too much of homework has negative effects…

Are you burdened with too much homework? Too much homework can be bad Making homework smarter

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Page 1: Too much of homework has negative effects…

Are you burdened with too much


Too much homework can be bad

Making homework smarter

Page 2: Too much of homework has negative effects…

The latest research findings can speak for you

Piling on assignments do not help kids do better at school.

It may even be counter productive and lower their grades.

As per the research, the countries where most students spend their time finishing homework score low on an average on most standardized scores.

This correlation is also observed when comparing test scores with homework time.

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What do the experts recommend?

Overwhelming students with too much homework is a detrimental practice and the best remedial correction is to limit them to an hour or two per week. That way test scores are not impacted much.

But that is not the main point of concern in our discussion as we hear passionate debates on either side of this argument. But what we want to inquire is that the main concern of parents and educators should be whether the present assignment system after class actually add to learning of students? Even for those pursuing higher studies like post graduation in Universities.

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Which is more important for assignments? Quantity or quality?

As per the expert educationists, quantity of homework is much less than quality. Also the evidence further emphasize that homework is not really the best way to generate grades.

We surveyed a team of management students and asked them to rate homework assignments on their effectiveness in honing learning.

A majority of the students said that most of the homework is just busywork.

To actually enrich the classroom learning experience of students’ assignments must be made smarter rather than making shorter or longer.

Practical based, research oriented original and unique homework requirements will interest students to actually actively participate in completing their assignments.

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To be well-rounded, happy and creative

The neutral and negative impact of over burdening assignments must be reduced

from the students’ shoulders.

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What can management students do to achieve that?

Instead of gathering information by reading the same thing over time and again to finish an assignment reading in single blocks must be replaced.

We recommend reconstruction which is acquiring small pieces of information at one go and spreading the learning process over an extended period of time. re-exposing your minds to the same piece of information repeatedly will make the learning process simpler and also more enjoyable.

The initial period of obtaining memories is a volatile state, where they can change or even disappear.

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Take on after school creative activities that have much more diffuse goals than simple test scores on just one subject.

Writing 20 page essays is not really a productive activity any more.

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What can we do to help you?

As long as the education system from the old days do not change we can write your

assignment for you.

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Practical hands industrial exposure is elemental for students of MBA. so, do as many internships as possible, meet and network with the right people. And expand your knowledge with proper planning of every move you make. You can do all this if you have a trusted service to do your assignments for you.

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We understand that the assignment helper industry is a grey area but the World Wide Web is teeming with such services.

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