tone definitions

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  • 7/23/2019 Tone Definitions


    Tone VocabularyCompleted

    These are the words and definitions as of 5:00 pm on Monday, August 24, 2015

    Word Definition

    allusive having reference to something implied or inferred


    bantering joking; talking or exchanging remarks in a good-humoured way

    benevolent full of good and kindly feelingsburlesque cause to appear absurd by parodying or copying in an exaggerated form

    candid truthful and straightforward; frank and sincere

    clinical analytical or coolly dispassionate

    colloquial characteristic of familiar and informal conversation

    compassionate having empathy for something or someone

    complimentary nature of, conveying, or expressing compliment

    concerned interested or affected; troubled or anxious

    condescending full of haughty, patronizing superiority

    confident feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured

    contemptuous showing or expressing contempt or disdain; scornful

    contentious exhibiting an often perverse and wearisome tendency to quarrel and dispute

    cynical distrusting or disparaging the motives of others

    detached frigidly uninterested or impersonal

    didactic with the goal of teaching, especially morally

    diffident lacking confidence in ones own ability

    disdainful feeling disrespectful or rude

    dramatic exciting and impressive

    effusive expressing gratitude, pleasure, or approval

    elegiac expressing sorrow or lamentation

    facetious treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant

    factual objective retellingfanciful over imaginative and unrealistic

    flippant not showing a serious or respectful attitude

    impartial unbiased, fair

    incisive cuttingly clear and direct; acute

    indignant characterized by strong displeasure at something considered unjust

    inflammatory tending to rouse anger, hostility

    informative Written to educate and provide information

    insipid without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities

    insolent showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect

    ironic sarcastic, exaggerated, or understated

    irreverent lacking respectlearned having much knowledge; scholarly; erudite

    lugubrious looking or sounding sad and dismal

    mock-heroic imitating the style of heroic literature in order to satirize an unheroic subject

    mock-serious pretending to be serious as a joke

    moralistic characterized by a concern with morality

    objective based on the truth/actual events; unbiased

    patronizing displaying an offensively condescending manner

    pedantic overly appealing or overly drawn into details

    petty of little importance

  • 7/23/2019 Tone Definitions


    pretentious exaggerated show of dignity or importance

    restrained characterized by reserve or moderation; unemotional or dispassionate

    sardonic mocking and cynical; bitter derision

    satiric ironic, sarcastic


    sentimental dealing with feelings of tenderness, nostalgia, or sorrow

    somber dark or dull in color or tone; gloomy

    sympathetic showing approval of or favor toward an idea or action

    taunting marked by sarcasm or an insulting or jeering manner

    trifling unimportant or trivial

    turgid pompous, inflated, or overblown

    urgent compelling or requiring immediate action or attention; imperative; pressing

    vibrant exciting, stimulating, lively, and energetic

    whimsical playful, unpredictable

    Student generated words

    Word Definition

    critical finding faults by observing others or somethingsagacious showing form of knowledge, wisdom, or keen judgement

    brusque abrupt in manner; blunt; rough

    apathetic showing or feeling no concern or enthusiasm

    humorous cunning lighthearted laughter and amusing, comic

    scientific based on or characterized by the methods and principles of science

    bitter resentful because of prior bad treatment

    reverent deeply respectful

    ribald offensive in speech or gesture

    pretentious characterized by assumption of dignity or importance, especially when exaggerated orundeserved; pompous

    didactic in the manner of a teacher, particularly so as to treat someone in a patronizing way