning of the twenty first

    century. It can be seen from the expositions of several aspects such as social

    aspect, race and ethnicity, economic aspect, political aspect, cultural aspect,

    religion aspect, science and technology aspect.


    After analyzing Never Let Me Go novel, the researcher draws the

    following conclusion. First, based on the structural analysis, Kazuo Ishiguro

    delivers the moral message from this novel that everyone must do their best to

    someone special before they lose it all. The author displays about love, pain,

    and loss in this story. He makes three major character, there are Kathy, Ruth,

    and Tommy to make the conflicts. That conflicts can help the readers to get a

    moral message from this novel. Kathy, Tommy, and Ruth must donate their

    body when they have grown but actully they have to love each other. The

    rumour of deferral is not true, they have to keep doing that donation. There are

    any triangle love in this novel between Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy but before

    they do donate, Ruth has apologized to Kathy and Tommy. The author makes

    character and characterization, setting, plot, point of view, theme, and style. It

    makes easier the readers to imagine the situation and the feeling of each other.

    Second, based on sociological analysis, it is evident that in Never Let Me

    Go Novel, Kazuo Ishiguro reflects the social realities of English society at the

    beginning of the twenty first century in which people concerns in the issue of

    tolerance. Never Let Me Go novel shows the social structure in England is still

  • 16

    in three classes, there are upper class, middle class, and lower class. The

    economic aspect in the Never Let Me Go novel shows the economic of

    England in the beginning of the twenty first century. The capital city of United

    Kingdom is London. The Queen is the head of state and the Prime Minister is

    the head of government. There are several important aspects of United

    Kingdom culture such as literature, music, cinema, art, comedy, television,

    theatre, philosophy, architecture, and education.


    Burns, William E. 2010. A Brief History of Great Britain. New York: Facts on

    File inc.

    Cook, Len. 2003. Ethnic Group Statistic: A Guide for the Collection and

    Classification of Ethnicity Data. Norwich: A National Statistic


    Koukl, Greg. 2013. “The Intolerance of Tolerance.” Accessed on February 27,

    2016 (


    Laurenson, Diana and Alan Swingewood. 1972. The Sociology of Literature.

    London: Polodin.

    Liveset, Chris and Tony Lawson. 2006. A Sociology for AQA. Oxon: Hodder


    OCED. 1998. 21st

    Century Technologies: Promises and of a Dynamic Future.


    Thompson, William and Joseph Hickey. 2005. Society in Focus. Boston: Pearson,

    Allyn, and Bacon.

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