tong valley walks

Walk 5 From Daleside Road this walk crosses a level crossing and proceeds to the West Royd Hill region of Pudsey by means of bridle tracks. It descends to the Holme Valley from where the return route climbs up through Fulneck over the top of West Royd Hill through the centre of Pudsey and returns to the start via the edge of the Stanningley By-Pass and the Chatsworth Estate(l) It is worthwhile looking round before even starting the walk for the Phoenix Golf Course on the right has an interesting history. It was made for its employees by the paternalistic owners of the factory at Thornbury. Known as the Dick Kerr Works, they made tram cars. They even anticipated women's lib by having a Ladies' Soccer Team who were practically World Champions at the time. The level crossing is over the main Bradford to Leeds line. If you are lucky the occasional Sprinter may be seen on its slow way from Bradford to Leeds. But be careful to listen for the bell warning that a train is coming. Further, where the walk drops down to Tyersal Beck the construction is of old fashioned 'setts' which are unfortunately being ripped up by horses as they struggle for grip on the sharp descent. Tyersal Beck goes on to become Pudsey Beck, then Farnley Beck and finally Wortley Beck before it joins the River Aire under Leeds City Station. On the steep bank nearby many of the local young motor cyclists practice their skills away from the main road. And it looks better fun as well. As the walk approaches West Royd Hill a disused railway embankment will be seen and later the path crosses the approach to a tunnel. This Great Northern line ran from Dudley Hill junction through Pudsey to Leeds. As the path passes a crag and drops into Holme Valley it is obvious that the valley has already been befriended by walkers. Notices have been defaced by local cowboys using them for target practice but the paths are well cared for. Shortly the path joins Fulneck Golf Course and where the path joins Keeper Lane is the junction of the ways. The main walk continues in Walk 6 to Tong while the return route climbs to Fulneck as another superb panorama unfolds. The famous Moravian community in Fulneck was established in 1744 and the school, in particular, has a high reputation. From the top of West Royd Hill the view is magnificent considering its modest height of about 630 feet. Leeds and Bradford can be seen and the view is almost circular. The path drops to Pudsey and two disused air vents for the tunnel can be seen. As the route leaves Pudsey it passes Pudsey St. Lawrence cricket ground where such great Yorkshire cricketers as Herbert Sutcliffe and Len Hutton were raised. Hutton also attended Fulneck School. There is also another lovely view as the path enters Queens Park recreation ground and on a clear day Beamsley Beacon can be seen poking up over the From the far end of Queens Park a return all along the road can be made but I have an aversion to walking on tar macadam and so an interesting diversion on a footpath which overlooks the Stanningley By-Pass and Pudsey New Station is used. From here there is no alternative to the road back to the start. But this does have the advantage of passing through a housing estate. I say this because my wife takes a certain vicarious delight in inspecting other people's property!

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Page 1: Tong Valley Walks

Walk 5 From Daleside Road this walk crosses a level crossing and proceeds to the West Royd Hill region of Pudsey by means of bridle tracks. It descends to the Holme Valley from where the return route climbs up through Fulneck over the top of West Royd Hill through the centre of Pudsey and returns to the start via the edge of the Stanningley By-Pass and the Chatsworth Estate(l) It is worthwhile looking round before even starting the walk for the Phoenix Golf Course on the right has an interesting history. It was made for its employees by the paternalistic owners of the factory at Thornbury. Known as the Dick Kerr Works, they made tram cars. They even anticipated women's lib by having a Ladies' Soccer Team who were practically World Champions at the time. The level crossing is over the main Bradford to Leeds line. If you are lucky the occasional Sprinter may be seen on its slow way from Bradford to Leeds. But be careful to listen for the bell warning that a train is coming. Further, where the walk drops down to Tyersal Beck the construction is of old fashioned 'setts' which are unfortunately being ripped up by horses as they struggle for grip on the sharp descent. Tyersal Beck goes on to become Pudsey Beck, then Farnley Beck and finally Wortley Beck before it joins the River Aire under Leeds City Station. On the steep bank nearby many of the local young motor cyclists practice their skills away from the main road. And it looks better fun as well. As the walk approaches West Royd Hill a disused railway embankment will be seen and later the path crosses the approach to a tunnel. This Great Northern line ran from Dudley Hill junction through Pudsey to Leeds. As the path passes a crag and drops into Holme Valley it is obvious that the valley has already been befriended by walkers. Notices have been defaced by local cowboys using them for target practice but the paths are well cared for. Shortly the path joins Fulneck Golf Course and where the path joins Keeper Lane is the junction of the ways. The main walk continues in Walk 6 to Tong while the return route climbs to Fulneck as another superb panorama unfolds. The famous Moravian community in Fulneck was established in 1744 and the school, in particular, has a high reputation. From the top of West Royd Hill the view is magnificent considering its modest height of about 630 feet. Leeds and Bradford can be seen and the view is almost circular. The path drops to Pudsey and two disused air vents for the tunnel can be seen. As the route leaves Pudsey it passes Pudsey St. Lawrence cricket ground where such great Yorkshire cricketers as Herbert Sutcliffe and Len Hutton were raised. Hutton also attended Fulneck School. There is also another lovely view as the path enters Queens Park recreation ground and on a clear day Beamsley Beacon can be seen poking up over the From the far end of Queens Park a return all along the road can be made but I have an aversion to walking on tar macadam and so an interesting diversion on a footpath which overlooks the Stanningley By-Pass and Pudsey New Station is used. From here there is no alternative to the road back to the start. But this does have the advantage of passing through a housing estate. I say this because my wife takes a certain vicarious delight in inspecting other people's property!

Page 2: Tong Valley Walks

Walk 6 This is one of only two walks that does not start at a convenient parking place so buses must be used or the walk commenced in the middle, say, at Tong. It actually starts from Fulneck bottom, climbs up to Tong and continues to Drighlington Church. The return route is a familiar one to keen walkers as it goes down the popular Cockersdale and returns to the start from Roker Lane Bottom alongside Pudsey Beck. Keeper Lane in its lower part is still paved. These paths are becoming rarer and ought to be guarded for they are precious. Horses and cows seem to be their worst enemies because their hooves break and tear up the paving stones. The fields on either side of Keeper Lane as it climbs to Tong have undergone as violent a transformation as any part of the walk. When I was young the scene was one of idyllic green fields with a fine view of Fulneck. Then when I was a teenager the fields were torn apart by the open cast mining of fireclay only to be returned amazingly to the idyllic green fields they now are. From this track can also be seen the fine 18th century Tong Hall —the oldest brick building in the old city of Bradford. Also visible is the old Manor House which is even older. As the track joins the road on the right look at the old village pump and the beautifully preserved pinfold. This, the notice informs the passer-by was used to keep stray animals in until their owners came to claim them. From Tong the 19th century St. Pauls Church, Drighlington can be seen with its squat tower and the path makes directly for this, crossing Ringshaw Beck, which joins Pudsey Beck at the bottom of Cockersdale on the way. From Drighlington it is prefectly easy to start the return route along the main Whitehall Road amid the hurly-burly of smoking articulated lorries. But it is far more pleasant to walk along the old road which is much quieter so that thought or conversation can be carried on in peace. The walk returns to the Whitehall Road by some steps and quickly escapes from the traffic into beautiful Cockersdale. It really is quite remarkable that such a pretty little valley can still exist within four miles of the very centre of one of the larger cities in the country. London should be so lucky! It almost seems a shame to mention it in case someone comes along and spoils it. So walk down it in thankfulness. If anything the return up Pudsey Beck now the opencast mining has ceased is even more remarkable. This is especially so in its early stages. People who know about these things have discovered Cockersdale and it is quite busy in summer with picnickers and the happy sounds of children playing. Pudsey Beck is very quiet indeed but later on a scruffy mill yard spoils the illusion for a while. But soon Fulneck Golf Course is encountered again and the start of the walk is soon reached. The best places for parking are in Tong Village or at the junction of the Ringshaw and Pudsey Becks at Roker Lane Bottom.

Page 3: Tong Valley Walks

WALK 2 Fulneck Valley Black Carr Woods and Holme Valley This walk begins at the Moravian settlement of Fulneck and then explores the upper part of the Tong-Cockersdale Conservation area. It is mostly along bridleways, and field and woodland paths. Parking: Fulneck End, Fartown, Pudsey. There is a small parking area by the telephone box. Bus: The starting point is on a bus route. Ring 0532.457676 for details. Distance: About 7 miles WILDLIFE TO LOOK FOR ON THIS WALK If walked in each of the four seasons this walk provides a good overall picture of the wildlife in the Pudsey area. In summer look out for the large numbers of Swallows which dart about the beck in search of flying insects. Along the margins of damper land you might see the Common Toad. Also look for: Wild Garlic: Common Bindweed. Red Admiral: Orange Tip. Greenfinch: Tree Sparrow: Red Wing With 'Serendipity' on your right enter the Moravian Settlement of Fulneck. Continue past the schools, the chapel, the museum, and the shop and cafe. Immediately after passing some garages on the left stone gate posts mark the end of the settlement. Through the gates, by a bridleway sign, turn sharp left down an old stone causey. In 1743 Count Zinzendorf, the man largely responsible for the revival of the Moravian church in the 18th century, chose this site for the centre of the Moravians' work in Yorkshire. Soon a chapel, "Choir Houses' for the single sisters, the single brethren and widows, and cottages for Moravian families were built. Later the range of buildings was extended to accommodate the girls' and boys' schools. Today, 200 years later, the village has changed little and is a quiet oasis in the busy 20th century. The museum is open from Easter to October on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2-5pm. There are plans to serve teas on these Wednesdays in the newly renovated Fulneck Boys Brigade Hall. In about 80 yards go through a fence gap stile and continue downhill with Hewstead House on the left and a small bungalow on the right. Follow this old lane, Pyg Lane, (or Abe Lane) into the valley. Here are two bridges. Make for the broad concrete bridge, but before crossing it turn sharp right, passing to the left of an old gate stoop. Before dropping down the hill look across the valley to Keeper Lane climbing steeply up the far side. This old lane, with its ancient stone causey, was obviously not intended for wheeled traffic but is a relic of the days when most people travelled either on foot or horseback. Because of recent excessive use by horseriders the little stream which ran down the side of the lane has been enclosed in a drain. Problems with this stream are not new. In 1767 the Moravian Congregational Council described the lane as 'impassible1. Continue on the path with the beck on the left. In about a quarter of a mile go through a stile into a. pasture. The path continues straight ahead. In another 500 yards a stile and then a gap stile of three stone posts leads into a lane. Here turn right, then in 25 yards turn left through another gap stile. Continue with the beck on the left. The path tends to divide to avoid the muddiest parts, but all converge to go through another gap stile. The footpath soon reaches a bridge over the beck. Pass over the bridge and enter Black Carr Woods straight ahead. The first part of this stretch is rich in wild flowers, including the unusual dyers greenweed. The rough heathy scrub of the second part, with gorse, birch and brambles, is reminiscent of the vegetation which would cover much of this area before the commons were enclosed in the early 19th century. Cross a bridleway, go through a gap stile by a gate, over a plank bridge and through a gate, ignoring the broad path going uphill on the left. Continue on the path along the bottom of the wood. In about a quarter of a mile, just after the valley forks, the path climbs up the bank on the left to join another track. Continue upstream with the beck on the right, soon climbing slowly to a stile. Go straight forward. On reaching a broad bridleway bear right. In 40 yards, where the track forks, bear left. After 200 yards, as the path leaves the wood, a stone wall appears on the right. Continue through a gap to the left of a farm gate to join a track coming from the left. In 35 yards turn sharp left and make for a small, way-marked stile to the left of a farm gate, leading into a pasture. Black Carr Woods, now owned by Bradford Metropolitan Council, is at its best in spring when the bluebells are in bloom. As you leave the wood Tyersal Old Hall, rebuilt in the early 17th century, can be seen across the fields to the right. Bear slightly right, crossing the field diagonally to a way-marked post. Continue downhill with the remains of an old hawthorn hedge on the right. The path enters a small enclosure, then crosses a stile into a metalled road, Ned Lane. Turn left and follow the lane through the old hamlet of Holme, now almost swallowed up in a Bradford housing estate. Climb the hill out of Holme, then immediately past the first farm on the left, Holme Farm, turn left through a gap stile. Holme Wood, once the same size as Black Carr Wood, used to be to the left of Holme Lane with a spur reaching into the hamlet. At Holme Farm the projecting chimney flue and triangular stone mullions to the windows show the building to be about 300 years old. Proceed along a fenced path with a garden on the left and cross a stile into a pasture. Continue with the fence and later a sunken way, the remains of a pit tramway, on the right. In about 1/2 mile cross a fence by a wooden stile. Continue with the sunken way on your right to a stile into a small wood. Leave the wood by a second stile. Cross the stream and continue along the left hand side of the pasture keeping the stream, and later a large pond, on your right. Eventually cross a stile to the left of a gate into a small field below some barns. A stile at the far side leads into another small field below Maythorne Farm. A third stile gives access into Scholebrook Lane. A stile at the opposite side of the field leads into Scholebrook Lane. Turn left up the lane. The slag heap on the right belonged to Charlie Pit, one of the largest pits in the district. It was worked until 1938. Notice the reddish colour of the stream which emerges from under the slag, sure evidence of iron deposits. The lane passes between Maythorne Farm and Scholebrook Farm, then bears right to become a bridleway. Follow this unmetalled lane, dropping into Fulneck valley, where the outward track is crossed, then climbing the hill to join a metalled road at Bankhouse. Notice again the projecting chimney flues at Maythorne Farm and Scholebrook Farm, and the small, round topped window in the gable wall, possibly from an earlier house. This lane, locally known as Jack Ass, was part of a major packhorse track running through Pudsey. Most of the old causey survives although it has recently been relaid after the lane was resurfaced by the Tong Calverley volunteers. The name Jack Ass recalls the generations of donkeys which plied this route ladened with panniers of coal to sell in Pudsey. Continue up Bankhouse Lane, passing the Bankhouse Inn. Notice the large house ahead on the right, Height House. Inmediately behind Height House turn right along a rough road. In about 50 yards, where the road bears right into

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private drives, continue slightly to the left into a ginnel. On emerging at the top of a short, steep road continue straight ahead along the right of May which is soon enclosed again between gardens and allotments. At a metalled road (Mill Hill) turn right, then immediately left, and walk down Ashdene Crescent back to Fulneck End. Height House is a well proportioned Georgian house built in the 1750s. This district has been known as 'the Heights' for at least 300 years. Mill Hill is so named because of the windmill, for grinding corn, which stood on the hilltop. In the early 19th century the Moravians leased it to George Scott whose family continued as millers for many years. Old people still remember the road being called Scott Hill.

Page 5: Tong Valley Walks

Tong, Lumb Hall and Cockersdale This walk is mostly along ancient lanes and field paths in the interesting countryside between Tong, Drighlington and Gildersome. The walk starts from the Village Hall in the centre of Tong Village. Parking: There is a small parking bay next to Tong Village school, now the Village Hall, in the centre of Tong Village. Note: There is no bus service to Tong Village. However the walk could be started from Drighlington Church on Whitehall Road which can be reached by bus. From the bus stop by the church go along Back Lane. In a quarter of a mile the lane turns sharp right and continues downhill with Lumb Hall on your right.This is where you can start and finish the main walk, (point B on the Map). Distance: 3% miles. (5km) Cross the grassy patch behind the parking bay to a stile. Continue down the field with the hedge on your left, passing through two more stiles. Cross over Ringshaw Beck. Notice how all these fields between long Village and the beck have hedges rather than walls.Their long, narrow shape suggests that they were once part of an open field system of agriculture, over the years adjoining strips having been combined and fenced round. Ahead St.Pauls Church Drighlington stands out boldly. It is more recent than it looks, being rebuilt in 1880 in perpendicular style. Continue forward, uphill, on a grass path, soon coming to a golf course. The right of way across the golf course carries on in the same direction, passing through a new plantation, eventually arriving at a gate onto a metalled road. An old name for this side of the valley is Thick Thorn Bank suggesting a thicket of hawthorn and bramble. Walk forward down Back Lane, with Lumb Hall on your right and a new barn conversion on the left. Lumb Hall is a fine 17th century yeoman's house with a particularly beautiful rose window set within a modest porch. Its north front, with its three gables, is similar to the long demolished Pudsey Manor House. Cross over Whitehall Road. Turn left for a few yards, then right across waste ground now a car park, making for the gable end of a terrace of stone houses. Descend a flight of steps and continue ahead with the gable end of the houses on your left. This district is called Lumb Bottom. Whitehall Road was, from the early 19th century until 1880, a turnpike road. There was a chain-bar,where tolls were charged, a few yards down the road to the left. Go straight ahead following a footpath sign. The path climbs gently uphill, at first with gardens on the left but soon bears right towards Pitty Close Farm (a modern house) at the top of the hill. Pass through a stile on your left and head up the field towards the house. Just below the house you pass through a stile, stop here and turn back to your left to see another stile, go through this and head across the top of the field. The following section follows the route of an ancient way between Drighlington and Gildersome. Pass through two gap stiles and continue with an overgrown hedge on the left to arrive at a wall stile. Here bear slightly right along a raised track through a field. On arriving at the next wall look ahead, slightly to the right, and make for a yellow post. At the yellow post continue down the field but slightly to the left to another post marking the Leeds Country Way. There are fine views to the north, Pudsey Church, Rawdon Billing and the Cookridge water tower all standing out boldly on the horizon. There is also a good view of Tong Village, dominated by its church. Ahead is Gildersome, to the left is Nethertown and on the right is evidence of disused coal pits. From the signpost continue forward into a little valley, cross a stile and following the path,climb diagonally up the far side. The path continues uphill, eventually with gardens on your left, to reach a metalled road. This is a particularly attractive stretch and would make a good place for a picnic. The stream marks the boundary between the townships of Drighlington and Gildersome. Notice the spring bubbling up to the left of the path, the beginning of Andrew Beck. At the road turn left along Greenfield Avenue, then left again along the main road. In about 100 yards turn left by a footpath sign (just past a house called "Tree Tops"). The path soon becomes enclosed between fences, eventually entering a field. The area near the sharp bend in the road is called Scot Green. The path goes diagonally left across the field to a stile, and continues in a straight line to second stile. The path then becomes surfaced and proceeds through two more fields. Here the path again becomes enclosed (look for a stile on the right). Continue ahead and eventually emerge into New Lane This hillside abounds with small springs making sections very muddy at times. Turn left, downhill, with an old mill on the left. In about a hundred yards turn sharp right up a steep fight of steps onto Whitehall Road. Cross over, and a little to the right find a small gap in the wall. Continue down a long flight of a steps with a garden on your right. Where the path meets a lane turn right and walk down the lane. This is the hamlet of Cockersdale, probably so named as it was once a favourite haunt for cockfighting. For many years Cockersdale was famous for its Berry Gardens. Originally there were 21/2 acres of fruit gardens but these were developed by Mr and Mrs Tyrell into a "A Charming Health Resort" and Pleasure Ground, a venue for generations of Sunday School outings. The beck was dammed to form a pond on which a boat plied at id a time. The Tyrell's house still remains, and is the long white house on the right, lodgers paid 8/6d a week. At the fork bear right and, ignoring a track to the right, continue downhill to cross the beck. Ignore the LCW path to your right and follow the track up the hill. Towards the top the track (Springfield Lane) it widens and eventually joins Tong lane. All the way down Cockersdale are fields with names such as "Dam Close" and "Mill Close", reflecting how well used this little beck was in powering water-mills. Springfield Lane, which must have changed little over the centuries, retains much of its ancient causey (large stones laid to surface the route) but can still be very muddy in parts . Both foxes and hares have been seen here in recent years. Turn left and in about a quarter of a mile reach the starting point. As you walk along Tong Town Street notice the pinfold and village pump at the top of Keeper Lane, both restored in the 1975 European Architectural Heritage Year. Here too was the old Smithy, through many generations occupied by the Oddy family. The Village School, with a master's house, was built by Sir George Tempest in 1736, nine years after he had rebuilt the church.

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Later the master's house became a shop and post office. For many years the shopkeeper was also the schoolteacher. The school closed many years ago although the shop remained until recently.

Fulneck Valley and Cockersdale This walk passes through the heart of the Tong/Cockersdale Conservation Area. It is nearly all along bridleways, old and new, and field paths. Parking: On Tong Toad, about 1 mile on the Leeds side of Tong. There is a parking recess by the entrance to Cockersdale, almost opposite the junction with Roker Lane. Bus: The starting point is on a bus route. Ring 0532.457676 for details. Distance: 4 miles WILDLIFE TO LOOK FOR ON THIS WALK Keeper Lane and Springfield Lane have something of interest to offer throughout the year. July/September sees the Pink Oxalis, Yellow Sorrel, White Clover and the less common Cat-mint (there are hybrids now in many gardens). This is yet another of the walks where you will find quite a number of moths and butterflies. Hedgehogs, Common Rat and Water Vole are all to be found in and round the beck. On a summer evening do not be alarmed if you come across low flying Pipistrelle bats. They are quite harmless but seem to take offence at human intrusion. Also look for: Caddisfly: Water Boatman: Spongefly. Common Toad: Newt (smooth). Canada Geese: Cuckoo. Gross the road into Roker Lane. Immediately past the mill on the left is a footpath sign. Here turn left down a ginnel. The path soon turns right along the side of the beck. Follow the Hay-marked path up the valley for a good 1/2 mile. At the approach to an industrial estate a stile gives access to an enclosed footpath alongside the stream. At the end of the buildings bear left through a stone stile. Then cross a wooden stile into a pasture. The mill at the bottom of Roker Lane, Union Bridge Mill, dates from the late 18th century. It was the first steam powered woollen mill in the district. On reaching the industrial estate notice the large building in the middle. This was built in 1874 as a worsted mill. Later it was enlarged so that by 1898 over 400 workpeople were employed. Continue forward with the beck on your left. In about 300 yards cross a stile into a patch of waste ground. The next stile gives access to the Fulneck Golf Course. After reading the notice keep straight ahead. In about 50 yards the path meets the beck. Continue close to the beck, eventually keeping to the left of a line of silver birch. On reaching the point where the Pudsey and Holme becks merge turn left, over a bridge with a metal handrail. You can see glimpses of the Moravian settlement of Fulneck on the hillside to the right. The small beech wood above the waste ground belongs to the Moravians. It is called Sisters Wood although when the Moravians first settled here both the Sisters and Brethren frequented the wood -but on alternate days. A rich variety of summer flowers grows in the swampy waste ground. The bridge you cross used to be called Hobroyd Bridge Continue up this old bridleway, Keeper Lane, for about half a mile. At the top pass through a gate to the right of Keeper Cottage, then walk downhill to join the metalled road in Tong village. Turn left. Just across the bridge notice the stone buttressed walls, the remains of a bridge which carried a tramway from Bowling Iron Works up the incline to Alexandra pit. Further up the lane the land on both sides has recently been quarried for fire clay. Newly sown pasture and newly planted woodland mark the site of the workings. As you approach the top of the lane turn round for a

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fine view across the valley. On reaching the main road notice the village pinfold (for stray animals) and the village pump on the right. If you wish to visit the Greyhound Inn turn right here. Walk along Tong Lane as far as the 40 mph signs. Then in about 100 yards turn right by a white cottage. A signpost indicates a cart-track to Cockersdale. Behind the cottage bear left on an enclosed track. Continue down this lane, Springfield Lane. At the entrance to a new gas plant keep right down the old lane. At the bottom of the lane, just before the lane crosses the beck, turn left over a stile. Springfield Lane is apparently a continuation of Keeper Lane, probably part of an ancient north-south route. Notice the remains of the old stone 'causey'. The work is derived from the Latin word for 'trodden' and became lengthened to 'causeway'. An indication of the age of this lane is in the many different species of shrubs which make up the hedgerow. You may get whiffs of fox down this lane. Walk through the pasture with the beck on the right and an old slag heap on the left. In about 100 yards follow an enclosed path by the beck. Continue forward with banking, enclosing the old mill race for Cockersdale corn mill, on the left. Keep close to the beck and cross a way-marked gap stile. In about 50 yards turn right over a metal bridge. Climb the hill, cross a double stile, and after a further 50 yards reach a rough track. Here turn Left towards a gate. About 80 years ago the beck at the top of Cockersdale was dammed to make a boating lake. There were also swings and a cafe. It was called Cockersdale Berry Gardens and described in 1905 as A Charming Holiday Resort where a week's holiday could be enjoyed for 7s 6d inclusive. The ancient water-powered corn mill used to stand near where you cross the beck. The path up the hillside is part of the old Corn Mill Lane which linked both sides of Cockersdale to the mill. Pass through the farm gate into a lane. In about a quarter of a mile notice an enclosure adapted for schooling horses on the left. Here turn left through a gate onto another bridleway and enter Sykes Hood. The bridleway veers to the right, then continues along the hillside. (ibis bridleway tends to be used as a gallop by groups of horseriders, so be on the look out.) In about 1/2 mile, on reaching a wooden seat, keep left continuing along the bridleway. After another 1/2 mile the bridleway descends by a series of broad wooden steps to emerge on the main road, and at your starting point. There is plenty of evidence of old mining activity along this final stretch, when coal, iron ore and fire clay were extracted simultaneously. The workings were associated with the Drighlington Iron and Coal Company, and the Farnley Iron Works. Notice the brick air vent as you descend the steps to Roker Lane.

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Tyersal, Black Carr Woods and Fulneck This is primarily a walk to the historic settlement of Fulneck, but it also includes Tyersal Old Hall, and a walk through native woodland. Fulneck Museum is open from March-October on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2-5 pm. The walk begins at the Waterloo Inn Parking: On Waterloo Road, Pudsey. opposite the Waterloo housing estate. Distance: 41/2 miles. (7km) With Waterloo Inn on your right, walk a few yards, then turn right along Gibraltar Road. Bear right keeping to the tarmac into the valley bottom. The hamlet on the hillside to the right is Delph End, so named because of the old Uppermoor Quarry. Much of Pudsey was built from sandstone quarried here. Until recently Gibraltar Mill (the name again refers to the quarries) occupied the flat ground to the right. Its massive gate posts still stand.The mill was built about 1800. Later extensions were built on the hillside behind. Keep left along the road leading to the sewage works, then continue along the footpath to the left of the fence. Cross a broad flat area and, at the far end, turn right down a ginnel between an old stone cottage and a modern detached house. Turn right at the bottom into Tyersal Lane. Two mill dams, belonging to Smalewell Mill, were until recently, on the the "broad flat area". Notice the high stone embankment necessary to make the dams on such steep hillside. The mill used to be up the lane to the left of the dams. The district was called Buffy Lump. Cross the beck by a "clapper" bridge (traditional stone type) and walk up Tyersal Lane, passing Black Hey Farm on the left as far as Tyersal Old Hall. Tyersal Lane is an ancient highway linking Pudsey to Tyersal, a distant corner of the old Pudsey township. Look for the remains of the old stone causeway on the right hand side. The embankment on the left was said to be the highest in England.built in 1892 to carry railway from Pudsey to Bradford. Tyersal Old Hall, rebuilt 1621, is a listed building. For many centuries it was the home of the Thornton family. At the Hall, turn round and retrace your steps a few yards, then turn right along a path immediately after the last of the farm buildings. As you enter Black Carr Woods, cross a small stream. Bear slightly left, continuing along a track which in about half a mile drops steeply. At the bottom cross a small wooden bridge and pass through a gap stile. Then, before the main bridge over the beck, turn right on to a bridleway. Black Carr is a native woodland where oak and silver birch predominate. The wood is now owned by Bradford MDC. Here, as elsewhere, the T.C.Volunteers are fighting a constant battle to resolve the conflicting interests of walkers and horse riders. Horses are now confined to bridleways, both new ones and old ones sympathetically restored. Follow the bridleway with the meandering beck on your left to Scholebrook Lane. Turn left, cross the bridge, and immediately go through a stile on the right.Now follow the path along Fulneck valley. In about a ¼mile as the golf course appears on your right, go through a stile and continue on the path close to the beck for another ¼ mile. The local name for Scholebrook Lane is Jack Ass because of its use by generations of mules carrying pannier-loads of coal to sell in around Pudsey. On this stretch the the rare dyers greenweed grows. When you reach a junction of tracks, with a footbridge on the right, keep straight ahead. The footpath keeps to the right of the golf course close to the beck. In about 150 yards turn left to cross the golf course passing to the right of a solitary tree in the centre of the fairway (the path is not marked at this point). Enter a footpath between hedges (Dyehouse Lane). Walk uphill to the Moravian settlement of Fulneck. The museum, chapel and schools are to the right and a restaurant to the left. Dyehouse Lane was made soon after the Moravians settled at Fulneck in the 1740's. It gave them access to their dyehouse by the beck which was necessary for their cloth manufacturing. At the top of the lane there is a fine view along the Fulneck terrace from the wrought iron gates on the right. The oldest building in the settlement is the large chapel in the middle of the terrace, built in 1746-8. Next came the 2 large, twin, brick buildings towards each end. These were the houses for the single sisters and single brethren. They are now incorporated into the girls' and boys' schools. The Moravian Church is a pre-Reformation dissenting church which revived in the early 18th century. Missionaries settled in England and Fulneck soon became the centre of its work in Yorkshire. The Moravians first called the settlement Lambs Hill, only later adapting the local name Falneck to Fulneck. This was the name of a village in their native Germany. A booklet on sale at the Museum gives more information on Fulneck's history. With the restaurant on the left, walk along the main street,out of the settlement, to the Bankhouse Inn The restaurant was built in 1771 as the Fulneck shop. Notice the gate posts as you leave Fulneck. Tolls used to be charged here. Do not follow the road round to the right, but keep straight ahead along an unmade road through Lane End. Just past a large, recessed stone cattle trough turn right up a signposted footpath. In a few yards bear right across the field, through a stile and along a fenced path over Greentop to join a metalled road also called Greentop. A group of Moravians lived at Lane End whilst the Fulneck settlement was being built. You can still see the remains of the cottages on the right. Before tuning right over Greentop notice Nesbit Hall ahead. It is named after Claude Nisbett who lived here in 1760, He was a Moravian and on his death the house was used by the Moravians for over 50 years. Cross Greentop and continue down a ginnel to turn left onto Smalewell Road. Soon after the Fox and Grapes Inn the road dips. Here turn left down the continuation of Smalewell Road. In about 100 yards take the right fork, continuing round the brow of the old quarries, eventually arriving back at Waterloo Road.

Page 9: Tong Valley Walks