tool kit for personality development

Social and Personality Development

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Social andPersonality 


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Social development

¾ ways in which a person·s interactions and

relationshipswith others change as thatperson grows older 

Personality development

¾ emergence of distinctive styles of thought,

feeling, and behavior 

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Psychoanalytic theory (Freud)

Psychosocial theory (Erikson)

Social learning theory

Cognitive developmental perspective

Biological perspective

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Beginnings of social relationships

¾ social smile

¾ temperament

¾ bi-directional influence

¾ reaction range

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The formation of attachments

¾ Harlow·s monkeys

¾ secure attachmentx infant expects that caregiver will be available

¾ anxious attachment

x caregiver cannot be counted on for comfort

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¾ physical self

¾ active self¾ social self

¾ psychological self

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Environmental influences

¾ parenting styles

x authoritative vs. permissive

¾ child abuse

x physical, sexual, or neglect

¾ the impact of divorce

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Genetic influences

¾ sociability, emotionalism, and general

activity level The interplay of genes and environment

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Gender roles

¾ patterns of behavior characteristic of

members of one·s own sex Biological influences

¾ some behavioral differences between the

sexes appear before much contactwith the

social environment

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¾ learning the expectations and values of

one·s society Internalization

¾ incorporating society·s values into the self to

such an extent that violation of those

standards produces guilt

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The Freudian perspective

¾ child internalizes the moral code of the

same-sex parent¾ rapid development of superego

The social learning perspective

¾ children act morally due to reinforcement

¾ children have moral models to imitate

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The cognitive developmental


¾ preconventional level¾ conventional level

¾ postconventional level

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Preconventional Morality

¾ 1. Punishment-obedience


2. Personal reward orientation Conventional Morality

¾ 3. The ´good boy/nice girlµ Orientation

¾ 4. The ´law and orderµ orientation

Post-conventional Morality¾ 5. Social contract orientation

¾ 6. Universal ethical principle orientation

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Preconventional Morality

¾ Stage 1: Punishment-Obedience Orientationx Avoid (physical) punishment

x High school example: One middle school teacher haslatecomers do pushups--50 of them--in front of theclass.


Stage 2:P

ersonal Rew


rientationx ´You scratch my back, I·ll scratch yoursµ

x High school example: A group of high school studentsinvolved in a cooperative learning activity get upsetbecause one of their group members is repeatedlyabsent and did not do any work.

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Conventional Morality¾ Stage 3: The ´good boy/nice girlµ Orientation

x In an inner city high school student's journal, she wrote"I am going to work harder in school so I won't let youdown because if you think I can make it then I canmake it"

¾ Stage 4: A ´Law and Orderµ Orientationx "Move carefully in the halls". This rule reinforces the

fundamental purpose of government to protect thehealth andwelfare of its citizens

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Post-conventional Morality

¾ Stage 5: Social Contract Orientationx Example for a handout in a high school class: "Please

remember that this is your room and your class. Thebehavior and participation of each personwill shapethe type of learning thatwill occur. Since one person's


avior affects everyone else,Irequest t

hateveryone in the class be responsible for classroom

management. To ensure that our rights are protectedand upheld, the following laws have been established

for this classroom..."

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Post-conventional Morality

¾ Stage 6: Universal Ethical PrincipleOrientation

x an orientation toward universal ethical principles of justice, reciprocity, equality, and respect

x Very rare. Examples: Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin

Luther King, Jr.x High school teacher: "I will not tolerate any racial,

ethnic, or sexual slurs in this classroom. It is not fair toerase someone's face. In this room, everyone is entitledto equal dignity as a human being.µ

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Secondary sexual characteristics

Importance of timing of puberty

Establishment of an independent identity

Peer relationships

Psychological and sexual intimacy

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Early adulthood

¾ period of action

¾ challenge to women¾ change in attitudes and concerns

¾ age-thirty crisis

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Mid-life and beyond

¾ changes resulting in crises

¾ consistentwith Erikson·s seventh stage¾ generativity

x the desire to reach out and becomeconcernedwith the well-being of future


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Individual differences in adult


Coping and satisfaction in adulthood

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Meta-Analysis: A meta-analysis combines results of 

several original studies.

Original Studies:

 Method . Assessed personality traits repeatedly over longer 

time intervals (at least one year apart)Data in the meta-analysis: 3,217 correlation coefficients

from 152 longitudinal studies of personality.

Meta-analytic study (Roberts

and DelVecchio, 2000)

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Results: Roberts and DelVecchio (2000)

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Mean levels of personality traits changewith development, reaching adult levels by

age th

irty. Betw

een tw

enty and th

irty,people tend to become less emotional andmore responsible and cooperative

Beyond age thirty, the only significant

personality changes are those related toreduced physical activity

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By age thirty, personality traits areessentially fixed

All of the major personality traits display thisstability

Stability of personality holds true regardlessof gender, race, or other demographic


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