tom wilson chosen mayor; majority ·...

CATTARAUGUS REPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER », 1»3« PAGE SEVEN AROUND THE COUNTY LTTTLE VALLEY Dr, Ralph Bohn Address es P. T. A. Members Dr. Ralph Bohn of the State hospit al, Gowanda, gave an address,at the high school Monday evening under the auspices of the P. T, A. He spoke on Child Guidance. Among those from here who at tended the funeral of Robert Pear son in Arcade Monday were: Mr. and Mrs. Noel Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. James ghaw, Mr. and Mrs. William Hintze, Mr, and Mrs, Carl Langhans, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Whitmore, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whitmore, Philip Champlin, W. R, Murdock, James Curci, Floyd Beckwith, Ward Mattoon, Mrs. J. H. Banton, Miss Ola Kidney, Miss Rose Faulkner, Mrs. Ray Carroll, and Mrs. Marie Schultz. Mrs. Frances Murdock has accept ed the local chairmanship of the Red Cross and will soon announce her committee. N oel. Pearson and Carl Pearson, with their wives, were called to Ar cade because of the death of their father- Saturday. Mi’, and Mrs. L. L. Lane and son Norton Lane were at Lee Blendin- ger’s Sunday. The Ladies Aid Society of the Congregational church will hold their annual bazaar Dec. 1 and 2. Jerry Champlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Champlin, is home from 'Salamanca, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. He is improving. Mrs. Crete Durfee is critically ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blendinger. Mrs. Gladys Archer of Conewango and Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Ditcher of Maples were here Friday because of Mrs. Durfee’s illness. The W. C. T. U. met Friday after noon with Mrs. F. C. Willard. The Athena Guild entertained the Springville Study _ Club Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. D. B. Harrington, The program was pre sented by the visiting organization. Mrs. Minnie Axelby was home from East Otto Thursday evening. Mr. Wing from East Otto called here Thursday evening while on the way to see Ms granddaughter, who is a surgical patient in the Salamanca hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aust and family expect to move to Warren the latter part of this week. He has permanent employment there. G. A. Middleton returned Monday ( - from New York, whither he was called because of the illness of his daughter, Vivian, who was a surgical patient for appendicitis in Crown Heights hospital, Brooklyn. He says she is doing well. Mrs. Crete Durfee continues to be critically ill. No hopes are enter tained for her recovery. Miss Ruth Hall of Salamanca was here Monday afternoon because of the illness of Mrs. Durfee. Miss Evelyn Lloyd was home from Andover for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Harlow- Hildum and children of Sharon. Pa., were here Saturday. RED HOUSE QUAKER BRIDGE By SIRS. J. II. HOLT Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Youngs of Contand -were guests of his mother. Mrs, Gertrude Youngs from Saturday until Tuesday. On Sunday, Mrs. Aut umn Bushnell and son Frank of Na poli and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Cross and family of Cassadaga were also present. Mi*, and Mrs. Francis Reitz were in Corry Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell were in Olean Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reitz and John Reitz were in Ellington Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Har old Fellows in Napoli, E. C. Holt of Olean was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Holt Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Milton Flagg and Lewis Clarke of Killbuck and Mrs. Della Powers of Bradford were Sun day callers at the home of Lee Mor rison. Miss Mabel Morrison, Miss Kather ine Marsh and Frank Morrison were in Jamestown Wednesday. Mrs. Zilla Marsh and daughter and George Van Name of Randolph were guests of Mrs. Blanche Cain Sunday. CARROLLTON By MRS. WILLIAM CAMPBELL Announcement is made of the mar riage of Mark Lycett and Rosella Benscoter of Hazelton, Pa., October nlst. Donald Hogan and family of Fre- donia and Edward Hogan of Buffalo were Sunday guests at P. J, Hogan's. Mr*. Russell Lycett and son Robert were in Olean Tuesday. Law Darling and family of James- were guests at Burt Darling's Sunday. Carl Cedeman, who has been a ttent at St. Francis hospital, has returned home, much improved. Mrs, Corbin of Limestone is spend ing a few days with Mrs, Frank 5Si«» George French and William Camp hell were in Ohm Tuesday. Variety Shower Held for Gerald Boyer, Bride - . By MRS. MELVIN GODFREY .. A variety shower was held for Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Boyer, newlyweds, at the Town Hall Saturday. The eve ning was spent at dancing. Those from away included Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edmunds of Richburg, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Anderson, and Mr. and Mrs. George Boyer of Randolph and Mi*, and Mrs. John Arrance of Jamestown. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett of Cory- don were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ostrander. Mr. and Mrs, La Vern Morton and son Billy of Salamanca and Miss Gertrude Waite of Napoli spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ostrander. Mr. and Mrs. Burlie Shoemaker and daughters of Gowanda spent Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Shoemaker. Mr. and Mrs. James Wentworth of Little Valley spent Sunday at the home of Albert Frink. Herbert Bennett of Salamanca visited here Thursday evening. Mrs. Margaret Hubbard has or ganized a 4-H club for girls from 10 up. The Ladies’ Aid met Wednesday with Mrs. Leona Prevorce. Dinner was served at noon. Mi*, and Mrs. Melvin Godfrey were in Little Valley Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Greely and daughters Shirley of Brookville, Pa., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Greely. NORTH LEON By MRS. L. N. KYSOR An eight pound son was born to Lyle and Agnes Garvey Brand at a Jamestown Hospital November 4th. Mrs. Belle Easton of ■ So. Dayton and Harvey Bromley and family vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Ward Martin at Brant Sunday. Mr. Bromley and Lio nel also called on relatives at An gola. Mr. and Mrs. George Kysor and daughter of Wyzata, Minn., Frank Kysor of Ellington, Albert Waite and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Waite of Peace- vale, were at Lewis Kysor’s recently. Bert Sprague and son of Silver Creek, Mrs. Earl Young, Mrs. Charles Pritchard and daughter, and Miss Alice Kellogg of Cherry Creek, were callers at Elvin Smith’s last week. Mr. and Ml’s. Marion Ackler mot ored to Jamestown Saturday. LeAvis Kysor and Major Szyma- ski attended the Rod and Gun Club supper at South Dayton Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gum Ferry and fam ily of near Forestville visited at War ren Howell’s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. James Shotwell of Niagara Falls visited at Marion Ackler’s Sunday. Mrs. Lewis Kysor attended a W. C. T. U. meeting at Mrs. George Ty ler’s at South Dayton Friday, Mrs. Elmer Bromley and Mrs. Mar ion Ackler attended an associate del egates meeting of the Home Bureau at Little Valley Wednesday. BAYSTATE PLATO Mr. and Mrs. Will Wehust had as Sunday afternoon guests Harold and Floris Dunkleman and Irene Meier of 'Buffalo and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nan- nen and family of Sommerville Val ley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Langhans and Hildegarde Nannen were in Spring- ville Sunday. Mx*. and Mrs. Alton Gowin and children of Cattaraugus spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hughes Langhans. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Westfall were in Springville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Barnhart were in Springville Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Langhans had as Sunday evening guests Harold and Floris Dunkleman and Miss Irene Meier of Buffalo and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Gowin and family of Cattar augus. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nannen had as Sunday guests Mrs. Ellen Heuer. Mrs. Lucille Barlow and son of Dun kirk and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nan nen and family of Ellicottville. STEAMBURG i*» By MRS. H. C. CHAMBERLAIN Mi*s. Mable Stacey will entertain the W. C. T. U. society Thursday. William Lockwood is employed at the state hospital at Gowanda and Homer Peaslee is employed on the Lockwood farm. Mrs* Luna Wellman is convales cing from a severe illness. Mrs. Hannah Blood is spending some time at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Pearl Anderson, in Fal- conei*. Charles Gifford ha 3 returned from Chicago where he has been studying Diesel engineering. Mr. and Mrs, L. D. Blood of Jamestown were here Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Guy Nourse and fam ily spent Sunday in Olean with their daughter, Mrs, Dale Johnson. Mrs. H. 0, Chamberlain and Mrs. Ida Pike of Randolph were in Elli- cottville Wednesday, By MRS. MILLIE TUQTO Mr, and Mrs. Vern Arnold and son Bobby of Salamanca called on Mrs. Corey Goodrich Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuoto arid daughter Adeline spent the week end in Jamestown, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miftnick and family of Randolph called on Mrs. Orville France Sunday. Jack Hamilton and son Charles of Salamanca were here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Tuoto of Alle gany called on Mrs. Frank Tuoto Sunday. CATTARAUGUS WEST VALLEY By MRS. JOHN ARMSTRONG Mr. and Mrs, Clinton Whipple of Olean and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer .Ol sen and daughter JoAnn of James town spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrb. Karl Wienk. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kneulow and family of Eden, Mrs. H. Grimm and son Jackie of Ot to and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cumings of Limestone were Sunday visitors. Mrs. Lillian Johnson Sawyer of Cumberland Center, Maine, is spend ing some time with Rev. and Mrs. Charles Pike and in Collins Center. Mi*, and Mrs. Elmer Prince and I Monday family of Markhams spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norton Nichols. Firemen were called Friday eve ning to the home of Sam Mosher of Jefferson street to extinguish a chim ney fire. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Clark and daugh ter of Springville were guests Sun day of Mi*, and Mrs. Vern Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Weir and daughter Barbara J*ne of Loekport spent the week-end flf Ji Mr. and Mrs. Henry Locke. Mr. and Mrs. H. VanAernam and Mr. and Mrs. Artwell Hall visited Mr. and Mrs. Oral Peters at Leon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Merow at tended the funeral of E. Plastow at North Tonawanda Saturday. Miss Janice Sikes of East Otto spent the week-end with Dorothy Gowin. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dake and son of Ebenezer and Miss Ellen Dake of Batavia spent the week-end here. Frank Kujaneck is a medical pa tient at Salamanca. Mrs. Will Ellis and son of Otto spent Monday with Mrs. Sophia Glaz- John Drayer Die$ After Long Illness By,MRS. CHESTER EHMAN John Drayer died at his home here Friday night. He had been in ill health the past year, Last rites were held from the family residence Tues day with Rev. Mr. Drew officioting. Leo Berrihoft, who is in the Sala manca hospital, is very much improv ed and will soon be able to come home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ehnian spent Sunday in Barre Center with Mrs. Clara Noble. Mrs, Charles Groff, Mrs, L, 0, West and Mrs. Chester Ehman at tended a Home Bureau lesson on “Filling the Cookie Jar*’ in Salaman ca Tuesday, Mis3 Marion Ehman, a student of the Deaconess hospital in Buffalo spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Will Ehman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neubach and Mrs. Bertha Smith motored to Springville, Sardinia and Delevan Sunday. Chester Ehnian and Bette Ehman were in Little Valley and Salamanca Mrs. W. C. Willis of Salamanca was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Oyer Sunday. C. C. Folts was in Hamburg Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones are in St, Regis Falls this week, hunting and fishing. Richard Brunell of Buffalo was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ehnian. Mr. and Mrs. George Petrie went to Binghamton Friday to spend sev eral days with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ulmer. Mrs. Hayden Williams was in Buf falo Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson of Great Valley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Casper Ehman Sunday. Daniel Leyman of Machias spent several days of this week with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ehman. HUMPHREY of ler. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Worbers of North Chili spent the week-end with Rev. and Mrs. Charles Pike. By MISS MILDRED HEALY Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cooney Allegany were here Tuesday. Mx*. and Mi*s. Vincent Trowbridge were in Ellicottville Monday. Ralph Williams, Victor Snyder and James Healy called on Elmer Ernest Truhy attended a m eeting! Schwartz of East Otto Sunday, of the New York State Physics asso ciation at Rochester Friday. Rev. Bruce Middaugh attended the district conference of the Methodist church at Sugar Grove, Pa., Tuesday. Mr. and Ml*s. Albert Bergh of Perrysburg and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bastedo and son Kenneth of Leon visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Coyer Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Keith DeLong of Buffalo spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. R. Nichols and daugh ter of Buffalo and Mr. and Mrs. M. Nichols of Springville visited Mrs. Nellie Nichols Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ritter of Lavona spent the week-end with Mrs. J. Arm strong. Mr. and Mrs. L. Forrester, Beverly Klotz were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Forester at East Otto. Merrill Houghton is a medical pa tient at Salamanca. Mrs. Mary Whiting and Miss Blanche Richard have left for Wash ington, D. C. to spend the winter with Mrs. Whiting’s brother, Henry Calver. Mrs. Aldene Mattocks of Paterson, N. J., is visiting at the Burger home. • Mrs. Effie Rhodes was in Olean Friday. Mrs. Arthur Cleveland was in Lit tle Valley last week. Mrs. John Kisak and family were in Salamanca Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Healy and daughter, Bei*nard Healy, called on Thomas Healy in Machias Sunday. Howard Cooney has caught several coons already this season. Miss Eugenia Snyder of Sugartown was here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thoas Mett, of Hum phrey Center, and Mrs. Levi Chap man and granddaughter of Frank- linville called on Mrs. Grace Scott Saturday. Mrs. Clarence Thurston was in Lit tle Valley Thursday. Mrs. Jennie Sanford called on her <on. Fred, in Peth Thursday. Miss Minnie Healy as in Ashford Hollow Saturday. Mrs. Joseph McCune spent a few days last week in Ellicottville, Charles Wineford of Ellicottville was here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Rivers called on their daughter, Mrs. Walter Whit comb of Great Valley last week. Dean Reynolds of Sugartown was Marjorie Ashton of Buffalo spent lu‘rCJ Monday. the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bradley and son of Niagara Falls visited Rev. and Mrs. Charles Pike Sunday. Miss Bessie Mulvey and Hugh Mul- vey of Wellsville spent several days with Mrs. Mate Mulvey. Marian Clarke is a surgical pa tient in Salamanca. —a----------- OTTO GREAT VALLEY By MRS. CHARLES NEWTON Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Smith of Killbuck called at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reed, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and children visited at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Poole, in Salamanca Sun day. A corn husking party was held at the home of Arthur Ehman Friday evening. There were 12 guests pres ent. Supper was served by Mrs. Eh man. Lee Munn and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greenlee of Bradford visited at Howard Herpst’s the first of the week. Mrs. Fred Lougee and Mrs. Howard Herpst were in Randolph and Red House Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen St. Clair of Buffalo are visiting his sister, Mrs. William Brown. Mr. Booth and family have moved into the Henry house. Mr. arid Mrs, Allen Fisher have moved into their new home in Bethel. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Block and family spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Elvers near Springville. , Mr. and Mrs, James Sargent of Bradford and Mr. and Sirs. A. M. Wilcox of Allegany visited at John Rider’s the first of the week. By MRS, GEORGE ARMSTRONG Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Saar of Bradford spent Sunday with Rev. Mr. Saar and family. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Philbrick of Forestville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R, H. Philbrick, Wilbur Dake of San Diego, Cal., Miss Dorothy Dake and Chauncey Dake of Kenmore were recent guests of Miss Olive Dake. Mr, and Mrs. A. P. Aust spent Fri day in West Valley. The Federated Ladies' Aid will hold a supper in the Masonic Hall Friday, November 18th# Mrs. Esther Hart entertained the officers of the Federated Ladies' Aid Monday evening when plans were made for the year’s activities. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells of Cot tage were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong. Mrs. B. J. Cotrael, Mrs, T. P. Truby and Mrs. R. H. Philbrick spent Friday in Buffalo. NAPOLI By MRS. HAROLD GOODRICH Miss Theo Burroughs was in James town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of Great Val ley spent Wednesday with Mr. and. Mrs. Melvin Lowe. Mrs, Helen Ellis and son John and Mr. Denfcer called on Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bailey Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Waite and daughter were in Cattaraugus Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Manley of Ridg- REPUBLICANS WIN CONTROL IN STATESENATE 12 New Members Elect ed to Senate, 34 to As sembly — One N e w Senator a Democrat, Others Republicans New York, Nov. 9 (IP). — Forty- six new faces for New York’s two- house, 201-member legislature were assured today by election returns that gave Republicans control of both branches. They recaptured control in the Senate. Twelve of the new members were elected to the 51-member Senate, and 84 to the 150-seat Assembly. Meantime five 1938 assemblymen — James W. Riley, Cattaraugus; Fred A. Young, Lowville; Peter H. Ruvolo, Brooklyn; Phelps Phelps and Carl Pack of New York City— shifted to the smaller house, Fledgling legislators— and in a few instances one-time members of either Senate or Assembly—will in clude one Democrat and 11 Repub licans in the Senate and 20 Demo crats and 14 Republicans in the As sembly. Democrats Defeated Democratic senators who fell in the upstate Republican battle for legislative control include Francis L. McElroy, Syracuse; -James A. Gar- rity, Yonkers; Emmett L. Doyle, and George F. Rogers of Rochester. They were replaced by District At torney William C. Martin, Onondaga; William F. Condon. Westchester; Rodney B. Janes and Karl K. Beeh- told, Monroe County. Democratic Assemblyman Arthur J. Doran and Earl Lagenbacher were defeated in Westchester and Monroe Counties respectively by Republicans Malcolm Wilson and George Man ning. Two more Democratic incumbents, Assemblyman Emmet J. Roach. Clin ton, and James J. Carroll, Albany, were unseated by Republicans Leslie G. Ryan and John McBain. Three Democratic seats were re claimed, however, when Irwin D. Davidson, former Assemblyman, de feated Republican Incumbent W il liam T. Middleton, and Anthony Guida displaced Republican Walter V. Fitzgerald in New York County. James G. Lyons won over Republi can Assemblyman William A. Chand ler, Sullivan County. ---------- o----------- LEHFAN IS RE-ELECTED (Continued from Page One) and other cities as well as in New York where warrants were issued for 33 persons. Attorney General John J, Bennett, Jr., announced 1,582 Manhattan reg istrations were under police scrutiny and that in Brooklyn 1,295 unverified registrations were listed. Dewey's office checked scores of challenged registrations in seven Assembly dis tricts. Thousands of special assist ant attorneys general were designat ed for polling place duty. All of the city’s 18,000 police were assigned to hold known hoodlums and criminals in a round-up during vot ing hours. WILLOUGHBY By MRS. LOUIS REED Mr. and Mrs. William Hogue and daughter visited their parents in Hinsdale and Farmers Valley Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Fay visited their daughter in Olean this week. Mi*, and Mrs. Frank Schroeder and Glenn Schroeder visited in South Wales, Monday. Lee Washburn has had electricity installed in his home. Franklin Raecher was in Dayton Sunday. A. A. Butterfield was 'in Buffalo last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nagle were in Buffalo Sunday. Mrs. Eugene Senear and daughter Barbara of Franklinville were week end guests of her daughter, Mrs. Her man Curtis. The Rod and Gun club met with Mr. and Mrs. Tombs Saturday even ing. Refreshents were served. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Childs of Humphrey visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Fedick Tuesday. . ------___«— -------- MAPLES Wednesday. His mother, Mrs. Walter Hiller is remaining at her sister’s with him, Mr. and Mrs.‘Ashley Ditcher yisit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blendinger at Little Valley Friday, Mrs, J. M, Burdick and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dunn at Salamanca Monday evening to celebrate Helen' Bur,dick’s birth day. Mrs. Margaret Broas and children, Mrs. Louise Johns, Robert Comstock of Buffalo were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Comstock. Mr. Corn- stock, Mrs. Broas. Mrs. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Comstock and Miss Jane Comstock motored to Allegany State Park and Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Diteher took Mrs. Clara Seymour to her home at Lancaster Monday. Catherine Durfee of Little Valley spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Ditcher, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ditcher and Catherine Durfee visited at Farmers- ville Sunday. TOM WILSON CHOSEN MAYOR; MAJORITY 900 (Continued from Page One) Lieutenant Governor Poletti .............................. 1727 Bontecou ................................. 1723 Plurality ......................... 4 Comptroller Tremaine ..................... 1703 Eothstein .................... 1564 Post ....................................... 57 Plurality .................... 229 Attorney General Bennett .............................. 1680 McDermott ................................ 16 45 O’Leary ............................ 85 Plurality ............................... 35 U. S. Senate (Long Term) W agner ............................ 1881 O’Brian ................................ 1624 Plurality ...................... 257 U. S. Senate (Short Term) Mead .......................................1983 Corsi ............................................. 1412 Plurality ............................ 571 Representatives at Large (2) Merritt ................................. 1681 O’Day .................................... 1692 Rodgers ..................................... 1679 Seandrett .... 1653 W elfare Commissioner Robinson 2279 Lynde ...................................... 1183 Plurality ... . Congressman Carlson Reed ............... 1096 1752 1719 Plurality . 33 State Senate Handley .... ............... 1529 Riley . ................................. 1764. Plurality ......................... 235 Asseblyman Hogue ................................... 1558 Kingsbury ............... 1706 Plurality 148 NORTH VALLEY By MRS. J. C. GRIFFITH Mr. and Mrs. Mark Windsor visit ed at Harry Foster’s in Mansfield Saturday. Richard Johnson, who has been at Mark Windsor’s the last onth, has re turned to Akron, O. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Phillips of Salamanca called at Mark Windsor’s Sunday. Miss Arline Waite was home Sun day from Ellicottville. Mrs. Otto Kahler is spending a few days in Little Valley. Louis Miller and family, Arthur Glow and family, Mrs. Augusta Glow and William Miller and family were at Emil Glow’s in Pigeon Valley Sun day evening. Mrs. Colburn of Gowanda visited her sister, Mrs. Ella Waite Sunday. Howard Waite, son of the late Harry Waite, is in a C. C. C. camp in California. He first entered a camp at Machias. LABOR’S RIGHTS BILL, HOUSING ARE ADOPTED Amendments on Grade Crossings and Use of State Funds for Wel fare Approved — Re- apportionment One of Three Defeated New York, Nov. 9 (IP) —Incom plete returns indicated today that New York voters accepted four con stitutional amendments and reject ed three. The fate of the others was doubt ful, with comparatively small margins indicating their possible adoption. The three proposals stressed the most in campaign speeches were turned down by substantial majori ties. They were: No. 2, which would reapportion Senate and Assembly districts, thus increasing membership is both branches of the legislature. No. 5, to create a tenth judicial district and provide judicial review- on both law and facts of administra tive agency decisions. No, 7, to prohibit election of public officials by any system of propor tional representation. Adopt Labor’s Bill of Rights The voters declared a “bill of rights” for labor by adopting the sixth proposal, providing for mini mum wages, maximum hours and the right of workers to organize and bargain collectively. Another “liberal” amendment adopted was the fourth, which author ized the state to borrow $300,000,* 000 for low cost housing and slum clearance and to expand the debt lim it of cities. The citizenry, by adopting the third proposal, reduced the rail roads’ share of the cost of grade crossing eliminations from 50 per cent, to 15, and by approving the eighth amendment, permitted the use of state funds for social welfare and provided, by insurance or other wise, against the hazards of unem ployment, illness or old age. Still in some doubt, with a little more than two-thirds of the election districts reported, was the first amendment, an omnibus proposition providing, among other things, broad er home rule and permanent registra tion of voters. Its proponents were leading by about 200,000 votes. The ninth amendment, permitting New York Gity to purchase and unify its transit facilities, was adopted by about 500,000. Crude Production Rises Bradford, Nov. 8— The production of crude oil in the Bradford field av eraged 38,999 barrels daily last week; an increase of 2.050 barrels over the figures of the preceding week, ac cording to the Bradford District Oil Producers association. The Allegany field averaged 8,858 barrels, an in crease of 258 barrel? over the figure* of the previous week. Hunter’* Finger Shot Off Warren, Nov. 7.-—Leroy Coates, 50, of Russell, R. D, 2, is in the War ren general hospital with the index finger of his left hand amputated as the result of the season’s second hunting accident in Warren County. According to reports, Coates had his finger over the end of his shotgun when it was accidentally discharged. By MISS JANE COMSTOCK The Home Bureau met with Mrs. Denton Burroughs at Eddyville Tues day. A tureen dinner was held. This was the second lesson in glove mak ing, Thursday afternoon the Home Bureau met with Mrs# Clarence Skeels for a lesson, on head purses, given by Mrs. Milton Burdick, Four teen were present. j Mrs, Frank Franze and Mrs. Enos Eddy were at Salamanca Wedncs- j day. Mrs, Frank Franze and Mrs. Edith W ulff were at Olean, Thursday, way visited hore Thursday. | Douglass Hiller was taken from Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fellows were the hospital to the home of his aunt, | in Salamanca Fridayevening, (Mr*. Iva Woqdard in Salatmanca Johns Hopkins university and hos pital were founded through a $7,- 000,000 bequest made by a Baltimore merchant of that name. DEAD STOCK REMOVED FREE HORSES-COWS-ETC. DARLING & CO. CALL COLLECT TRAVEL B&O .and arrive on time PITTSBURGH KUFFAL0 - ROCHESTER In addition to the time- saving advantage when you travel by train, JB & O offers you the comforts of a quiet, restful journey in air-conditioned Pullmans and Individual Seat Coaches — free from all worries about traffic and weather conditions. $ to Pittsburgh Lv. E. Salamanca 10:50 A.M. A t . {Pittsburgh . . 5:50 P.M. ( Air-Cenditiened Parlcr-Dirdng Cert Individual SeatCoach) Lv. E. Salamanca 1:05 A.M. Ar. Pittsburgh * . 7:55 AM. (Steeping Car tsithJ^tving.Room, Prisam Sections and Regular Strtksi Coaches) , # to Buffalo Lv. E. Salamanca 5:42AM.,9:15AM*4:27P.M. Ar. Buffalo 7:40AM., 11:00 AM&20PJ1. •I&sceptSunday • to Rochester Lv. E. Salamanca 5:40 A M .. » 4:29 P.M. Ar. Rochester 3:20 A M .. . 7:35 P.M. a. -i OtO way y«e«aj*r shawmI Rflteestejjee w* e hMpitakty. Tar iHfammim Cotuuit Agml .BALTIMORE £0H!0P i 1

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Dr, Ralph Bohn Address­es P. T. A. Members

D r. R alph B ohn o f th e S ta te hospit­a l, Gow anda, gave an a d d ress,a t th e h igh school M onday even ing under th e ausp ices o f th e P . T, A . H e sp oke on Child Guidance.

A m ong th ose from here who a t­ten d ed th e fu n era l o f R obert P ear­so n in A rcade M onday w ere: Mr. an d M rs. N o e l Pearson , Mr. and Mrs. Carl P earson , Mr. and Mrs. James ghaw, Mr. and Mrs. William Hintze,M r, and Mrs, Carl Langhans, Mr, and M rs. Howard W hitmore, Mr. and Mrs.Henry Whitmore, Philip Champlin, W. R, Murdock, James Curci, FloydBeckwith, W ard M attoon, Mrs. J . H. B anton , M iss Ola K idney, M iss R ose F aulkner, Mrs. R ay Carroll, and Mrs. M arie Schultz.

M rs. F rances M urdock has accept­ed th e loca l chairmanship o f the Red Cross and w ill soon announce her com m ittee.

N o e l . Pearson and Carl Pearson, w ith th e ir w ives, w ere called to A r­cade because o f the death o f their father- Saturday.

Mi’, and Mrs. L. L. Lane and son N orton Lane w ere a t Lee B lendin- g er’s Sunday.

T he Ladies Aid Society of the C ongregational church w ill hold th eir annual bazaar D ec. 1 and 2.

Jerry Champlin, son o f Mr. and M rs. Philip Champlin, is hom e from 'Salamanca, w here he underw ent an operation fo r appendicitis. H e is im proving.

Mrs. Crete D urfee is critically ill a t th e hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. Lee B lendinger.

Mrs. Gladys A rcher o f C onewango and Mr. and Mrs. A sh ley D itcher o f M aples w ere here Friday because o f M rs. D u rfee’s illness.

T he W . C. T. U . m et Friday after­n oon w ith Mrs. F . C. W illard.

T he A thena Guild entertained the Springville Study _ Club Thursday ev en in g a t the hom e o f Mrs. D. B. H arrington , The program w as pre­sen ted b y the v isitin g organization.

Mrs. M innie A xelby w as home fro m E ast Otto Thursday evening.

Mr. W ing from E ast O tto called h ere Thursday evening w hile on the w a y to see Ms granddaughter, who is a surgical patien t in the Salam anca hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A ust and fa m ily exp ect to m ove to W arren the la tter part o f th is week. He has perm anent em ploym ent there.

G. A . M iddleton returned M onday ( -fro m N ew York, w hither he w as ca lled because o f the illness o f his daughter, V ivian, who w as a surgical p a tien t fo r appendicitis in Crown H eigh ts hospital, Brooklyn. He says sh e is doing well.

Mrs. Crete D urfee continues to be cr itica lly ill. N o hopes are enter­ta in ed fo r her recovery.

M iss Ruth Hall o f Salam anca w as h ere M onday afternoon because o f th e illn ess o f Mrs. D urfee.

M iss E velyn Lloyd w as hom e from A ndover fo r the w eek-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Harlow- Hildum and children o f Sharon. Pa., w ere here Saturday.



Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Y oungs o f Contand -were gu ests o f his m other.Mrs, Gertrude Y oungs from Saturday un til Tuesday. On Sunday, Mrs. A ut­um n Bushnell and son Frank of Na­poli and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Cross and fam ily o f Cassadaga w ere alsopresent.

Mi*, and Mrs. Francis R eitz w ere in C orry Sunday,

Mr. and Mrs. H arry Campbell w ere in O lean W ednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank R eitz and John R eitz w ere in E llington Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell sp en t Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. H ar­old F ellow s in Napoli,

E . C. H olt o f Olean w as a g u est o f Mr. and Mrs. E arle H olt Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs, M ilton F la g g and L ew is Clarke o f K illbuck and Mrs. D ella Pow ers o f Bradford w ere Sun­day callers a t th e hom e o f L ee Mor­rison.

M iss M abel M orrison, Miss Kather­in e Marsh and Frank M orrison w ere in Jam estow n W ednesday.

Mrs. Z illa Marsh and daughter and G eorge Van N am e o f Randolph w ere g u e s ts o f Mrs. B lanche Cain Sunday.

CARROLLTONBy MRS. WILLIAM CAMPBELLA nnouncem ent is m ade o f th e mar­

r ia g e o f Mark L ycett and R osella B en scoter o f H azelton, Pa., O ctobernls t .

D onald H ogan and fam ily o f Fre- donia and Edward H ogan o f Buffalo w ere Sunday gu ests a t P. J , H ogan's.

Mr*. R ussell L ycett and son R obert w ere in O lean Tuesday.

Law D arling and fam ily o f Jam es- w ere gu ests a t B urt D arling's

Sunday.Carl C ed em a n , w ho has been a tten t a t St. F rancis hospital, has

returned hom e, m uch im proved.Mrs, Corbin of Limestone is spend­

in g a fe w d ays w ith Mrs, Frank 5Si«»

George French and William Camp hell were in Ohm Tuesday.

Variety Shower Held for Gerald Boyer, Bride -

. B y MRS. MELVIN GODFREY . .A v a r ie ty show er w as held fo r Mr.

and M rs, G erald B oyer, new lyw eds, a t th e Tow n H all Saturday. The eve­n in g w a s sp en t a t dancing. T hose fro m aw ay included Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edm unds o f R ichburg, Mr. and Mrs. R odney A nderson, and Mr. and Mrs. G eorge B oyer o f Randolphand Mi*, and Mrs. John Arrance of Jamestown.

Mr. and Mrs. R oy B en n ett o f Cory- don w ere recen t v isitors a t the hom eof Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ostrander.

Mr. and Mrs, La V ern M orton andson B illy o f Salam anca and Miss Gertrude W aite o f N apoli spent W ednesday a t th e hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. R oy Ostrander.

Mr. and Mrs. B urlie Shoem aker and daughters o f Gowanda spent Sunday even ing a t the hom e o f Mrs. M yrtle Shoem aker.

Mr. and Mrs. Jam es W entw orth o f L ittle V alley spent Sunday a t the hom e o f A lbert Frink.

H erbert B en n ett o f Salam anca visited here Thursday evening.

Mrs. M argaret Hubbard has or­ganized a 4-H club fo r girls from 10 up.

The Ladies’ A id m et W ednesday w ith Mrs. L eona Prevorce. D inner w as served a t noon.

Mi*, and Mrs. M elvin G odfrey w ere in L ittle V a lley Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold G reely and daughters Shirley o f B rookville, Pa., w ere w eek-end g u ests o f Mr. and Mrs. Carl G reely.


An eight pound son w as born to Lyle and Agnes Garvey Brand at a Jam estow n H ospital N ovem ber 4th.

Mrs. B elle E aston o f ■ So. D ayton and H arvey B rom ley and fam ily vis­ited Mr. and Mrs. W ard M artin a t B rant Sunday. Mr. B rom ley and L io­nel also called on relatives at A n­gola.

Mr. and Mrs. George K ysor and daughter o f W yzata, Minn., Frank K ysor o f E llin gton , A lbert W aite and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan W aite o f Peace- vale, w ere a t Lewis K ysor’s recently .

B ert Sprague and son o f S ilver Creek, Mrs. Earl Y oung, Mrs. Charles Pritchard and daughter, and Miss A lice K ellogg o f Cherry Creek, w ere callers a t E lv in Sm ith’s la st w eek.

Mr. and Ml’s. M arion A ckler m ot­ored to Jam estow n Saturday.

LeAvis K ysor and M ajor Szym a- ski attended th e Rod and Gun Club supper a t South D ayton W ednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. G um F erry and fam ­ily o f near F orestv ille v isited at W ar­ren H ow ell’s Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. G ilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Shotw ell o f N iagara Falls visited a t M arion A ckler’s Sunday.

Mrs. Lew is K ysor attended a W. C. T. U. m eeting a t Mrs. George T y­ler ’s at South D ayton Friday,

Mrs. E lm er B rom ley and Mrs. Mar­ion A ckler attended an associate del­ega tes m eeting o f the H om e Bureau a t L ittle Valley W ednesday.


PLATOMr. and Mrs. W ill W ehust had as

Sunday aftern oon gu ests Harold and Floris D unklem an and Irene M eier o f 'Buffalo and Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Nan-nen and fam ily o f Som m erville V al­ley.

Mr. and Mrs. F rank Langhans andH ildegarde N annen w ere in Spring- ville Sunday.

Mx*. and Mrs. Alton Gowin and children o f C attaraugus sp en t Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. H ughes Langhans.

Mr. and Mrs. Leland W estfa ll w ere in Springville Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. B arnhart w ere inSpringville W ednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Langhans had as Sunday even ing g u ests Harold and F loris D unklem an and M iss Irene M eier o f B uffalo and Mr. and Mrs. A lton Gowin and fam ily o f C attar­augus.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles N annen had as Sunday g u ests Mrs. E llen H euer. Mrs. L ucille B arlow and son o f D un­kirk and Mr. and M rs. H erm an N an­nen and fam ily o f E llicottv ille .



B y MRS. H. C. CHAM BERLAINMi*s. M able S tacey w ill entertain

the W . C. T. U . soc iety Thursday.W illiam Lockwood is em ployed a t

th e sta te hospital a t Gowanda and H om er P easlee is em ployed on th e Lockw ood farm .

Mrs* Luna W ellm an is convales­c in g from a sev ere illness.

Mrs. Hannah Blood is spending som e tim e a t the hom e o f her daugh­ter, Mrs. Pearl A nderson, in Fal- conei*.

C harles Gifford ha3 returned from C hicago w here he has been studying D iese l engineering.

Mr. and Mrs, L. D. Blood o f Jam estown w ere here W ednesday.

Mr, and Mrs. G uy N ourse and fam ­ily sp en t Sunday in Olean w ith their daughter, Mrs, D a le Johnson.

M rs. H. 0 , C ham berlain and M rs. Ida P ike o f R andolph w ere in E lli- cottville Wednesday,

B y M RS. M ILLIE TUQTO Mr, and Mrs. V ern A rnold and son

B obby o f Salam anca called on Mrs. C orey Goodrich Sunday,

Mr. and Mrs. F rank Tuoto arid daughter A deline spent th e w eek­end in Jam estow n,

Mr. and Mrs. C harles Miftnick and fam ily o f Randolph called on Mrs. O rville F rance Sunday.

Jack H am ilton and son Charles o f Salam anca w ere here Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. L eR oy T uoto o f A lle ­gan y called on Mrs. Frank Tuoto Sunday.



By MRS. JOHN ARMSTRONGMr. and Mrs, C linton W hipple o f

Olean and Mr. and Mrs. E lm er .O l­sen and daughter JoA nn o f Jam es­tow n spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrb. Karl W ienk. Mr. and Mrs.H arry Kneulow and fam ily o f Eden,Mrs. H. Grimm and son Jack ie o f Ot­to and Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Cum ings o f L im estone w ere Sunday visitors.

Mrs. L illian Johnson Saw yer o f Cum berland Center, M aine, is spend­in g som e tim e w ith Rev. and Mrs.Charles P ike and in Collins Center.

Mi*, and Mrs. E lm er Prince and I Monday fam ily o f M arkhams spent Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. N orton N ichols.

F irem en w ere called Friday eve­n in g to th e hom e o f Sam M osher o f Jefferson street to extinguish a chim ­n ey fire.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Clark and daugh­ter o f Springville w ere gu ests Sun­day o f Mi*, and Mrs. Vern Hart.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. W eir and daughter Barbara J*ne o f Loekport spent th e w eek-end flf Ji Mr. and Mrs.H enry Locke.

Mr. and Mrs. H. V anA ernam and Mr. and Mrs. A rtw ell H all v isited Mr. and Mrs. Oral P eters a t Leon Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H enry M erow at­tended the fu n era l o f E . P lastow a t N orth Tonaw anda Saturday.

M iss Janice Sikes o f E ast Otto spent the w eek-end w ith D orothy Gowin.

Mr. and Mrs. N eil D ake and son of E benezer and M iss E llen Dake o f B atavia spent the w eek-end here.

Frank K ujaneck is a m edical pa­tien t a t Salam anca.

Mrs. W ill E llis and son o f Otto spent M onday w ith Mrs. Sophia Glaz-

John Drayer Die$ After Long Illness

B y,M R S . CHESTER EHMANJohn D rayer died a t h is hom e here

F riday night. H e had b een in ill health th e past year, L ast r ite s w ere held fro m the fa m ily residence T ues­day w ith R ev. Mr. D rew o ffic io tin g .

L eo Berrihoft, who is in the Sala­m anca hospital, is v ery m uch im prov­ed and w ill soon be ab le to com e home.

Mr. and Mrs. W alter Ehnian spent Sunday in B arre C enter w ith Mrs. Clara N oble.

Mrs, Charles G roff, Mrs, L, 0 , W est and Mrs. Chester Ehm an a t­tended a H om e B ureau lesson on “F illin g the Cookie Jar*’ in Salam an­ca Tuesday,

Mis3 M arion Ehm an, a student o f the D eaconess hospital in B u ffa losp en t th e w eek-end w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W ill Ehm an.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank N eubach and Mrs. B ertha Sm ith m otored to Springville, Sardinia and D elevan Sunday.

C hester Ehnian and B ette Ehman were in L ittle V a lley and Salam anca

Mrs. W. C. W illis o f Salam anca w as th e g u est o f Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Oyer Sunday.

C. C. F olts w as in Ham burg Sun­day

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones are in St, R egis F a lls th is w eek, h u nting and fishing.

Richard Brunell o f Buffalo w as a w eek-end g u est o f Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ehnian.

Mr. and Mrs. George P etrie w ent to B ingham ton F riday to spend sev­eral days w ith Mr. and Mrs. W illard Ulm er.

Mrs. H ayden W illiam s w as in B u f­fa lo W ednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jam es R obinson o f G reat V alley w ere g u ests o f Mr. and Mrs. Casper Ehm an Sunday.

D aniel Leym an o f M achias spent several days o f th is w eek with Mr. and Mrs. C hester Ehman.



ler.Mr. and Mrs. Milton W orbers of

N orth Chili spent the w eek-end with R ev. and Mrs. Charles Pike.

By M ISS M ILDRED HEALY Mr. and Mrs. D ouglas Cooney

A llegany w ere here Tuesday.Mx*. and Mi*s. V incent Trowbridge

were in E llico ttv ille Monday.Ralph W illiam s, V ictor Snyder and

Jam es H ealy called on E l m e rE rn est Truhy attended a m e e t in g ! Schwartz o f E ast Otto Sunday,

o f the N ew York State Physics asso­ciation a t R ochester Friday.

Rev. Bruce M iddaugh attended the d istr ic t con ference o f the M ethodist church a t Sugar Grove, Pa., Tuesday.

Mr. and Ml*s. A lb ert Bergh o f P errysburg and Mr. and Mrs, Frank B astedo and son K enneth o f Leon visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Coyer Sun­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Keith D eLong of Buffalo spent the w eek-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson.

Mr. and Mrs. R. N ichols and daugh­ter o f Buffalo and Mr. and Mrs. M. N ichols o f Springville v isited Mrs. N ellie N ichols Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl R itter o f Lavona spent the w eek-end w ith Mrs. J. Arm ­strong.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Forrester, B everly K lotz w ere Sunday gu ests o f Mr. and Mrs. C lyde F orester a t E ast Otto.

M errill H oughton is a m edical pa­tien t a t Salam anca.

Mrs. Mary Whiting and Miss Blanche Richard have le f t for W ash­ington, D. C. to spend the w interw ith Mrs. W hiting’s brother, H enry Calver.

Mrs. A ldene M attocks o f Paterson, N. J., is v is itin g a t the B urger hom e. •

Mrs. E ff ie Rhodes was in Olean Friday.

Mrs. Arthur Cleveland was in Lit­tle V alley last w eek.

Mrs. John K isak and fam ily were in Salam anca Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank H ealy and daughter, Bei*nard H ealy, called on Thom as H ealy in M achias Sunday.

Howard C ooney has caught several coons already th is season.

Miss E u gen ia Snyder o f Sugartow n was here Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Thoas M ett, of Hum­phrey C enter, and Mrs. Levi Chap­man and granddaughter o f Frank- linville called on Mrs. Grace Scott Saturday.

Mrs. C larence Thurston was in L it­tle V alley Thursday.

Mrs. Jennie Sanford called on her <on. Fred, in Peth Thursday.

Miss M innie H ealy as in A shford Hollow Saturday.

Mrs. Joseph McCune spent a few days la st w eek in E llicottv ille ,

Charles W ineford o f E llicottv ille was here M onday.

Mr. and Mrs. LaVern R ivers called on their daughter, Mrs. W alter W hit­comb of G reat V a lley la st w eek.

Dean R eynolds of Sugartown wasMarjorie Ashton of Buffalo spent lu‘rCJ Monday.

the week-end a t home.Mr. and Mrs. R obert Bradley and

son of Niagara Falls visited Rev. and Mrs. Charles P ike Sunday.

Miss Bessie Mulvey and Hugh Mul- v ey o f W ellsville spent several days w ith Mrs. M ate Mulvey.

M arian Clarke is a surgical pa­tien t in Salam anca.




Mr. and Mrs. A drian Sm ith o f K illbuck called a t th e hom e o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W alter R eed, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and children v isited a t her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W . Poole, in Salam anca Sun­day.

A corn husking party w as held a t the hom e o f Arthur Ehm an Friday even ing. There w ere 12 g u ests pres­en t. Supper w as served by Mrs. Eh­man.

L ee Munn and Mr. and Mrs. Charles G reenlee o f B radford v isited a t H oward H erpst’s the first o f th e w eek.

Mrs. Fred Lougee and Mrs. Howard Herpst were in Randolph and Red House Wednesday and Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. A llen St. Clair o f B uffalo are v isiting h is s ister, Mrs. W illiam Brow n.

Mr. B ooth and fa m ily have m oved in to th e H enry house.

Mr. arid M rs, A llen F isher have m oved in to th e ir n ew hom e in B ethel.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Block and fam ily sp en t Sunday a t the hom e o f h er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard E lvers near Springville. ,

Mr. and M rs, Jam es Sargent o f B radford and Mr. and Sirs. A. M. W ilcox o f A llegany v isited a t John Rider’s th e first o f the w eek .

B y MRS, GEORGE ARM STRONGMr. and Mrs. Adolph Saar o f

B radford spent Sunday w ith Rev. Mr. Saar and fam ily .

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Philbrick o f F orestv ille spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R, H . Philbrick,

W ilbur D ake o f San D iego, Cal., M iss D orothy D ake and C hauncey D ake o f K enm ore w ere recen t gu ests o f M iss O live D ake.

Mr, and Mrs. A . P . A u st spent F ri­day in W est V alley .

The F ederated Ladies' Aid w ill hold a supper in the M asonic H all F riday, N ovem ber 18th#

Mrs. E sth er H art entertained th e officers o f th e F ed era ted Ladies' A id M onday even in g w hen plans w ere m ade fo r the y ea r’s activ ities.

Mr. and Mrs. R obert W ells o f Cot­ta g e w ere Sunday g u ests o f Mr. and Mrs. G eorge A rm strong.

Mrs. B. J . C otrael, Mrs, T. P . Truby and Mrs. R. H. Philbrick sp en t F riday in Buffalo.

NAPOLIB y MRS. H AROLD GOODRICHMiss Theo B urroughs w as in Jam es­

tow n W ednesday.Mr. and Mrs. T aylor o f G reat V al­

ley spent W ednesday w ith Mr. and. Mrs. M elvin Lowe.

Mrs, H elen E llis and son John and Mr. Denfcer called on Mr. and Mrs. E dw ard B a iley W ednesday,

Mr. and Mrs. E rn est W aite and daughter w ere in C attaraugus Satur­day evening.

Mr. and Mrs. P aul M anley o f Ridg-


STATE SENATE12 New Members Elect­

ed to Senate, 34 to As­sembly — One N e w Senator a Democrat, Others Republicans

N ew York, N ov. 9 (IP). — Forty- six new fa ces fo r N ew Y ork’s tw o- house, 201-m em ber legislature w ere assured today by election returns that gave R epublicans control o f both branches. They recap tured control in th e Senate.

Twelve of the new members were elected to the 51-member Senate, and84 to the 150-seat Assembly.

M eantim e five 1938 assem blym en — Jam es W. R iley, C attaraugus; Fred A . Y oung, L ow ville; P eter H. R uvolo, B rooklyn; Phelps Phelps and Carl Pack o f New Y ork C ity— shifted to th e sm aller house,

F led glin g leg isla tors— and in a fe w in stan ces one-tim e m em bers o f eith er Senate or A ssem bly— w ill in­clude one D em ocrat and 11 R epub­licans in the Senate and 20 D em o­crats and 14 R epublicans in the A s­sem bly.

Democrats DefeatedD em ocratic senators who fe ll in

th e upstate R epublican battle for leg isla tive control include Francis L. M cElroy, Syracuse; -James A. Gar- rity, Y onkers; E m m ett L. D oyle, and G eorge F . R ogers o f R ochester.

T hey w ere replaced by D istrict A t­torney W illiam C. M artin, Onondaga; W illiam F . Condon. W estchester; R odney B. Janes and Karl K. Beeh- told , M onroe County.

D em ocratic Assem blym an Arthur J. D oran and Earl Lagenbacher were defeated in W estchester and Monroe C ounties respectively by R epublicans M alcolm W ilson and George Man­ning.

Two more D em ocratic incum bents, A ssem blym an E m m et J. Roach. Clin­ton, and Jam es J. Carroll, Albany, w ere unseated by R epublicans Leslie G. Ryan and John M cBain.

Three Dem ocratic seats were re­claim ed, how ever, when Irwin D. Davidson, form er A ssem blym an, de­feated R epublican Incum bent W il­liam T. M iddleton, and A nthony Guida displaced Republican W alter V. F itzgerald in N ew York County. Jam es G. Lyons won over R epubli­can Assem blym an W illiam A. Chand­ler, Sullivan County.



(C ontinued from Page One)

and other c ities as well as in N ew York w here w arrants w ere issued for 33 persons.

A ttorney G eneral John J, B ennett, Jr., announced 1,582 M anhattan reg­istrations w ere under police scrutiny and th a t in Brooklyn 1,295 unverified reg istrations w ere listed. D ew ey's office checked scores o f challenged reg istrations in seven A ssem bly dis­tricts. Thousands o f special assist­ant attorneys general w ere d esign at­ed fo r po lling place duty.

A ll o f th e c ity ’s 18 ,000 police were assigned to hold known hoodlums and crim inals in a round-up during vot­in g hours.


Mr. and Mrs. W illiam H ogue and daughter visited the ir paren ts inHinsdale and Farmers Valley Sun­day.

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. F ay visited their daughter in Olean th is w eek.

Mi*, and Mrs. Frank Schroeder and Glenn Schroeder v isited in South Wales, Monday.

Lee W ashburn has had electric ity installed in his home.

Franklin R aecher w as in D ayton Sunday.

A . A. B u tterfie ld was 'in B u ffa lo la st w eek.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. N agle w ere in B u ffa lo Sunday.

Mrs. E u gen e Senear and daughter Barbara o f F ranklinville w ere w eek­end gu ests o f her daughter, Mrs. H er­man Curtis.

T he Rod and Gun club m et w ith Mr. and Mrs. Tom bs Saturday even­ing. R efresh en ts w ere served.

Mr. and Mrs. F o rest Childs o f H um phrey v isited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irv ing Fedick Tuesday.

.------___«— --------


W ednesday. His m other, Mrs. W alter H iller is rem ain ing a t her sister’s w ith him,

Mr. and M rs.‘A sh ley D itcher y is it- ed Mr. and Mrs. L ee B lendinger a t L ittle V a lley Friday,

Mrs, J. M, B urdick and children w ere g u ests o f Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dunn a t Salam anca M onday evening to celebrate Helen' Bur,dick’s birth­day.

Mrs. M argaret Broas and children, Mrs. L ouise Johns, R obert Com stock o f B uffalo w ere Sunday gu ests o f Mr. and Mrs. E. E . Comstock. Mr. Corn- stock, Mrs. Broas. Mrs. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. E . E. Com stock and M iss Jane C om stock m otored to A llegany S ta te Park and Bradford.

Mr. and Mrs. A sh ley D iteher took Mrs. Clara Seym our to her hom e a tLancaster Monday.

Catherine D urfee of L ittle Valleyspent the w eek-end w ith Mr. and Mrs. A shley D itcher,

Mr. and Mrs. A. S. D itcher and Catherine D urfee visited a t Farm ers- ville Sunday.


MAJORITY 900(Continued from Page One)

L i e u t e n a n t G o v e r n o rPoletti .............................. 1727Bontecou ................................. 1723

Plurality ......................... 4C o m p t r o l l e r

Trem aine ..................... 1703E o th s te in .................... 1564Post ....................................... 57

P l u r a l i t y .................... 229A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l

B ennett .............................. 1680M c D e r m o t t ................................ 16 45O’Leary ............................ 85

P l u r a l i t y ............................... 35U . S . S e n a t e ( L o n g T e r m )

W a g n e r ............................ 1881O’Brian ................................ 1624

P l u r a l i t y ...................... 2 5 7U . S . S e n a t e ( S h o r t T e r m )

Mead .......................................1983C orsi ............................................. 1 4 1 2

P l u r a l i t y ............................ 571Repre sen ta t ive s at L a r g e ( 2 )

M erritt ................................. 1681O’D ay .................................... 1692R odgers ..................................... 1679Seandrett . . . . 1653

W e l f a r e C o m m is s io n e r Robinson 2279Lynde ...................................... 1183

Plurality . . . .C o n g r e s s m a n

CarlsonReed ...............


1 7 5 21 7 1 9

Plurality . 33S t a t e S e n a t e

H andley . . . . ...............1529R iley . ................................. 1764.

P lurality ......................... 235A s s e b ly m a n

Hogue ...................................1558K in g s b u r y ............... 1706

Plurality 148


Mr. and Mrs. Mark W indsor v isit­ed a t H arry F oster’s in M ansfield Saturday.

Richard Johnson, who has been at Mark W indsor’s the last onth, has re­tu rned to Akron, O.

Mr. and Mrs. E rnest Phillips o f Salamanca called at Mark Windsor’sSunday.

M iss A rline W aite w as hom e Sun­day from Ellicottville.

Mrs. Otto K ahler is spending a few days in L ittle V alley .

Louis M iller and fam ily , Arthur Glow and fam ily , Mrs. A ugusta Glow and W illiam M iller and fam ily w ere at Emil Glow’s in Pigeon Valley Sun­day evening.

Mrs. Colburn o f Gowanda visited her sister, Mrs. E lla W aite Sunday.

Howard Waite, son of the late H arry W aite, is in a C. C. C. camp in C alifornia. He f ir s t entered a camp a t M achias.


Crossings and Use of State Funds for Wel­fare Approved — Re- apportionment One of Three Defeated

New York, Nov. 9 (IP)— Incom­plete returns indicated today that N ew York voters accepted fou r con­stitu tional amendments and re jec t­ed three.

The fate of the others was doubt­ful, with comparatively small marginsindicating th e ir possible adoption.

The three proposals stressed the m ost in cam paign speeches w ere turned down by substantial m ajori­ties. T hey were:

N o. 2, which would reapportion Sen ate and A ssem bly d istricts, thus increasing m em bership is both branches o f the legislature.

No. 5, to create a tenth judicial district and provide judicial review- on both law and fa c ts o f adm inistra­tive agency decisions.

No, 7, to prohibit election o f public officials by any system o f propor­tional representation.

A dopt Labor’s B ill o f RightsThe voters declared a “bill o f

rights” for labor by adopting the sixth proposal, providing for m ini­mum w ages, maximum hours and the right o f workers to organize and bargain collectively .

A nother “ liberal” am endm ent adopted w as the fourth , which author­ized the sta te to borrow $300,000,* 000 for low cost housing and slum clearance and to expand the debt lim ­it o f cities.

The citizenry, by adopting the third proposal, reduced the rail­roads’ share o f the cost o f grade crossing elim inations from 50 per cent, to 15, and by approving the eighth am endm ent, perm itted the use of state funds for social w e lfa re and provided, by insurance or other­w ise, against the hazards o f unem ­ploym ent, illness or old age.

S till in som e doubt, w ith a little m ore than tw o-thirds o f the election districts reported, w as the first am endm ent, an om nibus proposition providing, am ong other things, broad­er home rule and perm anent registra­tion o f voters. Its proponents w ere leading by about 200,000 votes.

The ninth am endm ent, perm itting N ew York Gity to purchase and u n ify its tran sit facilities, was adopted by about 500,000.

Crude Production Rises Bradford, Nov. 8— The production

o f crude oil in the Bradford field av­eraged 38,999 barrels daily last week; an increase o f 2.050 barrels over the figu res o f the preceding week, ac­cording to the Bradford D istrict Oil Producers association. The A llegany fie ld averaged 8,858 barrels, an in­crease o f 258 barrel? over the figure* o f the previous w eek.

Hunter’* Finger Shot OffW arren, N ov. 7.-—Leroy C oates,

50, o f R ussell, R. D, 2, is in the W ar­ren general hospital w ith th e index fin g er o f h is le f t hand am putated as th e resu lt o f th e season’s second hunting accident in Warren County. A ccording to reports, C oates had his fin g er over the end o f h is shotgun w hen it w as accidentally discharged.

By M ISS JA N E COMSTOCK T he H om e B ureau m et w ith Mrs.

D enton B urroughs a t E ddyville T ues­day. A tureen dinner w as held. This w as th e second lesson in g love mak­ing, Thursday a ftern oon th e H om e B ureau m et w ith Mrs# C larence S k eels fo r a lesson, on h ead purses, g iv en b y Mrs. M ilton Burdick, Four­teen w ere present. j

M rs, F rank F ran ze and Mrs. E nos E ddy w ere a t Salam anca W edncs- j day.

Mrs, F rank F ranze and Mrs. E dith W u lff w e r e a t O lean, Thursday,

w ay v isited hore Thursday. | Douglass H iller was tak en fromMr. and Mrs. H arold F ellow s w e r e th e hospital to th e hom e o f h is aunt,

| in Salam anca F r id a y e v e n in g , (M r*. Iv a W oqdard in Salatmanca

Johns H opkins un iversity and hos­p ital w ere founded through a $7 ,- 000 ,000 bequest m ade by a B altim ore m erchant o f th a t nam e.



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